Cygnus Review, 2011 Issue 3

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Cygnus Review issue 3, 2011 – free of charge

heal your body, feed your soul, free your mind, love your planet

Know That You Are Loved Greetings Cards Ann Napier & Janet Baxter

Find yourself, free yourself!

Inside-out Healing Richard Moss The Healing Code Alex Loyd & Ben Johnson

Advanced Theta Healing Vianna Stibal

The Source Ursula James The Twelfth Insight James Redfield Awakening the Sacred Body Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Ann Napier

Find yourself, free yourself!

Dear Friends, least Father Christmas? And remember Welcome to how natural those beliefs felt to you at the April/May the time? And how much support you issue of the derived from them? Cygnus Review Could it be that you weren’t so deluded which, as you after all? And that your ‘truth’ at the time will see, is 8 was in a sense truer than some of the pages bigger beliefs held by your adult self? Could than usual, and that be why we modern humans can contains more often feel so grey, so ‘motherless’, as it full-length feawere? Because the fun-loving, childlike, tures for you to spontaneous, beautiful creativity and read and be inspired by. We hope you nurturing support we subconsciously will enjoy it. know we should feel coming to us from As I write this, a strong westerly wind is the elemental kingdom is absent, withblowing. How wonderful that feels! How drawn or very much diminished? awakening! And how sweetly it revives But on windy days, it seems to me, all our sense of connection with nature and that changes. At the same time as the the All. wind blows away all our mental and Much of the time, we modern humans emotional cobwebs, it seems to carry – can become so accustomed to feeling even into the most sterile places – such numbed and disirrepressibly playful connected that we beings; yes – I “Cast your mind back to when hardly notice it would say – real you were a child, and probably any more. One of beings whose presdid believe in fairies. And the reasons for ence you can sense, remember how natural those this, I feel, is the creatures with conlifestyle we have sciousness and the beliefs felt to you at the time? created for ourability to create; And how much support you selves – staying beings you can feel derived from them?” inside buildings are capable of instead of being cleansing all but the out in the open air, and being dragged stoniest of hearts and filling us with a along by a tide of false imperatives that renewed sense of expansion and freedom. we believe are real – imperatives that Children are, I think, spontaneously cause us to live out of touch with nature aware of this, and that’s why they always and its rhythms, and to treat the earth get so excited on windy days. Birds love and its myriad life-forms in a disrespectit as well, and if you watch their flying ful way. But I think our sense of disconantics you can’t help thinking that they, nectedness has a deeper cause, too. too, are infected by the spirits of fun blown in by the wind. And don’t you just Do you believe in fairies? love how the trees whisper and dance as There are many people who say that our apparently insatiable desire to smoth- the wind stirs their branches? To me, that delicious mingled feeling of cosiness and er everything in concrete and chemicals cleanliness, fun and freedom, almost as if has driven away the nature spirits and one could fly, is not just the product of elementals who would normally have my mind and imagination. It really is supported and taken care of plant and inspired by genuine, conscious beings, animal life – including ourselves. Now who just happen not to be visible to wait a minute, before you stop reading! I most people. know that many of you are very familiar Thanking the beings with the idea of communing with invisiAnd these beings have so much to give! ble beings, and enjoy their help with all All we need to do is Acknowledge, kinds of activities from gardening to proAppreciate, Ask and Accept! If you don’t tecting your home; but others of you are believe me, read The Findhorn Garden probably thinking ‘Oh no, not Ann and Story [181009, £9.75], which tells you Geoff as well, away with the fairies!’ So, how, with the help of elemental beings, the may we ask that you suspend your disbemost wonderful plants, flowers, trees and lief for a moment, and just cast your organic vegetables were grown to enormind back to when you were a child, mous sizes on windswept and barren sand and probably did believe in fairies, or at

dunes in the far north east of Scotland. So, next time you’re out for a walk, doing some gardening, sitting down to a meal, lighting the fire or even a candle, try remembering and thanking the beings. Try remembering them on your way to work, too, and in the barren places. Try sensing them. Just playfully. With affection. Just as you did when you were a child. Remember the four ‘A’s, and see where they take you. To our mind, it can only bring more light and joy into the world.... and into your life, too. With our love and blessings, Ann, Geoff and the Cygnus Team

Recommended Reading

Fairies & Elemental Beings If you want to know more about fairies and elemental beings, try:

The Findhorn Garden Story by the Findhorn Community [181009, £9.75] The Gentleman & the Faun by Robert Ogilvie Crombie [191118, £8.99] Working with Angels, Fairies & Nature Spirits by William Bloom [085044, £5.50] Nature Spirits by Rudolf Steiner [130927 £8.50] Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings by Marko Pogacnik [090512, £6.99] Visions Unseen by Frances Ripley [170604 £7.99] Ask Mother Nature by Ellen Vande Visse [190513, £4.99] And on p.13, see also Conscious Gardening by Michael J Roads [210316, £7.65]

Our cover photograph is by Janet Baxter, © 2011. Prints can be obtained by calling Cymric Cards on 01970 871333, This magazine is printed with vegetable inks on paper from sustainable PEFC accredited sources by S&G Ltd, Merthyr Tydfil, 01685 388888.


If you or a loved one is facing a health challenge, relationship crisis, or any situation in which you experience emotional suffering, you may find it useful to learn to understand and remedy what you unconsciously do that makes your situation more difficult. You can learn the way to realize a timeless inner power and be restored to a sense of deeper trust in yourself. You can learn how to access the universal energy that immediately enlivens you whenever you are completely present. As lifesaving as modern medicine can sometimes be, it does not address the true root of suffering. In many ways neither does modern psychology, because it starts from the premise that the separate self, the ego – with all of its fears and hopes – is who you really are. But true aware40% ness has the extraordinary power to take you off! beyond ego and into presence, and this, more than any physical condition or outer circumstance, is what can ultimately determine your well-being. The key is learning to be aware and present with the sensations you experience; to feel your sensations and stop thinking about them. Said in another way, don’t give the sensations to your ego; learn to bring awareness to them. This opens the possibility of transmuting your symptoms – letting them change into new images or insights or feelings and thereby reduce their power to limit or discourage you. I first learned how to transmute a sensation when I was rock climbing years ago. I noticed that when I thought I would fall because of the sensation of being at my physical limit, I fell. But one day I decided to observe this sensation and disconnect it from the assumption that I was about to fall. I found that I could cling to my place on the rock sometimes for minutes and even continue moving upward long after my mind told me I couldn’t. Transmute a sensation now Today in all of my seminars, I teach this capacity to transmute sensations and feelings by bringing awareness to them. You can explore this right now if you like. Start with any sensation you are noticing in your body. Turn your attention toward it steadily and gently, and at the same time let yourself relax. Notice the way your thinking mind wants to describe this sensation – the words you are using to describe it to yourself. Let go of the words and try to experience the actual sensation. Be particularly alert to how your ego may make you think that you have felt this sensation before. This is how your ego takes control and keeps your mind in the past. So recognize the assumption I have felt this before, and imagine that you are feeling this sensation for the very first time. Look at it like a naturist in a tropical rain forest who has discovered a flower she has never seen before. She is studying it very carefully, but she can’t name it yet. She is examining its unique characteristics: colour, petal arrangement, number of branches off

the stem. and so on. Look at your chosen sensation in the same way. Be focused and open at the same time, and observe what happens. Does the sensation change? Do you notice any change in your overall state of being? Of course, it is difficult to feel good in yourself when you are in chronic pain. At the same time, pain is not only physical in origin; it is supported and intensified by your state of mind, and that is created by your thinking. Being more present changes your experience of physical pain, usually lessening it. The converse is also true: the more in the past or future you are, the more likely you are to feel increased suffering. Your body is highly intelligent and will do its best to bring you to health in whatever way it can.

EDITOR’S CHOICE: Even more savings when you buy extra copies!


Are you ready for a shift of consciousness that liberates your mind and heart, opening the door to peace and healing in all kinds of situations that may be causing you discomfort, particularly your physical health? Join visionary teacher and healer Richard Moss in an exploration of the power of presence that will take you beyond ego and into a fully embodied awareness of life. Medicine deals with the body, but this book deals with your consciousness, which is the strongest means of healing both your body and your soul. When your mind and body are aligned in the present moment, you can feel fulfilled regardless of what is going on with your health, and that, in itself, can be very healing. Moment by moment, by choosing to be fully present, you free yourself from mindmade unhappiness. This is what Inside-Out Healing is about. Whether you're motivated by illness, discontent or the desire to experience life to the fullest, the keys are here.

254pp, 152mm x 218mm, softback, 2011, RRP £9.99 Code: 210303 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £5.99 2 or more copies £5.49 each

I am not suggesting that it is inadvisable to try to learn the cause of your illness if that can give you a plan of action to regain your health – but I am counseling against seeking answers in a way that keeps your mind in the past or keeps you looking toward the future. It is not helpful to dwell on what was in a way that makes you resent or resist your circumstances. The only moment in which you have the ability to make new choices and the power to create greater wellness is this one. If you pause to look from this vantage point, do you see your current healing strategy creating stress in the form of urgency, worry, or fear? Or are you relaxing into presence and discovering the

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Inside-Out Healing greater aliveness that is awaiting you in the Now? Uncertainty about the future is one of the most stressful states, especially when you are in a health challenge. It is entirely natural to want to know what to do next; you want a plan, a sense of direction. But whenever you have linked your health and well-being to any healing strategy, you have done only half of the work. It is good that you have a strategy, but you must also let go into the present and be nourished from this living current. When you are not anchored in the present and experiencing your innate state of wholeness, watching for signs of improvement and waiting to see what the tests will show is often the tensest and most distressing part of the healing journey. But until the results are in your hand, your energy field and emotional state will be far more spacious and supportive of you and everyone else if you are just living in the present. Even bad news does not need to throw you into a fearful future. Tests are only a momentary snapshot, never the whole picture. So stay rooted in the Now – otherwise, your ego will exhaust you with thoughts and alternate back and forth between those that create fearfulness and others that create hopefulness. The simple and profound truth is that there is no sense of security or wellbeing outside of the present moment. This doesn’t mean that you should refrain from listening to your doctors or following their strategies or your own program of healing. What it means is that you are more than the life your ego imagines and re-imagines. Your fundamental responsibility is to be here now. Who you really are is ultimately a mystery beyond statistics, and what is important – and can sometimes vastly improve the statistics – is what you are living right now. If illness is a form of suffering that stirs you out of complacency or motivates you to learn and grow, then the gift of your illness is its potential to wake you up. Once you are awake, the gift you give yourself is the quality of attention you give to your experience in each moment. Illness does not come along in order to change you, but consciously living the experience of it can and will change you. In the choice to start to live in the moment, a new reality is created. With calm gentleness towards yourself, just notice: Have you been living your life reactively or receptively? Are you in the past, the future, or the present? Do you oscillate between hope and fear, or sit peacefully in deep acceptance? Are you living for others, or resting in a rich sense of connection to yourself? No matter what you have been doing, it is never too late to make a fresh start, because you are perpetually reinventing yourself from moment to moment whether you realise it or not. The opportunity I am presenting to you in the next part of Inside-Out Healing is to reinvent yourself consciously and with compassion. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to find out just how vibrant and healthy you could be if more hours of your life were spent in a state of presence? From Inside-Out Healing, ©2011 by Dr Richard Moss, published by Hay House.




On December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar will end. Many see it as an apocalyptic sign. But is it? In The Twelfth Insight, the long-awaited new novel in the Celestine series, we again follow our Hero and his close friend Wil. They have just received a portion of another ancient and mysterious manuscript which describes a secret approach to spirituality that is silently arriving in the second decade of the twenty-first century. But the manuscript is only available in fragments. To understand its full mean42% ing for mankind, our Hero and Wil begin an urgent off! search to find the message in its entirety. As they embrace the power of Synchronicity and begin their search, they are confronted by powerful political forces and religious extremists that stand in the way of these spiritual revelations. Utilizing what he calls the ‘parable effect’, James Redfield explores the similarities and differences that exist among the world religions, revealing the essential messages contained within them that can energize our experience of spirituality – and produce a new wave of integrity and reform that can transform our lives and our world. Read the whole Celestine Prophecy series: The Celestine Prophecy [085069, £5.79] The Tenth Insight [085071, £5.79] The Secret of Shambhala [091106, £5.79]

COSMIC WEATHER REPORT Mark Borax & Ellias Lonsdale

240pp, hardback, 161mm x 240mm, 2011, RRP £16.99 Code: 210304 Cygnus Price £9.79


We received such a positive response to our Know That You Are Loved 2011 Calendar – which blended Janet Baxter’s photography with Ann Napier’s words of affirmation and reassurance – that we’ve found a lovely new way for you to share those healing words and pictures with your loved ones. We’ve converted all twelve pictures and verses into a beautiful set of Know That You Are Loved Greetings Cards. Each of the cards has its corresponding text printed on the inside left as you open it, with the right hand side blank for your own greeting. So now you can spread these messages of healing, comfort, inspiration, strength and love far and wide.

Pack of 12 cards, 1 each of 12 designs, with envelopes, 122mm x 165mm, illus. in colour, 2011 Code: 210306 Cygnus Prices: 1 pack £5.99 2 or more packs £5.49 each

Many people speak of a great transformation in our era. Many write about it. But you will rarely see it explained with such insight and depth as you will in Cosmic Weather Report. While terrestrial weather is always changing, cosmic weather changes on a different scale. Ellias Lonsdale has been tracking these changes for many years and in this book he uses his immense understanding of cosmology, astrology and spirituality to shine light into the deeper meanings of our time, inspiring us to rethink the whole purpose of humankind, and change our lives – and the course of the planet's future – from within. Using the question-and-answer dialogue of their famed mystery school, the authors explore the age we are emerging from, and the age we're on the verge of creating. Enter this exciting classroom of cosmic evolution and discover how you can help blaze the trail into a whole new era.

