Cygnus Review issue 8, Aug 2010 – free of charge
heal your body, feed your soul, free your mind, love your planet
Matrix Reimprinting Using EFT Karl Dawson & Sasha Allenby Messages from Water & the Universe Masaru Emoto The Poet Prince Kathleen McGowan Committed Elizabeth Gilbert New edition with 24 pages of new material! The Gentle Art of Blessing Pierre Pradervand Life Alignment Philippa Lubbock The Book of Why Judy Hall
The Healing Power We All Possess
Ann Napier
Dear Friends, Earlier this year, I spent two months in hospital, much of which was passed lying flat on my back as I had virtually lost the power of movement. To most people, it no doubt looked as though I didn’t have long to live, and I’m sure I could have chosen to die at that point. However, as I explained in my last letter, Geoff and I didn’t see it that way, for I could distinctly feel a strong presence of life – very vibrant life actually – deep in my soul. The question was, how could I change myself, so that this strength of soul could inhabit my body, mind and life more fully? Well – with much help from many friends and family members, and divine providence too of course – I was enabled to start making many helpful changes involving nutrition, medicines, attitudes, lifestyle, you name it. However, there’s one particular helpful thing I’d like to tell you about now, which in our culture wouldn’t normally be thought of as important, but which I found was pivotal. However, before I tell you more, I just need to say this: I wouldn’t want you to get a picture of me reclining in luxury, my halo shining, sipping a pina colada! My stay in hospital was actually hell much of the time, and not something I would wish to repeat any time soon, but alongside all the hell, there was also heaven, which never left me, even for a moment. So, to continue..... I started to look back over my life, searching for traces of soul-connection, moments when I felt particularly alive and in harmony with heaven. I thought if I could understand those moments and see what they had in common, and then find a way to have more of them in my present life, I might be able to find a way to help myself recover. Golden moments So, starting at the beginning, I began to recall memories of my childhood and discovered a very interesting thing. Nearly all my earliest happy memories involved sound and music: my mother singing lullabies to me, or playing the piano; lying in my pram and hearing the wind in the trees and a blackbird singing; my dad teaching my sisters and me to sing rounds; looking over the gate in our local park into a little grove where I felt sure fairies lived, just listening to the breeze and soaking up the stillness; hearing the cry of gulls as I lay in my cot on a holiday in Cornwall when I was two.... Yes, my soul was really nurtured at those golden moments, and I felt connected to that wiser part of my being, aware that life was good, truly good.
The Healing Power We All Possess
Medicine for the soul Was music the medicine I was looking for then? Something I could use to nurture my soul even if I couldn’t move? I felt certain that it was, especially when I recalled that, before my unexpected hospital visit, I had noticed that the only time I didn’t experience any pain at all was when I was playing the piano. So, my first step was to notice any soul-nurturing sounds going on around me. The cry of the gulls outside the hospital, for instance, or the incredibly lovely singing of a blackbird during the dawn chorus (which I was invariably awake for, sleeping not being something you do in hospitals!). The song of the blackbird has been believed since ancient times to provide a gateway to the Otherworld. Certainly, it invariably takes me straight outside time, and I’m sure I’m not alone in that experience. The beautiful voices of birds made me think of the voices of humans. And gradually, as I reflected more and more on a belief I have long held to be of profound significance – that human beings have been granted voices more flexible, beautiful and subtle than the voice of any other being in creation, and that the human voice is a direct expression of the soul – I plucked up the courage to sing. At first I sang very quietly, but then, as I realized that the nurses didn’t seem to mind, and Geoff and our sons really liked it, I thought, ‘Well, why not let rip? Perhaps it will help with the pain.’ And often, though not all the time, it did. Bringing harmony to my cells I didn’t always make beautiful sounds. Sometimes it felt right to just let pain out of my body in the form of sound. But at other times, I tried to make the sound as beautiful as I could, imagining the notes bringing harmony to my cells, helping to shift stuck energy and calling them to remember their true nature, and start functioning normally again. I sang all sorts of tunes – anything that came into my head – and more often than not, the words of the tunes I was singing would carry some sort of message for me, or bring some insight into beliefs that I needed to change. Later, I would sometimes listen to pop music on my son’s iPod, using the rhythm to try to bring movement back into my legs and express joy in my body. At first, just my toes would dance, then my feet, but as I persevered, I gradually became able to dance with more parts of me! Memories of music I had heard were important to my recovery, too, and I would often lie in bed remembering pieces I love, allowing them to transport me to places where I felt nurtured and at peace. Many of these pieces
we actually sell through Cygnus, and we have put together a collection of them on page 9. Each one of these CDs is really special to Geoff and me, and we hope some of them will resonate with you too. Our magical musical instrument We are here to learn to be human, to bring our divinity into our physicality, and in so doing, to become a new kind of being, a being who, even in the midst of earthly life with all its contrasts, light and dark, is yet able to radiate and live from their soul. It can be a long and often painful journey, but at the same time it’s the most incredible opportunity, perhaps unique in the universe. To help us on our way, we have been granted many gifts, and one of these is the gift of sound and music. So, whatever you may think of your voice or your musical ability, may we suggest that you use it daily? What we focus on grows. To possess a human voice, with all its power of variation and expression, is an immense privilege. So, overcoming any inhibitions we may have, let’s use the magical, musical instrument that is our own physicality to nurture our souls, brighten our days and bring harmony to our bodies. With very much love, Ann, Geoff and the Cygnus Team
Try before you buy
Good news! You can now listen to clips of all the music we sell on our website. SOUND HEALING
If you would like to learn more about sound healing, you may like to read: THE SEVEN SECRETS OF SOUND HEALING Jonathan Goldman 180526 £8.50
HEALING SOUNDS Jonathan Goldman 161115 £10.99 THE DIVINE NAME Jonathan Goldman 200613 £7.49 CHANTS OF A LIFETIME Krishna Das 200508 £7.95
THE ALCHEMY OF VOICE Stewart Pearce 200505 £5.99
SOUNDING THE MIND OF GOD Lyz Cooper 191023 £5.99
TIBETAN SOUND HEALING Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche 170914 £12.99 THE MOZART EFFECT Don Campbell 100416 £6.89
Our cover photograph is by Janet Baxter, © 2010. Prints can be obtained from Janet by calling 01970 871333, This magazine is printed with vegetable inks on paper from sustainable PEFC accredited sources by S&G Ltd, Merthyr Tydfil, 01685 388888.
THE POET PRINCE Kathleen McGowan
The eagerly anticipated third book in the Magdalene Line Trilogy, following The Expected One [190714] and The Book of Love [190713] takes Maureen to Florence, where she begins training in the secret teachings of The Order of the Holy Sepulcher. Under the guidance of her new teacher, Destino, she discovers the fascinating story of Lorenzo de Medici – the godfather of the Renaissance and the greatest patron of the arts in history. But Lorenzo’s obsession was not with culture alone. Instead, he worked carefully to create a body of work which would preserve a series of ancient secrets – secrets too powerful and dangerous to be committed to writing. But Maureen’s most explosive discovery affects the person closest to her, as she realizes that her lover, Berenger, shares an extraordinary legacy with Lorenzo de Medici. Both men were born under the auspices of a prophecy found in the early writing of the Bloodline – the prophecy of the Poet Prince. Half price!
416pp, 158mm x 240mm, hardback, 2010, RRP £19.99 Code: 200801 Cygnus Price £10.00
COMMITTED Elizabeth Gilbert
At the end of Eat, Pray, Love [160701], Elizabeth 41%! Gilbert fell in love with Felipe – a Brazilian-born man of Australian citizenship who’d been living in Indonesia when they met. Resettling in America, the couple swore eternal fidelity to each other, but also swore to never, ever, under any circumstances get legally married. (Both survivors of difficult divorces. Enough said.) But providence intervened: they could either get married, or Felipe would never be allowed to enter the country again. Elizabeth tackled her fears of marriage by delving completely into this topic, trying with all her might to discover (through historical research, interviews and much personal reflection) what this stubbornly enduring old institution actually is. The result is Committed – a witty and intelligent contemplation of marriage that debunks myths, unthreads fears and suggests that sometimes even the most romantic of souls must trade in her amorous fantasies for the humbling responsibility of adulthood. This is ultimately a celebration of love, with all the complexity and consequence that real love, in the real world, actually entails. save 40%!
304pp, 156mm x 234mm, softback, 2010, RRP £12.99 Code: 200802 Cygnus Price £7.65
Sisters of Sinai tells an extraordinary tale of nineteenth century exploration; how two Scottish sisters made one of the most important ancient manuscript finds of the age. Hidden in a cupboard beneath the monastic library at St Catherine’s in the Sinai desert the twins discovered one of the earliest copies of the Gospels written in ancient Syriac. Once they had overcome the stubborn reluctance of Cambridge scholars and had lead an expedition back to Sinai to copy it, Agnes and Margaret embarked on a life of demanding scholarship and bold travel. Janet Soskice takes you on a journey from the Ayreshire of the sisters’ childhood to the lost treasure trove of the Cairo genizah, tracing the footsteps of the intrepid pair as they voyage to Egypt, Sinai and beyond. Crucially this is the story of two remarkable women who, as widows, were undeterred in their spirit of adventure and who overcame insuperable odds to become world class scholars with a place in history.
352pp, 129mm x 197mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2010, RRP £9.99 Code: 200803 Cygnus Price £5.99
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Committed’ & ‘Sisters of Sinai’ together for £12.64
For many years, I have channelled with a team of Light Beings whose sole focus is to send a new healing system and technology into the world to help raise mass consciousness. That is my contract. Years of experience in a multitude of healing modalities, including radionics and kinesiology, had already taught me two important principles. save 41%! Firstly, each part of the body vibrates at a different frequency, with all the parts working together as an integrated whole. Secondly, the cause of the majority of our physical conditions is mental-emotional in nature. Muscle testing would show me which body parts were weak from toxicity or disease, but unless the emotional charges embedded in the subtle bodies were released, all the cleansing and physical therapies in the world would have a limited effect. As a result of applying these two fundamental principles, I developed a simple means of pinpointing emotional patterns, their points of origin, and a process for releasing them. Alongside this process, deep cleansing of the system was essential because as the body rids itself of gross toxins, the vibrational frequency of its energy field increases. This draws the deeply suppressed emotional toxins (patterns) to the surface and the increased vitality of the body supports their release. Later, as I continued my healing work in Israel, the United States and Europe, there was increasing pressure for me to teach others. However, because of the highly intuitive nature of my work, I didn’t know how it could be done. I should have just trusted I would be shown because, before long, I was guided to go on my own to Bass Lake, where my wife Merle and I ran a retreat centre. I then spent several days in deep meditation, waiting for the answer. Information download – from Light Beings During this time, I connected to a group of Light Beings and received, intuitively, a map of reflex points on the body, some of which coincided with other systems I had learned, but there were major differences in the process that would become known as Body Alignment. In my capacity as a channel, information transmitted from higher dimensions is ‘downloaded’ by my bodymind. As a result, I’m continually faced with a daunting task: to understand the information, and know what I am supposed to do with it. I recognized that Body Alignment was much simpler than the healing models I had studied previously and it appeared to work more rapidly at higher vibrational frequencies. Most techniques I’d used were mechanical in nature, using some form of physical adjustment whether it was tapping, shifting, pressing, or even just touching. Body Alignment combined aspects of vibrational work without touching the body. Applied kinesiology allowed me to tap into the body’s biocomputer to accurately determine the root cause and, as this model developed, there
was another significant difference. Most of the corrections made with Body Alignment appeared to ‘hold’, whereas other techniques I had previously used often needed repeating. Two additional factors contributed to the results of significant and lasting healing. Firstly, without needing to know anything about the individual, the priorities needing energy correc-
EDITOR’S CHOICE: Even more savings when you buy extra copies! LIFE ALIGNMENT Philippa Lubbock
Life Alignment is a new system of vibrational healing that we believe has the potential to become as important as Reiki. In this book, Philippa Lubbock tells the story of how, over the last 20 years, the Life Alignment process has been quietly handed down from higher dimensions to a healer in Canada called Jeff Levin, with the instruction, when the time is right, to make it available to everyone. That time is now, and this book is the first to be published on the subject. Life Alignment works with the individual’s higher consciousness – accessed through muscle testing and dowsing – to discover the underlying mental, emotional and spiritual causes of disease. Using this method, the self-limiting beliefs and repressed feelings underlying the patient’s illness are accessed with uncanny accuracy, made conscious, and then removed through a combination of channelled healing energy and something more mysterious still: Vortex Cards. These cards are said to emit subatomic particles which re-align and harmonize our physical and subtle bodies so that healing can happen rapidly and with ease. Filled with stories of people who have been healed from a range of physical and mental problems using the Life Alignment techniques, this book also tells Philippa Lubbock’s own story of how she gradually became convinced of Life Alignment’s power and potential, and explores the many aspects of how the process works.
