This provides all “Marine Boat Owners” with the options to ensure competitiveness and workmanship standards that meets their individual needs while supporting the industry and developing essential growth within.
• Owners have the ability to work on the boat themselves.
• Owner can work with their employees or a preferred contractor.
• Engage their preferred contractor or combination of contractors.
• Engage their preferred principal contractor that will manage the responsibility as PCBU and all WorkSafe activity on the boat, including other contractors.
Please Customer Service Manager Kane Beeching on 8252 6420 for more details.
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Registered by Australia Post
Publication No PP565001/00184 ISSN 1039-4230
Printed by Newstyle Printing
Graphic design by Mellissa Vahoumis
Volume 42 | Edition 1
Kerry O’Brien
Kerry O’Brien
Cathy Menzel
Mellissa Vahoumis
Eryn Wyithe
Kimberley Murray
David Royle
Greg Allison
Inese Lainis
Luke Allison
Haresh Singh
Camillo Crugnale
Rob Marner
Mike Holmes
Peter Schembri
Rob Human
Darren Harvey
Giorgi Gauci
Geoff Boettcher
Arthur F Carolan (Dec’d)
Geoffrey R Catt
Craig A Evans
Richard H Fidock AO
Gay Footer
Graeme L Footer
John D Gerard
Jacqueline Heffernan
James A Henry (Dec’d)
Malcolm A Kinnaird AC (Dec’d)
Peter J Page (Dec’d)
Andrew D Saies
Gay Footer, Mellissa Vahoumis, Pat Catley, Dianne Schwerdt
Phone: 08 8248 4222
Phone Port Vincent: 0414 611 110
Groundswell is the official journal of the Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Inc
Lady Gowrie Drive, North Haven PO Box 1020 North Haven SA 5018
Cover photo: Lincoln Week. Photo by Down Under Sail
Activity at the Club
The Club has enjoyed a successful season so far filled with engaging social, racing, cruising and fishing events. We’ve also welcomed new Senior Members with many visiting vessel owners choosing to purchase or lease berths.
General Manager Update
I extend my sincere thanks to our outgoing General Manager, Adam Hays, for six and a half years of dedicated service. Adam is pursuing a new opportunity in the golf industry.
Key achievements under Adam’s leadership include –
• Facilities and infrastructure - Major upgrades at North Haven and Port Vincent.
• Education and training - Expanded programs and the acquisition of Southern Investigator.
• Sailing and youth development - Increased regatta participation and the creation of the Youth Sailing Foundation.
• Awards and recognitionSouth Australia’s Sailing Club of the Year (2023) National Finalist – Australian Yacht Club of the Year Multiple hospitality awards (State and National).
With Kerry O’Brien, our long-term Financial Controller, stepping in as Acting General Manager we will maintain momentum as we search for a permanent replacement.
Financial Overview
Our spring/summer season has delivered positive financial results with net income (EBTDA) from June through to December 2024 at $130,010. Additionally our Sinking Fund for marina refurbishments stood at $7,597,716 as of 31 January 2025.
Upcoming Events
I encourage Members to participate in the engaging events ahead –
• Australian Offshore Powerboat Racing Championship – 12/13 April
• Kids Easter Egg Hunt – Sunday 13 April
• Cruising Easter/ANZAC tour to Kangaroo Island and Port Vincent – 18-25 April
• Gunfire Breakfast at Port Vincent on ANZAC Day –25 April
• Racing Presentation Night – Friday 2 May
• Fred Neil Trophy Race – 3-4 May
• CYCSA Quiz Night – Friday 13 June
• Club BBQs (every month)
I look forward to seeing you at the Club.
David Roper
Invested in Portfolio
Upcoming Events
I encourage Members to participate in the engaging events ahead –
• Boating Conversations - Friday 7 March
• Australian Offshore Powerboat Racing Championship - 12/13 April
• Kids Easter Egg Hunt - Sunday 13 April
Sinking Fund Value January 2025
Commodore Mike Holmes with Adam Hays and David Roper at Adam’s last Members Draw #289.
As we sail into the new year it’s hard to believe we’re already nearing the end of another unforgettable summer. The Club has been a hub of activity with record numbers of visiting vessels, some thrilling racing events and our signature social gatherings hosted by our dedicated Associations. It’s been especially wonderful to see so many new faces joining the Club adding to the vibrancy of our community.
Looking ahead to the remainder of 2025 there are several exciting events and initiatives on the horizon.
One standout is the Cruising Association’s new Easter to ANZAC Day loop. Following the immense success of their New Year’s Beach Party and the Ballast Head Cup, the CA is introducing a fantastic new opportunity for our growing Cruising membership. This cleverly timed event, with three strategic days off, offers a chance to extend the holiday period by up to ten days. The loop will take cruisers to Kangaroo Island and Yorke Peninsula with various events lined up along the way. Participants are welcome to join in for all or part of the journey depending on their schedules. Congratulations to the CA Committee for their continued dedication to delivering such exceptional experiences for our members.
In an exciting collaboration the Social Association Committee has teamed up with the Childhood Cancer Association to support their children’s events throughout the year while raising much needed funds for a truly worthy cause. This initiative not only benefits those less fortunate but also fosters a sense of community, creating opportunities for families, many of whom will experience their first nautical adventure at the Club.
April is fast approaching and with it a first for South Australia. The CYCSA will host the inaugural South Australian leg of the Australian Offshore Powerboat Championships on 12-13 April. If you’ve had the chance to witness an AOPC event before you’ll know it’s an adrenaline fuelled weekend like no other. We’re expecting a number of interstate teams to compete and the event will be televised on Channel Seven bringing a spotlight to the CYCSA, North Haven and Port Adelaide. The race course, a 2.5km loop between Taperoo Beach and Largs Bay, is just off the shore, offering incredible viewing along the local coastline. Let’s hope for picture perfect weather and thrilling racing action!
Our Boating Conversations series is also back in full swing thanks to the tireless efforts of Rod Hunter and his team. These events continue to be an invaluable resource for our members with engaging discussions on a wide range of topics. Rod is always eager to hear suggestions from the membership so feel free to share any ideas for future events or guest speakers. Over the years Boating Conversations has become a highlight, drawing members from across the South Australian sailing community to the Club. Keep up the great work, Rod!
On a more personal note, as many of you are aware, I have recently stepped down from my role as General Manager of CYCSA after six rewarding years. I’m excited to be returning to my previous industry but I will forever treasure the memories and relationships I’ve built here. It’s impossible to thank everyone individually in this article but I’d like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Board, the staff and all our members for their unwavering support and passion for the Club. Together we’ve achieved so much and I’m proud of all we have accomplished. I look forward to staying connected and visiting the Club as a guest in the future.
Fair winds and safe boating to you all.
Adam Hays CYCSA General Manager (Former)
At the time of writing this report in mid-February we have just finished our first Adelaide ‘heat wave’ of 2025. I reflected that one of the joys of being out on a boat on a stinking hot day is to cherish the cooler conditions you can get while out on the water compared to being stuck on shore. How great it feels to leave the heat of the city for the pleasant offshore breeze off North Haven on a Wednesday night Twilight Race. I feel very fortunate to be able to be involved helping out on a large sailboat with similar minded individuals. I encourage any reader of any ability to get in touch with the Club to get out on the water for a twilight race too. It won’t cost you anything other than shouting the skipper a beer when you get ashore. To me being a Club member is all about enjoying the company of others both on and off shore. Many CYCSA members enjoy the Club facilities without partaking in the ‘extra-curricular’ activities that our Cruising, Fishing, Social and Racing Associations all dedicate themselves to organising. If this is you I am describing I would be delighted to talk to you to see if we can help you find other ways of getting value out of your CYCSA membership. You can ask at Reception, leave your details and I will be in touch.
I have had a series of Club meetings in the last week or so where I have heard the details on such a wide variety of events the Associations are planning for 2025. I think there really is something for everyone. Please keep checking the Club website or the multiple Association Facebook groups or just call Reception to learn more. Elsewhere in this Groundswell you’ll learn about the fun times that were had by many led by Darren in Kangaroo Island over the Christmas break or the adventures of Giorgi and our Rear Commodore ‘Pat with the Hat’ at the Children’s Christmas Party or the tales of the ‘fish that got away’ from Peter and Vlad on their Tuna charter. I look forward to reading their articles myself.
I was saddened by the passing of RSAYS sailor Nick Smith during a tough Sydney to Hobart Race. We should all remember how dangerous, and at the same time wonderful, life on board a race boat is at times. I would like to offer my congratulations to CYCSA’s very own Sydney to Hobart entry, Clockwork, for sailing a mighty fine race coming away with a Sydney 38 Division win. I would also like to recognise our Club member Darrell (Daz) Greig and his sailing buddy Kev Le Poidevin who also competed in the Two-hand Division on Roaring Forty (a Lutra Boc Open 40) as their qualifying race
for the upcoming Melbourne to Osaka Race. Kev and Daz currently leave from Melbourne for Japan on 16 March. Please join me in following them in this impressive event.
We should also not forget our very own Dan Turner who recently completed the 3,600 mile initial Transat Leg in Antigua in his Class Globe 580, Immortal Game, and left for leg one of the Mini Globe Race on 23 February to travel from Antigua to Panama and then beyond. Fingers crossed for a safe passage Dan.
The regattas in the King of the Gulf and Port Lincoln have now been run and won including the stand alone passage races. Congratulations to all those who took part.
In the King of the Gulf Regatta Steve Emery and the crew on Ocean Hawk, a very well sailed Sydney 36, was crowned King of the Gulf in Monohull Division 1. Mike Lane on Tinga Tinga took out the win in Cruising Division 2 (no-spinnaker) from Cygnet II skippered by Tom Melville. In the passage race over Graeme Footer on Marnico was second and in the passage race back took first place.
Turning to the 75th Adelaide to Port Lincoln race, honours went to Reverie from the Royal Brighton Yacht Club on IRC Handicap with Fresh, chartered by Geoff Boettcher, in second and Derek Morrison’s Sintara was third. Derek also claimed a second on AMS in Division 1 in a relatively slow race until Dangerous Reef. PHS results gave Clockwork and Kinetic Energy third positions in their respective divisions. As for the Race Week Regatta I understand light winds were had all week. Julain Newton’s Game On 31 took out runner-up in Division 1 IRC and AMS, being the best of the CYCSA entries. Andrew Lloyd’s Clockwork was runner up in Division 2 PHS. It was great to see the interstate boats here in South Australian waters for the week and I trust they had safe trips home.
In closing, please stay safe on and off the water and happy boating to all!
Mike Holmes
Welcome New Members
O ver the last three months the following people have joined the Club. Please make them welcome. Michelle Bloffwitch, Juliet Bowers, Brenton Caffin, Peter Canavan, Gerald Cash, Timothy Clayton, Adam Cottam, Ronald Danvers, Andrew Gill, Douglas Gladman, Richard Halliday, John Higginson, Matthew Lamshed, Nicola Lieff, Seosamh Mathuna, Mark Maclellan, John Meyers, William Newcombe, Corey Phillips, Scott Robinson, Stewart Ross, Cosmo Sciancalepore, Burkhard Seifert, Laura Margaret, Sime Squires, Jorge Stamos, Andrew Suter, Michael Tassone, Renee Vandenberg, Gregory Watson and Sofie Yelavich.
SUE ELIZABETH GERARD 17/9/1947-30/12/2024
Sue, together with her husband John who is a Foundation Member, was involved with the Club since its inception.
They had three children, Adam, Georgina and Jason and all the family received 25 year membership badges and John will be a recipient of his 50 year badge next year.
Over the years Sue supported John in all he did, particularly at the Club, where he served for three separate periods of time on the Board and was Rear Commodore in 1991-1992 and President from 2008-2010.
