Zion Temple Ministries Quarterly Newsletter [Volume 5 Issue 1] 1600 Syracuse Street, Denver, Colorado 80220 | 303.355.0588 | www.ztministries.org
From the Desk of the Pastor
The Last Hope for the World
2014 Vision
What Does it Mean to be a Mature Christian?
Child of God, make no mistake about it, we are in the fight of our life! The big battle between God and Satan, good versus evil, right versus wrong–has been the central theme for all our human existence. Humanity has been embroiled with wars of a physical nature, as well as wars of a psychological nature. It has been stated by medical science that hypertension or high blood pressure is the silent killer, but in the realm of the spirit, there are forces that have been constructed for the death and destruction of all mankind. They lie voiceless waiting for an opportunity to launch their attack. These forces act in concert with one another in an attempt to distort the very fiber of normalized society by pulling apart common everyday citizens. Within and without the church whether you understand it or not, we are being bombarded by an invisible foe that will not rest until he and his emissaries reach success. As quiet as it might be kept in modern society and the 21st century, if you go to the back of the book known as the bible – we win! We win because the King of Glory is still in control of the universe and there is nothing that goes outside of His reach. Operating by His own will and combined by the immutability of his promise, God has made a commitment to all that cannot be reversed. God has provided a means whereby we can be reconciled back to Him to take our rightful place with Him in Kingdom Dominion! The old song still rings true today “Jesus paid it all and all to Him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain but He washes it whiter than snow”. Celebrate the fact that Jesus is the last hope for the world and thanks be unto God, He is alive and well; for He lives! –District Elder Robert Martin, Jr.
O r d e r
o f
Morning Prayer - 7:30 a.m. First Worship Service - 8:00 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Second Worship Service - 10:45 a.m.
W o r s h i p
Noonday Prayer - 12:00 p.m. Evening Prayer - 6:30 p.m. Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
The God inspired theme for Zion in 2014 is Discipleship: What Does it Mean to be a Mature Christian? It will be the scope through which we view quarterly and monthly studies at Zion Temple Ministries. This quarter, our monthly thematic studies are as follows: January Pressing Toward the Mark • Learning to Focus on Christ Luke 10:2-3 • Listening to God Psalms 40:8; 143:8 • Building a Life of Hope Job 11:18-20 • Attitude the Prelude to Effective Study II Timothy 2:15-19 February A Month of Praise & Wisdom • Matthew 1-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17-19, 20-22 • Acts 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-18, 19-21 • Galatians 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, Ephesians 1-3, 4-6, Philippians 1-2, 3-4 • Hebrews 1-2, 3-4:13, 4:14-7, 8-10, 11-13, James 1-3:12, 3:13-5 MArch Are We There Yet? • Measure It to Trust It II Corinthians 12:7 • Don’t Limit Me Because of Your Limits I Samuel 14:6 • Stretched to the Maximum Luke 22:44 • My Goal is to Get Better I Corinthians 9:24-25
Pastor Robert, Jr. & Lady Kim Martin
Welcome! Body of Christ and Community at large we bring you greetings. We celebrate the Christ of Christmas long after December 25. It will still ring true that we have received the greatest gift that has ever been given. So Lady Kim and I want you to be committed to your success in the New Year and make this the best year of your life. We have so much to be thankful for that every waking minute of the day someone is telling God thank you, don’t miss your minute with God! Be Blessed...
Pastor Martin& Lady Kim In this
Yes But...
