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Cyprus Mail

Tuesday, November 20, 2012





Helen Soteriou: an English lady with a Greek soul 5

Champions Chelsea need old resilience

New Anglican head mixes conflict role, business skill 32


Marathon talks in push for deal Initial agreement over measures for banking sector, but hurdles remain By George Psyllides


HE government and international lenders were engaged in marathon negotiations last night in a bid to find common ground on a bailout package. Finance Minister Vassos Shiarly cancelled his trip to Brussels for a Eurogroup meeting today, signalling that talks with the troika will continue throughout the day. Yesterday’s meeting started shortly after 1pm and was mainly focusing on public finances and structural issues. It follows a preliminary agreement struck by the troika and the Central Bank on Sunday on measures the banking sector needs to put in place as part of the bailout adjustment programme. The highlights were the agreement to raise Core Tier 1 capital from 8 per cent to 9 per cent by the end of 2013, instead of 10 per cent as the troika initially proposed. The two sides also agreed that supervision of cooperative banks would be shifted to the central co-operative bank from the trade and industry ministry. The Central Bank will also have a role in the supervision. Co-operatives are also expected to shrink in number from 96 to 35, mainly through mergers. What was not immediately clear was whether there was an agreement on the definition of non performing loans and the period before a bank could foreclose on a prop-

erty. The troika wants loans not serviced within three months to be considered non-performing. It agrees that two years must elapse before a home is foreclosed but insists on 18 months for all other properties, reports said. The government wants five years for home foreclosures. Nevertheless, the agreement struck by the Central Bank was acknowledged as progress by government spokesman Stefanos Stefanou who said “an effort will be made for progress to be achieved during today’s (yesterday’s) meeting.” But that would be easier said than done. The troika has asked for deeper cuts worth €1.2 billion - their initial demand was for €975 million. It also wants the proceeds from natural gas to go towards servicing Cyprus’ debt. Cyprus, according to reports, wants part of the cash to go to the debt - the rest to development and investment for the future. Lenders want the government to gradually stop contributing to the social insurance fund and write off a €7.2 billion debt to the fund amassed throughout the decades. Instead of scrapping its contribution, the government has offered contributions from civil servants who currently pay less to social insurance than their private sector counterparts. Another proposal under discussion is lowering the


A visitor looks at the Rita Mae West room by Spanish artist Salvador Dali (1904-1989) during a press visit of the exhibition Dali at the Centre Pompidou modern art museum yesterday. The exhibition will run until March 25

Chaplin’s bowler hat, cane fetch over $60k at auction By Andrea Burzynski ONE of Charlie Chaplin’s bowler hats and a cane, the staple of Hollywood silent-era comedy, were auctioned for $62,500 on Sunday, said auction house Bonhams. Chaplin’s hat and cane, which fetched more than the initial estimate of $40,000-60,000, are synonymous with his ‘Little Tramp’ character in films such as City Lights and Modern Times.

Bonhams’ memorabilia specialist Lucy Carr said earlier it is unknown how many of Chaplin’s bowlers and canes still exist. Those auctioned on Sunday are from a private collection but have a direct link to Chaplin, Carr said. The waddling and bumbling Little Tramp character propelled Chaplin to global fame. The character, Hollywood legend says, was created by accident on a rainy day at Keystone Studios, and first appeared in 1914’s Kid Auto

Races at Venice and lastly in 1936’s Modern Times. Chaplin’s hat and cane are the highlights of an auction of popular culture artifacts that is still in progress. Other items include a handwritten letter from John Lennon in which the Beatle sketched himself and wife Yoko Ono nude. There is also an archive of Marilyn Monroe photographs, an early Charles Schulz Peanuts comic strip, and a wicker chair from Rick’s Cafe in Casablanca.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL



Is troika really after our gas and pensions?

Weather 13 1


Nicosia 23



Experts believe reports have been largely exaggerated

25 Larnaca




By Elias Hazou


TODAY: A mixture of sunshine and cloud. Temperatures will reach 23C inland, 25C along the coasts and 13C over higher ground OUTLOOK: Becoming more unsettled from Wednesday, with rain forecast YESTERDAY:

Max Temp Nicosia 23 Larnaca 23 Limassol 23 Paphos 24 Paralimni 22 Prodromos 13


Min 12 15 14 15 13 7

Humidity 46% 52% 52% 57% 47% 56%

SUNRISE: 06:26am

SUNSET: 4:38pm

Pollution Low/Low Low/Low High/Low Medium Low Low

Air quality in Cyprus is assessed with the aid of a network of nine advanced monitoring stations. Data is recorded hourly. Information provided by the Air Quality Section of the Department of Labour Inspection (DLI)

Worldwide Athens Budapest Bucharest Brussels Cairo Copenhagen Damascus Dublin Frankfurt Geneva Istanbul London

16 6 7 5 26 11 20 13 4 6 18 9

Cloudy Mist Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Mist Clear Cloudy Mist Mist Cloudy Cloudy

Madrid Manchester Moscow Oslo Paris Prague Rome Sarajevo Sofia Stockholm Tel Aviv Vienna

12 10 5 8 5 1 17 10 8 8 25 10

Cloudy Cloudy Mist Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear




For a full list of exchange rates, see page 10

CHEMISTS NICOSIA I. Kitiris, 63 Metochiou St. Tel: 22774950, 22774368 (H) N. Nouris, 33 A. B D. Akritas Ave. Tel: 22751801, 22374323 (H) M. Charalambous, 48A Armenia Ave, Acropolis. Tel: 22426655, 22492968 (H) A. Christodoulou, 73C Stadiou St, Strovolos. Tel: 22590396, 22512252 (H) Ch. Kari, 50 Andrea Avraamide, Tel: 22771999, 22351072 LIMASSOL K. Kleovoulou Theodorou Potamianou K. Polemithia Tel: 25735505, 25561798 (H) E. Prastiti 150 Ay. Fylaxeos Tel: 25383120, 25735573 (H)

A. Vasiliou 63 Griva Digheni Ave., Tel: 25580906, 25386449 (H) LARNACA A. Demetriou, 44 Arch. Makariou Str., Tel: 24822422, 24812188 Z. Perikleous, 24 Gr. Digheni Ave., Tel: 24624374, 24645918 PAPHOS I. K. Konstantinou, 11 Ellados Ave., Tel. 26100292, 26653482 PARALIMNI P. Yiallourou, 173 1st April St. Tel: 23825979, 23744771 (H)

Cyprus Mail Established 1945. Number 21,384 NICOSIA 24 Vass. Voulgaroctonou, P.O. Box 21144, 1502 Nicosia Tel: 22-818585, Fax: 22-676385 email: LIMASSOL 5A Nicolaou, Pentadromos Centre, Thessaloniki St, Tel: 25-761117, Fax: 25-761141 email: LARNACA Tel: 24-652243, Fax: 24-659982 PAPHOS 62 Apostolou Pavlou Avenue, Office 2, 8046 Paphos, Tel: 26 911383 Fax : 26 221049 email:

RUMOURS that the troika wants to lay its hands on our natural gas reserves are nonsense, a source in the government has told the Cyprus Mail. “It’s utter garbage, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to tell you that,” said a source knowledgeable about the ongoing bailout talks between the government with the troika. “Besides, it doesn’t add up,” he added. “It’s simple: revenues from natural gas are not expected before 2019. But the loan talks with the troika are for a medium-term period, two to three years.” While confirming that the troika did ask to be briefed on the long-term prospects for Cyprus from the sale of natural gas, the source said that to his knowledge at no point did the foreign experts raise the matter of how the revenues should be disbursed. “Unless you think the troika is still going to be around in 2019.” Media reports, most likely from government leaks, suggest the foreign lenders are proposing that Cyprus’ gas revenues go toward paying off a loan and servicing the national debt. The government is said to be ‘resisting’ this proposal, which has reportedly become one of the key sticking points in the negotiations - another being the reform of the social security system. By contrast, the administration wants only a fraction of the gas proceeds to go toward paying off the debt, with the

rest going into a special investment fund and a part used for energy infrastructures. Yesterday it was even reported that Commerce Minister Neoclis Sylikiotis was outraged with the finance ministry team for not ‘properly handling’ the gas issue in its discussions with the troika. But the source suspects the leaks may have an ulterior motive: “They want to rouse public opinion by showing that the troika is out to get us,” he said, alluding to the upcoming general elections. In a recent report, Merrill Lynch said concerns over the viability of Cyprus’ national debt could be somewhat offset by expected revenues of between €1.7 billion to €2.4 billion a year from the commercial exploitation of natural gas reserves.

CASH FLOW However, it could take up to a decade for the cash to flow, the financial management company said. And the government here has repeatedly earmarked 2018 or 2019 as the earliest date for the export of gas, assuming all the infrastructure - such as the LNG plant - is in place. The other thorny issue concerns the troika’s proposal to gradually - by 2060 - do away with a 4.3 per cent pension contribution paid by the state for all workers and writing-off some €7 billion owed to the social security fund (SSF) by the state.

Unions are strenuously resisting any changes to the pension system. AKEL-backed candidate Stavros Malas yesterday slammed the troika’s write-off proposal, arguing that it would spell the end of the SSF. “Such an approach would clash with every concept we have of the social state and would expedite the disintegration of the social fabric,” Malas said through his spokesman. Excluding the state would turn pensions into purely a private-sector matter at the mercy of profit, not considerations of social welfare, he added. Malas did, however, point out that his criticism was contingent on whether the reports were true. Although the reports about the €7.2 billion write-off ring truer than those relating to natural gas, they may have been taken out of context. “Given this is a rather extreme step as it would mean the end of the social security fund - to me it sounds more like a possible worst-case scenario cited by the troika, not their actual proposal,” according to economist Stelios Platis. “What amounts to essentially a 100 per cent debt haircut could have been put forth, for example, in the hypothetical event that Greece defaults, which in turn would explode the bailout amount needed by Cyprus,” he speculated. The economist also questioned the numbers “being bandied about”, saying that €7.2 billion debt to the SSF sounds too high.

Car road tax bill sent back for fine tuning

Rare heron latest victim of poaching at Ahna dam POACHIING near Ahna dam in Famagusta appears to continue unabated with the latest victim being a grey heron, which was shot in the past couple of days, conservationists said yesterday. The bird was seen by birdwatchers with what appears to be a wing destroyed by pellet shot. BirdLife Cyprus said they notified the game fund and an effort will be made to find and treat the injured bird. But the group also censured the authorities which do not appear to have taken any measures to stamp out illegal hunting in the area, dubbed poachers’ playground. At the end of October, poachers shot and killed a rare osprey using the area as a stopover on its migratory journey from northern Europe, where it breeds, to its African wintering grounds. Despite the protection status the dam has, there is a serious problem with poaching and illegal bird trapping in the area, BirdLife Cyprus said. The group said the nonselective methods of hunting such as mist nets and limesticks has been widespread this autumn.

Grey heron, injured by a hunter’s gun, was found near Ahna

THE House finance committee yesterday decided to send back to the government most of the provisions of a bill amending road taxes after objections were raised over how it was to be implemented. The plenum is due to vote on one of the bill’s provisions on Thursday, under which all new vehicle owners will pay €150 to register the vehicle irrespective of its age, type and origin. The bill had also proposed that vehicle owners of cars, vans and the up-tonow exempt buses pay an annual road tax based on their vehicles’ carbon dioxide emissions and not engine capacity, as they do now. But stakeholders disagreed with the bill during a House committee discussion last week. The used cars’ association had suggested connecting registration fees for new vehicles to carbon dioxide emissions instead of having a standard fee for all cars, and introducing a 5.0 per cent hike in road licences across the board to recover lost income. The owners of tourist buses, meanwhile, complained about having to pay road tax because it would be bad for tourism and increase their expenses.

CYPRUS MAIL Tuesday, November 20, 2012



Marathon talks for final deal Are we prepared to concede our sovereign rights to others? (Continued from front page) tax-free threshold from €19,500 to €15,000; the government counter-proposed €18,000. There are also the matters of wage indexation and privatisation of semi-state organisations (SGOs). Ruling AKEL leader Andros Kyprianou said some of the matters were very important for his party and they must be cleared before a comprehensive agreement with the troika. “Some important pending issues are vital for us to be able to agree,” Kyprianou said. He said these concerned natural gas management and “the big question is whether we are prepared to concede our sovereign rights to anyone outside Cyprus.” Kyprianou said his party would not agree to the sale of SGOs that are important for national security and the economy. Of the social insurance proposals, Kyprianou said “they will demolish everything we built all these years.”

Kyprianou expressed hope that no one would act as a Trojan horse in the government’s effort to achieve its objectives in the negotiations. Main opposition DISY chief, Nicos Anastasiades who is so far tipped to win next year’s presidential elections, said not assuming one’s responsibility and resorting to populism only served to prolong a crisis and not resolve it. Speaking at the London School of Economics, Anastasiades said honest leaders were needed who do not fear to make decisions. “They need strategy and a plan that would convince and mobilise the people on a course of quick exit from the crisis,” Anastasiades said. DIKO said it expected a full briefing soon as it was practically in the dark on the goings on in the negotiations. “But the economy is a national cause that must be managed collectively in the most effective and correct way,” party spokesman Fotis Fotiou said.

Jewellery shop in five-star Limassol hotel is burgled EXPENSIVE jewellery and other valuables valued in excess of €250,000 were stolen early yesterday morning from a jewellery store in the Amathountas area of Limassol, police said. “Burglars broke the lock of the store inside a five star hotel along the beach front of Limassol and without being noticed took jewellery, watches, diamonds and other valuables before disappearing,” said Limassol CID chief Ioannis Sotiriades. The burglary was discovered afterwards by a hotel employee who called the police. The scene was closed off by Limassol CID and members of the forensic department who began investigations. Police will be looking closely at the hotel’s closed circuit television system and are also evaluating a testimony they took from a witness. Soteriades did not rule out a connection between this burglary and others that have taken place in hotels in the area.

Students marching near the US embassy in memory of the Athens Polytechnic uprising in 1973

(Christos Theodo-

Athens Polytechnic uprising remembered two days late CYPRIOT students took to the streets yesterday to mark the 1973 Athens Polytechnic uprising against the US-backed military junta. The anniversary is marked on November 17 but students decided to hold their demonstrations yesterday since this year it fell on Saturday when schools are closed. As always with student demonstrations, a lot took advantage of their day off school to do some shopping or have coffee instead of demonstrating. But there were those who did pay their tribute to the polytechnic students who stood up to the junta, even if it was two days late. In Nicosia, students marched to the US embassy, where they were met by police some distance from the building. In a resolution handed to US officials, students said they supported the reunification talks between Greek and Turkish Cypriots and hoped for an agreed solution without suffocating timeframes and arbitration. The resolution said pressure must be put on Turkey

Cafes on Ledra Street in Nicosia were packed yesterday with protesting students and its military establishment so that they stop hindering the efforts of the two communities.

The student revolt, which started on November 14, ended in bloodshed three days later during a violent

junta crackdown, which included sending a battle tank crashing through the school’s gate.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL



church is Judges’ paycuts are The unable to solve unconstitutional economic crisis But the men in black offer a voluntary contribution to help state

By Poly Pantelides

By Elias Hazou THE GOVERNMENT may be able to push through pay cuts as part of broader austerity measures, but touching the black-robed men behind the bench is an altogether different proposition. That’s because the constitution expressly protects judges’ salaries and benefits. Article 158, paragraph three states that “the remuneration and other conditions of service of any judge shall not be altered to his disadvantage subsequent to his appointment”. The article is intended to safeguard the independence of the judiciary from political tampering; one argument is that, without this protection, legislators would be free to ‘penalise’ judges for rulings that are not to the former’s liking. District court judges are citing precisely this clause in the appeals they have filed with the Supreme Court challenging the salary cuts passed by parliament last December. The cuts were part of an austerity package that included reductions to the salaries of state officials, among others. Judges’ salaries took a hit of about three per cent. Now, with fresh cutbacks looming for public functionaries once a bailout with international lenders is agreed, judges are reminding politicians that the law is on their

Lawyers protesting outside the Nicosia courts earlier this month (Christos Theodorides)

Lawyers: keep our profession ‘closed’ JUDGES aren’t the only members of the legal professin with a grudge. Lawyers are also up in arms over the troika’s reported intention to open up the so-called “closed professions”. Leaders of the Bar Association sounded none too happy after their meeting with a troika team last week. Chairman of the Bar Association Doros Ioannides told reporters later: “The troika should be interrogating those who brought the Cyprus economy to this sad state of affairs; instead, we are being asked to explain things.” In its Economic adjustment programme for Cyprus submitted to the government in June, the troika recommended that authorities “eliminate restrictions to the use of commercial communication (advertisside. They are instead proposing a gentlemen’s agreement, whereby they would voluntarily contribute a part of their salary to help efforts to rein in the state payroll.



ing) in regulated professions”. It also proposed improving “the functioning of the regulated professions sector (such as lawyers, engineers, architects) by carrying out a comprehensive review of requirements affecting the exercise of activity and eliminating those that are not justified or proportional”. The relevant law in Cyprus prevents people fresh out of law school from practising straightaway. It states that qualified lawyers must first carry out a traineeship lasting no less than 12 months at a lawyers’ office that has been practising for at least five years. Although lawyers want to hear nothing of it, the troika believes that easing restrictions in the labour market will give a muchneeded boost to the economy.

Following a meeting last week between Supreme Court judges and the House Speaker, the top court released the following statement: “The judges noted [during the meeting] the difficult position in which they could find themselves in the event that the judges’ appeals go before the Supreme Court, in which case they would be asked to adjudicate on matters which concern them directly.

“In order to avoid this difficulty, the judges reiterated their long-standing intention to make voluntary contributions [from their salaries].” In neighbouring Greece, judicial functionaries have taken to the streets after the government there slashed their wages by 19 to 24 per cent; but that nation’s constitution does not contain the same protections as does the Cyprus constitution. see editorial page 12

OFFICE/WAREHOUSE FOR RENT 735m² of office space and 1200m² warehousing available for long term rent on Yianni Kranidioti Avenue very close to Carlsberg Brewery. Easy access to Nicosia-Limassol highway (only 200 metres). Loading bays for warehouses and parking space for more than 40 cars. Hidden fuel tank plus car mechanics station. For more information please call 99218866

TRUE to form Archbishop Chrysostomos II is against homosexuality and communism, and will be out in the streets protesting against the harsh bailout conditions set by Cyprus’ international lenders, he said in two-part interview this weekend. The outspoken primate gave a lengthy interview to Politis newspaper published over two days - the newspaper’s Sunday and Monday editions - where he expounded his view on a number of topics. Asked whether the church is in a position to help people in time of financial crisis, the archbishop said that the church cannot correct the situation. “It should not even cross your mind that the church with its property - can change things. There are others in Cyprus who are richer than the church,” he said. When he took over as archbishop in 2006, the church contributed some €5.0 million a year to charity but can now only afford €1.0 million, after incurring losses from exposure to Greek debt. He said that the church had cut wages to control expenses, and his own wage was reduced from €5,000 a month to €4,000. “But we will not let anyone go hungry,” he said. And if the troika - the EU and IMF - manage to do the “unacceptable”, the archbishop will be protesting “with every fibre of [his] being”. “The church does not only have a right, it has an obligation to react,” he said. The church also wants to raise people on principles of morality and values, and so abolishing religious education “would be the worst

Archbishop has taken a wage cut of ¤1,000 a month thing parents could suggest for their children”. Part of that teaching is the “abnormal nature” of homosexuality. “If they fight against it and they can’t surpass their problem, then they should at least not be proud and go announcing it. There have always been homosexuals,” he said when asked to expound on samesex marriages. Asked to comment on the seemingly close principles of love that both communism and the bible promote, the Archbishop said that the church propounded love but communism violence. “Communism tries to enforce itself. It uses violence and guns. Obviously, I can’t equate Christianity with Communism,” he said. First and foremost, the church is concerned with matters of the spirit, he said and though he may express views that are perceived negatively in the press, it is “my duty do what I think is right.”

Improving competiveness of Cypriot shipping registry THE MINISTER of Communications and Works Efthimios Flourentzou, who is on a three-day visit to Athens, will have meetings at the highest level with the Cyprus Union of Ship-owners and shipping companies based in Greece and which have their ships registered in the Cyprus ship registry. The problems faced by the shipping industry as a result of the global economic crisis will be discussed during the meetings. The minister will also brief ship-owners on the measures the government has taken to improve the competitiveness of the Cypriot flag.

In the District Court of Paphos Probate Jurisdiction

Appl. No. 345/2012

In the matter of BEVERLY ANN PAIN, deceased of Paphos Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of eight days from today, application will be made in the Probate Registry of Paphos for the grant of probate of the estate of BEVERLY ANN PAIN, deceased of Paphos Andreas Demetriades & CO LLC Advocates

CYPRUS MAIL Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Home English doctor and activist who changed the face of cancer treatment in Cyprus

An English lady with a Greek soul DR HELEN Soteriou - cancer specialist, researcher, activist and 1998 OBE winner - died yesterday at the age of 92. “The cancer patients and relatives union (ELAZO) would like to express its deep sorrow over the death of the unforgettable Dr Helen Soteriou. She pioneered the radiotherapy department in the state’s oncology department in Nicosia general hospital,” ELAZO head Christos Andreou said yesterday. “This woman was a fighter from the very start because she became an orphan when she was young. Even though they told her to be a teacher she wanted to be a doctor,” Andreou said. She was “a great scientist and great activist”, he said adding that up to a month before she died “her memory was intact” and she had been keeping busy. Soteriou ignored the advice of her secondary school head teacher who suggested she use a scholarship to become a teacher. She trained to be a doctor instead, specialising in cancer treatment. Born in Liverpool to the family of a Unitarian pastor, Soteriou’s father died of cancer when she was four and she was raised by her mother’s family, owners of a brass foundry and also devout Unitarians. Growing up, “personal behaviour was strictly regulated”, and she was raised to pay her bills on the same

day, eschew the movies, and avoid vanity, she told the Sunday’s Mail David Fisher in an interview in 1998. Training in the late 50s to be a surgeon was also difficult, “some might say there was too much discipline” she told Fisher. However, by 1969 she had been a consultant for ten years and was in charge of the oncology department at a big hospital. “I had managed to climb the ladder more or less to the top,” she said. She went on to become a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, the Royal College of Radiologists and the Royal College of Physicians.

FUTURE HUSBAND But her brother was also to die of cancer in 1967 and it was in that year during a holiday to Cyprus that she met her future husband, Andreas Soteriou, a Famagusta shop owner and Kodak retailer, and fell in love. They got married in 1969 and Soteriou moved to Famagusta. “Her husband was well off and she didn’t need to work, but she couldn’t abide not to so she volunteered to work for free,” Andreou said. A few years later in 1973 she co-founded the Nicosia General Hospital’s radiotherapy and oncology department of the Nicosia General Hospital. She later set up the first private radiotherapy centre at the Evangelistria clinic where she worked until her retirement in 1995.

Helen Soteriou on her wedding day in 1969 But when she first arrived in Cyprus, the word “cancer” was still taboo - “it was impossible to use the word,” she said - and she was strongly advised not to tell patients she was a cancer specialist. In addition to being a pioneer in revolutionising cancer treatment in Cyprus, Soteriou will also be remembered for her activism against the Turkish occupation of the northern half of the island in 1974. In the summer of 1975, Soteriou began collecting signatures from the Greek Cypriots displaced in 1974 in protest against the occupation. About 180,000 signed what became known as the Cyprus Scroll, which was


sent to various international organisations. A year later in 1975, Soteriou co-organised the Women’s Walk Home, when 30,000 women attempted to walk to occupied Famagusta. It was “something I believed in, not just something I’d be trained for,” she told Fisher in 1998, the year when she was included in the OBE’s honours list for her “untiring” work in cancer research and her contribution to creating connections between Cyprus and the UK. Twelve years after the first Women’s Walk Home, a second one took place in 1987. The aim was to breach the green line, marking the United Nation’s buffer zone and through some cunning and perseverance, the walk took place despite official opposition. Though the UN was informed of the walk, the actual destination was not widely advertised but the walk was successful in promoting a message: images of women against Turkish brutality were broadcast globally. Soteriou later helped organise two more walks. The walks were “much more of an achievement than my work”, she told the Sunday Mail. It took about a year to

When Helen Soteriou first came to Cyprus in the late 1960s and started practising, cancer was a taboo subject find the best possible place to breach the green line and a lot of care was taken to have an escape route, just in case. “When you do something in life that you know is right,” is how she described her reason for getting so involved. The 2010 Biographical Lexicon of Cypriots calls her “an English lady with a Greek

soul”. The funeral will take place at St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral in Nicosia on Wednesday November 28, at 2.30pm. Helen Soteriou, born April 11, 1920, died November 19, 2012. She was married to businessman Andreas Soteriou who predeceased her


The U.S. Embassy is seeking individuals for the following positions in the

Regional Security Office. These are full-time positions (40 hours per week) with rotating shifts and rotating work days: Applicants must have the required work and residency permits to be eligible for consideration.

We are seeking a Secretary to join our Administrative Team. The successful candidate will

• Local Guard Force Supervisor: Supervises guard services of assigned Local Guard Force members to safeguard the U.S. Embassy in Nicosia, its annexes, official residences and other USG facilities. Reports to the Guard Force Commander and the Security Coordinator.

Be fluent in English and Greek

• Local Guard Force Guard: Performs guard services to safeguard the U.S. Embassy in Nicosia, its annexes, official residences and other USG facilities. Reports to the Guard Force Shift Supervisor.

