Cygnus Review - Issue 9

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Cygnus Review issue 9, 2009 – free of charge

heal your body, feed your soul, free your mind, love your planet

2012 & Beyond Diana Cooper Truth Heals Deborah King Control Stress Paul McKenna The Vortex Esther & Jerry Hicks The Keys of Transformation David Ashworth Why Do Bad Things Happen? Gordon Smith The Art of Raw Living Food Doreen Virtue & Jenny Ross Cosmic Ordering: The Next Step Barbel Mohr

All about change

All About Change

Talking Our Walk, part 2

What do you say when someone asks you about your main interests? Have you ever been cautious about saying that you are interested in spirituality? I have. In general, I think this is because we are concerned about being pigeonholed or triggering an argument. It would help too if we were confident about what we could say. So, with some friends I have been working on a short list of what is good and useful about contemporary, holistic spirituality. I would love to receive your feedback. Does it work for you? What is missing, or needs deleting or rewriting?

Dear Friends Ann is having a rest from writing this month, and is on a healing retreat in Pembrokeshire. She wrote recently about metamorphosis and alchemy, and now, looking at this month’s new titles, once again it’s all about change. That’s what we do: choose the books that will help you to make the changes you need, wherever you may be in your journey of transformation. On a personal energetic level, Kundalini Rising explores this legendary power that is believed to catalyze our spiritual evolution. In 2012 and Beyond, our Editor’s choice on p4, Diana Cooper shares with us her vision of planetary and political change for the next two decades. And in our Book Circle choice, Truth Heals on p7, Deborah King shows that ultimately, telling the truth is about feeling good in your own skin, unencumbered, free and having the life that you want to live. Rob Hopkins is a pioneer in showing us how we can and must now change our society so as to repair and heal, and get back in sync with our environment. Local Food, p8, is his latest dynamic and encouraging Transition project: what better way to rejuvenate communities than working together to grow and produce wonderful food? I’d like to share with you now a letter about change, from Cygnus member, Harula Ladd. And if, like Harula, you’re feeling that a change of job is what you need to live according to your values and reach your potential, you may be interested to know that we have a vacancy for an Assistant Editor – turn to p15 to find out more. Much love from all of us, Sarah, Ann, Geoff and the Cygnus Team Dear Friends Bringing me here is a deep and powerful awareness of change; fundamental, unpredictable and exciting changes in and around me that threaten to make me fearful if I don’t consciously commit to trusting and opening to them. Reading Waking Up In Time [code 190302, £6.99], at first I found myself in a state of fear. Now, however, I find myself in a space of peace and curiosity inspiring me to smile. I am filled with wonder at the vastness of the potential of human consciousness and the beauty of not knowing where it could take us. I am soothed by accepting that the situation we find ourselves in was most likely inevitable… but what happens next is not. I am also very aware of my own personal responsibility to continually relax and release my resistance to change. I have resigned from my job, because it is not allowing me to live from my values and potential. Now more than ever I believe each one of us needs to be brave enough to look deeply within and find our unique gift, which Ken Robinson calls being in The Element [code 190303, £7.59], which is so needed at this time of transition. So, what if, I thought, my job wasn’t stressful but was fun and nourishing and allowed me to be me and interact with people who shared my views? I wouldn’t have to earn as much because I wouldn’t have to spend as much money undoing the damage an unsustainable unme job was doing! I suddenly felt it very strongly, in that way of hitting upon the truth, that gives you the courage and clarity to act on it. I knew I didn’t want to be in my job and that I had to leave. I don’t want to work, I want to serve and I know that when I’m doing that I can be happy, celebrating the beauty of simplicity because my sustenance is coming from within and from a source that is limitless and eternal. A source which has all the wisdom and love I need to create a life that is sustainable for me, for humanity and for the planet, on all levels. So bring on the changes! It is very difficult not to smile back when someone smiles warmly and genuinely at you. I believe change is the same and we simply need to smile at her... so that she will smile back. Are you smiling? With much love, Harula Ladd

‘The spirituality in which I’m interested is good and useful because: Global consciousness, nature and Earth – it recognises the connections between all life and the need to respect, sustain and care for nature, earth and ourselves.’ Open hearts and minds – it embraces spiritual diversity – appreciating all the world’s beliefs and religions – and resolves conflict.’ Individual exploration – it encourages the exploration of many paths so that everyone without exception can deepen their connection with the wonder and energy of life.’ Health, well being and fulfilment – it delivers practical strategies which are crucial elements in good health and fulfilling our potential.’ Compassion and inspiring values – it unites the core ethics of the world’s great philosophical, religious, ecological and psychological traditions to create powerful and inspiring values for justice, peace and sustainability.’ Perfect timing – it gives hope and guidance to solve our global challenges, prioritising spiritual values and service over a purely materialist worldview.’ Understandable, practical and holistic – it provides a simple and clear definition of spirituality – everyone’s natural connection with the wonder and energy of nature and cosmos; and the instinct to explore and deepen this connection.’

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Adapted to suit you, might these words be useful for you? Please send me your comments. Either write to me at PO Box 2809, Glastonbury BA6 8XQ or join in an online discussion group that has been set up at All my love, William

KUNDALINI RISING Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa et al

You have within you a latent energy, known as kundalini, waiting to transform your life, acting as a catalyst for spiritual evolution. You can engage this energy to awaken your consciousness and unfold your highest human potential. Kundalini Rising gathers the illuminating thoughts of many spiritual teachers, to explore the kundalini experience: personal accounts and yogic practices, scientific research, historical perspectives and even near-death experience. Once we understand the energy that lies within us, says Tami Simon, and the pathways through which it can travel in our subtle body, we can visualize and flow with heightened sensitivity. Kundalini Rising shows how this energy supports your spiritual discovery, stripping away illusions of separateness, leaving you with a sense of vastness within and a connection with the entire field of consciousness.

342pp, 152mm x 228mm, softback, 2009, RRP £18.99 Code: 190922 Cygnus Price £14.00

Our cover photograph is by Janet Baxter, © 2009. Prints can be obtained from Janet by calling 01970 871333, This magazine is printed with vegetable inks on paper from sustainable PEFC accredited sources by S&G Ltd, Merthyr Tydfil, 01685 388888.

2012 & the Aquarian Age


This is an extraordinary personal journey of transformation, a template for all our transformations. David Ashworth’s message is deceptively simple: the time to change is now. The Age of Aquarian Light is here, pulling more and more people into its flow of healing, and beginning a world-wide process of awakening and illumination for all those able to open to it. But the wave of energy that brings the light is travelling faster and faster. Every second we hesitate makes it harder to reach the speed needed to ride the wave. The Guides who speak through David are very clear that if we hesitate, it will be too late. David has transformed from hands-on healer to healing channel, and now has access to hugely powerful energies and is in a position to open others to them. His invitation is clear: are we willing to activate the God-consciousness within us, to become co-creators with God of His universe? The journey is immense, and if you have trust, you can begin it. Only you can decide, and The Keys of Transformation will help you make your choice.

348pp, 154mm x 248mm, softback, 2009, RRP £14.99 Code: 190901 Cygnus Price £12.99



Ancient traditions viewed ‘time’ as the great rip- 40%! ples of a galactic wave that ebb and flow as they travel throughout the universe. Modern discoveries reveal that even the most complex things in nature are really simple patterns – fractals – that repeat themselves in predictable ways. Visionary scientist Gregg Braden proposes that everything, from the way we age to wars between nations, is simply the returning waves of our past, with each one carrying a more powerful, amplified version of itself, that allows us to choose a new outcome for the cycle. Braden suggests that if we can see time from this perspective, the patterns will show us what’s in store for the future, and perhaps how to avoid the mistakes of our past. Discover the great secret of our moment in history, and what we can expect as the 5000year-cycle of the ancient Mayan calendar ends in 2012.

