Cygnus Review, 2012 Issue 1

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Welcome to 2012! Dear Friends, Welcome to 2012, our entrance into a period of unprecedented transformation and growth for humanity, in which we can all play a major role, simply by being our truest selves and doing what comes to hand to the best of our ability. Looking around us, it’s clear that major changes have already been set in motion in our world, and most likely it’s the same in your personal life. So let’s be resolved, whatever comes our way, to use the unique power we have as human beings to turn everything to the good, and to weave all the threads of our lives – regardless of their colour – into a happy story of courage, love and adventure. This year, we’re planning lots of improvements to Cygnus – about which more news in our next issue – and the

first step of course is to clear as much stock as possible from our warehouse. Now that’s something you can help us with! Nearly all titles in this issue of the Cygnus Review are offered at 40% or more off, and if every one of you chooses at least one book, we’ll easily achieve our target of having a work-space that’s clear and ready for new developments. One more really important thing to say: a huge THANK YOU!!!! to all of you who sent messages, cards, gifts and greetings over the Christmas period. We are immensely grateful to you – to feel such a strong sense of community with so many like-minded people brings us so much joy. May we all walk together, sure-footed and strong, into a future held safe by our own inner peace, and made radiant by our own inner joy. With many blessings for 2012, Ann, Geoff, Sarah and the Cygnus Team.

A Community of the Heart

shared students who needed special support. I was in regular email contact with them and they were supportive friends. Roger and I once holidayed together. And Sabrina, to whom I am married, was the celebrant for Gill’s wedding. Whenever I met either of them over the last three decades, our conversations were always immediately intimate, good-humoured and helpful. We knew that we were part of a movement exploring new ways of expressing and teaching spiritual development. We shared an affectionate solidarity. I am sure that all of you who knew them too, whether as colleagues, students or readers, also appreciated their strength of spiritual character and presence. And I miss them both. They were part of my personal landscape for many years. I am sad that their physical presence is no longer here for me and I feel some grief. I imagine that you too, reading about their passing, may also feel some emotions of loss. This is a normal human response, isn’t it, a normal sadness and (.=60 emotion? ZYEA The invisible dimensions But here is the irony. From the other side, looking down on us, I can imagine both of them smiling: Hey you down there, stop all that grieving. Life continues after death. We’re still here, but just in another dimension and we’ll meet again. Stop your sadness and get on with life! Roger’s books and teachings were all about the dimensions after death and between our

William Bloom

Dear Friends, In the last weeks my heart has been moved by the death of two friends, who were also well known to Cygnus readers. You will, I am sure, want to join me in sending condolences to the families of Roger Woolger and Gill Edwards who both died recently, too young for my liking. May their journeys be graceful and blessed. May their families feel love and comfort. Roger, you may remember, was the author of several books including the classic Other Lives, Other Selves about reincarnation and how our past lives affect us today. He was a full-blooded, incredibly intelligent, wry and independent thinker who helped to pioneer and clarify a therapeutic approach to past life memories and regression. His company was warm and stimulating. Gill, of course, was the author of the pivotal Living Magically [090740], which was and still is a crucial bestseller and gateway book, opening up thousands of people to their inherent spirituality. Like Roger she too had a background in psychology. She was also a wonderfully accomplished teacher and a beloved inspiration to so many people in the world of contemporary spirituality. Only recently she published another important and inspiring book Conscious Medicine [201201]. Both of them were important pioneers, synthesising the best of modern psychology with the wisdom of ancient spiritual traditions. I knew them both over thirty years and had collaborated with them in various ways, always knowing that I could contact them for advice or suggestions, and sometimes we

