Cygnus Review, 2010 Issue 7

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Cygnus Review issue 7, July 2010 – free of charge

heal your body, feed your soul, free your mind, love your planet

Money Is Love Barbara Wilder Modern-Day Miracles Louise L Hay & Friends

Summer Special: extra features for you to enjoy

Mystery of the White Lions Linda Tucker Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body! Denise Linn Illumination: the Shaman's Way of Healing Alberto Villoldo Humorous novels for summer reading

More thoughts on how we heal


Dear Friends, Bringing our thoughts, feelings and beliefs into a state of harmony and authenticity is something we all strive to do isn’t it? There are lots of techniques, and we’re sure each of you has your favourite. We engage in these practices, don’t we, because we observe that when what goes on in our minds and hearts is harmonious and authentic, this has a noticeable, improving effect on our circumstances and sense of wellbeing. These practices work well for us most of the time. But what happens when the unknown bursts into our lives, leaving us with the feeling that none of the maps we have can show us the way any longer? What happens if we are suddenly plunged into a situation of such unbearable emotional or physical pain that we simply do not have the strength to use all our formerly trusted practices and beliefs? Where is the help for such people? Are they doomed? Today, we are facing major uncertainty on a global scale. Humanity is eyeball to eyeball with the unknown, which is why we think it makes sense for us all to be asking these questions, and a still more pressing one: Does the beneficent power which animates the universe simply bring down even further those who have become bogged down in a surfeit of suffering? On the basis that, if they cannot generate the right thoughts and beliefs, then they are breaking ‘universal law’, so more suffering is the only possible outcome? Having been in such a painful situation myself due to my continuing experience of cancer, Geoff and I have been thinking about this a lot lately, and we simply cannot believe that this is true. In reality, it is not a question of belief. Even while – in fact, especially while – the ground was being ripped away from under my feet, I experienced a knowing in my heart – a solidity firm as rock. And I observed that this solidity could not be shifted by anything, even all the pain and fear which I have to confess was, at times, completely unbearable. After a lot of thought, because it’s so deeply personal, Geoff and I have decided to share with you how I experienced this ‘solidity’. Because maybe the memory of these words will be useful if ever you, too, find yourself cast adrift in the midst of a dark, stormy night of the soul. No one should feel alone and unguided in such a passage through the darkness, when the temptation is so great to give in to despair. And what I know now beyond any doubt at all is that no one is alone, however it may seem. Right through all the shrill voices of exhaustion and pain-induced fear and torment that seemed to completely engulf my conscious mind at times, I could still feel a strange and remarkable ‘solidity’ somewhere deep inside. In my calmer moments, it became a major quest to

More Thoughts on How We Heal

sink down into that solid feeling, and see what it wanted to say. Often, some magical words from the Bible that I had heard as a child would whisper themselves to me: ‘Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.’ Isaiah 1:18. What did this mean? Here is my attempt to put into words what that inner ‘solidness’ was saying to me: Know that whatever – in your mind, body or soul – separates you from the experience of perfect benevolence and joy – which is the underlying fabric of this universe – can be cleared away. It can be melted like snow in the sunshine, however threatening it may seem, however dire, however dreadful. Be absolutely assured that there exists a perfect plan for your life. And be comforted that Source, the universe, God, or whatever you want to call it, is not – at one extreme – some judgemental being that keeps scores and causes you to suffer for your errors so that you can ‘learn’ from your mistakes. And nor is it, at the other extreme, some mindless, automatically operating field that will simply manifest whatever your thoughts or feelings attract. It is benevolent, full of grace, accepts and holds you completely as you are, and wishes only perfect good for you. Wherever you stand, however far away from love you may judge yourself to be, you can observe that the universe does not judge you at all and – through synchronicity – it always finds and maps out the shortest route for you between the place where you stand now, wherever it is, and your perfect good. Calm in the eye of the storm Whatever storm was raging on the surface, I found I could not let go of this belief. In fact, it is not a belief at all; it is an observation, a knowing, a strength that cannot be uprooted whatever happens. Nothing at all, ever, can separate me from this love, or from the lifelines, the ‘golden threads’, that love constantly holds out to me. Even at times when the whole of my conscious attention was focused on the suffering I was experiencing (and remaining as authentic as possible to that, even if I couldn’t produce the slightest manifestation of anything resembling ‘harmony’!), I could still observe that inner solidity out of the corner of my eye, as it were. And even while my conscious mind was barking its head off with thoughts of fear, selfblame, anger, doubt, unfairness and a constant litany of if-only’s, another song entirely was being sung underneath it all, and its gentle music didn’t stop, even once. And that gentler song – outside my conscious control – was saying: ‘Look at how everything has been arranged so perfectly for you! Every step of your way has been guided, and will continue to be. Just notice the events and opportunities in your life as they come up, and you will see that this is so. Helping hands have been, and will be offered. All you need to do is take them when it

feels right to you. You have reached the boundary of the known in your inner journey of exploration. Now you are being taken beyond that boundary, into the unknown, where all seems dark, where the lessons cannot be foreseen, and may even be quite the opposite of what you think. Your conscious mind cannot lead you through this part of this journey, though of course it may still follow. Only I can lead you here, and that is what I am doing. Trust me. You may not understand the story you are weaving at the moment, but you can accept it, in the certain knowledge that it is weaving threads of gold into the great tapestry of life that all human beings are creating together.’ The bottom line Interestingly, we have several friends – including Jehanne Mehta whose powerfully awakening poems you’ll find on p.10 – who are also reporting experiences of being thrust into a space where all seems dark, and where – through a mire of doubt – they are having to find their own ‘light’, and their own certainty, from first principles. Sometimes our discoveries have helped other friends, and sometimes their discoveries have helped us, which is another reason why we felt it could be worthwhile to share our awareness of ‘inner solidity’ with you, too. So this, it seems to us, is the bottom line. It is a very real, very solid golden thread, one end of which is always anchored in you and will, if you hold onto it, lead you right out of the maze: Wherever you may be, in whatever pit of hell, there still exists a lifeline from the heart of the universe that is connected directly with you (because actually, in your deepest essence, it is you). You may not have felt this lifeline yet, but we promise you it is there, and that you will be able to feel it too, if you try, especially at times when everything else is peeled away. And this lifeline will remain closer to you than your very breath, wherever you may be. Move about as you will, it will remain constant, drawing you towards itself by the shortest route, towards the heart of absolute goodwill and compassion. So don’t worry, trust that – whatever turmoil rages in your conscious mind – your inner connection with the heart of the universe has not ceased to speak to you, and is acting all the while to bring you the precise things you need. Becoming aware of this is not a conscious act, but more of a sense, like the sense of balance, a deep-down absolute surefootedness you can rely on to be there, even when you are feeling most uncertain. And then the awareness will dawn that, seen from the standpoint of the eternal heart of the universe, all your choices are right choices, all your falterings are advantages, and you never did anything wrong. Know this, and be at peace. Your best is always good enough. And help – that tower of absolute inner strength – is always, always there for you. With very much love, Ann, Geoff and the Cygnus Team

Our cover photograph is by Janet Baxter, © 2010. Prints can be obtained from Janet by calling 01970 871333, This magazine is printed with vegetable inks on paper from sustainable PEFC accredited sources by S&G Ltd, Merthyr Tydfil, 01685 388888.

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In Modern-Day Miracles, Louise Hay shares letters she has received over many years, from people who have been helped and inspired by her catalytic work, to find healing in their lives. Her enthusiasm and hope is that this collection will itself prove to be powerful and life-changing, providing a source of comfort, solace and motivation in matters of health, love, work, abundance and more. Learning from these experiences – and so appreciating just how varied the healing journey can be – will be most useful when you are seeking to forge through life’s challenges en route to your perfect good (see Ann’s editorial, opposite). To assist you, Louise offers plenty of exercises and affirmations, so that you can ‘do the work’, changing your consciousness in a positive way. She also encourages you to explore the ways in which your own thoughts, conversations, actions, and intentions can impact others, creating a chain reaction of modern miracles.

256pp, 152mm x 229mm, softback, 2010, RRP £8.99 Code: 200701 Cygnus Price £5.40

WHAT ONE GOOD HUG CAN DO – from Marcela, Spain

A loving friend gave me her personal copy of You Can Heal Your Life [191105, £7.65] as a present during a difficult time in my life. I’ve discovered that it really is true: ‘The teacher only appears when the student is ready.’ Despite my resistance, Louise started appearing in my life again and again and again – until one day I was ready to hear her message. Despite the outward success and praise I’d enjoyed in life, I now discovered that I didn’t love myself. That pill was hard to swallow. So, since I’d been educated as a scientist, I decided to give myself one opportunity to put Louise’s ideas to the test. I took a 30-day challenge to say ‘I love you’ in the mirror every day, but I didn’t think the experiment was working – I’d usually merely see a stranger on the other side of the mirror, looking at me with indifference. Irritated and feeling worse than I had before I started the challenge, I discarded Louise’s message. Then something happened. I had just moved to a new city and had been having a particularly bad week when my neighbour, whom I’d met less than two months before, gave me a hug. I was stunned, realising that this was the first physical contact I’d had with anyone in two months. I suddenly saw how deprived I was of love – one hug in two months is only six hugs a year! I decided to make a small modification to Louise’s exercises and try again. This time I actually started hugging myself! First I did four hugs a day, which was very uncomfortable. Nevertheless, I persisted, building up to 8 hugs, then 12, and so on, as if I were weight training. With the hugs came ‘I love you’ and other kind words, along with encouragement and affection for myself. Hugging myself and saying ‘I love you’ is something very powerful in my life. I just hold myself, like a loving parent cradling a precious child, and I feel safe. Most important, I feel loved. I still have bad days, but now when I have them, I simply remind myself that this is one of those times when I need to love myself more instead of going into a spiral of depression. I have scheduled hugs into my personal agenda every day and always keep the appointment, knowing that I’m meeting with the most important person in my life. And here’s another great thing: when I’m hugging myself at work, most people just think I’m shivering, so I don’t even have to give an explanation! From Modern-Day Miracles, ©2010 by Louise L Hay & Friends, published by Hay House.

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We all want to do the right thing for the planet, but what’s the real impact of the things we do and buy? Sometimes it’s really hard to know, because there’s so much conflicting information out there. Well, we’re very pleased to say that this book is a rare gem. Always entertaining, it’s an exploration of the true environmental impact of the everyday things we buy and use. How do apples compare to oranges or bananas, buying a newspaper with surfing the internet, or cut flowers with house plants? By talking through the impact of a hundred or so items, Mike Berners-Lee sets out to give us an instinct for the carbon footprint of literally anything we do, buy and think about, laying out, by order of magnitude, the everyday (foods, books, plastic bags, bikes, flights, baths…) and the global (deforestation, rice production, volcanoes). Be warned, some of the things you thought you knew about green living may be about to be turned on their head!

