Cygnus Review issue 8, 2009 – free of charge
heal your body, feed your soul, free your mind, love your planet
The Hope Andrew Harvey How Long is Now? Tim Freke The Akashic Experience Ervin Laszlo et al The Return of Anastasia DVD Dr Leonid Sharashkin Spontaneous Evolution Bruce Lipton & Steve Bhaerman Fourteen Steps to Awaken the Sacred Feminine Joan Norton & Margaret Starbird The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush Andreas Moritz Storyworld: Unlock Your Imagination John & Caitlin Matthews
ANN & GEOFF NAPIER Dear Friends, Of all the systems that exist for explaining how the process of spiritual growth unfolds, the one that allows us to make the most sense of our own life experiences is the system known as alchemy. We also find precious help and consolation in the explanation alchemy gives of why bad things may sometimes happen to good people. And, as you may guess, this is something we are particularly interested in at the moment, since some pretty tricky things are happening to us personally! (See our last two letters.) Commonly, we hear people jumping to the conclusion that, if a person is having difficult experiences in their life, then that must be because they have somehow attracted them, be it through negative karma, or through vibrations that are too low, or through negative beliefs, thoughts or feelings. Well, we would like to suggest that all these explanations are in fact only part of the truth. Actually, everybody on this earth – even the best and most happy person – has negative karma of some kind, or has at least some negative beliefs, thoughts or feelings buried somewhere in them. Nobody is perfect! Yet bad things do not happen to everyone. And, as we’ve no doubt all observed, it’s quite often the good people who tend to have more difficult and painful experiences, while the ‘bad’ ones remain unscathed by anything major. Why is this? Well, leaving aside pure chance, and any plans we may have made before we were born regarding the life experiences we were willing to have, either for our own learning and/or to serve others, alchemists offer another, highly logical answer to this puzzling question. Transformation into pure spiritual gold As you may already know, alchemy is the process through which the base metal of our ordinary, human self is gradually refined and transformed into pure spiritual gold. This has the most far reaching effects, not just on our subtle bodies, but on our physical body as well, and not just on ourselves, but on the world around us too. The whole process is unleashed when our deepest, most heartfelt desire – born of love – is to become utterly re-formed, so that every part of our being is fully aligned with the plan which our higher, divine self has for our being and our life. When that desire, which the ancients called the ‘holy desire’, is truly and deeply felt, it attracts towards us experiences which will speed up the process of our evolution, so that it can even be possible to liberate the spiritual gold from the dross of our earthly nature within a single lifetime. Now if you think about it, you’ll realise that this accelerated process of refinement and purification cannot always be a ‘walk in the park’. Actually, it can
be more like a walk in an avalanche, in real life! Facing our inner darkness The holy desire calls light into the darkest places in our being, as well as in the world around us; places where our inner ‘monsters’ may have been sleeping peacefully for ages, not bothering anybody. But when the light touches them, up they leap, ‘seeking whom they may devour’. And that’s why, in the first of the three main alchemical phases, known as the black phase, or nigredo, all the old, the familiar, and the safe is stripped away from us and we are brought face to face with our own inner darkness in a series of challenges through which our discernment, and our love and devotion to what is right, in preference to what is easy, will be put to the test again and again. Hearing the light During the next stage, known as the white phase or albedo, our love and devotion to the light we are attracting through the holy desire have been proved to such an extent that the light can play a real role in our consciousness and life. When this stage is reached, the light and darkness within us have become so polarised that it is almost as if there are two consciousnesses within our system – a higher one, whose guidance we seek to follow, and a lower one, made up of all our old habits of thinking, feeling and acting. These habits or patterns, commonly known as the ‘ego’ or lower mind, generally have no intention of going quietly, and try every trick in the book to hold on to their position of power in our system (and the observant among you will have noticed that there are forces like this in the world at large as well!). This brings about a further process of purification and learning, not to mention suffering, as we seek to hear and obey the light, or higher consciousness, and not the lower one, whose demands may become increasingly shrill. Expressing the higher self During the third and final stage, known as the red phase or rubedo, the light in us feels more like our own consciousness, and less like some higher being helping us. At this stage we may feel as though we have been left alone, to ‘fly by the seat of our pants’ as it were. But that’s really only because the higher consciousness is more integrated, and now the task is for it to completely subsume the lower mind, or ‘ego’. Still not easy, but nevertheless, this is the phase of completion and full expression of the higher, divine self in the physical life. Lead is turned into gold. In practice, these three phases do not unfold in a linear fashion, but more in spirals and layers, with a fair amount of travel forwards and backwards, much like a shuttle on a weaving loom. But nevertheless, we hope you see the point. The higher our vibrations, the more polarised and pronounced the light and darkness within ourselves and in our environment become.... until finally, all has been brought to brightness, and peace prevails.
Choosing for your soul So the next time you wonder what’s wrong with you, because so many bad things are going on in your life, perhaps you could say to yourself instead, ‘Maybe something is very, very right,’ and realise that it’s a matter of consciously choosing what is good and true for your soul, rather than what is easy for your ordinary, earthly self. In this way, you’ll find that your spiritual progress will shift to the next level. Wishing you all the love, discernment, courage, persistence and guidance you need to bring your path to a good ending. Ann, Geoff, Sarah, Martyn and the Cygnus Team What inspired us to write about alchemy in this issue was reading Breast Cancer – Hanging On By a Red Thread (see opposite), in which Kathy Jones – who co-founded the Goddess Temple in Glastonbury – describes her experience of recovering from breast cancer. Kathy endured – and courageously survived – the ravages of conventional treatment, as well as using a number of alternative therapies. But most importantly, she saw and dealt with the whole experience as an alchemical process and, along the way, received many synchronistic confirmations that she was right in her understanding. We were also inspired by seeing the latest Harry Potter* film, believe it or not. It was our friend, Hans Andrea, who created the site, who first pointed out to us how dazzlingly perfect an allegory of the alchemical process J K Rowling’s incredible creation is. Since then, it has just blown us away, and we never tire of reading the books or watching the films, because there’s always more to discover! And when we think about how all those powerful, archetypal spiritual currents have been stimulated within the consciousness of millions of people because of their enthusiasm for Harry Potter, just like the moving pictures in the story, we get more excited still! Surely, as Bruce Lipton, Penny Peirce and Andrew Harvey say in their features in this magazine, the whole world is going through an alchemical process at this time. Andrew Harvey, in the extract we have chosen from his book, The Hope, uses a quotation from The Gospel of Thomas which we think expresses in a nutshell the whole process of alchemy: ‘The seeker should not stop until he finds [the holy longing]. When he does find, he will be disturbed [nigredo]. After having been disturbed, he will be astonished [albedo]. Then he will reign over everything [rubedo].’ How blessed we are to have access to such inspiration! *All the Harry Potter books are available from Cygnus at half price or less. Please visit or call us on (01558 825500) for details.
Our cover photograph is by Janet Baxter, © 2009. Prints can be obtained from Janet by calling 01970 871333, This magazine is printed with vegetable inks on paper from sustainable FSC accredited sources by S&G Ltd, Merthyr Tydfil, 01685 388888.
CAVE IN THE SNOW Vicki Mackenzie
In 1976 Diane Perry, who became known as Tenzin Palmo upon her ordination as a Buddhist nun, secluded herself in a remote cave, 13,200 feet up in the Himalayas, cut off from the world by mountains and snow. There she engaged in twelve years of intense Buddhist meditation. She faced unimaginable cold, wild animals, near-starvation and avalanches; she grew her own food and slept in a traditional wooden meditation box, threefeet-square – she never lay down. Her goal was to gain enlightenment as a woman. She emerged from the cave with a vision to build a convent in northern India dedicated to helping women achieve spiritual excellence, overcoming the prejudice and discrimination faced by women on the spiritual path. She tells her story to Vicki Mackenzie with candour, humour and clarity. Cave in the Snow is a story of courage, phenomenal persistence, and the rewards of spiritual devotion.
213pp, 152mm x 233mm, softback, 1999, RRP £8.99 Code: 090859 Cygnus Price £6.99
OUR LADY OF KIBEHO Immaculee Ilibagiza
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In the remote village of Kibeho, Rwanda, eight young people received prophetic messages, warning of looming violence, urging Rwandans to avert it by opening their hearts to embrace love. The visionaries brought messages given to them during the miraculous appearance of the Virgin Mary and Jesus, with instructions on how to live better lives, care for each other and pray more effectively. Immaculee Ilibagiza’s personal account of a miracle unfolding and the profound effect it had on her country, her family and her faith, is destined to help spread the messages of love and hope delivered in Kibeho. Her discoveries bring a powerful message of reconciliation, forgiveness, enlightenment and peace.
226pp, 142mm x 220mm, illus. in colour, hardback, 2008, RRP £12.99 Code: 190801 Cygnus Price £8.99
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Cave in the Snow’ & ‘Our Lady of Kibeho’ together for £14.98
This is the story of Kathy Jones’ journey with breast cancer, telling of her experience with both orthodox cancer treatments and many complementary therapies. She found that in order to heal herself she needed to understand why she had ‘caught’ this disease. In her dreams and visions she saw herself following Ariadne’s Red Thread through the dark passageways of an Underground Labyrinth, where the Monstrous Minotaur lives. It can kill us or it can transform us to renewed life, just as the disease presents us with the opportunity to heal areas of our lives that have lain wounded for decades and even centuries. And so she recognised her experience as part of an alchemical journey, in which she was being transformed by the disease, not only physically but also psychologically and spiritually, and received many synchronistic confirmations that she was right in her understanding. This book aims to inspire those of you who have cancer, and their carers, to continue on your journeys towards healing and wholeness.
