Cykeln Magazine 04

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Editor: Niccolò Poppi

Art direction: Claudio di Santo

ILLUSTRATOR: Simone “duman” Marinelli

On the cover: Mianzi Rei




PHOTO CREDITS: Szymon Nieborak Mirko Kraeft Ivan Bettini Apis Jyeah Christoph Schorr Cody Hanson Manuel Gatto

SPECIAL THANKS: Riccardo Volpe, Francesca Serani, Ilaria Bruci. Your job is precious

© 2012 by Cykeln Mag All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Cykeln Magazine.


When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

This phrase from Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle, does reflect on the real choice what led me to use the bike as transport. Today, especially, carve out a moment to ourselves and clear your head of a thousand daily complications makes it arguably the most promising day.

Download the nervous tension, muscular power drains, focus your attention on the progress of your body in relation to the bike and the road. A perhaps overly Therapeutics but undoubtedly has its foundations.

All this to introduce the new issue of CYKELN, that’s like the bike is our therapeutic outburst.

The cover of this month is dedicated (as we often do) to the women. Mianzi Rei is a rider, cute and really good and absolutely involved in the cycling community in Berlin. In this issue we are particularly proud to have a super exclusive interview of Elia Viviani made by our Riccardo Volpe. Additionally we are introducing some topics that we hope will become fixed, such as: organic recipes by Francesca and Instagrab that collects your and our craziest picture made with the mobile phone.

We found some rider who worth knowing how Steven Jensen a monster of fixed tricks and like the “One Arm Bandit” Francois Roland, who I’m sure will be a real discovery for some.

In the next issue we will try to let you have some sugary cycling by a well-known anecdote craftsman who for years worked in Cinelli. We hope to have on our pages a very particular ciclotourist who is amused to shoot all his travels and make genuine documentary film.

Have a good read



Timothy Pulleyn

Mianzi Rei

Apis Jeah

Chrome store Berlin

Young Guns

Francois Roland


Steven Jensen


Elia Viviani







So first of all, who is Timothy Pulleyn? Oft, you’d think some one who studied such a pretentious degree (like me) wouldn’t struggle to answer such a question! Who am I? An Artist. A Musician. A rider. A writer. A Yorkshire lad through and through.

At what age you started riding track bikes? I was 18 when I got my first track bike, I was part of the fixed gear hype in honesty, I don’t shy away from telling people that. Whilst studying at Glasgow School of Art the fixed gear scene went from hype to hype. Luckily, Glasgow being such a small but friendly place, I stumbled upon Glasgow Fixed Gear where I was given helpful advice to stay away from the poor quality & dangers factory bikes and steered towards a Fuji Track. Even after 6 years strong through 3 different cities, in all weather, she still stands strong. It was only after moving to Leeds, near my home town, where I really got into track bikes & cycling in general.

What you do for living? I’m Digital Analyst, but generally I work in marketing. My degree was in Art but in this day in age it’s all about being versatile. I worked a year in London doing PR, Event Management and Social Media but London’s expensive, ruthless and can be at times depressing. I work to live, in London too many Live to work, when I realized this I choose to sack it in and move back home and gather my thoughts.

You are one of the luckiest owner of a Loww why this choice? For years I lusted over a Cinelli Mash but never had the money. Before I upgraded my track bike, or rather bought another one I invested in a Cinelli Experience which reinforced my love for Cinelli. However at the time I was becoming aware of frame builders in England and around the world and realized I could get something the same price but specific to me. After riding the Cinelli Experience I new I was in the market for an Alloy frame. Conveniently I’d just landed some free lance design work which enabled me to pay for the frame in full. I deliberated for months about colour and size and had a few conversations with Andrew regarding what it was that would best suit me. In the end I 8


was really lucky with the time purchase given the waiting

fortunately, especially in england, the motivation of some

time and the benefits of having to wait. The frame was

to walk down the road to the shops let alone cycle is few

bought in December, fabrication didn’t start until August

and far between. People rely too much on automated

and once finished didn’t arrive until the start of October. I

transport to get from A to B so cycling wont ever be a revo-

benefitted from the lower price, smoother welds and Stain-

lution in that respect. You’d think we’d already be half way

less Steal drop outs so the wait was well worth it. On top of

there what with the success of the olympics but I think it’s

that during the waiting game I was lucky enough to get my

quite the opposite in honesty, it’s just highlighted the little

hands on a Bianchi Pista Concept 06 and a Tokyo Fixed

respect the general public and government has for cycling.

