September 2012, issue 9, free of charge
Cygnus Review heal your body, feed your soul, free your mind, love your planet Flower Therapy Doreen Virtue
The Freedom to be Human Louisa Mills
The Adventures of a Waterboy Mike Scott The Prosperous Heart Julia Cameron
The Diet Delusion Gary Taubes The Journey: NEW Edition Brandon Bays
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Louisa Mills
oday I feel defiant. I choose where my thoughts and my heart go in this moment and I simply will not be herded nor follow any path that is not my own. There seems to be a lot of rubber necking going on these days – with so many cynical doom and gloom perceptions and prophecies for people to stop and take notice of. Well I for one am not sitting around in any traffic jam. I have moments to fill, life to live, blessings to count! I am running wild – a rebel with a cause. Thinking tree That’s why I am here in the thinking tree. Actually, a more apt name for this big old oak would be the ‘No Thinking Tree’ because every time I climb, as my limbs become entwined with its branches, my thoughts are hushed away so that all there is, is me and my tree. So here I sit, in my familiar barky nook, my mind and my heart exactly where I mean them to be, at one with the stretching leafy branches and the china blue sky beyond. This is where it’s at! Contentment dwells in the natural – it’s only human. Only human What does that mean? It comes across as a bit of a downer, as if we are not rating ourselves very highly. I have an alternative perception of this phrase. To me, ‘only human’ means to be human without all the fuss. When we strip away all the over-complicating, all our conditions and rules, our forced idealisms and grandeurs, all we are left with is only human. And it’s okay to enjoy that!!! We liberate the best of ourselves when we celebrate the pure human being we were born to be – all of it. Every single aspect of who you are is in tune with your divine purpose – it’s your unique musical score and it plays it’s part in the universal orchestra of life. When we are open to our truth, and we allow every single part of ourselves to be untamed, loved and accepted then we are playing harmoniously and making the infinite symphony all the more loud and lovely. When we try to be what we think we ought to be, when we subdue any side of ourselves, we are not open and so the song of our truth is not released. My spirit chose this instrument that lives and breathes with all its passion, love, rage and peace, that dreams, that aspires, that
The Freedom to be Human feels... it would be a real shame to take my place in the sacred auditorium of the heavens and Earth, and to just be silent. All together now So what would happen if humanity stopped looking desperately out to the stars, the angels, the Otherworld (take your pick) for something better? Instead of waiting expectantly for some grand hoopla to come, singing and dancing, to change everything, What if we were to stand in the spotlight, and graciously sing out ‘let me entertain you’?! In our magnificently true forms, the chorale of our harmonised voices could be that one big ‘something special’ that changes everything! A new brighter composition would sound out into the future and get only louder, clearer and more beautiful with every generation that grows in the light of truth. To be in awe ‘If you look into a tiny world of the nucleus of a cell, perhaps even one of your own, and gaze into those incredible spiralling chains of DNA upon which our whole physical make-up is held... If you look into those astonishing swirling telescope pictures of the vast galaxy spirals, out there now, so far away that the distance is inconceivable – so bright, so light, so teeming with life it is unimaginable and unknown ... If you take a moment just to look at your BOOK FOR GIVING: MULTIBUY OFFER! WHY IS THE HUMAN ON EARTH Mark Ballabon ‘Enigma, wonder and awe light all the paths to truth and electrify our will to live, to find out what we are.’ Following the pattern of seven, as seen in the spectrum or rainbow of light, this unique book explores the question of who we are as human beings, as a means to liberate a greater perception and a better response to the fact and gift of living. We are taken higher and higher into this question through a set of working contemplations, both thought provoking and lyrical, with matching exercises and we are shown essential signposts to facilitate us in our own rediscovery of our place, here and now, on Earth. 128pp, 187mm x 234mm, hardback, 2008, RRP £12.95
Code: 220901, Cygnus Price: 1 copy £10.99 2+ copies £10.49 each
hand and its intricate moving design and versatility and dexterity – absolutely not reproducible by any robot or all the computers in the world, now or ever ... If you stop to wonder how one tiny, tiny fertilised human egg, smaller than a dot on a page, could have turned into yourself, as you read this now ... When these things really stagger us, feelings of awe and wonder and reverence for life flow naturally and deeply, with the longing for it never to end. In which just to be yourself, and give of yourself, would be everything.’ These words are from Why Is The Human On Earth?, and I wanted to share them with you because they really do make you stop and reflect upon your self in awe. I found a sense of kinship with Michael Ballabon on reading his words, as he too has a rebellious resistance to that which might hush the wild and wonder-full truth of man and womankind. Reading his passionate ode to humanity made me want to shake the rattle drum of my heart, to sound my thunder and flash my spirit lightning through the sky to declare that I am here and I love it! I hope you love it too! Yours in love and comradeship, Louisa and the Cygnus Team xxx FREE WHEN YOU SPEND £25 OR MORE! (Offer runs until 25th Sept 2012)
MESSAGES FROM GOD Dorothy Maclean Before Dorothy Maclean began connecting with the devas, and helping the gardens of the Findhorn Community to grow, she had already received thousands of ’Messages from God’. Many of these are shared for the first time in this little book which has been put together as something you can pick up in the busyness of your day, carry around, dip into and enjoy. You will see that Love, the prime energy of the universe, is at the heart of these messages, the apex from which peace, stillness, beauty and wonder and all else radiate. The messages shared here have helped comfort, inspire and lead Dorothy home to God and she hopes they will do the same for you. So do we, and that is why we want to give you Messages from God as a gift when you spend £25 or more (offer ends 25 Sep 2012). 40pp, 148mm x 210mm, softback, 2012, RRP £5.00
Code: 220902, Cygnus Price: £3.75
Our cover photograph is by Janet Baxter, © 2012. Prints can be obtained by calling Cymric Cards on 01970 871333, This magazine is printed with vegetable inks on paper from sustainable PEFC accredited sources by S&G Ltd, Merthyr Tydfil, 01685 388888.
David Adam
The Opening of the Eyes
can remember looking into a sparrow’s nest when I was about six or seven, gazing in wonder at the blueness of the eggs, and being overawed by the thought that they too would bring forth life. Much later I grew to appreciate William Wordsworth’s poem ‘The Sparrow’s Nest’, in which he wrote about his childhood: Behold, within the leafy shade, Those bright blue eggs together laid! On me the chance-discovered sight Gleamed like a vision of delight. Wordsworth goes on to tell us how his sister Dorothy helped him become more sensitive to what was all around him: The Blessing of my later years Was with me when a boy; she gave me eyes, she gave me ears; And humble cares, and delicate fears; A heart, the fountain of sweet tears; And love, and thought, and joy. We are fortunate if we have someone who has taught us to move out of ourselves and towards the wonderful world around us. The way we see things and people affects our attitudes to the world and to each other, and it is important that our vision is not impaired, or at least corrected when it is. In the Talmud there is a saying: ‘You do not see things as they are but as you are.’ Much of what we call spirituality relates to the view we have of ourselves, each other and the world, and these contribute to our perception of God. Vision involves not only eyesight, but all our senses. Seeing is not just looking: it is taking in, comprehending and, at its best, entering into harmony with that at which we gaze. As our consumer society constantly gobbles up one thing after another, making it hard for us to relish where we are or what is around us, we may need to work at resensitizing our vision and our senses. A time of withdrawal from too much activity can help us enter more deeply into life itself. Sometimes, by moving away for a while we can see more clearly on our return. This idea is expressed by the character Jen in the novel Father by Elizabeth von Arnim. James and Jen are absorbed by the beauty of the night. They have stopped talking and are watching the old yew tree and the stars, while listening to the cry of the owl. To Jen, who in her life had hardly known what silence was, it was a revelation. She listened, dissolved in a kind of awestruck joy. It seemed to her as if she were in the presence of perfect holiness, as if she were close to the very feet of God. She who had been trained irreligiously became, in
this beauty, religious. She wanted to worship and fall down; she wanted to praise the lord her Maker. And forgetting James, who anyhow was very easily forgotten, under her breath she murmured, ‘And the Glory of the Lord was revealed’. James’s heart gave a thump. That she should say what he often said to himself on similar occasions struck him as very wonderful. It is so easy for familiarity to breed contempt, or if not contempt then a kind of blindness. We are fortunate if something suddenly opens our eyes . . .
