Cygnus Review - May 2010 - The Way of the Truth Seeker

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Cygnus Review issue 5, May 2010 – free of charge

heal your body, feed your soul, free your mind, love your planet

The Shift Dr Wayne W Dyer The Healing Miracles of Archangel Raphael Doreen Virtue

Great savings on every title!

The Shaman’s Oracle John Matthews & Wil Kinghan The Alchemy of Voice Stewart Pearce By Your Side Colin Fry The Power of Breath Swami Saradananda Grow Your Own Drugs & A Year with James Wong

The Way of the Truth Seeker


Dear Friends, I’m writing this at the time of the Icelandic volcanic eruptions when all the aeroplanes have been grounded and I am profoundly aware of just how quiet the skies are without the constant drone of aeroplanes in the background; it’s an extraordinary stillness punctuated only by the melodic sounds of birds singing, a stillness that brings such peace to body and soul. In this modern day world we have become so used to the level of noise that we are unaware of just how stressed our bodies and minds can be. Like a bad connection on a telephone line when it’s crackling, it’s difficult to communicate with the caller, so too with this modern day living it can be difficult to connect with our own higher selves and with Spirit. For some of us, juggling a career, along with children and household chores, it may seem like there is very little time left to connect with our Source energy. Being firm about setting time aside for the practice of meditation, journalling and energy exercises can help to bring us back into vibrational alignment and reconnect us to our higher selves. Shamanic journey This month’s theme, The Way of The Truth Seeker is inspired by The Shaman’s Oracle, a beautiful deck of cards that not only gives you deep insight into any question you may ask, but also encourages you to make your own shamanic journey. (See p11) Within this oracle are two interactive cards that are always drawn in any reading. When we are seeking answers to life’s questions the card of The Journeyer reminds us to connect to our Source Energy, to our Higher Selves or to God – our highest spiritual connection. ‘I am the Journeyer, I accompany you on every journey you take in search of answers. I fly into spirit and encounter the beings who dwell there. I am the one who conducts you between worlds, through the caves of inspiration, taking you on journeys to find guidance for all that you seek.’ The card of The Companion reminds us to also to connect to our spiritual guides that act both as guardian, guide and spiritual supporter: ‘one who shares your search for truth and walks at your side wherever the journey may take you’. In their quest for wisdom and answers to age-old questions, Shamans of all traditions have, throughout history, undergone trancelike journeys that take them from the physi-

The Way of the Truth Seeker

cal realm to a place where they can communicate directly with Spirit. Connecting with Spirit A Shaman may act as guide or mediator between the two worlds for those that seek answers to their questions, yet everyone has the ability to travel like this – to leave behind their ordinary everyday consciousness for a brief time and enter the Dreamtime world to connect with Spirit. In Developing Mediumship, see p8, Gordon Smith explains that everyone has the ability to sense and perceive Spirit and to help others heal.

“When we live with passion and joy with a deep connection to Source, then we’re guided by our ultimate calling, and we can live out the song of our soul.”

He quotes Deepak Chopra: ‘The possibility of stepping into a higher plane is quite real for everyone. It requires no force or effort or sacrifice. It involves little more than changing our ideas about what is normal.’ We may ‘step into that higher plane’ by listening to music, or in singing, chanting or dancing, or perhaps those moments when we feel that deep connection to the beauty of nature, or indeed through our own mediation practices – those moments of sheer joy when we transcend our ordinary selves and are transported to another realm, a place within us that is non-judgemental and unbounded love. It is in this place, in that time, that we find our deepest truth. ‘What is Truth? A difficult question,’ said Mahatma Gandhi, ‘but I have solved it for myself by saying that it is what the ‘voice within’ tells you.’ Our life’s purpose When we connect to Source we are aligning our vibrational energies with Spirit and when we listen and allow it to, Spirit guides us, enabling us to live to our highest potential so that our hearts may sing and our spirits soar. Being in-Spirit is what Wayne Dyer calls being inspired. In Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling he explains that when we are in the grip of inspiration an idea has taken hold of

us from the invisible reality of Spirit – something that seems to come from afar. Inspiration, he says, is not just in the hands of a few creative minds, it is the divine birthright of each and every one of us. We can tap directly into Source, we can be in-Spirit and allow Source Energy to flow through us and transform our lives. ‘Don’t ask what the world needs,’ he tells us in The Shift, ‘ask what makes you come alive.’ (See p4) When we surrender to that force that urges us to be in this blissful state of inspiration, when we live with passion and joy with a deep connection to Source, then we’re guided by our ultimate calling, which is the true purpose of our lives, and we can ‘live out the song of our soul’. With our love, Annie, Sarah, John, Sam, Ann, Geoff and the Cygnus Team

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Our cover photograph is by Janet Baxter, © 2010. Prints can be obtained from Janet by calling 01970 871333, This magazine is printed with vegetable inks on paper from sustainable PEFC accredited sources by S&G Ltd, Merthyr Tydfil, 01685 388888.


In this eagerly anticipated follow up to the bestselling Matrix Energetics, Richard Bartlett expands further on his revolutionary healing techniques. He discusses how miracles are possible, that they are indications of things already known to exist just not yet proven, and describes their relationship to quantum physics and alternate universes. When we change our consciousness around what is possible, we dissave 45%! cover we are able to employ quantum energies in our day-to-day lives in unexpected, fun and miraculous ways. Based on the theories of quantum and scalar physics, the strength of Bartlett’s revolutionary consciousness technology – and why he’s one of the most well respected teachers in modern energy medicine – is that he utilizes advanced scientific concepts while remaining accessible to everyone: you can put his methods to use without needing to understand the actual science. Discussing topics such as time travel, alternate universes, and invisibility, this book is fascinating and instantly applicable. Once again, Richard is reshaping the way we think about our place in the universe, and our capacity for health and healing.

288pp, 155mm x 234mm, hardback, 2009, RRP £16.99 Code: 200302 Cygnus Price £9.29



How much of your waking time are you fully price! awake? How often do you stumble through the day on auto-pilot, half asleep and out of contact with yourself, instead of feeling connected and alive? In this book, which comes highly recommended by no less a person than Eckhart Tolle, Steve Taylor suggests that our normal consciousness is really a kind of ‘sleep’ from which we sometimes ‘wake up’ into a more intense and complete reality. Waking from Sleep provides what is perhaps the first ever clear explanation of higher states of consciousness, or ‘awakening experiences’.

286pp, 135mm x 215mm, softback, 2010, RRP £10.99 Code: 200201 Cygnus Price £5.48


In this exciting and interactive book, Brandon Bays and Kevin Billett take you on a powerful journey which will explode the limiting paradigms that have kept you from experiencing unbridled fulfilment in your life. Step by step, the practical, effective process work will clear your fear-consciousness, emotional blocks and deeply-held negative save 41%! beliefs. This work will radically liberate you, says Brandon. It will give you conscious, skillful tools to manifest wholesome abundance in your own life – in your career, health, relationships, creativity, financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, on all levels of being – and the means to be part of the wave of awakening and transformation our world needs. Consciousness: The New Currency is your invitation to say ‘yes’ to your own greatness – to a new form of abundance-consciousness, one that is as fulfilling personally as it is integrative globally.

200pp, 156mm x 232mm, softback, 2009, RRP £12.99 Code: 191004 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £7.65 2 or more copies £7.15 each

FREE POSTAGE on orders of £40 or more!


Shifting from Ambition to Meaning

Many years ago, after Trust in yourself a conversation with This means hearing your soul speak in whatmy friend Ram Dass, I ever way it does. Intuition is generally a reliwrote these words: All able voice, in whatever form it expresses itself of my life I wanted to individually. Mahatma Gandhi explained his be somebody. Now I sense of it: ‘What is Truth? A difficult question; finally am somebody – but I have solved it for myself by saying that it but it isn’t me. I strove is what the ‘voice within’ tells you.’ to become that someTrust in others body whom everyone This means non-interference as much as admired for all of his possible. Everyone has the universe located ego strengths, past in him or her; trusting others frees you from accomplishments, accumulation of wealth, feeling obligated to interfere. In the words of and houseful of merit badges . . . yet I ultiLao-tzu in the Tao Te Ching (see p11): mately came to realize that it wasn’t me. The components of the ego were well established, EDITOR’S CHOICE: Even more but I had miles to go before I could truly say, savings when bought with the DVD! ‘I’m living out my dharma. I am on purpose, and my life means something.’ save THE SHIFT 40%! Shifting from ambition to meaning Dr Wayne W Dyer There’s a wonderful Turkish proverb that sucThe Shift is an invicinctly relates a message underlying The tation – both in this book and in the film Shift. It says: ‘No matter how far you have it partners – to gone on a wrong road, turn back.’ It doesn’t explore the process matter how long we’ve allowed ourselves to of moving away travel the road of our false self. We know from an aimless life when it isn’t leading us to a sense of purpose to one filled with and significance, and we can admit we’re on meaning and purthe wrong path. The awareness that our life pose. The first shift lacks Meaning is more than enough evidence when we come into that it’s time to make a U-turn. this world, Wayne Dyer explains, is from Here are three of the most important things Spirit into form. We then shift to ambition to watch out for as we shift to the path of a where we take on an ego self that is driven meaningful and purposeful life: by accumulations, achievements and 1. The shift from entitlement to humility approval. Sadly, many of us reach the end of This is a monumental shift away from ego’s our life’s journey having only made those two habitual thought pattern, which says that transitions. Dr Dyer proposes that there are we’re entitled regardless of the impact on othtwo additional shifts available to us, where we ers or the planet. The fact is, we’re entitled to realize we have an option to make a U-turn nothing. President John F. Kennedy’s famous away from the false self, and finally begin turning back in the direction of our origination call to ‘ask not what your country can do for – a return to Source. We can fulfill our greatyou – ask what you can do for your country,’ est calling, he tells us, when we consciously is a stirring reminder to collectively shift away undertake the journey from Ambition to from a sense of entitlement and in the direcMeaning. We can transform our individual tion of humility. Making the shift to humility lives and, as an additional bonus, influence doesn’t mean that we put ourselves down or the destiny of our sacred planet as well. are weak, but it does mean that we think of 174pp, 129mm x 197mm, softback, 2010, RRP £8.99 serving others before ourselves. Code: 200501 Cygnus Price £5.40 2. The shift from control to trust If we’re honest with ourselves, every one of Do you think you can take over the universe us can agree that we’re acquainted with the and improve it? ego part that controls and manages our lives, I do not believe it can be done. and eagerly attempts to do the same for othEverything (and everyone) under heaven is ers. Be they family, friends, co-workers, or a sacred vessel and cannot be controlled. even strangers, ego routinely accepts the job Trying to control leads to ruin. Trying to of edging God out and taking on the role of grasp, we lose. being the master manipulator. As we move in Trust in the Source of Being a different direction, we realize the pointlessThis means trusting the mystery of creation. ness of attempting to control any individual The universal Source of all creation, invisible or any situation. We recognize this need to though it may be, guides you just as it guided practise interference as the power trip of our your development in the womb. When you false self.