160pp, 152mm x 229mm, softback, 2011, RRP £12.99 Code: 210305 Cygnus Price £9.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Twelfth Insight’ & ‘Cosmic Weather Report’ together for £18.78


Can we wake up in time? Exploring human evolution from both scientific and mystical points of view, Peter Russell shows beyond any doubt that we are standing on the threshold of a major leap in our evolution. This leap, he says, could be as significant as the emergence of life itself, and at its core is a spiritual renaissance. We are being called to put into practice the perennial wisdom of the ages, and only through such a 40% major shift in consciousness will we be able to off! manage successfully the awesome global crises now facing us. We must evolve to survive. We must metamorphose into a species truly worthy of the name ‘wise’. How? This book will provide you with much valuable food for thought as you seek your own answers to this question, and will inspire you with the courage and perseverance you need to make your own personal evolution a reality.

226pp, 152mm x 228mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2009, RRP £9.99 Code: 190302 Cygnus Price £5.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy two or more packs together for £5.49 each


Have you ever wanted magic to be real? I mean truly real? For there to be a force of nature which could transform your life into something amazing? It exists. It took me a lifetime to accept the magic into my life, and now it is part of me I have no choice but to pass that knowledge on. That is part of the deal with true magic. It must be shared. My name is Ursula James and I hypnotise people for a living. I am a successful therapist – good at what I do and well respected for it. I breathe the same air that you do. I live on your world, but not in it. I am successful, not just in my career, but in my life too. I had a good teacher, although for my first thirteen years I did not pay attention to her, and it took another twenty years before I was prepared to listen again. By then I had undergone my own learning and was ready 41% off! to hear and understand her words. Mother Shipton was my teacher, my healer, my guide. She would come to me in sleep and in dreams, but it was only when I learned to hypnotise myself that she came through to me fully formed and separate from my own inner voice. I can tell you now that was a very strange day. I was in hypnosis, preparing myself for the day, when she started to talk. It wasn’t that I hadn’t heard her before, because she had always been with me. It was more that I had tuned her out of my thoughts. When we are children we are open to the voices. We are open to the impressions of the air around us. We use our senses fully until we are taught not to. As we grow up, we stop listening and close our senses to the world around us. The Source of your power You may think me odd, but The Source is not about your thoughts. I care for your feelings – your needs. Just as Mother Shipton did – just as she still does. It is through me that her story will be told, and you will start to hear her voice again – if you are open to the magic around you. The magic of the earth. True, deep magic. That which lies in the belly of everyone. This why I am writing to you now, to tell you how you can reclaim your magic. I can see into your hearts just as Mother did. You want your power. You want magic to be real – it is just that for now part of you is afraid. Afraid to connect. Afraid to plug into your Source. Maybe even afraid of yourself. There is no need to fear anymore. You are not alone. I have connected to the Source and I know that there is nothing to fear when you do. You can and will be free. Through my voice, Mother will teach you. Mother is with you. I am with you. The simple steps and paths which you will discover in these pages will lead you to the Source of your power and help you to harness it. Believe me now as I stand within the Source, you will

Reclaiming Your Magic

know when you have connected to the Source, and the power will never leave you when you have brought it back within you. For there is your first lesson – the Source is within you, and without you it dies. First you must recognise its existence, find it within you, then nurture and strengthen it. Only then can you start to use it, and when you do you will be free. Free from the chains of commerce that you believe bind you. Free to give and receive love, to heal the world around you, and to make things happen around you. That is true magic, to take the clay of your life and model it in your hands. Above all you will have the strength in mind and body to share the Source with others. It is not an easy journey, but I can tell you that it is worthwhile.

EDITOR’S CHOICE: Even more savings when you buy extra copies!

THE SOURCE Ursula James

The Source is the story of two women, born centuries apart, whose lives have become entwined in their quest to keep magic live and flowing. Ursula Sontheil, better known as Mother Shipton, was a 16th century Yorkshire prophetess and healer, whose spirit survived captive in a cave in Knaresborough. To this day, the waters of the cave turn objects to stone and many go there for healing. The second story is that of Ursula James, also from Yorkshire, a modern-day healer of minds. Mother Shipton first appeared to her in her childhood, then came to her again when she was ready to receive the means to make her magic live again. Through Mother Shipton's prophecies and spells, Ursula transformed her own life, and learned how to pass this knowledge on to others around her. As the magic began to grow and take on a life of its own, Ursula knew that now is the time for her to release the knowledge, into a world that's ready to listen. The Source weaves their stories with the rituals, rites and journeys that will guide you to the source of your power; prophecies and spells that speak of the healing of the world, of relationships, love, the power of forgiveness, and how to heal yourself. Now is the time to find your magic!

224pp, 144mm x 222mm, hardback, 2011, RRP £12.99

Code: 210307 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £7.65 2 or more copies £7.15 each

What if, instead of money, magic came into your life? The power to create a new life for yourself. What would be different then? From personal experience I can tell you that not everyone is ready to acknowledge even the existence of magic, let alone to realise its potential to transform lives. But let’s just suspend disbelief for a moment and pretend you

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were prepared to become magical. What would happen? Well, first of all you would no longer be able to fool yourself into believing that there is only one version of reality – one way of doing things. You would have to take responsibility for your mistakes, your actions and start to believe in yourself and to take care of yourself better. This having been said, once you can do these things you can become a truly magical creature. The sort of person who makes wonderful things happen. I know. I can do this. Magic is beautiful and creative, and it is the remarkable people who walk around this earth today who do magic. These are the magnetic people, the ones you want to be around. The more of us that get involved, the more wonderful our lives become. I know what you are thinking – you want to believe, but you don’t dare. You may even be afraid that people will laugh at you. This is because you live in a rational, logical world, and you have sneaking feeling that magic is for weird people, not for successful ones. You are wrong – and I will prove it to you. Creating magical change I wrote The Source for two reasons. First, I had no choice – Mother Shipton made me! Second, because I have a gift. One which allows me to enter freely the landscape of my inner self. Maybe Mother guided me towards that too. I am not so sure about that. Either way, it was my way into being able to listen to Mother – the gift is the use of genuine trance – the real McCoy. I will show you how to control it to access your magical self, and, just as important, believe in your own potential to create magical change within and around you. By using the trance state properly you are not just going through the motions, you are connecting with your inner self in a way that will truly astound you. Entrance, entrance – one meaning the passageway from one space to another, and the other meaning to fill with wonder – to enchant. One word, two meanings, and in this context both meanings meet together at the doorway to your mind. For me, I use hypnosis to enter trance in a safe and controlled way. It is the doorway to my dreams. There is nothing to fear here. There are many pathways through our memories, and I will guide you through them in a way which will only enhance your life. You will be completely in control when you do this, and that control will increase as you practice mind magic. True magic requires rites and rituals; the rites are real and are events in your daily life, the rituals are symbols of change and are meant to punctuate the rites. One before, and one after each rite. Nothing in The Source is impossible or time-consuming – you can and you will do the things which will carry you to the Source only if you choose to. Remember most things in life are a choice. It is just that some of us choose not to see the alternatives. And so, here is where your story begins. From The Source, ©2011 by Ursula James, published by Preface Publishing.

Cygnus Books 5


Some people have never experienced the energy of certain feelings in their lives. Perhaps they were traumatized as a child and did not develop these feelings, or lost them somewhere in the drama of this existence. But in order to bring, for example, joy or love into our lives, we have to experience them first. We have to be shown what they feel like by the Creator. The Advanced ThetaHealing class was developed to give people a set of ‘feeling downloads’. The speeds at which changes are made with feeling work are amazing. 41% What might take people lifetimes to learn off! can be learned in seconds. People can be taught quickly what it feels like to be loved, honoured, respected, cherished, even to live without a negative feeling created by habit. An example of this would be ‘I know how to live without being miserable’. As I explained in ThetaHealing, as with belief work, with feeling work the practitioner energy tests the client (or themselves) to find if they have or have or have not experienced specific feelings. They then get the client’s verbal permission and connect with the Creator of All That Is. Using the command process, they witness the energy of the feeling downloads from the Creator flowing through every cell of the person’s body on all four belief levels. Once his feeling has been experienced, the person is ready to create life changes. I believe that by using the feeling work we are actually training our cells how to live without certain feelings, such as depression. The feeling work gives us the ability to literally change our mind, to reset the receptors for depression or other unwanted feelings and to open new receptors that can be created when in a Theta wave. You may ask, ‘What is the proof for this?’ I offer the evidence that many people start to get well when they begin to use the feeling work. For instance, simply instilling what it feels like to live without being defeated can bring about positive changes in diabetes and help other diseases as well. Feelings are downloaded from the Creator of All That Is in the following process: The Creation of Feelings Process 1. Centre yourself. Begin by sending your consciousness down into the centre of Mother Earth, which is part of All That Is. Bring the energy up through your feet, into your body and up through all the chakras. 2. Go beyond the universe, past the white lights, past the dark light, past the white light, past the jelly-like substance that is the Laws, into a pearly iridescent white light, into the Seventh Plane of Existence. 3. Connect with the Creator of All That Is and make the following command: ‘Creator of All

Advanced ThetaHealing

That Is, it is commanded to instil the feeling of [name the feeling] into [name the person] through every cell of their body, on all four belief levels and in every area of their life, in the highest and best way. Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.’ 4. Witness the energy of the feeling flow into the person’s space and visualize the feeling from the Creator moving through every cell of the person’s body, instilling the feeling on all four belief levels. 5. When you have finished, move your consciousness out of the person’s space through the crown chakra and disconnect by rinsing yourself off in a stream of water or white light. Enter your body through your crown chakra, send your con-


In the eagerly anticipated Advanced ThetaHealing, Vianna Stibal provides an in-depth guide to dissolving your limitations and being truly connected to your divine self. Through advanced belief, feeling and digging work, learning how to heal from the Seventh Plane of Existence we are given essential tools for our spiritual evolution. These methods, says Vianna, will open neural pathways that have never been awake before. You will also learn more details about all the planes, how to eliminate oaths, vows and commitments that are no longer serving you and how to heal broken souls. You will bring in feelings that you may never have experienced. You will clear space in the mind that is wasted holding onto random negative emotions. This will allow you to utilize more energy, to achieve faster healings, to advance the human species and to connect to the highest level of love and energy of All That Is.

288pp, 156mm x 234mm, softback, 2011, RRP £14.99

Code: 210308 Cygnus Price £8.79

sciousness down into Mother Earth, then pull the energy up through your body to the top of your crown and perform an energy break. In time, as you become more comfortable with this process, grounding will not be necessary. Downloading feelings from the Creator There are variations of feelings and knowledge that a person may have never experienced. When these are downloaded into them, they attain an awareness that is integrated into their All That Is by the Creator of All That Is of the Seventh Plane of Existence. Teaching these feelings will have a dramatic effect upon the abilities of the intuitive person and will create physical wellbeing and greater spiritual awareness. It is important to consider

downloading these feelings, both for yourself and others. Then everything that doesn’t serve can be easily released. The more that you clear your mind in this way, the more you can access the Seventh Plane easily to bring the body to balance. Illness is not your enemy. Disease is merely a sign of imbalance. An example: Being in the Moment ‘I understand the Creator’s definition of being in the moment.’ ‘I understand what it feels like to be in the moment.’ ‘I know how to be in the moment.’ ‘I know how to live my daily life in the moment.’ ‘I know the Creator’s perspective on being in the moment.’ ‘I know it is possible to be in the moment.’ ‘I understand what it feels like to live in the now, in this moment and this second.’ ‘I know how to live in the now, in this moment and this second.’ ‘I understand what it feels like to live in the now, experiencing the joy of it.’ From Advanced ThetaHealing, ©2011 by Vianna Stibal, published by Hay House.


In Theta Healing, Vianna Stibal describes a powerful energy-healing technique, accessed by communicating with the Creator, or the energy of All That Is. She discovered and 41% off! developed Theta Healing following diagnosis of a cancer that was destroying her right femur. Everything she tried using conventional and alternative medicine failed, until she employed a simple technique that she used in her work as an intuitive reader and healer: to ‘go up above yourself’, connect to the Creator and ‘command’ and receive instant healing – emotional or physical. Her leg was instantaneously healed. Vianna describes how the technique taps into Theta brain waves – a very deep, subconscious state of relaxation, also reached in hypnosis, deep sleep or yogi-level meditation. In Theta Healing she shows you how to enter the Theta state and receive healing, how to scan yourself and others. She also explains how we are evolving, waking up dormant parts of our spiritual DNA, and shows how to activate your DNA to open your intuitive gifts.