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260pp, 152mm x 228mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2009, RRP £10.99 Code: 190404 Cygnus Price £6.55


There is much talk about humanity being in the midst of a massive transformation of consciousness, an evolutionary leap that has been predicted by spiritual elders and holders of esoteric wisdom from many traditions. It is said that this global change is being driven by a ‘new energy’ coming from deep space. Physicist Susan Joy Rennison reveals scientific proof that new energies are indeed reaching the Earth, that the Sun is behaving in an unprecedented way, and that the Earth is being bombarded with new solar, cosmic and galactic electromagnetic energies. Even the electromagnetic grid of Earth has changed, coinciding with reported changes and developments of the human electromagnetic field. Susan also explores the core structure of all energy fields throughout the universe: the octahedron, two square based pyramids back to back, the diamond of the title of this book. By learning to ‘Tune the Diamonds’, those who choose to raise their level of consciousness can help to smooth the transition for everyone.

380pp, 170mm x 248mm, illustrated, softback, 2006, RRP £16.99 Code: 180202 Cygnus Price £9.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Fractal Time’ & ‘Tuning the Diamonds’ together for £15.54


2012 and beyond is such an important subject, with amazing opportunities for soul growth and expansion. The changes outlined are almost unbelievably rapid and extraordinary. The spiritual energies coming in during 2012 are amazing and the world will be a very different place by 2032 as we receive back the wisdom from Golden Atlantis. The 21st December 2012 signifies the end of a 26,000-year astronomical period as well as a 260,000-year one. For the first time in the history of our planet, we are undertaking a double transformational leap. The possibilities for spiritual growth are enormous which is why nearly seven billion spirits have been allowed to incarnate for this monumental opportunity. And all the universes, without exception, are watching our progress with wonder and awe. The forecasts of the ancients The Mayans called 21st December 2012 ‘Creation Day’, with a prophecy that the energy coming in on that day will activate the kundalini force in individuals and on the planet. The prophecies say that it will stimulate the genetic memories of our past lives and who we truly are and accelerate many into enlightenment and ascension. They also project that the force of the planetary kundalini will help to activate and realign all the pyramids, which link us to our rightful place in the universe and that this will result in a rebirth of solar consciousness in humanity. 2032 and beyond: our roles in the plan You are blessed to be on Earth at this time, with its amazing privilege of bringing in the energies of 2012 and then preparing for the new Golden Age. There has never been an opportunity for spiritual growth like this one and you are asked to make the most of this Godgiven chance. In order to be prepared you are expected to clear yourself of all fear and negativity and replace it with love, peace, joy and abundance. You can do this by working with the exercises in my book. The more you transmute, the greater will be your Light and the more the angels and Illumined Ones can work through you. How to assist the process 1. Bring your own life into peace and harmony. Your energy will then automatically lift the vibrations of everyone with whom you come into contact. 2. Recognize that everyone is equal and treat them as such. 3. Honour all life forms on the planet, from rocks, insects and plants to animals and humans. 4. Give no energy to fear, darkness or mass hysteria. Instead focus on the good, the wise and great, so that it expands.


2012 & Beyond: Your Role

5. Visualize everyone throughout the world living in peace and love. 6. Walk with your feet on the earth and your head in the heavens. If enough individuals do these things, the consciousness of all must inevitably rise. Your task is to hold your light steady and act as a beacon, for you may find you are able to influence thousands of souls and even lead them into ascension. My personal preparations On a practical level I have made my home as ecological as possible with solar panels and wood burning stoves. I conserve water in every way I can. Because I believe in self-sufficiency I am growing vegetables and fruit and plan to expand this.

EDITOR’S CHOICE: Even more savings when you buy extra copies! 2012 & BEYOND Diana Cooper

Diana Cooper’s new book reminds us that 2012 offers the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth that there has ever been. She takes us through the ancient prophecies for 2012, what is expected to happen in that year and the incredible changes the world will see in the twenty years beyond. She offers forecasts for 2032, the time when new Golden Cities will arise and everyone will live in the fifth dimension. Diana gives practical information to help you prepare for your role in the incredible transformational shift the world is about to experience.

144pp, 134mm x 216mm, softback, 2009, RRP £8.99 Code: 190902 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £6.15 2+ copies £5.65 each

Metatron is ensuring that everyone is in the right place at the right time. In accordance with his guidance I am looking for somewhere where the land itself is pure, where I can cocreate a fifth-dimensional community. I know this will happen in his timing, not mine! In the meantime I am making my home as light and bright as possible, so I have had huge new windows put in wherever possible. This makes it easier for the house to hold the fifthdimensional energy. Every day I ask Archangel Sandalphon’s angels to stand by my gate and place anyone who enters in a fifth-dimensional bubble. There are also crystals by the gate and at the windows to ensure that anything or anyone of a lower frequency cannot enter. Both Kumeka and Metatron keep reminding me that the spiritual worlds love fun and laughter, so I have built play things in the garden for


my grandchildren and visiting children – to say nothing of adults. We all love the trampoline, the zip wire and swings but the entrance to the den is only big enough for little ones! To maintain the highest frequency I connect with the trees in my garden and honour them. I also honour the elementals. Sometimes there are hundreds of them around my home. When my new baby granddaughter came to visit, they gathered to greet her and we paused to let them say hello to her. They were thrilled for it is not often they are introduced with love to a human baby! With every decision I ask myself, ‘What would be the highest thing to do here?’ That is why I handed the Diana Cooper School to the teachers as a non-profit organization and we are cocreating something much better than I could have done on my own. It has been an amazing experience. In letting go I received more than I would ever have dreamed possible. My biggest challenge is to balance work and leisure. It is far too easy for me to overwork. But I am being forced to listen! Kumeka buzzes my left ear and Metatron my right one when they are telling me to stop and relax. Am I looking forward to the next twenty-five years? Absolutely yes. I think it is awesome to be part of this unimaginable change. I love the idea of creating a new way of living in as natural and sustainable a way as possible. Walking hand in hand with angels, masters, unicorns and elementals and allowing them to guide and assist me makes my heart sing. Let us all bring joy and laughter into the world and move forward together nto this new and wonderful way of life. From 2012 and Beyond, ©2009 by Diana Cooper, published by Findhorn.

PREPARE FOR 2012 & BEYOND: COSMIC MOMENTS CD Diana Cooper & Rosemary Stephenson

Diana Cooper discusses the latest forecasts offered for 2012, including the two cosmic moments, and what is expected to happen in the twenty years beyond. She offers a series of exercises, guiding you in unblocking and healing your heart centre, remembering your divine essence, transmuting fear, removing your armour, opening to oneness and travelling to higher Ascension Chambers. Rosemary Stephenson plays the singing bowls and sings invocations and powerful affirmations. You may listen to the CD by yourself, or share it as a mini workshop guide, which, says Diana, will accelerate your ascension and prepare you for all the opportunities ahead.

2 CD set, 24 tracks, total running time approx. 1hr 40mins, 2009, RRP £19.99 Code: D190508 Cygnus Price £16.99

Did you know? You may order from all previous issues of Cygnus Review


For the past twelve years, I have been corresponding with Roger W McGowen, an inmate from death row, Texas, the toughest such place in the US. For twenty two years Roger has been sitting on death row in a 6x9 foot cell, for a crime we know he did not commit. For instance, among the unbelievable events of his trial – such as a lawyer who slept in the courtroom and prepared his plea on the basis of the police report, and who did not make a single phone call to simply check Roger’s alibi – was the fact that the police concealed two testimonies that could have proved him innocent. Death row, Texas, is not exactly an enviable place. Inmates are in solitary confinement twenty four hours a day, which produces severe psychiatric symptoms, known as the ‘SHU (Security Housing Unit) syndrome’. Breakfast is served at three in the morning, lunch at nine and dinner early afternoon. Prison regulations change constantly, harassment of inmates is the rule, and changes of cell are frequent. Punitive violence and brutality is the norm. Some inmates do not even receive visitors – a prison chaplain on death row told me of an inmate she met who had not seen a single visitor in fourteen years! A spiritual model No surprise, then, that desperation reaches such extremes that some inmates commit suicide or mutilate themselves atrociously, some become zombies or monsters of violence, and others become insane. A very few manage to stay almost normal or, like Roger, even become spiritual teachers for others: which is what Roger has become for me. This man has ‘used’ death row to become a spiritual model for many. He has replaced resentment and hatred with love and forgiveness. My favourite statement of his is: ‘Love is only one thought away. It can never be depleted. Remember to use it often.’ After corresponding with him for three years, his letters were so remarkable I decided I could not keep them to myself, and published them in French and later Dutch. (An English version is soon to be available on the internet). The impact of the book has been extraordinary, and has changed hundreds of lives, as attested by the amazing letters I have been receiving from readers for six years. As a result, an international defence committee has been formed and, for the first time in twenty two years, Roger has a good lawyer defending him. We are currently seeking a new trial on the basis of the incredible irregularities of the first one.