Exercises Give thanks for your loved ones and their mystery. Acknowledge that we should never take each other for granted. Each day we can discover new depths in people. rejoice that there is always more to them than you know. There is a sense in which we are all new every morning. Think on these words: All around us, to right and left, in front and behind, above and below, we have only to go a little beyond the frontier of sensible appearances in order to see the divine welling up and showing through. By means of all created things without exception, the divine assails us, penetrates us, moulds us. We imagined it as distant and inaccessible, whereas in fact we live steeped in its burning layers. In Deo vivimus. As Jacob said, awakening from his dream, the world, this palpable world, which we were wont to treat with the boredom and disrespect with which we habitually regard places with no sacred association for us, is in truth a holy place, and we did not know it. Venite adoremus. (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Le Milieu Divin, Collins Fontana, 1975, p. 112)
A prayer ‘Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves, when our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little, when we have arrived safely because we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord, when, with the abundance of
things we possess, we have lost our thirst for the waters of life; having fallen in love with life, we have ceased to dream of eternity and in our efforts to build a new Earth, we have allowed our vision of the new Heaven to dim. Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly to venture on wider seas where storms will show your mastery; where losing sight of land we shall find the stars. We ask you to push back the horizons of our hopes; and push into the future in strength, courage, hope and love.’ (Attributed to Sir Francis Drake) From Occasions For Alleluia, © 2012 by Daivd Adam, published by SPCK.
OCCASIONS FOR ALLELUIA David Adam This joyful book will help you find a way to the holy and the beautiful through every ordinary circumstance of your life. David Adam is one of the best-loved figures in Celtic Spirituality, and in Occasions for Alleluia he intersperses his own warm, friendly wisdom with the most exquisite quotations, carefully chosen from literature throughout the ages, to provide a guiding hand along the road to seeing every single moment of your life – even the tough ones – as a moment for joy, gratitude and celebration. At the end of each chapter David guides you through simple exercises and gentle prayers that prompt your own reflections and help you to become more at home with and aware of the divine presence in all things. David reminds us of a life-changing truth: that the ordinary is far more extra-ordinary than we might ever have ever thought. When the eyes of our hearts are opened this way we will see a whole new world, and find we have endless Occasions for Alleluia. 144pp, 129mm x 198mm, softback, 2012, RRP £8.99
Code: 220903, Cygnus Price: 1 copy £6.70 2+ copies £6.20 each
When you choose to order from Cygnus and/or become a Cygnus Supporter, you are helping to cover the costs of producing this magazine, whose main aim is to provide comfort, guidance, hope and inspiration to as many people as possible. Thanks!
TUNE HEADING IN TO THE TIMES, TUNE IN TO THE HEADING EARTH BIRTH 2012 Barbara Marx Hubbard If ever there was a book that has the potential to be epoch-making, it is this one. Barbara Marx Hubbard shares her conviction that, if we join together, we can ‘gentle the birth’ of a Universal Humanity and guide our Earth community into its next evolutionary stage. Explaining how the planet’s myriad crises are actually the birth pangs of a new Earth, Barbara makes a prophetic call for a planetary shift to a new level of consciousness and a new global culture. For decades she has heralded the coming planetary renaissance and transformation of human consciousness. Now, she explores in depth her vision of what that transformation will bring. She also introduces a global movement to co-create a massive transition around a symbolic ‘Planetary Birthday’ event on December 22, 2012. In addition to Barbara’s own powerful and inspiring writings, this volume features 12 evolutionary pioneers’ commentary on the key themes of collective birth and conscious evolution, aiming to foster the emergence of a sustainable planetary civilization. Featured contributors include Ervin Laszlo, Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield, Jean Houston, and Neale Donald Walsch. 240pp, 135mm x 210mm, softback, 2012, RRP £13.50
Code: 220804, Cygnus Price: £9.99
WAKING UP IN TIME Peter Russell Can we wake up in time? Exploring human evolution from both scientific and mystical points of view, Peter save Russell shows beyond any doubt that we are standing 30% on the threshold of a major leap in our evolution. This leap, he says, could be as significant as the emergence of life itself, and at its core is a spiritual renaissance. We are being called to put into practice the perennial wisdom of the ages, and only through such a major shift in consciousness will we be able to manage successfully the awesome global crises now facing us. We are, says Russell, hurtling ever closer to an unprecedented moment of culmination – the ‘Omega’ of history – when humanity will face its evolutionary moment of truth. And, like every species when faced with deep challenge, we must evolve to survive. We must metamorphose into a species truly worthy of the name ‘wise’, a species no longer fettered by self-centredness, or by outdated attitudes and beliefs. How? This book will provide you with much valuable food for thought as you seek your own answers to this question, and will inspire you with the courage and perseverance you need to make your own personal evolution a reality. 226pp, 152mm x 228mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2009, RRP £9.99
Code: 190302, Cygnus Price: £6.99
FLOWER THERAPY Doreen Virtue This book gives in-depth information about 88 common flowers, illustrated with gorgeous, full-colour photographs. You’ll find out about the flowers’ energetic and healing properties, discover which angels are connected to each one, and learn to associate different species with the various chakras (beyond simply categorising them by colour). In addition, there’s a loving, channeled message of guidance and support directly from each flower’s energy. New and exciting ways to work with Flower Therapy are shared: Create custom bouquets for dear friends, gather wildflowers to heal, learn how to perform a Flower Therapy reading and choose the perfect blooms for your garden to enhance your connection to the angels. Flower essences, picking fresh blossoms and purchasing floral arrangements are also discussed. Whether you have a green thumb or not, Flower Therapy can start making a blessed difference in your day! 256pp, 130mm x 180mm, softback, 2012, RRP £11.99
Code: 220905, Cygnus Price: 1 copy £7.15 2+ copies £6.65 each BOOK FOR GIVING, MULTIBUY OFFER!
I SEND A VOICE Evelyn Eaton I Send a Voice is the gripping, first person account of what happens inside a Native American Sweat Lodge. Evelyn Eaton writes, with honesty, self-reflection and humour, of her resolve, as a part Native American, to become worthy of participating in a Sweat Lodge healing ritual. She undergoes tests and ordeals inside and outside of the Lodge following the spiritual path to learn the shamanic secrets, and eventually daring to ask for a healing Pipe of her own. This classic book remains one of the definitive accounts of the training and work of a Pipe-carrier and provides a unique insight into Native American culture and their sacred and esoteric rites. It will be essential reading for everyone with an interest in Native American culture, shamanic rituals or holistic healing.
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Medicine For The Soul is a complete study course in classical and cross-cultural shamanism, giving you a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of shamanism, including shamanic healing, soul retrieval, spirit extraction, house cleansing, cleaning the energy body, working with the souls of the dead – and much more. Readers have the option of sitting an examination at the end of the book and submitting their answers to the author. If successful (i.e. their standard of achievement is high enough) they will receive a Certificate in Shamanic Studies awarded by The Four Gates Foundation, the shamanic school founded and run by the Ross Heaven. 211pp, 137mm x 213mm, softback, 2012, RRP £12.99
Code: 220904, Cygnus Price: £8.99
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176pp, 138mm x 216mm, softback, 2012, RRP £12.99
Code: 220906, Cygnus Price: £8.49
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Birth 2012’ & ‘Waking Up In Time’ for £15.98
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If you want to know more about the most authentic and powerful form of shamanism still practised in today’s world, you’ll really enjoy this book! Unseen spirits called Wendy Taylor to leave her old life behind, and undertake an arduous journey to Siberia in search of a renowned female shaman called Ai-Churek, or Moon Heart. Wendy’s connection with this extraordinary woman turned out to be magical and utterly transformative. As she describes events that question our notion of reality, a truly incredible story unfolds, in which we are able to learn much about the sacred ceremonies and spiritual practices of the Tuvan people. 215pp, 140mm x 216mm, softback, 2012, RRP £12.99
Code: 220907, Cygnus Price: £8.49 SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘I Send A Voice’ & ‘Two Hearts In Tuva’ for £15.98
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Mike Scott
y name is Mike Scott. I’m a musician and singer and have led my band The Waterboys since the early 1980s. You may know our songs like The Whole of the Moon and Fisherman’s Blues. My musical travels have dovetailed with my personal spiritual experiences, and I write about both in my new book Adventures of a Waterboy. In one chapter, for example, I find myself hanging out with Bob Dylan in a recording studio, and in another I’m playing in the Findhorn Community’s ceilidh band. It’s been a long, strange, golden road, and I invite you to come and taste the journey with me.