physical lives, and Gill’s teachings too were filled with this knowledge and wisdom about the invisible dimensions. In fact, after her death Gill’s family posted on her website a letter that she had recently written to someone who had just lost a loved one. Gill’s letter reminded this person about life after death and the continuation of consciousness and connection. I too write and teach about these realms. I even lead a course on how to support the transfer of consciousness at death and I spend time every day in meditation, contemplating the dimensions beyond the gateway of death. I am sure that most readers of this magazine too are attuned to these spiritual dimensions. But here’s the rub for us. For all the beauty of life beyond death and for all the spiritual realities, we are also warm-blooded creatures, mammals, beings of feeling and emotion. And Gill and Roger were also flesh and blood – and now they are gone. For all the wisdom and knowledge we may have about life after death, would any of us dare to tell a parent not to grieve for their lost child? Or dare to advise a young child not to grieve for a lost parent? This would not be humane. It would lack heart. Surely, heart is at the core of spirituality – heart, compassion, empathy, fully present to human sadness, suffering and loss, as well as to joy, celebration and genius. Without heart, perhaps all the knowledge of the inner worlds is worth nothing. So whilst we know full well that Gill and Roger are in a smiling state of grace, enjoying their new dimensions, and whilst celebrating their lives and gifts, it is also understandable, normal and fully human to feel loss and miss them. And this perhaps is what I value most about Cygnus and its readers, staff, publishers and writers. We have a sense of community, a community of the heart. May it expand and radiate to serve all. So my lovely friends and companions, whether you are in this world or the next, may the coming year be filled with graceful growth, cosmic enjoyment and abundant blessings. Wishing you all love. William

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Our cover photograph is by Janet Baxter, ©2011 Prints can be obtained by calling Cymric Cards on 01970 871333, This magazine is printed with vegetable inks on paper from sustainable PEFC accredited sources by S&G Ltd, Merthyr Tydfil, 01685 388888.

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Manda Scott

2012: The End of an Era

So… 2012 is with us at last. For some of you, it’s just another year, but for others – of whom I am one – this date has been writ large on our consciousness

for a long time now. I can’t remember when I first heard 2012 set as a date apart, but I think it was in the mid 80s when I was a first becoming immersed in shamanic practice, learning the dreaming and all that goes with it. Then, one of my rather more dangerous teachers had been given a crystal skull, although she clearly had no idea what it was for or really how to work with it. Still, it was a cool thing to have on her altar , to scare the newcomers, which really wasn’t necessary: she was far scarier than any lump of carved crystal, however life-like it may have been. Growing older, growing up, I left that group and forgot about the Maya and 2012 and became increasingly absorbed in shamanic dreaming, and the Boudica: Dreaming series of novels that both grew out of it and were its clearest expression in the modern world. That was in the late 90s, easing on past the turn of the millennium. If we’ve ever experienced a golden age in our lifetimes, that was it. The world was such a different place then: house prices had not yet gone completely mad (though they were clearly heading that way), global warming was only just beginning to make headlines, and the deniers hadn’t organized themselves into such powerful lobbies, the dangers of the global economy weren’t even on our radar. In 2006, with the Boudica series finished, I saw an article on the crystal skull that’s in the British Museum and went to look at it, hidden away in a corner, where nobody would ever go if they weren’t not actually looking for it. I would dearly like to think they’ve moved it somewhere more open for 2012, but doubt that they have. Even locked in its cabinet, there was a raw power to it that set all my writer-nerves jangling, and brought back the half-memories of myths and legends I’d heard in the shamanic circles with my mad, bad teacher. But back in 2006, the idea that there was any kind of cataclysmic ending in 2012 was, if not inconceivable, at least very hard to imagine. Reading the Mayan myths, three things became very clear, the first of which was that the Jesuits did way too good a job of destroying the Mayan texts, so we don’t have nearly enough to go on. Of all the cultural vandalism visited on innocent peoples by the hierarchies of power, the Auto da Fe of the Mayans has to rank amongst the most invidious. But beyond that, what became obvious


was that, while the Popul Vuh legends do speak of the various ages of man, and say that each one was destroyed; once by fire, once by earthquake, once by flood, we have no real evidence to suppose that the end of this Mayan Era was necessarily thought to be another wave of destruction. But nevertheless, it is the end of an era. We may not have much left in writing, but we have monuments with exquisite, intricate carvings and much has been done to increase our understanding of them in the years since 2006. Then, it seemed plausible that the Maya had set 21/12/12 as their end-date of a 13-baktun cycle. Now, it seems almost certain.