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256pp, 152mm x 229mm, softback, 2010, Publisher’ s edition RRP £11.99 Code: 200609 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £6.99, 2+ copies £6.49 each


In Local Money, Peter North helps you to realise that, rather than being a ‘thing’ that we need to get hold of, money can be seen as a system of belief. He shows how you can create money that stays in the community – building loyalty between consumers and local traders rather than losing wealth to the corporate chain stores. He explains how alternative currencies can become part of our transition process, working with local banks and credit unions to strengthen the local economy, supporting the local production of necessities such as food and energy while helping to reduce the community’s carbon emissions. Local currencies are, in effect, ‘mindful money’, and can become a very powerful and far-reaching part of everyday life, a symbol of love.

SPIRITUAL LIBERATION Michael Bernard Beckwith

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘How Bad Are Bananas?’ & ‘Local Money’ together for £13.45

256pp, 144mm x 217mm, hardback, 2010, RRP £16.99 Code: 200704 Cygnus Price £8.50


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What would we do if we truly understood the power we have within ourselves, the perfection of our inner being, and the transformation that awaits us? In this enjoyable and thoroughly positive handbook for spiritual revolutionaries, Michael Bernard Beckwith – a dynamic spiritual leader known to many through The Secret – challenges us to search within for the key to unlock our future, preparing us for the great transformation that is ours to experience. His purpose is to ignite within you a desire to establish a transformative spiritual practice, and to show you how to cultivate and sustain it. Beckwith recounts his own spiritual opening, shares his core teachings on transformation, peace, abundance and the habits of highly evolved people, offers affirmations and many more practical tools for spiritual aspirants at all levels of practice. Once you start reading this powerful book, you just won’ t want to put it down!

240pp, 220mm x 220mm, illustrated, softback, 2010, RRP £14.95 Code: 200703 Cygnus Price £9.95

Why do some jobs offer fulfilment while others leave us frustrated? Why do we so often think of our working selves as separate from our ‘true’ selves? In modern times we have separated mental work from manual labour, replacing the workshop with either the office cubicle or the factory line. In this well-considered and persuasive book, mechanic and philosopher Matthew Crawford explores the pitfalls of this Half false distinction and presents instead the case price! for working with your hands. He brings to life the immense satisfactions of making and fixing things, and, at a time when jobs are increasingly being outsourced over the internet, argues that the skilled manual trades may be one of the few sure paths to a good living. Drawing on the work of great thinkers, from Aristotle to Heidegger, from Karl Marx to Iris Murdoch, as well as on his own experiences as an electrician and motorcycle mechanic, Crawford delivers a radical, timely and extremely enjoyable re-evaluation of our attitudes to work, that might just help you to re-think and find better balance in how your time – both working and leisure – is spent.

ZERO LIMITS Joe Vitale & Ihaleakala Hew Len

Wouldn’t you like to find a simple way to help free not just yourself, but others too, from patterns of pain, suffering and conflict? The indigenous Hawaiian people developed a method, called Ho’oponopono, for releasing the energy trapped in these painful patterns. In Zero Limits, Joe Vitale and Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len introduce Self I-Dentity Ho’oponopono, a breakthrough self-improvement approach adapted from the ancient Hawaiian system, to help you clear your mind of unconsciously accepted beliefs, thoughts and memories that you don’t even know are holding you back. They guide you through the system’s exquisitely simple and effective therapeutic practices, so you can come to take responsibility for everything that touches your life, healing even the problems that seem to belong to others, through healing and loving yourself. Free your mind to receive Divine inspiration and find new and unexpected ways to attain health, peace, happiness and abundance.

256pp, 128mm x 197mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2010, RRP £8.99 Code: 200702 Cygnus Price £4.50


CYGNUS EXCLUSIVE EDITION: Even more savings when you buy extra copies!

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260pp, 140mm x 213mm, softback, 2009, RRP £9.99 Code: 190401 Cygnus Price £5.99


If you’ve ever tried to change – yourself, your family, your workplace or society – and found it more difficult than you’d like, you’ll welcome Switch with open arms. Chip and Dan Heath take you deep inside the human psyche to explain why our desire to improve things is often undermined by scepticism, caution and fear. They say we all have two competing parts of our minds – an emotional, instinctual ‘Elephant’, and a rational ‘Rider’ – that often work against each other, so if we can discover how to get them to work together, we can achieve amazing results very quickly. And this can apply as much to systems and organizations as it can to ourselves. For, once you understand how the mind functions to affect our reactions to change, you can take steps to overcome resistance, employing simple patterns to effect the changes that matter to you. Not only does Switch give you all the information you need to do this easily, it also shows you how everyday people – employees and managers, parents and nurses – have achieved dramatic results, just by making the best of human behaviour.

320pp, 152mm x 232mm, softback, 2010, RRP £10.99 Code: 200705 Cygnus Price £5.99


The first time I heard cles of energy can influence and change the the phrase ‘Money is nature of that energy. Thought directs energy Love’, from Stanley and energy follows thought. Messenger, a British Money is energy metaphysics scholar, A wonderful truth began to dawn on me. If I was struck immedimoney is energy and thought directs energy, ately by the simple we must be able to consciously direct the truth in it. flow of money/energy in our lives. The practiI was aware that abundance and goodwill cal ramifications of money responding to our were synonymous, but it wasn’t until the thoughts were fantastic. words money and love came together in that Money, however, isn’t just pure energy. simple sentence that the idea became more Money is energy that has been directed by than an intellectual conundrum. human thought and consciousness for thouI, like most people, thought of money in the sands of years. company of other words: words such as greed, fear, lack, anger, hatred, discriminaPUBLISHED BY CYGNUS tion, recession, depression, inflation, deflaEDITOR’S CHOICE: Even more tion, angst, hardship, organized crime... need savings when you buy extra copies! I go on? Yet with all these negatives, I conceded that almost everybody’s dreams are MONEY IS LOVE about getting money. Barbara Wilder One thing seemed clear: we humans have Money is Love is a love/hate relationship with money that is Barbara Wilder’s deeply embedded in our psyches. We want invitation for you to money for what it can buy, but at the same transform the way time, we think money is bad, dirty, filthy you perceive money, lucre. to rediscover its It was at this point that I asked myself – sacred origins and what if this hadn’t always been the case? recognise it as energy that can be What if money hadn’t always been devoid of save directed by thought. goodness or separated from the sacred? 40%! For when we change the energy around Could money have its roots in the sacred? money from fear to love, we bridge the gap And if it did, was there some way for money between the material and the spiritual world to be reconnected to those roots? and make it possible for the unlimited abunDivine origins dance of the Divine to flow freely into our My research took me from history to preown lives and throughout the world. We can history. And it was in the prehistoric that I be freed from the mindset that money is began to get a real sense of money’s original scarce, with all its insidious effects in our sacredness and its gradual separation from own lives and in the world. When money is that divine origin. Today, this separation infused with the thoughts and energy of seems to be complete. love, it becomes a healing agent that can Sacredness and divinity are not in themtransform whatever it touches. In this new selves easy concepts for the modern edition, published by Cygnus, with text specially updated for readers in the UK and Western mind. But love is something we do Europe, Barbara offers simple and effective understand. In that case, I realised, love tools, visualizations and exercises for conmust be the connecting emotion, which could necting with, cleansing and blessing money. help us restore money to its sacred place in 104pp, 140mm x 216mm, softback, 2010, RRP £9.99 the world. Code: 200706 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £5.99 I knew from the first time I heard the words 2 or more copies £5.49 each ‘Money is Love’ that it held a practical meaning for individual people. But what could it be? And then it clicked. Money is energy. Not Throughout history, humanity as a collective just symbolic energy, but literal energy. intelligence has created what money is and I pulled a $10 bill out of my wallet and held it how it moves through society. Up until now in my hand. It was just paper, but it didn’t feel this has been an unconscious activity. And all like ordinary paper. That $10 bill was invested human experience and human emotions have with a powerful energy. Was the paper itself been injected into the energy we call money. energy, or was it the way I thought about the Money may have begun as a form of paper that endowed it with energy? Is money exchange infused with the sacred energy of energy directed by our thoughts about it? a divine creator, but it has become pretty Quantum physicists have begun to underdamned polluted. Today, money carries with stand that human attention focused on partiit all the fear, anger, and greed that every

Money is Love

individual has felt about it as it passed through their hands. Money is energy that should flow freely through our lives and throughout the world. But fear blocks the flow. Fear is like a dam. Hoarding, greed, belief in lack and scarcity are all elements of fear, and together they create a great dam that backs up the flow. So if we human beings have infused money with all this negative baggage, it only stands to reason that we should also be able to clean and infuse it with positive power. Freeing the flow To clean money, to redirect it from the profane to the profound, will take concerted and conscious effort on the part of many individuals. This will happen with one person at a time joining the effort. It is hard work. But the reward is living an abundant life, free of money worries. Sound impossible? It only requires changing our minds. One by one, as we decide to change money energy from greed, few, lack, and suffering, into love, joy, abundance, and goodwill, our own circumstances will change for the better. This will happen because the money, free of its old fear-based baggage, will be able to flow. Then infused with its new attributes of love, joy, abundance, and goodwill, the money will infect the way we feel, think and behave. Abundance will begin to flow through our lives. Money will simply be there. We will find ourselves working at jobs that have meaning to us. We will find ourselves living in a state of joy. We will even become free to think about how we can share our abundance. The fear that there is not enough money comes from our separation from the sacred aspect of money. In the divine realm, there is abundance for all. But over the centuries, we have created a world of duality, where the material world and the spiritual world have become separated. When we change the energy around money from fear to love, we bridge the gap between the material and the spiritual world and make it possible for the unlimited abundance of the Divine to flow freely into our own lives and throughout the world. We stand at a crossroads of human evolution. A powerful tool for accomplishing this transformation is to change money into love. When money, infused with love, joy, abundance, and goodwill, begins to flow through the world, it can become a healing agent that can transform whatever it touches. I realise this is a radical idea, but I ask that you open your mind, let it be free to wander, to imagine the possibilities. From Money is Love, ©2010 by Barbara Wilder, published by Cygnus Books, originally published by Wild Ox Press.

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Dr James D’Adamo burst onto the world of natural medicine in the 1970s with his revolutionary approach to healing based on a person’s blood type. Since then he has continued to research the nature of blood types and has discovered the wider significance of sub-blood groups and Rh factors, which give additional underlying characteristics that influence your wellbeing. Dr D’Adamo now focuses on applying these new findings to the prime importance of preventing chronic degenerative diseases, because having great health isn’t about healing symptoms, but in reducing the possibility of them happening at all. He explains how his extended work can prevent as well as heal chronic diseases – cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypoglycemia, and depression – which foods and exercises are right for each of us, what assets and liabilities we’re born with, and how our minds can work to better process information. This book contains Dr D’Adamo’s most up-to-date and comprehensive teachings, and includes tried and test recipes, exercise regimens, and many natural therapies he recommends to the patients at his institute.

