Cygnus Review, 2011 Issue 7

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issue 7, Oct 2011 – free of charge


Cygnus Review heal your body, feed your soul, free your mind, love your planet The Answer Is You Michael Bernard Beckwith

The Power of Modern Spirituality William Bloom

The Bond Lynne McTaggart

You Can Create an Exceptional Life Louise Hay & Cheryl Richardson

The Bowl of Light Hank Wesselman

Be Your Own Shaman Deborah King

Prime Time Jane Fonda

Walking the Way of Life

Ann Napier Dear Friends, Yesterday I sat down to write this letter for you. As always, I wanted to share with you something about the lessons I am learning at the moment, in case they could be of any use to you. Well, I sat for several hours, and nothing came. In the end I gave up, feeling quite dejected. This has never happened before. In an email to you earlier this year, I wrote, ‘Though our hands be ever so empty, if we ask for them to be filled for the sake of Love, they will be’, and I firmly believe this to be true. Certainly, this belief has never failed me in the past (although it may have waited right until the very last minute to manifest!). However, as I say, yesterday, nothing came. I thought, ‘maybe it’s because the lessons I am learning right now are so dark and difficult’ (I have not yet got to the end of my long journey of healing from cancer), and Cygnus readers will not want to know about that kind of thing, because they are not in that space. I even thought ‘maybe I’m not meant to write for Cygnus readers any more’. Sad eh? But Spirit never fails you if you ask for help! And in the night I woke with all this downloaded into my mind, so I got up straight away to write it down. ‘Of course your experiences and discoveries are still relevant to Cygnus readers. Many of them are also facing great difficulties right now, and it will help them to know what you are learning.’ The form of our thoughts So here goes. Maybe you already have some understanding of thought forms? If not, I’ll just explain a bit, so please bear with me if you know this already. You’ll remember from your studies of the law of attraction that ‘thoughts are things’ and if they are constantly reinforced by thinking them repeatedly, they gain a certain power of their own. This can be used for positive purposes, as you know. However, thoughts vivified by constant repetition could more appropriately be regarded as ‘thought forms’, rather than just thoughts, and clairvoyants can sometimes see them as clouds hovering around the person who generated them. So what happens if these forms are continually fed by our thoughts? What happens if a lot of people – not just one – repeatedly think

Walking the Way of Life the same thought? Well then, the cloudy thought form takes on more and more of a shape, and can even have eyes, and a consciousness of sorts. At that point, you could say, it has a life of its own, but the catch is, it can only maintain that life by feeding on thoughts similar to those that originated it. Well, like all living beings, such a thought form has a strong instinct for survival, and in order to survive, it will actually stimulate any human beings in whom it can gain a foothold to think the thoughts it needs in order to live. Not so nice eh? And that’s how I think it is with cancer. I’ve often talked with my friends about the existence of a ‘cancer being’, fed by all the darkness, fear, dread and utter defeatism surrounding this disease, which seems to get inside my mind and body, bringing me down at times, and making me see rather less than clearly! But only recently – with the help of my new doctor* who is also one of the most spiritual people I have ever met – have I been learning more exactly what I am facing. It is a collective thought form – a demon really – and it feeds on fear and misery. It’s particular style is to make you feel helpless, defeated, trapped and isolated so that in the end, you are no longer able to relate to others, to eat or nourish yourself in any way, or even to move. In the end you become like an embryo in many ways, just as the cancer cells themselves are embryonic. The cancer cells in your body may die when you die, but the cancer demon lives on – and that is its goal! Nourish yourself in every way Well, the only way to free yourself from any thought form, even a collective one, is to starve it; to fight it by immersing yourself to the greatest extent possible in the exact opposite of what it desires. In other words, to eat and to nourish yourself in every way you can think of, even when you don’t feel like it or even believe that you can; to move and exercise even when pain and weakness appear to be insurmountable; to appreciate and connect with others even when that is the last thing you feel like doing. (And I would add – though you and many doctors may not agree with me – stay as far away as possible from morphine and all its derivatives. Because they make so many people feel nauseous, weak, unwilling to communicate and dissociated from their bodies, I believe that opioids are close allies of the cancer demon.) There is a psychoanalyst called Frederick B Levenson who did a study on people who had had spontaneous remissions from

cancer. He found that, whatever else they did or did not do on the medical front, they all had three things in common: 1. Spontaneously cured patients forced themselves to eat. 2. They developed an obsessional drive for physical activity. 3. They resisted the regressive aspects of the disorder. In other words, they refused to stay alone, they occupied their minds, they fought depression with feelings of anger and determination to overcome the situation.** He describes a woman who would spend over an hour getting from her bedroom to the kitchen table, where she would then eat, and afterwards sit and talk with her

family for a while, before spending the next hour working her way back to her bedroom. Apparently ‘terminally’ ill, the doctors had given up on her, but she got completely well! Geoff and I have personally met a man who, desperately ill, dragged himself around his flat on his elbows in order to move. Twelve years on he still has the scars to prove it, but absolutely no cancer! So perhaps the most powerful weapon in our arsenal is our will and determination to live; to serve the God-given life-force in our own bodies. This we must hold on to, and nurture, and cultivate, despite all the defeatist thoughts the cancer demon throws at us. There will of course be an appropriate time for us to leave this life, but when it comes, it will be in harmony with the wishes of our Higher Self, and not at the dictates of the cancer demon – and

Our cover photograph is by Janet Baxter, © 2011. Prints can be obtained by calling Cymric Cards on 01970 871333, This magazine is printed with vegetable inks on paper from sustainable PEFC accredited sources by S&G Ltd, Merthyr Tydfil, 01685 388888.

in most cases we will know our time has come, and feel quite at peace with the situation. It’s not over till it’s over, no matter what anyone tells you, and what we are doing right up until the moment when our time to pass on arrives, is not dying, but living! Thus our other weapon is to appreciate, value and enjoy our lives in every way we possibly can (remember the lady with cancer in The Secret*** who spent hours each day watching comedies and laughing her head off?). Look for beauty – it’s everywhere to be found, whatever your physical limitations. Stuck in a hospital bed and can’t see out of the window even? Never mind. Look for beauty in all the nurses who come to see you. I promise you, you’ll find it. Last, but of course not least: look for, and trust that you will find, allies not just in the human realm, but also in the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms; allies to guide and help you to rid your body of cancer cells without harming your immune system, and to help your mind and heart to remain as free as possible from cancer demon-inspired thoughts and feelings. Forging the sword of Michael But what if you don’t feel that you are winning all the time; that sometimes the demon gets the better of you, even though you are doing your best to turn away from it? Well, don’t be scared. That happens to me not infrequently, and I’m still here! Just remember that the darkness will always pass, especially if you don’t believe in it. And later you can sing that little pop song to yourself – remember it? ‘I get knocked down, but I get up again; they’re never gonna keep me down.’ And the most important thing to remember is that your best will always be good enough if you trust, for there are higher intelligences than yours who are also eager to see the end of this beastly ‘cancer demon’, and indeed all the dark collective thought-forms that manipulate human behaviour in negative ways. You can be their hands, and they will help you if you just ‘show willing’. As I write this, 29th September – the feast of Michaelmas – is approaching, so it’s an especially good time to be reflecting on all this. For one of the greatest of these higher intelligences is the being known in the West as Archangel Michael, whose primary role is to defend and protect the pure in heart from the forces of fear and darkness. In our Michaelmas letter last year, we suggested that you visualise yourself beside this towering winged being whose protection is invincible, until you could feel how that protection remains with you, sheltering you, holding you, lifting you up throughout whatever appearances of darkness may come your way. What we would like to add this year is that, by building and cultivating inner qualities that oppose those of the demonic thought-forms of this world, we forge the sword of Michael within our own being, as an inalienable possession, whatever happens. And in this way, we can be grateful, even for the demons, for by meeting those forces of chaos and disharmony with the unquenchable fire of our love for all that is true, beautiful and right, we can be transformed into pure gold. This is the Way of Life, my friends, and we walk it together. With much love, Ann, Geoff, Sarah, John, Sam and all at Cygnus * Dr Mikael Nordfors, ** The Causes and Prevention of Cancer by Dr Frederick B Levenson, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1985 (now out of print, but we understand a new edition is on its way, and as soon as it is published we will have it available for you). ***The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, 170103, Cygnus price £5.99