Be organized and approachable

Please visit the following website for detailed qualifications for each these positions:

Have excellent communication skills Be computer literate (MS Office)

Be willing to learn new skills (including using the School’s computerized Information Management System Assist in the general, day to day running of a busy School Applicants should send a resume with a cover letter in English to: U.S. Embassy, HR Office, LGF Commander or LGF Guard Vacancy, P.O. Box 24536, 1385 Nicosia, or via E-mail to: to arrive no later than November 30, 2012. Cover letters should address the position(s) in which an applicant is interested. No telephone calls will be accepted. An Equal Opportunity Employer.

Please contact us via email ( ), attaching a copy of your CV, to arrange an interview. Interviews will take place at the School during the week beginning 26/11/2012.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL



Busking display marred by over zealous police Organiser fined despite having town hall support

Car torched A CAR belonging to a 35year-old man in Limassol was torched early yesterday morning, police said. The fire began at 2.30am while the car was parked outside the man’s house. Initial police investigations indicate it is a case of arson. The car was extensively damaged.

Nicosia burglary

By Poly Pantelides AN UNUSUAL musical tour of the old city of Nicosia on Saturday was disturbed when over zealous police fined one of the organisers for “illegal fundraising” despite Nicosia municipality’s endorsement of the event. A group of musicians from diverse communities performed in the streets of Nicosia’s old city on Saturday as part of a walking tour, the Busking Musicians’ Walk. The event was organised by non-governmental organisation Multi-Arts Crossings (MAX) which said it wanted to “promote local musicians performing in their unique styles, while engaging the public in a


DIAMONDS and other jewellery were stolen from a house in the Parissinos area of Nicosia on Sunday police said. Their value has not been determined yet. Police received a report that between 4.30pm and 6.30pm on Sunday someone broke into the man’s house and stole a safe that contained jewellery and diamonds of unknown value. Nicosia CID is investigating.

Buskers on Ledra St being quizzed by police

Paphos robberies short walk”. Buskers were scattered in the old city on both sides of the divide and was MAX’s first event.

In keeping with busking the world over, musicians had their guitar cases open for passers-by to give small change. Though the event

was successful in general, at some point in the morning two police officers approached one of the performing groups, Monsieur Doumani, enquiring over whether or not they had permission to play. “When we said, yes, we have [permission] they told us we had no right to be doing this and forcibly asked for identification,” Monsieur Doumani said via their Facebook account. “We called the organisers and politely asked [the police] to wait a few minutes until the person in charge of the festival showed but they insisted on charging us,” the group said. The conversation continued in this vein until police called for reinforcements and allegedly threatened to arrest the musicians, at which point the festival’s organiser, Argyro Toumazou, showed up and the police officers charged her instead, Monsieur Doumani said.

On a pink slip used for traffic offences, the officers issued an €85 fine for illegal fundraising. “Ironically, there were illegally parked cars just down the road,” Toumazou said wryly yesterday. MAX board member and human rights lawyer Achilleas Demetriades said they will contest the charge. But the police are welcome to join during future events, MAX has said. “This was the first of many such events to come and we hope we will invite the police band to participate,” MAX’s Sophia Serghi said. She added that although they were under the impression they had obtained all necessary permissions, “there seems to be a grey area about busking musicians and the idea is to clarify what the policy is”. Police spokesman Andreas Angelides could not be reached for comment yesterday.

Show solidarity by taking part in active ageing competition ARE YOU creative? Would you like to support a campaign of active ageing through the use of digital technology in Cyprus? The European Union has declared 2012 as the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations and this is your opportunity to further explore your creativity by taking part in the digital photo and video competition on the theme as related to Cyprus. The competition is organised by the NGO Support Centre, in partnership with the Cyprus Community Media Centre and with the support of the European Commission Representation in Cyprus. You will get to promote your work online, among your friends and contacts and highlight the important issue of active ageing in Cyprus. And you might be one of the five winners of some very cool mobile technology. The competition is open until November 30, 2012. For more information about the competition, the organisers and the terms & conditions you can visit the competition’s website:

Defence agreement with Czech republic A DEFENCE co-operation agreement was signed between Cyprus and the Czech Republic in Brussels yesterday. The agreement was signed by Defence Minister Demetris Eliades and his Czech counterpart Alexandr Vondra. Eliades also took part in an EU Foreign Affairs Council which focused on defence matters.

TWO robberies were reported in Paphos on Sunday. The first took place between 4.20pm and 6.30pm when jewellery and cash totalling around €10,900 were stolen from a house. The second robbery took place between 6.15pm and 8pm and was reported by a 65-year-old woman who told police that around €10,000 was stolen from her house.

Firecracker arrest POLICE arrested a 28year-old man from Larnaca on Sunday during the APOEL-AEK football match for throwing a firecracker. The AEK fan, lit and threw the firecracker towards the pitch although it landed in the ditch that separates the pitch from the stands, police said. His actions were recorded on the stadium’s CCTV enabling police to find him and arrest him. He voluntarily made a statement admitting his guilt and was released. He will appear in court at a later date.

Election news THE OFFICIAL proclamation of next year’s presidential elections is due to be in the government gazette in early January, the head of the elections service Demetris Demetriou said yesterday. Demetriou said Interior Minister Eleni Mavrou is due to issue a decree on January 4 appointing according to practice - as elections registrar her ministry’s permanent secretary, Andreas Ashiotis. On January 11, the gazette will announce where candidates can officially submit their candidacies which is due to take place a week later on January 18.

CYPRUS MAIL Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Britain BRITAIN TODAY ‘Wales needs tax powers’ WALES should have powers on tax and borrowing, an influential new report has argued. The cross party Silk Commission yesterday published the first of two studies into devolution in the principality. Its report, entitled Empowerment and Responsibility: Financial Powers to strengthen Wales, makes 33 recommendations. These include giving the Welsh Assembly full powers over smaller levies, such as landfill tax, stamp duty, business rates and aggregates levy, while Air Passenger Duty should be devolved for long-haul flights initially. It also says responsibility for income tax should be shared between Cardiff Bay and Westminster, although corporation tax should not be devolved unless that power is given to Scotland and Northern Ireland. And the report also makes a number of recommendations in relation to borrowing powers, including the Assembly being able to borrow to support key infrastructure projects.

Wills most liked PRINCE William is the most popular royal in recent history and support for the monarchy is at a 20-year high, a poll revealed yesterday. William, 30, is well ahead of the Queen, his wife Kate and even Diana when people were asked to name two or three of their favourite members of the royal family. He was mentioned by 62 per cent of respondents to a King’s College London/Ipsos MORI survey. It is the highest rating achieved in the seven surveys the pollster has conducted since 1984. The Queen was mentioned by 48 per cent, followed by Harry (36 per cent), the Duchess of Cambridge (23 per cent) and Charles (21 per cent). Diana’s highest score over the past 30 years was 47 per cent. Yesterday’s poll of 1,104 adults, conducted over November 10-13, shows how the younger royals have helped the Queen engineer a recovery in the popularity of the monarchy since the 1992 “annus horribilis” of divorces and scandals and Diana’s death in 1997.

Cameron vow on streamlining equality rules ‘Judicial review costing taxpayer too much’ By James Tapsfield DAVID Cameron pledged yesterday to make government work faster by streamlining equality rules and legal red tape. The Prime Minister said opponents of planning decisions and policies would be given less time to apply for judicial review, face higher fees and see the chances to appeal halved. He also said Equality Impact Assessments would no longer be compulsory, and consultation periods would be slashed. Speaking at the CBI conference in central London, Cameron said judicial review had become a “massive growth industry” which was delaying action and costing taxpayers too much money.

“We urgently needed to get a grip on this. So here’s what we’re going to do: reduce the time limit when people can bring cases; charge more for reviews - so people think twice about time-wasting,” he said. “And instead of giving hopeless cases up to four bites of the cherry to appeal a decision, we will halve that to two.” Cameron said the Equality Act was “not a bad piece of legislation”. “But in government we have taken the letter of this law and gone way beyond it, with Equality Impact Assessments for every decision we make. “Let me be very clear. I care about making sure that government policy never marginalises or discriminates. “I care about making sure we treat people equally. But let’s have the courage to say it - caring about these things

Man found guilty of honeymoon murder A HITMAN accused of pulling the trigger in the murder of newlywed Anni Dewani during her South African honeymoon has been convicted of murder. Prosecutors believe Xolile Mngeni was hired by Dewani’s British husband, Shrien, to carry out the killing in an attack designed to resemble a car hijacking in Cape Town’s impoverished Gugulethu township. Mngeni, 25, was found guilty of premeditated murder yesterday after a judge at the Western Cape High Court heard an “avalanche of evidence” against him. He was further convicted of robbery with aggravating circumstances and illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition. “The State has proven its case beyond reasonable doubt,” Judge Robert Henney told the court. “The case against the accused is overwhelming and the accused could barely avoid the avalanche of evidence from crashing down on him.” Mngeni was acquitted of Dewani’s kidnapping -

Undated photo of Shrien Dewani and Anni Dewani deemed to have been part of a single chain of events leading to her murder. He stood expressionless as the judgment was delivered while his family watched, wide-eyed, from the gallery above. Businessman Dewani, who has been held at Fromeside Clinic, a secure mental health hospital in Bristol, is fighting extradition to South Africa. He continues to deny orchestrating the killing on November 13, 2010.

Church set for women bishops vote THE Church of England’s national assembly was to begin a key three-day meeting yesterday where members would be asked to give final approval to legislation introducing women bishops. The 470-strong body, meeting in Church House, London, will vote today on whether to allow the legislation to clear its final hurdle before going to the Houses of Parliament for approval. The decision is the biggest the General Synod has taken in the 20 years since it first backed the introduction of women priests.

In spite of women now making up around a third of all clergy, and just under half of those training for ordination, the Church has struggled to draw up legislation introducing women bishops which is accepted by both traditionalists and pro-women campaigners. Complex negotiations have centred on the arrangements where a woman bishop is appointed but traditionalist parishes reject her authority. (SEE ALSO CENTRE PAGES )

does not have to mean churning out reams of bureaucratic nonsense. “We have smart people in Whitehall who consider equalities issues while they’re making the policy. We don’t need all this extra tick-box stuff. “So I can tell you today, we are calling time on Equality Impact Assessments. You no longer have to do them if these issues have been properly considered.” Cameron said that too often ministers announced policies which then got bogged down in Whitehall red tape. “When we came to power there had to be a threemonth consultation on everything - and I mean everything, no matter how big or small,” he said. “So we are saying to ministers: here’s a revolutionary idea - you decide how long a

Cameron said that, too often, ministers announced policies which then got bogged down in Whitehall red tape consultation period this actually needs. “If you can get it done properly in a fortnight - great. Indeed, the Department for Education has already had a consultation done and dusted in two weeks. “And we are going further, saying: if there is no need for

a consultation, then don’t have one.” TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said: “Equality impact assessments are not burdensome red tape. They have proved invaluable in highlighting how proposed legislation could affect women and vulnerable workers.”

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL


World WORLD TODAY Xi warning IF corruption is allowed to run wild in China then the ruling Communist Party risks major unrest and the collapse of its rule, state media yesterday quoted Communist Party chief Xi Jinping as saying at one of his first major meetings since taking the role. In unusually blunt language, Vice President Xi, who assumes Hu Jintao’s job as head of state in March, said that graft was like “worms breeding in decaying matter” - an old Chinese phrase meaning “ruin befalls those who are weak”. “In recent years, some countries have stored up problems over time leading to seething public anger, civil unrest and government collapse corruption has been an important factor in all this,” state newspapers quoted Xi as telling a study session for the Politburo, the party’s second-highest decisionmaking body. “A great deal of facts tell us that the worse corruption becomes, the only outcome will be the end of the party and the end of the state! We must be vigilant!” Xi added.

FARC ceasefire COLOMBIA’S FARC rebels announced yesterday a two-month unilateral ceasefire, the first truce in more than a decade, as peace negotiators met in Cuba in the latest attempt to end the five-decade war. President Juan Manuel Santos’ government, however, has said it would not cease military operations until a final peace deal was signed with the Andean country’s largest rebel group and even vowed to step up the offensive. The FARC said it would halt all offensive military operations and acts of sabotage against infrastructure beginning at midnight on Monday night and running through January 20. The conflict has dragged on for nearly half a century, taking thousands of lives and displacing millions in Latin America’s longest running insurgency.

S. China Sea sore point at Asian summit JAPAN warned yesterday that a row over the South China Sea could damage “peace and stability” in Asia as China stalled on a plan to ease tensions and disagreements flared between the Philippines and Cambodia over the dispute. The acrimony provided an uneasy backdrop to US President Barack Obama’s arrival in Cambodia for a regional summit where he was expected to urge China and Southeast Asian nations to resolve the row, one of Asia’s biggest security issues. Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda challenged efforts by summit host Cambodia, a staunch China ally, to limit discussions on the mineral-rich sea, where China’s territorial claims overlap those of four Southeast Asian countries and of Taiwan. “Prime Minister Noda raised the issue of the South China Sea, noting that this is of common concern for the international community, which would have di-

rect impact on peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific,” a Japanese government statement said after Noda met leaders from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). That followed a statement on Sunday from Kao Kim Hourn, a Cambodian foreign ministry official, who said Southeast Asian leaders “had decided that they will not internationalise the South China Sea from now on.” In a sign of tension, Philippine President Benigno Aquino disputed the Cambodian statement and said no such agreement was reached, voicing his objections in tense final minutes of discussions between Noda and Southeast Asian leaders. As Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen began to conclude the meeting with Noda, Aquino abruptly raised his hand and tersely interjected. “There were several views expressed yesterday on ASEAN unity which we did not realise would be translated into

an ASEAN consensus,” he said, according to his spokesman. “For the record, this was not our understanding. The ASEAN route is not the only route for us. As a sovereign state, it is our right to defend our national interests.” Alternative diplomatic routes for the Philippines would likely involve the United States, one of its closest allies, which has said it has a national interest in freedom of navigation through the South China Sea’s vital shipping lanes. ASEAN on Sunday agreed to formally ask China to start talks on a Code of Conduct (CoC) aimed at easing the risk of naval flashpoints, according to its Secretary General, Surin Pitsuwan. But Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao appeared to play down the need for urgent action in talks on Sunday night with Hun Sen. Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said he could “not recall” Hun Sen making a formal request for talks.

Japan PM Noda challenged efforts to limit discussion on the mineral-rich sea

Obama offers praise and pressure on Myanmar trip Suu Kyi says beware of a ‘mirage of success’ By Matt Spetalnick and Jeff Mason BARACK Obama became the first American president to visit Myanmar yesterday, using a six-hour trip to balance US praise for the government’s progress in shaking off military rule with pressure to complete the process of democratic reform. Obama, greeted by enthusiastic crowds in the former capital, Yangon, met President Thein Sein, a former junta member who has spearheaded reforms since taking office in March 2011, and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. “I shared with President Thein Sein our belief that the process of reform that he is taking is one that will move this country forward,” Obama told reporters, with Thein Sein at his side. “I recognise that this is just the first steps on what will be a long journey, but we think


US President Barack Obama and Myanmar pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi speak to the media during a joint press conference in Yangon yesterday (AFP) that a process of democratic reform and economic reform here in Myanmar ... can lead to incredible development opportunities here,” Obama said, using the country name preferred by the government and former junta, rather than Burma, which is used in the

United States. Thein Sein, speaking in Burmese with an interpreter translating his remarks, responded that the two sides would move forward, “based on mutual trust, respect and understanding”. “We also reached agree-



ment for the development of democracy in Myanmar and for promotion of human rights to be aligned with international standards,” he added. Obama’s Southeast Asian trip, less than two weeks after his re-election, was

aimed at showing how serious he is about shifting the US strategic focus eastwards as America winds down wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The so-called “Asia pivot” is also meant to counter China’s rising influence. The trip to Myanmar highlighted what the White House has touted as a major foreign policy achievement - its success in pushing the country’s generals to enact changes that have unfolded with surprising speed over the past year. Tens of thousands of wellwishers, including children waving American and Burmese flags, lined Obama’s route from the airport after his arrival, cheering him as he went by. Obama met fellow Nobel Peace Prize laureate Suu Kyi, who led the struggle against military rule and is now a lawmaker, at the lakeside home where she spent years under house arrest. Addressing reporters afterwards, Suu Kyi thanked Obama for supporting the political reform process. But, speaking so softly she was barely audible at times, she cautioned that the most difficult time was “when we think that success is in sight”. “Then we have to be very careful that we are not lured by a mirage of success and that we are working towards genuine success for our people,” she said.

CYPRUS MAIL Tuesday, November 20, 2012



Diplomacy ‘preferable’, but Gaza invasion still possible

Turkey to hold talks with militants

longer be required. If diplomacy fails, we may well have no alternative but to send in ground forces,â€? he added. Egypt, where newly elected President Mohamed Mursi has his roots in the Muslim Brotherhood seen as mentors to Hamas, is acting as a mediator in the biggest test yet of Cairo’s 1979 peace treaty with Israel since the fall of Hosni Mubarak. “I think we are close, but the nature of this kind of negotiation, (means) it is very difďŹ cult to predict,â€? Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Kandil, who visited Gaza on Friday in a show of support for its people, said in an interview in Cairo for the Reuters Middle East Investment Summit. Egypt has been hosting leaders of both Hamas and Islamic Jihad, a smaller armed faction. Israeli media said a delegation from Israel had also been to Cairo for truce talks. A spokesman for Netanyahu’s government declined comment on the matter. United Nations SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon also travelled to Cairo to weigh in on ceaseďŹ re efforts.

TURKEY opened the door to talks with Kurdish militants it brands terrorists yesterday, raising hopes of a push to end a conict which has killed tens of thousands of people and stunted development in its mainly Kurdish southeast. Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin said talks would be held with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militant group, Turkey’s main domestic security threat, which took up arms almost three decades ago and seeks Kurdish autonomy. “These talks have been held as and when deemed necessary in the past, and will be held in the future,â€? Ergin told reporters in Ankara. He did not elaborate. Talks between the Turkish state and the PKK were unthinkable until only a few years ago and more recent contacts have proved politically fraught, with parts of the nationalist opposition strongly condemning any suggestion of negotiations. Turkey, the United States and the European Union designate the PKK a terrorist organisation.

Weak Israeli support for ground assault

A Palestinian woman is helped by a paramedic out of her building, damaged during an Israeli air raid on Gaza City yesterday (AFP)

By Nidal al-Mughrabi and Jeffrey Heller ISRAEL bombed dozens of targets in the Gaza Strip yesterday and said that while it was prepared to step up its offensive by sending in troops, it preferred a diplomatic solution that would end Palestinian rocket ďŹ re. Mediator Egypt said a deal for a truce to end the ďŹ ghting could be close. The leader of Hamas said it was up to Israel to end the new conict it had started. Israel says its strikes are to halt Palestinian rocket attacks. Israeli attacks on the sixth day of ďŹ ghting raised the number of Palestinian dead to 101, the Hamas-run Health Ministry said, listing 24 children among them. Hospital ofďŹ cials in Gaza said more than half of those killed were non-combatants. Three Israeli civilians died on Thursday in a rocket strike. Militants in the Gaza Strip ďŹ red 110 rockets at southern Israel yesterday, causing no casualties, police said. For the second straight day, Israeli missiles blasted a tower block in the city of Gaza housing international media. Two people were killed there, one of them an Islamic Jihad militant.

Khaled Meshaal, exiled leader of Hamas, said a truce was possible but the Islamist group, in charge of the Gaza Strip since 2007, would not accept Israeli demands and wanted Israel to halt its strikes ďŹ rst and lift its blockade of the enclave. “Whoever started the war must end it,â€? he told a news conference in Cairo, adding that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who faces an election in January, had asked for a truce, an assertion a senior Israeli ofďŹ cial denied. Meshaal said Netanyahu feared the domestic consequences of a “land warâ€? of the kind Israel launched four years ago: “He can do it, but he knows that it will not be a picnic and that it could be his political death and cost him the elections.â€?

For Israel, Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon has said that “if there is quiet in the south and no rockets and missiles are ďŹ red at Israel’s citizens, nor terrorist attacks engineered from the Gaza Strip, we will not attackâ€?. Yaalon also said Israel wanted an end to Gaza guerrilla activity in the neighbouring Egyptian Sinai peninsula. Although 84 per cent of Israelis supported the current Gaza assault, according to a poll by Israel’s Haaretz newspaper, only 30 per cent wanted an invasion, while 19 per cent wanted their government to work on securing a truce soon. “Israel is prepared and has taken steps, and is ready for a ground incursion which will deal severely with the Hamas military machine,â€? a senior ofďŹ cial close to Netanyahu told

Reuters. “We would prefer to see a diplomatic solution that would guarantee the peace for Israel’s population in the south. If that is possible, then a ground operation would no

Israel is investigating Gaza air strike that killed 11 Palestinians THE Israeli military yesterday said it could not yet provide an explanation about an air strike on Gaza that killed 11 Palestinian civilians, including nine members of a single family. The attack brought a threestorey home crashing down on the al-Dalu family inside and killed two of their neighbours. It was the highest number of deaths in a single incident since an Israeli offensive began last Wednesday with the declared aim of ending years of sporadic cross-border rocket ďŹ re. A day after Sunday’s strike, whose victims spanned four generations, it was still not clear from Israeli comments why the building had been hit. A military spokeswoman told Reuters the circumstances were still under investigation and she could not provide any details at this stage. The Israeli newspapers Haaretz and Maariv said the army had ďŹ red at the

Israeli army chief spokesman Yoav Mordechai wrong house, while Israel’s top-selling daily, Yedioth Ahronoth, reported the alDalu home was indeed the target and that it housed a Hamas militant. Around the time of the attack, the military said it had hit the commander of Hamas’ rocket-launching operations. They named him as Yihia Abayah.

Soon after, reports began coming in that a family was killed in the strike. Several hours later, the Israeli army’s chief spokesman, Yoav Mordechai, said on television the military tried to attack Abayah. “Although I don’t know the outcome, there were civilians harmed by thisâ€?. But around the al-Dalu’s home, people say they know nothing of Yihia Abayah. Hatem al-Dalu, a relative of the family, said: “I have never heard such a name (Yihia Abayah). This is nonsense.â€? Some Israeli media speculated the target of the attack was a different militant, a Hamas-afďŹ liated engineer thought to be in the house. Sources in Gaza reject that theory at out. People who know the family said its father is a grocery-shop owner and that he was not at home when the dwelling was hit. Yesterday, rescue workers continued to search for another son and daughter who could be buried in the rubble.



Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL



Soyuz capsule lands safely

Samaras cabinet set for a reshuffle

A RUSSIAN Soyuz capsule landed on the Kazakh steppe yesterday, safely delivering a trio of astronauts from a four-month stint aboard the International Space Station. The Soyuz TMA-05M capsule, carrying Japanese astronaut Akihiko Hoshide, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and US astronaut Sunita Williams, parachuted through dark, cloudy skies and touched down at 7.56am local time (0156 GMT). A round of applause greeted the landing at Russian mission control near Moscow, footage from NASA TV showed. A screen inside the building showed the message: “We have landing!” The capsule blazed a red plasma trail across the dark sky after re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere. It landed on its side on the snow-covered steppe 52 miles (83 km) northeast of the town of Arkalyk in northern Kazakhstan. The astronauts were extracted quickly from the capsule and wrapped in blue thermal blankets. All three smiled and appeared relaxed as they chatted with the search-and-recovery team, NASA TV footage showed. “Fresh air - very good!” Williams said, in Russian. The landing, after a three-anda-half-hour descent from the orbital outpost, was the first pre-dawn touchdown since 2006. The Expedition 33 crew had spent 125 days aboard the International Space Station, a $100 billion research complex involving 15 countries and orbiting 250 miles (410 km) above Earth. The crew conducted a number of experiments, including tests on radiation levels at the space station and research into the effects of melting glaciers and seasonal changes on Earth’s ecosystems, NASA said in a statement. They also managed several visits to the space station by international and commercial spacecraft and conducted several space walks to maintain the station. A three-man crew remains aboard the space station. When NASA’s Kevin Ford and rookie cosmonauts Oleg Novitsky and Yevgeny Tarelkin - both on their first space mission - docked on October 25, they brought with them Japanese fish for a variety of experiments.

GREEK Prime Minister Antonis Samaras will reshuffle his cabinet once he secures a vital loan tranche to make his government more effective in a new wave of austerity measures demanded by international lenders, government officials said yesterday. Samaras was to hold separate meetings with his two coalition partners, Socialist PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos and Democratic Left chief Fotis Kouvelis, later in the day yesterday to discuss the new cabinet, the officials told Reuters. “The reshuffle will take place after the installment,” said one government official on condition of anonymity. “The Finance Minister will not be moved.” Eurozone finance ministers meet today to unlock more aid for Greece and avert bankruptcy but hopes for a quick disbursement of more than 30 billion euros ($38 billion) remain dim as European Union and International Monetary Fund (IMF) lenders squabble over how to resolve the country’s debt crisis. Officials told Reuters yesterday the tranche, plus outstanding cash making a total of 44 billion euros, will be paid on December 5 if Greece meets all conditions. Greece has voted in a raft of tough budget cuts to meet lenders’ conditions, but has fallen short on some reforms that will make the economy more competitive, such as liberalising professions and opening up markets. Measures have been delayed by ministers dragging out discussions and by resistance in parliament, especially from MPs from the two leftist junior coalition partners. PASOK expelled six deputies for failing to back an austerity bill this month. Samaras would propose the deputy PM posts to Venizelos and Kouvelis, and assign other cabinet posts to his partners in order to secure the widest possible backing in the coming months of difficult implementation, the government sources said. They said the Socialist leader was open to the prospect but Kouvelis was hesitant, pressured from within his own party which already resists participation in austerity policies that have plunged Greece further into its worst recession in decades.