126pp, 152mm x 228mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 1998, RRP £8.95 Code: 190802 Cygnus Price £7.95
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We were very much inspired by this DVD, which shows a presentation by Leonid Sharashkin, editor of the English language version of the Anastasia books (all nine of which are still available from Cygnus). Leonid describes how these books have stimulated a massive ‘back to the land’ movement in Russia, with the Russian people in their own gardens producing no less than 53% of the nation’s food! Leonid also passes on some fascinating details about the Russian language, in which the Anastasia books were originally written. He explains how the subtleties and nuances of the Russian language still convey, even today, an ancient way of living in reverence and connection rather than conflict with our world. He reveals Anastasia not simply as a woman of the forest, but also as a symbol of resurrection, as we reawaken to the old ways of living. This DVD will inspire you to turn your own plot of land, however small, into your very own ‘kin’s domain’, a space of love for you and your family where you can experience all the nurture and abundance our mother Earth seeks to offer us.
Magdalene Circles are groups of women who focus their shared energies on the wisdom of Mary Magdalene to gain insight into the role of the sacred feminine in their own lives and to help them advance on their spiritual paths. This book offers fourteen lessons to help understand the wisdom offered by Mary Magdalene’s story and mythos. Among the lessons are prophecies of the bride, Magdalene’s archetypal pattern of descent, and how modern women carry the Grail. Well-suited for the individual reader as well as a group, each lesson includes an introduction, guided meditation, questions for journalling, and a discussion by Margaret Starbird as well as suggestions for group sharing. Placing Mary Magdalene within the pattern of ‘cyclic renewal’ of earth-based religions, this book offers the chance to incorporate the sacred feminine wisdom of Mary Magdalene into everyday life for Christians and spiritual feminists alike.
Total running time 1 hour 32 minutes, 2008 Code: D190803 Cygnus Price £14.95
Peter Taylor believes we are now being fed a distorted understanding of changes in global climate, due to the needs of politicians and lobbyists for simple answers, slogans and targets. The resulting policy – a 60% reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050 – he says would have a huge impact upon landscape, community and biodiversity. On the basis of his studies of satellite data, cloud cover, ocean and solar cycles, he concludes that the main driver of recent global warming has been an unprecedented combination of natural events. He proposes that the current threat is a period of global cooling, the risks of which are potentially greater than global warming and on a more immediate time scale. Drawing on his experience of energy policy and sustainability, Taylor suggests practical steps that should be taken now. He urges a shift away from mistaken policies that attempt to avert inevitable natural changes, to an adaptation to a climate that is likely overall to turn significantly cooler.
410pp, 156mm x 234mm, softback, 2009, RRP £14.99 Code: 190804 Cygnus Price £9.99
Here is your essential guide to solar power and 12 volt supplies: the ideal reference if you want to introduce alternative, low impact power supplies around the house and garden or even live totally off-grid in your boat, caravan or yurt. Not only will it save you money, it will show you how to run your lights, laptop, DVDs and music, and even your tools and household products, from a simple solar system. Michel Daniek begins with a lesson in how electricity works and the main components of a DIY solar system, with clear diagrams and terms, then moves on to applications and appliances. He also debunks some important solar myths and gives practical tips as to how to avoid potentially damaging Electro Smog in your living space.
122pp, 148mm x 210mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2009, RRP £9.95 Code: 190805 Cygnus Price £8.75
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Chill’ & ‘Do It Yourself 12 Volt Solar Power’ together for £17.74
140pp, 152mm 228mm, softback 2009, RRP £12.99 Code: 190806 Cygnus Price £7.99
What happened during the eighteen ‘missing’ years of Jesus’ life? Did he travel to India and Tibet? The question of where he went and what happened to him during these formative years is what Alan Jacobs now addresses, as he presents and evaluates the suggestions, weaving them into a compelling narrative. There have been many theories, including some that rely on the modern, apocryphal Aquarian Gospel, which tells of Christ’s mission to India, Tibet and Nepal, and his adventures there. Alan Jacobs throws new light on the ‘Missing Years’ and on the possible sources of the inspiration and knowledge that Jesus drew upon while carrying out his short yet groundbreaking mission in Palestine. He also explores the Oriental tradition that perhaps Jesus ended his years in the East.
222pp, 134mm x 216mm, softback, 2009, RRP £10.99 Code: 190807 Cygnus Price £6.59
Do William Blake’s lyrics for the popular hymn ‘Jerusalem’ reveal an extraordinary insight into the so-called ‘missing years of Jesus’, the eighteen years that are unaccounted for in the Bible? Archaeologist and classical scholar Dennis Price has investigated these clues, paying meticulous attention to the accounts in the ancient Aramaic and Greek versions of the Bible. He has also conducted an exhaustive and unprecedented study into the myths and legends of Christ in Britain. By viewing this enthralling subject as a modern missing person’s investigation, he has pieced together the puzzle and now presents compelling and highly original evidence that Christ did indeed visit Britain in the company of Joseph of Arimathea ‘in ancient times’. Indeed, the weight of new material suggests that Christ remained in Britain for several years before eventually returning to his homeland in the east.
284pp, 158mm x 240mm, illus. in b&w, hardback, 2009, RRP £12.99 Code: 190411 Cygnus Price £7.65
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Three great 20th century mystics, Thomas Merton, Teilhard de Chardin, and Father Bede Griffiths, were inspired by their growing initiation into the full, embodied passion of Christ consciousness to imagine a new future for humanity, a birth on earth of the Divine Human. In the Gospel of Thomas [see 180109, p9], Jesus tells us: ‘The seeker should not stop until he finds. When he does find, he will be disturbed. After having been disturbed, he will be astonished. Then he will reign over everything.’ The path of radical embodiment These four short sentences contain, for me, the essence of Jesus’s inner teaching to humanity. What Jesus has given to all humanity is not a path of union with the Transcendent only, but a path through which the transcendent powers of love and wisdom are embodied in save the core of human life. This path is at once £5.00! the most difficult of all, because it involves a gruelling and dangerous descent into the personal and collective shadow, and the most empowering, because if it is taken far and deep, it births a new kind of human being: one whose mind is illumined by gnosis, whose heart is aflame with a sacred passion of compassion, and whose body becomes, over time, the conscious receptacle of divine energy. Jesus is nothing if not a fierce realist, and his teachings show us clearly the price of such a journey. When Jesus tells us, ‘And when he finds, he will be disturbed,’ he is making it clear to all those who try to follow him on the Path of Radical Embodiment that contact with the Transcendent will initially cause chaos in our understanding of ourselves and the world. It will demand that we undertake a Descent into our own and the world’s shadow and uncover and become conscious of the personal and collective forces of evil and destructiveness. Before we make the descent, it is essential to make vivid and ecstatic contact with the Transcendent Light first, because it is this contact, and the faith in the grace and protection of the Divine that it brings, that will give the ‘finder’ the dogged passion and naked courage that she will need to undertake the marriage of the Light with every aspect of psychic and physical life. The reward of such a marriage is that after a ‘disturbing’ Descent, it leads in the end to the ‘astonishment’ Jesus celebrates. It is astonishing to discover that the Light not only manifests everything, but lives in and as everything, in the tiniest flea and the greatest whale, in all sentient and seemingly insentient things. It is astonishing to discover through the long, patient, difficult work of the Descent that even the most disturbing emotions, when made conscious and acknowledged, can be offered up for divine transformation and can form the basis for a greater fellowship with and compassion for all other human beings who wrestle with the same darkness. The Philosopher’s Stone Perhaps most astonishing of all is the increasing discovery that in all those who take the Path of Radical Embodiment, the very joints and mar-
The Birth of the Divine Human
row, muscles, guts, and cells of the body itself can house, enshrine, and progressively incarnate divine love, wisdom, energy, and power. In the last sentence of Logion (saying) 2, ‘And then he reigns over everything,’ Jesus makes clear what the ultimate reward and hope of such a process is – the birth on earth, and in the core of life, and in a body, of a tender, illumined, divine human being. This embodied Divine Human is what the alchemists mean when they speak of the legendary ‘philosophers’ stone.’ They call this process ‘the Work’ or ‘the making of the philosophers’ stone,’ and they tell us that when the embodied Divine Human begins to emerge, he discovers that the ‘stone’ multiplies
EDITOR’S CHOICE: Even more savings when you buy extra copies!
Sacred Activism is compassion in action – the alchemical blending of physical work with spiritual intent to create a holy force and fusion of humankind’s greatest achievements and principles. Andrew Harvey explains how to combine the foundations of wisdom with the power of love in action to create a better world of meaning, empathy, strength and joy. The Hope gives practical help to all those who realise the urgent truth of our world – that we are being offered a gateway for dramatic and positive change – and who want to act as effectively as possible from wisdom and compassion.
256pp, 152mm x 229mm, softback, 2009, RRP £10.99
Code: 190808 Cygnus Prices: 1 copy £5.99 2 or more copies £5.49 each
endlessly. In other words, the stone becomes a selfless instrument of divine energies that multiplies in its effects throughout the universe. Union with the transcendent is not enough In a time as drastic as ours, union with the Transcendent alone, without the Descent that marries the Light to our most chaotic impulses and to the depths of the body, will not and cannot be enough. We have seen throughout human history how mystics of all traditions have used bliss and gnosis as a kind of subtle heroin, as an intoxication that allows them to dismiss the body and all earthly realities as ‘illusion’ and so leave them untransformed. As Satprem writes in Sri Aurobindo, or The Adventure of Consciousness: ‘We have denied the divinity of matter to confine it in our holy places and now matter is taking its revenge. If we accept this imbalance there is no hope for the earth. We will swing from one pole to the other – both equally false – from material enjoyment to spiritual austerity without ever finding our plenitude. We need both the vigour of mat-
ter and the fresh waters of the spirit.’ The marriage that Jesus describes and Satprem calls for – between our left and right brains, between the outer and inner sciences, between the vigour of matter and the fresh waters of the spirit, between body and soul, can only take place through a descent into everything that disturbs this marriage in ourselves and in the world. The great hope that we discover if we dare follow this path is that this union of opposites, although difficult, frustrating, bewildering, and sometimes painful, is not impossible; the great birthing energies and incessant grace of the Divine Light itself guide, protect, sustain, and nourish us through everything. The purpose of crisis To discover and live this embodied truth is worth every suffering and every ordeal. It is the secret gift, even the purpose, of the crises we all live through together. The greatest darkness constellates the most powerful answering light; the greatest threat constellates the most impassioned energy of creativity. When Jesus speaks in the Gospels of the ‘peace beyond understanding,’ he is referring not to a passive peace, but to a dynamic peace, a peace beyond any rational explanation or ground that grows as the contraries of light and dark, masculine and feminine are increasingly integrated within us. Let us imagine together now what humble, divine human beings, born into this marriage of peace and passion, could effect as instruments of God in the world. Imagine what scientists, lawyers, doctors, therapists, politicians, economists, and activists of all kinds could effect as embodied and illumined instruments of compassion and justice. Imagine what illuminations and discoveries of every saving kind would stream through us, not only to preserve human and animal life on earth, but to transform our ways of being and doing everything in every realm – from politics to economics to all arts and sciences. This is the future that our crisis is invoking for us. What must happen now is that millions of us must be awakened by the growing disaster of our own making to understand that the way forward is, as Jung said, the way through – through a naked acknowledgement of our collective responsibility for our actions and of the addictions and lust for power that propelled them. If we make a conscious connection with the Divine Light and its grace, we will not only help preserve ourselves and nature, but also transform into spiritually conscious, humble co-creators of an increasingly just and peaceful world. This is the future that the Divine within and without is preparing for us in the crucible of an exploding crisis that is at once a death of all our illusions about ourselves and a potential birth of an embodied Divine Love and Wisdom in us. Our hope lies in seeing this potential clearly and in undergoing joyfully and with faith the ordeals necessary to incarnate it – a hope more powerful and, in Jesus’ words, more ‘astonishing’ than any that has yet guided, inspired, or infused us. From The Hope, ©2009 by Andrew Harvey, published by Hay House.
