SundayMail Piece of history
Choir charm
Meeting Olympic medal winner Pavlos Kontides
Glory to God the Cameroonian way at Nicosia church
J A N U A R Y 13 ďšş19
Get to grips with your camera Upcoming workshops will allow you to snap shots like a pro
WIN a Rasul treatment at the St Raphael Serenity Spa
People: Meeting the island’s first able-bodied Olympic medallist Pavlos Kontides
07 Culture: The French speaking choir livening up church services in Nicosia
17 21 Fashion: 13 3 things you should buy for 2013
Whatson: Get to grips with your camera at new workshop
Why David Bowie and I will always have Berlin His new song brings to life memories of another city for ANNE MCELVOY
ell, thank you, David Bowie, because you have kindly written a hymn to Berlin that unites us and a few discerning others in pensive adoration of shabby, grand old Berlin. Bowie’s video clip of Where Are They Now?, released as the 1970s rock icon passes pensionable age, shows him wandering in his adopted city. It’s a bit like the scene where the old man revisits Potsdamer Platz in Wim Wenders’s Wings of Desire: an image of something lost in time, but retained in memory. Francophiles can keep Woody Allen’s syrupy homage to the Left Bank’s neurotic poets and surrealists in Midnight in Paris. New York devotees can have Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island too. And if you want to liquidate your gangland foes in Bruges with Colin Farrell, good luck to you. David and I will keep Berlin, where he left a trail of anecdotes that mere decades can’t dispel. I had a friend who partied with him and Iggy Pop: a challenge, since Bowie was trying to
Bowie projected onto a puppet in the video for Where Are We Now? stay off drugs to make his Berlin trilogy of albums, while Iggy was endlessly trying to secure them. He recalled that the Thin White Duke had been very courteous but worried that the drinks glasses might leave rings on a prized table. It’s probably that streak of caution, allied to the boundless creativity, which means that Bowie is still around while the song intones mournfully he is “walking the dead”, in his Proustian reacquaintance with the city. Of course, I’m taken by the references in the song: to the Dschungel nightclub, which after 1989 contained a heady mix of sleazy property dealers, eastern European models and wanton aristos, with infusions of Joop! perfume
fighting with palls of cigarette smoke. But the Berlin that attracted Bowie and me was the earlier, divided one, protected by its pre-unification status and oddities of the Allied agreement. The Wall created isolation and misery in the East, but ensured a pleasant enclave in the West. The two groups I saw really crestfallen when it fell were the border guards and boho-West Berliners, about to lose a subsidised paradise. Listening to Bowie’s spectral summoning of that world, you can hear the echoes of a longer tradition of Brits drawn to the Prussian capital - and shaped by it. It is the city of Christopher Isherwood and Stephen Spender and where
Damien Hirst still pulls up outside the inevitable Paris Bar for dinner. Cheery Neil Tennant has long assumed the role of Britain’s pop ambassador there: a fitting guardian of the flame. A German writer friend complains that the place is “the world’s biggest village”. Like its avatar London, it welcomes a shifting crowd of transient residents and has that indefinable asset: buzz. Unlike London, it has longer memories, more closely-knit gossip and more potholes of the past. That is why David and I will never really leave it. You may find us one day in the Paris Bar, laughing at the Cerberus doormen who really run the town and refusing to say goodbye to all that. It might speed up the booking if we use his name.
Learn to accept the true lesson of Attenborough By Sarah Sands The loss of institutional deference is complete. The critics have turned on David Attenborough over his latest series, Africa. A A Gill condemns the “dreadful” Disneyfication, others regret the lack of educational content. It is true that the humour is more anthropomorphic whimsy than Jack Whitehall and that the geology is a bit vague - maybe Attenborough and Brian Cox have a gentlemen’s agreement on this. Frankly any narrative is superfluous because the series is based on sensational camera work, with Attenborough as God’s voiceover. BBC wildlife is still the nation at prayer, an hour of humility and wonder entirely absent from the rest of public life. We have been chosen to witness giraffes fighting. The disappointment that we are not actually
learning anything is misplaced. We are being taught to appreciate patience, while, hurray, not having to exercise it. The shots given to us are extraordinary highlights. Second, we are encouraged to consider all creatures, great and small. I have been in the bush in Botswana and noticed a difference between visitors there. Some wanted only to see the big five and dashed to tick them off. I am captivated by birds so spent much longer examining the lilac-breasted rollers or the woodland kingfishers. It was while I was watching a hornbill that I noticed a leopard in nearby branches. If you take an interest in termites and frogs as well you will fi nd the wilderness comprehensively compelling rather than the usual pattern of safaris - moments of intense excitement followed by long stretch-
es of boredom. From my fleeting amateurish observations in the bush, it does not work like this. Everything looks quite dozy in the morning. The male lions rarely chase, leaving strategy to the female lions and attacking with overpowering strength only when the prey is secured. Death can come from many unexpected quarters. Our guide had come across a dead lion, crushed by a giraffe that had been toppled by the rest of the pride (Yo, giraffes). He had also found a python attempting to swallow the young antelope it had squeezed to death, surprised in the bushes by an opportunistic leopard (which ate all the antelope and half the snake). The only law for the office I can extrapolate is that it is a dangerous arena for the elderly and for children.
SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
03 DIARY by Richard Dickenson Members of the Afghan National Police (ANP) march during a graduation ceremony
Afghanistan and other problems
ntervening and interfering powers are accelerating their Afghanistan departures. Yet the only effective power in Afghanistan, like it or not, remains the well organised, resourceful and successful Taliban. Taliban warriors control the streets at night, which is always the test. As a fundamentalist Islamic political movement dedicated to imposition of Sharia law the Taliban cares nothing beyond its success based on a premise that Allah is great and is on their side. To them, democracy is a loathsome blasphemy - and there are reasons for their dislike – their aim is a kind of Imamocracy supported by guns and answerable only to Allah. To judge these beliefs by western standards is both misguided and futile. At present the Taliban can call upon new fighters by the thousand whenever and wherever needed. The US, UK and other allies cannot do that. The
loss of a US helicopter with some 30 lives dominated TV, radio and press headlines while a hundred lost Taliban fighters were silently replaced overnight. The cost of providing high level treatment under the Wounded Warrior support services alone costs the US exchequer some half a billion dollars a day. This while the US economy is on a financial brink, the US public debt being some 15 trillion dollars. Much as was the case with the Russian invasion decades before, the cost is not sustainable. The Taliban are winning easily while the US is spending itself into the ground and going broke. Politically the US cannot stand the loss of life; fi nancially it cannot stand the cost. The inevitable consequence is the current acceleration of the pull-out. The war is over and the Taliban has won hands down. How has the past contributed to all this? Well, to start with, the history of US overseas involvement since the end of WWII has
not been a happy one. Eisenhower walked away from the disaster of Korea. His government then brought the UK and France to their knees by threatening to sell sterling and francs short, thus emasculating other powers, ending the Suez Canal war and laying the groundwork for the endless Middle East chaos. Vietnam saw the deaths of near 60,000 US personal and the eventual pull out by Nixon. The incident of the SS Mayaguez reflected little credit on US forces. The Teheran embassy siege brought howls of ridicule, worldwide. The Lebanon affair resulted in the loss of over 200 marines. ‘Mogadishu’ squandered 48 deaths to save 35 ship’s crew and was yet another costly shambles. Again and again we’ve witnessed the spectacle of American troops scurrying from violence in a foreign country. Wee Georgie Bush’s ‘Mission Accomplished’ proclamation after Gulf War II was hopelessly brash, flawed and premature. The
struggle there still goes on, the outcome being far from certain. So it will be with Afghanistan. A similar situation is developing to that used by Reagan in ending the Cold War. At that time, he built US forces to overwhelming strength though this involved huge borrowings; treasury bonds were guzzled by European and Japanese markets. Russia, compelled to keep pace, could not compete while also maintaining public spending and was forced into an unstable situation. This scenario is now repeating itself in Afghanistan but this time with the US role reversed. Now it is the US that is spending itself penniless. The same resolution forced on the Russians is being forced on the US. They and their little allies have to quit before they are financially broken. The Taliban will have ground the west into the dust, as they have repeatedly done to their invaders including the British Raj in the Khyber pass 150 years ago. No-one seems
to have foreseen that conclusion to the debacle although all the historical lessons were plainly visible. So what next? Well, it’s bad enough for the rest of the world and the Chinese in particular to be reminded yet again of America’s naive politics and fi nancial and military weaknesses. Worse will be the bloody battles shortly to ensue between Sunni and Shi’ite as they struggle for supremacy. The Israelis, aware of the dwindling American backup, will fend even more strongly for themselves. Allah help Iran and its nuclear potential. And in Afghanistan the Taliban will be back in control again, probably as majority power in the Afghan government. That will place a strongly anti-US government right next door to another US-hater, Pakistan, which has a nuclear bomb capability. And if that doesn’t make you nervous you’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din.
Ancient floor
Free medical care
Free breakfasts
out of ten Cyprus Airways staff could be made redundant while those remaining would take a 10 per cent cut on salaries, under a restructuring plan drawn up to salvage the ailing national carrier. Devised by Air France and KLM, the plan advocates a drastic trimming down of the company, widely considered to be bloated after decades of unchecked hiring. The airline currently has some 1,000 people on its payroll. CY’s management, administration and trade unions are currently engaging in intensive consultations with a view to agreeing a formula acceptable to all sides. But that looks like a hard sell, even as the company stares bankruptcy in the face. Time is also pressing, as it’s understood that an agreement should be reached as soon as possible - by the end of this month.
thousand years after it last saw the light of day an ancient floor was unearthed in Nicosia this week at the Ayia VarvaraAsprokremnos excavation site, the antiquities department said. The department said new fi nds during the latest excavations had redefined the understanding of the kind of human occupation that existed at the Neolithic site in the Nicosia district, which has been radio-carbon dated to between c. 8,800-8,600 BC. The excavations took place in November 2012 and were run by Dr Carole McCartney on behalf of the University of Cyprus. According to an announcement, the floor which “was exposed for the fi rst time in 10,000 years” exhibited a dished form, raised above the central area providing a rough bench that ran along the circumference of the interior wall.
euro of medical fees for the former Syrian ambassador were written off former Health Minister Stavros Malas confirmed this week, at the request of President Demetris Christofias. Daily Phileleftheros reported the Syrian diplomat failed to pay medical debts worth €7,373 in total, after receiving treatment on three different occasions at the Nicosia General Hospital while serving as Syrian ambassador to Cyprus. According to the paper, Nicosia hospital wrote to the ambassador on October 10, 2010 seeking payment for two unpaid bills dating back to November 11 and December 3 of 2009 for a total sum of €6,337. The Syrian diplomat also underwent treatment at the hospital on October 7, 2010, costing a further €1,036. None of the three bills were paid by the diplomat.
school breakfasts were picked up and delivered to primary schools around the island every day this week as part of the Shacolas’ Group contribution to the Education Ministry’s attempts to feed needy children. It was the fi rst day returning needy pupils received their free breakfast. “We are very happy with how things went and have received a positive fi rst impression,” said former health minister Charis Charalambous who is chairman for the committee responsible for handing out the breakfasts. “Under our close supervision we have guaranteed the quality of food given to children is in line with the company’s reputation and we are sure that the programme will continue successfully,” he added. The sandwiches are prepared the night before and stored in fridges before they are delivered at 7.15am the next day.