Findhorn Community
That night I rested well in my little room, the wind in the trees lulling me to deep sleep, and next day I explored Findhorn. The community turned out to be a rambling settlement of old caravans, fantastical trees and pristine Scandinavian-style wooden houses, several of them round, like something out of a nurseryrhyme or a Dr Seuss book. There was a Royal Air Force base immediately south of the site, with shockingly loud jets taking off and landing, while to the north stood a forest of pine trees. The place confounded all my ideas about what a spiritual community should be: there was no monkish music drifting out of buildings, nobody wore robes. The people I saw were absorbed in their own business and no one paid any attention to me. Nor did anyone recognize me as Mike Scott of The Waterboys, or if they did they weren’t letting on.
Blessing and loving
I hung around all that day and some of the next, but though I liked the place I didn’t experience anything like the spiritual charge I’d felt watching the Eileen Caddy film that had brought me there. Then shortly before I left for the airport on my third day I went to a lunchtime meditation at one of the community’s sanctuaries, a plain wooden building unassumingly placed between some sheds and a garden. I walked in and twenty or thirty people, most with eyes closed, were sitting on a circle of chairs centred round a candle. I sat down in an empty seat, closed my eyes too and waited for whatever was to happen. A woman began to speak in a clear English voice and asked us to imagine a golden light, like a pillar of energy, in the centre of the sanctuary. I did this, enjoying the novelty of knowing that everyone else in the room was doing it too. Then she asked us to visualize this light filling the whole sanctuary. I did this too, finding it easy enough, with an extra little thrill at the knowledge that all our mental images had just expanded together.
Adventures of a Waterboy Next she instructed us to see the light radiating out into the local area, blessing and loving all it came into contact with. And as I did this there came a change. I felt my emotions engage, and as I pictured the light ‘blessing and loving’ whatever it touched, a jet of compassion begin to flow in me. Then her voice continued, asking us to imagine the light spreading to Scotland’s holy isle of Iona and to England’s sacred centre, Glastonbury, then expanding to cover all of the British Isles. After each place name she allowed a short space of silence, and in one of these something powerful happened. My sense of this ‘light’ shifted from being something imagined to something experienced. By some alchemy, by the working of some processor law beyond my ken, the light became real. I could feel it buzzing like a pressure, flowing through me as if I was some kind of battery. It was like taking a potent drug, except with a feeling of immense natural well being. The woman’s voice broke in on my awareness again as she directed us to imagine the light spreading beyond Britain, across Europe, then America and Africa and finally round the whole world. And as I consciously directed the light to do this (for it was a question of directing now, rather than imagining) I felt waves of inspiration flow through me as if I was part of a mighty system. I was awed in the presence of something far bigger than myself. And as I sat in silence for the last ten minutes of the meditation, the power radiating around and through me, I felt I’d come home after wandering all the days of my life. And when a small gong sounded to signal the meditation’s end and everyone silently stood up, I walked out of the sanctuary, stunned, into the cold northern
AN APPOINTMENT WITH MR YEATS CD The Waterboys Mike Scott, lead singer of the Waterboys, has long been inspired by the mystical poetry of W B Yeats. On this magical CD, he turns some of the most moving and inspiring of Yeats’ poems into Celtic folk-rock and blues songs, which will open your heart as well as setting your feet tapping. From the very first note of The Hosting of the Shee to the delicately drifting farewell of The Fairy’s Last Song, you’ll find yourself enraptured and captivated by a profound sense of magic. When you reach the silence at the end of the CD it’s like waking up at the last stop of a fantastical train journey and realizing that your heart and your dreaming soul have really been some place special! 14 tracks, running time 57 min, 2011, RRP £9.99
Code: D220909, Cygnus Price: £8.39
Scottish air, ready to proclaim to the skies that love was alive and everything was going to be all right forever. Though I could tell that wasn’t the done thing here; I didn’t know what the other meditators had experienced but when I looked at them emerging from the building they were quiet and relaxed, already strolling off to their afternoon duties. They inhabited a culture where this kind of work was simply part of daily life.
What if...
I went back to my B&B to collect my bags and bumped into Reg. ‘Come into the office with me, Mike, would you?’ he asked. Figuring it must be obvious to an old hand like Reg that I’d just had a serious spiritual experience I followed him, ready for something meaningful to happen in the office. Perhaps Reg was going to welcome me to the inner group of super meditators or impart to me some final key of wisdom. He lifted a slip of paper and silently handed it to me. I looked. My bill for two nights’ bed and breakfast! This was a good reminder to keep my feet on the ground after spiritual experiences. Nevertheless, what had happened was immense. As I flew back to New York I felt I was returning from another civilization. I wanted to explore this culture, absorb it, become it, and receive whatever lessons and experiences it had to offer. And something else: what would happen if I could connect the machinery of my songs, lyrics and band to the flow of inspiration I’d felt in the Findhorn sanctuary? From The Adventures of a Waterboy, © 2012 by Mike Scott, published by Jawbone.
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Mike Scott of the world famous Waterboys is a rock’n’roller with a difference. Deeply interested in spirituality and inspired by the maxim that ‘energy follows thought’, Mike has always sought to infuse his musical creations with deeper meaning and the desire to spread light in the world. Throughout this intriguing story of Mike’s musical career runs a deep undercurrent of mystical searching, and his desire to share with everyone the mysteries of spirit through music. Light-hearted and entertaining as well as inspiring, this autobiography reveals Mike Scott as a lyrical ambassador for the world of dreams and imagination and kin to anyone with a love of Nature and spirit. 288pp, 152mm x 215mm, softback, 2012, RRP £14.95
Code: 220908, Cygnus Price: £9.99
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Adventures Of A Waterboy’ & ‘An Appointment With Mr Yeats Cd’ for £17.38
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People think of prosperity as a financial bottom line. ‘When I have X amount of money, I will feel better.’ The truth is that prosperity is a spiritual bottom line, and the formula should actually be, ‘When I have X amount of faith, I will feel better.’ In this wise book, Julia Cameron provides a 12-week programme of exercises and guidance to enable you to clarify and deepen your awareness of a ‘benevolent something’, that takes care of all your needs, guarding and guiding you in the direction of good no matter what amount of money you may have at your disposal. She helps you to look candidly at your financial situation, and realise that financial shortages often exist because life is inviting you to change. By the time you reach the end of the book you will have a far stronger sense that whatever you have, it is ‘enough’, that you are forever safe, and that all your needs are met. And surely, isn’t this awareness the essential first step to abundance in all its forms? 240pp, 184mm x 226mm, softback, 2012, RRP £14.99
Code: 220910, Cygnus Price: £9.75
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THE ANSWER IS YOU Michael Bernard Beckwith
Do we search for meaning, or grasp for survival? How can we prosper and grow? What is genuine happiness and how may we experience it? As one of the most respected visionary teachers of our time, Michael addresses and explores these questions in depth, introducing a recurring insight: Every answer requires a questioner; therefore, the answer is You! The answers to your questions are woven into the very fabric of your own inner being. At the end of each chapter you will find a reflective exercise revealing areas within your life structures that are flourishing and those in which inner work remains to be done. These discoveries help you live to your highest potential and become a beneficial presence on the planet. Beckwith’s unwavering conviction about creating a world that works for everyone is contagious, encouraging and entirely convincing. 108pp, 124mm x 190mm, hardback, 2009, RRP £13.99
Code: 210703, Cygnus Price: £8.99
FINDING YOUR WAY IN A WILD WORLD Martha Beck Do you wonder how you got where you are and what you should do now? Do you feel called to help others and change the world but you just don’t know how? Finding Your Way in a Wild New World is a path to your true self and the knowledge of what to do with your one wild and precious life. Life coach Martha Beck shows how to free yourself from self-destructive cycles and guides you in tapping into the deep knowledge you carry in your body and soul. Learn how to unleash your incredible creative energy and fulfil your life’s purpose. With clear step-by-step instructions and guided reflections, drawing from ancient wisdom through to modern science, she shows how to reach a wordless state of communion with nature and self, how to experience oneness with the universe, how to be empowered by the spark of inspiration, and, finally, how to take action and realize creative potential to make a lasting impact on the world. save 42%
320pp, 153mm x 234mm, softback, 2012 , RRP £12.99
Code: 220102, Cygnus Price: £7.50
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The Journey process of self-healing has freed thousands of people from lifelong emotional and physical blocks by guiding them directly to the root emotional cause of any longstanding difficulty and then giving the tools to finally and completely resolve it. Once these blocks are gone, a huge potential of boundless, joyous energy is released. This energy, says Brandon, is our birthright. In this brand new revised edition, Brandon shares the latest Journey Processes that are also used in her seminars. As you can imagine, over the years the processes have changed many times, have become easier, more user friendly, gentler – and with all that, they go deeper than ever before. Brandon also includes a personal letter that informs you about the development of The Journey over these past 13 years 304pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2012, RRP £12.99
Code: 220911, Cygnus Price: £6.99 Buy THE JOURNEY and also get a FREE copy* of SEARCH FOR YOUR SELF by Patricia Sherwood (helps you determine which personal growth techniques would work best for you). *While stock lasts, limited period only.