At the current time, many people find themselves transfixed by disturbing symptoms that seem to mark civilization’s devolution. However, this myopic focus distracts us from seeing the Light in the darkness. Whether you call this Light love or knowledge, its flame grows brighter each day. The Light reveals that civilization is, literally, in a birthing process as the old way of life falls away and a new one emerges. This pattern of evolution resembles the phoenix, a sacred firebird in Egyptian mythology. At the end of its life, the phoenix builds a nest of cinnamon twigs that it then ignites. Both nest and bird burn fiercely, but from the ashes arises a new, young phoenix that is fated to experience the same life cycle. The story of a structure failing and some- save thing else rising is a familiar one that plays £5.00! over and over again in the biosphere. Life is in a constant state of perpetual recreation. Imaginal cells If you find it hard to imagine that we can ever get from the crises that we are facing now to a more loving and functional world, consider the tale of another world in transition. Imagine you are a single cell among millions that comprise a growing caterpillar. The structure around you has been operating like a well-oiled machine, and the larva world has been creeping along predictably. Then one day, the machine begins to shudder and shake. The system begins to fail. Cells begin to commit suicide. There is a sense of darkness and impending doom. From within the dying population, a new breed of cells begins to emerge, called imaginal cells. Clustering in community, they devise a plan to create something entirely new from the wreckage. Out of the decay arises a great flying machine – a butterfly – that enables the survivor cells to escape from the ashes and experience a beautiful world, far beyond imagination. Here is the amazing thing: the caterpillar and the butterfly have the exact same DNA. They are the same organism, but are receiving and responding to a different organizing signal. That is where we are today. When we read the newspaper and watch the evening news, we see the media reporting a caterpillar world. And yet everywhere, human imaginal cells are awakening to a new possibility. They are clustering, communicating, and tuning into a new, coherent signal of love. Love, we will find, is not some mushy-gushy sentiment, but the vibrational glue that will help build this new flying machine and manifest our destiny as humanity – what we call ‘humanifest destiny.’ We would like to introduce the notion that a miraculous healing awaits this planet once we accept our new responsibility to collectively tend the Garden rather than fight over the turf. When a critical mass of people truly own this belief in their hearts and minds and actually begin living from this truth, our world will emerge from the darkness in what will amount to a spontaneous evolution.
The Rise of the Phoenix
It’s time to evolve evolution The fundamental argument about evolution is, excuse the expression, a bunch of BS. Belief Systems, that is. We have two opposing belief systems that are like two barking dogmas making so much noise the rest of us can’t hear ourselves think. On one side, we have scientific materialists who insist we got here by random chance. Their argument is akin to the belief that an infinite number of monkeys pecking away on an infinite number of typewriters would in infinite time produce the works of Shakespeare. On the other side, we have religious fundamentalists, who insist that God created the world just like the Bible said He did. Some of these believers have even calculated that God initiated Creation at precisely 9 A.M. on
SPONTANEOUS EVOLUTION Bruce Lipton & Steve Bhaerman
Spontaneous Evolution offers you the information, inspiration and invitation to participate in the greatest adventure in human history – conscious evolution! By releasing the old beliefs that keep the status quo in place and by building our lives and world on this heartening new story, we can trigger the spontaneous evolution of our species. Infused with intelligence and wit, Spontaneous Evolution is an insightful, playful, and ultimately hopeful look at the humanity’s evolutionary destiny – and how you can play an active role.
256pp, 152mm x 229mm, hardback, 2009, RRP £13.99
Code: 190809 Cygnus Price £8.99
October 23, 4004 B.C.E. While these points of view, respectively, are in all probability wrong, when taken together they paradoxically point us in the right direction. The latest science is telling us that while Creation didn’t happen in seven days, it was not the result of random evolution, either. Thanks to the new science of fractal mathematics, we are aware that self-similar intelligent patterns reoccur throughout Nature. As we will see, when these universal patterns are used to assess the state of human civilization, they reveal the evolution of our human species is on the path toward a hopeful and positive future. Of course at this point, you might be thinking, ‘If things are so hopeful, why do we have such a mess right now?’ Well, evolution is characterised by vastly long periods of stability that are punctuated by radical and unpredictable changes. In the wake of such upheavals, which are frequently marked by mass extinctions, evolution rapidly provides a profusion of new species. Crisis ignites evolution. The challenges and crises we face today are actually signs that spontaneous change is imminent. We are about to face our evolution.
We can rewrite our destiny How will our evolutionary advancement come about? Our path is similar to that of cells in the metamorphosing butterfly larva. When provided with a new awareness, the cellular population comprising the deteriorating larva collaborates to restructure their society in order to experience the next highest level of their evolution. We use the caterpillar-to-butterfly pattern to illuminate our current situation, and yet there is one significant difference. While caterpillars inevitably become butterflies, the success of our evolution is not inevitable. Even though Nature is nudging us toward this exciting possibility, it cannot happen without our participation. We are conscious co-creators in the evolution of life. We have free will. And we have choices. Consequently our success is based on our choices, which are, in turn, totally dependent on our awareness. The good news is that we are already well on our way to the next level of human evolution. Yet, even though the world’s imaginal cells were activated by their new awareness, the global body of humanity is still a caterpillar that, naturally, feels threatened by and is resistant to the upstart imaginal cells. And it is that paradigm of struggle that continues to shape the world’s energy field. In order to secure our future, we must empower ourselves with the knowledge of who we truly are. With an understanding of how our programming shapes our lives and with the knowledge of how we can change that programming, we can rewrite our destiny. From Spontaneous Evolution, ©2009 by Bruce H. Lipton & Steve Bhaerman, published by Hay House.
The Biology of Belief presents scientific evidence showing that genes and DNA do not control our biology. Bruce Lipton shows that genes are turned on and off by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. He shows how our beliefs, true or false, positive or negative, affect genetic activity and actually alter our genetic code. His profoundly hopeful work gives important clues as to how we can retrain our consciousness to create healthy beliefs, and by doing so create lasting, positive results in our bodies and our lives.
224pp, 152mm x 228mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2006, RRP £12.99 Code: 160801 Cygnus Price £6.99
SPECIAL OFFER Buy ‘Spontaneous Evolution’ & ‘The Biology of Belief’ together for £14.98
You’ve no doubt noticed that we live in chaotic yet amazingly potent times. Just as restless animals sense an impending earthquake, you may feel a big change brewing. It’s hard not to notice that everything today is as volatile as boiling water. The upside is that the volatility is shaking us up and pushing us to experience ourselves in an entirely new way – less as solid physical bodies separated by empty space and more as energetically vibrational beings living interdependently with other vibrational beings in a vibrational world. Frequencies rising! There are some key things to understand now: (1) you are being affected by an evolutionary process that moves through specific stages, which is causing the energetic frequency of your body, emotions, and mind to accelerate, (2) because the rising frequency of your energy parallels your level of awareness, you are gradually becoming more aware, sensitive, visionary, empathic, and loving, and (3) the biggest challenge of the next few years will be working with your sensitivity, keeping your personal vibration clear, and learning to use ‘frequency principles’ to live successfully in the coming times. There’s a good reason you feel excited and pressured If you are to fully understand the emerging energy reality with its high frequency and unlimited perception, it helps to know there’s a good reason you may feel shaken up, ultrasensitive, or rudderless. The reality of the Intuition Age will be the result of a gradual but fairly rapid process of personal and societal transformation. It can put you through the wringer emotionally and energetically but will eventually deliver you to an amazing destination you’ll love. And, yes, there is a road map to help you get there. Understanding the transformation process as a whole is crucial if you don’t want to jump from one popular trend in thinking to the latest energy technique while missing key components that can make your experience smoother, faster, and more cohesive. So you can have a framework for what’s happening to you and the world, I want to give you a summary of the transformational journey we have embarked on. Change + The Next Dimension = Transformation I believe what’s happening today is more than simply change; we are living in a time of transformation. What’s the difference? Think of a dinner table with place settings, plates of food, beverages, and a centrepiece. Now mix up the arrangement – put the salt shaker inside an empty wineglass, the napkins under the plates, the food on the tablecloth instead of in the serving bowls, break a salad plate into pieces, and turn the centrepiece upside down. Voilà! You have change. You have recombined the existing items into new forms and relationships, but they all still exist on the tabletop in time and space, and there is still a perception that the items are separate from each other, solid, and inert.