ANIMAL REIKI Elizabeth Fulton & Kathleen Prasad

Reiki is particularly effective in healing animals and now Elizabeth Fulton and Kathleen Prasad provide much sought information. Whether you are a newcomer to the field of energy medicine, an experienced practitioner or an animal lover committed to learning everything you can about your companion’s health, Animal Reiki will offer you access to a new level of healing and wellbeing. Reiki can help maintain your animal’s save health on all levels, heal physical illness and 41%! injury, aid in emotional healing following trauma, abuse or neglect, accelerate healing after surgery and provide comfort and support for dying animals. From dogs and cats to horses and birds, this book is everything you need to understand and appreciate the power of Reiki to heal and deepen the bond with the animals in your life. Animal Reiki also contains helpful black and white photos showing the hand positions for healing and shares many case histories.

254pp, 136mm x 216mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2010, RRP £12.99 Code: 200709 Cygnus Price £7.65

DOWSING Elizabeth Brown

324pp, 158mm x 236mm, hardback, 2010, RRP £13.99 Code: 200707 Cygnus Price £7.65


The Five Healing Tibetans is a form of yoga developed and distilled into five precise exercises by Tibetan monks, who believed them to be the key to living a long, vibrant and healthy life. By activating and stimulating your energy centres (chakras), rejuvenating the endocrine system, you can tackle spinal and joint problems, combat arthritis, improve vision and memory, and boost physical strength and endurance. Practise the Five Healing Tibetans every day, and learn the secret of revitalising your life, stimulating your mind and energizing your body.

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64pp, 125mm x 155mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2009, RRP £4.99 Code: 200653 Cygnus Price £3.50


‘This extraordinary book’ s spiritual message is important, powerful and unique: a message that’ s deeply relevant to the world around us.’ G Carey, Cygnus Member

When neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor experienced a massive left-brain stroke, she was able to observe in amazing detail as her own mind deteriorated to the point that she could not walk, talk, read, write, or recall any of her life. In the absence of her left brain’ s function, Jill’ s consciousness shifted away from normal reality, into right-brain intuitive present-moment thinking, whereby she experienced a profound sense of deep inner peace, feeling herself ‘ at one with the universe’ . Here she describes the progress of the stroke as it ravaged her mind, and then her recovery process, in the hope that others may also recognize the warning signs, or better provide for those in recovery. However, My Stroke of Insight is ultimately about the deeply spiritual experience of her brain’ s journey into right hemisphere consciousness, and the recognition that we can all learn to access that same deep inner peace by balancing out the clamour of our left brain.

190pp, 128mm x 197mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2009, RRP £8.99 Code: 190403 Cygnus Price £5.40


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Whether you know it or not, you probably possess the ability to dowse. And it’s such a useful ability to have! In Dowsing – The Ultimate Guide for the 21st Century you will find all the information you need to develop your own dowsing ability, as well as much interesting background material on how dowsing works. Elizabeth Brown shows you how dowsing can be used as an invaluable tool to optimise your own health, well-being, and quality of life, by providing you with a means to discern truth from non-truth, and to identify what is, and what is not, in your individual best interests. She also explores the pioneering scientific discoveries that explain the mechanics of dowsing, and shows how dowsing physically demonstrates on a tangible level the existence of an invisible world of energy outside the one we perceive with our five senses. At this pivotal time in the evolution of human consciousness, many people are discovering and developing their intuitive abilities. If you are, too, you’ll find this book invaluable.

320pp, 135mm x 216mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2010, RRP £12.99 Code: 200708 Cygnus Price £7.25


Would you like to eliminate anxiety, phobias or fears forever? Would you like to move beyond the emotional traumas of your past, increase your self esteem and become more motivated? Welcome to Thought Field Therapy (TFT). This treatment has huge success with these, and many other complex psychological and emotional problems that plague so many of us and prevent us from getting the most out of life. TFT is a unique form of meridian therapy. It is best described as a natural, drug-free, non-invasive system to eliminate the cause of negative emotions. There are no adverse side effects, and most individuals experience significant, usually complete relief from their problem within a few minutes. And best of all, with this book, anyone can learn how to do it. Tapping for Life gives you everything you need to understand this amazing therapy and use it to free yourself from anxiety and fear for good.

258pp, 134mm x 214mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2010, RRP £12.99 Code: 200411 Cygnus Price £7.25

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Dowsing’ & ‘Tapping for Life’ together for £13.50


Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body!

Do you know that there are secret messages hidden in your cells? Do you know that uncovering these messages could have a profound effect on your health, as well as every aspect of your life? This twenty eight day program – which is based on my original Soul Coaching® program – takes you on a journey into the vast inner universe of your body, where mysteries dwell as great as any that can be found in the heavenly bodies above. There are wondrous secrets in your cells, glands, and organs that can unveil countless insights about your life. As these perceptions are save revealed, your radiance expands and 40%! your body becomes lighter and freer. Your body is a receiving station that is constantly absorbing deeply meaningful messages from the world around you, as well as from spiritual spheres and your spiritual mentors. However, you can’t hear those messages if your body is clogged with inner static. This interference doesn’t just come from lack of exercise or an overload of junk food; in the deepest sense, it’s a result of selfimposed, limiting beliefs and fears that have become lodged in your energy field. Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body will show you how to successfully manoeuvre through – and clear away the static from – the labyrinth of energy fields in your physical form. As you do so, your body turns into a powerful sending and receiving station of energy, light, and spirit. And, most important, you fell sparkling and bright! The primary aim of the Soul Coaching® Health Program is to remove this inner debris so that you can connect with the spiritual wisdom of your body. This isn’t a diet plan or a technique for controlling the intake of food and drink, nor is it a physical-exercise regimen or fitness program. There is deep intelligence in your body that absolutely knows what you need in every moment and understands that getting healthy isn’t about depriving or constricting yourself. It’s about living life lusciously, and cherishing and honouring yourself. This is a journey to lighten your soul and, thus, lighten your body. Your body is your soul’s secret messenger In its most profound sense, the word soul describes your true essence. It’s that place within you that is eternal and universal. It’s the substance that links your body and spirit to the greater forces of the universe. When you take care of the needs of your soul, your body responds immediately. And as every cell begins to sing with joy... miracles abound and an inner radiance shines through you. Every single day your soul is whispering to

you; it’s speaking to you through your body. If you ever want to receive an immediate message, delve deep into your body and the message will come forth: you’ll learn how to listen for these insights and understand their meaning. Mystical synchronicities An incredible thing happens once you commit to Soul Coaching: your life will seem to unfold in a remarkable – almost magical – way. It’s amazing but true! When you declare that you’re ready to discover and clear any blockages within the myriad dimensions of your body (and are willing to dedicate one month of your life to doing so), then the loving forces of the universe coalesce to propel you in the direction of your destiny.


This twenty eight day program – which is based on Denise Linn’s original Soul Coaching® program – takes you on a journey into the vast inner universe of your body, to discover the secret messages that are hidden in your cells. You can unravel the hidden blockages within your DNA to initiate your natural life-force energy and your body’s spiritual radiance. By utilizing the energy of nature’s elements – Air, Water, Fire and Earth – activating cellular rebalancing, aligning your body with your life purpose, cleansing and clearing, this program allows you to remove old limitations so that you can lighten your soul and claim your luminous, vital, glorious body.

264pp, 134mm x 203mm, softback, 2010, RRP £8.99

Code: 200710 Cygnus Price £5.40

Synchronistic events and seeming ‘coincidences’ begin to increase exponentially in your life, and your life-force energy expands. I’m not sure why it happens, but I do know that it does happen. Once you dedicate yourself, the universe hears that declaration... and extraordinary events seem to emerge within your life, all aimed at a deep soul cleansing and clearing. A powerful, inner-cleansing system This program is based on three premises: 1. Everything is energy Everything is energy – including your body – and in every moment you’re influencing (and also being influenced by) a multitude of energy fields. The choices you make, the thoughts you think, the judgments you harbour, the emotions you experience, the people you spend time with, the food you eat, the air you breathe, and the environments you occupy... all of these affect the energy fields that make up your body.

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You’ll discover what’s affecting them, such as the emotional clutter that manifests in physical ailments. You’ll also learn what you can do to release internal mental and emotional stagnation to become more vibrant. 2. Everything is in a constant state of change No matter what shape your body is in, how overweight it is, or what health challenges you’re facing, you can transform your health. It’s possible to heal and balance your body now... even if nothing has worked to date. Through clearing old patterns, and using your conscious intent and the law of attraction, you can change the shape and health of your body. 3. Everything has consciousness Every gland, organ and cell in your body has an awareness with which you can communicate and even influence. This isn’t new information; in ancient native cultures, interfacing with the body on a cellular level was considered a pathway to healing. In an even deeper sense, your personal consciousness isn’t separate from the consciousness of the universe. To the extent that you can discover the intimate connection between yourself and the world around you, the more you can transform your body. Incorporating the four elements This spiritual journey is divided into four oneweek periods, each dedicated to one of the four elements: Air, Water, Fire and Earth. In a mysterious and organic way, our memories, beliefs and emotions are tied to the elements of nature. By activating these elements within us, we also activate quadrants of our souls. The soul loves the truth This program is about unlocking the secret messages within, revealing the truth about your life and your body. When you tell the truth, your energy, vibrancy, and health increases. When you are authentic, your soul and body thrive. Uncovering the reality of who you are and what you’re really feeling will have a profound effect on your health. When you live and act in accordance with the truths of your soul, your body flourishes. Remember to be gentle with yourself, and cherish your accomplishments. Don’t wait for the perfect time to start – you’ve already initiated your steps toward your sparkling light, joy and vitality. You are now ready to begin your spiritual journey into the vast inner wonders of your body, activating your radiant life force. In powerful and often mysterious ways, the effects will manifest in your health and vitality for years to come. You have my love and support on your continuing journey into the secret messages of the body. From Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body!, ©2010 by Denise Linn, published by Hay House.

