Resolution Booklet CYP

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Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) The fight for fair play: in the light of the review of the World AntiDoping Code, how can the EU best contribute to decreasing the use of doping in both professional and recreational sports? The European Youth Parliament, A. B. C. D. 1.

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Believing that the health of the athlete is the athlete’s doctor’s main responsibility, Recognising the role that drug manufacturers have in the doping issue by releasing new performance-enhancing substances, Convinced that the influence of international criminal organisations in the doping issue is the main reason for Member States’ failure to effectively address this issue, Deeply concerned by the low amount of blood tests that are carried during and outside sports events due to the high costs of transport of blood samples; Calls upon the EU Expert Group on Anti-Doping (XG AD) to include proposals for equal sanctioning for athletes and their doctors, such as disqualification or longterm ineligibility, in its contribution to the revision of the World Anti- Doping Code; Encourages Member States to financially reward pharmaceutical companies whose products have, for a period of one year, not been verifiably used in doping practices in sport; Urges the XG AD to include the possibility of declaring doping tests invalid, in case they are not examined within 24 hours, in its contribution to the revision of the World Anti-Doping Code; Supports research by WADA on the possibility of using lie detectors as a mechanism for doping control.

Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) Pensions under pressure: as Europe’s population is getting older and older, what steps should the EU take to reform pension systems and guarantee a good standard of living for the youngsters of today, once they reach their retirement? The European Youth Parliament, A. B. C. D.

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Concerned by the European Commission’s (EC) projections of fertility rates in 2060, which stand at 1.68 in comparison to a population replacement level of 2.10, Recognising the need for the youth to, next to pensions provided by the state and their employer, build up an additional, personal pension, Emphasising the need to promote demographic renewal in the EU by improving the balance between professional, private and working life, as suggested by the European Commission, Noting with deep concern the immense growth in healthcare costs of 4.6% per year between 200 and 2009 for the EU as a whole, whereas in 2010, only 3% of the healthcare budget was spent on the prevention of diseases; Encourages Member States to create special personal pension plans for people in employment under the age of 25, enabling them to start saving for their retirement under favourable tax conditions; Recommends Member States to invest in family friendly policies and childcare services; Supports a policy switch in healthcare towards measures which emphasise that taking care of the elderly is a shared responsibility between the family and the state; Calls upon Member States to spend at least 10% of their total healthcare expenditure on prevention.

Motion for a Resolution by the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) With natural disasters, such as floods, droughts and storms, occurring regularly in the EU, what role should the EU play in preventing these disasters and providing aid to the affected areas? The European Youth Parliament, A. B. C. D. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Fully aware of the threat that natural disasters, as a result of climate change, increasingly pose to the safety of citizens, Emphasising that it is a responsibility of all Member States to support Member States that are most vulnerable to natural disasters, Concerned by the fact that many EU citizens are unaware of the risks of natural disasters and, as a result, are insufficiently insured against them, Believing that cooperation between local governments across the EU is crucial to successfully adapt to climate change; Recommends the European Commission to establish a European Climate Adaption Fund (ECAF), that will invest in long-term climate adaption measures for private companies; Suggests that the contribution of each Member State to this fund be based on the likelihood of natural disasters occurring in this Member State; Calls upon Member States to implement policies that oblige citizens to insure themselves against all forms of natural disasters; Calls upon the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CERM) to establish partnerships between municipalities and regions that face similar challenges when it comes to climate change.

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