trust in Divine intelligence, you co-operate and invite the shift to Meaning. 3. The shift from attachment to letting go Perhaps the greatest lessons of my life have revolved around the slogan of the recovery moment: ‘Let go and let God’ – a notion that involves relinquishing ego’s attachment to, or fear of, something. The single most pronounced attachment for most of us during the morning of our lives is the attachment to being right! There’s nothing ego loves more than to be right, which makes it an important and satisfying attachment to practise letting go of. But letting go of an attachment to being right is a fairly simple exercise. The choice to let go and let God, in a quest to eliminate our attachment to being right, is simplified with these few words: You’re right about that. But keep in mind that kindness and sincerity are necessary here, as opposed to sarcasm or insincerity. Those four words will gradually open the entry point to a road that leads through letting go and letting God, to experiencing more significance in life. As we move in the direction of our authentic self, all of these shifts become natural ways of being. New attitudes feel good, and we notice how egoistic demands that we allowed to dominate our existence are no longer comfortable. Meaning has preeminence over ego’s Ambition. I’m closing with Sir Laurens van der Post’s words describing the African Bushmen’s tale of two kinds of hunger and its relation to meaning and purpose in our lives: The Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert talk about two ‘hungers.’ There is the Great Hunger and there is the Little Hunger. The Little Hunger wants food for the belly; but the Great Hunger, the greatest hunger of all, is the hunger for meaning . . . There’s ultimately only one thing that makes human beings deeply and profoundly bitter, and that is to have thrust upon them a life without meaning. . . . There is nothing wrong with searching for happiness. . . . But of far more comfort to the soul . . . is something greater than happiness or unhappiness, and that is meaning. Because meaning transfigures all. . . . Once what you are doing has for you meaning, it is irrelevant whether you’re happy or unhappy. You are content – you are not alone in your Spirit – you belong. Sir Laurens van der Post, from ‘Hasten Slowly,’ a film by Mickey Lemle.

From The Shift, ©2010 by Dr Wayne W Dyer, published by Hay House. Did you know? You may order from all previous issues of Cygnus Review



DARE TO BE YOU Cecilia d’Felice

THE SHIFT DVD Dr Wayne W Dyer et al

The Shift – which was originally released as Ambition to Meaning – is a compelling portrait of three modern lives in need of new direction and new meaning. In his first film, Wayne Dyer explores the spiritual journey in the second half of life when we long to find the purpose that is our unique contribution to the world. The powerful shift from the ego constructs we are taught early in life by parents and society – which promote an emphasis on achievement and accumulation – are shown in contrast to a life of meaning, focused on serving and giving back. Through the intertwined stories of an overachieving businessman, a mother of two seeking her own expression in the world, and a director trying to make a name for himself, this entertaining film not only inspires, but also teaches us how to create a life of meaning and purpose.

Running time approx. 2 hrs, 2009, RRP £14.99 Code: D190406 Cygnus Price £9.75

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Shift’ book & DVD together for £14.15


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How can we live our daily lives while remaining consciously connected to our Source? This is the important question Wayne Dyer explores in Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling. He proves that there are many ways, accessible to all of us, in which we can sustain and deepen our connection with our Higher Self, and thus make inspiration the driving force in every area of our lives. As you read each chapter in this book, you’ll find specific suggestions for living in-Spirit. Dr Dyer describes many experiences from his own life to illustrate just how easy it is to get connected with Spirit... and stay connected.

302pp, 129mm x 197mm, softback, 2010 (1st ed. 2006), RRP £8.99 Code: 200502 Cygnus Price £5.40


In The Ultimate Happiness Prescription, Deepak Chopra shows how to experience joy in spite of living in difficult or trying times. By looking through the lens of our contemporary understanding of consciousness, combined with Eastern philosophy, he has created a set of principles for living with ease. The result is an inspiring and instructive journey that leads to a prescription for 40% living life mindfully, with a light heart and off! with effortless spontaneity – a prescription only Deepak Chopra could write. With words like ‘depression’ and ‘recession’ in the air, he underlines the importance of keeping an eye on the positive aspects of life and finding ways to experience joy no matter what is happening to you. This remarkably clear and helpful book explains how to maintain this optimistic outlook and experience the benefits of having a happy heart and soul.

140pp, 132mm x 184mm, hardback, 2010, RRP £8.99 Code: 200409 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £5.40 2 or more copies £4.90 each

FREE POSTAGE on orders of £40 or more!

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‘In this life – the one life we have all miraculously been given – we need all the help we can get.’ Psychologist Dr Cecilia d’Felice shows how cognitive behavioural and mindfulness therapy can help with life’s challenges and losses, leading to a life that you truly love. Written with a rare transparency and honesty, she combines practical advice, positive psychology and her own experiences to encourage a different way of relating to ourselves and our lives. The eight ‘workshops’ in the book are designed to get us thinking about the world we have created for ourselves. Her overall message is simple: if we can learn to relate to ourselves and others with love and compassion then our lives change immeasurably for the better. Dare To Be You is an unusually wise and proactive book that offers hope and the possibility of change, growth and development for everyone.

240pp, 144mm x 222mm, hardback, 2009, RRP £12.99 Code: 200503 Cygnus Price £7.65


The Element is that exquisite point at which your natural talent melds with your personal passion. This groundbreaking new book shows how every one of us can find our Element, connecting with our true talents and fulfilling our creative potential. Creativity expert Ken Robinson believes that we are all born with save tremendous natural capacities, but that we 40%! tend to lose touch with them. The Element draws on the illuminating stories of a wide range of people – many well known – showing how they came to lead a successful life doing what they love. With a wry sense of humour and optimism, he guides you in seizing opportunities that will enable you to live in your Element. He shows that age and occupation are no barrier, and that our best hope for the future is to develop a new paradigm of human capacity, ready to meet a new era of human existence.

286pp, 129mm x 198mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2010, RRP £9.99 Code: 190303 Cygnus Price £4.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Dare To Be You’ & ‘The Element’ together for £11.64


As we travel through life, we are all in search of a destination, but we often travel at the frequency of fear, living with a victim consciousness. Travelling at the Speed of Love allows you to take pleasure from your life journey and part from the issues that can stop us from fulfilling our potential. In this fascinating book, Sonia Choquette provides a practical, down-to-earth guide that will reveal how you can reprogramme save 43%! your brain and change your life for the better. Learn how to diagnose the problems that prevent you from flying freely, allowing you to move from fear to love. Invite grace into your life to attract and maintain a more positive outlook and a happier life, use powerful meditation and analysis techniques to unlock a calmer, more centred you and avoid excess emotional baggage, victim mindsets and negative energy. In this fascinating insight into her life and philosophy, Sonia delivers a guide to living freely that has a relevance for all who seek peace, contentment and happiness.

256pp, 152mm x 229mm, softback, 2010, RRP £9.99 Code: 200401 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £5.65, 2 or more copies £5.15 each


The Creative Power of Sound Sound has an immense creative force. It is a prime component of molecular energy, affects matter and, therefore, has a dramatic impact on the landscape of the world within and without us. Indeed, from time immemorial it has been believed that sound is at the core of creation and shapes the universe within which we live. Dwell for a moment on the very truth of your birth – in a sense your first creative act. As you entered the world, your first independent action was to breathe, and then to make sound – the sound of your creation. Since then, each time you’ve made a sound you’ve re-created yourself! Over the centuries, we have developed an understanding of the transformative power of sound and have come to understand how, as a living force, sound also has the ability to transmute life. It can transform our thoughts and feelings and, therefore, the very substance and state of our bodies. For a simple illustration of this, think of how dramatically harsh the sound of a pneumatic drill or car horn can be when it shocks us from a moment of personal reflection. This radical understanding has led scientists to explore exciting new horizons, such as the development of sound wave instruments that have the power to transform cellular energy and, consequently, heal the human body. The Power of the Voice Yet of all the sounds that exist, I believe the human voice is the most powerful. Its living, breathing, creative force gives us the ability to make wondrous changes in our thinking and feeling, our creating and constructing. For the power of our voice crystallizes thought, and so its energy may be used to transmute our outlook, attitude, beliefs, creativity, and physical presence; it transforms our lives. Think of the way a certain piece of music can have a profound effect on your mood. Now imagine that there is a far greater power within you, which is available at all times and which, when directed by you, can affect not only your mood but your entire outlook and belief about your personal power in the world. This instrument of sound you possess – your voice – can become your own liberating, creative, and life-changing force. The voice can move us to tears, shatter a glass, or heal a broken heart. It can mesmerize, seduce, infuriate, or command – inspire fear and dread, trust and love. The sound of a voice can evoke memories, sensations,


The Alchemy of Voice

thoughts, and feelings. It has an awesome force to make or break strong bonds, to torture or uplift, create or destroy. The voice, therefore, lies at the core of our personal power and resonates the essence of our truth. Such is the power of the voice. Yet many of us take our own voice completely for granted. We use it as an everyday tool, seldom giving it a second thought. We may like it, or we may feel it’s too high, low, loud, or quiet, but most of the time we simply use it without thinking.

“Sound is at the core of Creation and as such has a hidden power, a stupendous force; even bigger than the power generated by the Falls of Niagara.”

Albert Einstein

Speak with Your True Voice The voice is a glorious gift. It carries the potential for great influence, over ourselves as well as others. Used to its full capacity, your voice has the power to affect your life in a multitude of wonderful ways, and when you begin to understand and work with it, it becomes far more than something that simply trips from the end of your tongue. When it is connected to your heart and comes from deep within you, then it will have the power to transform your life. When you speak with your true voice, which means using your own unique ‘signature note,’ you will feel and live with true authenticity. Your confidence levels will soar, and that sense of self – of being someone who is both heard and who hears others – will be greatly increased. As a result your ability to achieve what you want in life will be powerfully and vitally enhanced. When you rediscover your ability to speak from the heart you profoundly affect not only the quality and resonance of your voice but the way in which you communicate with others. You will be heard more easily, convey your words more effectively, and communicate at a far deeper and more heartfelt level. Those around you will automatically be drawn to you, sensing your authenticity and whole-heartedness. Your body, mind, and spirit will become more balanced, and you will find it easier to live in the truth of present-moment consciousness. From The Alchemy of Voice, ©2010 by Stewart Pearce, published by Findhorn.