Cygnus Books 7


On 10 November 1991, a neardeath experience changed my life forever. I was rescued from an angry pride of lions by an indigenous Shangaan medicine woman, Maria Khosa, who was also known as ‘the Lion Queen of Timbavati’. Subsequently, I returned to Africa to make sense of this bizarre and miraculous intervention. I found Maria, she became my shaman teacher, and with her I embarked on an extraordinary journey to discover a profound mystery behind the so-called Children of the Sun God, the White Lions – the most sacred and mysterious animals alive today. I was, at first, resistant to the wisdom Maria shared with me, but finally I succumbed to its save truth. And having done so, more and more 41%! secret knowledge was entrusted to me. Maria introduced me to other African medicine people from many traditions; among them the pre-eminent high priest Baba Credo Mutwa, the Guardian of Umlando, Africa’s ‘Great Knowledge’. According to Mutwa’s story, the White Lions are symbols for our time; the first born over 400 years ago, when a star-like object fell to earth in the place called Timbavati, their origins going back to the very beginning of time. Lion guardian After my reunion with Maria, one strangely symbolic event followed another. I began suffering from recurring nightmares in which a lion appeared and roared directly into my face. Maria explained that my lion ancestor had come to greet me at last, inviting me to exchange power with him. She told me that he was a real lion and ‘you will know it is this lion because this lion has wings’. As my visit drew to a close, I went out with trackers trying to trace a lion that had been roaring all night long. We decided to return to camp, taking a short cut via the landing strip. On the runway, right in front of the wind sock, in immaculate condition and truly magnificent, was a lion and his mate. No better symbol of the winged lion of Timbavati. I felt an instant connection. The rangers identified him as Ingwavuma, but Maria gave me his secret ‘spirit name’, which meant ‘wise one, the one who carries great knowledge’. On another visit, while sharing with Maria my ever-widening web of lion-related discoveries, the only way I could describe the knowledge I was receiving was a sense of being ‘guided’ toward the right information. Were the angelic presences of the lion ancestors guiding me? Maria worked with her lion spirit ancestors on a daily basis, and at night received clear messages from them in her dreams. After I inquired more about my own lion guardian, Ingwavuma, Maria explained that this Timbavati lion ‘has been incarnating from father to son, father to son, waiting for your return.’ How did


The Winged Lion of Timbavati

Ingwavuma know who I was? She replied, ‘All the animals in Timbavati know of your return.’ A message from the Lions of God Not far from camp, Ingwavuma had started up his territorial roars – the vibration felt elemental, the decree of the lion king. His ancestral name also meant ‘he who speaks wise words’, and every time he roared, I imagined the wisdom he was sounding forth. Gathering my courage, on the top of my feeble human voice, I called out a Zulu prayer in honour of the lion, which Mutwa had taught me. There was silence. Then Ingwavuma roared again. I heard his message loud and clear, and all of a sudden I understood it – in pure, unadulterated solar vibration.

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Linda Tucker was rescued from an angry pride of white lions by an indigenous Shangaan medicine woman, Maria Khosa, who was also known as ‘the Lion Queen of Timbavati’. Subsequently, she returned to Africa to make sense of this bizarre and miraculous intervention. Maria became her shaman teacher, as she embarked on an extraordinary journey to discover the profound mystery behind the so-called Children of the Sun God, the White Lions of Timbavati – the most sacred and mysterious animals alive today. This is a mystical journey into the knowledge and ceremonies of Old Africa, in which humans and lions are able to cross the species barrier – in accordance with the most guarded secrets of Ancient Egypt and humankind’s greatest riddle, the sphinx. It is also a real living journey. Shamans believe that killing a lion-sun god is the ultimate sacrilege, and that how we treat such precious symbols of God in nature may determine how nature treats the human species. Linda’s experiences show a legend unfolding in our extraordinary times.

334pp, 156mm x 234mm, illus. in colour, softback, 2010, RRP £12.99 Code: 200711 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £7.65 2 or more copies £7.15 each

The ‘Word of the Lion’ is the solar Logos, the very same vibration as the sun itself, the very essence which first created life on this planet. The sun and the lion are directly linked because they are part of the same sun-god life-force. In alchemy, the lion is often depicted ‘roaring’ the sun, suggesting that the lion’s roar issues forth the solar Logos, the Word of the sun. As the

shamans have never tired of telling me: White Lions are Lions of God, heavenly messengers bringing the laws of the sun to earth. As the father of the future White Lions, Ingwavuma conveyed their message to me in pure lion language. I now believed that I could hear it, clear and true. I could hear it, not as one hears the spoken word, but at a new level of consciousness. A level that told me that I had walked these lands of Timbavati many times before. A level that told me that I was not the possessor of a new consciousness but a very old one, that had been dormant for centuries and was only now beginning to reawaken. A level of consciousness at which the lioness in me and the woman became one. This is my attempt to translate what I heard in Ingwavuma’s roar: It is foolish to demand of God that He prove himself according to the scientific confines which modern man has created for himself. It is foolish to demand the same of the Lions of God. The White Lions will not play the game. Don’t demand. Listen. It is then that you might hear the most ancient wisdom which could save your life. And save the world. The light within The White Lion message – nature’s message – is unfolding at this very moment. It is radiant. It is magnificent. And it is not too late. We all know what is needed. We need to protect the White Lions, just as we need to protect all forms of life on our planet. We need to stop damaging our planet. We need to start seeing the signs being shown to us in each and every aspect of our natural world. We need to start taking responsibility for the state of our earth. We need to stand still for a moment – and start waking up. Our route toward spiritual evolution is radiantly clear. We all have our own unique individual journey to walk toward enlightenment. Living on the brink of evolutionary change means that new ground is being broken and new consciousness is being raised. Truth is of the essence – all we have is the truth within our souls. I believe most of us want to follow the light, the path of healing and not destroying our earth, but we don’t have the courage, the lion heart, to follow our individual truth toward enlightenment. Giving in to our fears, we bury our ‘gold’ beneath the false value systems of our societies. The reality is that, potentially, we all have the power of light – the White Lion – within us. The very first step is to overcome our fears. Thereafter, our hearts will lead the way. Until we realign ourselves with the forces of light, of sunlight, of light energy that breathes the very word life to each and every life form on this planet, we are aligning ourselves with darkness. In the challenging days that lie ahead, there are two truths we should never forget in our quest for golden enlightenment. The lion is the symbol of the soul essence of humankind. And the soul is eternal. From Mystery of the White Lions, ©2010 by Linda Tucker, published by Hay House.

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‘Never forget the amazing power of laughter to raise your vibrations in a split second. Whatever is happening – remember – it’s only a game. You are a being of Eternity. Nothing can change that. In your very essence, you defy gravity. So laugh.’ Ann Napier (from The Cygnus Calender 2007)

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Reginald Iolanthe Perrin is surely one of the best loved comic creations of our time, and this omnibus collects together the first three Reginald Perrin novels containing a lifetime’s outrageous adventures. When we first meet Reggie, he is sick to death with selling exotic ices at Sunshine Desserts. Driven to desperation by the rat race and the unpunctuality of Britain’s trains, Reggie’s small eccentricities escalate to the extreme, until finally he ‘The funniest leaves the unacceptable face of capitalism behind by book I have driving off in a stolen motorised jelly. In his pursuit of ever read in the unconventional, he devotes himself to faking his my life!’ own death, opening a shop devoted to selling comGeoff pletely useless goods, and setting up a commune strictly for the middle-class and middle-aged. Join Reggie, who didn’t get where he is today without some help from some memorable supporting characters, in one man’s quest to avoid an everyday existence.

With that idea in mind, we thought it would be fun to put together a collection of novels that have made us smile or laugh out loud. It’s good to rest sometimes, isn’t it? Often we receive the most help from higher beings and from our own higher self when we simply rest and relax. So we hope you’ll find on this page a book that draws you, and that you can relax and enjoy in the sunshine.


An uplifting story set in Los Angeles about one man’s effort to bring himself back to life. Richard is a modern day everyman who has done such a good job getting his life under control that he needs no one. His life has slowed almost to a standstill, until two incidents – one painful and one bizarre – conspire to hurl him back into the world, showing that you can never quite be sure what’s around the corner. Suddenly his lone, monochrome, predictable ‘I loved this straight life is sent packing as he encounters a mot- away – it’s quirky, ley bunch of delicious characters and events. improbable, and A vivid novel about compassion and transfor- yet so real, like people-watching in mation, able to raise a range of smiles and laughter from the wry and sympathetic, to the paperback.’ Sarah thoroughly raucous, This Book Will Save Your Life reveals what can happen when you emerge from your cocoon – whether willingly or forced by twists of fate – let go and open up to the world around you.

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888pp, 129mm x 199mm, softback, 1999, RRP £16.99 Code: 200713 Cygnus Price £8.50


If you’re partial to a good detective story, preferably a comic one, then you’ll find Rob Grant’s Incompetence a particularly entertaining read. In a future that seems so close that you might blink and find yourself in it, the European Union enacts its most far reaching human rights legislation ever. The incompetent have been persecuted for too long. After all, it’s not their fault they can’t do it right, is it? So it is made illegal to sack or otherwise discriminate against anyone for being incompetent. Bad is the new good. And now a murder has been committed and our possibly incompetent detective must find out who the murderer is. As long as he can find directions to get him through the mean streets. What a comedy of errors ensues! Rob Grant’s satire – for the imagined world of Incompetence is the world we’re now living in – gave me something to think about long after the end.

380pp, 128mm x 197mm, softback, 2007, RRP £7.99 Code: 200712 Cygnus Price £4.99

EAT, PRAY, LOVE Elizabeth Gilbert

There is so much to learn from this wonderful autobiography – which topped the NY Times bestseller list – and from the honesty, intelligence and humour with which Elizabeth Gilbert approaches her brave quest for spiritual enlightenment. Elizabeth is in her thirties. She has a husband, a house, and she’ s trying for a baby. She knows she should be happy, but ‘This book will who is she, anyway? She doesn’ t know, and the help you find questions ‘ who am I?’, ‘ What do I want?’ gnaw out what you at her soul. Desperate to discover her own truth, really want, she leaves her husband, and begins a painful what will process of dismantling everything false in her life, really make of stripping her habits, her lifestyle, her relationyou happy ships, everything, down to the bare essentials. and who you Three years later, in new found freedom, she is truly are.’ Ann ready to embark on a year-long journey to find out who she truly is and what will make her happy. Her journey takes her from Italy, through India to Bali, where gradually, healing, happiness and genuine wisdom begin to creep up on her.

352pp, 129mm x 198mm, softback, 2007, RRP £7.99 Code: 160701 Cygnus Price £3.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘This Book Will Save Your Life’ & ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ together for £8.48

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‘This kept me laughing until the very last page!’ John

360pp, 110mm x 178mm, softback, 2003, RRP £7.99 Code: 200714 Cygnus Price £4.99

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The Butterfly Lion is a lyrical and moving tale of a young boy growing up in Timbavati, in the African veld, the home of the white lions, becoming a brave young man in the trenches of the first World War. A celebration of the amazing bonds that can develop between lifelong friends, beyond the boundaries of species, it is a poignant story of loyalty and promises kept, marking the importance of keeping memories alive by passing them on through the generations. When young Bertie rescues an orphaned lion cub, they are inseparable until Bertie is send to boarding school far away in England and to his utter dismay, the lion is sold to a circus. He swears that one day they will see one another again, but will the twists and turns of life across the continents – in times of war and peace – ever make that possible? Whatever happens, it is the butterfly lion which ensures that their friendship will be remembered forever. Age 8+

128pp, 128mm x 197mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 1996, RRP £4.99 Code: 200715 Cygnus Price £2.50

Jehanne Mehta

Last year, in one of our editorials, we talked about the journey of transformation that so many of us are on, the transition from caterpillar to butterfly. We talked about the idea that, before you can be a butterfly, you first have to go through the pupation stage, where everything you formerly were – the caterpillar – is turned to mush. There is no way of knowing, during this phase of the journey, how long it will last, or what you or your life will look like once it is over. All you can really know is that your former shape is being taken away, everything seems dark, and this hurts.