The family first owned a sailing boat and with all on board sailed across to Port Vincent and tied up to the wharf in 1988, memorable because it was Australia’s bi-centennial year. The children all found something else to do and made their way back to Adelaide leaving Sue and John to do what you do on boats. Great friends, Libby and Bob Laurence, arrived in their power boat and tied up next to them and when Libby announced she was going in to have a hot shower Sue was in disbelief, a hot shower on a boat! Well that was the end of that, the yacht was sold and a series of power boats followed, all called Georgina, very obviously with hot showers.
The family grew to include seven grandchildren and Sue was able to enjoy time with their two great-grandsons.
Over the years Sue thoroughly enjoyed her time at the Club with the entertainment it provided and the lasting friendships made.
Sue is now gone and we offer our condolences to John and his family.
Gay Footer
Welcoming Our New Rear Commodore
During December's Twilight presentations, Club President David Roper officially presented Andrew Saies with his Rear Commodore burgee. Having missed Opening Day due to overseas commitments, it was fantastic to mark this special moment. Great to have Andrew on board as a Flag Officer—congratulations, Andrew.
Pictured below L to R: David Roper and Andrew Saies with Vice Commodore, Di Schwerdt.
A Reminder that Life Jacket Standards Have Changed
Have you checked yours for compliance? Scan the QR code at the Marina glass doors or see the Club Reception for more information.
Our Most Regular Accident at the CYCSA
“While berthing I jumped off the boat and caught my foot on the life line, misjudged the height, misjudged the distance and fell face first into the pontoon. I fractured my wrist, broke my arm, bruised my face and twisted my ankle.”
Anecdotal evidence has pointed to the main reason for this occurring is to save the boat from a scratch or coming into contact with the berth at speed. Help mitigate the need for this by having fenders down to stop the vessel from getting a scratch and use the slowest practical speed to berth your boat.
The basics are –
1. Communication with crew - what is going to happen and where you can be to be of most assistance.
2. Speed control - minimum speed without losing control.
3. Have lines and fenders ready.
Navigating safely during berthing and docking manoeuvres is an essential skill for any sailor worth their salt. An understanding of the core principles involved in safe navigation while developing the confidence needed to overcome challenging situations is required. Remember patience, practise and an unwavering focus on safety will transform you into a true master of the docking domain.
Try yourself out with this acquired skill –
Know how to lasso a cleat? Yes, it is possible but takes some practise and there are plenty of You Tube videos that show how it’s done. It is a great skill to acquire and it then allows you to use the engine to pull the boat alongside the berth with the conventional prop and rudder.
Wayne Grant CYCSA Safety Officer
our members representing the Club at local, interstate and overseas events...
In late January, Club member and our Marine Academy Principal, David Royle competed in the Australian Finn Championships at the Adelaide Sailing Club.
After finishing 5th in the recent State Championships he came 11th in the Great Grand Master and 32nd overall. Well done David.
Well done to Clockwork co-skippered by Andrew Lloyd and Mary Ann Harvey, who took out the win on IRC for Division 2. Congratulations to team Clockwork.
Friday 13.12.24 Port River, Port Adelaide
The Defence Industry Cup held its third regatta as a prelude to the SA Sailing Champions League Stadium Sailing event. Six full teams battled it out on the water in a closely contested windward/leeward format. Teams represented were -
Airforce 1 - Darrell Grieg
BAE - Mick Moy
Veteran Sailing SA - Adam Priestly
Veteran Sailing SA - Tim Adey-Wakeling
ASC 1 - Alastair Mitchell
ASC 2 - Dave Allinson
Using the slick and efficient SailSys Race Management system Race Officer Laura Hughson managed to get 10 races under her belt enabling all sailors to certainly get a return on their investment for the day! So close was the racing that a winner was not decided until the last race.
A healthy camaraderie again was a highlight of the regatta. The 2022 winner, Mick Moy (BAE), was this year challenged by a well drilled and coordinated ASC 2 team led by Dave Allinson, the 2023 winner, followed by Alastair Mitchell, ASC1. Ultimately it was Alastair and his team in ASC1 that won a closely contested regatta.
Thanks again to those who volunteered on the day and particularly to Michael Nettle, Luke Allison and Guy WoganProvo who continually manage to get the Elliott 7 fleet into tip-top condition for every regatta.
Greg Allison Sailing Operations Manager
Photos by Down Under Sail
Team ASC 1
The Bravo Sails Pre-Christmas Twilight Series (including three abandoned) finished with –Division 1 – Equal points but on countback G-Wizz (Greg Patten) ahead of Vulcan (Christopher Jones), Sintara (Derek Morrison)
Division 2 – Seduction (Mark Moore), The Bottom Line (Fawcett/Haakmeester/Roper), School’s Out (Adrian Wotton).
The three combined races with the Squadron over the summer period have been a success. The Novelty Race held early in January had only a dozen boats out but it was a good evening. We were fortunate to have another lovely evening for the novelty twilight race held during Lincoln Week with a combined fleet of 24 boats and a ‘Follow the Fleet’ with the Noosa Cat Minnie Mouse.
The MyEasyBnB Post-Christmas Twilight Series is underway but the weather has not been kind with four being cancelled due to strong wind warnings. The results after two race are –
Division 1 – Marnico (Graeme Footer), G-Wizz, Vulcan. Division 2 – The Bottom Line, School’s Out and Synergy (Mark Hutton).
The Inshore Series has 15 races programmed for this season. Thank you to North Haven Marine for their generous contribution of vouchers for the Inshore Crew lucky draw. With 11 races run at the time of writing the results are -
The Club programmed three non-spinnaker races for the summer season with some success. The result for Race 2 was Bellatrix (Scott Gurner) and for Race 3 Waters Edge (Graham Patterson).
The second race of the Short Offshore Series, the Ardrossan Race, was held on 23 November. Venom (Robert Dunn) finished first of only three finishers in just under eight hours.
The third race of the Short Offshore Series, the Macdonnell Sound Race, was held on 18 January with Vulcan taking out first place on PHS and Sintara first on AMS.
Another successful Premier’s Cup regatta was held in early December thanks to the new regatta sponsor, Heatlie. Please refer to page 13 for the full article and results.
I would like to thank the regular Duty Crew who volunteers to run all the races and those who help when extras are needed. The Club is grateful and if anyone else would like to help please let us know.
Thank you to our sponsors Yalumba Wines, Bravo Sails and MyEasyBnB.
Inese Lainis Racing Administrator
Scan the QR code to join our Facebook Racing Group
Venom, photo by Neil Pentecost
After three seasons of coming close to securing the trophy a CYCSA team has finally achieved the ultimate triumph marked by two significant outcomes from the weekend of sailing. Led by Fraser Baker the CYCSA Open Team secured a victory winning the SA Sailing League title while the CYCSA Youth team not only claimed the Youth title but also finished second overall with Carter Baker at the helm.
With two teams, captained by the Baker brothers, fiercely competing for the top spot, this regatta was truly one for the history books. This accomplishment reflects the outstanding efforts of all three CYCSA teams and the hard training they have been putting in throughout the year. Moreover, we celebrate the participation of our first female helm, Tyndelle Bleakley, in the YSF program. Tyndelle delivered commendable results in her debut SASL event holding her own against tough competition. It was great to welcome interstate teams from the Royal Perth Yacht Club (WA) and the Derwent Sailing Squadron (Tas), who joined our local South Australian teams in the competition. The presence of these teams elevated the event providing an exciting and highly competitive atmosphere that pushed everyone to perform their best.
Following the YSF’s recent event in Hobart our team recognised the necessity of revisiting the foundational aspects of sailing in preparation for this competition. Throughout the regatta we successfully enhanced our teamwork and communication skills on the water which allowed our teams to excel. Given the light, shifting
Team 1 Youth Carter Baker, Sailor Cowen, Sophie Ward, Will Gaylard
Team 2 Open Fraser Baker, Luke Allison, Hugo Butterworth, Lucy Cree
Team 3 Youth Tyndelle Bleakley, Subin Wright-Simon, Zoe Robinson, Oscar Gaylard
and unpredictable winds, maintaining clean air was essential to ensure each member of our crew performed to the best of their ability, enabling us to capitalise on every opportunity. The competition was fierce and it became apparent that gaining pressure early provided a distinct advantage. The conditions were tough with temperatures soaring to 40 degrees but our teams demonstrated incredible determination, pushing through until the very end. Their resilience and ability to adapt under pressure are qualities that bode well for the future of these young sailors.
Overall I am exceptionally proud of all our teams, not only for their results but also for their maturity and composure in such demanding circumstances. Given their age and the progress they’ve made, I believe they have a promising future ahead. None of this would be possible without the Club’s help and ongoing support to the Youth Sailing Foundation. I would like to thank our CYCSA General Manager Adam Hays, Sailing Operations Manager Greg Allison, event organiser Harry Fisher, the maintenance team of Guy Wogan-Provo, Tim Cowen and Richard Fidock along with Michael Nettle and all the other volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes and finally a special thank you to the parents for their ongoing support.
What a fantastic day on the water for our ‘Out There’ experience these school holidays. Eight enthusiastic youths had a fantastic time trying their hand at sailing, stand-up paddle boarding and powerboating, as well as enjoying fun on-shore activities. It was the perfect way to spend the summer break making new friends and building confidence on the water.
For those looking to take their skills to the next level our School Holiday Training Squads were in full swing. Both the Development Squad and Performance Squad provided young sailors with opportunities to refine their skills and deepen their understanding of keelboat racing.
The Development Squad is designed to help sailors transition into the Youth Sailing Foundation’s Winter Training Programs. Whether they are active club sailors or newcomers eager to step up, the squad offers the chance to improve racing tactics, refine their keelboat handling and gain valuable on-water experience.
The CYCSA Performance Squad is aimed at sailors who graduate from the Development Squad and are committed to performing at a high level. This squad focuses on advanced coaching and race tactics with the goal of competing at national and international events. The program provides an excellent pathway for young sailors to refine their keelboat racing skills and take their competition experience to the next level.
To find out more contact Head Coach Luke Allison at:
For more course information, dates and bookings, please scan the QR code:
YSF Australian National Championships Success
The Youth Sailing Foundation (YSF) at the CYCSA has been making waves with their impressive performances at recent Australian sailing events which include –
1. Finlay Bunt achieved remarkable success becoming the first youth sailor in the Aero 6 fleet at the Australian National Championships held at Jervois Bay Sailing Club in New South Wales. Finlay secured an outstanding sixth place overall out of 21 entries, showcasing his skill and determination.
2. SA 420 State Championships - Congratulations to Fraser Baker and Will Gaylard, the 2024/2025 SA 420 State Champions! A special mention to YSF squad members Oscar Gaylard and Lucy Cree, who won the ‘Best First Year Team’ award. Oscar also received recognition as the youngest skipper in the regatta—a fantastic achievement! Well done to all sailors for their dedication and outstanding performances on the water.
3. Fraser Baker and Will Gaylard also made their mark in the 420 Australian National Championships at Woollahra Sailing Club in New South Wales. They secured first youth and finished an impressive sixth overall out of 12 entries, demonstrating their competitive edge in a challenging fleet.
4. Sophie Ward and her team put in a fantastic effort in the 470 Australian Championships where they faced tough competition. Despite the challenges they secured strong results showing their ability to challenge the leaders and stand out among the best. These achievements highlight the continued growth and success of the CYCSA’s youth sailors, cementing their place among Australia’s top young talent.
I am also delighted to announce the addition of two new youth sailors to the YSF program - Lucy Cree and Calin Went. Calin recently came 10th overall in the International Cadets making the worlds team which will be hosted in the Czech Republic. Lucy Cree also had success late last year as bowman on Fraser Baker’s team winning the SA Sailing League in December. Both sailors sail locally in Adelaide and have competed in many events over the years making them a great addition to the YSF squad.