Michael Bernard Beckwith As you read this page other individuals are networking at Internet cafes. Some are jogging through a park where homeless persons lie asleep under the sheltering generosity of a tree. Parents are driving their children to school; others remain at home searching through classified ads. While our outer activities vary, the same questions press against the heart: ‘How can I have a sense of well- being when life as I know it is dissolving right in front of me? How can I find happiness in such an unpredictable world? Where, oh where, can I find some peace of mind? Is there any solid ground on which to stand?’ save 36%! Despite seeming obstacles and detours, an inner impulse urges you on, as though you are following a reliable map to that place which holds the answers to these courageous and profound questions. A place that ultimately reveals that because the answer is within you, the answer is You! Your relationship with yourself is so multi-layered that it requires a wholehearted commitment to cut through to the core of your being, to the transcendental Self that you are. Some call this the Higher Self, made in the image and likeness of godliness. Empowered to transcend The image and likeness of Spirit is both within and beyond its creation. This faculty is also an aspect of our birthright. We are both imminent and transcendent beings: imminent in the world of matter as evidenced through our physical senses, emotions, and thoughts, and transcendent as the non-material Self that simply witnesses. We are empowered to transcend our human characteristics, thus reflecting the image and likeness of the Spirit in which we are made. When we consciously make use of this powerful faculty we become fully franchised co-creators of our individual and collective human destiny. Whatever actions you perform, whatever thoughts you think, whatever emotions you feel, the You of you is the impersonal, nonattached Witness of them. Any habitual behaviour pattern, personality trait or neurosis that you release from your life is possible because it is not an aspect of your true nature. Only what is Real cannot fall away from you because it is you. Just as the Spirit remains changeless, so does your Higher Self remain changeless, a constant amidst the vicissitudes of your life experiences. The You of you is a


The Answer Is You

formless, changeless Reality. We have a body but we are not the body. We have a mind, but we are not the mind. Body and mind are vehicles through which the Self expresses. Each of us is That which is conscious of having a body and mind. As we abide more and more in our true Self we become empowered to make wisdom-guided choices. Choice is a function of awareness. EDITOR’S CHOICE: Even more savings when you buy extra copies! THE ANSWER IS YOU Michael Bernard Beckwith In times of challenge and change, says Michael Beck-­ with, there are key questions that many share: Do we search for meaning, or grasp for sur-­ vival? How can we prosper and grow? What is genuine happi-­ ness and how may we experi-­ ence it? As one of the most respected visionary teachers of our time, Michael addresses and explores these questions in depth, via his acclaimed teachings on life visioning, prosperity and abundance. He introduces a recurring insight: Every answer requires a questioner;; therefore, the answer is You! Because the answers to your questions are woven into the very fabric of your own inner being, there can be no other answer but You! At the end of each chapter in this book you will find a reflective exercise which, when practiced with an open mind and heart, will reveal areas within your life structures that are flourishing and those in which inner work remains to be done. These discoveries, he hopes, will be of service to you in living your highest potential and becoming a beneficial presence on the planet. Beckwith’s unwaver-­ ing conviction about creating a world that works for everyone is contagious, encouraging and convincing. 108pp, 124mm x 190mm, hardback, 2009, RRP £13.99

Code: 210703 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £8.99, 2+ copies £8.49 each

When we choose to evolve our mindsets and heart-sets then self-empowerment, love, abundance, joy, freed – all that seems just beyond our grasp or that seems to slip between our fingers – are tapped from within and released into our experience. We do not exist to aggressively get; we are here to tenderly let that which is within us to harmoniously flow into our outer life. Will you give your consent to making a deeper commitment to discover That which has been implanted within you,

That which awaits the ripe conditions to leap into full expression as you? This is a courageous and vital commitment, because when the proper conditions are met, who you are fully expresses beyond the ego’s to-do list and purposes designed for its glorification. When you wake up it no longer matters who your parents are, how many who’s who volumes you appear in, if you’ve been born into abject poverty or if you are physically challenged. All of that pales into comparison to the emergence of the Perfect Idea that is latent within you. To make this more visceral, let’s say that right now you have in your pocket a rosebush seed that you’ve forgotten about. Then one day while doing your laundry it falls out of your pocket onto the floor. Out of curiosity you plant it in a small container. After it grows roots and sprouts, you transplant it into your garden. With the proper conditions of sunlight, water, and plant food, what started out as a tiny seed, then a sprout, matures into a rosebush with exquisite blossoms. Obviously, within that seed the perfect pattern of a rosebush existed all along. A seed of enlightenment Within all beings there is also a seed of enlightenment, a perfect pattern of selfrealization awaiting the proper conditions to emerge. Ralph Waldo Emerson, when describing the nature of the human being, was fond of using the word endogenous. ‘Man is that noble endogenous plant,’ he would say, ‘which grows, like the palm, from within outward.’ Endogenous means ‘originating internally.’ (It is the opposite of exogenous, which means ‘originating externally.’) As human beings, we cultivate our consciousness from within and project it outwardly into the world of effects. Everything about us – how we pick up a pen, how we drive, how we eat, how we maintain our environment, our posture, clothing, voice – is an outer reflection, and advertisement of our inner state of consciousness. This means that as an endogenous being you forge your own identity and destiny. Time comes to you in the form of experiences, as opportunities to make new choices and thus burn old seeds of karmic tendencies in the bonfire of self-actualization. It’s up to you, and only you, because you are the answer to the question of when you will wake up to your true nature. From The Answer is You, © 2011 by Michael Bernard Beckwith, published by Agape.

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PRIME TIME Jane Fonda In this motivational and candid book, Jane Fonda, gives us a blueprint for living well and for making the most of life, especially the second half of it. Covering sex, love, food, fit-­ ness, self-­understanding, spiritual and social growth and your brain, she offers a vision for abundant living and maturing. Jane uses two metaphors, the arch and the staircase, as two visions of life, then shows how to see your life the staircase way, namely as one of save 41%! continual ascent. She explains how you can come to understand the earlier decades of your life by performing a life review and reveals how to use it to let go of old patterns, to see what means the most to you and to cultivate new goals and dreams, to make the most of the mature years. She also makes suggestions about medi-­ tation and how creating fresh pathways in your brain can add quality to your life. With new found positivity, we can be happier in the second half of our lives than we have ever been before.

Who is this majestic being called Archangel Michael? Have others experienced his pres-­ ence? Will he also help me and those I care about? How can we bring him into our lives? In I Am Your Guard, Elizabeth Clare Prophet describes her understanding that each one of us is created with a cosmic purpose, etched within our soul as an inner blueprint. Archan-­ gel Michael reinforces this unique plan and he liberates us to perform our mission. But above all else, says Elizabeth, he is the angel of protection, ensuring that we are protected, physically as well as spiritually. Archangel Michael is dedicated to keeping us safe, defending our souls and caring for us. He frees us from forces, within and without, that intensify our ail-­ ments, our burdens and our karma. He assists us in overcoming the thought processes that conceive and amplify disease, disintegration and death. In this gem of a book, you can now discover how to call upon and connect with Archangel Michael. If you have a problem, he can help to heal and deliver you.

432pp, 156mm x 240mm, hardback, 2011, RRP £16.99 Code: 210707 Cygnus Price £9.99

112pp, 100mm x 150mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2008 Code: 210721 Cygnus Price £4.99



In this important and timely book, Catherine Lucas presents personal stories of spiritual crises alongside practical and effective guidance, in an exploration of a fascinating and often misunder-­ stood phenomenon. Spiritual emergency, she explains, is a crisis formed by a spiritual awaken-­ ing that has speeded up into an unimaginably intense state. When spiritual emergencies, such as mystical psychosis and dark nights of the soul, are recognised, understood, managed and integrated, they can offer enormous potential for growth and fulfilment. Catherine offers three key phases for successful navigation: coping with the crisis, making sense of it and then emerging. Encouraging, supportive and life-­saving, this resource will help you come to appreciate how vitally important spiritual emergency is;; how much it has to offer us collectively, if properly understood and supported. Now, as we move towards 2012 and beyond, is the time for it to become more universally recognized. 192pp, 127mm x 176mm, softback, 2011, RRP £9.99 Code: 210708 Cygnus Price £6.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Prime Time’ & ‘In Case of Spiritual Emergency’ together for £15.98

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This popular, beautifully illustrated holistic diary offers advice on physical, mental and spiritual well-­being all through the year. Designed as a resource for enriching your daily life, it will guide you on a journey of inner nurturing, growth and fulfilment. Each month starts off with positive intentions and suggested practices and projects to encourage personal and spiritual development. The double-­page spread for each week features a colourful illustration on which to reflect and an exercise to further your self-­awareness, as well as an inspiring quotation.

144pp, 185mm x 254mm, illus. in colour, spiral bound hardback, 2011, RRP £13.00 Code: 210709 Cygnus Price £7.25

MIND BODY & SPIRIT POCKET BOOK OF DAYS 2012 DIARY Exactly the same content as the larger format, in a compact form, perfect for your handbag. 144pp, 110mm x 148mm, illus. in colour, hardback, 2011, RRP £7.00 Code: 210710 Cygnus Price £4.50

As Diana Cooper says, Archangel Michael is a mighty being who is able to offer you protection, strength and courage. He can also cut away nega-­ tive cords which attach you to people, thought forms or objects. On this CD, Diana Cooper imparts a great deal of helpful information about Archangel Michael and guides you through a lovely meditation to connect with him. As you connect more closely with Archangel Michael it will strengthen you so that you remain true to yourself. 11 tracks, total running time 45min, 2004, RRP £9.99 Code: D141107 Cygnus Price £7.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘I Am Your Guard’ & ‘Meditation to Connect with Archangel Michael CD’ together for £12.48 save 38%!