256pp, 154mm x 234mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2010, RRP £12.99 Code: 200804 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £7.65 2 or more copies £7.15 each
tions, or balancing, could be identified directly from the individual’s body through muscle testing. And secondly, all dimensions of the person would be worked with simultaneously. Teaching A year after I downloaded the initial teaching, the first group of eager students assembled to learn the first module of Body Alignment. I was feeling extremely nervous. It had taken me years to connect to the team of Light Beings in order to receive the ‘software’ containing the
Life Alignment
frequencies and the map of energy gateways through which blocked energy could leave the body and healing energy could enter. If I couldn’t transmit this method, what would I do with them for three days? To my delight and relief, the students found muscle testing, finding the Priorities, and releasing energy blockages easy to learn. At last, with Body Alignment, I had a healing system that others could duplicate. Each time the team of Light Beings was ready to send through the next teaching module, I would be guided to the lake and, over several days in deep meditation, I would ‘download’ additional body points and processes. Doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists, psychologists, and other complementary practitioners began to integrate Body Alignment into their existing practices and reported numerous cases of rapid healing. While some would choose to use Body Alignment professionally, others simply wanted to learn the technique to heal their families and themselves. Vortex technology and further techniques In step with planetary transformation, new parts of the Life Alignment system were – and are still being – added, at regular intervals, including the dramatic entry of the Vortex technology. This involves a series of cards transmitting individual energy frequencies that are anchored in weak magnets within a protective plastic sheath displaying a sacred geometry pattern. These emit subatomic particles which vibrate within the alpha rhythm range of human brainwaves and are used on the body and the environment to balance and harmonize the energy. Placed above the main door of a building, just one of these cards would clear energetic disturbance through the whole building. Placed on the spine, the energy field of the skeletal system (the body’s scaffolding) would realign in seconds. Each card functions at both environmental and somatic levels. Placed on the body during a Body Alignment session, the subatomic particles radiating from the magnetic cards accelerate and deepen the healing process. The Life Alignment system gives us the opportunity to connect to the voice and the wisdom of our higher Self. It offers many solutions for today’s problems including the dramatic increase in stress and disease; environmental pollution – in our air, food, water – affecting not just us but the animal and plant kingdoms too; the explosion of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in our everyday lives and, now of course, the economic crisis. These challenges, many of which were prophesied by seers throughout history, are at a heightened level and require new solutions which address the causal factors rather than just fixing the symptoms. Life Alignment is not just a healing technique, but a journey of discovery of our true purpose here on this beautiful planet. It helps to address the many facets of our lives, and it is my hope that Life Alignment can now spread its transformational effect to many more people and the planet. From Life Alignment, ©2010 by Philippa Lubbock and Jeff Levin, published by Watkins.
When we think about well-being, we think mostly of our health, but have you thought about your economic wellbeing? Have you actually considered healing your money in the same way you think about healing your body? The economy is a lot like the human body. We can be going along thinking everything is fine, and then boom, we find out we have a life threatening disease. Suddenly our world is turned upside down. We start to take stock. We begin to ask ourselves why we didn’t see this coming. And then we begin to remember subtle hints that we might have taken note of, if we’d had the presence of mind. We think about the nagging feeling we got when we ate bad food or skipped our workout. We think about the heartburn, neck pain, or stomachache we got every time we harboured hateful thoughts. save 40%! In this same way people are beginning to remember the subtle feelings of unease that they felt during the high-rolling nineties. The one thing that causes disease in our body, our world, and our economy is lack of balance. Health, peace, and prosperity are all the outcome of living a balanced life. The majority of people still believe money is something alien and apart, and that’s only natural. All of our lives we’ve heard the phrases, ‘Money is the root of all evil.’ ‘Money is dirty.’ ‘Money can’t buy you love.’ and on and on. But money itself isn’t evil. It is the consciousness with which we get it, spend it, and hoard it, that can be evil. An exchange of energy Money is the energy that we human beings exchange for the purpose of surviving and thriving on earth. It is an essential part of human life, and without it we would not be able to share the goods and services that we all need to exist. But when this exchange of energy is out of balance the economy becomes diseased, and because money circulates through the planet touching everything and everyone, when it is out of balance and diseased, we are all affected. Money has not always been considered outside the circle of life as it is today. We live in a society that has lost its connection to the Divine. We have given power to those who stand outside the moral boundaries. We have come to believe that those who have money are the best people. We find ourselves feeling small and worthless when we have less money than others. We give the attention that human beings once gave to spiritual matters exclusively to material matters. Getting and spending money is our greatest concern. Consider for a moment your average day. How much of your day do you devote to your health (thinking about it, discussing it, exercising, shopping for healthy food? How much of your day do you devote to your family? How much of your day do you devote to your spiritual practice? And how
Creating a Sacred Marketplace
much time do you devote to getting and spending money? If you are like the great majority of human beings, you spend at the very least 75% of your waking day getting and spending money. If you are like most people your family comes second, your health comes third, and your spiritual life comes last. The sacred circle of life In the past when people lived closer to the earth, they felt a deep spiritual connection to it and the crops they grew and the livestock they raised. They knew that God was their support. They prayed for good weather and healthy crops, and when they went to market, they were very aware that it was God or Mother Earth who gave them the products that they sold. They gave thanks to the Divine for a good
JUST PUBLISHED BY CYGNUS! BOOK CIRCLE CHOICE: Even more savings when you buy extra copies!
MONEY IS LOVE Barbara Wilder
Money is Love is Barbara Wilder’s invitation for you to transform the way you perceive money, to rediscover its sacred origins and recognise it as energy that can be directed by thought. For when we change the energy around money from fear to love, we bridge the gap between the material and the spiritual world and make it possible for the unlimited abundance of the Divine to flow freely into our own lives and throughout the world. We can be freed from the mindset that money is scarce, with all its insidious effects in our own lives and in the world. When money is infused with the thoughts and energy of love, it becomes a healing agent that can transform whatever it touches. In this new edition, published by Cygnus, with text specially updated for readers in the UK and Europe, Barbara offers simple and effective tools, visualizations and exercises for connecting with, cleansing and blessing money.
104pp, 140mm x 216mm, softback, 2010, RRP £9.99
Code: 200706 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £5.99, 2 or more copies £5.49 each
crop, a good harvest, and the good prices these brought. The land, the product, and the marketplace were all part of the sacred circle of life, without which no human could exist. Our marketplace is that same marketplace, but we have forgotten that it’s sacred. We have lost our connection to the sacred circle of life, and if we even think of sacredness we consider it to exist outside of normal life. We have created a separation between our material lives and
Post to: Cygnus, PO Box 15, Llandeilo, SA19 6YX
our spiritual lives and in so doing we have divided our life from spirit. The ancient Hebrew culture celebrated a sacred marketplace, and it was in this sacred marketplace that people came together to exchange the energy that we call money for the purpose of living healthy, prosperous lives. In The Kabbalah of Money, Rabbi Nilton Bonder quotes the Talmud, which says, ‘True wealth is abundance that does not create scarcity.’ In a marketplace based on this principle everyone prospers. But to create this kind of marketplace we must be open to letting go of the fear/greed precepts on which our current economic system is based and receptive to the healing properties necessary to create a love-based economy. A love-based economy We are on the cusp of a new era in human history. The old order is fighting desperately to maintain its domination, but it won’t win because its time has passed. A new balance is coming into human experience. To help facilitate the new alignment, we can begin to create a sacred marketplace – one based on love not fear – simply by changing the way we think. When enough of us have made this change in consciousness the human race will make a quantum leap that we can only just begin to imagine. A simple way to begin to move into personal economic well-being while simultaneously becoming part of the critical mass needed to create a new world economy is to begin to think of money as love. To do this, simply think the thought ‘Money is love’ each time you enter into a monetary transaction. Write it on your cheques and credit card slips. Allow this simple phrase to become your teacher. Let money is love become your mantra. Every time you think or write ‘money is love’ you will step out of the old paradigm of the fear/greed economy for just a few seconds. A small amount of the fear we all carry in our hearts about money and our own economic well-being will dissipate and transform into love. The more you write, think, and say ‘money is love’, the more love will replace fear, and your economic well-being will become reflected in your bank account and in your daily life. Peace will replace anxiety, and prosperity will replace scarcity. And while you are in the process of changing your own thoughts about money from fear and greed to love and peace, you will begin to pass money imbued with the energy of love out into world’s economy. Money flows through the world like blood flows through the body. If, one by one, we as individuals begin to change the money that moves through our hands and our bank accounts into love, the money itself will become healed. And like a blood transfusion, we will begin to infuse the money flow of the planet with love, creating an economy of love not fear. Money is the blood of the planet. When we heal the money we will heal the world. In the process we will find personal peace and economic well-being. ©2010 by Barbara Wilder.
Cygnus Books 5
Rewriting your past, transforming your future
In 2005 I was completely disabled with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), a condition for which there is currently no known cure. Previously a very active performing-arts lecturer and personal development coach, I was initially devastated by the condition. But what appeared at first to be a drawback turned out to be a blessing in disguise. It started a journey of personal development that was so profound that I am now deeply grateful to the condition and all that it taught me. Like many great journeys, mine started with a turning point. One day, in a flash of inspiration, I understood that although pain was inevitable, given my physiological condition, suffering was most definitely a choice. In that moment I save made the decision to stop fighting my condi- 41%! tion. I made a pledge to accept where I was and learn from it, and I labelled myself as someone who was ‘in recovery’ from ME, rather than ‘suffering’ from ME. I dealt with the physical aspects of my condition using various techniques, with some good results. But psychologically I still had a number of issues. Most of these arose from invasive memories that had plagued me for years. Despite trying various talk therapies and other healing modalities, I was no closer to ending the emotional pain that I lived in. All that changed when I encountered EFT. I learned the EFT tapping sequence from a book and applied it to the pains in my calves. After a few minutes I experienced a sensation which was like ice cracking up the back of my legs. Then there was a shooting pain that went from my legs, up my back and seemingly out of the top of my head. Simultaneously, I burst into tears, laughing and crying at the same time. This went on for several minutes and then I stopped cold. The pains that had crippled me so badly for so long had completely gone. Following this amazing experience, I sought EFT practitioner training. I was particularly drawn to working with Karl Dawson. I had no idea that he himself had overcome chronic fatigue-related health issues using EFT. It was as if the universe led me to him. Resolving trauma In addition to ME, throughout the whole of my adult life I had experience bipolar affective disorder. When I attended the EFT training, while working with another group member, I got into severe difficulty. We were using EFT to resolve an abuse memory I had when suddenly I flipped into bipolar depression. I was suddenly terrified of being in a room full of strangers. However, Karl spotted that I was in trouble and used Matrix Reimprinting on me. Not only did I quickly resolve the trauma, but I uncharacteristically flipped straight out of the depression. This was the last time I experienced bipolar depression. The memory that I had worked on had obviously been the main trigger. Despite my vast range of qualifications in a whole host of healing modalities, I can safely
say that Matrix Reimprinting has now grown to be my tool of choice for dealing with any physical or emotional issue. Key principles Matrix Reimprinting originated from EFT, a self-help tool that is used to resolve or improve any physical or emotional issue, destructive thought pattern or form of behaviour. It involves tapping on points along the body’s meridian system – the system used in acupuncture. While tapping on the points, you bring to mind physical symptoms or negative memories. This helps to release life stresses or physical issues from the body’s energy system and allows it to return to emotional and physical health.