Breaking Power of Fear
A Devine Delay
Senior Spotlight
Effective Communication
The Value of Prayer
God has a Plan for You
Starting Healthy | Lady Di
Health Tips for 2014
The Two Edge Sword
Valuable Men’s Ministry
Matters of Finance
Zion Temple ministries (ZTM) Quarterly Newsletter Volume 5 • Issue 1
Published By Zion Temple’s C2 Ministry (Commissioned to Communicate)
ZT Newsletter Team Copy Editors Sister Dashonda Johnson Sister Renette Rice ZTMNL Staff Writers Elder J.A. Morrison Sister Bobbi Moore Sister Renette Rice Sister Cynthia Martin Contributing Writers Dist. Elder Robert E. Martin, Jr. Michanda Lindsey Evangelist Shelia Hale Sister Paula Jones Sister Beverly Hill Sister Diane Griffin Missionary Dorothy Satchell Evangelist Shanda Lewis Brother Ben Kee Evangelist Janet Essex ZTMNL Staff Photographer Sister Val Albury Creative Director | Graphics Sister Cynthia Martin Zion Temple Ministries Quarterly Newsletter is dedicated to spreading the “Good News” about Jesus Christ throughout our community. Zion Temple Ministries Quarterly Newsletter echoes the sentiment of our church mission statement... “To go beyond our four walls and embrace the various needs of others both spiritually and naturally. Our Foundation is ‘Jesus Christ the Chief Cornerstone.’ We will continue to build on the witness that has gone on before us.” If you have a testimony, a story, or an article you would like to share for the purpose of encouraging the Body of Christ, contact Sister Dashonda Johnson at email sisterjohnson@ymail.com. We reserve the right to edit for space, libelous material, and grammar. 2 | Zion Temple Ministries
What would it be like if we could go through this human experience and escape the injury of a broken heart, hurt feelings, or a bruised ego? Well, we probably wouldn’t be human beings. That means that in our lifetime, each of us will have a number of experiences of being hurt and even causing hurt. The question then to ask ourselves is how many of those experiences will remain with us as foulsmelling, festering wounds? Or how many will be turned into healed flowers of forgiveness? Our biggest obstacles to doing away with the unpleasant odor of old wounds are memory and choice. Memory is stored in our mind consciously and subconsciously, as well as in our heart
and even every cell of our body. In other words, it’s a big part of who we are. However, we also have choice - the choice to walk in denial, to feed our stubbornness, to create a permanent home for our pain, or to do something different. The reality is that holding on to pain and hurt is toxic. Our fear of repeating our past or of re-living the suffering actually is a major reason why we are glued to our pain and choose not to forgive. We get stuck making the person who hurt us the focus instead of making our wholeness, our peace, and our healing the focus. We make the pain bigger than us and identify ourselves as the pain instead of seeing ourselves wiser, kinder, and more compassionate because of it. If we say YES to a wonderful life and loving relationships and then say BUT I am never going to let that happen again or BUT I will never forgive that person who hurt me, we are choosing a half-full, hole-inour-cup existence. When we let our judgments about other people stop us from forgiving
them, we might as well eat a poisoned apple every day and watch what happens. Forgiveness is the gateway to peace. It’s our choice to hold our peace ransom and wait for some outer sign that shows us the one who hurt us has finally earned or deserves our forgiveness. That would be locking the door to growth, abundance and harmony in our lives. Instead, let’s increase the power of light, love and peace on our planet by choosing to forgive someone who has hurt us. If that’s too hard for you right now – at least begin to imagine what your life will be like when you have. Positive Words to Fill Your Cup: My choice to forgive the one who hurt me is my choice to open my heart, my mind and my soul to peace beyond what I could ever imagine from the vantage point of suffering. I choose to forgive because it’s my nature to be whole. –Michanda Lindsey Transformation Coach Fill Your Cup www.FillYourCup.net
Fear is one of our Godgiven, natural emotions. Healthy levels of fear help to keep us both grounded and protected. When we allow fear to overtake and paralyze us, it keeps us from accomplishing goals both naturally and spiritually. Fear opens doors for other familiar spirits to invade the mind, body, heart and soul. It is Satan’s plan to use