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Are you fed up of feeling tired all the time? Did you know that there are plenty of simple things you can do to help beat fatigue? This straightforward book combines practical ways, that are easily integrated into daily life, to measure energy levels and identify stressors with concrete suggestions for how to modify habits, detoxify lifestyles and tackle challenges head on. Lucie Montpetit employs her vast professional and personal experience of conquering ME to address the physiological and psychological factors affecting our energy levels, from diet and environment, to breathing and the internal workings of our bodies. This detailed and comprehensive guide offers a fresh outlook for anyone who suffers from general fatigue, stress and conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Sleep Disorders, Adjustment Disorder, Depression and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction as well as the professionals who work with them. 228pp, 152mm x 226mm, softback, 2012, RRP £15.99
Code: 220912, Cygnus Price: £9.99
WHY DO I KEEP DOING THIS!!? Judith E Pearson, Phd Why do people find it so difficult to change unwanted habits and behaviours? You can come up with all sorts of explanations, ranging from childhood trauma to genetics to personality types, but it really boils down to the fact that most people simply aren`t skilled at managing their minds. When you try to break a habit your brain sends out signals of alarm and discomfort. You can get past this by putting your `logical brain` in charge. This can be achieved using self-hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). This book will help you to end bad habits, cure addictions, get fit, lose weight, stop smoking, feel more confident and motivated, sleep better… and much more. It includes a free relaxation audio CD. 288pp, 156mm x 234mm, softback, 2012, RRP £16.99
Code: 220913, Cygnus Price: £12.49 ‘After reading just a couple of pages of this book I’d learned an NLP method that instantly and effectively improved my response to stress and has continued to work for me since.’ – Louisa Mills, Cygnus Editor
Jehanne Mehta
he Earth is struggling under climate change, geo-engineering, fracking, genetic modification; her natural ways ignored. She is straight jacketed, kept in a farrowing crate when she gives birth, dug up for her hidden riches, poisoned by pesticides and herbicides. But….at the time of writing, here, in the corner of Gloucestershire where I live, there is such an extraordinary abundance of plant life: the singing blue of meadow cranesbill, swaying heads of pale purple scabious, honeysuckle, meadowsweet. In fact all the wild flowering plants have excelled themselves this year: bluebells, lilies of the valley, orchids, ox-eye daisies, to name but a few, more of everything than I remember. You could ask yourself whether there is not something else going on, whether the Earth might not have some other resources to draw on. We could say that the prolific rains are the reason. This is where there is a choice. We could persist in having materialistic explanations for everything, or we could wake up to the myriad invisible beings and forces which are at work with and within the living being of the Earth. If we do wake up and express (even out loud!) our love and gratitude to the natural world for its beauty and abundance, we could be providing these beings with the essential nourishment that could make all the difference. If we remain caught in a materialistic mind set and fear of scarcity, which lead to the depredations mentioned above, then the nature spirits, like unloved children, could become destructive. We have the choice. The Earth’s ‘other resources’ might be none other than we ourselves. We human beings are not a chance phenomenon in the universe. The unique physical conditions on the Earth are her gift, allowing us to develop individual self awareness. It may be of vital importance in the evolution of ‘Everything’ that, while tasting life from a physical, we remember that we are divine creator spirits, able to co-create with all other spirit beings and nature spirits. Earth and the whole cosmos wait for us to take our place within the one-ness of all, using our hard won inner awareness to become the portals we potentially are, each one of us, into a new Earth and a new humanity.
Flow of a different kind
This rain is relentless such a summer of wetness and water, but the leaves drink and stretch, expand and drink, grow and drink, until we go down in a tsunami of green, no respite, drowning in unfurl, uncoil and unfolding of foliage, in a fine fanfare of bush and tree,
Love and Gratitude to the Natural World wild tanglegrowth of reaching branch and creeping stem; and the green earth sings: ‘Hail to the moisture, hail to the rush of river, the breaking down of banks and all expected outcomes, to the rapid rippling of torrents in my veins, this flow of a different kind.’ But the sun does come in sudden bursts, unforeseen, and the roses uncurl their secret fragrance quickly, to catch us for a moment of delight: this sudden hidden meeting in a quiet room, where time changes pace. Wisdom, age and seeking meet on a threshold and, briefly, memory and prophecy inhabit our hearts. In this place, inspired by messengers from the future, we start to learn, learn to ride, ride these rising rivers. This rain is remorseless, such a summer of wet winds and transition, but the green earth sings; ‘Hail to the rush of river, the bursting of banks and all expected outcomes. Hail to the roaring of torrents in my underground veins, this flow of a different kind.’ For Stanley 8th July 2012
Panning for gold
It’s like panning for gold, seeking your starborn self, only the finest few grains glimpsed among soil and rock dust, unanticipated crumbs inside this earthborn, this egoity, webwork, where the tasks we set outside time are tangled and knotted in soul struggle. Dare to ask: who is it says ‘I’ to yourself? the one who dimly remembers the brief you gave yourself, and the gift of knowing, before the earthquake of birth, fragmentation of loss. Only provisional, all these centuries, this we have been, predominantly. Can you mother this ‘I’ now, this gold, the one who looks out at you from the mirror, the beauty that chose to be you? 28th June 2012 © 2012 by Jehanne Mehta. save 33%
THE GENTLEMAN & THE FAUN Robert Ogilvie Crombie
This book is alive with the Spirit of the Forest. You are doing more than just reading when you follow the pages of Wood Wisdom … symbols, poetry and tales ignite the fire of your imagination and you are initiated into the magical realms of the 20 Ogham Trees and sacred Mistletoe and Birch, smelling the damp moss and broken bark underfoot as you journey from cover to cover. Rites and meditations are conveyed with charm, like that of the old Bards, weaving a story line and speaking to your subconscious so that you might interact with the spirits of the trees and learn firsthand from them. Even the most pragmatic reader will believe in and benefit profoundly from the gifts of knowledge and transformation bestowed with every new chapter, from root to branch.
Have you ever wished for something with your whole heart? As a child, Robert Ogilvie Crombie (Roc) made a wish as he dropped a penny into a wishing well – he asked to be able to see fairies and talk to them. Follow Roc’s path in The Gentleman and the Faun as, many years later, he meets the faun Kurmos in the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, discovers the realm of the elementals and, eventually, meets the great god Pan himself. Through his experiences Roc becomes closely involved with the Findhorn Community, where he meets further elementals who give him sound advice as to how the gardens should be cared for in order to work in harmony with nature. Today, more than ever, the information in The Gentleman and the Faun is a reminder to us all of the importance of our relationship with the nature kingdom, showing how to work in harmony with the elementals and perhaps, just perhaps, to actually meet these enchanting beings, the guardians of nature.