Are you on a journey of personal development which is being held back by your emotional issues? This new technique can help you release your emotional baggage so that you can return to joy. Matrix Reimprinting is a completely new personal development technique which dramatically improves health and wellbeing. It was developed from the popular self-help technique EFT, a meridian tapping therapy which has shown outstanding results with both physical and emotional issues. You will learn the science behind this technique and why it works, including the latest information on the Matrix, the New Biology, the body-mind connection, and the physiology of stress and trauma. Discover new protocols for working with trauma, relationships, addictions, phobias, allergies, birth and the early years, find new ways of accessing blocked memories and much more. Whether you are new to EFT, or a seasoned practitioner, this book contains a wealth of resources that will enable you to rewrite your past and transform your future – and that of your family, friends, or clients.
310pp, 134mm x 216mm, softback, 2010, RRP £12.99
Code: 200805 Cygnus Price £7.65
Matrix Reimprinting uses the same acupuncture points as EFT, and they are tapped in the same way, but the protocols are very different. It is based on a number of key principles. One of these is the quantum physics theory that we are all connected by a unified energy field, known as the Matrix. In order to practise Matrix Reimprinting, you will need to grasp the following principles: 1. We are all made up of energy that vibrates so fast we appear as solid matter. 2. We are linked by a web that connects us all,
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known as the Matrix. 3. We send our thoughts out into the Matrix and those thoughts are attracted back to us as life experiences. 4. We can change how we experience life by changing the pictures in the Matrix. Our understanding of the unified energy field has brought with it the knowledge that we are creators or our own realities, because what we focus on sends ripples into the Matrix that reflect back to us. Many of us have now learned that the universe responds to consciousness and our thoughts become our reality. Our beliefs, fears, hopes and dreams are all reflected back to us by the Matrix in the world that surrounds us. Replacing Matrix memories Our more challenging life experiences are held as pictures in the Matrix in the form of Energetic Consciousness Holograms, or ECHOs. At the moment a trauma occurs, if we can’t fight or take flight, feel isolated and realise there is no way out, we simply freeze. Our chemical responses protect us biochemically from being emotionally and physically overwhelmed, and as our consciousness freezes, part of us splits off energetically. At this point an ECHO is created. When the ECHO splits off, it is held in the Matrix. It contains all the information about the traumatic event and that event is numbed out from our consciousness as if it never happened. But it lives on in the images of our subconscious and dictates our response to future situations. Similar events will trigger a similar response and so we suffer stress, anxiety, phobias, and so on, which affect our interactions in everyday life and eventually take their toll on our physiology. With Matrix Reimprinting we can interact with these ECHOs to transform these past pictures and replace them with supportive ones. On a cellular level, these pictures are real-life events happening now. Memories are only memories to the conscious mind. To the subconscious mind they are current events. You may want to ask yourself what ‘current events’ are keeping you from healing and happiness. Matrix Reimprinting can release the energy of the trauma and bring about permanent healing through changing the pictures in the field. So if you have negative life pictures that are holding you in the past, you can change them for positive ones. We can use Matrix Reimprinting to resolve these negative beliefs and return to health, happiness and wellbeing in the present. From Matrix Reimprinting Using EFT, ©2010 by Karl Dawson and Sasha Allenby, published by Hay House. Suggested further reading and viewing: The Divine Matrix [170712] by Gregg Braden, The Field [130404] by Lynne McTaggart, The Secret DVD [D170202] and The Living Matrix DVD [D200101].
A body has to be clean before it can be lean, says James Duigan, and unless you rid your body of toxins you’ll never be as slim and sculpted as you’d like. The Clean & Lean Diet shows you how – in just fourteen days – to achieve a slimmer, more toned body. Divided into two sections, it explains first how to get ‘Clean’ by detoxing, and then how to get ‘Lean’ by honing your body through a combination of diet and maximum-impact exercises that are illustrated with step-bystep photography. With flexible meal plans, recipes, tips on avoiding the cravings that can lead you off track, advice on avoiding the toxic foods and drinks that prevent us losing weight and keeping it off, plus a maintenance plan that shows you how to maintain your new healthy lifestyle, James demonstrates that you, too, can be clean and lean for life.
Quantum Field Healing shows us that we have much more power to affect our bodies than we previously imagined. Discover the power of the mind over the body and find a route to wellness with Dr David Hamilton’s deep healing method. This visualisation demonstrates that the power lies in our own minds, in our perception of disease. Quantum Field Healing, which David introduced in his book, How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body [181210], is a guided visualisation technique that takes the listener down through the layers of biology in the body beyond the atomic level, where an illness or disease can be viewed as waves of energy instead of a solid substance. In his entertaining, friendly style, David explains the science and thought behind this incredible healing process before offering you the chance to experience its power yourself.
save 46%!
160pp, 190mm x 234mm, illus. in colour, softback, 2010, RRP £12.99 Code: 200806 Cygnus Price £6.99
EATING FOR BETTER HEALTH Prof Jane Plant & Gill Tidey
save This informative, accessible guide 42%! to eating for better health will help you regain control of your health whether you’re fighting a chronic condition or want to prevent problems in the future. Jane Plant and Gill Tidey show how eating the right foods can help you manage – and even prevent – a range of other common health problems, including: allergies; heart disease; high blood pressure; digestive problems; diabetes; skin problems; and many more. With clear advice on what to eat – and what to avoid – for each of the conditions, and featuring over 200 easy-to-make, delicious recipes to get you on the road to optimum well-being, this is a book for everyone who wants to live a healthier life.
352pp, 126mm x197mm, softback, 2010, RRP £9.99 Code: 200807 Cygnus Price £5.75
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Clean & Lean Diet’ & ‘Eating for Better Health’ together for £11.74 save 42%!
OVERCOMING CHRONIC PAIN Frances Cole, Helen Macdonald, Catherine Carus & Hazel Howden-Leach
Overcoming Chronic Pain will help you to escape from the distressing cycle of chronic pain, using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – which treats disorders by changing patterns of behaviour and thought that may be unhelpful – and provides a clinically proven self-help approach to pain management. This reassuring guide will help you understand why pain can persist even when there’s no injury or disease present. It gives guidance for how to become fitter and more active, and offers practical tips on improving sleep and relaxation. It covers better management of depression, anxiety and anger, and also provides advice on maintaining healthy and happy relationships with family and friends.
320pp, 128mm x 197mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2010, RRP £10.99 Code: 200808 Cygnus Price £6.40
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4 tracks, total running time 57min, 2010, RRP £7.99 Code: D200809 Cygnus Price £5.50
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San Pedro, a visionary and hallucinogenic brew derived from the mescaline-based Trichocereus pachanoi or ‘cactus of vision’, is one of Peru’s most important and powerful teacher plants. Shamanic healer, Ross Heaven, explains how, for thousands of years, this brew has been drunk by spiritual seekers and those who need healing. It has cured a wide variety of physical problems, including cancer, diabetes, paralysis, and pneumonia, as well as emotional and psychological issues such as alcoholism, heartbreak, and grief. Those who work with it say San Pedro brings us closer to God. Remarkably, however, while other South American teacher plants such as ayahuasca have been well reported in the literature, this is the first book specifically written about the shamanic use of San Pedro. save 43%!
240pp, 132mm x 214mm, softback, 2009, RRP £11.99 Code: 200811 Cygnus Price £6.99
Davina MacKail draws on her rich experience as a practising shaman to reveal the phenomenal intelligence of our dreaming mind – how it always navigates us towards our individual truth, encouraging and cajoling us towards wholeness and the understanding that we are so much more than we can possibly imagine. She describes easy techniques for understanding any dream, and how to use dreams to find out what’s keeping you stuck and how to change it. She even shows how to heal yourself through your dreams, and reveals the enormous potential of nightmares, in particular, to bring us gifts of insight and transformation. Brought to life with dream stories from Davina’s clients, this entertaining study of the dream world will teach you exactly the techniques you need to begin creating your perfect life.
286pp, 135mm x 215mm, softback, 2010, RRP £10.99 Code: 200810 Cygnus Price £6.25
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Hummingbird’s Journey to God’ & ‘The Dream Whisperer’ together for £12.24
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The Crystal of Love and Gratitude
It has been fifteen years since we succeeded in come from?’ ‘What is my purpose?’ and ‘Where taking the very first photograph of a water crysam I going after I die?’ I’ve never stopped looktal. It took more than two months to get that ing for answers; and when I ‘met’ water at the image after we started the experiment. I still age of forty three, I dedicated myself to studyremember how deeply moved my staff and I all ing it and have been deeply absorbed by its were when we finally captured it on film. When power ever since. In the course of seeking the we developed the photo, a beautiful hexagonal truth, I’ve discovered the answers to those funcrystal appeared. I was captivated by its beaudamental questions. Further, I was led by water ty, and since then, my team and I have continto develop my own understanding of the way of ued taking many water-crystal photos. life that can bring the greatest happiness, and We came up with the idea to take photos of even how the universe itself was created. water crystals after the water was exposed to save specific kinds of music or written words. MESSAGES FROM 40%! Words and phrases that are based on univerWATER & THE sal truths, such as thank you, formed lovely, UNIVERSE symmetrical hexagons. But water that was Masaru Emoto exposed to negative words of phrases proOf all the tens of duced ugly, misshapen crystals. thousands of photoThe beauty and mystery of the crystals graphs of water crysAmong all of the pictures, the most beautiful tals taken by Masaru crystal, in my opinion, is the one that was Emoto and his team exposed to the phrase love and gratitude for over the past 15 twenty four hours. years, the most beauTake a look at this photo. What do you think? tiful, Emoto believes, is the one that was To me, it resemexposed to the phrase love and gratitude. bles an open Since that photograph was taken, Emoto has flower and been wondering how such simple words emanates a myscould give birth to such an exceptionally eleterious and gant crystal, and he has dedicated the last graceful light. I decade to finding the answer. Now, in don’t think this Messages from Water and the Universe, kind of magnifihe shares his conclusions with us, and they cent beauty can couldn’t have arrived at a more appropriate be created by any human being. Even after time. The result is a beautiful message about examining thousands of photos, this is the one consciousness and transformation that parthat captured my heart, but I wondered how ticularly addresses the global and individual those simple words could give birth to such an problems we are facing now, such as the exceptionally elegant crystal. This became the economic crisis, diminishing natural burning question that I had to solve at any cost. resources, and newly emerging diseases, to Looking back now, I realise that the last decade name a few. When you listen to the meshas been dedicated to finding the answer. sages taught by water, Emoto explains, you’ll In recent years, I’ve finally reached a conclube able to see clearly the path you need to sion. And within it, there’s an important mestake through these turbulent times, and how sage, that is the theme of Messages from love and gratitude, far from being ‘mere Water and the Universe. I’m going to share emotions’, are capable of building the golden what I’ve learned about the truth of the crystal future of which we all dream. of love and gratitude, and this message could144pp, 127mm x 178mm, illus. in colour, softback, 2010, RRP £6.99 n’t have arrived at a more perfect time. Code: 200812 Cygnus Price £4.19 The world is in turmoil, as a great turning point is approaching. Many of us are already experiencing the various problems that humanThe biggest catalyst for me was gazing upon ity is facing, such as the economic crisis, the crystal of love and gratitude. Water taught diminishing natural resources, or newly emergme that those words shine most beautifully. In ing diseases that threaten our health, to name fact, I think they’re the key words in the coming but a few. A lot of people are simply at a loss age of the great transition. Love and gratitude when it comes to how they should live in this make up the essence of life. chaotic world. However, everything becomes clear if you lisThe essence of life ten to the messages taught by water. As I travel the world and meet new people, I believe what causes our confusion is the I refer to those who shine with the light of fact that we haven’t learned the authentic love and gratitude as Aikansha-bito – ‘beautinature of the world or the essence of living, but ful humans of love and gratitude’. When this wisdom is revealed in water. everyone on Earth embraces these values, Since I was a child, I’ve wondered about we’ll be surrounded by this spectacular, eterthese seemingly simple questions: ‘Where did I nal shining light.