256pp, 156mm x 234mm, softback, 2010, RRP £16.99

Code: 201001 Cygnus Price £9.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Theta Healing’ & ‘Advanced ThetaHealing’ together for £17.78

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My wife, Tracey, had been seriously ill for 12 years with clinical depression. Throughout that time, we searched unceasingly for a solution to her problem. We tried everything: counselling, therapy, vitamins, minerals, herbs, prayer, alternative emotional release techniques... everything! Tracey read a library of psychology, self-help and spiritual books over these years. I don’t know how much money we spent in those twelve years of searching – the last time we totalled it up it was in the tens of thousands of dollars. Some of the things we tried are wonderful practices that we still follow, and a few of them helped, but Tracey was always still depressed. Holding on to hope The one thing I never lost was hope, and it was that hope that kept me struggling and searching for ways to help Tracey. I searched my way through two doctoral programs, through countless seminars and workshops, through dozens and dozens of books on how to fix the problem. None of these yielded the answers that I was looking for. Lessons learned? Absolutely. Greater maturity? You bet. A belief that I would find the answer? Always. And then it happened. It happened over a three hour period. It was like I was the only person on planet Earth, although there were people all around me... I had been in Los Angeles for a seminar on alternative methods of psychology and was in the airport waiting to board my plane home. My cell phone rang, and when I picked it up I heard the word ‘Hi’. As soon as I heard it, chills ran all over my body. Tracey was severely depressed. She was weeping and said that our son, Harry (who was six),

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The Blueprint for Healing

did not understand her being sick in this 41% kind of way. If I had been home I could off! have knocked out her symptoms with some techniques I knew. However, I was powerless to help her from three thousand miles away. I talked and prayed with her until the stewardess made me turn my phone off. I then started doing what I had done every single day for the previous twelve years – I prayed for Tracey. Receiving the Code What happened next is the reason I am writing this. The best way I can put it is: God downloaded into my mind and heart what we now call The Healing Code. Don’t misunderstand me... there were no angels outside the window of the 737. There was no fog or mist rolling down the fuselage. I heard no heavenly music playing. But what I experienced was so different from anything I had ever been a part of before that I knew it was an answer to those twelve years of daily prayer. I saw the answer in my mind’s eye like I have many, many other ideas before – yet it was not the same. You know what I’m talking about if you have ever thought of something and said, 'What a great idea!' Well, that’s what this was like, only it was like having someone else’s great idea deposited into my head. It was like watching it on TV. It was in my mind but it was no of me. I was 'reading' a blueprint of a healing system I had never studied.The revelation was of a physical mechanism in the body that would heal a spiritual issue – wrong beliefs. I was shown a system that explained how to counteract the true source of all life’s issues by doing simple exercises that involved using hands. So... I wrote it all down, and wrote it down, and wrote it down some more. I wrote until my hand was cramping and I literally said out loud (I remember because I looked around embarrassed that someone might have heard my), 'God, you’re either going to have to slow down or remind me of this; I can’t write that fast!' When I got home, following this God-given blueprint eliminated the problem that had dominated my life for more than a decade. In 45 minutes, my wife’s clinical depression was gone. As I write this it’s now more than eight years later, and Tracey has never taken another medication and feels great every day. Yes Tracey’s depression came back after that initial 45 minutes, but within three weeks of doing The Healing Codes daily her depression was gone for good. After the years we had been through, painfully searching for something – anything – that would bring normality and peace to our life, I don’t know the words to describe the joy and exhilaration this brought to me, my wife and my

THE HEALING CODE Alexander Loyd & Ben Johnson

The Healing Code is your healing kit for life – to heal the issues you know about, and even the ones you don't. In 2001, while trying to cure his wife of her long term depression, Dr. Alex Loyd discovered how to activate a physical function built into the body that, he says, consistently and predictably removes the source of 95% of all illness and disease, so that the neuro-immune system takes over its job of healing whatever is wrong with the body. He also discovered that there is a Universal Healing Code that will heal most issues for most people – physical, emotional and relational, as well as enabling breakthroughs in success and well being. The Healing Code has been subjected to numerous tests which have validated its success, as do the testimonies of the thousands of people for whom it has worked. In this book you will discover for yourself The Healing Code process. It's easy to learn, can be used just about anywhere and takes only six minutes to complete. This life changing book also includes the Seven Secrets of life, health and prosperity, the 10-second Instant Impact technique for defusing everyday stress and the Heart Issues Finder – a simple test that identifies quickly your own personal source issues and imbalances. In just six minutes, lower stress, turn the immune and healing systems back on and discover the life changing effects of The Healing Code.

307pp, 152mm x 234mm, sotback, 2011, RRP £12.99

Code: 210250 Cygnus Price £7.65

sons (we now have two). In fact, in 2006 Tracey legally changed her name to Hope. After all the depressed years when she felt hopeless, she no longer felt like the same person. She was now Hope. From The Healing Code, ©2011 by Alexander Loyd and Ben Johnson, published by Hodder & Stoughton


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MINDFUL EATING, MINDFUL LIFE Thich Nhat Hanh & Dr Lilian Cheung

The Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards are inspired by the Twelve Archangels of Atlantis. The cards depict each Archangel as an Orb and are intended to act as loving, wise guides, providing powerful counsel and healing. Connecting with the characteristics of these ancient beings can, says Stewart Pearce, assist in allowing miracles to occur in your life. The simple and direct heart virtues given on each card, will inspire you to form answers to life questions. The beautifully designed cards are accompanied by a booklet offering help on how to develop your oracular abilities, with the angels’ light shining on your life’s path.

In Mindful Eating, Mindful Life, Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh and Harvard nutritionist Dr Lilian Cheung show us how to end our struggles with weight once and for all. They explain how losing weight and maintaining a healthy body goes beyond exercising more and eating less. From a viewpoint of mindfulness and awareness of the present moment comes the realisation of why we do what we do, enabling us to start changing our behaviour. Offering practical tools, including personalised goal setting, a detailed nutrition guide, and a mindful living plan, they help us to transform our actions to nourish body and mind together, in reverence for life. Mindful Eating teaches us how to easily adopt the practice of mindfulness and integrate it into eating, exercise and all facets of our daily life, so that being conscious and present becomes a core part of our being. This not only helps us achieve the healthy weight and well-being we seek, but it also brings to the surface the rich abundance of life available to us in every moment.

Boxed deck, 44 colour cards + booklet, 115mm x 150mm, 2011, RRP £12.99 Code: 210312 Cygnus Price £7.99


304pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2011, RRP £10.99 Code: 210309 Cygnus Price £6.89

THE CHOPRA CENTRE COOKBOOK Deepak Chopra with David Simon & Leanne Backer

In traditional societies around the world ancestors are regarded as living beings, profoundly interested in their descendants and available to be consulted on the key issues faced in daily life. The Celtic Oracle is your key to unlocking the wisdom of your distant ancestors. Two sets of cards make up the Oracle: the eight Divine Ancestors, the ancestors of everyone alive, ask you questions, while the thirty two clan cards, our Common Ancestors, from whom we are all descended, give oracles of ancestral wisdom. The cards are accompanied by a Sun Circle sheet and a book, to help with your layouts and interpretations. The superb, symbolic artwork further enhances the cards' effect as a tool for spiritual growth and development.

Combining Ayurvedic healing with modern nutritional science, The Chopra Centre Cookbook is a guide to help you prepare delicious, healthy meals that nourish your body and soul. It was developed at the Chopra Centre for Well Being, a beautiful, nurturing retreat where mindful, delightful food is at the heart of the mission for people seeking emotional and physical healing, and connection to their inner spiritual life. Here are over 200 recipes designed to ignite the senses and tap into pure vitality. From Courgette Pecan Bread, Vegetarian Paella and Breakfast Burritos to Rosemary White Bean Soup, Braised Salmon with Mango Tomato Salsa and Unbelievable Double Chocolate Cake, you'll discover more than just new flavours and enjoyment: this food is good for you, and, says Deepak, re-establishes the mindbody connection and even reverses the aging process.

336pp, 156mm x 234mm, softback, 2011, RRP £12.99 Code: 210310 Cygnus Price £7.89

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Mindful Eating, Mindful Life’ & ‘The Chopra Centre Cookbook’ together for £13.78


Do you feel trapped by chronic pain? In Stop Pain, physician and sports medicine specialist Vijay Vad brings the welcome news that now, with major advances in our understanding of pain, relief is possible with self-care options that minimise the need for pharmaceuticals or medical procedure. Here is all the guidance you need in order to make the decisions that are right for you. Stop Pain gives you comprehensive and fully researched information on sub40% jects including the most common pain proboff! lems, anti-inflammatory foods that lower your sensitivity to pain, exercises, ergonomics and dietary supplements. You can learn to manage your pain rather than letting your pain manage you!

264pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2011, RRP £10.99 Code: 210311 Cygnus Price £6.59

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Boxed set, 88pp, 135mm x 185mm, hardback book , 40 cards, illus in colour, 2011, RRP £16.99 Code: 210313 Cygnus Price £9.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards’ & ‘The Celtic Wisdom Oracle’ together for £16.98 40% off!


Discover the power of animals to heal and transform, as spiritual teacher David Carson explains how to identify the spirit animal that best meets your spiritual needs. He offers a range of practical exercises, including meditations, dreamwork, visualizations and rituals to help you explore more deeply the gifts of your animal guide or daemon. From the wise owl to the crafty fox, each entry features a guide to the mythology, folk wisdom and shamanic traditions worldwide that are associated with the animal, as well as insights into its characteristics and how that relates to your spiritual quest and Inner Self. The beautiful illustrations add to create a sumptuous gift book, for seekers and animal lovers alike.

160pp, 163mm x 235mm, softback, illus in colour, 2011, RRP £10.99 Code: 210314 Cygnus Price £6.59

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Most people agree that it is far more difficult to forgive ourselves than to forgive other people. And how can we forgive ourselves when we are both the forgiver and the one being forgiven? With Radical Self Forgiveness this is not a problem, because it makes its appeal not to the human self, or ego, as with 'conventional' self-forgiveness but to that part of you known as the Higher Self, through your Spiritual Intelligence. Your Higher Self loves you unconditionally and will always say Yes when you ask for forgiveness. Your ego, on the other hand, ruled as it is by a committee that lives inside your head commanded by the inner judge and critical parent, will always say NO. So, I want to give you the tools by which to make your appeal for self-forgiveness to your loving Higher Self. I also want to provide an opportunity for you to really discover who you are; to get a deep understanding of what, for you, constitutes that thing we call the self – in all its many disguises. I want to help you come to a place of love and acceptance for yourself, just the way you are, in the knowledge and comfort that your perfection lies in your imperfection. At the level of consciousness consistent with our Higher Self, working within Spiritual Intelligence, there is no conflict between the need to condemn and the desire to forgive because, from a spiritual perspective, nothing wrong has happened, and there is nothing to forgive. Consequently, Radical Forgiveness sets you free from victim consciousness. Here there are no victims and perpetrators – just teachers and students. The stages of Radical Forgiveness This process guides you through five stages, whether you are doing the work as a victim (Radical Forgiveness) or a perpetrator (Radical Self-Forgiveness): 1. Telling the story: Whether we are a victim or a perpetrator of a wrongdoing, we will always have a story about what happened. Having all this pain and suffering witnessed is the first step in creating a space for forgiveness. 2. Feeling the feelings: Every perpetrator story has a bundle of emotions attached to it, and you can only heal what you can feel. 3. Collapsing the story: Allow the judging self to give way to the self-loving self, bringing heart-centred energy to the situation, opening to the possibility of being loved as you are. 4. Reframing the story: The first unique step of Radical Self-Forgiveness asks us to let go of the idea that something wrong happened and to see perfection.


Radical Self-Forgiveness

5. Integrating the shift: Doing something of a physical nature – such as voice or breath work, or writing – replaces the old story and energy pattern with the new interpretation that everything is in perfect order. The first three stages may be familiar to you, but it is the last two that mark the uniqueness of Radical Self-Forgiveness. They spring from a wholly different worldview and, in fact, make Radical Forgiveness more than mere forgiveness, self or otherwise; to experience it is to see the world quite differently and to open to a whole new way of looking at life.


In Radical SelfForgiveness, Colin Tipping presents a definitive manual for gaining freedom from excessive self-judgement and self-created, limiting beliefs. Learning techniques used in his world-renowned workshops, you will work with your multiple selves to find which part of you is making decisions and which is assigning blame. He shows you how, by the action of writing letters that will shift your perspective of the situation, you can purge toxic and destructive feelings. Tipping's 'Radical' methods create a profound shift at the spiritual level, so your view of the existing story changes and you see that nothing wrong ever really happens and that there is nothing to forgive. Here is a path to healing your deepest wounds, loving yourself and finding true self-acceptance.

290pp, 134mm x 204mm, softback, 2011, RRP £12.99

Code: 210302 Cygnus Price £9.99

A new paradigm, for reframing the story Remember, the prevailing worldview is still largely anchored in victim consciousness, where life is a game of chance, and bygones are bygones. However, reframing our story invites us to expand and approach our habitual perpetrator story from radically different angles. Consider this for example: I am a spiritual being having a human experience. By that I mean that I have chosen to come to Earth in order to learn lessons and evolve spiritually. I made agreements with souls prior to my incarnation that they would do things not so much to me, though it will feel that way while I am in a body, but for me. I also enroll others while I'm here to give me opportunities to learn. They look like my enemies, but I see them as my healing angels. That's how I see forgiveness – that everything that happens invariably occurs for a spiritual purpose and that, while I remain accountable for what I do in the human world, in purely spiritual terms nothing wrong

ever happens. Now, if we make just a small change, this also becomes applicable to self-forgiveness: I made agreements with souls prior to my incarnation that I would do things not so much to other people, though it will feel that way while I am in a body, but for them. While I'm here, others will enroll me to give them opportunities to learn. I will look like their enemy, but they will come to see me as their healing angel. This is an instant shift from a victim story to a perpetrator story, and while we often forgive others on the basis that they have come into our lives so we can learn and grow, at times we are called upon to play the role of the perpetrator in order to be of service to others. What has changed is the meaning and the context of the story, not the story itself. That puts an entirely different light on the apparent situation or event and enables us to move beyond merely letting bygones by bygones to opening to the possibility that nothing wrong happened and there is nothing to forgive. My wish for you is that you realize deep down that your Higher Self loves and supports you exactly as you are and recognizes you as the unique and wonderful human being that you are. ©2011 Colin Tipping, adapted from and Radical Self-Forgiveness, published by Sounds True.


Could there be a divine purpose behind everything that happens? This is the theory upon which Colin Tipping has developed a revolutionary method for liberating your energy for your soul’s highest expression. In Radical Forgiveness he takes you through step-by-step instruction in what begins as a healing process, and culminates in a paradigm-shifting path to awakening. On the way you learn how to transform difficult emotions like anger, fear and resentment into unconditional love, gratitude and peace. Radical Forgiveness helps you transcend the victim archetype and embrace the inherent perfection of life. As he guides you through the stages and tools of Radical Forgiveness, Colin Tipping has great skill in keeping you fully involved. From the very start you can feel yourself beginning to live differently.

