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Cruising Association

The Cruising Association is one of the most popular groups within the CYCSA. Their sizeable number is split almost equally between powerboats and yachts.

The Queen of the Gulf Regatta open to all comers is a single coastal race awarded on the basis of handicap results for both Division 1 and Division 2 sailors.

Administered by Port Lincoln Yacht Club, the Adelaide to Port Lincoln Race takes place in midFebruary and sees some of the country’s leading yachts taking part. The CYCSA regularly hosts the briefing for skippers ahead of the race and several Club members take part in a field that can number more than 50 boats.

Details and Notices of Race for these events appear on the Club website well ahead of time and are subject to change.

The aim of the C.A. committee is to promote the enjoyment and use of yachts and power boats among all members of our Club. We do this by organising Cruise in Company events throughout the season, mainly on long weekends (weather permitting) to various local gulf destinations and enjoy a number of social events. Whether planning your first trip across Gulf St Vincent or that initial long-distance journey, fellow members are there for advice, support and friendship. This group environment is hugely enjoyable and if travelling with fellow members offers the reassurance to the inexperienced boatie that someone will be able to help out should things not go as smoothly as planned.

There is no pressure to take on administrative duties within the group unless members wish to. There are enough willing committee members leading the way to ensure everything operates as it should, allowing others to just enjoy what it means to be part of such a large, friendly and welcoming group.

Tasmania has proved to be one of the more popular regular cruise destinations and there has also been a very pleasant cruise to Kangaroo Island over New Year. Another of the popular cruises goes to Port Lincoln and is timed to coincide with the Adelaide to Port Lincoln Yacht Race. More experienced Cruisers often head off overseas and come back to recount their adventure to other members of the group. A popular event in the Cruising group’s social calendar is their regular barbecue, held on the second Saturday evening of the month from September through to May. It is a great opportunity to meet fellow sail and power cruisers and to share stories and ideas. All members and friends are welcome, particularly new members. This takes place in the CYCSA’s undercover barbecue area and is bring your own everything excluding the tables, chairs and barbecue, which are already in situ. The bar is always open should attendees prove thirsty and supplies run low!

The Club enjoys an excellent relationship with our neighbours and regularly enjoy larger gettogethers with groups from other clubs.

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