US astronaut Williams gestures after landing yesterday

A view of the newly unveiled Pope John Paul II statue, in Rome yesterday. Rome has inaugurated a revamped statue of the late pontiff after the first was pilloried by the public and the Vatican. Artist Oliviero Rain-

aldi says he’s pleased with the final product, blaming foundry workers for a botched assemblage the first time around. When the statue was initially unveiled in front of Rome’s main train station in May 2011, it

was widely criticised by passers-by as looking more like Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini than the beloved Polish pope. Even the Vatican’s own art critic wrote that it looked like a “bomb” had landed

French right in chaos over leadership vote By Catherine Bremer THE race to lead France’s conservative opposition descended into chaos yesterday, with both contenders alleging fraud in a vote that highlighted a deep split between hardliners and moderates since the party lost power in May. The bickering wrecked a contest designed to give the right a fresh start after losing its 17-year hold on the presidency in May, and prompted political commentators to warn the Union for a Popular Movement could collapse. Jean-Francois Copé, a hardline disciple of Nicolas Sarkozy, declared in the early hours yesterday that he was 1,000 votes ahead of Francois Fillon, but the former president’s longserving prime minister said he had a lead of 224 votes. The influential Le Monde daily, running a front-page photo of a bare podium at UMP headquarters, said it was hard to imagine a worse outcome for the party. “It’s a catastrophe. The Socialists must be pleased with this,” lamented a member of Fillon’s team privately. “Nicolas Sarkozy must be happy too. He must be saying to himself that things are not going well without him.” The infighting in the main opposition party also takes

Both contenders claim lead, allege vote fraud

Copé (right) said he leads by 1,000 votes, while Fillon said he was ahead by 224 votes (AFP) some of the pressure off Socialist President Francois Hollande, whose approval ratings have slumped to as low as 36 per cent as he struggles with rampant unemployment and stalled growth. The contest would normally decide the UMP’s candidate for the 2017 presidential election but surveys show that two-thirds of party members see Sarkozy better placed to wrest power back from the ruling Socialists. The election row has further fuelled speculation of a comeback by Sarkozy, who has told aides he would feel obliged to return if the

Socialists fail to revive the sickly economy. “Even without knowing who the winner is, we can state that the true victor of this vote is called Nicolas Sarkozy,” the business daily Les Echos wrote in an editorial. Alain Juppé, a former foreign minister and a key figure in founding the UMP, condemned what he called “a contest of egos” which he said threatened the party’s very existence. While Fillon, a mild-mannered 58-year-old, urged UMP supporters to be patient and await the final vote count, Copé told BFM televi-

sion that centres where ballots had been rigged should be removed from the count. “This is known as ballotstuffing. It’s pretty pathetic,” he said. “If we discount the results from centres where there was fraud, I win, and if we include them I am not sure that I would lose either.” Fillon said that nobody should claim victory before the results were official. The UMP, founded by former conservative President Jacques Chirac in 2002 to merge various centreright parties including his own Rally for the Republic (RPR) party, is reeling from the loss of the presidency, parliament and most French regions. The vote to pick a successor to Sarkozy was meant to determine whether the UMP would cleave to the centre ground under Fillon, in keeping with the party’s decades-old roots, or move right under the combative Copé in a quest to regain power. Instead, the disarray looked more likely to bolster far-right and centrist parties, analysts said. Copé said more ballots had been counted than there were voter signatures at centres where Fillon was in the lead, while Fillon’s spokesman alleged “massive fraud” at voting stations in areas loyal to Copé.

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras (AFP)

CYPRUS MAIL Tuesday, November 20, 2012



Airline SAS hammers out survival deal with unions

‘Shadow banking hits $67t globally’

Deal aims to slash costs, secure bank loans

THE shadow banking system - blamed for aggravating the financial crisis - grew to a new high of $67 trillion globally last year, a top regulatory group said, calling for tighter control of the sector. A report by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) on Sunday appeared to confirm fears among policymakers that the so-called shadow banking system of non-bank intermediaries continues to harbour risks to the financial system. The FSB, a task force from the world’s top 20 economies, also called for greater control of shadow banking, a corner of the financial universe made up of entities such as money market funds that has so far escaped the web of rules that is tightening around traditional banks. “The FSB is of the view that the authorities’ approach to shadow banking has to be a targeted one,” the group wrote in a report, noting the current lax regulation of the sector. “The objective is to ensure that shadow banking is subject to appropriate oversight and regulation to address bank-like risks to financial stability,” it said. Officials at the European Commission in Brussels also see closer oversight of the sector as important in preventing a repeat of the financial crisis that has toppled banks over the past five years and rocked the eurozone. The European Commission is expected to propose EUwide rules for shadow banking next year. The United States is already rolling out a framework of new rules for the $2.5-trillion money market industry, which pools money from investors to put in lowrisk financial assets that resemble deposits in a bank.

By Johan Ahlander and Anna Ringstrom SCANDINAVIAN airline SAS agreed severe cost cuts with unions yesterday in a deal intended to secure new financing and the airline’s longterm survival. SAS, Jointly owned by the governments of Sweden, Denmark and Norway, said eight unions had backed wage cuts and changes to working schedules and pensions, after talks missed a Sunday deadline and continued through the night. The company’s shares soared on the deal after media speculation that the airline could have faced bankruptcy if the talks had failed. Hit by competition from lower-price rivals, SAS last week said it would reduce overall staffing by about 40 per cent to 9,000 by shedding assets, reduce the workforce by a further 800 with job cuts and decrease some salaries by up to 17 per cent to get new financing from banks and its main owners. Even though unions have agreed to the cuts, analysts have questioned whether the airline can survive on its own in the long term as it faces stiff competition from Ryanair and regional rival Norwegian Air Shuttle, both of which have lower operating costs. SAS chief executive Rickard Gustafson acknowledged the concessions un-

The company’s shares soared on the deal after media speculation that the airline could have faced bankruptcy if the negotiations with the unions had failed (AFP) ions had made. “These were very big sacrifices and a great amount of responsibility from the unions,” he said yesterday, speaking at the company’s headquarters at the main airport in Danish capital Copenhagen, where the talks were held. “We now have a plan for long-term profitability. We have built a strong base,” he added. Kenneth Sivertsen, an analyst at Arctic Securities, questioned whether SAS would continue as an independent carrier. “Although they are lowering

their costs by 3 billion crowns, they will still be a high-cost company,” he said. “I think they will be taken over. As a stand-alone company they will be squeezed between low-cost airlines and the huge flight carriers, such as Lufthansa and Air France.” One union, the Danish Pilots’ Union, still has to hold a ballot of members in which one third have to agree to the cost-cutting deal. A SAS spokeswoman said the airline viewed the vote as a technicality which would not prevent the deal going ahead.

SAS expects a result in the next few days. SAS needed to get agreement from all eight unions as a condition of a 3.5 billion Swedish crown ($515 million) loan from its shareholder governments and seven banks. Sweden’s finance ministry said yesterday the governments would take part in the credit facility, which is also backed by a foundation run by the wealthy Swedish Wallenberg business family, a core SAS shareholder. Parliamentary approval will be required for the governments to make the loan,

SAS said. By 1610 GMT, its shares were up 22 per cent at 6.85 Swedish crowns. Since 2011, the stock has lost 69 per cent of its value to be worth less than 2 billion Swedish crowns. “It has been a very gruelling process,” said Espen Pettersen, deputy leader of the main Norwegian cabin union after his group agreed a deal earlier on Monday. “We have made big concessions in this agreement. We are not very happy, but we felt we had no other choice but to sign to secure the jobs and the company,” he added.

Intel CEO Paul Ottelini is to step down in May Rates By Noel Randewich and Liana B. Baker INTEL Corp said yesterday that Chief Executive Officer Paul Ottelini will retire in May, stepping down from the world’s leading chipmaker at time when it is grappling with weak PC demand as the industry shifts toward mobile computing. Intel’s board said it would consider internal and external candidates for the CEO position and it expected the “leadership transition” to last six months. Intel, whose processors are dominant in personal computers, has been slow to expand into the fastgrowing mobile industry where Apple’s iPads and iPhones, and other popular devices, are made using competing technology from Britain’s ARM Holdings. “We all know that everyone is using smartphones and tablets now. It’s the era of Intel versus ARM, so it may be good to come in with some fresh blood and a new perspective,” Evercore analyst Patrick Wang said.

Outgoing Chief Executive Officer Ottelini was the company’s fifth CEO, stepping into the post in the second quarter of 2005 The company said it would promote three executives to executive vice presidents. They are Renee James, who is in charge of Intel software; Brian Krzanich, who is chief operating officer and oversees

manufacturing; and Stacy Smith, the chief financial officer and director of corporate strategy. Smith, well-known by Wall Street, and Krzanich have in the past been viewed as potential future CEOs.

“There a comfort level with Stacy (Smith),” said Williams Financial analyst Cody Acree. “I think we’d get more continuity with the current roadmap and direction than you would with anybody else.” Ottelini, 62, was the company’s fifth CEO, stepping into the post in the second quarter of 2005. The company has an internal rule of retiring its CEOs at age 65. Intel was accustomed to being king of the PC market, particularly through its historic “Wintel” alliance with Microsoft Corp, which led to breathtakingly high profit margins and an 80 per cent market share. But in the cut-throat mobile world, Intel is struggling. Its market share is less than 1 per cent of smartphones, trailing Qualcomm Inc, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, ARM Holdings Plc and others. That leads some investors, who are already concerned about a lacklustre global economy, to ask if Intel’s invincibility has come to an end and whether the company’s potential for profit and revenue growth may come back down to earth. Intel’s shares gained about 5 cents to $20.24 in early Nasdaq trading.

These Bank of Cyprus rates for telegraphic transfer transactions (spot deals) apply to yesterday, but provide a good guide to today’s value against the euro. Buying Selling Pound St

0.8057 0.7977

US Dollar

1.2826 1.2698

Australian $

1.2462 1.2154

Canadian Dol.

1.2922 1.2602

Swiss Fr

1.2127 1.1983

Denmark Kr

7.5522 7.3658

Japan Yen

104.2468 103.0033

Norwegian Kr

7.4692 7.2848

Polish Zloty



Romanian Leu 4.6250 4.4436 Russian Ruble 40.9473 39.9363 Swedish Kr

8.7633 8.5469

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL



Time to amend constitution and tinker with judges’ pay IT IS QUITE astonishing that district court judges, en masse, have filed appeals to the Supreme Court against last year’s government decision to cut wages, across the public sector, by a small percentage. The appeals argue that a pay cut was in violation of the constitution which clearly stated, “the remuneration and other terms of employment of any judge cannot be changed unfavourably for him after his appointment.” No decision has been made by the Supreme Court for obvious reasons. Supreme Court judges have explained to the legislature that the case puts them in a very difficult position as they would be obliged to make a judgement on a matter that affects them directly. If they decided that the pay cut was unconstitutional their salaries would also be restored to what they were before the government decision. To avoid having to make this ruling, the judges proposed to the legislature that they made a voluntary contribution, presumably equivalent to the cut, from their salary to the state. This would give them an advantage over the rest of the public sector workers, as their pension and retirement bonus would be based on their original salary; their voluntary contribution is not taken into account for this purpose. In other words they would receive preferential treatment. But do we know that all judges would agree to make the voluntary monthly contribution or would it depend on each individual judge? If there is a bailout agreement which includes additional pay cuts for the public sector, will the judges agree to cover these with a voluntary contribution as well, or will they refuse to make a bigger contribution? Given how things work, there would probably be district court judges, appealing to the Supreme Court against the decision that forced them to contribute a proportion of their salary. They would probably argue that forcing employees to donate a percentage of their monthly salary to the state was unconstitutional, perhaps a violation of human rights. And then what would the government do? Would it be fair and just for well-paid judges’ wages to remain intact while the rest of public sector had to accept pay cuts of more than 10 per cent? As things are, there seems to be no choice other than to amend the constitution so that in exceptional circumstances, the legislature can vote to reduce judges’ salaries. The original provision in the constitution was to prevent the executive punishing an individual judge who did not issue rulings to its liking. At present there is no such issue and the judges are not being persecuted by the executive. They have had to take a pay cut like everyone else in the public sector, because the state needs to drastically reduce its payroll. But as the judges cannot accept this simple truth and are citing the constitution to secure favourable treatment, the executive and legislature should take steps to amend the relevant provision of the constitution.

Want to send a letter? Send letters to the Cyprus Mail by email, fax or post. They should include a full postal address (email address is not sufficient), daytime phone number and reference to any relevant article. Names and addresses may be withheld from publication if circumstances warrant. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. Correspondence will be published at the discretion of the editor.

Hamas’ satisfaction despite Israeli assault Analysis Nidal al-Mughrabi


s Israel bombed Palestinian militant targets in the Gaza Strip for a fifth day on Sunday, Ali Al-Ahmed took to the streets of Gaza city in his pyjamas to buy eggs and chocolate for his three children. “Terrifying, that’s how it feels,” he said. “But they are also terrorised on the other side of the border,” he added approvingly. “To be honest, I thought Hamas had forgotten about fighting Israel. I was wrong.” That will be music to the ears of the Islamist movement that rules the blockaded sliver of land where 1.7 million people have been cooped up since 2007 when the Hamas government, hostile to Israel, took charge. In an earlier clash, the threeweek winter war of 2008-2009, many Palestinian rivals blamed Hamas’ rocket-firing bravado for bringing Israel’s military might down on Gaza. That war ended with over 1,400 Palestinians in early graves and a territory scarred by bombing, shelling and invasion. Israel lost 13 lives in the lopsided battle, and Hamas licked its wounds. This time is different. The Arab Spring has changed the Middle East, and Hamas has more powerful weapons. Many Facebook pages express undisguised glee at Israelis scuttling for cover, and two singers from the West Bank have made a YouTube hit, “Strike Tel Aviv”, praising Hamas and others for firing rockets that can threaten Tel Aviv and Jerusalem for the first time. Hamas also scored a diplomatic hit, with solidarity visits last week by the foreign ministers of Egypt and Tunisia while its positions were under attack. Both countries were ruled by Western-backed autocrats last time Gaza was invaded, but popular uprisings have since swept them aside, and Islamists now dominate in Cairo and Tunis, representing masses who back their fellow Sunni Islamists, Hamas. “Today we raise our hats to

Palestinians take photographs of destruction after Israeli air strikes in Gaza City yesterday Hamas,” said Talal Okal, a Gaza political analyst normally critical of the movement. “They look organised, aware of what they’re doing and ready to pay the price to achieve their agenda. Ordinary people can only admire them today. “Israel is no longer able to predict what Arab leaders might do if a ground offensive takes place, certainly not what Egypt’s President Mohammed Mursi could do under pressure from the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist and secular parties. “Maybe Israel does not care much, but its American and European allies do. They care for their own interests in the Middle East, the new Middle East,” Okal said. Though the long-range rockets fired at Tel Aviv have not caused any casualties or damage - thanks largely to Israel’s Iron Dome interceptor shield - Hamas is content to see Israelis running for cover in a city that was once immune to such attack. This is still asymmetric warfare with asymmetric rules and results, with the BBC reporting by yesterday noon that while three Israelis have been killed,


86 Palestinians are dead - most of them civilians. Yet the Islamists believe they are winning an important round in the battle for world public opinion. Israel says its goal is to defang the militants by destroying their rocket stockpile. It accuses Hamas of hiding behind civilians, implanting weapons in schools and apartment blocks. Yet even Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas - a figure of ridicule for Hamas because he recognises Israel and has renounced violence - has called its leaders to express his solidarity and readiness to do his utmost to bring an end to Israeli military action. Abbas is the leader of the Palestinian national movement and, for now, the embodiment of its aspirations of statehood. But he is put squarely in the shade by the Hamas spectacular in Gaza. Shops and schools remain closed, but the few who are on the streets celebrate every time they hear the distinctive roar of the long-range rockets that could be heading to Tel Aviv. “If we endured 22 days in the past war, we are today more ready to keep up for longer, and their soldiers will not,” said

Abu Ubaida, spokesman of the Hamas armed wing Izz el-Deen Al-Qassam Brigades. “This round of confrontation will not be the last against the Zionist enemy,” he said. Israeli claims to have badly damaged the military capability of the Qassam Brigades were “lies, propaganda and have no grain of truth”. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said the movement’s members were “proud of our resistance and high-profile capability and a performance which surprised the enemy and struck deep”. Still ahead at the time of writing is the threat of another Israeli invasion, as in early January 2009. Hamas has no armour, no tanks. But it does now have some modern antitank missiles, and Hamas says it will surprise the Israeli army if it enters. And even if the ground invasion comes, Palestinians sense that it will achieve nothing lasting for the Israelis. “Hundreds of civilians may be killed if the Israelis invade,” says Ali Al-Ahmed. “But once they leave, rockets will follow them home, so they would fail.”



25 years ago Friday November 20, 1987

After weeks of deliberations, the first day of the International Military Tribunal’s trial of 24 senior Nazis on charges of war crimes begins in Nuremberg.

Home-going commuters and firefighters failed at first to realise the seriousness of the fire which killed 30 people at King’s Cross Underground station, survivors and fire brigade chiefs said yesterday. Salesman Mark Silver, 21, told reporters that the apparent unconcern at street level contrasted with scenes of horrifying panic on the platforms and escalators below ground at the station.

1975 Hopes for democracy run high as Prince Juan Carlos prepares to take the reins of power following the death of General Franco.

1990 The Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, fails to win outright victory in her battle for the leadership of the Conservative Party.

35 years ago Sunday November 20, 1977 The government yesterday described as totally unfounded a report which appeared in the Greek Cypriot evening paper Apogevmatini, which suggested that the death of Archbishop Makarios might not be natural and that there were suspicions that he had been poisoned.


45 years ago Monday November 20, 1967

In a controversial TV interview, Diana, Princess of Wales admits to having had an affair with James Hewitt.

General George Grivas supreme commander of the Cyprus armed forces flew to Athens yesterday amid reports that he had been recalled by the Greek government following the recent events in the island. On his arrival in Athens the general sidestepped questions. Asked how long he would be remaining in the Greek capital he smiled and replied “It all depends”.

2003 In America, Pop star Michael Jackson hands himself into police following the issue of a warrant for his arrest in connection with charges of child molestation.

CYPRUS MAIL Tuesday, November 20, 2012



No nation is immune to changes in climate

Glacialpaced UN talks need overhaul

World Bank says must balance climate change with energy needs of poor

By Alister Doyle

Extreme ice survey: Balog started photographing the glaciers for magazines but realised single shots did not tell the whole story

By Anna Yukhananov ALL nations will suffer the effects of a warmer world, but it is the world’s poorest countries that will be hit hardest by food shortages, rising sea levels, cyclones and drought, the World Bank said in a report on climate change. Under new World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, the global development lender has launched a more aggressive stance to integrate climate change into development. “We will never end poverty if we don’t tackle climate change. It is one of the single biggest challenges to social justice today,” Kim told reporters. The report, called Turn Down the Heat, highlights the devastating impact of a world hotter by 4 degrees Celsius by the end of the century, a likely scenario under current policies, according to the report. Climate change is already having an effect: Arctic sea ice reached a record minimum in September, and extreme heat waves and drought in the last decade have hit places like the United States and Russia more often than would be expected from historical records, the report said. Such extreme weather is likely to become the “new normal” if the temperature rises by 4 degrees, according to the World Bank report. This is likely to happen if not all countries comply with pledges they have made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Even assuming full compliance, the world will warm by more than 3 degrees by 2100. In this hotter climate, the level of the sea would rise by

New film chases glaciers, with time-lapse photos By Lindsay Claiborn AL GORE won an Oscar with a documentary that used bar graphs and pie charts to illustrate climate change and the fate of the Earth. Six years after Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, a new film, Chasing Ice, goes beyond the data and the diagrams to document the disappearance of the world’s glaciers with time-lapse photography. Nature photographer James Balog has been capturing the grandeur of glaciers and ice floes since 2007. He started the Extreme Ice Survey the same year, up to 3 feet, flooding cities in places like Vietnam and Bangladesh. Water scarcity and falling crop yields would exacerbate hunger and poverty. Extreme heat waves would devastate broad swaths of the earth’s land, from the Middle East to the United States, the report says. The warmest July in the Mediterranean could be 9 degrees hotter than it is today - akin to temperatures seen in the Libyan desert. The combined effect of

which is considered the most wideranging photographic study of glaciers. What started as a video record of Balog and his team’s Arctic excursions instead turned into Chasing Ice, a chronicling of the effort to capture and consolidate time-lapse photos over months and years of vanishing polar landscapes. Balog came to the idea of illustrating the changing ice floes with time-lapse montages while shooting single images of glaciers for magazines like National Geographic. “It was pretty evident to me that single frame could only take you a very little distance into telling the story of that ice. I started to get the idea that

all these changes could be even worse, with unpredictable effects that people may not be able to adapt to, said John Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, which along with Climate Analytics prepared the report for the World Bank. “If you look at all these things together, like organs co-operating in a human body, you can think about acceleration of this dilemma,” said Schellnhuber, who studied chaos theory

I would be coming back and repeating some of these camera positions in years to come,” Balog asid. The composite images, which are made up of still photographs taken every hour or so over the course of months, show how much glaciers have shrunk. Balog and his crew were equally floored by the images they had captured. “We were really stunned especially right in the beginning, but now, six years into this, we’re still stunned when we see these pictures and see how the landscape has changed. It’s bringing to life something that is otherwise invisible, otherwise really unimaginable,” he said.

as a physicist. “The picture reads that this is not where we want the world to go.” As the first scientist to head the World Bank, Kim has pointed to “unequivocal” scientific evidence for man-made climate change to urge countries to do more. Kim said 97 per cent of scientists agree on the reality of climate change. “It is my hope that this report shocks us into action,” Kim, writes in the report. Scientists are convinced that global warming in the

past century is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. These findings by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were recognised by the national science academies of all major industrialised nations in a joint statement in 2010. Kim said the World Bank plans to further meld climate change with development in its programmes.

NATIONS working on a deal to fight climate change should cap the size of delegations and use majority voting to overhaul negotiating rules that stifle progress and harm the interests of the poorest nations, researchers say. Almost 200 nations will meet in Doha, Qatar, from Monday to December 7 to try to extend the Kyoto Protocol, the existing plan for curbing greenhouse gas emissions by developed nations that runs to the end of 2012. They have been trying off and on since Kyoto was agreed in 1997 to widen limits on emissions but have been unable to find a formula acceptable to both rich and poor nations. The number of national delegates hit a peak of 10,591 at the Copenhagen summit in 2009, when governments failed to agree a global accord to slow climate change after opposition from a handful of countries, up from 757 at a first meeting in 1995. Limiting the delegates per country would be a step towards greater fairness, the researchers from the University of East Anglia, the University of Colorado and PricewaterhouseCoopers wrote in the journal Nature Climate Change. Brazil holds the record, with almost 600 delegates at Copenhagen, while many of the poorest nations cannot afford to send more than a handful of delegates and so have less influence on the negotiations, they said. Many studies show that developing nations, most dependent on agriculture, are most at risk from a changing climate. “There is negotiation by exhaustion,” Heike Schroeder, lead author at the University of East Anglia in England, said. Small delegations were unable to follow multiple strands of negotiations that often last late into the night. The researchers also suggested that a shift to majority voting could help unlock progress at talks where decisions on slowing global warming now have to be made by consensus. “Current United Nations structures are highly inequitable and obstruct progress towards international climate policy co-operation,” the authors said.

44m nesting birds ‘lost since 1966’ in UK Wind power growth to slow, pick up after 2020 AN ESTIMATED 44 million nesting birds have been lost from the UK since 1966, according a new report. Experts estimate that breeding birds have vanished from the British countryside at an average rate of one pair every minute. There are now thought to be 166 million nesting birds compared with 210 million in the 1960s. The house sparrow is one of the biggest casualties, say researchers. Since 1966, its population has halved from 20 million to 10 million, despite a rise over the last decade. Dr Mark Eaton of the Royal Society for the

Protection of Birds, who worked on the State of the UK’s Birds 2012 report, said: “It’s shocking to think we’ve lost one in five of the individual birds we had in the 1960s, especially when you think that the 44 million birds we have lost since 1966 is equivalent to the current adult human population of England and Wales.” Changes in land use and the management of the countryside and coastal waters are believed to have contributed to the losses. In some cases, birds have found it difficult to locate suitable places to nest, or to forage for food in the summer or winter.

THE GROWTH of wind power generation is likely to slow over the next few years, hit by cutbacks in the budget subsidies in the United States and Europe that have driven 15 years of construction, a new report shows. Held back by a struggling world economy and the failure to create commercial conditions which stimulate more green investment, the report by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and Greenpeace International expected growth of wind power would not accelerate again until after 2020.