Luke Allison YSF Head Coach
24/25 International 420 State Champions, Fraser & Will
Geoff Boettcher, skipper and owner of the yachts named ‘Secret Mens Business’ (SMB) at the Club, has decided to limit ongoing racing commitments by selling his yacht. With the demis e of the larger 52 foot IRC yachts racing fleet at the Club, SMB was spending much of its racing time competing interstate. The logistics of sending the yacht and crew interstate became taxing and the decision was reluctantly made to sell in lieu of stationing the yacht in Sydney. This Premiers Cup was to be his last race on this yacht so this is Geoff’s story of that race.
At the Great Southern Regatta in November SMB withdrew from the Sunday race after establishing a clear lead on Saturday’s races as Sunday showed signs of damaging winds. The decision to not race was made to prevent potential damage while sale negotiations were being held. The crew’s decision was also to assist the Club’s bar takings.
Geoff signed the sales contract subject to being able to compete in the Club’s main event, the Premier’s Cup, and Secret Mens Business (SMB) staged her last race and regatta competing in this event over the weekend of 7 and 8 December 2024. Winning this prestigious event was a fitting way to end an era of SMB racing at the Club.
For the Premier’s Cup Regatta racing conditions were near perfect with a wide range of weather conditions and strong competition under the IRC handicap system. SMB comfortably had four firsts from the four race event. The Race Management team and the crew on the start boat did an excellent job of laying the courses and controlling the event to ensure another successful regatta. SMB’s crew consisted of Adelaide boys who have been part of a successful team throughout the year including two members selected from the Youth Sailing Foundation.
Over the years SMB has managed to attract some of South Australia’s top crew members many of whom have since earned sailing positions nationally and internationally.
For the crew and Geoff it was an emotional two days of racing with the realisation that after almost 30 years of competing in a SMB yacht there would no longer be a Secret Mens Business racing from the CYCSA.
Over the past ten years SMB successfully claimed eight Premier’s Cup wins and a second and a third along with a record number of achievements in South Australia, nationally and internationally. Geoff thanked his talented crew as the major contributors in making the name Secret Mens Business synonymous with South Australian and Australian yachting over the past 30 years.
Thank you to Heatlie BBQs who sponsored the regatta and was represented by Alby Mead and the Outer Harbour Ward Councillor Vanessa Tulloch who acted in lieu of the Premier and assisted presenting the prizes to the placegetters.
Div 1 – SMB (Boettcher), Game On 31 (Newton), Shining Sea (Corletto)
Div 1 – Game On 31, Shining Sea, Papillon (Price) Div 2 – Outlier, Ocean Hawk, Rock On (Conyers) IRC
Div 1 – SMB, Game On 31, Shining Sea
In December 2024 the yacht Secret Mens Business (SMB) was trucked out of Dockyard Adelaide for a new owner to continue her yachting career in Sydney. This SMB was the seventh in a series of purpose-built racing yachts named Secret Mens Business, owned and skippered by Geoff Boettcher and raced for 30 years from the CYCSA.
After 20 years of sailing in South Australian waters on various yachts and 11 Sydney to Hobarts as a crew member, Geoff Boettcher felt relatively equipped to manage his own yacht racing campaign. He purchased the 40 foot Davidson called Sundance from Ray Brown and endured two unsuccessful Hobart races. It became apparent that was needed was a purpose built offshore yacht.
In 1995 Geoff witnessed the 41 Foot yacht Terra Firma, designed by Murray Burns Dovell Team (MBD), win the Overall Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. Geoff approached MBD to design a similar build but as he would be racing locally against Geoff Vercoe’s 43 foot Maglieri, requested an extra foot be added to its length. With some further modifications, the first Secret Mens Business was hatched from the drawing board of MBD in Sydney.
Peter Bolton was contracted to build the yacht in a shed at Port Adelaide using the local boys who had previously built Maglieri. SMB1 was launched at the CYCSA in 1996 and was entered in that year’s Sydney to Hobart Race. It was the early years of carbon masts and on the first night of the race the rig failed due to the mast builder’s engineering. A disastrous start to SMB1’s career! The yacht endured the 1998 Sydney to Hobart ‘Perfect Storm’ but dropped another mast in 2001 due to rigging failure. The yacht would complete some 10,000 nautical miles year after year racing nationally in the Sydney to Gold Coast, Hayman and Hamilton Island Regattas, Sydney to Hobart, Geelong, Port Lincoln and local Club racing.
Deliveries were all in the capable hands of the late Geoff ‘Megga’ Bascombe. SMB1 was a credit to the boat builder as she continues to sail today and has competed in many more Hobart Races under various owners. Geoff sold her in 2003 and regrettably agreed the new owner could keep the SMB name.
SMB2 was designed by US Naval Architect, Reichel Pugh, a 46-footer built in Mornington in Victoria by Hart Marine. In 2004 she competed in the Sydney to Hobart under the sponsorship of Hardy’s Wine. Again, this SMB travelled numerous miles competing in the eastern states and in three Hobart Races. Her best result in a Hobart was 14th on Line Honours and eighth Overall on IRC. SMB2 had a career change as a victim of a collision at the start line on the first race at Hamilton Island Race Week when a competitor’s bowsprit tore a hole in the hull of the boat. The truck carrying her back to Mornington boat shed then broke the mast into two sections on a roundabout. Geoff did not want the yacht back after the insurance company had written the yacht off. It was sold, repaired and has been racing out of Melbourne and appropriately named Hartbreaker and also raced in many more Sydney to Hobart races.
SMB3 had an unfortunate career as Reichel Pugh pushed the boundaries and sadly designed a hull which resulted in creating too much upwind drag causing extreme turbulence in its wake. This new 49-footer built by Hart Marine and launched in 2008, raced in the Sydney to Gold Coast Race, Hamilton Island Race Week and sailed in the 2008 Hobart with an overall ninth place on IRC. The yacht was raced with an extremely competent crew of local and interstate professionals but could not overcome the design faults sailing up wind. The yacht was extremely fast down wind and did break the record for the fastest under 50-foot yacht to Hobart. SMB3 was taken back to Hart Marine in Victoria where the hull was cut away from the deck and a newly designed Reichel Pugh hull was attached.
SMB4, affectionately referred to as SMB3.5, was created by attaching the new hull, which was approximately one metre longer, to the existing extended and modified deck. The rigging was utilised from the previous SMB3 with some additional sails added to its wardrobe. The designers were put to the task of rectifying their disastrous previous hull design waiving their design fee in acceptance of their mistake. The new 52 foot yacht performed well in regattas but only gained a fair result in the 2009 Hobart Race. A major effort was put into securing more experienced crew for the 2010 Sydney to Hobart resulting in an Overall IRC win.
Geoff said winning the 2010 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race was the pinnacle of his and the crew’s yacht racing career. The yacht raced in the 2012 Hobart but was robbed of a
Image credit: Rolex | Daniel Forster
podium finish when it was suspected it hit a whale off the Tasmanian coast wiping off half of the rudder. The crew encouraged Geoff to enter the Fastnet Race to satisfy one of his long time ambitions so SMB3.5 was shipped to the United Kingdom and competed in the 2013 Fastnet gaining a third in its Division. Geoff realised that the yacht was becoming outdated and the TP52 design would be the next successful generation of racing yachts. SMB3.5 was shipped back to Australia where it was sold into Victoria and is now a resident of US sailing on the east coast.
SMB5 was a Farr 400 purchased from Premier Yachts in Dubai and shipped into Adelaide in 2014. With the Secret Mens Business crew suffering racing withdrawal symptoms, Geoff purchased the 39-foot Farr with the idea of downsizing his yachting commitments. SMB5 successfully won Line Honours in the Adelaide to Lincoln race, a fair effort for such a small yacht. After some hull modifications to the Farr400 it was trucked to Hamilton Island Race Week but although it took many Line Honour wins, it did not rate well on IRC handicap. A disappointing result for such a great little yacht.
SMB5’s career came to a sudden stop when the truck returning the yacht to Adelaide ran off the road. The yacht and truck were severely damaged from the impact of hitting trees which resulted in gaping holes being punched in her hull. The yacht was written off by the insurance company but resurrected to live a new life on the east coast of New South Wales.
Luckily, Tim Cowen, Geoff’s well respected Boat Manager, had been working on a replacement prior to the accident as he realised Geoff was missing sailing the larger yachts. Beau Geste, a Hong Kong based TP52, had been racing successfully in Hamilton Island in 2015 and caught Tim’s eye. After the SMB5 accident Geoff and Tim were on a plane to negotiate the purchase of the replacement yacht. This yacht won the world TP52 titles in 2009 in Europe as Matador and then was purchased by the King of Spain. It lay dormant until it was bought by a Hong Kong businessman racing under Team Beau Geste. The yacht was bought back from Asia by Tim and the new Secret Mens Business 6 was born. This was probably one of the most successful TP52s of its era and raced very successfully at the CYCSA and Interstate. It currently holds the Australian Division One IRC Championship under the new owner and has reverted to the original name of Matador.
SMB7 was purchase by Geoff in 2021 and shipped from the west coast of America where it had successfully raced as RIO. This yacht was built in 2017 as a PAC 52 which is a turbo charged TP52. Geoff believes this bold orange coloured yacht to be the fastest 52 footer in Australia. He and his crew were successful in winning the Division One IRC Australian Championship in 2023 but came second to Matador in 2024. The yacht raced successfully in the eastern states winning against the hotly contested TP52 Fleet.
After three very successful years of racing SMB7, Geoff believed the time was ready for the Secret Mens Business era to be wound up. To continue would have meant berthing the yacht in Sydney to take advantage of fleet racing amongst the TP52s.
When the two TP52s, Another Hooligan and Pirate, were racing at the CYCSA the competition was excellent but with their demise Division One became depleted of larger race yachts.
However Geoff declared his yacht racing was not totally over when Steve Kemp acquired a loan of the Port Lincoln yacht Fresh to do the Adelaide to Lincoln and Lincoln Regatta with the old SMB crew. He also hopes to gain the occasional ride when one of his crew steps up and purchases a racing yacht.
The days of having a Secret Mens Business yacht racing from the Cruising Yacht Club of SA will be sadly missed but hopefully the Club will see many of its crew remaining and continuing their yacht racing careers with the Club.
Geoff attributed the many years of successful Secret Mens Business racing to the dedicated bunch of talented local crew who, over the years, have all become highly regarded yachtsmen in their own right.
Geoff Boettcher
Image credit: Salty Dingo
Image credit: Salty Dingo
The first entry for the 2025 CYCSA Fishing Association Fishing Awards has been received and it’s from yours truly! The question is however, will these beauties win me the award? A few humongous King George Whiting that felt more like Tuna on the line and some decent sized Trevally made for a great day of fishing in 12 metre deep waters out from Edithburgh. The Whiting fillets looked more like a steak and the Trevally were smoked and turned into a delicious fish dip.
If you want the recipe give me a call, it’s only twenty bucks for members…only joking! It’s simple, once you smoke the fish, pick the flesh from the bones, add capers, finely diced red onions then add olive oil and Kraft mayonnaise to taste! Oh, and don’t forget the salt! Serve with crackers and a glass of McLaren Vale chardonnay, yummy!
I’m sure many of you have caught fish over the holiday period. We would love to see you enter our awards with a great chance to win and to get your name on the perpetual board and a personalised trophy for your mantelpiece. Simply send a photo of your catch along with a few details including the species, size and where and when you caught it.
We have made some changes to the four categories of awards for 2025 so that they better represent what we catch locally in metropolitan South Australian waters while still leaving an opportunity for those who can chase game fish elsewhere. They are -
• Whiting
• Garfish
• Blue Swimmer Crab (this is in addition to the Crabbing Day awards presented on that day).
• Game Fish
We are looking for the biggest/longest catch in these categories. You can submit your entry via the online submission form on the Club’s website or via email by providing a photo of you with your catch, the date and location it was caught and its length through to Club Reception.