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Which means, in turn, that the Maya, who flourished in the middle of the first millennium CE, set the zero-date of their (fantastically complicated) calendar back in 3114BC, which makes about as much sense as a Viking deciding to do the same: the date is so far before the beginning of their civilization that there are no records of their having been around at that time. But the Maya were not the Vikings and while the latter had supreme seafaring skills, the Maya were mathematicians and astronomers of a standard that leaves the rest of us standing. Even leaving aside that they developed the concept of zero long before anyone in the west thought of it, they were also capable of predicting astronomical events to very tight date spans. They calculated the true lengths of the lunar month and the solar year to three decimal places before we knew what decimal places are (and they were right: we found that when we finally

developed computers capable of the same calculations) – and they were able to predict the forthcoming ‘galactic alignment’ when the plane of the ecliptic intersects with the galactic centre, in exact terms. The alignment takes place once very 25,700 years and lasts for 36 years within that ‘era’. 21/12/12 is the mid-point of the 36 year cycle. So that’s the – very impressive – astronomy. The Maya knew these events, knew their dates and set their entire calendar so that it would roll over next winter solstice. But what does it mean? Over the next twelve months, you’re going to read, see and hear endless discussions about the implications of the t13 baktun end date. There will be folk plugging everything from the arrival of Planet X, to sun flares, to pole reversals to show that the world is going to fall apart. You can, of course believe them. If your mind stretches far enough, you can believe them all at once. For myself, I genuinely think we’re heading for a paradigm shift. We’re either going to fall prey finally to the forces of reaction; the ‘money markets’ and the power-hungry men who drive them.… or we’re going to take a step back, shift from relentless head-mind into heart mind, realise that money isn’t everything, that the 99% function very nicely without the patronage of the 1% and that the ‘Occupy’ movement has, at its heart, the right message: that we need to devise an entirely new way of being; one based on community, on trust, on care, on passion and compassion. We can only change the world one person at a time, and that person is us. But if each of us makes 2012 the year of our change, between us, we might be enough. Happy Hogmanay, as we used to say in the Glasgow of my childhood. May your New Year bring you all you need, and not everything you want. © 2011 Manda Scott

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Mara Freeman The month of January is very deceptive: Winter may seem to drag on with its leafless trees and gloomy skies, yet, as our Celtic ancestors knew, it is actually a threshold into new light, new hope, the new dawn of the year, and a wonderful time for new beginnings. In Scotland, not so long ago, the family prepared for a clean start by saining (cleansing and blessing) their houses with holy water and herbs. This is something we can do today and can be a most enjoyable family ritual: Collect fresh water from a local spring or pool, preferably toward the end of the first quarter of the moon. If this is impossible, use bottled spring water from a pure source. If you live with other people, form a circle around your fireplace if you have one, or else around a large lit pillar candle. Pass the water in a sunwise (clockwise) direction for everyone to drink, then take it around the house and sprinkle some in the four corners of each room. A saining can be done by water alone. But you can also use juniper, as was the custom in Scotland. This shouldn’t be too hard to find, being a popular garden plant as well as one that grows wild in many parts of the world. If you can’t find juniper, other fragrant herbs such as rosemary and lavender can also be used. Cut a few sprigs a few days before the ceremony, and put them on the hearth or other warm place to dry out a little. When you light them, have a small bowl or shell to catch any ash or sparks that might fall. Using either your hand or a long feather, fan the smoke around each member of the household in turn, then take it to each room and blow some into the four corners. For an even simpler house blessing, light a white candle and slowly carry the flame sunwise (clockwise) around the threshold, the hearth and four corners of each room while reciting this blessing from the Hebrides, (slightly adapted from the Carmina Gadelica by Alexander Carmichael) which invokes the goddess and saint, the Light-Bringer, Bridget: May Bridget give blessing To the house that is here From crest and frame, Both stone and beam; Both clay and wattle; Both roof and foundation; Both window and timber; Both foot and head; Both man and woman; Both wife and children; Both young and old; Both maiden and youth Plenty of laughter,


Lighting the Flame of a New Year Plenty of wealth, Plenty of people, Plenty of health, Be always here. This connection between the New Year and the sacred feminine is also found in Ireland, where Epiphany (January 6th) was often referred to as the Women’s Christmas. Cakes and wine were served and a circle of white candles was lit to invoke Bridget, who was originally a goddess of the Sun and the fertile Earth. At midnight, as the Twelve Days came to an end, three miracles occurred: Water in the well became wine, rushes became silk, and sandstone turned into pure gold.