GUIDED BY ANGELS Paddy McMahon Have you ever wondered if there is there life after death? Whether it’s possible to keep in contact with your loved ones after they die? And are they able to help you? Will you meet them again? Guided By Angels provides answers and comfort for all of these questions, and more. Paddy McMahon’s main object is to help people go through their existence on Earth secure in the knowledge that life continues as an adventure towards complete freedom of spirit, so that there’s no reason whatever to be afraid of death. For decades, Paddy McMahon has acted as a bridge between the spiritual and human realms, helping people to connect with their angels, or spirit guides. He believes that we are born with spiritual connections to one or more angels and if we want their help in life we need to be open to receiving their assistance. Here is his tour of the spirit world, to show you how. 288pp, 130mm x 197mm, softback, 2011, RRP £7.99 Code: 210711 Cygnus Price £4.99

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William Bloom Out of everything in The Power of Modern Spirituality and of all the strategies and concepts of modern spirituality, these are perhaps the five most important words: ‘What works best for you?’ What kinds of situation and circumstances most easily melt your boundaries, make you more permeable, touch your heart, open your awareness and connect you with the hum, the wonder and energy of life? Particular environments and circumstances affect you, touch and open you, awaken your spiritual save knowing and intuition – and you 45%! need to recognise and know what these circumstances are that work for you. One possible example is the way that you might respond to landscape, nature or water. The ambience of these situations may take you into. a different mood – moderately different, but an altered state of consciousness nonetheless. In a quiet and discreet way there is a subtle shift in your awareness and the quality of your experience as you connect with the hum of existence. It feels good. You regain some sanity, some harmony, some focus, some trust. Some of your concerns melt away or are placed in perspective. You have softly and instinctively switched channels and moved into connection. This is normal spiritual experience. A sense of connection. A change in ambience. A healthy and natural shift in your consciousness and mood. Perhaps very subtle. Perhaps just a whisper. This minor shift may just seem to be something ordinary to you, like a brief period of relaxation, or a lifting of your mood, but ponder more carefully what happens within in those circumstances. Why is there this shift? What has actually happened within you? Surely your heart has been touched and your consciousness expanded, a slight nuance of greater compassion and awareness. More soulful. Occasionally, people protest to me that they never have experiences like this, but then I ask them if they have experienced special moments of knowing that there is something essentially good and wonderful about life, perhaps, for example, when they have been in a friendly crowd when their football team has won, or lovemaking with their beloved, or lost in a hobby, or with a team of colleagues in full and creative flow, or with a glass of wine and a wonderful book. Finally, they hear something that does indeed work for them – and they smile with recognition.


The Wonder and Energy of Life When does it happen for you? Creation, existence, the cosmos, the natural world – all this is stunning and awesome. It is sensational. I use the word ‘sensational’ here in its true meaning – there are sensations and feelings when you experience your connection with all that is. No wonder, for you are part of it. Every cell in your body is alive with it. But the volume and amplitude of this sense of connection varies. Sometimes the experience may not be there at all for you. At other times it is subtle. And sometimes this sensational experience is obvious, even rapturous and ecstatic.

BOOK CIRCLE CHOICE: Even more savings when you buy extra copies! THE POWER OF MODERN SPIRITUALITY William Bloom In The Power of Modern Spiritu-­ ality, William Bloom identifies for the first time the core strategies found at the heart of all spiritual traditions and explains how every-­ one – regardless of background, beliefs or personality type – can develop them and immediately put them into practice. He structures his book around the key areas of connection, reflection and service, show-­ ing us how to recognise and develop these aspects of ourselves in the context of today’s challenges and crises so that we gain greater meaning and purpose in our lives. Written in his lively, intelligent and inspiring style, and drawn from William’s popular courses and workshops, it will help you to go more deeply into yourself and develop a greater sense of personal integrity, service, inner strength, a stronger connection with friends, family and colleagues, an increased sense of personal joy and of being in the driving seat of your life. 274pp, 152mm x 234mm, softback, 2011, RRP £13.99

Code: 210701 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £7.65 2 or more copies £7.15 each

The difficulty, of course, is that we are human and forget that we live in this extraordinary cosmos; or we ignore it or are too numb to feel it. We are so caught up in the stimulation of our daily lives, so engaged in our immediate circumstances of family, relationships, career, health and media, that we stop noticing the magic of existence. We may also be deadened by the noise and pollution of our urban environments, the endless information and the drudge of work. There may too be so much stuff in our lives that we simply cannot see beyond it. And of course we may also suffer bad moods that may last far too long, even denying that life and creation are in any way good. All this is not an intellectual issue such as ‘Do you believe in God?’ It is simply about remembering and coming home to your

awareness that there is a wonder to life. The most crucial thing that I have learned in all my classes and research is that everyone without exception has these experiences, but you may not recognise that you are having them. There has surely been a moment, or moments, when you have been caught by the beauty or wonder or magic of life. This moment may have been a quiet time alone in landscape, or watching your children, or caught by the poignancy and emotion of music. There are a thousand different times when you may have sensed and intuited and felt and thought that there is something more to life than just surface appearances. When has your heart moved? When have you felt an inner knowing, a haunting or even a wild ecstatic inspiration that there is a marvel and vitality to all life and creation? These are important experiences. These are the times when, even if you do not know it, you are in a state of connection with the underlying mystery and brilliance of creation, when the usual boundaries of your sense of self become more relaxed and permeable and you feel your relationship with all that is. The nature and depth of the experience Traditionally, religions tend to suggest that spiritual experience is rare and only for a special few, but here we are reversing that approach. Modern spirituality, along with many mystical and shamanic traditions, reframes the idea and suggests that we are perpetually inside a spiritual experience and all that ever changes is whether or not we are conscious of it. We are also, just because we exist, part of the wonder. Spiritual experiences vary in their duration, volume and quality. The most highly profiled spiritual experiences are dramatic and peak moments such as Paul meeting God on the road to Damascus or Buddha achieving full enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree. The academic literature on religious experience is nearly always focused on these intense and life-changing encounters with the numinous. There are also many people who do not have these intense moments of numinous awakening but live with an ongoing background hum of the magic, their hearts almost permanently in a gentle space of compassion. Others of us, however, may be touched intermittently and only subtly with just a fleeting moment of recognition, a subtle intimation. You may glimpse something that momentarily touches your heart and connects you with the magic of life. For just a brushing second you are reminded of life’s beauty. In the midst of that hectic day, a gap opens up in the momentum and a knowing that there is a wonder to life flickers within you. Your soul lights up. From The Power of Modern Spirituality, © 2011 by William Bloom, published by Piatkus.

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WISDOM & COMPASSION THE NOVICE Thich Nhat Hanh Kinh Tam has a secret. A devoted student and diligent worker at the Dharma Cloud Temple monastery, Kinh Tam is not who he appears to be. And yet the novice’s true identity cannot be revealed without Kinh paying a terrible price. To continue on the path to enlightenment, Kinh must suffer false accusations, physical hardship and public humiliation without complaint. With absolute grace, astounding compas-­ save sion and unwavering resolve, the novice 45%! perseveres in the face of every challenge. Ultimately, Kinh Tam’s moving fate will transform lives and offer hope for us all. In The Novice, Zen master, poet and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh retells an ancient Vietnamese folk tale, sharing Kinh’s story as a teaching and proposing a real way of being in the world that is utterly relevant now, in the twenty-­first century. 144pp, 134mm x 214mm, softback, 2011, RRP £10.99 Code: 210704 Cygnus Price £5.99


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In this beautifully written book, Buddhist monk, poet and Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh explains how to acquire the skills of mindfulness, keeping your consciousness alive to the reality that is with you here and now. These gentle anecdotes and practical exercises will help you to arrive at greater self-­understanding and peacefulness. Once you learn these skills, you can slow your life down and discover how to live in the present moment, when even the simplest acts – like washing the dishes or drinking a cup of tea – may be transformed into times of meditation, concentration and relaxation. 140pp, 136mm x 212mm, softback, 1991, RRP £7.99 Code: 171025 Cygnus Price £4.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Novice’ & ‘The Miracle of Mindfulness’ together for £10.48

HOW TO BE COMPASSIONATE His Holiness the Dalai Lama & Jeffrey Hopkins When we think of the Dalai Lama, we immediately think of the compas-­ sion he embodies, to which he has devoted his entire life. In How to Be Compassionate, Jeffrey Hopkins presents essential teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in which we are called upon to pay attention to our own hearts – to our orientation to everyone and everything around us. His Holiness points out mistakes of attitude, how we make them and how we can correct them for a better future. He explains how caring for others can be a profound source of happiness on an individual level, which can then be extended outward in wider and wider circles. Then he describes basic mistakes that lead to personal turmoil and interpersonal disruption, along with solutions for these problems. He asks us to examine the nature of consciousness and gives heartfelt advice on how to live with greater and greater care and concern for all beings. save 46%!

