Newyddion da! Good news!
Croeso i bumed newyddlen adran Cymraeg i Oedolion!
Dach chi isio ennill cwrs am ddim flwyddyn nesaf? Bwriad y newyddlen yw rhannu gwybodaeth a
Mae’r adran wedi derbyn nawdd gan Ymddiredolaeth Park Jones i gynnal cystadleuaeth ‘Pori ar y we’ dros gyfnod yr haf. Er mwyn cymryd rhan mi fydd rhaid i chi gofnodi eich defnydd o dechnoleg gwybodaeth i ymarfer eich Cymraeg rhwng Mehefin a Medi. Mi fydd y dysgwr sy’n gwneud y mwyaf o ddefnydd ar draws pob lefel yn derbyn cwrs am ddim blwyddyn nesaf a tanysgrifiad i gychgrawn Lingo.
newyddion sydd o ddiddordeb i’n dysgwyr.
Welcome to the Welsh for Adults
Mi fydd y gystadleuaeth yn cael ei lansio yn swyddogol yn ystod ein Seremoni Wobrwyo ar yr 16eg o Fai yn y Galeri, Caernarfon
department’s fifth newsletter! The purpose of this newsletter is to share information that’s of interest to our learners.
Would you like to win a free course next year? The Department has received funding from the Park Jones Trust to hold a ‘Pori ar y we’ competition over the summer. To take part you will need to note your use of information technology to practise your Welsh between June and September. The learner that makes the most use will receive a free course next year and a subscription to Lingo. The competition will be officially launched during our Award Ceremony on the 16th of May in the Galeri, Caernarfon.
Cystadleuaeth dosbarth y flwyddyn / Class of the year competition Dyddiad cau / Closing date: 11.4.14 Eisteddfod y Dysgwyr— tudalen 12-14
Bydd cyfle i ddosbarthiadau fynd ati i drefnu gweithgaredd i ddysgwyr gael ymarfer eu Cymraeg yn anffurfiol yn eu hardal hwy.
area for other Welsh learners to practise their Welsh informally.
Sut i gystadlu?
The class must contact their Co-Ordinator noting their intention and the details of the activity in order to receive the college’s consent to hold the activity.
Bydd yn ofynnol i’r dosbarth gysylltu â’u Cydlynydd yn nodi eu bwriad a manylion y weithgaredd er mwyn derbyn sêl bendith y coleg i gynnal y digwyddiad. Bydd y beirniad yn mynychu rhan o’r weithgaredd allgyrsiol ac yna’n adrodd yn ôl i’r Panel o feirniaid.
How to compete?
A judge will attend part of the informal activity and will report back to the Judges’ Panel.
Gwobr/Award: £200 This is an opportunity for a class to arrange an activity in their
Seremoni Wobrwyo / Award Ceremony 16.05.14 am 6 o’r gloch Stiwdio 2, Y Galeri Caernarfon
Dysgu Cymraeg gyda Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Dyma ddywedodd rhai o’n dysgwyr am y profiad o ddysgu Cymraeg gyda Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. / Here’s what some of our learners said about the experience of learning Welsh with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai.
Dyma ysgrifennodd Jake Sallaway-Costello o ddosbarth Mynediad 2, Bangor yn newyddlen adran Seicoleg, Prifysgol Bangor. / This is what Jake Sallaway-Costello from the Entry 2, Bangor class wrote in
Bangor University’s Psychology Department newsletter:
"Dwi caru Cymru achos dw i wrth fy modd yn dysgu a siarad Cymraeg! This is what I proudly said last month whilst being filmed as part of Coleg Menai’s video celebrating Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen, in which learners across North Wales were asked why they love their country. My answer, amongst many possibilities, was that I love Wales because I love learning and speaking Welsh. I can’t begin to count the number of times that a fellow student, member of staff or Bangor native has been shocked at my choice to learn the language during my time at university. But why should they be? Cymraeg is a vibrant, ever growing language that is central to centuries of Celtic culture, and has broken through into the modern age. Bilingual emailing, Welsh-medium degrees and government support have facilitated the language’s transformation from a traditional, ancient mother tongue into a modern, economically beneficial skill that can be appreciated by people all over the UK. When we think back to our days at school, we remember the German teacher that had never been to Germany, and the French tutor that didn’t know the meaning of “voulez-vous couched avec moi?”