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Bridget’s feast-day begins at the end of January. The early Celts called it Imbolc, which may mean, ‘in the belly,’ referring to the body of the Earth Mother in which the grain and other crops would soon begin to sprout. An old Scottish rhyme tells us that this is the time when Bridget emerges from the Earth, just as in the Greek myth, enacted at this time of year as part of the Eleusinian mysteries, the goddess Persephone came out of the underworld and Spring returned once more. Such myths are not only about the return of Spring to the land, but also the return of the Soul – traditionally depicted as feminine – from its dwelling in the obscurity of the subconscious mind. In the western world, we tend to get so caught up in material pursuits that the soul is forgotten most of the time – even though we never feel truly at home to ourselves without that connection. At the dawn of the modern

age, a poet wrote that ‘affairs are now soul size.’ His words are even more true today: with the escalating crises in the world from wars to global warming, now is the time to fully awaken into what each of us has been called to do during our time on Earth, to emerge into a life that catches fire from the soul-flame within each of us. When humanity listens to the voice of the soul, rather than being seduced by the astral glamour of consumer-driven culture, then the Soul of the World, the Anima Mundi, will also emerge, like Bride or Persephone, from deep within the Earth where it has been hidden, and the long estrangement between ourselves and our first Mother will be over. This is the true meaning behind the Quest for the Holy Grail, a symbol of the Divine Feminine that was withdrawn from the world when our insatiable desire for dominance turned it into the Wasteland. For the Grail to be found, for the Wasteland to be restored to the Courts of Joy, we must learn to become co-creators in partnership with all the Living Intelligences of our planet: human, animal, faery or Devic. In England, Bridget’s feast-day later became the festival of Candlemas, for it was marked by the blessing of the candles to brighten the long nights. Today we might regard this time as an opportunity to rekindle our own inner flame upon the shrine of the soul. So light your own candle this season, and as you do so, see this tiny flame as a spark of the One Light that shines through all the worlds. Then sense your own inner flame within your heart and know that you, too, are a spark of the Divine. Breathe in the peace of this knowledge, and listen to your soul telling you how to fully awaken into Light in the emerging year. Blessings, Mara Freeman Z2E0 +55A


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Chat Page

Letters and poems from Cygnus members

Star Letter:

THE TIMES OF OUR LIVES When we look back, our childhood and youth can seem like the ‘time of our life’. But these times were often lived quite thoughtlessly - without conscience. I ‘thought’ a lot, as did my friends: we discussed endlessly what ‘it’ was all about, but we still lived thoughtlessly. I recently realised, that these are the times of my life, now. Because, now I’ve taken on life, I’ve taken on its responsibility. I have some idea of what I’m here for, and what I’m doing, I embrace that and delight in it. When good times happen, they are particularly good, because I’m aware of what’s Loving Messages from Nature Dear Cygnus My darling mum passed away recently, and in the days immediately following her leaving I was the recipient of so many wonderful and loving messages from nature, which I know was the medium Mum had chosen through which to communicate with me. I was woken in the night to hear owls calling – reaching out to me in my grief and sorrow. I was witness early one evening to a magnificent sunset – promising of heaven. I saw flitting bats at twilight, reminding me that life goes on and that bats, like angels, are at their most active in the hours of darkness. I walked

happening. I’m awake and alert to what’s happening in my life, and this applies to the hard times, too. I take it on, and I live with active, participating, thought. I now live thoughtfully. I am mindful of what I do, about what happens to me, and what is happening around me. So this is the ‘time of my life’. It’s a time which is more fulfilling and productive. So, these are the times of our lives. Okay, we’re a bit stiff and a bit creaky, physically, and it can sometimes feel harder to deal with things; but emotionally and spiritually we’re stronger and clearer, more balanced. We make choices with more thought and awareness. Here’s to whatever is ahead! Bernie Bell out on a moonlit night under a canopy of stars which transformed darkness into light, reminding me that we are the stuff of which stars are made, and to which we all one day will return. I witnessed gently falling autumn leaves tenderly reassuring me that death is merely one small part of the great rhythm and cycle of all nature. Through all of these wondrous communications I knew that Mum lived on and that her love would never die. For this I give thanks, and from it I take comfort. Angela P

The Garden of Life Only for a moment, in such an endless garden Of varied blooms, see yourself as a noble sunflower. A little seed seeking its land across many stone-filled paths; It all ends where it begins. The shadow of a sturdy weed awakens your power and endurance to flourish. Some trails of thistles appear old, Yet embody a transparent coating of a new day’s colour. Eventually the sunlight caresses your petals and tears from the sky wash them away.