fear to keep us from walking into our God-given destiny. Through God, there is hope in overcoming and being delivered from the power of fear. There are two types of fear... 1. The fear of God: To have a reverential awe of. • Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding • Isaiah 33:6 He will be a sure foundation for your times, a rich stone of salvation and wisdom and knowledge: the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure
2. The fear that brings torment: A distressing emotion aroused by the impending danger, evil, pain, etc. Whether the threat is real or imagined. This fear causes us: • To run – I Kings 19 • To hide – Genesis 3:8-12, I Samuel 10:21-22 • Denial – Matthew 26:69-75 • Anxiety and death Luke 21:26 • To sink – Matthew 14:29-31 • To lie – Genesis 12:11-20 • To panic and be disobedient Samuel 13:5-14 • To focus on our shortcomings Exodus 4:10-12 Continued on page 5
A Devine Delay “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven:” Ecclesiastes 3:1
“For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though a man’s misery weighs heavily upon him.” Ecclesiastes 8:6 Several years ago on my final day of visiting a dear friend in California, I arrived at the airport to discover all the flights returning to Denver were on time except mine, due to heavy rain. After weighing my options with the ticket agent; and realizing I had zero options. I decided to return to my friend’s home and spend one more night and attempt to get a flight out early the next day. When I arrived at the airport the next morning, once again, my flight was the only one delayed – and once again – I had to spend an extra day in California. By then my friend had to return to work. She suggested I drop her off, take her car and spend the time sightseeing. She also suggested that I visit the local Goodwill store I’d wanted to visit the day before. So with my friend’s car and her blessing, I headed to the Goodwill store. I was surprised to find that it was quite large; it reminded me of a regular department store. When I entered the store, I was immediately drawn to a colorful “artsy” blouse, but was slightly disappointed when I discovered it was too small. With no intentions to continue shopping, I turned to leave. As I turned to my left, I was drawn to a book section and immediately walked over. I wasn’t there long before my attention was drawn to a particular book on the third shelf entitled, “God is not in a Hurry” by an author unfamiliar to me. As I chuckled to myself I thought, “Are you serious, God is this for me?” I picked up the book and skimmed over the table of contents and back cover. I was overwhelmed in disbelief that He would speak to me so directly with a divine message in the Goodwill Store. After pondering the events of the previous 24 hours, I purchased the book and left the store. Earnestly anticipating the words contained on the pages. When I arrived back at the house, I immediately dropped my bags and plopped onto the couch and began to read. Several chapters into the book, my thoughts were transfixed by such a timely purchase; and amazed my flight was delayed twice, to receive a word from the Lord! –Sister Paula Renee Jones Excerpt taken from Red Chair Reflections ©2013
to Zion Temple, C2 Ministry,
the Zion Temple newsletter team, writers, contributors and readers of the Zion Temple Ministries Newsletter. This issue marks the beginning of the fifth volume/year of this publication and demonstrates our committment to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Senior Spotlight Mother Sallie Collier
Mother Sallie Collier was born February 17, 1918 in the rural farming town of Ripley Mississippi, the third of six children, to Mattie Etta and William H Gunn. She lived a happy, carefree life including doing chores, attending school and enjoying family and friends. The family, were members of Zion Baptist Church. Mother Collier accepted the Lord according to her understanding at an early age. The family always looked forward to attending church on Sunday. Mother Collier’s beautiful family life was suddenly interrupted with the untimely death of her mother. This unfortunate circumstance took a great toll on the family because the children were young. “Poppa Gunn was determined to hold his family together. With the help of God, he became mother and father!” Every one pitched in and Mother Collier shared the responsibility with her father of preparing the family meals. By trial and error she became a good cook. She was famous for her greens and cornbread even at a young age. Desirous of further educational opportunities, she relocated to Indianapolis, Indiana where she enrolled in college, majoring in food nutrition. While living in Indianapolis, Mother Collier united with “Triumph Church of God in Christ” where the