January 13, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL
Drastic CY trimming
This summer Pavlos Kontidess became the first able mpic medal. THEO bodied Cypriot to win an Olympic ho says it pays to dream big PANAYIDES meets a man who
A little piece of history I
like to ask about people’s hobbies, but with Pavlos Kontides there doesn’t seem to be any point. Partly it’s because he comes across so unambiguous and bull-like, fairly screaming ‘what you see is what you get’; it would be a major shock if he secretly turned out to be interested in gardening, or coin collecting, or Byzantine art. But it’s also because, even if Pavlos nursed a secret passion for those things, he wouldn’t have time to pursue them. From his mid-teens he’s been focused on one thing only – and it’s paid off in spades. Even far in the future, maybe 50 years from now when he’s 73 (he turns 23 next month), he’ll still be able to get up and introduce himself as the fi rstever able-bodied Cypriot to win an Olympic medal, having won silver in the Men’s Laser (a Sailing category) in London 2012. I’m talking to a little piece of History. His triumph has come at a price. Not just literally, an annual cost of around €100-125,000, most of that paid by his family (his parents are both doctors in Limassol), but also metaphorically. “A normal routine when I was at school,” he recalls, “was to wake up around 5.15, then my coach would arrive and drive me down to the Nautical Club, we’d take the bikes for an hour and a half of cycling, come home, shower, breakfast – basically just a sandwich in the car – go to school, then I got off at 2, my dad was usually outside, again with a packed lunch, he’d take me straight down to the
It’s not just his physical power, however – it’s also the air of selfconfidence. His focus is unforced and unshakeable, his assurance startling for a 22-year-old
Nautical Club, I’d take my boat, get in the sea till 5 o’clock when it got dark, come out, change, shower and so on, eat – I’d eat the lunch I’d already brought from home – then wait an hour or so to digest, then go to the gym and lift weights from 7 to 8.30. So it’s around 9 o’clock when I get home – and I still have to study, eat dinner, take a shower, then go to sleep because the next day would be the same”. It makes me tired just typing all that. He certainly looks like an athlete, even sitting down in a corner of a room crammed with tables and chairs (we meet in his aunt’s house in Nicosia, its living-room upended for a Christmas party in a few hours). He’s tall and thin, with broad shoulders, prominent features and, it seems, a strong pair of lungs: the voice is rather fl at and metallic but loud and echoing, a voice for calling out to people from the next room with. It’s not just his physical power, however – it’s also the air of selfconfidence. His focus is unforced and unshakeable, his assurance startling for a 22-year-old. “We’re in talks with KOA [the Cyprus Sport Organisation],” he says at one point, sounding very CEOish. You can easily imagine him in middle age, a living legend, making pronouncements on some TV talkshow – for instance when we talk about ‘the crisis’ and he mentions that his girlfriend Hara is now doing a Masters but probably won’t be able to fi nd a job in Cyprus. “I hope
this will change,” says Pavlos with the air of a pompous politician. “If we all work in that direction, I believe it will change.” Hara, incidentally, has been his girlfriend since high school – a slight surprise, given how unsociable his high-school schedule was, but it seems he was able to maintain a relationship and still be in bed by 10.30 (midnight on weekends, when the night’s just beginning for most teenagers). Did he ever feel excluded? Not at all, he replies fi rmly; if anything, “they admired me, because they knew it was very difficult to do but I was doing it anyway, because I had my goals”. At the age of 14, having gone to Athens to watch the Olympics with his dad, Pavlos set himself three goals in Sailing: to qualify for Beijing 2008, to win two world championships, and to win a medal in London 2012. Nine years later, all three goals have been fulfi lled. He nods in satisfaction: “We mustn’t be afraid to aim high”. That’s the secret, apparently: goals, self-belief and (of course) positive thinking. The third ingredient was inculcated in Pavlos by his mother (“on this particular aspect, I owe everything to my mum”) who started taking him to positive-thinking seminars at the age of 12, years before he became a serious sailor. This, he admits, is something we lack in Cyprus – the willingness to dream big and believe we can do it. “I remember some sportswriters [in Cyprus], before I left for the Olympics, were asking me what my goal was, and I said ‘A medal’, and they said ‘Come on, if you end up in the top 10 won’t you be happy?’”. Admittedly, his results in the previous year didn’t suggest he’d be winning Silver – but the point is the fatalism, the weary acceptance of mediocrity and being ‘good enough’ instead of top-tier. “It’s something we all carry inside us,” sighs Pavlos, “from previous generations. Cypriots
are a people who’ve been through a lot over the years.” Doesn’t it also make sense, though? After all, professional sport is grossly unfair; you’re far more likely to be disappointed than achieve your goals. I mention the example of George Achilleos and Antonis Nikolaides, our world-class skeet shooters who came fi fth and fourth, respectively at Beijing 2008 (Nikolaides only lost the Bronze medal on a ‘sudden death’ play-off). Pavlos came back to a hero’s welcome last year; he was crowned with laurels, and presented with the Order of Merit by President Christofi as. The shooters got nothing, except ‘Better luck next time’ – yet the difference between their performance and that of Pavlos was infi nitesimal. Surely they too had dreams, goals, self-belief? “All athletes know that the worst position at the Olympic Games is coming fourth,” notes Pavlos unsentimentally. “Because, essentially, nobody remembers you afterwards. And you’re so near, yet so far”. The sailor who came fourth in London is a good friend of his – a Croat with whom he trains regularly (Pavlos’ coach is also from Croatia). “I felt bad for him. I knew I’d be crying if I were in his position”. Did he think about that during his big welcome? How easily it could’ve gone the other way? “Well,” he laughs, “that thought defi nitely doesn’t cross your mind at that moment!” Actually, it might. That’s precisely the moment when someone might think ‘I don’t deserve all this; I got lucky’. Then again, such a person could never be a top-class athlete. It’s striking how easily Pavlos accepts his newfound fame (granted, being 22 may have something to do with it): he’s a mini-celebrity at the University of Southampton – where he’s in the third year of a degree in Ship Science, and was chosen to turn
SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
Race of his life: Kontides at the Olympics
Talented musician Talented Rhys Taylor, a young musician crowned the winner of a Paphos talent competition fighting off stiff competition from a wide range of performers. The 22-year-old walked away with a €1,000 prize.
Free food
The Shacolas group for supplying around 2,200 school breakfasts which are delivered to primary schools around the island as part of its contribution to the Education Ministry’s attempts to feed needy children.
New HIO chief Ten months after leaving empty a post that is essential to the implementation of a National Health Scheme (NHS), the cabinet has appointed a new chairman of the Health Insurance Organisation (HIO). Thomas Antoniou, a 43-year-old accountant, is the new man. on the Christmas lights last month – and is recognised on the street all the time in Cyprus. “Lots of times you catch people looking at you and thinking ‘Is it him?’ – you can tell from the way they’re looking that they’re not sure. Sometimes they ask me ‘Are you Pavlos Kontides?’... Yesterday we were on the beach road, straight away someone asks me ‘Eisai o megalos?’” (which might translate as ‘Are you the great man?’, or perhaps ‘Are you the One?’). “As time goes by,” adds Pavlos – and I assume he’s going to say ‘people might start forgetting me’, but in fact it’s the opposite – “when I’m in the media and so on, everyone will know that, yes, that’s Pavlos Kontides.” On paper, that might read slightly arrogant. In the flesh, it doesn’t come out that way – because it’s said without vanity, just simple self-confidence. After all, it hasn’t been easy for him. Three years ago he suffered a discus hernia, “and the fi rst diagnosis I had from a very good doctor in Croatia, who taught at Harvard, was that I’d have to quit [sailing].” In early 2011, just a year before the Olympics, he slipped in the shower after training and broke his arm, meaning three months out of action and probably a year to get back to his level of fitness. Yet he didn’t despair. With the hernia, he just “kept changing doctors till I found the one who was going to tell
That’s the secret, apparently: goals, selfbelief and (of course) positive thinking me what I wanted to hear” (he now does extra training to create a strong “core”, to support his back). With the broken arm, he kept going to the gym twice a day with the cast on, doing whatever he could, so when the cast came off he was back to normal in a matter of weeks – “whereas if I’d sat at home for three months saying ‘I have a broken arm, I can’t do anything’ my whole body would’ve atrophied, and I wouldn’t be at that level of fitness at the Olympics, and I wouldn’t have won the medal”.
ositive thinking, says Pavlos Kontides. The process of “mastering your mind, getting it to do what you want, not the other way round”. That’s the whole thing in life, “that there’s always, always, always a positive side and a negative side” – and the trick is to take in the positive, study the negative (and try to learn from it) “then throw it away and don’t let it influence you”. It helps that he’s
Hero’s welcome: Pavlides at Larnaca airport after the Olympics
January 13, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL
naturally fearless (he loves extreme sports), but mental strength still requires training, a process of learning to think in a certain way. The pressure at the Olympics was enormous; “someone else in my position might think ‘Oh no, everyone’s expecting me to become the fi rst Cypriot medallist’, and tense up and lose. But I was like, ‘What a great chance to become the first Cypriot medallist, all of Cyprus is behind you!’, that’s how I was thinking. Especially the day when I came first in two races, I felt like the whole of Cyprus was pushing the boat behind me.” Pavlos is patriotic. One of the reasons why he wants to win the Mediterranean Games in June (he came fourth in 2009) is because they’re being held in Turkey, and he longs to see the Cypriot flag flying on enemy soil. Yet his country hasn’t offered much in return, and it’s obviously frustrating that he came this far with only minimal support from the local sports authorities (who give most of their budget to football). He’s diplomatic on that score – saying only that it’s one of his “life goals” to see Cyprus become a force in international Sailing – and prefers to heap praise on his parents and siblings (a sister and brother, both older) who not only fi nanced him but allowed him to take an 18-month break from college to prepare for the Olympics. “They all believed in me,” he says fi rmly. “Maybe not to the extent that I believed in myself, but they believed.” What comes next? Finishing his degree, for one thing. He’s not really an ordinary student, spending two hours in the gym every day and going home to cook (and weigh his food before cooking it) when others are venturing out for a beer and a McDonalds – then again, as he puts it, “an athlete isn’t a normal person”. He’s been training since the Olympics, and resumes in earnest from next month; coming up in 2013 are the Mediterranean Games in June, a European championship in August and a world tournament in November. “You always need to fi nd goals to motivate yourself,” says Pavlos Kontides. “My goal was getting a medal, now I’ve got a medal. Now my goal will be getting a Gold. Then, when I get one, it’ll be getting a second one”. Any hobbies? Don’t make me laugh.
The right people Cyprus is on the road to cleaning out its banking sector and winning back the trust of the markets, Central Bank governor Panicos Demetriades said on Monday in his first address to eurozone ambassadors in Nicosia, and the right people are now in the right jobs.
Outstanding fines Should the police be congratulated for collecting a total of €2,500 in unpaid fines from 13 of 16 people stopped on Monday at the island’s airports under new rules allowing dodgers to be approached on their way in or out of the country?
Hard drives Former Central Bank governor Athanasios Orphanides this week accused the leader of ruling AKEL of lying about the circumstances that led him to hold on to a pair of laptop hard drives after he left the job. The AKEL leader said information on the drives should have been handed over to a firm investigating the banking sector on the island.
Bills written off Former Health Minister Stavros Malas confirmed that he wrote off medical fees worth over €7,000 for the former Syrian ambassador at the request of President Demetris Christofias. Shame the less needy can’t be helped instead.
Drastic trimming Bad news for staff at Cyprus Airways as a restructuring plan to salvage the airline sees four out of ten of them being made redundant while those remaining would take a 10 per cent cut on salaries.
Job scammer A man remanded by Larnaca District Court in connection with cases of taking money under false pretences from people looking for employment in a private security firm. The suspect took money from them for uniforms for jobs that did not exist.
Bras, boys and Orlando Bloom - it’s all in a day’s work for an underwear ‘Angel’, Miranda Kerr tells JANE MULKERRINS
Miranda’s secrets Family first: with Flynn and (left) Orlando
Lingerie supermodel Miranda Kerr is the Victoria’s Secret Angel that everyone wants to see
or once, supermodel Miranda Kerr has her valuable assets fi rmly under wraps. In a demure, dark-blue Victoria Beckham dress, she is darting around Los Angeles between interviews to promote the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. Her input, it must be said, is possibly unnecessary; the recorded show was expected to be watched by tens of millions in 184 countries. But the 29-year-old Australian beauty is nothing if not on-brand. “Under this, I’m wearing the Victoria’s Secret Fantasy Bra, and lacy pants,” she informs me, with a saucy smile. “In case you were wondering.” A few weeks earlier, much to the envy of every male friend - and a fair few female ones too - I copped an eyeful of Kerr’s pants up close at the live show itself in New York. Featuring 40 of the world’s most comely models, clad in skimpy smalls and accessorised with feathers, foliage and five-foot wings, the annual pageant of pants and bras, sequins, stilettos and spray-tans has become one of the biggest events in the fashion calendar, employing more than 1,000 people and costing an estimated €9.2 million to stage. And Kerr - who has a lucrative contract as an “Angel”, one of the official faces, and bodies, of the brand - is undoubtedly the star of the show. When she emerged, sporting a forest-green corset festooned with Swarovski crystals plus a matching cape, and sashayed down the runway in towering Nicholas Kirkwood heels, the photographers flew into a frenzy, and the audience greeted her with a cheer even rowdier than that reserved for Rihanna and Justin Bieber, who both performed at the event. The next morning, Kerr’s dimples fi lled the front page of the New York Post, America’s biggest tabloid. Today, though, she’s acting coy when I ask her how it feels to be the most
popular Angel. “All the Angels are so different, they all have their unique charm and unique, individual personality,” she demurs. “But when I saw myself on the front of the paper the next day, I was, like, ‘Wow, that’s amazing’.” As the reigning Queen of Pants, she has an appropriately high-profi le King: her husband of two years is the British actor Orlando Bloom, 35, star of Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord d its prequel, The Hob of the Rings and Hobbit. Quite how the couple co-ordinate an A-list fi lm career, international mmitments, homes in modelling commitments, s Angeles, Sydney and New York, Los heir 23-month-old son, London, and their yone’s diary-juggling Flynn, is anyone’s eally lucky that I can guess. “I am really take my son with me to work,” Kerr concedes.. “But it is all about compromise, meeting each other e, and accepting in the middle, that we both have busy careers e end, family is the but that at the nt thing.” most important After her Twitter acacked, Kerr count was hacked, o quash ruwas forced to e was pregmours that she arrying two nant again. “Carrying rld would be around the world nge. It’s a lot of quite a challenge. extra luggage. But I love beind of wish ing a mum; I kind e it sooner,” that I had done she gushes. Forr in spite of ent-hopping all the continent-hopping glamour, Kerrr likes to paint herself as quite usewife, the happy housewife, ng also quashing rs, more rumours, hat this time that rrs are the Bloom-Kerrs on a break. “I love to itchen,” get in that kitchen,” she insists. “II just spent n South Aftwo months in ando while rica with Orlando g Zulu,” she he was fi lming as great to reveals. “It was
She was back on the catwalk for Balenciaga three months after giving birth, a feat she puts down to ‘butt-lifts, breast feeding and eating healthy’
spend time on set with him, and just be there for him, being a mother and a housewife. The family is followed and photographed everywhere, apart from their English countryside retreat. “It is a total secret where that is. It’s the only place we go where we can completely get away from everything,” she says. Her approach to eating is, she says “80 per cent healthy, 20 per cent indulgence”, though it’s probably safe to say she didn’t empty the Quality Street tin over Christmas. “We are in our underwear a lot, shooting for Victoria’s Secrets campaigns, so it’s kind of a continual process of preparation, ration,” she admits. Not least the waxing regime, I would imagine. Kerr’s million-dollar body is a thing to behold. She was back on the catwalk for Balenciaga three months after giving birth, a feat she puts down to “butt-lifts, edbr ea s ttfe fe e ding and eatinghealthy”. A yoga and Pilates
devotee, she ramps up her workouts with her trainer from her usual four times a week in the run up to the Victoria’s Secrets shows. “The focus, for me, is always on lifting my butt, so I do a lot more exercise around that area, with squats and lunges, leglifts and resistance training with ankle weights,” she says. “And I like to do my workouts at home so that I can be with my son. Sometimes I will do squats while holding him as a weight. He likes that; he thinks it’s funny.” For those of us without a baby Bloom to hand, Kerr has other workout tips too. “Something that I think is good for everyone, but particularly young mothers, is to put the music on that your child enjoys and dance around the house. You can really have a great workout.” Flynn, for the record, is a fan of Bieber, Elvis and the Dirty Dancing soundtrack. Kerr grew up in the small country town of Gunnedah, New South Wales, and still hankers after horses and the great outdoors. She has her own organic skincare range, Kora, and a few years ago posed for Rolling Stone Australia naked and chained to a tree, to highlight the plight of koalas. “I like to be in nature; when we’re in London, I spend a lot of time in Hyde Park,” she says. Her favourite restaurant is Mayfair’s La Petite Maison, and she shops at Portobello Market. But the thing she misses about the city most of all, when she’s elsewhere? “My mother-in-law. She’s so funny, I just love her.” Model behaviour indeed.
SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
Praise be: members of the choir
The St Dominic’s Choir sing the Mass every first Sunday of the month, at the Holy Cross Catholic Church in Nicosia
A mixed group from Cameroon make up a lively, French speaking choir. With talents that thrill, they liven up mass once a month at Nicosia’s Catholic church. ALIX NORMAN meets them
For the glory of God T
here’s a quietly famous choir in Cyprus. They’re not a large group and they don’t hold concerts that often. Not one of them was born on the island. But they are amazing. The St Dominic’s Choir of the Holy Cross Catholic Church in Nicosia is a small, 10-member outfit. They’re passionate, spiritual and all hail from Cameroon. Cameroon is actually a country with its roots in song, a place where music is embedded in the culture and children sing their way to school. By chance, I hear about the choir the day before Epiphany. Call it divine intervention as the choir sing the Mass at the church only once a month. And it’s this Sunday, Epiphany. They do perform in other locations but for the most part, the choir performs for the joy of the music. Sylvie Kengni is the Director of the choir, a modest woman, with strength and grace in every word. She reminds me of a headmistress – respected and adored, someone who you keep in touch with after you leave school; a firm woman with a kind word for all those in her care. We sit in the January sun outside the church while people of every nationality swirl around us. There’s a rare peace about Sylvie, a quiet confidence coupled with humility. “Our purpose is to sing to glorify the name of the Lord. We sing in French and in our language, in any place, not just for the spectacle but to praise, glorify, thank the Lord for the things that he has done for us. We have sung in Limassol, Larnaca, Paphos. I love all music, every type of music. It is part of my culture,” says Sylvie. “I didn’t know how to sing before,” she continues. “I learnt here, in Cyprus. In 2006 we started the choir: once we were 20 people, now many have left. They have finished school and they can’t work here, so they go. We are 10 members now, 10 ladies and gentlemen.” Sylvie herself came to the island to study. “Now I have completed my MBA,” she says, “but I cannot work here. I shall go to America, my family live in Baltimore, and in Memphis. But one of the happiest days of my life
January 13, 2013• SUNDAY MAIL
was here, in Cyprus. I will never forget it,” she says, her face alight. “We sang, our choir sang, for the Pope. For the Pope! It made us very, very happy. We cannot see the Pope in Cameroon – you have to be one of the big families to see him.” She laughs: “it was a miracle, he was so surprised to see us. It was a miracle to see him, to meet him. Look, he has given me these,” she says, showing me her rosary beads, carefully unzipping them from a special pouch, and pointing out the crest of the Vatican. “We sang for him outside, here where we are sitting. The Pope blessed
the Mass – and we were amazed: they had beautiful voices. They are very attached to this Mass. It adds a lot to the service, especially as they sing in their own language sometimes – it’s beautiful, so spiritual. It is a ceremony of their own culture. They wanted to share with us how they do it in their own country.” The Mass begins. The congregation is welcomed in French, and the choir stand to sing. There are no instruments, no accompaniment, just purity of voice, soaring through the church. My French is not good, but the sentiment, as summed up by Ger-
It is a way to praise the Lord and be with my people from my home, from Cameroon. It is a way of sharing, and to sing for God is twice as good
Good enough to meet the Pope: Sylvie Kengni
my daughter, he put his hand on her forehead – like this,” she says, demonstrating. “Then we sang for him – a traditional song, from my country. We sang, we danced - it was one of the happiest days for me.” Understandably, this was a defining moment for the choir as a whole. It’s time for the service to begin, and in the transept choir mingle with clergy. I am introduced, and frantically scribble names amidst the flurried excitement, catching snippets of conversation in French, Tagalog, Bamilike. I make the acquaintance of Germaine, who has sung with the choir for two years, and Edwige, who is a stunning young woman, well-spoken and warm. “I have been with the choir for three years,” she tells me, “and I love singing. It is a way to praise the Lord and be with my people from my home, from Cameroon. It is a way of sharing, and to sing for God is twice as good. Sometimes we sing songs from our dialect and it’s a reminder of our home.” I meet Father Joseph, who will be leading the Mass today, and Father Umberto from Italy, a real character. “The Cameroonians started coming as students, when I was Parish Priest here. When they first came, they did not speak much English, so there was the necessity to have a Mass in French. They were also willing to sing
maine, is clear: “The joy of singing, it’s a way to praise God.” One voice stands out, and I realise this must be Line, a professionally-trained opera singer, whom Sylvie has mentioned: “Line made a concert here for opera – many people came, many Cypriots, and they cried when they heard her sing.” Her voice is unforgettable, and I understand how people could be moved to tears. As the service progresses, the choir stand often to sing, and the congregation join in; there are many young families with children, countless nationalities united in worship and song. I am moved and surprised by the offertory hymn: the choir leave their pews and gather not just money, but all sorts of contributions. They dance down the aisle to present their offerings: Edwige donates wine, a young gentleman hands over a bag of kitchen roll, and one chorister with incredible energy manages to sing, stamp, twist and turn all while carrying six bottles of water. As the service draws to a close, I leave with a spring in my step, uplifted by the music. I may never have heard them before, but St Dominic’s Choir has all the hallmarks of a choir on the rise: deeply spiritual, with a joyful faith and a remarkable talent. Quietly famous, and becoming more so all the time.
08 TRAVEL Faith and mountains: the Likihir monastery high in the barren Ladakh region
he pull of the Himalayas is as strong now as it was to those Victorian adventurers who set out to win the Great Game and control central Asia. But now the British come to trek rather than conquer. I’d seen the Himalayas before, in Nepal. This time, I fly over the range in northern India to reach Ladakh, known as “little Tibet” and described by one author as a cross between the Scottish borders and the moon. In an hour’s fl ight from Delhi, the world below changes dramatically. First the fertile plane of India and then up, over and thrillingly close to the Himalayan peaks, above a landscape where there seems nowhere to land, let alone live, until we swoop into the Ladakh valley and the airport at Leh. The first thing that strikes you is the thinness of the air. Leh is around 3,500 metres high. I scoff at advice to relax for the first day, then find the stairs at our village house leave me out of breath and slightly dizzy. Our
Set near the Himalayas in northern India, predominantly Tibetan-Buddhist Ladakh is a region of mountains, monasteries and simple pleasures, says SARAH SANDS
guide, the gentle and charismatic Navarino Narah, warns us of altitude victims whose heads had swelled or lungs exploded. I keep an eye on the mirror. It is hard to believe we are still in India: different landscape, different temperature, different people. The name Ladakh means land of passes and we are squeezed here between two mighty ranges - the Himalayas to the south and the Karakoram to the north. There are miles of arid peaks, some illuminated by the year’s first snow. Its Tibetan character was initially geographical but has become more political with the Chinese occupation of Tibet and the exile of the Dalai Lama. Old monasteries stand high on these dry, rocky pinnacles, sun glinting off golden Buddhas, the cheerful crimson robes of the monks a slash of
colour in a merciless landscape. The weather changes rapidly during the day: high winds followed by still skies, thick cloud blown away in moments to reveal a glorious blue. They claim you can suffer heatstroke and frostbite on the same day. It barely rains here, though locals say it is getting wetter, a development that threatens the integrity of the traditional building stock, dried mud bricks. There are lines in the hills cut by water streams and lines of poplars and willows show where streams still run. In these narrow oases, small villages have sprouted, with apricot orchards, pocket-handkerchief cornfields, houses and walls of baked mud. Over the week, we stay in three, each with a character of its own. Shakti, the travel company, aims to replicate the local experience while creating
The weather changes rapidly during the day: high winds followed by still skies, thick cloud blown away in moments to reveal a glorious blue Indian eye: the five-star Leela Palace in Delhi provides a welcome re-entry to the Western world
SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
09 A historical building in Jeddah's historic district
an element of comfort. It rents whole floors of houses and brings in comfort – big beds, hot showers, flushing loos – a chef and staff. We are welcomed home with hot or cold flannels and drinks. There’s dinner by candlelight and we go to bed to find a hot water bottle and a wood stove burning. We awake one morning to the sound of singing and look outside. Below is our landlady, bent and weatherbeaten. She shuffles to her gate and hurls a handful of pebbles at the rear of a dzo - the benign domestic beast that comes from cross-breeding the cow and yak - walking too slowly to pasture. The dzo, all shaggy black coat and big horns, ignores her. Ladakh is an ecological dream. Water is conserved, there is limited electricity and the lavatories are dry, with the manure used for the fields. Cow and dzo pats are harvested as fuel for the fire and the villagers seem to survive the winter on butter tea and barley paste and home-brewed beer. In September, the first chill of autumn is in the air and the villagers are harvesting. Ladakh in winter is so cold that outside life pretty much stops, so best to come from May to October. This is a faithful region, with prayer flags flying from rooftops. There are stupas, the Buddhist commemorative monuments, everywhere. Monks preside over law and order as well as other kingdoms. They have, we are told, the power to chastise and to beat thieves or cheats. We rise early to go to prayers at Thiksey monastery, founded 600 years ago, and sit at the back to watch the monks chant. Some are as young as five. At the back, a naughty boy in robes pulls faces, drums his fingers, sighs and takes out what looks suspiciously like a comic. Will he be in trouble? Not at all, we are told, he’ll learn by example rather than punishment. Our driver, Sonam Tashi, takes us high into the mountains to the village of Likhir, negotiating back roads and dirt tracks from which we dare not look down. It is a vertiginous outpost that feels far from western existence. We understood the description of this region as the top of the world. In the course of the week we walk - only a “baby trek”, according to guides - cycle or drive to fortresses, palaces and monasteries, each speaking of the history of the region. Just as we begin to know what to look at in Tibetan architecture, Navarino takes us to Alchi, founded in the 11th century and decorated completely differently, in a gorgeously painted Kashmiri style. On the last day, we raft down the Zanskar River. When the snows are melting, this is a river with real rapids. By September it is flowing a little more kindly, though there are enough bumps to make the trip exciting. And so to our third destination, a house at Shey set among pastures. The wind drops and we take a walk along the rivers. This landscape is timid but I feel much more at home - it takes a hardy, fearless world view to feel entirely at ease on the arid hillsides. Faith and mountains is what Ladakh offers, enough to make me feel guilty in stopping off, between flights home, at the Leela Palace in New Delhi: vast bathroom, gorgeous bedroom, rooftop pool, spa, total luxury. It is the contrast that is so exciting. You need wholesome retreat in life but re-entry into the Western world is a thrill all of its own.
January 13, 2013• SUNDAY MAIL
Old Jeddah awaits life saving work By Asma Alsharif In the heart of Saudi Arabia's sprawling Red Sea port city of Jeddah, centuries-old buildings tilt and buckle above the historic district's narrow alleys, withering away in the absence of decisive action to protect them. The seventh-century historic district, with its mud and coral town houses adorned with ornate wooden balconies, holds the only remnants of the traditional architecture of the Hijaz, as the western Arabian Peninsula is known. But while Jeddah is building the world's tallest tower as part of a modernisation drive, efforts to preserve its oldest area are faltering. "Every time I walk and see these houses it hurts," said Abir AbuSulayman, who lives in the modern part of Jeddah but lobbies for the restoration of the old city. "I wasn't born here or ever lived in the area but I can feel how important it is and I feel proud that we have real history." Restoration efforts have been left largely in private hands because Saudi authorities cannot by law intervene to renovate the privately owned homes in the district. Locals say the government has not shown enough interest in resolving the problem, or in breaking a logjam in financing the improvement of the area's public infrastructure. As a result, a quarter of the houses in the district's square kilometre have collapsed, burnt down or been demolished in the past decade because home-owners cannot afford costly renovations and have little interest or
incentive to do so. Houses where the wealthiest Jeddah merchants once lived are now cheap dwellings for poor foreign labourers, beggars and illegal immigrants. Of the historic district's estimated 40,000 inhabitants, fewer than five per cent are Saudis, the district's mayor Malak Baissa estimated. A previous effort to list the historic area as a UNESCO world heritage site, which officials say would jumpstart restoration work, failed in part because there was no realistic master plan. The government plans to resubmit its application to UNESCO this month, and this time has included proposals to encourage home-owners to restore their properties under expert guidance with loans and other fi nancial incentives, as is the practice in some other countries with huge restoration projects. Jeddah's humid climate rots the houses' wood and erodes their walls, meaning they require constant maintenance. Local laws stipulate that this be done with mud and coral limestone drawn from the Red Sea, using costly traditional building techniques. The local property market further discourages restoration efforts: new buildings in the area can command rents of 50,000 riyals a year compared with 2,400 for old houses. Of 600 old houses counted a decade ago only 450 remain. Although the central government has instructed the city to spend $53 million to help restore the public parts of the district, the money must come from the city's own coffers, Amir said.
This is something that Jeddah, where creaking infrastructure contributed to deadly floods in 2010 and 2011, and which is completely overhauling its transport networks, cannot now afford. The government has bought and restored some properties in the area, including a 13th-century mosque and the house where Saudi founder Abdul Aziz al Saud lived when in Jeddah, but officials say it would be too expensive to purchase more buildings so they are now planning to provide state loans. Adhering to an austere version of Sunni Islam which prohibits the veneration of objects, Saudi Arabia has until recently neglected and even destroyed
many of its historic sites such as homes and tombs of iconic Islamic figures in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. It has now listed two sites, the Nabatean rock-dwellings of Madain Saleh and the ruling alSaud family's historical capital of Diriyah, with UNESCO and is working hard to protect its heritage there. As the authorities consider how to proceed with restoration of the historic district, Jeddah residents like AbuSulayman continue to lobby for swifter action and monitor the development in the area as best as they can. "We don't have the power to make decisions but we are here," she said. "We need help ... (and) we are willing to do more."
