Pecyn 'Adnoddau ar-lein' i ddysgwyr Cymraeg

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Adnoddau ar-lein i ddysgwyr Cymraeg

GrĹľp Llandrillo Menai Hydref 2013


1. Cardiau fflach ar-lein On-line flash cards 1. Byddwch angen cardyn aelodaeth eich llyfrgell lleol er mwyn gallu cofrestru a mewngofnodi. You will need your local library’s membership card in order to be able to register and to log in. 2. Cynnwys: cyfres o gardiau fflach wedi’u creu yn barod er mwyn i chi allu dysgu geirfa newydd ar wahanol bynciau. Content: a series of pre-made flash cards to enable you to learn new vocabulary in a range of different subjects.

2. Quizlet 1. Byddwch angen cofrestru i ddefnyddio’r safle y tro cyntaf. You will need to register when you first visit the site. 2. Gall eich tiwtor greu Quizlet i chi er mwyn i chi ddysgu geirfa neu adolygu. Your tutor can create a Quizlet for you to learn new words or to revise. 3. Neu, gallwch chi greu Quizlet eich hun! Or, you can create your own Quizlet! Sut i ddefnyddio Quizlet / How to use Quizlet: 1. Teipiwch / Type: 2. I gofrestru, cliciwch ar y botwm ‘sign up’ sydd ar yr ochr dde, ar dop y dudalen. To register, click the ‘sign up’ button on the right hand side at the top of the page. 3. Llenwch y bylchau gyda’ch manylion gan gofio gwneud cofnod o’ch enw defnyddiwr a’ch cyfrinair at y tro nesaf! Fill in your details and remember to make a note of your username and password for next time! Tro nesaf, gallwch fewngofnodi wrth glicio ar y botwm ‘log in’ ar dop y dudalen gartref. Next time, you can log in by clicking the ‘log in’ button at the top of the homepage.


4. Ar ôl i chi greu Quizlet, yr ail dro y byddwch yn mewngofnodi, bydd eich holl gyflwyniadau yn ymddangos ar eich tudalen gartref. After you’ve created your Quizlet, the next time that you log in, all of your presentations will appear on your homepage. 5. I greu cyflwyniad newydd, cliciwch ar y botwm ‘create’ sydd yn y bar glas ar dop y dudalen. To create a new set, click on the button ‘create’ in the blue bar at the top of the page.

6. Teipiwch yr wybodaeth am eich cyflwyniad yn y bylchau Type in the details about your set.

7. a. Yng ngholofn a, dewisiwch yr iaith Gymraeg a theipiwch yr eirfa. In column A, choose the Welsh language options and enter the vocabulary. b. Yng ngholofn b, dewisiwch yr iaith Saesneg a theipiwch y cyfieithiad gyferbyn. In column B, choose the English language option and type in the translation. c. Gyda’r eirfa Gymraeg, mae modd i chi gael y to bach drwy glicio ar y llythrennau yn y blwch ar yr ochr dde. It’s possible for you to include the circumflex accent by clicking on the letters in the box that’s on the right hand side. ch. Er mwyn ychwanegu rhagor o linellau, cliciwch ar ‘Add row: click here’ ar waelod y dudalen neu pwyswch ‘tab’ ar eich bysellfwrdd. To add rows, click ‘add row: click here’ at the bottom of the page or press ‘tab’ on your keyboard. d. Ar ôl gorffen teipio’r eirfa a’r cyfieithiad, cliciwch ar ‘create set’ ar waelod y dudalen. After entering the vocabulary and the translation, click on ‘create set’ at the bottom of the page.



b. .


ch. d. .

8. Llongyfarchiadau! Mae’r cyfrifiadur wedi cynhyrchu nifer o gemau i chi yn ogystal â chardiau fflach a nodiadau! Congratulations! The computer has now produced several games, flash cards and notes for you! 9. Ar ochr chwith y dudalen, yn y top, ceir cyfeiriad unigryw y cyflwyniad yma. At the left hand side, at the top of the page you’ll see this page’s unique web address.

10. Gellir clicio ar y saethau i weld y cardiau fflach er mwyn dysgu’r eirfa. You can click on the arrows in order to view the flash cards and learn the vocabulary.

O dicio’r bocs ‘both sides’, gellir gweld y gair Cymraeg a’r cyfieithiad. By ticking the box ‘both sides’, you can see the Welsh word and the translation.