Gear S1, all of which made me confident that the Low was

Having cycled France to Spain this summer fixed gear, me

exactly what I wanted.

and my two pals had no problems with ignorant or dan-

You recently joined the Restrap family, What’s your main role?

gerous drivers, it was a phenomenally different experience cycling in France/Spain compared to Britain.

to one another, mine being hill climbing, so it’s just an-

How much is evolved the scene in your city?

other edition to team I guess. I work closely with Nathan

I started helping out with Leeds Single-speed Fixed (LSF) in

(Restrap owner) on so the relationship

February but the scene’s been strong since maybe 2008-

works well being on the team. Cycling fixed & geared ben-

09. Now that Restrap has an official workshop in the cen-

efits Restrap just by representing the team kit on sportive’s,

tre it gives the riders and place to hang out and meet up

road rides and any social events etc.

for social rides. Since summer this year we started doing

Everyone on the team so far has very different attributes

Do you think that the bike could be a revolution to the car? In my eyes it’s already revolution to the car! However un-


weekly social rides with other longer rides in between, every week there’s new faces which is always a good sign!

Criterium race or alleycat? Probably crit races to be honest, Alleycats are often won by those who are not only fastest but take the biggest risks where as crits are generally based on strategy and fitness... not to mention some luck along the way.

Any advice for the neophites of the fixed gear world? Keep riding. I used to make a lot of excuses before I started cycling, for not doing anything or motivating myself. Since I began cycling, or getting obsessed with cycling I don’t those excuses anymore. Mentally and Physically i’m in better shape then I have ever been and all because I don’t use laziness as an excuse to get out of doing something etc. Don’t forget why you ride either, after those com-

Timothy Pulleyn

ments it may sound like I’m competitive, on the contrary not at all, I compete against my self which keeps my feet

on the ground. Cycling is fun, weather it be fixed, gears

or bmx, it’s a sense of freedom and you can never forget

that. I write about a lot of cycling experience on www. if you’re interested in what i’ve spoken about.











First of All who is Mianzi Rei and why is on the cover of a cycling magazine?

over there?

Yeah...crazy. i asked myelf the same question. Who is Mi-

dont have to make yourself to a rough tank girl to be taken

anzi Rei ? Lets find out together.

serious. Or behave like a princess (i love unicorns) to be

At first i have to ask my unicorn from unicornland! You

loved. Just be yourself and dont take yourself to serious.

When did you start riding a fixed bike and when you realized that it could be a social movement as well as a hobby or a sport?

Its still a serious buisness to get attention, but most of the

One year ago I had a car exident. Full package. One week

How your collaboration with Optimusfixed start? Tell us more about this blog.

in the hospital, bike flew 6meters,completly broken... not enough money to buy a new one...there came Chris. A very nice person from a fixed-gear group in berlin.I joined

time its pretty nice. I am asking and trying a lot. The guys are helping me out with their knowledge and experience and enjoy helping!

the group for a few times for night-rides, lake-jumps and

We both love people and riding. We are very interested on

having bbqs together before. He heared about my problem

people with the same passions. We wanted to build a big

and gave me his second bike. It was a fixed gear. So i start-

network with contacts and bring everyone on the same

ed to ride fixed and realized the social my

step. We wanna connect and inspire people all over the

passion AND of course lifestyle.

world. Optimus Fixed is like a open journal. We like to share our experience with other open minded people all over

How is Berlin from this point of view? Tell us some cool stuff about riding in your city. I think the perfect describtion is the visit of Patrick and Jason. Two friends from Portland, Oregon.Patrick wrote me two days before his visit to Berlin, that he would like to see

the world and bring em togehter. This, combined with the network a blog brings with it, helps us to improve ourself. Its a win-win situation for everyone and without it, i would have never come to your magazine cover, to come back to your first question.

15 riders, who spent the night with their bikes,me and our

What is the most beautiful country you’ve had the chance to ride by bike and what would you like to see to make a nice ride?

guests... thats it! Another nice story started and ended with

There are still a lot of places to visit, and i don´t wanna

a night ride. Maybe 20 of us ended in xberg at kreuzburg-

judge before i haven´t seen them all. Every country has its

er to get some “crazy fries” and talk about the ride. There

own secrets and charms, so in my mind you cant pick only

came 5 italien guys (Tommaso, Fabio, Lorenzo, Alberto und

one place to ride. Except Unicorn Land. There its perfect.

more of Berlin and if we could meet up. One day before he arrived i started an event called “spontanious nightride” and invited my friends to be with us at night in the city. Must be

Davide -hello at this point) and just stopped and watched. I said hello and asked where they come from...just because they were with their bikes. Next day, we connected at fb and had a 2nd nightride to show them the city. Thats typical for Berlin. You are in Berlin with your bike? Just be open minded and keep your eyes open for other riders... you are welcome!

Being a girl in this particular scene create more problems or opportunities? How is the fixed gear female scene 18

Are you also involved in race such as Criterium or Alleycat? What do you think about this opportunity to compete but also to stay together ? I try to pick as many events as i can. Luckily there are load of em happening in Berlin. It´s always a good thing to find out who is the fastet in town, and a good chance to meet people.You talk about the newest shit, share with others your ideas, found a group,get the infos for the next race



etc. I think you all know what i mean :) Its nice to hang around with people who have the same passion.