There is still time to join our last fishing charter for the season. Mark your calendars for the Big KGs, King George Whiting charter on 5 April and don’t miss this incredible opportunity to get amongst the big ones. Join fellow members and friends for an action packed day on the water. Spaces are limited so secure your spot now and take your shot at bringing home a trophy catch. Book today with Club Reception. Your chance to fish, compete and win awaits. Good luck catching!
A beautiful sunny day hosted us for our cockling adventure at Goolwa beach on Sunday 12 January 2025. Twenty-eight members, partners and friends joined us for a day of fun in the sun and surf. What a way to kick off the Fishing Association’s full calendar of events.
Goolwa Beach was crowded but we managed to find a secluded little area of golden sand to setup our BBQs, eskies, tents and beach chairs. While most people ventured into the crashing waves to dig up these tasty little molluscs others, such as Vlad and Pam Humeniuk along with Joe Mezzini unfortunately without Giorgi who was home sick, took charge of the BBQ, cooking up a sausage sizzle storm. It was wonderful to see everyone enjoying themselves and having a go. Special mention goes to CYCSA President David Roper and his wife, Kirsten, who were exceptionally successful
in their cockling efforts with so many cockles that they shared their bounty with those of us who weren’t quite as efficient in the hunt!
After a physical morning of digging and capturing cockles lunchtime could not come soon enough and was a welcome break. The continental sausages were the highlight but the Humeniuk’s had enough of everything to keep everyone sated. Well done and a big thank you to everyone who contributed to making the day a success. Whether you dug for cockles, manned the BBQ, or simply lent a hand, your efforts were greatly appreciated. A special thanks to Peter Schembri for the photographs.
Vadis Rodato
Vadis Rodato
Our skipper, Jarrod Glaister, had our Fishing Association group on board Fishstalker and settled in ready for an early morning departure from Marina St Vincent. The weather was looking good and we had a smooth trip around to the Pages Islands with everyone on board chatting about fishing exploits and in anticipation of what was to come for our day on the water. Once we were a few miles east of the Pages we started looking for birds diving the bait fish schools and it wasn’t long before we found several schools of Tuna chasing schools of bait fish.
The large number of birds was a welcome sight after last season where we didn’t see much bird activity and the Tuna were few and far between. We quickly set four trawling lines and motored up to a few schools of Tuna but didn’t get a strike. The decision was made to swap out a couple of the deep diver lures we were using for some skirted lures plus a very interesting ‘Teaser’ that Jarrod had prepared during the off season. I find I am always learning new tricks when fishing with guys like Jarrod.
It didn’t take long before we got that first strike and, with a fish on the line, Julie Rodato was first up to have a go at landing a Tuna. It was good to see FA committee member Vadis Rodato supporting his wife as she brought the first fish alongside for Jarrod to gaff it and get it on board. With one Tuna on board we all felt relief and looked forward to a few more hook-ups.
Over the next few hours we landed four more nice Tuna with a couple of escapees. Most notably was a hard luck story for Bernie Kasza who had played a nice fish for quite a while then when it was eventually alongside it managed to ‘spit the hook’ and survived to fight another day.
After lunch we set up for some Salmon fishing around South Page Island then moved onto Fisheries Beach on our way back to Wirrina for some nice sized Snook. Everyone got into the action resulting in a nice mixed bag for our efforts.
It was a great day on the water resulting in five Tuna and an esky full of Salmon and Snook to top-up our catch.
Peter Schembri
Fishing Association Chairperson
Join the Committee
As a side note, we are looking to expand our Fishing Association Committee. We arrange fantastic events such as Cockling Day and our upcoming Crabbing Day and there really isn’t too much for any one person to do especially if we can share the load between us. So, if you have an interest and can give up a couple of hours every now and then, please contact me or our Fishing Association Chair, Peter Schembri. Our contact details are available through the CYCSA Reception desk.
Happy catching!
Stay connected – Scan the QR code to join our Facebook Fishing group.
This is another in the series of articles aimed at providing you with an insight into new boats and other boats of interest at the Club. Contact Patricia Catley through the Club if you are interested in having your boat featured here.
A new boat arrived in Marina East towards the end of 2024, the proud new owners being CYCSA members Anthony and Michele Bloffwitch. Built in 2008 this delightful Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 42 is named White Fin and I am delighted they agreed to share their new vessel with Club members. White Fin is not only a joy to sail but is also exceptionally comfortable. She has a furling headsail and a boom bag for the main. An electric winch makes for easy sailing with minimal effort. The trusty Yanmar 54hp diesel ensures manoeuvring this yacht is a breeze, particularly for a short-handed crew. She draws 2.1 metres, the LOA is 12.5 metres and the beam is 4.05 metres.
Down below the L-shaped galley is easy to work in with a two burner stove, fridge freezer and double sink. There is a saloon table, timber cabinetry and comfortable seating with the navigation station opposite the galley. Three cabins and two heads are perfect for a family to enjoy weekend breaks or for longer cruises. The roomy cockpit features twin helms with plenty of seating and lounging areas around the cockpit table. There is an easy through-transom to access the water for a swim on a hot day or step ashore onto the marina.
Anthony and Michele previously owned large fishing boats and knew very little about sailing but decided to give it a try and see if they liked it. They started with a Timpenny 770 and had her for 12 months. She was moored in C row and much fun was had working out where all the lines and bits and pieces went and what they were for. A couple of courses at the CYCSA Marine Academy gave them the confidence needed and they decided to buy a bigger boat. Initially they intended to keep the Timpenny on a trailer to use occasionally but realised that having two boats isn’t a good idea and being able to step on and off as they pleased was much more preferable.
Anthony and Michele agree that finding the right boat is not easy so when they discovered White Fin they didn’t hesitate. They were in Sydney in July 2024 looking at another boat but weren’t happy with many aspects of it. Then they saw White Fin and knew instinctively that this was the one. She ticked all the boxes with three cabins and two heads, plus the L-shaped
galley. Delighted with their purchase they flew back to Adelaide to make the arrangements to sail her the 1,000 nautical miles from Newport to the CYCSA . The Timpenny sold very quickly to someone at Goolwa so Anthony and Michele, with the help of Rod Hunter and Sally Ann Geddes, set off to bring White Fin to her new home.
They left the shores of NSW on 3 October at 8am and sailed all day then overnight plus another full day before reaching Eden. The next stop was Lakes Entrance where bad weather kept them for three nights. It gave them the opportunity to fix a torn sail and discuss how the boat had handled the voyage so far. They also stocked up on food and other necessities. By 10 October they had reached Wilson’s Promontory for an overnight stay before setting off for Portland. Once tied up comfortably at dockside they were able to catch up on some much needed sleep. Leaving Portland behind they arrived in Adelaide on 17 October at midday and it felt good to be home.
During the journey they encountered varied sailing conditions. From an unpredicted storm cloud with gusting headwinds, at times up to 38 knots that lasted around eight hours, to flat water and no wind. The journey gave Anthony and Michele the invaluable opportunity of getting to know their boat and they are very thankful to Rod and Sally Ann for their help and knowledge to bring White Fin home. The boat had handled all conditions well. They are also delighted with the friendships made within the Club and how people are so willing to help and offer advice.
The New Year trip to Kangaroo Island with other CYCSA boats was a great start to cruising life and included a stopover at Second Valley on the way home. They have sailed to Port Vincent and Stansbury and plan to explore more of Kangaroo Island in the months and years ahead. With daughter Maddie and son Finn, plus their partners, they hope to have many happy sailing adventures on White Fin
Thank you for sharing your boat with us all. Wishing you many happy cruising days ahead.
Pat Catley
Shellharbour Marina, NSW
Hosted by the Port Lincoln Yacht Club the State’s iconic Adelaide to Port Lincoln Yacht Race and Lincoln Week Regatta was celebrated in inimitable style. This year, the 75th Adelaide to Port Lincoln Race, the Port Lincoln Yacht Club mounted a small exhibition at the club which makes interesting reading for local sailors and those of us who made the annual pilgrimage from one gulf to the other. Laminated pages, wall mounted or displayed on a long table in the upper floor of the club, gave insight into the sailing events and people who had helped build its reputation as a sailing hub and race destination. This is a club with a long and proud history of racing evidenced by the documents and photos on show. While in the early years of settlement there had been informal racing between local fishing boats, since the 1840s there had also been an earlier version of a boat club running rowing and sailing regattas. In the late 1800s the first Port Lincoln Sailing Club was established and thrived for a time finally lapsing during the war years until, in response to the passion for sailing in the area, the Port Lincoln Yacht Club was formed in 1931. Today’s yachties might be interested to know that in the minutes of the first public meeting held on Friday 9 October 1931 to establish the Port Lincoln Yacht Club, the following motion was carried: “That [the] membership fee be 5/- per annum, subject to revision every 12 months and that the fee for boat Registration be 2/6.” How times change. The possibility for an ocean race from Outer Harbour to Port Lincoln had long been envisaged but it was not until nineteen years later that the first Adelaide to Port Lincoln Race took place on 4 February 1950.
Seventy five years later, with trackers attached, radio checks completed and crews logged on, this year’s fleet of 24 boats jostled into position for the start of the 75th race ‘round the corner’. A clear start soon morphed into a champagne sailing event. Light winds at eight knots kept us moving across a flattish sea that sparkled and glittered in the late afternoon sun.
The fleet’s progress across Gulf St Vincent was nothing short of sedate as we all made reasonable time towards Marion Bay. Across the foot individual boats made determined efforts to challenge those ahead of them and stay in front of those behind keeping the competition lively and the crews alert under a beautiful night sky. Front runners retained their leads and on elapsed time Brindabella (John Hilhorst) crossed the finish line first ahead of CYCSA boat Shining Sea (Andrew Corletto), PLYC Fresh (Kym Clarke), RSAYS Summer Jewel (Ian Flint), RBYC Reverie (Alan Woodward), NCYC Mako (Greg Busch) and CYCSA Sintara (Derek Morrison) followed by the remaining 17 boats. Mako and Sintara were just off Fanny Point when 32 knots roared in laying Sintara over with no time to reef the main but hell bent on match racing Mako to the finish line, Mako beating Sintara after a 22 hour race by 21 seconds. For others strung out behind the thirty plus knots lasted much longer making for a surprise ending to an otherwise placid race over. In Division 2 on elapsed time RSAYS boat Nerana (Christopher Perry) led the charge over the finish fine ahead of the Sydney boat Bacardi (Brett Averay, Darren and Cosmos) and RYCV boat Loch Sloidh 2 (Peter McFarlane).
The summer weather stayed in for the presentations on the patio at the Port Lincoln Yacht Club where trophies were awarded and recipients applauded. Skippers and crews mingled in party mode with Brindabella swinging serenely on its anchor out in Boston Bay. The band played favourites that had us all up dancing, celebrating the race, the day and the sea with friends old and new. Raffles were drawn and of course there was great jubilation among those who won seafood prizes including the Sintara crew when David Maher won first prize and we anticipated eating the deliciously fresh mix of crayfish, tuna and an assortment of other delicacies from the sea. Thank you to the Port Lincoln Yacht Club for your generous prizes.
Twenty-nine boats were allocated to five divisions in the four day regatta including Racing Divisions 1, 2 and 3, the Sportsboat Division and the Multihull Division. The Racing Divisions had two days of windward/leewards, a long race and a bay race while the Sportsboats had three days of windward/leewards (seven races in all) and a bay race. Light winds were predicted for the week and we were all reminded to avoid the aquaculture leases – consisting of Tuna rings and Mussel leases, all clearly marked with yellow St Andrews crosses.