Songs for the Earth, Soul and Spirit

But gradually, as you surrender to the experience, a new light begins to glimmer. Your outer shell – the pupa – becomes more and more translucent, and finally, you are free, and the winged being you truly are can fly at last. A new form, a new life, a new way of service to the Whole. As she continued to face and allow herself to be carried through this journey, remaining ever alive and awake to its dark terror and dazzling magnificence, Jehanne Mehta – a singer/songwriter/poet/healer whom we much admire – was inspired to write these poems. The Editors

After the Violence Spreadeagled to the four quarters stretched out as you are to the farthest edges it’s hard to know that you are crucified

and every cell of you becomes heart

After listening to Rumi I When I say to you, ‘You are lovely’, you do not believe me, because of the blemishes you know so intimately; but those blemishes are the scars of your sufferings and they shine out of your soul, radiating beauty, the way the daisies do in the long summer grasses. So when I say to you, ‘Even with closed eyes, I still see how beautiful you are’ it is true. Believe it. Believe it. After listening to Rumi II Evergreen Oak (Recalibration) Your inner teacher says: ‘Come closer.

Take a new baseboard, take netting, pliers and strong wire and build her anew; but this time, around the armature, not clay, this time build her, like Blodeuwedd, out of flowers, bluebells, crosswort, lady’s smock and the wild white cherry; and set a bee house for her heart, alive with summer harmonies. She would be a passion of pollination.

You would sense her sweetness long before you saw her, her eyes awake, alight with recognition, and love would flow like honey out of her palms.

Poems by Jehanne Mehta, ©2008-2010

on yourself

and only now it sinks in: where the long drawn agony tears you apart in that middle place just where the knife twists THERE is love growing unstoppable unwinding the tortured years with the gentlest touch reaching upwards to your heart the way the first snowdrop spears take their unerring aim for the sun

Albion? This model now, maquette of a masterpiece, is bent out of alignment along the vertical axis, the clay cracked, dry, crumbling. It no longer serves.

Photograph of Lady’s Smock used by kind permission of Bob Ottey

EMBLEM CD Jehanne Mehta & Earthwards


beating beating… ‘til you are nothing but a myriad of wings heading into the light and you are handfasted to the future by a silver cord of blessing that you will never cut

Be faithful to the tree that you are. Like last year’s leaves, shed the old stories, the ache of unfulfilment, the pain of separation from yourself. Follow the fool’s tracks. He turns himself inside out and upside down and all for smiles, all for laughter, that splits paradigms and shakes you to your roots. Come inside. Summer is a wild rose, though only for a little while, but your heart is a rose for all seasons and wild for love. Do not be afraid to be heart to heart with yourself.’

I have heard Jehanne and her husband Rob sing Emblem, the title track on this CD, lots of times, and it has never failed to move me to tears. A call to ‘wear your heart ‘I love to keep the like a beacon, that you lyrics handy when raise to rouse the sleepI’m listening to ers, the dreamers in the Emblem, so that I labyrinths of nerve and can join Jehanne, blood and bone’ , it is forming the words also, for me, the perfect and melodies with expression of Jehanne’ s her, becoming part aim when she performs of her creation and her lovely poetry and sharing in her elesongs. Modern songs, mental journey’ performed in the folk traSarah dition, her music is nevertheless utterly unique, because it really is written to produce a kind of awakening in the hearer. Subtly, just beneath the surface, you feel an undercurrent of something unspeakably magical and beautiful. It is like being in the presence of real troubadours, especially when Jehanne sings in French, which she sometimes does!

14 tracks, total running time 63 minutes + full lyrics sheet, 2006, RRP £12.00 Code: D160521 Cygnus Price £10.00

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In my early twenties I worked as an editor in book publishing and one morning a manuscript arrived in the post from the United States. The accompanying letter said that the book was about astral travelling and out of the body experiences. I smiled because I did not believe in any of that stuff, but I read it anyway because that was my job. I remember sitting at my desk thumbing through it. That was the first time that I had ever read about energy fields or the beings that inhabit them. For the first thirty pages I was gently intrigued and still smiling. What whacky stuff! I actually chuckled at the idea of meeting angels and the souls of dead people. Then, a hundred pages in, I realised that I was hooked. I found all of it fascinating. To my astonishment, I realised I believed it. In a strange way, it made sense and rang deep chords of familiarity within me. And that was it. For the following years, in every spare moment, I read occult, mystic and esoteric books – any book from any tradition that described the inner worlds. Usually three a week and sometimes more. One of the great discoveries I then made – such excitement! – was that they all described a similar scenario, whether they were Christian Gnostic, Jewish Kabbalah, Tibetan Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, western spiritualism, magic, witchcraft, Tantra, shamanism and so on. All these different cultures, apparently different and in conflict with each other, described the same inner realities. A treasure chest I managed to save some money and supported also by some writing, I left my career in London and went to live in the High Atlas Mountains of southern Morocco, where for two years I prayed, did ceremony, meditated and read books. I drove there in an archetypal Volkswagen camper van. On top of the van was a roof rack. On top of the roof rack was a huge metal trunk that contained nothing but books. It was heavy. Or as hippies of that era used to say – heavy, man! This trunk contained all the great religious and esoteric classics: The Bible, Bhagavad Gita, Koran and other sacred texts such as the Tibetan and Egyptian Books of the Dead. It also contained the heavyweight European esoteric writers such as HP Blavatsky, Rudolph Steiner and Alice Bailey. I wanted to read all of them. I met one Moroccan sorcerer south of Tangier who psychically scanned the trunk and almost fainted. ‘So many powerful spirits,’ he said to me. ‘I would never dare open that trunk. I hope no one tries to steal it. That would be so dangerous for them.’ During my retreat I read every single book in that trunk. It was a real treasure chest and I

found abundant riches. Books for a desert island Now here’s a question prompted by a conversation with Ann Napier (illustrious co-editor of Cygnus): If I were to take just one of the books to a desert island, which would it be? The answer is not difficult for me. I respond immediately Alice Bailey’s A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. For those of you who are new to her work, Alice Bailey was in fact the telepathic secretary of the Tibetan Teacher, Djwhal Khul. (I know this is sacrilege for his devotees, but I’ve always thought his name would be perfect for a world music disc jockey. Cool.)


Exactly how did the original thought underlying creation give rise to matter? How does the Universal Mind express itself in form? How do beings of all kinds and on all levels evolve to become ever more perfect expressions of the original thought behind them? These are very deep questions with answers that can take lifetimes to fully comprehend. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, though not easy to understand, is the fullest modern expression you will find anywhere of answers to these questions, and a careful study of its contents can yield rich rewards, as many prominent figures in today’s new age movement would tell you. Transmitted by the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul and channeled by Alice Bailey in the early years of the 20th century, this book not only deals with the vast cosmic processes of creation as they affect humanity directly, but also explores questions relating to elementals, devas, angels, avatars and other non-physical beings. The laws of the universe – including the law of attraction – are examined in profound depth, and many teachings and aphorisms are given on these laws that will provide you with food for meditation for many years to come.

1380pp, 118mm x 190mm, softback, orig. pub. 1925, RRP £27.00 Code: 200716 Cygnus Price £20.00

Together they authored some nineteen important books including, for example, Esoteric Healing [200312, £12.00], which I recommended a few issues back, A Treatise on White Magic [200717, £12.00], Initiation, Human and Solar [190408, £6.99] and Serving Humanity [180525, £8.99]. Altogether their books provide an extraordinary all-round education for someone who wants to do post-graduate studies in mysticism and esotericism. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire is the

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Cosmic Fire

central text of this body of work. In my opinion and in my experience, it is the most profound and challenging book in the whole field of mystic study. It is written by someone far wiser and more knowledgeable than me. I believe that everyone should have a copy of it in your homes even if you never read it. Like the Bible or Koran or Bhagavad Gita it ought to sit there on your shelves as a gesture of blessing and respect. That is how highly I rate it. It is the most mind-altering, detailed and scholarly esoteric text that I know. At over 1300 pages it is not an easy read, with challenging and complex new concepts on almost every page. I have read it three times, dip into it regularly and still do not fully understand it. I plan a retreat for myself in 2011 where I just take time out to read it again. To read Cosmic Fire I need to stay alert and always ready for a mental wrestle. If I lose focus for a few words, a whole concept is lost and I have to start again. Sometimes I speedread it, ignoring what I do not comprehend, and just plough forward; even then I receive insights and subtle shifts in my consciousness. What do I get from this book? I get answers to the deepest of occult and esoteric questions. How am I to understand the consciousness of an atom or a solar system? What is the material and life-form that make up the energy of our thoughts? What is the actual energetic structure of our souls and what is the difference between soul and spirit? What is the electric and fiery process by which my consciousness flames up to become self-conscious and cosmically awake? These are just a few of the issues addressed in Cosmic Fire. Here too you will find the authoritative source and text book for how chakras are constructed, the different planes of energy and the different rays of teaching that come through the great Adepts and Liberated Masters. This is the source book for all this material.

******* And, of course, I know that it is not everyone’s cup of tea. It ain’t Harry Potter or happy unicorns. It is heady and its style is a bit oldfashioned. And the cosmic map it provides may not match the map that you currently use. If I had my way, I – and you – would be able to develop Yogananda’s powers and we would be able to place Cosmic Fire under our pillows and absorb all its teachings by osmosis as we sleep. But I can’t. So I have to read it. Even if you never read it in full, you can take it down from the shelf when you need an inspirational injection of cosmic consciousness and a profound reminder that what we see and touch materially is but the faintest hit of the true multidimensional cosmos. All my love, William Be my Facebook friend: williambloomglastonbury

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Many years ago, one of my dearest friends finally decided to leave her husband after a lifetime of affairs on his part that started soon after their marriage. It was heartbreaking for her, as he was the first man she had ever had in her life. But her two girls developed great resentment towards their mother, especially the younger one. Each time they met, the meeting ended in an explosion. Finally, one day I suggested that she write to her daughter a letter of apology for the suffering she had unwillingly caused her. The result was absolutely magical, and for years they have now been the closest of friends. Another Swiss friend, a man, to whom I had been extremely close all my life, went through two of the toughest divorces I ever witnessed. They shattered him. I visited him in the States after the second one and suggested he come back to Switzerland where he could rebuild his life and opened our home to him. Whilst there, he wrote to a girl friend with whom he had been almost engaged over forty years earlier and whom he had dumped unceremoniously for another partner. She had had a professionally successful career but had never been married. He ended his letter by presenting his sincere apologies for the way he had treated her over forty years earlier, suggesting they meet again. And the magic happened: at sixty five, they married and are an extremely happy couple still today, many years later. He asked for her forgiveness – she extended hers. I myself had an incredible experience of forgiveness about twenty years ago, alone on a California beach, dropping thirty three years of deep resentment for a real spiritual rape I underwent as an adolescent through practising a very simple spiritual exercise – but that will be for my next article! Toltec wisdom Forgiveness is one of the most magical ‘happenings’ of life, which is why I pounced on Olivier Clerc’s book, The Gift of Forgiveness, narrating his very meaningful and powerful encounter with Toltec spiritual teacher Don Miguel Ruiz. Don Miguel is one of the great contemporary masters of personal and spiritual development on the planet today (I have great difficulty separat-

Forgiveness: the Greatest Gift... to Oneself!

ing the two!), known especially for that magical world bestseller: The Four Agreements – A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom [130205 and 181205]. Olivier himself authored last year a very precious little book, Invaluable Lessons from a Frog – Seven Life-Enhancing Metaphors, rapidly translated into half a dozen languages, including Korean. Inner cleansing In his brief new book (at around seventy pages, an easy evening’s reading), Clerc narrates a workshop with Ruiz which changed his life. He learned an exercise in forgiveness which was extremely simple, but, practised in a group, at the same time tremendously powerful – a real inner cleansing.