saints helped Mother Collier began to thrive in her Christian walk. Mother Collier met a young man by the name of Brother James D. Collier who was a member of Triumph. They were active in the young people’s group. As their friendship blossomed, they discovered they had many things in common. On May 19, 1946 this beautiful, spirit filled coupled were united in Holy Matrimony in Anderson, Indiana. Mother Collier, along with her husband loved to travel. She still has happy memories of beautiful Hawaii, Thailand and many other places they were blessed to visit. In the early 50’s Deacon and Mother Collier relocated to Denver. Mother Collier was blessed with employment at Rose Medical Center as a dietitian. This was a dream come true job, as she loved food service. During this same time, the Colliers became acquainted with Bishop Roland and Evangelist Arlee Martin and joined Zion Temple. They immediately became involved in teaching the young people how to dedicate themselves to God by pattering their lives based upon God’s Word. Brother and Mother Collier were faithful to Zion’s Usher Board. Brother Collier became head usher under the late Mother Violet Daniels, who was president at that time. It was a joy to see this beautiful couple ushering together on Sunday mornings. They continued to usher faithfully, until their health began to fail. Mother Collier and Brother Collier lives were reflective of the Scripture: “These two shall be one flesh”. Deacon and Mother Collier would have celebrated 60 years of marriage on May 19, 2006. The Lord called Deacon Collier to glory, May 10, 2006. Mother Collier remembers the good years. She fondly speaks of her and Deacon Collier’s 50th wedding anniversary, celebrated in Indianapolis where they first met; and the recognition on Zion Temple Senior’s Day, for being the oldest married couple. Mother Collier has enjoyed much happiness, grace and mercy from the Lord Jesus Christ. She is thankful to be living, and for the life of her two remaining sisters. Mother Collier gives the Lord all the honor and praise. Her life exemplifies Psalms 91:16, “With long life will I satisfy her and show her my salvation”. –Sister Beverly Hill Discipleship: What it Means to be a Mature Christian | 3
Effective Communication “Saying It Well”
On January 15, 2009, Capt. Chesley Sullenberger heroically landed his Airbus A320 aircraft in the middle of the New York Hudson River after it had flown into a flock of geese, which damaged both engines. All 155 passengers were finally rescued and arrived to shore without one hair of their heads harmed! A good pilot can land anywhere! When communicating the Word of God in whatever our area of expertise is, on the job, in our homes or when were just witnessing, we want to make sure that we say it well so our words will land where intended and successfully hit the mark. These seven tips for effective communication are not limited only to the four walls of a church building, but they have proven to be very helpful to me in my everyday life. Just as Stephen Covey stated, “Communication is the most important skill in life. We spend most of our waking hours communicating.” Let’s take a look: 1. Be Confident: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth” (II Tim 2:15). Know who you are in Christ and let no one put you down. 2. Be Yourself: “Each man must remain in the condition in which he was called” (II Cor 7:20). Never try to be someone you are not. Find out your giftings and use them to the glory of God. 3. Be Prepared: “…give attention to the public reading of scripture, to exhortation and teaching” (I Tim 4:13). Do your homework and know what you are talking about. 4. Be Sensitive To Your Audience: “The lips of the righteous bring forth what is acceptable…” (Prov 10:32). Are they the right words? Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me..is a lie, the wrong words do hurt! 5. Be Prayerful: “…Give your servant an understanding heart…” (I Kin 3:9). Solomon prayed for wisdom, so can we. 6. Be A Doer: “But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers…” (Jas 1:22). Practice what you teach and you will have the real life experience to draw from. 7. Be Faithful: “Be Faithful until death…” (Rev.2:10). In season and out of season. Some plants grow in the sun while others grow in the shade just keep growing! Believe me; your audience will love and appreciate you because you took the time to learn how to say it well! – Elder J.A. Morrison Works Cited: Covey, Stephen R. (2004). The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Free Press. New American Standard Bible. (2002). The Holy Bible. Anaheim, California: Foundation Publications.