Monday morning buzzed with activity and with the briefing over, crews quickly finished preparing their boats for the day’s racing, Races 1 and 2, windward/leewards, in the bay. Competition was edgy despite the light winds and strategy was all in the race to the marks. IRC results in Race 1 saw Reverie snatch first from Fresh in Division 1 while Bacardi took first from Clockwork in Division 2. AMS delivered Game On 31 a win over 3 Cool Cats in Division 1 and a win to Bacardi over Loch Sloidh 2 in Division 2. PHS shuffled the cards with 3 Cool Cats taking the win over Mako in Division 1 and Clockwork ousting Bacardi from the win in Division 2. Race 2 IRC results saw Reverie again in the lead over Fresh in Division 1 with Clockwork taking the challenge to Bacardi in Division 2. AMS results saw some of the same boats contesting the lead with Reverie followed by Game On in Division 1 and Loch Sloidh 2 ahead of Bacardi in Division 2. PHS lifted Sintara into the mix knocking Reverie into second place in Division 1 while Audacious enjoyed its first win over Papillon in Division 2. It was a fabulous day on the water and the spinnaker runs in particular made a colourful showing on the downwind legs. Presentations were at 4pm at the Marina Hotel where many stayed on to enjoy drinks and the lively company on the deck.
Kinetic Energy
Tuesday was Passage Race day. In Race 3 of the regatta a number of young sailors from Port Lincoln’s youth sailing contingent joined different boats in the fleet for the experience of big boat racing. Ten year old Kai joined us on Sintara for the day showing interest in everything we were doing. It was certainly great to be able to support youth sailing in this way as well as through the raffles and friendly ‘fines’ for our misdemeanours on water. Due to light winds, this day’s sail took Division 1 boats out to Carcass Rock (approximately 30 nm), while other divisions sailed elsewhere in the bay. Competition was good in Division 1 and as always the passing landscape provided extra pleasure. Again, with five to six knots of breeze, enough to get us going, strategic attention to wind shifts in the early part of the race determined who had racing advantage and when. Coming back in a shortened race we had 14 knots reducing to 11 coming into the bay.
Results – IRC Division 1 Game on 31, Fresh, Reverie Division 2 Clockwork, Audacious, Bacardi.
AMS Division 1 Road Runner, Game On 31, Reverie.
Division 2 Loch Sloidh 2, Nerana, Lincoln Mentor PHS Division 1 Road Runner, Game On 31, Fresh. Division 2 Nerana, Audacious, Loch Sloidh 2. Division 3 Too Hot to Trot, Mojo, SteepleJack.
Wednesday was also Megga’s BBQ. This is an event that has been built into Race Week for many years. Among the memorabilia displayed at the Port Lincoln Yacht Club I found a two-page interview with Geoff Bascombe, known to many of us as Megga, and remembered every year at Megga’s BBQ in Spalding Cove. Published in People and Places the interview sheds light on an interesting life that intersects with PLYC, RSAYS, CYCSA and beyond. Born in Port Lincoln and competing in Holdfast Trainers as a young sailor, Geoff ‘Megga’ Bascombe joined the Navy as a diver working here in Australia as well as elsewhere. A change in life circumstances, his wife’s passing, and a young family to care for, led to a change in career that kept him closer to home but also down the track helped to transform him into ‘Megga the Delivery Man’. Trusted by owners of yachts of all sizes and values he built a second career delivering boats around Australia and all over the world establishing a reputation as one of the best. He took with him crews of experienced sailors mixed with those who were inexperienced but keen to learn. His passion for the sea was self-evident as was his love of teaching newcomers about the sea and sailing. When I sailed to Spalding Cove this year it was good to reflect on the life of this wonderful sailor, the man behind the name of the event and the way in which individuals help to build the sport of sailing.
This time we had 10 year old Iylah from Port Lincoln on board and once again we witnessed a keen interest in how things worked and how we raced. The day started with 12 knots and two sausages between laid and leeward marks before we headed past the Southern Entrance Beacon to the Bicker’s Island buoy, a mark usually only deployed for this particular race during the regatta. It was easy but competitive sailing where careful attention to
winds and islands was a significant factor in getting there first. The BBQ party on the beach and in the shallows was enjoyed by everyone before a casual return to base.
Results – IRC Division 1 Reverie, Game On 31, Fresh.
Division 2 Bacardi; Clockwork, Audacious.
AMS Division 1 Esprit, Road Runner, Game On 31.
Division 2 Loch Sloidh 2, Lincoln Mentor, Bacardi.
Division 3 Mighty Fine Lyons, Too Hot to Trot, Humdinger.
It was another day of windward/leewards in light breezes, five to seven knots and with almost flat sea racing it was another gorgeous day on the water. The last daily presentation of the week at the Marina Hotel yielded the following results.
Race 5 IRC Division 1 Shining Sea, Game On 31, Fresh
Division 2 Clockwork, Audacious, Bacardi.
AMS Division 1 Road Runner, Game On 31, Shining Sea.
Division 2 Loch Sloidh 2, Lincoln Mentor, Nerana
PHS Division 1 Shining Sea; Road Runner, Game On 31.
Division 2 Nerana, Audacious, Clockwork.
Division 3 Mojo, Vitesse, Too Hot to Trot.
Race 6 IRC Division 1 Game On 31, Shining Sea, Reverie.
Division 2 Bacardi, Clockwork, Audacious.
AMS Division 1 Road Runner, Game On 31, Shining Sea.
Division 3 Too Hot to Trot, Mojo, Mighty Fine Lyons.
The Presentation Dinner at the Port Lincoln Hotel proved a fitting end to the week’s racing. We all enjoyed the dinner and the chance to share in the final accolades to those who came out on top this year. As has been the custom, the winners’ trophies were presented and speeches were made. This year again the Port Lincoln Yacht Club is to be applauded for its successful running of the event and we who took part thank all of those involved in making it such a success. Thanks must also go to Teakle Wines for their longstanding support for the Teakle Classic as well as thanks to all the other sponsors who continue to help make these events possible.
Note: For historical information included in this article my thanks to the Port Lincoln Yacht Club memorabilia Exhibition, including the copy of an interview with Megga (see 6 March 2025), Philip Roe’s ‘A Brief History’, and various internet sources regarding the origins of competitive sailing in Port Lincoln.
Di Schwerdt
For full race and regatta series results please visit:
Game On 31
Clockwork Shining Sea
Lincoln photos by Down Under Sail
adventures that awaited us. During one of our regular trips back to the Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia for Opening Day in 2015 we fell in love with another vessel, the Bavaria 38 then named Force Majeure. We decided it was time for an upgrade and Margie’s illness made us realise that there may not be a tomorrow so we embraced the mantra: “Do it today.” Force Majeure was brought back to Hobart by Craig with the help of Rod Hunter and another whose name escapes us at the moment. Like many delivery trips this journey turned out to be a test of endurance,1,000 nautical miles all on the nose.
The Bavaria 38 which we renamed Kalinda (Sanskrit for ‘The Sun’), became our trusted companion as we delved deeper into Tasmania’s breathtaking maritime landscapes. Over the next four years Margie and I explored the waters surrounding Hobart, the D’Entrecasteaux Channel, the rugged East Coast and the remote south-west Wilderness. Each voyage brought new experiences and unforgettable memories but one particular adventure stands out.
Port Davey and Bathurst Harbour, nestled in Tasmania’s south-west Wilderness, offered both beauty and adversity during a cold and damp three-week excursion. Craig and Rod Hunter cruised to Port Davey where they were met by Margie, who, due to other commitments, flew into the Melaleuca airstrip. The airstrip itself is a fascinating piece of history, built by Denny King and his little dozer. If you haven’t read about Denny King you must get hold of the book about his life titled King of the Wilderness: The Life of Denny King.
With a relentless south westerly gale ever present and consistent 70-knot winds recorded at Maatsuyker Island, we found refuge in the little house of Win and Clyde Clayton in a small corner at the mouth of the Melaleuca Inlet, forevermore known as Clayton’s Corner. Although Win and Clyde are long gone, their small home, now under the care of Parks Tasmania, is open for visitors. Staying there was as much a privilege as it was surreal. We found ourselves in the company of two extraordinary individuals, Scott and Kylie, whom we affectionately nicknamed the ‘Crazy Zodiac People’ as they were exploring the remote wilderness by Zodiac. At first glance their endeavour seemed eccentric but as we got to know them we learned that Scott’s meticulous planning and experience as the former skipper of the Aurora Australis made their adventure not only feasible but inspiring.
In 2013 we left the familiar shores of South Australia behind embarking on an adventure that would shape over a decade of our lives. The decision to relocate to Hobart, Tasmania was driven by Craig’s career as a paramedic and ambulance service manager and it was one that brought a new chapter of discovery, growth and camaraderie.
Our beloved Duncanson 35, Sara II, made the journey to Hobart behind us, delivered by the skilled and renowned Graham Daniels of Port Lincoln fame. Once reunited with her we berthed Sara II at the serene Oyster Cove Marina in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel.
The next year and a half saw Craig working very long hours with Ambulance Tasmania as the Regional Manager for Southern Tasmania but finding time to begin exploring the stunning waterways that Tasmania has to offer.
Craig and Margie established their home on the River Derwent at Blackmans Bay overlooking the famed Iron Pot and the entrance to the Derwent River, the finish line of the prestigious Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. Watching the fleet sail across Storm Bay and make their way up the Derwent to the finish line was worth every cent of the view from our floor-to-ceiling windows. Not that a view in Hobart has any actual value because everyone has one.
In 2015 life threw us an unexpected curveball when Margie was diagnosed with cancer. Despite the challenges, we remained resolute, finding strength in each other and in the
If you ever make it to Clayton’s Corner have a look under the old timber-framed couch. Rod and Craig found the couch broken and jury-rigged a repair with whatever they had or could find, leaving a little message for future adventurers. As they say, always leave a place better than you found it.
Our shared time with Scott and Kylie became a highlight of our journey. Their adventurous spirit and the bond we formed turned what could have been a gruelling experience into a cherished memory. They remain lifelong friends, a testament to the serendipitous connections that life at sea often brings.
In 2019, and in celebration of what was going to be Margie’s fifth year of being cancer-free, we started to plan a 12-month journey to the Pacific islands of New Caledonia and Vanuatu for 2020. Our plan was to sell our Tasmanian home, move onto Kalinda, and raise awareness of the struggles islanders face with similar cancer diagnoses and, where possible, provide practical support. We knew how fortunate we were to live in Australia when Margie became unwell. But, as we all came to know, 2020 had other ideas. We set off from Hobart in late January 2020 destined for Bundaberg and then on to New Caledonia. Before we left, we heard of this thing called COVID and Craig, through his involvement in health services, knew it was potentially significant but we had no idea what the next month would bring. Heading up the Tasmanian East Coast and with a perfect Bass Strait crossing, we arrived in Bermagui a week later. The next day we learned that the borders were
shut. We couldn’t go north to Queensland, we couldn’t go south back home and heading offshore was absolutely out of the question. I think it’s fair to say that the world was in a state of panic and information was scarce. For most of the population rules restricting movement were quickly put in place but for itinerant yachties it was a little like Rafferty’s rules. They were being made up on an hourly basis and people were a bit scared of us travellers on the seas. Truth be told we were probably the most isolated and some of the lowest risk in the country but this was still early 2020.
The next four months were spent trying to make the most of New South Wales, avoiding people, not breaking the new laws and finding places where we could provision (and obtain medicinal rum which Craig was clinically trialling as a COVID vaccine). We had Sydney Harbour almost to ourselves, except for the Ruby Princess, which docked in front of us and unloaded the first mega wave of infections. We explored Pittwater and Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park for three months while waiting for the borders to open. There was almost nobody around—picture perfect—and we couldn’t help but feel a little bit selfish having all this to ourselves while the rest of Australia and the world was doing it so tough. We tried to support the smaller businesses first wherever we stopped knowing how tough things were. While face masks were selling for $10 for three at the worst, we had about ten thousand on our boat that we were delivering to Vanuatu. We distributed them wherever we could to doctors’ surgeries near our stops.