Messages of Life & Love

Roger loves to quote a verse from the favourite hymn of his deceased mother: ‘Lord, do not move my mountain, give me the strength to climb it.’ He has been doing just that for twenty two years. Being responsible for your life His life changed radically the day he decided to no longer be a victim, but to assume the full responsibility for his life. As he wrote to me: ‘I believe that everyone is responsible for his or her life. At one point I thought I was a victim and actually started to feel like one, blaming everyone else for my problems. But I realised I had to take responsibility for my actions, and that doing so was the only way I could ever stop feeling like I did...

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In his work as a spiritual medium Gordon Smith is constantly asked why bad things happen, why a person had to die, particularly when the death was an unexpected, tragic end. Were they too good for this world? Did they go before their time? Why would a benevolent God let them suffer? Are they still suffering after death? For Gordon his work with the Spirit world is dedicated to healing the living. In Why Do Bad Things Happen?, Gordon draws on what he has learned from spirit to answer many of the questions we ask when death steals away someone we love. This inspirational, heart-felt book will give you a deeper understanding of the relationship between life and death and the journey we all take when we leave this life. Learn, too, how others manage to live their lives and grow spiritually, whatever life throws at you.

228pp, 129mm x 228mm, softback, 2009, RRP £9.99

Code: 190903 Cygnus Price £6.49

Every single day of my life, I find something to thank God for. When it is cold and the guys are complaining about it and do not want to get out of bed in the morning, I roll out of bed onto the floor and start doing my push ups. All the time I thank God that I am still able to feel and know what it is like to be cold, because a lot of the guys who were here last year complaining about the cold weather are not here any more to complain this year (because they have in the meantime been executed). Every day and everything is a blessing for me, Pierre. We are responsible for everything that enters our lives, because the things that we allow into our lives are the very things that shape our lives. We can allow these things to be of

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heaven or of hell – but it is our choice.’

August 22, 1991

And a last word from him on love: ‘Loving is so easy and simple that people simply forget it. We only have to remember who we are, and where we come from and who sent us, and remember that we do nothing of our own, that it is the divine Mind and creator who directs our path... You ARE love, so do not waste precious energy deciding that you are love, because love decided that long before you did. You just have to realise it.’ If Roger can do that on death row, Texas... Gentle blessings and love, Pierre Pradervand PS Please contact me for details of how contribute financially to Roger’s defence. My book on Roger, Messages of Life From Death Row, is due to be released on the internet in October, and can by ordered via Amazon (it is not available in bookstores)

The Gentle Art of Blessing Weekend Retreat Presented by Pierre Pradervand

At Community of the King of Love, Whaley Hall, Derbyshire Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th April 2010 Allow Pierre to take you through the perfect way to develop an awareness that is constantly centred in love, even in the midst of the most trying circumstances. Pierre will describe his discovery of blessing as a tool for healing, its worldwide impact, and the importance of loving and blessing oneself. He will show how to create and run a blessing circle. Interspersed throughout the workshop will be a series of simple and powerful exercises and meditations. Cost: £225.00 per person, including full accommodation, food (all dietary needs catered for) and beverages. A deposit of £50 is required to secure a place, and payment by instalment may be arranged.

Friday Evening Talk

An in-depth talk from 7:30pm, Friday 23rd April, at Whaley Hall. You do not need to be booked on the full weekend retreat to attend this talk. Cost: £10 per person For further information, contact: Jacque 01457 863687 Yvonne 07910 118135 Community of the King of Love, Whaley Hall, Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire, SK23 7BL

0845 456 1577 or 01558 825 500

Cygnus Books 5


A bumper sticker on a car in front of me reads: In a world of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Truth heals. But how? And why? And what good does it do anyway? Plenty. Telling the truth is about freedom. It is about joy and peace and health and living a life that is meaningful, powerful, connected, and loving. Ultimately, telling the truth is about feeling good in your own skin, unencumbered, free, and having the life that you want to live. So why do lies so often seem nicer, tidier, easier? The truth is often uncomfortable – because so much shame and guilt are attached to it, because it has been suppressed and left unspoken for years. The truth is a force of such magnitude that it demands to be known, one way or another. If buried, the truth will push its way to the surface. Denial or suppression of the truth will manifest as ill health, dysfunctional relationships, or financial problems. The truth does not remain silenced or suppressed comfortably. It may take a lifetime, but the truth will win out. As any good detective will tell you, even dead men tell tales. I receive at least fifteen frantic messages an hour from people desperately requesting help with their problems. By the time they contact me, they have sought out countless doctors, medical procedures, prescription drugs, you name it. They are often at a point of collapse – writhing in physical or emotional pain. The truth of their past is burning inside them like a house on fire. But they do not know that. They think they have ‘caught’ some dreaded disease or virus; they think they are doomed to a life of misery and suffering. We cannot live a lie and have peace. We cannot live a lie and have joy. True peace and joy are manifestations of living our personal truth. As my story and the stories of thousands whom I have treated make clear, everything that happens to us is stored in our bodies and the energy fields surrounding them. Ultimately, health and healing happen only when a body/mind/soul wants, needs, and is ready to face the truth. Even after a lifetime of suppression, a body/mind/soul that is willing to release painful secrets can heal itself, a family, even a nation. What ultimately saves us is what we were certain would kill us – the truth. I once heard a story about an aboriginal tribe that conducts a healing ceremony whenever anyone in the village is sick. The person with the high fever or the stomach ail-


Healing Through the Truth

ment or the depression or the congested lungs sits in the centre of a circle of all the villagers. The sick person is invited to speak the things that have been left unsaid by directly addressing those he felt harmed by or whom he had harmed with words or actions. What has been weighing on his heart that has never been shared? What dreams have been suppressed? The person speaks his truth. The villagers listen and acknowledge what has been said; they sit in the circle with the person who has been sick until that person is well. The tribe knows what we as a culture have forgotten: truth heals.

“Telling the truth is about freedom. It is about joy and peace and health and living a life that is meaningful, powerful, connected, and loving. Ultimately, telling the truth is about feeling good in your own skin, unencumbered, free, and having the life that you want to live.”

My life of lies I had no relationship with the truth as a child. I was raised – by both my parents – to lie and to live the lie. My father was warm, affectionate, and loving. Every night he would comfort me and talk to me and connect with me. I remember his smell: fresh shirts and whiskey and cigarettes. Daddy’s hands loved me and coddled me and fondled me, but not always in a healthy, nurturing way. Our relationship had a dark side – a side that fostered his constant admonition, ‘Don’t tell! Don’t tell! Don’t tell!’ I was taught to keep secrets, a terrible burden, especially for a child. Children know that secrets are dangerous. They know secrets can hurt them and the family they love. This was our secret that would remain unspoken, suppressed, hidden. I was learning what I would later master – the art of bottling up and never expressing the truth. By the time I was three or four years old, the habit of lying was entrenched in the cells of my body, mind, and being. My mother also taught me, by example, the skill of denial, further shaping me into an adept liar. She looked away, ignoring what was happening between my father and me. Because I was so terrified of her, I learned to lie in order not to displease her. I also