160pp, 134mm x 184mm, hardback, 2011, RRP £12.99 Code: 210705 Cygnus Price £6.99

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SPIRITUAL PRACTICE THE ART OF HAPPINESS Matthieu Ricard Without resorting to jargon or religious doctrine of any kind, Matthieu Ricard, a Buddhist monk, shows that happiness is not bestowed on us by fortune, or by outer circumstances, but is a skill that can be developed by patient effort and per-­ severance. And, having been won, happiness is a gift that will survive whatever experiences life may bring us. Sharing many practical exercises as well as his rich personal experiences in the pursuit of happiness, Matthieu Ricard answers all kinds of questions that perplex us daily: how, for instance, do we strip negative emo-­ tions of their power over us without becoming insensitive to the world or consigning them to the depths of the unconscious where they will simply fester? Bringing together the teachings of Eastern and Western thought, Matthieu helps us form new patterns of interaction with ourselves and with the larger world, working towards happiness step by step. Convincing and wise, this is an important book;; now reprinted in a new design to make a very attractive pair with The Art of Meditation. 304pp, 128mm x 178mm, softback, 2011, RRP £4.99 Code: 210706 Cygnus Price £3.99

THE ART OF MEDITATION Matthieu Ricard Following on from The Art of Happiness, we welcomed Matthieu Ricard\s elegant and inspiring guide to The Art of Meditation, which he was compelled to write because he is so often asked to explain what meditation is, how it is done and what it can achieve. So, in this authoritative and entirely accessible book, he sets out to answer these questions and talks you through the theory, spirituality and practical aspects of meditation. The Art of Meditation demon-­ strates that by practising it on a daily basis you can change your understanding of yourself and the world around you. He illustrates each stage of his teaching with examples, meditations and sources of inspiration, leading you deeper into your own practice. Through his experience as a monk, his close reading of sacred texts and his deep knowledge of the Buddhist masters, Matthieu Ricard shows the significant benefits that meditation, based on selfless love and compassion, can bring to each of us. 202pp, 128mm x 178mm, softback, 2011, RRP £4.99 Code: 200306 Cygnus Price £3.99

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MAHAMUDRA MEDITATION CD Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita & Presence Mahamudra is the Tantra term describing the highest, most blissful state of consciousness possible. This beautiful blend of voice, music – flute, didgeridoo, drums, guitar and much more – and some sounds from nature will accompany you on a movement meditation, inspired by Osho, that is a very powerful catalyst to propel you into the experience of Mahamudra. The first step is a standing meditation, when you allow the divine energy of existence to move your body, to empty you of all subtle tensions, opening you to the flow of universal energy. In step two, you kneel and allow your body to fill with divine energy, then release it into the Earth, repeating the cycle seven times, to open each chakra. Finally, you rest in silence, lying in contact with the Earth. These sweeping, rhythmic and powerful musical forms will envelop and embrace you on your journey into Mahamudra. 2 tracks, total running time 64min, 2011, RRP £13.00 Code: D210417 Cygnus Price £9.99

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The Bowl of Light

HANK WESSELMAN At twilight, Makua got up, using his walking stick for stabil-­ ity, and lurched over to his truck to reach for something in the bed behind the cab. He returned to the table under the shelter with a large pu’olo, a ti-­leaf bundle that was wrapped and tied in the traditional style. He presented it to Jill and me with a grin and the simple word makana – ‘gift.’ We eyed the large, leafy bundle with anticipa-­ tion for several long moments, savouring this time in the dying light of the last day of the year. Then we opened it excitedly and found within a beautiful yet simple wooden bowl made in the Hawaiian style and shaped like the lower half of a gourd. ‘This is your bowl of light,’ intoned the kahuna with a warm smile, ‘the light that was a gift from your ‘Au-­ makua, your immortal spiritual soul that divided itself before you were born. Each of us comes into the world from the great beyond with our bowl of light. This light nourishes us and sustains us as we pass through life – but as we grow in experience and wisdom, things happen. ‘Sometimes we lie. Sometimes we steal. And sometimes we injure others through our thoughts, our actions, or our words. When we step into the negative polarity, it is as though we put a stone in our bowl, and some of our light goes out. Slowly through time, our bowl of light fills up with stones, and our light dims until it is nearly gone.’ Makua stopped and looked at us with great seriousness. ‘The great problem in the world today is that the whole show is being run by individuals whose bowls of light are filled with stones. With few exceptions, there is no light shining forth from their bowls, despite what they may think and proclaim, and we can observe the truth by their actions.’ Living in awareness Makua looked away, toward the crater, while we digested this statement. There was no question that the world was troubled, and this was due to the fact that the concentration of the world’s wealth and power at the top ensured that roughly three billion people lived in stark poverty under abysmal conditions. After sev eral long moments, he continued, ‘Hopefully, we wake up to what is going on and discover what we are doing.’ The elder paused dramatically, his expressive dark eyes lumi-­ nous. ‘At that moment, we become aware that our bowl of light is almost filled with stones and


that there is almost no light shining forth. And you know what we do then?’ Makua paused, and his gaze turned seri ous. Jill and I hung on every word. Gently he took the wooden bowl from me and turned it over, shaking it vigorously. ‘We simply dump it out!’ A huge roar of laughter burst forth from all of us, effectively freeing us from our grim thoughts about the state of the world. ‘We start over then, but from that time forward, things are different. From then on, we begin to live our lives with awareness, braided with the cords of aloha. And it is then, precisely then, that we begin to walk our path as spiritual warriors.’

THE BOWL OF LIGHT Hank Wesselman In 1996, a revered Hawaiian elder befriended an American an-­ thropologist, and from their rare and intimate rapport, something miraculous emerged. Through the words and teachings of the kahuna wisdom-­keeper Hale Makua, Dr. Hank Wesselman was gifted with an enhanced perspective into the sacred knowledge of ancient Hawaii. Before his pass-­ ing, elder Makua encouraged Dr Wesselman to convey much of what had passed between them to the wider world, giving him permission to share his spiritual knowledge. Now, with The Bowl of Light, you are invited to share in the sacred wisdom of one of the world’s most powerful indigenous traditions, including: The Bowl of Light – how we can restore our natural divine radiance;; the three directives of the spiritual warrior – love with humility, live with reverence, and know with self-­discipline. You will also learn rituals for communing with nature, receiving wisdom from the spirit world, and purifying your consciousness. Discover, too, how the Ancestral Grand Plan is playing out across the world today. 280pp, 153mm x 228mm, softback, 2011, RRP £12.99 Code: 210712 Cygnus Price £8.99

The three kapus of the spiritual warrior The Hawaiian elder looked us over slowly in the fading light of this long day as the winds subsided into silence. The air around us felt soft, and our mood reflected this, creating a sense of ease between us. I was aware as well that Makua had come to a deci sion about us. ‘As spiritual warriors,’ he began, ‘the path that we walk on is narrow, and it is constrained by three kapus, three sacred directives. Since you have reached that place of knowing, I can offer these kapus to you. ‘Love all that you see – with humility. In order to love all that we see, this can only come from a place of humility,’ continued the kahuna, with a grin. ‘I worked on that one for seven years.

‘Live all that you feel – with reverence. When we live what we feel – what the mythologist Joseph Campbell meant when he said ‘follow your bliss’ – this leads us inexorably toward reverence, an active sense of respect. This is the foundation stone of indigenous mind.’ Makua paused as if to see if we understood. ‘Know all that you possess – with discipline. And when we know all that we possess-­and this includes what possesses us-­we find our self-­discipline. We cannot walk the sacred path without dis cipline. This is where so many spiritual seekers as well as teachers have stumbled.’ Together we sat in silence as he completed the three kapus. In those moments, surround-­ ed by flowering ‘ohi’a trees and small ‘ohelo bushes, with bright-­green ferns growing di-­ rectly from the black, stony volcanic substrate in the dying light, I was aware that something quite rare had just occurred. I glanced at Jill and saw tears gathering in her eyes. Makua simply smiled as the quiet deepened and we digested his words. He then ran them by us once more, just to make sure we had it. ‘When we come from the place of humility, we connect with the energy of compassion,’ he intoned gently. ‘This allows us to experience the power of aloha – of love. ‘When we practice acceptance and live what we feel, we are drawn inexorably toward reverence, an active respect for everyone and everything we encounter in life. ‘And through knowing what we possess, we find our discipline. And in order to discover who we are as well as where we are, self discipline is essential, because without it, we cannot progress.’ His words triggered a memory within me, something I had learned through my de-­ scendant Nainoa. What I was remembering had happened in conversation with another individual of Nainoa’s time, with a man named William, who is a shaman, or in his words a spirit-­walker. ‘To be a medicine-­maker,’ William the shaman had said, ‘one must have strongly developed ethics, and one must have heart – a well-­developed heart. We may acquire great power in life, but if we have poorly developed ethics and an underdeveloped heart, we can-­ not be a medicine-­maker.’ Since that day, the kahuna’s bowl has travelled with me;; it holds a candle and thus the light in the centre of the circles at my work-­ shops and presentations. Whenever I feel the need, I put my face into the bowl and breathe deeply, replenishing and restoring my supply of light. And periodically, when I have stepped temporarily into the negative polarity, I sit with the bowl in light meditation;; then I turn it over and empty it out with focused attention. From The Bowl of Light, © 2011 by Hank Wesselman, published by Sounds True.