. We think of the endless hours spent conjugating verbs that you would never use in normal conversation. Welsh language education is nothing like that. The tutors that I have had the privilege of being taught by over the past two years are not only native speakers and linguistic experts, but have a passion for their language and a drive to inspire others to enjoy it as well. They build upon their own experience of learning the language as a mother tongue, to develop exciting and meaningful lessons that enable you to use your Welsh confidently in everyday life. The courses involve trips to local places of Welsh culture, competitions and chances to meet other learners to practice your skills without fear of the other conversationalist talking too fast! Most importantly, you leave every lesson knowing that you’ve learned something new that you can then use to be an active member of the North Wales community. Lessons are offered by both the university and Coleg Menai – I have taken courses at both and found them to be equally interesting, interactive and inspiring. Bangor University students are entitled to a reduction in fees, meaning that weekly lessons can cost as little as £1 per session. Learners also have the opportunity to take optional tests at the end of their course in order to attain qualifications to evidence their language skills, in addition to being able to claim BEA credits for their commitment. I would highly recommend Welsh language learning as a fascinating, diverse hobby for anybody interested in culture, linguistics or personal development. Dw i'n edrych ymlaen i weld chi yn fuan!" Roedd Jake yn ddysgwr y mis ar wefan yn mis Rhafyr hefyd! I weld fideos o ddysgwyr eraill Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn nodi pam eu bod yn Caru Cymru ymwelwch â
Jake was the learner of the month on the website in December aswell! To see the videos of other Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s learners noting why the love Wales, visit cymraegioedolion.grwpllandrillomenai
Dysgu Cymraeg gyda Grŵp Llandrillo Menai
Taith y dysgwyr i Aberystwyth
Dyma ysgrifennodd Kevin Evans o ddosbarth Mynediad 1, Amlwch am ei brofiad o ddysgu Cymraeg ac ymarfer at Eisteddfod y Dysgwyr ar y 14eg o Chwefror. /This is what Kevin Evans from the
Entry 1, Amlwch class wrote about his experience learning Welsh and practising for the Learners Eisteddfod on the 14th February:
VENI, VIDI, VICI….. Well, I have come and joined a thriving Welsh class here in Amlwch, I can now see the challenge ahead, however I do appreciate it’s going to be a long and interesting journey, to conquer! The wet wintry days and nights have been trying – fallen trees, floods etc – but the meeting with likeminded people from all backgrounds, whom like me wish to learn and speak this wonderful language of Welsh, does help to colour the time. To add some spice to this occasion we are also now challenged with the opportunity of taking part in an Eisteddfod in Caernafon on March 14. Created by one of our Amlwch team, Penny, we will endeavour to act a 3 minute sketch to test the knowledge we have learnt over the past 24 weeks! Hopefully we will also bring a little humour into our lives! We shall see, and who knows the above Latin phrase will be met in total….. Dod, Gweld a Trechu! Llongyfarchiadau i ddosbarth Amlwch am gael 1af yn Eisteddfod y Dysgwyr!!!
Congratulations to the Amlwch class for winning the 1st prize at the Learners’ Eisteddfod!!!
Blogio yn y Gymraeg Blogging in Welsh Dach chi’n hoffi sgwennu? Rhowch gynnig ar flogio yn y Gymraeg a chael cyfle i flogio gyda dysgwyr ar draws Cymru Do you like writing? Give blogging in Welsh a go and take the change to blog with other learners from across Wales. Mae ‘Y Wers’ yn safle wê i diwtoriaid Cymraeg i Oedolion. Mi wnaeth Dosbarth Mynediad 1, Caernarfon wneud ymddangosiad arbennig arno gyda’u tiwtor, Martyn Croydon. Hefyd, mae tair o’n tiwtoriaid, Fflur Rees Jones, Mared Lewis a Bethan Gwanas wedi cyfrannu at y wefan.
The ‘Wers’ is a website for Welsh for Adult tutors. The Mynediad 1 class, Caernarfon made a special appearance on the website with their tutor, Martyn Croydon. Also, three other tutor, Fflur Rees Jones, Mared Lewis and Bethan Gwanas have also contributed to the website. TUDALEN/PAGE
Dod i adnabod tiwtor: Rhian Lloyd Jones o Goleg Menai
O le wyt ti’n dŵad yn wreiddiol?
Dw i’n dŵad o Ddolgellau yn wreiddiol - lle neis iawn! 2. Ers pryd dach chi wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg i oedolion? Dw i wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg i Oedolion ers 2011 a dw i wrth fy modd! Ar hyn o bryd, mae gen i ddau ddosbarth gyda Grŵp Llandrillo Menai - dosbarth Mynediad 1 yn Llangefni a dosbarth Mynediad 2 yn Hyfforddiant Parys. Maen nhw’n ddosbarthiadau da iawn! 3. Be dach chi hoffi wneud yn eich amser sbâr? Dw i’n licio cerdded, gwrando ar gerddoriaeth a bwyta allan. Dw i hefyd yn canu mewn côr. 4. Be ydy’ch wŷ pasg gorau? Mae’n well gen i siocled tywyll na siocled gwyn. Felly, dw i isio wŷ pasg siocled tywyll Pasg yma! 5. Be fyddwch chi’n neud dros wyliau Pasg?! Dw i’n sbio mlaen am wyliau Pasg! ‘Da ni’n mynd ar ein gwyliau i Peru am bythefnos!!!