Global installed wind capacity reached 240 GW at the end of 2011, it said, but 2013 looks like a difficult year for the sector amid a rocky environment for global financing. However, cumulative installed capacity could still reach 759 GW by 2020 - supplying up to 12 per cent of global electricity - and continue to increase during the 2020s to reach 1,600 GW by 2030, the report said. If current market uncertainties are overcome in the near future, capacity could even top 1,150 GW by 2020 and 2,500 GW by 2030.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL


What’s on


(K) All Audiences (12/15/18) No admittance to Under-12s/ 15s/ 18s (N/A) Not Available

Times are subject to change, so check first with cinemas before you head out

NICOSIA The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2 (N/A) K-Cineplex (Screen 1) at 5.35, 7.45 and 10.15pm, weekends also at 3.25pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 1) at 5.35, 7.45 and 10.15pm, weekends also at 11am, 1.20pm and 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Taken 2 (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 4) at 5.30, 8 and 10.20pm, weekends also at 3.30pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 4) at 5.30, 8 and 10.20pm, weekends also at 11.20am, 1.30pm and 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383 J.A.C.E (18) K-Cineplex (Screen 3) (in Greek) at 10.20pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 3) (in Greek) at 10.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Skyfall (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 2) at 5, 7.40 and 10.20pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 2) at 5, 7.40 and 10.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383 To Rome With Love (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 5) at 5.40, 7.50 and 10.15pm, weekends also at 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Tinkerbell: Secret of the Wings (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 3) (in Greek) at 5.35pm, weekends also at 3.30pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 3) (in Greek) at 5.35pm, weekends also at 11.20am, 1.30pm and 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Looper (15) K-Cineplex (Screen 6) at 7.45pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 5) at 7.45pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Paranormal Activity 4 (15) K-Cineplex (Screen 6) at 10.15pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 5) at 10.15pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Asterix & Obelix: God Save Britannia (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 3) (in French) at 7.50pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 3) (in French) at 7.50pm. Tel: 77778383 Barbie: The Princess & the Popstar (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 2) (in Greek), weekends only at 3.20pm; KCineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 2) (in Greek), weekends only at 11.30am, 1.35pm and 3.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 6) (in English, in 2D) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 3.30pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 5) (in English, in 2D) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 11.30am, 1.30pm and 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383 7 Days in Havana (mostly in Spanish, with Greek subtitles) Cine Studio, tonight and Thursday at 9pm, presented by the Friends of the Cinema Society. Tel: 96-420491,

CINEMA WEBSITES: K-Cineplex:, Friends of the Cinema Society:

LIMASSOL The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2 (N/A) Rio 1 at 7.45 and 10pm, weekends also at 3 and 5.15pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 1) at 5.35, 7.45 and 10.15pm, weekends also at 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Taken 2 (12) Rio 3 at 7.45 and 10pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 4) at 5.30, 8pm and 10.20pm, weekends also at 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383 J.A.C.E (18) K-Cineplex (Screen 3) (in Greek) at 10.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Skyfall (12) Rio 2 at 7.45 and 10.30pm, weekends also at 5pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 2) at 5, 7.40 and 10.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383 To Rome With Love (12) Rio 6 at 7.45 and 10pm, weekends also at 3.20pm and 5.30pm. Tel: 25-871410; KCineplex (Screen 5) at 7.50pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Tinkerbell: Secret of the Wings (K) Rio 3 (in Greek), weekdays at 6pm, weekends at 3.30 and 5.30pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 3) (in Greek) at 5.35pm, weekends also at 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Paranormal Activity 4 (15) Rio 4 at 7.45pm (weekends at 8.10pm) and 10pm. Tel: 25871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 5) at 10.15pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Looper (15) Rio 5, weekdays at 7.45 and 10pm, weekends at 8.15 and 10.30pm. Tel: 25-871410 Asterix & Obelix: God Save Britannia (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 3) (in French) at 7.50pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Barbie: The Princess & the Popstar (K) Rio 2 (in Greek), weekdays at 6pm, weekends at 3.15pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 2) (in Greek), weekends only at 3.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (K) Rio 4 (in English, in 2D), weekends only at 3, 4.45 and 6.30pm. Tel: 25-871410; KCineplex (Screen 5) (in English, in 2D) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Ice Age 4: Continental Drift (K) Rio 5 (in Greek), weekends only at 3, 4.45 and 6.30pm. Tel: 25-871410

LARNACA The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2 (N/A) K-Cineplex (Screen 1) at 5.35, 7.45 and 10.15pm, weekends also at 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Taken 2 (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 4) at 5.30, 8 and 10.20pm, weekends also at 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383 J.A.C.E (18) K-Cineplex (Screen 3) (in Greek) at 10.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Skyfall (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 2) at 5, 7.40 and 10.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383 To Rome With Love (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 5) at 5.40, 7.50 and 10.15pm, weekends also at 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383

The Help House of Arts and Literature (Makarios Avenue), Thursday at 8.30pm, presented by the Larnaca Film Society. Tel: 99658831,

PAPHOS The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2 (N/A) Rio 1 at 5.30, 7.45 and 10pm. Tel: 26-207000 Taken 2 (12) Rio 4 at 6, 7.45 and 9.45pm, weekends also at 4pm. Tel: 26-207000

Tinkerbell: Secret of the Wings (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 3) (in Greek) at 5.35pm, weekends also at 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Skyfall (12) Rio 7 at 5.30, 8 and 10.30pm. Tel: 26-207000

Looper (15) K-Cineplex (Screen 6) at 7.45pm. Tel: 7777-8383

To Rome With Love (12) Rio 2 at 6, 8 and 10pm. Tel: 26-207000

Paranormal Activity 4 (15) K-Cineplex (Screen 6) at 10.15pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Tinkerbell: Secret of the Wings (K) Rio 6 (in Greek), weekdays at 6pm, weekends at 4 and 5.45pm. Tel: 26-207000

Asterix & Obelix: God Save Britannia (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 3) (in French) at 7.50pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Barbie: The Princess & the Popstar (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 2) (in Greek), weekends only at 3.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 6) (in English, in 2D) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Looper (15) Rio 3, weekdays at 7.45 and 10pm, weekends at 7.30 and 9.45pm. Tel: 26-207000 Paranormal Activity 4 (15) Rio 5 at 7.45pm (weekends at 7.30pm) and 9.30pm. Tel: 26-207000 Asterix & Obelix: God Save Britannia (K) Rio 6 (in French) at 7.45 and 10pm. Tel: 26-207000

listings Today Exhibition Small Portraits Solo art exhibition. Opens November 10, 7.30pm until December 8. Apocalypse Gallery, 30 Chytron Street, Nicosia. Monday- Friday: 10.30am-1pm and 5pm-8pm. Saturday: 10.30am-1pm. Tel: 22-766655

Music The Ultimate Tribute Show & Dance with Elvis, Elton and Stand-Up Comic Lukas Two top tribute acts and a great funny man combine in one amazing performance. November 20.Pentaras Hall, Coral Bay Road, Paphos. Doors open 7.30pm, showtime 8.30pm prompt, ends at 10.45pm. €10. Reservations essential - Tel: 99-832538. Meals available in the restaurant Tel: 26-271130 A Night at the Opera A concert that will include a selection of arias and duets of great composers, such as Verdi, Puccini, Mozart and Theodorakis. November 20. Strovolos Municipal Theatre, Nicosia. 8.30pm. Free. Tel: 22-470470

Theatre The Blood Theatre group Olvos presents play which deals with racism. November 20-23. Technohoros ETHAL, 76 Franklin Roosevelt Avenue, Limassol. 8.30pm. €10. In Greek. Tel: 22-260005

Other Events Psatharis Auction House Viewing Viewing of 115 selected works of Cypriot and Greek artists to go under the hammer. November 20-22. Hilton Hotel, Akamas Room, Nicosia. 9am-10pm. Thursday: 9am-5pm. For a catalogue, telephone participation, written bids and information, tel: 24-621109/ 99-564131, info@, www.


Far Away, So Close An exhibition of paintings by Alek Popov dedicated to those affected by cancer. Opens November 21, 7pm until November 28. Pegasus Art Foundation Gallery - Art Studio 55, Heroes Square, Limassol. (next to the Rialto Theatre). Tel: 99-603316

The Three Great Composers of the Classical Period The Cyprus Symphony Orchestra concert, under the music direction of Julius Kalmar and with soloist Martino Tirimo (piano). November 21. Rialto Theatre, Limassol. 8.30pm. €12/7. Tel: 77-777745

Regenerate the City Solo art exhibition by Eleni Economou. Opens November 21, 7pm until December 8. Argo Gallery, 64E D. Akrita Avenue, Nicosia. MondayFriday: 10am-1pm and 5pm-8pm. Saturday: 10am-1pm. Tel: 22754009.

Elvis & Elton in Concert Chris King as Elvis Presley, Andrew Oliver as Elton John in a fast paced stage show. November 21. Club 71, Ambelakion 22, Germasoyia, (on top of Old Malibu Disco, tourist area) Limassol. 8.30pm. €10 purchased in advance. Reservations essential Tel: 99-832538. Meals available from 6.30pm with separate reservation - Tel: 99-420768. Email:

Yes, there will be Vodka! Exhibition of installations and three-dimensional objects by Eva Korae. November 21. ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation, 64, Ay. Omoloyites Avenue, Nicosia 7pm. Tel: 99-491246/22-445455

Music Exhibitions Athenians Solo art exhibition by Christian W. Bertram. Opens November 21, 7pm until December 4. ‘Old Market Pallouriotissa’, Nicosia. Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10am-1pm & 4pm-7pm. Tel: 22-466330

Lavrentis Macheritsas Acclaimed singer and songwriter in a live performance. November 21. Diachroniki Music Stage, 2 Yianni Koromia Street, Kaimakli, Nicosia. 9.30pm. Tickets are available at the following locations: The Mall of Cyprus Kiosk, University of Cyprus Cafeteria, Diachroniki. €25/18. Tel: 97-716886

Other Events British colonial architecture in Cyprus between 1878 and 1960 Professor Costas Georghiou will present a lecture that will examine the colonial context within which the buildings and infrastructure were created. November 21. University of Nicosia’s Architecture Research Centre, 31 Michael Georgalla, Engomi, Nicosia. 7pm. Tel: 22-842600 or email

Cyprus Services Rambling Club A choice of two circular walks around Souni, one gentle, and one more challenging for those who want to stretch themselves a little. (No Bus). Walk 1: Grade 3, 10 miles. Start time 9am. Walk 2: Grade 1, 6 and half miles. Start time 10.30am. November 25, bookings by mid-day Wednesday November 21 to 99292092 or email csrc.bookings@

Ongoing Other Events Days of German Language Films Screenings of recent films from Austria, Germany and Switzerland. November 19-24. Goethe-Institut, Nicosia (next to Ledra Palace). Opening at 5pm. First screening 6pm followed by screening at 8pm. All films will have English subtitles. Free. Tel: 22-674608 Chocolate Week Opportunity to taste combinations especially prepared by the hotel’s pastry chef and his team. November 16-25. Colors Café at the Four Seasons Hotel, Limassol. Tel: 22-818884

For a full guide to the week’s events and regular meetings, make sure you get a copy of the Sunday Mail

European Political Thought A series of seminars to be presented by Dr Eleni Papamichael, followed by a discussion. Participants to more than six seminars will be awarded Diplomas of Attendance. Until January 23. M106 (Millennium building 1st floor) at the University of Nicosia 8.45pm. Every Wednesday. €50. Monitoring individual lectures €10. Tel: 22-841600/ 99-536311 and/or

Music Paphos 13th Music and Dance Festival A festival embracing a variety of musical genres taking place in venues around Paphos. November 14-24. €7 and €5 (students and pensioners). Tel: 26-937670/99-632346

Theatre Same Time, Next Year Dionysos Theatre opens the new theatre season with play by Bernard Slade, directed by Nikos Charalambous. Until November 25. Dionysos Theatre, 29 Diagorou Street, Nicosia. Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 8.30pm and Sunday at 6.30pm. In Greek. €20/15. Tel: 22818999/99-621845

CYPRUS MAIL Tuesday, November 20, 2012

15 To have your event included for FREE in our listings, send details to: Arts Editor, Cyprus Mail, PO Box 21144, Nicosia. Fax: 22-676385. Email: Please send your information as early as possible. Include full details, a contact number and good quality photos

Theatre outdoors?

On The Scene Other Events Fine art up for auction PSATHARIS Auction House is organising its 13th auction at the Hilton Hotel, Nicosia on Thursday, with 115 selected works of Cypriot and Greek artists. The beauty of owning a piece of art is that it is an investment that can be enjoyed. Its value may go up or down but the quality of painting doesn’t change. Equally, the process of buying or selling is to be enjoyed and in any market there will always be buyers and there will always be sellers. The creation of the Psatharis Auction House is an the extension of the works of Kypriaki Gonia Gallery, which for fifteen years has served and serves with consistency art and culture in Cyprus. Evolving from the natural desire to seek passion and creativity in a myriad forms, the auction house hopes to evoke a greater interest in old collections and contemporary art, while allowing the public the opportunity to get their hands on some unique artwork. Hard times have always squeezed out valuable art pieces at affordable prices. Art lovers and savvy collectors ought to head to the Akamas Room from today to see the works, which will be open to the public until Thursday before they go under the hammer.

Among the works to be auctioned are the following: a work by Michael Chr. Kashialos, ‘Wedding Preparation’. The work was purchased by the current owner from the artist during Easter in 1974, oil on canvas, 64 x 109 cm., estimate €17,000- 25,000, ‘Accident’, by the same artist, oil on wood, 38.5 x 64 cm, (1960 era), is priced at €5,000-7,000. Also available is a work by Christoforos Savva ‘Girl in Pink’, a wall construction, 200 x 150 cm, est. €18,000-25,000. These works are the most highly priced artworks in the auction, the rest, however, are very modestly priced from €300 to 2,000, so you could easily snap up a bargain or good investment for the future. All works can be seen on the website. Viewing art online is one way to search for pieces. A person can find deals this way, but one cannot actually see the beautiful strokes and the colours may not be as vibrant. Also a buyer is limited to what has been placed online. Nothing beats being able to see a large quantity of art in person and examining the worksmanship, all in one place. Psatharis Auction House Viewing of 115 selected works of Cypriot and Greek artists to go under the hammer. November 20-22. Hilton Hotel, Akamas Room, Nicosia. 9am-10pm. Thursday: 9am-5pm. Auction November 22. 7pm For a catalogue, telephone participation, written bids and information, tel: 24621109/99-564131, at: All works can be seen on the following website:

WITH their impressive new building finally up and running, THOC has certainly upped their game this year, offering a notable programme of productions for the current theatre season. Many of these shows are also being offered with English supertitles, a commendable step towards making theatre in Cyprus more accessible to a wider audience. THOC is also making full use of the new space, by allowing performances to take place not only within the theatre spaces, but also outdoors. Their latest production The Harley Jacket takes place just outside the theatre entrance, with the cars of Grigori Afxentiou str. speeding by directly behind the audience (cue annoying drivers hooting at the crowd). The location choice allows the show’s protagonist (Annita Santorineou) to make an impressive entrance on the back of a motorbike, as she hustles towards the post where her son, an Evzone soldier, stands on guard duty. Unable to speak, or move in any way besides the occasional stamping of his gun, the young soldier is forced to listen to a rambling mother detailing the dull emptiness of the life she chose, but also the exciting promise of youth – which then also ultimately turns dull and ends with a ‘This will do, too.’ The production’s greatest let-down was undoubtedly the decision to exclude a live actor in the role of the soldier, and to simply include the guard’s wooden shack as a representation of his post, and a gobo-light projection of his outline on the theatre wall. The entrance/exits of the technician into this shack to perform the sound effects of the gun-banging, as well as the lack of sound and lighting effects to represent rain, were elements that gave an amateur feel to an otherwise strong production. Nevertheless, Santorineou does not disappoint in the role of the mother. A confident and experienced actress, she gives a moving performance that is both likeable and believable. Her powerful display, like the production’s outdoor surroundings, offers a breath of fresh air; it is neither overly dramatic nor underplayed. But while she fully succeeds in nailing the ‘tragic’ elements of her role, the ‘comic’ side of a witty and highly relevant script is unfortunately overlooked, both in terms of directing and performance. The script itself unfolds effectively, gradually revealing the grave and unexpected truth behind her reasons for giving this monologue.

Tomorrow Exhibition So near and yet so far THE Pegasus Art Foundation Gallery in Limassol will be hosting an exhibition of paintings by Ukrainian artist Alek Popov. The exhibition entitled So Close, So Far opens tomorrow and is dedicated to those affected by cancer. It runs for one week only. Combining drawn images with imaginative use of colour, Popov’s works have an intriguing sense of mystery that hints at dreamlike worlds and secret places. Using subtle tones, his

While the street noise did disrupt the performance, making parts of it inaudible, and the uncomfortable seating (for those who arrived early enough to get a seat at all!) make it difficult to render the experience ‘pleasant’, the authenticity of the surrounding environment, and the effectiveness of Santorineou’s performance, make this 40 minute piece well worth the effort. For those unwilling to sacrifice comfort and warmth, or who would like to experience the shows on offer with English supertitles, visit to view a full list of available shows (browse for those marked for supertitles). The Harley Jacket THOC’s New Stage presents play by Vasilis Katsikonouris directed by Giorgos Mouaimis. Until December 7. THOC New Theatre Building, 9 Gregori Afxentiou, Nicosia. Wednesday through Friday at 8.30pm. In Greek. Tel: 77-772717/22-864300

impressionistic oil paintings glow with an ethereal quality capturing the spirit of his symbolically charged works. His mother died in July 2012 after fighting a long battle with cancer. He has dedicated this exhibition to all those affected by cancer around the world. Some artists look to the purity of abstraction as a means of capturing beauty, not as an extrinsic quality but as one that inheres in the realm of the mind and the spirit. In Popov’s current body of work, there is a certain air of mystery exploring the unknown and the world beyond. Popov is from the Crimea in the south of Ukraine and had a rigorous fine art training at the historic Nickholay Samokish Art School which shows in the fine

By Eleni Cosma details of his work. After completing his education he worked on cruise liners which gave him the opportunity to see many beautiful islands and cities around the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Baltic and north Atlantic as well as trips to China and the USA. The nature, coast line and dramatic mountains of his homeland are very similar to Cyprus, which provides Popov with lots of inspiration, who feels very much at home in Limassol, where the hopes to stay and teach art. Far Away, So Close An exhibition of paintings by Alek Popov dedicated to those affected by cancer. Opens November 21, 7pm until November 28. Pegasus Art Foundation Gallery - Art Studio 55, Heroes Square, Limassol. (next to the Rialto Theatre). Tel: 99-603316

For a full listing of the day’s events see facing page



Reportage Old meets new: Coventry Cathedral


OWAN Williams once said the next Archbishop of Canterbury, spiritual leader of the fractious Anglican wing of world Christianity, needs “the constitution of an ox and the skin of a rhinoceros”. He overlooked the calm and patient negotiating skills that probably helped his successor Justin Welby clinch the job. Welby, 56, whose nomination was announced ten days ago, hardly seems an obvious choice to head the Church of England. He started out in the oil business in France, had a late vocation to the priesthood and became a bishop only last year. His resume includes years of work as a crisis negotiator in Africa, among separatists in the swamps of the Niger Delta and Islamists in northern Nigeria. Those skills, honed as head of Coventry Cathedral’s Centre for Reconciliation from 2002 to 2007, will be crucial in an Anglican Communion that has come close to schism over gay rights and a Church of England preparing to welcome women bishops. The Coventry spirit of building new structures and fostering reconciliation, as the city did with Germany after its cathedral was destroyed by World War Two bombing, also influences his work in a parliamentary commission examin-

ing the banking sector. “He is absolutely the right man at the right time,” said Canon Stephen Davis, a former Coventry staffer who endured hardship and death threats accompanying Welby in Africa. “He has exactly what’s needed to head the Anglican church and Anglican Communion.” Williams acknowledged these traits when he said Welby would “bring to this office both a rich pastoral experience and a keen sense of international priorities, for Church and world”. Williams knows how important that “keen sense” will be. A theologian and poet at heart, Williams anguished over the conflict within Anglicanism during his 10 years in a post with prestige but no direct authority over the wider Communion. With about 80 million faithful, the Communion - a loose association of 38 member churches around the globe - shares third place in world Christianity with other large denominations such as the Lutherans and the Reformed churches. Only the Roman Catholics, with 1.2 billion members, and the 250-million strong Orthodox churches are larger. Soon after Williams took office in 2003, the Episcopal Church - the US branch of the Anglican Commun-

Women bishops being consecrated in the Anglican church in Australia

ion - ordained its first openly gay bishop. Conservative churches in the developing world, mostly Africa, revolted against what they called an un-Biblical abomination. Over the years, the Communion’s so-called “Global South” - where the majority of Anglicans now live - created a parallel group and supported conservatives in North America who opposed gay bishops and growing approval there for same-sex marriage. “Rowan Williams was perceived as socially liberal from the get-go, so he had a problem gaining the trust of the Global South,” said Paul Bickley, senior researcher at the Theos religion think tank in London. When he seemed to give in to the critics and try to slow the reformist Americans and Canadians, Williams lost the liberals’ confidence as well. His proposed solution of creating more centralised authority for the Communion died when his own Church of England rejected it. Welby, the outgoing Bishop of Durham, arrives as the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury with none of Williams’ baggage. “Justin has never come across as a person trying to impose a point of view,” Davis said. His method in conflict negotiation is to hear everyone out, take risks - even to his own life - to show he respects their concerns and patiently build trust until common ground emerges. “Justin is very good at being sensitive to the right time to broach difficult issues,” Davis said. In the Niger Delta, Welby found rebel groups with “conflict fatigue” who sought his help in finding a way out of their deadlocked struggle with the Nigerian government. “It’s a little like that in the Church,” Davis said. “It’s so distracted by internal problems it may have lost the plot.” Jim Naughton, communications adviser to Episcopal bishops in the United States, said Welby’s African experience would stand him well in relations with the Global South churches.

New Anglica conflict role

New Archbishop of Canterbury is a conflict negotiator with skills crucial to moderate Anglican gay rights rows says Tom Heneghan Two important African provinces, Nigeria and Kenya, have said they will campaign to have the Archbishop of Canterbury pushed aside as head of the Communion in favour of a leader elected by the group’s 38 member churches. Naughton saw little hope for that initiative. “He’s not going to fluster,” he said. “He’s negotiated with rebels in Nigeria at gunpoint. He’s not going to

for five years, then six years as treasurer for the Londonbased exploration company Enterprise Oil. “Treasury teaches you to be decisive,” Welby told an interviewer in mid-2011. “Markets don’t allow you to hang about and vacillate.” In ministry, he mixed this business acumen with the principles of Catholic social teaching whose focus on com-

‘His method in conflict negotiation is to hear everyone out, take risks - even to his own life - to show he respects their concerns and patiently build trust until common ground emerges’ be put off by other prelates in purple shirts.” Neither man could say exactly where Welby will lead the Church and the Communion after his installation next March, but both were sure he had better chances than Williams to find the common ground. “Anyone who thinks he knows what that is, doesn’t,” Davis said. “You have to have an open mind. If the different sides think you have a plan, you’re out.” After his initial meeting with journalists after his nomination, Welby was not immediately available for comment on his plans. Welby attended the elite private school Eton, then studied law and economics at Cambridge, but prefers to be defined as a Christian rather than as the product of a privileged education. His first career was in oil, first for Elf Aquitaine in Paris

merce for society’s common good, he says, has influenced him greatly. His theology dissertation was entitled Can Companies Sin? and he has written about the ethics of the derivatives contracts he once traded. In a speech in Zurich on business ethics last month, Welby said patching up the financial system that collapsed in 2008 would be as senseless as rebuilding Coventry Cathedral on its ruins. As in Coventry, where a modern cathedral stands next to the mediaeval ruined shell, a new financial structure is needed. “We need to build from the ruins something that looks as if it helps people, rather than being there for people to help it,” he said. “The industry was referred to as financial services, but in fact it served nothing,” he added. “We can only replace it with something that is dedi-

cated to the support of human society, to the common good and to solidarity.” Welby is one of 26 Anglican bishops that have seats in the upper chamber of parliament, the House of Lords, and sits on the Commission on Banking Standards. At a hearing last week, Welby showed he is not always the soft-spoken mediator. Welby grilled the chief executive of the Royal Bank of Scotland, a bank with vast assets which taxpayers bailed out during the crisis, for failing to mention social responsibility in introductory remarks at the hearing. “What is the duty of an enormous bank like yours approaching 100 per cent of GDP, well into the hundreds of billions of pounds - what is your duty to society, and why didn’t you mention it?” he asked RBS boss Stephen Hester. When Hester said RBS served its savers and shareholders and paid its taxes, the bishop dismissed that as “motherhood and apple pie” and asked for “a bit more penetrating analysis of what your duty is to society”. In his Zurich speech, Welby offered no overall plan for banking reform but suggested state support should be “limited only to those banks and financial institutions that have a clear and explicit social value”. Banks with a social purpose could enjoy “an easier tax regime and lighter regulatory touch”, he said. His criticism of the banks has led him to support the Occupy protest movement against inequality that started near New York’s Wall Street and spread far beyond. “Occupy reflects a deep-seated sense

ay, November 20, 2012

17 Television






an head mixes e, business ss skill there is something wrong and we need to think very hard about what’s wrong,” he told another interviewer last July. The Occupy movement exposed divisions within the Church over whether to clear a protest camp outside St Paul’s Cathedral in London. Welby comes from Anglicanism’s evangelical wing, in contrast to his liberal AngloCatholic predecessor. Before entering the priesthood in 1989 he was a lay leader at Holy Trinity Brompton, a London church known worldwide for its popular Alpha courses to bring non-believers into the faith. But this does not automatically mean a close link to conservative politics, as with many US evangelicals. Welby supports women bishops in the Church of England and some of his positions on eco-

nomic issues echo those of the political left. He has supported the Church’s opposition to the legalisation of same-sex marriage, as planned by the Conservative government. Given the divisive role of gay issues at home and abroad, he acknowledged the differing views of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender church members. After his nomination, Welby said he would have to “listen very attentively to the LGBT communities and examine my own thinking prayerfully and carefully”. What stands out in his pastoral record in Coventry and Liverpool, where he was dean of the cathedral, is that the congregations grew wherever he worked. “It’s hard to put a label on him,” Davis said. Whenever he returned from Africa to

Coventry, he recalled, Welby enjoyed reconnecting with traditional Anglican liturgy and vestments. “At the same time, Justin has great sympathy with Holy Trinity Brompton, which is really vibrant, incredibly modern - some would say Pentecostal,” he added. In the last analysis, Davis said, he would count Welby among Christians “who want to reach out and grow the Kingdom of God here on Earth”. When Williams announced he would leave his post in late 2012 for an academic post at Cambridge University, the Church of England announced that nominations for his successor could be emailed to by the end of April. That was one of the few public aspects of the secretive selection process by a com-

mission of 16 bishops, priests and lay Anglicans, who finally picked a preferred candidate and alternative for Prime Minister David Cameron to choose. No details of their meetings were announced and no details of their deliberations leaked out, but they were clearly deadlocked in September, when a decision had been expected. Several other possible candidates were mentioned in Church circles, including John Sentamu, the Ugandan-born Archbishop of York, and London Bishop Richard Chartres. The first sign Welby had got the nod was when bookmakers suspended betting on him two weeks ago following a wave of wagers on his name that seemed to be inspired by a leak. “It’s a very strange

feeling when you find yourself having odds quoted on you at a bookie,” Welby said later. Peter Ould, a religious commentator and Anglican priest, dismissed any suggestion that Welby’s nomination was without intrigue, although it did fall short of the drama that has

surrounded some elections of Roman Catholic popes. “If someone tries to be super-spiritual and say it is not political, they are not living in the real world,” said Ould. “It is not quite as Machiavellian as a papal conclave, but it has its moments.”