Guardian Angels Great hardship oft besets our troubled lives, Unhinges our serenity from Source, And interrupts our fortitude, which strives Reluctantly to overcome with force. Dire circumstance requires a helping hand In form of Being higher than ourselves, An intervention sent from promised land; Not just in shape of fairies or of elves.

Here and now you begin to believe, That nothing is out of place in this garden, It never fades.

A messenger of glad tidings appears, Now channelling communication bright: Gives us the strength and hope to quell our fears, Extending through us from the Spirit’s Light. Let our compassion for each other grow: So we all share the guardian angel glow. Peter Horsfield

Just trust the wandering journey of your heart, That never leaves you alone. Nela Hasakova

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Messages of Love for 2012, the New Year Received recently, on Facebook, to share: “May the coming year of 2012 be full of peace, love, laughter and much spiritual growth... Angel blessings to you all. Namaste.” Jayne Whiteley “May the pure light of love glow through your being and radiate to everyone around you. Love to all.” Ruth Cantrill “May you all find the peace that you seek and feel love in your hearts!” Pauline Brown “Let the light shine in the dark, let all hearts open in love, let us welcome 2012 - the year of change - with curiosity and trust, in love and light.” Maxine Crinall “May love, peace and joy touch your hearts during this time of seasonal darkness, which is actually so full of Heavenly Light. And may the love and Light that you send out, return to you and bless you.” Sue Hayler



Noticeboard CYGNUS EVENTS DIARY 2012 Cygnus will have a stand at the following Alternatives events: Sat 10 Mar 2012 Ursula James - The Magic of Hypnosis - Workshop Sat 17 Mar 2012 Alternatives 2012 Conference - The Awakening of Consciousness - Workshop Presenters - Graham Hancock, Lynne McTaggart, Daniel Pinchbeck, Nikki Slade For more info, visit or phone 0207 287 6711

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Copy deadlines: Issue 3, March - Friday 3rd February; Issue 4, April - Friday 3rd March

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Copy deadlines: Issue 3, March - Friday 3rd February; Issue 4, April - Friday 3rd March



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COMFORTABLE B&B, HAMMERSMITH, LONDON. Central, quiet, close to river, pubs, restaurants, all attractions. Ideal base holidays, courses, exhibitions, business. Double/twin/triple £27pppn. Single £42. Prices excluding Olympic period. Tel. Anne/Sohel Armanios 020 7385 4904 visit LOVELY, SELF-CONTAINED, ONE FLOOR COTTAGE, nr Bath, Longleat & Stourhead. Sleeps 4. 48ft lounge, flat screen tv, indoor swimming pool, fishing, glorious countryside. £150 per day. Tel. 01749 813890 email: Y BWTHYN BACH Cosy, one room, self-catering, barn conversion with wood stove, in a beautiful garden, with immediate access to wild North Pembrokeshire countryside and 1 mile from the coast. Perfect for walking, meditation, writing etc. Tel 01348 811282 or visit BEAUTIFUL LOG CABIN IN PEACEFUL SETTING. Ideal base for reflection, meditation & within walking distance of the Pembrokeshire coast. Reconnection Healing and The Reconnection available. Telephone Charlotte on 07976 269684 or 01994 453316. ANCIENT SACRED TOURS. TTA BONDED. EGYPT - Caitlin Matthews lead meditations, chants, ceremonies. 150 pages manual. Private Access Philae, Karnak, Sakkara, Great Pyramid, Sphinx. Only 16 places. Ann 02082 421749

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SPIRIT OF THE INCA. Train to be a shamanic practitioner. Learn ancient wisdom teachings from the Inca tradition, and powerful healing techniques to shift the matrix of the energy field. Training to become a healer, a coach, an inspiration to others and a catalyst for change in the world. email:

A GLOBAL SELF CARE EVOLUTION IS TAKING PLACE, enhancing treatments of medical practitioners and therapists worldwide. To be amongst the forerunners of this profound, exciting breakthrough, only enthusiasm and an interest in good health is required. Country irrelevant. email: MAKE 2012 YOUR YEAR! Work with us to optimise both your health and your wealth, re-inventing your life and that of others around you. Tel: 01751 430806 Email:


THE UNICORN CENTRE FOR SPIRITUAL LEARNING, Somerset. Angels, Unicorns, Ascension, 2012, Lemurian Planetary Healing, Reiki, Teacher Training, Healing Practitioner. Spiritual and Unicorn Correspondence Courses. Tel: 01460 53699 Visit APPROVED BRITISH SOCIETY DOWSERS COURSES with Vicky Sweetlove. Dowsing, College of Psychic Studies, London 3/4 February Earth Energies 10/11 March £139.00. popular courses. Contact: 01277 203180 mob: 07885 945008

DOWSING COURSES WITH BSD: Foundation for beginners. 11/12 Feb, Worcs. 17/18 March, Surrey. 14/15 April, nr Glasgow. 19/20 May, Warks. 9/10 June, Glos. The British Society of Dowsers: at the heart of Dowsing since 1933. £149. Tel 01684 576969

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DOWSING FOR HEALTH COURSES WITH BSD. Introduction: 21/22 April. Advanced: 10/11 Nov. Glos, £149. The British Society of Dowsers: at the heart of Dowsing since 1933. Tel 01684 576969

ANAM CARA RETREAT CENTRE, Scottish Highlands, Inverness. Residential workshops and retreats in Buddhism, Shamanism,Bushcraft, Sweatlodge Ceremonies, Soul Quest, Ancient Crafts, Healing Arts and working retreats. To request a programme, tel. 01463 711702 email: visit:

EARTH ENERGIES AND THE SPIRIT OF PLACE DOWSING COURSE. 3/4 March, Worcs; or 31 March/1 April, Hants. £149.The British Society of Dowsers: at the heart of Dowsing since 1933. Tel 01684 576969 HEAL YOUR LIFE® 2-DAY WORKSHOP. A powerful, life-changing workshop based on the philosophy of Louise Hay. 10th & 11th March 2012. Derby. Call Amy on 07981 009 110 or visit ANGELS, ASCENSION, GOLDEN ATLANTIS & Transformational Teacher Training workshops with Diana Cooper School - courses in Scotland with Elizabeth Ann. Also spiritual coaching and angel readings etc. Tel: 01592 743417 visit DIANA COOPER SCHOOL teacher training courses and workshops 2012 and Beyond, Golden Atlantis, Angels, Ascension and Transform Your Life in Warwickshire with Master Teachers Jillian and Peter Stott, 01926 851898; STOP THE MIND......I WANT TO GET OFF! workshops in Yorkshire. A fresh start for 2012! Learn to watch your mind chatter, preserve your energy and find more peace. Empowering blend of healing and meditation with Sally Chaffer. 07884 332644 LEMURIAN CRYSTAL ATTUNEMENTS & EGYPTIAN HEALING Course Weekends in Buckinghamshire. Certificated including comprehensive manual. Change your life with these two amazing courses. Tel: 0190820400 or e-mail or YOGA, HEALTH AND WELLBEING WEEKEND 28th Sept - 1st Oct 2012 £159pp (Twin Sharing) Chichester, West Sussex. 3 Nights, Full Board, Tutoring, Yoga Classes, Workshops, Therapists and Entertainment. For further information: Tel 01243 781920 or e-mail: SOUL RECOGNITION is a deep and profound journey into the vibrational essence of your Soul. Thursday evening 2nd – mid-day 6th February near Glastonbury. For more details of this unique experience in releasing old patterns contact Ruth 07899 962067 or

2012 - YOUR TIME TO DARE TO BLOSSOM? Magical Cornwall is a perfect location for a "Seeing You, Being You" workshop. Details, plus info on phone/email coaching services: DIANA COOPER SCHOOL TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE Teacher Training Courses in East Anglia. Also Workshops, One to One Email Life Coaching sessions. Master Teacher Nija Morgan 01842 814988 INTERFAITH EXPERIENCE WEEKEND 2nd to 4th March, with Annie Blampied Tasting the Interfaith Seminary approach, opening to the Heart, beyond personal belief, sharing in the Presence of Love. Tel 01453 759034 AUTHOR AND TEACHER MICHAEL ROADS UK TOUR, May-June 2012: Transition into Love - the Shattering of Illusions. At Findhorn Scotland and Park Place Hampshire. See or tel. 01926 316962 SHAMBHALA SCHOOL OF CONSCIOUSNESS & RETREAT. Heart Awakening to the Level of Light. Releasing the past, remembering who you are and bringing your Soul home. Increasing consciousness to create Heaven on Earth. Incredible levels of Love & Joy! Isis Beloved 01458-834811 AKASHIC RECORD READINGS £50 clears blockages from past lives, gives direction, grace point healing, face to face, phone, email and skype readings. More information tel: 01277 203180 mob: 07885 945008 email: SPIRIT RELEASE - INTRODUCTORY TRAINING COURSE, (London). February, June, September and November 2012, leads to professional training as a Spirit Release Therapist. Plus Open Training days and June conference on 'Soul Centred Healing'. Contact tel 01684560725 or website CAMBRIDGE WORKSHOPS for 2012 – spiritual, psychic & therapy courses. Special Meditation Day with Paul Lambillion 25 February. New tutors welcome to hire the Barn See for information