244pp, 170mm x 210mm, softback, 2012, RRP £12.95
112pp, 140mm x 184mm, hardback, 2009, RRP £14.99
Code: 220914, Cygnus Price: £9.99
Code: 191118, Cygnus Price: £9.99
WOOD WISDOM H. Catherine Watling
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Gentleman & The Faun’ & ‘Wood Wisdom’ for £18.98
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MIND, BODY & SPIRIT BOOK OF DAYS DIARY 2013 This bestselling, illustrated diary series is designed as a holistic resource for enriching daily life that will guide you on a journey of save inner growth and fulfillment. Each 44% save month offers positive intentions and 40% suggested practices, projects and goals to encourage personal and spiritual development. The doublepage spread for each week features a colourful illustration on which to reflect and an exercise to further your well-being, as well as an inspiring quotation. The general theme for 2013 is Living from the Heart. Every day is an open invitation to savour life. The diary is packed with life-enhancing action calls each month. Within these pages, you’ll receive ample support for living a life that embraces all of you, from your inner wild woman (or man) to your spiritual self – and the full spectrum in between. 144pp, 154mm x 185mm, illus. in colour, spiral bound hardback, 2012, RRP £12.99
Code: 220915, Cygnus Price: £7.25
MIND BODY & SPIRIT POCKET BOOK OF DAYS 2013 DIARY Exactly the same content as the larger format, in a compact form, perfect for your handbag. 144pp, 192mm x 256mm, illus. in colour, hardback, 2012, RRP £6.99
Code: 220916, Cygnus Price: £4.15
SOUND MEDICINE SOLFEGGIO MEDITATION CD Anima Everything has its own optimum rate of vibration, called resonance. When we are in resonance, we are in balance and harmony. Sound Medicine is a multidimensional instrumental sonic journey into the solfeggio frequencies. Musical frequencies of the ancient solfeggio musical scale work on a deep level to shift emotional blocks. Each track is a beautiful celestial soundscape on precise solfeggio frequencies to create a relaxed, heightened state. The compositions contain sacred chants, sounds from crystal bowls and didgeridoo, to enhance the solfeggio tones. Powerful meditation techniques, and hypnotic echoed affirmations panning from ear to ear in stereo, create a deeply relaxing effect, wonderful in a healing or treatment therapy room. These frequencies help to bring our bodies, cells and DNA back into resonance and health. CD, 6 instrumental tracks with Solfeggio frequencies, running time 65 mins, RRP £12.99
Code: D220712, Cygnus Price: £9.99 save 38%
WHAT’S MINE IS YOURS Rachel Bostman & Roo Rogers
This thought-provoking introduction to positive buying shows how you can play your part in an evolving win-win phenomenon. What’s Mine Is Yours explains practical ways to benefit out of things like mowers, drills and even cars, without having to carry huge up-front costs of ownership. People are already doing this in masses, using websites like Freecycle and Ebay, resulting in dramatic changes in our approach to consumerism. This important book shows how technological advances are driving forms of ‘collaborative consumption’, changing the way in which we interact with businesses and with each other. Interviews included, with world business leaders and opinion formers, create a coherent and challenging argument to show that the way we did business and consumerism in the 20th century is not the way we will do it in the 21st century. Are you ready to claim better control of your spending and make a difference to the world around you? 304pp, 152mm x 230mm, softback, 2011, RRP £12.99
Code: 220917, Cygnus Price: £7.99
FROG’S BREATHTAKING SPEECH Micheal Chissick & Sarah Peacock
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Frog is very worried as he has an important speech to make at his school assembly. The speech is about breathing which he doesn’t know a thing about! He asks his friends for help and they teach him all about the lion breath, the crocodile breath, the humming bee breath and the woodchopper breath. Can these breathing techniques calm his nerves before the big speech? This charming illustrated picture book teaches children four yoga breathing techniques in a fun, interactive way. The story increases children’s awareness of breath, showing how it can be used to deal with anger, anxiety and tension. This book is perfect for children’s yoga instructors, teachers and teaching assistants in mainstream and special needs schools, as well as parents looking for an engaging story to teach their children about coping with difficult emotions and stressful situations. 48pp, 220mm x 282mm, hardback, 2012, RRP £12.99
Code: 220918, Cygnus Price: £7.99
SIX HEALING SOUNDS Lisa Spillane Join Lisa and Ted as they show you how healing sounds can make you feel bright and happy inside. Six Healing Sounds teaches young children how to transform negative feelings into positive ones by using simple breathing techniques based on ancient Chinese Qigong exercises. Using special sounds for different parts of the body, Lisa and Ted show that a haaaww can heal the heart and blow away impatience, and a whoooooo can make the stomach feel better and chase away worries. These reassuring meditative stories are ideal for bedtime as they calm and settle children by soothing away the troubles of the day. This delightful, brightly illustrated picture book will be an enjoyable read for children aged four to eight and will teach them effective healing techniques to overcome negative emotions so they can live happier and healthier lives. 32pp, 210mm x 210mm, hardback, 2011, RRP £7.99
Code: 220919, Cygnus Price: £6.99 SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Frog’s Breathtaking Speech’ & ‘Six Healing Sounds’ for £13.98 save 33%
THE WHOLE BRAIN CHILD Dr Daniel J Siegel & Dr Tina Payne Bryson
In this pioneering, practical book for parents, neuroscientist Daniel J. Siegel and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson explain, without the jargon, the new science of how a child’s brain is wired and how it matures. Different parts of a child’s brain develop at different speeds and understanding these differences can help you turn any outburst, argument, or fear into a chance to integrate your child’s brain and raise calmer, happier children. Featuring clear explanations, age-appropriate strategies and illustrations that will help you explain these concepts to your child, The Whole-Brain Child will help your children can lead balanced, meaningful, and connected lives using twelve key strategies that engage your child to keep them thinking and listening, instead of purely reacting. This is an extensive and yet easy to follow reference guide that can be easily opened at any page for support and mentoring. 192pp, 151mm x 233mm, softback, 2012, RRP £12.99
Code: 220920, Cygnus Price: £8.65
Post to: Cygnus, PO Box 15, Llandeilo, SA19 6YX
Louis Bohtlingk
hat can we do to make a Care First World become reality? This question was put to me by Ann Napier recently. ’What can an unemployed single mum, pensioner, teacher, housewife, business owner, any of us do?’ My partner Sandra and I have worked for at least 15 years with the application of Care First. It started in 1996 in Northern Scotland where we ran a small healing centre. We received an experience of the existence of a spiritual threshold to money. We saw Care as that threshold and realised that when we let Care lead the way and let money serve Care, we can completely heal our financial world. But when we let money lead the way at the expense of care, of our well-being and values, we are creating the financial unhappiness, instability and unfairness that is so widespread. Since then, many people from all walks of life have heard about Care First and begun to apply it in their lives. I have seen that once the concept is clear, the application happens quite intuitively and people can distinguish very quickly between what a Care First and a Money First manifestation is in their personal lives, the community around them and in the greater world. It has led to people feeling freed and empowered inside, simply by seeing the concept of Care First. Many people have said to me: ‘I realise now that throughout my whole working life my brain had been operating in Money First mode. I now see that I can put Care First instead of Money First in all things. It is creating a completely new opening and gives me a lot of energy.’
The power of Care
What happens is that we begin to experience the power of Care, which really is a higher aspect of ourselves! In Care First we apply Care to all things and to all places where harm is done for money’s sake i.e. having a job we do not like just to make money, working too hard for money and not having time for ourselves and our loved ones, living in a state of tension and worry regarding money, etc, etc. In all these things, we are pursuing money at the expense of our well being. When you recognise a Money First manifestation like this, apply Care to it: make it conscious, ask yourself whether you want it differently. And if you want to change it, apply the power of Care to it. This means that the Care keeps you persistent in your desire to make the changes you want and fulfil the needs you have and the power of Care will guide you. We have seen that, inspired by Care, we often find answers we had not seen before and that is because our love opens those doors!