11. O dan y cardiau fflach, ceir tasgau amrywiol i chi eu cwblhau. Underneath the flash cards, there are various tasks for you to complete. 12. ‘Cards’: Cardiau fflach sydd yma a mae modd iddyn nhw weld y Gymraeg yn unig neu’r ddwy iaith. Flash cards. You’ll be able to view the Welsh only or both languages. 13. ‘Learn’: Gêm gyfieithu yw hon gyda’r cyfrifiadur yn cadw’r sgôr hefyd! A translation game with the computer adding your score! O glicio ar y botwm ‘answer’, mae’r cyfrifiadur yn marcio’r cyfieithiad. Os dach chi wedi cam-gyfieithu, ceir neges tebyg i hon: By clicking on the ‘answer’ button, the computer marks your translation. If you’ve translated incorrectly, you’ll receive a similar message to this: 14. ‘Test’: Ceir cyfres o gwestiynau yma i chi eu cyfieithu a dewis yr atebion cywir. Mae modd i chi wirio’r atebion drwy glicio ar y botwm ‘check answers’ ar waelod y dudalen. A series of questions for you to translate and choose the correct answers. You’re able to check your answers by clicking the ‘check answers’ button at the bottom of the page. 15. ‘Scatter’: Gêm gystadleuol iawn! Mae’n rhaid i chi lusgo’r gair Cymraeg at y cyfieithiad cywir. Cofiwch wylio’r cloc! A very competitive game! You have to drag the Welsh word on to the correct translation. Remember to watch the clock! 16. ‘Space Race’: Gêm gystadleuol arall, ble mae’n rhaid i chi deipio’r cyfieithiad cywir yn y blwch ar waelod y dudalen cyn i’r gair Saesneg gyrraedd pen ei daith. Mae’r gêm yma hefyd yn cael ei hamseru. Another competitive game, where you have to type in the correct translation before the English word disappears across the screen. This game is also timed.


17. Gellir argraffu nodiadau drwy glicio ar y botwm ‘print’. You’re able to print notes by clicking on the button ‘print’.

3. Gwefan Clic Clonc Website 1. Teipiwch y cyfeiriad we. Type in the web address. 2. Cliciwch ar eich hardal ar y map. Click on your area on the map. 3. Cwblhewch y tasgau a gwyliwch y fideos! Complete the tasks and watch the videos!

4. Skype 

Bob nos Lun. Every Monday evening.

 

5:00-5:30 – dysgwyr Mynediad 5:30-6:00 – dysgwyr Sylfaen

Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â Martyn Croydon. For further details, contact Martyn Croydon:

5. App CBAC App store App defnyddiol sy’n cyd-fynd â’r llyfr cwrs. An useful app that corresponds with the course book.

6. Gwefan Gweiadur Website Geiriadur ar-lein defnyddiol. An useful on-line dictionary.


7. Facebook Dilynwch ni ar Facebook i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am yr adran ac am ddigwyddiadau i ddysgwyr yn eich ardal chi. Follow us on Facebook to receive further information about the department and to receive information about events for learners in your area.

8. A470 Blog i ddysgwyr Cymraeg. A blog for Welsh learners.

9. Y Bont Fawr 1. Cliciwch ar y tab ‘dysgwyr’. Click on the ‘dysgwyr’ tab. 2. Ar waelod y dudalen, cliciwch ar eich lefel e.e. Mynediad. At the bottom of the page, choose your level, e.g. beginners level. 3. Porwch drwy’r adnoddau! Take a look at the resources available!



Y Bont – Y Gogledd + Clic Clic Cymraeg ***DYSGWYR MYNEDIAD 1***

1. Cliciwch ar ‘log in’ yn y bar piws ar dop y dudalen. Teipiwch eich enw defnyddiwr a’ch cyfrinair. Click on ‘log in’ in the purple bar at the top of the page. Enter your username and password. 2. Cliciwch ar y tab ‘learner’ ac yna ‘Mynediad/Entry’. Click on the ‘learner’ tab and then on ‘Mynediad/Entry’. 3. a) Cliciwch ar ‘Mynediad CBAC’ i weld adnoddau sy’n cyd-fynd â’ch llyfr cwrs. Click on ‘Mynediad CBAC’ to view resources that correspond to your coursebook. b) Cliciwch ar ‘Clic Clic Cymraeg’ i weld yr adnoddau sy’n cyd-fynd â’ch pecyn gwaith cartref, Clic Clic Cymraeg. Click on ‘Clic Clic Cymraeg’ to view the resources that correspond with your homework pack, Clic Clic Cymraeg. Mae’r adnoddau wedi’u rhannu fesul uned sy’n cyd-fynd â’r llyfr. The resources are shown in the units that correspond with the book. **At the bottom of the page, you'll find videos to watch before going to class. They will introduce different aspects of the course to you, then in class you can apply/practise what you've learnt in the video with the help and support from your tutor.



Helen Roberts 01758 701 385 ext. 8622 Meirionnydd

Llinos Jones 01492 546 666 ext.545 Menai

Dorothy Elen 01341 424 914

Eluned James 01248 370 125 ext.3904


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