Is there any famous cycling character that inspires you or inspired you in the past? Yes, there is,...she inspired me just to ride and try to find my own flow. It seems that she is a calmed person who doesnt need to be in the center of interest of something. But she is, because she is doing her own thing. Juliet Eliot. But there are some more riders...Jason Yim for example.His part in macaframa-he and his bike are like a clock mechanism - everything is working together...I am looking up to female - riders like Kacey Manderfield as well. *she is one of top ten of red hook!!

A final farewell to our readers and some advice for girls who still have doubts on take a fixed gear bike!! Girls,...stop thinking to much. just ride. My legs are my gears (stefan schott/ 8bar bikes) Thanks to Mirko Kraeft for the authentic have an eye for small things as well!!! Thank you my dear, Stephan Zehren. And of course Schindelhauer Bikes - i really love and enjoy the silence and directness of the carbon drive! Thank you for being open minded and staying positive: Marco,Mario,Fabi and the others from Fixed Peleton Berlin. Special thanks to my partner and friend from Optimus Fixed -Christoph Schorr. We stick to our guns! Visit unicornland, optimus fixed and dont follow the white rabbit (the leader) MIANZI REI

Mianzi Rei




TEAM RIDER Ric Bell 24

PHOTO Szymon Nieborak









When and in what occasion the “impulse” of the track arose in you? Tell us about that time you just weighed: “wow, this is the bicycle I want to practice!”

when you race on road?

Let’s start by telling that since childhood I have always

need to dash, the skill with bike both in dash and in down-

been on the track and I’ve always liked it but the boost was

hill, to have the guts to slide in a space where a road rider

given when I was taken by Juniors at the age of 17 years,

never would ride. With regards to athletes with different

the first international event. It was a European Champi-

features from me, for example Wiggins, that extra oomph

onship in Athens, on track two years before athletes had

concerns the perception of the bike, the more agility on the

raced during the Olympics. It was an unforgettable expe-

cronus, the precision, the attention to the smallest details

rience, I went to the track for the scratch, the race closer

and in this case the deftness uphill too.

to the road, and I had fun. Adrenaline, technique, speed

The experience, or better that extra oomph that a pistard has and of which he could take advantage on road, in my case, as in the case of Guardini or Cavendish, is the deft stroke of pedal, the intuition of the right moment when you

the final race of the road racing, then the last km. It’s dif-

I like very much your idea to chose the omnium as the master discipline (strangely enough it’s the name of my little blog). I wonder if you want to tell us the reason why of this choice, and especially how much it’s difficult to have to train in so much different disciplines, from the sprint to points race, in a context where more and more the athletes specialize in a discipline instead of looking for good results in the track scenario.

ficult to tell emotions, but the track is a mix of adrenaline,

My specialties have always been the most similar to road

coldness in choosing the right time of despair if you didn’t

race, and so the scratch, the Madison and points race. The

guess the right attack, but it is also cunning, guile, vision

choice of Omnium is arrived later, and honestly, it was

of race. When I think about the Olympics in London last

partly forced by rules. I aimed to take part in Olympics,

August, I felt very strong emotions every lap done, both in

and the Ominium is the only possibility to gain a medal for

training and in competition. In training in my head turned a

a endurance athlete. However, I would confirm that it’s a

thousand questions about the public, the races, how they

beautiful and spectacular specialty, at the end it repays the

would have gone, if everybody was at top, but at the same

strongest both physically and mentally. It’s a specialized

time the tranquility of being at the top and I was looking

specialty, but it’s also a specialty of tactic and endurance.

forward to it. With regard to the activities on the street I

I had to work hard in time specialities, I had to slave, even

feel emotions similar to the track when I go to face the

in winter, even during road race (I did works of speciali-

final race where I can be a player, all other days are days

zation). It wasn’t enough for a olympic medal. Only the

of hard work and sacrifices.

pistard specialists got the upper hand. The final trial, the

struck me immediately, we attacked in seven athletes and I had the best.

What gives you a track race unlike a road? If you want I would like to elaborate on this aspect especially from the emotional point of view. The main difference is that the track events, being of a shorter duration, you excite from the first lap, even from the moment when the warm-up finishes and you go on track. Comparing them to the way it makes me think of

You have always raced on track. What kind of experience you take with you

track time trial, was fatal, too much specialistic, an effort too much different from my usual activity. In 2016, if there are the same olympic rules, I’ll try again; I’m not a guy that give up on the first attempt.


When it happens (and I think it happens) that you have to train reluctantly, for example when you have to go out and train in this season or when you have to do some boring and heavy exercises, what is the sentence that rings in your head and that pushes you nevertheless?

which detail of your track bike you look after with more attention?