Yn wreiddiol—originally
Wedi bod—have been
Ar hyn o bryd—
Dosbarth(iadau) - class(es)
at the moment Amser sbâr—spare time
Bwyta allan—eating out
Wŷ Pasg—Easter egg
Mae’n well gen i—I prefer
Sbio mlaen—looking forward
Dwynwen y D dr aig
Taith y dysgwyr i Aberystwyth
Taith i wylio y rygbi Coleg Llandrillo a Choleg Menai Dyma ysgrifennodd Sarah Caunt a Helen Kendal am eu profiadau yn mynd i wylio’r rygbi yn ddiweddar. / This is what Sarah Caunt wrote about her experi-
ence going to watch the rugby with her Welsh class recently. Yn mis Mawrth aeth ein dosbarth Cymraeg a dosbarth arall i weld tîm rygbi Cymru o dan 20ain ym Mharc Eirias. Mi wnaethon ni wisgo dillad Cymreig a wnaethon ni fynd â baneri. Mi chwaraeon nhw yn erbyn Ffrainc. Roedd yr awyrgylch yn fendigedig! Mi brynon ni gwrw Cymraeg a mi wnaethon ni ffeindio ein seddi. Roedd hi’n wych i glywed pawb yn canu yr anthem genedlaethol. Er na wnaeth Cymru ennill mi gaethon ni amser da iawn. (Sarah Caunt) Geirfa Mawrth —
Ffrainc — France
Gwisgo — dress
Awyrgylch —
Clywed — hear
Anthem Genedlaethol—
Caneuon - songs
da Aethon ni wylio'r rygbi dan 20 oed a hyd yn oed er ei fod yn wlyb ac yn oer roedd yn hwyl. Mi wnaethon ni gyfarfod ddysgwyr eraill Cymraeg a canu caneuon Cymraeg tra'n yfed cwrw Cymraeg. Felly, gaethon ni hwyl a dw i wedi dysgu am rygbi! (Helen Kendall)
I dderbyn y newyddion diweddaraf am adran Cymraeg i Oedolion, dilynwch ni ar Facebook a Twitter To receive the latest news about the Welsh for Adults department, follow us on Facebook & Twitter Cyfeiriad/Address: @dysgwyrcymraeg
A chance to practice your Cymraeg! Ardal MEIRIONNYDD Area DYDDIAD Date 2il Sadwrn o bob mis 2nd Saturday of every month 07.04.14
AMSER Time 11:00
Oakley Arms,
Cyfle i sgwrsio
Chance to chat
Coleg MeirionDwyfor,
‘Gweithgaredd dosbarth y flwyddyn Dosbarth C2, Dolgellau
COST Cost £0
Class of the year activity Intermediate 2, Dolgellau 15.05.14
I’w gadarnhau
Coleg MeirionDwyfor,
‘sketch’ Geithgaredd dosbarth y flwyddyn - Mynediad 2, Dolgellau
Arddangos crefftiau yn ystod Yr Ysgol Basg.