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Be Your Own Shaman takes you on a unique journey into the esoteric world of healing. You might not realize it, but just about everyone is a natural-­born healer! In fact, you probably already have some of the paranormal abilities related to this gift. Now you can further develop your inner talents and become your own sha-­ save man, capable of healing whatever ails you and 44%! effecting change in someone else’s energy field and body. You will learn both Eastern and Western concepts and tech-­ niques from the earliest recorded healing practices some 5,000 years ago all the way up to modern times with John of God in Brazil and Deborah’s own powerful cutting-­edge approach. You’ll find out how to protect your-­ self from psychic attack and how to get beyond any limiting beliefs you may hold. Self-­knowledge leading to self-­mastery is the ultimate quest, the pivotal adventure of a lifetime. Become the person you always knew you could be by taking this magical tour into the heart of healing! 256pp, 135mm x 215mm, softback, 2011, RRP £10.99 Code: 210713 Cygnus Price £6.15

GNOSTIC HEALING Tau Malachi & Siobhan Houston In this thoughtful and far-­reaching work, Gnostic teacher Tau Malachi and Siobhán Houston pre-­ sent powerful Gnostic healing practices in a clear and systematic way, revealing previously-­hidden wisdom from the mystical Christianity of the Gnos-­ tics. Their techniques include mystical prayer, meditation and sacred ceremony, and are suitable for both beginning and experienced healers. All the practices in this guidebook facilitate direct spiritual and mystical experiences that will awaken your soul, leading to enhanced self-­realization and a vision of the Path to Enlightenment – Divine Gnosis. The ability to use this amazing healing power will help you establish a more personal and direct relationship with God, resulting in incredible mystical experiences. Whether you’re looking for a personal spiritual evolution through the development of your healing abilities or are already a healer, Gnostic Healing is a must! 264pp, 152mm x 229mm, softback, 2010, RRP £12.99 Code: 210714 Cygnus Price £8.99

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ANATOMY OF AN ILLNESS Norman Cousins Anatomy of an Illness is Norman Cousins’ best-­selling classic on combating life-­threat-­ ening illness through humour and patient participation in care. It was the first book by a patient that spoke to our current interest in taking charge of our own health. It started the revolution in patients working with their doc-­ tors and using humour to boost their bodies’ capacity for healing. When Norman Cousins was diagnosed with a crippling and irreversible disease, he forged an unusual collaboration with his physician and together they were able to beat the odds. The doctor’s genius was in helping his patient to use his own powers: laughter, courage and tenacity. The patient’s talent was in mobilizing his body’s own natural resources, proving what an effective healing tool the mind can be. This remarkable story of the triumph of the human spirit is truly inspirational reading. 173pp, 133mm x 210mm, softback, 1998, RRP £9.99 Code: 210428 Cygnus Price £8.75


Why is it so difficult to change your lifestyle habits, even when you know your life is at risk? Cancer survivor Bernadette Bohan acknowledges that it’s not easy to change your life, especially if you are also dealing with a heath crisis that is in itself life-­changing. The Survivor’s Mindset provides a series of easily understood strategies that assist in overcoming the hesitancies, fears and prejudices that so of-­ ten are a barrier to making personal change. It equips the reader with common sense information and simple skills. Using many case studies the author shows how different therapies and interventions can be used to develop personal strengths and overcome doubts and uncertainly. These real stories from real people illustrate vividly how lifestyles can be restructured both physically and mentally. It often takes a crisis to provide the catalyst for change and, as the author points out, the Chinese word for crisis – wei-­ji – is composed of the characters for ‘danger’ and ‘opportunity’. 288pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2011, RRP £12.99 Code: 210715 Cygnus Price £8.99

THE CHOICE Bernadette Bohan The Choice is an inspiring memoir of a mother’s courage and healing. It tells the story of Bernadette Bohan who, at the age of sev-­ enteen, won a battle against cancer. But when she became pregnant seven years later, a doc-­ tor told her that it was likely to trigger a return of the disease. Bernadette didn’t hesitate. She gave birth to the child she longed for. However, five years later, the cancer appeared again. In desperation, Bernadette decided her best chance of survival was not simply to be the passive patient and blindly follow her doctor’s advice, but to add her own alternative prescription. When news of Bernadette’s triumph over cancer brought others flocking to her door seeking help, this ordinary Irish wife and mother found her life trans-­ formed. And she realized that her sickness had been a gift after all. 288pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2011, RRP £12.99 Code: 210716 Cygnus Price £8.99

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SAY NO TO DIABETES Patrick Holford Do you have diabetes or are you worried about developing it? Contrary to popular belief, in save the vast majority of cases, diabetes is not only 45%! preventable, but also reversible – making a lifetime of medication and side-­effects unneces-­ sary. In Say No to Diabetes, nutrition expert Patrick Holford presents a complete action plan for sufferers of type-­1 diabetes, type-­2 diabetes and the forerunner of type-­2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome. He outlines the causes of the current diabetes ‘epidemic’ and explains the keys for preventing and reversing diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Compre-­ hensive and accessible, Say No to Diabetes provides an anti-­diabetes diet, recipes, a daily supplement programme and advice on how to undo the damage caused by diabetes and diabetes drugs. Based on the lat-­ est scientific findings, combined with easy-­to-­follow advice and motivat-­ ing case histories, this practical programme will help you to understand and regulate out-­of-­control blood sugar levels safely and effectively, with no dangerous side effects. 357pp, 152mm x 234mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2011, RRP £13.99 Code: 210702 Cygnus Price £7.65



Lynne McTaggart

Connecting Through the Space Between Us

One chilly Saturday morning, I was standing in a draughty auditorium watching one of my daughters in the midst of a dress rehearsal for her drama class’s annual production. A talented actress, she had been chosen for the lead part during the auditions, but a few weeks before the dress rehearsal had been shunted to a save more minor role. I had never 41%! been able to discover the reason for the change-and my daughter refused to talk about it – until one of her friends let slip that, when a new director took over, another thirteen-year-old girl had lied about her acting experience in order to persuade him that she should be given the part that had been assigned to my daughter – her best friend. When I tried to raise this tactfully with her mother, another spectator that day, she cut me off and shrugged. ‘Well, that’s life,’ she replied airily, ‘isn’t it?’ I was taken aback, but I had to admit she had a point. Certainly that’s the life we grown-ups have designed for ourselves. Competition makes up the very warp and weft of the societies of most modern developed countries. It is the engine of our economy, and it is assumed to be the basis of most of our relationships-in business, in our neighbourhoods, even with our closest friends. Being first, no matter how, has permeated our lexicon as a given: All’s fair in love and war. Survival of the fittest. Winner take all. He who dies with the most toys wins. It is hardly surprising that highly competitive tactics have crept into the social relations of our children, leading to transgressions, large and small. I began to think about the social exchange in my own neighbourhood, and about how much of what psychologists call ‘relativity Awareness’ has played a part. How many children do you have? What kind of car do you drive? How many holidays are you off on this year? Which university has your kid got into? How many As did he or she achieve at A level? Where, in other words, do you fit on the social ladder? The notion that competition is a fundamental human urge made no sense to me from a scientific perspective. I write about frontier science, and the latest evidence from many disciplines – from neuroscience and biology to quantum physics – suggests that nature’s most basic drive is not

competition, as classic evolutionary theory maintains, but wholeness. I’d seen a good deal of new research demonstrating that all living beings, including human beings, have been hardwired to seek connection above virtually any other impulse – even at personal cost. Nevertheless, our current paradigm, as provided us by traditional science, maintains a view of the universe as a place of scarcity populated by separate things that must turn against each other in order to survive. We’ve all simply assumed that’s life.