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL


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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES *****************************

WE ARE LOOKING FOR RESPONSIBLE VOLUNTEERS in the Larnaca area to work at our second hand charity shop. If you can help us any time to raise money for hundreds of homeless and unwanted dogs and puppies at the shelter please call John on 99866121 *****************************

MISCELLANEOUS *****************************

MR MIKIS THEOCHAROUS from Larnaca and MISS GEORGINA GEORGIOU from Vatily and now Larnaca announce their wedding *****************************

MR GEORGIOS TERTAS from Paralimni and Miss ELPIDA GEORGIOU from Trikons and now Limassol are pleased to announce their engagement. *****************************

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BEAUTIFUL AND SWEET FEMALE DOG, medium size, looking for a loving home. She is very lovable and she will definitely be your best friend. At the Nicosia Dog Shelter, many more dogs and puppies like this one are looking for forever homes ! To provide a temporary foster home or to adopt contact Elena on 99520511 mon-frid 10-2pm. *****************************

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CYPRUS MAIL Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Advertiser SERVICES sale including Italian, Spanish and French clothes and shoes. Also women’s dummies and modern wall fittings (clothes rails.) Selling at very low prices for clearance. Tel: 99-168943 *****************************

FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS metal bobbins included. €180 or best offer. Call 99512965 (Nicosia) *****************************



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RESIDENTIAL PIECE OF LAND of 985sqm in the village of Pareklisia. Partial sea views, near to electricity and water supplies. €135.000 D.C. (Cyprus) Real Estate Tel: 99 330 908 *****************************

It offers a large 100% build factor, and is suitable for the construction of a large house or apartment building. Price € 260.000 tel. 99 330 908 www. *****************************

SALE OF FIVE ADJACENT PLOTS in Paphos.Considered a significant investment opportunity because the plots are located in a central area of Paphos(very close to the central public market).Sale of either all together or independently. Prices: €220000 – 250000 each. Call 99494753

FOR SALE PLOT IN THE CENTER OF LEFKARA Village 670sqm, high build factor, near all shops, and amenities €210.000 negotiable Tel: 99 330 908




FOR SALE PLOT of 528sqm located in Paphos Municipality in the Agios Paulos area.


TREMITHOUSA, plots for sale in a very quiet area, unobstructed sea and mountain views, 600 – 700 sqm, prices from €170.000 Tel: 99510420

XMAS OFFER UP TO 20/12/2012 Enroll until the 20th of December 2012 And you get:

€15 discount for 1 child €30 discount for 2 children For all dance levels in: • Classical Ballet • Hip hop • Musical Theatre • Tap • Modern • Jazz • Belly dance 57, Αrtemidos Αvenue 6027, Larnaca-Cyprus Tel: 99 58 54 39, Fax: 24 63 43 39, Email:,

FOR SALE B.P./LAND zoning Ka7 (80% -45% - 3 stories). Regular amphitheatrical shape overlooking Ladies Mile. Close to New Limassol Hospital with direct access to Limassol – Paphos Highway. Water supply, electricity and telephones are readily available. Suitable for immediate development. Ideal for various health facilities and resorts, holiday centres, commercial and shopping centres, entertainment enterprises etc. Information: Tel. 22 674338, 99621554 *****************************

FOR SALE LAND in Anthoupoli (half plot) 288 sq.metres. for information 99621554.

WANTED TO RENT FLAT OR HOUSE TO RENT, 2-3 bedrooms, veranda/ter-

FOR SALE B.P./LAND race or garden, prefer furnished, SW of Nicosia (in approx area Lakadamia to Kapedes and Kalo Chorio) cy, 22455072, 99089083. *****************************

PROPERTY TO LET NICOSIA *****************************

LUXURIOUS APARTMENT FOR RENT A luxurious one floor apartment situated in central Nicosia in an area of exceptional Beauty at 3 Museum Street, is available to let. It has been recently renovated and consists of four bedrooms, two bathrooms, big dining and sitting rooms, kitchen and a huge veranda.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL

Advertiser TO LET NICOSIA Approximate covered area 250 sqm. Monthly rent €1400.00 o.n.o. Tel: 99622370. *****************************

TO LET SPACIOUS AND COMFORTABLE 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT, 125sq.m, with modern design in a quiet neighbourhood in Strovolos near Agia Sofia church, spacious sitting room, one bedroom with en suite WC and two other WC, kitchen with oven & fridge, central heating, A/C. €580. Tel. 99336834

TO LET NICOSIA Dometios €400, Lykavitos €550, Kennedy €400, Acropolis rear house €300, 3bdrm m/ssa with garden €500, Str/ los €400, Acropolis €550, 4 bdrm new house Dasoupolis €1,200, Acropolis g/f €800. 21 PROPERTY FINDER A.M. 627 A.A.108 / E 99474839, 99646822 *****************************

FOR RENT flat in Agios Omologites Nicosia. Consists of 3 bedrooms, fireplace and garage. No common expenses. Tel 99651156 €500 p.m.

FOR RENT OR SELL: 2 bedroom flat in Nikis Avn in Nicosia, 80 m. Completely renovated, with electric supplies. Excellent for office or flat. 3 bed-room flat with electric supplies and some furnitures in Nicosia near Central Bank, 140 m. Completely renovated like new. Mob: 99 460 860




NEW LUXURIOUS spacious (130m²), 2 bedrs flat, 2 balconies, 2 WC, indep. CH, solar system, A/C, granite floors, shutters, Italian kitchen and appliances, storeroom, covered parking in small quiet building (4 flats) in Ay. Dhometios 1.5km from Alfa-Mega Engomi. €560 p.m. Same building, very large ONE bedr flat (75m²) with similar amenities €460 p.m. TEL:99 544141

MODERN 2 BDRM, first floor flat in attractive building in Anthoupolis, very quiet area between the Grammar School and the European University, also very convenient for Pascal and Highgate Schools and the University of Nicosia. Large front veranda, all appliances, modern fittings, light and bright. Furnished or unfurnished €550p.m. Call 99900177.



FLATS / HOUSES FOR RENT: studio Aglantzia €350, 1bdrm Ag. Andreas furnished €425, Hilton €400, Strovolos €350, Acropolis €380, Kennedy furnished €400, 2bdrm Ag.

FOR RENT 3 bedroom flat completely renovated in Strovolos. 135sqm, quite family owned building recently painted. c/h, a/c, storage room. Stainless steel ap-

TO LET NICOSIA pliances, washing machine. Sky satellite tv. €650/month Call 99 330 908. FOR RENT 3 B/R apartment fully furnished close to Central Bank. 3 W.C., fully airconditioned extra storeroom, owned covered parking. Excellent condition. Information: Tel. 99621554 FOR RENT – three-bedroom flat in Lykavitos, Nicosia. Open plan fully-equipped kitchen and living area, two bathrooms, air conditioning and central heating. Big veranda. Near the town centre and University of Cyprus. Contact 99-721911 / 99454141 3 BEDROOMS flat on second floor in a block of six flats, in a nice position at Strovolos area, fully a/c, c/h, covered parking place for one car, recently painted. Rent €650pm. (furnished if required). Tel: 97773358. *****************************

LUXURY HOUSES: 1. 5 bedrs detached house, 550sq.m, built in 2 big plots of land, big garden with grass, big swimming pool with extra fence for children and big covered patio with bbq area, big reception areas with marble floor, fire place and bar, big kitchen with all electrical appliances and sitting room with fire place, maid’s room,

TO LET NICOSIA floor heating, full a/c, blinds on the windows, master bedroom with en suite bathroom and shower, big bathroom for the other 3 bedrooms and extra shower in the 5th bedroom - Strovolos €2500 (H5ST10001-R), (photos in the website). 2. H3AR0004-R, 3 bedr luxury detached house with central heating, full a/c, 3wc, 2 bathrooms, parquet floor throughout the house, big sitting and dining area, big kitchen with family room opening onto the swimming pool which has big covered area with wooden deck, bbq area, covered parking, in a very quiet area behind Apoel football training ground - Archagelos - €1700 (photos in website). 3. 2 bedr fully renovated semi detached house 120 sq. m, a/c for hot and cold, small yard, FULLY FURNSIHED or not, double glazed windows with aluminum shutters, in a quiet area off Nikis behind Burger King - ACROPOLIS €650 (H2ACS0001-R), (photos in the website). 4. H3ST10012-R, 3 bedr luxury semi detached house with central heating independent, a/c, 3wc, parquet floor, fire place, electrical appliances in the kitchen, curtains, SHARED SWIMMING POOL, in a very quiet neighbourhood in the area near Falcon

TO LET NICOSIA school. Strovolos € 1200, (photos in website). 5. 4 bedr new luxury detached house, separate maid’s room, central heating, full Ac, 260sq.m, big kitchen with all the electrical appliances, blinds on all the windows, 4wc, 2 showers, 1 bathroom, 2 covered parking, big garden with grass in a quiet neighbourhood in a dead end near French Ambassador house - Strovolos €1400 (H4ST10045-R), (photos in the website). 6. 3 bedr+big attic room with shower and wc luxury new house, 210sq.m, central heating, full a/c, 4wc, blinds on all windows, cooker and oven in the kitchen, small garden, covered parking near Alpha Mega supermarket - STROVOLOS €1200 (H4ST10007-R), (photos in the website). 7. 3 bedr upstairs and one downstairs luxury detached house built in 2 plots of land with big garden and big over floor swimming pool 4 X 10, central heating, full a/c, 2 covered parking, FULLY NICELY MODERN FURNISHED, double glazed windows(PVC), electric shutters on all windows, in a very quiet neighbourhood, in the centre of Latsia near Carrefour - LATSIA €2700 (H4LAT0010-R), (photos in the website).

TO LET NICOSIA 8. H4LAK0002-R, 3 bedr + office space luxury detached house, built on a big plot, 350sq. m, big swimming pool with cover, garden with grass, big sitting and dining room, separate family room, central heating, a/c, curtains on all the windows, cooker, dishwasher and dryer, parquet floor throughout the house,3wc, 2 bathrooms, 2 covered parking in a quiet area on the borders of Strovolos with Lakatamia Lakatamia- €1900 (photos in website). 9. 3 bedr upstairs and 2 separate bedroom in the basement luxury detached house(all the bedrooms with en suite bathrooms/shower), also separate kitchen and sitting room in the basement which has also separate entrance from the house, central heating, full a/c, solid parquet floor all the house, big sitting and dining room with fire place, big fully equipped kitchen with breakfast area and family room, big overfloor, swimming pool with covered patio area with fully equipped bar(bbq, fridge, freezer, cooker), mature garden around the house, 2 parking places, alarm system near the Cyprus Conference Centre- PLATY AGLANTZIAS €3500 (H5PAG0002-R), (photos in the website).


CYPRUS MAIL Tuesday, November 20, 2012



10. 4 bedr semi detached house with central heating, 4 a/c, 3 wc, 2 bathrooms, 180sq.m, electrical appliances, small yard, bbq area, off Kostantinoupoleos street near French ambassador residence.STROVOLOS €850 (H4ST10043-R), (photos in the website).

13. 3 bedr detached house with extra room for office, 250sq.m, central heating independent, 4a/c, big renovated, kitchen with cooker and oven, big sitting and dining room with parquet floor and fire place, 1bathroom, 1 shower, 2wc, 2 covered parking, big verandas surrounded by trees and bushes off 28th October street - Makedonitissa €1300 (H4STI0043-R), (photos in the website).

11. 4 bedr luxury semi detached house with good size garden with grass, big covered patio with bbq area, central heating, a/c units, 3wc, 2 bathrooms, 2 covered parking, FULLY FURNISHED AND EQUIPPED, in a quiet area in a dead end close to all amenities and schools. ANTHOUPOLIS €1300 (H4ANT0002-R), (photos in the website). 12. H4AGZ0010-R, 3 bedr RENOVATED GROUND FLOOR HOUSE with big separate 1 bedroom flat with multi room, big sitting and dining room , separate tv room, big kitchen with family room and fitted cooker and oven, 3wc, 2 bathrooms, very big 5 X 6 bedrooms with solid parquet floor, central heating with petrol independent, a/c units, double glazed windows with shutters, big verandas around the house, in a very quiet neighbourhood 200metres from FRENCH school and near Athalassas park Aglantzia - €1300 (photos in website).

14. 4 bedrs new luxury detached house, all the bedrooms very big and all with big bathroom/ shower, sitting room upstairs, attic room with shower and wc, office space/maid’ s room with shower and wc, central heating, full AC, 450sq.m, big sitting and dining areas, big kitchen with sitting area and fitted cooker and oven, 6 wc, 2 covered parking’s, big yard with tiles and garden with grass, bbq area in a very quiet neighbourhood near the CYBC ( RIK) station and near a neighbourhood park – Aglantzia €2000(H4AGZ0005-R), (photos in the website). 15. 4 bedr luxury detached house, separate maid’s room, 600 sq.m, central heating, full a/c, 6 wc, 4 bathrooms, big sitting and dining areas opening on to the garden, big kitchen with electrical appliances, built in 2 big plots of land with huge garden with grass, swimming pool, 2 covered

TO LET NICOSIA parking, in a quiet neighbourhood close to Alpha Mega supermarket Engomi - €3000 (H4PA20005-R), (photos on the website). For many more properties with photos visit our website at which is updated daily. LANDTOURIST ESTATES LTD 22-422225/96422225/96422226, www.landtouristestates. com *****************************

LUXURY FLATS: 1. 3 bedr furnished apartment, 140sq.m, near Cyprus Hilton, kitchen, bathroom and extra guests toilet, large sitting room, opposite a small park, recently renovated independent oil central heating, air conditions, solar heater, covered parking – Acropolis €630 (A3ACS0040-R), (photos in the website). 2. AINIC0006- R, 1 bedr., fully furnished and equipped apartment, 50sq.m, 2AC for hot and cold, covered verandah, covered parking, nice view, off Makarios avenue between Hilton and DEBENHAMS shop. Nicosia centre, € 450 (photos in website). 3. 2 bedrs luxury big apartment in a small building with 4 apartments only, very big bedrooms with parquet floor, 125sq.m, central heating in-




dependent, 3ac, Fully nicely furnished separate kitchen, big sitting and dining area, 2wc, covered parking behind Hilton hotel off Kennedy and Makarios close to the centre.– NICOSIA CENTRE €600 (A2NIC0026-R), (photos in the website). 4. A1DAS0010-R, 1 bedr luxury spacious apartment with big sitting and dining room, big bathroom, big bedroom with shutters, covered veranda, storage heaters, 2a/c, cooker and oven in the kitchen, covered parking in a quiet area in a small modern building near Acropolis Park. Dasoupolis €400 (photos in website). 5. A3ST10036- R, 3 bedr new luxury apartment on the last floor of a 3 storey building with nice view, electrical appliances in the kitchen,2bathrooms, 2wc, blinds, big covered veranda, air condition for hot and cold in all the rooms, covered parking and storage room in a quiet area – Strovolos - € 550 (photos in website). 6. 1 bedr new modern luxury apartment, 50sq.m, 2 a/c for hot and cold, nicely modern furnished, 3rd floor, covered parking, 6 year old in a quiet neighbourhood off Kantaras street. - STROVOLOS €400

(A1ST10009-R), (photos in the website). 7. New 2 bedr luxury apartment, 90sq.m, storage heaters, 3 a/c, cooker and oven, covered verandah, 2 wc, NICELY FURNISHED, covered parking and storage room of Kyriakou Matsi street near the centre – Agioi Omologites €650 (A2AOM0008-R), (photos in the website). 8. A1ACS0007- R, 1 bedr luxury spacious apartment with 2 a/c for hot and cold, electrical appliances in the kitchen, big bedroom, covered veranda, blinds, covered parking, in a quiet area near Acropolis park. NICELY FURNISHED. Acropolis €450 (photos in website). 9. 3 bedr luxury spacious floor apartment on the 4th floor

of award winning building, 200sq.m+big covered veranda, central heating independent, full built in air conditions, lighting fixtures, curtains and blinds on all windows, big spacious living room with fire place, big kitchen with double cooker, oven and microwave and breakfast area, double glazed windows, all the bedrooms with en suite shower/ bath, big satellite dish with sky decoder, 2 covered parking and storage room, close to American embassy and other amenities – ENGOMI €1600 (A3ENG0025-R), (photos in the website). 10. A2AOM0009-R 2 bedr luxury finished apartment in a small building with 4 flats only, central heating with petrol independent, full a/c, 2 bedrooms with en-suite bath-

LUXURIOUS APARTMENT FOR RENT A luxurious one floor apartment situated in central Nicosia in an area of exceptional Beauty at 3 Museum Street, is available to let. It has been recently renovated and consists of four bedrooms, two bathrooms, big dining and sitting rooms, kitchen and a huge veranda. Approximate covered area 250 sqm. Monthly rent €1400.00 o.n.o. Tel: 99622370.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL


TO LET NICOSIA room/shower, separate guest wc, NICE MODERN EXPENSIVE FURNITURE, big covered veranda, covered parking, storage room, in a very quiet neighbourhood very close to Junior school and the park - Agioi Omologites € 800 (photos in website). 11. 3 bedr luxury spacious ground floor apartment with separate entrance, big verandas and garden, big sitting and dining room, central heating independent, full a/c, 2wc, very big master bedroom, electrical appliances in the kitchen, aluminum shutters on windows, parquet laminate floor all the flat, cov-

ered parking, storage room, in a very quiet neighbourhood in a dead end street, off Athalasas Avenue behind Stephanis near English School €720 (A3ST10030-R), (photos in the website). 12. A2LYK0006-R, 2 bedr penthouse apartment with big veranda 60sq.m, storage heaters, full a/c, 2 bathrooms (one en suite), big sitting room, big separate kitchen with cooker and oven, blinds, covered parking near Agios Antonios market CLOSE TO THE UNIVERSITY. Lykavitos €510 (photos in website). 13. A2ST10028- R, 2 bedr new

TO LET NICOSIA luxury apartment on the 1st floor of a 2 storey building, with a/c for hot and cold, fully nicely modern furnished, big covered veranda, parking, in a quiet neighbourhood. (no common expenses). Strovolos €600 (photos in website). 14. A2NIC0001- R New luxury finished 2 bedr apartment with separate electric floor heating for each room, a/c units, parquet floor all the flat, big sitting and dining area, electrical appliances in the kitchen, fully modern furnished and equipped, big bedrooms, covered veranda, central satellite dish, cable net service, blinds on the windows. In the centre opposite the walls, Nicosia centre, €670 (photos in website). 15. 2 bedrs new luxury apartment, sitting room open plan with kitchen which includes cooker, oven, refrigerator and washing machine, 2 wc, central heating, full AC, blinds on the windows, very big covered verandas, covered parking and storage room in a dead end off Athalassas avenue near Laiki popular bank and Hellenic bank headquarters. - DASOUPOLI €550 (A2DAS0006-R), (photos in the website). For many more properties with photos visit our website at www.landtouristestates. com which is updated

TO LET NICOSIA daily. LANDTOURIST ESTATES LTD 22-422225 / 96-422225 / 96422226 www.landtouristestates. com *****************************

2 BDRM flat in the centre of Nicosia. Rent €450. For information call 99453663, 99663927.

LIMASSOL *****************************

NEW STONE HOUSE BUNGALOW IN KOUKA VILLAGE LIMASSOL. 1 bedroom, f/ furnished, c/h, a/c, fire place, nice garden, parking available, panoramic view of mountains, perfect for retired couples. €400 pm (negotiable) 99633247-99548226 *****************************

FOR RENT in Limassol furnished studio with small veranda, a/c (hot/cold), in the tourist area, opposite the sea, in “Lordos Beach Garden”, 2nd floor. Rent €250/month. Information tel: 25378504, 99524364 *****************************

2 BEDROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT IN LANIA VILLAGE in a quiet and peaceful area, fully furnished, storage heaters, a/c, rent €300 per month. Minimum contract 1 year. Info mob 99548855 *****************************

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TO LET LIMASSOL FOR RENT new ground floor terrace studios for rent in Kouka village (20 minutes from Limassol) in a quiet and peaceful area fully furnished €180 per month minimum contract 1 year. For info mob 99548855 *****************************

OFFICE FOR RENT opposite sea with amazing sea views. 120sqm, 2 bathrooms, kitchen. Security system, cabling and server room ready. Price €1300/month tel. 99 330 908

TO LET LIMASSOL year. Laminated parke floor, and big wardrobes in the 3 bedrooms. Rent €590.00 Tel 99497576 99886775 *****************************

OFFICE FOR RENT opposite sea with amazing sea views. 120sqm, 2 bathrooms, kitchen. Security system, cabling and server room ready. Price € 1400/month negotiable tel. 99 330 908 www.cyprusre. com/listing-LIM-0103 *****************************



BRAND NEW OFFICE FOR RENT on busy shopping street in Limassol 170sqm, raised flooring, ready to be occupied. Price €3000/month tel. 99 330 908 www.cyprusre. com/listing-lim-0155. *****************************

BRAND NEW SHOP FOR RENT on busy shopping street in Limassol 190sqm basement, 150sqm shop area + 75sqm upper floor ready to be occupied. Price € 6000/month tel. 99 330 908 *****************************

FOR RENT 2 bedroom flat located in Germasoyia with partial sea views, 85sqm less than 10 years old with title deeds Price €135.000 tel. 99 330 908 listing-lim-0361 *****************************

GROUND FLOOR HOUSE, furnished renovated this


FOR RENT very spacious 3 bedroom ground floor apartment in Livadia, Larnaca. Includes: parking, large garden, full air-conditioning and heating, storage room and much more. Can rent either unfurnished or with new furniture. Reasonably priced. Will rent fast! Call 97774512. *****************************

FOR RENT spacious 3 bedroom apartment with balcony situated in centre of town, semi furnished. Please call 99311152 *****************************

FOR RENT 2 bed, 2 bath, new built apartment, in a quiet scenic location In Alethriko, Larnaca 5 min. to Larnaka, 5 min. to the beach Fully furnished, A/C, communal pool, under covered parking, Long term rent, €350.00 per month For more info pls call 99639378 *****************************

PROTEA APTS LARNACA Residential and holiday apts for rent monthly or weekly Larnaca – Dhekelia road, close to Golden Bay Hotel 1 & 2 bedroom apts, furnished and with low rent with swimming pool, 2 minutes walking distance from the beach, with a new pedestrian crossing in front of the building. Contact us on 99672466, 99404522, and 99078590 *****************************

LARNACA FLAT FOR RENT: Fully-furnished spacious 2-bedroom first floor flat in central location near Metro supermarket, A/C, private parking, intercom system, en-suite bathroom, small block. Phone: 99354789 *****************************

FULLY FURNISHED one bedroom flat near Larco hotel Larnaca. Price €370. Tel: 99202543 *****************************

1. K.S.L LETTINGS – APARTMENT FOR RENT Fully Furnished 1st floor 2 bedroom apartment. High quality furnishings throughout. 400 Euros per calendar month. Pyla. Quote TLL1088. Tel. (00357) 24815104

15% discount on Travel Insurance

2. K.S.L LETTINGS – Properties Required for waiting Long Term Tenants. We desperately require 2/3 & 4 bedroom villa’s with private swimming pools for waiting tenants in the Larnaca District. Please call us for a free valuation. Tel.(00357) 24815104

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CYPRUS MAIL Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Advertiser TO LET LARNACA THE MOST COMPETITIVE RATES! FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS AVAILABLE. Tel. (00357) 24815104 4. – Villa For Rent Simply Stunning! Fully furnished 5 bedroom, 5 bathroom Villa with a good sized rear garden & private pool, located in the village of Oroklini. Call for further information quoting Ref. TLL1415. Tel. (00357) 24815104 CALL 24 815 104 TO ENQUIRE OR ARRANGE A VIEWING – NO OBLIGATION OR FEES. View our full range of over 200 properties by visiting updated daily. LANDLORDS ADVERTISE YOUR PROPERTY FOR FREE AND GET WORLD WIDE ADVERTISING – NO TENANT NO FEE! ****************************

PAPHOS *****************************

KISSONERGA VILLAGE, St Kononas area, 3 bedroom flat with private parking, private roof garden with barbeque, elevator, full a/c & electrical appliances provided, beautiful sea and mountain views. €400 per month. Call: 99 553741 *****************************




TO LET top floor 3 bedroom flat with great view, unfurnished in Yeroskipou with covered parking 360 euro ono Tel 99768738

4. Tsada Lovely spacious f/f 5 bedroom villa central heating, private pool, double garage, fantastic views. €1600 P/M or nearest offer.