To be confirmed
Class of the year activity - Entry 2, Dolgellau Craft exhibit during the Ysgol Basg
Cost £0
19:00 21:00
Noson o weithgareddau a gemau
Marine Hotel,
An evening of activities and games
I’w gadarnhau
Taith Gerdded
To be confirmed
Gricieth i/to Llanystumdwy
Walk & Talk
To be confirmed Dwynwen y Ddraig
Ardal MENAI Area
Taith y dysgwyr i Aberystwyth
18:00 - 19:00
Gwesty’r Bull
Peint a Sgwrs
Pint & a Chat
10.04.14, 15.05.14,
Hotel 03.04.14
18:00 - 20:00
Gwesty’r Bull
Clwb Dysgwyr Ynys Môn
Noson o weithgareddau hwyliog
Anglesey Learners Club Evening of fun activities 18.05.14
I’w gadarnhau
Taith gerdded
To be confirmed 23.05.14
Clwb Dysgwyr Ynys Môn
Anglesey Learners Club Aberffraw
Walk & Talk Diwrnod yn Llys Llywelyn
A day at Llys Llywelyn
AMSER Time 19:00 - 21:00
unwaith y mis
2nd Saturday of every month Bob dydd Iau Every Thursday 4ydd Sadwrn y mis 4th Saturday of every month
Location Ffordd Derwen,
Clwb Cymraeg y Rhyl
Paned a Sgwrs
Cuppa & a chat
Friday evening, once a month
Ail ddydd Sadwrn y mis
Library 10:00-12:00
Caffi BHS,
Paned a Sgwrs
Llandudno Bae Restaurant,
Cuppa & a chat Paned a Sgwrs
Bae Penrhyn Bay
Cuppa & a chat
Digwyddiadau anffurfiol / Informal activities Cyngerdd gyda offerynnwyr ifanc ardal Gwynedd a Môn Fel rhan o gystadleuaeth dosbarth y flwyddyn mi wnaeth dosbarth Mynediad 2, Porthaethwy drefnu cyngerdd gydag offerynnwyr ifanc ardal Gwynedd a Môn. Y dysgwyr oedd yn gyfrifol am gyflwyno’r eitemau cerddorol. Dipyn o gamp o flaen dros 80 o bobl. Casglwyd £161 tuag at ymgyrch WATSAN UK.
As part of the Class of the year competition the Entry 2 class, Menai Bridge arranged a concert with young musicians from Gwynedd and Anglesey. The learners were responsible for introducing the musical items. Quite an achievement in front of over 80 people. £161 was raised towards the WATSAN UK campaign.
Diolch i Susan, Wendy, Carol, Richard, Simon a Leah ac i’w tiwtor Mared Lewis am yr holl waith caled!
Dwynwen y Ddraig
Taith y dysgwyr i Aberystwyth
Parti Swish
Eto, fel rhan o gystadleuaeth dosbarth y flwyddyn aeth dosbarth Mynediad 1, Amlwch ati i gaslu nwyddau oedd bron iawn yn newydd i’w cyfnewid mewn parti swish. Roedd gan bob aelod o’r dosbarth ddyletswyddau gwahanol yn ystod y pnawn. Roedd rhai yn gyfrifol am groesawu, eraill yn gasglu pres am y raffl a’r dynion yn y gegin yn gwneud y tê! Casgwlyd dros £300 tuag at ymgyrch corwynt Hayann.
Again, as part of the class of the year competition the Entry 1 class, Amlwch collected nearly new items to exchange in a swish party. Every member of the class had a different responsibility during the afternoon. Some members were responsible for welcoming people, others were collecting money for the raffle and the men were in the kitchen making the tea! Over £300 was raised towards the hurricane Hayann appeal.
Diolch i Robert, Kevin, Penny, Janet, Barbara, Beth, Elizabeth ac i Valmai eu tiwtor am roi cymaint o’u hamser. Cofiwch dim ond ers mis Medi maen nhw wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg!
Digwyddiadau anffurfiol / informal activities Noson gyda consuriwr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai oedd yn gyfrifol am Clwb Conwy yn ystod mis Rhagfyr. Daeth dosbarthiadau at ei gilydd am noson yng nhwmni y Consuriwr Paul Edwards.
Grŵp Llandrillo Menai were responsible for Clwb Conwy during December. Classes came together for an evening in the company of the Magician Paul Edwards.
Noson i ddathlu Santes Dwynwen Coleg Menai, Bangor Daeth dosbarthiadau o Goleg Menai at ei gilydd i ddysgu am Nawddsant Cariadon Cymru yn ystod mis Ionawr. Cafwyd bwyd blasus iawn wedi’i baratoi gan fyfyrwyr arlwyo Coleg Menai.
Classes from Coleg Menai came together in January to celebrate the patrons Saint of lovers. The food was prepared by catering students from Coleg Menai.
Dwynwen y Ddraig
Taith y dysgwyr i Aberystwyth
Noson lansio Clwb dysgwyr Ynys Môn
Daeth 28 o ddysgwyr GLlM a’r Brifysgol at ei gilydd i lansio ‘Clwb Dysgwyr Ynys Môn’ yn y Bull, Llangefni yn ystod mis Chwefror. Pwrpas y noson oedd i’r dysgwyr nodi be hoffen nhw ei weld yn digwydd ar Ynys Môn . Y cwis oedd prif weithgaredd y noson—da iawn i dîm GLlM am ennill. Mae digwyddiadau pellach wedi’u trefnu ac wedi eu nodi ar dudalen 7. 28 learners came together to launch of the ‘Anglesey learners Club’ in the Bull, Llangefni during February. The purpose of the night was for learners to note what activities they would like to see on Anglesey to help learners use their Welsh with fellow learners and outside of the classroom. A quiz was the main activity during the evening—well done to the GLlM team for winning!