THE BOND Lynne McTaggart Lynne McTaggart’s new book, The Bond, is the blueprint for a better life – even for a turning point in our social and cultural evolution. Based on the latest discoveries from the new sciences, The Bond shows us that we succeed when we co-­operate. We are strong when we unite – we are weak when we compete. If you are among the millions who are saying right now ‘There has to be a better way’. The Bond provides a message of hope, inspiration – and a practical way to change, starting with your home, then your neighbourhood, your community, your town. The Bond is setting the agenda for that change. It demonstrates that we have been living in a way that is against our own nature, against every cell in our body. For centuries, Western science and many Western cultures have taught us to think of ourselves as individuals. But today, a revolutionary new understanding is emerging from the labora-­ tories of the most cutting-­edge physicists, bi-­ ologists, and psychologists: What matters is not the isolated entity, but the space between things, the relationship of things: The Bond. 336pp, 135mm x 215mm, softback, 2011, RRP £12.99

Code: 210717 Cygnus Price £7.65

I began to ask myself a basic question: Does it have to be like this? Were we meant to be so competitive with one another? Is it inherent in animal and human biology? How did it get like this? And if we’re not this, what are we supposed to be? Since that dress rehearsal, I’ve been thinking that, at some point, we’d torn up the social contract and forgotten how to come together. Somewhere along the line, we’d forgotten how to be. It doesn’t have to be like this. As I began researching and studying the latest discoveries in a vast array of disciplines – general biology, physics, zoology, psychology, botany, anthropology, astronomy, chrono-biology and cultural history – the more it became

clear to me that the lives we’ve chosen to lead are not consistent with who we really are. A new understanding is emerging from the laboratories of the most cutting-edge physicists, biologists, and psychologist that challenges the very way we conceive of ourselves. Frontier biologists, psychologists and sociologists have all found evidence that individuals are far less individual than we thought they were. A profound connection Between the smallest particles of our being, between our body and our environment, between ourselves and all of the people with whom we are in contact, between every member of every societal cluster, there is a Bond – a connection so integral and profound that there is no longer a clear demarcation between the end of one thing and the beginning of another. The world essentially operates, not through the activity of individual things, but in the connection between them – in a sense, in the space between things. These new discoveries in physics and biology demonstrate that all living things succeed and prosper only when they see themselves as part of a greater whole. Rather than a will to compete and dominate, the essential impulse of all of life is a will to connect. The crises we have faced on every front have occurred precisely because we are operating according to an outdated set of rules. The scientific story of who we are has drastically changed, and that we must change with it in order to survive. The competitive impulse that is now a major part of our self-definition and that forms the undercurrent of all our lives is the same mindset that has created every one of the large global crises now threatening to destroy us. If we can recover wholeness in our relationships, in my view, we will begin to heal our world. We can recapture our sense of the connection between things, but it requires a very different set of rules from the ones we currently live by. We need to perceive the world differently, relate to others differently, organise ourselves – our friendships and neighbourhoods, our towns and cities – differently. If we’re not to be separate, but always attached and engaged, we need to change our fundamental purpose on earth as something more than one based on struggle and domination. We must look at our lives from an entirely different perspective, a larger vantage point, to notice the connections that tie us all together. It doesn’t have to be like this. Not for one more day. From The Bond, © 2011 by Lynne McTaggart, published by Hay House

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IN TUNE WITH THE MOON 2012 Michel Gros

Many people speak of a great trans-­ formation in our era. Many write about it. But you will rarely see it explained with such insight and depth as you will in Cosmic Weather Report. While terrestrial weather is always changing, cosmic weather changes on a differ-­ ent scale. Ellias Lonsdale has been tracking these changes for many years and in this book he uses his immense understanding of cosmology, astrology and spirituality to shine light into the deeper meanings of our time, inspiring us to rethink the whole purpose of humankind and change our lives – and the course of the planet’s future – from within. Using the question-­and-­answer dialogue of their famed mystery school, the authors explore the age we are emerging from, and the age we’re on the verge of creating. Enter this exciting classroom of cosmic evolution and discover how you can help blaze the trail into a whole new era.

Updated for alignment with the 2012 lunar cycles, this detailed guide includes information on the wax-­ ing and waning moon, the constellations and the Chinese zodiac and an abundance of gardening tips. The effects of the moon on plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables are explained in simple but ample detail and recommendations for the ideal times to sow, transplant, rotate crops and harvest are provided. This lunar calendar and planner explains how animal husbandry, beekeeping and even beer brewing and wine making yield better results when done in concert with the lunar cycle. In addition to gardening and farming advice, suggestions for living life in tune with the moon are offered, such as the optimum time for a haircut or even when and what to eat. An extensive colour-­coded daily diary section makes it easy to record reminders and daily gardening tasks. This biody-­ namic approach to gardening in harmony with the moon is a simple and green way to boost garden yields and to increase your health and vitality. 114pp, 150mm x 210mm, illus. in colour, softback, 2011, RRP £8.99 Code: 210718 Cygnus Price £6.70

160pp, 152mm x 229mm, softback, 2011, RRP £14.99 Code: 210305 Cygnus Price £9.99


SYNTHESIS Chris Thomas Synthesis is the merging together of our past selves with our current selves to create our future selves. Chris Thomas brings together his thirty years of explor-­ ing the Akashic and historical records to give us an overview of Universal history from the Creator’s first ‘Thought’ to the present day and Earth’s crucial role in the development of the Universe. Crea-­ tion, ‘The Divine Plan’, ETs, Lemuria, Atlantis, the ‘Lady’ and the Faerie are all explained as well as answering the thirteen most asked questions. Chris also provides some much needed clues as to our near future. There are also some very useful meditations and exercises to help us undergo our process of change as well as a meditation to help you to begin accessing the Akashic for yourself.

Tap into the energy cycles of the moon the organic way – and grow better plants. This is your garden-­ ing manual for all seasons, a lunar calendar that’s an everyday workbook of down-­to-­earth, natural advice and organic know-­how that shows you how to get superior results. We are all influenced by the cycles of the natural world and plants are no excep-­ tion. Inside you’ll discover everything you need to know about making the most of the best that modern science and nature combine to offer. You’ll certainly come to see why it’s not lunacy to use lunar energy. Operating on a lunar calendar the organic way is both practical and easy with this book. It gives you a timetable to work by – a day-­by-­day guide of what to plant and when and what to do next. Nick Kollerstrom presents his long-­established, tried and tested guide covering October 2011 to December 2012 and gardening expert and organic ‘guru’ Ken Whyatt adds a seasonal guide to organic vegetable gardening. Together they give you a year-­round recipe for perfectly natural results.

178pp, 145mm x 210mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2011, RRP £9.50 Code: 210435 Cygnus Price £7.50

144pp, 152mm x 234mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2011, RRP £8.99 Code: 210719 Cygnus Price £6.99

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BEFORE WE LEAVE YOU Patricia Cori What if whales and dolphins truly do have a superior intellect, as many believe, and can speak to the human race? What would their message be? In November 2008, gifted clair-­ voyant Patricia Cori was teaching a workshop when a community of Cetaceans interrupted her talk with the first of several calls for help, all of which were followed by groups of these majestic creatures collectively choosing to leave us and our planet. Here the whales and dolphins communicate through Patricia their deep understanding of our urgent global situation, calling us to restore balance to our ecosystems – especially our oceans. Their message is clear: We must wake up and realize that our actions can repair the course of Gaia’s progression to the next dimension. Before We Leave You is a roadmap to our higher future and a pathway to global transformation. The book also includes a set of meditation cards, formed from wavelet graphs of whale and dol-­ phin sounds and encoded with messages of love and visions for peace.

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘In Tune with the Moon 2012’ & ‘Gardening & Planting by the Moon 2012’ together for £12.69 save 44%!

THE WILDWOOD TAROT Mark Ryan & John Matthews In The Wildwood Tarot, Mark Ryan and John Matthews draw inspiration from pre-­Celtic mythol-­ ogy, shamanic wisdom and forest lore to create a divination system based on the seasonal rhythm and festivals of the ancient Wheel of the Year, that enables you to reconnect with ancestral knowl-­ edge from a long-­lost world. This beautifully and intricately illustrated deck and guidebook reawak-­ ens the classic forest archetypes of the Green Man and Woman, the Archer, the Hooded Man and the Blasted Oak. You will meet symbolic animals, too – such as Hawk, Hare, Otter and Wolf – creatures that walked alongside us in the greenwood and whose spirits still resonate with us today. Enter the wildwood, a world of myth and nature, a place of great simplicity and deep understanding, and hear your inner voice. Boxed set, 160pp, 152mm x 209mm, illus in colour, 2011 RRP £17.99, Code: 210409 Cygnus Price £9.99

200pp, 152mm x 229mm, softback, 2011, RRP £13.99 Code: 210436 Cygnus Price £9.99

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Louise Hay & Cheryl Richardson There is a Universal Energy, a Divine force that creates us;; sustains us, connects us to one another;; and works in cooperation with our thoughts, words and actions to generate our life experiences. When we recognize and learn to work in partnership with this benevolent power, we become masters of our own destiny. The formula is simple: Think thoughts that make you feel good, make choices that make you feel good, and take actions that make you feel good. Then surrender the outcome, trusting that Life will bring you what you need to grow and be happy. This simple formula has radically improved the quality of my life, and it can improve yours, too. When you use it, and learn to trust it, life unfolds in miraculous ways. You’ll be presented with extraordinary oppor-­ tunities to make your life whole and to make a difference in the world.