I think that to every athlete it happens some “NO” days,

but much more rigid both in ride ability and in the area of

and that days, instead of doing bad works, I usually come back home. In winter days, instead, I can face the cold better, because at the beginning of season I’m excited, full of energy and I always train as I have to do. Some days I don’t really feel like it, but I must do it, because I know that if I didn’t do it, I could compromise something, for example a score, and so I look for stimulus and motivations to go out training as I have to do. Thinking about personal purposes I can overcome those bad days and I tell myself “Elia you must arrive there, you want to arrive there, so ale, ale, ale”.

It’s often said that on the track the mind and the quickness in taking decisions are as important as legs. Do you agree with this sentence and in which discipline the mind affects more?

I think that on track the mechanic means is very important. This is an aspect I like to look after and for which I worked hardly for the Olympics as much as for the physical training. With reference to team races (points race, scratch, win and out race and Madison, I asked expressly to create a frame as I wanted to: geometries similar to those of road, bottom bracket and with aerodynamic outlines, because by now even a points race is faced at a speed of 52km/h on average. At the same time, the bike needed to have a hyperreactive ride ability, sensitive too each movement of mine, especially for win and out race and I can tell I’m glad to managed to achieve it. Other components on which I worked hardly are back wheels, I looked for a compromise between rigidity, ride ability and aerodynamics. With the help of Fsa I developped excellent crank arms and even a handlebars that allowed me to get into comfortable and also fruitful postures. For time trials I only looked for highest rigidity and aerodynamics. To let you understand how important the smallest details are, with the help of technical sponsors I also wanted to develop by myself aerodynamic solutions for helmets, shoes and clothes.

races, the mind counts a lot, the decisions you make in an

Apart form sponsors, if you were offered to race on track by a steel frame, achieved with modern concepts, would you accept it? Do you think that in the restricted field of track there are really true differences in the materials with which frames are achieved?

instant could be decisive: I talk about the moment to made

I think that I would accept the offer, but I immediatly would

I totally agree with this statement, obviously beginning with the fact that without legs you can’t get anywhere, but the mind makes you win. On the track, during time trials, it’s all down to technic, regularity, strength control. You have to be physically prepared. But both in trials and in points

an attack, to do a sprint or not to do. In the scratch the general view of the race, the intuition could make you win. You need know when you can recover or when you have to attack. In this specialty the mind can makes you win, even if the legs aren’t at the top. The win and out race is a physical specialty for contacts and great deal of effort, but it’s the specialty par excellence in regards to ability with the bike, the tactic and the manner of riding.

In your opinion, in team races as points races or scratch, how much is the mechanic means important and 30

make some trials. I’m open to any technical solution which can improve what I use. In regard to materials, sure, I can confirm you that there are many differences in materials. If only we talk about carbon, for example, there are many sorts of carbon, many qualities and many modes of use. These differences are perceptibles when you ride a bike.

From the point of view of emotions, would you tell us in few words your feelings when you ride a fixed gear bike?




As soon as I get on my track bike, I think “luckily I’m in a velodrome otherwise who knows where I could wind up”. The emotions are stronger than when I ride a road bike. Only the sensation when you stop pushing after a sprint and your legs still spin at 120rpm is fantastic. Another sensation I like when I’m on track is during team races. The fact to be there, to dodge sudden movements of opponents gives you an adrenaline rush.

Have you ever ridden a fixed gear bike out of the velodrome, for example in the city?

must be avoided to can train, race and have fun with track cycling. In track cycling, everything, or at least the most part, is determined by the approach. The important is to do it, try the rack because you would try something new, do it for fun, with the same spirit with which in this period you go ice skating. Once you nailed it, you are wrapped up in track, the speed of track enjoys you. To be there, ride in a cyclist stadium, go up and down the banking, rush from the highest point and measure yourself, that is the track. Elia Viviani

So far I have never ridden in the city. However I have a fixed gear bike and I often ride it in my city, but I put a back brake.

Do you know the movement that in the last few years has got a foothold, that’s urban criteriums people race by only track bike in Italy and in the world in city circuits, closed to traffic? I don’t know very well this movement. I heard about it and I watched some videos. Well, I think it’s wicked! I respect these city cyclists.

You are both on facebook and on twitter. I suppose that you have a good opinion of them. Do you think that social networks can help to put in contact the cycling and especially the track with young riders and help to bring up to date the image of bike professional world that often the media portray? Yes, I think that social networks can help a lot in this sense.

Elia Viviani

I often talk about track and I forward strange or beautiful images that modernise our beautiful sport. For example if I watch a video of a urban track bike criterium, well I immediatly share it. I’m sure that my fans appreciate it!

Usually everybody concludes asking which advices you can give to get closer to race track. Instead we would ask you which are the mistakes that 34








Who is Apis Jyeah?

initiative to organized an event or races such as criterium

Muhamad Hafiz Bin Ahmad Temizi.That’s my full name. Getting older at age 27 now. Born as a Malay boy in 16th October 1985 .Listen to heavy metal. Staying in the great city of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Tall,Dark skin tone. I do photography as a hobby, doing mostly landscape and portraiture. Been riding fixed gear bike from the year 2000. Got more serious this 3 years back now. Get to know me well,heres a link to some of my social network.

and alleycat. Even its not a big event, I can see that the event it self did attract most of the cycling enthusiast come together to take part and support. It’s a good development for the cycling scene here. I wish the scene will keep its momentum for year to come.