Gulf Air appoints Orthodoxou GSA
Air France quality accessible to all
Bahrain’s national carrier Gulf Air has appointed Orthodoxou Aviation as its exclusive General Sales Agent (GSA) in Cyprus to market Gulf Air’s Larnaca - Bahrain route as well as the airline’s other destinations. Orthodoxou Aviation is a member of Orthodoxou Group of Companies and is one of the prominent travel houses in Cyprus. The company will be handling Gulf Air’s sales and ticket issuance in the country in addition to promoting the airline’s destinations in the Middle East, Indian Subcontinent and Far East to drive tourism, leisure and corporate travel from Larnaca via Gulf Air’s efficient Bahrain hub. Yaqoob Abdulla, Gulf Air’s Senior Manager of Sales for Europe said " With several decades of travel trade experience, with a strong team of marketing and sales professionals and supported by highly-trained and efficient reservation personnel, Orthodoxou Aviation is a right choice for Gulf Air."
Air France has launched its New Economy Offer, a new fare offer available to 58 destinations on the short and medium-haul network. For travel as of February 6, customers will have the choice between the all-inclusive Classic product and the MiNi product, a simplified product which does not earn Flying Blue miles and aimed at customers travelling without checked baggage, with fares starting at €49 including tax. Air France aims to adapt to the changes in purchasing behaviour and the new expectations of travellers, while at the same time attracting new customers. With two complementary offers available all year round and fully combinable fares, this new offer enhances the attractiveness of Air France fares. It particularly targets the 60 per cent of customers who are looking for the best possible fares and the 40 per cent of short and medium-haul customers travelling without checked baggage.
10 FOOD & DRINK WINES with George Kassianos
A great wine starts in the vineyard From the new to the old - some great drinks from South Africa and Italy Nederburg There is a fine selection of wine farms in South Africa. One of them is situated 45 minutes from Cape Town, close to Paarl, one of the most premium wine producing regions. Nederburg Wine Estate is a winery with a heritage of over 200 years. It is also South Africa’s most decorated wine range, having won more local and international awards than any other wine producer in the country. Nederburg’s history, dating back to 1791, is remarkable for the pioneering and visionary ideals of those associated with it. Phillipus Wolvaart established the 49 hectares farm of Paarl Valley and in just six years the land was completely fruitful. Through revolutionary techniques such as cold fermentation, Johann Graue, who took ownership in 1937, established Nederburg as the leading producer of quality South African wines. During the late 1930s Graue, pioneered the philosophy that a great wine starts in the vineyard and evolves through every step of the winemaking process. To this day nothing has changed in the company’s approach. From the state-ofthe-art Ernita Nursery, where great care is taken in marrying fruit-carrying vines and rootstock to the ideal matching of terroir and varietal, Nederburg’ s vineyards yield outstanding quality fruit, season after season. Nederburg’ s viticulturists, winegrowers and winemakers all work together with passion, patience and precision to nurture the vines and ensure the grapes are picked at the ideal time for vinification. And today, Nederburg is South Africa’s most widely awarded name in wine. The winery is supported by an extensive investment in superior plant material, propagated at a dedicated nursery, Ernita, near Wellington; long-standing relationships with supplier growers; ongoing viticultural research; and a cellar that comfortably accommodates production for
growth markets, as well as specialist, connoisseur wines. Razvan Macici heads the team as Nederburg cellarmaster. He is supported by two winemakers who work closely under his direction. They are Wilhelm Pienaar, who produces the red wines and Wim Truter, who makes the whites.
2011 Nederburg Sauvignon Blanc, The Winemaster’s Reserve W.O. Western Cape South Africa 13.5% The Winemaster’s Reserve represents Nederburg’s core super-premium wines named to honour the longestablished tradition of winemaking excellence. Bright with lively green tint, this is a Sauvignon in the slightly more tropical, nectarine-fruited style with passion fruit, melon, green fig and herbaceous nuances rather than a more overtly grassy example. In the mouth it has very nice freshness thanks to a cool, lemon zest although the alcohol is not modest at 13.5%, retaining a bit of crunch, with that sweet layering of tropical fruit on top. A nice balance between quite pithy acidity and touches of nettle and delicious pineapple adds more character to a pleasing, very drinkable wine. A perfect aperitif, enjoyed with salads, fish, seafood, white meat, dishes with creamy sauces. €9.91
2010 Nederburg Pinotage The Winemaster’s Reserve W.O. Western Cape South Africa 14% Deep red in colour, dark garnet in fact, this wine has a bright, pungent nose of cherry, red plum and cinnamon with slight oak spices in the background. In the mouth it is juicy, spicy and beautifully textured with high toned notes of cinnamon and cherry. The rich fruit flavours are well-balanced with the soft tannins; the wine has great acidity, long length in the mouth and a lovely finish that brings in notes of redcurrant.
Excellent served with pasta, pizza, roast leg of lamb and even chocolate. €11
2009 Nederburg Cabernet Sauvignon The Winemaster’s W.O. Reserve Western Cape South Africa 14% A fantastic deep ruby red colour, this looks like a barrel sample. It has a wonderfully perfumed, seductive nose of pure sweet blackcurrant and blackberry fruit, currants and violets with an earthy edge and some gravelly minerally notes in the background as well as nuances of oak. The palate is full bodied, concentrated and quite lush, but underneath the sweet dark fruit lies a complex earthy core with a very subtle spicy green herby note adding p , an extra dimension, rich oak spices, ng fi nish. firm tannins and lingering Despite the fact that thiss is quite a big wine, there’s a lovely elegance ural richhere, and a delicious textural th robust ness. Excellent served with d steaks, dishes such as pâtés and shes such as well as full-bodied dishes er stews, as beef stroganoff, winter s. €10.97 roasts and mature cheeses. Distributed by Othon Ghalanos
2010 Cecchi Cecc Chianti DOCG 12.5% This classy Chianti Classico is Th made with top-notch Sangiovese g grapes by the Cecchi family, whi which has been making refi ned win wines since 1893 near the picture turesque, historic town of Siena. With a deep ruby red hue, this wine has initial fruits of citr citrus marmalade, dried fruit, sult sultanas and spices that shift gra gradually into forest fruits and her herbal notes. It’s a full-bodied red with rounded, ripe fruity flav avours, solidly structured linger gering palate with a pleasantly tan tannic fi nish. Hints of liquorice in tthe aftertaste, drink it now or keep it for another two to fou four years to let its flavours flou ourish. It’s a great choice if you’ you’re looking for a red to impress when you’re serving a Sunday roast feast, also excellent with steak and p polenta. €8.75
Cecchi Italy is home to some me of s in the oldest wine regions the world and has more than wing a million vineyards growing ntry. grapes around the country. ifferYou will get completely differpendent sorts of flavours dependomes ing on where the wine comes s are from and where the grapes grown, from crisp whites from the Alps to temptingly juicy yards reds from the warm vineyards of Sicily.
2008 Vino No Nobile di Montepulciano D.O.C.G., Abv 13.5% The Italians Ital name their wines by place, su such as Chianti, or grape (think Pino Pinot Grigio) or both, Dolcetto d’Alba. d’Alb When the name of a town, M Montepulciano, is the same as the name of a grape, Montep Montepulciano, the potential for con confusion is understandable. Th The colour is red ruby, very busy tending to garnet with w ageing. The smell is tha that of the variety, tasty choco chocolate and caramel aromas over spicy dark fruit, black cherry and intense perfu perfume of purple violets and a shake of fragrant pepp pepper. In the mouth Vino Nobil Nobile is pleasantly tannic, show showing good acidic structure, harmonious and full body body. Excellent with ragout of be beef, pork sausages, salami and grilled roasted lamb lamb. €15 D Distributed by Arte
McDonald's takes on pizza for Italy growth spurt By Francesca Landini US fastfood giant McDonald's believes recession-hit Italy will be one of its higher-growth areas in the coming decade and is opening more than 100 new restaurants to convert pizza-lovers to its burgers. In a country where foreign investment has fallen by almost 30 per cent since 2007, McDonald's plans to spend €350 million and hire a further 3,000 people by 2015 to boost its market share. "We believe in Italy, and we have convinced our shareholders in the United States that the Italian market has a potential we can exploit," McDonald's Italia Chief Executive Roberto Masi said.
In a country that has been stuck in recession since the end of 2011 and where unemployment is at a record high, McDonald's has trumpeted its pledge to raise its local workforce by 15 per cent to around 20,000 over three years. The US group, which first set foot in Italy 27 years ago and was initially met with suspicion in the land of pizza and pasta, has launched a full-blown advertising offensive playing to Italians' patriotism. "Italy is a democratic republic founded on work," reads the ad printed in Italy's biggest newspapers since the start of the year and citing the first article of Italy's con-
stitution. "We will create 3,000 more jobs. This is our way to show we believe in Italy," it says. In the TV version of the commercial, shot by Oscar-winning Italian director Gabriele Salvatores, three young staff members in trademark uniforms tell how good it is to work for the chain's fast-food restaurants. While in Spain and food-conscious France McDonald's has a market share of more than 10 per cent of the 'informal eating out' sector, which excludes top restaurants, its share in Italy is just two per cent, with a target of three per cent by 2015.
Masi said since the start of the financial crisis McDonald's had won customers in Italy by localising its offering, making sandwiches with crusty bread stuffed with Parmesan cheese and sliced ham. The purveyor of Big Macs is no stranger to cultural sniffiness; last October Milan city council forced it to close its restaurant in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a tourist-packed shopping arcade 50 metres from the Duomo cathedral, to make way for a new outlet of luxury fashion brand Prada. McDonald's drew more than 5,000 takers for the store's last-day offering of free burgers, fries and drinks.
SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
with Maria Socratous
Fast, fab and glam Make these Asian meals in a trice Roast for 30-40 minutes, turning halfway, until golden and crisp, then toss with the remaining 2 tbsp coconut and remaining 50g peanuts. While the potatoes are roasting heat the remaining oil in a large frying pan over a high heat. Season the lamb, then cook, in batches if necessary, for 2-3 minutes on each side for medium-rare. Set aside on a warm plate to rest for 5 minutes. Scatter the cutlets with the coriander leaves and serve with the potatoes, lime wedges and yoghurt.
Coconut-Poached Salmon Serves 4
Lamb Cutlets with Crunchy Potatoes Serves 6 75g Thai curry paste 125ml coconut milk 4 tbsp desiccated coconut, toasted 100g unsalted peanuts, toasted and finely ground 12 trimmed lamb cutlets ½ tsp ground coriander 1 tsp ground cumin 60ml olive oil, plus 2 tbsp extra 1kg potatoes, cut into 2cm pieces, parboiled for 2-3 minutes Fresh coriander leaves, lime wedges and natural yoghurt to serve Preheat the oven to 200C/gas 6 and line a baking tray with foil. Combine the curry paste, coconut milk, 2 tbsp desiccated coconut and half the peanuts in a bowl. Coat the cutlets in the mixture and leave to marinate for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, put the spices and 60ml of the oil in a saucepan over medium heat and cook for 3 minutes or until hot and fragrant. Scatter the potatoes on the tray, then pour over the oil, toss well and season.
2 lemongrass stalks, finely chopped 5cm fresh ginger, half finely grated and half sliced 1 green chilli Finely grated zest and juice of 2 limes, plus extra to taste 400ml can coconut milk 1 tbsp fish sauce, plus extra to taste 1 tbsp soft light brown sugar 4 spring onions, thinly sliced 4 x 180g skinless salmon fillets 2 tbsp sesame seeds, toasted Steamed Asian greens and noodles to serve Preheat the oven to 180C/gas 4. Whizz the lemongrass, grated ginger, chilli, and lime zest and juice into a paste in a bowl using a stick blender. Put the sliced ginger, coconut milk, fish sauce, sugar, half the spring onions and the paste in a pan over a medium heat and bring to a simmer. Put the fish in a deep-sided baking tray and pour over the hot coconut mixture. Cover with a piece of foil and bake for 12-15 minutes until the fish is just cooked but still a little rare in the centre. Taste and season with a little more fish sauce and lime juice. Sprinkle over the sesame seeds and
Whyyoushouldeat Apples As the old saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. And while you may not be able to keep the doc away forever just by munching away at the crisp, bittersweet fruit it will certainly help things function in good working order. Great for a snack at any time, apples also make for lovely juice that can be drunk in combination with a wholee varioice. ety of other ingredients of your choice. Containing a fibre named pectin ass well as heaps of antioxidants, regular consumption of apples has a whole bunch of proven benefits. Helping curb cancer and reducing the risk of diabetes, they’ve long been placed at
January 13, 2013• SUNDAY AY MAIL
the very top of ‘good food’ lists. What’s more, they’ll keep your heart healthy too, with the antioxidants preventing LDL cholesterol from oxidising and inhibiting inflammation. The soluble fibre in apples has also actually been shown to lower cholesterol levels. But more than the well-known claims that
remaining spring onions and serve with the steamed vegetables and noodles.
Asian-Style Braised Pork Ribs Serves 4-6 2 tbsp oil 1.2kg spare ribs 1 onion, chopped 1 carrot, sliced 250ml light soy sauce 250g soft light brown sugar 4 star anise 5 garlic cloves 125ml rice wine vinegar 500ml beef stock 1 tsp sesame oil 3 spring onions, sliced Steamed rice, Chinese or tenderstem broccoli and sliced red chilli to serve Preheat the oven to 160C/gas 3. Heat the oil in a lidded flameproof casserole over a medium-high heat. Season the pork, in batches, cook for 3-4 minutes until browned all over. Remove from the pan and set aside. Add the onion and carrot, cook stir-
ring for 5-8 minutes until softened and slightly browned. Add the soy sauce, sugar, star anise, garlic, vinegar, stock, sesame oil and two-thirds of the spring onions. Stir to dissolve the sugar and bring to a simmer. Add the pork to the casserole, put the lid on and transfer to the oven. Cook for 1½ hours, remove the lid and continue to cook for 1 hour until the meat is tender and falling off the bone. Serve with rice, Chinese or tenderstem broccoli, a drizzle of the rich sauce, sliced red chilli and the remaining sliced spring onions.
