Christmas 2011 – free of charge
Cygnus Review heal your body, feed your soul, free your mind, love your planet
Welcome to the second of our two Christmas gift issues Dear Friends, if Stephanie had the tools and strategies to As we move develop her rapture. I remembered a friend towards the once exclaiming to me about a young man Winter Solstice who had just woken up to spirituality and the turning and who was simultaneously ecstatic and of the calendar, confused: ‘He has no tools! No spiritual I have a prize tools at all!’ for the weirdest In the same week as the Woman’s Hour thing I’ve heard interview I also found myself asking all year. It goes whether the Pope too possessed the necesto the actress and soap opera star, Stephsary spiritual tools. He came to mind anie Beacham. In an interview on BBC because at the interfaith peace event in Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour she said that Assisi, the home of St Francis, attended being in Celebrity Big Brother – the reality by him and 300 representatives of other television programme in which a group major faiths, these spiritual leaders could of B-list celebrities are locked up together not bring themselves to worship together and relentlessly scrutinised by television save 45%! cameras – was just like being THE POWER OF MODERN on a Buddhist Retreat or in an SPIRITUALITY educational programme at the William Bloom Findhorn spiritual community. In The Power of Modern The only difference was that in Spirituality, William Bloom Big Brother she was being paid, explores the heart of all spiritual instead of having to pay. ‘It was traditions and explains how great fun,’ she said. everyone – regardless of back- This bizarre statement had me ground, beliefs or personality wryly smiling for several days type – can develop their core and admiring her for being able strategies and put them into practice. He considers the key to startle me. Perhaps we should areas of connection, reflection look forward now to a season of and service, showing us how to nurture these Big Brother in which the house conaspects of ourselves, so that we gain greater tains only bishops, rabbis, imams, gurus, meaning and purpose in our lives. Writing in shamans and Reiki masters. Would that his lively and inspiring style, William will help be heaven or hell? Drop that seed thought you to develop a greater sense of personal into your visualisations. integrity, service, inner strength, a stronger In that same interview, Stephanie connection with people, an increased sense Beacham also described one of the most of personal joy and of being in the driving significant moments of her life when, in seat of your life. her late teens, she had a full-blown, classi274pp, 152mm x 234mm, softback, 2011, RRP £13.99 cal spiritual experience. Without expectCode: 210701 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £7.65, 2 or more copies £7.15 each ing it or doing anything to create it, she was suddenly transported into an altered state of consciousness in which she was in the same room. Instead they all retired able to see and feel that the whole world to their private spaces in order to pray was one single system in which everything for peace simultaneously and avoid poswas interconnected and pulsing with sibly offending or being offended by the energy. In one single ecstatic moment, she religious practices of the others. This experienced the full wonder, magic and dismayed me because at the first of these coherence of all life – and understood the Assisi gatherings initiated by Pope John spiritual dimension of life. Paul II in 1986, the religious leaders prayed and worshipped together. For this A dramatic awakening occasion the current Pope gave different I always love to hear about those epiphainstructions. He takes the view, like many nies when people are dramatically awakclerics and theologians, that it is unhealthy ened out of their usual daily consciousness for different forms of worship and belief into an awareness of the spiritual dimento be combined or ‘synchretised’ because it sion. But I also found myself wondering dilutes and weakens core faith. Cygnus Gift Subscription Your spiritual toolkit This is surely precisely where the practiThe perfect gift: a whole year of Cygnus cal ‘tools’ of spirituality can be so imporReview, with all the benefits of Cygnus tant, because these strategies work more Supporting membership. See p.11 deeply than just psychological belief and
faith. These same tools and techniques can be found at the heart of all spiritual approaches helping people to deepen and expand their spiritual experiences. Here are examples of just three of the better known. I am sure that you will not be surprised by any of them and if I could package and put them in the Christmas stocking of every spiritual seeker I would. The first strategy in the toolbox is the ability to ground, earth and centre – to calm down and sink comfortably into the temples of our bodies. What a gift! The second is the skill of compassionate detachment, the ability to step back from our immediate feelings and thoughts, and then guide and manage them. And our third Solstice gift is the strategy is of being able, carefully and consciously, to open and close our energy fields. Then, when we want, we can open up more fully to Spirit. Equally – sometimes I use the metaphor of a tulip closing its petals at night – we can also close down appropriately so as not be overwhelmed or over-stimulated. This is one of the great benefits of a magazine and community like Cygnus, isn’t it, that we can see beyond the differences of belief and faith, and that we also appreciate the practical wisdom available to guide our spiritual development. These are good things for us all to celebrate and enjoy. They show that in this time of economic and social challenge we also understand and appreciate the true jewels and gifts of life. On behalf of all the wonderful people and spirits involved in the community and family of Cygnus – readers, writers, publishers, editors, website managers et al – I wish you a wonderful Christmas, Solstice and New Year. Blessed Be! William
Christmas Posting Dates If you’d like to receive your order in time for Christmas, please make sure it reaches us by: UK: Tuesday 13th December** Western Europe: Thursday 8th December Rest of World: Thursday 1st December Please allow extra time if you need to post gifts on once you’ve received them. **If you place a UK order between 15th and 20th Dec, we can still get it to you in time for Christmas using our courier service, for which there will be an extra charge of £4.80.
Our cover photograph is by Peter Hunt, © 2011, Janet Baxter’s photos can be obtained from This magazine is printed with vegetable inks on paper from sustainable PEFC accredited sources by S&G Ltd, Merthyr Tydfil, 01685 388888.
LIVING IN CONSCIOUSNESS AM I BEING KIND Michael J Chase Would you like to discover a secret to creating unlimited joy, inner peace and the life you’ve always dreamed of? am I being kind is a simple transformational mantra that Michael Chase received in meditation, around which he has developed a unique programme for in- creasing happiness in your life. It will, he says, bring about a warming of your heart as you carry love and compassion into every decision save you make. Through stories, real-life examples 36%! and valuable tools that you can use every day, am I being kind will show you how a lifestyle of kindness can transform negative emotions and unwanted habits into vibrant energy and an inspired existence. Through Michael’s Seven Choices process you learn to take choices for personal success and kinder living, thus avoid- ing choices that may have brought disappointment and conflict. And, Michael promises: if you’re willing to quiet your mind and fully open your heart, your universe will never look the same. 304pp, 122mm x 178mm, softback, 2011, RRP £10.99 Code: 210901 Cygnus Price £6.99
Discover Your Hidden Memory will take you 36%! on a journey of exploration deep into your consciousness and show you how it has been shaped by your early experiences of becoming conscious, even before you were born. This is a quest to understand the powerful waves of influence, both positive and negative, that shape our lives, with particular emphasis on the unresolved, unconscious early memories we hide away because we have not yet made sense of them. Simple and effective exercises help you to identify exactly how your responses to life’s situations are connected to hidden memories of your childhood, your relationship with your parents and even past generations, history and culture. You’ll also learn what you can do about it, now, in order to live your daily life from your complete awareness, using everything that you already know. 240pp, 135mm x 215mm, softback, 2011, RRP £10.99 Code: 210902 Cygnus Price £6.99
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘am I being kind’ & ‘Discover Your Hidden Memory’ together for £12.98
CALL ME WHEN YOU GET TO HEAVEN Jacky Newcomb & Madeline Richardson Call Me When You Get to Heaven is a moving and compassionate memoir, in which angel and afterlife medium Jacky Newcomb and her sister Madeline celebrate father- daughter bonds, both in this life and beyond, telling their father’s life story and then sharing the communications they have received from him since he passed away in February 2008. He reaches out to them from the other side to save 43%! show his family – and us all – that there most certainly is life after death, and to offer reassurance and guidance from the world beyond that there is safety and happiness in the after- life. Jacky and Madeline describe how their father has visited family and friends in dreams and brings visions of the future. These visits made a massive difference to the way they grieved their father’s loss, and they hope his messages touch you in the same way. 256pp, 127mm x 197mm, softback, 2011, RRP £7.99 Code: 210903 Cygnus Price £4.55
Order line: 01558 825 500
Jack Canfield & William Gladstone Oh, what glorious beings they were! Flying through the universe on their magnificent golden motorcycles, the cosmic wind in their hair, going wherever they chose, travelling at light speed, sometimes even faster. Their bodies were ephemeral yet defined, and they enjoyed the ageless youth gifted to their species. Only a few thousand years old, they were considered adolescents, not yet the elders of their planet or their universe-elders who each had tens of thousands of years of experience in dealing with complex worlds and the moral difficulties that arose from engaging those worlds. An assignment for the universe The beings travelled through this beautiful, endless day, which was much like the many they’d enjoyed together on their annual solstice breaks. As the Class of 2012 at the Academy of Enlighten- ment, they were fast approaching the time when they would graduate and be given assignments to ensure the balance and stability of the universe for eons to come, much like their elders before them. Today, however, was a day to enjoy the carefree ex- hilaration of their youth and freedom. Dozens of them rode together, shar- ing their boundless joy through their thoughts, for they communicated only with thoughts. Their thoughts shaped words, which they immediately understood;; yet communication was instanta- neous, faster than words could ever be, and infinitely more clear. It was a perfect day and they were in high spirits. Suddenly Jack noticed a small bluish planet off to his right. It was about 50,000 miles below but clearly visible to him. ‘Hey, look over there. That planet seems to be in trouble. I can sense the energy coming from the surface-and it’s full of turmoil, sadness, anger, even rage. I’ve seen this planet before;; I have sensed its people and their growth and their struggles. Although there have always been some discordant sparks from this world, I’ve never felt such sorrow as I’m feeling today.’ Such was Jack’s instantaneous thought to his riding friends, or as they liked to call themselves, the Golden Motorcycle Gang.