Which is your favorite Olympic track rider?

Of course

Awang aka The Pocket rocketman.

What pushed you to try a track bike on the street?

my local Olympic track cyclist Azizul Hasni

Do you have some advice for a person who want to try a track bike? Know your bike well, and get the correct size. Its really

Well, nothing is impossible these days. I myself started rid-

dangerous to ride a track bike on the street if you don’t

ing track bike on the street at first. Easy to commute, low

have any experience with it. Safety first, wear your helmet

maintenance. Other than that, I like to try out something

and shoe. Use brake if possible.

new and different.

How often you train yourself?

Currently which are your sponsor? I Just got sponsor by colossi. A bicycle manufacture com-

To be honest, I didn’t have a specific training time. I ‘m

pany from Holland based in Shenzhen China. www.colos-

working shift..But when I got that free time I will get myself

straight on training mode. Both road or track. 80 -100km two or three times a week.

Do you prefer alleycat or criterium race? Criterium.

Would you like to thank someone in special? First of all,thanks to the all mighty god.Family,friends,Sponsor and every body who knows me.Big shout out to the fixed gear community,247bigtime,Yellowbikecompa-

Do you think that in the future the bike can be a revolutionary alternative to the car?



Pedal Malaya,GBK, and to all out there,you know who you are. Thank you! Keep riding and stay safe.

Yeah, in the future it will be an ideal alternative to commute. If you live in a big city where traffic is the most common problem. Even now days, every country in the world encourage us to take an initiative to reduce traffic jams like taking a public transport and cycling.

Is there a fixed gear scene in your city/country? Yes, there is. Scene got bigger

this 3 years back. I like

how the fixed gear community here in Malaysia takes an

Apis Jyeah 39



REPORT: Christoph Schorr



FOTO DI: constantin gerlach



Chrome Hub Store opening took place on a typical Berlin winter day. Snow was on the streets, water came from aboce in a miture of rain and snow. About 25 starters and the double amount of visitors already stood around when i arrived and the race wwas about getting startet. The normal precare preperations where taken. Means- Cigarettes, Beer and some Biketalk. Registrations was inside and on my way through the crowds i met alot of friends and well known faces of the Berlin cycle scene.


After a quick start of the double team race i had the time to take acloser look at the store. From apperal to bags and accesioras the whole chrome stuff was placed in a touchable way. DJ in the backroom, free drinks for donation and a silkprintmachine makes the store perfect. Alot of work for a single month, but worth it. Dedicated to the messengers a gallery from the 2011 CWMC was placed to a wall and you had the chance to donate for the next world championships.




The shop filled more and more with cyclist, couriers and hangarounds and that made a nice atmosphere. Everytime you went out, you saw cyclist arrive and leave. That was the alleycat. A team of 2 raced together and tried to find the checkpoints, wich where all placed in new streets. So you didnt have a chance without a uptodate citymap. Nice idea, so everyone had a chance and the winners and the second place team didnt come from the couriers. After the presentation ceremony the party realy started, it was time for storys, drinks and warm up. At around 11pm the crowd disapperad, the shop was closed, some went to other bars, some went home, and some had to clean up. All in all- a good planed event, a great store and a nice evening.












TADZIO PEDERZOLLI Milan Name, profession and city Tadzio Pederzolli, bicycle mechanic, Milan.

The city where you live has influenced your work? In which way? I would say that if I hadn’t lived in Milan I would never have taken this job, this is definitely one of the cities in Europe with the most massive movement ... be constantly in contact with the evolution and the various “scenes”

What is your relationship with your bike?

(However I have always remained quite out) has certainly

I guess that’s the thing I see, touch, built and using most

How do you see this new boom of urban cycling movement?

(said so, sounds a lot strange ahah!) over the course of my day, it’s my one and only way of transport, in addition to being what makes me take the loaf at home ( Italian slang to say – Money @home )

helped to increase my knowledge and my skills.

I see it as a positive thing, in the sense that most bikes I see around the better for everyone, because it is a positive step forward to bring our country to the cultural level of the

What were the experiences that led you to undertake the job of mechanic?

country, where cycling is not a phenomenon of passenger

It was actually all very casual, when I was still studying at

negative aspects related especially to the costume, but ulti-

the University I started to attend the “ciclofficinas” and love to the world of bicycles, and almost on a lark I responded to an ad in which they sought a mechanic ... announcement which then became in my current job!

costume but a fact of life, and as such is untouchable. Surely an explosion like that of urban cycling also brings mately I find the lesser of evils, and only a reason as any to complain about something that all in all okay ... more bike for me means less heated, less petrol engines consumed, less pollution, more health and less danger on the roads.