4 | Zion Temple Ministries
The Lord laid on my heart to let you know that prayer is an important factor in our lives. There comes a time in our lives where different prayers may float through our mind. For example, prayers such as an instant prayer, “Lord I need you now!” A prayer of deliverance and a prayer of thanksgiving are also examples of an instant prayer. In the bible you can read how prayer has changed many lives. For example, you can read about Hannah in 1 Samuel chapters 1 and 2 and how Hannah was a praying woman. Hannah took her petition before the Lord inquiring of a child as she was barren (1 Samuel 1:5). Hannah poured out her heart in prayer to the Lord and had faith to believe if he would honor her prayer request she would give her child back to the Lord. Hannah fervently went before the Lord presenting her case to him so to the point that the priest thought she was drunk. (1 Samuel 1:11-20) After Hannah prayed her countenance changed and was no longer sad, but she went about her daily life believing in God. God fulfilled Hannah’s prayer request and she was happy to honor God by presenting her son Samuel back to the Lord. How many times have we prayed to the Lord asking him, “if you does this, I will do that,” but yet when he blesses us, we forget about the vows we made to him. Today there is so much going on that we as saints of God must remain prayerful because prayer changes things. In everything we have to take it to the Lord in prayer. You have to seek God for yourself because there are times when you can’t go to everybody, but you can pray and meditate. Such as myself through the affliction in my body, I can truly thank God that I am in my right mind and that I am able to pray. I don’t feel sad and through my affliction I have been able to encourage somebody else. Just a friendly tip: Continue to give God the praise, lean on him, do good unto others, he knows how much you can bare and remember there is nothing to hard for him. There is a song the old church use to sing: saints don’t stop praying, for the Lord is nigh, saints don’t stop praying, he’ll hear your cry, for the Lord has promised what he really can do, saints don’t stop praying he’ll answer you! In James 5:16b it says, the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. I’ve learned the value of prayer and I thank you for your prayers. And just like the song said, I won’t stop praying and I encourage you to don’t stop praying either, he’ll answer you. Have a blessed New Year! –Missionary Dorothy Satchell
Breaking the Powers of Fear Continued from page 2
So I turned about and gave my heart up to despair over all the toil of my labors under the sun, because sometimes a person who has toiled with wisdom and knowledge and skill must leave everything to be enjoyed by someone who did not toil for it. This also is vanity and a great evil. What has a man from all the toil and striving of heart with which he toils beneath the sun? Ecclesiastes 2:20-22 Is your time well spent? What is your legacy? Do you have one? Leaving a legacy goes beyond just getting by. It entails using your time wisely for meaningful purposeful work that will last. A starting place is to ask God for your purpose; He created us for a specific purpose. I believe that we will not feel fulfilled until we are satisfied in our God given purpose: For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 Work that will last goes beyond simply meeting your personal needs; it encompasses charity and working toward the greater good. God is our source and I believe that many times we are blessed by Him in order to pass the blessing on to others. Blessing others is not always in a monetary form. God will impart wisdom and knowledge that we may be a guide or mentor to someone else. I have found that many of my life’s lessons learned enable me to testify and share with others that experience the same situations or circumstances. Work that will last is consistent with kingdom building; it provides for a broader reach for the knowledge of Christ to be saturated collectively among regions, surpassing merely the individual touch. While we interact and share God’s word and his blessings on an individual level, God has the ability to multiply our efforts. While we are sharing with the one, we do not often think of who else will benefit through the person that we are sharing with, but God knows. There is a theory known as, “the six degrees of separation”, by which everyone is connected within six steps or less. With the advancements in technology, the use of social media and the ability to Face-time and Skype, I believe this level of separation has shrunk even more. Our ability to impact locally, regionally and globally is much easier than our minds can fathom, however, with God’s direction we can effectively touch the world. Work that will last will undeniably benefit generations upon generations. Interactions and a level of appreciation between age groups are imperative. Carrying the torch is a privilege and an honor that comes to those who have received direction from God and have labored with those who have taught and trained them. There is nothing new under the sun. With each generation, while there may appear to be new circumstances; the fundamental issues and lessons are familiar. Time is saved, efficiencies are created, and stress is spared by learning from those who have plowed the way before us. While we each have our individual marching orders, I do not believe that it is God’s intent for us to travel our journeys alone. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all of your getting, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7. –Sister Bobbi Moore Another raging storm subsided. Another shelter of grace provided. Another chance to appreciate, Another day my soul is reminded this beautiful world that You have made. of just how much You care. Another day I must patiently wait while tests and trials I bear. Another sea of doubt removed. Another case of mercy proved. Another flower comes into bloom Another day my heart is soothed Another child enters through mother’s womb. when no one else is there. Another day I rest in knowing soon, I’ll fly away with You. –Sister Cynthia Martin
Satan is the spiritual bully who uses the spirit of fear as a device to gain access in having control over us. He uses guilt, pride, unforgiveness, lies, our past, belittlement and abuse. If he can paralyze us with fear, he stops us from growing and moving forward! He stops us from fulfilling God’s will and walking into our divine destiny! His hope is that we will give up and abort everything that God has chosen us to do. But we no longer have to take it! Cast Out Fear Through Love: I John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. KJV Cast Out Fear Knowing That God is With You in Dark Times: Psalms 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. KJV Cast out Fear Knowing That God is Your Help: Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. KJV Cast Out Fear Through the Power God has Given You: 2Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. KJV When we overcome and conquer the‚“Spirit of Fear” in our lives, through the boldness and truth of the Word of God, we then become better equipped to help the next person to overcome and conquer. We are victorious through Christ over the “Spirit of Fear.” This freedom allows us to accomplish God’s will! –Evangelist Shelia Hale
Discipleship: What it Means to be a Mature Christian | 5
n i y h t l a e H g StartinWith Lady Di 2014
With a New Year comes a new outlook, new attitude and promises of better. Start the New Year with the decision to eat better, or try and old favorite a healthier way. Oven “Fried” Chicken Cooking spray ½ cup low fat buttermilk 1Tbsp. Dijon mustard ½ tsp. garlic powder ½ tsp. hot sauce 3 pounds of chicken legs, skin removed (thighs may be substituted) ½ cup whole-wheat flour 2 tsp. paprika 1 tsp. baking powder 3 Tbsp. sesame seeds 1 ½ tsp. dried thyme 1 tsp. sage ½ tsp. salt Freshly ground pepper to taste Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line baking sheet with foil or parchment paper, set a wire rack on the sheet and coat with cooking spray. In a shallow glass baking dish, whisk buttermilk, mustard, garlic and hot sauce. Add chicken, turning to coat. Cover and marinate in the refrigerator for 2 to 6 hours. Whisk flour, paprika, baking powder, sesame seeds, thyme, sage, salt and pepper in small mixing bowl. Place flour mixture in a large sealable plastic bag. Shake off excess marinade and place one piece of chicken at a time in the bag and shake to coat. Gently shake off excess flour and place chicken on prepared wire rack. Spray chicken pieces with cooking spray. Bake chicken until golden brown and thoroughly cooked, about 45 to 55 minutes. Makes 8 servings. Per serving: 260 calories 6 | Zion Temple Ministries
10 Health Tips to Begin This Year Deciding to live healthier in the New Year is a great decision! If that’s your goal, you should know studies show that the more specific you can be, the more likely you will reach your goal. Here are 10 healthy habits to get you started. Exercise Exercising has both short-term and long-term benefits. Right away, it can improve your mood, reduce stress, and even make your brain work better. Even a small amount of regular activity can lower the risk of developing major chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes, by up to 50%. Regular exercise can cut the risk of premature death by 20-30%. Start healthy – Begin your day with a glass of lukewarm water. Drinking a glass of lukewarm water in the morning before you eat anything is good for your system as it helps in easing out bowel movements, flushes out toxins and also keeps your skin hydrated and supple. Warm water is better suited than cold or normal water as it is easy for the body to take in. Eat right Consult any nutritionist and you will receive the same advice. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and eating the right food is vital. It will provide energy for your everyday tasks. Dinner on the other hand, should be light so that it is digested easily. Another thing to remember is to avoid skipping meals. Starving yourself will not help; it will make your body weak and affect your health in the long run. Eat less salt and fat Excessive salt and fat in our diets is a major cause of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Too much salt in your food can cause high blood pressure and make you three times more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke. Eat more fruit and vegetables For a healthy and balanced diet, try to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Research shows that eating at least 400g of fruit and vegetables a day can lower your risk of serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Say no to red Avoid eating too much red meat in your diet as it can lead to various health issues. Research shows that consuming too much red meat can up the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Stop stressing Stress plays havoc with your health. It makes you overeat, and also results in panic attacks and some studies have linked it to heart disease as well. Think positive and focus on gratitude Research shows a healthy positive attitude helps build a healthier immune system and boosts overall health. Your body believes what you think, so focus on the positive. Continued on next page
