A Church That Christ Builds | 1
2 | Zion Baptist Church 148th Church Anniversary
From the Pastor’s Pen .................................2 Congratulatory Letters Congresswoman Diana Degette ................3 State Representative Angela Williams .........4 State Representative Rhonda Fields ............5 Mayor Michael Hancock .........................6 Our History ......................................7-12 Events and Programs Rev. Thompson’s Bio ................................ 14 Revival Programs Wednesday, November 6, 2013............... 15 Thursday, November 7, 2013.................. 16 Mayor Hancock’s Bio ................................ 17 Rev. Golson’s Bio .................................... 18 Fifty-Plus Years Banquet Program ................. 19 Fifty-Plus Years Members List ..................... 20 Sunday Morning Program .......................... 22 Responsive Reading.................................. 24 Prayer List ............................................ 25 Hymn of Adoration .................................. 26 Contributors and Sponsors Sponsors .......................................... 28 Journal Ad List .................................. 29 Patron List ........................................ 30 Ads............................................. 31-64 Anniversary Committee ................. Back Cover
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Greetings in the Marvelous, Matchless, and Merciful, name of our Miraculous Saviour Jesus Christ! As we celebrate our 148th Anniversary at Zion Baptist Church, my wife, Kathy, and I look to God with eyes and hearts of Thanksgiving and Gratitude for all of the wonderful things that have been accomplished here at the Mother Church of the Rockies. We are eternally grateful to God for our faithful members and salute the “Fifty-Years Plus” members, who have made possible the physical and spiritual growth of our church through their love, prayers, and sacrificial giving. Let us, too, give the best of our service that we might inspire others. With God’s help, and as we work together, we will build a greater Zion. We are thankful for the many churches that have supported us as we celebrate this momentous occasion, “One Hundred and Forty-Eight Years” (148) of continuous Christian Service. Special thanks to Pastor Cleveland Thompson of Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado, for being our Revivalist and Sunday Morning Worship Service speaker, and Pastor William Golson of True Light Baptist Church for being our 50+year Member Banquet speaker. We are truly grateful for Sis. Gequinn Mattox and the leadership team for the great work that they have done by bringing to us this glorious worship celebration. In your work, you have truly exemplified our church theme, “Unity in the Community” and the spirit of Paul when he said, “I beseech you brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, that there be no division among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” (I Corinthians 1:10) To God be the Glory! Reverend Frank M. Davis, Pastor Deaconess Kathy Davis, First Lady
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Zion Baptist Church has five origination dates! The church recognizes November 15, 1865 and celebrates on the second Sunday in November. v Historians Hafen and Wilbur Fisk Stone cite May 1863 and 1863 as Zion dates of origin respectively. v The Rocky Mountain Baptist Association Minutes also cites the origination date of Zion Baptist Church (sometimes called Second Baptist Church) as May 1863 Reverend Walter McDuffie Potter was a missionary sent to Denver by the American Baptist Home Mission Society in 1863 v Assisted in organizing Zion Baptist Church May 20, 1864 v Preacher for Zion Baptist and Golden Baptist on alternate Tuesdays Reverend Ira Delos Clark pastor of “the Denver Church” after Reverend Potter’s death 1866 to June 1867 v Key figure in the organization of the Rocky Mountain Baptist Association v Circuit Preacher for Zion Baptist Church and was present at the election of Reverend William Norrid in July 1866... According to the Rocky Mountain News, Reverend Norrid was Zion’s first “elected” pastor. None-the-less, Zion Baptist Church is the oldest African American Baptist church in Colorado and quite possibly the Rocky Mountain Region. While its members are proud of the historical significance, “Zionites” accept the supreme mission of service to near and far away neighbors. Since its origination, “helping others” has been a constant theme of Zion’s story. The following is miniscule portion from volumes about a church that was started in the Colorado Territory by dusky men and women who still bore slavery’s dust.
According to church archives, Zion’s founders were “freed” men and women who assembled on 18th and Holladay Street (now called Market Street). Some of the founders, the list varies, were Bathhouse/Barber Shop owner Edward J. Sanderline, Emma Green, Lucy Boyd, Carrie (Caroline) Armstrong, “Ole Timer” Ruben Bosier (Bozier), Reverend William Norrid, Rachel Norrid, William Bosier, Jane Bosier, Thomas J. Riley, The Territory’s first colored citizen of record; and Jane Jackson. Many of the founders, including Pastor Norrid, were from Missouri. He is buried at Denver’s Riverside Cemetery. A headstone was placed at his gravesite in 2003 – 99 years after his death!
Each pastor left indelible legacies to the church. Even Pastor George W. Dupree (Dupee’s) three-month tenure was highlighted by his photograph. Archives have few photographs before the 1940s—save the photograph of this robust, very serious looking man of God from Paducah, Kentucky. From William Norrid to Frank Marvin Davis, the list of 24 (25) pastors is tangible testimony to Zion’s societal legacy. Pastors Julius Fields, William Gray, (ministered to prisoner on death row. Case ended public hangings) Elbert Moore (Became president of the National Baptist Convention), Greene L. Prince, David E .Over-moved Zion to its current site, gold mine owner Dr. John Elijah Ford, Medical Doctor and Pastor William P. T. Jones (Founded Central Baptist Church), W. E. DeClaybrook, William H.Young, (the uncle in-law of Pastor Wendell Theodore Liggins retired Zion’s mortgage), W. T. Liggins (led local civil rights marches and served as a local elected official) , and Frank M. Davis, president of the Western States Baptist Convention. Zion’s pastors were involved in political, social, educational, and/or legal activities.