Do you think the role of mechanic has changed a lot in these years? What kind of change you have seen?

What are the major difficulties in your work?

I think the world of fixed shutter has opened the doors to

the part of the customer), and even a bit of order and disci-

various human types that approcched the bike in general and sometimes to mechanics, many driven by aesthetics and lifestyle have not definitely had the ability to delve into the craft ... do the mechanic is a simple profession and complicated at the same time, it seems to me that the massification of the bicycle has somehow scratched a bit of poetry-old holy man who was fixing anything with a gesture ... for better or for worse, in the sense that these old, though they may be very poetic most of the time, every so

It takes a lot of patience and perseverance (especially for pline to be able to do a job well done and maintain livable workplace ... and also imagination and resourcefulness to solve impossible problems!

Some mechanic who inspired you? I would say in a blurry all mechanics, young and old, the ciclofficina STECCA of Milan.

and to communicate with them. The important thing is that

A tip for those who want to undertake this work?

the new generation will be able to do a good job and do

Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty!!

often are the first to have difficulties in knowing I compare

not ride bicycles on murder (as it happened to me many times to see alas ...) as they are mounted correctly!



Luca Perugia Name, profession and city

kind of change you have seen? In recent years the role of mechanic is obviously changed, just think how much technology has advanced, let’s think about carbon!!! As a result of bicycle mechanics has be-

Luca Tomassini aka Tommy Boy. Mechanic on the road.

come cold and calculated. While once every thread, every


flare and every calculation was unique. First it was crafts,

What is your relationship with your bike?

do it is almost of engineering, which has its good points (no doubt) but also resulted in a loss of tradition.

I try to use it over the car whenever I can, especially in

The city where you live has influenced your work? In what way?

the city. I love to live my city cycling for its streets, lane,

As you understand from the answer above, Perugia is not

The bike is first and foremost my favorite mode of transport.

preposterous center for cars and for the numerous climbs, the latter guilty of the fact that the bike (conceived as a means of urban transport) and denigrated by most Perugini ( people from Perugia )The clear evidence that the bike can also be used in hilly cities can say it had during a trip to San Francisco, the city “pending” for Excellence (in cycling) The bike has slowly become primarily a philosophy of life, a simple and effective means to overcome the anxiety, clearing the brain and feel my body. It makes me feel good and I love to think green! While cycling in traffic often feel pain for the poor motorists stuck in their boxes to nail biting! I

an easy city when it comes to urban cycling. Umbria has great cycling tradition regarding the ride, but cycling is conceived primarily as a sport and the bicycle as a means of everyday transport remains limited to a few avid! In this sense, I have always tried to bring this tradition transforming it and resurrect the urban scope.

How do you see this new boom of urban cycling movement? Of course I find it extremely exciting, especially for the


fact that it is a growing phenomenon. The factors that led

What were the experiences that led you to undertake the job of mechanic?

ronment, the rising cost of fuel etc etc and I hope that over

I started to put hands on a bike for the first time in 2007, in my home garage because I wanted to finally build my bike with my hands! So, with my dear friend Nico, we made the rounds of all the bike shops in Umbria in search of two old frames to be restored! We found them, we put them in place and processed in our first stationary bicycles! It was the first time I put hands on a bike, and I swear that I had no more idea of what doing themselves hahaha! Then I realized that I was taking more and more, I spent whole nights looking for videos and blogs that could help me and I began to consider the possibility that it could become a

to this new trend are many: many ‘ sensitivity to the envitime people will begin to consider the bicycle really as a valid means of transport that can replace the car in town.

What are the major difficulties in your job? The greatest difficulty I encountered, they still encounter and I will always make it clear to people that come up with absurd claims that rather often the mechanic is a profession that requires time, patience, and research issues that don’t always seem so obvious to have an immediate solution. A good tip would be to trust your mechanic!

job. At that time I was a graphic designer. After a few years

Some mechanic who inspired you?

I went to work in the workshop of a real shop, and that

Carlo, the first mechanical workshop where I worked. It

obviously is where I really learned to do the mechanic!

was he, who taught me the tricks of the trade! And Mr

Do you think the role of mechanic has changed a lot in these years? What 60

Decio, an old school mechanic (in the true sense of the word) that assembled bikes in the garage of his house when I was young. I remember that I was whole after-



noons watching it while builts the bike attached to tubes from the ceiling.

A tip for those who want to undertake this work? Passion guys!















First of all, who is Steven Jensen and where are you from? I am a kid who grew up riding bmx and that’s pretty much all I did. I never really played team sports. And I’m from Redmond Washington.

When was your first meeting with a bike and when you discovered the freestyle? I first started riding bmx and raced for a little while. Then I met a guy at some dirt jumps who took me to my first skatepark at about 11 years old. I quit racing after the first time riding a skatepark. And the first skate park I ever rode (redmond park) is still my favorite.

right now. it’s my signature frame and bars with Hplusson rims, ynot straps, zen grips and all other parts are Sadio. I ride 4 pegs with left side drive And a 33 12 gearing

How is your point of view about videos? Do you think is a good way to push kids to try rides a bike? I think it’s the best way to push someone to ride a bike. Bmx and fixed gear videos along with just playing my favorite kinda music and even talking about riding is what motivates me to get on my bike and head to a spot.