Our Phoenix-like Transformation
Transformation, metamorphosis, or transmutation is something else altogether. These words imply an alchemical change in the basic nature of something, a shift from one energy state to another, a startling change that occurs miraculously, as if by magic. The phoenix legend exemplifies this ‘death’ of the ordinary self by transmuting, purifying fire (spiritual growth) and its ‘rebirth’ from the ashes as a creature of gold (light and love). In our example of the dinner table, the water might transform into its gaseous state and seem to disappear, or the
Everything is vibrating energy, explains Penney Peirce, and each of us has a persave sonal vibration – a 40%! frequency of energy held moment by moment in our spirit, thoughts, emotions, and body – that communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality. When your energy frequency is high, fast, and clear, life unfolds effortlessly, abundantly and in alignment with your destiny. In Frequency, you will learn how to feel your personal vibration and work with energy, freeing yourself from negative vibrations, and joining in as the earth’s frequency moves to a higher level, shifting your sense of self from an identity based on separation, fear and ego to one based on interrelatedness, love and soul. Sure to keep you occupied, packed with exercises, and written with great clarity, Frequency is an interesting and fulfilling read.
300pp, 156mm x 235mm, hardback, 2009, RRP £14.99
Code: 190402 Cygnus Price £8.99
whole dinner table might transmute into an experience of its higher meaning – abundance or an experience of family love – and cease to be a physical thing at all. You’re about to experience a big identity shift You’re starting to see life as energy and awareness. This causes you to be ultrasensitive and aware of vibration because you are in a process of becoming a high-frequency person, of transforming from a relatively dense body and personality into nothing less than your soul fully saturated into time, space, and matter. You, along with everyone and everything else on this planet, are evolving through nine phases of growth that are designed to effectively raise your vibration into the fourth dimension – where spirit and matter merge – without having to die to do it. At first, this process may cause you to feel disoriented, frightened, or uncomfortable, but if you work consciously with honing your sensitivity and choosing you soul’s vibration, you’ll float
through the transformation process like a leaf carried downstream by a river that knows where it’s going. The phases are: 1. Spirit merges with body, emotions, and mind ‘I feel excited and know there’s more to life! I want something better!’ 2. The frequency of life increases in every way, everywhere ‘I feel shaky and nervous. Everything bothers me. My body aches. I’m tired but can’t sleep. I want what I want right NOW!’’ 3. The personal-collective subconscious mind empties ‘I’m upset and afraid. Life is too intense and won’t let up. My worst fears are taking shape. I can’t control myself!’ 4. You retrench, refortify, resist, and resuppress ‘I do not have to change! I am in my own world and I’m right! People are driving me crazy. They should just go away! I feel trapped in conflict.’ 5. Old structures break down and dissolve ‘I need to change because nothing is working. I have to let go. I don’t know who I am!’ 6. You stop, let go, and relax into your truest self ‘When I let go, it feels good! I can feel my real self everywhere and I love it! In fact, I prefer it, and from now on I refuse to sacrifice this experience for anything.’ 7. You re-emerge into the world like the phoenix ‘I remember what I’m here for and now I want to get on with it! I’m excited about my own destiny! I can easily hold my new frequency, even when other people vibrate at a lower level.’’ 8. Relationship, family, and group experience are revolutionized ‘I can use my new frequency knowledge to expand my relationships exponentially! Other people love to help me, and I love to help them!’ 9. Enlightenment is grounded in every bit of matter ‘I feel free and unlimited! I can come and go through time, space, and beyond as I please. I can create anything and know anything instantly!’ In practice, you’ll find that the process is quite fluid and organic, with phases often blurring into each other. You may recognize how you’ve experienced all or part of each stage, or many or just a few of it’s symptoms. You may have breezed through one phase and spent extra time in another, or bounced back and forth for a while between two or three of the phases. You may even feel you’ve completed the process only to find you’ve been affected by a new wave of even higher-frequency energy, and you’re moving through the process again to access more of your soul – but this time it’s easier. There’s no fixed amount of time for traversing each phase; your process will be uniquely yours and the parts that are especially important to you will be highlighted. Eventually, everyone will experience the transformation process because it’s something that’s affecting the entire planet. The more conscious and proactive you are, the easier and faster you’ll move through the experience. From Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration, ©2009 by Penney Peirce, published
Storyworld will inspire you to create stories both for entertainment and for personal discovery. The box contains forty cards that suggest a myriad of archetypal characters, places, and objects. Pick a handful of cards, use their pictures and words as inspiration and you can tell a new tale every time you open the box. With this stunningly lovely set of images, combined with John and Caitlin Matthews’ marvellous descriptions, you’ll not only be able to unlock the world of your imagination, but also your own subconscious mind, and all the wisdom and guidance that lie hidden there.
Boxed set, 130mm x 198mm, 75pp hardback book, illus. in colour + 40 colour cards, 2009, RRP £12.99 Code: 190810 Cygnus Price £8.99
This book will guide you through drawing and painting the best-known characters of the fairy realm – from goblins and sorceresses to playful gnomes and flower spirits – showing you how to capture their characteristic postures and expressions. Learn how to construct fairy anatomy and wings, how to adorn your characters with beautiful costumes. Linda shows you how to work with colour and composition, building on techniques to copy the fairies in the directory, and guiding you to creating your own designs, drawing inspiration from the gallery of ideas and variations. Bring to life magical elemental beings from the other realms – they’re just waiting to be discovered.
256pp, 168mm x 205mm, illustrated, hardback, 2009, RRP £12.99 Code: 190811 Cygnus Price £7.99
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Storyworld: Unlock Your Imagination’ & ‘The Fairy Artist’s Figure Drawing Bible’ together for £15.98
Bringing the Soul Back Home evolved from Katya Williamson’s realisation of the potential for women to empower themselves through writing and speaking their truth, finding a way of addressing issues from the deeply personal to the universal. She will help you access your creative potential through writing in higher consciousness, finding your unique voice and bringing your inner creativity into the light. She has found that working in a group is best for this, as women not only receive support from each other, but inspiration too, in a place that fosters the psyche, nurturing trust and authenticity. Breathe life into your writing, calling your own unique form of expression into existence, and tell your story in a way that no one else in the world can.
156pp, 138mm x 216mm, softback, 2009, RRP £11.99 Code: 190812 Cygnus Price £7.99
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Knowing or feeling that we are all connected to each other and to the cosmos is a notion as old as humanity. Traditional indigenous societies were fully aware of nonmaterial connections and incorporated them into their daily life. In The Akashic Experience, leading authorities in fields such as psychiatry, physics, philosophy, anthropology, natural healing, near death experience, and spirituality offer firsthand accounts of interactions with a cosmic memory field that can transmit information to people without having to go through the ‘normal’ senses. Their experiences with the Akashic field are now validated and supported by evidence from cutting-edge sciences that shows that there is a cosmic memory field that contains all information – past, present, and future. The increasing frequency and intensity of these Akashic experiences are an integral part of a largescale spiritual resurgence and evolution of human consciousness.
284pp, 152mm x 228mm, softback, 2009, RRP £14.99 Code: 190813 Cygnus Price £8.99
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In The Ecstatic Experience, Belinda Gore guides you through the use of sacred poses, gathered from ancient spiritual traditions such as the Mayan and Native American, to engage your body’s natural ability to reach a transformative trance state of consciousness, when your awareness transcends the ego, allowing you to be fully aware physically without the inner dialogue of the mind. Belinda describes the steps to ecstatic trance: preparation, creating sacred space, quieting the mind, stimulating the nervous system and then undertaking the ritual posture. She offers a series of sacred postures and exercises, and shows how to use the energy awakened by these shamanic practices for healing, shapeshifting, initiations into the mysteries of death and rebirth, divination and spirit journeying. To help you reach these deep, ecstatic trance states and accompany your journeys, the book includes a CD of shamanic rattle and drum rhythms.
158pp, 152mm x 228mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2009 + 60 min CD, RRP £17.99
Code: 190814 Cygnus Price £9.99
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THE HIDDEN POWER OF DREAMS Denise Linn Dreams are secret messages from your soul, as well as from the realm of spirit. They can be your greatest tool for understanding your life, says Denise Linn, as she shows how you can come to recognise and access this tremendous source of guidance and wisdom. She draws upon her Cherokee Indian heritage and her own discoveries to present little known insights into dreams, and describes simple ways to help you shape your nocturnal travels for spiritual transformation. This comprehensive work uncovers the power of dreams, enabling you to remember your dreams and recognize their meaning, hear personal messages from the spirit realm, develop the skill of astral projection, heal yourself and your loved ones, meet your guides and angels, explore past lives, and learn how to have prophetic dreams.
388pp, 152mm x 228mm, softback, 2009, RRP £9.99 Code: 190815 Cygnus Price £6.99
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‘You have squeezed yourself into the span of a lifetime and the volume of a body, and thus created the innumerable conflicts of life and death. Have your being outside this body of birth and death, and all your problems will be solved. They exist because you believe yourself born to die. Undeceive yourself and be free. You are not a person.’ SRI NISARGADATTA MAHARAJ The Presence of Awareness Transcending the personal self and becoming conscious of our deeper identity is the next step on our journey of awakening. So I want to share with you a couple of great quotes from two different spiritual traditions that point us to our essential nature. The first is from a wonderful Hindu text called The Chandogya Upanishad, in which the sage Uddalaka Aruni presents an interesting riddle: What is it that can’t be seen, but which makes seeing possible? What is it that can’t be heard, but which makes hearing possible? What is it that can’t be known, but which makes knowledge possible? What is it that can’t be imagined, but which makes imagination possible? The second is a quote from the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas [see 180109], in which Jesus makes a startling promise, reminiscent of Uddalaka Aruni’s riddle: I will reveal to you what can’t be seen, what can’t be heard, what can’t be touched, what can’t be imagined.