Building a Care First World I know that many people who have applied Care First have been able to find jobs they love, create more time for themselves and create a better money flow. We have seen many businesses flourish that apply Care First. (See my book Dare To Care) The premise of Care First is that Care holds the power and is the provider and we need to focus on Care for our well-being, survival, and money. The Care creates the money. The money serves the Care. The source provides. We can create all our finances by the action of love alone. (Dare To Care, chapter 17.) At the same I am aware of the fact that we all are deeply affected by the financial, economic world we live in: a dysfunctional monetary system, an unacceptable difference in income levels worldwide and the deep instability in the financial/ economic world. It is vital that we take our destiny in our own hands, work together and create the financial world we want. Example: www.financelab. org. Also that we make a change in our destructive debt-based monetary system: www. . My wife Sandra and I are preparing a new experiential one day workshop about working with Care First in practice and building a love based economy together:
Ways to apply Care First
Many of us have applied Care First in the following manner: To use the money we have, to care: create that special moment of showing care for someone and do something special for yourself with money! Make money a vehicle for your heart! To bring love and kindness into our financial exchanges: care for each other’s save 31%
What does being good really mean? Are our morals the result of biology or ethics? Should we trust our instincts or will they lead us into trouble? This valuable book provides unexpected answers to these important questions, drawing on psychology, philosophy, anthropology and evolutionary biology to explain why human beings choose (or not) to do the right thing. Using the latest scientific research and interviews with social scientists, spiritual leaders, ex-convicts, altruists and philosophers, Ethical Wisdom is an insightful and illuminating book for anyone who cares about the difference between right and wrong, and how we can become better, both as individuals and as societies. 272pp, 134mm x 216mm, softback, 2012, RRP £10.99
Code: 220817, Cygnus Price: £7.50
financial situation; make transactions more conscious, as a living and loving relationship with each other. To attend to our own and each other’s needs, aspirations and dreams, caring for them and fulfilling them. Care First is all about value, meaning and purpose. Care First is all about leading a fulfilled life and creating a financial world that serves the fulfilment of all. To find money, when it is needed: often even quite small amounts that can do a lot. In Care First we do not accept that things are not being cared for. If need be, we raise our voices politically to make the money available. To take and to be greedy is quite normal in our culture, but completely tears our culture to pieces. Everything that has been taken, can be put back and used to support all the needs we need to fulfil. To find others to work with, share our issues and find resolutions together!
Removing fear and greed
We can apply Care First to all political/ social/economic situations, to the foundation of our accounting and monetary system. It will remove the fear and greed from the picture and give us a new confidence. That confidence lies in our hearts and is like the power of Christ. This means that our acts of Care First are supported by the Universe and we can achieve miracles! Apply this to our personal, community and world-wide financial problems and it will help us to make the changes that are so urgently needed. © 2012 by Louis Bohtlingk.
DARE TO CARE Louis Bohtlingk
save 44%
Louis Bohtlingk suggests that, by changing the way we think and feel about money, transforming our approach from a moneyfirst to a care-first attitude, we can all help to create a better world in which greed and fear no longer dominate our financial decisions, and caring and compassion become our primary guides when making money-related choices. Bohtlingk shares his vision for a love-based economy and a care-first world, using examples of businesses, organizations, communities, and individuals who have made this approach work for them and those they serve. Through Dare to Care you will come to view finance and economics from a new perspective, one which urges you to reorganize your approach to money and so become empowered to act and achieve a care-first worldview.
228pp, 152mm x 229mm, softback, 2012, RRP £12.49
Code: 220402, Cygnus Price: £6.99
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Dare To Care’ & ‘Ethical Wisdom’ for £13.49
VISIT OUR ONLINE CLEARANCE SALE Our online clearance sale will be continuing from now until the end of September. New titles will be added to the sale every day until then, and will be available only while stocks last. There will be huge reductions on the titles we’re seeking to clear. We’ll be sending everyone on our emailing list regular updates, letting you know what books have just been added to the sale. Details will also be posted on Facebook. If you’d like to be kept informed, please make sure we have your email address and that you’ve added to your address book. If you don’t have access to the internet and would like to know about our Clearance Sale offers, please call us on 0845 456 1577 and request a print-out to be sent to you by post, quoting the code: SA2209
VEGETARIAN/VEGAN OMEGA 3 EPA & DHA Nuique A pure vegan, vegetarian omega-3 crafted from ecologically sourced algae. 100mg EPA and 400mg DHA. You may be aware of the old wive’s tale about cod liver oil being good for your health in all sorts of ways. In recent years this tradition has been revived following a string of scientific studies suggesting Omega 3 fats found in fish oil may be beneficial for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis & joint health, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) osteoporosis, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cognitive decline, skin disorders, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) asthma, macular degeneration, menstrual pain, brain and eye development in babies and young children & weight loss management. The evidence for supplementing with omega-3 fats is now so firmly established that even mainstream doctors are convinced of its merits. But many people are becoming aware of the ecologically damaging and unsustainable effects of fish-oil production, to say nothing of not wanting to consume fish for reasons of taste or dietary choice. Now you can enjoy the benefits vegan Omega-3 supplementation while safeguarding your ethics and the environment at the same time. 60 capsules, 500mg, RRP £18.65
Code: 220921, Cygnus Price: £16.99 save 42%
This groundbreaking book reveals a massive con perpetrated on us by the diet industry. Where mainstream nutritional science has demonised dietary fat for 50 years, hundreds of millions of dollars of research have failed to prove that eating a low-fat diet will help you live longer. Nutrition and obesity scientists have struggled to make sense of the paradox that obesity has become an epidemic, that diabetes rates have soared and the incidence of heart disease has not declined despite the fact that society is more diet and health aware today than generations ago. The Diet Delusion is an in-depth, scientific examination of what actually happens in your body as a result of what you eat, rather than what the diet industry might have you believe happens and is essential reading for anyone trying to decide which diet – low-fat or low-carbohydrate – is truly the healthy diet. 640pp, 136mm x 215mm, softback, 2009, RRP £13.99
Code: 220922, Cygnus Price: £7.99
SPECIAL OFFER: Buy ‘Vegetarian/Vegan Omega 3 EPA & DHA’ & ‘The Diet Delusion’ for £23.98
save 48%
Did you know that garlic has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties? Or that lemons do wonders for your skin while olive oil has proven effective against arthritis and type-2 diabetes? We think these miraculous ingredients deserve more recognition and understanding – so we’ve combined three of our favourite books into a valuable reference set, comprehensively detailing their health benefits as well as their practical uses around the home. These books de-bunk the myths and reveal which health claims are backed by evidence-based research and which are not, washing away the speculation to prepare you for the pure taste of what these ingredients truly have to offer. There are mouth-watering recipes included throughout each of these titles. We are sure you’ll find them a great support to your healthy lifestyle 160pp, 189mm x 234mm, softback, 2012, RRP £28.97
Code: 220924, Cygnus Price: £14.99 for the 3 book set
save 33%
Vegetarian Cooking Without is not only a collection of delicious and simple recipes but it is also a book about health: how to gain it and how to keep it. The recipes obtain their flavour from ingredients which are health-promoting rather than from high levels of salt, fat or sugar. Ingredients such as wheat, dairy produce and yeast which cause many individuals to have health problems have also been excluded. The book encourages you to build health by eating sufficient of the right kind of food at regular intervals. The result is a way of eating which encourages the body to produce extra energy and which can be used for elimination, healing and weight control. 224pp, 159mm x 216mm, softback, 2000, RRP £11.99
Code: 060930, Cygnus Price: 1 copy £7.99 2+ copies £7.49 each
BOOK FOR GIVING, MULTIBUY OFFER! HEALING THE SKIN Lueder Jachens Healing skin problems is entirely achievable – once we understand the skin we’re in. This save book helps by taking us through every layer 43% from the epidermis to the level of the mind and spirit and further in to the level of the soul. Dermatologist, allergist and physician Lueder Jachens offers wise advice in this helpful and expertly written handbook. With an approach that is as sensible as it is soulful, he offers understanding of individual conditions, their causes and how best to treat them, giving a holistic comprehension of the skin itself to better enable us to develop health and harmony in the longer term. Healing The Skin goes on to study effects of yeasts in the intestine, treating children’s skin and various specific conditions and their treatment, including psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, boils, hayfever, alopecia, melanoma, abscesses, impetigo, fungal infections, herpes, scabies, head lice, and much more. 224pp, 161mm x 233, softback, 2008, RRP £15.95
Code: 220923, Cygnus Price: £8.99
Nick Gancitano
True-life Spirituality
od, it’s like I’m writing the script for the entire universe. You are – that is precisely what I AM telling you. But why me? There is only You. But what about the soul, does it ascend? Define soul. I can’t. Then what difference does it make if it ascends? And to where could it ascend? There is nowhere to go, you are already here. The Kingdom of Heaven is here Now. What about ascending in frequency to another dimension? There is only where You are, so trying to get to a higher frequency or ascend to another dimension is resistance to the Now. This is an egoic tactic to keep one seeking more, better and different. Whatever Is, is All There Is, so appreciate What Is and You are everywhere at once. I AM good with It all So what about the crime problem? The crime itself is not the problem; it is symptomatic of an attempt to survive and receive recognition that the ego believes will bring it attention and energize it. Yet this has failed to bring relief from the real problem: ignorance. By ignorance, I mean to ignore the Truth. What do we ignore? This can vary from anything to everything. When one ignores an aspect of life, one withholds love from it. Ignorance is the opposite of love, so humanity, by virtue of becoming unconscious, has become fearful and blind to the world and its beauty. I noticed that You don’t treat me as inferior even when I sin. What is this ‘you’ and ‘I’? I do not treat you as though you are inferior, because I AM You. And why should I care if you’re angry or if you curse? So long as you are passionate, a ‘curse’ word can be a genuine manner by which to convey a message without repressing. How delightful it is to be unrestrained by the conforms of society and not resist your emotions. So You’re good with it? I AM good with It all – I Love It All. That helps me not feel guilty anymore.