New plan for the 2013? Hopefully just progress without getting too hurt and having my parts come out to production. I really wanna learn dou-

What got you into riding fixed freestyle? I built up a fixed gear to get around town and couldn’t stop trying tricks on it because of my bmx background. As more parts broke it quickly turned into what it is today.

Tell us some real technical difference between Bmx frestyle and fixed freestyle?

ble barspins and get better at whips on flat ground.

Any last words? I wanna just thank all the friends, family, and companies that have helped me get here. Thank you very much

The only thing that seems to keep me from doing alot of tricks on fixed that I can do on bmx is the fixed wheel itself and not being able to have my feet where I want them. Other than that I ride them pretty much the same and don’t see a difference if I take the bikes to a spot.

How to consider the fixed communities in this period were the bike in general seems to be back in fashion? Did you notice some difference from the beginning? I feel like alot of people use a “fixie” still for the fashion of it instead of getting a road bike. But fixed freestyle is way past the fashion point of riding a bike. I think that fixed freestyle has separated it’s self alot from the commuter type fixie since fixed freestyle was new a few years ago.

How is you current set up? Haha falling apart. My bike sounds like a shopping cart 73








First of all, who is Francois R. and why is on a bicycle magazine ? I’m a 27 yo bike courier in Bruxelles, and I guess that the fact that I just got one moving arm is maybe a clue answering why i’m in CYKELN.

me love her deeper. It’s a human-sized city with real humans in it. Of course, the best way to discover a new city is by bike, I’ll be pleased to be your riding guide if you want to have a look yourself! As I said above, Brussels is not really big, it’s a real pleasure to ride, quite hilly I have to say, with a lot of little things who spiced your everyday riding

You truly redifine the word “ Determination “ we think. What let you to start riding on a fixed gear bike and what were the major difficulties at the biginning?

such as cobbles, tramway tracks, big potholes... but it’s hell

I first started riding a lot in Bruxelles on a singlespeed con-

use the bike lane (when there is one...) and be scared that

verted old road bike, and discovered the fixed gear movement quite fast throught internet of course, mash and macaframa and with the 1st alley cat organised in Brussels. I took my time, ordered a frame kit and began to collect part before completed the built. At that right moment I had

of fun! The Traffic in brussels is stupid, I have any other word for that kind of behaviour. Every one want to be at home before the others or arrive sooner at the office, giving priority to their little confort. So if you want to join the bike community you’ll face two choices, dress up in fluo, try to one of those drivers pass close to you speeding like their life are in danger, or you can just be part of the traffic, taking your place on the road, ride fast and have fun looking at all the mess around... My choice was easy to do...

my whole point of view of bicycle just collaps. I discovered

Did you have the chance to ride abroad in europe or USA? How is the scenario?

something that I can barely describe, feelings, sensations,

Yes, I try to visit differents cities with my bike every year

speed, control... The major difficulty was in fact to find the

when it’s possible... and as I also enjoy some long riding

right components, we were maybe in Belgium (you know...

trip, I often reach my destination by bike with my riding

eddy merckx, beers, fries...) but at the beginning, find the

buddy Bina, and always on fixed gear for the moment.

good parts was a real pain in the ass.

I rode to Paris with about 10 guys few years ago in two

never put my ass on a fixed gear bicycles before, but I knew I’ll love it. And I was right, when I started riding fixed,

What is your point of view about the Bike community after those many years riding? In fact I don’t really care about bike community, I just see people who ride a bike and people who don’t, and to be honest, the riding ones are often happier in their life! More seriously, seeing the movement of urban biking (not just fixed gear) growing in Brussels is really nice, give me some hope for the city future but we still have a lot of thing to do before stopping the supremacy of car empire. Brussels is one of the european city with the most traffic jam, having so much cars in our city, that is not really big by the way,

days and 14h of pedaling. We did Bruxelles-Amsterdam in one day, try a Brussels - London in one day too last year but we had to stop in Canterbury and finished by train cause we didn’t have any good lights to continue... Last summer, I won some tickets to see the Olympics so we planned a whole trip for about 10 days, leaving Belgium with our bags and our bikes of course, camping stuff and a lot of energy. Long trip are really exciting as we didn’t really planned where to sleep ans so on... We managed to join London, but before we had a parachut jump, week-end in the north of France, boat to Dover, put the tent of the white cliff and then join London. So many good memories, story, feelings. Theses kind of holidays are the best, ever!

is a complete non-sense.