What is it we can’t see, hear, touch or imagine? I want to suggest the answer is ‘awareness’. Awareness can’t be seen but makes seeing possible. Awareness can’t be heard but makes hearing possible. Awareness can’t be imagined but makes imagining possible. Awareness is the permanent background to our ever-changing experiences. It is a mysterious presence that is witnessing this flow of colours, shapes, sounds and thoughts which we call ‘life’. Awareness is our essential being. The Hindus call it the atman, which means ‘self’. Christians call it ‘spirit’, which means ‘essence’. Buddhists call it the ‘Buddha-nature’, which means ‘knower-nature’. When I understand what these exotic terms really refer to, I can see that selfknowledge is simpler than I had imagined. Knowing my essential self is knowing the knower. It is recognising my deeper identity as awareness. But how do we become conscious of our essential nature? Awareness isn’t something
Transcending the Personal Self
we can see, hear, touch or imagine. We can’t know our deeper identity objectively, because awareness isn’t an object in our experience. But we can know ourselves subjectively to be the experiencer. And we can do this by simply becoming conscious of being conscious. And this is the wake-up technique known as ‘witnessing’. Sometimes when I hear people talking about ‘witnessing’ it can sound like a disconnected state in which you become an aloof observer of life. But this is not what I experience. When I practise ‘being conscious of being conscious’ I don’t just watch my experience, I find myself appreciating my experience. Nisargadatta calls this turiya, which can be translated as ‘detached but affectionate awareness’. save £3.00!
In this exhilarating book, stand-up philosopher Tim Freke returns to share his journey of awakening to the ecstasy of oneness and the bliss of big love. He offers simple wake-up techniques to gently guide you ever more deeply into an experience of being spiritually awake in the real world. How Long is Now? can transform everyday life into a wonderful adventure full of meaning, miracles, and magic. Tim clarifies a host of common misunderstandings about what it is to be spiritual. He also offers wisdom about love, romance, and relationships and presents a radical new understanding of death. Full of Tim’s characteristic warmth and laughter, with tears, vitality, and style, How Long Is Now? is a book to be savoured and treasured.
228pp, 152mm x 229mm, softback, 2009, RRP £9.99
Code: 190816 Cygnus Price £6.99
Appreciative Witnessing Let’s practise appreciative witnessing right now. You are conscious that you’re experiencing something... so pay attention to the experiencer. Focus on your essential being that you call ‘I’, which is the constant background to all you experience. Consciously be the presence of awareness witnessing the mystery of this moment. This doesn’t mean cutting yourself off from your experience as an aloof observer, because your experience is not separate from what you are, anymore than a dream is separate from the dreamer. Consciously be the presence of awareness and embrace your experience of this moment with love and acceptance. Consciously be the presence of awareness wit-
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nessing and appreciating the feeling of your breath rising and falling. Consciously be the presence of awareness witnessing and appreciating what you are seeing. Consciously be the presence of awareness witnessing and appreciating what you are hearing. Consciously be the presence of awareness witnessing and appreciating your thoughts. Consciously be the ‘I’ of awareness witnessing and appreciating the person you appear to be. Take some time to try this for yourself and then ask what you can say about your essential nature as awareness. You can’t see it or hear it or touch it. It has no qualities or characteristics because it isn’t something within your experience. Your essential nature is absolutely mysterious. If you step out of your story and enter deeply into the mystery of the moment you’ll begin to recognise your essential nature, because your deepest being is the mystery. If you practise witnessing you’ll become conscious of being the ‘I’ of awareness, which isn’t a part of your experience because it’s the presence within which experiences are arising. If you take your attention away from the dream, you will become conscious of being the dreamer, who isn’t in the dream. If you get this grand vision it will transform your life. If it seems elusive keep being conscious of being conscious and I assure you that sooner or later you’ll pass through the ‘I’ door and the world will turn inside out. Then you might want to remember this little poem by the Sufi sage Rumi, because it’ll make you smile: ‘They said knock and the door will open, I knocked... the door opened, And I found I’d been knocking from the inside.’ From How Long is Now?, ©2009 by Tim Freke, published by Hay House.
Salvation through selfknowledge, enlightenment in union with God: this was the path of the Gnostics in the early centuries of Christianity, Half price! before the orthodox Church labelled their teachings heresy and forced their practices underground. Now Alan Jacobs, a poet and scholar, presents the best-known and most significant Gnostic Scriptures in accessible new renditions of clarity, simplicity and inspired beauty. This attractively bound, hardcover volume includes The Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene and many more.
330pp, 162mm x 240mm, hardback, 2006, RRP £16.99
Code: 180109 Cygnus Price £8.50
SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘How Long is Now?’ & ‘The Essential Gnostic Gospels’ together for £14.49
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The Crystal Bible: Volume 1 is Judy Hall’s now classic reference, a directory of all the major stones currently available and many lesser known crystals, originally published as The Crystal Bible, and now renamed to accommodate the arrival of the much anticipated Volume 2. Beautifully illustrated in colour, this is a comprehensave 40%! sive guide to crystals, their shapes, colours and applications. The directory format enables you to find a known crystal instantly or to identify an unknown crystal. The directory covers the practical and esoteric properties of each crystal, including spiritual, mental, psychological, emotional and physical effects, plus its use in crystal healing. This is an indispensable reference for crystal lovers everywhere, encompassing traditional and contemporary crystal lore.
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400pp, 140mm x 168mm, illus. in colour, softback, 2009, RRP £12.99 Code: 190817 Cygnus Price £7.79
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120pp, 154mm x 228mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2006, RRP £9.99 Code: 190820 Cygnus Price £5.99
The Crystal Bible: Volume 2 provides an essential companion reference to the original Crystal Bible, fully describing the properties of over 200 crystals not found in volume 1. Featuring new information on crystals for energy enhancement and healing grids, the historical use of crystals from biblical times to the present day and the latest updates on geological research, this comprehensive guide offers detailed analysis on the extensive range of new crystals on the market. This book also provides essential information on cleansing crystals, types of crystals and crystal shapes to give you extensive knowledge of your chosen stones.
Take just ten minutes a day to practise the seven simple, elegant movements that form the routine of Butterfly Tai Chi, and you’ll feel healthier and more energized. Martin Faulks was inspired by observing the graceful behaviour of butterflies to develop a system of Tai Chi that could be performed in a limited space and within a relatively short time – a form that would involve virtually no movement while maintaining the flow of internal energy. The only form of Tai Chi you can learn within a day, this routine can be performed anywhere – no matter how little space you have available. Helpful line artworks of simplicity and charm accompany clear instructions, suitable for beginner level and beyond.
400pp, 140mm x 168mm, illus. in colour, softback, 2009, RRP £12.99 Code: 190818 Cygnus Price £7.79
64pp, 125mm x 155mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2009, RRP £4.99 Code: 190821 Cygnus Price £3.99
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Kinangiology is a positive guide to using the mind, body and soul as an Oracle, that differs from other books on kinesiology by adding the dimension of connecting with the angels. Full of examples, exercises and words of encouragement, this intelligent and comprehensive book combines these two very popular disciplines, Kinesiology and working with the Angelic Realm, thus presenting Kinangiology (KA), a method to clear emotional blocks, programme positive save affirmations and eliminate phobias. It £3.50! can also be used to communicate with the angels to access guidance on everyday issues such as relationships, work, health and family (the possibilities are truly endless). In writing Kinangiology, Sue Vaughan gives you a powerful toolbox to help yourself and others to make decisions, clear the clutter that may be blocking progress towards living a more fulfilled life, and discover the joy of co-working with the angels.
114pp, 138mm x 214mm, softback, 2009, RRP £9.99 Code: 190819 Cygnus Price £6.49
The Western concept of massage primarily concerns muscle manipulation. In the practice of Chi Massage, internal energy, or Chi, is manipulated to strengthen and rejuvenate the sense organs – eyes, ears, nose, tongue, teeth, and skin – and the internal organs. The Taoist techniques in this practice are more than 5,000 years old and, until very recently, were closely guarded secrets passed down from master to student with each master often knowing only a small part of the complete method. In Chi Self-Massage, Master Mantak Chia pieces together the entire system of Chi Massage into logical routine, revealing the methods used to Taoist masters to maintain their youthfulness. He explains the energetic theory behind Chi Massage and how negative emotions affect the organs and nervous system. By practising the exercises outlined and following the daily routine that requires only five to ten minutes to complete, you can strengthen your senses, detoxify your internal organs and glands, help control negative emotions, relieve stress and constipation, and improve your complexion, teeth and gums, and overall stamina.
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Discover how the movement of energy contributes to healing. This straightforward guide serves both as an accessible introduction and as an informative reference tool for practitioners. Christina Mark examines the seven levels of energy, starting with the auric field and progressing to the physical processes of the body via the endocrine and nervous systems, the meridians and chakras. She guides you through the effects of stress, love, nutrition and exercise on our emotional, mental and physical health. She demonstrates how to work with energy, step-bystep, to improve health in body and mind and soul, and specifically how to work with pregnancy, labour, children, the dying and the bereaved. The final section explains the healing process and the need for professional conduct and practice, and provides a plan for holistic healthcare. The clear, informative diagrams and exercise series may be used in both a personal and a professional setting.