My hope in sharing this message from water is to touch your heart so that you experience peace and healing through love and gratitude. And I would like to dedicate Messages from Water and the Universe to you for that day when you’ll be born again as Aikansha-bito. Know that the best way to shine is to follow your heart and express loving-kindness to everyone you encounter. Always remember that water will show you the way, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. When you look at a water crystal through a microscope, you can see countless other crystals behind the one you’re focusing on. It’s as if an extended universe exists within a tiny drop of water. When I get a glimpse of this beautiful world, a single thought comes to mind: once we activate our DNA to its full potential, a door to a new way of life will open, When that happens, our hearts will be filled with love and gratitude for each other and the entire planet. Imagine what a wonderful world that will be! From Messages from Water and the Universe, ©2010 by Masaru Emoto, published by Hay House.
THE STORY OF WATER Alick Bartholemew
Water shapes our landscapes and sustains life on Earth. It also influences our emotions and inspires imagination and creativity. Yet we take it for granted, treating it as a convenience or for cleansing. In The Story of Water, and with satisfying links to Masaru Emoto’s findings, Alick Bartholomew shows that water is the medium of communication between all living organisms. He suggests that only through understanding water’s true role in Nature can we begin to live responsibly and sustainably. The book covers all aspects of water, from water in the cosmos and solar system, through the Earth’s water cycles, to water in our bodies and in plants. It goes on to consider the larger picture as well: water’s cosmic role, the memory of water, and its crucial relationship to the quantum field. Finally, Alick addresses the future: the global water crisis and how to access the best quality of living water for human health. This is an informative, well written book which offers an original and fascinating study of water as a vital dimension that interconnects all life on Earth.
328pp, 157mm x 234mm, illustrated, softback, 2010, RRP £12.99 Code: 200813 Cygnus Price £9.99
SPECIAL OFFER Buy ‘Messages from Water...’ & ‘The Story of Water’ together for £13.18
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With closed eyes and open heart, watch the beautiful scenes and enjoy the sublime feelings that unfold in your save mind’s eye. Masaru 40%! Emoto presents classical music that he has found to be beneficial for common physical and emotional imbalances, together with inspiring descriptions of the benefits you may feel by listening to it. Each description appears alongside a captivating photograph of a water crystal that formed while the piece of music was being played. All the music on the two accompanying CDs evokes water in some way.
64pp, 210mm x 260mm, illus. in colour, hardback book + 2 CDs, total running time 2 hrs 7min., RRP £14.99 Code: 161208 Cygnus Price £8.99
Beautiful melodies, songs and lyrics, sung with a gentle, enchanting voice, to the soothing accompaniment of guitar, harp, percussion and keyboards. What more could you ask? Once heard, the words and melody of that oh, so special line: ‘there’s a hundred thousand angels by your side’, will stay with you always, bringing comfort in your hour of need and reminding you of just how safe you really are. All the other tracks are full of soul and wisdom too, be they songs of love, songs of joy, or songs of wistfulness.
12 tracks, total playing time 54 min, RRP £12.99 Code: D101014 Cygnus Price £10.99
Monastery Garden carries you away to a place of pure bliss, surrounded by a chorus of summertime birdsong, immersing you in nature in all her glory. From time to time, voices drift in and out on a gentle breeze, as you are soothed by the sound of distant monks’ Gregorian chant. Stand by a stream for a while and delight as the water skips over pebbles. The beauty of Monastery Garden is in the clarity of the birdsong: a host of garden and woodland birds join in natural harmony. Its delicate ambience provides a glorious inspiration for meditation or healing. This disc is also perfect for creating a restful atmosphere, to relax and unwind, or to help lull babies, children and adults into a peaceful sleep.
I track, running time 58 minutes, 1994, RRP £12.99 Code: D181220 Cygnus Price £8.99
CROSSING THE WATER CD Gary Plumley & Tony Young
CAVE OF GOLD CD Lynn Morrison
Cave of Gold is one of our favourite CDs and would make a wonderful gift for all kinds of people; it is perfect for playing by candlelight, to create a cosy, soothing atmosphere. Weaving strands of ancient Scottish sleep songs with more familiar melodies, this collection of lullabies gives you the feeling that you are being steadily rocked by gentle, lapping waves, on a sea of gold, wrapped in a golden mist. Layering warm vocals, traditional instruments and natural rhythms, the songs form a comforting blanket of sound to enchant young and old.
13 tracks, playing time 64 min, 2001, RRP £12.99 Code: D100733 Cygnus Price £9.99
Pia has a fabulous voice, powerful yet full of beauty and expression that penetrate deep into the heart and soul. What makes her so interesting is that she is a practitioner of Krishna Consciousness, the devotional and ecstatic essence of which is expressed in her songs. Mostly her own compositions, these delightful pop songs sing of love and adoration, and you are bound to find them uplifting as well as energising.
9 tracks, total running time 45.03 minutes, 2003, RRP £11.95 Code: D130209 Cygnus Price £8.99
RAIN OF BLESSINGS CD Lama Gyurme & Jean-Philippe Rykiel
Lama Gyurme, a Tibetan monk of the Kagyupa School, sings chants intended to bless, heal, purify, protect and liberate us. His voice is so deep, so rich, so amazingly resonant that you can feel it right in the centre of your chest and the marrow of your bones. This, combined with the sensitive arrangements and backing of a French musician and composer renowned for his mastery of the keyboards, gives you a wonderful feeling of inner strength, assurance and profound safety. A highly productive and successful meeting of East and West, ancient and modern, we find we want to play this CD again and again. The sleeve notes are excellent, too.
9 tracks, total playing time 54 mins, RRP £14.99 Code: D101013 Cygnus Price £9.99
With the sensual warmth of Gary Plumley’s sax and flute playing perfectly balanced by Tony Young’s meditative and uplifting piano and synthesizer, Crossing the Water is the perfect accompaniment to meditation, yoga, healing work or just chilling out. The ten compositions take you through the day, from before dawn through to the evening. A steady rhythm like a heartbeat, together with the soaring notes of the sax welcome in the rising sun, filling you with a reassuring sense of the majestic power of nature. As you listen, your sense of peacefulness and positivity deepens until, by the time you get to the final track, you feel firmly centred in your soul and ready for anything!
10 tracks, total running time 67 min, 2007, RRP £13.99
Code: D171005 Cygnus Price £9.99
ENLLI CD Llio Rhydderch
Llio Rhydderch must be by far the most magical harpist alive today, and to hear her perform is to feel yourself in the presence of the legendary harpists of old. Every note sparkles and glistens, and speaks eloquently of the peace of green hillsides, and of light reflected on the vast ocean. Sheer genius. The tracks are beautiful and inspiring, and include four pieces based on traditional Welsh melodies, around which Llio performs her breathtakingly lovely improvisations.
13 tracks, total running time 50 min, 2002, RRP £12.99
Code: D130419 Cygnus Price £10.99
REIKI CD George Raphael
George Raphael has worked closely with Reiki practitioners to create the perfect music for all Reiki treatments. Ten tracks blend harmoniously into one healing symphony which lasts about the same length of time as a typical Reiki treatment. The names of these tracks, such as Lotus Flower, speak messages as beautiful and meaningful as the music. Sonorous, echoing tones and the light tinkling of chimes and Tibetan bells cleanse the space around you, as the calm, consistent pace of the music lowers your heart rate and relaxes you completely, giving you the feeling of total well-being. Accompanied by bird song and the gentle babbling of water this composition of love transports you easily to a blissful here and now.
10 tracks, total running time, 73min, 1999, RRP £12.99
Code: D130304 Cygnus Price £9.99
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VOICES OUT OF STONE Natasha Hoffman & Carolyn North
Discover the original Avatars and learn how their ancient wisdom can profoundly change the way you view the world. Now that the word Avatar has been thrust into the global consciousness by the film of the same name, it’s a good idea to ask the question what exactly does Avatar mean? Who better to answer that question than Jeffrey Armstrong who, as the founder of the Vedic Academy of Science and Arts (VASA), has save 40%! studied Vedic philosophy and Indian culture for over forty years. Jeffrey Armstrong’s wise counsel and insightful teachings have already affected hundreds of thousands of people around the world — his goal is to empower a billion people with the wisdom of the Avatars. This Universal knowledge is a call to action to heal the planet and become our greatest self. As you’ll discover when you read this book, the wisdom endowed to us by Avatars throughout history is exactly what is needed on Earth now. Imagine a world filled with souls who live in the service of all beings, inspired by the loving example of the great Avatars. It could become a reality, if that is what we want.....
This book tells the extraordinary story of two women who, ten years apart and with no contact with one another, visited the standing stones of Carnac in Brittany, France, and received messages from these stones. The messages, shared in this book, appear to have been programmed into the stones at some time in the distant past, especially for humanity of today, as a way of helping the human race at this time of change and renewal. The messages are intriguing, casting new light on all kinds of universal mysteries, as well as on how to heal yourself and the planet. You will also be enthralled by the tale of extraordinary synchronicities and adventures that led each of the authors to hear the ‘voices’ of the stones, and finally, to meet each other and discover the incredible similarity of the messages they received. If you are interested in learning how to access spiritual knowledge at any spiritual site, or in discovering new ways of healing and growing at this pivotal time, Voices Out of Stone is for you.
218pp, 153mm x 228mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2010, RRP £10.99 Code: 200817 Cygnus Price £6.99
224pp, 132mm x 196mm, hardback, 2010, RRP £10.99 Code: 200814 Cygnus Price £6.59
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Who am I? What’s my life’s purpose? Where am I going when I die? These questions lie at the heart of all our lives, yet clear answers seem hard to come by. A Complete Guide to the Soul explains that answers can in fact be found in a secret history that runs like quicksilver through Western culture, from philosophy and alchemy, to poetry and modern psychology. This hidden tradition places our soul at the centre of the universe and shows us how to recover a sense of meaning that so many of us have lost today. In this book of rare depth, Patrick Harpur explores the nature of our soul, as well as its destiny. He unpacks the myths that surround it and shows how it may actually be the very fabric of reality. And he explains that, not until we have a clear understanding of this invisible part of ourselves, can we discover the answers to many of our questions about existence and human nature. Ultimately, this knowledge could help us find our true place within the world in which we live.