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Zion’s pastors were and are a part of Denver’s action! September 1911, Philadelphia -- Rev. E. W. Moore, pastor of the Zion Baptist Church delivered a powerful address Monday evening at the Twelfth Street Baptist Church, Boston, Mass. His subject was the “Coatesville Lynching.” Dr. Moore visited Coatesville and saw persons selling the bones of Zack Walker, as souvenirs. His address was convincing and unusually interesting and he was repeatedly interrupted by applause. At the conclusion of his address he was heartily congratulated. (His wife was a talented singer). September 2012, Pastor F. M. Davis supported a voter registration drive after Sunday service. One of the first schools for colored children was at Zion. Zion was one of the 1925 hosts for the National NAACP. Zion’s “new dining room” was considered to be a grand place to eat. W. E. DuBois, Asa Phillip Randolph, Jessie Jackson Senior and Junior, Mayor Benjamin Stapleton, Emily Griffith, Dorothy Height, Myrlie Evers, and many other noted figures graced Zion’s pulpits. Our members have walked with the “kings and queens” of the world. Our members have worked and studied throughout the world. Mayor Wellington Edward Webb, his wife, State Representative Wilma Gerdine Webb, and their daughter, Denver Clerk County Clerk and Recorder Stephanie T. O’Malley shared their power and glory with the church. The first recorded African American “ Baby Doctor” Justina Warren Ford was Zion’s First Lady. Colorado’s first African American public school principal, Jessie Whaley Maxwell, was Zion’s organist and music director for many years. Her husband, Hulett Maxwell, was one of the city’s pioneer African American pharmacists. Many of Zion members own businesses and often give back to Zion. Zion ministries serve others and touch lives 1. Altar Guild 12. Laymen/Brotherhood 23. Shepherd/Hospitality 2. Children 13. Learning Center 24. Sunday School, Vacation Bible 3. Christmas Store 14. Media School, New Members’ Class 4. Deacons 15. Ministers’ Wives 25. Transportation-transports 5. Deaconess 16. Missionary Society members/visitors 6. Evangelism 17. Music 26. Trustees 7. Family Resource Center 18. Nursery 27. Ushers 8. Grants and Resources 19. Praise Dancers 28. Young Adults 9. Health 20. Retiree 29. Youth Department 10. Historians 21. Solace 30. Saint Luke 14 Service Project 11. Job 22. Scholarship Commission Since 1865 (1863), Zion’s buildings have been renovated. When Julius Fields was pastor, the Rocky Mountain News printed a comprehensive story about the renovation of Zion’s 21st and Arapahoe Street building. Mrs. David H. Moffat, the wife of business leader David Moffat, gave Zion a chandelier. May 24, 1892. The members of the Zion Baptist Church (colored) desire to extend their heartfelt thanks to Mrs. D. H. Moffat for a valuable present to their church -- a large and beautiful chandelier. February 7, 1914 -Colorado Statesman-Page 5 Column 3 -A VOTE FOR THE MOFFAT TUNNEL – FEBRUARY 17TH – MEANS MORE BUSINESS AND PROSPERITY FOR DENVER – The Moffat Tunnel is the KEY to the settlement of the largest undeveloped empire in the West. This will put Denver on a main Tran(s) continental Railroad line. A Church That Christ Builds | 11
During Pastor Liggins’ tenure, the main sanctuary and basement- were renovated. The Arney A. Bledsoe Hall was constructed. During Pastor Davis’s tenure, the main sanctuary, kitchen, two main-floor bathrooms were made handicap accessible, a parking lot was added, the nursery was renovated, the two buildings that serve as outreach centers were paid off, the Forest Street Compassionate Care Center was purchased, three vans were acquired, and additional wheel chairs were purchased. About 80% of major exterior renovations were completed with the financial support of the Colorado Historical Society Fund. With the exception of the stained glass windows project, Zion members paid for interior renovations. Colorado Historical Society funds were obtained due to Zion Historical significance. The applications were completed and filed by Zion members. National Register of Historic Places v State Register of Historic Places | July 1, 1981 v Register of Local Landmarks | April 25, 1969 v Denver Landmark Designation
v Number Thirteen #13 v Historic District v San Rafael
Zion’s legacy is its continual commitment to serving others. While Zion is landlocked and many of its currently members do not live “close” to the church, Zion continues to be a light, a lift, and a safe harbor. Professionals and low-low income people reside in Victorian style homes and public agency housing respectively. Zion, perhaps, has stepped away from the spotlight in exchange for the True Light… Some think the church should move closer to its members. Others have ideas about how to “evangelize” or attract members.