A small blue planet On that magical motorcycle ride through the universe, Jack and his friends had easily picked up on the negative energy coming from planet Earth. The suffering radiating from the dazzling blue ball was unmistakable. The year on Earth was 1943, and great conflict was raging on much of the planet. The battles engulfed a great deal of its middle band, from one great ocean to the next. The planet was divided into groups called ‘nations,’ which were sometimes the result of geography but oftentimes the result of human choice. Many of the largest and most militarily well-armed
The Golden Motorcycle Gang
nations were focused on the fighting. Almost all the human beings on the planet at that time were thinking about this great conflict, whether their nation would exist if and when the battles ever ended, and if their loved ones would survive and return from the battlefields around the world. Jack looked around and realised that for perhaps the only time in his existence, he had no explanation for the energy being emitted by this planet. What was this ‘war,’ as the humans called it? What in a human’s life could happen that would convince him or her that it was right and good to end the lives of millions of other identically created life-forms?
EDITOR’S CHOICE THE GOLDEN MOTORCYCLE GANG Jack Canfield & William Gladstone Do you believe your life purpose is to make a positive difference in the world? Are you concerned that the earth is at a critical turning point? The Golden Motorcycle Gang recounts Jack Canfield’s amazing life story and his vision during meditation of being a member of a golden, soul-travelling motorcycle gang who saw the earth in peril and came here to assist during the crisis in bringing about a massive global transforma- tion. Part autobiography, spiritual adventure story and 2012 resource, this transformative guide helps you uncover your specific role and reach your highest potential in the evolu- tion of the universe and planetary shift. Are you a member of The Golden Motorcycle Gang? It’s time to find out! 256pp, 130mm x 180mm, softback, 2011, RRP £8.99 Code: 210904 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £5.99 2 or more copies £5.49 each
‘Book for Giving’ – multibuy offer Jack decided he needed to learn as much as he could, as quickly as he could, about this con- cept of ‘war.’ War was not a reality in the outer reaches of the universe where he lived, and although he lacked the understanding of the impulse to hate and kill, he knew he would not be able to help planet Earth unless he learned more about war and the decision to kill others. ‘Yes, what a tragedy,’ his close friend Michael thought back. ‘Such a beautiful blue planet, so full of life, creativity, and joy despite the clear tumours that seem to be infesting it now.’ ‘Tumours? I never thought of these ills as tumours, but that planet needs some help,’ Jack thought back to Michael. ‘I think we should do something. All our decades of training at the Academy of Enlightenment have prepared us for our roles as masters of harmony. I think we
should stop by this planet and see what we can do to help.’ Mark, another member of the Gang, looked at Jack in disbelief. ‘Jack, this is the first day of our solstice break. We have a great voyage ahead of us. We can go anywhere and everywhere, no responsibilities, no fixed agenda, just experienc- ing all that the universe has to offer and the solidarity of great friends. Do you know how long it might take to get that little blue globe back on track? It could take us several human lifetimes or more, and that would certainly put a damper on our fun.’ ‘That may be so, but look at them,’ Jack replied. ‘They’re slowly destroying themselves. They’re in real trouble. Think how great it would be to get that planet back into balance. I have tuned in to it, and it is a really special place-with many different species and lots of variety with respect to geography, climate, and creative ideas. It could be a really fun place. And, what’s most ironic is that it’s their wonderful diversity that is dividing them into opposing factions and threatening their continued existence. What makes them so special is also what’s causing them to face extinction.
An adventure ‘The people there call their planet ‘Earth.’ There has only been intelligent life on Earth for ten or twenty thousand years. That planet is not much older than we are. We should take a little time to see if we can prevent the catastrophic events that we can sense are ahead for them. I think it would be an adventure... ...and when we get back to the Academy, if we can get this Earth back to health, we would probably get all kinds of extra credit for it.’ Jack added this overly optimistic goal, knowing it would probably appeal to his fellow riders. ‘Well, since you put it that way, I can’t let you go alone,’ Mark shot back. ‘So if you’re bound and determined to go down there, I guess we’re all going to have to join you.’ ‘Absolutely,’ beamed Michael and Janet;; along with Steve, Bob, Martin, and Marcia. The rest of the Golden Motorcycle Gang silently voiced their approval. Mission accepted! In what seemed to them no more than the blink of an eye, each had taken form as new beings – ‘human beings,’ born on planet Earth. The Gang had failed to mention one critical element of their mission of intervention and redemption: once they were born into human bodies, they would forget that they were cosmic beings with unlimited lifetimes. In order to grow and develop as human beings on Earth, many years would pass before they would remember who they truly were and why they had chosen to be born into a body. And so our story of the Golden Motorcycle Gang and their adventures on planet Earth begins. From The Golden Motorcycle Gang, ©2011 by Jack Canfield and William Gladstone, published by Hay House.
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A message from Ann and Geoff Napier Dear Friends, In the autobiographical note at the end of her new book (see opposite), our friend Manda Clements steered clear of the usual list of achievements and career landmarks, and instead expressed the feeling that her main job in life has been to identify what she loves. We were deeply impressed by that thought, and by Manda’s courage in writing it. Because identifying what we love can be understood in two ways, can’t it? Is it the likes and preferences of the conditioned self we are talking about? Preferences which only exist to shore up the conditioned self ’s fragile defences against what it perceives as threats and sources of pain? Or are we talking about something much deeper – the aspiration towards the good, the beautiful and the true that wells up constantly from our original, divine self, drawing our highest good towards us like a magnet? Knowing Manda as we do, we know she was talking about the deeper question: what does my pure, unconditioned self love, want and need? What will allow it to flower in me? And how can I facilitate that two-way flow between it and the magical web of creation? How would you answer these questions? How could you give more space in your life for these deeper wants and loves? Don’t you think these are wonderful questions to ask yourself every so often, rather like a ship’s captain checking the compass to be sure the ship is still on course? In my own case, since I’ve had cancer, these questions have become even more important to me than they were before. When your life is thrown into turmoil, whether by illness or some other unexpected circumstance, you are
forced to question all your previous assumptions about who you are, what you want and where you are going. This questioning is a healthy thing, a blessing indeed, if it opens you up to a closer connection with your unconditioned self. But maybe the biggest question of all is: how do you tell the difference between the evanescent desires of your conditioned self, and the will of your divine self? Well, answers to that would fill a book, not a paragraph, and like you, we are still learning! But here’s a starting point we find helpful: The conditioned self is a linear thing, under the illusion of past, present and future. Deluded by a false sense of incompleteness, there are all kinds of things that can cause it pain and confusion, all kinds of things that, while they may bring transient enjoyment, will not bring lasting joy. The divine self, on the other hand, is simply here and now. It does not have to strive for love or joy or peace because it is all those things, and more. And it is not far from you, as many people believe, but your most intimate, most lasting possession. If you just breathe gently and hold that awareness for a moment – even if you think you are ‘pretending’! – you’ll notice how all your senses relax and open up in a new way. Suddenly, you are receiving life on all channels, inhaling life without resistance, no longer on the outside of the wheel, getting bumped over all the stones, but at its still centre. And from that vantage point, it is oh, so much easier to feel and see what is needed, and ‘go with the flow’. That inner certainty, of being supported and guided by the river of Life itself, is our wish for you, for 2012 and always. With all our love, Ann, Geoff and the Cygnus Team
THE CHYMICAL WEDDING OF CHRISTIAN ROSENKREUTZ ANNO 1459 Johann Valentin Andreae & David Newbatt Originally published anonymously in 1616, The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz is said to record a dream experienced by Johann Valentin Andreae when he was a teenager. Having studied this book for many years, we believe it to contain a complete set of guidelines as to how the soul and divine spirit, or consciousness and higher self, may be united, and what the consequences of that are likely to be in our bodies and lives. Read superficially, it is a very complex and sometimes bizarre story, but if you enter into it in meditation as you would a shamanic journey, it gradually reveals its treasures to you, like a series of signposts on your road. This glorious collector’s edition provides the full text in modern English, alongside sensitively executed and highly evocative colour illustrations by David Newbatt, which throw a great deal of light on the meaning of the story. If you have a serious interest in alchemy, Rosicrucianism or the spiritual path in general, you will be glad to own a copy of this book. 408pp, 240mm x 336mm, illus. in colour, hardback, 2011, RRP £60.00 Code: 210906 Cygnus Price £45.00