learned to disappear into my lies. When we lie long enough, the lie becomes who we are. I became so practised at lying that I was no longer aware I was doing it. I could not distinguish between the truth and a lie. By the time I was in my twenties, I wore the lie like a beautiful suit of clothes. I was an attorney like my father: married, accomplished, successful. What I did not show others, and what I barely admitted to myself, was that I was out of control – on a roller coaster of depression and manic acting out, drinking, and promiscuous affairs. My body became a minefield full of hidden problems I chose to ignore. Only when I was diagnosed with cancer did I decide to address the truth. I did not want to recognise the truth of my memories, but eventually I didn’t have a choice. My health depended on my knowing them. My illnesses woke me up – as illnesses often do. All those battles and all that suppression of my feelings took their toll. As much as I was willing to lie, my body was not. You cannot argue with illness. You need your body to move about in the world, and, if it’s not working, you are really stuck. I started off with throat ailments as a child and proceeded to develop sicknesses of all kinds: hypoglycemia, stomach problems, and allergies galore. Along the way, I added manic depression, promiscuity, and alcohol and Valium addictions to the mix – all before I finally woke up with a diagnosis of cancer at twenty five. The truth took a long time to face. I had fabricated and invested myself in a life that was far removed from it. There were secrets I was never going to tell. I was absolutely certain my secrets would go with me to the grave, but I was wrong. My personal truth – my secret pain – finally manifested as cancer to grab my attention. Had it not been for cancer, the truth of my past might have remained buried. I wanted to live, and I was willing to do whatever it took to heal. One day, at my wit’s end, I stumbled into a massage therapist’s office. As she began to work on me, she asked if I was open to ‘energy healing’. I didn’t know what that meant, but it sounded good, so I said yes. That began my awakening. Energy We live in a culture that is dying for the truth – literally. When we keep painful secrets or tell lies, we distort our energy fields, weaken our immune systems, pickle our organs, constrict our hearts, rattle our brains, and confuse our nervous systems. Lies turn the body into a toxic waste dump. Did you know? You may order from all previous issues of Cygnus Review

The principles of physics tell us that energy is the driving force of the universe and everything contained within it. In fact, our bodies and their surrounding systems are kaleidoscopes of energy. From bottom to top – from the first energy centre (root chakra) located at the base of the spine up through the seventh energy centre (crown chakra) located at the top of the head – we consist of a complex system that receives energy from the world and sends out energy in what is intended to be a healthy in-and-out cycle. When balanced, the energy centres in the body are spinning vortices that keep us healthy. We want our energy systems to function normally. We want them to be able to pull energy in to nourish and support us. We want free-flowing energy throughout every cell, tissue and organ in our bodies. Life experiences, emotional upsets, surgeries, accidents, and trauma of any kind can shock and impair our energy systems. If these experiences are not processed and released over time, a lack of energy flow in some area of the body may manifest itself as illness or other problems. Memories of painful events may be ‘forgotten’ – denied or suppressed by the conscious mind as a means of coping with fear, sorrow or rage. But the body never forgets because it stores those memories. The scream that wasn’t screamed, the anger that was never expressed, the sadness that was stifled – all leave their mark. Healing through the truth In my practice, people regularly come to me with a laundry list of health complaints. As I scanned the energy field of one man, I found that the disturbances in his body, manifesting as chronic ailments, were unexpressed screams. He had stifled his feelings, which caused havoc in his body. In my own quest for recovery, I spent years working with different sages, shamans and healers. As my awakening began, the horrors that I experienced came to light, and the unexpressed energy inside me screeched to get out. The truth could no longer stay down. It demanded a voice. The truth I had always known, but buried, burst out to the surface. The lie that almost killed me – the seemingly convenient and malleable lie – was no longer my salvation. I wanted to live. The truth saved my life. The lies we use to hide our truth sit inside us like time bombs; the sooner we are willing to dismantle the lies, the sooner we can heal. Telling the truth is an act of love – love for ourselves, for our lives, and for all those we love. To heal, however, it isn’t necessary to remember all the horrific details that you may have suppressed. When I urge people to get in touch with their truth, it might be, for example, just the fact that their childhood was pretty grim. Knowing our own truth is crucial, but it may not be smart or even safe to confront others with it. Getting in touch with our memories is very freeing, but always use good judgment as to sharing the details of that truth with others. Laying it on others who ‘can’t handle the truth’ may only create more hurt and pain. Truth Heals reveals, explores, and illuminates how illness is a function of distortions in one’s energy system caused by suppressed, denied, or forgotten truth; by emotional experiences that have never been addressed; and by painful traumas that have never been recognised or resolved. It is my hope that you will meet and embrace your truth or the truth of someone you love, and that you will be encouraged to do the work involved in healing. May the truth set you free. From Truth Heals, ©2009 by Deborah King, published by Hay House.


BOOK CIRCLE CHOICE: Even more savings when you buy extra copies!

In this powerful and thoughtful book, Deborah King explores the relationship between the suppression of truth and its later manifestation as pain or illness. Deborah guides you through a process that allows you to connect the dots between what’s happening to you physically and emotionally, uncover your truth, knowing that you don’t need to remember an event to heal from it, and form an honest and loving relationship with a healthy and happy you! Deborah’s areas of expertise include: addiction, relationships and divorce, self healing, menopause/sexuality and the mind/body connection. Through client histories, celebrity profiles, and sharing her own remarkable journey of healing, the author demonstrates how anyone can release deep-seated layers of denial, fear, and anger in order to heal the mind and body.

200pp, 152mm x 228mm, softback, 2009, RRP £8.99 Code: 190904 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £6.25 2 or more copies £5.75 each


A fusion of cutting edge science and ancient wisdom, Cellular Awakening shows that whatever illness you may have, you have the potential to heal yourself. Our human potential is far greater than we can possibly imagine and is intrinsically linked to what is unfolding within us at a cellular level. Each and every one of the trillions of cells within our bodies has the ability to hold and utilise light in the form of bio photons, which Barbara Wren describes as ‘subatomic particles of light’. When a cell and its DNA is illuminated, we gain access to the universal wisdom that is held within its matrix. By matching our microcosm (the cell) with the macrocosm (the universal energies), we begin to unlock our true nature and realise your potential to heal.

268pp, 136mm x 215mm, softback, 2009, RRP £9.99 Code: 190905 Cygnus Price £6.75


Dr Richard Bartlett discovered that by lightly touching his clients, while at the same time applying focused intent, he could restore them to a physically, mentally, and spiritually balanced state, instantly shifting energy blockages and misalignments that had plagued them for years. He found that he could teach anyone how to do this, and here, in Matrix Energetics, Dr Bartlett shows us how to access this process, that merges the science of subtle energy with our innate imaginations. Each of us can shift the way we see and experience the reality around us, to tap into the matrix – in essence, travel in time – and bring a healthy state back into the present for immediate, profound results.

204pp, 140mm x 214mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2007, RRP £8.99 Code: 190906 Cygnus Price £6.25

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Cellular Awakening’ & ‘Matrix Energetics’ together for £12.00

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Cygnus Books 7


You may imagine that the world of publishing is a cut-throat affair and it probably is in the more conventional world of London and New York, where big sums change hands. In contrast, here in the alternative/ethical sector we can struggle to bring projects to fruition due to lack of finance, and we never reach the Sunday Times Top Ten list, even when we have a wonderful book. The bookselling industry is dominated by big players, and minnows like us struggle to reach the High Street, but this also means that we don’t pulp books – ever! No big piles of unsold titles are consigned to save the masher. I can’t tell you how 35%! unusual this is for a publisher. Pulping has been described as one of the industry’s ‘dirty secrets’. No amount of greening company offices will compensate for this practice. Beneficial relationships In the alternative/ethical sector, rather than the conventional model of competition, we try to work together and cooperate. We aim to set up beneficial relationships. Ultimately, we want to support one another and help each other spread our respective messages. This is a powerful way of doing business and helps us reach out to new people without spending vast sums for advertising. We also have some great allies in the corporate sector who understand the importance of our messages and are working supportively with us. It’s not all black and white or dog eat dog. Cygnus has kindly invited me to write this page for over a year, to help me reach a new audience. In turn, many of my readers now read Cygnus Review. John Elford, who runs Green Books (publishers of the Transition series, including Local Food), is also a good cooperator. He is always willing to share information about new developments in a rapidly changing digital world. Cambrian Printers, too, who print Permaculture Magazine and many of the eco books available in Britain, are also great people. They run their operation to high environmental standards and have a strong ethical core. I have another good news story. Green Parent magazine recently had an excess of recycled paper that they could not use. As you would expect, they didn’t want to pulp it and so, out of the blue, they called us. Would we like it? We are delighted to have received £2,000 worth of quality paper! It will be used to publish a book later in the year called Birthrites: Rituals & Celebrations for the Birthing Years, by one of our new authors, Jackie Singer. What a lovely way to launch a new book into the world. So many business models are about competi-