Zion Baptist, Denver
Early 1900s Zion Member Well-Known Contactor Builder Howard Troutman
Zion currently has about 900 members. The average attendance is about 250-300 people per Sunday. However, please note that when members want that “special touch”-- that “tried and true” feeling, they come to Zion and lay it all on the altar…of prayer. 12 | Zion Baptist Church 148th Church Anniversary
John Elijah Ford, sitting, with his sisters and brothers: Billy, Vertell, Milton, Dotie, and Georgie, Pastor Ford and “Black Baby Doctor” Justina Lorena Warren Ford Allen, was Zion’s first family from 1899 to 1906. Photograh from Dr. Ford’s great nephew Benjamin McHie, Founder of the African American Registry
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Senior Pastor Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church Colorado Springs, CO Cleveland A. Thompson was born on July 7, 1958 in Liberty Mississippi to the late David L. Thompson Sr. and Vivian N. Thompson. His personal walk with Christ began at age 10 at the Liberty Baptist Church under the leadership of the late Rev. Dr. William H. Tobias. At age 20, he united in holy matrimony with the former Bernice Bates and their holy union has blessed them with four children, Duriel, Shawndell, Dana and Jacey. Reverend Thompson was ordained as Deacon on April 12, 1987 at the Traditional Gospel Church, Lajes Field, Azores, Portugal, by Rev. Dr. Alexander Tate. Deacon Thompson was licensed in the Gospel Ministry May 23rd 1993 at The Greater Strangers Rest Missionary Baptist Church in Fort Worth Texas, under the leadership of Pastor R. E. West. Reverend Cleveland Thompson united with Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church in 1994 and was appointed as First Assistant to the Pastor in July 1999, wherein he was ordained and commissioned on October 24th 1999. Reverend Cleveland Thompson was called by the Emmanuel congregation on October 30th 2006 and preached his first sermon as the Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church Sunday, November 5th 2006 at the 10 am worship hour. Pastor Cleveland Thompson earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Information Systems from the University of Phoenix in 1998 and graduated May 2009 with a Master of Arts Degree in Christian Ministry from the New Geneva Theological Seminary of Colorado Springs. Pastor Thompson honorably served twenty four years in the United States Air Force, retiring in 2001 at the rank of Chief Master Sergeant.
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Wednesday, November 6, 2013 | 7:00pm Revival Leader | Rev. Harvey Bowden
Musical Prelude Call to Worship Revival Meditative Thought Praise & Worship Scripture / Old & New Testament Prayer Musical Selection Welcome Musical Selection
Zion Musicians Pulpit Rev. Harvey Bowden Zion Baptist Church Praise Team Sis. Arvian Harper and Sis. Marsha Anderson Bro. Michael D. Sanderson, Jr. Spirit of Grace Sis. Kesha Kayhill-Taylor Spirit of Grace
Prayer – Zion Minister Offertory Song – “Blessed” (in the city) Introduction of Revivalist Musical Selection
Rev. Frank M. Davis Zion Baptist Church Choir
Rev. Cleveland Thompson, Pastor Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church, Colorado Springs, CO Invitation to Discipleship Song of Invitation Altar Call | Prayer of Restoration Remarks Benediction
Rev. Frank M. Davis “Come Unto Jesus” or Selected Rev. Raymond Groves, III | Rapture Baptist Church Rev. Frank M. Davis Rev. Cleveland Thompson
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Thursday, November 7, 2013 | 7:00 pm Revival Leader | Rev. James Curry, II
Musical Prelude Call to Worship Revival Meditative Thought Praise & Worship Scripture / Old & New Testament Prayer Musical Selection Welcome Musical Selection
Zion Musicians Pulpit Rev. James Curry, II WSBC Praise Team Sis. Candace Davis and Bro. Kenny Barber, Jr. Minister Dominique Buckley | LivingWater North Gate The Sankey Group | New Hope Baptist Church, Pueblo Bro. Alvin Braswell The Sankey Group | New Hope Baptist Church, Pueblo
Prayer – Zion Minister Offertory Song – “Thank You Lord” (for all you’ve done for me) Introduction of Revivalist Musical Selection
Rev. Frank M. Davis WSBC Praise Team
Rev. Cleveland Thompson Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church, Colorado Springs, CO Invitation to Discipleship Song of Invitation Altar Call / Prayer of Restoration Remarks Benediction
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Rev. Frank M. Davis “I Have Decided” or Selected Rev. Richard Lewis | House of Hope Sis. Gequinn Mattox Rev. Frank M. Davis Rev. Cleveland Thompson
New Hope Baptist Church, Denver, CO Presentation of Certificates Fifty-Plus Members Banquet As the youngest in a family of 10 children, Mayor Michael B. Hancock learned the importance of faith at a very young age. Mayor Hancock’s role model and surrogate father, Uncle Gene Loving, took him and his twin sister Michelle to church on a regular basis beginning at age five. When his uncle was not able to attend a service, the Mayor would take it upon himself to walk to church. At the age of 16, Mayor Hancock dedicated his life to Christ, was baptized and joined the Macedonia Baptist Church. In 2004, Mayor Hancock, First Lady Mary Louise Lee and their children joined Denver’s historic New Hope Baptist Church, where they are active members today. Mayor Hancock was first ordained as a Deacon at Macedonia in 1998 by Pastor Paul Martin. He was then ordained at New Hope by Pastor James D. Peters in 2006 and he continues his board responsibilities as a Deacon. In this capacity, the Mayor has served as a spiritual leader for a number of members of the congregation, taught numerous classes on biblical leadership and delivered sermonic messages to churches locally and across the country. Today, Mayor Hancock is the proud father of three children - Alayna, Jordan and Janae - and he and his wife, First Lady Mary Louise Lee, have been married for 17 years.