COMPILED BY ZOE CHRISTODOULIDES are constantly being given attention, apples are also really brilliant at detoxifying the liver. These days, whether we like it or not, we’re constantly taking in toxins from the food we eat and the things we drink without even realising it. Before you reach for the sometimes rather pricey detox drinks now available on the th market, just down an apple s smoothie or juice in the morning and you’ll be doing yourself (and your bank balance) a huge favour. If you’re stressed out or feeling a little low on energy on the other hand, apples will also help boost your immune system with vita-
min C giving your system a real pick me up. And if you’ve been having problems with your toilet habits, apples help keep things in check. Although it might sound strange, they actually beat both diarrhoea and constipation, while alleviating symptoms of anyone who suffers from irritable bowel syndrome. Keep in mind that apples are usually sprayed with a good deal of pesticides with a number of studies now indicating that they are one of the worst affected fruits when it comes to chemical contamination even after they’ve been washed and peeled. If you’re concerned, it’s worth considering buying organic apples.
12 FOOD & DRINK RESTAURANT REVIEW by Stephanie Robb OTHER PLACES TO TRY NICOSIA DISTRICT Aperitivo Kennedy Ave, Tel: 22 100990 Caraffa Bastione Athinas Ave, Tel: 22 730025 Au Bon Plaisir Alasias Str 15i, Tel: 96755111 Occhio Alkaiou Str Engomi, Tel: 22 255111 Domus Lounge Korai Street, Tel: 22 433722 Estiades Prevezis Street, Tel: 22 676233 TGI Friday’s Diagorou Ave, Tel: 22 674411 59 Knives Rigaenis Avenue, Tel: 22 664006 Marco Polo Holiday Inn, Tel: 22 712712 Rancho Bar & Grill Archbishop Makarios Avenue, Tel: 22 454454
Feel like you are dining in a gallery Dino Art Café, Limassol
La Maison Fleurie Christaki Kranou, Tel: 25 320680 Aliada Eirinis Street, Tel: 25 340758 House Corner of Agiou Andreou and Christodoulou Sozou, Tel: 25 364040 Beige Ayios Andreous, Tel: 25 818860 Columbia Steak House Agiou Andreou 223, Tel: 25 278000 Cyan Amathus Hotel, Tel: 25 832000 Terra E Mare Amathoundos Avenue, Tel: 25 635343 Baguette Brasserie Andrea Themistocleous Str, Tel: 25 107398
If appetisers do not make your mouth water, Dino’s Art Café offers amazing sushi and sashimi rolls, all at a reasonable price
here aren’t that many places in Limassol where the décor is as good as the food; enter Dino Art Café, a café set on promoting artistry as well as providing its customers with affordable and delicious meals. It is perfect for those looking for the ideal lunch place, or for an evening meal that makes sure you will not pack on the calories. Dino Art Café is visually fantastic, giving the sense of dining in an art gallery. Located in the heart of the picturesque Old Town in Limassol, the restaurant marries art, design and food. It is located in a renovated building with seating outside so you can enjoy the Old Town landscape when the weather permits. On the other hand, you could opt to make the most of the graphic setting enclosed in the restaurant, with beau-
LARNACA DISTRICT A33 Egiptou Avenue, Tel: 70006933 Cambanella’s Steak House Larnaka Dhekelia Road, Tel: 24 647877 Campanario Steak House Nikodimou Mylona Street, Tel: 24 626110 Flavours Kosma Lysioti Street, Tel: 24 823995 La Veranda Samou Street (Dhekelia Road), Tel: 24 646777 Lord Kitchener psematismenos,Tel: 24333484
PAPHOS DISTRICT Brasserie Ifestos Intercontinental Hotel, Tel: 26 829000 Meat Academy Posidonos & Polidefki Street, Tel: 26 965285 Oliveto Tafoi Ton Vasileon Street, Tel: 26 220099 The Bay Coral Bay Street, Tel: 26 342300 Old Town Polis Chrysohous, Tel: 26 322758
tiful paintings on the walls ready to be enjoyed. The décor is fairly simple, never wanting to take away from the main theme of the restaurant - the Art. Enter the meal, I chose to visit during the hustle and bustle of the lunch period. Waiters, who are quite friendly, show you to your seat and your artistic lunch experience is about to begin. There is an abundance of choices, one more delicious than the other, and they are all unique. The choice of appetisers is overwhelming. You could go for the everpopular Italian choice and choose the plum tomatoes with buffalo mozzarella, or Carpacio de Manzo, thin slices of prime fi llet of beef served with rocket. However Dino Art Café does not only serve Italian taste buds. You could also try the Scottish smoked salmon or Something Cypriot, as it is called, that consists of breadsticks, tahini with carob, kaskavali cheese, tomato, cucumber and black olives. I chose the sautéed prawns with mozzarella. This delicious combo consists of ten tasty king prawns in a tomato and basil sauce served with cubes of buffalo mozzarella. The other highlights of
the appetiser menu are the hot brie parcels and the duck pate served with an apricot and orange marmalade. If appetisers do not make your mouth water, Dino’s Art Café offers amazing sushi and sashimi rolls, all at a reasonable price. The sushi is delectably fresh. The salmon sushi is uncommonly tasty. The maki rolls were great, the teriyaki eel maki and the yakinomaki should defi nitely be tasted if you are a fan. If you are in a group, your best option is to order the sashimi from the fisherman’s net - 16 pieces of salmon, tuna, white fish and prawns at an affordable price, it’s simply your best option. What should also not be neglected, and one of the main reasons Dino Art cafe draws in the lunch crowd are
VITAL STATISTICS SPECIALTY international WHERE Irinis 62-64, Limassol CONTACT 25 762030 PRICE €25-30 per person
the fantastic salads it offers. Coming in delectable combinations and a large bowl they are exactly what the doctor ordered. For Japanese lovers there is the raw Japanese salad with seaweed, salmon, tuna, sea bream and prawns and for cheese lovers the cheesy lovers salad with mozzarella, parmesan and scarmoza smoked cheese. I found the steak salad amazing (being a steak fan) which was made from a prime fi ller of beef, cucumber, tomatoes, fresh mint and spring onions served with honey balsamic sauce. If a more substantial meal is on your mind, how about trying the refreshingly original pasta options that range from Blank Ink fettuccini, served with baby calamari, baby octopus, king prawns and a touch of tomato sauce, spaghetti with lobster tail in pink cream sauce and gnocchi with prawns?
SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
games Anarchy Reigns With Anarchy Reigns, PlatinumGames uses its hallmark creativity and technical excellence to challenge the boundaries of the conventional brawler genre by allowing multiple players to get involved in heavy-hitting action simultaneously. Anarchy Reigns incorporates a diverse range of multiplayer modes to provide players with different challenges, including Tag Team battles and Battle Royal, where players can challenge others in a full-on fight for victory. Creativity and violence are rewarded in this online brawler, as you battle to become the ultimate survivor. With over eight different characters to choose from, each with their own unique style, weapon, and signature kill move, this is the ultimate survival of the fittest. Anarchy Reigns provides a variety of multiplayer modes to cater for different tastes. The list of modes includes Battle Royale, Death Match, Survival Mode
discs Rush
2112 Rush has always been one of rock’s all-time great argument starters. Anywhere North American males gather, it’s possible to ignite a fierce debate just by namedropping these Canadian sages. You can always start an argument over 2112, the 1976 rock opera that made them stars. Rush made more-popular records, more-succinct records, but 2112 – newly reissued in expanded form – is their most extreme, grandiose and Rush-like record, and thus their greatest – 20 minutes and 34 seconds of the Rush worldview (plus five extra songs on Side Two, which nobody has ever played twice). The deluxe version of 2112 features remastered music (although, philosophically speaking, not mastered at all). It adds three live tracks and a digital comic-book version of the story, which goes like this: In the futuristic society of Mega-
Who cares what colour the walls are when there’s beer in front of you? That’s exactly what the guys behind Beertone thought, when they decided to put together a colour chart that takes yyou on a journey through the entire ent spectrum of beer. presented with picture, Each Beer is pre description and of course its colour information, RGB, CMYK, informati Web, SRM (that’s the beer colour scale). So far co tthey’ve put together a colour chart of Swiss beers. January 13, 2013• SUNDAY MAIL
real-time events such as The Black Hole, a plane crash, blitz bombing etc to provide a constantly changing gameplay environment. No two matches will ever be the same. Console: PS3, Xbox 360
don, where music is outlawed, a kid finds an old guitar. He figures out how to play it, which makes him a criminal to the evil priests from the Temples of Syrinx. Can his innocent strums revive the ancient spirit of music? Can he escape the tyranny of the elders? Will they let him rock?
wack jobs/I wish I had none/Their husbands are losers/And so are their sons.”
The Dropkick Murphys
Various Artists
Signed and Sealed in Blood Now in their 14th year, these Boston bruisers are still going strong with a new LP. The last one was a concept album about a fictional Irish-American; this one may be their most devil-may-care, mixing hardcore blitz, Pogues instrumentation and Thin Lizzy swing. It works best if you party at bars with names like Paddy O’Mcskullsmashies, but you don’t have to be Irish to love the dysfunctional family Xmas anthem The Season’s Upon Us: “My sisters are
Big Bird will teach your kid to read Were children just totally illiterate before Sesame Street? Because the creators of the children’s show have great tools for teaching kids how to read - like an upcoming augmented reality app called Big Bird’s Words. Our yellow feathered friend’s app is powered by a Qualcomm text recognition technology called Vuforia. It works like a game, challenges kids to find words in the real world scenarios, like grocery shopping. Say for example, Big Bird wants the kid to find
Girls: Volume 1 The HBO series Girls is an honest depiction of Hipster, Brooklyn. And its soundtrack album is an equally spot on mix of hipster mood music – from the high-end dance-floor whoo!-whoo! of Robyn and Santigold (who contributes the hip-hop anthem Girls), to the strum-journal reflections of Fleet Foxes, to the lust charged punk of Sleigh Bells and the Vaccines. There are elegant new tracks from fun. and Michael Penn. But the best moment might be pop-folk sister act Tegan and Sara’s sweet, funny take on the Stones’ Fool to Cry, reimagining classic rock just as the show’s writers have hotwired the rules of New York storytelling.
milk. He or she would scamper into the kitchen, open the fridge and point the phone’s camera over the word, and the app would recognise it and gold star, that’s correct. Then onto the next one.
Toilet training’s way easier when your kid’s distracted with an iPad CTA Digital never fails to disappoint. In past years the company has delivered some of
A to Z of websites for 2012 (part 2) i-escape For discerning independent travellers who want to stay in small, stylish and special places in some of the most beautiful places in the world. JustGiving Perfect for your fundraising efforts, allowing users to set up their own page, where family and friends can make a secure donation by credit or debit card. The Kernel Edited by Milo Yiannopoulos, this site publishes high-quality editorial on technology, media and politics and is not afraid of debate, comment and controversy. Letters of Note Gives an insight into the letters of famous writers, philosophers and actors. Shaun Usher has taken previously archived offline material and made it available to us, currently 900 letters in all. Made Cuts out the middleman to offer high quality, designer furniture and home accessories at a fraction of the recommended retail price.
Net-A-Porter The designer fashion site that just continues to get better and better, with its fashion edits, quality weekly digital magazine and Net-A-Porter TV, all of which make it the ‘world’s premier online luxury fashion destination.’ onefinestay The world’s first unhotel, giving you the opportunity to stay in someone’s home while they’re out of town and live like a local, with hotel service to match. Pinterest We couldn’t not include this internet sensation and its never ending source of inspiration from lifestyle to fashion, food to innovative ideas.
the craziest gaming and iPad accessories, and this year they manage to both raise the bar and hit a new low with the iPotty. It’s a simple plastic potty designed for toddlers going ng through the horrors of potty training. ning. But to make the process a little more enjoyable, it adds an adjustable rotatingg iPad stand that provides plenty nty of distractions during the ordeal. rdeal. It comes withh a removable screen cover and splashguard.