Becoming Fully Human THERE WAS ONCE A WOMAN Manda Clements The stories and beautiful full-colour images in this book take you on a shamanic jour- ney through your own inner landscape, where you meet the guides and helpers who are there to re-unite you with your own joyous innocence and overlight your path to divine union. The stories tell of the big adventure: of the wandering fool, who’s being welcomed home into the outstretched arms of her own divinity. They are an invitation to you to journey into your own truth. Not telling you what to do or how to think, they call you out to play in the forgotten garden of your magical self, and remind you to ‘let life tickle you at every opportunity’. Each story has an introduc- tion explaining what inspired it and how it can inspire you, and Manda also provides many suggestions to help you with your own inner journeys. 157pp, 164mm x 240mm, softback, illus. in colour, 2011, RRP £16.99 Code: 210905 Cygnus Price £12.99
THE SONG OF LIFE: CYGNUS REVIEW CALENDAR 2012 Ann Napier & Janet Baxter The texts and photographic images in The Song of Life have been created to give you a daily reminder of the healing messages of Nature, so that you can feel more deeply connected with Life, your higher self, and the divine throughout 2012, and know that – whatever happens – you are safe and in exactly the place where you are meant to be. Daily reflection on these texts will – we hope – help your soul to flower and to turn her face towards the sun of your own divine Spirit. In this way, we can become fully human on this Earth, as Nature has always intended for us. 32pp, 210mm x 148mm, illus. in colour, 2011 Code: 210817 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £4.99, 2+ copies £4.49 each
Robert Forman My life has been punctu- ated with meditation retreats. Maharishi used to describe meditative growth as like dipping a cloth into the dye, then exposing it to the sun, thus slowly making the colour fast. I’m not sure if the dyeing happens between my retreats or during, but some of the colour does seem to have gotten a little faster over the years. In 1997, I took a retreat in the deciduously for- ested Lynwood Retreat Center in upstate New York. After two days of catching up on sleep, always needed, I began to feel this strangely insistent sensation that I was as if a pyramid or mountain;; my crossed legs were its base and my head its summit. I don’t usually get images in meditation, certainly not in one meditation after another like that. But this odd sensation was grow- ing more insistent day by day. It was like being the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill. After several days I began to feel an intense energy focusing in my forehead, as if a dozen spotlights were aiming from within at my ‘third eye.’ And after a few more days, these sensations suddenly disappeared. My attention now shifted higher up, to just above my head. I could feel something like a yellow or gold Mohawk up there, more like a sensation of light or energy than of hair. This lasted for several days. I went over what little I knew about the sixth and seventh chakras, which according to Hinduism are respectively in the forehead and atop the head. What I had been feeling was similar, but in neither case were these ‘sensations’ what I might have expected. But what really got me was the drive home. I took the scenic route down the Taconic Valley. I’d been driving perhaps half an hour when once again something seemed weird in how I was seeing. I’d gotten used to these drives by then, so I pulled the car over to get a fix on it, leaving the radio on and the engine rumbling idly. In front of me was a small, nearly square reflective green sign, bolted neatly atop its three foot pole with 45/7 printed on it in reflective Helvetica. A mile marker, I figured, 45.7 miles from wherever the Taconic begins. As I looked at it, something seemed odd. Whatever this strange sense was, it wasn’t in my peripheral vision, I thought... No, this has something to do with how I am looking... something is weird about how I am seeing this mile marker... And suddenly I knew. For the first time in my life, I was what I was seeing. I was that mile marker. Every ‘it’ I’d ever looked at had always been ‘over there.’ I had been ‘over here.’ Whatever I
Enlightenment in the World saw, tasted or touched always had been, as the existentialist philosophers describe it, ‘over- against’ me. Always that existential split – I/you, me/it – and a felt wall in between. Every single thing I had ever encountered had been ‘other. ‘
No boundaries But not that unassuming little mile marker. There was no boundary between me and it, no ‘over against,’ no ‘other.’ Or to describe it from the other side, I was not pulling away inside, even a smidgeon, from it. Nor, as I looked around, was I pulling away from the forest... or from the stream below the road... or from the bluegrass on the radio. Nothing was other. I couldn’t sense any separation anywhere.
BOOK CIRCLE CHOICE ENLIGHTENMENT AIN’T WHAT IT’S CRACKED UP TO BE Robert Forman What if you’re aiming for spiritual enlightenment, but are looking in the wrong place or working to frustrat- ingly unshakeable goals? In case that’s happening to you, Robert For- man offers new direction for anyone seeking a sound and beneficial spir- itual pathway. By exploring his own long-term experiences of spiritual enlightenment, Dr Forman shows that it is indeed possible to create harmony between real life and spirit. He describes the necessity of ‘embracing the human messiness’ that is often ignored by spiritual traditions. Enlight- enment invites you to be honest about your spiritual goals and to consider a radically different and more productive approach. Through metaphor, humour, sincerity and vul- nerability, in beautifully descriptive and poetic style, this unique work offers newfound hope to spiritual seekers everywhere. 233pp, 140mm x 216mm, softback, 2011, RRP £9.99 Code: 210907 Cygnus Prices 1 copy £6.99 2 or more copies £6.49 each
‘Book for Giving’ – multibuy offer I noticed a small bird – a Yellow Shafted Flicker – clinging to an oak tree behind the little sign. I watched him beat-beat-glide his way down to the ground and start pecking. I wasn’t resisting him in the way I always had. Even though he was a different being, I wasn’t afraid of him even subtly, as I would have been. Noth- ing inside was pulling away. Though I could still judge feet and inches – he was about 20 feet away – there was no felt distance from him. It was as if my skin had become porous. I flashed back to that experience of the cloud in the Colorado valleys. In comparison, this being with the Flicker and the mile marker seemed... well... ordinary. No great expanse, no exciting interpenetration. No photogenic cloud. This seemed rather plain, actually, down to earth. I
just wasn’t pulling back. I was just being with. Perhaps this very ordinariness is part of why this new relationship, or non-relationship, has remained with me ever since. Never again have I experienced that old feeling of distance or that sense of ‘otherness’ towards things. If anything, the non-resistance to the external world has only become more obvious. Now don’t get me wrong. I didn’t used to be any more antagonistic to the world or other people than the next fellow. We probably all pull back just the teeniest bit from the world-with the slightest hint of defence or protection. I believe that how I used to be in the world is pretty standard. It’s quite necessary. We need to build bounda- ries, God knows. Even as tiny babies we have to construct our sense of a separate self. We need to know where we stop and our mum or the crib begins. Without learning these simple lessons we could never build a sense of an I, never learn that we are separate from our parents or other kids, never know ourselves to be autonomous. And God forbid that we should not create boundaries with a smothering mother or some abusive boyfriend! No, it’s very important to have edges. You probably know by now where you end and the world begins. I created my borders, I could see as I compared it with this new sense, with a subtle kind of internal pushing away. It’s like inside I held up my hand, just a little, with a felt-sense of ‘stop right there, buster!’ I never realised that I was doing it, of course. I can’t imagine how I could have. But I was resisting ever so slightly inside. And towards absolutely everything. I was, ‘Come thou no closer.’ I had been holding every bird, every glass of water and every waving branch with the same kind of psychic distancing as I did the most intrusive parent or dangerous thug. But over against that bird, over against that mile marker, there was no upraised hand, not even a finger. We probably don’t need to work so hard all the time to maintain our boundaries like we do. That Flicker was awfully small;; it really wasn’t much of a danger to me. And mile markers truly are harmless. Really, we don’t need to protect ourselves against every bird, every mile marker and every piece of music, do we? Since that day, resisting far less, it’s become a little easier just to be. At some deep existential level I’m no longer holding things at bay. Birds, cranberry bread, everyone I meet, even the wind-the world just has fewer boundaries now. Perhaps this is why just now I can feel the breeze in my chest so clearly and the snowy maple branches across the back of my shoul- ders. For I am in the trees outside the window in a way I couldn’t have imagined, and the woods have found their way into my little hermitage. From Enlightenment Ain’t What It’s Cracked Up to Be, ©2011 by Robert Forman, published by O Books.