TREMITHOUSA - Modern 2 Bedroom spacious TownHouse, U/F, Enclosed Rear Garden. €350.

FOR RENT KATO PAPHOS spacious 2 bed F/F garden apartment. Enclosed garden with 2 covered patios next to green area, cul-de-sac setting. AC, SAT TV, comm. pool, bath/shower. Superb location with private covered parking and entrance. Quiet yet close to all amenities. €400 p/m. Contact 26 911540 or 99955302.

Now available at DT property lettings Many other properties available. Please call : Tel 2683543 or 97675123


FOR RENT IN TALA 3 bedroom ground floor stone house, long term rent, semi furnished, available immediately. Rent negotiable. Call Thimioula 26652409 ****************************

DT PROPERTY LETTINGS PRESENTS : 1. Apartments for rent Kato Paphos area, with c/pool a/c f/f within walking distance of harbour Now available. Starting from €230 P/M 2. Peyia and surrounding areas apartments and villas all f/f with a/c pool and parking, nice location Now available. Starting from €320 P/M 3. Chlorakas and surrounding areas apartments and villas c/pool a/c f/f easy access to bus routes Now available. Starting from €250 P/M


dry, €350.

TREMITHOUSA - 2 Bed room, Bungalow, Situated on a corner plot, Open- Fireplace, Quiet location, pets welcome, €320.

PEYIA, available now for rent in a most sought after location next to the municipal park, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments with magnificent sea and mountain views, furnished or unfurnished, off street parking, quiet area, for viewing, ring: 99 887251 / 99 025173

KATO PAPHOS - 1 bedroom Town-House, Newly fitted kitchen, Enclosed Rear Garden, D/S Cloakroom €200.



A DELIGHTFUL AND SPACIOUS 2 bedroom apartment, F/F, top floor, new, located at a peaceful location just 500 from St. George hotel in Choraka, with breathtaking sea views. A+ quality apt, With walking distance to amenities, part of a beautiful building with swimming pool, list and other amenities. Only €350pm Other apts also available. Call 99403261, 26934650 ****************************

PAPHOS - Very large 3 Bedroom Apt , Fully Furnished to a very high standard ,Would suit 3 Professionals sharing, Within close proximity to Hospital and Court, Central Heating, 2 Bathrooms, Laun-


TO LET PAPHOS grounds, with fantastic views of the sea, private pool, Modern Furnishings, quality appliances, downstairs bedroom, large kitchen, upstairs bedroom with en suite, family bathroom. Ref 0000 Price 950 ANARITA A 3 bed villa offered furnished , with private pool, in nice quiet cul-de-sac, off street parking, AC. quality kitchen, 3 bedrooms upstairs. Ref 855 price 600 SECRET VALLEY A very large 3 bed modern furnished villa, with gardens, private pool, quiet location. Property has large living areas, full Ac, central heating . Modern style furniture not far from the Golf Area . Ref 1171 Price 900 Mandria A modern unfurnished 4 bed Villa with private pool. Downstairs bedroom with shower , sitting room with log burner, 3 bedrooms upstairs, master bed with en suite shower room. Property has private fence and pets are welcome. Ref 1174 price 770

Timi 3 bed modern villa with wood burner, Ac, offered fully furnished. Spacious living areas with 2 sitting areas, big kitchen,3 upstairs bedrooms, master on suite shower, family bathroom, Small private pool, off street parking. Quite location not far from the village amenities. Paphos Town. Ref: 722 price 600

YEROSKIPOU 2 bed furnished apartment with communal pool, gym, under cover parking on modern new complex . Apartment is furnished, with bathroom, modern kitchen and blinds + AC Ref: 1164 price 350

KISSONERGRA A bed luxury villa on its own private

EMBA A 4 bed fully furnished villa on its private grounds,

TO LET PAPHOS with private pool, additional court yard, off street parking, electric garage, AC, nice location and views. Ref: 1010 Price 900 MANDRIA 3 bed private villa, with central heating, quality AC units, fire place, part furnished, spacious living areas, downstairs study area, a real with granite kitchen, double cooker feature white goods, nice furniture, very large master bedroom with on suite, family bathroom, off street parking and private pool. Property fully fenced off and gated. Ref 999 Price 950 Please call for a free viewing on Office 26600450 Mobile: 97614070 many more properties on our website at LANDLORDS IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY FOR RENT, PLEASE CALL US!!!!!! Your Vision is our Mission ****************************

Long Term Rentals 1. Chlorakas 1 bed ground floor furnished apartment with central heating, communal pool and parking, sky TV. €335 pcm including all bills 2. Kissonerga 2 bed town house, small garden, off street parking, close to bus and shops. NO POOL €350 pcm


Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL

Advertiser TO LET PAPHOS 3. Chlorakas Large 4 bed detached villa, secluded position, large private pool, a/c, and parking. Unfurnished. Very nice well worth seeing. €900 pcm open to offers. 4. Peyia Unfurnished 2 bed 2 bathroom house, a/c, ceiling fans, fly screens, storage, satellite TV, private parking, swimming pool, From €350 pcm REDUCED THIS IS JUST A SMALL SELECTION OF PROPERTIES THAT ARE AVAILABLE. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE AND MANY MORE PLEASE CALL EITHER 96 545 174 OR E-MAIL ON LANDLORDS; WE NEED YOUR PROPERTIES NOW. PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY FOR RENT. ****************************

FOR RENT A selection of 1 to 5 bedroom houses & apartments F/F & U/F Universal, Peyia, Tomb of the Kings, Tsada, Timi & Kato Paphos Landlord & Owners please call 99329357 Or please view at are website Fully Registered Company in Cyprus ****************************

PEYIA – 3 bedroom villa with modern quality furniture and finishes. Central heating, sky, alarm, infinity pool and stunnning sea and mountain views €700 per month, call: 99389426 ****************************

BRAND NEW APT, opposite Poseidonio Gym, near Carrefour, F/F, a/c, great quality, 1 bdrm, from €340p.m.Tel 99403261 ****************************

MR RENT PAPHOS, THE LEADING PROPERTY RENTAL AGENCY IN PAPHOS OFFICE: 26271858 (00357) IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY TO RENT WE ARE THE RENTAL AGENCY TO CONTACT OFFERING FULL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT & RENT COLLECTION SERVICE 1.SEA CAVES €500 we are delighted to offer this detached 2 bedroom villa situated on a corner plot in a quiet residential area offering sea views. Gated drive for off street parking. Fully enclosed good sized low maintenance garden with private pool offering privacy and shaded areas. Available unfurnished or part furnished. Pets allowed at owners discretion. website

TO LET PAPHOS reference number: rtl_482 2.KISSONERGA €550 modern detached 3 bedroom villa situated in a quiet residential area. Master bedroom with ensuite, separate kitchen, downstairs guest wc. Enclosed garden offering private pool & off street parking. Available unfurnished though can include kitchen appliances. Pets allowed at owners discretion. website reference number: rtl_501 3.TALA €575 unfurnished modern 3 bedroom detached villa offering total privacy & breathtaking sea views. Includes underfloor heating plus real fire. Master with ensuite. storage room. shutters & flyscreens. Covered veranda, garden with mature plants, private pool offering sea views. Off street parking. A beautiful home. website reference number: rtl_530 4. PEYIA €700 price includes pool cleaning. If you are looking for a villa with breathtaking views & privacy than this property is for you. this modern detached 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom villa is furnished with modern furniture, including satellite tv. One bedroom & bathroom on ground floor. A spacious enclosed garden with private pool offering stunning views. Off street parking. website reference number: rtl_401 5.MANDRIA €750 modern detached 4 bedroom villa, master with ensuite. Fully enclosed low maintenance garden offering private pool. Available unfurnished to include white goods, blackout blinds, curtains, ceiling fans & log burner for those winter months. Immaculate condition. Pets allowed at owners discretion. website reference number: rtl_633 offers considered. 6. CHLORAKA €770 modern detached 4 bedroom 3 bathroom villa with ground floor bedroom & bathroom. Beautifully furnished with good quality modern furniture includes sky satellite, fly screens & feature fireplace with modern gas fire. Private pool offering views of the sea. Off street parking. Situated within walking distance of bus routes & shops. website reference number: rtl_611 7. KATO PAPHOS €800 large 4 bedroom detached villa situated in the sought after

CINDERELLA The ultimate Christmas pantomime – will be staged by ACT at the Russian Cultural Centre, Alasia Street, Nicosia on Saturday 1 December (3pm & 7.30pm), Sunday 2 December (3pm), Friday 7 December (7.30pm), Saturday 8 December (3pm & 7.30pm) and Sunday 9 December (3pm). Tickets €12 adults (or €6 children aged 2-12 years on 1 & 2 December ONLY) available at the Russian Cultural Centre from 19 November between 4-6pm or from our Business Manager on 99 924363

TO LET PAPHOS residential area of Limnaria. Walking distance to the beach and the many amenities of Kato Paphos. Spacious living accomodation offering an enclosed garden with c/pool. Fully furnished with modern furniture & solar panels. website reference number: rtl_442 8. TALA €900 a charming detached 4 bedroom villa with character, situated on a corner plot in a quiet residentIal area with breathtaking sea views. Spacious living rooms with central heating & real fireplace. Separate kitchen & dining room. Good sized garden offering private pool and stone built barbeque area. Undercover parking. website reference number rtl_638 TEL: 97790883 OFFICE: 26271858 VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MANY MORE PROPERTIES Email: info@ **************************** RENTAL POINT - PAPHOS

PROPERTIES AVAILABLE TO RENT IN THE PAPHOS DISTRICT. JUST A SMALL SAMPLE OF AVAILABLE PROPERTIES. ALL TYPES OF PROPERTY URGENTLY REQUIRED FOR LONG TERM RENTAL. CALL 97648440 FOR MORE INFORMATION. LANDLORDS CALL IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY FOR RENT.!!! 1. MESA CHORIO – 2 bed 2 bath fully furnished ground floor apartment set on an elevated position on this prestigious development. Open plan living area. Good sized kitchen. 2 double, bedrooms, master with ensuite shower room. Family bathroom. Large patio areas with enclosed gardens and lovely sea views. Covered parking and security gates.. Comm swimming pool, and landscaped gardens. Euros 425.00 a month. 2 bed apartment same complex Euros 400.00 a month. 2 MESOGI 3 bed 3 bath furnished apartment in handy location close to the shopping areas. Large open plan living area and dining area.. Fully fitted dining/ kitchen with appliances . Guest WC. Utilty room. 3 double bedrooms one with en-suite. Family bathroom. Balcony & and parking. Euros 500.00 a month. Suit non-drivers! 3. TOMB OF THE KINGS – 3 bed fully furnished apartment in established block.

TO LET PAPHOS Own entrance via stairway. Open plan living area. Dining kitchen. 3 bedrooms and family bathroom. A/C, sat TV. Internet available. Large balcony area. Parking. Euros 350.00 per month 4. KISSONEGA - 3 bed 2 bath unfurnished villa. Set in enclosed gardens the villa consists of open plan living area. Full itted kitchen. Small utility area. Conservatory room. Ground floor bed room with en-suite. Stairs to two double bedrooms and family bathroom. Pool and off street parking. Euros 600.00 per month 5. STROUMBI – 2 bed fully furnished stone bungalow set in quiet location. Open plan living area with working fireplace. Spacious dining kitchen. 2 double bedrooms and family bathroom with corner bath. Landscaped gardens, swimming pool and covered parking. Realistically priced Euros 500.00 per month or close offers only 6. UNIVERSAL AREA. 2 bed fully furnished apartment. Living area, fitted kitchen. 2 double bedrooms and family bathroom. A/C, Enclosed garden area, comm. Pool and parking. Euros 375.00 a month or offers. 1 & 2 bed apartments available on Universal starting at 250 euros per month. 7. CORAL BAY - 3 bed, 3.5 bath furnished/unfurnished villa situated very near to the centre and within easy walking of beaches and restaurants. Open plan living area with fully fitted kitchen. Doors out to garden and pool. Ground floor bedroom with ensuite. Separate guest WC. Stairs to 2 double bedroom both with en-suite and balcony areas. Private pool, gardens, BBQ area and covered verandahs. Central location.Euros 650.00 per month or close offers. 8. STROUMBI– 3 bed 2.5 bath large unfurnished villa in quiet village area. Spacious open plan living area with feature fireplace and dining space Good sized fitted kitchen and breakfast area. Guest WC with storage area.3 double bedrooms. Master with en-suite bathroom. Family bathroom. Enclosed gardens, pool and off street parking. Realistically priced Euros 550.00 per month. OVNO FOR FULL LISTINGS OF A PA R T M E N T S / T O W N HOUSES AND VILLA PLEASE CALL FOR DE-

FOR SALE Semi-detached house in Archangelos area split level on a hill, no houses in front, 3 big bedrooms, 2 big bathrooms and TV room big lounge & dining area, fireplace, fitted kitchen, 40 sq.m. store room, C/H, A/C, solar.


REFURBISHED stone-built village house located in Kili Paphos. Consists of 3 large rooms 1 small. Traditional wood burnt fireplace, fully tiled secluded yard and garage. Tel: 99210610. ****************************

PROPERTY FOR SALE LIMASSOL ****************************

BARGAIN PRICE DETACHED HOME FOR QUICK SALE with title deeds. Located on a quite cul de sac in Germasoyia within a short 2 minute drive to the beach and tourist area. 3 bedroom. 325sqm plot, 160sqm house. Price € 385.000 tel. 99 330 908 www.cyprusre. com/listing-lim-0337 ****************************

NICOSIA ****************************

NICOSIA, FLAT FOR SALE: 2 bdrm flat with title deeds, 110 sq.m., fully renovated, best central area, 800m from the European University, excellent view, €99.000. Tel. 99621914. ****************************

FOR SALE is a building with 4 flats, each 3 bedroom. 2 on the ground floor with yards, and 2 on the first floor. 2 on first floor completely renovated. Located in quite area. Building recently plastered and painted. €850, 000. Negotiable Call: 99 330 908 ****************************

FOR SALE PENTHOUSE between Armenias Str and Hilton Hotel. 3 bedroom, main bedroom with shower, c/h, fireplace, large verandas. For more information please call: 99467596.

PAPHOS AKOURSOS 2 bed/2 bath Detached bungalow, c/h, ac, fly screens, gardens and patios on three sides. In quiet culde-sac of 7 detached bungalows. Fantastic 360 degee sea and mountain views. €200.000 negotiable. Tel 26623256/99447925 ****************************

LOFOS – TALA, 3 bedroom bungalow for sale, living room, kitchen, bathroom, shower room, central heating, air con, private pool, landscaped gardens, lovely views. Call: 99342913 – no agents ****************************

1. PAPHOS, FLATS FOR SALE OR RENT: Kissonerga, 3 bdrm flat with title deeds, in a block of 4 flats only, fully renovated, 2 baths, 146 sq.m closed area, c/h, a/c, covered parking, excelent view of sea and mountains, half registration fees titll 31.12.12 reduced to €135.000 or rent €450 per month. Tel. 99621914. ****************************

FOR SALE special offer, €79, 000 first floor apartment in Protaras, fully furnished with 2 bedrooms and a swimming pool. Walking distance to the beach of Ayia Triada and all amenities. Tel: 97 608941.

AYIA NAPA ****************************

1.AYIA NAPA, Studio for sale, 38 sqm, furnished and fully renovated,. with title deed, in licensed complex, 5030m from Nissi Beach €49.000. Tel. 99621914. LARNACA *****************************


HOSPITALS ........ 1400

Nicosia ........................22 802 020 Limassol ......................25 805 050 Larnaca .......................24 804 040 Paphos ........................26 806 060 Famagusta ..................23 803 030

Nicosia General .............22-801400 Nicosia Makarios ...........22-405000 Limassol Old ................25-305333 Limassol New ................25-801100 Larnaca Old...................24-630312 Larnaca New .................24-630300 Paphos ..........................26-821800 Famagusta ....................23-821211

Drug Law Enforcement Unit ......................................... 1498 (Confidential Information) Rescue Co-ordination Centre ............................. 1441 (Immediate Response Service for Aeronautical or Maritime Accident & Incidents) Game Fund Service: (Wildlife and hunting) Central offices (Nicosia): 22867786, 22-867897 Nicosia: 22-664606, 99-445697 Limassol: 25-343800, 99-445728, Larnaca/Famagusta: 24-805128, 99-634325 Paphos: 26-306211, 99-445679 Forest Fires ..................... 1407

For information call: 99496541


Narcotics Helpline ......... 1410 (Outside hours.............. 22-304160) AIDS Advisory Bureau ................................ 22-302826 Domestic Violence Centre .......................................... 1440 (Emergency Centre for Victims) Drug Info & Poison Control ............... 1401 Cyprus Samaritans ... 77777267 Police Duty Officer ......... 1499 (Confidential Information) Airports Larnaca ..........................77778833 Paphos ...........................77778833

CYPRUS MAIL Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Advertiser FOR PAPHIAKOS ANIMAL WELFARE SOS HELPLINE, 24 HOUR MEDICAL EMERGENCY SERVICE - CALL 99655581 CONTACT DETAILS FOR PAPHIAKOS. Paphiakos & C.C.P. Animal Welfare Education/Information Centre, No. 12 Dedalos Building, 8049 Kato Paphos PO Box 61272 8132 Kato Paphos Web. www.facebook/paphiakos Email Larnaca Emergency Service - The contact point for animal emergencies in Larnaca is Maria at the Paphiakos Animal Welfare Charity Shop, telephone 24623494 or 99325897 STOP, SHOP AND GIVE TO THE ANIMALS! ALL DONATIONS ARE WELCOME AT OUR CHARITY SHOPS! PAPHIAKOS & C.C.P. ANIMAL WELFARE Registered Charity No 1529 Contact our shops and we can take your clutter The Charity Shops are located at: Shop No.1 Agapinoros Street, Kato Paphos Tel 26910325 Shop No.2 Ap Pavlou Avenue, Kato Paphos Tel 26942894 Shop No.3 Gr. Afxentiou Avensia Court 3 Larnaca 24623494 Shop No.4 9 Ayiou Ioanni Street 3061 Limassol 25561695 Peyia Information Centre & Shop & T Rooms 26622828 Polis Information Centre & Shop & T Rooms 99223572 Book Exchange Shop Trimithousa 99771763 Our shops are always happy to receive your unwanted goods! NOW YOU CAN HELP BY COLLECTING YOUR ALUMINIUM CANS AND HANDING THEM IN AT ANY PAPHIAKOS CHARITY SHOP OR THE CLINIC. SAVE AN ANIMAL AND SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT!! PAPHIAKOS CAR BOOT SALE EVERY SATURDAY at the Ambassador Restaurant and outside in the grounds at Paphiakos. Free parking. Sellers from 7am, buyers from 8am. For information & bookings please call MIKE on 96702600. FORTHCOMING EVENTS FOR PAPHIAKOS CHARITY NO. 1529 WORLD ANIMAL DAY. On Thursday October 4th Paphiakos will be micro chipping pets for only €20 including all the paperwork. For further information telephone 26953496. To celebrate World Animal Day on Thursday October 4th Paphiakos will be offering free spaying/neutering for all feral and unwanted animals as they do throughout the year. Contact 26953496 for further details. PAPHIAKOS SHELTER OPEN DAY The Open Day will be held on Sunday October 7th between 10am and 3pm. It will be a Family Fun Day out with a lot of different activities. There is car parking, toilets and refreshments on site so enjoy and join in the celebration of animals and what they bring to our lives. Entrance is €2 CHARITY HAIR CUT. On Thursday 4th October 09.30-17.30 without an appointment Andri at Atlantic Bay Hotel (2nd Floor) will be charging €5 for a haircut with all proceeds going to Paphiakos. Telephone Suzanne on 99151996 or Andri on 99604783. PAPHIAKOS CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. Saturday November 24th 9am – 3pm at the Crazy Spoon Restaurant. For further details contact 99151996. Stalls, Santa’s Grotto, Donkey Rides, Pirate Pat and many more.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL


Television CYBC 1 06.45 08.15

Proti Enimerosi Kali Sas Mera Local variety show, with entertainment options, cookery tips and more.

11.00 11.30

Kaftes Piperies (rpt) Istories Tou Horkou (rpt) Local comedy series, which happens to be the longest-running show on TV.


CYBC 2 07.00 08.00 16.30 17.00 18.00 18.50 18.55 19.10

Apo Mera Se Mera Current affairs programme.


Entehnos Local cultural programme.

16.00 18.00 18.15

Paizoume Kypriaka


Moiraia Fengaria New local drama series inspired by Maro Kranidioti’s book ‘Otan i Moira Apofasizei’.

20.00 21.15

News Vimata Stin Ammo Local period drama, based on true events.



Amateur chefs each stage a dinner party to find who will be crowned the winning host.


08.25 09.30 09.40 10.20

12.10 13.00 13.20 14.00

NRG Zone FILM: Footloose


Criminal Minds Fifth season. ‘The Performer’. The BAU team investigates a troubled rock star and his circle of followers after the singer’s touring schedule coincides with a series of murders.

Ego Ki Esi Local comedy series.

22.30 23.30 23.45

06.20 06.50 07.00

Second season. Episode 1: Abby remains in the clutches of the ruthless Whitaker, who proves he will stop at nothing to synthesise a miracle vaccine from her immune system. Meanwhile, Greg discovers a vital clue in the search for his missing friend, and sets off on the trail.

New season of local game show, asking questions having to do with Cypriot dialect.


NRG Zone Kids’ TV Euromaxx Great Matches Of European Football (rpt) Biz/Emeis (rpt) News In English News In Turkish Kati Psinetai (rpt)

Drama, with Kevin Bacon, Lori Singer and John Lithgow. 1984. See Pick Of The Day.

Mazi Sto CyBC News Kaftes Piperies Live cookery show.


20.00 21.00


Eponymos News Repeats 00.00

14.50 16.00 16.50 17.50

Proini Enimerosi Me Agapi Kai Oi Pantremeni Ehoun Psihi (rpt) Englimata (rpt) Men kai Den (rpt) Lyke, Lyke Eisai Edo (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) Vals Me 12 Theous (rpt) Niose Me (rpt) News Mera Mesimeri Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) Tin Patisa (rpt) Tihi Vouno (rpt) Eva Luna Aiyia Fuxia (rpt) With News at 18.00.

19.30 20.15 21.15 22.10 23.10 00.10 00.15 00.30 01.40 02.30 03.20 04.10 04.40

Niose Me News Vals Me 12 Theous Ekeino To Kalokairi To Amartima Tis Mitros Mou News Sports News Radio Arvila Kai Oi Pantremenoi Ehoun Psihi Tmima Ithon (rpt) News (rpt) To Kafeneio (rpt) Deal (rpt)

MEGA 06.00 06.30 07.00

I Dipsa (rpt) Emeis Ki Emeis (rpt) Koinonia Ora Mega Current affairs show that examines the issues affecting everyday people in Greece and abroad.

08.00 10.00 12.45 14.00 15.00

16.00 18.00 18.20 19.20 20.15 21.15 22.10 23.10 00.00 00.10


06.30 07.00 08.20 10.20 11.10

Nea Mera Proino Mou Enimerosi Tora Klemmena Oneira (rpt) Eheis Meson

12.00 14.20 15.20 18.00 18.05

Local investigative show looking at alleged abuses of power, often reported by viewers.


Yia Sena News Eisai To Tairi Mou (rpt) Eftyhismenoi Mazi (rpt) News Klemmena Oneira Enoha Mystika Singles (rpt) News Charlie’s Angels Three women with questionable pasts solve cases for an elusive boss.

01.00 03.00


Yia Sena (rpt) Enimerosi Tora (rpt) Proino Mou (rpt)

Latin American telenovela.


7 Ouranoi kai Synnefa Alites

20.20 21.20

News Aspra Balonia (rpt) Al Tsantiri News

Local drama series.


Ahighly successful live satirical comedy show that features Lakis Lazopoulos giving ‘his version’ of the news.

00.20 00.25 01.40

News CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (rpt) 24 Ground-breaking realtime drama series, starring Kiefer Sutherland as a government agent out to stop terrorists wreaking havoc across America.

02.40 03.00 04.40


The Del Monte Heirs (rpt) Protoselido Eleni Vasiliki (rpt) 7 Ouranoi kai Synnefa Alites (rpt) Mesimeri Kai Kati Aspra Balonia (rpt) Magazino News Ti Tha Fame Simera Mama The Del Monte Heirs


Epistrofi (rpt) Mono Mia Fora (rpt) Allou Ximeromenoi (rpt) Eleni (rpt)

PLUS TV 06.45 07.20 07.50 09.00 09.30 10.55

News Fotis - Maria Live Best Of Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Mila Best Of Nistikoi Praktores (rpt) Cooking show, with helpful tips on eating well and nutrition.

11.50 12.30 13.00 15.30 17.15 17.50

Kids’ TV Star News Mesimeriani Meleti Kids’ TV Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Fotis - Maria Live Entertainment magazine featuring segments on cooking, health, fashion, lifestyle issues and more.


CAPITAL 06.45 08.35 09.25 10.00 11.00 11.30 12.30 13.25 15.00 15.55 16.45 17.35 18.15

With News at 18.30.

19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00


22.00 23.15

Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Proedrikes Ekloges 2013 FILM: The Legend Of Hell’s Gate The story of how ‘Hell’s Gate’ at Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas came to have it’s name. Adventure, starring Eric Balfour. 2011.