Using and Applying theTwo Edged Sword
Christian Education is valuable in the lives of all people. No matter the age, race, gender, or social class. We all gain truth and knowledge, learning how to live a righteous and holy life. It is in the word of God that we are shaped and molded, we are truly transformed by the renewing of our mind. The bible tells us in Hosa 4:6 My people perish from the lack of knowledge. To know Christ and follow Him, is the greatest goal in the lives of those who love God. Christian Education provides tools in the word that helps us reach, fulfill, and empower an awesome relationship with Christ. Christian Education will help you prepare for whatever ministry God has for you. Another tool you will gain attending Christian Education is teaching you how to put on the whole armor of God, understanding which garment works for any given situation. Christian Education allows you to study the word collectively which are the most important tool to help you stand against the wiles of the enemy. Education in itself is empowering. Christian education is one of the most infallible truth we can study. II Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. As we study the word we grow in the grace of knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Mathew 28:19-20 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things. Whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Christian Education provides that platform to engage and receive the word to equip you to become those disciples that compel other women and men to want to be saved. Christian Education offers: Adult class, provides studies from Genesis to Revelations. The class gives a vast knowledge base that encourages you to grow. Students are given the opportunity to participate in all discussion centered on the word for growth and development. Contemporary Studies, is a life application focused class where students are challenged to explore God’s word in the context of personal growth. Men's class is the study where the men of Zion get together to study the word of God around men issues, problems, and situations; getting their answers through God’s word. We offer our children classes, nursery age 0- 5 Primary 6-10 junior 11-14 and Senior 15-18. Our young people have the opportunity to learn God’s word and how to apply it to their situations that arise. They learn the books of the bible so they know just where to go in the time of need. New Member and Foundational Principals provides church and organizational history and the basic biblical principles necessary to build a solid foundation to a Christian lifestyle. –Evangelist Shanda Lewis
I was saved on March 23, 1983, and baptized in May of 1983. I then received the precious gift of the Holy Spirit on October 7, 1983. I was then baptized again in Jesus Name on April 15, 2007 after I came into the knowledge of the truth. The Lord has brought me a mighty long way! I was a single parent raising three boys and it was not easy. I know a lot of women do it all the time, and my heart goes out to them. But as a man, I soon realized there was not a men’s ministry at that time, no fellowship, and no opportunity for men to come together. So these days, I do not take the men’s ministry lightly nor do I take it for granted. I have been blessed by being in a few men’s ministries and have learned the meaning of Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down his friend can help him up, but pity the man who
What a Valuable Men’s Ministry
falls and has no one to help him up” (NIV). So, if one person falls the other can reach out and help, but someone who falls and is alone is in real trouble. I have been at Zion Temple for two years and I have participated in the men’s ministry since becoming a member. I have also found the leadership to be very admirable. The leader of the men’s ministry, Brother Pierce, welcomed me in. Unfortunately, I have had trouble with my health, but I have always found Brother Pierce and the brothers of the men’s ministry ready to go to battle for me in prayer or in whatever they could do to help. As Proverbs 27:17 states, “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend” (KJV). I appreciate their help, their fellowship and their prayers. God bless, and keep on keeping on. –Brother Ben Kee
10 Health Tips to Begin this Year - Continued from page 6
Improve your sleep Nearly everyone has problems sleeping at some point in their life. Most healthy adults sleep for an average of seven to nine hours a night. If you’re not getting enough sleep, it can affect relationships, your performance at work, your weight and it can delay recovery from illness. Good sleep starts with a good bedtime ritual and some simple lifestyle changes.