Next issue – UK mailings will arrive from 28th Dec to 4th Jan
THE ART OF MINDFULNESS THE ART OF MINDFUL GARDENING Ark Redwood Have you ever marvelled at the wonders of the compost heap, or at the new shoots sprouting forth in the Spring? In The Art of Mindful Gardening, Ark Redwood, head gardener at Chalice Wells, one of Britain’s most sacred gardens, guides us through the changing seasons, drawing on years of gardening experience and Zen Buddhist practice, to act as a guide to the secret places of the garden that can be discov- ered through mindful practice and spiritual contemplation. He shows how meditation and mindfulness can bring an extra layer of consciousness and appreciation of the alchemical and magical happenings of the garden and the natural world. Enjoy stories of Ark’s own gardening life and follow gentle exercises in breathing, observation and meditation to bring you in harmony with the plants while you work and to discover the garden of delights before you. This is the perfect gardener’s gift and a real gem for the potting shed library. 144pp, 144mm x 200mm, hardback, 2011, RRP £7.99 Code: 210908 Cygnus Price £6.99
THE ART OF MINDFUL WALKING Adam Ford What broader benefits can walking bring? How can we take it beyond a simple physical activity, to tap into our walking time as a space for deep- er observation and spiritual contemplation? In The Art of Mindful Walking, Buddhist teacher Adam Ford explores walking as an exercise of body and mind, both serious and light-hearted. He tells of all sorts of walks, including his own – from the everyday stroll, to his personal odyssey in the Australian outback – and describes how they are enriched by practising mindfulness along the way. This lovely book shows that walking can simply be a light, refreshing experience when we enjoy that ‘wonderful to be alive’ feeling, and that it can also create an opportunity to delve deep into our inner lives. Whether you’re taking to the hills on a major hike, having a gentle wander in the park, or tramping through the rain to the bus stop, turning it into a mindful walk is sure to enhance your journey. 144pp, 130mm x 200mm, hardback, 2011, RRP £7.99 Code: 210909 Cygnus Price £6.99
THE LONG ROAD TURNS TO JOY Thich Nhat Hanh The perfect pocket companion on any walk, The Long Road Turns to Joy offers both in- struction and inspiration in one of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s most accessible medita- tion practices: that of walking meditation. He encourages us to transform our awareness, to walk for the joy of walking, finding enjoyment in each step, each breath and each sight, sound and fragrance along our route. When, as we walk, we practice mindfulness and conscious breathing, this keeps our steps calm and peaceful, giving a deep sense of ease and bringing a spirit of prayer into our everyday life. These simple words of guidance and contemplation, mingled with poems and walking medita- tion exercises are sure to become a well-loved favourite. 88pp, 115mm x 164mm, softback, illus. in b&w, 2011, RRP £8.99 Code: 210910 Cygnus Price £6.99
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Art of Mindful Gardening’, ‘The Art of Mindful Walking’ & ‘The Long Road Turns to Joy’ together for £19.48
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TIBETAN BUDDHIST MEDITATION DECK Gill Farrer-Hills The Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Deck is a selection of quotations and teachings drawn from the poets and teachers of Tibetan Buddhism and the early Buddhist tradition. The box converts into a display easel for your chosen meditation. Either select a card from the deck at random, or choose from one of the four specific themes – insights and ritual, meditation, tantra and compassionate wisdom – then relax, read the words with concentration, either silently or aloud, and let the full meaning permeate your mind, allowing the meditation to enter your spirit. This beautifully presented deck will provide the perfect focus as part of daily or occasional practice, shar- ing words of timeless deep wisdom and truth. Boxed set, 52 colour cards + leaflet, 2011, RRP £12.99 Code: 210911 Cygnus Price £7.25
THE TEMPLAR SPIRIT: The Esoteric Inspiration, Rituals and Beliefs of the Knights Templar - Margaret Jonas What spiritual or esoteric practices took place within the mysterious Knights Templar? Which historical figures might have lent their wisdom and guidance to the founding of the Order? In The Templar Spirit Margaret Jonas considers some of the many theories surrounding their secrets and examines the esoteric practices and beliefs of the Order, including influences from other religious traditions. Having taken vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, the members of the Templar Order were required to live the life of other monastic orders. However, their remarkable rise to a successful elite community, followed by a spectacular fall, suggests that they were involved in some- thing more significant than straightforward medieval religious practices. Could it have been connected to a science of initiation – the knowledge, experience and understanding of spiritual dimensions that can enlighten the pupil – then and now – on an esoteric path? 104pp, 138mm x 216mm, softback, 2011, RRP £9.99 Code: 210912 Cygnus Price £6.99
THE DREAMSELLER Augusto Cury In the vein of The Alchemist and The Celestine Prophecy, Augusto Cury’s novel is an inspira- tional fable about a mysterious man who calls himself The Dreamseller. Wherever he goes, he enchants people and inspires them to search for the most important thing: the heart of the hu- man soul. Every person he meets is someone who has abandoned their dreams and is going through a difficult time. Through his questioning, he helps them to overcome their turmoil by get- ting to the root of their unhappiness. Who is the Dreamseller? All is revealed in a moving fable that may make you laugh and cry, but above all, says Augusto Cury, it will make you reflect on the purpose of your life, value others and become empowered to believe in your dreams. 246pp, 135mm x 215mm, softback, 2008, RRP £9.99 Code: 210322 Cygnus Price £5.99
Jehanne Mehta The saying ‘as above, so below’ has always fascinated me, likewise that we are a ‘microcosm of the macrocosm’. Both tell of the intimate connection between earth and cosmos, human and cosmos. So what of stars? Are they simply, only, the bright points of light we see in the night sky, which astronomy identifies as nuclear furnaces, similar to our sun, situated vast distances away from our earth and our solar system? In some ancient paintings stars are depicted as deva or angel like beings. Once long ago human beings could experience them that way. Once long ago the life of plants, soil and crystals was experienced as the work of beings, earth beings who,
Finding the Star-Fire Inside inspired by cosmic impulses from the planets and the stars, pushed the trees up out of the earth, back towards the source; beings of light and warmth who shaped the flowers, ripened the grain. Perhaps this awareness was forgotten so that we could grow up as individuals, experience our independence from Mother Nature. At midwinter, in outer cold and frost, we turn inwards to find the star-fire inside. If we are truly a ‘microcosm of the macrocosm’, then the light we generate in our hearts at midwinter could rekindle our connection to the stars ‘out there’ and to the nature spirits, who, in fundamental synchrony with the rhythms of the stars and planets, keep our seasons turning and the plant world thriving. We are so much more powerful than the current materialistic paradigm allows. We can make a difference.
Reverse Bare feet on wet brown leaves... What speaks aloud through naked sole, upsurgent into the heart? Do we value enough the cowslip leaf, nestled for winter under yellow grass and the magnificent crown of thistles? The sky holds only a memory of stars; beautiful paths of silence dancing, waiting for new paths to flesh them. That is the heartbreak of our star hearts: as if our homes had been plucked out and heaven become an empty socket; we being exiled here in the world wind, a tax on all our heads and no room, no room in the tight brown sheath. As we sit huddled over our hurts by night... HERE, under wet hartstongue and thistle spike, suddenly... NOW... the poles are reversing and behold the last iron band cracking... under the wide blind sky the earth splitting and our hearts balanced over the abyss, trembling... for, swelling upwards to the steep blood beat, announcing a higher birth at every centre that will hold it, a light robed multitude of inner stars moves out, angels of the deep, ascending.
On Minchinhampton Common I am walking, walking barefoot on the common, on this warm green ground, ground that belongs only to itself, to the four wise winds, to the treasures it conceals under its ancient crinkled gown, cow trodden, unfurling it all along the changing seasons of the sun, in subtlest colours of gold, violet purple and deep blue, finely stitched and embroidered with bramble, briar and hawthorn and spangled with the dew. This is common ground, never ploughed, never dug, since long forgotten folk built round houses, buried their dead, threw up bulwarks against marauders and watched the stars, glimpsed through forest boughs ages since unseen, dipping and wheeling in their round dance
horizon to horizon. Here I walk on Albion’s ground, her secret spirit still awake, in spite of the fog that fetters feeling and tangles thinking into knots we do not even notice, her secret spirit still awake, still calling through our feet; and do we hear, do we hear the quiet insistent voice of the ground, the common ground that belongs only to itself? Dusk Robed for midwinter celebrations, the dusk bends over the town, the crescent of the moon dangling gold bright in her ear. Shedding her soft and ink dark shawl into the west, she reveals her priceless star gems, one by one, spilling out from thick folds of cobalt and indigo. Below, the earth wears her trees like tiaras, glinting in the frost fall and we tread our crowding winter way through sloping streets searching in overlit windows for festive bling. But secretly we are star seekers looking for the simple honest radiance shining in the faces of friends because we sense some other light gleaming out behind, beneath, and one still planet stands, huge and high, spreading a slow expectant silence, into the listening December dark. Jehanne Mehta, ©2011
This beautiful collection of gentle and simple Folk Rock and Soul songs is perfect for keeping you company as you wind down and release the stresses of the day. Ac- companied only by a hint of soft rolling keyboards, Jaki Whitren’s dusky, velveteen vocals take you expressively into the images and scenes of beauti- fully descriptive and poetic lyrics – a “Besides being combination of original composition and ‘one of the greatest Van Morrison covers. Hypnotic and female soul healing, Jaki creates a warm, serene and vocalists’ of all soulful journey, as words of gratitude, time, Jaki Whitren wisdom and love weave through themes is also a deeply of nature, spiritual history, relationships, spiritual person, life and death. To listen to Isis Unveiled and this is reflected is to enter an inner sanctum of spiritual in the lyrics of her and soulful greatness. 11 tracks, total run time 1hr, 2007, RRP £12.99 own compositions.” Code: D210913 Cygnus Price £10.00 Ann Napier
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HEALTH & HEALING save 40%!
Now, as cancer becomes an ever more universal experience, the need to understand it, and its treatment, has never been more compelling. In this groundbreaking account of the history of cancer, written with a storyteller’s flair, Siddhartha Mukherjee reveals how far we have come in solving one of science’s great mysteries and offers a fascinating glimpse of our future progress. He tells a riveting tale of chance discoveries, seized opportunities and human endurance, all of it aiming to allow us to enter the mind of this immortal illness, to understand its personality, to demystify its behaviour. The author’s ultimate aim is to raise the question: Is cancer’s end con- ceivable in the future? Is it possible to eradicate this disease from our bodies and societies forever? You might not agree with every word, but you will finish this book informed, inspired, and armed with thousands of check-able references. Mukherjee’s book allows us to look our enemy straight in the eye and say ‘I know you’. 610pp, 127mm x 197mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2011, RRP £9.99 Code: 210914 Cygnus Price £5.99
NOT THE LAST GOODBYE David Servan-Schreiber Not the Last Goodbye is at first Dr David Servan- Schreiber’s personal account of his turning from doctor to patient and of how, after overcoming his cancer against the odds, he started a twenty-year crusade to inform people about the disease and inspire them to take responsibility for their health (read Anticancer: A New Way of Life, 181017). His story turns as he is told that the cancer has returned, and that he only has a short time left. His relapse brought with it some serious questions: firstly, are his Anticancer methods still valid and why was he vulnerable to relapse? Yes, he says, they are (he explains why), and he admits straying from his own anticancer lifestyle advice. His ultimate question: how will he face the end? And so unfolds an extremely heartwarming, interesting and moving story about life’s transition towards death;; but most of all about precious moments, living and love. 144pp, 130mm x 197mm, hardback, 2011, RRP £12.99 Code: 210915 Cygnus Price £8.99
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Emperor of All Maladies’ & ‘Not the Last Goodbye’ together for £17.98 save 45%!