256pp, 134mm x 215mm, softback, 2010, RRP £9.99 Code: 200815 Cygnus Price £5.99
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar’ & ‘A Complete Guide to the Soul’ together for £11.58
MADE FOR GOODNESS Desmond Tutu & Mpho Tutu
The truth of human goodness can get hidden under the fear that we cannot live up to its demands, or it can get buried under faults or failures, or it can just get forgotten. In this thoughtful and important book, the Archbishop save (with his daughter, Mpho Tutu) shows how we 41%! can find our way back to goodness by changing our attitudes, by practising forgiveness, and by prayer. Then we will begin to see the goodness and beauty of others... If our view changes, this in turn makes all the difference to the way we act. And how we act towards one another affects not only ourselves but everything in our world – for the better.
218pp, 140mm x 222mm, hardback, 2010, RRP £12.99 Code: 200816 Cygnus Price £7.65
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Brimming with impressive and poignant true stories, Signs From The Afterlife explains the ways in which TJ has developed her wisdom and psychic insights and how she receives messages from the Other Side and communicates amazingly accurate information from those who have passed over. More than this, you will learn how you can use TJ’s techniques for themselves, as she explains how to trust and recognise their communication. Through reading the signs that are to be found all around us, we too can connect more closely with our lost loved ones and become the masters of our destinies. Generous, warm and with a great sense of humour, TJ shows us how to decode the signs from the Afterlife that are all around us.
252pp, 128mm x 198mm, softback, 2010, RRP £6.99 Code: 200818 Cygnus Price £3.99
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SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Voices Out of Stone’ & ‘Signs from the Afterlife’ together for £10.98
Learn the patterns written in history and discover how to predict them. The ancient civilisation of the Mayans created a calendar that is still incredibly accurate today. Through observation of the stars they developed an understanding of the patterns of history, the ages of humankind,and even calculated exact dates when a new age would begin. The next age is set to begin on 21st December 2012. Drawing upon the elaborate and infinite patterns observable in nature, Gregg Braden shows the systems that lie behind the shaping of history. Taking his starting point from the Mayans, he shows their marking of the new age is but one instance of the cyclical nature of history. By understanding how our actions are repetitions of those in the past, Gregg shows us a way to make sense of the present and the dramatic changes yet to come. Gregg Braden’s discoveries take us across the world and throughout time as he reveals the truth about our past, present and future. (Note: this was formerly published as Fractal Time.)
334pp, 130mm x 196mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2010, RRP £8.99 Code: 200819 Cygnus Price £5.40
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Dear Friend, When I was a student in high school, I was, for a brief time, a member of a very fundamentalist Bible study movement. I once attended a weekend retreat where the keynote speaker was a well known protestant minister of the fire and brimstone sort. He called on us (young and very innocent high-school kids) to repent. What we were to repent about was not at all clear. At one moment, he literally acted out the last judgement, putting himself in the place of God, talking in a voice which was half way between a growl and an angry army colonel’s yell, saying that if we did not repent now, God would remind us of this weekend with Pastor Rye (not his real name), and call us liars and condemn us to hell. It was a frightening experience for the sensitive young soul I was, and afterwards I spent a long moment, late into the night, lying on the floor of the little chapel begging God to help me repent! This trauma stayed with me for well over thirty years, accompanied with a deep-seated resentment and great anger, until I discovered a wonderful exercise in a little known book, now very difficult to come by, Unconditional Love and Forgiveness by Edith Stauffer. I did it twice on the beach in California at the home of friends with whom I was staying, early in the morning, and in only thirty minutes ten tons of resentment just vanished. Today, I feel compassion for Pastor Rye and bless him wherever he may be on his spiritual journey. Edith Stauffer has this beautiful definition of forgiveness: it is ‘a decision not to punish ourselves for the wrongs of others or other circumstances.’ Here are the seven steps of the exercise she presents.
Step 1 Say to yourself: ‘I choose to stop punishing myself and feeling bad for what (name of person) has done/is doing.’
Step 2 Imagine that the person you need to forgive is in front of you. You may wish to close your eyes. As you hold the image of this person in front of you, say aloud: ‘I would have preferred you to have said (or done) ___’ (Or, I would add: ‘I would have preferred you not to have said (or done) ___ )
Step 3 Say: ‘But you didn’t do that, so I will now release this incident. I choose to let it go and be free of it.’
Releasing Resentment
Step 4 Say:’ Therefore I cancel all demands, expectations, and conditions that you do/say/be ___ in the past and now. I cancel the demand that you be (any certain way.) save You are totally responsible for your 42%! actions and deeds, and I release you to your own good.’ Some people might like to add the following: ‘I refuse to continue making myself suffer because you did not behave (or speak) the way I wish you had behaved (or spoken). It is not for me to decide how you should have behaved, nor judge you for behaving as you did. I refuse to be a victim of resentment and accept the freedom, peace and joy that comes from releasing it.’
Step 5 Edith suggests here that you contact your Higher (divine) Self and feel its deep love for you, enabling you to release all expectations and demands towards the other party (or situation, event, etc).
Step 6 Still feeling the compassion and love of the Higher Self, say to the person you are forgiving that you are sending them this love just as they are and have been. Do not conclude the exercise until you really feel this love flowing out from you to the other person.
Step 7 Become aware of your body and how it feels. ‘See if you are holding on to any demands that this person change in any way. If you do not feel release, repeat the process.’ She suggests that the process be repeated for every specific grudge you have against the person involved (e.g. he not only ran away with your best girl-friend but also emptied your shared bank account!) as the mind cannot do a blanket forgiveness – each specific issue needs to be handled separately. Stauffer suggests that we always examine our willingness to really let go. If release is not rapid, it may be that something at a deeper level is blocking the release, in which case simply ask: ‘Is something else blocking this process?’ Usually, it will come up. Resentment is one of the most horrible things to drag through life. It literally eats you up from the inside. (And often the person who hurt us is not even aware of the harm they committed.) So forgiveness is a gift we make first and foremost to ourselves. We allow ourselves to be free, at peace and recover our joy. So, friend, why postpone the glory and wonder of total, unconditional forgiveness? It is one of the most splendid gifts you could make to yourself. And you are so worthy of it! With my loving thoughts, Pierre Pradervand
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JUST PUBLISHED BY CYGNUS! BOOK FOR GIVING: Even more savings when you buy extra copies!
Mystics tell us that behind the veil of material appearances exists an infinite, unconditionally loving principle of benevolence, abundance and peace. Would you like to develop your own awareness of that? An awareness so vivid, so unwavering that you can no longer mistake the veil for the reality? An awareness so penetrating that the laws of Love, with their transforming, healing power, are admitted even into the darkest hell? This, and no less, is the aim of The Gentle Art of Blessing, described so eloquently by Pierre Pradervand. ‘To bless,’ says Pierre, ‘means to wish, unconditionally and from the deepest chamber of your heart, unrestricted good for others and events. To bless is to acknowledge the omnipresent, universal beauty hidden from material eyes; it is to activate that law of attraction which, from the furthest reaches of the universe, will bring into your life exactly what you need to experience and enjoy.’ You will find that The Gentle Art of Blessing is the perfect way to develop an awareness constantly centred in love. When you bless all those you meet in their total happiness and true integrity, without the slightest concern for their appearance, expression, race, class, gender, or any other label, when you wish them the very best from your innermost being, it will be impossible for your heart not to expand. From a narrow cubicle, it will become a temple without walls. 224pp, 138mm x 213mm, softback, 2010, RRP £11.99
Code: 2008 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £6.99 2 or more copies £6.49 each
Just published by Cygnus, this extended edition of The Gentle Art of Blessing, with 24 pages of new material, includes more blessings and a new section where Pierre shares some of the correspondence he has received about the impact of blessing in everyday life.
Cygnus Books 11
People often ask me: ‘Why is this happening?’ The question of ‘why’ is something that is around us all the time: ‘why am I ill?’, ‘why have I lost my job?’, ‘why did someone die so young?’, ‘why is there this war, that disaster or that tragedy?’ ‘why did I meet that person’ and so on. It repeats again and again. People ask me because I’m a karmic counsellor, someone who looks at past life patterns in the birthchart to discern the purpose and soulplan for the current incarnation – and who uses psychic ‘far memory’ to read past life causes or interlife choices. In other words, I examine the credits and deficits on a soul’s spiritual bank account – and how the present life is going to contribute to their growth or diminishment. Soul overlay Knowing why can help to guide us through difficult times but nevertheless, even with the understanding I have, there are moments when everything seemingly goes wrong and I feel let down and I instantly revert to my Gnostic past. The Gnostics believed that this earth is ruled by an ‘evil’ demiurge who takes great pleasure in tormenting the souls incarcerated on earth and that the ‘good’ demiurge is only to be found outside incarnation in the spiritual world. In those moments I perceive that this universe is ruled by a malicious, cruel-hearted being with a black sense of humour who delights in thwarting my plans and playing cosmic jokes. The trickster at the heart of the universe. This is what I call a soul overlay. Some ingrained soul overlays are particularly hard to shift, especially when events seem to support the belief encapsulated within them. It doesn’t take long though before I start to ask ‘why has this happened?’ and to look for the gift or learning in the situation, which admittedly is sometimes hard to find. Given time, it usually becomes clear that either something better was waiting or that I was stuck in an old pattern that simply had to go. Nevertheless, that moment of railing at fate or whatever, still occurs. No doubt it does to you too. It is all too easy to intellectually understand, logically with our head, the necessity for change but it is much harder to emotionally understand and embrace this with our hearts. Deep down, I am convinced that facing this necessity for change is all part of a soulplan I laid out before I was born and that part of that soulplan was to one day be able to face those moments with equanimity and without flipping into my old beliefs. That I no longer flip into them for days, weeks, months, years even lifetimes is progress. I now try to compassionately witness what I am going through without beating myself up and with forgiveness for myself and my slips in my heart. A question I am frequently asked is: ‘Why do people need to know about their past lives and interlife choices? What possible value can it have?’ Above all, it can show that you are not a victim of circumstance but are experiencing a carefully planned path of soul evolution. You learn that you are an immortal soul who happens to be on a human journey at this moment
but who is capable of multi-faceted experience in different dimensions. Into the interlife I’ve had a long (exceedingly long if you take other lives into account) training to do this work, including conducting hundreds of regressions, reading well over a thousand maps of the soul’s plan – the birthchart – and talking to many ‘higher selves’ who have a much broader view than is possible from here on earth. I’ve accompanied numerous people into the interlife, attending the planning meeting at which they broadly map out the purpose and path of the present incarnation and the soul contracts that may go with it. I’ve also been to the life review that follows death to see how far that purpose was achieved.
Over thirty five years of exploring past lives, the afterlife, the interlife and the spaces in between have convinced Judy Hall that we are not victims of circumstance, nor are we solely a product of karmic consequences. We are all following a soulplan which may be strewn with obstacles but which will ultimately lead to soul growth. So if you’ve been asking yourself why certain things have happened to you, the key may lie in other lives or in the space between lives – the interlife. From interlife exploration, it is clear that there are souls who are still fulfilling a soul contract that is way past its sell-by date. There are also souls who have chosen to undergo a specific life experience not because of their karma but because they want to cultivate their soul or to offer service to humanity. In this wide-ranging book, Judy Hall encompasses the vast kaleidoscope of karma and interlife choices.