Further activities have been planned and are listed on page 7.
Eisteddfod y Dysgwyr Learners Eisteddfod Clwb Canol dre, Caernnarfon oedd lleoliad Eisteddfod y Dysgwyr (gorllewin) eleni ar nos Wener y 14eg o Chwefror. Daeth dysgwyr o bob rhan o’r gorllewin i gystadlu mewn nifer o gystadlaethau. Nid yn unig roedd cytadlaethau ar y llwyfan ond daeth nifer o ddysgwyr GLlM i’r brîg yn y cystadleuthau gwaith cartref. Clwb Canol Dre, Caernarfon was the location for the Learners Eisteddfod (west) this year. On Friday evening the 14th of March learners from all parts of the West came to compete in a number of competitions. Not only where there competitions on the stage but a number of learners from GLlM came on top in the homework competitions.
Dwynwen y Ddraig
Taith y dysgwyr i Aberystwyth
Canlyniadau / Results
Trowch i dudalen 14 i ddarllen hanes Caroline Dovey, Enillydd y Gadair yn yr Eisteddfod!
Turn to page 14 to read about Caroline Dovey, the winner of the Chair in the Eisteddfod!
Caroline Dovey Enillydd y Gadair / Winner of the Chair Caroline Dovey o Ddinas, Pen Llŷn oedd enillydd Cadair Eisteddfod y Dysgwyr eleni. Mae Caroline yn dysgu Cymraeg efo Helen Oswy Roberts yn Nefyn. Mae Caroline yn dŵad o Seland Newydd yn wreiddiol. Mae hi wedi byw yng Nghymru ers 17 o flynyddoedd. Mi wnaeth Caroline sgwennu cerdd am ei harwr Iolo Williams. Caroline Dovey from Dinas on the Llŷn Peninsula won the Chair in the learners Eisteddfod this year. Caroline is learning Welsh with Helen Oswy Roberts in Nefyn. Caroline is originally from New Zeland. She has lived in Wales for 17 years. Caroline wrote a poem about her hero Iola Williams .
Parêd Dydd Gŵyl Dewi, Pwllheli
Fel rhan o ddathliadau Dydd Gwyl Dewi aeth aelodau staff yr Adran a dysgwyr i orymdeithio trwy strydoedd Pwllheli. Dyma Fflur, Eluned, Martyn, Caroline a Mai yn cario baner y Ddraig Goch!
As part of the St David’s Day celebrations staff from the department and learners marched through the streets of Pwllheli Here is Fflur, Eluned, Martyn, Caroline and Mai carrying the Welsh Dragon banner.! Dwynwen y Ddraig
Martyn yn ffilmio gyda HENO! Martyn filming with HENO! Mae blwyddyn Martyn Croydon fel dysgwr y flwyddyn yn prysur ddod i ben. I nodi dyddiad cau y gystadleuaeth eleni daeth Elin Fflur a chriw HENO i ffilmio Martyn yn dysgu yng Ngholeg Menai Llangefni ac wedyn cynnal gygweliad ag o.
Martyn Croydon’s year as learner of the year is fast coming to an end. To note the closing date for the competition this year, Elin Fflur and the HENO cast came to film Martyn teaching at Coleg Menai, Llangefni and then held an interview with him.
Taith y dysgwyr i Aberystwyth
Presenoldeb 100% Attendance
Dyma Amanda Dickinson o ddosbarth Mynediad 2, Abergele. Amanda wnaeth ennill y gystadleuaeth presenoldeb 100 % yn nhymor 1. Ewch i’n tudalen Facebook i weld fideo o Amanda yn esbonio sut mae hi wedi llwyddo i fynychu pob gwers! This is Amanda Dickinson from the Entry 2 class, Abergele. Amanda won the 100% attendance competition during term 1. Go to our Facebook page to see Amanda explaining how she has managed to attend every lesson!
*Mae Amanda yn priodi yn fuan—Dymuniadau gorau i ti!*
Quizlet Y Pasg Rhowch gynnig ar y quizlet am y Pasg drwy deipio y cyfeiriad isod yn ei peiriant chwilio ar eich cyfrifiadur. /Give this Easter themed Quizlet a go by typing this address in your computer’s search bar
Hoffai tîm Cymraeg i Oedolion Grŵp Llandrillo Menai ddymuno Pasg Hapus i chi a phob hwyl efo gweddill y cwrs! The Welsh for Adults team would like to wish you all a Happy Easter and we wish you well with the rest of the course!
Rhifyn nesaf / Next issue : Mehefin / June 2014