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Founder and Senior Pastor True Light Baptist Church, Montbello, CO Keynote Address Pastor Golson is a Denver native, graduating from East High School in Denver. He continued his education at Southern Colorado State College where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic Engineering Technology in 1972. Before becoming full-time pastor of True Light in September of 1992, Rev. Golson was employed for 17 years at Ball Aerospace Systems Group in Boulder, Colorado where his last assignment was as a Program Manager for Electo-optical Focal Plane Development. In conjunction with his secular employment, he also served as Minister of Youth and Children, and Minister of Outreach and Education while at New Hope Baptist Church. In 1988, he and his family planted True Light Baptist Church in the Montbello subdivision of Denver. Under his leadership, True Light has grown and is recognized as one of the most progressive churches throughout the city. He graduated from Denver Seminary with a Masters of Divinity Degree in 2000 and has completed course work in the Doctor of Ministry Executive Leadership Program at Denver Seminary. Pastor Golson serves as the Senior Pastor and Founder of True Light Baptist Church and also is the President of the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance; an alliance of approximately 50 churches throughout metro Denver and Aurora. His inspiring sermons can be heard daily during the mornings and afternoons, and Sunday morning on 1220 KLDC. Pastor Golson has authored four books: “On the Matter of Relationships,” “AdjustingYour Copy Quality,” “Good Advice From A Player,” and “FACING GIANTS: Don’t Let Giants Cause You a Faith Failure.” Rev. Golson’s ministerial philosophy is rooted in the acknowledgment of God’s power as expressed in the Pauline benediction of Ephesians 3:20, 21 (NKJV), “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” God has truly manifested his power in the life of Pastor Golson and in the body of believers that he is called to serve. Pastor Golson is married to Melvia Jo and has two children: Melody and William (wife, Ashley), and three grandchildren: Sable, Autumn, and Olivia. 20 | Zion Baptist Church 148th Church Anniversary
Saturday, November 9, 2013 | 3:00 pm Musical Prelude by Presiding Musician | Minister Nathaniel Black | Ebenezer Master & Mistress of Ceremonies | Bro. Roger Fletcher & Sis. Tamara Evans Seating of Head Table Processional of Fifty-Plus Years Members | Bro. Norvell Ballard & Sis. Nina Duke, Announcers Presentation of Certificates | Mayor Michael B. Hancock Memorial Ceremony | Braylin Davis & Gabriel Suggs, Attendants Welcome Introduction of Mayor Michael B. Hancock Greetings from the City & County of Denver Scripture Instrumental Tribute The Occasion Negro National Anthem Prayer & Blessing of the Food
Sis. Francine Brown Sis. Stephanie O’Malley, Deputy Chief of Staff Mayor Michael B. Hancock Ms. Kiira S. Wilson Rev. John Richardson | Pastor, Greater St. John Sis. Pauletta Jackson “Lift Every Voice & Sing” | Everyone please stand Rev. Thomas J. Curry
“Please enjoy your dinner featuring Zion’s History video” Greetings from the State of Colorado Musical Tribute Tribute to Fifty-Plus Years Members Musical Tribute Introduction of Keynote Speaker Keynote Address Invitation to Discipleship Song of Invitation Acknowledgements & Presentations Remarks & Benediction
State Representative Angela Williams Sis. Marsie Taylor | Ebenezer Sis. Sharon Simpson Sis. Marsie Taylor | Ebenezer Rev. Frank M. Davis Rev. William Golson | Pastor,True Light Rev. Frank M. Davis Minister Nathaniel Black | Ebenezer Anniversary Committee Rev. Frank M. Davis
Thank you for joining us to celebrate our fifty-plus year’s members! We pray that God will bless and keep you today and always! Remember that with God ALL things are possible! A Church That Christ Builds | 21
Fifty-Plus Years Members 1. Sis. Vernette Baxter 1937 2. Bro. Alexander Duncan 1938 3. Sis. Carneice Brown-White 1939 4. Sis. Annette R. Groves 1941 5. Sis. Margie Steger 1941 6. Bro. Robert Grant 1942 7. Sis. Earnese Johnson 1942 8. Sis. Clarice J. Lee 1942 9. Sis. Lydia M. Napue 1943 10. Sis. Jerry Hardiman 1943 11. Sis. Helen Washington 1944 12. Sis. Tranny K. Carr 1945 13. Sis. Marilyn Norman 1945 14. Sis. Olivia Toles 1945 15. Sis. Artie B. Wesley 1945 16. Sis. Alma D. Johnson 1946 17. Sis. Edna M. Jones 1946 18. Sis. Sherlyne Gregg-Willis 1946 19. Bro. Purnell Steen 1946 20. Sis. Murlene Gayles-Threet 1947 21. Sis. Sharon Chambers-Knox 1948 22. Sis. Katherine Ellerbee 1948 23. Sis. Betty Rolison 1948 24. Sis. Joyce Phillips 1949 25. Rev. Rayford Pouncy 1949 26. Sis. Patricia Chapman 1950 27. Sis. Gwendolyn Evans 1950 28. Bro. Elbert Grove 1950 29. Sis. Laura Grove 1950 30. Sis. Ruth I. Jones 1950 31. Sis. Kathryne McKinney 1950 32. Sis. Lemmie Daviss 1950 33. Sis. Clementine Pigford 1951 34. Bro. John A. Stovall 1951 35. Sis. Rosie Lee Thompson 1951 36. Sis. AlRuth Toney 1951 37. Bro. William Nelson 1951 38. Sis. Katheryn Grove-Wright 1951 39. Sis. Carolyn Hardiman 1952 40. Bro. James White 1952 22 | Zion Baptist Church 148th Church Anniversary