220pp, 156mm x 234mm, softback, 2010, RRP £16.95
Code: 200820 Cygnus Price £14.39
At one time I believed that, when it is viewed as purposeful, self-generated and subject to freewill, the process of reincarnation resolved all the great questions of life: providing a reason for ‘suffering’, the ‘fairness’’ or otherwise of a situation a person finds him or herself in, and the apparent unjustness of one short life – plus recognising that current life actions will have consequences. Soul choices made in the interlife are powerful and may override even the most compelling karma or soul overlay if the intention or need is great enough, although this is not always the case and the reverse may occur. Soul overlays that contain old soul contracts well past their sell-by date but not yet rescinded can have a powerful effect on the present life. These soul overlays present as an ingrained, repeating pattern over many lifetimes that,
The Book of Why
while it may have its roots in karma, has little to do with consequences – being more like an old gramophone needle stuck in a groove of ‘must do’ that needs to be shed by the soul. Distinguishing between present life soul purpose and past life soul overlays that have carried over into the present life is challenging. They trip up many a soul’s evolutionary intent as deeply ingrained imperatives often seem to be determined to play out at all costs and can take a great deal of disentangling and renegotiation. It can be difficult as we start out on our journey to distinguish between our karmic consequences, the soul contracts we have made and the purpose we have incarnated to fulfil. Beyond personal karma However, even I am continually surprised by how the unfolding of what appears, on the surface, to be karmic or an overwhelming catastrophic event that is beyond personal karma may well be a soul decision to grow through exceedingly difficult circumstances not from karmic compulsion, but from a soul choice. Rather than a dire event being karmic retribution, reparation or restitution, what seems to be a collective disaster may be a set of circumstances specially chosen by the soul as an opportunity for learning, or for service to humanity or compassionate witnessing of our plight. From The Book of Why, ©2010 by Judy Hall, published by The Wessex Astrologer.
Judy Hall brings her lifetime of experience – not just as a crystal practitioner but as a passionate explorer of the metaphysical and spiritual – to bear on the question of prosperity: what it is and is not, why some of us have it and some of us don’t, and how crystals can help us not simply to attract more money into our lives, but to create a real sense of abundance and wellbeing. Pointing out that there are many ways of being wealthy, Crystal Prosperity examines what enriches life in addition to money, encompassing skills, gifts, relationships and home-work balance. Merely reading the book won’t enrich your life. Doing the exercises and taking a hard look at what you believe about prosperity will. And along the way you’ll learn how crystals can act as powerful attractors, amplifying, potentizing and manifesting your deepest desires.
160pp, 157mm x 222mm, illus. in colour, hardback, 2010, RRP £9.99 Code: 200821 Cygnus Price £7.49
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In this intelligent look at the new science of genetics and the frontiers of human potential, David Shenk argues that talent – for piano playing, sprinting, designing computers, you name it – is not a thing we’re gifted from birth and coded in our genes, but a process – a lifelong project. Shenk illustrates that Mozart, seemingly born a musical prodigy, was in fact brought up in an environment almost uniquely perfect to mould him into the child star he became. Genes, he argues, are not a ‘blueprint’ that bless some with greatness and doom most of us to mediocrity. Integrating cutting-edge research from a wide swath of disciplines – cognitive science, genetics, biology, child development – Shenk portrays a highly optimistic new view of human potential, and outlines his prescription for cultivating excellence within us all. The Genius in All of Us carries a deeply revolutionary and optimistic message: we are not prisoners of our DNA, and we all have the potential for greatness
320pp, 144mm x 222mm, illus. in b&w, hardback, 2010, RRP £14.99 Code: 200822 Cygnus Price £8.25
THE KEYS Denise Marek & Sharon Quirt
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Wouldn’t it be lovely to free yourself from the negative chatter in your mind, to release yourself from past pain, fears and feelings of failure? Making a great deal of sense, Denise Marek and Sharon Quirt suggest that the four most important keys to that happy state are: awareness, acceptance, forgiveness and freedom. It is these keys, they say, that will enable you to finally resolve any part of your past that is causing current negativity around you, and remove the barriers that once kept you from achieving your goals. The first key – awareness – will allow you to free yourself from the ego’s control. The second key – acceptance – will help you release all negative judgement towards yourself and others. The third key – forgiveness – will let you release yourself totally from the past, whilst taking forward any positive lessons. With the first three keys you’ll then be able to move on to the fourth and final one – freedom – the doorway to infinite possibilities, the life you’ve longed to live and the person you were destined to become.
190pp, 128mm x 178mm, softback, 2009, RRP £6.99 Code: 200823 Cygnus Price £4.19
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THE ANATOMY OF PEACE The Arbinger Institute
Have you ever felt like you couldn’t shake your anger, or your bitterness, or your anxiety? Or have you ever felt that others make you miserable – that despite your best efforts to make things work, people at home or work seem committed to undercutting your happiness or your success? The Anatomy of Peace will instil hope and inspire reconciliation. Through a series of moving stories about once-bitter enemies reunited, it shows us how we routinely misunderstand the causes of conflict – and perpetuate the very problems we’re trying to solve. The Anatomy of Peace shows you how to focus on helping things go right, rather than ‘fixing’ things that go wrong; think about others as people with fears of their own, not obstacles in your way; stop worrying about how the world sees you; and, learn to move away from blame and bitterness Welcome to a world without conflict.
256pp, 129mm x 198mm, softback, 2010, RRP £9.99 Code: 200824 Cygnus Price £5.99
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This beautifully presented gift book offers you an opportunity to internalize and directly experience the great wisdom of the Tao Te Ching, a collection of eighty one verses authored by Chinese prophet Lao-tzu twenty five centuries ago. The words Tao Te Ching translate to ‘living and applying the Great Way’. ‘The Tao’ is considered by many scholars to be the wisest book ever written, and it encourages you to change your life by literally changing the way you think. Within these pages, Dr Wayne W Dyer has broken down the verses into bite-size pieces so that you can understand these powerful thoughts at your own pace. Working with one concept at a time, you will come to know the truth behind the ancient ‘Tao’ observation: that when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
380pp, 135mm x 184mm, illus. in colour, hardback, 2010, RRP £9.99 Code: 200825 Cygnus Price £5.99
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The problem with bouncing back from disaster is that we don’t always bounce! So if you or anyone you know has been having a bit of a hard time recently, we couldn’t think of a nicer book to read. Not at all heavy going, the really sound advice Andrew Matthews conveys is kept light with a delightful seasoning of funny cartoons, and the stories he shares of people who have lost everything or almost been beaten by alcohol, illness, abuse or outrageous misfortune will let you see that you are not alone, and also that there is light at the end of the tunnel. If you need help to find your way through the pain, or contentment seems out of your reach, Happiness in Hard Times will give you the courage, and the guidance, you need. save 43%!
222pp, 136mm x 216mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2010, RRP £8.99 Code: 200826 Cygnus Price £5.40
Take a close look at this book. What do you see on the front cover? Well, let that be a hint to one of the wonderful elements that unfolds in this story. Curious? Well, it’s well worth a look inside. Although Summer’s Path is fictional, it’s clear that Scott Blum delved deep inside his own experiences while writing it. Indeed, it deals with very difficult subjects that many of us will have to confront sometime in our lives. It is the story of Don, a terminally ill man who comes face-to-face with his personal destiny under extraordinary circumstances. On his deathbed he meets an angel of death who promises to help him with a graceful exit. As Don prepares to say his last goodbyes to his loving wife, the angel attempts to change Don’s perspective about his mortality and proposes an exceptionally unique option, with a certain ‘twist in the tail’. He leads Don through a beautiful meditation on life and death, on various healing and spiritual concepts, and soul destiny. On this magical journey of self-realization, Don discovers that it’s never too late to learn profound life lessons about ourselves and our loved ones. These difficult experiences are, says Scott Blum, gifts from the universe to help us on our journey.
225pp, 136mm x 185m, hardback, 2010, RRP £9.99 Code: 200608 Cygnus Price £5.65
Cygnus Books 13
People often ask me what permaculture is. There is a short answer and there is a long one, which should come with a warning: permaculture can inspire a lifetime of discovery and creative living. If you don’t want to change your worldview and your life, stop here! The short answer is that permaculture is a thinking tool for designing low carbon, highly productive systems – but its influence can be very pervasive! It is a means of connecting each of us more deeply to nature’s patterns and wisdom – and of practically applying that understanding in our daily lives. The discipline of permaculture design is based on observing what makes natural systems endure, establishing simple yet effective principles, and using them to mirror nature in whatever we choose to design. This can be gardens, farms, buildings, woodlands, communities, businesses – even transition towns and cities. Permaculture is essentially about creating beneficial relationships between individual elements and making sure energy is captured in, rather than lost from, a system. Its application is only as limited as our imaginations. The bedrock of permaculture is its three ethics: Earth Care, People Care and Fair Shares. These are its motivation, its heart. They are not exclusive to permaculture and were derived from the commonalities of many worldviews and beliefs. They are therefore shared ethics, indeed shared by most of the world. What permaculture does is make them explicit within a design process that aims to take them out of the realms of philosophy and practically root them in everybody’s lives, transforming thinking into doing. It is their combined presence in a design that has a radical capacity for ecological and social transformation. So that is the theory, but... What do I do in practice differently, since permaculture appeared in my life? One of my great loves is gardening. Food can account for one third of our eco-footprint and so growing just a little makes a difference. Tim and I grow fruiting trees (every kind you can imagine from 23 apple varieties, cobnuts to medlars and gages plus more unusual Chinese varieties like dogwood and quince). We also grow soft fruit (including goji berries), perennial and annual veg and hedgerow edibles as well. All of this is mixed up with as many native species as possible, bringing resilience and pest predators into the garden. I have a passion for wildflower meadows and living on chalk downland means we can attempt to mimic our local nature reserve, Old Winchester Hill, by growing plants HEALING WITH SOUL: Esoteric Healing made practical and accessible. An introductory weekend 11/12th September 2010, in a peaceful centre in Emsworth, Hampshire. Brochure and more details from Dinah Lawson 02392-412499 or
Permaculture: Creative Green Living
like wild marjoram, knapweed, ox-eye daisies, devil’s bit scabious, lady’s slipper and cranesbill. In summer the meadow area (which is not not huge) is full of iridescent blue butterflies. Common lizards (which are not common anymore) hunt there and live in the wood piles. Money Saving Ideas If you have a small garden, one crop I would really recommend is garlic. We bought our first bulbs from the Isle of Wight Garlic Farm ( and planted them in October. They like to overwinter, similar to broad beans. Even a small bed can save a lot of money over a year. You can then choose your best bulb for the following year’s crop. It is fun to plait the garlic and hang it in the kitchen, a savoury decoration until you eat it all.
Getting Started in Permaculture is based on a real life development. It shows the step-by-step procedures for making herb fertilisers, compost, organic sprays for pest control and many more things that you can apply to your own home and garden. The book discusses how to reuse your soft drink bottles, waste paper and tyres in a number of useful projects such as ponds, fruit fly traps, retaining walls and solar stills. Each subject includes a permaculture perspective which explains some of the basic principles of permaculture design and the reasons for applying them. All the projects have been in use for many years on the authors’ smallholding, which was developed from a barren field into a thriving, diverse food producing area with multiple ecosystems and functions.