374pp, 134mm x 204mm, softback, 2009, RRP £12.99

Code: 210301 Cygnus Price £9.99

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Awakening the Sacred Body

How can we, as individuporary causes and conditions into something als, make positive that is much more solid than it actually is. While changes in our lives? not who you fundamentally are, identifying with How can we transform or your story and your reaction to it becomes a expand our conscioushabit. Bön texts refer to this pattern as the ness, going beyond the karmic conceptual pain body. And this body is limitations of prejudice not by nature permanent or solid or fixed. Yet and fear, beyond the this limited experience of ourselves becomes bounds of familiar and an identity, a place of familiarity where we get habitual patterns to discover new solutions to stuck and spend far too much of our lives. the challenges we face? The structure of the karmic conceptual pain In many forms of psychological and spiritual body is supported by what is referred to as work, the mind is the focus. And it is not very wind, or lung in the Bön tradition. It is possible easy to change the mind. There are many situato shift your attention from the story that occutions in which we feel limited by patterns and pies your mind and connect with the very wind, habits that we wish we could change, yet we or force, that holds the pain body together. Our don't know exactly how to do so. moving mind actively produces all manner of Sometimes, when we are bothered by a 41% AWAKENING THE problem, we externalize the problem entirely, off! SACRED BODY or we strategize and analyze over and over. Tenzin Wangyal Yet, as we mull over our challenges, our strateRinpoche gies and actions are driven by the energy of In Awakening the agitation and discomfort. Action that is driven Sacred Body, spirituby our discomfort will only contribute to the al teacher Tenzin problem. It is only when actions come from Wangyal Rinpoche openness that true resolution is possible. introduces the wisAccording to the wisdom tradition of Bön, by dom teachings of the nature the mind is open and clear. This is who Tibetan Bön tradition, and in particular its we are, fundamentally. Openness is the source ancient breath and movement practices. He of our being, and in openness we are connected outlines two powerful meditations – the Nine to all of life. What obscures us from recognizing Breathings of Purification and the Tsa Lung this source is similar to the way clouds obscure movements – practices that have helped him the sun. The sun is always shining, but from our to move forward in his life, to deepen his lovvantage point – namely, our identification with ing relationships, to expand creativity. These our problems – we don't recognize the radiance. simple, direct, powerful methods are suitable We are simply more familiar with identifying and for anyone who wishes to reflect upon their dwelling on problems, and we're used to solving life, and can support each of us to recognize them with our conceptual mind. But is is through and release habitual patterns that no longer nonconceptual awareness that we are able to serve, to discover our nonconceptual awaredirectly experience the mind's openness. The ness and embrace the fresh and spontaneous purpose of Awakening the Sacred Body is to possibilities available in each and every support you in becoming more familiar with the moment. Use the accompanying DVD to power of nonconceptual awareness, so that you focus the mind and breath together, to help can recognize the source within you and the you discover your inner wisdom and potential. positive qualities that flow from it. 138pp, 152mm x 204mm, softback + DVD, 2011 Open awareness RRP £12.99 Code: 210315 Cygnus Price £7.65 How do we go from a sense of being stuck in our problems to accessing the open state of stories and logic. This mind actually rides a mind that is the source of positive qualities? It wind, and when you catch this wind with your is essential to shift your attention from the story awareness, it can be guided. By connecting to you are telling yourself about what is happening the wind, it is possible to cause the dissolution to the inward experience you are having. The of the structure of the pain body. Catching the first place to draw your attention to is your underlying wind is like catching a horse, a horse body, to experience the discomfort and agitathat you can now ride in a positive direction. tion directly. Your pain is the opportunity for Through focusing the mind and exercising the transformation, and simply being directly with body and breath in specific ways, we can actuyour pain will bring positive change. ally release the habitual patterns of the concepHow is this possible? By drawing your attentual mind and, as a result, directly discover tion to your body, you can clearly feel the tensions and agitation that arise when you're expe- being. We can discover openness and recognize in that openness the opportunities for riencing something challenging. Sometimes the growth that we may have always wanted but muscles of your abdomen are contracted or lacked the proper skillful means to obtain. your jaw is clenched. You may notice that your It is important to emphasize the distinction breath is shallow or even that you are holding between the conceptual mind and the nature of it. Your thoughts may be racing. We identify mind, which I refer to as open awareness. We with our pain, making what is a product of tem-

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do not need to think in order to be aware. Open awareness means recognizing the fundamental, ever-present natural mind, which is clear and open like a light-filled sky. This state is natural to each of us, and the path of meditation leads us to recognize, trust and become increasingly familiar with it. Releasing our confusion We can practise shifting our focus to connect with the underlying energetic structure of a challenge – this is the horse that you can catch and guide. So we can release the energetic structure of our confusion as we breathe out, to glimpse the clear and open space of mind. Awakening the Sacred Body guides you to catch the horse of your habitual patterns, to harness and move this internal wind through attention to your breath, so that you can recognize your natural mind. The nature of mind is the unceasing source of all happiness and positive qualities. We will move the clouds that obscure the sky of the natural mind with the wind of our breath. We have the source of being within us; it is simply obscured by our thoughts and afflicting emotions. The wisdom teachings of Bön work with three doors to liberation from suffering: body, speech and mind. In order to attain liberation through the door of the body, we must focus on releasing the winds that support the karmic conceptual pain body and connect with the subtle internal winds of the changeless essence body, the subtle winds that support the recognition of the natural mind. As you explore working with the internal winds, it is my sincere hope that you will find much medicine for your life.

From Awakening to the Sacred Body, ©2011 by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, published by Hay House.


The Healing Power of Mudras shows you how to use special healing gestures made with the hands and fingers, a ‘yoga of the hands’, to promote rejuvenation of body and mind, prevent and cure illnesses and bring about spiritual regeneration. A holistic view of physical and spiritual healing is complemented by clear illustrations explaining exactly how to use Mudras, and chapters explore everything from their use in dance and martial arts to diet and the practice of visualisation, assigning specific positions to relevant conditions and covering a wide range of physical ailments and emotional conditions. Just minutes to perform, anywhere at any time, the effects are hugely beneficial.

112pp, 138mm x 216mm, softback 2010, RRP £8.99

Code: 201007 Cygnus Price £6.49

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Cygnus Books 11


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Maddy Harland

Bees & Butterflies: Time is of the Essence

I spent yesterday planting saplings, bulbs and propagating fruit trees to plant next year or the year after. I got my hands very dirty in the compost too, digging out the bin and transferring the good stuff into pots for the fruit trees. I don’t spend many days like this. Like most people who work in a technology driven world, I mostly sit in front of computers logged on to what feels like another world. It means that time outside is special; a gift to be savoured, a dose of sunshine, showers, wind, and wildness, a time to connect intimately with the elements and all the creatures I share the garden with. I treat it like a meditation, a chance 41% to deeply immerse myself in the details of off! plants and insects, the shape of clouds, the colours of leaf and sky. It is here that I find renewal, expanses of space, the power of the natural world and my cup of happiness. I drink my fill and experience the gratitude of being alive for another day. Most of my garden is wild, a collection of fruit and nut trees, berries, perennial edibles, hedgerow trees and climbing vines, and spring and summer wildflowers. Only the raised vegetable beds express geometry and order. This edible wilderness is a deliberate design with no hard edges, consciously designed to create the maximum beneficial relationships between plants, wildlife, sun and slope and to produces a glut of tasty yields. The insects come to take the nectar from the flowers, eat other insects that may become pests if allowed to become too numerous. The reptiles eat the slugs and snails, and bats attracted by the ponds feed on insects like codling moths… It means that all of the garden is entirely organic. Creating Little Patches of Paradise When we first took on what was a barren field 20 years ago, it was ploughed down to the chalk subsoil and drenched in chemicals. Very little would grow in the garden. Birds and insects were rarities, slugs were in abundance and plantain and couch rampant. Now nature, with our encouragement, has taken over and wildflowers and herbs self-seed in the meadow. Not so common lizards and slowworms have made their homes in the woodpiles and woodpecker, goldfinch, partridge, heron, buzzard and sparrowhawk are regular visitors. I feel utterly celebratory that I share my daily life with these wild creatures. I do not believe that we should take the smallest of creatures for granted. As biodiversity plummets globally, we need to create little patches of paradise wherever we can, however small. Next to my orderly raised bed vegetable

garden, I am currently making another conservation area, a habitat to produce early nectar for insects, and a home for reptiles, bees and butterflies. Planted here are red hot pokers, more spring bulbs, bugle, daisies, comfrey and valerian. I’ll add as many flowering plants (like verbena and echinacea) as I can over the years and I will not neatly cut them back in winter so that finches can feed on seed heads and toads can nestle beneath the foliage. Early Indicators Last year I noticed that though I had many kinds of bees and butterflies (including the beautiful iridescent blues of chalk downland species and fritillaries), honeybees that used



Conscious Gardening is a lovely book that's devoted to nurturing the synthesis between gardener and garden, where you connect with the consciousness of the plant kingdom, gardening using your inner vision, and experiencing how the natural, physical and metaphysical aspects of your garden exist as a seamless whole. Michael weaves the physical and practical aspects of his organic gardening wisdom into a tapestry which includes the nonphysical, unseen elements of the garden. So, as well as covering aspects like mulching, composting, natural fertilisers, lawns, organic sprays, growing vegetables, fruit and berries, he describes how you can garden in harmony with the spirit of the land and the nature spirits, feel garden energy and unseen connections and attune with Nature.

283pp, 150mm x 230mm, softback, 2011 RRP £12.99

Code: 210316 Cygnus Price £7.65

to be so commonplace were noticeably absent. I have been following the stories of colony collapse disorder, attributed in part to the overuse of pesticides which disable the worker bees navigation systems, the spread of varroa mites and the industrial way in which we farm honey. Feeding them refined sugar and removing the honey and propolis reduces the bees’ immunity. Bees are an early indicator of systems collapse. We ignore them at our peril. This is the other side of blissful garden consciousness – the piercing awareness of the destruction we humans wreak in our collective ignorance. I hope we can realise in time the havoc we cause. On a blissful day when I feel completely


alive to the beauty of the world and the preciousness of life, I am also aware of its fragility and this pains me. I wish my small efforts for change were more effective but this conflict between light and shade is one of the lesson of consciousness. Ultimately, we have to accept that we humans are a collective. We live and die by each other’s actions. We cannot sail away in arks and escape into glorious isolation. Our predicament is defined by group consciousness. We are living in an interconnected universe and therefore we must be patient whilst our brothers and sisters awaken to the global crisis that is unravelling. What might be predictable for some is frightening change for others. I do earnestly hope, however, that the changing tides begin to surge before the bees are gone. Time now is of the essence. Much love, Maddy Maddy Harland is the editor of Permaculture magazine – inspiration for sustainable living. For more information please see or call 01730 823311. For a free back issue call us or email To see the Harlands’ garden on the BBC go to Maddy will be the keynote speaker at the GreenSpirit Annual Gathering 2011, 7th – 9th October 2011. For more details see or call 0208 552 2096.


Crochet and knitting are wonderfully therapeutic pas40% off! times, that can bring a calm creativity to your day – time spent in relative stillness, with the bonus satisfaction of producing delightful gifts. This lovely book shows how to make a collection of gorgeous 'real' creatures. Choose from all sorts of flora and fauna – bluetits, doves, creepy crawlies and honeybees, and lots of garden favourites, including flowers, foliage, fruit and vegetables. After a full gallery, there is plenty of information and tuition on the required crochet and knitting techniques, then each design is given as a complete pattern and/or chart. You'll also find a mixture of fun and fabulous ideas for using the creatures to decorate your clothes and accessories, to give as gifts, or to decorate your gift wrap and greetings cards.

128pp, 220mm x 220mm, softback, illus in colour, 2011, RRP £10.99 Code: 210317 Cygnus Price £6.59

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Cygnus Books 13

Kit Hammond Stapely Laughter and play are two of the most powerful tools in the 'survival tool kit' hardwired into every human being at birth. Babies and children do both spontaneously, with profound effects on their health and well-being. But many of us have had this natural impulse 'knocked out of us'. There is an inhibiting perception that people who laugh are not successful, dependable or 'to be taken seriously', which has led to the hijacking of laughter by 'power politics'... if the boss laughs, we all laugh! This subduing of something that is natural and healing can have profound effects on our bodies and minds. We can however learn to 'reclaim our laughter', letting it work its magic to facilitate health and healing in our lives. A famous study shows that 30 minutes of ‘mirthful laughter’ (watching a funny movie) decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood by up to 87%. Cortisol and adrenalin are great in emergencies but when the body doesn’t get a chance to return to normal, damaging chronic stress occurs. Prolonged high cortisol levels interfere with desirable processes like: thyroid function, mental performance, bone density, muscle tissue, inflammatory response and immune function, and tend to create such unwanted effects as blood sugar imbalances, increase in abdominal fat (‘apple’ pattern) and raised blood pressure. For healthy cortisol levels it is essential to invoke the body’s relaxation response after each ‘fight or flight’ occasion. Laughter is Nature’s built-in 'reset button' and if you laugh as we did as children up to 400 times a day your cortisol levels will be exemplary, whatever life is chucking at you! Even the mere act of smiling has been shown to reverse the stress response in our neuro-endocrine system and stimulate our brain waves into patterns of deep healing and longevity. There are of course many other ways that laughter benefits our bodies and our minds... Laughter helps you relax. When you laugh you lose muscle control because laughter has a profoundly relaxing effect on the muscles. Laughter re-oxygenates your blood. Laughter alters your breathing cycle: more oxygen is inhaled and more toxic carbon dioxide is exhaled. All that fresh air brings more oxygen into your body and in turn into the blood. Laughter is good exercise. Did you ever feel exhausted from a hearty bout of laughter? This is because laughter acts on your body as exertion. According to Dr. William Fry at Stanford University, one minute of laughter is