Forget Pantone, here’s Beertone
and many more. Play either as Jack or Leo in the ultimate ‘survival of the fittest’. In true PlatinumGames form, each character brings a unique style and feel to the single-player Campaign mode, providing over 10 hours of gameplay. A.T.E. (Action Trigger Events) system triggers
14 FILM FILM REVIEW by Preston Wilder
Cruising for a bruising Jack Reacher is Tom Cruise in a glorified B-movie, done in by plotting that veers from leaden to actively ludicrous
om Cruise is too short for Jack Reacher, claimed the pundits, citing the series of bestselling books by Lee Child (never read them; hadn’t even heard of them till last week) in which Jack is apparently some sort of hulking brute. This is nonsense, however. Tom’s (lack of) height may be noticeable to fans of the books, but Tom Cruise isn’t too short for Jack Reacher – Tom Cruise is too smart for Jack Reacher. Cruise has always seemed like exactly what he is, the scrubbed-clean embodiment of go-getting capitalism. His breakout role in Risky Business cast him as a teen who turns his parents’ home into a (very profitable) brothel, and he’s been hatching plans and using his head ever since. Even his action heroes tend to be smart cookies, whether mastering fighter planes in Top Gun or employing state-of-theart technology in the Mission: Impossible fi lms. Not so Jack Reacher. He’s a sleuth, of course, an investigator called in (at the suspect’s request) when a sniper kills five apparently random people; he has his moments
of piercing brain-power – but he’s mostly a tough guy, a loner who stays in the shadows unless provoked, then turns into a bruiser. An entire scene is staged (unconvincingly) to show Tom as a badass, forced into a bar-brawl with five burly guys whom he then beats up ruthlessly. I need to see some identification, says an obnoxious clerk a little later, refusing to co-operate: “I want to see something!”. “How about the inside of an ambulance?” snarls Jack in response. Tom Cruise threatening people with brute force? How very un-Cruise-like. Tom Cruise is wrong for Jack Reacher in another way as well: he turns this into a Tom Cruise vehicle – hence a big deal – when it should be a B-movie. Some critics claim that it already is a B-movie, meaning that as a compliment (it got surprisingly good reviews), but no B-movie has a running-time of 130 minutes. In truth, Jack Reacher is a bloated beast, done in by plotting that veers from leaden to actively ludicrous. Too much talk, for a start. There’s a patch early on when our heroine (Rosamund Pike), the law-
Some critics claim that it already is a B-movie, meaning that as a compliment (it got surprisingly good reviews), but no B-movie has a runningtime of 130 minutes
yer defending the alleged sniper, has a pointless conversation with the father of one of the victims – where he basically says ‘You’re a horrible person’, and she turns and flees – then another pointless conversation with her own father, the DA (Richard Jenkins), who spouts clichés like “You’re making a mistake, you can’t win this case”. That’s five minutes which could’ve been cut altogether. Almost all the dialogue thuds, especially Tom’s would-be witty banter. “I’m Sandy,” says a girl in a bar. “So was I. Last Friday, at the beach,” retorts our hero with a straight face. The Tom Cruise of Cocktail would’ve been appalled. That ludicrous exchange comes straight from the book (Lee Child’s One-Shot), according to Google – except that, in the book, Jack merely thought that lame rejoinder to himself instead of speaking it aloud, which makes a difference. Maybe writer-director Christopher McQuarrie reckoned that Tom Cruise could get away with ludicrous dialogue – or maybe no-one realised just how ludicrous this movie is, reaching a kind of demented peak when we meet the Bad Guy (played by the great, heavily-accented German fi lmmaker Werner Herzog). The Bad Guy is displeased with a minion, but will give the minion a chance to
filmsummaries Jack Reacher
House at the End of the Street
When five pedestrians are shot by a lone sniper, the evidence points to an ex-soldier named James Barr; Barr is quickly arrested – but, before signing a confession, he demands that DA Alex Rodin (Richard Jenkins) “get Jack Reacher”. Although no-one knows how to do that, Reacher (Tom Cruise) turns up anyway. He’s a former military investigator, he’s seen the news, and he has history with Barr from the Afghan war zone. He surprises Barr’s lawyer Helen Rodin (Rosamund Pike), the DA’s daughter, with his unique technique and detective work – and the surprises continue as a possible conspiracy unfolds. Also starring Werner Herzog. Directed by Christopher McQuarrie. (Action thriller, 130 mins.) Our rating:
Seeking a fresh start, newly divorced Sarah (Elisabeth Shue) and her daughter Elissa (Jennifer Lawrence) find the house of their dreams in a small rural town – but, when startling and inexplicable events start to happen, Sarah and Elissa learn that the town is haunted by a chilling secret. Years earlier, in the house next door, a daughter killed her parents in their beds and disappeared, leaving only a brother, Ryan (Max Thieriot), as the sole survivor. Against Sarah’s wishes, Elissa begins a relationship with the reclusive Ryan – and finds herself pulled deeper into the mystery. Directed by Mark Tonderai. (Horror thriller, 101 mins.) Our rating:
year slice of time beginning in the mid-19th century and ending in a distant post-apocalyptic future, with themes recurring in different ways from one story to another. Everything is connected: an 1849 diary of an ocean voyage across the Pacific; letters from a composer to his friend; a thriller about a murder at a nuclear power plant; a farce about a publisher in a nursing home; a sci-fi tale of a rebellious clone in futuristic Korea; and the tale of a tribe living in post-apocalyptic Hawaii, far in the future. Starring Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Ben Whishaw, Hugo Weaving and Hugh Grant. Directed by Tom Tykwer, Andy Wachowski and Lana Wachowski. (Sci-fi drama, 172 mins.) Our rating:
Cloud Atlas
An… [What If…]
Six separate stories that take place across a 500-
On a night in 2009, in the Plaka neighbourhood of
JACK REACHER DIRECTED BY Christopher McQuarrie STARRING Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike, Richard Jenkins US 2012 130 mins
escape with his life if he (the minion) will show his will to survive by chewing off his own fi ngers; the Bad Guy, in a Blofeld-meets-Solzhenitzyn twist, explains that he himself chewed off his fi ngers in a Siberian labour camp, holding up his hand to illustrate. The minion, understandably, fi nds it hard to comply, and is promptly shot. The Bad Guy shakes his head in bewilderment: “Al-vays zee bullet. I don’t understand…” That kind of scene could work in a cheesy 80s action thriller – and Jack Reacher does seem to be halftrying for that vibe (Ms. Pike leads with her cleavage at one point). But it’s a fi ne line between unpretentious pulp and just plain mediocrity. The opening scene, where the sniper selects his victims – we follow his point of view through the cross-hairs of a rifle, pointed at random pedestrians; will it be this person? maybe that person? – is easily the fi lm’s high-point, because it’s imaginatively nasty like a good Bmovie should be. The rest is stilted, obvious and increasingly tiresome, with Tom Cruise fl aunting his fit 50something body (“Put a shirt on,” says Pike, distracted) and indulging his remote, chilly side (Slutty young girl: “Who are you, mister?”; Tom, pensive: “I’m just a guy who wants to be left alone”). Then he’s being chased by the cops, ditches his car and ducks into a bus stop where he joins the waiting passengers (some guy lends him a baseball cap) and instantly becomes invisible, swallowed up by the crowd: Tom Cruise, just another vertically-challenged guy at the bus stop. You’re not fooling anyone, you know.
Athens, Demetris (Christoforos Papakaliatis) has a choice. He can either take his dog for a walk – in which case he’ll meet Christina (Marina Kalogerou) – or stay home, in which case he’ll fall victim to a robbery. In the first scenario he’ll get a chance to alleviate his loneliness, experience a powerful love affair, fatherhood, but also unemployment and infidelity. In the second he’ll keep living alone, facing the consequences of the Greek recession. A simple ‘what if’ will decide his destiny and happiness. Also starring Giorgos Constantinou. Directed by Papakaliatis. In Greek. (Drama, 111 mins.) Our rating: N/A
Wreck-It Ralph Wreck-It Ralph is a videogame villain who longs to be as beloved as his game’s perfect hero, Fix-It Felix. Problem is, nobody loves a villain. Ralph somehow needs to transform himself into a hero – so
SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
2012: The year in film
The Master
2012 was a record-breaking year for Hollywood, but the cinematic future remains uncertain
hat was the most significant event of 2012, film-wise (and specifically Hollywoodwise)? Could it be the fact that three more fi lms entered the exclusive ‘billion-dollar club’, the list of blockbusters (14 and counting) which have grossed over $1 billion worldwide? That certainly sounds significant – then again, three fi lms made the list in 2011 as well, so maybe it’s not so significant. Yes; but two of the three in 2012 weren’t in 3D, hence didn’t get the leg-up afforded by the 3D premium. So, yes: it’s significant. Actually, Hollywood had a great year – not just posting a record-breaking $10.8 billion in movie earnings but also an increase in actual ticket sales, and even managing some solid prestige pictures (a rare accomplishment) as the year drew to an end. None of those late-December biggies appear on Empire magazine’s Top 10 list, purely because they haven’t opened in Britain yet – but Empire does include the aforementioned three new members of the billiondollar club: The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises and Skyfall, the lastnamed having also become the first fi lm to gross over £100 million at the UK box office. Here’s the Empire list in full: 1. THE AVENGERS 2. ARGO 3. THE DARK KNIGHT RISES 4. SKYFALL 5. BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD 6. SIGHTSEERS 7. MOONRISE KINGDOM 8. THE RAID 9. HEADHUNTERS 10. RUST AND BONE No surprise that comic-book movie The Avengers – the amiable culmination of about five years of
The Avengers
Cannes was won by Amour, the year’s most widely acclaimed foreignlanguage film
hype – tops the list, given Empire’s adolescent-male target audience. Note Ben Affleck’s Argo in the runner-up slot, a canny mix of politics and swashbuckling (it’s set during the Iranian revolution of 1979), and Beasts of the Southern Wild at No. 5 – a rambunctious magical-realist fable about stubborn poor people in rural Louisiana (the heroine is a six-yearold girl named Hushpuppy) that’s become the most-talked-about American independent of 2012. The list is rounded off, unusually for Empire, by three foreign-language films, though The Raid (which played Cyprus cinemas, despite being in Indonesian) speaks the language of wall-to-wall action, while the Norwegian thriller Headhunters is based on a novel by the wildly successful Jo Nesbo. Rust and Bone, meanwhile – also known as ‘the one where Marion Cotillard has no legs’ – is a French drama by Jacques Audiard (who made A Prophet a couple of years ago), and played in Competition at the Cannes Festival. Cannes was won by Amour, the year’s most widely acclaimed foreign-language fi lm (it also swept the European Film Awards): Michael Haneke’s tale of an elderly couple stricken by the wife’s senility has been winning breathless plaudits (“not just the best of the year, but one of the best ever” – David Thomson), almost as breathless as the more divisive Les Miserables, which has been
weepily adored and fiercely hated in about equal measure. Les Mis should be playing in Cyprus as you read this, Amour arrives on Friday at the Friends of the Cinema – closely followed by Moonrise Kingdom, Wes Anderson’s magical and whimsical evocation of childhood, and another of the films on the Empire Top 10. Not that Empire should be your guide to what really stood out in 2012. A better list may be found in the results of the Village Voice critics’ poll, an annual tradition where 85 American critics (mostly from the more ‘alternative’ end of the spectrum) vote in 12 categories. The full results may be found at http://www.villagevoice. com/fi lmpoll, but here’s the Top 15 in the Best Film category: 1. THE MASTER 2. ZERO DARK THIRTY 3. HOLY MOTORS 4. MOONRISE KINGDOM 5. THIS IS NOT A FILM 6. ONCE UPON A TIME IN ANATOLIA 7. AMOUR 8. THE TURIN HORSE 9. LINCOLN 10. TABU 11. THE DEEP BLUE SEA 12. THE KID WITH A BIKE 13. BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD 14. OSLO, AUGUST 31st 15. THE LONELIEST PLANET Not a lot of overlap with the Empire list, which just goes to show how
many good films were released last year. The Master is the Scientologytinged tale of a cult leader and his fervent disciple, stylishly directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. Holy Motors and Tabu are dreamlike films for rabid film buffs, a million miles from the bombast of the mega-franchises. The Deep Blue Sea has the year’s Best Actress in Rachel Weisz – but the year’s most controversial fi lm, at least in the States, is another drama with a female protagonist: Zero Dark Thirty, currently being investigated by the US Senate following a heated debate on whether it ‘legitimises’ torture. That’s a significant event, I suppose – a Hollywood film deemed so important that it crosses over into real life. But the greater (and less happy) lesson of 2012 was that, despite everything, Hollywood isn’t so important anymore, its fi lms dwarfed by TV and videogames when it comes to sheer number of viewers – and its distribution system is also in trouble, hit hard by illegal downloads. The year’s most significant event may have been the closure by Ukrainian police, in late July, of, a notorious BitTorrent tracker – but in fact it was also the least significant, because illegal downloading remains rampant, other trackers have sprung up to take Demonoid’s place and most of the biggest ones are still intact anyway. Despite rising profits and billion-dollar movies – despite Batman, James Bond, Iron Man, the Hulk and the rest of the crew – the future is uncertain.
Life of Pi
Life of Pi
he sneaks into a first-person-shooter war game, planning to win a medal, but soon wrecks everything, accidentally unleashing a deadly enemy that threatens every game in the arcade. Ralph’s only hope? Vanellope von Schweetz, a young troublemaking “glitch” from a saccharine cartracing game who might just be the one to teach Ralph what it means to be a Good Guy. Directed by Rich Moore. DUBBED INTO GREEK. In 3D. (Kids’ cartoon, 101 mins.) Our rating:
January 13, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL
Growing up in Pondicherry, India during A grandfather tells his grandchildren the story of the 1970s, Piscine, known to all as Pi (played Maki, a young boy who escapes from slave traders, as a teenager by Suraj Sharma, as an adult befriends a giraffe (the title character), crosses the by Irrfan Khan), has a rich life. His father desert, meets a pirate, and a few other things on a owns a zoo, and Pi spends his days among trip that takes him from Africa to Paris. Directed by tigers, zebras, hippos, and other creatures. Remi Bezancon and Jean-Christophe Lie. DUBBED But after Pi attempts to befriend a Bengal INTO GREEK. (Kids’ cartoon, 78 mins.) tiger, named Richard Parker, the young Our rating: N/A boy learns a harsh lesson from his father about the relationship between human and beast. As circumstances worsen for them, the The Hobbit: An Unexpected Jourfamily decides to move to Canada, hitching a ride ney on a Japanese cargo ship – but Pi soon finds him- A hobbit named Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) self in the company of a hyena, a zebra, an orang- is swept into a quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf utan and Richard Parker after a shipwreck sets Kingdom of Erebor from the fearsome dragon them adrift in the Pacific Ocean. Directed Smaug. Approached out of the Ratings Key by Ang Lee. In 3D. (Drama, 127 mins.) blue by the wizard Gandalf the Our rating: Unforgettable Grey (Ian McKellen), Bilbo finds Unmissable himself joining a company of Recommendable thirteen dwarves led by the legWatchable Regrettable Abominable
endary warrior Thorin Oakenshield. Their journey will take them into the Wild, through treacherous lands swarming with Goblins and Orcs, deadly Wargs and Giant Spiders, Shapeshifters and Sorcerers. Although their goal lies to the East and the wastelands of the Lonely Mountain first they must escape the goblin tunnels, where Bilbo meets the creature that will change his life forever … Gollum. Also starring Richard Armitage and Andy Serkis. Directed by Peter Jackson. In English, with occasional dialogue in made-up languages with Greek subtitles. In 3D. (Adventure fantasy, 169 mins.) Our rating:
Hotel Transylvania Welcome to the Hotel Transylvania, Dracula’s lavish five-stake resort, where monsters and their families can live it up, free to be the monsters they are without humans to bother them. It’s a special weekend and Dracula has invited some of his best TURN TO PAGE 16
Films change on Friday. Check the Cyprus Mail for details of new films for Friday and Saturday.
