INTERACTIVE CONNECTIONS Pastoral Technology Summit January 30 (Eve) - February 1, 2011 Doubletree Resort Orlando - International Drive Tuesday Workshop Descriptions
Learning Session: Catholic Websites: Tools of Evangelization Does your website change lives? Learn and discuss design ideas and add-on tools that strengthen your site's ability to evangelize, build faith, and even increase church attendance. Since the most effective way to evangelize is through personal interaction, we'll look at how to use Web 2.0 technology (popular social networking tools), widgets and gadgets, Skype, Facebook, YouTube, and other internet opportunities. Some of these tools can also be used in the classroom, at youth meetings, and during Mass. Learn how to make the best use of your website. A good website reaches out to all generations. Does yours? Know what each generation is searching for. What attracts them to a Catholic website? Here’s how you can provide it. What drives them away? Here’s how to avoid it. You will learn:
How the cultural climate of each generation affects what a church website should do How a Web 2.0 website can make a parish more successful in evangelization How to get all staff and ministry leaders excited about using the website
Presenter: Terry Modica FaithConnect: Helping Teens Connect with their Faith in an Online Environment Pope Benedict stated “The desire for connectedness and the instinct for communication that are so obvious in contemporary culture are best understood as modern manifestations of the basic and enduring propensity of humans to reach beyond themselves and to seek communion with others. In reality, when we open ourselves to others, we are fulfilling our deepest need and becoming more fully human.” This session will explore the phenomenon of social networking and examine the use of an online infrastructure to involve teens in the process of religious education, by utilizing the skills they have established through social networking and using online applications. This workshop will include the use of personal profiles, blogs and journals, as well as the use of digital video and audio as a means of expression. You will learn:
To investigate the use of online social media in religious education as a means of facilitating meaningful interaction and communication with teenagers
INTERACTIVE CONNECTIONS Pastoral Technology Summit January 30 (Eve) - February 1, 2011 Doubletree Resort Orlando - International Drive Tuesday Workshop Descriptions
To demonstrate the effectiveness of digital video as a means of expression for teenagers To explore an online environment for the teaching of religious education at home, school or parish
Presenter: Ailís Travers Social Networking and the Church The world’s largest and oldest Social Network isn’t Facebook, its religion. There is nothing new to social networking; it’s actually been occurring for centuries. We’re just now beginning to do it online. In this presentation we’ll explore the opportunity for online social networking for the Church and investigate the opportunities for both open social networks like Facebook and Twitter along with private online communities for your mission. We’ll look at which approach is right for you and discuss what you need to get started, the spark that can bring your online community to life and provide a step-by-step guide to begin connecting your community online. You will learn:
The challenges and opportunities in Social Networking for your Church What you should do to get started exploring Social Networking for your Church Technology and Product choices available to you
Presenter: Joe Luedtke Bulletin 2.0 Beyond the pulpit, the Church Bulletin has been the staple of Church communication for decades. Will the bulletin remain this way or will new technologies change how the church communicates with it members? In this session, we’ll explore the rise of email communication, the opportunities for email marketing for your church and how to get started. We’ll investigate how you can provide timely access to your church’s information, news, and events online. You will learn:
The opportunities that exist today for email-based communication Options for informing and promoting your church online
INTERACTIVE CONNECTIONS Pastoral Technology Summit January 30 (Eve) - February 1, 2011 Doubletree Resort Orlando - International Drive Tuesday Workshop Descriptions
Your parishioners changing expectations for communication
Presenter: Joe Luedtke The Easy Art of Digital Stories Learn the art of creating digital stories using Windows Movie Maker. In this hands on session you will have the opportunity create a storyboard using photos, music and video. (Note: Those who are interested in this session, will need to register for this session on arrival. 24 seats are available.) You will learn how to:
Create a Storyboard Import photos, music and video Edit a project
Presenter: Christine Dandaraw Come to our Meeting . . . But Stay Where You Are This session will explore the various options for conducting meetings and formation sessions using web technology. You will learn:
how to decide what kind of technology is needed how to use meeting technology to benefit your "audience" how to conduct an efficient meeting/training session
Presenter: Tony Krisak Technology and Faith in the 21st Century Do you ever wonder what the Church has to say about the Internet, the influence of media on the family, the opportunities for communications media to assist in spreading the Gospel, or the role of the everyday Catholic in this age of globalization? Come to this introduction to the
INTERACTIVE CONNECTIONS Pastoral Technology Summit January 30 (Eve) - February 1, 2011 Doubletree Resort Orlando - International Drive Tuesday Workshop Descriptions
Church and social communications media. Help start a conversation in your parish about how we can use technology in holy and community-building ways, without technology “using” us! PowerPoint presentation and discussion are included. You will learn:
What the Catholic Church says about social communications media Ideas for sharing the Gospel message through digital media
Presenter: Claudia McIvor CHURCH LIFE AND EVANGELIZATION AFTER GOOGLE All of church life as we know it is being changed not only by factors inside our community of faith but also because of outside cultural, economic, and technological factors—not the least of which is the Internet. This presentation will first explore some of the paradigm shifts taking place within the church—some within in our control and some beyond us—regarding evangelization of our young people, styles of ministry, the nature of authority and leadership in the age of the blog, twitter, and self-publishing, etc. Then we will become inter-active using the SWOT exercise [Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats] to explore the implications and responses to “church life and ministry after Google.” Presenter: Michael Cooper, S.J., S.T.D.