Play and laughter – hard-wired for our healing 'equal to 10 minutes on the rowing machine'. Laughter lowers your blood pressure. There is compelling evidence that regular vigorous laughter can permanently reduce blood pressure with no side effects! People who laugh heartily on a regular basis have lower standing blood pressure than the average person. The way it works is that when you have a good laugh, initially the blood pressure increases – just long enough to boost oxygen and blood supply to tissues – which beneficially expands and energises the whole system. But then it decreases and tends to settle at levels below your normal rate. KIT’S TOP 12 “WHY LAUGH?” TIPS 1. Laughter relaxes tight muscles – that’s why you can sometimes nearly fall over! 2. Laughter gives your oblique muscles a good workout – that’s why your sides ache 3. Laughter refreshes the stale air that can get stuck in your lungs 4. Laughter re-oxygenates your blood. 5. Laughter bounces your internal organs around & gives them a healthy massage – they like that! 6. One minute of Laughter = 10 minutes on the rowing machine – Dr William Fry 7. Laughter can reduce your blood pressure – with no side effects. 8. Laughter reduces your blood cortisol levels – that’s better than good – its great! 9. Laughter boosts your immune system. 10. A smile is the best beauty treatment there is! 11. Laughter is Nature’s stress reset button 12. Just the act of smiling fights depression

Laughter boosts immune function. Research carried out at Waterloo University in Ontario has established that exposure to laughter improves immune system functioning and increases antibodies in the bloodstream – and significant rises in the body’s natural defences. Laughter helps relieve pain. We feel like the world is sunnier after a spell of laughter. This is because laughter releases endorphins, the body's natural source of pain killers. Endorphins have such a dramatic effect on pain that 'clown doctors' are used by some enterprising hospitals to assist with pain management – particularly with children! Of course, like everything else we can do to heal ourselves, laughter and play need to become part of our daily routines. Here are some tips that might help: 1. Take up skipping (Step – hop, step – hop). It is great exercise and I have yet to find anyone who can keep a straight face while doing it! 2. Make it a rule to choose funny books, films and programs whenever life is stressful

– and decide that you are a person who laughs out loud. 3. You can get small pots of 'blowing bubbles' that hang round your neck. Wear one regularly and try blowing bubbles at people instead of arguing with them! 4. Contact your nearest Laughter Network member ( who will help increase the laughter in your life. Suggest that your employer or club invites them to give you all a Laughter Session and then train to be a Laughter Leader yourself. 5. Get a copy of my book, It Could Be Verse, An Anthology of Laughter Quotations and keep it in the loo to remind yourself of all the wonderful reasons to laugh as much as you can every single day of your life! Blessings, Kit Hammond Stapely Kit Hammond Stapely pulled off a miracle when her cancer diagnosis became critical in 1998 and credits laughter and humour for helping her ride lightly enough over heavy ground to triumph. You can read more about her at She is a Laughter Leader, a Health Creation Mentor and teaches the course based on Louise Hay’s Love Yourself: Heal Your Life

IT COULD BE VERSE Kit Hammond Stapely & Rhonda Blunden

Isn’t it great to laugh in the face of stress? If you, or a loved one, is suffering from stress, this could be just that tonic. It's simple, it's easy and it's fun. The verses, quotes and insights within are from an eclectic and esteemed group, including Lord Byron, Andrew Carnegie, Charles Darwin, Emerson, JFK, Abraham Lincoln, Plato, Will Rogers and Dostoevsky, who serve to gently remind you that laughter is the very best of medicines. Gathered by laughter facilitator Kit Hammond Stapely Rhonda Blunden, It Could Be Verse, gives you the ammunition to blast the destructive power of stress and the pressure of stressful situations out of your life. It will be your companion in providing a cure for stress. You'll not only find relief from the current stress you're trying to deal with – but you'll be better equipped to fight it off in the future. Buy this book for yourself and, says Kit, in a few hours you could feel stress free. Why not give this book to a loved one or friend and help them turn their life around and live a happy life?

196pp, 152mm x 226mm, softback, 2007, RRP £10.00

Code: 210318 Cygnus Price £7.99

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I THINK I LOVE YOU Allison Pearson

Poignant, funny, joyful, profoundly moving and uplifting, I Think I Love You captures deliciously what we learn about love, life and friendship when our teenage (and our grown-up) emotions run riot. Remember when the man of your dreams was waiting for you between the pages of Jackie? Remember when your signature scent was a heady mix of joss sticks and 'White Musk'? This hilarious and heart-warming novel takes you back to the days of lip-gloss, unrequited love, teenage crushes and Anne French cleansing milk. We enter the world of two unforgettable friends: Petra and Sharon, in 1970s South Wales, who live 40% for David Cassidy. His fan magazine is the off! girls' Bible and they memorise every word that he sings and writes, in the hope of becoming the future Mrs Cassidy. But whose words are they? Perhaps David's letters and what lies behind them, belong to someone else. The secret lies with Bill Finn, reluctant pop journalist, whose job it is to compile the Ultimate David Cassidy Quiz. Top prize: the trip of a lifetime, to meet your one and only love. Over two decades later, bruised by grief, Petra is living with her thirteen-year-old daughter, who has her own teen crush. By sheer chance – or by destiny’s twists – Petra discovers that the questions which obsessed her back in 1974 are suddenly very much alive. And Bill, successful in business but never in love, has some confessions of his own. 40% off!

496pp, 129mm x 198mm, softback, 2011, RRP £6.99 Code: 210319 Cygnus Price £4.20



With her beautiful description of the natural world and an intensely powerful narrative, Lisa Jones draws you into the heart of the Northern Arapaho lifestyle, exploring humanity at every level. At the time Lisa went to Wyoming for a four-day magazine assignment, she was committed to a long-term relationship, building a career and was, like many of us, searching for something she could not name. At a dusty corral on the Wind River Indian Reservation, she met Stanford Addison, a Northern Arapaho who seemed to transform everything around him. He gentled horses rather than breaking them. It was said he could heal people of everything from cancer to bipolar disorder. He did all this from a wheelchair; he had been a quadriplegic for more than twenty years. As Lisa returned to the ranch time and time again, Stanford slowly revealed his story. He'd spent his teenage years ‘busting broncos’, seducing girls and dealing drugs. At twenty, a violent accident robbed him of his physical prowess and in its place left unwelcome spiritual powers. Eventually he surrendered to his new life and mysterious gifts. Lisa was a frequent visitor to Stanford's place over the years, the reservation and its people worked on her, exposing and healing the places where she too was broken. This is her story, intertwined with Stanford's, and it explores powerful spirits, material poverty, spiritual wealth, friendship, violence, confusion, death, and above all else, love. Broken is a unique book which will stay with you long after you have turned the final page.

288pp, 130mm x 197mm, softback, 2011, RRP £8.99 Code: 210321 Cygnus Price £5.59


In an uproariously funny and achingly sad novel, Allison Pearson captures the guilty secret lives of working mothers, the self-recriminations, comic deceptions, forgeries, giddy exhaustion and despair. With wit, irony and a sparkling style, she brilliantly dramatises the dilemmas of modern working motherhood. Meet Kate Reddy, fund manager and mother of two. She can juggle nine different currencies in five different time zones and get herself and two children washed and dressed and out of the house in half an hour. A victim of ‘time famine’, Kate counts seconds like other women count calories. As she hurtles between appointments, through her head spools the crazy tape-loop of the working mother's life: must remember client reports, bouncy castles, transatlantic phone call, nativity play, check Dow Jones, cancel hygienist, squeeze sagging pelvic floor, make time for sex. Factor in a manipulative nanny, an Australian boss who looks at Kate's breasts as if they're on special offer, a long suffering husband, her quietly aghast in-laws, two needy children and an email lover, and you have a woman juggling so many balls that some day soon something's going to hit the ground. Allison takes you into a world so convincing that it’s sure to have a real bearing on your life. Wow – this is one of the most addictive books we’ve ever read!

In the vein of The Alchemist and The Celestine Prophecy, Augusto Cury’s novel, The Dreamseller: The Calling is an inspirational fable about a mysterious man who calls himself The Dreamseller. Wherever he goes, he enchants people and inspires them to search for the most important thing: the heart of the human soul. Every person he meets is someone who has abandoned their dreams and is going through a difficult time. Through his questioning, he helps them to overcome their turmoil by getting to the root of their unhappiness. The story begins with an accomplished university professor who threatens to leap off a building and end his life. He is so stirred by The Dreamseller that he follows him and becomes a dreamseller himself. Through the remainder of the story, we meet an alcoholic who has lost his family, and an overweight woman who believes she will never find true love. At the end of this moving tale the true identity of The Dreamseller is revealed. After losing the most important part of his life, he decided to search inside his soul and to share his story with the world. This is how The Dreamseller was born. This moving fable will make your laugh and cry, but above all, says Augusto Cury, it will make you reflect on the purpose of your life, value others and become empowered to believe in your dreams.

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Cygnus Books 15


Have you ever truly known who you are? What if you awoke tomorrow with amnesia – no memory of who you are – would you be the same person? What If? takes you on a fascinating journey of self discovery, to open yourself up to a deeper level of understanding and enlightenment. On this mission to find your authentic self, Eldon transforms you into a 'thought traveller': by using your imagination to explore different 41% scenarios, you'll travel in time and thought, to off! take on other personalities, both eliminating what you are not and affirming what you are. By using everyday situations and guiding you through numerous thought experiments, you will peel back the layers to reveal the dissonance in much of your thinking, beliefs, desires and choices. It is Eldon's hope that once you've finished this experiential adventure, you will have had enough encounters with yourself that you'll be able to truly ‘Know thyself’, which - says Eldon - is the first law of being divinely human.

204pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2011, RRP £12.99 Code: 210323 Cygnus Price £7.65

POWER UP YOUR BRAIN Dr David Perlmutter & Alberto Villoldo

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Neuroscientist David Perlmutter and medical anthropologist and shaman Alberto Villoldo have come together to explore the links between their fields, with the aim of making enlightenment possible for anyone. Joining the long-separated worlds of science and spirit, Perlmutter explores the exciting phenomena of neurogenesis and mitochondrial health, while Villoldo brings his vast knowledge of shamanic and spiritual practices to the table. Together they draw from the most powerful tools in each discipline to create the Power Up Your Brain programme, a ground-breaking, five-week plan that helps prime the brain for enlightenment. With nutritional advice, dietary supplements, physical exercise, shamanic practices, meditation and visualisations, Perlmutter and Villoldo guide you, step by step, through a program to help you clear your mind from previous trauma and open yourself up to experience the inner peace, vast insight and extraordinary creativity that define the experience of enlightenment.

218pp, 152mm x 228mm, softback, 2011, RRP £12.99 Code: 210324 Cygnus Price £7.20

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I'M STILL HERE John Zeisel

John Zeisel is an innovator in the non-pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer’s. He argues that to maintain a quality of life, it is essential to recognise which parts of the brain remain intact throughout the course of the disease. He shows how it’s possible to connect with those living with Alzheimer’s by engaging abilities that don’t diminish over time, such as understanding music, art, facial expressions, touch, and the deep need we all have to care for others. In I’m Still Here, he outlines his pioneering approach and demonstrates how we can offer people with dementia a better quality of life, maintaining their connection to others and the world. This book has the potential to make a huge difference to anyone who is experiencing the effects of Alzheimer’s.

244pp, 126mm x 198mm, softback, 2010, RRP £9.99 Code: 210263 Cygnus Price £5.99


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In The Second Half of Your Life, Jill Shaw Ruddock sets out to motivate and inspire, to help women come to celebrate the years after menopause as the beginning of a new and prolific phase of life, to buck against misconception, emerging into what can turn out to be the best half of your life. She encourages us to embrace the transition, so that it can become an open part of life's journey, free from embarrassment. Be empowered and reassured by Jill as she offers guidance on a huge range of issues: how to cope with hormonal havoc, how you find purpose and cultivate your passions, thrive on the best diet for optimum health, how much you should exercise and how to stay connected to family, friends and community.

304pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2011, RRP £12.99 Code: 210325 Cygnus Price £6.49


41% In this rousing look at ageing, Marie de off! Hennezel guides us through the ‘art of growing old’, where we can live a time of companionship, wellbeing and empowerment as long as our 'heart' stays young. She recalls her encounters as a clinical psychologist with extraordinary people who 'grow old gracefully’ – and through her experience shows us how to make the most of this time in our lives, to avoid depression and to stay happy. She believes that wherever we grow old and whatever our circumstances, if we can maintain energy in our hearts and believe in the power of joy and human warmth, this can transform us and the way we look at the world. This is a wonderful book with a powerful, invigorating message that applies to everyone, no matter how old they are.

274pp, 134mm x 216mm, softback, 2010, RRP £12.99 Code: 210326 Cygnus Price £7.65

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Written in Irvin Yalom's inimitable story-telling style, Staring at the Sun is a profoundly encouraging approach to the universal issue of mortality. Capping a lifetime of work and personal experience, Dr Yalom helps us recognize that the fear of death – both conscious and unconscious – is at the heart of much of our anxiety. Such recognition is often catalyzed by an ‘awakening experience’ – a dream, or loss (the death of a loved one, divorce, loss of a job or home), illness, trauma, or aging. Once we alleviate the latent fear by confronting and connecting with our mortality, Dr Yalom writes, we awaken to a fuller life: we are inspired to rearrange our priorities, communicate more deeply with those we love, appreciate more keenly the beauty of life, and increase our willingness to take the risks necessary for personal fulfillment. Including a section especially for therapists, Staring at the Sun provides an important step in healing this cause of many patients’ fears, stresses and depression. Staring at the Sun is both illuminating and ultimately reassuring.