By July things had settled down and as soon as the announcement was made that the Queensland border was open a mad dash was made north toward the Whitsundays where we spent the rest of the year before making the long downhill passage home to Hobart. Although our mission was unaccomplished it was an amazing, eye-opening and reflective year.
Since 2020 Craig and Margie have remained living on board enjoying the marina camaraderie although the Tasmanian winters were starting to feel longer and colder. Another boat upgrade was on the cards so Kalinda was put on the market and sold sight unseen into Melbourne. Post-2020 boat sales were becoming weirder than 2020 itself and amazing prices were being seen for the right boats and the time on the market was often short. It was certainly a seller’s market.
We were without a boat for the rest of 2021 and rented a small house for six months while we looked. Then along came a Beneteau 473 needing a bit of work but with a great pedigree. Savant was to become our new home.
Now in 2024, Craig and Margie have retired and have returned to South Australia and their beloved CYCSA and friends. Reflecting on our time in Tasmania we are filled with gratitude for the extraordinary adventures, the friendships forged and the challenges overcome. From tranquil anchorages in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel to the rugged beauty of the SouthWest Wilderness, these experiences have left an indelible mark on our lives. As we navigate new horizons the lessons learned and memories made will forever inspire us, reminding us of the strength of resilience, the joy of exploration and the enduring power of connection.
Craig and Margie Westlake
The morning mist on the Gordon River was a bucket list item.
The colours and tranquility surrounded by mighty Houn Pine at Sir John Falls
Cruising into the New Year & Beyond!
The CYCSA Cruising Association was certainly on the move over the festive season! A spectacular 38 boats anchored at Rocky Point, Kangaroo Island to welcome in the New Year and were a sea of lights admired by our attendees and the locals alike.
A huge thank you to everyone who made the journey to KI for the C Breeze BASH beach party and those who took on the challenge of the iconic Ballast Head Cup on 1 January. The trip to KI at this time of year can be a little unpredictable and we were impressed by the resilience of our members, some reefing down to push through the weather, while others wisely opted to detour to the Barossa for a relaxing wine tour and lunch waiting for the front to pass. Mark your calendars for 31 December 2025 as we are keeping this Club tradition alive and can’t wait to do it all again.
Stansbury Long Weekend – A Step Back in Time
An historic Stansbury Australia Day Long Weekend was another fun filled event with a great turnout of Club members. A private CYCSA museum tour provided a fantastic chance to connect with local history, guided by many passionate and knowledgeable volunteers. The evening at the Dalrymple Hotel, a Club favourite, was the perfect way to round off the weekend. A big thank you to Tracey Hutt for hosting this memorable cruising event.
Changes in the Cruising Committee
We’d like to take a moment to acknowledge Howard Murton who has recently retired from the committee and thank him for his contributions. We also extend a warm welcome to our newest committee members, Laura Sime (Stela Odyssey) and Michele Bloffwitch (White Fin).
The Cruising Association committee is now ten volunteers strong bringing fresh ideas and energy to our Club. If you’re keen to get more involved or have suggestions for future events we’d love to hear from you.
Upcoming Events
Easter to ANZAC Day Loop (18–27 April)
Take advantage and merge the Easter and Anzac Day holidays for a ten day cruising adventure! Join the fleet as we sail Kangaroo Island and Yorke Peninsula. Hosted by Adrian Wotton.
Highlights will include -
• Rendezvous enjoying KI’s many dining options
• Happy hours on the beach enjoying good company and sunsets
• Lunch and Cocktails at the Emu Bay Lavender Farm
• 25 April – Dawn Service and Gunfire Breakfast at the Port Vincent Bowling Club
• 26 April – Beach BBQ with the Port Adelaide Sailing Club at Black Point (BYO food and drinks).
Come for the full loop or just part of the journey as it’s a great time of year to cruise South Australian waters. For more event details and bookings please visit the Club’s events calendar.
Club BBQ – De Vinyls Night (10 May)
A Club BBQ like never before! Bring your vinyl records to the Club and play your favourite songs for a night of fun. Be part of the interactive playlist and yes, the Scoop Bar will be back with complimentary gelatos!
Solo Cruise in Company (21–22 June)
Back by popular demand! This is a fantastic opportunity for solo sailors to cruise together to Port Vincent Marina for an overnight stay. Expect great Club camaraderie as this event runs alongside the CYCSA Port Vincent Destination Race. We also welcome non-solo yachts into this fleet.
South Australian Cruise (4–6 October Long Weekend)
An exciting new event and an invitation to all affiliated clubs to come together for a joint cruise so stay tuned for more details.
Thank you to our sponsors
A special thank you to Charlesworth Nuts and Heynen Planning Consultants for their generous support during the year. Their contributions enable the Cruising Association to value add to members and invest in Club facilities and we are thrilled to announce the recent addition of microwaves and air fryers to both the CYCSA BBQ area and the Port Vincent clubhouse for the enjoyment of all!
Stay connected – Scan the QR code to join our Facebook Cruising group.
Stay Connected
Keep up to date with Club news and events through theCYCSA Cruising Facebook Group, CYCSA noticeboards, Club website and emails.
Looking forward to seeing you on the water soon!
Darren Harvey CYCSA Cruising Association Chair
Before heading to sea always inform someone of your departure point, crew size, destination and expected arrival time.
You can log on and off with a friend, family member, or a marine radio service using either your –
• Boat radio (27 MHz or VHF)
• Mobile phone.
Marine Radio services available are –
• Sea Rescue Adelaide (South Australia Sea Rescue Squadron) which operates 7am–7pm ,seven days a week on VHF channels 16, 67, 80 and 27 MHz channel 88
• Coast Guard Adelaide (Australian Volunteer Coast Guard) which operates weekends and public holidays, 7am–7pm on VHF channels 16, 80 and 27 MHz channel 88’
All boat users are encouraged to log on with the nearest base to ensure someone is monitoring their journey.
For 24/7 emergency assistance call Coast Radio Adelaide on VHF Channel 16 with the call sign ‘Coast Radio Adelaide’.
Distress and safety Calls in the South Australian coastal areas are -
• Mayday – for life-threatening emergencies
• Pan Pan – for urgent but not life-threatening situations
A Reminder to CYCSA Members
Fuelling accidents are one of the most common causes of marina spills. With a little care and attention, recreational boaters can significantly reduce the risk of accidentally spilling oil or fuel. Remember, even small spills can have a big impact on the marine environment.
Reporting a marine oil spill early is critical. If you see a spill, immediately advise a CYCSA staff member. Spill kits are located on the marina – be familiar with their locations and follow the emergency response actions if needed.
Distractions are a leading cause of fuelling mishaps. Whether it’s a phone call or a casual conversation, interruptions can easily lead to spills. Stay focused while fuelling and avoid multitasking.
Being a responsible boater is everyone’s job. By taking these simple precautions, you help protect our marine environment and keep our waters clean for everyone to enjoy.
Thank you for doing your part.
CYCSA Management
Tips for Safe Fuelling and Spill Prevention
1. Don’t Overfill
Fuel expands as temperatures rise and as your boat moves, so leave room for this by only filling tanks to about 95% capacity.
2. Use Absorbent Sheets or Pads
Place absorbent pads around the fuel pump nozzle during transfer from the dock to the boat and while filling. This prevents splashes from marking your boat deck or leaking into the water.
3. Listen Carefully
You can often hear when fuel is getting closer to the top of the tank. Listening carefully can help you avoid overfilling.
4. Consider Installing a Whistle in the Fuel-Vent Line
This whistle makes noise while fuel is flowing and stops as soon as the tank is full, giving you an audible cue that it’s time to stop.
Using Jerry Cans Responsibly on Your Boat
Fuel spills can also occur when using jerry cans. Follow these tips to avoid accidents:
• Fill on Land: Always fill jerry cans on a level, stable surface ashore. Avoid filling them directly on your boat.
• Use Absorbent Pads: Place an absorbent pad or cloth under the jerry can spout to catch any drips while pouring.
• Choose the Right Jerry Can: Use one with a spout designed to minimize spills and with a proper vent to prevent pressure buildup.
• Fill Slowly and Carefully: Pour fuel slowly to prevent splashing and avoid overfilling the jerry can.
• Wipe Up Spills Immediately: If any fuel spills, clean it up right away using absorbent materials.
Held on New Year’s Day 2025 in the beautiful waters of Eastern Cove, Kangaroo Island, this year's Ballast Head Cup Race was hotly contested! Since COVID competitor numbers have been lower than on previous occasions. This year, through a strong marketing campaign by the CYCSA Cruising Association, 11 boats, with keen and excited skippers and crews, presented themselves on the start line. The course consisted of two triangle laps passing through marker buoys at Rocky Point, Ballast Head and the American River entrance.
Conditions were perfect for a cracker of a race with beautiful flat waters and winds ranging from 10 to 18 knots. What an exciting start with five boats hitting the start line in unison with no quarter given. The early leader on overall handicap was Free Fallin’. The three bigger boats in the race, Sintara, Marnico and Golden Cowrie, slowly pulled ahead of the fleet but never made huge inroads over a very determined fleet of Division 2 boats. The shallow waters around American River were challenging with several boats stopping to have a rest and watch their competitors sail past. Sintara was sailing well leaving the fleet in their tracks and looked a certainty for line honours but unfortunately they missed the compulsory gate on their second leg and did not qualify for a result.
School’s Out, Free Fallin’ and Bellatrix had a three-way brawl throughout the race. It could have been anyone’s race with their positions changing frequently. School’s Out pulled away on the run home but not enough to beat Bellatrix on corrected time. Free Fallin’ sailed magnificently throughout the race but one tiny lapse in concentration, 100m from the finish, cost them a place in the overall results.
In the end three worthy crews were awarded podium prizes with True Blue being awarded the overall Ballast Head Trophy. Andrew Saies was heard saying to the cheering crowd that “I’ve won the Sydney to Hobart Race but this is the trophy that I covet the most!”
Prizes were presented by Port Power Captain, Connor Rozee. One Crows supporter offered Connor some friendly tips for the upcoming season which he took with good humour.
In conclusion it was a beautiful day out on the water and this author suggests you save the date for next year as it will be the most fun you will have at a race track all year.
A huge thanks to all the helpers for this event which included Peter Donovan as the Race Officer, Jess Hargraves for providing her beautiful multihull as the start boat, Darren Harvey for organising the wine prizes, Scott Gurner, Peter Stark, Ryan Stark, Graeme Footer for bringing over the anchors and chain for the race marks, Andrew Saies for the trophies and Adrian Wotton who was the Principal Race Officer and Handicapper, Scott Gurner, Peter Stark and Ryan Stark.
Adrian Wotton
1st - True Blue, Andrew Saies (winner Ballast Head Trophy)
2nd - Golden Cowrie, Steve Harrington
3rd - Bellatrix, Scott Gurner
Best newcomer - Free Fallin’, Darren Harvey (winner Jamie Cowell Memorial Trophy)
1st - Marnico, Graeme Footer (winner Ballast Head Cup)
2nd - Golden Cowrie, Steve Harrington
3rd - School’s Out, Adrian Wotton
Tinga Tinga, Mike Lane (winner Multihull Trophy)
Other boats to compete were Hugo (Alec Stolz), Impulse (Paul Hicks), Sahara (Richard Lee) and Sintara (Derek Morrison).
Free Fallin’
Adrian Wotton with Andrew Saies and Connor Rozee
Photos thanks to Keira Bennett
In 2024 we had a record fleet of 31 yachts and in 2025 we increased this record to 40 yachts. We are not trying to be the biggest regatta but we are working very hard at being one of the best regattas.