The Wisdom & Joy of Cooperation

tion, about fighting for a market share, about being cloak and dagger and not sharing resources or information between companies. As the new ecological civilization unfolds and begins the long task of repairing the damage climate change is already causing, business will have to change. With limited resources and carbon burdens building up in the atmosphere and our seas, we have to completely alter how we live on this planet in order to survive. Re-localisation: the key adaptation The old capitalist model of industrial growth is crumbling before our eyes. What will take its place? I believe that re-localisation will be a key adaptation. It will inevitably mean that global markets shrink, and that imported goods, currently supplied by corporate giants (like out-of-


LOCAL FOOD Tamzin Pinkerton & Rob Hopkins

Many people already buy their vegetables as locally as possible, eat organic and seasonal food where they can, and are perhaps even coming to grips with managing an allotment. However, with current economic pressures and mounting concerns about peak oil and climate change, there is a growing feeling that we need to do more to reduce dependence on the global market. Local Food offers an inspiring yet practical guide to what can be achieved if you get together with the people on your street, the people in your village, town or city. It explores a huge range of initiatives for rebuilding a diverse, resilient local food network – including community gardens and food co-operatives – and includes all the information you will need to get ideas off the ground. Drawing on the practical experience of Transition initiatives and other community projects around the world, Local Food demonstrates the power of working collaboratively. In today’s culture of supermarkets and food miles, an explosion of activity at community level is urgently needed. This book is the ideal place to start.

Another exciting development that will grow and grow is a great diversity of locally produced foods. At the moment, we eat a tiny variety of fruit, vegetables and grains that grow in our own climate. I have been testing a rare apple variety from Bardsey Island, off Anglesey. The mother tree was discovered in 1999 by a visiting ‘twitcher’ and propagated by nurseryman, Ian Sturrock. Tim and I planted our first tree in 2005 and this year we have allowed it to crop. The apple is crisp, juicy and sweet: a real find. Imagine how many more tasty, easy-to-grow varieties of foods are out there waiting for us to discover them and nurture them within our own communities. The future is not going to be a time of depravation and scarcity. It will inevitably mean we have to live more simply, more sagely and more cooperatively. But I see this transition as a positive one. There are many more stories of cooperation that I could write about here – and many more tasty, unusual plants! My point is that another way of living and working together already exists. It is vital that we experiment, celebrate positive change and tell these stories to all those people who are searching for new ways of living together in peace. Let’s cultivate hope. Love, Maddy

Maddy Harland is the editor of Permaculture Magazine – solutions for sustainable living – or call 01730 823 311. Her new blog is at:


As consumers’ awareness of their own carbon footprint continues to grow, more and more people seek out save £4.00! ways to ensure that they are as eco-friendly as possible. This invaluable guide is a must for anyone who wishes to control their consumption of fossil fuels and learn about different possible sources of energy that could be adopted in the home. Firstly off-grid energy itself is explained in detail, and then the available options – solar, wind, wood, bio, water, geothermal and gaseous- are 160pp, 220mm x 220mm, softback, 2009, RRP £12.95 explored. Essential advice and information Code: 190907 Cygnus Price £8.40 on the conservation and preservation of energy is also supplied – as well as informaseason industrially grown and processed food), tion about supplying your energy back to the will radically diminish. Less-processed and mingrid – making this a truly comprehensive imally packaged foods, from smaller suppliers, guide to off-grid energy. will be essential. We must also be unable to 192pp, 174mm x 250mm, illus. in b&w, hardback, buy throwaway goods that cannot be fixed. 2008, RRP £12.99 While models and parts change every year, we Code: 190908 Cygnus Price £8.99 throw away mountains of white goods. Did you know that all but two makes of washing machine available in the UK are shipped in SPECIAL OFFER: Buy ‘Local Food’ & from China? We’ll look back at this period of ‘The Off-Grid Energy Handbook’ human civilisation with incredulity. together for £16.39


Did you know? You may order from all previous issues of Cygnus Review



THE ART OF RAW LIVING FOOD Doreen Virtue & Jenny Ross

THE BIG PEACE Suzy Greaves

The Big Peace allows you to put your feet up – and find yourself without going anywhere, says Suzy Greaves. It is about working with what you have right here, right now, about discovering that it’s all right to be ‘messed up’ and fabulous, and that they’re not mutually exclusive. Start questioning the crazy, stressful thoughts that run you ragged, and choose a more soothing soundtrack for life. Suzy shows how to wallow in self-acceptance on a daily basis, how to let go of your inner critic, allow your standards to drop and watch your quality of life rise. Soon you will stop trying to prove yourself to others and start recognising your own self-worth by doing the things you’re naturally good at and enjoy. It’s time to focus on your brilliance and have a sense of humour about the rest!

Now you can enjoy all of the health benefits of a diet high in fresh produce, while still enjoying tasty meals. In this deliciously presented book, Doreen Virtue and Jenny Ross give you hundreds of recipes and tips for gourmet dishes – all created 100 percent from raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts, maintaining the vitality and nutritional value of the ingredients. You’ll enjoy Mexican, Italian, Asian, and much more, with all of the physical, spiritual, and emotional benefits of adopting one of the healthiest eating plans available. As you follow these easy-to-prepare recipes, you’ll discover why thousands of people have joined the raw movement and see how to incorporate a living-foods diet into your daily life!

202pp, 172mm x 202mm, illus. in colour, softback, 2009, RRP £10.99 Code: 190909 Cygnus Price £6.59

260pp, 128mm x 198mm, softback, 2009, RRP £8.99 Code: 190912 Cygnus Price £6.15



The Life Transformation Diet offers a refreshing, inspirational personal development and holistic approach to losing weight and taking charge of your life. Joanne Reid Rodrigues was a junk food addict for twelve years, which left her obese, depressed, and frequently unwell. After years of secret eating, bingeing, and believing she was ‘just meant to be fat’, she eventually triumphed and transformed her mindset, her body, and her life. In Life Transformation Diet, Joanne shares her strategies, presenting delicious, easy-to-use recipes that kick off with the Seven Day 100% Natural Energy Plan, plus nutrition information and thought-provoking stories from her life and work. Let her guide you to break the cycle of overeating, take control of your eating patterns, stop emotional bingeing, release excess weight, develop a positive mindset and raise your self-esteem and self-respect, raise your energy levels, make peace with your body and love your life.

Melanie Fennell’s acclaimed self-help guide, Overcoming Low Self-Esteem, will help you to understand your low self-esteem and, armed with this knowledge, break out of the vicious circle of negative self-image, learn the art of self-acceptance and alter your life for the better. She explains the nature of selfsave destructive thinking, describes the perpetuat£3.50! ing factors and explores how to identify your positive qualities to gain a more balanced view of yourself. She presents a complete self-help programme, with monitoring sheets, based upon the clinically proven techniques of cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT. Whatever the intensity and breadth of impact of your low selfesteem, this book provides a ‘road map’ for your journey to selfknowledge and self-acceptance, developing a new, more kindly, respectful and accepting self-view.

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Art of Raw Living Food’ & ‘Life Transformation Diet’ together for £13.58

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Big Peace’ & ‘Overcoming Low Self-Esteem’ together for £12.64

376pp, 128mm x 198mm, softback, 2009, RRP £10.99 Code: 190914 Cygnus Price £7.49

298pp, 152mm x 228mm, softback, 2009, RRP £9.99 Code: 190910 Cygnus Price £7.99

HEALTHY EATING FOR THE MENOPAUSE Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD with Lewis Esson

Your menopause needn’t be characterised by the unpleasant symptoms often associated with it – from weight gain to hot flushes. By gaining an understanding of how diet and lifestyle affect save women, you can take action and eat your 41%! way to optimum health. In Healthy Eating for the Menopause, Marilyn Glenville explains how your diet can work as a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy and give you results far superior to any drug. Devising recipes rich in the three beneficial food groups – phytoestrogens, essential fatty acids and antioxidants, which are contained naturally in many everyday ingredients – Marilyn Glenville and Lewis Esson have created menus for all the meals in the day. Guaranteeing no risks and no side effects, these recipes will not only help to reduce and even eliminate certain symptoms, but also guard against osteoporosis, heart disease and other illnesses.