newreleases Javert for breaking his parole, Valjean makes a new life for himself and the now teenage Cosette (Amanda Seyfried), who falls in love with Marius (Eddie Redmayne), a young Parisian revolutionary. Directed by Tom Hooper. (Musical drama, 157 mins.) Our rating:
LesJack Miserables Reacher
Hope Springs After two kids and over 30 years together, Kay (Meryl Streep) is determined to rescue her marriage to grumpy, penny-pinching Arnold (Tommy Lee Jones) from the decay of boredom and lack of intimacy – none of which seems to bother Arnold. She insists they attend an intense, week-long and expensive counselling programme under Dr. Feld (Steve Carrell) to work on their relationship – but the doctor’s intimate questions soon make Arnold uncomfortable. Directed by David Frankel. (Comedydrama, 100 mins.) Our rating:
Les Miserables In early 19th-century France, Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman) is at the end of his 19 years in a brutal Toulon prison after stealing a loaf of bread. On his release under the stern eye of Inspector Javert (Russell Crowe), the desperate Valjean is destitute and hungry; he is given food and shelter by the Bishop of Digne, who also covers for him when Valjean steals the silver and is caught by Javert, an act of forgiveness that changes the course of Valjean’s life. Some years later, he’s the respected mayor of the poor town of Vigau, as well as a benevolent, generous factory owner. Fantine (Anne Hathaway) is one of his employees, fired by the manager when he discovers the unmarried Fantine has a child. Fantine falls ill, and Valjean promises to take care of her little daughter Cosette. Still hunted by
Les Miserables (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 1) at 7 and 10.15pm, weekends also at 3.30pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 1) at 7 and 10.15pm, weekends also at 11.30am and 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Hope Springs (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 4) at 5.35, 7.50 and 10.20pm, weekends also at 3.25pm; KCineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 1) at 7.50 and 10.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Jack Reacher (15) K-Cineplex (Screen 5) at 5.25, 7.50 and 10.15pm, weekends also at 3.05pm; KCineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 5) at 7.50 and 10.15pm. Tel: 7777-8383
House at the End of the Street (15) K-Cineplex (Screen 3) at 10.20pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 3) at 10.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Cloud Atlas (15) K-Cineplex (Screen 6) at 10.15pm. Tel: 77778383
An… (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 2) (in Greek) at 7.55 and 10.20pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 2) (in Greek) at 7.55 and 10.20pm. Tel: 77778383
Wreck-It Ralph (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 2) (in Greek) at 5.35pm, weekends also at 3.20pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 2) (in Greek) at 5.35pm, weekends also at 11am, 1.10pm and 3.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383
continued from page 15 friends – Frankenstein and his wife, the Mummy, the Invisible Man, the Werewolf family and many more – to celebrate his beloved daughter Mavis’ 118th birthday. For good old Drac, catering to all of these legendary monsters is no problem; but everything could change for the over-protective dad when one ordinary human guy stumbles on the hotel and takes a shine to Mavis. Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky. In 3D. DUBBED INTO GREEK. (Cartoon comedy, 91 mins.) Our rating:
Rise of the Guardians Jack Frost (voice of Chris Pine) is chosen to join an elite group of superheroes – the so-called ‘Guardians’, namely Santa Claus (voice of Alec Baldwin), the Easter Bunny (voice of Hugh Jackman), the Tooth Fairy (voice of Isla Fisher) and the Sandman, whose job is to protect children everywhere. Jack is an unwilling hero; he’d prefer to roam the world on his own, freezing ponds and causing snow days – but the world’s children are threatened by Pitch (voice of Jude Law), a.k.a. The Boogie Man, who wants to turn dreams into nightmares and banish belief in Santa, Bunny, and Tooth. Jack reluctantly agrees to help and, in the process, discovers the true hero within. Directed by Peter Ramsey. In 3D. (Cartoon adventure, 97 mins.) Our rating:
About Elly Sepideh (Golshifteh Farahani) is the unofficial leader of a group of old friends, three 30-something married couples living in Tehran, off for a weekend in a villa by the Caspian Sea. She’s persuaded her daughter’s teacher,
Hope Springs
What’sonwhere NICOSIA
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 3) at 7pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 3) at 7pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Hotel Transylvania (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 1) (in Greek, in 2D) at 5.15pm, weekends only at 3.25pm; KCineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 3) (in Greek, in 2D) at 5.15pm, weekends only at 11.30am, 1.30pm and 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Rise of the Guardians (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 6) (in English, in 2D) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 3.25pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 5) (in English, in 2D) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 11.20am, 1.20pm and 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383
About Elly Cine Studio, tonight at 8pm, Tuesday and Thursday at 9pm, presented by the Friends of the Cinema Society. Tel: 96-420491,
Amour Cine Studio, Friday at 9pm, presented by the Friends of the Cinema Society. Tel: 96-420491,
House at the End of the Street (15) Rio 5 at 7.45 and 10pm, weekends also at 5.30pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 3) at 10.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Cloud Atlas (15) Rio 6 at 10pm. Tel: 25-871410
An… (12) Rio 3 (in Greek) at 7.45 and 10pm. Tel: 25871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 2) (in Greek) at 7.55 and 10.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Wreck-It Ralph (K) Rio 2 (in Greek) at 5.30pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 2) (in Greek) at 5.35pm, weekends also at 3.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Life of Pi (K) Rio 4 at 7.45pm, weekends also at 3 and 5.20pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 4) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 3.05pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Zarafa (K) Rio 2 (in Greek), weekends only at 2.30 and 4pm; Rio 3 (in Greek), weekdays only at 6pm. Tel: 25-871410
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (12)
Rio 2 at 10pm; Rio 3, weekends only at 4.30pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 3) at 7pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Les Miserables (K)
Hotel Transylvania (K)
Rio 1 at 7.30 and 10.25pm, weekends also at 4.15pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 1) at 7 and 10.15pm, weekends also at 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Hope Springs (12)
Life of Pi (K)
Rio 6 at 7.45pm, weekends also at 3.30 and 5.30pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 4) at 7.50 and 10.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383
K-Cineplex (Screen 6) at 7.50pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 4) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 11.30am and 3.05pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Rio 2 at 7.35pm. Rio 4 at 10pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 5) at 7.50 and 10.15pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Jack Reacher (15)
Rio 3 (in Greek, in 3D), weekends only at 2.50pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 3) (in Greek, in 2D) at 5.15pm, weekends only at 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Georges (Jean-Louis Trintignant) and Anne (Emmanuelle Riva) are in their eighties. They are cultivated, retired music teachers. Their daughter Eva (Isabelle Huppert), who is also a musician, lives abroad with her family. One day, out of nowhere, Anne has an attack, and her health – especially her mind – rapidly deteriorates. The couple’s bond of love is severely tested. Directed by Michael Haneke. In French, with Greek subtitles. (Drama, 127 mins.) Our rating:
My Brother is an Only Child Two brothers come of age in the 1960s in a town south of Rome. Manrico is handsome, sometimes feckless, a leftist bent on revolution. His younger brother Accio is a seminary student who ends up joining the Fascists. Francesca, an aristocratic student, becomes Manrico’s lover and Accio’s friend. Over the next 10 years, these three experience family, love, attraction, politics, and the challenges of adult responsibility. Starring Elio Germano, Riccardo Scamarcio and Angela Finocchiaro. Directed by Daniele Luchetti in 2007. In Italian, with Greek subtitles. (Drama, 108 mins.) Our rating: N/A
Les Miserables (K)
Les Miserables (K)
K-Cineplex (Screen 4) at 7 and 10.15pm, weekends also at 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Rio 1 at 7.30pm, weekends also at 4.30pm; Rio 7 at 10pm. Tel: 26-207000
Hope Springs (12)
Hope Springs (12)
K-Cineplex (Screen 5) at 5.35, 7.50 and 10.20pm, weekends also at 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Rio 2 at 5.30, 7.30 and 9.45pm. Tel: 26-207000
Jack Reacher (15) Rio 7 at 5 and 7.30pm; Rio 1 at 10.20pm. Tel: 26-207000
Jack Reacher (15) K-Cineplex (Screen 1) at 5.25, 7.50 and 10.15pm, weekends also at 3.05pm. Tel: 7777-8383
House at the End of the Street (15)
House at the End of the Street (15)
Rio 5 at 7pm. Tel: 26-207000
Rio 4 at 7.30 and 9.45pm. Tel: 26-207000
Cloud Atlas (15)
K-Cineplex (Screen 3) at 10.20pm. Tel: 77778383
An… (12) Rio 6 (in Greek) at 7.30pm; Rio 5 (in Greek) at 10pm. Tel: 26-207000
Cloud Atlas (15) K-Cineplex (Screen 6) at 10.15pm. Tel: 77778383
Wreck-It Ralph (K) Rio 6 (in Greek) weekdays only at 5.30pm, weekends only at 11am and 2.30pm. Tel: 26-207000
An… (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 2) (in Greek) at 7.55 and 10.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Life of Pi (K)
Wreck-It Ralph (K)
Rio 3 at 5, 7.30 and 10pm. Tel: 26-207000
K-Cineplex (Screen 2) (in Greek) at 5.35pm, weekends also at 3.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Zarafa (K) Rio 5 (in Greek) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 11am and 4pm. Tel: 26-207000
Life of Pi (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 6) at 7.50pm. Tel: 77778383
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 3) at 7pm. Tel: 7777-8383 K-Cineplex (Screen 3) (in Greek, in 2D) at 5.15pm, weekends only at 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383
Rio 5 (in English, in 2D), weekends only at 3.30pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 5) (in English, in 2D) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383
My Brother is an Only Child
K-Cineplex (Screen 6) (in English, in 2D) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Thursday at 8.30pm, presented by the Larnaca Cinema Society. Call for details of venue. Tel: 99-658831, 99-462903. www.
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (12) Rio 6 at 9.45pm, weekends also at 4.30pm. Tel: 26-207000
Hotel Transylvania (K)
Hotel Transylvania (K) Rise of the Guardians (K)
Rio 5, Monday at 8.30pm, presented by the Limassol Cine Club.
Rise of the Guardians (K)
About Elly
the pretty but shy Elly, to come along. Also in the party is recently divorced Ahmad (Shahab Hosseini) – and Sepideh thinks the two would be perfect for each other, even if she has to do a little truth-bending to engineer the hookup. But that’s where things start to go slightly, then disastrously, wrong. Directed by Asghar Farhadi. In Farsi, with Greek subtitles. (Drama, 116 mins.) Our rating:
Rio 7 (in Greek, in 3D), weekends only at 11am and 3pm. Tel: 26-207000
Rise of the Guardians (K) Rio 4 (in English, in 2D) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 11am and 3.30pm; Rio 1 (in Greek, in 3D), weekdays only at 5.30pm, weekends only at 11am and 2.30pm. Tel: 26-207000 (K) All Audiences (12/15/18) No admittance to Under-12s/15s/ 18s (N/A) Not Available
SUNDAY DAY MAIL• January 13, 13 2013
17 World Photo School Digital Photography Workshops Evening Class: January 21-24, from 18:30 to 21:00, Weekend Class: January 26-27, from 10:30 to 16:30. World Photo School will be in Cyprus until the end of March. Keep an eye on
What’s On for the dates of upcoming workshops in Limassol and Paphos. Cost: €125 per workshop for readers of The Cyprus Mail. Tel 99 938 023 and quote ‘Cyprus Mail’, subject to availability. (Normal price €200 per workshop).,
The other sid side of the lens If you want to get more from your camera upcoming workshops will turn you into a happier snapper discovers ALIX NORMAN
ands up if you’ve ever owned a camera... well, that’s all of you, then. Whether your first camera was a Brownie, a Polaroid or even a function of your smartphone, everybody has at some point in their life snapped a few pics. Maybe you’re a budding photojournalist, or a snap-happy instagrammer, or merely a reluctant subject in a family portrait, but everyone knows how to point and click. And in this day and age, with digital photography the norm, how many of those happy moments have you uploaded only to discover that you’ve missed the boat, the bird has flown or the bride is – dare I say it – overexposed? The World Photo School Digital Photography Workshop will help ensure those moments don’t pass you by, and that when the
instance does occur, you’ll know exactly what to do. The round-theworld workshops, coming to the island for the first time, will help you get to grips with your camera, its functions and settings, its lenses, focus and fi le formats. The workshops are taught by London School of Photography trainers Alex Mita and Luciana Franzolin, who are bringing their experience to anyone with a thirst for photographic know-how. “It’s a foundation, a stepping stone into the world of photography,” says Alex, “the workshop is designed for beginners, or people who want to refresh their skills, switch to digital or want to refresh their knowledge.” Initially, two workshops will be run in Nicosia: the first over four evenings during the week, the second during two full days over the weekend.