This year saw us hosting yachts from Queensland, Northern Territory, New South Wales, Victoria and, of course, South Australia. The Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron was represented by 16 and there were 13 from the CYCSA. Interstate yachts, the Goolwa Regatta Yacht Club, Port Vincent Sailing Club and the Port Adelaide Sailing Club made up the balance.
The guiding philosophies that started the King of the Gulf Regatta are based around inclusiveness, marina social activities, fun and making sure the courses are interesting and different. I think we got close this year but there are aspects that we will improve for next year.
A new big hit this year was the ‘Meet the Fleet Curry Night’ after the Adelaide to Port Vincent passage race. The meals supplied by the Port Vincent Bowls Club were fantastic.
At the regatta briefing interstate visitors were welcomed and 10 year participants were acknowledged as ‘Knights of the Gulf’. The initial knights inducted were David Eldridge from Aquitaine, John Hardy from The Tribe, Gerald Valk from Crosshair, Greg Patten from G-Wizz and Lloyd Cushway from Quarante-deux
Thanks to the generosity of North Haven Marine and Wireless Communications the King of the Gulf teams event prize pool was increased to $1,400 and the six landlocked sailing teams were announced at the Curry Night.
The Saturday night meal is traditionally held at the Port Vincent Sailing Club and, as always, was a tribute to good old country hospitality. So good in fact that the Club Secretary, Greg Hackett, auctioned off five sports bags filled with varied products (nominally valued at $20) as a fundraiser for their new change rooms. Such was the skill and humour of the auctioneer that every bag went for between $120-$180 with the money going to the sailing club. Congratulations to Greg and the great sports who purchased the bags and demonstrated the great generosity by the King of the Gulf family of sailors.
The Gourmet Salad and BBQ on the Sunday was manned by some of the yacht crews in the special BBQ tent with the gourmet salads and desserts again provided by the Port Vincent Bowling Club. Mr Peter Villis from Dockside Port
Vincent gave a presentation to the group on the progress of efforts to deepen the entry to the marina and other exciting commercial opportunities which are getting closer to fruition at the marina. Alice Parker, a young very talented professional sailor from the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, together with Darren Drew, entertained us all with a question-and-answer session. Both Alice and Darren had flown over to sail on Crosshair. Alice has participated in a host of international world sailing events and recently was the navigator on the maxi URM in the Sydney to Hobart race and was very well received. The King of the Gulf racing was held in relatively flat water as usual but with winds at the higher end of the scale. The passage race over to Vincent was a very fast affair with RSAYS yachts winning all three divisions on handicap with Black Butterfly skippered by Jay Brown in the Monohull Dvision, Crosshair skippered by Gerald Valk the Multihull Division and Divine Madness skippered by Kaz Eaton the Cruising/Two Sail Division. In the return passage race Marnico with Graeme Footer backed up a second place in the passage race over with a solid win in the Monohull Division. Of particular interest was the battle for the minor places with Blue Diamond, Mal Denton, beating Quarante-deux by just two seconds. Two seconds difference in a 28 nautical mile race was extraordinary. Perhaps even more extraordinary was the fact that the time difference between the same two yachts in the 2023 race was just eight seconds. This must be one of the great friendly rivalries in Squadron yacht racing.
Day one of the regatta with two races was held in strong winds up to 25 knots. The second day Orontes Beacon race started in 15 knots of breeze which all but disappeared by the end of the race. Monday’s racing, with two triangle races, again was a challenge for race officials with the second triangle race ending up with two windward legs due to wind direction changes. This was a first for many of the skippers but was treated in the good old King of the Gulf spirit.
Monday night was the Presentation Night at the Port Vincent Bowling Club. The club has kindly increased their seating capacity over the years to accommodate nearly all of the crews. This year we had 150 seated for the wonderful meals and hospitality. Some crews started off the night with a game of bowls with one lady from the CYCSA clearly demonstrating to all that this was definitely not her first ever game of bowls. MYASA member Bruce Richardson had set up a photo booth where teams could take crew selfie shots with a King of the Gulf logo background. This was very popular with the
resultant photographs on the website. Experienced and talented yachting photographer Ross McOmish took some 900 photographs all week with a selection on display at the presentation. Iain MacDougall and John Hardy from MYASA conducted the presentations with great humour and professionalism.
The $1400 team’s event was won by Team Bolivia with $200 North Haven Marine/Wireless Communications vouchers going to each of the skippers of the yachts being The Tribe, Vostok, Black Butterfly, Stormbird, Passport, Tinga Tinga and Fifi V.
The highlight of the evening as usual was the gowning and crowning of the four kings. The Monohull Division 1 King of the Gulf crown went to CYCSA skipper Steve Emery. His yacht Ocean Hawk was crewed by an enthusiastic group of Adelaide University Sailing Club members. The Monohull Division 2 King was Tod Bartlett with Bohica from the Goolwa Regatta Yacht Club. Backing up his two recent Multihull National Championships with his first King of the Gulf crown was Gerald Valk in Crosshair. The multiple national championship winner Mike Lane with Tinga Tinga from the CYCSA won the Cruising/Two Sail division.
Events like the King of the Gulf regatta could not be conducted without great support from sponsors and volunteers. The sponsors included Dockside Port Vincent, 35 South Marina, The Multihull Yacht Association of South Australia, Heatlie BBQs, North Haven Marine, Wireless Communications, Bec Hardy Wines, Pirramimma Wines, the CYCSA and the RSAYS. Our volunteer race officials, led by Darryl Emery, included Brian Sutherland, Cathryn Emery, Terry Wendleborn, Jasper Bowering and David Zowtyj. Thanks must also go to the regatta committee of Iain MacDougall, David Eldridge, John Hardy, Gerald Valk, Geoff Beacham, Roger Oaten and Chris Mandalov.
Dates for next year’s event have not been announced as the tides for February in 2026 are problematic with two dodge tides and one poor tide making the selection of dates for the event difficult. We need to ensure all yachts can enter the marina in a timely and safe fashion as we are compromised by the relatively shallow marina entrance but a decision by the King of the Gulf committee will be made soon.
Article courtesy of David Eldridge, RSAYS
Photos by Ross McOmish from MYASA
Steve Emery Outlier
Clockwork set sail from the Cruising Yacht Club of SA on 1 June 2024 headed for Melbourne to initially compete in the Australian Women’s Keelboat Regatta. This was the first of many planned events on our voyage as far north as Magentic Island and ultimately to compete in the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race for the second consecutive time.
Weeks before the big race we had competed in the Sydney Short Offshore Racing Championships. Most of our crew joined from around the country for this. A surprising result with first on PHS which led to some celebrations.
We had assembled a great crew. Andy and Mary Ann had spent time considering all the skills and characteristics needed and each crew member had previously spent some time on board racing, but leaving Rushcutters Bay on 26 December was the first time we had all sailed as one team. Joining us were Katrina from NSW, Tom from Vic, Adam, Kurt and Adrian from Three Cool Cats, plus Mike, Kerry and Guy from the CYCSA.
The big pre-race question: would there be a Sydney 38 class one-design division? This was finally announced. The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia’s trophy cabinet was visited with crew in attendance and all hands pointing at the coveted trophy. “That’s ours” we stated boldly.
The compulsory pre-race briefing on Wednesday night, and Thursday morning’s weather briefing brought back memories of last year’s race with its challenging mainly upwind conditions. Reality check: this race is not going to be easy.
Thursday morning was spent busy loading all supplies and crew gear, plus the added drama of last-minute safety inspections, which left only a little time to stop and enjoy the moment. We had lunch at the CYCA, a
quiet beer and joining us was Nick Smith from Bowline. A quick “see you” and “good luck” to Nick comes back into my mind often as this was the last time we would see him.
Clockwork joined the fleet of over 100 yachts. Furiously trying to figure out how to get the third reef in the main whilst cruising the starting area, the crew pulled together and finally we were signed on and thinking about the start.
Conservative but aggressive. How do we combine these two opposing strategies? In the end we chose clean air at the start boat end of the line coming in with speed rather than risking collision or injury.
Our primary goal was to win our division. Sydney 38s are so similar in performance so it’s up to us, not the boat.
The forecast called for a northerly wind at the start, shifting to a southerly change after 12 hours. Clockwork's start and navigation through Sydney Harbour was flawless but once outside the heads with building seas and increasing winds, the crew faced immense challenges.
We elected to launch our hounds spinnaker as soon as we could, whilst around us, huge masthead kites gave our opponents a slight advantage. The choice proved correct as we saw a number of blown spinnakers around us and a few wild gibes and round-ups, however we continued flying our smaller beautiful orange kite. As the sun was setting that first night, with Mary Ann on the helm, Clockwork reached her highest recorded speed to date of 19.6 knots which was some ride.
Our orange kite lasted about three hours and then popped into shreds. The blown kite was soon replaced with a poled out #3 headsail. Well done to the foredeck crew. As the winds continued to build, now with reefed mainsail, the clew of the #3 blew out and we reverted to a #4 poled out headsail and a third reef in the main. A change of shift and we saw tail winds of 43 knots and a new boat speed record of 23.7 knots. This speed was met with great cheers from the crew on deck but I was relieved when I could finally get Clockwork off a massive wave and resume speeds closer to 14 knots.
Throughout the night, mayday calls continued over the radio. It was heart-wrenching with news of 22 retirements, one man overboard and two fatalities within the first 24 hours. The sombre mood onboard prompted a more serious approach to the management of the boat in such serious conditions. The conditions at times seems to stretch us to the edge of our capabilities, however the crew remained race focussed and worked tirelessly to keep racing safely. The predicted southerly change brought showers and thunderstorms, further testing our mettle, but this was a great relief compared to the furious conditions we had been facing.
The first morning brought winds on the nose of 27 knots, gradually easing as low as 12 knots later in the day. Approaching Green Cape at 4pm, there was a mandatory sat phone call to race management where we advise whether the boat and crew, and considering the weather forecast, were to continue racing across Bass Strait. An in-depth discussion on board led to the decision that Clockwork would continue and across Bass Strait we ventured.
It was not a difficult crossing in terms of weather and our focus had turned to our position on the race leader boards. Where were the other Sydney 38s and how do we stay ahead of those behind and catch those ahead? We seriously wanted to beat Mondo with Rob Human on board – some friendly rivalry. We were saddened when Mondo retired due to rigging damage but saluted their resolve to make it to Hobart nonetheless. There was also Poulpito from New Caledonia with a great crew and so fast, which had ventured 40 miles further offshore than us. Could we be in front when we met again?
Audacious from the Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron had mainsail problems and repairs to undertake at sea. The Goat from Sydney suffered an injury on board and had to retire. Lastly Cinquante, with about 200 completed Sydney Hobart races amongst their crew, were never going to be easy to beat.
Skipping forward to the last evening, as we approached the Hippolyte Rocks, Clockwork was third in our division and we watched a group of 10 boats ahead of us sail into a huge wind hole. Should we follow or should we take a detour out to sea and try to find wind? The latter was our choice so we sailed east of the Hippolytes and found winds of 15 knots and travelled at eight knots versus the competition stuck at less than one knot of boat speed for several hours. We now call it the Bradbury manoeuvre as we sailed round the outside of the fleet and had several hours lead.
Approaching Tasman Island a change of crew shift also saw a change in breeze, from 15 knots to zero. The three hour shift passed with 300 metres of race course covered. So frustrating and almost hallucinating, as there was bioluminescence everywhere, so the water looked like a squall was passing. We sat and bobbed with small waves coming at us head on relentlessly, all the while anxious about the proximity of Tasman Island. If we weren’t racing, you might consider the conditions to be really beautiful.
At 2:00am, along with the change in shift, came a change in breeze and we were off again travelling at six to eight knots. We were still in the lead but knew that our opponents were intent on running us down. At 7:15am we passed the Iron Pot, the entrance to the Derwent River. To ease tension, the boombox came out for a couple of beats and the crew danced and laughed a lot while still focussed on racing.
