Cycling WA Omnium Issue 1 December 2010

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Cycling WA Issue 1- December 2010

News from the CEO Inside this issue:

Athlete Profile: Cameron Meyer


Come and Try day


Chevron Australia ‐ Perth International Grand Prix


Festival of Sport


Coach Profile: Darryl Benson


The Official Word


Club Profile: 11 Roues de Chaudes Club de Cyclage 2010 WAIS Athlete of the Year


Sports Star Awards




Cycling is a great way to BE ACTIVE, save money and save the environment. It also reduces your risk of disease, improves sleep, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, improves fit‐ ness, reduces the risk of injuries, helps control your weight.

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the first edition of Om‐ nium, which I hope you will enjoy. Our goal with this publication is to provide our members with news, views and articles of interest from the world of cycling, covering everything from elite WA athlete profiles, hints and tips from some of our best coaches, reviews and previews of events, club and volunteer profiles to promotional offers from some of our partners. I’m sure you’ll find it an interesting and informa‐ tive read, and we’d wel‐ come your feedback on content for future edi‐ tions. At the office things are as busy as ever. The team is very active in relation to the opera‐

tional demands around events support and member services, as well as looking further forward at ways and means of improving the range and quality of ser‐ vice we provide for 2011. Claire South has slotted into her role as Operations Coordinator very smoothly and is already proving an asset to the organization, and our Operations Manager Toby Hodgson continues to work tirelessly in the support of the sport in WA. On my desk at the mo‐ ment are a number of projects including the re‐establishment and structure of our talent identification and ath‐ lete development pro‐ grams, initiatives related to the marketing and promotion of the sport and events in WA, and the establishment of the

new umbrella organiza‐ tion that will be charged with holistically repre‐ senting the sport and activity of cycling in the state as a result of the recommendations con‐ tained in ‘Community of Cycling Report’ released last year. Following the recent AGM and the planned implementation of rec‐ ommendations arising from the Governance Review Project there are certainly plenty of initia‐ tives and projects on the ‘radar’ over the coming six months that will see us move closer to realiz‐ ing the huge potential of our sport, and I look forward to sharing that journey with you as we progress. Best wishes, Garry Chandler Cycling WA CEO

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