320pp, 126mm x 198mm, softback, 2011, RRP £8.99 Code: 210267 Cygnus Price £5.99

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Closer to the Mystery

Jehanne Mehta As we all know, time is measured by clocks and, today, by more and more accurate electronic devices. In the distant past it was measured by hour glass or sundial, and earlier still the great stone monuments of ancient peoples measured the passage of sun, moon and stars with extraordinary accuracy. Time runs in linear fashion surely, from past to future, moving through the only part of it of which we can be really aware, the present moment? Time seems to be a fixed and understandable concept which we work with in our daily lives. This is earth time. Our inner experience of time, or one could say time on the inner levels, is something different, however. We all know how when we are enjoying ourselves time can appear to pass very quickly and when we are unwell, unhappy or bored an hour can seem interminable. The clocks continue to count the seconds as always, but there is something else happening now, and most of us would agree with this phenomenon: time seems to be speeding up, the months and years seem to flash by. It is said that as Carillion (For Timo Alakotila and Karen Tweed) He gives her the ground… sometimes delicate, cobwebs strung with beads of dew drop by drop; sometimes rough, volcanic earth, shuddering deeps, forest dark with pools of amber, rugged shifts of sound and thundering rhythms, solid and round as rocks, sometimes, like a breath momentary, held in and let go, diving into hornpipe, waltz and tango. He gives her the ground. He gives her the space to dance. And she comes, slow first, riding on fine silver threads of shining, filaments of melody, linked by rosettes of shimmering quavers, rivers swelling in a tidal bore of jigs and dreams, swirling into a racing polska, now poised on a point, now carillion ringing out, releasing in a rolling passion of hope and moonbeams; all these magical currents, tunes catching the light against a multi-coloured ground. And he gives her the ground.

one grows older this is the case, but now it is also the younger people who feel it. How is this? Time has other mysterious qualities when not tied to material existence. Something is changing here, either in the nature of time or in our perception of it, or both. In addition, although this is not new, many of us will have noticed that in dreams whole adventures can take place in minutes of real time. We have read how Near Death Experiences can appear to last for a long time, but on the return to consciousness, only minutes have passed. Sometimes, when there is something important that needs to happen, time expands to allow it its fullness, or when there is a task to be done, unaccountably the time is there for it to be accomplished. Clearly we are dealing with many dimensions. I like to put it this way: that time is becoming three dimensional. The fact that we can experience this multidimensionality of time, at this point when so many changes are occuring in the world, is surely a sign that our consciousness is opening up and we are now beginning to awaken to new levels of all that is. Our challenge is to notice the subtleties as they become more frequent. ©2011 Jehanne Mehta The Waiting The waiting is intense; not a grass blade but knows it, now time has come off its hinges and opens all ways. There is a watching, a listening, sharp as January shoots that pierce the patient earth, a gathering from all four directions: fur, feathers, and the folk of the mounds, the stones and of the trees, the ones we only see with closed eyes, or imprinted for a moment on bark, swift caught in water swirls, then gone, dissolving into rippling shadows. Do we dare to be transparent, fired by the many dimensions of love? Do we dare to be transparent in this fire, flame feathered like the phoenix? For we are the beacon, the burning pillar, ashine with eyes, where what was below is rerouted to the stars, what was lost in deep space reconnects with the heart of earth. The waiting is intense; not a grass blade but feels it, now time has come off its hinges. The waiting intensifies.

SOUL OF THE EARTH Jehanne Mehta et al

Soul of the Earth is for those who care about the Earth, those who are keeping the flame of optimism for the future burning in your heart. This is a collection of beautifully crafted poems by poets from around the world, who celebrate, and are not afraid to explore the spiritual dimension of life on earth and who haven’t given up on humans. It is an anthology to give us hope. As the editor, Jay Ramsay, puts it, ‘What is so remarkable about these poems in the midst of the situation we are in, is their brightness, their truly positive energy. Again and again it is this quality of spiritual strength that shines through.’

164pp, softback, 2010, RRP £11.99 Code: 210327 Cygnus Price £9.99

Communion When we stand together with intent we are a door a gateway between trees an alignment between stones marking sunrise at solstice marking star-rise in the velvet black a single beam of focussed possibilities a capstone placed on a pyramid knowingly and trusting what we know timely a message from Earth to Cosmos and back multiplied ancient archetypes re-embodying harmonics of the lost chord resounding frequency of unimaginable beginnings We are coming closer to the mystery We are a door when we stand together

MIDNIGHT MAY MONDAY CD Karen Tweed & Timo Alakotila

This CD is a fine collaboration between two superb musicians, with backing from their friends. Karen Tweed’s accordion playing is delicate, lyrical and sheer fun. She plays with passion, as does Finnish pianist Timo Alakotila from. Traditional Irish, British and Scandinavian music is interspersed with original pieces by Karen and Timo. This is a beautiful, original and uplifting recording, of which you’ll never grow tired. Jehanne’s poem ‘Carillion’ was inspired by her first experience of this duo playing. ‘Midnight is when the relaxed time and real creativity begins; the moon can be full, bright and magical and the noise of the day has left, leaving the muse to creep in.’

RRP £14.99 Code: D210328 Cygnus Price £9.99

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Cygnus Books 17


The Magical World of Tara and the Talking Kitten

For many years I have passionately wanted to find a way to enable children to feel happier, more confident and empowered. And I kept wondering how I could introduce them to the spiritual realms of fairies, angels and unicorns to enrich their lives. Then one day I was walking through my local woods when the idea of the first Tara and Ash-ting the Talking Kitten story fell into my head. I raced home and wrote The Magical Adventures of Tara and the Talking Kitten. Seven year old Tara finds life difficult. She can’t make friends at school, quarrels constantly with her brother and sister and doesn’t know how to talk to her parents about things that are bothering her. She feels that no one understands her and often says the wrong thing. All that changes when Ash-ting, an adorable grey kitten, enters her life. Tara and Ash-ting have a secret that no one else in the world knows about. They can talk to each other, and the wise loving kitten helps her to turn her life around. He also introduces her to the angels, fairies and the elemental kingdoms. This is the essence of the series of Tara and the Talking Kitten children’s books, which are now being published. In the presence of angels So many kids sense the presence of angels and elementals but don’t know what it is they are feeling and this adds to their confusion or tension. Even in these more enlightened times many adults deny what little ones sense or see and call it imagination. Certain themes run through the series; bringing families and communities together, dealing with feelings, speaking up for yourself, helping other people, understanding other cultures, empowering children and connecting with the angels, unicorns and elemental kingdoms. In addition, Ash-ting the magical talking kitten always finds an ingenious way to resolve challenges and situations. Many children who feel lonely, misunderstood or confused are open to listen to the wise, loving words of a kitten that they would not hear from an adult. Nowadays I say to my grandchildren, ‘What do you think Ash-ting would say?’ And rather to my astonishment they share their toys, take turns, say sorry or do the nice thing! I didn’t want to write sweet, fluffy stories for children so these books embrace the issues of our times in a way children can understand and relate to. In the Magical Adventures of Tara and the Talking Kitten Dad fears he may lose his job, while Rosy in her class is unhappy because her parents have split up. With the guidance of her kitten, Tara is able to help them. There are two stories in the second book of the series, Tara and the Talking Kitten meet

Angels and Fairies. Uncle Steve visits the family and Ash-ting persuades Tara to handle difficult situations and unwelcome attention by speaking to an adult. She also meets her angel and finds out how they can help her and other people. She learns the hard way what the angels will and will not do for her! Empowering our children The second story in this book is my personal favourite where Tara and Ash-ting meet the elementals. A beautiful old oak tree is to be cut down and the wise kitten as usual finds a unique and inventive way to save it in which Tara and the elementals must work together to carry out his plan.


Young Tara finds school and home life difficult until she is given Ash-ting, a little grey kitten. When she finds she can communicate with him, her life changes dramatically as he teaches her how to make friends and talk to adults in a pleasant way. Together Tara and Ash-ting help her Daddy when he fears he may lose his job and also Rosy, a new girl at school, who is not allowed to see her Dad or her dog. Along the way Tara learns when she is bad tempered and aggressive her aura is dark and no one wants to be friends with her. When she is nice to the other children in the school her aura glows pink and they want to be friends. With Ash-ting’s advice, Tara understands that to have friends and be happy, you have to be prepared to be nice to people, and that in fact, it’s easier to be nice than to be anything else. Age 4-8.

80pp, 157mm x 220mm, hardback, illus in b/w, 2011, RRP £5.99 Code: 210329 Cygnus Price £4.49

All the Tara and her Talking Kitten stories empower and inform children and are entertaining. I was delighted when I read them to my eight and five year old grandchildren. Five year old Finn didn’t want to listen and was playing a noisy game of his own at the other end of the room while I read to Isabel. After a few moments he stopped what he was doing, became totally silent and listened right to the end. Next night they both asked for more Tara and Ash-ting stories. I have already written the next two books which are due to be published in September about Tara, the Talking Kitten and the Unicorn and Tara, the Talking Kitten and the Mermaids as well another twelve shorter stories! I have so much enjoyed writing them that I couldn’t stop and have now had to switch the

tap firmly off in my head so that I can get on with other work! I believe empowered children can make a difference. They are teaching me all the time. It was my eight year old granddaughter who suggested that in my morning meditation and healing we place the person or place we are sending healing to in front of us and bring the angel energy down over them with our hands, which is much more interesting for children as it is active. She also insisted I must have an additional candle dedicated to the animals. She asked me to invoke the Gold Ray of Christ and the angel of animals to touch all the animals we know, including my son’s two hens and her guinea pigs, as well as endangered species and the spirits of those who are extinct. I feel humbled and awed when I think about the children of today. I am planning a children’s section to my website to be ready for September when the next two Tara and the Talking Kitten books are published. The aim is to give children a safe space where they can learn, have fun and connect with the angels, unicorns and elementals. The site will be up by September when the next two Tara books are published. I would be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to contribute short stories, games, crosswords etc. to this section to Let’s awaken and empower all children everywhere. With love, Diana Diana is author of 19 adult and 2 children’s books and is the Principal of The Diana Cooper School a not for profit organisation that trains spiritual teachers worldwide


Tara and Ash-ting need extra help when her nasty uncle comes to stay. That is when her guardian angel steps in to protect her and her brother and sister. And, when her sister nearly drowns Tara learns about healing angels and how she can call on them. The angels also teach Tara that she has to take responsibility for her actions. Tara and her kitten Ash-ting discover that the huge old oak tree behind their home is to be cut down to make way for a road. They meet fairies, elves, pixies and imps and working together they find a hilarious way to save the tree. Age 4-8.

80pp, 157mm x 220mm, hardback, illus in b/w, 2011, RRP £5.99 Code: 210330 Cygnus Price £4.49

SPECIAL OFFER: buy both Tara books together for £8.48

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In Out of the Darkness, Steve Taylor tells the stories of people who have undergone permanent spiritual awakening after intense trauma and turmoil in their lives. Read about the young woman who was reborn after suffering terrible injuries in the 7/7 bombings in London, the man who found enlightenment after becoming paralysed in a fall, the man who underwent transformation after attempting suicide, and the recovering alcoholic who shifted to a permanent state of 44% enlightenment after hitting 'rock bottom' and losoff! ing everything. Steve has also interviewed several spiritual teachers whose awakening occurred after intense psychological turmoil, including Eckhart Tolle. In addition to telling these people's stories, Out of the Darkness explains how and why turmoil has this transformational effect and illustrates the almost infinite capacity of human beings to overcome suffering. It shows how close – and how natural – spiritual awakening is to all of us. Happily, Steve suggests that this enlightenment exists as a potential in everyone, and that there is a way to attain a similar state of awakening without having to put ourselves through intense suffering.

268pp, 135mm x 215mm, softback, 2011, RRP £10.99 Code: 210331 Cygnus Price £6.20


A comprehensive guide for creating a daily spiritual practice, Growing Your Inner Light offers advice on developing a unique spiritual path that fits exactly who you are, what you need as a spiritual being, and how you want to live. Lara Owen shows how a personalised practice can open the doors to living fully with integrity and to feeling connected with the surrounding world. Lara explains how practices from global religions can be combined with contemporary wisdom and how this brings us closer to satisfying a yearning for inner peace. With a direct experience of spiritual meaning and connection, Growing Your Inner Light is a groundbreaking, transformative journey through thirteen phases of your growth, including: developing intuition; creating sacred spaces and altars; understanding your dreams and exploring the importance of retreats and meditation.

208pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2011, RRP £10.99 Code: 210268 Cygnus Price £6.99


In Moments of Stillness, Sister Stan draws upon her memories of childhood and the special moments of awareness and mystery which have nourished and enriched her life. As she offers simple reflections to help us focus on the many gifts and blessings that surround us each day, she helps us to connect to our inner world, and the deep, nurturing silence that lies within. When you allow yourself the time to be still, matters of concern can often be resolved. Go to wherever you feel drawn, and when you read your chosen meditation or aphorism, allow it to move you beyond thought into that place within where you can be truly still. Sister Stan’s words are given as pointers that may lead you to a place of presence that is much deeper than mere thought. ‘Joy comes in little whispers, in sudden unexpected glimpses of mystery.’

288pp, 127mm x 198mm, softback, 2011, RRP £8.99 Code: 210332 Cygnus Price £6.49

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Yotam Ottolenghi has established himself as one of the most exciting new talents in the world of cookery and food writing. This exclusive collection of vegetarian recipes is drawn from his column The New Vegetarian for The 48% Guardian's Weekend magazine, off! and features both brand-new recipes and dishes first devised for that column. Yotam's food inspiration comes from his strong Mediterranean background and his unapologetic love of ingredients. His approach to vegetarian and vegetable cookery is based on strong flavours and stunning, fresh combinations. With sections devoted to cooking greens, aubergines, brassicas, rice and cereals, pasta and couscous, pulses, roots, squashes, onions, fruit, mushrooms and tomatoes, the breadth of colours, tastes and textures is extraordinary. Featuring vibrant illustration, and with Yotam's voice and personality shining through, Plenty is a must-have for vegetarians and meat-eaters alike.