Digital Discipleship Today’s students and families are immersed in a digital media world - via the Internet, iPods, computers, Cell Phones, and more! Cell Phones are the most common tools of our students. How can we use the cell phone in parish or school settings for faith formation? Come See! You will be surprised and delighted! Learn more about using Web 2.0 tools for Digital Storytelling at all age levels. Many of these ideas will focus on the 6 to 12 classroom, with suggestions for K-5. You will learn:
INTERACTIVE CONNECTIONS Pastoral Technology Summit January 30 (Eve) - February 1, 2011 Doubletree Resort Orlando - International Drive Tuesday Workshop Descriptions
How to connect everyday digital culture using cell phones for catechetical learning and introduce Digital Etiquette to your students. To integrate various cell phone projects into your class. About using Web 2.0 Tools for Digital Storytelling
Presenter: Caroline Cerveny, SSJ, D. Min. CaTECHesis: Out of the Classroom, Into the "Net" This session will explore ways to set up and use a "blog" to create an "online class" to supplement what you are teaching in the classroom. "Blog-rooms" can also be used to reach out, inspire, and communicate with adults in your parish, whether they are parents, catechists or anyone wishing to grow in their faith. We will begin with the basics of how to build a blog and then explore some of the many ways that you can put "pizzaz" into it. You will learn:
How to create a blog How to make an online lesson/class How to use a "blog-room" to enhance your face-to-face class
Presenters: Cheryl Smith and Andrea Slavin Making Dreams Come True in Orlando and your parish! Have you ever wished that all your catechists, students and parents were using technology to interact and learn more about our awesome God and about our Catholic faith?... And then you woke up... This presentation reveals how Transfiguration is trying to make the dream come true. You will learn:
How we formed a Digital Catechesis Committee in our parish How to develop a goal setting process and a technology plan About creating time lines, training and budgets to implement technology
Presenter: Joyce Guris
INTERACTIVE CONNECTIONS Pastoral Technology Summit January 30 (Eve) - February 1, 2011 Doubletree Resort Orlando - International Drive Tuesday Workshop Descriptions
Virtual Vision: 21st Century Learning with Digital Programs This presentation will focus on incorporating technology into our daily work as educators and catechists. Regardless of our delivery via public, private or other system, the fact remains that the millennial student needs to have opportunities to learn in a different manner than is generally being presented in the traditional brick and mortar school or parish program. The presenter will take administrators, educators and catechists through the tough analysis of how to make incorporating virtual palatable to unwilling constituents, exciting to educators not yet on the bus, and financially enticing to the CFO, all in an effort to create a faith-filled educational experience that is engaging and worthwhile for the students. You will Learn: 
How to manage incorporating technology into the traditional school program. Participants assume the role of students, then teachers, then administrators, as the presenter models how to lead a school or district staff through systemic reform of instructional best practices in a digital age. Meet actual students/staff using the technologies during the session currently in CSK12, Catholic Schools K-12 Virtual School. These will reflect summer school programs, adding advanced courses and expanding scheduling options, flexible schedules, digital content, professional development online, adding grade levels without adding teachers or buildings, etc.
Presenter: (Trina Trimm)