THE ALCHEMY OF VOICE Stewart Pearce ‘Sound will be the medicine of the future,’ predicted the famous clairvoyant, Edgar Cayce, in the early twentieth century. Now sound healing is proclaimed as a profound force within the field of vibrational medicine. But of all the sounds that exist, Stewart Pearce tells us, the human voice is the most powerful. In The Alchemy of Voice he explains how your voice is your identity in sound, and shows you how to discover your own personal ‘signature note’ – your unique pitch and resonance of voice that enables you to tune into your whole body and mind. In this truly transformational process you can find out how the breath creates vibrations, learn sacred chants for healing, and use the easy-to-follow exercises to achieve inner balance and harmony, boost confidence and add colour and energy to your self expression.

200pp, 132mm x 216mm, softback, 2010, RRP £7.99

Code: 200505 Cygnus Price £5.99

What does your voice say about you? Think about the following questions: What does your voice tell those around you? Which tone do you use most frequently? Which words do you choose? How would others describe your voice?

Try the following exercise, writing down your thoughts and responses to it.

Getting to know your Voice Spend a day listening to your own voice. Notice your tone and words. Then write a brief description of your voice and the way you use it. Answer the following questions.

1. Does your voice sound flat and dull, or lively and energetic? 2. Are you expressive, or do you seldom change your tone? 3. Do you mumble, speak fast, hesitate, or seldom stop? 4. Are you loud or soft? Do you often sound angry, uncertain, timid, bossy, or confident? 5. Do you shout, plead, or give orders? 6. Do you get the response you would like from others without raising your voice? 7. Do you leave out final consonants in the words that you choose? 8. Does speaking more loudly feel as though it strains your voice? 9. Do you feel self-conscious about your voice? 10. What would you change about your voice?

Did you know? You may order from all previous issues of Cygnus Review


Written by Sue Jamieson, a medical doctor who has embraced the spiritual side of healing, Medical to Mystical, is a beautifully illustrated book that draws on wisdom from the ancient traditions, whilst blending with and explaining cutting edge science in a clear, simple way. She explains that you are a being of light, and guides you on a journey through the light of your DNA and the fundamental physiological body processes, to connect with the light of your heart, the earth and sun, using powerful energy techniques. Learn how to balance your chakras and meridians, tune up your Qi, connect to the Universal Light through Qigong and Yoga and discover the power of the Triquetra, or the Power of Three. Through a series of clear, effective exercises, Medical to Mystical will allow you to find harmony, optimize your skills and potential and access the hidden resources found by bringing light into your life.

168pp, 190mm x 190mm, illus. in colour, softback, 2010, RRP £9.99 Code: 200507 Cygnus Price £6.99

THE POWER OF BREATH Swami Saradananda


save 43%!

‘From a voice far beyond the man, these chants bring me to tears of pure joy ’ Sarah

276pp, 158mm x 234mm, illustrated, hardback book + 73min CD, 2010, RRP £13.99

Code: 200508 Cygnus Price £7.95

save 41%!


Breathing is the key to well being: done properly it can boost energy, relieve pain and transform lives, yet you probably give it little or no thought in your daily life. Once fully acknowledged and harnessed, the power of breath is unlimited – enhancing your self-confidence, sharpening your ability to focus, easing your stress and anxiety, strengthening the quality of your voice and even helping to relieve pain. In The Power of Breath, renowned yogi teacher, Swami Saradananda, offers invaluable guidance on the art of healthy breathing. She explains the complex connection between the breath and the ‘subtle body’ and describes different types of breath and how they relate to a form of prana (lifeforce). The Power of Breath is packed with practical information, and a wealth of life-enhancing exercises, complete with step by step photographs. There is also a section of mini breathing programmes which will help you to specifically target common ailments and issues such as asthma, skin disorders, depression, and phobias.


In this compelling book, Dr David Hamilton explores the mind-body connection, showing the huge importance of visualization, belief, affirmation and positive thinking in healing the body. Relating amazing discoveries in the field of mind-body science – including evidence for the placebo effect – he goes on to show you how to stimulate your body’s defences and healing systems to combat disease, pain and illness, such as cancer, ME and allergies. He save 45%! complements this information with inspiring stories – the personal experiences of people who have successfully visualized themselves well – and, in a chapter of pure joy, talks about the power of love in healing. He also introduces Quantum Field Healing, a powerful technique that works symbolically at the source level of illness or disease. It is wonderful to realise just how much healing you can effect. Cover to cover, this is a great read, and definitely worth talking about.

224pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2008, RRP £9.99 Code: 181210 Cygnus Price £5.49

save 40%!

In Sounding the Mind of God, Lyz Cooper brings ancient knowledge together with science to demonstrate how sound, combined with breath, self-reflection and more, can be used to take you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, to make positive changes to your life. She offers a range of simple, fun exercises which include the use of the voice, Himalayan singing bowls, chimes, and drums. They range from quick and easy remedies to ‘sonic immersions’ where you can indulge in a relaxing sound session. As well as potential health benefits, there are exercises that allow for a greater depth of relaxation to occur, and some to help promote clarity, focus, confidence and self-esteem. If you are in need of a quick pick-me-up, try the ‘sonic caffeine’ exercises – or if you need a stress buster, how about some ‘sonic hot chocolate’?

208pp, 138mm x 215mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2009, RRP £9.99 Code: 191023 Cygnus Price £5.99

160pp, 164mm x 234mm, illus. in colour,2009, RRP £10.99 Code: 200410 Cygnus Price £6.50

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Medical to Mystical’ & ‘The Power of Breath’ together for £12.49

Chants of a Lifetime offers an intimate collection of stories, teachings and insights from Krishna Das, that act as a foundation for the beautiful chanting on the accompanying CD. Since 1994, the sound of his voice singing traditional Indian chants with a Western flavour has brought the spiritual experience of chanting to audiences all over the world. In a compelling account of his spiritual journey, Chants of a Lifetime explores his fascinating path, and invites you to experience his deeply moving chanting. ‘Chanting quietens the mind and opens the heart,’ explains Krishna Das, ‘for the real meaning of all these chants is love. The love inside us is always present – it can’t be anywhere else.’ Tune in to the power and depth of Krishna Das’s singing for a personal chanting session that stirs your soul and opens the door to a world of boundless love.

save 43%!

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Chants of a Lifetime’ & ‘Sounding the Mind of God’ together for £12.94


When you eat an apple, explains Dr Penny Stanway, you are consuming a veritable treasure chest of health-promoting nutrients, and this is why apples are consistently associated with a reduced risk of certain chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, and why consuming apples, apple juice and cider vinegar really can make a difference to your health and wellbeing. As well as expounding these healthgiving and practical properties, Dr Stanway provides an A-Z section of ailments and explains which preparation will treat the condition most effectively. She explains why cider vinegar is a popular beauty aid (for example, it helps maintain the skin’s natural acidity) and how it can be used as a cleansing and conditioning treatment for skin and hair. The range of uses of cider vinegar as a substitute for household maintenance products is extraordinary – from air freshening, through cleaning and polishing, to pest control. This gem of a book is completed with recipes for cooking and preserving delicious dishes – including how to prepare your own apple juice and cider vinegar.

144pp, 120mm x 182mm, softback, 2010, RRP £6.99 Code: 200311 Cygnus Price £3.99


Experiencing spirit for the first time is different for everyone, but no matter how they describe it – ‘I felt this rush,’ ‘I felt something drop’ – people are aware that something ‘otherly’ happens. Often they will state that they saw something, but sadly it turns out to be just in their mind. The key is not to see but to feel spirit. With mediumship, it’s not about seeing it’s feeling that’s believing. My first experience of completely linking with spirit, rather than just touching the boundaries as I had before, made every experience before pale into insignificance. I couldn’t even start to compare the slight brushes of spirit to the genuine connection that I experienced then. It is extremely difficult to describe the upliftment that linking gave me; the scope of spirit is extremely hard to limit in words. For the first time in my life I no longer believed – it surpassed my faith. I could feel spirit: its immensity, and knowledge, and above all love. The reality of it blew my mind and was among the most important save experiences of my life. 46%! Is it Spirit? Many people come onto the path of mediumship and get stuck because they are very unsure. They often ask, ‘Was it me or was it spirit? Is what’s happening to me really happening or am I imagining it? Am I making all of this up?’ The ability to distinguish between what is internal and what is being shown to you from spirit is a most important area of development for the potential working medium. Some mediums can bring through marvellous evidence quite early on in their development, and may also gain an understanding of the psychic field, somewhat like psychometrists, who can read a person’s life history from a particular object, or psychic healers, who are able to pinpoint an illness or make a proper diagnosis just by touching a patient. Psychic experiences can be colourful and fantastic and quite distracting, but the student who wishes to investigate mediumship to the full must go deeper within and not allow themselves to be content with this first stage. Raising your vibrations In my early stages of development I would so often hear mediums, or even more advanced students than myself, say, ‘You must learn to raise your vibrations.’ ‘Right,’ I would think, ‘Raise my vibrations! Get the energy flowing! But how?’ When I would ask how to achieve this, I was never given a good answer. They all left me in the dark, literally. It was the first of many questions that remained unanswered


for me. So I pass it along to you. Think about it. How can you raise your vibrations? In any work with spirit, you must be prepared to meet spirit halfway. This means that you have to raise your own thought vibrations, gaining control of the mind. Therefore, it becomes very important to learn how to fill the mind with higher and better thoughts. By doing this, your auric vibration begins to accelerate, taking you away from the heavy, low levels of earthly mindsets such as fear, anger, worry and doubt. BOOK CIRCLE CHOICE: Even more savings when you buy extra copies!

DEVELOPING MEDIUMSHIP Gordon Smith In Developing Mediumship, Gordon Smith teaches you how to discover and nurture your abilities as a medium, using simple, powerful meditations and exercises. Gordon also shares some of his most memorable and enlightening experiences. He shows how your spiritual development takes you through an intensive examination of your mind, self and emotions. He then teaches you how to develop your connection with the spirit world and form closer relationships and communication with the spirits. He discusses development circles, switching your link on and off, meeting your Guide and the progression to giving readings. With his familiar humour, warmth and skill, this is essential reading for anyone drawn to helping others with the aid of spirit.