LOVE, MAGIC, MIRACLES CONFERENCE – A special week-long conference at the Findhorn Foundation celebrating Love. (September 29-5 October 2012) Presenters include Andrew Harvey, Robert Holden, Caroline Myss Marko Pogacnik and David Abram. Bookings taken now. tel 01309 691653

CRYSTAL & SOUND HEALING by correspondence, Crystal/Sonic RejuvenationTM, Sound Therapy, Reiki, DevaLightTM. All courses to Practitioner level with professional accredited College. 01984 633597 visit

YOU ARE INVITED TO 'CELEBRATE THROUGHOUT 2012!' at The Garden Room. Everyone welcome for discussion, meditation, talks, healing and much more. For our programme of events: 01244 537961 or

AN INTERFAITH EXPERIENCE. Dive into some of the central prayers and rituals of major religions and experience their positive effects. With Rev. Annie Blampied at Hawkwood College, Stroud. Tel 01453 759034


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EVENTS, COURSES & WORKSHOPS STAR CONNECTING COURSES 2012 – DEVON or AVEBURY 3 weekends, £140 per weekend - Awakening to the Origin of Your Soul; Channelling the Star Beings; Ascension Practices, Crop Circles, Star Portals – guided by Melchisedek and Hilarion through Amuna Ra. 07532-195256 12 MONTH ACCREDITED FLOWER & VIBRATIONAL ESSENCE COURSE featuring ranges from around the world – online with 3 attended weekends in Kent. More information phone Sara 0772 5609873 or visit CREATIVITY & WELL BEING AT HAWKWOOD. Wide variety of courses set in beautiful, welcoming surroundings near Stroud, Gloucestershire. Includes Helen Chadwick (Songwriting), The Rosen Method (UK training team), Joyful Loving (Joy Hicklin-Bailey). Tel 01453 759034 WORKING WITH EARTH ENERGIES a three part training course, in London, with David Furlong starts in February 2012. The course focuses on how to tap into the healing energies of the natural world. See or phone 01684569105 CREATIVE ENERGY WORKSHOPS in wonderful surroundings. Art, Writing, Music and more. Start this special year with empowering yourself. West Sussex 07720 032748 ANGEL WORKSHOP (CERTIFICATED). Invite Angels into your life and discover your ability to receive messages and read Angel Cards. Join Angel Therapist Johanna. £75 includes lunch and gift. Sunday 22nd Jan 2012, Lytham, Lancashire. Gift vouchers available. 01253 730859

HEALING, COACHING & READINGS EXCELLENT TAROT READINGS: Helpful, Insightful, Confidential, One-to-One Tarot Readings for Love, Work & Money Decisions. Call Day or Night: 0906 570 6483 calls cost £1.53/min PO Box 19 TN37 6YE EVER FELT YOUR ISSUE ISN’T ACTUALLY YOURS? Nikki Wyatt, The Karma Coach, helps release ancestral issues. Karmic Flower and Crystal Essences. Learn your soul gifts with a FREE soul flower reading available at: ERIN, GIFTED PSYCHIC & MEDIUM. Telephone readings: messages, guidance & healing available immediately, day or evening with experienced reader visit Tel. 01239 615299 or 07786 906576 JESSICA - CLAIRVOYANT/MEDIUM. Professional, Experienced Readings for relationships, career, direction etc. also natural medium communicate with loved ones who have passed over. Telephone readings: £22 per 30 mins/£30 per 45 mins. Tel: 0117 3737 405 or 07800 929257 CHANNELLED READINGS AND MEDIUMSHIP: Phone sessions densely packed with clear, accurate, waffle-free information, pointers to your growth and development, healing messages from family, pets, loved ones. Corinne Jeffrey 01285 644993/ +44 1285 644993 ASTROLOGICAL CHILD PROFILE Beautifully presented in a luxury silver hardback cover, this 45 plus page detailed report is a wonderful gift. It will help all parents to understand their children better and make more suitable choices for them as they develop. Tel: 01540 661828 CLAIRVOYANT, PAUL offers spiritually guided consultations in Brighton & Eastbourne and also by telephone. My work always helps those ready for change. Please telephone Brighton 01273 602929 for further details. PSYCHIC, PAST LIFE AND SPIRIT GUIDE READINGS by email, post, CD plus Reiki Healings distance and remote by Sarah Tel: 0161-969-2081 and email, Free sample readings available, genuine & caring. BACK TO THE CORE WITHIN daily energy awareness & balancing practice.