160pp, 212mm x 220mm, illus. in colour, softback, 2009, RRP £12.99 Code: 190911 Cygnus Price £7.65

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Everyone has some degree of stress in their life, but do you have the skills to deal with it. Paul McKenna now applies his clear and effective methods to teach you how to take greater control over the stress in your life, so that you will feel better and live longer. Your immune system will be stronger, your stamina will be significantly increased, and you will make better decisions. Better still, the overall quality of your life will be significantly enhanced! This stress control system, with a powerful hypnosis CD, will help you achieve deep states of relaxation, have more energy and be more effective in your everyday life. Paul McKenna has created a daily companion that will allow you to access your body’s natural capacity for instant calm. As you learn to change your response to stress and worry, you will be able to stay at your best for longer and bounce back quicker than ever before. You will be unburdened of the stress you carry with you wherever you go and be able to live a happy, calmer, rich and joyous life!

160pp, 148mm x 210mm, softback, 2009 + free 23 minute CD, RRP £10.99 Code: 190913 Cygnus Price £6.00

0845 456 1577 or 01558 825 500

Cygnus Books 9


Is reality what we think it is? Since we all ization can. It’s the difference between accept the existence of the material world, believing that you are blessed and actually how could it possibly be the illusion observing the action of grace in the world. Francisco describes to Mickey in Why is As realization grows within you, there is God Laughing? After all, rocks are solid, air no limit to what you may become; the only sustains life, and the planet revolves on its certainty is that you will be transformed. axis. Yet these facts are not what the word Here’s an example of what I mean: ‘illusion’ refers to. A mystic and a materialist There is always a reason to be grateful will both stub their toes if they kick a rock. The realization that there is always a reaBut a mystic believes that the rock is a proson to be grateful is an antidote to victimjection of a deeper reality, while a materialization. It establishes that you are seen and ist believes that the rock is all there is – provided for. The more you notice the truth reality doesn’t go deeper than things. To a of this principle, the less you will believe materialist, clouds and mountains are no that you are a victim. more than things, their beauty being Half price! beside the point. A newborn baby is a WHY IS GOD thing, too, its humanity being equally LAUGHING? Deepak Chopra besides the point. In a world of things, there In Why is God is no room for a loving intelligence known Laughing?, Deepak as God who presides over creation and Chopra uses a lightgives it meaning. hearted yet profound Yet on the path to joy you discover that parable to show us meaning is the very basis of life. A baby is a a path to hope, joy thing only in the most superficial sense. In and enlightenment, reality a baby is a field of infinite potential with a lot of laughter expressing the highest intelligence in along the way. After telling the story of ficNature. I don’t think of this as a mystical tional friends Mickey and Francisco, belief, but as a truth that lies deeper than Deepak explores the lessons of the tale, the surface picture – where life looks like a namely his principles of spiritual optimism, stream of random physical events. Meaning or ten reasons to be optimistic, even in the is born deep within. Spiritual optimism is midst of chaos and uncertainty. Rich with also an inner experience. It is based on the humour and advice, Why is God love, beauty, creativity, and truth that a perLaughing? shows that there is always a son discovers at the level of the soul. reason to be grateful, and that every posWorking with intuition sibility holds the potential for abundance. When you explore yourself on the inner This refreshing take on spirituality shows plane, you are working with intuition. It’s a us why laughter from the heart is the common misconception that intuition is at healthiest response to life. We’re sure that odds with science, but Einstein himself said Deepak Chopra fans will love this book, that what separated him from atheists was and, if you haven’t read any of his books that ‘they cannot hear the music of the yet, now is the ideal time to start. 188pp, 126mm x 198mm, softback, 2009, RRP £7.99 spheres.’ In truth, science and spirituality Code: 180902 Cygnus Price £3.99 both depend on intuition, for the greatest scientific discoveries are made through creative leaps, rather than by following a linear Looking around, it’s obvious that life is trail of established facts. orderly. A bee flies from flower to flower, You use your intuition every day to confirm eating and pollinating in accordance with a that you are alive, or that daisies are pretty, magnificent, ordered scheme. Millions of or that truth is better than a lie. The path to years of evolution have exquisitely matched joy consists of making your intentions deep- bee and flower so that neither can exist er and more accessible. Once my intuition without the other. Why, then, do we believe tells me what it is to be alive, then I can that our own lives can’t be effortlessly susexplore what my life means, where it came tained? One major obstacle is that we see from, and where it’s going. Fortunately, ourselves as victims. Our bodies are subthere is no force in the universe more powject to aging and death. Accidents are erful than intuition. unavoidable. Catastrophe and disaster On the spiritual path you come to realize looms just around the corner, controlled by certain basic principles. As these principles a whimsical destiny. And simply imagining unfold, reality shifts. Mere belief cannot the terrible things that can happen to you transform the events around you, but realbrings as much suffering as the events



The Path to Joy

themselves. Being a victim is the logical result of being in constant danger. If God sustains us, then surely he must reverse this whole scheme of random accidents that puts everyone in peril. This is a tricky point, however, because we are also surrounded by abundance in Nature. Optimists point to our green earth overflowing with life, nourishment, and beauty. However, can a loving God really supply us with life’s good things one day and pain the next? Most people who feel grateful to God tend to deny that he is also responsible for disease, calamity, and death. Yet an all-knowing, all-powerful deity can’t be responsible for only part of what goes on. Either he sustains everything or nothing. The way to escape from living under a God who brings pleasure one day and pain the next is to realize that God isn’t a person. We only call God ‘he’ because our minds resist thinking of God as a total abstraction. In truth, being total, God has to be abstract. You can’t wrap your mind around the All. Instead, we wrap our minds around the things we notice, and choose to believe in. To the extent that you notice God in your life, acknowledge him with gratitude. God doesn’t need to be thanked – after all, he already has everything, including thanks. But by choosing gratitude you are selecting a benevolent aspect of the All on which you want to focus. The purpose of gratitude is to connect yourself to a higher vision of life. You have the power to choose whether to activate the aspect of God that gives or the aspect that takes away. Whatever you pay attention to will grow. If you pay attention to those aspects of God that demonstrate love, truth, beauty, intelligence, order, and spiritual evolution, those aspects will begin to expand in your life. Bit by bit, like a mosaic, disparate fragments of grace will merge to form a complete picture. Eventually this picture will replace the more threatening one you have carried around inside you since infancy. The external world claims to be real, but it, too, is an image created in consciousness and projected outward. Once you realize that you alone are the projector of reality, you will no longer be dominated by external events. You will correct the mistake that lies at the very root of victimization: a belief that the movie controls you, instead of the other way around. From Why is God Laughing?, ©2009 by Deepak Chopra, published by Rider. Did you know? You may order from all previous issues of Cygnus Review