00.30 01.10 02.00

LTV Sports News Star News Repeats

News Sports Time Igeia Kai Zoi FILM: Red Rock West A drifter who is mistakenly hired as a hitman intends to take the money and run, but his plan backfires when the real killer turns up. Thriller, with Nicolas Cage. 1993.

Talk-show, specialising in “confessions” and revealing interviews.


Kids’ TV S’Agapo (rpt) Akti Oneiron Ston Asterismos Tis Imeras Kouzina Me Apopsi Capital Sports Milagros Kids’ TV Top Models S’Agapo Sabrina, To Koritsi Tis Agapis Akti Oneiron Pacific Blue


FILM: Hollywood Wives An actress becomes convinced her husband is cheating on her, so hires a private eye to discover the truth. Drama, starring Farrah Fawcett. 2003.


FILM: Frogmen US Navy SEALs race against time to stop a terrorist from acquiring a bomb. Action, starring Tyler Christopher. 2002.

Colombiana (Novacinema1, 22.00)

01:10 The Weakest Link 01:55 The World’s Toughest Driving Tests 02:50 EastEnders 03:15 Doctors Tough Enough 03:45 A Thing Called Love 04:45 Last Of The Summer Wine Who’s That Talking To Lenny? 05:15 As Time Goes By Problems, Problems 05:45 The Weakest Link 06:30 The Green Green Grass Your Cheating Art 07:00 Bobinogs Good Question 07:10 Boogie Beebies 07:25 Teletubbies Making Christmas Cards 07:50 Me Too! Tricks 08:10 Bobinogs Good Question 08:20 Boogie Beebies 08:35 Teletubbies Making Christmas Cards 09:00 Me Too! Tricks 09:20 Garth And Bev Flush Toilet 09:30 The Adventures Of Spot Spot’s Favourite Toy 09:35 As Time Goes By Problems, Problems 10:05 The Green Green Grass Your Cheating Art 10:35 The Weakest Link 11:20 EastEnders 11:50 Doctors Tough Enough 12:20 The World’s Toughest Driving Tests 13:10 Lark Rise To Candleford 14:00 Last Of The Summer Wine Who’s That Talking To Lenny? 14:30 The Green Green Grass Your Cheating Art 15:00 The Weakest Link 15:45 EastEnders 16:15 Doctors Tough Enough 16:45 The World’s Toughest Driving Tests 17:35 Lark Rise To Candleford 18:25 The Weakest Link 19:10 EastEnders 19:40 Doctors Wasted Trip 20:10 Born And Bred Nothing Like The Son 21:00 Big Top Boyfriend 21:30 The

Impressions Show With Culshaw & Stephenson 22:00 Lark Rise To Candleford 22:50 2 Point 4 Children Fortuosity 23:20 Dad’s Army The Lion Has Phones 23:50 Twenty Twelve 00:20 Carrie’s War

07:00 How It’s Made 07:25 Wheeler Dealers 08:15 American Chopper 09:10 Dirty Jobs 10:05 Deadliest Catch 10:55 Ultimate Survival 11:50 How Do They Do It? 12:15 How It’s Made 12:40 Extreme Engineering 13:35 Overhaulin’ 14:30 Wheeler Dealers 15:25 American Chopper 16:20 Mythbusters 17:15 Dirty Jobs 18:10 Deadliest Catch 19:05 Ultimate Survival 20:00 How It’s Made 21:00 Mythbusters 22:00 Mighty Planes 23:00 Dangerous Flights 00:00 Aircrash Confidential 01:00 Hillbilly Handfishin’ 01:55 Mythbusters 02:50 Mighty Planes 03:50 Dangerous Flights 04:50 Aircrash Confidential 05:45 How Do They Do It? 06:10 Overhaulin’

05:40 Private Practice 06:25 Castle 07:10 Modern Family 07:35 Happy Endings 08:00 Once Upon A Time 08:50 Donna Hay: Fast, Fresh, Simple 09:40 Private Practice 10:25 Castle 11:10 Modern Family 11:35 Happy Endings 12:00 Raising Hope 12:25

Melissa & Joey 12:50 Glee 13:40 Once Upon A Time 14:30 Masterchef 15:20 Private Practice 16:05 Castle 16:50 Modern Family 17:15 Happy Endings 17:40 Once Upon A Time 18:30 Masterchef 19:20 Private Practice 20:10 Castle 21:00 Raising Hope 21:25 Melissa & Joey 21:50 Glee 22:40 Modern Family 23:05 Happy Endings 23:30 Raising Hope 23:55 Melissa & Joey 00:20 Glee 01:10 Castle 02:00 Private Practice 02:45 Modern Family 03:10 Happy Endings 03:35 Rita Rocks 04:00 Once Upon A Time 04:50 Masterchef

07:00 Pawn Stars 5 07:30 Storage Wars 2 08:00 UFO Hunters 09:00 Patton 360 10:00 Pawn Stars 5 10:30 Storage Wars 2 11:00 Ancient Aliens 3 12:00 Pawn Stars 6 12:30 Cajun Pawn Stars 13:00 American Restoration 2 14:00 Patton 360 15:00 UFO Hunters 16:00 Pawn Stars 6 16:30 Cajun Pawn Stars 17:00 American Restoration 2 18:00 Patton 360 19:00 UFO Hunters 20:00 Pawn Stars 5 20:30 Storage Wars 2 21:00 Ancient Aliens 3 22:00 Storage Wars 2 23:00 American Pickers 3 00:00

Pawn Stars 5 00:30 Storage Wars 2 01:00 Ancient Aliens 3 02:00 Storage Wars 2 03:00 American Pickers 3 04:00 UFO Hunters 05:00 Patton 360 06:00 Ancient Aliens 3 07:30 Action Zone 08:00 Street Fighter: The Legend Of Chun-Li 10:00 Middle Men 12:00 Cats & Dogs: The Revenge Of Kitty Galore 13:45 Feast Of Love 15:45 U.S. Marshals 18:00 Fighting 20:00 LTV Sports News 21:00 Chloe 23:00 Solitary Man 00:30 Hustler TV 02:10 Centurion 04:00 Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil 06:30 LTV Sports News

07:00 Chowder 07:25 The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack 07:50 The Tom & Jerry Show 08:15 Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue! 08:40 Loonatics Unleashed 09:05 Superman: The Animated Series 09:55 The Looney Tunes Show 10:20 Tak & The Power Of Juju 10:45 Fanboy & Chum Chum 11:10 The X’s 11:35 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:25 Spongebob Squarepants 13:15 The Mighty B! 13:40 My Life As

A Teenage Robot 14:05 Hey Arnold! 14:30 ICarly 15:20 Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue! 15:45 Justice League Unlimited 16:10 Legion Of Super Heroes 16:35 Young Justice 17:00 NBA Action 17:30 Barclays Premier League World 18:00 Nascar Sprint Cup Series 21:00 La Liga Review 2012-13 22:00 Liga BBVA 201213 00:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 02:00 Toyota Australian Football International 2012 03:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 07:15 Chuck 08:00 2 Broke Girls 08:30 Supernatural 10:00 According To Jim 10:45 How To Make It In America 11:25 Pan Am 13:05 Hawaii Five-0 13:50 Chuck 14:35 Supernatural 16:05 Eastbound & Down 16:35 Aliens In America 17:15 Luck 18:20 Harry’s Law 19:05 Hawaii Five-0 19:50 According To Jim 20:35 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 The Mentalist 21:45 C.S.I. New York 22:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm 23:20 Sons Of Anarchy 00:05 Flirting With Flamenco 01:50 Creation 03:35 Eastbound & Down 04:05 Aliens In America 04:50 Luck 05:55 Harry’s Law 06:40 Hawaii Five

07:15 Pretty Baby 09:10 Spoken Word 11:10 8 Seconds 13:00 The Expendables 15:00 The Road 17:00 Lionheart 18:45 Pearl Diver 20:20

The Guitar 22:00 Step Up 3 00:05 Daring! TV 03:45 Buried 05:30 Romancing The Stone

05:30 8 Mile 07:20 Starsky & Hutch 09:00 Oranges And Sunshine 10:45 The Conquest 12:40 Biloba 14:25 Hollywood 1on1 15:00 Love Stories 17:05 Cine News 17:30 Christmas Cupid 19:00 Killing Bono 21:00 C.S.I. 22:00 Colombiana 23:55 One Day 01:45 Retreat 03:15 Love To Kill 04:45 Sacrifice

06:45 I Timi Tis Agapis 08:45 Cine News 11:15 Searching For Bobby Fischer 13:10 Cine News 13:40 The Family Stone 15:25 The Pink Panther Strikes Again 17:15 Stars In Style 17:50 A Little Bit Of Heaven 19:40 Melancholia 22:00 The Sweetest Thing 23:40 Haevnen 01:40 Face/Off 04:00 London

19:20 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story 21:00 The King’s Speech 23:00 How I Met Your Mother 00:45 Cine News 01:30 Adult Zone

19:30 Spinning Into Butter 22:40 Barney’s Version 01:00 Michael

01:00 Golf Central International 02:00 Fei Equestrian World 02:30 NHL Teams TBA 05:00 NHL Teams TBA 07:30 The Mena Golf Tour 08:00 Morning Drive 09:00 Golf Central International 10:00 Our Longest Drive 10:30 School Of Golf 11:00 Teams TBA 14:00 Lucas Oil On The Edge Best Of On The Edge 14:30 Lucas Oil On The Edge Midget Races 15:00 Sports Unlimited 16:00 Fei Equestrian World 16:30 Asian Tour Wgc Hsbc Champions 17:00 NHL Teams TBA 18:00 Pre Game(E) 18:45 Championship 2012-13: Apollon Vs Omonoia (E) 20:45 Post Game (E) 21:30 22:00 Nascar Camping World Truck Series Homestead-Miami Speedway

07:00 The Adventures of Quentin Durward 08:40 Boys’ Night Out 10:30 Conspirator 13:00 The Fastest Gun Alive 13:30 Guns For San Sebastian 15:20 The Honeymoon Machine 16:45 Les Girls 18:35 The Band Wagon 20:25 Crazy in Love 22:00 The Hill 00:10 Shaft in Africa 01:55 Slither 03:30 Welcome To Hard Times 05:10 Singin’ In The Rain

By Preston Wilder

Footloose (CyBC2, 21.00) Tonight’s the night when we sing and dance, and Pick nothing but dance movies on Pick of the Day. Cut loose, footloose, kick off your Sunday shoes! Please, Louise, pull me off-a my knees. Admittedly there’s no-one called ‘Louise’ in this snappy teen musical, but I think the sentiment is valid - and this is actually the 80s original, not the recent remake, with Kevin Bacon as the rebellious teenager who moves from the city to an uptight small town where rock’n roll dancing is (gasp!) illegal. Kev duly kicks against the pricks, chief prick being Bible-bashing minister John Lithgow - which is awkward, because our hero also has the hots for his hot daughter (Lori Sing-


er), but of course we all know our boy’s going to win out in the end, standing up for fun and excitement and “revitalising the spirit of the repressed townspeople,” to quote the synopsis. Let’s hear it for the boy. Oh, let’s give the boy a hand. Let’s hear it for my baby, you know you gotta understand. Sorry, I’ll stop now. Made in 1984.

Step Up 3 (LTV3, 22.00) ‘Step Up 3D’, to be precise, though the ‘D’ got lost in the transition from big screen to small - which is a shame because this teen musical is one of the few films to have worked well in 3D, with dancers doing their moves (i.e. jabbing and thrusting) straight at the camera. The effect is

aggressive but that’s the point, dance having become a weapon and a sport nowadays (“Let’s train!” say the dancers, sounding like Rocky Balboa). Dancing is now empowering - whereas it used to be artistic - and the street-dance moves favoured by our heroes are suitably forceful and high-energy, though everyone seems to be doing the same three moves. The plot is generic, with a dance crew called the Pirates battling a dance crew called the Samurai while our hero ‘Moose’ (Adam G. Sevani, the embodiment of manic teenage-boy perpetual motion) has to choose between college and dancing - but it’s not about the plot, it’s about the breathless, inyour-face energy and positive Message. And the 3D, at least in the cinema. Made in 2010.

Tuesday, November 20 2012 CYPRUS MAIL



Bieber sweeps American Music Awards with wins ‘This is for all the haters’ says Canadian

By Andrea Burzynski and Lisa Richwine

By Piya Sinha-Roy CANADIAN pop star Justin Bieber swept the American Music Awards on Sunday, topping strong competition from Rihanna and Nicki Minaj, and sending newcomers British boybands One Direction and The Wanted home empty-handed. Bieber, 18, won all three categories in which he was nominated, including the night’s biggest award, artist of the year, over Rihanna, Katy Perry, Maroon 5 and Drake. “This is for all the haters who thought that maybe I was just here for one or two years, but I feel like I am going to be here for a very long time,” Bieber said on stage, dedicating his first win of the night to his mother, Pattie Mallette, who accompanied him after his widely reported split from girlfriend Selena Gomez. “It’s hard growing up with everything going on, with everyone watching me. I wanted to say that as long as you guys keep believing in me, I want to always make you proud,” Bieber said at the end of the night. Bieber, who also won favourite pop/rock male artist and favourite pop/rock album for Believe, took to a bare stage to sing an acous-

Twilight sendoff starts with $341m worldwide

Justin Bieber, 18, won all three categories in which he was nominated, including the biggest award, artist of the year tic stripped-down version of his latest single As Long As You Love Me before livening up the show with Nicki Minaj for Beauty and a Beat. The American Music Award nominees and winners are voted online by fans, and the awards are handed out during a live three-hour broadcast featuring performances by artists. R&B singer Rihanna, 24, and rapper Minaj, 29, led the nominees going into Sunday’s awards with four apiece. Minaj won favourite rap/hip hop artist and rap/hip hop album of the year for Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded.

The singer, known for her extravagant on-stage performances, sang her latest hit Freedom in a winter wonderland-themed set. Rihanna came away with one win. She couldn’t make the show because she is in Berlin, midway through a seven-day tour across seven cities around the world promoting her upcoming Unapologetic album. Canadian pop singer Carly Rae Jepsen, 26, picked up the coveted new artist-of-theyear award over One Direction, Australian artist Gotye, indie-pop band fun. and rapper J. Cole. She performed her hit Call Me Maybe.

Newcomer British-Irish boy bands One Direction, which had three nominations, and The Wanted, which had one nomination, went home empty-handed, losing out in the favourite pop/rock group category to well-established Los Angeles group Maroon 5. French DJ David Guetta won the first-ever American Music Award for electronic dance music over DJs Calvin Harris and Skrillex. Only 13 of the 20 awards were handed out during the live broadcast. Katy Perry was named favourite female pop/rock artist, Shakira was named favourite Latin art-

ist, while Beyonce was voted favourite soul artist. None of the three attended the show. Country-pop darling Taylor Swift, 22, scored the favourite female country artist award before performing her latest single I Knew You Were Trouble from her chart-topping album Red, on a masquerade ballroom-style stage with dancers in tuxedos, gowns and Venetian masks. AMA founder Dick Clark, who passed away earlier this year, was given a touching tribute by veteran soul singer Stevie Wonder, who sang a medley of hits against a backdrop of pictures of Clark.

Rock royalty to perform Kunis given seal of approval at Sandy tribute concert BRUCE Springsteen and the E Street Band, Paul McCartney, Kanye West and Jon Bon Jovi will perform at a special ‘12.12.12’ Concert for Sandy Relief at Madison Square Garden next month, according to organisers. The Who, Roger Waters, Billy Joel and Alicia Keys have also signed up for the December 12 event, which its producers said is shaping up to be a showcase of rock royalty. “The response from the entertainment community to help those most affected by Hurricane Sandy has been nothing short of astounding,” the Madison Square Garden Company, Clear Channel Media and Entertainment and The Weinstein Company said in a joint statement. “We expect to announce additional legendary performers in the near future and we are confident that the event will ensure those in need will not be forgotten, and vital aid will be directed to rebuilding our communities along the East Coast.” More than 130 people were killed when the superstorm pummelled the east coast of the United States late last month. Thousands more were left homeless as the storm tore through areas of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, causing an estimated $50 billion in damage. Donations raised from the one-night event concert will go to the Robin Hood Relief Fund, which will provide money and materials to groups helping people hardest hit by the storm. The organisers of the concert also produced the 9/11 benefit ‘The Concert for New York City’ in 2001, which raised more than $30 million. A concert and telethon on NBC earlier this month raised almost $23 million for people affected by the storm.

Kutcher and Kunis have been dating for seven months

ASHTON Kutcher’s friends have given Mila Kunis their seal of approval. The Two And A Half Men star has been dating his former That 70s Show co-star for seven months and his inner circle are said to be huge fans of the 29-year-old actress because she is so “low maintenance.” A source close to the 34-yearold actor said: “Mila is such a nice girl and extremely down-to-earth. Everyone on Ashton’s team is happy for them. “She is very laidback and low maintenance. Her favorite coat is from H&M and she doesn’t take herself too seriously.” The insider also revealed that the Black Swan star talks very little about herself and is very polite. “She seems very interested in people outside of the acting industry. She’s a very real girl, engaging and very polite.” The Ted star is currently in Rome after recently returning from a trip to Australia and Japan with Ashton.

THE Twilight vampire saga’s final chapter debuted with a massive $341 million in global movie ticket sales as devoted fans bid farewell to blood-sucking spouses Bella and Edward and one of Hollywood’s biggest franchises. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 earned an estimated $141 million in the United States and Canada over the weekend, falling slightly short of a record for the supernatural romance series about a human-vampire-werewolf love triangle. The total, which includes sales from late night Thursday through Sunday, ranked as the eighth biggest domestic film debut of all time. Late-night Thursday screenings comprised $30.4 million of the $141 million total. Fan fever for the fifth Twilight movie raged high around the world. Breaking Dawn - Part 2 rang up sales of $199.6 million from Thursday to Sunday at theatres in 61 countries for a worldwide total of $341 million, distributor Summit Entertainment said on Sunday. The earlier Twilight films pulled in a combined $2.5 billion at global box offices over a four-year run. The success lifted tiny studio Summit Entertainment into Hollywood’s big leagues and paved the way for its $412 million acquisition in January by Lions Gate Entertainment. New Moon scored the biggest debut of the series, grossing $142.8 million over its first three days in 2009. The movies based on a series of best-selling young adult books by Stephenie Meyer ignited a pop culture infatuation with bloodsucking vampires and werewolves. The films star Kristen Stewart as humanturned-vampire Bella Swan, Robert Pattinson as her vampire love Edward Cullen, and Taylor Lautner as werewolf Jacob Black, who competes for Bella’s affection. Summit spent $120 million to produce Breaking Dawn - Part 2, which concludes the tale with newly turned vampire Bella and husband Edward in a high-stakes battle to protect their halfhuman, half-vampire daughter from an ancient vampire clan. The couple enlist the extended Cullen family in their fight. Fans of the series, mostly teen girls nicknamed ‘Twi-hards,’ embraced the final film, which includes a surprise twist that was not in the final book. Summit Entertainment’s president of domestic distribution Richie Fay said though the vast majority of the audience was female, he expected more male viewers than for previous Twilight films.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL























23 10 As mentioned previously, it was safe road I went round on (9) 13 X that can be defended (7) 15 Bat noise we hear (7)

HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved, you solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic. With the ‘X’ sudoku, the shaded X must also contain the numbers 1-9.





17 Unfriendly Alfred goes round the ducks (5) 18 Lament revolutionary red GI (5) 20 Kingly blue (5)

CRYPTIC: Across – 1 Cretan; 4 Menace; 7 Paternal; 8 Glee; 9 Diagrammatic; 13 Umpire; 14 Depend; 15 Devil’s tattoo; 18 Wain; 19 Jetliner; 20 Detect; 21 Defend. Down – 1 Cupid; 2 Extra; 3 Nonpareil; 4 Mel; 5 Nightspot; 6 Crescendo; 10 Immediate; 11 Grievance; 12 Meditated; 16 Tinge; 17 Oared; 19 Jot. QUICK: Across – 1 Carved; 4 Dosage; 7 Walloped; 8 Iris; 9 Sixty seconds; 13 Adrift; 14 Hiring; 15 Contribution; 18 Etui; 19 Betrayal; 20 Brolly; 21 Dublin. Down – 1 Cowes; 2 Relax; 3 Depositor; 4 Dud; 5 Spinneret; 6 Glissando; 10 Indicator; 11 Triennial; 12 Cohabited; 16 Idyll; 17 Nylon; 19 Boy.

Rating EASY

Answers to crossword 2240

Rating HARD

1 Low-down from Department H! (5) 2 During winter, impassable during the intervening period (7) 3 Norma moved house (5) 4 Admitted having resigned (7) 5 Totter among the undergrowth (5) 6 Causing something powerful (9)






1 Reckless evil spirit can have trouble (5-3-4) 7 A cent tip could be a very small allowance (8) 8 Clever in footwork perhaps of French feet (4) 9 Musical locks (4) 11 About to address and send letters on to a new destination (8) 12 Shape for a floorcovering (6) 14 English naturalist in Australia (6) 16 Didn’t go about US state on 4th Sunday (8) 19 Dear French pop singer (4) 21 Drop round for some food (4) 22 Weapon found by daughter in town in a region of eastern France (8) 23 Gear a skilled worker feels he is entitled to have (12)


QUICK Across 1 Made of uniform


size (12) 7 Interminable (8) 8 Bad habit (4) 9 Organ of flight (4) 11 Drench (8) 12 Offshoot (6) 14 Loose rock (6) 16 Aubergine (8) 19 US divorce city (4) 21 Counter-tenor (4) 22 Shrieked (8) 23 One’s most valuable assistant (5-4,3)

Down 1 N American Indian woman (5)

2 Nine-sided figure (7)

3 Zodiacal ram (5) 4 Sirius (7) 5 Investor (5) 6 Athletics competition (9)

10 Uneven (9) 13 Earphones (7) 15 Pub employee (7) 17 Tine (5) 18 ----- firma (5) 20 Ancient (5)

ARIES March 21 - April 20

LEO July 23 - August 22

SAGITTARIUS November 23 - December 21

You may be torn between getting your message out to the world and spending time reflecting on your current situation. On balance, you may opt to do more, say more and explore ideas and options. However, the Moon in Pisces highlights your dreams and fantasies. Something you have often dreamed of may show signs of coming true.

You may want to roam wild and free, but you have responsibilities at home that seem to be keeping you busy. You may be annoyed by this, as there are people to see and places to go. Don’t allow yourself to feel powerless to do anything. With a little thought, you may be able to delegate some of your work to a willing friend or family member.

You may sense that you are on the verge of a major breakthrough. You don’t have much longer to wait - so hold on tight. In the meantime, take stock of your priorities and get to work on the most important goals and projects on your to-do list. The effort you put in now may be boosted by a run of good luck in the near future. Good things beckon.

TAURUS April 21 - May 21

VIRGO August 23 - September 23

CAPRICORN December 22 - January 20

Your determination to try your hand at new things, to explore new options and experience fresh challenges is very much on-going. Today, you may want to enlist the help of others in order to get ahead. Go for it, as you could get some key people on your team. Your social life is also looking promising. Why not invite a good friend out for a meal?

You seem to have become better known to people in your locality. Today may be no exception. Whether you are going out to lunch, or just having fun, you may be noticed. Make sure you keep smiling and lucky breaks may continue to come your way. If you are feeling really sociable, you might head out with friends to see a movie or show.

As a Capricorn, you are very skilled in the ways of the world. You seem to have an ability to handle the inevitable obstacles and delays that come your way. You may be constantly updating your knowledge by getting hints and tips from those in the know. But you also have a unique inner wisdom which you have developed by being a keen observer of life.

GEMINI May 22 - June 21

LIBRA September 24 - October 23

AQUARIUS January 21 - February 19

Life happens as you take a walk on the wild side. Something inside may be urging you on, encouraging you to let go of patterns that may have kept you down. You are so much bigger in reality, and in your heart you know it. You may have to lose something to gain something, and that could be security. But then for many of us this is an illusion anyway.

Your day can be filled with sweetness and light, if you want it to be. Venus in your sign, suggests that you may be willing to overlook some of your lover’s more annoying habits and just chill. If you want anything at all, this may be the time to ask. A new romance is also a possibility and may introduce you to fresh ideas and experiences.

You never know how far you can go until you start walking. You are on a journey of sorts, as you attempt to make your dreams come true. Don’t shy away from the biggest idea you have, the one that is really special. You won’t find out just how smart, wise and amazing you are until you have completed it, which you are quite capable of.

CANCER June 22 - July 22

SCORPIO October 24 - November 22

PISCES February 20 - March 20

Partners and significant others may be tetchy and expect a lot of you. They may also argue, causing you to feel defiant and stubborn. Trying to discuss difficult or complex issues may be a problem. It may be better to stick to your own agenda today and avoid the complications which a conversation seems to imply. But if you need to, do stand your ground.

The idea of pleasure has taken on a whole new meaning, especially now that Neptune is moving through your leisure zone. Your imagination kicks in and you may be drawn to try all kinds of ways of having fun that you have never considered before. Some of these may be deliciously wicked - appealing even more. A pleasant surprise is possible.

There may be a lot to do around the house, so you may end up feeling exhausted just thinking about it. Actually, you may decide to abandon all household tasks for much more appealing pursuits. Jupiter is calling to you to expand your horizons and go somewhere you have never been before. An exciting opportunity may await you if you do.