HEALING, COACHING & READINGS BRIGHT EYES PSYCHIC. Natural healer, clairvoyant, gifted medium, works with guides, tarot and crystals. Gives no false information. Receives many thank you’s over the world. Distant animal healer. 07970 712749 / 07926 600737. I return all calls. Not an agency. ILAHINOOR ENERGY TRANSFERENCE. A gift of grace. Sacred, simple, profound, inexpensive. Here now to align us to Divine Presence. For energy workers and newcomers alike. or Anna 01435 810052 CRYSTAL SKULL INITIATIONS & STARGATE TRANSMISSIONS Opening gateways through which the new higher vibrations, guidance, healing & wisdom can flow. Reawaken! You are the One you have been waiting for! - 01634 270307 KRYSTA-ANNA. Mature, compassionate, psychic personally giving all readings, 9.45am to 8.45pm. Helping you understand and deal with your situation. 30mins £29, 45mins £39 Tel. 01273 78 2049 (local call rate cost) payment by card. GENUINE PSYCHIC READINGS AND SPELLS to help transform your life in a positive direction. Also absent healing for people and pets. Tel: Julie 07986 520449 ARE YOU SUFFERING DISTURBANCE from alien spirits, an occult link, adverse life conditions or pain? If so, do call me, Colin, a Christian Spiritualist, on 0208 954 6511 for my free personal advice. No proselytising involved. THE LIFE YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED: Leave behind limiting emotions and find your Spirit-Self, your spiritual pathway. Discover your real identity at ANUSHA HEALING. Learn this scintillating energy of the stars for self healing or development of Reiki/Healing practise FFI Louise Tel 01296 696285 HARRY, EXPERIENCED CLAIRVOYANT - Accurate clairvoyance given for any area of your life to help you reach a positive solution for your concerns. Readings by telephone: 25 per session. Call 0117 3307435 HEALING COMMUNICATION. Animal communicator and Reiki practitioner. Understanding, healing and enhancing relationships with our animal companions. Also wildlife communications. Sensitive animal healing. Contact Beverley on 07586 309862 or PAST LIFE REGRESSION, HYPNOTHERAPY and Future Life Progression via Skype by caring, qualified hypnotherapist. Download free subliminal audios for relaxation/motivation /confidence after your session.

PROPERTY FOR SALE - TO LET - WANTED LONDON ACCOMMODATION WANTED. Professional and respectful male seeks quiet and comfortable accommodation in London or surrounding areas. House/flat sitting also offered while you’re away. Tel: Neil 07754 016779 or email HAVEN NEEDED WHILST HOME HUNTING, in peaceful spiritual home or small flat, for young at heart woman who is deeply exhausted. Anything considered. Prefer monthly basis. Bristol, Clevedon or W/SW London area preferred. Valeria 0117 989 2598 Please leave a message and I will get back to you. QUIET RETREAT FOR 2-3 WEEKS RECOVERY TIME, for deeply exhausted woman. Within easy reach by rail of Bristol. Valeria 0117 989 2598 Please leave a message and I will get back to you. Thank you. FOR SALE, DORDOGNE, FRANCE, Wholefood Restaurant, Tea Garden, Gallery in busy market town, charming C17th property, thriving business with apartment above, plenty of potential, £160,000. Joff Williams, Tel 00 33 555 785740/ 00 960 036016.

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