286pp, 152mm x 234mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2009, RRP £12.99 Code: 190822 Cygnus Price £7.99
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All diseases or symptoms of ill health are caused by an obstruction of some sort. For example, a blood capillary that is blocked can no longer deliver vital oxygen and nutrients to a group of cells it is in charge of supplying. To survive, these cells will need to enforce specific survival measures. Of course, many of the afflicted cells will not live through the ‘famine’ and will simply die off. Yet other, more resilient cells will adjust to this adverse situation through the process of cell mutation and learn to utilize trapped metabolic waste products, such as lactic acid, to cover their energy needs. These cells may be compared to a man in the desert who, for lack of water, relies on drinking his own urine in order to live a little longer than he would otherwise. Cell mutation leading to cancer is only the body’s final attempt to help prevent its immediate demise through septic poisoning and a collapsing organ structure. Although common practice, it is far-fetched to call the body’s normal response to the accumulation of toxic waste matter and decomposing cell material a disease. Unfortunately, ignorance of the body’s true nature has caused many to believe that this survival mechanism is an ‘autoimmune disease.’ The word ‘autoimmune’ suggests that the body attempts to attack itself and practically tries to commit suicide. Nothing could be further from the truth. Cancerous tumours result from major congestion in the connective tissues, blood vessel walls, and lymphatic ducts, all of which prevent healthy cells from receiving enough oxygen and other vital nutrients. Other, more apparent obstructions can disrupt your well-being just as much. A constipated large intestine prevents the body from eliminating the waste products contained in faeces. The holding back of faecal matter in the lower parts of the intestinal tract leads to a toxic environment in the colon and, if the situation is not resolved, in the entire body. Kidney infection and kidney failure may occur in response to the accumulation of calcified stones or deposits of kidney grease, thereby obstructing the flow of urine in the kidneys or urinary bladder. The buildup of such mineral deposits in the urinary system can lead to fluid retention, weight gain, and dozens of disease symptoms. If acidic, toxic waste matter builds up in the chest and lungs, the body responds with mucus secretions to trap these noxious substances. As a result, the air passages of your lungs become congested, and you literally run out of breath. If your body is already highly toxic and congested, you may even develop a lung infection. Lung infections occur to help destroy and remove any damaged, weakling cells that otherwise would start rotting or have already been decomposed (pus formation). Lung congestion prevents the natural removal of damaged or weak cells. If the congestion is not cleared up through natural means, or if it increases further through poor dietary habits, the pus will be trapped in the lung tissue. Naturally, destructive bacteria will increasingly populate the scene to assist the body in its desperate effort to clear
Cleansing the Liver
up this congested area, which comprises decomposing cells and other waste products. Doctors call this survival mechanism ‘staph infection,’ or pneumonia. Poor hearing and ear infections may result if sticky mucus filled with toxins and/or dead or live bacteria enter the ducts that run from your throat to your ears (Eustachian tubes). Likewise, thickening of the blood caused by highly acidforming foods or beverages may restrict its flow through the capillaries and arteries, and thereby lead to numerous conditions, ranging from simple skin irritation to arthritis or high blood pressure, even heart attack and stroke. These or similar obstructions in the body are directly or indirectly linked to restricted liver performance – in particular, to an impasse caused by gallstones in the liver and gallbladder. The presence of chunks of hardened bile and other trapped organic or inorganic substances in these organs greatly interferes with such vital save 46%!
Cygnus Book Club Exclusive Edition THE AMAZING LIVER & GALLBLADDER FLUSH Andreas Moritz
As an alternative medicine practitioner and medical intuitive, Andreas Moritz has found gallstones congesting the liver to be a very common but rarely recognized cause of illness. These stones, he says, are generally too small to show up on ultrasound, but clog the livers of most adults living in the industrialized world, and especially those suffering chronic illnesses such as heart disease, arthritis, MS, cancer, or diabetes. Andreas Moritz explains their causes and telltale signs, and guides you through his seven-day liver and gallbladder flush programme to remove them painlessly at home using fruit juices, Epsom salts and olive oil. He also gives practical guidelines on how to prevent new gallstones from being formed, to optimize your longer term physical and emotional health and wellbeing.
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238pp, 152mm x 228mm, softback, 2009, RRP £12.95
Code: 190709 Cygnus Price £6.99
processes as the digestion of food, elimination of waste, and detoxification of harmful substances in the blood. By decongesting the liver bile ducts and the gallbladder, the body’s 60 to 100 trillion cells will be able to ‘breathe’ more oxygen, receive sufficient amounts of nutrients, efficiently eliminate their metabolic waste products, and maintain perfect communication links with the nervous system, endocrine system, and all other parts of the body. Almost every patient suffering a chronic illness has excessive amounts of gallstones in the liver. A doctor can easily confirm this by having her chronically ill patient do a liver flush. It is apparent that unless a specific liver disease is found, this vital organ is rarely considered a ‘culprit’ for other diseases. The majority
of gallstones in the liver consist of the same ‘harmless’ constituents as are found in liquid bile, with cholesterol being the main ingredient. A number of stones consist of fatty acids and other organic material that has ended up in the bile ducts. The fact that the majority of these stones are just congealed clumps of bile or organic matter makes them practically ‘invisible’ to x-rays, ultrasonic technologies, and computerized tomography (CT). Yet experience has taught me that people with chronic illnesses often have several thousand gallstones congesting the bile ducts of the liver. Some stones may have also grown in the gallbladder. By removing these stones from these organs through a series of liver flushes and maintaining a balanced diet and lifestyle, the liver and gallbladder can restore their original efficiency, and most symptoms of discomfort or disease in the body can start subsiding. You may find that any persistent allergies will lessen or disappear. Back pain will dissipate, while energy and well-being will improve. Ridding the liver bile ducts of gallstones is one of the most important and powerful procedures you can apply to improve and regain your health. From The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush, © 2009 by Andreas Moritz, this edition published exclusively for Cygnus members by Cygnus Books.
Cygnus Book Club Exclusive Edition
In Cancer is Not a Disease: It’s a Survival Mechanism, Andreas Moritz, presents a radically new understanding of cancer: it is a survival mechanism, physical symptoms reflecting your body’s final attempt to deal with life-threatening cell congestion and toxins. He believes that removal of these root causes and trusting in the body’s wisdom to heal itself can help to bring complete healing of your body, mind and emotions. Cancer is Not a Disease: It’s a Survival Mechanism also considers the problems associated with conventional cancer treatments, what actually causes cancer, and how you can remove the obstacles that prevent your body from healing itself. Cancer is not an attempt on your life: to the contrary, cancer is trying to save it. Follow these radical concepts and methods, including dietary and exercise advice, and alternative treatments, to turn your feelings of victimhood and despair into those of empowerment, selfmastery and health.
244pp, 152mm x 228mm, softback, 2009, RRP £12.99
Code: 190708 Cygnus Price £6.99
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Do you know the worst of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, accusation made Hinduism and Sikhism expect – clear guidance against us? (By ‘us’ I about how they should live their lives. Do not mean those of us who kill. Do not lie. Do not commit adultery. ‘By their are part of this new acts shall ye know them.’ holistic, open-minded, But, say our detractors, modern spirituality is open-hearted spiritualicaught up in personal growth and the spiritual ty.) It is that we don’t supermarket. In the jargon of post-modernism, have any morals. we are lost in relativism – and have no moral This accusation is crazy because if there is core. These accusations are not true. As I one thing that I do know about us, it is that we wrote above we have a very sure morality. come from the heart, know right from wrong So why do we appear to have no morality? and do our best to practise love in action. Why don’t people know we have values? I first became aware of this accusation almost In my opinion, it is because we lack confitwenty years ago when I found myself repredence. The reality is that most of us are living senting new age spirituality in interfaith circles moral and good lives, but we don’t have the and on the media. I remember so clearly a jourconfidence to say so. nalist saying, ‘No one will take your lot serisave HITCHHIKING ously until you give the appearance of having £3.00! TO HEAVEN a clear set of values.’ This was also what I heard from clergy when I Rabbi Lionel Blue worked in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly. ‘You Lionel Blue is the have no historical foundation, no heritage of popular and much ethics. You’re just after personal experience. loved Rabbi whose You never engage with real world problems and Thoughts for the Day injustice.’ have become a I was stung by these accusations. I also did national institution. not have an articulate answer. I remember two His life is one of occasions on the radio – on the Sunday proapparent paradox: gramme and the Moral Maze – when I splutBritain’s most famous tered incoherently to defend us. This was Rabbi and a household name, his Jewish wit embarrassing. Lack of clarity on live radio with and quirky spirituality never fail to entertain, millions listening is not enjoyable. yet he has lived a life on the fringes. A Rabbi who has remained true to his tradition, not Knowing our values only has he also found a home in As a result I began to rehearse a speech that Christianity, he is the first openly gay Rabbi. might not only defend us, but also be a strong Through a life lived honestly, Lionel Blue has assertion of our values. I now know that speech never tried to escape these contradictions. by heart. Before I give it, I come home to my Here is a figure who ‘walks his talk’ and, as centre and settle in my heart. I then speak it William Bloom encourages us to do, asserts clearly: his beliefs and values by ‘talking his walk’, ‘I absolutely refute your accusation that we too. Hitchhiking to Heaven is a frank and have no morality. We embrace and support the moving story of his complex pilgrimage core ethics of all the major religions, but through spirituality, sexuality and a life lived instead of setting them up against each other in in truth, told with profundity, originality and competition, we plait them together to make an his ever-present trademark humour. even stronger statement of our values. These 352pp, 128mm x 194mm, softback, 2005, RRP £8.99 core ethics include: Do not kill; do not thieve; Code: 190823 Cygnus Price £5.99 do unto others as you would have them do unto you; and so on. More than that, we integrate The accusation against many religious people into this classical morality, the values of enviis that they don’t walk their talk. In my experironmentalism and sustainability, so that our ence, the people inside holistic spirituality – us grandchildren and great-grandchildren inhabit a lot – we do walk our talk. We have the opposite healthy and harmonious Earth. And more than problem. We don’t talk our walk. that too, we also integrate the values of conWe do not seem able to assert our beliefs temporary psychology which fully understands and values to people who may disagree with that for human beings to develop fully and not us. Whatever the reason for our collective low become dangers to society, they need love, self-esteem (if that’s the right description) we affection, support and respect. We entwine need to get over it and begin to feel some these all together for a strong and dynamic pride. This is not the middle ages. We won’t get morality that is founded in the best of all that burnt. has gone before.’ One thing that we know for certain about the Knowing our values is a crucial issue because evolution of humanity is that when people disfor many people the major importance of reliagree yet talk together, good things can hapgion and spirituality is that they tell us what is pen. Being an engaged participant, sometimes right and what is wrong. This is what believers
Talking Our Walk
passionate, in the discussion is what builds bridges and heals conflict. We need to join in the great moral debates of our age such as early termination of pregnancy, assisted suicide and just wars. Imagine debates in which we ask for meditations to attune to the development of the soul involved. Imagine daily ceremonies of healing and deep apology and forgiveness for international conflicts. It would be interesting to put those ideas into the debate. When the women’s, gay and anti-racism movements began, they understood the importance of raising consciousness about what it meant to be a woman, a gay or a person of colour. Low self-esteem was replaced by pride and confidence in their community, their human rights and their value. I am beginning to think that we too need to move in that direction. I know too many people who are spiritual and holistic but are unable to speak confidently with their colleagues and families. Again – we have the walk. But not the talk. I do not have any answers here but I do have a strong instinct that we need to raise our consciousness about these issues – and fully appreciate that we are good, generous and moral beings. All my love, William
THE LEADER’S WAY HH Dalai Lama & Laurens van den Muyzenberg
The Leader’s Way is an inspiring manifesto for leading change from the individual to the global. In considering the best business practices and Buddhist principles, His Holiness the Dalai Lama finds that both are concerned with making the right decisions, rationally and with taking the right actions effectively. To deal with many problems faced by the modern world requires a different kind of leadership that sees things as they really are and understands the interconnectedness between companies, countries and the economic system. Through practical exercises and real-life examples, The Leader’s Way takes you on a progressive path: first teaching the art of making the right decisions, then tackling the issue of leadership, before applying these new principles to addressing such vital topics as poverty, sustainability, cultural diversity and environmental responsibility.