SAY NO TO DIABETES Patrick Holford
Do you have diabetes or are you worried about developing it? Contrary to popular belief, in the vast majority of cases, diabetes is not only preventable, but also reversible – making a lifetime of medication and side- effects unnecessary. In Say No to Diabetes, nutrition expert Patrick Holford presents a complete prevention and reversal action plan for sufferers of type-1 and type-2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Comprehensive and accessible, Say No to Diabetes provides an anti-diabetes diet, recipes, a daily supplement programme and advice on how to undo the damage caused by diabetes and diabetes drugs. Based on the latest scientific findings, combined with easy-to-follow advice and motivating case histo- ries, this practical programme will help you to understand and regulate out-of-control blood sugar levels safely and effectively. 357pp, 152mm x 234mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2011, RRP £13.99 Code: 210702 Cygnus Price £7.65
Order line: 01558 825 500
LEARNING NEW TECHNIQUES DREAMS OF THE REIKI SHAMAN Jim Pathfinder Ewing Based on more than a decade of Jim Pathfinder Ewing’s workshops, Dreams of the Reiki Shaman expands and refines the combination of the hands-on healing modality of Reiki with shamanic journeying – Reiki Shamanism – to help you to discover a whole new realm of symbols and visualisations in energy healing. His hope is that practitioners of energy medicine techniques will open new doorways to personal growth and develop- ment, and that those who already practise Reiki or shamanism will improve their abilities and enhance their energy healing tool kit. First you will learn about the shamanic perspective, expanded consciousness and non-ordinary reality. Then you’ll read of actual shamanic healing journeys, learning new techniques and developing your abilities, with plenty of observations, lessons and practical advice along the way. 144pp, 128mm x 198mm, softback, 2011, RRP £8.99 Code: 210916 Cygnus Price £6.25
One of the greatest mysteries of the human 44%! experience is the sensation of leaving the body behind and encountering another level of reality. Anthony Peake suggests that several such ex- periences – Lucid Dreaming, Out-of-Body Expe- riences, Remote Viewing and Astral Travel – are all elements of the same phenomenon, which may give us an insight into a universe that is far more complex than we have ever considered. He looks at the history of this fascinating subject and then, using recent discoveries in neurology, consciousness studies and quantum physics – including an investigation of the specific scientific processes by which consciousness can seem- ingly locate itself outside the physical body – and suggests a challeng- ing new model of how our perception may interface with ‘reality’. 256pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2011, RRP £10.99 Code: 210917 Cygnus Price £6.59
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Dreams of the Reiki Shaman’ & ‘The Out-of-Body Experience’ together for £11.84
TEACH YOURSELF HYPNOTHERAPY, FOR A BETTER LIFE Tig Calvert Are you intrigued by the idea of hypnotherapy and how it can help people overcome all sorts of deep-rooted issues quickly and effectively? Would you like to learn how self-hypnosis can help you become a happier, more fulfilled per- son? Do you want help to overcome anxiety, weight and sleep problems? Tig Calvert, who has worked closely with Paul McKenna, gives you all you need to gain a thorough under- standing of hypnosis and, more importantly, to use practical and safe self-hypnosis techniques to overcome prob- lems and habits, and improve all aspects of your life. Her approach is motivating, supportive and adaptable, providing exercises that can be applied to a huge range of life situations. With scientific information and ethical discussion, this is ideal for therapists and practitioners, both conventional and complementary. 208pp, 131mm x 197mm, softback, 2011, RRP £9.99 Code: 210918 Cygnus Price £6.39
Query line: 01558 825 503
THE CRYSTAL OVERSOUL ATTUNEMENTS Michael Eastwood The Crystal Oversoul Attunements is a set of beautiful cards that will take you through meditation and contemplation on a deep exploration of the spiritual and metaphysical qualities of crystals. You will learn how to communicate with the part of the collective consciousness that the crystals represent, the essential soul that each crystal identifies with – their Oversoul. Born from forty four different crystals, each card is an exquisite photo- graphic mandala created to help convey the crystal’s message directly into your consciousness. The accompanying guidebook describes the crystals’ qualities, with a meditation for each, and shows how to use the cards with a layout of clear quartz points, to attune, meet and meditate with the Oversouls, either on a personal or group journey. Using these cards and meditations to discover the shared spiritual and healing potential of crystals is a true delight. Boxed set, 44 cards + 112pp book, 128mm x 198mm, illus. in colour, 2011, RRP £14.99 Code: 210919 Cygnus Price £10.00
save 41%!
Judy Hall explains that, with just twelve stones in your crystal toolkit you can treat dis-ease at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual lev- el or transform your environment. The stones in this pack include seven crystals for cleans- ing, energizing and activating the traditional seven chakras: red jasper, orange carnelian, yellow jasper, green aventurine, blue lace agate, sodalite, and amethyst. Added to these are five ‘master healer’ stones, for healing the body (bloodstone), mind (clear quartz), emotions (rose quartz), spirit (labradorite) and environment (smoky quartz). The master healers also work on higher chakras that are nowadays coming into play. The Crystal Healing Pack also has an informative book on how to use crystals to heal yourself and open your higher awareness. Boxed set, 12 crystals + 128pp book, 198mm x 222mm, illus. in colour, 2011 Code: 210920 RRP £16.99 Cygnus Price £9.99
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Crystal Oversoul Attunements’ & ‘The Crystal Healing Pack’ together for £18.74
DANCE TO THE MUSICALS Arlene Phillips Dancing is wonderful for fitness and toning, and the combination of cardiovascular exercise and music triggers the release of endorphins so you enjoy yourself at the same time. In Dance to the Musicals, Arlene Phillips choreographs ten fun dance save routines to some of the most toe-tapping 47%! show-tune hits ever – from ‘The Time of My Life’ and ‘We Will Rock You’ to ‘Mamma Mia’ and ‘Night Fever’. All the routines are illustrated with clear, easy-to-follow instructions and come with step-by-step photography that takes you through every movement, enabling you to master the dances at you own pace, pick- ing up speed as you gain confidence. As a great guide to putting the pictures into action with music, the accompanying DVD demonstrates four of the routines – ‘You Can’t Stop the Beat’, ‘We Go Together’, ‘Fame’ and ‘Go Go Go Joseph’. Yes, fitness really can be fun! 192pp, 210mm x 250mm, hardback, illus. in colour + DVD, 2011, RRP £18.99 Code: 210921 Cygnus Price £9.99
ONE SNOWY NIGHT Nick Butterworth Percy the Park Keeper always feeds his animal friends in the park where he lives and works. But one cold winter’s night, as he’s settling down to go to bed, he discovers that his furry and feathered friends need more than food – it’s just a bit too cold a snowy for them, and they’d really like to share his cosy warm hut. Animals of all shapes and sizes crowd in for shelter, and kind Percy finds himself squashed out of his own warm bed. Eventually the problem is solved as everyone manages to find space, allowing Percy to get a good night’s sleep after all. This is a lovely bedtime story for little ones. Age 2+ 32pp, 215mm x 260mm, softback, illus. in colour, 2011, RRP £6.99 Code: 210922 Cygnus Price £4.30
STORMY WEATHER Debi Gliori Story-time will be eagerly anticipated when you prepare for a safe and sound night’s sleep with this wonder- ful lullaby picture book, populated with a rich cast of animals, from rabbits and bears to owls and seals. Debi Gliori takes you on a ride through a poetic night-time of exploration and possibilities as stormy weather troubles the young animals. Each fearful moment is calmly laid aside with warm cuddles and sweet caresses of reassurance. Combining soothing text that gently addresses bedtime fears with adorable art, this Stormy Weather will soon become a firm family favourite along with hot milk, bedtime hugs and goodnight kisses. Age 2+ 32pp, 245mm x 274mm, illus. in colour, 2010, RRP £5.99 Code: 210923 Cygnus Price £4.50
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘One Snowy Night’ & ‘Stormy Weather’ together for £8.30
WINTER SHADOW Richard Knight In a small village in the snowy north, Maria stumbles upon a mysterious grey bundle, covered in wintry snow – an abandoned wolf cub! Her friends and neighbours are troubled when she res- cues the cub, questioning the wisdom of her act. Even Grandfather is hesitant to support her plan to nurse the cub to health, but soon Maria and Shadow warm the hearts of almost every vil- lager. Then, a mysterious woman tells a story about a boy raised by wolves. Shadow howls for the first time, and disappears. Will he ever come back? Beautifully illustrated, this touching story explores the delicate balance between humans and nature, and between the individual and community. Ages 6-10. 80pp, 142mm x 208mm, illus. in colour, hardback, 2009, RRP £9.99 Code: 191115 Cygnus Price £5.99
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TARA & HER TALKING KITTEN TARA & HER TALKING KITTEN MEET A UNICORN Diana Cooper Exploring new adventures in the magi- cal world of Tara and Ash-ting, her mysteriously talkative feline compan- ion, Diana’s children’s stories broach important topics for children in a thoughtful, enjoyable way. Tara could never have dreamed of the wondrous journey that she was destined to take the day she met a unicorn. When Tara encounters a bully, Ash-ting and the unicorn’s guidance help both the victim and the bully. Then, joining in to raise money for a village swimming pool, Tara learns valuable lessons about community build- ing and inclusiveness. Age 4+, read together. 80pp, 158mm x 220mm, illus. in b&w, hardback, 2011, RRP £5.99 Code: 210924 Cygnus Price £4.49