In the same way that the Law of Attraction is responding to the thoughts, words, and actions that you are offering here in your physical reality, the Law of Attraction is always responding powerfully to your Vibrational Reality. When the Law of Attraction, the Universal manager of all Vibrations, responds to the clarity of Vibration offered by your newly expanded Inner Being, the result is a powerful swirling Vortex of attraction. So here is this Vortex of becoming – a Vortex that contains all of the requests, all of the amended requests, each and every detail of each and every asking that has emanated from you – and the Law of Attraction is responding to that. Envision this swirling, swirling, swirling Vortex and the power of attraction that is amassed as the Law of Attraction responds to this pure, nonresisted, focused desire. The Vortex is literally drawing in all things necessary for the completion of every request it contains. All cooperative components are being summoned and are coming for the completion of these creations, for the answering of these questions, for the solution to these problems. Remembering your full aspect and power The purpose of The Vortex is not only to help you remember the process of creation – and remember the Pure, Positive Energy platform from which you have come – but to help you remember the power of this Vortex and to remind you of your Emotional Guidance System so that you can consciously and deliberately achieve the Vibrational frequency of your Vortex. Its purpose is to: * help you remember who-you-really-are * help you remember the purpose of your physical experience * restore your feeling of self-appreciation for what you are accomplishing here in your physical body * help you remember that you are, first and foremost, a Vibrational being * help you remember that there is also a Non-Physical aspect of you, that exists now * help you be aware of the relationship between the two Vibrational aspects of you * help point your awareness consistently toward the swirling Vortex of Creation, which contains all that you desire and all that you have become. In short, it will help you get into your Vortex. Vibrational asking Everyone who turns up in your life – from the people you call friends or lovers, to the people you call enemies or strangers – comes in response to your Vibrational asking. You not only invite the person, but you also invite the personality traits of the person. Many people have a difficult time accepting this as they think of many of the unwanted characteristics of people in their lives. They argue that they would never have asked for something so unwanted to come into their experience, for they believe that ‘asking’ for something means ‘asking for something wanted’. But by ‘asking’, we mean offering a matching Vibration... We know that many of the relationships or experiences you have attracted, you would not have deliberately attracted if you had been doing it on purpose, but much of your attraction is not done by deliberate intent, but rather by default... It is important to understand that you get what you think about, whether you want it or not. And chronic thoughts about unwanted things invite, or ask for, matching experiences. The Law of Attraction makes it so. Relationships, or co-creating with others, is responsible for nearly all of the contrast in your life. They are responsible for the troubles of your life and your greatest pleasures. But, most important of all, the relationships that you experience with one another are the basis of the majority of the expansion that you achieve; and because of that, it is accurate to also say that the relationships of your life are the reason for the potential for your joy – or your pain – in any moment in time. Simply put, if someone had not prodded you into more expansion, you could not feel the pain of not keeping up with that expansion. The interaction, intertwining, and co-creation of relationships enhances your individual experience enormously. Your greatest joys and your greatest sorrows come from the basis of your relationships, but you have more control over whether you experience joy or sorrow than you realize. From The Vortex, ©2009 by Esther & Jerry Hicks, published by Hay House.

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THE VORTEX Esther & Jerry Hicks

Relationships and love bring with them incredible experiences, but what if love becomes too much of a challenge, and finding, sustaining and enjoying a relationship feels impossible? Esther and Jerry Hicks, who present the powerful teachings they channel from the group of discarnate entities known collectively as ‘Abraham’, will now help you understand every relationship you are currently involved in as well as every relationship you have ever experienced, and those you are yet to have. The Vortex uncovers a myriad of false premises that are at the heart of every uncomfortable relationship issue, and guides you to a clear understanding of the powerful creative Vortex that has already assembled the relationships that you have desired. Abraham will show you how to enter that Vortex, where you will rendezvous with everything and everyone you have been looking for. The book includes a CD recording of a live workshop hosted by the Hicks.

258pp, 152mm x 228mm, softback, 2009 + free 70 minute CD, RRP £9.99 Code: 190915 Cygnus Price £6.25

WILD LOVE Gill Edwards


45%! Gill Edwards explains that, whenever we try to be good – or expect others to be good – we disconnect from the freedom, joy and unconditional love that we are seeking. We are ‘tamed’ by fear, guilt, blame and judgement, and our relationships will be shallow, insecure or unfulfilling. It is when we aim to be happy, and reach for our dreams, that we reconnect with Source energy – and can express our loving, creative and unique potential. Freedom comes from knowing that nothing and no-one ‘out there’ is responsible for what we experience or how we feel. It is always an inside job. Wild Love is an inspiring book which will help you to become wild and free, and to become a passionate and visionary co-creator of your own heaven on earth.

386pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2009, RRP £10.99 Code: 160619 Cygnus Price £5.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Vortex’ & ‘Wild Love’ together for £11.24


In Love as a Way of Life, Gary Chapman delivers a powerful plan for whole-life happiness, with simple yet intensive exercises and wisdom for finding the life you have always wanted. The way in which our individual lives are improved, says Chapman, is through improving each relationship in your life: with your parents, your children, your co-workers, and your spouse, and for all human interactions that form the foundations of our lives. With new ways of accepting and responding to the gift of love, Love as a Way of Life nurtures the essential qualities of Kindness, Patience, Forgiveness, Courtesy, Humility, Generosity, and Honesty. Memorable real-life stories and inspiring advice make this an ideal book to share with others, fostering meaningful conversations about the incredible possibilities that emerge when love becomes a habit. Rich in wisdom and inspiration, Love as a Way of Life is an invaluable guide to creating fulfilling and satisfying relationships and reaping the joys of living a love-driven life.

254pp, 130mm x 198mm, softback, 2009, RRP £8.99 Code: 190916 Cygnus Price £5.99

0845 456 1577 or 01558 825 500

Cygnus Books 11


For the Sacred Activist, the problem of anger represents one of the deepest spiritual challenges. On the one hand, as everyone has experienced, anger can blind your judgment and lead you into folly, hatred, and a furious and brutal self-righteousness that immediately repels those you hope to persuade or inspire. On the other, when alchemized by deep spiritual insight in the container of spiritual practice, anger can provide the fuel for working in the world with the laser-like energy of fierce compassion and wisdom. If you and I are not outraged by what is happening everywhere in our world, we will remain where so many find themselves, in paralysis, apathy and denial. Yet if our outrage masters us, we may become irrational, violent, and destructive in our turn, inwardly ravaged by rage at, and hatred of our opponents that will not only dehumanize us but also cripple our effectiveness. If we work with this anger and outrage, however, without repressing or judging or denying it, with the crucible of spiritual practice, it can be transformed into a reservoir of purified passion, compassion and wisdom that will give us power and stamina. Julia Butterfly Hill has described this process in an interview with Andre Beath in Consciousness in Action: In today’s world, it’s not only our right to be angry, it’s our responsibility. The question is, do we act out of anger or love? That’s what makes the difference. The reason I feel it’s our responsibility to be angry is that anyone who looks at the world will recognize that we hurt innocent life, and bring more children into the world who will be injured. The anger comes from knowing we have the potential to do it another way and yet we don’t. Then we let go, and the anger becomes secondary. I do what I do because of my love, not my anger.

My prayer is that I may be an open heart. When I become angry at what we’re doing, I take it in and say, ‘Okay, anger through love becomes fierce compassion.’ Anger is a powerful energy and I’m all for using energy, whatever form it comes in, but using it for the good. When I first got stressed out in the tree, I’d take a deep breath in and say, ‘Stress in and stress out.’ I don’t want to lose the passion of anger. It’s a vital life force. Later I changed the practice and said, ‘Stress in, love out’ with each breath... I still have passion, but I can look at someone who threatens to kill me, and my heart melts. I see their injury makes them act that way. It helps me transform difficult situations.


The Alchemy of Anger

I have often used the practice Julia Butterfly Hill gives here to help transmute the outrage I feel at cruelty, injustice, and denial into a purified passion of compassion that can fuel steady work for change. I know by now that the deepest source of my energy, and my best quality as a teacher and writer, is the passion I bring to what I do; it is this passion that has given me the hunger and energy to evolve on my path, and I have resisted any attempts to muffle or repress it.

“I have found that the best and most effective way to transmute outrage into fierce, compassionate wisdom energy is to work with the Force that is itself both loving and fierce, tender and ferocious.”