41. Sis. Hazel Whitsett 1952 42. Sis. Ernestine Stovall 1952 43. Sis. Ivory Wilson 1952 44. Sis. Gertrude Fisher 1952 45. Sis. Sharyon Moore 1952 46. Sis. Della Donna-Matthews 1953 47. Sis. Alice Allen 1953 48. Sis. Loretta Alexander 1953 49. Sis. Ardella Ikner 1953 50. Sis. Wilma J. McCloud 1954 51. Sis. Ernestine White 1954 52. Sis. E. Diane Cunningham 1954 53. Sis. Debra Baker 1954 54. Sis. Geraldine A. Kennedy 1954 55. Dr. Joyce Marie Davis 1955 56. Bro. Roy Norman 1955 57. Bro. James T. Day 1955 58. Sis. Edith “Cookie” Cousins 1955 59. Sis. Dellcenia Day 1956 60. Sis. Katrina Bush 1956 61. Dr. Mabel Turner 1956 62. Sis. Shirley Briscoe 1956 63. Sis. Viola Garlington 1957 64. Bro. Roy Garlington 1957 65. Sis. Doris Todd-Lewis 1957 66. Sis. Sally A.L. Edwards 1957 67. Bro. Marvin Carr 1957 68. Sis. Leniece Cole 1957 69. Sis. Gazie Jackson 1957 70. Sis. Judy Kirkland 1957 71. Sis. Patricia Royston Harris 1958 72. Sis. Ellena Spaght 1958 73. Sis. Olivia Grove-Jones 1958 74. Sis. Barbara Hurst 1958 75. Sis. Linda Donna 1958 76. Deborah Tarver 1958 77. Sis. Myrtle Smith 1959 78. Sis. Sharon Bridgeforth 1959 79. Sis. Johnnie Peters 1959 80. Sis. Reba Johnson 1959
Fifty-Plus Years Members 81. Sis. Luvenia Clinkscales 1959 82. Bro. Calvin Fields 1959 83. Bro. Wayne Grove 1959 84. Sis. Mary Fields 1959 85. Sis. Theonya Robinson 1960 86. Bro. Raymond Stith 1960 87. Sis. Doris Stallworth 1960 88. Bro. Nathaniel Estes 1960 89. Sis. Juanetta Sue Lawrence 1961 90. Bro. Robert Sweet 1961 91. Sis. Claudette Sweet 1961 92. Sis. Hattie Reeves 1961 93. Sis. Bernice Champion 1961 94. Sis. Gloria Rolison 1961 95. Sis. Brenda Jackson 1961 96. Sis. Velma Sims 1962 97. Sis. Emma Jackson 1963 98. Sis. Mattie Sebree 1963 99. Bro. Owen Sebree 1963 100. Sis. Kathen Peden 1963 101. Bro. Graylon Cole 1963 102. Sis. Mary Fields 1963 ZION BAPTIST CHURCH DECEASED 50-PLUS YEAR MEMBERS October 2012 through October 2013 Sis. Mary Grove Sis. Florine Lavender Sis. Eula Patton-Mills Sis. Carolyn Porter Sis. Delilah Bridgeforth Bro. Richard Broussard Sis. Brenda Howell Bro. Miller Sewing Sis. Claretha Pate Sis. Christine Malone Sis. Elizabeth Kellum
October 2, 2012 October 14, 2012 November 7, 2012 December 21, 2012 December 24, 2012 February 19, 2013 April 14, 2013 June 28, 2013 July 16, 2013 July 17, 2013 September 22, 2013
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Sunday, November 10, 2013 | 10:30 am
Sacred Instrumental Music Call to Worship Praise & Worship Introduction of Mistress of Ceremonies Mistress of Ceremonies
Musicians Pastor Frank M. Davis “God is Great” –Patterson Patrick & Steven O’Malley Sis. Stephanie O’Malley
Usher Ministry “We’re Marching to Zion” –Lowry Prayer of Thanksgiving Responsive Reading
Zion Minister Deaconess Tranny Carr
Gloria Patri Hymn of Adoration Confession of Faith Acknowledgement of Visitors Song of Praise A Moment in Zion History
“The Solid Rock”–Mote and Bradbury Sis. Jerry Hardiman Sis. Bernice Champion “Jesus is a Rock” –Burleigh Children’s Ministry
Pastor Frank M. Davis “Just Want to Praise You”–Brown-Clark
A Moment in Zion History Greetings
Acknowledgement of 50+ Years Members A Moment in Zion History
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Youth Ministry | Jayla Jackson & Steven O’Malley Tracy J. Winchester Executive Director, Five Points Business District Rhonda Fields Colorado State Representative, District 42 Deaconess Alma D. Johnson Young Adult Ministry
Sunday, November 10, 2013 | 10:30 am
Song of Inspiration Altar Call Introduction of Guest Speaker
“God of Promise” –Smallwood Pastor Frank M. Davis Pastor Frank M. Davis
Rev. Cleveland Thompson, Pastor Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church, Colorado Springs, CO Invitation to Discipleship Song of Invitation Remarks Song of Recession Benediction/Threefold Amen
Pastor Frank M. Davis “I Need Your Glory” –Fortune Sis. Gequinn Mattox Pastor Frank M. Davis “Zion is Calling” –Brooks Rev. Cleveland Thompson
Please join us again next year for our 149th Anniversary. SAVE THE DATES: November 5-6 & 8-9, 2014
To all who are weary and need rest; to all who are lonely and want friendship; to all who mourn and need comfort; to all who pray, and to all who do not, but ought…
To all who sin and need a Savior; and to all whosoever will – this Church opens wide the door and says in the name of the Lord Jesus – WELCOME.