We determine our future ‘We are powerful, creative beings who determine our future with every thought we thing and every word we speak.’ This is the first thing Louise says when I turn on the voice recorder. We’re sitting opposite each other, stretched out on a long window seat in my hotel room, overlooking the city of Toronto below. It’s a beautiful, sunny afternoon. As I consider Louise’ remark, I realize that, at its core, this message is one of the most important: In our purest, most positive state of mind, we are powerful creators of our very best lives. When we think good thoughts, we feel good. When we feel good, we make good choices. When we feel good and make good choices, we draw more good experi-­ ences into our lives. It really is that simple... and elegant... and true. Science tells us that energy waves are the ‘stuff’ of the Universe, and that every breath we take and every thought we think has a direct ef-­ fect on something or someone in it. The chair I sit on, the keyboard I use to write, and the beautiful magnolia tree outside me window are all made of energy. The speed with which an object vibrates determines the density of the form. This energy is directly influenced by the thoughts we think, the words we speak, and the actions we take. These thoughts, words, and actions produce feelings;; and our feelings become the currency with which we purchase our life experiences. As Louise and I talk about the ways in which our thoughts influence our lives, I become even more aware of how significant and powerful this idea really is.

A unified field of energy We are all exquisite communication machines. Each one of us is a walking, talking radio tower,


Creating Your Exceptional Life

transmitting and receiving energy signals every moment of every day. Like radiant stars sparkling in the night sky, we live and breathe in a unified field of energy that connects us to one another. Every movement or casual or random thought goes out into this field and affects it in some way. As we learn to pay closer attention to the signals we receive and send out, we claim ownership of a vast creative power that not only affects us, but everyone and everything around us. With practice, we can become more confi-­ dent in our ability to use this energetic network to make life better by tuning our transmitter – our thoughts – to a more positive frequency. Louise shares a story that illustrates this point beautifully. ‘I was driving to the office thinking

YOU CAN CREATE AN EXCEPTIONAL LIFE Louise Hay & Cheryl Richardson Louise Hay’s words have served as a beacon, leading many out of despair into the light of a better life. Cheryl Richardson is one of the many individuals whom Louise has greatly influenced, and is now a best-­selling author herself. So what happens when these two combine their collective wisdom into one book? As Louise and Cheryl engage in a series of empowering and intimate conversa-­ tions, you witness a masterclass put on by two leaders of the self-­empowerment movement. As they travel throughout North America and Europe together, Louise and Cheryl discuss a wide range of topics, including the importance of loving ourselves and our bodies;; aging consciously;; bringing true prosperity and abundance to the world;; manifesting positive relationships-­both with family and friends and in the workplace;; and facing death in a digni-­ fied and peaceful way. These two women are living proof that the spiritual principles they dis-­ cuss in these pages really work. As you read, you’ll discover that you, too, have the ability to create an exceptional life! 208pp, 130mm x 200mm, softback, 2011, RRP £8.99

Code: 210720 Cygnus Price £5.99

about an upsetting letter I received earlier in the day,’ she says. ‘I was ruminating about it, having an argument with the person who wrote it in my head. But then I caught myself. I stopped and realized that this way of thinking wasn’t making me feel good. So I pulled over and started tell-­ ing myself what I needed to hear to feel better. I said things like: I release this incident with love;; it is over and done. I look with expectation to my next moment, which is fresh and new. Only good experiences lie before me. I am greeted with love wherever I go. I love Life, and Life loves me. All is well, and so am I.

‘In no time I was back on a positive track and was on my way. A moment later, I switched on the radio and was greeted by a sweeping, inspirational piece of classical music that made me smile from ear to ear. I knew a shift had occurred. I arrived at the office feeling so much better. When I walked through the front door, an employee greeted me with ‘I love you.’ When I got to my desk, there was a vase of flowers waiting for me – a gift from the spouse of an employee. And I discovered that a problem I needed to discuss with someone at a meeting later that day had been completely resolved and I didn’t need to attend the meeting after all. It was at that moment I said out loud, ‘Thank you. Thank you. Thank you’.’ As I listen to Louise share this story, I jot down the first instruction she gave herself: ‘I started telling myself what I needed to hear to feel bet-­ ter.’ What a beautiful example of how our first, most important act of self-­care is caring for our thoughts. When we do so, everyone benefits. By catching herself quickly and turning things around with loving inner dialogue, Louise sent out an energetic message to Life, which responded in a way that not only uplifted her, but also en-­ riched the experiences of those around her.

Setting a new goal ‘Cheryl, you and I are trying to connect people with an easier way to live an exceptional life. When they understand the concept and put it into practice – by thinking thoughts and making choices that make them feel good – they’ll put themselves in a state of flow with the Universe, and miracles will start to happen. Then they’ll get all the evidence they need. Things they couldn’t even imagine will begin to occur.’ ‘When you do something as simple as look in the mirror and tell yourself that you love yourself, even when it’s hard to do or you don’t believe it, your energy shifts. Then, as you go through your day, you feel better and attract better circumstances. That’s when silly things happen like getting a parking space when there usually are none to be found, or encountering green lights at every turn. ‘You know, there are so many wonder-­ ful teachers – Dr Wayne Dyer, Abraham, Dr Christiane Northrup – who all share the same message,’ Louise continues. ‘I think the real goal in life is to feel good. We want money because we want to feel better. We want good health because we want to feel better. We want a nice relationship because we think we will feel better. And if we could just make feeling better our goal, we would eliminate a lot of extra work. How can I really feel good in this moment? What thoughts can I think right now that will make me feel better? That’s the question we need to constantly be asking ourselves.’ As I turn off the recorder and gather my things, I think to myself, Amen, sister. From You Can Create an Exceptional Life, © 2011 by Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson, published by Hay House.

Next issue – UK mailings will arrive from 17th Oct to 2nd Nov

Chat Page

Letters and poems from Cygnus members

Star Letter: ASK AND YOU WILL RECEIVE After reading Lorna Byrne’s Prayer of Thy Healing Angels which was given to her by Archangel Michael, I was prompted to tell you a story of my own. Health issues and the spiritual path are inter-linked because, as you progress, your vibration begins to rise and any area of the body which is not in good health begins to manifest symptoms as it attempts to heal itself and ‘keep up.’ In the early stages of my journey, I had so many health issues that one day I said to Archangel Michael, ‘I’m really struggling here. I don’t suppose you could spare me a healing angel to stay with me and continuously provide healing until things improve?’

I then forgot all about this. I am a healer now but I also trained in mediumship for a while. About two years after my request, I was sitting in circle when one of the participants, Barbara, said, ‘I can see something near Sean. It’s blue, about eighteen inches across, shimmering and it ‘belongs’ to Sean.’ The medium, Tony, then said, matter-of-factly, ‘Yes, that’s Sean’s healing angel. I’ve noticed that whenever Sean comes for healing, he always brings his own healing angel with him.’ I was quite astonished by this and so afterwards asked the medium about it. ‘Well, you must have asked for it!’, he said – but it wasn’t until a day later that I remembered my original request. Ask and you will receive. Sean Scott

THE WRITER OF OUR ‘STAR’ LETTER OR POEM WILL RECEIVE A £10 VOUCHER. WHY NOT WRITE TO YOUR CYGNUS FRIENDS? Write about whatever inspires you. If you have an insight, experience or poem, please write it down in not more than 250 words (or, if it is a poem, in not more than 24 lines) and send it by post or email. If you send it by email, to info@cygnus-­, please include ‘Chat Page’ in the subject line, dropping your text into the body of the email. IF YOUR CONTRIBUTION IS PUBLISHED ON THIS PAGE, OR ON OUR WEBSITE, YOU WILL RECEIVE A £5 CYGNUS VOUCHER

his infinite wisdom. The mind is but a tool of the spirit, with which he can communicate to enable him to live on the physical level. However, the craftsman is far greater in wisdom than the tool that is created by him. To conquer one’s fear, the first lesson in overcoming that fear is to learn how to conquer oneself, for we are our own enemies. In achieving this goal, so the true spirit shall enable itself to fully realise its potential. Even you who exist on the physical level are true spirit. We are all intertwined with one another. The separation of our worlds is but a false reality. In truth we are at one with all things. Morning Star, Richard Marshall Echoes A sunny October day. Surprised, I catch Ethereal perfume on the breeze. But there are no flowers of showy hue, or whispering leaves upon the trees. That elusive scent! At last I spy A twisted vine, so gaunt and tall. Honeysuckle! That last echo of Summer, Blowing farewell kisses o’er the garden wall. Lizzi

Flourish If we treat every moment like it is a precious gem of treasured inheritance No power will defeat us. If we embrace our loved ones’ heart in the deepest, purest chamber The Angels wings will carry the tainted, twisted burden And bury it forever, with the demons’ desire to destroy. Nothing other than beauty will flourish We will triumph over adversity With our hearts’ desire to love forever, As the Angels’ light soothes our psyche. Peace, Love and Light, Lorna Cameron A Coastal Meditation I cannot get enough of this Heaven here on earth. Truly heaven is within us all, always – if we choose to see it. This daily walk a meditation; my feet firmly on the ground, my heart and mind in Heaven! The sound of waves, the song of birds, the presence of unseen things; aware of oneness, of truly Being. Is it the wind caressing the high cliffs, I hear? Or is it the echo of the wave-struck shore? A picture framed at every turn – kaleidoscope of beauty ever changing. The distant coast appears out of the early morning mist, the sky so blue for such an early start. Above my head, bright white against the brilliant blue, gulls compete for air space with blackwinged crows. Their squabbling fills the air. Their warmed-up wings carrying them now in aerial dance, worthy of any ballerina.