110pp, 148mm x 210mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2007, RRP £9.95 Code: 200827 Cygnus Price £7.25
I love to share seed and plants with others. This year a friend of mine gave me some Bridgwater climbing French beans, originally from the Heritage Seed Library ( These are happily spiralling up my home-grown bamboo (another tasty edible in its shooting form that grows into a useful resource for garden structures). The bamboo is made into a permanent frame, on the back of my south-west facing glazed kitchen. The glazing is argon filled so it doesn’t get cold in winter and even heats the house on a sunny day. The kitchen is full of light all year round. In the summer it can get hot, so we grow edibles up the bamboo frame to create temporary shade. This year the climbing beans have pride of place and when we want to harvest them, we can literally lean out of the windows! We heat the house with as little fossil fuels as possible. Besides being ecological good sense,
it also saves money. The house is well-insulated and the south-west facing kitchen/living area is a passive solar design. As I described, the sun heats the house through our large glazed area. We have a woodburning stove (soon to be two) and we heat our water with evacuated solar panels. These work even on a cloudy day and heat our water most of the year. In summer, very hot water is abundant. If you are good at plumbing, one of the best sources for these panels is Navitron. There is a free manual on their website ( If like us you need an installer, make sure you have a registered specialist and get a few quotes. There are a lot of double glazing salesmen out there doing dodgy deals and charging exorbitant prices. Don’t be pressurised into buying anything. Shop around. One of our next projects is to install photovoltaic cells for electrical generation, again from a reputable installer, this time Southern Solar who installed the 8 kW system at The Sustainability Centre. The government has introduced a new Feed In Tariff, allowing new installations to be paid for generating electricity – even if you use it yourself – and this means the pay-back time for the system can be within ten years. Then there is the Sustainability Centre where we work and volunteer. My most recent permaculture input there has been to encourage the creation of a beautiful roundwood timber woodland classroom built by Ben Law, almost entirely from our own timber. Ben has steambent the roof rafters, making the western red cedar roof shingles appear to curve out over the woodland like the hull of a great ship. It is inspirational. To have a preview of early work in progress you can see a film clip at
All this is really the tip of an iceberg. Permaculture has inspired so many ideas and practical projects in my life. The beauty of it is that you don’t have to be an expert at anything, just willing to roll up your sleeves and have a go. I guarantee that besides growing food and being creative in hand and mind, it will not only save you money but connect you more deeply with Nature and make you happy. Maddy
An evolving idea of what a kitchen garden could be – organic, environmentally sustainable, resilient – it is also a place for learning and practising growing skills, and for enjoying ourselves and having fun. This is a vibrant, original book full of fascinating ideas and experiments for the adventurous gardener. RRP £14.95
Code: 200615 Cygnus Price £9.95
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Getting Started in Permaculture’ & ‘The Alternative Kitchen Garden’ together for £16.20
Letters and poems from Cygnus members
Dear Friends, Pierre Pradervand’s The Gentle Art of Blessing [140801, £6.99] had an amazing impact on me. It helped to create change in my life at a time when my mother passed away and I was going through a difficult time. The way the author expressed his feelings in such an authentic way energized my life. I wanted to invite Pierre to come to Canada to give a seminar, and although I have not yet done anything more about it, it remains a dream in my mind. His book helped me to put into practice what I had previously learned from a metaphysical teacher. I did not have a very A Ladder to the Sun I climbed a ladder to the sun Each rung cast a shadow On the bouncing Balls of fire Spinning in the sky I counted the nameless satellites In orbit Listening to the sound of silence Undisturbed by a stranger On the ladder Higher, higher, I climbed From an empty world To reach The pearls of eternity In a flowerless paradise Beyond the stars
good relationship with my mother and I was moving back and forth between illusion and reality. The Gentle Art of Blessing helped me to focus again on who I really am, giving practical suggestions that I treasure deeply. I was able to reconnect and practice daily being aware of my divine self. As I walked the streets of Montreal, I would bless everyone that I passed on my way. I would say, ‘God in me greets god in you.’ I would bless everyone I saw on the Metro, on the street and in the school building where I worked. I looked at everyone with my inner eye to see divine light everywhere. To this very day I keep one eye focused on the eternal presence within. My real existence is the ‘I AM’ that dwells in all. Dolores Cheeks
Janet Baxter
Audrey Peterson
Creativity Creativity is my medicine, without it I would curl up and wither away. It is as vital to me as fresh air, sunlight and water. When I first became ill with ME and lay in bed for hours and hours I decided to keep a journal, enabling me to express my innermost thoughts. I realized that the ‘creative spirit’ needs to be free and expressed. There are times when I feel stagnant, stuck and burdened with this condition, yet when I am creating something, be it a poem, a drawing or even a small project in the home or garden, I am transformed. I used to be a dancer many years ago so I love to put some music on and just allow my body to move in whatever way it desires, this never fails to lift me up and helps me to feel whole. It is as if I create an opening for the essence of beauty
to flow back into my life. We are all creators but when we become ill our life-force is depleted and our creativity often goes underground. By experimenting with simple creative acts, we can begin to feel more alive and engaged with life. At times I sense that I am grieving for the life I once had, but by bringing creativity into my life I come back to the present and I welcome change. I begin to understand that I am a creator and that each day I am creating my life anew. Writing, drawing, dancing or any simple creative act empowers me, it transforms my day to day life and I am thankful. Raine Geoghegan A Jewel Emerging Touched by love, I open like a flower, My thousand petals open to the Sun. Touched by love, I open more each hour, Stretch out my petals, see the dewdrops run. And then, at noon, when I am fully open, I shine and quiver with a new delight, Uncovered at long last, within my centre, The precious rainbow jewel of love and light.
Blessings and love, Eveon Maya
Post to: Cygnus, PO Box 15, Llandeilo SA19 6YX
Birth of a Poem I held in my heart the parts of people gone They had left behind them when they had to carry on. I held a smile from one – a gentle embrace from another, And all the little things that make a sister love her brother. I held these precious memories and I held them very still, Never really daring to look at them until... You loved me enough to help me dare to let them go. And instead of disappearing they began to flow. A touch became a poem, a smile became a song, Only in letting go, I realized holding them was wrong. Yvonne Bain Wisdom Come my beloved and drink from wisdom’s cup Then you will thirst no more An upward hill will be as a downward slope And level will be the ground you walk upon God’s grace will be your inward breath And peace your outward sigh While His deep cloak of love Circles joy like a piercing crown To mend the broken heart Jennie Starling THE WRITER OF OUR ‘STAR’ LETTER OR POEM WILL RECEIVE A £10 VOUCHER. SO WHY NOT WRITE TO YOUR CYGNUS FRIENDS? Write about whatever inspires you. Do you have a theme in mind? Let us know and we may dedicate a month to your theme. If you have an insight, experience or poem, please write it down in NOT MORE THAN 250 WORDS (or, if it is a poem, in NOT MORE THAN 24 LINES) and send it by post or email. If you send it by email, to, please include ‘Chat Page’ and the theme in the subject line, dropping your text into the body of the email. IF YOUR CONTRIBUTION IS PUBLISHED ON THIS PAGE, YOU WILL RECEIVE A £5 CYGNUS VOUCHER
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Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 6pm Sunday 10am to 5pm (Closed Mondays, except Bank Holidays)
Cygnus Books 15
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DEVELOP LingZi, Mikao Usui’s Original Reiki Force: a high-frequency physical vibration for healing and cosmic connection. 15-19th September 2010 with Dr Shen Hongxun in Shropshire. Accom. £220, Course £250. Call Ann 0117 377 0103;; SOUND HEALING – A healing journey led by the sounds & vibrations of the drum, singing bowls and the gong. With Paula Luis. Friday 6 to Sunday 8th August 2010. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £175. Claridge House, Surrey. Tel: 01342 832150 visit SUMMER SONG – Share the pleasures of a summer garden with words and memories. Poetry and prose with Ted Walter. Friday 20 to Sunday 22nd August 2010. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £175. Claridge House, Surrey. Tel: 01342 832150 visit YOGA TO BEAT FATIGUE – A gentle course for all abilities. Fatigue-busting and health boosting yoga postures with Fiona Agombar. Saturday 28 to Monday 30th August 2010. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £175.Claridge House, Surrey. Tel: 01342 832150 visit DRAWING – A course in how to see. Learn to draw with skill and confidence using the creative right side of the brain. With Dennis Massey an experienced tutor. Monday 6 to Friday 10th September 2010. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £295. Claridge House, Surrey. Tel: 01342 832150 visit FAST TRACK YOGA TEACHER TRAINING. Become a fully registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance 200-hour professional certification. Valid around the world. Buddhist based. Call Daizan 07904 319952 visit DISCOVER DOWSING! 2-day Foundation courses around the country for novices and complete beginners. 16/17th October, nr. Malvern, Worcs. £135. Tel. 01684 576969; DOWSING CONFERENCE 10-12th September 2010, Cirencester. Join us for just a day or the whole weekend of joyful dowsing fun. For novices and experienced dowsers. Tel. 01684 576969; GENERAL and Practical Dowsing Course. Gog Magog Hills, Cambridge 9/10th October 2010. Learn to dowse for pipes, cables and drains. £145. Tel. 01684 576969;