In 1999, Olivier Clerc went to Teotihuacan, Mexico, to follow a week-long Toltec workshop with Don Miguel Ruiz, whose simple yet incredibly powerful teachings – the Four Agreements – are based on ancient Toltec wisdom. During that time he experienced a powerful and life-changing process: The Gift of Forgiveness. In this short but intense book, Clerc now shares with you this unique and simple Toltec spiritual tool, which can bring much relief, forgiveness and love into your life, as it has in his own life and that of the other participants back then. So, if you find it difficult to forgive people who have hurt you; or you blame yourself for not being able/willing to forgive; or you wish to free your heart from the grip of resentment and hatred, here is the help you seek. The Gift of Forgiveness can help you let love flow more freely through your whole being. It doesn’ t require any prior knowledge or ability. It can be practised anywhere, by anyone. Just give it a try!

74pp, 128mm x 198mm, softback, 2010, RRP £5.99 Code: 200512 Cygnus Price £4.50

He explains how Don Miguel asked him to kneel in turn in front of each of the twenty other participants he has never met before (with one exception) and ask for their forgiveness! Suddenly, during the exercise – that had him completely nonplussed at first – he realised that ‘by asking forgiveness

from all these strangers I was actually asking for forgiveness from all the people I had known in my life, and even beyond.’ The group represented a kind of global healing community, and through them he was asking forgiveness of everyone he had hurt in his lifetime. When that was done, Don Miguel asked Clerc to request forgiveness of the ‘devil’ (each one needs to define that entity for himself), of God, and finally of oneself (very often the toughest), explaining that we use them and others to stop ourselves from loving and to let ourselves be trapped in fear and judgement. ‘We ask others to forgive us for having used them to shut ourselves off from love, while blaming them for our own choice.’ This book is replete with such gold nuggets of deep wisdom and insight, and this brief review cannot start doing justice to the immense wealth of these pages. Clerc explains the changes this experience wrought deep down in his life, and its impact on his existence. ‘Since learning this practice, I no longer try to forgive myself for whatever I’ve done – the things that my inner judge has condemned instead. I humbly ask forgiveness from myself. When I do this, the bill of indictment and all the charges I had made against myself just melt away… In asking forgiveness of others, the purpose is not to become great friends with people who’ve done bad things to us, but to stop shutting down our hearts and imprisoning ourselves in resentment, anger and other isolating feelings.’ Before reading this book, I thought I had done all of my ‘spring cleaning’ in relation to forgiveness, but, boy, did I not change after putting it down! True forgiveness is the greatest gift anyone can make themselves. As a former theology student (that was fifty years ago, thank God!) I feel the churches have usually got it all upside down in respect to forgiveness, as I will explain in my next article, And if your subconscious harbours this idea of a punishing God, I hope Clerc’s gentle writing will enable you to dump ‘Him’ in the ditch (its all part of the old, hackneyed male win-lose syndrome, in any case!) Thank you to Findhorn press for this pure little gem of a book, and to Olivier Clerc for sharing his powerful experience with us. With many loving thoughts, Pierre

12 You may order from all previous issues of Cygnus Review


Life invites us to be initiated through many means: through the possibility of love, the death of a parent or friend, the birth of a child, or a serious health crisis. When we succeed in our initiation, we become illumined with the light of wisdom and understanding. In Illumination, you’ll learn the shaman’s tools for identifying and healing the emotions that are draining you, so that even the most challenging times don’t plunge you into despair. You’ll learn how to find the opportunities hidden in crisis, discover the flow of pure water from the source upstream, and explore with the wonder and curiosity of a creator. You’ll recognize that however overwhelming your life may seem at any given moment, you’ll make it through the dark woods and find your Holy Grail, that place of grace, wisdom, and power you’ve sought. To change your emotional patterns, you must start by recognizing that you are living in a world of your own creation. You are the author of the dream or nightmare you are living. Only by recognizing this false reality, invented and perpetuated by your primitive brain, can you begin to break free of the spider’s web and save 45%! awaken the higher qualities of purity, love, compassion, and charity. Otherwise, these deadly demons will settle in your cells and tissue, creating physical and psychic disease, and blinding you to your path. Discover your power You have the power to release yourself from the primitive brain programming that makes you think it rains to make you wet, that the reason you’re so angry is that someone took your parking spot, or that your childhood is the source of your problems. The only person who can serve as your programmer is you. But first you must change your notion of God as the ultimate rescuer who can be wooed, appeased, and coaxed into saving you from suffering. In fact, you must drop the notion of God altogether, because it is a uniquely human creation. Would humans be so privileged as to be the only creatures capable of perceiving God? We’re as capable of comprehending Creation as a group of baboons are capable of understanding quantum theory. You are the only one who can lift yourself out of this bleak reality. The shaman recognizes that, like everyone, she has a spark of the Divine but is not the fire itself. Still, she realises that the vast beauty of the universe can be understood through direct experience, which both humbles her and makes her able to correct the harsh reality perceived by the limbic brain. She willingly participates in crafting a reality of trust rather than fear, of joy rather than anger and sorrow. Most of us were raised to believe in a supernatural force and taught that faith without evidence was particularly noble. We learn that those who believe without seeing are blessed.

The Light of Wisdom and Understanding

The first and most difficult of the shaman is to break the spell of believing without seeing. She opens her eyes and sees that the palace is a prison, or the prison a palace. This is the stage of awakening. Then she must seek her own initiation. The shaman does away with notions of a supernatural god and then takes up residence in the world of creators, while recognizing the presence of Spirit all about. As a shaman, you have the potential to bring about your own everyday miracles and draw on your reservoir of personal power, which will sustain you through unexpected challenges in life. A job loss, bankruptcy, or any other crisis is an opportunity for you to reconnect with your passion and purpose, to be surprised and even delighted by what you find. Surrendering to the


Illumination, Alberto Villoldo tells us, is not a distant achievement attained after years of sitting on a meditation cushion: for shamans it is a series of awakenings and realisations that we pass through again and again. According to shamanic belief, all disease has spiritual origins, and illness is manifested through subtle bodies – the energy body, our emotions, our thoughts – and lastly the physical body. In this book you will discover that the most powerful way to resolve any physical and emotional problems is to undergo a sacred initiation; a true initiation occurs when we face personal challenges and experience the spiritual rebirth – or illumination – that follows. Illumination guides the reader on a healing journey, inspired by the timeless wisdom of indigenous cultures and the latest theories of neurobiology, and shows you how to bid a joyful goodbye to your past, discover a sacred space of spirit and joy, and unite both body and soul.

256pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2010, RRP £9.99

Code: 200413 Cygnus Price £5.49

possibilities lying on the other side of the passage, you may even use the opportunity to realise that this hardscrabble life is only one reality – and a pretty sorry one at that. Recognizing that we can dwell in the world of innovators, we live daringly. Illness is no longer an enemy but an opportunity. We can let go of the primitive instinct that causes us to imagine that every situation that startles of upsets us is a sign of danger. If we can do this, we’ll find that we have taken the route of initiation and surrendered to the vast, dark abyss of the unknown. Our reservoir of power allows us to

open ourselves to whatever will be, take a deep gulp from the canteen, and say to ourselves, ‘Well, I’m not sure where I’m going, but it should be an interesting trip.’ The woods we walk through on our journey to initiation may appear to be dark and dangerous, and the tales of feral cats and poisonous snakes will ring in our ears. But when we recall that we’re the one who spun those scary stories around the campfire, we can stop running in fear and remember that we are brave, powerful, and inventive. Finding your way When I was in the Amazon, one day I strayed off the trail, only to discover I could not find my way back to camp. We were many hours from the nearest village, in a beautiful yet desolate region of the rainforest. After a couple of hours following animal trails, I realised I was lost and started getting afraid, as night was about to fall. But then I stopped and told myself, ‘You are not lost. Lost is a state of mind. You simply do not know where you are.’ By rephrasing the facts of my situation, I was able to avoid panicking and perhaps avoided doing something foolish. Instead, I found a small stream and followed that to where it merged into the Amazon, and I caught a ride home on a passing indigenous canoe with a powerful outboard motor. The discipline of discernment allows you to stop thinking about what you could have been, or what you’ll be someday when you find the time, and become exactly who you are today. You recognize that you’re a part of Creation unfolding and that this Creation is perfect in this very moment. It can be very difficult to feel that your life is perfect. Even if your life is going smoothly and you’re not feeling any great suffering, you’re likely to look around at the world and think it’s incredibly troubled and in need of immediate, major repair. To actually play your part in the healing of the world, is to witness the complexity of the situation and observe how history unfolds. It repeats itself when no one’s been paying close attention, but eventually – if there are concerned people involved – problems sort themselves out. Your need to fix it all, right now, is rooted in an inability to experience the perfection in how things are. Pining for a huge canvas when you have several small ones in front of you at any time is no excuse for not painting. Wishing for world peace is no excuse for being inconsiderate to your neighbours. Discernment allows you to stop personalizing problems and setting yourself up to be a noble saviour. As Lord Krishna told the reluctant warrior Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, we cannot succeed in life or the spiritual path by avoiding challenges and being inactive. We must play our part in life, according to our given nature, but with detachment, knowing that something greater than ourselves acts through us. From Illumination, ©2010 by Alberto Villoldo, published by Hay House.