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Cygnus Books 19

Chat Page

Letters and poems from Cygnus members

Star Letter: A VERY HAPPY COINCIDENCE Dear Cygnus Last December I received, as I believed my copy of Cygnus magazine, only to find the copy carried the wrong name and address (the postcode was correct). The postman that day was a relief; the regular would have noticed the surname, rather than the postcode and delivered the magazine to the intended recipient. I dismissed this with ‘Oh well, I’ll enjoy my new Cygnus magazine’, but as our house number is No. 27 and the incorrect address was No. 21, there was this little thought that kept coming back, that said, ‘What if there was a like-minded soul living only three doors away?’ Wake-Up Call The wake-up call into consciousness, a shaking with devastating force, blowing the mind numbing the senses. The news that I had a potentially life-threatening disease with possibly only three months to live. After the initial cocoon of shock and incredulity – this can't be happening – reality set in and with it the descent into the dark night of despair. Yet there was still a sense of something, not quite disbelief, more a quiet certainty that this was not the end. Then from a place deep within, a bright ray of hope in words so clear as to be almost audible. "These are only men, they do not know everything." And with this came the realisation that the hands of the surgeons were only the tools and that I was in the hands of a far greater power. Needless to say, I survived, grateful not only for still being here but for the growth and learning gained through a life-changing experience. There is now a new awareness, a sense of knowing that this was for a higher purpose and that the biggest and best lessons are after all often learnt through adversity. Dorit Atkinson THE WRITER OF OUR ‘STAR’ LETTER OR POEM WILL RECEIVE A £10 VOUCHER. WHY NOT WRITE TO YOUR CYGNUS FRIENDS? Write about whatever inspires you. If you have an insight, experience or poem, please write it down in NOT MORE THAN 250 WORDS (or, if it is a poem, in NOT MORE THAN 24 LINES) and send it by post or email. If you send it by email, to, please include ‘Chat Page’ in the subject line, dropping your text into the body of the email. IF YOUR CONTRIBUTION IS PUBLISHED ON THIS PAGE, OR ON OUR WEBSITE, YOU WILL RECEIVE A £5 CYGNUS VOUCHER


Curiosity got the better of me, so I knocked on No. 21 and asked the lady who came to the door if there was a member of the Cygnus Book Club living there. I was met with a very surprised ‘Yes!’ The rest is history, really. We have a lot to share together and although my neighbour has a young family and I am a grandmother, age seems to fall away if you are sharing at a spiritual level. So, coincidence? We don’t think so. Aruna Gates (No. 27) A very happy coincidence, to have found a friend and neighbour that I have lived alongside for over six years without knowing! So beautiful that it was your lovely magazine that united us. Many thanks to fate for bringing me such a lovely Friend! Olivia Stephenson (No. 21) Heart Smile We had arrived, my wife and I, In the night, long after his bedtime, And when he came down in the morning he stood, A two year old child in the living room where we had slept, Seeking a place in his mind Into which he could fit us. I gazed back at him, smiling, Welcoming him into his own living room; Yet the smile on my face To him was too little assurance And he continued to gaze Solemnly up at me, Still lacking certainty But there was no uncertainty in me; I loved this child, I knew. Without thought I dropped On all fours before him, Head only inches from his, Our eyes on a level, Mine smiling still. In that instant his heart recognised That I smiled from mine. The trust at its core Entered his feet and he took The single step that separated us. I rose with the child in my arms, As happy to hold him as he to be held. I have since wondered if God Sometimes drops on all fours (so to speak), To encourage the trust that he placed at the core of my heart. To step out in confidence? And if I give him my trust Will He rise to His full height With me in His arms? John Buck

The Gentle Art of Blessing Weekend Retreat Presented by Pierre Pradervand At Community of the King of Love, Whaley Hall, Derbyshire Friday 6th to Sunday 8th May 2011 Allow Pierre to take you through the perfect way to develop an awareness that is constantly centred in love, even in the midst of the most trying circumstances. Cost: £250.00 per person, including full accommodation, food (all dietary needs catered for) and beverages. A deposit of £50 is required to secure a place. Payment by instalment may be arranged. Friday Evening Talk An in-depth talk from 7:30pm, Friday 6th May, The Mechanics Institute, Whaley Bridge. Cost: £10 per person. You do not need to be booked on the full weekend retreat to attend this talk. For further information, contact: Jacque 01457 863687 Yvonne 07910 118135 Community of the King of Love, Whaley Hall, Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire, SK23 7BL

Dawning The most brilliant light started to rise over the horizon. Those who could see it stopped and stared at its magnificence. Farmers working in their fields stood leaning against their tools, gaping open mouthed at the scene before them. Children stopped in their playing and felt its growing beauty envelope them. The odd shepherd held his hand to his brow as if to ward the brightness from his eyes. there were but few who noticed his coming.... A dawning of the most magnificent proportions is approaching. As it comes, and grows in strength, those who can see it welcome it, bathe in it, glorify in it and finally submerge themselves in it. As they are submerged, they become transformed and their transformation is then seen by some, who have hitherto had their eyes closed. The light is unstoppable. The transformation is unstoppable. The full consummation of unconditional peace, love, joy and wisdom on this planet, is unstoppable. All is, and always has been, as it should be. Louisa Crisp

Post to: Cygnus, PO Box 15, Llandeilo SA19 6YX


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Cygnus will have a stand at the following events at Alternatives, St James's Church, 197 Piccadilly, London W1J 9LL 26 March Caroline Myss 7 May Deepak Chopra 5 June Donna Eden

11 June 16 July

Gangaji Byron Katie

Would you like to reach more than 80k readers in one great mailing list? Advertise here!



Colin Tipping

(The Radical Forgiveness Guy and Radical Empowerment Guru) Offering Workshops and Professional Certification Training Programs in Milton Keynes, July 2011, to become:

1. A Radical Forgiveness Therapy Practitioner (Some previous qualifications required). 7 days. July 11th-17th. 2. A Radical Empowerment Teacher/Coach (No prior Qualifications required). 4-1/2 days. July 20th - 24th.

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Workshops: The Magic of Radical Forgiveness -Sat. July 30th, Manchester, £65. Sunday July 31st in London. 10:00 - 6:00 p.m. £75

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IMPORTANT NOTE. We cannot check the authenticity of all the adverts that appear in our Noticeboard, and their inclusion does not imply endorsement by, or reflect the views or opinions of the editor of the Cygnus Review. Readers should make their own thorough checks of any advert to which they respond.


Saturday 16th April: ISBOURNE OPEN DAY - JASON CHAN RAISES YOUR VIBRATION (12-1pm talk £10 / 2.15-2.45pm movement workshop, £5) + a variety of MBS talks, workshops and stands from 10am-5pm. Entrance Free. Friday 27th May: BAREFOOT DOCTOR–KEEP CALM And Carry On (7-9pm, £12/Early Bird £9) The Isbourne is at 4 Wolseley Terrace, Cheltenham, GL50 1TH

More info/bookings:; 01242 254 321;

For box ads, call Carol on 0845 456 1571 For lineage ads, call Sian on 01558 825 503

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Deepak Chopra – Self Power, 7th May

Donna Eden – Energy Medicine, 5th June Gangaji – The Inward Dive, 11th July

Byron Katie – Living a Joy Filled Life, 16th July


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24 Copy deadlines: Issue 4, May - June, Fri 1st April; Issue 5, July, Fri 3rd June; Issue 6, August - September, Fri 15th July


APRICOT SEEDS, which contain high levels of B17, direct from the Himalayas. £20 for 1kg bag, £12 for 1lb bag plus p&p. Apricot Seed Oil, £5 per 100ml bottle. Please call 0800 374 976

PERSONALISED CANCER TESTING through RGCC-UK Ltd. We offer blood tests for the early detection of cancer and chemosensitivity testing for the best treatment options, including complementary treatments. Please contact us for further information. Tel: 0117 3171460 email:

HEALING, COACHING & READINGS BRIGHT EYES PSYCHIC. Natural healer, clairvoyant, gifted medium, works with guides, tarot and crystals. Gives no false information. Receives thank you's from hundreds of customers. All calls returned Tel 07909462535. Distant animal healer.

ENERGETIC MEDICINE for acute and chronic conditions – including degenerative diseases, nervous system disorders and emotional healing 30+ years experience of healing, teaching and counselling. Silvia Martin TSBMS, MAMP (Mexico) Tel: 07939 128025

GEOPATHIC STRESS - CAUSING ILL-HEALTH? Professional British Society of Dowsers registered, Mike & Maureen Rawles, investigate and rectify your house's Earth Energy. Signs include: Poor sleep, Reclusive, Irrational Anger, Depression, Headaches, Regular ill-health, Tiredness. Tel: 01460 281450

‘JESSICA - CLAIRVOYANT/MEDIUM. Professional, Experienced relationships, career, direction etc. Specialising in mediumship communicate with loved ones who have passed over. Telephone readings: £22 per 30 mins/£30 per 45 mins. Also Personal Readings & Party Bookings. Tel: 0117 3737 405 or 07800 929257.

INSPIRATIONAL PAINTING FROM VIBRATIONS in your letter, by psychic artist. Please send £20 to Susan Fenelon. 9 Lane End Walk, Stourport on Severn, Worcestershire, DY13 0DL. Tel: 01299 877632

NEGATIVE ENERGY RELEASE. Safely release negativity affecting your life. Professional remote scanning facilitates the release of negative thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, past life issues, attachments etc. Contact Heather Smith 01747 860305

MAGNOTHERAPY FOR PEOPLE. Non-evasive, drug free. Bioflow proven to work on animals maintaining health and healing. Stylish and practical magnetic units to suit all lifestyles. Glenda Procter 01797 226100

SMILING ANGELS AND SMILING ANGELS TWO BY SUZANNE MORTON. Priced £4.99. Very moving page turners, full of inspiration and hope. Written from the heart. Tel: 01503 264155

ZERO POINT ENERGY HEALING WAND - Only £99.00. Call Howard on 0754-3388280 after 6.30pm or email:

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NORTH WEST IRELAND. Fully ecologic wooden Feng Shui House for sale on 1.8 acres. Strong healing energy, near sacred sites, overlooking a lake and 4 counties. 15 min from Ocean. Price reduced from €650, now €470,000.-(ono) Tel. 00353-719854186 TAIGH AN T-SOLAIS...HOUSE OF LIGHT FOR SALE near Kyle of Lochalsh, Scotland. 4 Bedrooms, home of healing and a portal for the light. Contact: 01599 555448

AFTER 21HAPPY YEARS we've decided to sell our idyllic house, fully furnished, with development potential, in the foothills of the Pyrenees for 145,000 euros. Amid unknown Ariege it's a haven of peace and tranquillity for artists, lovers of birds, butterflies and nature.Tel 01327 702486 WEST COUNTRY property wanted to purchase in Devon or Cornwall, suitable for hosting workshops and running retreats. Large or small and any condition considered. Contact Neil : 07754 016779 or email :

LARGE SPACE IN WILTSHIRE WANTED to rent/let for a new new age spiritual centre. Could be existing converted farm building, yoga/dance studio, residential house or shop. 01323 472308

FLAT TO RENT PLUS WORK AT RETREAT CENTRE Beautiful one bedroom flat by the sea, SW Wales, available to rent (6 months min) plus approx 12 hours paid work a week, veggie cooking & household duties. 0845 652 2536

COUNTRY/DOG LOVING MATURE HEALTHY FEMALE wants work + accommodation.Experience includes healthfoods,massage, caring. Would like work with animals but all things considered. More information phone 07818282252 email

CHANNELLED READINGS AND MEDIUMSHIP: Phone sessions densely packed with clear, accurate, waffle-free information, pointers to your growth and development and healing messages from family, pets, loved ones. Corinne Jeffrey (01264) 791071/+44 1264 791071

INTERNATIONAL CLAIRVOYANT JENI COUSINS. Accurate phone and past life readings to answer questions with clarity to guide you on the right path to find peace within your soul. Tel 02891 465987

JANET - NATURAL INTUITIVE, In-depth reading plus healing crystal. Send full name, DOB & photo (returnable) plus £25 cheque payable to J. Norton, 25 Laurel Road, Armthorpe, Doncaster DN3 2ES

TWO MOONS HEALING ASSOCIATION Healing, Energy Clearance, Astrology Readings, Spiritual Development, Workshops. Contact: Charlie 020 8671 4756; Janet 07894 537001;;

BE THE BEST, HOLISTIC HEALING. Phone sessions with experienced therapist. Working with Crystals, Reiki, Nutrition, Kinesiology techniques and more. Contact Claire on 01392 833568 to get things moving! CLAIRVOYANT, PAUL - offers spiritually guided consultations in Brighton & Eastbourne and also by telephone. My work always helps those ready for change. Please telephone Brighton 01273 602929 for further details.

REDUCED STRESS, IMPROVED HEALTH – Experience the powerful changes PSYCH-K can bring into all areas of your life from the comfort of your own home. Phone, Skype or email consultations at

PAT POOLE. PSYCHIC, CLAIRVOYANT MEDIUM, Registered healer. I offer: Psychic readings, Bindrunes (runespells ) Problemsolving, Spirit rescue.(ghost removal.) plus spiritual healing -animals & people. From £25

COMPANION ANIMAL LOSS LISTENING LINE (CALLL) Christine cares and truly understands the pain of pet loss. She is fully trained in pet bereavement. Calll 0115 840 2737 visit email:

ASTROLOGICAL CHILD PROFILE Beautifully presented in a luxury silver hardback cover, this 45 plus page detailed report is a wonderful gift. It will help all parents to understand their children better and make more suitable choices for them as they develop. Tel: 01540 661828 CELESTIAL LIGHT HEALERS SACRED SOUND COURSES with ROSEMARY STEPHENSON for 2011. Crescendo Reiki Of Sacred Sound (CROSS) Healing System, Bedale, Yorks. Celestial Sound Certificate, 3 days, for more details tel +447775 854 640

FAR INFRA RED SAUNA - great way to detox cells, reduce cellulite, lose calories, improve circulation, relieve pain. New in Newbury’s Holistic Family Health Clinic. Book your package, Aromatherapeutic sauna, ‘Double detox’ foot spa sauna, Reiki and Massage saunas. Call 01635 253274

For box ads, call Carol on 0845 456 1571, for lineage ads, call Sian on 01558 825 503


HEALING, COACHING & READINGS NEW YEAR – NEW DECISIONS: Confidential,Insightful, One-to-One Tarot Readings can help. Call anytime 0906 570 6483 calls cost £1.53/min. PO Box 19 TN37 6YE

EVER FELT YOUR ISSUE ISN’T ACTUALLY YOURS? Nikki Wyatt, The Karma Coach, helps release ancestral issues. Karmic Flower and Crystal Essences. Learn your soul gifts with a FREE soul flower reading available at:

ASCENSION HEALING, ANGEL HEALING, remote, soul purpose path, reads Akashic records, clears entities, Medical Intuitive, Works with Ascended Masters, Coach. “Ellishka” MT CHT ITEC Tel 01542 839178. 16 years experience. ERIN, GIFTED PSYCHIC & MEDIUM. Telephone readings: messages, guidance & healing available immediately, day or evening with experienced reader visit Tel. 01239 615299 or 07786 906576

ANGEL CHANNELLING BY LAURA NEWBURY, author of An Angels' Guide to Working with the Power of Light, answering your questions for help and guidance, visit METATRON HEALING connects with energetic frequencies of Archangel Metatron. Combining energy healing, spiritual surgery and vibrational colour essences to release old patterns. FFI please contact Louise at 01296 696285. Bucks

PSYCHIC, PAST LIFE, SPIRIT GUIDE readings £20 distant REIKI healing £32 for animals and people. Detailed, sincere and caring, by email, post or mp3 by Sarah £20 0161-969-2081 LIGHT ESSENCE READINGS: Powerful catalysts for change! Guided messages from devas and nature shows you what is hidden from yourself. Reading and personalised remedy bottle. Details Joanne 01202 432160 email:

I WILL HELP YOU IDENTIFY, accept and embrace your darkness, and shine the "Light of Truth" on your beautiful soul. Telephone/ text me for a telephone session. Della! 07752 819604 ANXIOUS? EMOTIONAL? SARAH LOWES, experienced UKCP registered psychotherapist specialises in panic, grief, trauma, lifepath and dreamwork. I see therapy as a spiritual journey. Telephone sessions or face-to-face. 0151 475 6337

DIVINE HEALING MASTER KEY AND REIKI. Release blocks and negative subconscious programming. Restore physical, emotional, mental balance. Addresses chronic and acute conditions gently and powerfully. Contact Tracy: 07771-714145, Cirencester.