The presence of something other-worldly is in the very framework of the land around. My walk becomes a meditation, a time for resolution, or for planning; a healing space, connected to the earth, at one with all that is. The path ahead glistens with sunlight. I know I am safe. And when we are gone – in body’s form – our vibration in the very rocks remains. Fran Gardner Off the Rails Time’s harness presses heavily upon me. I long to be free from its constraint.

In Your Nakedness In your nakedness is your strength, In your bleakness is your courage, In the cold is your challenge. A fire burns within. Seek it out and feed it with your love. It will grow and peace, calm and healing will be yours. Rosie Collins

The Winds of Change The winds of change bring the coming of the seasons. As with all things, so life ebbs and flows with the fullness of time. The Great Spirit in his wisdom created all things, so it is with the ending of such things: only the Great Spirit has the right to take away these things, if he chooses in

Touching We meet – we touch We part – we touch We love – we touch Touching is an art It is a movement From the heart Some are easy to touch Some are hard to touch There is a touch for healing A touch when tears are flowing We are touched When a stranger is kind It’s a sad person Who can live Without being touched It’s a feeling It’s a calling It can keep us alive Audrey Petersen

Post to: Cygnus, PO Box 15, Llandeilo, SA19 6YX


Step sideways, step sideways a little, Step a little sideways off the track of time Into the green field at the railway’s edge. Sit in the green field, still, out of time, And watch the trains go by. My green field, my piece of timelessness, My timeless peace: I can sit here now, Or part of me can sit here always, Even while the temporal me Is hurrying along the rails of time. Margaret Westell

Noticeboard CYGNUS EVENTS DIARY 2011 Cygnus will have a stand at the following Alternatives events: Sun 9 Oct Michael Beckwith, The Life Visioning Process 10.30am - 4.30pm workshop, Logan Hall Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL, £75/55 concs Mon 10 Oct 7pm - 8.30pm

Lynne McTaggart, The Bond (see p.10) talk St James’ Chuch, Piccadilly, W1J 9LL £10/5 concs.

Thu 13 Oct 7pm - 9.30pm

Richard Bandler, The Technology of Success and Happiness talk, Logan Hall (above) £50/35 concs

Mon 17 Oct 8.30pm

Summer McStravick, Manifest with 7pm Flowdreaming talk, St James’ Church (above) £10/5

For more info, visit or phone 020 7287 6711


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EVENTS, COURSES & WORKSHOPS ANAM CARA RETREAT CENTRE, Scottish Highlands, Inverness. Residential workshops and retreats in Buddhism, Shamanism,Bushcraft, Sweatlodge Ceremonies, Soul Quest, Ancient Crafts, Healing Arts and working retreats. To request a programme, tel. 01463 711702 email: visit: DISCOVER DOWSING! 2012 Foundation courses for beginners with The British Society of Dowsers: at the heart of Dowsing since 1933. Courses throughout the country. Tel 01684 576969 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALING & EARTH ENERGIES DOWSING COURSES for 2012 with The British Society of Dowsers: at the heart of Dowsing since 1933. A series of 6 courses to help you go with the flow. Unmissable! Tel 01684 576969 STOP THE MIND......I WANT TO GET OFF!! Energy workshops and Inner Peace Days with Sally Chaffer held regularly in Yorkshire. Experience ways to stop the mind chatter. Empowering blend of healing and meditation - reconnect with the NOW! 07884 332644 ANGELS, ASCENSION, GOLDEN ATLANTIS & Transformational Teacher Training workshops with Diana Cooper School - courses in Scotland with Elizabeth Ann. Also spiritual coaching and angel readings etc. Tel: 01592 743417 visit DIANA COOPER SCHOOL teacher training courses and workshops 2012 and Beyond, Golden Atlantis, Angels, Ascension and Transform Your Life in Warwickshire with Master Teachers Jillian and Peter Stott, 01926 851898; HOLISTIC WORKSHOPS IN NORFOLK -Angelic Reiki, Crystal & Colour Healing, Connecting with the Angels, Chakra Healing. Contact: Alison on 07540 938107, DOWSING BSD EARTH ENERGIES COURSE with Vicky Sweetlove London 12th/13th November £139.00. Clear your Karma 22nd October £55 - clear past lifes issues More information: 01277 203180, mob: 07885 945008 LEMURIAN CRYSTAL ATTUNEMENT WEEKEND Healing Courses in Milton Keynes £125, certificated including comprehensive manual. Connect with the Lemurians and discover the amazing healing power of these crystals. Tel 01908 240400 or email PSYCH-K® BASIC WORKSHOP. Imagine being the master of your own destiny. Overcome your subconscious limiting beliefs and start manifesting your life’s desires and goals in this weekend workshop. November Cardiff 12/13 Birmingham 19/20 Contact Cazzie Dare. 07769581902 STEP ABOARD ON A HISTORIC LIGHTSHIP in Gloucester Docks and experience our various luxurious treatments and certified sound and Reiki courses. Find yourself surrounded by the water energies whilst playing all sorts of instruments. Call: 01452 527566 or YOUR ASCENSION MISSION WORKSHOP 3 & 4 December 2011 in beautiful Derbyshire Peak District at Spirit of the Peaks Centre facilitated by Janet Roome. Tel 07885058548 e.mail:

EVENTS, COURSES & WORKSHOPS MATTHEW MANNING ONE DAY WORKSHOP in Worcestershire. 30th October 2011. The Granary Hotel Nr. Kidderminster. Cost £60, including lunch and refreshments. Proceeds to Cancer Research UK. Bookings call 01562 68693 / ACCESS TO SHEFA Low cost 6 part online course. Discover this simple, fast, powerful spiritual technology. £25. Refunded against Shefa One training weekend. Try Part 1 FREE of charge. WORLD CIRCLE DANCE - to lift spirits, open hearts. Experienced dance teacher Eve Corrin. Friday evening 21 to Sunday 23 October. Inclusive cost £175. Claridge House, Surrey. 01342 832150 LEMURIAN CRYSTAL ATTUNEMENT COURSE 6wks starts 7pm 6th Nov Godalming, Surrey. High vibrational course for raising the consciousness, opening the heart centre and energy work. Teaching workshop available Tel: 07930 882586 HEALING VIBRATIONS and the voice with James D'Angelo, leading courses since 1994. Friday evening 4 to Sunday 6 November. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £175. Claridge House, Surrey. 01342 832150 CORE ENERGY MANAGEMENT with Healer Chrissy Holmes who supports, facilitates, encourages growth. Friday evening 11 to Sunday 13 November. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £175.Claridge House, Surrey. 01342 832150 SPIRIT OF THE INCA. Train to be a shamanic practitioner. Learn ancient wisdom teachings from the Inca tradition, and powerful healing techniques to shift the matrix of the energy field. Training to become a healer, a coach, an inspiration to others and a catalyst for change in the world. email: THE UNICORN CENTRE FOR SPIRITUAL LEARNING, Somerset. Angels, Unicorns, Ascension, 2012, Lemurian Planetary Healing, Reiki, Teacher Training, Healing Practitioner. Spiritual and Unicorn Correspondence Courses. Tel: 01460 53699 Visit WILD – WOUNDED – BORDERLAND – Self & Landscape. 18th – 20th Nov. Mid Wales. Deep Ecology weekend led by Ecotherapist Jane Cooke. Open your senses - inhabit the borderland. Tel 07771950899 KARUNA REIKI® The next step for Reiki Masters (all lineages) seekers of Universal Truth and Compassion. 3 day classes set in beautiful Peak District. Contact Janet Roome (UK Karuna Reiki Rep) Tel. 01629 733227 email: visit CRYSTAL & SOUND HEALING BY CORRESPONDENCE. Crystal, Sonic RejuvenationTM - natural face-lift; Sound Healing to practitioner level; Past Life Regression. All courses with professional accredited College. 01984 633597 visit DIANA COOPER SCHOOL Transform Your Life Teacher Training Courses in East Anglia. Also Workshops, One to One Email Life Coaching sessions. Master Teacher Nija Morgan 01842 814988

USUI & KARUNA REIKI COURSES in Lancashire, Cumbria, Devon & Surrey. Kathryn G. Eckley 07952995340

YOGANUBHUTI. Train to become a Yoga Therapist with dedication, joy and laughter. 3 year course. Prerequisites in place. Workshops and Treatments available. Tel. Margaret on 01299-824911 CNHC Reg.

WORTHING, WEST SUSSEX. Small, friendly workshops. Learn Basic Reflexology to treat family/friends (non-practitioner) Thurs/Fri 13/14th October. Bach Flower Remedies Sat/Sun 19th/20th November. 1st Monday evening each month, channelled angel meditation group. Lesley Ann Raphael, MAR, BFRP, Tel 01903 212349

ATONEMENT ATTUNEMENT - vision, connection and intergration. Let go, release and be at one. Also Reiki Attunements, Workshops, Channelled Guidance and private Consultations. Cheshire email


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