CYPRUS MAIL Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sport Beaten Austria shower Moufflons with praise By Alexander McCowan THE Cyprus national rugby side opened their 2012-2013 European campaign with a trip to Vienna to play Austria with a below-strength side but still left with a comfortable victory having beaten the home side 54-20. Moufflons coach Paul Shanks said: “This was our first venture into a new level of competition and the lads were well prepared and extremely focused, perhaps the best I have seen for

some time. We came away with a comfortable win but are in no doubt that we face some redoubtable teams in this division. We have made a good start but will need to improve if we are to top the division. The team will make haste slowly, if you know what I mean.” Cyprus left the field at halftime with 34 points on the board against Austria’s 15. First score was to the back row stalwart Chris Thoma from a line-out move and more tries followed by Holden, Thrasivoulou and Efthy-

miou. The match continued in a similar vein in the second half with the Cypriot backs carving into the opposition and leaving the field amassing an impressive 54 points. Austrian coach Carl Mousyet claimed he was satisfied with his side’s performance given the standard of the opposition, saying: “Cyprus have at least three players who could easily play professional rugby. We are familiar with some French second division sides and these Cypriots were better. They were

incredibly fast, strong and agile and are the strongest opponents we have played since facing Germany.” Laurence Vasilliades, president of the Cyprus Rugby Federation wasn’t getting carried away: “This is a very good start to the season but we must take each game on its merits - slowly, slowly. I have every confidence in our coaching staff and know that they will bring the team to our next match in December in prime condition and fully prepared mentally and physically”.

The Moufflons have now gone 16 games undefeated, as they close in on the world record of 18 straight wins

Cook ‘bitterly disappointed’

Czechs lift Davis Cup

England suffer heavy nine-wicket loss to India

By Jason Hovet

By David Clough


ALASTAIR Cook will leave Ahmedabad with a sense of crushing disappointment, even though it was the scene of one of his finest innings. Cook’s 176, compiled over nine-and-a-half hours and spread over three days as he tried so hard but in vain to save the first Test, will give him some satisfaction. But as he reflected on his first match as England’s permanent Test captain, he could not get away from the fact that his tour de force had come to nought in a nine-wicket defeat. Cook’s endeavours, and those of Matt Prior too in a sixth-wicket stand of 157, could not paper over the cracks created by others’ deficiencies or erase the consequence of a 330-run first-innings deficit. He acknowledged that truth, and spoke candidly about his own mixed feelings, after a match in which the most significant performances were Indi-

Cook’s endeavours, and those of Prior (right) in a sixth-wicket stand of 157, could not paper over the cracks an - Cheteshwar Pujara’s double-century, a destructive hundred from Virender Sehwag and Pragyan Ojha’s nine-wicket haul. “I’m bitterly disappointed,” said Cook, who had arrived with cautious hope on the final day that he and Prior could yet secure a stalemate. “We had an outside chance

this morning. “Coming to the ground, we knew Matty and I would have to do the bulk of the work. “But it can get easier and easier later on in the day, as the heat drains the bowlers, and those guys had been out there for a lot of overs. “It was a very small chance, but it was one we could have

taken.” Cook could hardly beat himself up, or Prior, for failing to overturn odds stacked against them. “It wasn’t today that cost us; it was that first innings. “When you go to bed tonight, and you’ve scored a big hundred, you do smile and you can be proud. “But I’d have been even

prouder if I’d survived today and dragged a draw out of it. “To score any hundred for England is very special. To score one in that situation probably made it even more special for me. “But the result is what really matters ... and we weren’t good enough over the five days.”

THE Czech Republic beat holders Spain 3-2 to win the Davis Cup for the first time as an independent nation when Radek Stepanek overcame Nicolas Almagro in four tough sets before a raucous home crowd on Sunday. Stepanek, who jumped over the net and triumphantly waved his arms to acknowledge the 14,580 fans packed into the arena, was hugged by team mates before going to his wife with tears rolling down his cheeks after clinching victory in the final rubber. His 6-4 7-6 3-6 6-3 win over Almagro meant the Czechs reclaimed the Davis Cup 32 years after Czechoslovakia won the trophy led by Ivan Lendl, who proudly watched this year’s final at the 02 arena with his former team mates. It also made the Czech Republic the first country to win the Davis Cup and Fed Cup team trophies for men and women respectively and the mixed Hopman Cup event in one year. “I was dreaming about it my whole life and now we’re standing here as champions, it’s amazing,” said Stepanek. His success delighted a home crowd that had earlier been silenced when Spain’s world number five David Ferrer cruised to a 6-2 6-3 7-5 win over Tomas Berdych to level the final at 2-2 after the Czechs won a four-set doubles rubber on Saturday.

Wales can toppled New Zealand, says Warburton

LA Lakers ground Rockets without new coach D’Antoni

Jimenez secures record breaking triumph

CAPTAIN Sam Warburton believes Wales can bounce back from defeats by Samoa and Argentina to stun World Cup holders New Zealand in Cardiff on Saturday. Wales have not beaten the All Blacks in 24 attempts since 1953. But 23-year-old flanker Warburton says his Six Nations Grand Slam holders can create their own bit of history. “There is every chance we can win next Saturday - I definitely believe that. You have to believe that in every game you go into,” he said. “But whether people think that is realistic or not is up to them.”

THE Lakers are still waiting for coach Mike D’Antoni to take charge of his first game but Los Angeles continued their recent revival with a 119-108 win over the Houston Rockets. Dwight Howard had 28 points and 13 rebounds, and Kobe Bryant registered a triple-double with 22 points, 11 rebounds and 11 assists, as the Lakers delivered another potent performance and a season-high points total. D’Antoni was hired last week but knee surgery has kept him from coaching on the sidelines so far. “My mobility on the sideline was a little in question. I want to be out there but we have a lot of games coming up,” he said.

MIGUELl Angel Jimenez fired a final round fiveunder 65 to become the oldest player to record a European Tour victory with a one-stroke triumph at the Hong Kong Open on Sunday. The Spaniard completed the tournament on 15 under par to edge out Sweden’s Fredrik Andersson Hed, who had earlier shot a 64, to secure a hattrick of Hong Kong titles at the age of 48 years and 318 days. Jimenez is 284 days older than Irishman Des Smyth was when he won the 2001 Madeira Islands Open.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL

Sport Hughes sweats as clock ticks on QPR reign

Sampdoria win derby, Inter left fuming at referee Rash of red cards and own goals in Serie A By Brian Homewood SAMPDORIA beat neighbours Genoa 3-1 to end a run of seven straight defeats and Inter Milan fumed over referees as Serie A threw up a rash of red cards, own goals and another coaching victim on Sunday. Pescara coach Giovanni Stroppa, in charge for only 13 games, became the fifth coaching victim of the season after his side missed a penalty and had two players dismissed in a 1-0 defeat to fellow strugglers Siena. Four players were sent off, three of them from Palermo, and two penalties were awarded as hosts Bologna beat the Sicilian side 3-0. Second-placed Inter Milan were rescued by a late own goal from Davide Astori as they drew 2-2 at home to Cagliari but were furious after having a stoppagetime penalty appeal turned down and had coach Andrea Stramaccioni sent off for dissent. The club declared a media silence, apart from president Massimo Moratti who gave an angry television interview to the Mediaset Premium television channel from his car as he left the San Siro. “I can say that for three

games in a row, we have had to deal with refereeing injustices, which have prevented us from getting the result,” he said. Two goals from Alberto Aquilani helped Fiorentina thrash Atalanta 4-1 in Florence to go third. Gonzalo Rodriguez and Luca Toni also scored as the hosts, a far cry from last season’s struggling outfit, chalked up their fifth win in a row. Parma twice came from behind to draw 2-2 at Udinese where 35-year-old Antonio Di Natale opened the scoring for the hosts with his eighth goal of the season. Defending champions Juventus, held 0-0 at home by Lazio on Saturday, lead with 32 points from 13 games. Inter are four points behind with Fiorentina and Napoli, who drew 2-2 with AC Milan on Saturday, a further point adrift. Sampdoria quickly took control of the derby when Andrea Poli turned in a deflected shot after 16 minutes. Genoa were desperately unfortunate to concede a second when goalkeeper Sebastien Frey saved Mauro Icardi’s drive at the near post, only for the ball to ricochet on to team mate Cesare Bovo and into the net from six metres.

Genoa, who had won five of the last six derbies, pulled one back through Ciro Immobile in the 73rd minute and nearly equalised before teenager Icardi celebrated his Serie A debut by restoring Sampdoria’s two-goal lead. Genoa’s sixth defeat in a row left them bottom with nine points while Sampdoria climbed to 14th with 13 points. Palermo, who have won only twice this season, had goalkeeper Samir Ujkani, midfielder Edgar Barreto and substitute Carlos Labrin dismissed in the second half while Bologna’s Saphir Taider was also given his marching orders. Alberto Gilardino put Bologna ahead with a half-volley and Manolo Gabbiadini and Alessandro Diamanti converted penalties either side of halftime. Palermo coach Gian Piero Gasperini was told his job was safe despite the wellsupported side languishing in 16th place. “I am absolutely not going to change the coach,” Palermo president Maurizio Zamparini, who used three last season and has already fired one this term, told reporters. “Gasperini is not at risk and will stay where he is for a long time.”

Inter Milan coach Andrea Stramaccioni was sent off for dissent as the club hit out over perceived injustices

Atletico keep pace with Barca By Iain Rogers

Diego Simeone’s Atletico Madrid have a club record 31 points after 12 matches

ATLETICO Madrid survived the dismissal of Mario Suarez and held on for a 1-0 win at struggling Granada on Sunday that trimmed the gap to La Liga leaders Barcelona back to three points. Barca’s 3-1 victory at home to Real Zaragoza on Saturday put them six points clear but Atletico stayed close on their heels thanks to Arda Turan’s goal and despite losing midfielder Suarez to a second yellow card midway through the second half. Diego Simeone’s side have a club record 31 points after 12 matches, one more than when they last won the title with the combative Argentine in the side in 1996. Champions Real Madrid are third on 26 points, still eight adrift of great rivals Barcelona, after thrashing Athletic Bilbao 5-1 at the Bernabeu on Saturday. Granada midfielder Gabriel Torje hit the post for the home side in the first half at Los Carmenes before Atleti-

co grabbed the only goal of an uninspiring game in the 61st minute. Turkey midfielder Turan turned the ball home for his fourth goal of the campaign after Koke had crossed from the right. A first real test of Atletico’s title credentials looms on December 1 with a visit to Real and a trip to Barca two weeks later. On Sunday, Simeone paid tribute to his players’ ability to secure three points despite playing poorly for much of the game. “The reaction of the team in the second half is the most important thing about today,” he told a news conference. “When a team understands it’s not performing well, that it has to do something, and it reacts like we did today it’s an important step forward,” he added. Levante climbed above Malaga into fourth on 20 points thanks to a 2-0 win at Deportivo Coruna earlier on Sunday. Jose Antonio Reyes scored

one of the quickest goals in La Liga history as Sevilla thrashed visiting local rivals Real Betis 5-1 in Sunday’s Andalusian derby. The former Arsenal and Real Madrid winger pounced on an error by Betis goalkeeper Adrian and smashed the ball into the top corner after 12 seconds at the Sanchez Pizjuan before Federico Fazio made it 2-0 with a fifth-minute header. Reyes, given a rousing ovation when he was substituted in the second half, made the most of more woeful Betis defending to make it 3-0 in the 33rd minute and then crossed for Fazio to score the fourth two minutes before halftime. Betis’s Ruben Perez picked up two yellow cards in five minutes midway through the second period before they pulled a goal back through Ruben Castro with just over 20 minutes left but Ivan Rakitic hit Sevilla’s fifth in added time. Betis are sixth on 19 points with Sevilla a point behind in seventh.

AS a player Mark Hughes never shirked a challenge nor backed away from confrontation. Dreaded by defenders throughout Europe, the Welshman enjoyed a fearsome reputation as a fighter. Rarely in his playing days, however, can the bellicose Hughes have encountered the enormity of challenge now facing him as he bids to cling on to his job as manager of rock-bottom Queen’s Park Rangers. Saturday’s home defeat to fellow Premier League strugglers Southampton left Hughes’ team as the only one in England’s four professional divisions without a win this season. It also left the manager squarely in the firing line. ‘HARRY COME AND SAVE US’ read a placard held up by fans at Loftus Road, beseeching former Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp to rescue the ailing West Londoners. Chants of ‘You’re only here for the money’ rang out at the club’s Shepherd’s Bush stadium, accompanied by the more direct ‘Hughes Out’. The manger, though, remains defiant in the face of fans’ criticism. “I don’t run away from challenges, and this is a huge challenge,” he told reporters. “The performance was unacceptable. We have to take it on the chin... it is my intention to see it through.” Most pertinent, though, has been club owner Tony Fernandes’ response. Usually publicly very supportive of his manager, the Malaysian airline tycoon took to Twitter in the wake of the defeat, but pointedly for once failed to back his man. “I feel gutted,” wrote Fernandes, who also owns the Caterham Formula One motor racing team. “I have put my heart and soul into this with my other shareholders. And done all we can to give support to players and all management. I can only apologise to the QPR fans. We keep fighting. “Let me tell you fans come first. Everyone including me let the fans down. Many of us need a hard look at themselves.” On Sunday night, he took to Twitter again. “On my way home from America,” the chief of Air Asia wrote. “Long long flight to think of many things.” QPR talisman Phil Parkes poured oil on the fire. Goalkeeper during a 1970s heydey when they finished runners-up in the league to Liverpool, Parkes urged for a change of leadership. “They have some tough games coming up and if Fernandes carries on backing Mark Hughes and they keep losing it is very difficult to get yourselves out of that position,” he told the BBC.

CYPRUS MAIL Tuesday, November 20, 2012



AEK bounce back in style to beat APOEL By Nemanja Bjedov

Manchester United were far from their best against a pumped-up Norwich side, failing to create any meaningful chances

Ferguson frustrated by lacklustre display Red Devils reflect on shock defeat at Carrow Road By Jim van Wijk SIR Alex Ferguson feels Manchester United must rediscover their urgency after losing 1-0 at Norwich with a lacklustre attacking display. The Red Devils were usurped by rivals Manchester City at the top of the Barclays Premier League after the Citizens had earlier romped to a 5-0 home win over Aston Villa. United never really got out of second gear in Saturday’s evening televised clash against a well-organised Norwich side who are now unbeaten in five Premier League matches since the international break. Ferguson had opted for

Michael Carrick, on his 400th league appearance, and Ryan Giggs in central midfield, with Antonio Valencia and Ashley Young providing the width. However, but for a missed kick by Robin van Persie after a beautiful ball into the Norwich box from Giggs and a close-range effort from Young which was well saved by John Ruddy, United created little of note in the first half. Indeed, after falling behind to a well-taken header from Anthony Pilkington on the hour, the visitors failed to really stretch their hosts - even after the introduction of Paul Scholes and England forward Danny Wellbeck, who replaced the ineffective Javi-

er Hernandez, given a chance as Wayne Rooney was not fit. Ruddy tipped over a deflected header from Norwich defender Sebastien Bassong in stoppage-time, and then held onto Anderson’s low drive. For Ferguson, though, it was too little too late. “We were too long in delaying our crosses. We should have got the ball in earlier,” Ferguson said on MUTV. “But we just didn’t get into the space behind them, it just didn’t happen for us. “Norwich got plenty of men behind the ball and closed out all of the spaces and we just couldn’t get our crosses in.” Despite the obvious disappointment of not being able

to extend their five-match winning streak, Ferguson felt Norwich also deserved credit. “There are times you have to recognise when your opponents have played beyond themselves,” he said. “It was a game in which you have got to give Norwich lots of credit for working so hard. It was a really special effort.” Anders Lindegaard had deputised for David de Gea in goal, after the Spaniard who was troubled by a wisdom tooth extraction, while Rooney was missing because of tonsillitis. United’s medical team will now assess Rooney in the run-up to the Champions League Group trip to Galatasaray tonight.

AFTER suffering their first defeat of the season last weekend at home, to defending champions AEL, Ran Ben Shimon’s AEK Larnaca immediately bounced back by beating APOEL 2-1 at the GSP Stadium in Nicosia on Sunday afternoon. “The atmosphere was very hostile and it was very hard to focus on what was happening on the pitch, but we came here to play football and eventually we managed to win. It was a match between two very good sides and I am proud of my players. Now we shift our focus on the matches to come,” Ben Shimon said after the game. AEK took the lead through Albert Serran’s tap-in midway through the first half, but Helio Pinto’s goal levelled the score eight minutes into the second half. Jason Demetriou’s impressive lob from just outside the area in the 77th minute secured the win for the visitors. “At the beginning of the match AEK were better than us. However, in the second half we improved and had several chances to score and take the lead after we got back on level terms. The pace of the match was great especially at the very beginning,” said APOEL coach Ivan Jovanovic. “Unfortunately we lost, but I must say that I am pleased with my players. The second half was prob-

AEK continued their impressive start to the season

Cyprus Standings

O’Neill hopes for confidence boost Team By Mark Bryans

Steven Fletcher helped the Black Cats to their first win since September

SUNDERLAND boss Martin O’Neill is keen to see his players take confidence from their first away win of the Barclays Premier League season at Fulham on Sunday. O’Neill saw his side score three goals for the first time since March as they ran out 3-1 winners against a Fulham side who had captain Brede Hangeland sent off after 31 minutes. Second-half goals from Steven Fletcher, Carlos Cuellar and Stephane Sessegnon gave the Black Cats their first win since September and O’Neill wants the newfound momentum to roll into next weekend’s game against high-flying West Brom. “It’s very pleasing to get the win away from home - I would have taken the win in any shape or form, but it was a good win today and we scored some good goals,” he said.

“The players are looking forward to the next couple of games at home. It’s always a good atmosphere at the Stadium of Light. “Winning today is a boost of confidence ahead of a very important game next week.” The win moved Sunderland up to 15th in the table but prevented Fulham being able to move ahead of the likes of Tottenham and West Ham into seventh. Cottagers boss Martin Jol felt his side were good enough to have taken the lead before Hangeland’s red card for a reckless lunge on Lee Cattermole. “Maybe we should have scored once or twice but it was difficult when we had someone sent off with 15 minutes to play in the first half,” he said. “It was very disappointing to concede the first goal because with ten men it is difficult to play in their half and to take the initiative.

ably the best half we have played this season and the players deserve to be congratulated,” he added. Elsewhere, at the Tsirion Stadium in Limassol, Apollon came from a goal down to beat Omonia 2-1. Leandro put the visitors ahead midway through the first half, but Toni Savevski’s team suffered a setback six minutes before half time when Rasheed Alabi was sent off. After the interval the hosts dominated and scored twice through Ivan Parlov and Giorgos Theodoridis to seal the three points. Elsewhere, Alki and Olympiakos Nicosia played out a goalless draw, while Enosis Neon Paralimni topped Ayia Napa 1-0. AEL were rampant against AEP in Paphos where they celebrated a 3-1 victory with all the goals coming in the first half. “What is important is that we got all three points although we were missing some of our regulars. With so many matches in quick succcession, both in Cyprus and Europe, the most important thing was the win,” said AEL coach Jorge Costa. Doxa Katokopia narrowly beat Nea Salamina 1-0 with Cape Verde international Vítor Manuel scoring the winner in the 13th minute. In the final match of Round 10 last night, Anorthosis thrashed Ethnikos Achnas 5-1 at the Antonis Papadopoulos Stadium in Larnaca to go top of the table.

1. Anorthosis 2. AEK 3. APOEL 4. AEL 5. Apollon 6. Omonia 7. Paralimni 8. Doxa 9. Olympiakos 10. Salamina 11. Alki 12. Ayia Napa 13. E. Achnas 14. Paphos






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Tuesday, November 20, 2012 CYPRUS MAIL

32 Beaten Austria shower Moufflons with praise 29

Sport Hamilton shines in Lone Star state as Vettel made to wait By Steve Keating NO one was happier to see Formula One back in America on Sunday than McLaren’s Lewis Hamilton as the Briton picked up where he left off in 2007 by winning the United States Grand Prix. Hamilton gave the sunbathed crowd of close to 120,000 at the new Circuit of the Americas a race to remember as he overhauled Red Bull’s championship leader Sebastian Vettel to win the first US Grand Prix in five years. The Englishman also won the last Grand Prix held in America, when it was staged at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, one of motor sports oldest and most famous tracks. Hamilton, who will leave McLaren at the end of the season to join Mercedes, could not hide his delight, grinning ear-to-ear under a massive cowboy hat as he sprayed champagne from the top of the winner’s podium. “It was wicked. I loved it so much. I am so happy,” gushed Hamilton after collecting his fourth win of the season and 18th of his career. The title battle between Vettel and Ferrari’s Fernando Alonso will now go down to the wire in Brazil on Sunday. Championship leader Vettel finished second after starting his 100th career F1 race on pole position while Alonso remained in contention with third place and is now 13 points adrift of the German with one race left. While Vettel was denied a third straight title, Red Bull were able to celebrate the constructors’ title - becoming only the fourth team in the 62-year history of the sport to take the championship three years in a row. “It’s incredible, something that everyone throughout the team has worked incredibly hard for and

to have achieved it is something...I’m speechless really,” said team principal Christian Horner. Vettel need finish only fourth in the Sao Paulo finale to take the title but the weather at Interlagos can be fickle and the wily and consistent Alonso cannot be ruled out for what would also be his third title. “The race unfortunately hinged on one backmarker who didn’t use his mirrors, that was the difference,” said Horner after Hamilton passed Vettel for the lead on lap 42 after the German had lost time behind Indian Narain Karthikeyan’s HRT. “There was nothing between the two of them today. They were trading times all afternoon and it was that one backmarker that cost us. “But congratulations to Lewis, he’s obviously had bad luck at other races and it was important to finish ahead of Fernando,” said Horner. As going away presents goes, it was about as good a gift as Hamilton could give McLaren as he prepares to move down the paddock. Team principal Martin Whitmarsh had stated earlier that Hamilton might one day regret his decision to leave the only Formula One team he has ever known but it could be McLaren lamenting the 2008 champion’s departure more. “Is he finding it tough to say goodbye? “I hope he is but I think we are going to try not to be emotional until the end of Brazil,” said Whitmarsh. “We’ve got one more race to go. “As we said last night in front of everyone, we are here, we’re not saying goodbye, we want to win these two races. “That’s six wins this year and we’d like it to be seven.” Hamilton is anxious to leave McLaren on an upbeat note and now heads to Brazil for the season finale relaxed and ready to play the role of spoiler as Vettel and Alonso fight out the drivers’ title.

Yeehaw! Lewis Hamilton could not hide his delight under a massive cowboy hat from the top of the winner’s podium

Ferguson frustrated by lacklustre display 31


The Blues led Italian champions Juventus 2-0 at Stamford Bridge in September but were pegged back to 2-2

Champions Chelsea need old resilience By Mike Collett


OLDERS Chelsea need to show the resilience that brought them success last season, rather than the recent failings they have shown in the Premier League, if they want to reach the last 16 of the Champions League this week. With two matches to play, former champions Manchester United and Porto and impressive newcomers Malaga are the only teams mathematically certain of qualifying, although the make-up of the first knockout round will become clearer this week. UEFA use a complicated head-to-head and minileague tiebreak system to work out the final rankings instead of goal difference, meaning uncertainties about who qualifies can last until the final kick of the final match. But in reality, Arsenal, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Celtic, Borussia Dortmund, AC Milan, Paris St Germain, Real Madrid, Schalke, Shakhtar Donetsk and Valencia can all advance this week if results go their way. Chelsea will also go through tonight if they win their Group E match against Juventus in Turin, sealing

their place in the last 16 for a tenth successive season. But Roberto Di Matteo’s men travel without a win in their last four Premier League games and reeling from a surprise 2-1 defeat at West Bromwich Albion on Saturday when defensive lapses cost them the points. “For some unknown reason November seems to be a bad month for this club,” the Italian told reporters. No European champion has failed to get through a group stage since the Champions League began but if Chelsea lose in Turin they will be in danger of becoming the first to do so. Chelsea’s most important victory in recent weeks came two weeks ago when they beat Shakhtar 3-2 at Stamford Bridge with a last-gasp header from Victor Moses sealing the points and making qualification more likely. Their domestic form has been poor with only two points from 12 in their last four games, but at least their Champions League prospects are far brighter than those of English champions Manchester City. City rose to the top of the Premier League for the first time this season with their 5-0 demolition of Aston Villa on Saturday yet their Champions League form has been

dreadful, losing at Real Madrid and Ajax Amsterdam and only drawing at home with Dortmund and Ajax last time out. They are bottom of Group D with just two points, behind Borussia (8), Real (7) and Ajax (4). Captain Vincent Kompany is at a loss to explain their failings in Europe. Speaking on BBC TV’s Match of the Day this weekend, he told presenter Gary Lineker: “If we had the answer to that we probably would not be where we are. “But for some freakish reason, we still have a chance in the Champions League and I would like to think that in the two games that are left we can pull off a big surprise and qualify as we still have a chance.” Real have a long-enduring European rivalry with Manchester United going back to the 1957 European Cup semi-final, but had never met City before until this season and will head to the Etihad tomorrow as favourites. However, Real’s French striker Karim Benzema believes his compatriot Samir Nasri is a big threat to the Spanish champions’ chances of sealing the victory that could see them through. “Manchester City have great players but I know

from training and playing with him for France that he can be a big problem for us. We want to win the group and players like Samir are dangerous to us achieving that,” he said. While Real playing in Manchester evokes memories of the early days of European club competition, a match in Lisbon also evokes memories of the 1960s when Celtic became the first British club to lift the European Cup. Celtic scored one of the upsets of the season when they beat favourites Barcelona 2-1 at Parkhead two weeks ago but Barca still top Group G with nine points. Celtic are second on seven, three clear of Benfica and four ahead of Spartak Moscow. Celtic beat Inter Milan to win the 1967 final at the rarely-used National Stadium, but if they win tonight’s match at Benfica’s Stadium of Light they will have cause for more celebrations in the Portuguese capital having secured a definite place in the knockout round.

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