256pp, 138mm x 212mm, softback, 2009, RRP £12.99

Code: 190502 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £6.99, 2 or more copies £6.49 each

By fully concentrating on positive, more compassionate thoughts – thoughts of healing others or of bringing good to people less fortunate than yourself – you will bring about a lightness of mind and a brightness of your own aura that will allow the spirit within you to become more apparent, thus allowing the spirit outside you to step closer and begin to forge the first real link with you. Light breaking through For a moment, just try to imagine your spirit like a small, beautifully cut diamond shrouded in a mass of dark grey clouds. These heavy, overbearing clouds represent all of the doubts and fears that the mind has


Meeting Spirit

latched on to and collected for you over the years of your physical life. Now picture all around you, just outside the clouds, bright, beautiful sunlight. This crystalclear brightness represents the beauty of the spirit world surrounding you, trying mightily to break through the cloud cover of the human mind. The first true spiritual experience you ever have will be when that spirit light makes contact with the diamond, filling you completely with light and colour. Then you will know. It works like a prism, sending out rainbow light all around it, melting away the darker memories and creating openings in your consciousness, letting in more of the higher spiritual nature. I look at my own early journey through the various states of mind and realize that the mind can be just like the sea. Often it appears calm and inviting on the surface, but the real challenge is to find out what lies beneath the deep blue expanse. As long as you fear what lies at the depths, you will never progress to the next level of spiritual awareness. It is only when you can begin to bring calmness and a true clarity to the surface that you can begin to actually see beyond it and into the sea that is your consciousness. From Developing Mediumship, ©2009 by Gordon Smith, published by Hay House.

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Colin Fry has an extraordinary ability to reach through the veil of death and get in touch with the Afterlife (as seen on the hit TV shows Psychic Private Eyes and NEW! Sixth Sense). He can pick up spine-tingling details about people who have passed over...things he could never have known...and can bring back words of comfort for relatives and friends who are still alive. But in this brilliant book he also reveals: how we each have a spirit network looking out for us; how those who have passed over want to support you now; and, how you can strengthen your connection with the beyond. The spirits really are by your side, all the time – and they will help you if you let them!

256pp, 125mm x 197mm, softback, 2010, RRP £6.99

Code: 200509 Cygnus Price £4.20

Did you know? You may order from all previous issues of Cygnus Review



Whether it’s a life-threatening condition, a painful injury or a persistent health problem, Archangel Raphael can provide essential help. In this inspiring book, world renowned angel expert, Doreen Virtue, shows you why Archangel Raphael has long been regarded as the healing angel. Doreen has thoroughly researched the most impressive stories from around the world, gathering real life tales of save his intervention in desperate and remarkable 41%! situations. You’ll read the many ways that Raphael answers your call, and learn how to recognise his health-saving guidance. You’ll also discover how Raphael guides healers (and those who aspire to become healers), as well as how he can help your loved ones, including your pets. A guide that will fill up your heart and soothe your soul, The Healing Miracles of Archangel Raphael is the perfect book for those who seek powerful ways to heal using Divine power.

196pp, 140mm x 222mm, hardback, 2010, RRP £12.99 Code: 200510 Cygnus Price £7.65


Healer, warrior and guardian, Archangel Michael is the bringer of peace and the conqueror of darkness, a powerful protector who helps everyone who calls upon him. In this enlightening book, Doreen Virtue teaches the many ways in which Michael brings peace to people everywhere. You’ll learn how to contact Michael and discover ways to work with him for physical and emotional healing for yourself, your friends and family members, or your clients. You’ll love the save touching true stories gathered by Doreen, of how Michael has pro- 42%! tected people while driving, guided their careers, safeguarded their children. Open your heart to the amazingly pure, unconditional love that Michael has for anyone who seeks his help. The Miracles of Archangel Michael will help you feel safe, protected, and very loved! 200pp, 134mm x 216mm, softback, 2008, RRP £8.99 Code: 181211 Cygnus Price £5.24

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Healing Miracles of Archangel Raphael’ & ‘The Miracles of Archangel Michael’ together for £11.89

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Our dear friend Claire Nahmad has dedicated Angel Messages: The Oracle of the Birds to Ann Napier, because Ann encouraged Claire to write it, knowing that it would be ideal for Cygnus members and the perfect way for her to share her passion for the birds as messengers of the angels. There is a special link, she tells us, between angels and birds; birdsong is magical and might be said to be a lower harmonic of the songs of the angels. Like the angels too, birds can bring us messages, warnings, inspiration, comfort and joy, and can guide us through periods of sorrow and loss. Their appearance at certain points in our lives can speak to us profoundly. Claire explains the qualities and significance of more than 200 species, and describes how to use this as an oracle for divination. She invites you to draw close to the birds in spirit, to listen with an open heart to their cascades of song and to attune your soul to their joyous outpourings. Understand the angelic messages that birds deliver to us and awaken your heart-intelligence by learning the language of the birds.

224pp, 134mm x 215mm, softback, 2010, RRP £10.99 Code: 200304 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £6.49, 2 or more copies £5.99 each



Heart to Heart is the story of Pea Horsley – professional animal communicator – as she tracks lost animals, tackles troublesome and troubled pets, and helps people to truly understand their devoted friends. She didn’t set out to be an animal psychic, so you can imagine her surprise when she realised that animals could talk, and that she could hear them. With warmth and humour Pea describes how she developed these skills and introduces us to the incredible characters that she has met – on two legs and four! Pea tells how she saved Musgo the horse who was unable to recover from a past trauma, helped a client find her reincarnated puppy, and the wonderful story of Mono the dog and his owner, Mike: Mono was helped by Pea to tell Mike what he needed to survive. Pea’s immense compassion and love of animals has allowed her to help so many animals in need and to celebrate the unconditional love and devotion that our closest friends bring to our lives.

304pp, 127mm x 196mm, softback, 2010, RRP £6.99 Code: 200405 Cygnus Price £4.99

THE ANIMAL HEALER Elizabeth Whiter

As well as helping people, Elizabeth Whiter also helps their pets, healing them emotionally, physically and mentally. Cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, and even snakes and birds of prey – all have been healed, and now with over one thousand successful cases, Elizabeth shares her extensive knowledge and experiences of working with animals to show you how they act, feel, want and heal, examining all aspects of their welfare and wellbeing to bring both them – and you – the healthiest lifestyle they can have, and a long, happy life. Her secret? Listening – and now you can share that and rediscover exactly what our pets and all animals are capable of. By rediscovering the unconditional love and real needs of all animals, you can not only heal them – but also hold the power to heal yourself.

274pp, 129mm x 198mm, illus. in colour, softback, 2010, RRP £8.99 Code: 190413 Cygnus Price £6.25

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Heart to Heart’ & ‘The Animal Healer’ together for £10.24

GUARDIANS OF BEING Eckhart Tolle & Patrick McDonnell

‘I sometimes call animals – dogs and cats particularly – guardians of being. Dogs fill a vital function in the collective consciousness of humanity... they show us what we save have lost and, once we realise that, they 42%! can help us in our shift into a deeper state of consciousness.’ Eckhart Tolle From bestselling author and visionary Eckhart Tolle comes this wonderful, heartwarming, enlightening and inspiring work on the importance of dogs and cats not just as pets, but as guides, guardians and beloved friends. Richly illustrated by Patrick McDonnell, creator of Mutts, Guardians of Being shows us that not only can we rely on our pets to help us, but that through their partnership, we can gain a deeper understanding of the universe and its love, as well as ourselves.Through this extraordinary exploration of our relationship with animals, Tolle demonstrates that our relationship with the animals we know and care for is not simply a bond of love, but a spiritual one too, transcending words to form an uplifting, enlightening experience.

66pp, 229mm x 178mm, illustrated, hardback, 2009, RRP £7.99 Code: 191003 Cygnus Price £4.75

Order Line 01558 825 500 (24 hrs)

Cygnus Books 9


In one of those magical tales of which he was a past master, Tolstoy tells the story of a bishop sailing on the Black Sea who hears from pilgrims of three holy men who live alone on a tiny island on the path of the route taken by the boat. He asks the captain if the boat could stop while he visited them. At the time, a bishop’s request was an order, and as people were not run by watches, the boat stops early in the morning close to the Island and a small rowing boat takes the bishop to visit his parishioners. After the usual greetings, the bishop asks them how they pray. ‘We pray in this way’, replies one of the three hermits, ‘Three are ye, three are we, have mercy upon us.’ Their whole day was spent just repeating this statement with deep fervor. The bishop tells them that although they have evidently heard of the Trinity, that is not the way to pray. And he proceeds to teach them the Lord’s Prayer. It takes him literally the whole day to teach the prayer to these very simple folk, but finally they could say it by themselves, and he leaves, thanking God for having sent him to teach and help these godly men. That night, back on the ship, he cannot sleep, and he goes on the bridge when suddenly he sees a bright light shimmering on the sea and coming ever closer. He asks the helmsman what it might be. After looking, the latter lets go of the helm in terror. ‘O Lord,’ he exclaims, ‘the hermits are running after us on the water as though it were dry land!’ The other passengers crowd up, and the three hermits having now reached the boat cry out that they have forgotten the teaching of the bishop and would he so kindly remind them. The bishop crosses himself, and, leaning over the side of the ship, says, ‘Your own prayer will reach the Lord, men of God. It is not for me to teach you. Pray for us sinners.’ And he bowed to them as low as he could while they gently trotted across the sea back to their island. What can we learn? This wonderful story has many things to teach us, but the most important I feel is that the two basic ingredients of the serious traveller of the spiritual path are sincerity and perseverance. Byron Katie has said that the number one problem of the world is confusion. I fully agree with her, and this is particularly true in the spiritual field, where literally hundreds (and possibly thousands) of teachings vie in the


Essential Tools of Spiritual Progress

spiritual market place for the attention of potential candidates (not to speak of customers, when one considers the price of certain retreats and courses). So many of them claim to be the ultimate path to enlightenment, from the websites that promise you instant illumination to the teachers of arduous, esoteric paths who promise you sweat and tears before reaching their very, very narrow gate. Finding your way So how do you find your way in this quasi infinite sea of possibilities and paths? Recently a very dear friend sent me one of the most meaningful, and, yes, joyful books I have read for a long time, The Tao of Now by Josh Baran.


The Tao of Now draws wisdom from history’s greatest mystical thinkers, such as Rumi, Ram Dass, Buddha, Jack Kornfield, Byron Katie, Pema Chödrön and Eckhart Tolle to guide you on your own quest for enlightenment. In addition to the wisdom of these teachers, Josh Baran, a former Zen monk, offers his own inspirational commentary on experiencing nirvana. So, discover and nurture your natural awakened state – wide open and available in every moment – and celebrate what you are now. And, what better recommendation can we offer for this special collection than Pierre Pradervand’s description of The Tao of Now as ‘one of the most meaningful, and, yes, joyful books I have read for a long time’?