We did also ride Berlin (we didn’t came by bike I have to

How is your approach with your city and the traffic too?

and cyclists are really respectful too. But for the moment

I’m in love with my city, I know her (yes, Bruxelles’s a girl) quite well but everything new I discovered from her made 78

say) and it’s an amazing city to ride, really bike friendly, flat, London take the award, I really like the way they ride there, the traffic is fluid, fast but fluid, so it’s really exciting to ride between black cabs and red buses, I just had to take a



roundabout in the wrong direction to realise we had to ride on the left side but I really enjoy riding in London!

um race too? Probably, I just have to stop being scared by riding with

A lot of guys with two arms, find really difficult to skid, how did you learn ? Did you modified the bar too?

a whole bunch of guys around me, riding between cars is

I don’t really know how I managed to skid, in fact in the

others riders... but it’s part of the game maybe. Whatever,

beginning I was just able to do little skip to slow me down

I’ll be in Berlin in march for the Fixed Days, not register yet

but I suppose that riding everyday just learned me to know

for the race but who knows... and this summer Lausanne

my bike more, the control it more precisely... and one day it

gonna be the place to be cause of the CMWC2013,I’ll be

was good, once you got the move it’s over, you can’t stop

there, but like Berlin, not register yet for the crit. If you

burning tires! I skid less now as I ride a lot and don’t want

want to see the best urban riders on earth, you know what

to change my tire every week (do you ever try to change a

where you have to be!

really not a problem, but in this case, brakeless, and with everyone else going in the same direction, I admit that I’m a little affraid to touch someone or to get knock out by

tire with one hand?), but it’s always fun. And yes, one day in one of my local bike shop, the manager tells me that he was ready to offer me a new handlebar but I had to cut it in half as I don’t use the left side. Free parts are always welcome so we just took the saw and my first halfbar was born. It doens’t change anything for the riding, it’s just funny, curious and if you saw it, you know it’s mine!

What is Hush Rush? And which is your approach with the web? HUSH RUSH is our bike delivery company in Bruxelles. It was founded by my friend and partner in crime François Tusseki in 2011, I join him in the adventure a few months later, when I quitted my job to transform my passion of

How are you with new tricks?

cycling in a (kind of) real job. We use the web for mutli

I’m not really into trick riding as you can easily understand,

tomers to directly order online a delivery and get informa-

but as someone (don’t know who, sorry) said, the only cool

tions like prices etc... but we are really more active on our

trick on a track bike is to going fast.

facebook fan page where we post and share bike related

I saw some pics of you riding in the velodrome. How is riding the velo with one arm only?

purpose, we had an official website, which allows our cus-

stuff, music or bullshits we seen everyday on the streets, whatever we think about actually.

Any plan for the future?

Non ho mai girato in pista quando il mio braccio sinistro

I got many plans, like the fixed days and the CMWC as I

era ancora al suo posto, quindi non posso dire se è più

already mentionned, but my biggest project is happening

difficile o quali siano le differenze, ma quello che posso

right now! At the moment I’m writing thoses lines, I’m not

dire è che è stupefacente. Ho girato su un telaio di Eddy

in bruxelles, I’m in France, in Clermont Ferrand, hometown

Merckx a Gand un paio di anni fa ma quest’anno ho avuto

of Victoire Cycles. I met theses real alchemists in Bruxelles

la grande opportunità (ringrazio Fixerati) di mettere le ruote

about one year ago, and we became friends quite rapidly,

sulle tavole del “kuipke” che è un pista più corta, davvero

this year they ask me to come for something really big... I’m

sottile anche più di Gand, ed è incredibile, senti il vento

really stocked and proud to announce you the first collab

martellare sul tuo viso e prendi il tuo turno di giro a 3meters

between Victoire and I, a signature frame that we design

da terra, porca miseria voglio tornare lì! Ho avuto davvero

from scratch. Keeping in mind that this bike need to be fast

paura all’inizio ma giro dopo giro, si inizia a capire come ci

and agressive the result is awesome and those guys are

si deve muovere e pochi accorgimenti che ti fanno sentire

really able to put together the best bicycle ever! We just

più sicuro e di conseguenza anche più veloce.

finished to built it actually and the photos you are seeing

Can we expect to see you at a Criteri-

are not already taken. I can’t really describe my feeling right now, knowing that tomorrow is the D day, the end but


also the beginning of an incredible project. Many thanks to them for everything! FAYA!

We hope to see you in Italy as soon as possible for a ride together, till that moment say something to our reader !! I’m glab you said this because I have a little idea in my mind, I really want to go in Torino and ride the Lingotto which is the old test track of the Fiat Factory, nothing really crazy you will said, but this track is built on the rooftop of the factory, offering a breathtaking view of the city and amazing experience if you asked me. I also want to visit others cycling related places (and Italy is a so important place in the cycling history) but time will tell and if the occasion is there, I promise you to jump on it and came for a ride with you! I just want to thank you for the interview and all the readers too! TAKE THE MONEY AND RIDE! François One Armed Bandit

Francois Roland









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