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When I was diagnosed with fybromyalgia ten years ago, I was forced to give up a longstanding nursing career. I became depressed due to constant pain, isolation and also felt the loss of my career. No wonder I was praying for a ‘healing miracle’. I just wanted someone to wave a magic wand and make it all go away! It was only later that I realised I had been given a wonderful opportunity to explore my own inner world, raise my awareness to the principles of Spirituality and change my outdated selfperceptions. This process led me to becoming even more empathetic to others. As I raised my awareness, my ‘healing miracles’ came in Healed by Raphael Dear Friends I had a fall a month ago. My right foot was painful, but I could still walk on it. Once home, taking Rosa out for a walk on the field, my ankle went over slightly, and by the time we reached home, it was agony. I sat down, then found I could not stand or walk, and panic voiced. Who would take Rosa out? How would I get up to bed? How would I drive? The fear and panic became monumental. I cried ‘Help!’ to the four Archangels – Raphael, Michael, Gabriel and Uriel – and a thought fell into my mind to take Arnica, potency 30, every ten minutes. A few minutes later, the phone rang. It was a friend who works very closely with The Four. I said, ‘Could you ask Raphael for help, please?’ My friend’s reply was, ‘It’s already been done.’ I sat waiting, crying with the pain, taking the Arnica, but nothing happened until another realisation came to mind: to say ‘thank you’. So I began saying fervently, ‘Thank you for my healed foot.’ over and over again. And the moment I started saying ‘thank you’, I felt subtle energies change within me. After an hour the pain had almost gone, along with the panic. Eventually I was even able to go out with Rosa, before going to bed. The next morning revealed more of this real miracle: it was as though I had never fallen, let alone sprained my ankle so badly. It took a phonecall to reassure me that I hadn’t dreamt up the fall! Sarndling Evason

many forms, such as feeling a sense of freedom when I watched a bird in flight, feeling deeply touched by seeing the wonderment in a baby’s eyes as it looked at the world. The simple things were now more important to me, I found enjoyment in smelling a rose and was immersed in its fragrance, whilst before I would probably have just walked past! I came to love myself more and in turn found that I loved others more deeply, and the kindness I bestowed to others came back to me threefold! Today, my fybromyalgia is under control and my depression has lifted. Of course I still have ailments at times, like anyone else, but I now look for the gift within them. I hope you all find healing miracles! Blessings, Shelley Dudley

Janet Baxter

Transition Must I wait forever Held in this unknowingness Wrapped in soft black velvet Its darkness both a comfort and a threat?

Suspended in the universal language Where past and future become an endless now.

Waiting for just a shimmer of golden light To part the black folds Trusting that it will come The promise of a bright future sparkling in its rays. Tendrils of shining light coiling into the fear filled corners Banishing all impatience, conquering all uncertainty. Illuminating the way. Then will my waiting be over And be just part of the journey.

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Jan Russell

Healing Miracles

A Whisper of Change Dear Friends For most of my life my dreams and ambitions had been in an industry of fragile egos: an atheist and a z-list celebrity in the world of entertainment. That was until the day I stood upon a terraced land, rich and vibrant, and full of almond trees; perched on a peninsula, the land overlooked the turquoise waters of the Aegean. A warm, scented breeze caressed my hair, when, all of a sudden, a voice so clear, so pure, so deeply full of love, whispered, ‘Buy this land and build upon it a house, a retreat with a spiritual pathway that will lead others to be healed.’ I turned around, but I stood alone. My eyes filled with tears – more of joy and love, and of purpose. I was reconnected with a long lost friend. The next day I bought the land; the next month I discovered that a healing leyline passed through the peninsula. And in the next year I will start to build the Healing House. My life, my dreams and ambitions were all changed in a whisper. One future day, I hope to find you on this, my healing land. Anthony Hollis THE WRITER OF OUR ‘STAR’ LETTER OR POEM WILL RECEIVE A £10 VOUCHER. SO WHY NOT WRITE TO YOUR CYGNUS FRIENDS? Write about whatever inspires you. Do you have a theme in mind? Let us know and we may dedicate a month to your theme. If you have an insight, experience or poem, please write it down in NOT MORE THAN 250 WORDS (or, if it is a poem, in NOT MORE THAN 24 LINES) and send it by post or email. If you send it by email, to, please include ‘Chat Page’ and the theme in the subject line, dropping your text into the body of the email. IF YOUR CONTRIBUTION IS PUBLISHED ON THIS PAGE, YOU WILL RECEIVE A £5 CYGNUS VOUCHER


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WEST WALES. Nestled in the heart of the Betws mountain. 3 bed family home, approx 2.5 acres, stables + manege. Beautiful views. Make ideal retreat. £269,000. Tel. 01269 826211 after 6pm RETREAT/COURSE/HEALING CENTRE. Could be holiday flats/v.large house etc. Wales stunning coast. 5 floors plus group rooms/facilities & healing sanctuary. Large organic gardens, solar panels, spring water, natural paints, good public transport. For sale as a whole. 0845 539 9938 WALES, Permaculture. 8 acre, 5 bed, unfinished. Split, lease or freehold. Pasture, greenhouse, woodland, C.H., spring water, music/art studio, movie set, events cafe, office, wind (hydro) electricity. Caretaker’s lodge. Tel. 07538 257137 LONG LET VILLA in Andalucia currently being used as therapy centre/ retreat. Main living area plus two apartments. Close to beaches, 7km from Mojacar, Almeria. Set in own grounds with swimming pool, easy access to motorway and various towns. Email:


DISCOVER DOWSING! 2-day Foundation courses around the country for novices and complete beginners. 17/18th July, nr Warwick; 16/17th October, nr. Malvern, Worcs. £135. Tel. 01684 576969; DOWSING CONFERENCE 10-12th September, Cirencester. Join us for just a day or the whole weekend of joyful dowsing fun. For novices and experienced dowsers. Tel. 01684 576969; GENERAL and Practical Dowsing Course. Gog Magog Hills, Cambridge 9/10th October. Learn to dowse for pipes, cables and drains. £145. Tel. 01684 576969; KENTISBURY GRANGE, North Devon. 30th July - 2nd August 2010 Residential Spiritual Weekend with Susan Roberts, English Psychic Company. 18th September, Spiritual Seminar with Alan Valiant, Ascended Spiritual Master. Tel. 01271 883454 visit REIKI ATTUNEMENT 1st, 2nd and Master/Teacher. Courses tenderly, intuitively assessed and delivered. Dates to suit individual needs. For that special experience and further information, tel. 01384 402975 or visit ANGELIC REIKI Courses held in the Midlands. Lovely location, wonderful food. Experience the wonders of the Angelic Realm. Also Empowering Goddess Workshops, Aura Photography and readings. or ring Jayne on 07961 750559 FEEL THE FEAR And Do It Anyway® workshops in Sutton, Surrey, in beautiful, relaxing setting, on 5th June, 10th July and 23rd Oct, by Azmina, Licenced Trainer. Tel. 07958 373289 email: ANGELIC REIKI - Experience the joy of healing with the Angels. 1st & 2nd Degree Workshops being held in Norfolk, July and September 2010. Contact Alison on 07540 938107, ATLANTEAN STARCODE ACTIVATIONS; clears all karma, all blockages, physical, mental,emotional and spiritual; activates your 12 strand DNA, restoring your Divine Blueprint.1st activation free, rest by donation. Tel/txt 07919 867245 / 0116 276 0608 THE REIKI DRUM TECHNIQUE. Learn Reiki Drum Journeying, Healing & Mental/Emotional Reprogramming. For Reiki II practitioners and above. Workshops held throughout the UK. Contact Sarah Gregg 01279 600104 THE UNICORN CENTRE in Somerset. Diana Cooper School 2012, Angel and Ascension teaching. Reiki, Angel and Unicorn Healing Practitioner and other courses and workshops. Tel: 01460 53699 visit:


THE SACRED ARTS OF HEALING, Shamanism and Spirituality for Healers, Carers & Therapists with Angela Cotter, Caitlín Matthews & Felicity Wombwell. 23-26th September 2010, 10-13th February 2011 & 1-4th September 2011 in Stroud, Glos.. For shamanic beginners. Email: or visit SO YOU WANT TO LIVE TO BE OVER 300? David Wolfe - Live in London Oct 9th 2010. Come and see David Wolfe - the pioneering health and wellness researcher, superfoodist, longevitist, superhero & nutritionist to the Stars. For more information visit ALGARVE, PORTUGAL Painting Holiday with Colour Therapy. November 1st-8th 2010. Established holiday, small group, beginners especially welcome. Quality own room apartments with en-suite. All inclusive tuition, breakfast, lunch, transport in Algarve. Have fun in the sun with like-minded souls. Call Trudi Day 01761 463644 visit MIND BODY SPIRIT PSYCHIC FAYRE. Saturday 24th July, Newport Holism Centre, Old Chepstow Road, Langstone, Newport NP18 2ND. Crystal and Spiritual Healing, Mediums, Aura Photography, Psychic Artist, Traders. Adm. £1. 10:30am-17:00. Tel. 01633 671619 email: ENERGY ARTS 2010 Courses with Taoist Lineage Master and Ordained Taoist Priest, Bruce Frantzis.‘Qigong TuiNa Bodywork’ 15-17th October 2010, Brighton; ‘Earth Energies Meditation’ 10th October 2010, Salisbury. Tel. 01725 514546 visit HEALTH & FITNESS, Sun & Fun, Yoga Holiday in India, with sightseeing tours & ayurveda. Idyllic beach location, breathtaking northern Kerala. Total relaxation and rejuvenation. December 5– 20th 2010. Pamela Ann: 07704 873430 ; email: visit HEART CENTRED Channelled Guidance, Soul Lessons & Vibrational Work increasing your awareness of Now. Assisting you in creating your highest vision. International readings & transformational coaching by telephone and 'chat'. email: or visit EFT Practitioner Course with AAMET Trainer Lorraine Debnam and Alexandra Bacon. 24th-26th September: Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Midlands, £295. Earlybird discount available. Tel: 07950 568635 or visit QUEST 2010. July 8-11th, Newton Abbot, Devon. Inspiring show, glorious festival. Extravaganza of workshops, music and healing. Yoga, singing, shamanism, sustainable living and more. Sweat lodge, circus skills, children's activities, live bands. Daily or camp on site. Programme / info. Tel. 01803 762674 or visit POWER OF THOUGHT SEMINAR - Haslemere, Surrey. The life you lead now has been created by your thoughts. Discover how to use this amazing power to create the future you desire. Saturday 24th July. £75.00, lunch provided. Contact Johanna: 07866 965900 CRYSTAL HEALING THERAPIST Year 1 Diploma Course.12th Sept 2010 Intake. Two year BCMA recognised Crystal Healing qualification. 12 monthly, full day, tutor led sessions in Great Eccleston, nr Preston. Tel. 0783 407 2273 YORKSHIRE SCHOOL of Natural Healing Workshops; Aromatherapy and Pain Management with Ann Leach 10th July £40; Spiritual Massage with Emmalene Katayama 17th July £80; Divine Tantra Massage for Couples with Kalyani 18th July £150, Hebden Bridge. Tel. 0845 683 2558 / 07973 620175 YORKSHIRE SCHOOL of Natural Healing offers IFPA-accredited Diploma in Holistic Aromatherapy. One year, one weekend a month, 120 hours Holistic Aromatherapy, 60 hours Holistic Massage and our emphasis on spiritual growth. Start 18/19th September 2010. £2,000. 0845 6832559 / 0795 101 1423; ; TWO MOONS HEALING ASSOCIATION. We channel Two Moons for Healing, Energy Clearance, Spiritual development, Workshops, Astrology Readings. Contact: Charlie 020 8671 4756; Janet: 07894 537001 ; ; COLOURS OF THE SOUL® Colour Therapy Specialists. Providing Certificated Courses, Workshops, Karmagraphs, Mandalas and Products. June McLeod the founder offers inspirational interactive fun workshops. View "Workshops and Courses" at CRYSTAL DIPLOMA Course at Thurst House Farm. Chakra balancing and healing workshops and therapies. Soothing scents chakra oils and aromatherapy creams, Crystal meditations with Elizabeth Halbert healer and tutor. Tel. 07707 418289 FAST TRACK YOGA TEACHER TRAINING. Become a fully registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance 200-hour professional certification. Valid around the world. Buddhist based. Call Daizan 07904 319952 visit ANGEL COURSES AND ANGELIC REIKI. Highly popular, unique, web-based, self study Angel Course. Angelic Reiki Attunements and Crystal Therapy Courses. Also private healing sessions. Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Susan Ann Palmer, MUNAY KI RITES - The Legacy of the Incas - Receive the nine Munay Ki Rites and learn to give them to others. Three day course - £120. Tel. 01239 698314 DIANA COOPER SCHOOL teacher training courses and workshops 2012 and Beyond, Golden Atlantis, Angels, Ascension and Transform Your Life in Warwickshire with Master Teachers Jillian and Peter Stott, 01926 851898;