432pp, 132mm x 170mm, softback, 2008, RRP £14.99

Code: 200511 Cygnus Price £12.50

The author describes in his profound and humorous introduction that after two decades of meditation, including years in a zen monastery, he still ‘felt like a 14-year old at the Peter, Paul and Mary concert’, confused and in need of help. I myself have met seasoned meditators and students of the spiritual path, including spiritual healers, who still have layers and layers of ego swathed around them, despite years of practice. Baran stresses that teachers and guides can certainly play a useful transformative role in our lives. They did for him, as one did for me. Belonging to a spiritual group or community can be of great help – just as it can prove to be a hindrance or even become a little box that encloses you. Such boxes make one think of the Japanese proverb which says that it’s difficult to describe the vast horizons of the ocean to the toad sitting at the bottom of its well. Too many


believers are in little well shafts, secure and unconsciously imprisoned. Waking up So ultimately you will sooner or later have to rely on your inner wisdom and insight to guide you. As Baran stresses ‘You are the sole supreme authority over your life… Waking up is about your individual and personal undoing of the long-held assumptions that prevent you from seeing what you really are.’ Wholeness, unconditional love, wisdom, purity, innocence joy, the peace that passeth understanding, all are already within you now. Do not look for them outside. A key criterion of a helpful teaching is whether it points you inwards, towards the inner awareness that is simply awaiting your awakening. In this respect, Eckhart Tolle’s little book, Stillness Speaks, is a pure gem. I read two pages every morning, and when I get to the end, start over again. It will probably take me years to really absorb and practise its teachings. They are so utterly simple. Not easy – but very simple, which for me is the criterion of authentic spirituality. Leave the well, seagull friend, and face the bracing winds of the ocean. My gentle blessings accompany you. Pierre Pradervand

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As Eckhart Tolle says, a true spiritual teacher does not have anything to teach in the conventional sense of the word, does not have anything to give or add to you, such as new information, beliefs, or rules of conduct. The only function of such a teacher is to help you remove that which separates you from the truth of who you already are and what you already know in the depth of your being. Stillness Speaks does exactly that, in the most powerful way. In it, Eckhart Tolle uses words as signposts to point us past the realm of thought, to the fathomless peace that lies beyond. He revives the oldest form of recorded spiritual teachings: the sutras of ancient India.These are sacred aphorisms or short sayings that, because they have arisen from a sublime state of consciousness, have the power to ignite that same state of consciousness in others.

144pp, 128mm x 198mm, softback, 2003, RRP £7.99

Code: 130901 Cygnus Price £4.55

SPECIAL OFFER Buy ‘The Tao of Now’ & ‘Stillness Speaks’ together for £16.05 Did you know? You may order from all previous issues of Cygnus Review

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Written in about the sixth century BC, the Tao Te Ching is the sublimely poetic spiritual teaching of the Chinese sage Laozi (or Lao Tzu), a record-keeper at the Zhou court, a contemporary of Confucius and the founder of Taoism. It affirms that each human being is a reflection of the whole universe, a microcosm within the macrocosm, and that all of us live under the same cosmic laws of the Tao. Laozi offers profound wisdom, spiritual guidance and nourishment, showing that true fulfilment is attained by following the path of Wu Wei: flowing with the constantly changing stream of life, and trying to live by the truth of nature, in universal harmony and balance. This luxuriously satin-bound and beautifully illustrated gift edition is ideal to draw on for inspiration each day.

272pp, 156mm x 240mm, illus. in colour, hardback, 2009, RRP £19.99 Code: 191104 Cygnus Price £9.99


In 1999, Olivier Clerc went to Teotihuacan, Mexico, to follow a week-long Toltec workshop with Don Miguel Ruiz, whose simple yet incredibly powerful teachings – the Four Agreements – are based on ancient Toltec wisdom. During that time he experienced a powerful and life-changing process: The Gift of Forgiveness. In this short but intense book, Clerc now shares with you this unique and simple Toltec spiritual tool, which can bring much relief, forgiveness and love into your life, as it has in his own life and that of the other participants back then. So, if you find it difficult to forgive people who have hurt you; or you blame yourself for not being able/willing to forgive; or you wish to free your heart from the grip of resentment and hatred, here is the help you seek. The Gift of Forgiveness can help you let love flow more freely through your whole being. It doesn’t require any prior knowledge or ability. It can be practised anywhere, by anyone. Just give it a try!

74pp, 128mm x 198mm, softback, 2010, RRP £5.99 Code: 200512 Cygnus Price £4.50

YOU ARE THE CHANGE Thomas Hutegger

You Are the Change guides you to find your own spirituality, not someone else’s spirituality or religion, to discover your life’s mission, learn how to achieve it and live in fulfillment. Originally written as a series of emails to his teenage children, to inspire them to venture beyond the usual and traditional, to encourage them to look at things differently, Thomas Hutegger’s guidance is full of clear refreshing ideas to enable you to ‘be the change’. This is the perfect little book for anyone just starting out on their spiritual quest, or to help you find your way back.

142pp, 128mm x 198mm, softback, 2010, RRP £6.99 Code: 200513 Cygnus Price £4.99

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We’re sure you’ll find that this new oracle, created by modern-day shaman John Matthews and shamanic artist Wil Kinghan, will prove to be an exciting and powerful divinatory system. The pack includes a deck of fifty two cards, a fold-out chart showing positions to lay the cards around a human handprint, and a guidebook. The handprint relates to the cave dweller’s world, each finger representing a cave, home to one of five tribes – Spirits, Ancestors, Hunters, Dancers and Shamans – each representing a different aspect of human experience. Two cards – the Journeyer and the Companion – represent you, the Seeker. As you draw and place the cards on the chart, they reveal insights that will help on the quest for the answers to life’s Half price! most vital questions. The images are not only beautiful, atmospheric and mysterious, but they also touch on the deepest memories we all possess – the unconscious archetypes that influence our thoughts, feelings and actions at the deepest level of being. Universal in its messages, this deck has the power to reveal and refine your destiny.

Boxed set, 134mm x 186mm, 52 colour cards + 88pp book, 2010, RRP £16.99 Code: 200514 Cygnus Price £8.49


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Illumination, Alberto Villoldo tells us, is not a distant achievement attained after years of sitting on a meditation cushion: for shamans it is a series of awakenings and realizations that we pass through again and again. According to shamanic belief, all disease has spiritual origins, and illness is manifested through subtle bodies – the energy body, our emotions, our thoughts – and lastly the physical body. In this book you will discover that the most powerful way to resolve any physical and emotional problems is to undergo a sacred initiation; a true initiation occurs when we face personal challenges and experience the spiritual rebirth – or illumination – that follows. Illumination guides the reader on a healing journey, inspired by the timeless wisdom of indigenous cultures and the latest theories of neurobiology, and shows you how to bid a joyful goodbye to your past, discover a sacred space of spirit and joy, and unite both body and soul.

256pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2010, RRP £9.99 Code: 200413 Cygnus Price £5.49

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Shaman’s Oracle’ & ‘Illumination’ together for £12.98

REIKI SHAMANISM Jim PathFinder Ewing

Reiki should be considered a form of shamanism, says medicine man Jim PathFinder Ewing, so combining the techniques of Reiki – using the symbols to channel healing energy – with the shamanic journey can be a perfect unfolding of both. Reiki Shamanism first explains the energy body, and its keys to reaching our full potential through self discovery, then outlines Reiki as shamanism, an integrated healing power. Then you will learn of shamanic journeying, which is the key to out-of-body healing, and discover how to incorporate Reiki with it. Jim also shares personal experiences and offers instruction and exercises to guide you on your own ‘healing walk’.

184pp, 126mm x 196mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2008, RRP £8.99 Code: 181221 Cygnus Price £6.49

Query Line 01558 825 503 (office hrs)

Cygnus Books 11


Here I am alive and well, having survived my first ever proper surgery and grateful to feel good. So I thought I would share a bit more on how I prepared for it. This may prove useful for others preparing for something similar or facing a crisis – and if you want to point out things that I have missed or need adding, just send your comments to me and I will add them to the article, which will then be available online for everyone. The first thing I had to manage was my fear around the surgery. I did not mind the knife, but I discovered that I had a phobia of general anaesthetics. This was related to childhood nightmares and sometimes waking up conscious, but unable to move in my paralysed body. Speaking to my friends who are medical doctors, I was reassured that this phobia is completely normal and medics themselves undergoing surgery have precisely the same anxiety. It is a sensible anxiety, isn’t it – when faced with someone using a poisonous drug to render us unconscious. (Several of my ex-stoner friends, however, smiled when they remembered their operations and told me to enjoy the buzz.) Anyway, in order to deal with the phobia, the bruising from the surgery and the after-effects of the anaesthetics, I asked a good homeopath to put together a remedy for me. It included arnica and phosphorus, and had other remedies relevant to me in particular. I also carried some Bach Rescue Remedy. I also worked directly with the phobia in meditation. I contemplated, sensed and visualised myself inside the hospital and operating theatre. I visualised myself slowly going through the procedure and as I did this exercise, I noticed the sensations of panic as they arose in my body and emotions. I kept my breathing calm and greeted these uncomfortable feelings with the affection of a loving parent, accepted them and cradled them with comfort. Over a few weeks of daily practice, these phobic sensations decreased. I also noticed a tendency in me to slob out as I approached the surgery. This included the normal stuff of feeling sorry for myself, eating too much of the wrong food, slumping with bad posture and so on. I was playing myself a story that I would get my body healthy again after the surgery. As best I could, therefore, given some pain and fatigue, I worked to counter-balance this attitude and exercised, ate and toned so as to be as fit as possible. I stretched, did weights and walked. Not a lot, but up to my limits. A fit body with a fit attitude, where the immune system is supported, will obviously respond better to surgical intrusion and crisis than one that is placid. ******* For several months I carefully prepared myself in meditation. This is where I did my true healing work. As I wrote above, I worked slowly through my phobia and fears. At the same time I focused on getting the best possible outcome from the surgery.

Preparing for Crisis

I blessed the surgery team and visualised working in perfect harmony with a full support team of inner helpers. I particularly liked a visualisation done by my friend, Jane, when she was preparing for a caesarean. She threw a few grenades into the operating theatre and they exploded with sparkles of light and tiny healing spirits. I asked for the help and support of all beings who could make the process graceful and easy. I also visualised myself after the surgery, fit and bouncing with health as I facilitated workshops, wrote a new book and had a walking holiday. But as I did all this inner work, I began to realise two things. The first was that I was coming from a point of anxiety and trying to fix my concerns. The second was that my approach was narcissistic and concerned only with me.

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Ageless Body, Timeless Mind is by Deepak Chopra, the world’s leading exponent of the ancient Indian system of Ayurvedic Medicine. Combining lucid theory with inspiring case studies and a wealth of practical exercises, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind demonstrates the innate intelligence of the mind/body processes and the extent to which sickness and aging are created by gaps in our self-knowledge. By increasing this self-knowledge, we can master simple yet effective ways to metabolize time, and so achieve our unbounded potential.