The true sin, as you put it, would be to not express when the impulse arises, which would repress the emotion and generate disease. I AM not saying to make curse words a majority of your vocabulary, yet if one should emerge then don’t hold back, recognizing it is I who AM doing it anyway. Also, be aware of whether it is aimed at others with intent to do harm. If this is the case, conscious restraint may be in order so as to not escalate a situation. What is all the repression about? When feelings of guilt and being judged become too painful they are repressed, and the fear of being exposed manifests as rage, which when further repressed becomes depression. This is how depression has recently become pandemic in the world, because most religions have persuaded people that anger is wrong. This suppression has become a disease, and the prescribing of antidepressants is likewise ignorant and founded in greed. Live life If people felt they were being guided by You, maybe they wouldn’t need to look for guidance elsewhere. This is the ego’s standard response, yet realize that one only turns to another for advice when one refuses to surrender. For if one surrenders, where is the need for guidance once it is realized there is no other? It is best to forget about scriptures of the past. What I prescribe for you now is on a private basis. True-life spirituality is living life, not congregating like cattle to listen to pontification. So release yourself: play, dance, sing, make love, experience nature, laugh, cry, or even go for
naked walks in the park with your dog. Whatsoever, be creative and enthusiastic in all aspects of life. Live passionately – without holding back. Allow for emotional eruptions and sensual expression. Then feel the contrast of a new world untainted by fear or restrictions. Stop learning about morality from your preachers and go experience life. From Be Still & Know I Am God © 2012 by Nick Gancitano published by Cygnus Books.
BE STILL & KNOW I AM GOD Nick Gancitano The intention of this book is to awaken you to the truth: I AM God. It offers a direct path to knowing God in your own being. Presenting a series of conversations between himself and God within, Nick Gancitano leads you through the process of self-inquiry, enabling you to shed the layers of conditioning concealing from you the fact that you are One with God, and bringing about an authentic spiritual awakening. These wise and intriguing dialogues cover not just the more profound aspects of divine union, but also the everyday dilemmas that occupy our minds. These include death and desire, religion, money, the body, conspiracy theory, faith and free will. With its indispensable message for us all, this book addresses our deepest concerns and demonstrates how everyone can discover spiritual fulfilment, clarity, strength and joy. 192pp, 125mm x 197mm, softback, 2012, RRP £10.99 Code: 220401,
Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £7.99 2+ copies £7.49 each
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Tobin Blake
he mystical moment is always with you. The mystical moment is always present. To find it, we need do nothing but let go, release all thoughts of past and future and sink peacefully into the here and now. There is a misconception that a great deal of time and practice are needed to learn how to experience it, but this cannot be true, because the mystical moment is no more than a temporary relinquishment of time. Navigate by the star You don’t need experience and you don’t have to be a meditation master to commune with the present. The mystical moment is open to everyone because it is where our core self lives. Forget trying to make your meditation practice perfect, transcendental and blissful. Just let go and connect, even for a fraction of a second. For just a moment, let go of your notions you have about life, all judgements over the past and concerns about the future. Think of meditation as rest, a pause, sacred time to step aside from the stress of daily life. Allow yourself to rest and be at peace for a change. Allow yourself to rest in gentleness. For just one moment, let go, and focus on just that one moment, on the present, and that perfect instant will become a reference point you can rely on, just as a sailor may learn to use the North Star to navigate the world’s seas once he identifies its position in the sky. Release your fears Your mystical moment is within you. Now is the eternal state, not in the future. The future, like the past, easily becomes an obstacle to deep meditation. When we fixate on what’s to come in the future, we often become paralysed by anxiety or else thoroughly
The Mystical Moment preoccupied by planning. This is an obvious impediment to peace, and it can become a breeding ground for fear. As you release your fears for the future you are letting go of the steering wheel and allowing your future to become part of a much greater cosmic awakening – one so vast that no human could conceive of its design. The same intelligence that brought you and all life into being, still resides BOOK FOR GIVING: MULTIBUY OFFER
EVERYDAY MEDITATION Tobin Blake This gentle, heartfelt book is an encouragement to live from the deep peace that quiet reflection and meditation bring. Tobin Blake writes beautifully, with gentle reminders to be more serene in our response to life. We are creating our reality; what we give we receive. He reminds us to focus our thoughts on healing, and in doing so we manifest this in our own life. By deepening our practice and allowing the mind to be peaceful, we can let go of our fears of the future and our peace or bliss joins the unconscious thought forms that are collectively creating the state we live in. In shifting the direction of our own thoughts we enable a world shift to occur. By letting go of time for a moment, and glimpsing a moment of bliss, we can navigate by this star. 280pp, 127 x 216 mm, softback, 2012, RRP £10.99
Code: 220801 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £8.99 2+ copies: £8.49 each
within you. It gave you this life. Just let go and stop interfering by trying to control everything on your own; and you will see how great, brilliant and joyous your life can become. Bless your past Always try to look on the future with the awareness that everything will work out in a way that provides you with every opportunity to learn how to live a happier, more joyous life. Understand that you will meet and pass through difficulties safely; and that your ultimate destiny is one of eternal safety.
Bless your past and bless your future and you will find the key to present happiness. Shape your own life Our thoughts unite on a collective level to shape the planetary conditions on earth. Most people never even suspect this. Even those who have learned that their thoughts are the master craftsmen of their own lives, often miss this related point. As you learn to dive more deeply into your core, you will begin to realise that you don’t exist in a state of isolation from other people. Just beyond the appearance of separateness we are all linked together in the body of spirit. Your personal thoughts reach into the collective consciousness and as they do so, they join with other thoughts, shaping our planetary conditions in constructive directions, repairing at the fundamental level of creative thought form. Shift towards healing As you change the direction of your thoughts and thinking, you join in with the worldwide effort of many teachers of peace, and the mission of sentient beings, to shift the direction of the entire planet towards healing. This is a reason why meditation can create some shift. Because giving is receiving, every form of healing must come from my own willingness to extend thoughts of healing to others. What you give away always comes back to you. A daily practice, is to extend thoughts of peace and well-being to everyone you meet today. You may extend peace to others at an individual level and in doing, also do so at a collective level, through your actions, words, and thoughts. What begins as one thought of peace, one peaceful response from you, one wish for happiness, one call for unity, will grow with love and the amplified thought of meditation, into a mighty force for global shift. From Everyday Meditation © 2012, by Tobin Blake, published by New World Library.