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(St. Matthew 16: 13-18)
LEADER When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? RESPONSE And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. LEADER He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? RESPONSE And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. LEADER And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. UNISON And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth, and in Jesus Christ His only son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried. The Third day, He arose from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence, He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Universal Church, the Communion of Saints, the Forgiveness of Sins, the Resurrection of the Body, and Life Everlasting. AMEN
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Forest Street Care Center, 3345 Forest St. 80207
Bro. Alexander Duncan Sis. Kathryne McKinney Rev. Rayford Pouncy
Jewell Care Center, 4450 E. Jewell Ave. 80222
Sis. Kylle Hodges 24683 E Hoover Pl, Aurora
Deacon Paul Johnson 14130 E Saratoga Pl, Aurora
Sis. Laura Grove Sis. Helen Washington
Bro. Frank & Sis. Judy Kirkland 3290 Ivy St. 80207
Franklin Park Living Center, 1635 Park Ave. 80218
Bro. James Peden 2080 Lansing St., Aurora
VA Nursing Home 1919 Quentin, Aurora 80045
Sis. Blanche Smith 204 Vaughn St., Aurora 80011
Manor Care Center 290 S. Monaco Pkwy
Bro. Vernon Stallworth 3339 Locust St.
Berkeley Care Center, 735 S. Locust 80224
Sis. Margie Steger 3271 Oneida St.
St. Paul Care Center, 1667 St. Paul St. 80206
Bro. Raymond Stith 11291 E Alameda Ave. #2, Aurora
Sis. Ivory Wilson
Bro. Earnest Gibson
Sis. Luvenia Clinkscales-Room 306 Sis. Alberta Easterling
Sis. Vernette Baxter-Rm. 504-1
Deacon Willie Bickham 2024 Clarkson #306 80205
Sis. DeLois Washington 2853 Birch St. 80207 Sis. Ruthie Washington Brown
Bro. Keith Brown (brother of Chataca Brown) in Wyoming Sis. Ophelia Brown 3755 Tennyson St Apt 219
Bro. Alonzo Burns 4861 Quentin St.
Sis. Levone & Sis. Lynn Curry 12305 E 54th Avenue Dr 80239 Sis. Erika “Muffin� Gaskin 2959 Birch St. 80207 Deacon Robert Grant 18959 E Linvale Pl, Aurora
Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:14-16 (NIV)
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The Solid Rock
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VIP Reception
Mr. Keith Joyner Store Manager & Community Leader Walgreens Company (fruit & cheese trays)
Mr. Israel Uzeta Branch Coordinator, Mountain Region Deep Rock Water Company (bottled waters)
Banquet Ticket Donations Zion Ministries Deacons Prayer Band Deaconess Shepherd’s Hospitality Ministers Trustees Music/Choir Ushers Nursery Youth
Personal Contributors Rev. M.N. Thomas President & CEO Thomas Ministries (prize giveaways)
Country Buffet Dairy Queen Taziki’s White Fence Farm
30 | Zion Baptist Church 148th Church Anniversary
Pastor Frank M. Davis Gary Hardiman Albert Warren Hardiman Sis. Barbara Hurst Sis. Ardella Ikner Reggie & Phyllis Jones
Monetary Gift
Excel Institute Vivian Wilson, Administrator New Bethany Baptist Church (Pueblo) Rev. Orval Miles, Pastor
Ebenezer Baptist Church Emmanuel Baptist Church (Colo Spgs) Holy Spirit Missionary Baptist Church King Baptist Church Macedonia Baptist Church New Hope Baptist Church
Dr. Peter Bracken (Los Angeles, CA) Curry, Mattox & Wilson Family Colorado State Representative Rhonda Fields Sis. Jerry Hardiman
New Hope Baptist Church (Pueblo) Peaceful Rest Rising Star Baptist Church St. Stephen’s Missionary Baptist Church True Light Baptist Church
Sis. Chris Humphries Sis. Clementine Pigford Honorable Wellington & Wilma Webb
Amway, Kathleen Jordan Ballard Mortuary brotherjeff.com | 5 POINTS NEWS Designs by Vickie, Vickie Anderson DoubleTree Hotel Hair Illusions, LaThressa Esco
Altar Guild Children’s Ministry Deacons Ministry Deaconess Ministry General Mission Health Ministry Historians Laymen’s Ministry
Pipkin-Braswell Mortuary PO Services, Debi McFarland The Education Center, Rev. Annette Sills-Brown Thomas Ministries, Rev. M.N. Thomas Yourz by Dezign, Gequinn Mattox Zip Realty, Otis Key
Zion Ministries
Ministers, Minister’s Wives & Widows Music Ministry Prayer Band Ministry Retirees Sunday School Trustees Usher’s Ministry Youth Ministry