Get regular screening The type of screenings you need depend on your age and gender, so consult with your doctor about which ones you need. Some of the most important ones include an annual physical, blood pressure, and cholesterol test, colonoscopy, mammogram, pap test, and prostate and skin cancer screening. –Sister Renette Rice Source: livewellcolorado.org
Discipleship: What it Means to be a Mature Christian | 7
~ Matters of Finance ~ 10 Biblical Financial Principles Back to the Bible by George Fooshee | www.backtothebible.org
One of the major themes of the Bible is obedience to the Lord. These financial principles are real, and obedience to them demonstrates that Christians are trusting God in their finances. God is the Source The first principle is that God is the source of everything. Philippians 4:19 says, “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus”. Proverbs 8: 20-21 adds, “I walk on the way of righteousness, along paths that are just. I bequeath wealth to those who love me, and I will fill their treasuries.” Giving is Essential The second principle is that of giving. Luke 6:38, a key verse, says, “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Proverbs 3:9-10 reads: “Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first-fruits of all thine increase: so shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst with new wine.” Live On Margin The third principle is that of living on a margin. Everyone ought to live on a margin; a physical margin, a time margin and a financial margin. Living on a margin simply means allowing room for the unexpected. Bible Backs Saving The fourth financial principle concerns saving money-setting something aside for a rainy day. Proverbs 21:20 says, “There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up. Keep Out of Debt The fifth principle is to keep out of unnecessary debt and thus avoid the debt trap. Borrowing for a house or car is one thing but taking on financial obligations; one can’t keep-buying beyond the ability to pay. The minute a person goes into debt, he loses a por-
OPALs (Young Women With Outstanding Purpose and Life) is a new ministry for young women between the ages of 18 to 30. Their mission is to enhance the overall character of young women by building self-esteem, social competence and to provide a relationship with a caring adult friend who will work to help young women achieve their potential, both naturally and spiritually. This
ministry was birthed out of a great need, of spiritual and natural guidance and mentoring for the many young women in Zion and the community. OPALs’, objectives can be found in Titus 2:4-5, we are endeavoring to teach the young women, and help them to know who they were created to be! Launched September 20 with the vision to identify and capture young women who
tion of his freedom. As Proverbs 22:7 says, “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Secret of Contentment The sixth principle is being content with what one has. Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money; and be content with such things as ye have: for God hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Keep Records, Budget The seventh principle is that of keeping records and making a budget. Proverbs 24:3-4 “Through wisdom a house is built; it is made secure through understanding. By knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. By keeping good records, having a plan and being honest with oneself, a person won’t get into financial trouble. Don’t Cosign The eighth principle is, don’t cosign. God says in Proverbs 27:13 to exercise extreme caution in cosigning. The advice infers that the world’s poorest credit risk is the person who agrees to pay a stranger’s debt. When a person cosigns a note, he is the one who is really borrowing the money. The reason a person needs a cosigner is because the lender is unwilling to lend that money to the person requesting the loan. Work Hard The ninth principle is that of hard work. The Scriptures spell it out: “In all labor there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to poverty (Prov. 14:23). It is important to work. “In the beginning God created” (Gen. 1:1). Even God is at work. This is a principle throughout the Bible. Seek Godly Counsel The last principle is that of seeking godly counsel. Psalm 1:1 declares, “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.” The reason many don’t seek counsel is, they don’t want to hear an intended action is unsound. As one learns to follow these principles, they will know the joy that comes from trusting and obeying God.
are endeavoring to reach their potential to become a complete and total woman, both naturally and spiritually. OPALs meets bi-monthly beginning January 17, 6:00 p.m. RSVP to Evangelist Catheryne Queen at calecqueen@gmail. com or Evangelist Janet Essex at Janet_Essex@yahoo.com. The programming we have lined up for this year is rich and loaded with a wealth of infor-
mation that is promised to help and direct those who attend. If you are between 18 to 30 years of age, come fellowship with the ladies and invite your friends to come along. OPALs is under the leadership of Lady Kim Martin, Evangelist Janet Essex and Evangelist Catheryne Queen. –Evangelist Janet Essex