1st CYP Selection 'Welcome Booklet'

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Cygnus Youth Parliament's:

Welcome Booklet

Everything you'll need to know and do within CYP's very first selection session. From Committee Work to GA; the CYP team welcomes you!

CYP - October 9, 2014

Word of welcome Dear CYParticipant, It is with great pleasure that we hereby formally welcome you to Cygnus Gymnasium's first ever Youth Parliament Selection round, to be held on the 9th of October, 2014. First of all, we would like to thank you for taking the time to sign up, and for your eagerness to partake as the Cygnus students, 'world citizens and scientists', would do. We also appreciate your trust in our Organising Team, as we promise to guide you along this exciting journey into the world of EYP. This year's team is working very hard to make this introductory session and the ones to come, unforgettable experiences, and we are looking forward to meeting you this upcoming Thursday. This Welcome Booklet aims to help you understand what the session will be like, what will be expected of you and how you can prepare. Please read it through thoroughly, and stay informed as it gets closer to the event. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to Tweet @CygnusYP, message us on www.facebook.com/CygnusYP or e-mail to CygnusYP@gmail.com. We apologise for how short-notice you've been informed, and wish you all the best in preparing for the 1st ever CYP Session. See you Thursday at 1! On behalf of the Organising Team, John Ashworth - President







CYP - October 9, 2014




Content Page:


Draft Resolution Summaries


General Preparation


9th of October: Day Outline


Session Explanation


GA; Procedure & Placards


Dress Code & Regulations

10 The Jury's Advice


CYP - October 9, 2014

Draft Resolution Summaries 1. Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) With natural disasters, such as floods, droughts and storms, occurring regularly in the EU, what role should the EU play in preventing these disasters and providing aid to the affected areas?

2. Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) Pensions under pressure: as Europe’s population is getting older and older, what steps should the EU take to reform pension systems and guarantee a good standard of living for the youngsters of today, once they reach their retirement?

3. Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) The fight for fair play: in the light of the review of the World Anti-Doping Code, how can the EU best contribute to decreasing the use of doping in both professional and recreational sports?


CYP - October 9, 2014

General Preparation In order to fully experience and carelessly enjoy CYP, please undertake these steps as soon as possible before the session.

a) Academic Preparation; As mentioned, at CYP we strive for academic excellence. It is important to note that your experience of the session will be much more enjoyable if you're fully prepared. Your chairs have sent you the preparation task, to be resent to CygnusYP@gmail.com before Tuesday, the 7th of October at 23.59 (varies per Chair). A solid, decent academic preparation will take a good 10 hours of work and research, so do make sure to set some time aside!

b) Special Needs In case you have any medical, e.g. allergic or handicap needs, please send us an e-mail ASAP to us. We will do our best to make this session a great experience for you!

c) What to Bring  Formal Clothing; Female: Heels are appropriate, extra pair of shoes if you'd like alternating for Teambuilding. Male: Acquire a suit & tie if possible. Dress shoes are always more formal than sneakers, so don't feel embarrassed!  Post-It Notes  Bottle of Water, any preferred food items. Snacks will be provided.  Prepared Material(s)  Notebook, pens and your amazing attitude!