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Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Barber Mr. Kenneth Barber II Mrs.Carrie Batts Mr. & Mrs. Corey Bell Mary A. Bell Scott Bell Lisa Bell Linda Bell Shrina Bell Genene Bell Rev. & Mrs. Harvey L. Bolden In Memory Of Alfreda Boone Mrs. Patricia Borden Ms. Crystal L. Bozmans Ms. Sharon Bridgeforth Sister Cynthia Bronson Ms. Lillian Callender Deacon & Deaconess Marvin J. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Wilbern & Bernice Champion Mrs. Darlene W. Croisant Ms. Nicole T. Croisant Cindy R. Croisant Joyce Burlew Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth & Cynthia Cunningham Rev.& Mrs. David & Marcia Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Marc & Lena Cunningham Lester Cunningham Evangelist Mollie Cunningham Constance A. Cunningham-Phillips Rev. & Mrs. Thomas & Justyne Curry Rev. & Mrs. James & Markita Curry Mr. Thomas J. Curry Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Frank M. Davis Sister Otavaia N. Davis Brother Orenzo Davis Dr. Joyce Marie Davis Clarence Davis Ervia P. Davis Mrs. Sally A.L. Edwards Ms. Katherine Ellerbee Tamara M. Evans Deaconess Gwendolyn Evans Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Betty Fields Mrs. Nawanna Finley
Mr. Roger A. Fletcher Fonda J. Gethers Mr. Wayne Grove Deaconess/Trustee Annette R. Groves Deacon/Usher Malcolm K. Groves Pastor Raymond A. Groves III Brother Bill Hall Deaconess Jerry A. Hardiman Sister Chris Humphries Deaconess Barber Hurst Neva Ikner Louis Ikner Wayne Ikner Ronnie Ikner Idris Ikner Delyette Jackson Emma G. Jackson Ms. Gazie Jackson Deacon & Deaconess Andre & Pauletta Jackson Mr. David Jackson Mr. Otis Jackson Mr. John D. Jackson, Jr. Fulton Jackson, Sr. Ms. Pauline Jeffery Destiny C. A. Johnson Mr. & Deaconess Joseph, Jr. & Alma D. Johnson Ms. Reba Johnson Syrena Johnson Usher Ruth I. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Phyllis & Reggie Jones Minister Kathleen Y. Jordan Rev. L.J. Kellum Patricia & Jennifer Kellum Mr. Anthony W. Lawrence Deaconess Sue Lawrence Sister Ophelia J.M. Lee Ms. Cleasta L. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Damon J. Lilly Ms. Gwendolyn M. Mami Mrs. Gequinn Mattox Mrs. Audrie McConnell Rev. Walter & Sharon MCMillian Frieda McMurry Mr. Claude McPherson
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Mr. Brandon McPherson Mr. Trevor McPherson Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Terral Moore Deacon Willie C. Moore Ms. Barbara Morgan Norvail Nicholson Norvail Nicholson Mr. & Mrs. Roy J. Norman Rev. & Mrs. Willie & America Peacock Ms. Tiffany N. Perkins Ms. Karen Perkins Sister Helen M. Peters La Tasha Pettis Deacon Richard Pounds Mr. & Mrs. Friedrich T. Powell Ms. Carol Reece Margaret Rivers Deacon & Deaconess Owen & Mattie Sebree Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Sharon Simpson Ms. La Rita Sirlona Deaconess Blanche B. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Smith Ms. Ellena C. Spaght Mr. & Deaconess Raymond & Marva Stith Deacon & Deaconess John & Ernestine Stovall Deaconess Elizabeth Stubblefield Mrs. Murlene V. Threet Mrs. Doris Todd Lewis Ms. Michelle Y. Tyler Ms. Thelma Walls Ms. Reta Ward Sister DeLois Washington Michele West Larry West Mr. & Mrs. James & Ernestine White Mrs. Dorothy C. White Mrs. Loritha Williams Kiira & Keelyn Wilson Ms. Shelby Wilson Wayne & Tracy Wright Zion Scholarship Assistance Ministry Southlands Mall Postal Unit
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Congratulations Zion Baptist Church on Your 148th Anniversary!
DoubleTree by Hilton Denver Where the little things mean We take our warm welcome literally, that’s why we give you a fresh-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookie at check-in. And that’s just the beginning of
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CONGRATULATIONS TO ZION ON YOUR 148TH ANNIVERSARY! Thank you for being a “beacon of light” in our lives and in our community. May God continue to bless & keep you all!
Zion Baptist Church
On Your 148th Anniversary! Nominate a Black Educator for an Award! Complete an online application at www.surveymonkey.com/s/FLQ5MGX Website www.theeductr.com
“WhateverYou Need,WheneverYou Need It!” Document Design • Desktop Publishing • Event Planning Gequinn Mattox, Founder & President 720.352.7687 www.ursbydesign.com
Contact Annette Sills-Brown 2014 Salute Chairperson The Education Center 720-326-5176
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The Old Ship of Zion Has Sailed for 148 Years!
L. R. Zion Baptist Church Ushers Vella Mae Hollinshed, Mattie Thomas, and Rosalind Washington Pegues Duncan in Egypt circa 1950s. “Mother (Mattie Thomas) was originally from Ponca City, Oklahoma. She came to Denver on June 1, 1948. Mom liked to travel because she enjoyed continual adventures�, stated her daughter, Betty Hudson Rolison in 1995.
My name is Betty Jean Hudson-Rolison. I joined Zion in September 1948 because my mother, Mattie Thomas had already become a member. My mother and my two brothers lived in Oklahoma, and I lived in Kansas. My mother liked to travel; and after visiting Colorado, she fell in love with its beauty and eventually she moved here.