350pp, 126mm x 198mm, softback, 2008, RRP £7.99

Code: 085134 Cygnus Price £4.99

So I came home to the core of what I teach, my three golden keys. • How can I use this situation to connect more fully with the wonder and energy of nature and the cosmos? • How does it help me to reflect and expand my consciousness? • How can I serve others and be more compassionate? Coming home to these core values, I immediately felt different. I swapped worry for gratitude. The health crisis was opening me up and helping me surrender to the bliss fields of the great ocean. Every concern and fear was a useful reminder to be fully conscious and to watch what was happening with compassion and equanimity. This led me to an uncomfortable insight. As is normal, the fatigue and discomfort were putting me on a short fuse with a higher level than usual of negative thoughts and emotions. I had been blaming the situation for this irritability, but now I could clearly see that the pressure cooker of the crisis was actually just revealing what was always there but repressed and

below my threshold of awareness. One of my prayers over the years has been to meet and integrate every aspect of my shadow before I die. In this context, this surfacing of negativity was to be welcomed. Now I see you! This does not get rid of the actual pain or crisis, but it provides an opportunity to expand consciousness and develop compassion. Thanks for the prods. What a great silver lining. ******* I also noticed that I wanted to control the medical team so that they benefited me as much as possible. My attitude was completely understandable, but not congruent with my core values of compassion and supporting others. So I began to visualise the medics and the hospital, and began another kind of prayer. • Whatever happens to me, may my presence and the whole process be a blessing for everyone involved. • I have created and am responsible for this whole situation. I am sorry for everything negative I may have created and I ask for forgive ness. May everyone in the hospital be loved and blessed. I give thanks for this wonderful situation and lesson. Aligned with those intentions, I now felt that I had a foundation of integrity and I could move cleanly forward. If you too are in any kind of crisis, I wish you love and relief. And if you have the reserves of energy, I wish you also the grace of using your crisis for greater compassion and enlightenment. All my love, William Be my Facebook friend: williambloomglastonbury


This important new book is the eagerly awaited sequel to Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, in save which Deepak Chopra 42%! revealed the profound connection between our health and our thoughts. Here, he shows us how to create the self we want to be. Dr Chopra explains how the body is actually a reflection of the mind, a ‘symbol in flesh and blood of everything you think and feel’. Be guided now in reconnecting with your ideal sense of self, and venturing through a remarkable process of renewal and discovery, as you explore consciously the places within, putting right what has been created by our unconscious mind. Chopra invites us all to live from the soul, to satisfy our deepest desires in a life rich with joy and meaning.

298pp, 152mm x 233mm, softback, 2009, RRP £11.99

Code: 200209 Cygnus Price £6.99

SPECIAL OFFER: Buy together for £10.98


Herbal remedies can have a reputation for before feverfew martinis are on the menus of being rather ominous, dark brews, laboriously swanky cocktail bars everywhere. boiled for hours and knocked back in a single Experimenting in my kitchen at home with all traumatic gulp, with your fingers firmly pinched sorts of medicinal ingredients, I have created a over your nose. collection of entirely new recipes. These are my Despite my best efforts to avoid the issue, I modern twist on age-old remedies and are as must confess that for many old-school traditioneasy to make as they are delicious to drink, wonal remedies this reputation is well deserved. I derful to smell and soothing to apply. Half was subjected to a fair few acrid concoctions price! A YEAR WITH when growing up, and can personally confirm JAMES WONG their powerful pre-emptive placebo effect. James Wong Nothing can make a sick child’s symptoms James Wong – one miraculously disappear as fast as being preof the best televisented with a murky bowl of soup scattered sion discoveries of with unidentified roots and twigs. Sorry, Mum. recent years – is Luckily, not all natural medicines have to be back, putting his this way, and I am a passionate believer ethnobotanical (almost evangelical, in fact) that the vast majorexpertise to use ity are unbelievably easy to make and can look once again. Whether you’re fed up with your and taste truly wonderful. hormones, worried about your baby’s nappy What I find incredibly exciting from a culinary rash, your partner is prone to a sore-throat, perspective is that herbal remedies can open or leg-waxing is proving just too expensive to up a whole range of truly amazing flavours to maintain, A Year With James Wong offers which we would otherwise be oblivious. over 100 great new remedies to soothe all Meadowsweet blossoms, traditionally used to manner of common conditions and beauty relieve pain, have a fizzy, sweet flavour of rich problems – whenever they might flare up. marzipan and elderflowers, while echinacea James shows how easy it is to have access has an almost electric, metallic tingle, provided to the right ingredients with his easy-to follow by alkylamides (the group of chemicals that seasonal focus – whether you’ve got a wingive the plant its immune-enhancing effects). I dow box, a roof terrace, a country garden, or know how geeky this sounds, but I am conjust a computer! He takes you from Spring to vinced that the weird and wonderful flavours of Winter, making sure you know what to plant many medicinal plants are perfect for chefs and when, the best time to harvest and how to mixologists. You just wait, it won’t be long create your own mini-apothecary at home. Packed with case studies, James’s personal THE LIVING MATRIX top tips and easy solutions for both growing Film Screening & and making remedies, this is the ideal companion to help ward off any ailments and Networking Event, complaints which might crop up throughout Narberth, South Wales the year, the natural, James Wong way.

Friday 7th May 2010

The Living Matrix is taking the world by storm: a bold and revolutionary look into the science of healing. Renowned psychologists, bioenergetic researchers and holistic practitioners, including Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Peter Fraser and Dr. Eric Pearl reveal new theories about how energy and information fields are driving our physiology and biochemistry. Tickets for the screening are just £5, to include tea/coffee and biscuits. Book now to secure your place at: Doors open 7pm for a 7.30pm screening. For further information call The Living Matrix hotline on 01202 440400, email or visit The Queens Hall, Narberth, S Wales, SA67 7AS

224pp, 194mm x 236mm, illus. in colour, hardback, 2010, RRP £16.99 Code: 200414 Cygnus Price £8.50

The intensely bitter, drying taste of willow bark tea (one of the substances from which aspirin was first derived) has been turned into a smoky, sweet willow and lime granita, a modern (and, frankly, far more palatable) take on the original, which nevertheless does just as good a job. True, my experiments don’t always work out right, and some recipes have undergone over a dozen reformulations before I finally got them spot on, but I think that’s half the fun. There are fewer hard and fast rules with herbal remedies than you might imagine; as long as you pick the right plant and prepare it in a broadly similar way to its traditional use and dosage, there is plenty of room to mix and match and play around. I suppose the useful thing is that most of the laborious trial-and-error work has been done by

Top to Toe Care

me, leaving you with a collection of tried-andtested modern home remedies. They are presented more or less according to the part of the body they are used to treat, to give you a topto-toe guide to natural medicines that can easily be prepared at home. All you have to do now is get stuck in! Sage and marigold gargle Gargles can provide instant relief from sore, irritated throats, and this one packs a big herbal punch. Sage and marigold are both antiseptic and antimicrobial; echinacea slows infection and can boost the immune system; cloves are also antiseptic and act as a local anaesthetic. Put 50g echinacea root, 20g sage, 20g marigold flowers and half a teaspoon of cloves into 200ml vodka and seal in a jar. Leave in a warm place for 10-14 days, shaking every day. Strain, then bottle. Take 1 tbsp diluted in a small glass of warm, boiled water. Gargle and swallow (or spit if you don’t like the taste!). From A Year with James Wong, ©2010 by Half James Wong, published by HarperCollins.



Did you know that chillies can ease aching muscles, that lemon balm can soothe cold sores, or that rosemary can boost your memory? In a treasure trove of fascinating healthboosting information and recipes, accompanied by beautiful photography, ethnobotanist James Wong shows how to make simple creams, lotions, lozenges, salves, soups, teas and more, from the stuff growing in your window box, the local garden centre or in the hedgerows. Using the flowers, fruit, roots, trees, vegetables and herbs that are all around us, James provides preparations to help relieve a wide range of common conditions, including acne, anxiety, cold sores and general aches and pains – plus great ideas for beauty treats such as bath bombs and shampoos. He reveals how many plants contain the same active ingredients as overthe-counter medicines, and chooses his top 100 plants to grow or buy, complete with lots more ideas for their use. So unleash the power of plants and soothe away the symptoms of your everyday ailments.

224pp, 192mm x 238mm, illus. in colour, hardback, 2009, RRP £16.99 Code: 190319 Cygnus Price £8.50

SPECIAL OFFER: buy both James Wong books together for £16.00

WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TO OUR CHAT PAGE WHEN IT RETURNS NEXT MONTH? For Issue 6, the theme is Ceremonies and Celebrations (copy deadline 5 May 2010) and for Issue 7, the theme will be Healing Miracles (copy deadline 9 June 2010). If you have an insight, experience or poem connected with any of these themes, please write it down in NOT MORE THAN 250 WORDS (or, if it is a poem, in NOT MORE THAN 24 LINES) and send it by post or email. If you send it by email, to, please include ‘Chat Page’ and the theme in the subject line, dropping your text into the body of the email IF YOUR CONTRIBUTION IS PUBLISHED ON THIS PAGE, YOU WILL RECEIVE A £5 CYGNUS VOUCHER




Cygnus will have a stand at the following events MAY

DEBBIE FORD, Breaking Through the Shadow of Love and Money, University College London, Cruciform Lecture Theatre 1, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT. £75/£55 concs. Tel. 020 7287 6711 email:


BRUCE LIPTON, The Biology of Belief, Logan Hall, Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL. 10.30am - 4.30pm, £75/£55 concs. Nearest tube: Russell Sq. Tel. 020 7287 6711 email: BYRON KATIE, Who Would You Be Without Your Story? Logan Hall, Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL. 10.30am - 5.30 pm, £75/£55 concs. Nearest tube: Russell Sq. Tel. 020 7287 6711;


- change the mental climate

A talk by Dr Robert Ennemoser at the Discovery Centre, Jewry Street, Winchester. 11.00 am, Saturday 29th May 2010 Climate Change calls for intelligence and inspiration - mental qualities. So it's up to us to change the mental qualities first - from fear to serenity. This talk will be based on the practical ideas in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. (Available from Cygnus Books) To book and for more information, tel. 0845 603 5631 email:

COLOUR Healing Weekends

at THE PINK BARN, Somerset with TRUDI DAY Dip Col TS Master “I love working with people, helping them release their creative talent, enjoy colour and find a passion in art and nature...” Join me for a special weekend to taste all that colour has to offer. • 01761 463644 • Colours of the Soul Licensed Trainer.



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COUNSELLOR/ THERAPIST with established practice required to join existing team of therapists at The Mews, Inverleith, Edinburgh. Please contact Bethan Elsdale : 07954 610799


HEALTH FOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE. Small, friendly, busy shop on North Wales Coast. Long, well established business with strong customer base and potential for further growth and development. Details, Tel. 01745 826444.