CYP - October 9, 2014

Day Outline - Oct. 9



Arrivals & Coffee Break


Opening Ceremony


Team Building


Committee Work


Coffee Break


Committee Work




Coffee Break




Closing Ceremony



CYP - October 9, 2014

Session Explanation Our first ever CYP session will be split up into three parts: Teambuilding, Committee Work, and the General Assembly. In (1)Teambuilding you will play (often awkward) games to help create team spirit and have everybody functioning well in the team. Games like 'Ninja' from the introduction day, but also more complex games; in which you will have to work together as a team to complete the game. During (2)Committee Work we will actively discuss our own topic and resolution. We are going to use all the info you have brought to the session to find the weak and strong points in our resolution. It is your job as a committee to work out the strong and weak points of our resolution, and be able to present them in the best possible manner in GA. Enforce the strong points and counter attacks on the weak ones! The last part of the day is (3)General Assembly. This is where you will present your resolution in open debate: We will have three rounds of debate, one round for each resolution. Each round will start with a defence speech from the proposing committee. In the defence speech, the resolution will be explained to the audience, so it's clear for everyone what the problems and solutions are. One person will go up to the stage and give the defence speech. After the defence speech, there will be an attack speech from an opposing committee. In an attack speech, you fundamentally disagree with the whole resolution. Besides, it's important to come up with solutions (EYP is all about creating solutions together). An attack speech is held by one or two people. After the defence and attack speech, the round of open debate will start. During the round of open debate each opposing committee has a chance to make a point about the resolution being discussed. After the open debate, the proposing committee will have a chance to react to the comments made during the open debate. If you don’t get it all yet, don’t worry, your chair will walk you through the entire procedure again in committee work.


CYP - October 9, 2014

General Assembly 1. procedure The total time set aside for one debate will normally be 40 minutes, though this will subject to time constraints. The setting of debate time, and changes in debate time, are entirely at the discretion of the President and his Board. Each debate is the main responsibility of the proposing committee – this committee will defend the resolution, and as such will always be given enough opportunities in the debate in which to do so. 1. Reading of the Operative Clauses; One member of the proposing committee will read out the Operative Clauses (OC's). 2. Defence Speech; This will be followed by a three-minute Defence Speech from a member of the proposing committee. 3. Attack Speech; There will then be three minutes in which an Attack Speech can be made by another committee or committees. 4. Points of Information (POI); To be raised to make a factual query about a term/phrase in the resolution. 5. Open Debate; The rest of the time (approx. 30 minutes) is set aside for open debate among delegates. If you wish to make a point, raise your committee sign and wait to be recognized by the Board before taking the floor. 6. Summation Speech; 3 minutes to summarise the debate by 1-2 speakers from the proposing committee. 7. Voting Procedure; Following the completion of general debate, delegates will be given the opportunity to vote on the resolution


CYP - October 9, 2014

in the form of 'for', 'against' and 'abstentions'. Chairs will collect the votes. A Board member counts the votes and announces the result after the debate on the following resolution. Each student votes according to his or her own convictions. Please note: the passing or failing of a resolution will not affect the jury’s deliberations.

2. Placards Committee Placard: To be raised each time a committee wants to make a point/speech. Points of Information (POI): Points of Information are points made by delegates requesting clarification, explanation or definition of a word or phrase in a resolution only. They should not be used to attack or defend the speaker or the resolution. Direct Response: Allows for a direct response to the most recent point with priority over other Committee’s points. This placard may be used by each Committee 1 time during each open debate.


CYP - October 9, 2014

Dress Code & Regulations Your excuse to dress up. Since CYP tries to copy the real European Parliament, we wear formal clothing. This means: suits and ties, skirts or dresses, heels, etc. We don’t want to see sweatpants or hoodies. If you don't feel comfortable in a skirt or a suit, it's fine to wear jeans too, but please try to look sophisticated.

Please keep others in mind. Obviously, we want you to behave properly. Don’t scream, curse at or fight with other delegates. Please give your fellow delegates a chance to speak and let them finish. Be nice to each other; the atmosphere should be safe and professional during the session. But most important of all; enjoy yourself without taking advantage of others, and allow them to engage too. Thanks!


CYP - October 9, 2014

The Jury's Advice As a participant in this pre-pre-selection round of EYP the Netherlands, you will undoubtedly experience competition between fellow participants. In its core; the CYP Jury is looking for those who try hard to work together, to build up each other and are of additional value due to their preparation. Attitude, structure, presentation manners and English usage are of course contributing factors, but the most important is that you enthusiastically dare to voice your opinion, in consideration of other, no matter if you fail. That's what taking risks and learning from them is for. And then finally, dear delegate, it is up to you how you'll use this Welcome Booklet. The Organising Team has invested their time in organising this for the Cygnus Gymnasium, and hope to spark future CYP Alumni to do the same. We are terribly proud of you for applying, and expect an excellent session this upcoming Thursday. Keep up the good work! Yours, the CYP Organising Team

CYgnus Youth Parliament '14


CYP - October 9, 2014

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