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STOP THE MIND.... I want to get off!! Inner peace retreat days with Sally Chaffer held regularly in Yorkshire. Experience ways to stop the mind's chatter. Empowering blend of healing and meditation- reconnect with the Now! Tel. 07884 332644 ; CRYSTAL& SOUND HEALING by Correspondence. Crystal/Sonic RejuvenationTM – natural face-lift; Sound Healing to practitioner level; Past Life Regression. All courses with professional accredited College. 01984 633597 visit ANAM CARA Retreat Centre, Scottish Highlands. Residential workshops and retreats in Buddhism, Shamanism, Bushcraft, Sweatlodge Ceremonies, Soul Quest, Ancient Crafts, Healing Arts and working retreats. To request a programme, tel. 01463 711702 email: visit: KARUNA REIKI® The next step for Reiki Masters (all lineages) seekers of Universal Truth and Compassion. 3 day classes set in beautiful Peak District. Contact Janet Roome (UK Karuna Reiki Rep.). Tel. 01629 733227 email: visit ANGELS, Ascension, Golden Atlantis & Transformational Teacher Training workshops with Diana Cooper School – courses in Scotland with Elizabeth Ann. Also spiritual coaching and angel readings etc. Tel: 01592 743417 visit ONLINE ANGEL COURSE. Web based, self study. Enhance your connection with the angelic realms and bring these beautiful beings into your life. Susan Ann Palmer. YOGA TEACHER TRAINING and YOGA RETREATS. With "Spirit of Yoga". Norwich, UK., Spain and India. 200hrs certificate courses certified with Yoga Alliance International. Next course starts Sept 2010. 00 34 653 302 748;; EXPLORING SPIRITUAL FRIENDSHIP - An opportunity to deepen our spiritual lives by receiving and giving support on the spiritual journey, with Cherry Simpkin. Friday 9 to Sunday 11th July 2010. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £175. Claridge House, Surrey. Tel: 01342 832150 visit WORLD CIRCLE DANCE - Dances from many cultures to lift our spirits and open our hearts. Some experience useful. With Eve Corrin, experienced teacher. Friday 16 to Sunday 18th July 2010. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £175. Claridge House, Surrey. Tel: 01342 832150 visit WRITING RETREAT - Monica Suswin leads a workshop offering supportive space for writing, silence and sharing. For all levels. Monday 19 to Friday 23rd July 2010. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £295. Claridge House, Surrey. Tel: 01342 832150 visit REIKI ll - Reiki ll increases your energy enabling you to treat yourself & others at a deeper level. With Anna Moore Reiki Master. Friday 23 to Sunday 25th July 2010. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £175. Claridge House, Surrey. Tel: 01342 832150 visit BUTEYKO - Linda Shampan introduces this simple method of self-healing, great for asthma, anxiety & breathing disorders. Wear comfortable clothing. Friday 30 July to Sunday 1 August 2010. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £175.Claridge House, Surrey. Tel: 01342 832150 visit EYE HEALING RETREAT - with Paula Luis. Using sound, movement, stillness, and meditation, and Bates exercises to make our eyes stronger. Monday 2 to Friday 6 August 2010. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £295.Claridge House, Surrey. Tel: 01342 832 150 visit SOUND HEALING - A healing journey led by the sounds & vibrations of the drum, singing bowls and the gong. With Paula Luis. Friday 6th to Sunday 8th August 2010. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals £175. Claridge House, Surrey. Tel: 01342 832 150 visit


LISA is a Medium living in Suffolk. After several years of working for psychic phone lines she now works for herself. For a reading call Lisa on 01359 221863 or LAW OF ATTRACTION - learn how you can use this powerful energy to attract what you want into your life easily & effortlessly. For personal telephone coaching call Sandra 01582 413013; COMPANION ANIMAL LOSS LISTENING LINE (CALLL) Christine cares and truly understands the pain of pet loss. She is fully trained in pet bereavement. Calll 0115 840 2737 visit ASTROLOGICAL CHILD PROFILE: Beautifully presented in a luxury silver hardback cover, this 45 plus page detailed report is a wonderful gift. It will help all parents to understand their children better and make more suitable choices for them as they develop. Tel: 01540 661828 EVER FELT YOUR ISSUE ISN’T ACTUALLY YOURS? Nikki Wyatt, The Karma Coach, helps release ancestral issues. Karmic Flower and Crystal Essences. Learn your soul gifts with a FREE soul flower reading available at: PSYCHIC TAROT CAN HELP: Confidential, insightful, one-to-one readings. Call anytime 0906 570 6483. Calls cost £1.50/min. PO Box 16, TN37 6YE

18 Next copy date – Issue 9 – Wed 4th August 2010

FIND YOUR IDEAL CAREER AND LIFE PURPOSE NOW. Stop struggling. Find the right path for you. Be inspired. Practical and loving channeled guidance. Sessions by phone. Highly experienced. Call Darren Linton 01245 460057 visit ERIN, GIFTED PSYCHIC & MEDIUM. Telephone readings: messages, guidance & healing available immediately, day or evening with experienced reader visit Tel. 01239 615299 or 07786 906576 READINGS: Clear, accurate, relevant, waffle-free. MEDIUMSHIP: Family, ancestors, pets, loved ones who have died help you understand them, you and your life. Phone sessions. CORINNE JEFFREY 01264 791071 / +44 1264 791071 JESSICA - CLAIRVOYANT/MEDIUM. Professional, experienced, specialising in mediumship. Communicate with loved ones who have passed over. Telephone readings: £22 per 30mins/ £30 per 45mins. Also Personal Readings & Party Bookings. Central Bristol. Tel. 0117 373 7405 or 07800 929257 TRANSFORMATIONAL SPIRITUAL HEALING alleviates deep, painful physical, psychological and relationship problems (many of which other therapies are unable to resolve) at source. Jane Houseago MIPTI, BCMA (Ind.) Tel: (+44) 07905 888843


LOVELY B&B in Derbyshire Peak District. Interesting old house in quirky small town. All diets catered (Veggie owners). Stone Circle tours, massage etc. Highly recommended by guests. Tel. 01629 824258 visit SEA, SUN AND COMMUNITY IN GREECE. Kalikalos' summer programme of holistic workshops, retreats and living-in-community guest weeks from £195/week. Gorgeous beaches, spectacular hill walks plus three family weeks in August for single or coupled parents. Brochure: 01343 549895 HOLISTIC RETREAT Centre in the foothills above Mystras, Sparti, Greece. Accommodation is in 3 bedroom tents, with all facilities including showers, shop etc. email: or COMFORTABLE B&B, HAMMERSMITH, LONDON. Central, quiet, close to river, pubs, restaurants, all attractions. Ideal base holidays, courses, exhibitions, business. Double/twin/triple £25pppn., Single £36. Tel: Anne/Sohel Armanios 020 7385 4904 visit LOVELY, Self-contained, one floor cottage, nr Bath, Longleat & Stourhead. Sleeps 4. 48ft lounge, flat screen tv, indoor swimming pool, fishing, glorious countryside. £100 per day. Tel. 01749 813890 email: GLASTONBURY. Everything you ever wanted! Shambhala Healing Retreat on the Tor. A sacred site; sunny rooms, organic food, superb treatments, peace doves, water gardens and lots of love! Good Retreat Guide Gold Star Award. 01458 831797 email: visit WEEKLY RETREATS in beautiful Scottish Highlands. Small family home. Warm, intimate, loving. 5 acres woodland. Sanctuary. Free personal inner child/ past life therapy. Inverness 10 miles. Loch Ness 5 miles. Ring Clive 01463 782389 MID WALES, caravan for 2 people on secluded hill farm. Ideal for meditation, hill walking, bird watching, £85 per week. Sorry no pets. Tel. 01597 860244 visit COME AND SHARE MY IDYLLIC PARADISE in the heart of the Cotswolds, where peace, healing and personal growth abound. Ring 01285 760684 visit SCARBOROUGH 'Fountains Court Hotel' specialising in health breaks, relaxation, personal change & spiritual development. Vegetarian. Hot-tub, sauna, Zen garden. Tel 01723 381118 visit MAGICAL PEMBROKESHIRE Two idyllic s/c cottages, sleeps 2&5. Four poster. C.H. wood burners. Fully equipped. Spiritual/Reiki/Seichem/ Healings available during your stay in these tranquil surroundings. Tel: Pam 01994 419439 CHARMING WELSH COTTAGE. Warm, well appointed & highly recommended by previous guests. Great for walkers. Dogs welcome. Broadband. Recently awarded 3 star status by Visit Wales. See website for availability. Tel: 01547 330003 or visit THE ORANGE TREE, North York Moors. Relaxation weekends, fully catered, vegetarian menu. Two relaxation workshops, sauna, hot-tub, choice of therapies. Tel. 01751 417219 Y BWTHYN BACH. Cosy, one room, self-catering, barn conversion with wood stove, in a beautiful garden, with immediate access to wild north Pembrokeshire countryside and 1 mile from the coast. Inexpensive. Tel. 01348 811282 visit VEGIVENTURES. Holidays, tours and short breaks in Britain, Turkey, Peru, Caribbean and Guatemala. Great vegetarian/vegan food, small friendly groups, environment oriented. Tel. 01760 755888 ; visit STEPS FARM Somerset for fresh air, big skies, good vegetarian food and a warm welcome. Healing and Counselling available, also courses on Animal Healing and Vegetarian Cookery. Tel. 01749 812788 or visit CLARIDGE HOUSE Healing Centre, Lingfield, Surrey. For rest, retreat, renewal.Benefit from a peaceful stay. Also Creative, Healing and Spiritual Courses. Tel: 01342 832150 or visit


Saturday 11th September: MARGRIT COATES – Animal Healing (12pm - 1pm; £10) *For Isbourne Open Day* Friday 17th / Saturday 18th September: PATRICK HOLFORD 100% Health Workshop (Fri. 6.30pm - 8pm/Sat. 9am - 5.30pm; £75) Mon 27th September: ROY MARTINA – Emotional Balance (7-9pm; £12/Early Bird £9) Tuesday 5th October: PETER OWEN-JONES – Extreme Pilgrim (7-9pm; £15/Early Bird £12) **At Pittville Pump Room, Cheltenham**

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