WEST SUSSEX. Simple, charming rural accommodation in exchange for help with elderly lady and garden. 10 hours per week. Suitable for single lady or couple, not suitable children or dogs. Tel 07867 548 299 Rosamund


FRANCE, Normandy. Fully converted old village school - near Mortain. Historic building, lovingly restored into a high standard family home. Ideal for a stylish B&B and/or Reiki/Healing sanctuary. Price Euros 255,000 + Notaire’s fees. More information at: email: HOLISTIC RETREAT FOR SALE. Set in beautiful countryside. Meditation studio, hot tub in garden, sauna, lovely treatment rooms, 7 guest rooms. Contact the owners on. Tel. 01751 417219 RETREAT/COURSE/HEALING CENTRE. Could be holiday flats/v.large house etc. Wales stunning coast. 5 floors plus group rooms/facilities & healing sanctuary. Large organic gardens, solar panels, spring water, natural paints, good public transport. For sale as a whole. 0845 539 9938 RURAL PERTHSHIRE: Beautiful views, 6 double bedroom house, 3 ensuite. Business potential, B&B or Therapy centre. Full central heating. Organic secluded garden, ley line and stone circle. Details 01250 876031;


HEALING WORKSHOP by Bob & Pam Eldred. June 5th & 6th. Thurst House Farm, Ripponden, Sowerby Bridge, W. Yorkshire, HX6 4NN. £l20, full board. Readings and healings free of charge. Tel. 01422 822820 / 07759 619043;; EMPOWER YOUR LIFE Workshop. Including the Law of Attraction. Led by author & teacher Dawn Henderson. Saturday 22nd May 2010 Chippenham, Wiltshire. Contact Helen on 01249 446388; DIANA COOPER SCHOOL teacher training courses and workshops 2012 and Beyond, Golden Atlantis, Angels, Ascension and Transform Your Life in Warwickshire with Master Teachers Jillian and Peter Stott, 01926 851898; A HEALING DAY. Come & spend a day or more with HUE LE HUYNH for a guided meditation by the sea. Clearing & healing, Mandalas drawing, & exercising with Eurythmy. 5th,12th,19th June; 3rd,10th,17th, 24th, 31st July; 7th,14th, 21st, 28th August, in Hove, East Sussex. 10-5pm, £60/day. Tel. 01273 911876 visit ANGELIC REIKI Courses held in the Midlands. Lovely location, wonderful food. Experience the wonders of the Angelic Realm. Also Empowering Goddess Workshops, Aura Photography and readings. or ring Jayne on 07961 750559 COLOURS OF THE SOUL® Colour Therapy Specialists. Providing Certificated Courses, Workshops, Karmagraphs, Mandalas and Products. June McLeod the founder offers inspirational interactive fun workshops. View "Workshops and Courses" at DISCOVER DOWSING! Foundation courses around the country for novices and complete beginners. 12/13th June in Yorkshire; 17/18th July, nr Warwick; 16/17 October, nr Malvern. £135. The British Society of Dowsers, 01684 576969; DOWSING FOR HEALTH: Advanced Course for individuals and holistic practitioners. 3/4th July in South East England. £145. The British Society of Dowsers, 01684 576969; SOUL GROWTH NUMEROLOGY - guide and raise awareness. Chi-Reflexology Introductory & Post Graduate Courses - for any therapist incorporate this gentle yet powerful therapy in your therapy. Contact Audrey Scully 0114 269 1145 / 07949 567530. HAFAN Y COED Courses 2010. May 10th-13th, Pure & Simple Divination with Collette Star; May 14-16th, Insight into Crystal Therapies with Margaret Hembrow; May 21st, HEALING DAY CLINIC with Quintin Smith; May 21-24th, Keeping it Simple with Paul & Deborah Rees; May 28-31st, Introduction to Trance Healing with Andrej Djordjevitch. Tel. 01639 730985;

IMPORTANT NOTE. We cannot check the authenticity of all the adverts that appear in Noticeboard, and their inclusion should not be taken as an endorsement by, or reflect the views or opinions of the editor of the Cygnus Review. Readers should make their own thorough checks of any advert to which they respond


Mon 10th May: DR DAVID HAMILTON – Kindness is Good for You – at St Andrews’s Church, Montpellier Street (£13/Early Bird £10) Tues 8th June: JAMES TWYMAN – The Peace Concert – at St Andrew’s Church, Montpellier Street (£13/Early Bird £10) Weds 23rd June: MICHAEL ROADS – Upcoming Changes and the Bigger Picture (£12/Early Bird £9) Mon 28th June: DEBORAH KING – Truth Heals (£12/Early Bird £9)

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A COMMUNICATING WITH ANIMALS Course by Author and Broadcaster Amelia Kinkade will be held in Windermere, Lake District, Sat 19th & Sun 20th June 2010. For more information see email: or telephone 015394 36571 GEOPATHIC STRESS Causes Consequences and Cures. A two day dowsing course. BSD Approved and Certificated. 12/13th June 2010 Warwickshire. Contact BSD Tutor Peter Stott on 01926 851898 or for details. ANGELS AND MIRACLES. An extremely Powerful and Sacred Workshop where Love, Peace and Healing will be abundant. With Stella Christos on Sunday 23rd May 10.30am - 4.00pm. Equilibrium, Wiltshire. Tel. 01249 446388 ANGELIC REIKI - Experience the Joy of healing with the Angels. 1st & 2nd Degree Workshops being held in Norfolk. May and July 2010. Contact: Alison on 07540 938107; YOGA TEACHER TRAINING COURSE, with Spirit of Yoga. Intensive one month, 200 and 300 hour certification courses. Starts Norwich 16th July 2010. Teachers fully trained at Kaivalyadham Yoga Institute, India.; THE REIKI DRUM TECHNIQUE. Learn Reiki Drum Journeying, Healing & Mental/Emotional Reprogramming. For Reiki II practitioners and above. Workshops held throughout the UK. Contact Sarah Gregg 01279 600104 CRYSTAL & SOUND HEALING by Correspondence. Crystal/Sonic RejuvenationTM – natural face-lift; Sound Healing to practitioner level; Past Life Regression. All courses with professional accredited College. 01984 633597 visit ANGELIC REIKI Weekend courses, afternoon shares, and treatments in Derby, elsewhere by request. Full details at or contact Andrea tel: 01332 559458; ANAM CARA Retreat Centre, Scottish Highlands. Residential workshops and retreats in Buddhism, Shamanism, Bushcraft, Sweatlodge Ceremonies, Soul Quest, Ancient Crafts, Healing Arts and working retreats. To request a programme, tel. 01463 711702 email: visit: FAST TRACK YOGA TEACHER TRAINING. Become a fully registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance 200-hour professional certification. Valid around the world. Buddhist based. Call Daizan 07904 319952 visit ANGEL WORKSHOPS. Bring angel, crystal and earth energies together and discover yourself. Also available Angel Card readings and holistic therapies. Derbyshire: Jayne 01773 875925 ; Cheshire: Gill 01625 429479 ONLINE ANGEL COURSE. Web based, self study. Enhance your connection with the angelic realms and bring these beautiful beings into your life. Susan Ann Palmer. STOP THE MIND....I Want to Get Off!! Inner peace experience days with Sally Chaffer held regularly in Yorkshire. Learn to stop the mind's chatter. Empowering blend of healing and meditation- reconnect with the power of Now! Tel. 07884 332644; MATTHEW MANNING, Healing Intent Workshop, Sunday 27th June 2010. 10am-5pm, £60 inc. refreshments (not lunch) in Steyning, West Sussex. Early booking essential! To book: 01903 814988;; ANGELS, Ascension, Golden Atlantis & Transformational Teacher Training workshops with Diana Cooper School – courses in Scotland with Elizabeth Ann. Also spiritual coaching and angel readings etc. Tel: 01592 743417 visit QIGONG WORKSHOP. Saturday 29th May, 10am - 3pm. Belton Park Pavilion, Playing Fields, Belton, North Lincolnshire, DN9 1LR. Only £38.00. To book your place, tel: Sandra 01427 875118 WATERCOLOUR PAINTING - texture and pattern in nature with Janine Creaye, tutor with over 19 years experience teaching art to adults. Monday 24th to Friday 28th May. Accommodation, vegetarian meals £295. Claridge House, Surrey. Tel: 01342 832150 visit WRITING IN THE LANDSCAPE - poetry workshop for those already writing or with a desire to write with Dennis Evans. Monday 7th to Friday 11th June. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £295. Claridge House, Surrey. Tel: 01342 832150 visit PILATES - an introduction to this exercise format with Linda Watson experienced teacher of private clients and adult education classes. Friday 25th to Sunday 27th June. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £175. Claridge House, Surrey. Tel: 01342 832150 visit KARUNA REIKI® The next step for Reiki Masters (all lineages) seekers of Universal Truth and Compassion. 3 day classes set in beautiful Peak District. Contact Janet Roome (UK Karuna Reiki Rep.). Tel. 01629 733227 email: visit THE UNICORN CENTRE in Somerset. Diana Cooper School 2012, Angel and Ascension teaching. Reiki, Angel and Unicorn Healing Practitioner and other courses and workshops. Tel: 01460 53699 visit:

To advertise in the Cygnus Noticeboard - call Derek Hollington on 01558 825500 or email

To advertise in the Cygnus Noticeboard - call Derek Hollington on 01558 825500 or email




A-Z Certificated Courses, Performance, Events

May 29th, AstroBelly Dance, Glasgow - Special zodiac sequences with Guinevere. June 13th, Wild Treasure - Trance & Tribal styles, nr Cardigan, West Wales with Lucia Zahara. July 16-18th, Gypsy Treasure Weekend Lively Dances plus Sacred Movement at Pembrokeshire Stone Circle with Paola Blanton. Enquiries and info: 01994 419090 / 0792 533 2892

Teachings from the Tibetan Yungdrung Bon Tradition

SANGYE MENLHA, plus Tibetan Chakras and Pulses 23rd – 29th September 2010, Glastonbury.

Geshe Chongtul Rinpoche will lead a 7-day retreat on the Bonpo Medicine Buddha for personal healing and learning to share these energies with others.

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Reiki Master Attunements in the circle of Stonehenge Join us for the amazing, spiritual and moving experience, of having the stones to ourselves, to become Reiki Masters..... (existing Reiki Masters welcome)

Next course 4th/5th/6th June 2010

with Reiki Master, Carol-Anne Fraser 07768 475195 email:

THE POPLARS RETREAT CENTRE, Kilgetty, Pembrokeshire. Friday 21st - Sunday 23rd MAY 2010 A Life-Enhancing Residential Weekend Retreat


JULES STEINSON, Inspirational Teacher & Spiritual Counsellor.