THE MAGICAL ADVENTURES OF TARA & THE TALKING KITTEN Young Tara finds school and home life difficult until she is given Ash-ting, a little grey kitten. When she finds she can communicate with him, her life changes dramatically as he teaches her how to make friends and talk with people in a pleasant way. 80pp, 157mm x 220mm, illus. hardback, 2011, RRP £5.99
Code: 210329 Cygnus Price £4.49
TARA & THE TALKING KITTEN MEET ANGELS & FAIRIES Tara and Ash-ting need extra help when her creepy uncle comes to stay. This part of Tara’s story aims to help children voice their concerns if an adult is behaving cruelly or abusively. Plus plenty of lighter adventure with fairies, elves, imps and pixies. 80pp, 157mm x 220mm, illus. hardback, 2011, RRP £5.99 Code: 210330 Cygnus Price £4.49
TARA & HER TALKING KITTEN MEET THE NAUGHTY DRAGON CD More Tara adventures, read by Diana Cooper. 6 tracks, 60 mins, 2011, RRP £10.00 Code: D210562 Cygnus Price £4.49
TARA & HER TALKING KITTEN MEET HER GUARDIAN ANGEL CD Further tales of Tara, her talkative and helpful kitten companion and intuitive communication. 6 tracks, 60 mins, 2011, RRP £10.00 Code: D210563 Cygnus Price £4.49
SPECIAL OFFER: buy 2 or more of Diana Cooper’s ‘Tara’ books or CDs, in any combination, for £4.24 each
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1 year subscription, with gift card and message, UK or Overseas recipient Code: 210927 Cygnus Price £12.00 (UK), £15.00 (Overseas)
A MESSAGE FROM DIANA Dear Friends, 2011 has been a challenging year for many as all unresolved issues have been surfacing to be examined and cleansed. The advent of the cosmic moment on 11.11 has accelerated the spiritual progress of all of us, so that the special energy coming in this Christmas will be a higher frequency than before. As always Christmas is a time of wonder for children. Of course they love the lights, the presents and excitement but so many of them are very sensitive and open to the Christ light that pours in at this time. They are also tuned into the unicorns that grace the world and help everyone over this period. Many children are very wise so listen to them. Remember that the angels are also trying to help us all especially at Christmas. They constantly remind us to ask them for what we need so that they can open doors and make miracles happen. If you want to improve a relationship, ask the angels to help. If you want to transform an area of your life or even step onto a new pathway, ask the angels to assist you. They love you. Please make sure you take the opportunity to rest and relax for a few days over this sacred time to allow the cosmic light which bathes the planet from 24th to 26th December to transform your life. There is another reason to make the most of this Christmas as a time to rest and relax. It is the last opportunity to prepare for 2012 and the awesome new energies that are coming in everywhere on the planet. The more ready you are the more you can benefit from the higher frequencies and the more equipped you will be to help yourself and to lead others through the Transition to the new Golden Age in 2032. Rest, relax and bathe in the Christ light this Christmas. With angel love and blessings Diana
TRANSITION TO THE GOLDEN AGE IN 2032 Diana Cooper There’s always excitement when we hear that Diana Cooper has been writing a new book, so we’re very pleased to announce the arrival of Transition to the Golden Age in 2032, a sequel to 2012 and Beyond. Diana was asked by many people what spiritual opportunities would arise for them in the period after 2012, so she tuned in to bring through a global energy forecast. She shows how to tap into the new energies of the universe to gain deeper understanding of the changes taking place, and includes a time frame for this massive transition, as the Earth moves fully into the fifth dimensional frequency in 2032. From what to expect, to how to prepare both spiritually and practically, this guidance for the next twenty years will help you to attune yourself to the spiritual forces that are coming. Diana gives general global observations as well as specific notes for places all around the world. 160pp, 140mm x 218mm, softback, 2011, RRP £8.99 Code: 210814 Cygnus Price £6.25
Maddy Harland
In Celebration of the Good, the Beautiful and the True
One of my most reand cultures to create new thinking. This is cent reads has been the big step we have to take to move from PiThe Transition Comscean to Aquarian consciousness; to let go of panion – making our comfortable identities and see ourselves your community more in a greater context; to feel the urgency of resilient in uncertain the times and be open to growth. times. Transition, as True leadership you no doubt know, True leadership is about letting go. It does is a worldwide grass not promote the cult of personality or the roots movement supremacy of the tribe, it is about inspirthat looks climate ing and empowering each other to take on change and peak oil challenges and run with them, whoever we squarely in the face are and wherever we live. Rob Hopkins can and dismisses the utter impossibility of enddo this because he is not hamstrung by his less economic growth on a planet of finite reego. Another such inspirational person is sources. It offers community based solutions to help people in villages, towns THE TRANSITION and cities adapt to the inevitable COMPANION Rob Hopkins challenges of the oncoming reality Transition is now a worldwide of profound economic and social grassroots movement that change unflinchingly and with a looks climate change and peak good degree of humility and good oil squarely in the face and cheer. It’s a collection of recipes dismisses the utter impossibil- for building community, environity of endless economic growth mental regeneration, re-localising on a planet of finite resources. economies and so much more. Unflinchingly and with a good Transition – a movement which degree of humility and good has only been going for a few years cheer, T ransition offers community based so- but is already a worldwide phenomenon – lutions to help people in villages, towns and has really come of age. It encourages us to cities adapt to the challenges of profound be brave and get out there economic and social change. It’s and try new ideas, meet new “The Transition a collection of modes for building people, and learn new skills. Companion is visually community, environmental regen- It defies cynicism and disapinteresting and easy eration, relocalised economies pointment and gives us all to read but what I and so much more. The Transi- heart and hope. It encourreally love about it is tion Companion offers stories of ages us all to talk everyone’s its honesty. I applaud Transition initiatives told by people language and excludes no Rob and his fellow all around the world in response to one. Its aim is to be both actransitioners for their an online discussion, plus practical cessible and kind as well as a global experiment and Transition Tools for starting and potent tool for change. their vision of hope maintaining a Transition initia- The process of creating The that have awakened so tive. Be inspired to join in this rich Transition Companion itself many people.” gathering, working for a creative, demonstrated the capacity Maddy Harland alternative future. of the Transition movement 320pp, 197mm x 265mm, softback, to co-operate, akin to the illus. in colour, 2011, RRP £19.95 literary device of ‘the play within the play’. Code: 210925 Cygnus Price £12.99 Rob Hopkins asked people all over the world to share their stories and report back their experiences. A good part of the book was Polly Higgins, the barrister who is coordinatliterally ‘crowd sourced’ from all over the ing the Eradicating Ecocide campaign (www. world, an act of participation made possible Briefly, this is now a by the technology of the internet: blogs, global movement to make the destruction social networks, websites, email... I love it of ecosystems the fifth UN Crime Against when humans beings act with group conPeace, along with Genocide, Crimes Against sciousness and work together across nations Humanity, War Crimes and Crimes of Aggression. It would legally outlaw practices like tar sand extraction and corporate negliSUBSCRIPTION OFFER gence that, for example, causes large oil spills Cygnus readers can sample an introductory and it would positively gear investment into subscription to Permaculture Magazine new renewable, clean technologies. Polly’s and buy 3 issues for just £10.00. altruism shines out and she too is keen to enEither call 01730 8123 311 or go to gage others in positively changing the world. Like Transition, this is a shared endeavour. It permaculture-magazine-three-issue-sub.html goes beyond the cult of personality and is a
demonstration of service. One of my roles is to help connect people to the life enhancing, transformative, and innovative, rather than to what is gloomy, broken and corrupt. Every time I turn on the TV news, I am aware that we are exposed to a rising tide of fear and dismay in the world... but that this is just one side of the story. The other side of this duality is the beautiful, good and the true. These qualities are not confined to the abstract, they can be demonstrated in practical spheres: in permaculture, new technologies, law, community skills, architecture, agriculture... there are so many disciplines and areas of expertise. So as this year comes to a close and 2012 arrives, I am conscious of the need for us to celebrate what is good, beautiful and true. In our celebration, we need to mark our contribution to manifesting these qualities in the world. So wherever you are, I raise a glass to you. May our collective capacity for wisdom and goodwill grow in the coming year and may we be empowered. Much love, Maddy Maddy Harland is the editor of Permaculture Magazine – inspiration for sustainable living.