206pp, 128mm x 198mm, softback, 2009, RRP £8.99
Code: 190824 Cygnus Price £6.99
SPECIAL OFFER Buy ‘Hitchhiking to Heaven’ & ‘The Leader’s Way’ together for £11.98 Did you know? You may order from all previous issues of Cygnus Review
In Golden Atlantis the Archangel Metatron brought through from Source the science of numbers and sacred geometry. He taught us that each number has a powerful cosmic influence. Now many people understand numerology but in the future the power of numbers will once more be widely recognised and used. Numbers are cosmic energies. Each one carries a unique vibration which affects you when you connect with it. For example the number 9 is an energy ball which holds a frequency allowing endings or completions to take place. So if you live in a house of that number, you are automatically attuned to the broadcasting station of 9. The general influence on your life while you live there will be about tying up loose ends, possibly healing relationships, even unconsciously from past lives. You may experience the contentment which precedes a new seek and search. If your home is number 28 the two digits are added together. 2+8 = 10. Then the 10 is reduced again 1+0 = 1. Your home then has an influence of 1. Dates of birth follow the same principle, which is why your date of birth was so carefully chosen by your soul and overlighting archangel before you incarnated. You will be tuned into one of the cosmic numbers and affected by its vibration. For example someone born on 21.06.1952 will add 2+1+6+1+9+5+2 = 26. 2+6 = 8. They will be in the influence of the cosmic vibration of 8. There are also Master numbers in which the digits are not added up. Each of these is a special vibration and we are asked to look out for these numbers as they are giving you a strong message. 11 Indicates Mastery. Look at your life and situations and take responsibility for having created them. Then you can change them. 22 Be a master builder, in other words co-create the life you want. So hold a very positive vision for your future or just your next step. 33 This is the number of the Christ consciousness, so if you keep seeing this number it is a message from the universe to work with the Christ light. 44 this is the vibration of Golden Atlantis so the message is to bring forward the energy of Golden Atlantis into your life. 55 Rise above worldly attitudes and work with Metatron for higher enlightenment. 66 Accept your role as a Being of the Universe. Remember you are not just a little personality on Earth. You are a great cosmic being and can influence the heavens. 77 Live with your higher self in the Seventh Heaven. This is calling you to spend as much time as possible connected to the Earth, the angels and masters as well as the cosmos. It is a call to higher enlightenment.
A Little Light on Sacred Numbers
88 Connect with the eternal love of your I AM Presence or monad. 99 You have mastered the lessons of Earth. When you see a number tripled it means the same as the double number but at a higher
The Golden Years of Atlantis were the most spiritual there have ever been on this planet, and Andrew Brel has created these seven instrumental songs to evoke the spirit of a civilisation of highly evolved, gifted beings. These calm, inspirational, relaxing and uplifting melodic landscapes will enhance your spiritual wellness. They provide a multi-layered blend of guitar, flute, piano and ethereal sounds, perfect at lower volume for soothing ambience during work or relaxation, or louder when you are seeking energy and invigoration.
7 tracks, approx. 1hr 10min, 2004, RRP £12.69 Code: D190825 Cygnus Price £9.99
vibration. For example 333 invites you to work with the higher levels of Christ consciousness. While I was writing this a friend’s partner was in hospital giving birth to their son. Andrew Brel is a musician. Their baby was born on 28th May 2009. I quickly added it up. 2+8+5+2+9 = 26 and so on. But when I added 28+5+11 it equals 44, the vibration of Golden Atlantis. When I told Andrew this he gasped. For the labour he had prepared a music playlist with dozens of classical albums. However his girlfriend kept requesting that he play only one album repeatedly: Andrew’s own Golden Atlantis music, so Byron was literally born into the vibration of Golden Atlantis. I consulted my guide Kumeka who confirmed that Byron had been enormously light and powerful in Golden Atlantis and had incarnated to bring that energy forward for the world. When Metatron started to connect with me I started for the first time to see just how many cars in my area had the number 55 on their plates. Because of digital clocks and watches people’s attention is being drawn to multiple numbers and some of these are extremely influential. In fact they are being used by spirit as mini wake up calls from the universe. 03.03 things are going to start moving forward for you now. 04.04 it is time to make a project solid, then fly with it. 06.06 gather the help and co-operation you need around you. 07.07 look at the higher spiritual perspective of what you are doing. 08.08 trust the process and follow your guidance into the future. 09.09 a phase is now ending. 10.10 something new is starting so prepare for it.
11.11 heralds new beginnings at a higher level. This number was set in the collective conscious aeons ago. It is the time when the new higher vibration will pour in at the cosmic moments. 12.12 suggests you become a disciple, in other words you discipline yourself in a spiritual lifestyle. 13.13 accept who you are and be a wise leader 14.14 prepare for the return of the Christ light If you see a number doubled, double the influence and energy. If you see it tripled, then multiply its effect by three. Enjoy looking for the numbers and listen to their messages. Love Diana Still available: Diana Cooper’s Discover Atlantis, which has a section on numerology, RRP £8.99. Code 150912 Cygnus Price £5.49
As Tony Stockwell says, he takes any opportunity that he can to be of service to the other world, to speak for ‘those without voices’, when they want to come back to say ‘hello’, they’re alive and they love us. In this compelling show, full of Tony’s trademark compassion and humour, with follow-up interviews with audience members to demonstrate just how accurate he is, you will see the comfort and reassurance brought by his communication with those in the afterlife, bringing messages of love to their dear ones.
Total running time 1 hour 38 minutes, NTSC, 2009, RRP £14.95 Code: D190826 Cygnus Price £9.99
SATSANG: A MEDITATION CD Deva Premal & Miten This beautiful CD shares the power and simplicity of Deva Premal and Miten’s live performance of mantras and songs shared as a meditation, with clear vocals and uncomplicated accompaniment. Without applause, a pause between songs enhances contemplation. Unless you wish to read the words, sit with closed eyes for the duration of the meditation. You’ll soon find yourself joining in with the chant and song as you are enveloped by the gentle melody and rhythm. Satsang is a simple, precious recording celebrating the sacred space of silence and song.
10 tracks, total running time 1hr, 2002, RRP £12.99
Code: D190827 Cygnus Price £10.99
Wisdom From Unexpected Places
Wise Angel Recently I was walking my collie along a beautiful riverside path near to my home. I wasn’t taking much notice of the natural beauty around me though. I was too preoccupied with negative thoughts of how stressful my job was and how unappreciated my efforts were. I was really feeling sorry for myself and hard done by. A black cloud probably hovered above me and I definitely had a frown on my face. Coming along the path from the opposite direction was a cheerful looking man with his dog so we stopped to exchange a few words. He told me that he and his wife were staying in a holiday cottage nearby. Apparently his wife was seriously ill and had recently become housebound. However I was amazed by this man’s positive attitude and general ‘joie de vivre.’ To my surprise he still seemed able to enjoy life fully, despite his sad situation. Suddenly my so called ‘stress’ seemed ridiculous and I felt uplifted. I wished him a pleasant holiday and as I continued walking my eyes filled with tears. Tears of gratitude and joy. All my petty worries faded completely from my mind. I vowed to enjoy and appreciate every moment of my precious life instead of wasting time feeling sorry for myself. I felt full of admiration for this ‘angel’ who had reminded me how wonderful my life actually was. My heart thanked this wise and gentle soul for unexpectedly sharing his joyful message with me. Mandy Grant Realization I see I am no longer outward-bound And all that I shall do I now have done. A chilling sea-mist softly steals around And I am cold beyond the reach of sun. For all that I shall do I now have done Where once I took the lead I now am led. So I am cold beyond the reach of sun Old-age is now - no longer up ahead.
Where once I took the lead I now am led – Yet with this change there comes an altered sight. Old-age is now no longer up ahead – I glimpse beyond a clear, eternal light.
Yes, with this change there comes an altered sight. Though chilling sea-mists softly steal around I glimpse beyond a clear, eternal light – And see that we are ever outward-bound.
Jo Walters The Sense of a Goose In autumn, when you see geese heading south for the winter flying along in ‘V’ formation, you might consider what science has discovered as to why they fly that way. As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in ‘V’ formation, the whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going more quickly and easily if they are travelling on the thrust of one another. When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front. If we have as much sense as a goose we will stay in formation with those people who are headed the same way we are. When the head goose gets tired it rotates back in the wing and another goose flies point. It is sensible to take turns doing demanding jobs, whether with people or with geese flying south. Geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. What message do we give when we honk from behind?