I also know that the shadow of this passion is anger, cruelty, and a ferociously judgmental arrogance that has sometimes made me ineffective, unforgiving, ungenerous, isolated, and despairing. My challenge has been not to repress this passion but to recognize it as sacred, while also working constantly on purifying and refining it so that it does not become an enemy to me or to others. A practice of transmuting anger in the presence of the dark feminine I have found that the best and most effective way to transmute outrage into fierce, compassionate wisdom energy is to work save with the Force that is itself both loving and £5.00! fierce, tender and ferocious: the Mother in her dark aspect as Kali or the Black Madonna. I know that the sacred roots of my outrage are in Her passionate and protective love for all beings and for the creation. I know also that while this fierce love is pure and married to ultimate wisdom in Her being, it is muddied by exaggeration, hysteria, childhood trauma, and impatience in mine. I imagine the Black Madonna or Kali standing in front of me, majestic and radiating golden light. From my open heart centre I send toward her a stream of golden flame intermingled with acrid black smoke. The golden flame is the part of my outrage that is sacred and inspired by Her wild love for all beings and for justice. The acrid black smoke represents the part of my outrage that is conditioned by human panic, rage and neurosis. I pray to Her: ‘Mother, take this golden flame of sacred passion, intertwined with the black smoke of my neurosis and trauma, into the depths of Your heart. So transmute it there in


You that You can return it to me in a stream of pure golden love-fire that has had all the darkness removed from it.’ Then I visualize the stream of golden fire mixed with acrid black smoke streaming from my open heart centre to Hers. I visualize Her heart centre opening to receive it, closing to transmute it, and opening again to send me back a stream of pure golden passion-energy, a passionenergy that has been purified in Her and by Her. I take this pure golden passion-energy into my heart centre and imagine it travelling up to the top of my head and down to the ends of my toes, suffusing my mind, heart, and body with its brilliant power. At the end of the practice, I imagine myself prostrating before Kali or the Black Madonna and praying, ‘Keep me always in this growing balance between fierceness and tenderness, judgment and compassion, and fill me always through Your grace with this golden, purified passionate energy of wisdom and love.’ I have found this to be a powerful practice, especially in difficult and dangerous situations where the energy that outrage and passion can give is essential, but where its unguarded, or violent expression would be disastrous. In a world such as ours, such situations are all too frequent. From The Hope: a Guide to Sacred Activism, ©2009 by Andrew Harvey, published by Hay House. BOOK FOR GIVING: Even more savings when you buy extra copies!


Sacred Activism is compassion in action – the alchemical blending of physical work with spiritual intent to create a holy force and fusion of humankind’s greatest achievements and principles. Andrew Harvey explains how to combine the foundations of wisdom with the power of love in action to create a better world of meaning, empathy, strength and joy. The Hope gives practical help to all those who realise the urgent truth of our world – that we are being offered a gateway for dramatic and positive change – and who want to act as effectively as possible from wisdom and compassion.

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In Cosmic Ordering: The Next Step, Barbel Mohr introduces the ancient Hawaiian technique of Ho’oponopono, ‘the path to perfection’, which, just as with cosmic ordering, is based on the assumption that everything is part of a whole, and that the world around us is simply a reflection of the world within us. If a problem can be seen to originate from within, then that is where the solution will be found. Barbel invites you on a journey of discovery, exploring her new techniques. She offers various approaches, from the Hawaiian perspective, to that of modern science and psychology. Once this method has become a regular routine for you, says Barbel, your inner peace creates a ‘flow’, a stream of life, in which an increasing number of miracles can occur. You will start to feel that everything is energy – and discover how this energy from the world within us expresses itself in the world around us.

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Perfect Timing When our eldest daughter, who is now 15, was 2 years old, she idolised her father and would follow my husband everywhere. We lived in a cul-de-sac and one evening my husband went across the estate to see a neighbour. I was washing up in the kitchen at the back of the house at the time. Suddenly a loud male voice called out urgently ‘the door!’ Not stopping to think about who or where the voice came from, I ran to the front door in time to see our daughter stepping out into the road. A neighbour’s car was reversing out of the drive at the time, a few metres away and heading directly for her: in the dark she was impossible to see. I yelled her name and she stopped dead in her tracks, bursting into tears. I collapsed shaking and crying. My husband hadn’t thought to close the front door behind him to stop our daughter from trying to follow him across the road. I shall never know who it was who alerted me that night, but I have been forever grateful, his perfect timing saved our daughter’s life. Penny Campbell This In this emptiness a richness in this space no-thing. Time suspended floats is soft silent. In this silence your heartbeat. Breath gentle slows, body containing knows,

heart broken opens into love simple and pure.

There is nothing more than this. ©Viv Fogel, from Without Question, published by Mandaras 2006 Handing Over After years of overwork and then the flu, I was diagnosed with ME. The perfect timing of the first ‘Gift’ of ME arrived on the summer’s day my condition was named. Butterflies filled my 3rd-floor flat (unusual, being so high up) and, being the symbol of transformation, this phenomenon indicated to me that I was now in a cocoon of healing

and would emerge when the time was right. Butterflies appeared daily, into the winter, prompting a friend to pronounce a sudden appearance whilst she was visiting ‘a miracle’. There were many perfect timings exactly when most needed – food brought, money given – the biggest being when I had to leave my home as I could no longer manage. Unable to find a suitable place, I was reluctantly planning to move to a new area when, at the 11th hour, the perfect flat became available and I was able to stay close to my invaluable support system. The latest perfect timing was recent – after six years of being ill, I felt something physically shift deep within and the life-force began to flow through my body; within a week of this miracle someone inquired if I was working again. I silently asked for guidance and replied, ‘yes I am’ – within days another person asked the same. The perfect start on my way back to health. My experience is that the blessings of perfect timing come through the practice of ‘handing over’, trust and patience – not easy, but significantly life-enhancing. Brenda Bayne Thank you, from the heart This is to thank the man who saved my life... Thank You… You wonderful, amazing, adorable man! Who sent you to me, in my deepest, darkest hour?

To bring me kindness, comfort, compassion, News of light and love, freedom and joy, To tell me I’m a ray of light, that miracles happen! And loving me, no matter what I am…

You’ve released my soul from a lifetime’s pain, From the burden my body couldn’t carry any longer.

Now my soul sings, My spirit flies with you… with love


Last September Standing on the edge of a field, rural Norfolk bathed in late warm sunshine, javelins of gold piercing through the clustered many boughs, tip-toeing and darting, playing with the wind. Spiky shells littered the ground, bronzed chestnuts scattered around then from above, in her care,

Perfect Timing

she released another treasured seed, my hand outstretched, I caught that nut, virgin human contact; Deep golden browns and shiny new, a tiny miracle! I thanked the mighty Mother, a cob-webbed hug and vibes, your gift I shall plant and nurture at the edge of another field! Rupert Harvey Just a Second Light-filled sounds beckoned Inviting peace be beautifully released. In this bountiful blissful second Soul’s wisdom recalled, the pulse loses pace, The clock loses face, No breath; no earth; No sea or sky; no stone, no star. No place. No death; no birth; No fear or cry; so near; so far; Beyond space. For this blissful second, Stillness sits in Soul As if sunbeams and moonlight embrace The mystic centre of a bright Black Hole In its cradle of angelic grace.

Let brighter realities glow For ever flowing from One Being Knowing all is in love, A faultless love forever freeing. Christopher Gilmore A timely message Ten years ago I bought a magazine, Kindred Spirit, I think. Inside was a postcard of the cover of From Black and White to Colour by Richard Wilkins. I found the colours and the image very powerful and kept the card. A year later my husband died, having lived with cancer for three years. Probably six months after he died I found the card again, with the same feeling about it. I then saw an advert for the book, and although I didn’t know what the book was about I sent for it. When I got my copy the very first page I opened it at was the message I was meant to have at that moment. It’s a poem called ‘Please believe these words’, too long to reproduce here, but it summed everything up perfectly. The relationship we had had, and it was as though he was talking to me personally. It was a very emotional experience, and did what it was meant to do. It really was perfect timing! Fran Gardner

WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THIS PAGE? The theme for Issue 10 will be Visions of a New Earth (copy deadline 5 October 2009) and for Issue 11, 2009, the theme will be: Prayers & Blessings for the Winter Solstice (copy deadline 2 November 2009). For Issue 1, 2010, there is no strict theme: please write whatever inspiration brings (copy deadline 23 November 2009). If you have an insight, experience or poem connected with any of these themes, please write it down in NOT MORE THAN 250 WORDS (or, if it is a poem, in NOT MORE THAN 24 LINES) and send it to reach us by the copy deadline. IF YOUR CONTRIBUTION IS PUBLISHED ON THIS PAGE, YOU WILL RECEIVE A £5 CYGNUS VOUCHER


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Future copy dates - Issue 11, Monday 2nd November 2009 Issue 1, New Year 2010, Monday 23rd November 2009



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