ERADICATING ECOCIDE Polly Higgins Humanity is at a crossroads. One route is to carry on as before, treating our planet as something to be bought and sold as private property to the highest bidder;; the oth- er is to acknowledge that our lives depend on a delicate ecosystem and that we all have responsibilities to each other, our habitat, and future generations. Exposing the truth behind the compromise laws and inadequate voluntary codes favoured by companies to protect their silent right to extinguish life, Polly Higgins advocates a new crime, Ecocide, to prevent the ‘damage, destruction to or loss of ecosystems’, as a 5th Crime Against Peace. Peace, Polly Higgins argues, is unachiev- able whilst the rules of the game continue to protect commercial expropriation of the planet for profit – at a price we cannot afford. Essential reading for anyone who is engaged with current issues, this book provides a suc- culent source of material for putting pressure on those in power to create the changes that we – and the planet – so desperately need. 224pp, 136mm x 214mm, softback, 2010, RRP £17.95
Code: 210926 Cygnus Price £11.99
SPECIAL OFFER Buy ‘The Transition Companion’ & ‘Eradicating Ecocide’ together for £23.98
Post to: Cygnus, PO Box 15, Llandeilo, SA19 6YX
ANGEL WITH GREETINGS CARD This  beautiful  card  provides Â
THE BOND Lynne McTaggart Lynne  McTaggart  explores  a  revolutionary  new  scientific  understanding  that’s  emerging  from  cutting-Âedge  physicists,  biologists,  and  psy- chologists:  What  matters  is  not  isolated  entities,  but  the  space  between  things,  the  relationship  of  things:  The Bond.  To  survive  and  flourish  we  must  share  and  recover  wholeness.  This  clarion  call  offers  a  roadmap  of  how  to  live  according  to  this  new  knowledge,  in  harmony  with  our  true  nature,  to  reach  the  next  stage  in  our  evolution.
a  lovely  way  to  remind  a  friend  that  they  are  loved.  Hand-Âmade  in  Wales,  each  card  has  the  message,  ‘May  you  always  have  an  angel  by  your  side’,  and  the  picture  is  hand- painted  on  silk.  The  card  comes  with  a  hand-Âmade  angel  ornament  with  a  gold-Âdusted  finish. Handmade  card  72mm  x  95mm  with  envelope  and  60mm  high  ornament,  RRP  £3.95
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Updated  for  alignment  with  the  2012  lunar  cycles,  the  effects  of  the  moon  on  plants,  flowers,  fruits  and  vegetables  are  explained  in  simple  but  ample  detail,  with  recommendations  for  the  ideal  times  to  sow,  transplant,  rotate  crops  and  harvest.  A  colour-Âcoded  diary  section  makes  it  easy  to  record  daily  gardening  tasks.
save 44%!
For  every  person  who  is  concerned  about  our  future,  here  is  a  genuine  reason  not  to  be  afraid  of  our  Tomorrows.  Compelling  and  perfectly  timed,  this  first  book  in  the  Conversations  with  Human- ity  series  aims  to  find  answers  to  every  question  that  is  worth  asking  about  December  2012  and  beyond.  How?  By  stirring  a  simple  conversation,  a  dialogue  with  humanity  and  then  by  making  a  decision  to  adopt  a  daring  new  way  of  life.
114pp,  150mm  x  210mm,  illus.  in  colour,  softback,  2011 RRP  £8.99          Code: 210718 Cygnus Price £6.70
288pp,  253mm  x  228mm,  softback,  2011,  RRP  £10.99 Code: 210801 Cygnus Price £6.15
YOU CAN CREATE AN EXCEPTIONAL LIFE Louise Hay & Cheryl Richardson Louise  Hay  and  Cheryl  Richardson  combine  their  collective  wisdom.  By  engaging  in  a  series  of  empowering  and  intimate  conver- sations,  they  cover  a  wide  range  of  topics,  including  the  importance  of  loving  ourselves  and  manifesting  positive  relationships.  It’s  time  to  witness  a  masterclass  from  two  leaders  of  the  self-Âempowerment  movement. 208pp,  130mm  x  200mm,  softback,  2011,  RRP  £8.99 Code: 210720 Cygnus Price ÂŁ5.99
Self Compassion  offers  a  powerful  solution  for  46%! combating  the  depression,  anxiety  and  self  criticism  that  comes  with  living  in  our  pressured  and  competi- tive  culture,  by  stopping  judging  and  evaluating  our- selves  and  accepting  ourselves  with  an  open  heart,  treating  ourselves  with  the  same  kindness  we  would  show  others.  Discover  improved  self  confidence  and  reach  your  highest  potential  –  simply,  easily  DQG FRPSDVVLRQDWHO\ DV .ULVWLQ 1HII JXLGHV \RX opening  the  door  to  real  and  lasting  satisfaction.
Your  gardening  manual  for  all  seasons,  a  lunar  calendar  that’s  an  everyday  workbook  of  down- to-Âearth,  natural  advice  and  organic  know-Âhow  that  shows  you  how  to  get  superior  results.  Nick  Kollerstrom  presents  his  long-Âestablished,  tried  and  tested  guide,  and  gardening  expert  and  organic  ‘guru’  Ken  Whyatt  adds  a  seasonal  guide  to  organic  vegetable  gardening. 144pp,  152mm  x  234mm,  illus.  in  b&w,  softback,  2011  RRP  £8.99        Code: 210719 Cygnus Price ÂŁ6.99
SPECIAL OFFER: buy both ‘Moon’ books together for ÂŁ12.69
MIND BODY & SPIRIT BOOK OF DAYS 2012 DIARY This  popular,  beautifully  illustrated  holistic  diary  offers  physical,  mental  and  spiritual  advice:  a  resource  for  enriching  your  daily  life.  Each  month  starts  off  with  positive  intentions,  suggested  practices  and  projects  to  encourage  personal  and  spiritual  development.  Each  week  features  a  colourful  illustration,  an  inspiring  quotation  on  which  to  reflect  and  an  exercise  to  further  your  self- awareness.  Available  in  desk  or  pocket  format. SPIRAL BOUND DESK DIARY Code: 210709 Cygnus Price £7.25 POCKET FORMAT  Code: 210710 Cygnus Price £4.50
ALEPH Paulo Coelho Paulo  finds  himself  facing  a  grave  crisis  of Â
320pp,  153mm  x  234mm,  softback,  2011,  RRP  £12.99 Code: 210602 Cygnus Price £6.99
I’M OVER ALL THAT & OTHER CONFESSIONS Shirley MacLaine At  a  certain  time  in  life,  we  come  to  realise  what  is  truly  important  and  what  just  doesn’t  matter.  Written  in  Shirley  MacLaine’s  wonderfully  wise  and  witty  style,  I’m  Over  All  That  is  a  funny  and  forthright  mixture  of  small  observations  and  big- picture  questions.  Share  her  spirituality  and  love,  as  she  determines  to  age  (dis)gracefully. 224pp,  135mm  x  216mm,  hardback,  2011,  RRP  £14.99 Code: 210412 Cygnus Price £8.99
Lineage ads: 01558 825 503
IN TUNE WITH THE MOON 2012 Michel Gros
faith.  As  he  seeks  a  path  of  spiritual  renewal  and  growth,  he  decides  to  embark  on  a  journey  to  revitalize  his  energy  and  passion.  He  didn’t  expect  to  meet  Hilal  –  the  woman  Paulo  loved  500  years  before  –  whose  betrayal  prevents  him  from  finding  real  happiness  in  this  life.  Together  they  take  a  mystical  voyage  through  past  lives,  time  and  space,  travelling  a  path  that  teaches  love,  forgiveness,  and  the  courage  to  overcome  life’s  inevitable  challenges.  Beautiful  and  inspiring,  Aleph  invites  us  to  consider  the  meaning  of  our  own  personal  journey. 320pp,  141mm  x  222mm,  hardback,  2011,  RRP  £14.99
Box ads: 0845 456 1571
Code: 210807 Cygnus Price ÂŁ8.99
Chat Page
Letters and poems from Cygnus members
Star Letter: WORTHY OF LIFE, JOY & LOVE Dear Ann, and all at Cygnus Your letter in the October Cygnus Review – ‘Walking the Way of Life’ – touched my heart and soul. Reading your words lifted me out of a slough of despondency where everything was sliding downhill. I have had a very challenging year, in particular the summer months – challenging physically and emotionally. I won’t bore you with the details! I have my thought demon Asking for Help Dear Cygnus I loved the story about the crab apple tree in your email newsletter! Yes, I do talk to trees, and I had an interesting experience a few years ago. I was on my usual dog walking route when I felt one tree was asking for help. Once I’d decided I was not mad – or if I was I was going to respond anyway – I surrounded it with God’s light and love. I felt a need to do this for several days. It was only weeks later that I learnt that it had been planted to commemorate a sudden violent death and the time I was praying was the anniversary. Food for thought! Love, Beth Harries To receive our email newsletter, send a request to A Spark of Tenderness, Remembered Cycling home-wards along a tree lined avenue, a very strong wind blew against all and sundry. I noticed a small delicate brown What is Your Truth? My soul weaves through this realm The poetry of my heart The light of my spirit The passion of my eternal self Creativity flowing Consciousness growing This beautiful world is a grace to incarnate (in) Nature’s symphony graces each day Penetrating my soul with the grace of life I’m here to live, laugh and love Radiating my essence forth To imbue this realm Ask yourself what is your truth? What really matters in the expression of your being? What do you want to leave behind as a legacy one day? What makes your heart sing? What is the greatest expression of who you are? In radiant love, light, magnificence, brilliance, glory…shine your light, share your love Sarah Ince
who tries to drown me out and I have to fight it every day. Your article made me feel it was worth fighting, that I am worthy of life, joy, love and seeing all the beauty around me. I opened my bible at random and read a psalm that means a lot to me. This comforted me and led me to reach out and trust that things are better than I think they are. There is hope for the future and I am blessed. Thank you so much. With love and healing, A C Messenger