~ Ad submitted by ~ Grant Ministry Members Ministry Established October 1994 Trustee Pamela D. Ray Hattie Reeves, Charter Member/Co-Chairperson Sharon F. Simpson AlRuth B. Toney, Charter Member Maya Wheeler Myles Whitsett Clementine W. Pigford, Charter Member/Chairperson Helen Mims Washington, Emeritus Member/Charter Member Emma Jackson, Ad Hoc Member Trustee Otis Key
Trustee Otis Jackson Trustee Annette R. Groves, Trustee Board Representative Historians | Appointed 2010 Annette Beatrice Rease Groves Kathryne A. L. McKinney Clementine Washington Pigford Retiree Ministry | Established Spring 1992 Trustee Chairperson, Alvin Braswell Reba B. Johnson, Chairperson Trustee Sharon Bridgeforth Trustee Murlene G. Threet, Clementine W. Pigford
Historical Note: Pastor Frank Marvin Davis is the founding pastor for these three ministries. 48 | Zion Baptist Church 148th Church Anniversary
Sixty-nine-year member Helen Mims Washington-Denver, Colorado
-In Memory-
From Sister Clementine Washington Pigford
Robert Edward, II; Stacee, and Robynn Elise Pigford-Parker, Colorado Michael Christopher, Arzchell, Airielle, and Aaron Pigford-Genesis-Jacksonville, Florida
Eugene Washington Father
Eugene Washington, II, Denea and Delores Brown Washington
Edward Scott &Mary Chalk Washington Scott Fraternal Grandparents, Denver, Colorado
Clementine W. Pigford-Centennial, Colorado
Family of Thomas and Lou Emma Craig Maternal Grandparents-Selma, Alabama
In Memory of My Beloved Ancestors George and Gertrude Washington Frank and Ollie Craig Mims Mary Chalk Washington Scott and Edward Scott Eugene Washington, I Cleotha Brown Bell Thomas and Lou Emma Craig
George and Gertrude Washington Paternal Grandparent-Yazoo City, MS Cleotha Brown Bell Paternal Aunt-Denver, Colorado Vernie Lee, Alfred Charles Scott, and Revell Washington Paternal Uncles The Past Historians of Zion Baptist Church who left brilliant archives for others to read, touch, hear, and understand!
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Dedicated to the Golden Members of Zion Baptist Church We left the fields, lived in houses built on stilts to escape high water, dark wooded areas that held not-to-be told secrets, and we left a part of our hearts that would never be replaced. We left the South, dog gone it, because we were treated like slaves, talked to like children, and corralled like animals. Even mooing cows experienced more dignity than we did. Our Greats came to the South in chains and were released to till the soil in the fields of the American White man. We tried to hold on to the arms of our Greats, our ancestors, yes, we did. However, our grasps were loosened by imposing tyrants that gave orders and orders, and more orders. We were-descendants of the past who knew, who heard of, who had to have a taste of nectar-the North. The North was freer, jobs were plentiful, and the “ice was colder”. As men and a few women left Denver’s United States Armed Forces military bases, they stayed in Colorado. Word soon spread about a place called “Denver”—Denver, Colorado. Denver had brick homes, green lawns, good schools, and oh, those Mountains! “You must go to the mountains, you guys!” Upon arriving in Denver, Colorado, we looked for a church to worship and get dressed up – you know! Many say they heard about “Reverend Liggins” either before arriving or shortly after moving here. “Go to Zion, and tell Reverend Liggins that I said for you to join his church”. And so many new comers did just that! Even if they did not stay in Zion, many sojourners joined Zion –before moving on… Zion! A place where finery ruled. Zion! A place where you could forget about from whence you came. No one could know about our meals of cane syrup and biscuits, corn bread in buttermilk, sugar water, fried salt pork, greens, beans, and every part of the pig. No one had to know about our one-room schoolhouses, dusty bare feet, temple scars from too-close hot combs, Vaseline smeared on black patent leather Sunday School shoes, and cardboard to cover holes in the bottom of our shoes. No one could find out about relatives gone bad, and too-soon babies, and odd acting kin, and insulting nick names. Zion! When you walked in Zion, you became somebody. Your hat reflected your ambition and your had-to-be white gloves said, “I’m Free!” Your Sunday dress, your Sunday suit matched your Sunday walk. Head held high! Zion-first Sunday Communions, and for a while baptisms too. Zion- cantatas, anthems, and calls to worship. Zion-where you talked a certain way, sat a certain way, and shouted –if you dared. Zion- the church of people who had “made it”. Zion-the church home of maids, waiters, porters, janitors, cooks, plumbers, laborers, drivers, nurses, teachers, doctors, dentists, politicians, bankers, bakers, social workers, clerks, secretaries… Zion-a place in God’s sun that demanded personal best. Zion-one of God’s mansions away from home… Zion Keep my voice alive! Keep my steps strong! Zion Keep my heartbeat alive in your history!
Early Denver
Zion’s Charles and Alta Cousins
Family Playing Mandolins
Zion’s Octavia Brown’s Family Home A Church That Christ Builds | 53
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Zion Baptist Church
On Your 148th Anniversary! -----------------------------Do you know a Black Educator that deserves an award? The Education Center can assist you to nominate him or her today!
Complete an online application at www.surveymonkey.com/s/FLQ5MGX Website www.theeductr.com Contact Annette Sills-Brown 2014 Salute Chairperson The Education Center 720-326-5176
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Zion Baptist Church Reverend Frank M. Davis, Pastor and First Lady Kathy Davis
brotherjeff.com and 5 POINTS NEWS Commend You on 148 Years of Excellence in Ministry
Don’t miss getting your FREE copy of the award-winning 5 POINTS NEWS Hard copies available throughout Northeast Denver or online at www.5POINTSNEWS.com
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