Up the Derwent River we go seeking shelter from downstream currents and searching for breeze and wind shifts. As we approached the finish line a number of power boats and media surrounded us with plenty of cheers. Staying focussed, we worked for the finish line, putting in our last tack and crossed the line after three days, 19 hours, 52 minutes. Our second attempt was 16 hours faster than 2023.
After plenty of hugs, fist bumps, handshakes and laughs, it was time to enter Constitution Dock. Lining the outer wall were plenty of our friends cheering, some donned in orange garb, and a couple of corflute signs welcoming us in. In what is fast becoming a custom, Clockwork did a couple of donuts and blasted our airhorn in response.
Now berthed, our first timers were required by tradition to jump in through chilly waters of the Derwent. Celebratory drinks were issued and with smiles all round and in our usual quiet manner, we cheered our great crew and their brilliant performance that brought us home first in our class division.
Mary Ann and I want to acknowledge all our crew from the race but also to make mention of the 120 plus crew that raced or helped deliver Clockwork around the east coast of Australia and then home again.
We also want to thank our sponsors, MaxiSpan and Woodlane Orchard, who have generously supported our campaign.
Andrew Lloyd
2024 was a great campaign taking us to places we knew nothing about.
2025 will see a quieter year with the intention to do at least the Australian Women’s Keelboat Regatta in Melbourne, the SA Women’s Keelboat Regatta at the CYCSA in October and another Sydney Hobart.
2026 is likely to be more of a crusade than a campaign with an even bigger year!
Image credit: CYCA | Carlo Borlenghi
Image credit: Wendell Teodoro for @sailorgirlhq
Image credit: CYCA | Salty Dingo
Restoring Seagrass Meadows
A major community driven initiative to restore Adelaide’s coastal seagrass meadows continued into its fifth season over the 2024/2025 summer. Led by OzFish Unlimited and supported by Green Adelaide and the Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia this ambitious restoration effort has brought together volunteers, scientists and fishers to help revive valuable Posidonia seagrass meadows that support fish populations and marine biodiversity.
Seagrass meadows play a key role in stabilising shorelines, improving water quality and providing safe breeding grounds for species like snapper, whiting and squid. These ecosystems also capture carbon from the atmosphere 35 times faster than tropical rainforests making them essential in the fight against climate change. However, since the 1950s, over 6,200 hectares of seagrass meadows along South Australia’s metropolitan coastline have been lost. This has seen the coastward retreat of the ‘blue line’, the seagrass line, destabilising sediment and reducing near shore structural habitat.
The Seeds for Snapper project saw over 350 volunteers collecting thousands of Posidonia fruits from Adelaide’s beaches this season. Over November till January the buoyant fruit wash up along beaches where volunteers rescued these green oval-shaped fruits from drying out and collected them for restoration. Volunteers transported fruits to tanks at the Cruising Yacht Club of SA for maturation and processing. Once mature each fruit releases a single seed which were planted into sandbags and redistributed back into nearby restoration sites along the coast. This year saw early pulses of Posidonia sinuosa fruits in late November then large quantities of split fruit (husks) of Posidonia australis and Posidonia angustifolia washing up over December suggesting that it’s been a productive year for seagrass fruits. Over the season this project saw more than 11,000 Posidonia seeds planted across 500 sandbags in Largs Bay providing a strong foundation to expand seagrass meadow recovery in the area.
With a growing network of passionate conservationists and the commitment of local stakeholders the Seeds for Snapper project is paving the way for large-scale Posidonia seagrass recovery along South Australia’s coastline. The CYCSA continues to be a valued partner in the Seeds for Snapper project, providing a wonderful venue for the seagrass fruit facilities and volunteer support, with CYCSA members taking part in the handson restoration of seagrass. This project is supported by a range of organisations including SARDI, EPA-SA, Aquatic Biosecurity, Friends of Port River and DEW.
CYCSA members can support the project throughout the year by growing awareness of the program with friends and family and sharing the importance of seagrass restoration. Leading into next summer members can contribute information about seagrass fruit by reporting fruit sightings to the ‘Seagrass for Snapper SA Volunteers’ Facebook group, citizen science platform iNaturalist or directly to OzFish team members. CYCSA members are also very welcome to get involved in the project through harvesting and processing seagrass fruits or taking out seeded sandbags for planting at our restoration site.
We invite interested members to check out our website: to learn more about the Seeds for Snapper project, updates, volunteer opportunities and upcoming events.
Brad Martin
OzFish Unlimited SA Project Manager
A Magical Celebration
As the year drew to a close and Christmas approached excitement filled the air as the Social Association Committee (SAC) hosted one of the most anticipated events of the season, the arrival of Santa.
The Club’s patio area was transformed into a festive wonderland beautifully decorated for the occasion. A huge kudos to Clay for his patience and hard work in setting up the trees and decorations though we’re sure he had as much fun as the Social Association Committee during the set up.
In the days leading up to the party the committee was busy making sure everything was just right, buying, wrapping and double-checking presents, just like Santa himself. Lolly bags were packed, a delicious festive menu was prepared and of course there were plenty of Paddle Pops to go around.
On the day perfect weather greeted 27 excited children along with their parents, grandparents, family and friends. The fun began with a dazzling performance by the amazingly talented Magic Mike who had the crowd in stitches. Laughter and wonder filled the air as children eagerly joined in trying to figure out ‘How did he do that?’, a question even the grownups were asking.
With energy levels high the children danced and played until a loud “Ho Ho Ho” and the sound of jingling bells signalled the moment they had all been waiting for and off they ran to the marina to welcome the jolly man in red.
Keeping with CYCSA tradition Santa arrived by boat, much to the delight of the children. A big thank you to Sundance’s skipper and former Club President, Dominic Rinaldi, along with Adrian Wilson (Santa) and Joe Mezzini and other helpers for safely delivering Santa to shore.
With gifts unwrapped, ice cream enjoyed and smiling faces captured in photos, it was time to say goodbye. As Santa made his way back to the boat his ringing bell and friendly waves were met with eager goodbyes from his young entourage who were already looking forward to his return next year.
A tremendous thank you to all the CYCSA staff and the incredible SAC committee – Rosemary Gould, Jacqueline Heffernan, Jenny Murton, Adrian Wilson, Clay Tenni, Cheryl Marshall and Anne-Marie Meegan for their dedication, enthusiasm and fun-loving approach to making Social Association events so special.
NEXT UP – The fun continues with our next children’s event –The Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday 13 April 2025 where the children will be delighted to see the return of Farmer Darcy and the Travelling Animal Farm back at the CYCSA. We can’t wait to see you all there.
Stay up-to-date by joining the Social Association’s Facebook group for information regarding our upcoming events scheduled for 2025.
Giorgina Gauci Social Association Chair
A Festive Farewell to 2024
The year wrapped up in true Club tradition with the annual All Associations Bash on Saturday 21 December 2024. Hosted by the Social Association, this much anticipated event brought together members and friends from all four associations – Cruising, Fishing, Racing and Social for a night of celebration, camaraderie and festive cheer.
With 90 plus attendees the Club was buzzing with holiday spirit. Some embraced the occasion by dressing in their best Christmas attire adding to the joyful atmosphere. The patio area transformed into ‘Tinsel Town’ thanks to the Social Association’s and the CYCSA maintenance crew’s efforts in ‘decking the halls.’ A special thank you to Social Committee Member, Clay Tenni, whose hard work in setting up and carefully packing away the decorations ensure they’ll remain sparkly for a few more years.
No holiday gathering is complete without a raffle and this year’s prizes generously donated by the Club and Social Association drew plenty of excitement. The highlight was a beautifully curated Christmas hamper, assembled by our very own Jennifer Murton, which was proudly displayed at the bar in the lead up to the event. The honour of drawing the winning ticket fell to Club President, David Roper, and the lucky recipient of the grand prize was Anne-Marie Meegan, congratulations.
A huge thank you to the hospitality team for their support in ticket sales. Funds raised from all raffles for the Social Associations events are organised by the SAC and go towards children’s events throughout the year helping create magical moments for our younger members.
Giorgina Gauci
Social Association Chair
CYCSA Marina East has berthing for 240 vessels up to 22 metres and 150 hardstanding berths up to 12 metres.
(Note: ‘s’ denotes single berth, ‘tw’ denotes twin berth and ‘T’ denotes berth at T Head). All prices include GST.
8m s: C01 – sold
8m tw: F01, F02 – from $35,000 C11 – $35,000 all offers considered, C13 – $33,000 C02 – $22,000 under offer, C05 – $15,000, C07 – under offer
10m tw: A09, A10, A14, A22,- from $30,000 A17, A18 – from $20,000 for both A28, A38, F09, F19, F28 – all offers considered A40 – $10,000, F14 – $18,000 – all offers considered F18 – $20,000, F25 – $15,000 A20, F26 – Reduced to $20,000, F34 – all offers considered F36 – under offer, F37, F38 – $10,000 A32 – $10,000 all reasonable offers considered 10m s: A03, A12 – from $73,000, A05 – $35,000 – all offers considered, A25 – all offers considered 11m tw: A41 – $35,000, A42 – all offers considered C16 – $25,000 – all offers considered 12m tw: D20, D35, D36- from $29,000, D38, – $15,000 – ONO D28 –$35,000 – all offers considered D14 – all offers considered, D37 – $25,000 – all offers considered, E13 – All offers considered E26, E27 – $35,000 all offers considered 12m s: D08, D17, E07, E10, – from $60,000 D04, D21, E03, E04, E05, E22, E23 – all offers considered D18 – Reduced to $40,000 – all offers considered E01 – Reduced to $45,000 – all offers considered D23 – Reduced to $35,000, E32 – $30,000 – all offers considered
13m tw: C23 – Reduced to $40,000 – all offers considered A44 – Reduced to $25,000 – all offers considered 13m s: D40 – $60,000
14m s: A46 – $65,000, C24, – $120,000 C27 – $80,000 offers considered, C25 - all offers considered 15m s: C35- from $145,000, C39 – $100,000 – all offers considered C40 – $60,000, B32 – $100,000 – all offers considered B26 – $115,000, B31 – all offers considered 16m s: B17 – $160,000 ono (All offers considered), B20 –$159,000 B16 – $110,000 – offers considered, B22 – $150,000 – all offers considered B18 – $120,000 – all offers considered
9m: H12, H20, H70 from $3,500 H10 by negotiation – contact club for info
HS59 – $4,000 ono
10m: HS138- $5,500
12m N/A
It is the larger berths that make Marina West appealing to many potential buyers. Berths range from 11m to 35m, (Note: all berths in Marina West are single berths).
11m: M03 – Reduced to $60,000 – all offers considered suitable for a catamaran
14m: M07 – $40,000 – all offers considered
15m: N03 – reduce to $50,000 – offers considered M08 – All offers considered
17m: J19, J20 – from $150,000, J09 – reasonable offers considered, J08, J10 – all offers considered 18m: M10 – $99,000 – offers considered
20m: K07, K08, – from $135,000 K01, K05 – all reasonable offers considered K10 – all offers considered, L02 – $195,000
A08 – $10,000, A10 – all offers considered 12m tw: C53, C63 – from $28,000
B29, B33 – $5,000 offers considered B32 – contact club, C60 – Reduced to $20,000 B34, C61 – all offers considered 12m s: B44, C47 – from $29,000 B25 – $25,000 – all offers considered 14m s: D70 – $40,000 – offers considered D78 – from $45,000, D77– offers invited D73 – $25,000
15m s: D84 – $39,000, D85 – $45,000 – ONO
20m T: A12 – $200,000, B35 – $125,000
24m T: C58 – all offers considered
All berth sales and leasing enquiries to Eryn: Ph: (08) 8248 4222 |
Information correct at time of printing and subject to change.
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