leaf leave the branch of the mother tree. The wind shifted it rapidly towards the ground; it rose up again, so light, so frail, then landed gracefully to join a host of other fallen leaves. Just an incident in time, in season. An unexpected spark of tenderness rose in my heart, seeing the nature of that fall, feeling somehow the grace. The leaf will eventually form dust, the resulting dust will probably dance everywhere, borne again, by the wind. It may even seek my nostrils before joining the rich brown soil of Mother Earth, giving new life to the sacred roots of Nature’s trees. This recycle of nature, so profound in its duty, holds me eternally in its thrall. Liz Cameron
Inspiration and Hope It was a day where I was struggling with my path and my health, and in need of some hope and inspiration. I started writing, but my ink seemed empty. Then the Postman arrived with my Cygnus Review – Issue 7 – and I read it cover to cover. I was particularly inspired by Ann’s opening letter, Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson’s contribution and the Chat Page Star Letter, by Sean Scott. After digesting these, I picked up my pen, the ink flowed with positive affirmations and I asked for help from the angels. Within a short time, I felt so much better and my day did really turn around for the better. Hope and inspiration can come in many forms. So I would like to thank Cygnus for the continual words of hope and inspiration brought to so many. You touch people’s hearts in more ways that you will ever know. Keep up the amazing work. Love and light, Jane
Write about whatever inspires you. If you have an insight, experience or poem, please write it down in not more than 250 words (or, if it is a poem, in not more than 24 lines) and send it by post or email. If you send it by email, to, please include ‘Chat Page’ in the subject line, dropping your text into the body of the email. IF YOUR CONTRIBUTION IS PUBLISHED ON THIS PAGE, OR ON OUR WEBSITE, YOU WILL RECEIVE A £5 CYGNUS VOUCHER
Words Whispered On The Wind It tapped me on the shoulder And shook its head To remind me of what wisdom was When I worried over imperfection And did not appreciate all I had instead. And so, I lingered. I smiled as I fingered The silky softness of a scarlet bloom. As the sun shone. As a warm wind said, Everything is perfect Right here in this moment with you. If you only knew How to hold it in your heart And believe In every part of you That now is all we truly have. Breathe it in and believe You have what you need To be living and loving true. Elaine Reid
Once more the year has turned to allow me witness the sunrise It now bathes my bedroom with morning glory The rich gold of the horizon Backlights a sky of palest turquoise laced by gentle pink The sea reflects this glory With a pink tinge of shot silk Covering waves which are gently making their own patterns As they idle back and forward on the shore Echoing the heartbeat of the earth Soothing in its rhythm. Darkly two-dimensional birds circle the bay Easing off the inactivity of the night. All is silent as they move separately Each following their own path. I stare without blinking, trying to register the changes as they enfold. But my mind is distracted I look again and the scene has changed It is over The morning has cast off its’ ceremonial robes To get on with the routine of the day Jean Jarvis
Post to: Cygnus, PO Box 15, Llandeilo, SA19 6YX
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CYGNUS EVENTS DIARY 2011 - 2012 Cygnus will have a stand at the following Alternatives events: Sat 10 Dec David Hamilton workshop, How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body Sat 10 Mar Ursula James - The Magic of Hypnosis - Workshop Sat 17 Mar Alternatives 2012 Conference - The Awakening of Consciousness - Workshop Presenters - Graham Hancock, Lynne McTaggart, Daniel Pinchbeck, Nikki Slade For more info, visit or phone 0207 287 6711
FOR SALE: BWLCH AGORED A lovely 3-bedroomed 18th Century cottage with two spacious and attractive converted traditional stone outbuildings, set in the wonderful surroundings of the Towy Valley countryside. Bwlch Agored was home not just to Geoff and Ann for many years, but also to Cygnus until we found our current offices in Llandeilo. For further information, contact BJP on 01558 822 468 or visit
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EVENTS, COURSES & WORKSHOPS SPIRIT OF THE INCA. Train to be a shamanic practitioner. Learn ancient wisdom teachings from the Inca tradition, and powerful healing techniques to shift the matrix of the energy field. Training to become a healer, a coach, an inspiration to others and a catalyst for change in the world. email: THE UNICORN CENTRE FOR SPIRITUAL LEARNING, Somerset. Angels, Unicorns, Ascension, 2012, Lemurian Planetary Healing, Reiki, Teacher Training, Healing Practitioner. Spiritual and Unicorn Correspondence Courses. Tel: 01460 53699 Visit KARUNA REIKI® The next step for Reiki Masters (all lineages) seekers of Universal Truth and Compassion. 3 day classes set in beautiful Peak District. Contact Janet Roome (UK Karuna Reiki Rep) Tel. 01629 733227 email: visit WORTHING, WEST SUSSEX. Learn to Connect with the Angelic Realm, 1-day workshop Saturday 10th or Friday 16th December. Beautiful uplifting energies of Light and Love. £30. Also channelled angel monthly group, Monday 5th December 7.30-9.00 - £5. Lesley Ann Raphael Tel. 01903 212349
DIANA COOPER SCHOOL teacher training courses and workshops 2012 and Beyond, Golden Atlantis, Angels, Ascension and Transform Your Life in Warwickshire with Master Teachers Jillian and Peter Stott, 01926 851898;
WINTER SOLSTICE - explored through painting, stories, movement, meditation, ritual with Deborah Kelly Arts Psychotherapist, Shiatsu practioner. Friday evening 16 - Sunday 18 December. Workshop, accommodation, vegetarian meals. £175. Claridge House, Surrey. RH7 6QH. 01342 832150
AKASHIC RECORD READINGS £50 clears blockages from past lives, gives direction, grace point healing, face to face, phone, email and skype readings. More information tel: 01277 203180 mob: 07885 945008 email:
CHRISTMAS BREAK - Enjoy a quiet Christmas in Quaker house away from normal pressures. Relaxing walks, games, share music, poetry, writings. Saturday 24 - Wednesday 28 December. Full Board, vegetarian meals. £450. Claridge House, Surrey. RH7 6QH. 01342 832150
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GENTLE YOGA - find physical and emotional balance with Tim Frances, who trained and taught at Yoga for Health Foundation Friday evening 6 - Sunday 8 January. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals. £180.Claridge House, Surrey. RH7 6QH. 01342 832150
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HEALING, COACHING & READINGS EXCELLENT TAROT READINGS: Helpful, Insightful, Confidential, One-to-One Tarot Readings for Love, Work & Money Decisions. Call Day or Night: 0906 570 6483 calls cost £1.53/min PO Box 19 TN37 6YE EVER FELT YOUR ISSUE ISN’T ACTUALLY YOURS? Nikki Wyatt, The Karma Coach, helps release ancestral issues. Karmic Flower and Crystal Essences. Learn your soul gifts with a FREE soul flower reading available at: ERIN, GIFTED PSYCHIC & MEDIUM. Telephone readings: messages, guidance & healing available immediately, day or evening with experienced reader visit Tel. 01239 615299 or 07786 906576 JESSICA - CLAIRVOYANT/MEDIUM. Professional, Experienced Readings for relationships, career, direction etc. also natural medium communicate with loved ones who have passed over. Telephone readings: £22 per 30 mins/£30 per 45 mins. Tel: 0117 3737 405 or 07800 929257. Email: THE BEST READING I’VE EVER HAD ‘You get straight to the point with helpful, meaningful messages.’ ‘I totally agree with everything, I couldn’t be happier.’ ‘Spectacular - it’s all true.’ Channelled Readings and Mediumship by phone. Corinne Jeffrey 01285 644993 COMPANION ANIMAL LOSS LISTENING LINE (CALLL) Christine cares and truly understands the pain of pet loss. She is fully trained in pet bereavement. Calll 0115 840 2737 visit email: ASTROLOGICAL CHILD PROFILE Beautifully presented in a luxury silver hardback cover, this 45 plus page detailed report is a wonderful gift. It will help all parents to understand their children better and make more suitable choices for them as they develop. Tel: 01540 661828 CLAIRVOYANT, PAUL offers spiritually guided consultations in Brighton & Eastbourne and also by telephone. My work always helps those ready for change. Please telephone Brighton 01273 602929 for further details. IVY- GENUINE ROMANY Clairvoyant & Medium. Est.35 yrs. Is your future uncertain? I have the answers you seek! Immediate telephone consultations: 01843 866862 Not an agency! PAST LIFE REGRESSION AND FUTURE LIFE PROGRESSION via Skype by caring, qualified hypnotherapist. For further details please email Karen on BE GUIDED BY THE STARS! Annabel Burton brings 20 years experience for kind and positive guidance. Affordable audio readings and telephone consultations. Discover more at or call Annabel 0845 1667346 PSYCHIC, PAST LIFE, SPIRIT GUIDE READINGS £ 20.00 + FREE sample readings by email post or mp3 also distant REIKI healing £32.00 for animals and people by Sarah 0161-969-2081 SPIRIT HEALING:INTUITIVE HEALING on a deep soul level, private readings also available by email: blog: KRYSTA-ANNA. Mature, compassionate, psychic personally giving all readings, 9.45am to 8.45pm. Helping you understand and deal with your situation. 30mins £29, 45mins £39 Tel. 01273 78 2049 (local call rate cost) payment by card. METAPHYSICAL COGNITIVE REMEDY® provides exclusive, personalised solutions to those in need. This new technology transcribes light, wisdom, knowledge and healing onto a pill. Book your individual consultation 0118 972 1014, GENUINE PSYCHIC READINGS AND SPELLS to help transform your life in a positive direction. Also absent healing for people and pets. Tel: Julie 07986 520449
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