Finally, and this is important, when a goose gets sick or is wounded by gunshot and falls out of formation, two other geese fall out with that goose and follow it down to lend help and protection. They stay with the fallen goose until it is able to fly or until it dies and only then do they launch out on their own or with another formation to catch up with their group. If we have the sense of a goose, we will stand by each other like that. Margaret Evans The Spirit Within I was sitting with a young man who had a great deal of difficulty in his life. The energy around him was dark. Then as I looked at him, I suddenly saw, in the centre of his chest, a white light which was so bright that had I seen it for more than the fraction of a second it was revealed, I would have been blinded. Now I know for certain that this light is present in everyone and everything, no matter what the external appearances. Pam Hampton
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HIDDEN GEMS - THE Dowsing Conference, 25/26/27th September 2009 in Cirencester. Come for the day or whole weekend. From £89. For novices and experienced dowsers. The British Society of Dowsers. Tel 01684 576969 visit Discover Dowsing - LOOK THE OTHER WAY! Foundation courses around the country for novices and complete beginners. The British Society of Dowsers. Tel 01684 576969 visit EARTH ENERGIES and the Spirit of Place - Dowsing Course on 12/13th September 2009 in Malvern, £145. The British Society of Dowsers. Tel. 01684 576969 visit INTERNATIONAL Teacher/healer Patricia Angove is holding a six day training course for transformational cellular healing. CThA accredited. 4 - 10th October, S. Devon. Tel. 01803 203721, email: visit: BOWEN FOR EVERY BODY. 19th-25th Sept 2009, Greece, with Tim Willcocks. Extended Introductory Workshop, plenty of beachtime, friendly Kalikalos community. £325 inclusive. (Day workshops 13th or 16th Sept in Malvern). Tel: 01684 567721 HARMONIC TEMPLE. Sing chants with 4-part harmonies with Nickomo and Rassula, Sunday 13th Sept 2009, 2pm - 5pm, Memorial Hall, Newport, Pembs., plus Celtic Dances of Universal Peace, 8pm - 10.30pm. Tel. Faith 01239 821099 email: GEOPATHIC STRESS. A British Society of Dowsers approved two day course to teach the 'Causes, Consequences and Cures'. 3rd and 17th October 2009, Leicester. Contact BSD Registered Tutor Peter Stott on 01926 851898 or YOGA TEACHERS TRAINING COURSES with "Spirit of Yoga". UK, Spain and India. 200hrs and 300hrs. In-depth courses based on traditional Yoga practice/theory. Take your love of Yoga one step further and train to teach. 00 34 653 302 748;; EMPATHY, HUMOUR & THE SACRED CLOWN. A two day workshop with Reuben Kay, ‘Transforming emotions through a playful spirituality’. 26-27th September 2009, Colet House, London W14. Cost £105. Tel 01306 640208 email: visit REIKI USUI SHIKI RYOHO (Tibet) Teacher/Master Vicki Poole. Weekend Attunements, including chakras; auras; psychic protection; dowsing; meditation; circle work. Support group bi-monthly. Southern England. Tel. 01264 738441email: INTUITIVE ANIMAL COMMUNICATION. We offer one to one consultations with your animal companions and workshops teaching you to intuitively communicate with animals for yourself. For more details visit DIANA COOPER SCHOOL. Learn to run your own ATLANTIS, Angel or Ascended Master workshops. Central England. Run by Jillian Stott, Accredited Master Teacher. Tel. 01926 851898 email: ANGELS, Ascension, Golden Atlantis & Transformational Teacher Training Workshops with Diana Cooper School – courses run in Scotland with Elizabeth Ann. Also spiritual coaching and angel readings etc. Tel. 01592 743417 HAFAN Y COED, Wales. 20th-25th September, Summer School of Trance & Mediumship with Moira Hawkins; 27th Sept-2nd October, Angels & Indians Energy & Rainbows with Brenda Simpson; 9th-12th October, Sonic Alignment workshop with Lyz Cooper. Tel. 01639 730985 visit: ANGELIC REIKI - 'Experience the absolute Joy of working with Angels and Ascended Masters'. Workshops held throughout UK. Practitioner level:12th &13th September 2009 (Staffordshire). Contact: Alison 07962 219275 or 01283 520707 email:
LOVE YOURSELF, HEAL YOUR LIFE. Empowering residential weekend workshop based on Louise L. Hay's work. Release negative patterns. Develop confidence. Create the life you truly desire. Fri 30th Oct. - Sun 1st Nov. 2009 South Devon. Contact Angela and Edie 01548 821628 REIKI BEGINNERS COURSE, 24th October 2009, Swansea West. Exciting training day, small groups only. Manual, certificate, lunch provided. High standard of tuition with Jennifer Thomas, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, £90. Tel. 01792 883151 RETREAT to South Devon for Reiki courses, coastal walks, cream teas & open fires! One day & residential courses available - CPD - Small classes & on-going support. Tel. 01548 844855 visit: COLLEGE OF SOUND HEALING - Sound Healing Training and Workshops, Crystal Bowls, Gongs, Sacred Drumming, Mongolian Overtoning, Shamanism, Sound Art, Tibetan Bowls, Tuning Forks, Voice Workshops. Tel. 01588 620449 visit PSYCH-K® 2 day Basic Workshop, Cambridgeshire.10th & 11th October 2009. Learn simple, self-empowering techniques to change the limiting beliefs and perceptions that impact your life. Contact Sally 07793 526930 or TIME FOR CHANGE? One day workshop in Aylesbury, Bucks. on 3rd October 2009. An inspirational and motivational day of workshops to help you move forward. Details: 01296 489058 or NATURAL MEDICINE SEMINARS. Learn about the spiritual aspects of medicinal plants. Based on the ancient wisdom, alchemy, energy medicine. By top lecturers from Switzerland. For more information visit: email HOLISTIC ART - Watercolour, soft pastels inspired by prayer, chant, meditation with Therapeutic Artist, Holistic Healer Katriina Grant. Friday 2nd - Sunday 4th October 2009. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals, £170. Claridge House, Surrey. 01342 832150; MEDITATION - to quieten the mind with previously ordained Buddhist monk John Preston. Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th October 2009. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals, £170. Claridge House, Surrey. 01342 832150; WARM WORDS FOR WINTER - with poet Ted Walter, creative writing tutor for 25 years. Friday 30th October - Sunday 1st November 2009. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals, £170. Claridge House, Surrey. 01342 832150; EYE HEALING RETREAT improve your sight using sound, motion, meditation, relaxation with experienced Awareness Healer, Paula Luis. Monday 2nd - Friday 6th November 2009. Course, accommodation, vegetarian meals, £290. Claridge House, Surrey. 01342 832150; ANAM CARA Retreat Centre, Scottish Highlands. Residential workshops and retreats in Buddhism, Shamanism, Bushcraft & Survival Skills, Sweatlodges, Vision Quests, Yoga, Chi Kung, Flint Knapping, Holistic Detox, Healing Arts and work retreats. To request a programme, tel: 01463 711702 email: or visit DIANA COOPER SCHOOL TEACHER TRAINING, Unicorn and Angel Healing Practitioner, Reiki (all degrees), Preparing for 2012 and other courses at The Unicorn Centre, Somerset. Tel. 01460 53699 visit: A CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD WORKSHOP "A New You" that will change your life and could change the world. One day workshop in London, Saturday 26th September and 5th December 2009. Weekend workshop in Oxfordshire Friday 30th Oct – Sunday 1st Nov 2009. Tel Sarah 07971 977774 or visit
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Entrance: Adults £4, Conc £3, Weekend £6, Under 16 FREE Disabled Access, FREE Parking, Cafe 90+ STANDS Performers and Presenters so far include:
ANNA-LOUISE HAIGH (The Soul Whisperer), KIT BERRY (Stonewylde series), DaEl Walker (USA with Rainbow & ZAR ancient crystal skulls), Jason Chan (infinite Tai Chi), Dragonfly Moon, Huellos (Ecuador), The Urban Gypsies, Barbara Meiklejohn-Free, Trudy J Ashplant, Patricia Brooks, Mark Olly (Lost Treasures).
Half Hour Free talks, Workshops (£5), Free Live Music & Demonstrations on stage Psychic Readings, Taster Treatments, Books, Crystals, Natural & Organic Products, Complimentary Therapies For free programme or further details contact Labyrinth 01405 704180/769875 or download free programme at
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FIND YOUR IDEAL CAREER AND LIFE PURPOSE NOW. Stop struggling. Find the right path for you. Be inspired. Practical and loving channelled guidance. Sessions by phone. Highly experienced. Call Darren Linton 01245 460057 or visit READINGS: Clear, accurate, relevant, waffle-free. Also, MORE THAN COACHING: release blocks, patterns and trauma - even from conception or before any life times. Become who you truly are, manifest your desires & fulfil your original purpose. Phone sessions, CORINNE JEFFREY 01264 791071/+ 44 1264 791071 BETWEEN LIVES SOUL REGRESSION. Naomi Martell trained with Dr Linda Backman, Bringing Your Soul to Light, who taught with Dr. Michael Newton, Journey of Souls. Tel. 0845 643 9668 visit PEACE HAVEN Residential holistic retreat. Offering Kinesiology, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, EFT, Emotrance, Linda 01746 787566. Spiritual Healing, help alleviate many conditions, gain insight and empowerment for the future, Rachel ACOH 01746 787090 visit Spiritual truth from the highest source, the Spiritual Hierarchy, by a Spiritual Master. 'Saves years of fruitless searching'Psychic World 2006 THE NEW LEMURIA. Drawn to the Lemurian civilisation? Visit our website, learn how they survived and now offer invaluable assistance on our journey towards ascension, 2012 and spiritual freedom. EVER FELT YOUR ISSUE ISN’T ACTUALLY YOURS? - 'Karma Coach' Nikki Wyatt helps release ancestral issues. Karmic Flower and Crystal Essences. For a FREE Soul Flower Reading. Learn your life challenges and your soul gifts. POWERFUL DISTANT HEALING for all problems, spiritual/emotional/ physical. £20 per month. Mike & Zak Gibbard, Morwenna, Sidmouth Road, Lyme Regis, Dorset DT7 3ES. ARE YOU SEARCHING FOR MORE? Feeling stuck in your relationship, career, or vitality - and want to make a positive change? Let BurnBrighter Life coaching help you. For a free trial contact Kathryn on 07800 564952 email: Telephone or face-to-face (London). Visit PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY and LIFE BETWEEN LIVES with Maggie Salter - 25 years' experience, compassionate therapist. Devon & South West Practices near Bovey Tracey and Arcturus Clinic, Totnes. Tel. 01626 835115 email: PAUL, Spiritual guide. 39 years experience offers personal guidance, also a CD course in Mantra meditation for peace, relaxation and well being with suitable Mantra. Excellent results, £12-99. Tel. 0151 342 7611
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