Upcoming events: Sound Healing Workshop and Singing Retreat Weekend. Details phone 01834 811851 email:

IndigoSilk – Lovely Spiritual Retreat Centre Relax, Unwind, Recharge and Re-connect.

Cottage Retreat Centre in rural East Lothian, Scotland.

Twin rooms, home cooking, spiritual books to browse or buy. Beautiful garden, supportive and caring environment. Many therapies available on request. Courses, classes and events ongoing. Tel. 01620 829728 •


Future copy date - Issue 7, July 2010, Wednesday 9th June

PHOENIX CENTRE and Southyard Cottages for holidays, retreats and workshops in beautiful converted barns at Dunwich on Suffolk heritage coast. Healing therapies available on site. Beach within walking distance, walks, bird watching etc. Tel 01728 648880, email ISLE OF SKYE Retreat/B&B, special diets catered for. Self catering holiday cottage, sleeps 6+. Therapies available. Peaceful location overlooking the Outer Hebrides. Enquiries Welcome. Tel 0800 335 7050 or 07766 337637 BREATHING SPACE. A Holistic Retreat for Women. Set in a tranquil area of Norfolk. Sandy beaches and broads nearby. Relax, unwind and just ‘be’ Enjoy a warm welcome, nutritional home cooked food. Local recommend therapists. Tel. 01692 582233 visit KENTISBURY GRANGE, Spiritual Retreat Centre on the border of Exmoor, North Devon. Residential weekends. Chapel for weddings, funerals & baby naming. Rooms for healing, psychic readings, meditation, workshops. Tel. 01271 883454 visit RETREAT, Relax, Rejuvenate. Come along and meet like minded people in a beautiful rural setting for yoga, meditation, reiki and much more. Prices start from £75. Visit or call Sarah on 0845 468 1550 COMFORTABLE B&B, HAMMERSMITH, LONDON. Central, quiet, close to river, pubs, restaurants, all attractions. Ideal base holidays, courses, exhibitions, business. Double/twin/triple £25pppn., Single £36. Tel: Anne/Sohel Armanios 020 7385 4904 visit COME AND SHARE MY IDYLLIC PARADISE in the heart of the Cotswolds, where peace, healing and personal growth abound. Ring 01285 760684 visit GLASTONBURY. Everything you ever wanted! Shambhala Healing Retreat on the Tor. A sacred site; sunny rooms, organic food, superb treatments, peace doves, water gardens and lots of love! Good Retreat Guide Gold Star Award. 01458 831797 email: visit WEEKLY RETREATS in beautiful Scottish Highlands. Small family home. Warm, intimate, loving. 5 acres woodland. Sanctuary. Free personal inner child/ past life therapy. Inverness 10 miles. Loch Ness 5 miles. Ring Clive 01463 782389 ISLE OF SKYE, Foxwood B&B. Inspirational setting amid mountains, sea, islands. Delightful accommodation. Sauna, jacuzzi bath, therapies. B&B £30 pppn. Tel. 01470 572331 visit MID WALES, 2 berth caravan on secluded hill farm. Ideal for meditation, hill walking, bird watching, £85 per week, or bring your tent. Sorry no pets. Tel. 01597 860244 visit SCARBOROUGH, Fountains Court. Specialising in wellbeing, relaxation & spiritual development. Vegetarian, no children, holistic treatments, Zen garden & workshops. 5 mins North Bay. Tel. 01723 381118; LOVELY, Self-contained, one floor cottage, nr Bath, Longleat & Stourhead. Sleeps 4. 48ft lounge, flat screen tv, indoor swimming pool, fishing, glorious countryside. £100 per day. Tel. 01749 813890 email: MAGICAL PEMBROKESHIRE Two idyllic s/c cottages, sleeps 2&5. Four poster. C.H. wood burners. Fully equipped. Spiritual/Reiki/Seichem/ Healings available during your stay in these tranquil surroundings. Tel: Pam 01994 419439 CHARMING WELSH COTTAGE. Warm, well appointed & highly recommended by previous guests. Great for walkers. Dogs welcome. Broadband. Recently awarded 3 star status by Visit Wales. Now booking for Summer. Tel: 01547 330003 or visit RETREAT - Rejuvenate your Mind and Body; Feed your Soul. Join us for a week in the stunningly beautiful mountains of Tuscany, June 26th - July 3rd 2010. Tel. 0161 928 8179 or visit STEPS FARM Somerset for fresh air, big skies, good vegetarian food and a warm welcome. Healing and Counselling available, also courses on Animal Healing and Vegetarian Cookery. Tel. 01749 812788 or visit Y BWTHYN BACH. Cosy, one room, self-catering, barn conversion with wood stove, in a beautiful garden, with immediate access to wild north Pembrokeshire countryside and 1 mile from the coast. Inexpensive. Tel. 01348 811282 visit DAISY CENTRES Angelic Healing Retreat, Glastonbury. Close to all the Sacred Sites & High Street. Open your heart to love with Angel Vortex Healing R. Call Daisy 01458 834587 visit CLARIDGE HOUSE Healing Centre, Lingfield, Surrey. For rest, retreat, renewal. Benefit from a peaceful stay. Also Creative, Healing and Spiritual Courses. Tel: 01342 832150 visit VEGIVENTURES. Holidays, tours and short breaks in Britain, Turkey, Peru, Caribbean and Guatemala. Great vegetarian/vegan food, small friendly groups, environment oriented. Tel. 01760 755888; visit THE ORANGE TREE, North York Moors. Relaxation weekends, fully catered, vegetarian menu. Two relaxation workshops, sauna, hot-tub, choice of therapies. Tel. 01751 417219 BEACH RETREAT to Rent. Achill Island, Ireland. Magical healing place to relax, revive & rejuvenate. Two bedrooms, sleeps 5. Contact Mary 00 353 861 733 963 / (01) 868 1252;


FIND YOUR IDEAL CAREER AND LIFE PURPOSE NOW. Stop struggling. Find the right path for you. Be inspired. Practical and loving channeled guidance. Sessions by phone. Highly experienced. Call Darren Linton 01245 460057 visit READINGS: Clear, accurate, relevant, waffle-free. MEDIUMSHIP: Family, ancestors, pets, loved ones who have died help you understand them, you and your life. Phone sessions. CORINNE JEFFREY 01264 791071 / +44 1264 791071 LISA is a Medium living in Suffolk. After several years of working for psychic phone lines she now works for herself. For a reading call Lisa on 01359 221863 or JANET - NATURAL INTUITIVE, Detailed in-depth readings plus healing crystal. Send details, questions, DOB & photo (returnable) plus £25 cheque payable to J. Norton, 25 Laurel Road, Armthorpe, Doncaster DN3 2ES. ASTROLOGICAL CHILD PROFILE: Beautifully presented in a luxury silver hardback cover, this 45 plus page detailed report is a wonderful gift. It will help all parents to understand their children better and make more suitable choices for them as they develop. Tel: 01540 661828 EVER FELT YOUR ISSUE ISN’T ACTUALLY YOURS? Nikki Wyatt, The Karma Coach, helps release ancestral issues. Karmic Flower and Crystal Essences. Learn your soul gifts with a FREE soul flower reading available at: ERIN, GIFTED PSYCHIC & MEDIUM. Telephone readings: messages, guidance & healing available immediately, day or evening with experienced reader visit Tel. 01239 615299 or 07786 906576 COMPANION ANIMAL LOSS LISTENING LINE (CALLL) Christine cares and truly understands the pain of pet loss. She is fully trained in pet bereavement. Calll 0115 840 2737 visit JESSICA - CLAIRVOYANT/MEDIUM. Professional, experienced, specialising in mediumship. Communicate with loved ones who have passed over. Telephone readings: £22 per 30mins/ £30 per 45mins. Also Personal Readings & Party Bookings. Central Bristol. Tel. 0117 373 7405 or 07800 929257 TRANSFORMATIONAL SPIRITUAL HEALING alleviates deep, painful physical, psychological and relationship problems (many of which other therapies are unable to resolve) at source. Jane Houseago MIPTI, BCMA (Ind.) Tel: (+44) 07905 888843 HEALING WITH UNICORNS using the purity and power of high-frequency unicorn energy for healing, purification and illumination. Please phone me to arrange a transformational telephone session 07752 819604 DELLA!

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•Connect us to the natural energy gridlines •Enable spiritual & evolutionary advancement •Increase vibratory levels for healing & development •Enhance and renew the functions of the body

Each healing experience is unique UK Reconnective Healing Practitioners trained by Eric Pearl

Stuart Brown 01629 580272 Matlock, Derbyshire Helen Parsons 07734 153426 Skegness & London Jean Whitebread 01949 81755 Nottingham & Leicester May Johnstone 01786 834071 Scotland & distance Lucca Occelli 07802 308289 Stockwell,Oval, London Jane Duggleby 01935 864007 Somerset, Dorset & Devon Lillian Bason 01695 728842 Skelmersdale, Lancashire Leonard Mutch 0114 288 8160 Sheffield, South Yorkshire Allison & David 01283 821580 Uttoxeter, Staffordshire Stuart & Julie Mallinson 01535 634629 Keighley, Yorkshire Louise Lewis 07720 706091 Leamington, Warwickshire Julie Kaloczi 07854 799193 Southern Scotland & Carlisle Jill Dunsford 01392 877554 Exeter & Devon Catherine Wallace 07960 036608 Scarborough, N. Yorkshire Birgit Horrolt 01353 861285 Littleport Cambridge Emily Davies 0113 210 9171 Leeds, W. Yorkshire. Helen Reid 07775 611791 Alderley Edge, Cheshire Kathy Price 07968 803776 Aberystwyth, Ceredigion Helen Francis 01686 626948 Newtown, Powys Sally Phillips 02380 555441 Southampton, Philip Wade 01677 460037 North Yorkshire Frances Beasley 01261 861259 Banff, Scotland Denise Davis 01582 416605 Luton, Bedfordshire.& Hertfordshire Julia Williams 07939 120531 London NW6 Caroline Lane 07815 735313 Greenwich/Blackheath, London Emily Larkin 020 8348 6660 London, Haringey, N8 & Islington N1 Miranda Wilson 07941 339612 Covent Garden; Lewes, Sussex Sara Hayselden 07973 453808 Clitheroe, Lancashire Margaret Doherty 07776 255660 Glasgow Lucinda Gordon Lennox 07968 485802 Central London Margaret Hands 01970 832298 Tal-y-Bont, Ceredigion “If you’re fortunate, your healing will come in the form you anticipate. If you’re really fortunate, your healing will come in a form you haven’t even dreamed of - one which the universe specifically has in mind for you.” Eric Pearl

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