DR CHRISTINE PAGE - Talk : ‘The Courage to Change’ Friday 17th September, 7.30pm at The Oaklands Hotel, Norwich, Norfolk. For more information, tel. 01603 890356 during office hours, or email: THE ALCHEMY OF ENERGY TOUR. Sunday 8th August 2010. A workshop with Bernard Ilsley, world renowned psychic, with meditations that include the Eastern Tabla, with Paul Angelo on Tampura at the beautiful Chatsworth House, Derbyshire. Tel. 01584 891750 or 01246 583686 HOMEOPATHY & Complementary Health. Telephone consultations, remedies & energy medicine, significant discount for Cygnus readers, free training for health practitioners from highly experienced homeopaths at Kesteven Natural Health Centre. Call Sue on 01529 460536 or visit COURSES with Lita de Alberdi. Courses include Channelling, Awakening Your Light Body, Reiki, Animal Healing, Ascension, Psychic Development, Seven Rays, Becoming a Teacher, How to Teach Meditation and more. All courses held near Glastonbury. Tel 01458 210902 visit SOUL GROWTH NUMEROLOGY - discover yourself, apply to any avenue of life. CHI-REFLEXOLOGY Introductory and Post Graduate courses. For any therapist - incorporate this gentle yet powerful therapy in your therapy. Contact Audrey Scully 0114 269 1145 / 07949 567530. SOUL THERAPY – Healing at Every Level of Existence. Free introductory event in LONDON NW3 on Thursday 30th September 2010 at 7pm. For information visit ANGEL ATTUNEMENT WORKSHOPS. Full teaching and guidance on how to talk, sense, and see, loving Guardian Angels. Working with them daily and to feel their presence always. Tel Catherina 0161 773 3644 or TAKE TIME OUT to connect with your inner self through relaxation, meditation and therapeutic stories in a tranquil setting. Weekend workshops at Green Park, Buckinghamshire. Contact Julie Stanley on 01296 689120. AWARENESS CENTRE. Affordable Usui, Karuna ®, Shamanic Reiki and Crystal healing courses in beautiful and peaceful location. Dates to suit you. Visit or contact Veronique 01239 698314 for details. VISION IMPROVEMENT WORKSHOP - Designed by Martin Brofman PhD, improve your eyesight, release tension from your body and consciousness. September 25th & 26th, London. £200. Contact or visit KENTISBURY GRANGE Spiritual Retreat Centre, North Devon. Saturday 18th September, Spiritual Seminar with Alan Valiant, Ascended Spiritual Master. Beautiful Exmoor setting with magnificent views. Accommodation available. Tel. 01271 883454 visit STOP THE MIND....I want to get off!! Inner peace retreat days with Sally Chaffer held regularly in Yorkshire. Experience ways to stop the mind’s chatter. Empowering blend of healing and meditation - reconnect with the Now! Tel. 07884 332644; YORKSHIRE SCHOOL of Natural Healing offers IFPA accredited Diploma in Holistic Aromatherapy. One year, one weekend a month, 120 hours Holistic Aromatherapy, 60 hours Holistic Massage and our emphasis on spiritual growth. Start 18/19th September 2010. £2,000. 0845 683 2559 / 07951 011423; ; ANGELS, Ascension, Golden Atlantis & Transformational Teacher Training workshops with Diana Cooper School – courses in Scotland with Elizabeth Ann. Also spiritual coaching and angel readings etc. Tel: 01592 743417 visit CRYSTAL DIPLOMA Course at Thurst House Farm. Chakra balancing and healing workshops and therapies. Soothing scents chakra oils and aromatherapy creams, Crystal meditations with Elizabeth Halbert healer and tutor. Tel. 07707 418289 CRYSTAL& SOUND HEALING by Correspondence. Crystal/Sonic RejuvenationTM – natural face-lift; Sound Healing to practitioner level; Past Life Regression. All courses with professional accredited College. Tel. 01984 633597 visit ANGEL COURSES AND ANGELIC REIKI. Highly popular, unique, web-based, self study Angel Course. Angelic Reiki Attunements and Crystal Therapy Courses. Also private healing sessions. Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Susan Ann Palmer, THE REIKI DRUM TECHNIQUE. Learn Reiki Drum Journeying, Healing & Mental/Emotional Reprogramming. For Reiki II practitioners and above. Workshops held throughout the UK. Contact Sarah Gregg 01279 600104 KARUNA REIKI® The next step for Reiki Masters (all lineages) seekers of Universal Truth and Compassion. 3 day classes set in beautiful Peak District. Contact Janet Roome (UK Karuna Reiki Rep.). Tel. 01629 733227 email: visit ANAM CARA Retreat Centre, Scottish Highlands. Residential workshops and retreats in Buddhism, Shamanism, Bushcraft, Sweatlodge Ceremonies, Soul Quest, Ancient Crafts, Healing Arts and working retreats. To request a programme, tel. 01463 711702 email: visit: DIANA COOPER SCHOOL teacher training courses and workshops 2012 and Beyond, Golden Atlantis, Angels, Ascension and Transform Your Life in Warwickshire with Master Teachers Jillian and Peter Stott, 01926 851898;
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IMPORTANT NOTE. We cannot check the authenticity of all the adverts that appear in Noticeboard, and their inclusion should not be taken as an endorsement by, or reflect the views or opinions of the editor of the Cygnus Review. Readers should make their own thorough checks of any advert to which they respond
COLOURS OF THE SOUL® Colour Therapy Specialists. Providing Certificated Courses, Workshops, Karmagraphs, Mandalas and Products. June McLeod the founder offers inspirational, interactive, fun workshops. View ‘Workshops and Courses’ at THE UNICORN CENTRE in Somerset. Diana Cooper School 2012, Angel and Ascension teaching. Reiki, Angel and Unicorn Healing Practitioner and other courses and workshops. Tel: 01460 53699 visit: ANGELIC REIKI - Experience the joy of healing with the Angels. 1st & 2nd Degree Workshops being held in Norfolk, September 2010. Contact Alison on 07540 938107;
HONEST AND CARING TAROT & ORACLE CARD READINGS £15.00 plus optional honesty box; no word limits. Example readings, photos of spreads on website. To book your reading please visit FIND YOUR IDEAL CAREER AND LIFE PURPOSE NOW. Stop struggling. Find the right path for you. Be inspired. Practical and loving channeled guidance. Sessions by phone. Highly experienced. Call Darren Linton 01245 460057 visit ERIN, GIFTED PSYCHIC & MEDIUM. Telephone readings: messages, guidance & healing available immediately, day or evening with experienced reader visit Tel. 01239 615299 or 07786 906576 CLEAR, Accurate, Waffle-Free READINGS. MEDIUMSHIP; healing messages from family, ancestors and loved ones who have died. BEYOND COACHING; Transform your life, love being you. Phone sessions worldwide since 1986. CORINNE JEFFREY 01264 791071 / +44 1264 791071 JESSICA - CLAIRVOYANT/MEDIUM. Professional, experienced, specialising in mediumship. Communicate with loved ones who have passed over. Telephone readings: £22 per 30mins/ £30 per 45mins. Also Personal Readings & Party Bookings. Central Bristol. Tel. 0117 373 7405 or 07800 929257 TRANSFORMATIONAL SPIRITUAL HEALING alleviates deep, painful physical, psychological and relationship problems (many of which other therapies are unable to resolve) at source. Jane Houseago MIPTI, BCMA (Ind.) Tel: (+44) 07905 888843 HEART CENTRED Channelled Guidance, Soul Lessons & Vibrational Work increasing your awareness of Now. Assisting you in creating your highest vision. International readings & transformational coaching by telephone and ‘chat’. email: or visit LAW OF ATTRACTION - learn how you can use this powerful energy to attract what you want into your life easily & effortlessly. For personal telephone coaching call Sandra 01582 413013; COMPANION ANIMAL LOSS LISTENING LINE (CALLL) Christine cares and truly understands the pain of pet loss. She is fully trained in pet bereavement. Calll 0115 840 2737 visit ANNA GALLIERS, International Psychic Medium offering telephone & personal readings. Television & radio appearances – UK & Abroad. Live shows, workshops & tuition classes. Debit/credit cards accepted. Tel: 01684 899037 mobile: 07710 512045 visit ASTROLOGICAL CHILD PROFILE: Beautifully presented in a luxury silver hardback cover, this 45 plus page detailed report is a wonderful gift. It will help all parents to understand their children better and make more suitable choices for them as they develop. Tel: 01540 661828 NEGATIVE ENERGY RELEASE. Safely release negativity affecting your life. Professional remote scanning facilitates the release of negative thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, past life issues, attachments etc. Contact Heather Smith 01747 860305 EVER FELT YOUR ISSUE ISN’T ACTUALLY YOURS? Nikki Wyatt, The Karma Coach, helps release ancestral issues. Karmic Flower and Crystal Essences. Learn your soul gifts with a FREE soul flower reading available at PSYCHIC TAROT CAN HELP: Confidential, insightful, one-to-one readings. Call anytime 0906 570 6483. Calls cost £1.50/min. PO Box 16, TN37 6YE
GLASTONBURY. Everything you ever wanted! Shambhala Healing Retreat on the Tor. A sacred site; sunny rooms, organic food, superb treatments, peace doves, water gardens and lots of love! Good Retreat Guide Gold Star Award. 01458 831797 email: visit MID WALES, caravan for 2 people on secluded hill farm. Ideal for meditation, hill walking, bird watching, £85 per week. Sorry no pets. Tel. 01597 860244 visit COME AND SHARE MY IDYLLIC PARADISE in the heart of the Cotswolds, where peace, healing and personal growth abound. Tel. 01285 760684 visit MAGICAL PEMBROKESHIRE Two idyllic s/c cottages, sleeps 2&5. Four poster. C.H. wood burners. Fully equipped. Spiritual/Reiki/Seichem/ Healings available during your stay in these tranquil surroundings. Tel: Pam 01994 419439 VEGIVENTURES. Holidays, tours and short breaks in Britain, Turkey, Peru, Caribbean and Guatemala. Great vegetarian/vegan food, small friendly groups, environment oriented. Tel. 01760 755888 ; visit
HEALTH & FITNESS, Sun & Fun, Yoga Holiday in India, with sightseeing tours & ayurveda. Idyllic beach location, breathtaking northern Kerala. Total relaxation and rejuvenation. December 5– 20th 2010. Pamela Ann: 07704 873430 ; email: visit PAINTING HOLIDAY with Colour Therapy, Portugal. 1st-8th Nov 2010. Established holiday, small group, beginners especially welcome. Quality own room apartments with en-suite. All inclusive tuition, breakfast, lunch, transport in Algarve. £690 for seven nights. Have fun in the sun with like-minded souls. Call Trudi Day 01761 463644 visit LOVELY B&B in Derbyshire Peak District. Interesting old house in quirky small town. All diets catered (Veggie owners). Stone Circle tours, massage etc. Highly recommended by guests. Tel. 01629 824258 visit SEA, SUN AND COMMUNITY IN GREECE. Kalikalos’ summer programme of holistic workshops, retreats and living-in-community guest weeks from £195/week. Gorgeous beaches, spectacular hill walks plus three family weeks in August for single or coupled parents. Brochure: 01343 549895 COMFORTABLE B&B, HAMMERSMITH, LONDON. Central, quiet, close to river, pubs, restaurants, all attractions. Ideal base holidays, courses, exhibitions, business. Double/twin/triple £25pppn., Single £36. Tel: Anne/Sohel Armanios 020 7385 4904 visit REMOTE Scottish bungalow. Stunning location, overlooking sea. 1 hour Findhorn. Peaceful, lovely walks, tv, broadband, sleeps 3, Transport necessary. Available Aug, Sept & Oct. £400 pw inclusive. Tel. 01261 851736 email: LOVELY, Self-contained, one floor cottage, nr Bath, Longleat & Stourhead. Sleeps 4. 48ft lounge, flat screen tv, indoor swimming pool, fishing, glorious countryside. £100 per day. Tel. 01749 813890 email: WEEKLY RETREATS in beautiful Scottish Highlands. Small family home. Warm, intimate, loving. 5 acres woodland. Sanctuary. Free personal inner child/ past life therapy. Inverness 10 miles. Loch Ness 5 miles. Ring Clive 01463 782389 Y BWTHYN BACH. Cosy, one room, self-catering, barn conversion with wood stove, in a beautiful garden, with immediate access to wild north Pembrokeshire countryside and 1 mile from the coast. Inexpensive. Tel. 01348 811282 visit STEPS FARM Somerset for fresh air, big skies, good vegetarian food and a warm welcome. Healing and Counselling available, also courses on Animal Healing and Vegetarian Cookery. Tel. 01749 812788 or visit SCARBOROUGH ‘Fountains Court Hotel’ specialising in health breaks, relaxation, personal change & spiritual development. Vegetarian. Hot-tub, Sauna, Zen garden. Tel 01723 381118 visit CHARMING WELSH COTTAGE. Warm, well appointed & highly recommended by previous guests. Great for walkers. Dogs welcome. Broadband. Recently awarded 3 star status by Visit Wales. See website for availability. Tel: 01547 330003 or visit THE ORANGE TREE, North York Moors. Relaxation weekends, fully catered, vegetarian menu. Two relaxation workshops, sauna, hot-tub, choice of therapies. Tel. 01751 417219 CLARIDGE HOUSE Healing Centre, Lingfield, Surrey. For rest, retreat, renewal.Benefit from a peaceful stay. Also Creative, Healing and Spiritual Courses. Tel: 01342 832150 or visit
RAINBOW MOON ONLINE EMPORIUM. Gorgeous gifts for mind, body & spirit. Browse the Beauty Room - House Beautiful - The Relaxation Room The Jewellery Box. MEET YOUR SOUL-MATE through the UK’s Premier Love & Friendship site for over-50s. Join FREE this month, find that Special Person to share your life and make you smile. Visit: BEAUTIFUL guided meditations and courses on CD - Angels, Chakras, Channelling, Healing and lots, lots more. English voice. & provide interest to those seeking natural approaches to health or telephone 01638 664786 ORGONITE for space clearing, EMFs, electrical sensitivity, mobile masts, chemtrails, computers, negative energies, raising vibration, meditation, personal protection, food, plants, pets, harmony, balance and transformation. The Blue Sun, 01570 493207 visit: WHO ELSE WANTS TO WORK FROM HOME, creating a freer life and pension-style income from helping others? Simply watch FREE online info video or call me: Pamela G Glynn: 01803 867390; GEOPATHIC STRESS - causing illness? Professional British Society of Dowsers registered, Mike & Maureen Rawles (Dragonstone UK) analyse your house’s Earth Energy, using remote dowsing, with rectification on-site. Symptoms: reclusiveness, irrational anger, depression, headaches, insomnia. Tel. 01460 281450; APRICOT SEEDS, which contain high levels of B17, direct from the Himalayas. £20 for 1kg bag, £12 for 1lb bag plus p&p. Apricot Seed Oil, £5 per 100ml bottle. Please call 0800 374 976
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FUTURE COPY DATES - Issue 10, October 2010 - Weds 8th September; Issue 11, November 2010 - Weds 6th October ; Issue 12, December 2010 - Weds 3rd November
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