A DEEP TRAUMA ORIGINATING FROM THE PAGAN FERTILITY cults is discovered in the human psyche. This, and much more, comes into a modern day quest to heal the past.

ATLANTEAN STARCODE ACTIVATIONS: These aid you in manifesting your multi-dimensional self, they are energy upgrades that release blockages, karma, facilitating your Ascension, helping you to embody your Divinity.


SPIRIT OF THE INCA. Train to be a shamanic practitioner. Learn ancient wisdom teachings from the Inca tradition, and powerful healing techniques to shift the matrix of the energy field. Training to become a healer, a coach, an inspiration to others and a catalyst for change in the world. email:

THE UNICORN CENTRE FOR SPIRITUAL LEARNING in Somerset. Spiritual Correspondence Course, Teacher Training, Healing Practitioner, Reiki, Angels, Unicorns, 2012 and Lemurian Planetary Healing courses. Tel: 01460 53699 Visit: KARUNA REIKI® The next step for Reiki Masters (all lineages) seekers of Universal Truth and Compassion. 3 day classes set in beautiful Peak District. Contact Janet Roome (UK Karuna Reiki Rep) Tel. 01629 733227 email: visit


EVENTS, COURSES & WORKSHOPS DISCOVER DOWSING! Foundation courses for beginners with The British Society of Dowsers: at the heart of Dowsing since 1933. 19/20 March, Northleach, Glos; 7/8 May Dorking, Surrey. 15/16 October, Nr Malvern, Worcs £139. Tel 01684 576969

HEALTH DOWSING COURSES with The British Society of Dowsers: at the heart of Dowsing since 1933. Advanced Health Course: 18/19 June. Northleach, Glos £149. Tel 01684 576969

DOWSING CONFERENCE. International line up from all around the world! 23-25 September at Cirencester, Glos. Come for just a day or the whole weekend. Unmissable! Tel 01684 576969 HOMEOPATHY & COMPLEMENTARY HEALTH. Telephone consultations, remedies & energy medicine, significant discount for Cygnus readers, free training for health practitioners from highly experienced homeopaths at Kesteven Natural Health Centre. Call Sue on 01529 460536 or visit

STOP THE MIND ........I WANT TO GET OFF!! Peace workshops and retreat days with Sally Chaffer held regularly in Yorkshire. Experience ways to stop the mind’s chatter. Empowering blend of healing and meditation - reconnect with the Now! Tel. 07884 332644 KENTISBURY GRANGE HEALING SANCTUARY, North Devon. Peaceful setting with a loving, sacred atmosphere for Healing. Accommodation is available. Beautiful grounds for meditation and recuperation. Tel. 01271 882040

ANGELS, ASCENSION, GOLDEN ATLANTIS & Transformational Teacher Training workshops with Diana Cooper School - courses in Scotland with Elizabeth Ann. Also spiritual coaching and angel readings etc. Tel: 01592 743417 visit DIANA COOPER SCHOOL teacher training courses and workshops 2012 and Beyond, Golden Atlantis, Angels, Ascension and Transform Your Life in Warwickshire with Master Teachers Jillian and Peter Stott, 01926 851898;

ANGELIC REIKI Experience the absolute joy of healing with the Angels. Workshops and treatments in Norfolk. Will travel by invitation to facilitate workshops. Contact Alison on Tel. 07540 938107 THE HEALING POWER OF VOCAL SOUND with James D’Angelo, author of The Healing Power of the Human Voice. Various forms of toning and chanting for self-healing. and 01452 413220.

LEMURIAN CRYSTAL ATTUNEMENT WEEKEND HEALING COURSES in Milton Keynes £125, certificated including comprehensive manual. Connect with the Lemurians and discover the amazing healing power of these crystals. Tel 01908240400 or email

PSYCH-K® BASIC WORKSHOP. Imagine being the master of your own destiny. Overcome your subconscious limiting beliefs and start manifesting your life’s desires and goals in this weekend workshop. April Peterborough 9/10 London 16/17 Contact Cazzie Dare. 07769581902 EMM EQUINE THERAPY COURSES learn how to help your own Horse heal from pain or discomfort. Starting May 28th/29th in Exeter, Kent, Co. Durham, Preston, Co. Galway. Tel: 01253 726222

HONOURING THE GODDESS TOUR 16th-20th May 2011. Based at Chalice Well Gardens, visiting Avebury, Glastonbury plus private access to Stonehenge. Call Carol 01367 242088 for details. SHAMANIC REIKI AND THE MUNAY KI RITES. Receive the nine shamanic rites to enhance your healing practice and to further your spiritual growth. Three day course . £120 per person. visit : tel Veronique on 01239 698314

Advertise in Cygnus Review for just £42 (30-word text advert) – great value – excellent response



ANAM CARA RETREAT CENTRE, Scottish Highlands, Inverness. Residential workshops and retreats in Buddhism, Shamanism,Bushcraft, Sweatlodge Ceremonies, Soul Quest, Ancient Crafts, Healing Arts and working retreats. To request a programme, tel. 01463 711702 email: visit:

VEGIVENTURES HOLIDAYS, tours and short breaks in Britain, Turkey, Peru and the Caribbean. Great vegetarian/vegan food, small friendly groups, environment oriented. Tel: +44 (0)1760 755888, email visit

AT THE STUNNING LOCATION OF WHITE HORSES RETREAT in Snowdonia: Holistic Healing Weekend (29 April - 1 May 2011) and The Divine Healing of Sound (10-12.June 2011) Tel: 01341-430617 or visit

GAUNTS HOUSE, DORSET offers an annual programme of residential courses, retreats and events. Established workshop and day conference venue. Presently inviting applications for community and Wwoofing. Tel. 01202 841522 or visit:

PSYCH-K® BASIC WORKSHOP Peterborough April 9th & 10th 2011 Free your mind from limiting beliefs and change your life in 2011 on this 2 day training course. Tel Sally 07793 526930 or

CRYSTAL & SOUND HEALING BY CORRESPONDENCE. Crystal, Sonic RejuvenationTM - natural face-lift; Sound Healing to practitioner level; Past Life Regression. All courses with professional accredited College. 01984 633597 visit

REIKI MASTER TEACHER OFFERS treatments, also Usui Reiki Tuition and Attunements, Level 1 or 2 in Montrose Angus. Courses available over weekends or equivalent time to suit. For information, tel. 01674 673886 or email

HEAL YOUR LIFE(R) 2-DAY WORKSHOP. A powerful, life-changing workshop based on the philosophy of Louise Hay. 4th and 5th June 2011. Derby. Call Amy on 07981 009 110 or visit

WALKING AND MEDITATION. A one-week course in Powys run by The Samatha Trust ( Instruction in breathingmindfulness meditation, daily walks from the meditation centre.

NASH MANOR, STEYNING, W. Sussex 2011 programme available online workshops such as Sacred Drumming, Shamanic Healing and Art, Angel workshops, Reiki, Healing Power of Sound and more Tel 01903 814988.

LEARN HOW TO HELP YOUR ANIMALS with Clare Metcalf: 1st Aid Homeopathy for Pets seminars, April 16-17 & May 28-29 Animal Communication workshop with wonderful animal teachers, June 11-12 Newcastle. Other venues available. Tel 0191 5121279 See website


FEMALE BUSINESS PARTNER WANTED to help organise and run London workshops and West Country retreat. Experience, motivation and enthusiasm required. For more details contact Neil on 07754 016779 or email:

HIGHEST RATED SUPPLEMENTS IN THE WORLD! Business partners needed. Improve your health, increase your wealth and enjoy helping others. Be part of a team that makes a difference. Tel 01179425044

ETHICAL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. Seeking like-minded people to establish, "The Green Venture", a residential holistic eco study centre in North Yorkshire. For further details please contact:


COME AND SHARE MY IDYLLIC HEALING RETREAT in the heart of the Cotswolds and accelerate your personal journey to becoming lighter All welcome Tel. 01285760684 or visit MID WALES, CARAVAN for 2 people on secluded hill farm. Ideal for meditation, hill walking, bird watching, £85 per week. Sorry no pets. Tel. 01597 860244 visit AYURVEDA RETREATS AT SEREN RETREAT Relax & Rejuvenate in the heart of Gower. Take charge of your health & wellbeing. Also: Polarity Therapy Training & Kundalini Yoga. Tel 01792 371 421 CORNWALL HOLIDAY IN BUDE, spacious bungalow, sleeps 5 short walk to town, wild, beautiful beaches, coastal paths, short drive to Tintagel, Dartmoor. Available throughout 2011 Contact Joanna: 01753 527722/07766974431 email:

MAGICAL PEMBROKESHIRE Two idyllic s/c cottages, sleeps 2&5. Four poster. C.H. wood burners. Fully equipped. Spiritual, Reiki, Seichem Healings available during your stay in these tranquil surroundings. Tel Pam 01994 419439 visit email

COMFORTABLE B&B, HAMMERSMITH, LONDON. Central, quiet,close to river, pubs, restaurants, all attractions. Ideal base holidays, courses, exhibitions, business. Double/twin/triple £26pppn. Single £39. Tel: Anne/Sohel Armanios 020 7385 4904 visit

LOVELY, SELF-CONTAINED, ONE FLOOR COTTAGE, nr Bath, Longleat & Stourhead. Sleeps 4. 48ft lounge, flat screen tv, indoor swimming pool, fishing, glorious countryside. £100 per day. Tel. 01749 813890 email:

Y BWTHYN BACH Cosy, one room, self-catering, barn conversion with wood stove, in a beautiful garden, with immediate access to wild North Pembrokeshire countryside and 1 mile from the coast. Perfect for walking, meditation, writing etc. Tel 01348 811282 or visit

BREATHING SPACE: A Holistic Retreat for Women. Set in a tranquil area of Norfolk. Sandy beaches and broads nearby. Relax, unwind and just ‘be.’ Enjoy a warm welcome, nutritional home cooked food. Local recommended therapists.Tel 01692 582233 visit BEAUTIFUL LOG CABIN IN PEACEFUL SETTING. Ideal base for reflection, meditation & within walking distance of the Pembrokeshire coast. Reconnection Healing and The Reconnection available. Telephone Charlotte on 07976 269684 or 01994 453316.

DOWSING RETREAT, LIMOGES, FRANCE, 4 days May 27th-31st. Earth Energies Spirit of Place, BSD approved Sacred Geometry. £488.00 lunch, dinner, bed &breakfast. Trips to sacred stones and menhirs. Vicky Sweetlove 01277203180

NEW PINE LODGE. ORGANICALLY PAINTED INSIDE. Spectacular sea and countryside views. Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Devon. Superb beach under a mile. Warm, cosy Self Catering, sleeps 2 Tel 01548 560426 LOVELY B&B in Derbyshire Peak District. Interesting old house in quirky small town. All diets catered (Veggie owners). Stone Circle tours, massage etc. Highly recommended by guests. Tel 01629 824258 visit

MOUNTAIN RETREAT CENTRE overlooking Sparti,Greece. Accommodation in log cabins or three bedroom tents. Classes available, dowsing, meditation, spiritual development, Reiki attunements, wallking, bird watching or just chilling out. Phone, Jean Brownbill. 0030-27310-83738 email website BRITTANY: COUNTRY RESIDENCE splendid isolation, Suitable as course centre, retreat. 20 mins sandy beaches, 1 hr Brest airport and Roscoff ferry, 1.5 hrs St Malo, Dinard, 5 mins TGV, 10 mins N12. €575,000 Euros o.n.o. Info:

GREECE SUN, SEA and the spirit of community at Kalikalos holistic holiday Centre in Pelion. Living-in-community weeks from £225 includes meals & accommodation. Tel 0208 816 8533, website: GREECE HOLISTIC HOLIDAYS at 17-24 June Art of Knowing Yourself; 22-29 July Dancing with Life; 5-19 AugustFamily fortnight for parents and kids; 19-26 Aug, Raw Food Detox.

EGYPT SACRED JOURNEYS. ATOL bonded, Now Booking. Private Access Great Pyramid and Sphinx. Mystery School Teachings, Meditations. Ceremonies, Initiations. Luxury 19thCentury - Style Sailboat. only 12 places. Christine. 020 8305 2317

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