Next issue – October – UK mailings will arrive from 26 September
Claire Nahmad
t seems that something mysterious might be heading our way on its journey through the solar system. There is talk of government cover-ups, of a crackdown regarding what information NASA may and may not release regarding its advent. And the Internet is rife with clamour about what is approaching, making dire predictions surrounding its arrival. I would like to offer a very different perspective, given to me when I was researching and intuiting The Coming of the save Holy Grail. 33% The celestial body approaching us is commonly supposed to be the planet Nibiru. The idea of the existence of Nibiru arose when scholars began to translate the wealth of cuneiform texts and cylinder seals unEarthed just over a century ago from the desert sands of Iraq under which ancient Mesopotamia lies buried. They found textual and pictorial references to a giant of our solar system, unheard of by modern astronomers, which ranks as its twelfth and outermost planet. The references confirmed that, unlike the other members of our solar system, this sibling goes riding far off into outer space, pursuing mysterious and heroic paths of its own, before returning for a flying visit and crossing Earth’s orbital path once every 3,600 years. The Sumerians called this planet Nibiru. The scholar and writer Zechariah Sitchin named it ‘planet X’. It has indeed been part of my guidance in writing The Coming of the Holy Grail that Nibiru exists and is due to cross Earth’s orbit in the early months of 2013. Before then, perhaps just after mid autumn, we shall begin to note him as clearly visible in the night skies.
A baptism of creative love The revelations concerning Nibiru’s return came to me as a wellspring of sublime wonders. I was shown that Nibiru always brings to Mother Earth a baptism of creative love, for he is her lover from beyond the stars. He is certainly a planet, but yet what we might imagine as a ‘starry’ planet, emitting a pulse of pure light that cannot be observed but which irradiates and quickens the Earth and
The Planet of Dreams
fires up her subtle systems. Nibiru is a giant in that he is considerably bigger than the Earth, but – according to my guidance – he is not a gas giant, like Jupiter. His composition is much like that of the Earth and has landscapes and oceans similar to our own. His cargo of humanity, the Nibiruans, are reptilian and amphibious, yet
THE COMING OF THE HOLY GRAIL Claire Nahmad & Michael Revill What is the Holy Grail? Who created it? Who stole it? Who rescued it? Who hid it away for safekeeping? How will humanity recover it? And what will the consequences be? If these questions are close to your heart, you need to read The Coming of the Holy Grail, which shows how the whole of history has been secretly influenced by numerous attempts to keep humanity in the dark about the truth surrounding this most precious of all divine gifts. Why? To obstruct, delay and if at all possible to utterly divert humanity in its God-given quest to establish a full and perfect connection with the divine on Earth. However, the time has irrevocably arrived for the clouds of illusion surrounding the Grail to be dispelled once and for all, bringing to an end the ethos of control, slavery and cruel self-seeking that holds sway today, and heralding a new world order that cherishes all life, enabling every human being to assume the full mantle of her or his soul. 360pp, 156 x 234 mm, softback, 2012, RRP £14.99
Code: 220803, Cygnus Price: 1 copy £9.99 2+ copies £9.49 each tall of stature, beautiful and very human, for the human form with its pentagonal design always shines through the animal body whose soul forces we are exploring, be it ape or serpent. The Nibiruans are an evolved human race, and have underwater cities created with advanced and exquisite technologies that
embrace and flow with nature. They are truly our brethren, and their attitude towards us is one of love and nurture, for they know us although we have forgotten them.
Disaster thwarted Because Nibiru’s return is set to gift the Earth with a special preparatory enlightenment before the Grail is revealed to us, plans were laid by a certain ill-willed syndicate of advanced humanity and their ordinary human agents on Earth (for the ‘advanced’ group lives a little beyond the physical dimensions of the planet) to reverse the huge impetus for joy and liberation that Nibiru’s return will provide. They thought they could manipulate human consciousness into negativity to the point where the devastation they hoped for would take place due to the resultant inharmonious jarring of the physical and subtle forces that interplayed between the Earth and her lover as he crossed her orbit. There is no doubt whatsoever that their plans lie in ruins. Human consciousness has not downgraded itself but has come on in leaps and bounds! Nibiru will not cause devastation but just some peculiar weather, for these are Nibiruan storms that have washed over us throughout the summer. They come to calm and cleanse the atmosphere, because it is here, in the magical isle of Britain, that the world will receive the Grail. Nibiru rides through the skies for the culmination of his and Mother Earth’s joy. He comes with angel’s wings, for his atmosphere creates them around him, beautifully visible. There will be a glorious lovers’ meeting and reunion, not a tragic lovers’ quarrel. Their exalted song of love will last for seven years, during which Earth’s chakras, so polluted by human ignorance, will be cleansed and blessed. Then Nibiru will be gone again on another outward mission. But not without leaving the Earth a vital token of his love – a planetary ring of protection, softly effulgent, which will brighten our days and bless our nights. Nibiru is the planet of dreams. Our highest aspirations, our most magical dreams, as a planetary community and as mystical human souls, will be realised through his embrace. Let us welcome him with joy. © 2012 by Claire Nahmad.
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Chat Page
Star Poem: HOPE The smell of earth by warm mountains As moist as an early morning dew, A serene view for strong memories,
Into shadows of moments past, those sorrowful eyes drinking the pain of times gone by,
Open wounds and aching hearts, The smoothness of long grass Swaying in the dance of life, Sinking deep on this path, Like a sparrow-hawk, sweeping through
Like angels singing in unison, A beautiful vision for a future of peace Is on the horizon, To awaken the sleepy and the blind To the simplicity of life.
eternity Regina Hill
We stared in awe as a swarm of butterflies swam by We held eachother right as the sun slid from the sky
Risen Do not dally At the foot The precipice is sheer But traverse you must: For time is near When the wave will rise, The banner fall And the baton for truth Be clear and strong. Be not afraid For, though you know it not, The wave will lift The many not the few Into the clear empty skies, Lark ascending The mortal condition. Look to the eastern sky For the bounteous harvest Is yet to come. Rise and be free!
On Merlin’s Hill Daisy mixed with buttercup Keep this chain it will bring you luck Even when it is aged and dry, Keep it safe, I will tell you why On Merlin’s Hill we kissed the skys And I saw love within your eyes That was when you became ‘My lady of the daisy chain’ Then we painted smiley facees on tops of your feet We laughed till we cried Made love And forgot to eat
One track released tears from nowhere, and then another track produced a joyful ‘belly laugh’ again completely out of the blue. This C.D is truly magical and continues to be, I use it as background to my yoga practice and find that I am more focused as a result. I know that mine is just one opinion, but this hauntingly beautiful music produced such a feeling that you want to share it with everyone, and if you do decide to treat yourself to this C.D, I sincerely hope that your experience is just as magical. Sandra Marrison The Golden Dawn
And so we kept each other warm as the night had begun Walking home slowly Towards golden embers of the sun John Mills
Jenny Brown
Write about whatever inspires you. If you have an insight, experience or poem, please write it down in not more than 250 words (or, if it is a poem, in not more than 24 lines) and send it by post or email. If you send it by email, to, please include ‘Chat Page’ in the subject line, dropping your text into the body of the email.
14/06/1951 - 17/02/2011 Dear Friends, A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to be given a music C.D called Sound Medicine by Anima [Code: D220712, see p.8 for further details] and when I saw it appear in Cygnus review issue 7 I felt that I just had to tell you all about this ‘magical’ album. That is, if I can! You see the effect of this beautiful music is difficult to explain, it has to be experienced. Thinking that this was a welcome addition to my growing collection of relaxation music, I put on my headphones and settled down to listen. WOW!!
Our sky swallows the dark We can dance again You cannot stand in the way Of the new age coming The world is rising Understanding Touching the stars with one hand Some feel they’re falling, Instinctively plunging their roots back into the land So come to us with your mighty force Knock us with your rage Stir with trying God’s children are not dying We see the heavens again Time is eternal Knowledge has no bounds It is coming to mind again If you don’t like the colour shining Stand back, avert your eyes The people will rise You cannot chain the skies From the ever lasting rays Of the sun of a Golden Dawn Rosa May Nash
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Cleansing for change – Detox retreats Britain’s longest established detoxification clinic and award winner for services to the health industry, offers continuous six day residential programmes for cleansing the colon, liver and lymphatic system.
And Spiritual Counsellor
The Colin C. Tipping School of Coaching & Healing
shiatsu, reflexology, quality probiotics, fresh organic juices, re-hydration with purified energised water, trampoline, inversion table, saunas, yoga, lymph drainage, consultations.
Colin Tipping, 16th-21st October, 2012 + Online Study tel: 01458 831182
Program. No prior qualifications required. Affordable.
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