Paraty, Brazil by Alex Mita
Sheikh Nazim taken in Lefka, Cyprus by Alex Mita “The workshops are a lot of fun. And the most rewarding moment for me personally is when the look of utter bewilderment changes into that of amazement and excitement, as students fi nally understand what that button finally does,” says Alex. “We teach you to understand your camera inside and out and get you thinking about your shots: how to freeze or blur motion, sharpen or blur the background or foreground, control the focus of each picture.” Both workshops will be held in Yeri, close to Athalassa park. “Although we’re based in London, Cyprus is my country; it’s beautiful and I love it. We recently ran a workshop in Brazil, which was packed – the people there were desperate to learn photography. After Cyprus we’re off to Dubai, then we’re looking at Geneva.” Luciana is Director of Training at the London School of Pho-
tography; Alex is a Senior Trainer and AFP photographer, who has covered assignments for The Irish Independent, The Daily Record and The Sunday Mail, and whose pictures have been published in papers such as The Guardian, The New York Times, and The Daily Telegraph. He currently runs daily workshops and a Master Class in Photojournalism and Street Photography at the London School of Photography. “We’ve combined our love for teaching, photography and travelling,” says Luciana, who started her career as a darkroom technician. “I had been working for a newspaper, one day there was no available photographer and they sent me out to cover a story. One of my images made the front page and from then on I started to work as a photojournalist, in 1998. “Photography helps you to see things differently: through other angles and perspectives. It is a
What’sonlistings Exhibitions Nicosia district
Andri Drousioty Solo art exhibition. Until February 2. Dinos Art Café, 62-66 Irinis Street, Limassol. MondaySaturday: 10.30am to midnight and Sunday: 4pm to midnight. Tel: 25-762030 January 13, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL
fraction of a second captured forever. You must be ready to capture the right moment and that’s when the practice and the knowledge of your camera come in. People don’t just start shooting great pictures: you must have confidence in yourself and your equipment, and that’s what we can give you.” A maximum of 10 members per group allows Alex and Luciana to focus on personal training, with the emphasis on the practice of basic theory, using slides and images for technique and function demonstration. The two trainers emphasise that attendees of the workshop should bring their own camera, ensuring it has a Manual Exposure Setting (meaning the ISO, shutter speed and aperture can be controlled manually). “We would be glad to help. We’re here to make good photography accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world,” adds Luciana.
Nothing is Done A poster exhibition about environmental issues by the famous German artist Klaus Staeck. Opens January 14, 6.30pm until February 2. GoetheInstitut, located in the buffer zone next to Ledra Palace Hotel. Tel: 22-674608 or cyprus Women Solo sculpture exhibition by Dinos Michaelides. Until January 15. Gallery Gloria, 3 Zinonos Sozou Street. Monday-Friday: 10.30pm-12.45pm and 5pm-8pm. Saturday: 10.30pm-12.45pm. Tel: 22760286 Impressions Solo photo exhibition by Sergey Yastrzhembskiy. Opens January 16, 6.30pm until 28 February 28. The Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, 86-8890 Phaneromenis Street. Visiting hours: MondaySunday: 10am-7pm. (except on bank holidays). Tel: 22-128157 AnThrOPOS: Faces of Cyprus through the Ages An exhibition that explores the human form as it is represented in the art of Cyprus from the Neolithic period until today, focusing specifically on depictions of the human face. Until January 18. The Cyprus Museum 1 Special Exhibition Hall, Museum Street. Tel: 22-865854. cy The Work of Art as a Functional Object Group art exhibition. Until January 18. Centre of Contemporary Art Diotopos, 11 DZ, Crete Street. Monday: 5pm-8pm.Tuesday-Friday: 11am-1pm and 5pm-8pm. Saturday: 11am-1pm. Tel: 22766117 White Christmas Group exhibition. Until January19. Argo Gallery, 64E D. Akrita Avenue. Monday-Friday: 10am-1pm and 5pm-8pm. Saturday: 10am-1pm. Tel: 22754009.
Art 4 U Fine art exhibition by four graduates of the Applied Arts School of Fine Arts of the University of Thessaloniki. Until January 19. Opus 39 Gallery, 21 Kimonos Street. Monday: 5pm-8pm. TuesdayFriday: 10.30am-12.30pm and 5pm-8pm. Tel: 22424983 Loizos M. Loizou Solo painting exhibition. Until January 21. Vladimiros Kafkarides Cultural Centre, 11-15 Vladimiros Kafkarides Street, Αglantzia. 10am-1pm & 6pm-8.30pm. Tel: 22-312940/22-421609 Mag Dossier #01 A celebration of contemporary magazine publishing featuring magazines from across the world. Until January 26. Phytorio – Visual Artists Association Municipal Garden of Nicosia, 2 Nehrou. Tuesday-Friday: 10am-1pm and 4pm-7pm. Saturday: 10am-1pm. Tel: 22-681088 Once Upon… a Christmas A Christmas themed exhibition that journeys into the past, with narration of traditional Cypriot Christmas fairy tales along with etchings by the artist Hambis. Until January 27. Pandora’s Box, Leventis Museum of Nicosia, 15-17 Hippocratous St, Laiki Gitonia, Old Nicosia. Tuesday- Sunday: 10am-4.30pm. Tel: 22-661475. Nicosia My City - A European City Exhibition by drawings and crafts by children aged 3-6 years old. Until January 27. House of Educational Programmes, Leventis Museum of Nicosia, 15-17 Hippocratous St, Laiki Gitonia, Old Nicosia. Tuesday- Sunday: 10am-4.30pm. Tel: 22661475. Asia Minor, 90 Years of Memory Exhibition of relics, records and works of art from Asia Minor. Until March 31. The Cultural Centre of the Archbishop Makarios III Foundation, Archbishop Kyprianos Plazza. Monday-Friday: 9am-4 .30pm, Saturday: 9am-1pm. Tel: 22-430008 Cyprus Icons and Mosaics Makarios III Foundation, Archbishopric, old Nicosia. Monday-Friday 9am-4.30pm and Saturday 9am-1pm. Tel: 22-430008
Old Maps and Engravings 16th-19th Century Permanent exhibition: Cyprus and other Greek lands, Europe and America. Viewing by appointment. Gallery Leventi, 6 Polykleitos St. Tel/Fax: 22-348451/ 99-658694. Cyprus Yesterday and Today Permanent exhibition. Diachroniki Gallery Idalion, 32 Makarios Ave., Dhali. Open Monday-Saturday 11am-5pm. Tel: 22-525691
Larnaca district Helen Tumelty’s Mosaic Studio Permanent exhibition of mosaic pictures, tables and mirrors. Just off Zenon Kitieos St. Studio also offers mosaic classes in a small friendly environment throughout the year. Tel: 99-925315 Cyprus Artists Pieces from the Larnaca municipality’s permanent collection on display. Larnaca Municipal Gallery. Monday-Friday: 9am-4pm, Saturday: 10am-1pm. Tel: 24-657745
Limassol district Andry Drousioty Exhibition. Until February 2. Dinos Art Café, Irinis Street. Monday-Saturday: 10.30am to midnight and Sunday: 4pm to midnight. Tel: 25-762030 Da Vinci Machines – An exhibition of Genius Exhibition displaying more than 60 interactive machines from Da Vinci original drawings, 15 high quality reproduction artworks, giant art panels and rare copies of Leonardo codices. Until February 28. Evagoras Lanitis Centre, Vasilissis Street, (Medieval Castle Area). Tel: 25-342123 Blackdove Art Studio Permanent exhibition of artwork in oils, acrylic, print and mixed media, including painted driftwood, by Mary-Lynne Stadler. Commissions welcome and art tuition on offer in a number of media. Tel: 99-048369. Anoyira Mosaic Artwork Discover the magic of mosaics and Anoyira. Friday-Sunday 10am-4pm, other times by appointment. Tel: 99-108710
18 WHAT’S ON Nightlife Nicosia district Marlenka Café Music Weekends Come and enjoy a glass of wine, your favourite cocktail or dinner while you listen to violin pedagogue Professor Robert Hovanesyan and member of the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra. Marlenka Cafe, 92-94 Phaneromenis Street, old Nicosia. Every Saturday and Sunday evening from 8.30pm. Tel: 70-001129
Live Jazz Event Jazz music with band ‘D Lirious’, food and drinks available. Every Friday night at Baroque Lounge Bar, Cleopatra Hotel. 9:30pm. For reservations 22-844000
Music Nights Entechno and folk music at RED. Every Saturday. Red, Dionysus 15, old town hall square. Tel: 22-767711.
Agapiou Escuela de Danza Parties Latin parties every Sunday at Sitio Cafè, 20 Makarious Avenue, Nicosia.10pm
Funky Jelly at Domus
Jazzy B
With DJ Yiotis and Theo playing uplifting lounge tunes. Domus lounge bar, 5 Korai St, Old Nicosia. 10pm until late. Tel: 22-433722
An uplifting atmosphere with a range of stimulating weekly events. Laiki Gitonia, 1 Watkins St, Finikoudes. Open daily from 9.30pm. Tel: 99-458138
With live jazz music on various nights each week. JazzyB, Corner of Anexartisias & Athinon str. €8. 10.30pm. Tel: 99-605502
Arabesque Sundays
Salsa Island
Half Note
With belly dancers and ethnic music. Mberdema Gold, 30 Nikiforou St, Famagusta Gate. 11.30pm until late. Tel: 22345946
Regular event every other Friday featuring DJ Escobar. Music includes Pure Salsa, with a twist of Pure Salsa, Merengue, Mambo, Son and Cha Cha Cha. Blitz Roof and Pool Bar Terrace, 4th Floor, Kition Hotel. 10pm until late. Tel: 96-717271
Blue velvet play classic soul, funk and RnB every Saturday night. Half note Music Bar, cnr Saripolis and Socratous st. Tel: 25-377050
Club Red Live Greek music and various events. 15 Dionysiou St, Old Municipality Square, Nicosia. Thursdays-Sundays, 10pm onwards. Tel: 99-516799/ 22-767711
Lush Playing R&b, hip-hop, basement and old school music. Friday and Saturday, 11.30pm. 6 Evagorou Avenue. Tel: 99- 853333
Scorpios Platinum With various theme nights from Wednesday-Sunday. Stasinou 3, Engomi. Wednesday and Thursday 11pm- 3am, and Friday and Saturday 11pm-4am. Tel: 99-545690
Regular Milonga/Argentinean Tango every Thursday at Enallax,16-17 Athinas Avenue, Nicosia. 10pm
Restaurant, café and bar with Persian Cuisine. Wednesdays: electronic music, Thursdays: reggae and Fridays: progressive psychedelic and Saturdays: rock and funk. 11pm-2am. 4 Nikokreontos St. Tel: 99-935777
Blue Wine and Lounge Bar
Amalfi Lounge Bar
Over 140 selected wines from across the world. 96 Rigenis St, Classic Hotel, Old Nicosia. Open daily except Sunday. 12 noon until late at night. Tel: 22-664006
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday live music. Enjoy exotic cocktails, finger food and Cuban cigars daily from 5pm-2am. Hilton Park Hotel. Tel: 22-377777
Milonga/Argentinean Tango
Horseshoe Pub 60s, 70s and 80s music from MondaySunday. Horseshoe Pub, Larnaca-Dhekelia road, opposite Palm Beach Hotel. Tel: 24-646111
Limassol district Crowne Plaza Lounge-Bar On Mondays rediscover your romantic side with Violin Duo playing classical music and popular melodies on the violin. Every Wednesday, local guitarist Byron Athinodorou will be playing a mix of Spanish melodies, pop-rock hits and Greek classics on the guitar, alongside his own compositions. Every Friday Jazz – Blues night with a mix of upbeat and smooth jazz classics. Crowne Plaza. Tel: 25-851515
Cuba Tropical Local band playing live Cuban-Latin sounds every Sunday. Wet Beach Bar, Amathountos Avenue. 9pm-11.30pm. Tel: 25-320006
Irish pub playing live jazz, Latin and blues music on Thursday and Sunday nights. 80 Amathountas Ave. Tel: 25821082
Woodman’s Pub Traditional English pub, serving an excellent range of foods including Sunday Roast. Big Screen TV’s, Karaoke every Friday evening and a quiz with a rolling jackpot every Monday. 73 Georgiou Avenue. Tel: 25-879082
Paphos district Cyprotel Cypria Bay Hotel Every Monday Jezebel & Lisa-Marie present a themed show 9.45pm for an hour at Cyprotel Cypria Bay Hotel. Free entry
Moonlight Bar Every Friday Jezebel sings golden oldies 9pm – midnight in the Moonlight Bar inside the Aloe Hotel on the harbour road in Kato Paphos. Free entry
off with a bang in the first week of January with a live performance by Pixides, who presented their first album. The next session will take place on Thursday and will feature Vanilla Soul, who will be presenting a unique musical vibe playing their mix of rock, soul and funk music from past to present. Neon Knights, a Black Sabbath tribute band, will perform live next Thursday, while Down Town Grooves round off a rocking month in the last week of January.
Hard Rock After Dark Cypriot bands perform live. Every Thursday until January 31. Hard Rock Cafe Nicosia, 21 Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue. 10.30pm. Free. Tel: 22364999
Marco Polo
The Sea Gypsies
Playing live Latin music. Marco Polo Bar, Holiday Inn rooftop, 70 Regina St. 11pm until late. Monday- Thursday €10 with one drink. Friday and Saturday €20 including two drinks. Tel: 22-712712
Live acoustic blues and country music every Friday from 10pm. The Old Fishing Shack Ale and Cider House, Margarita Gardens, Tefkrou Street, Kato Paphos. Tel: 99-805390/99-170667
Ithaki Bar
Latin Nights at Notos
Charismatic bar. 33 Nikiforou Foka St. Old Nicosia. 7pm-2am expect Mondays. Tel: 22-434193
Latin music in a rooftop bar. Notos, Harbour area. Every Thursday and Saturday. 10 pm until late. Tel: 26-939616
Avlaia Music Stage
Paphiessa Hotel
Hosting live bands on weekdays and regular Greek music weekends with George Arestis and Dimitris Makris. Avlaia, Corner of Emmanuel Roidis and Prodromou St. Tel: 22 675638
Thursday: Dave Roberts sings hits, Paphiessa Hotel, Kato Paphos. Tel: 99185952
Square Bistro Saturdays: David East entertains on the guitar. 8 pm. Square Bistro, Tala Square. Tel: 26-930408/99-966139
Chateau Status A café/bar and restaurant with various theme rooms catering to different tastes. Ledra Palace Road. Monday-Sunday 10am-2am. Tel: 77771167
Potopion to Ellinikon With live Greek music on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Potopion to Elinikon, 18 Theophani Theodotou St, Zina Palace building. 9pm until late. Tel: 22-722760
Brew Lounge and tea bar. Brew, 30b Hippocrates St, Nicosia. 11.30am-2am on weekdays, 11.30am-3am on weekends. Tel: 22-100133
Mystiagogia Relaxed bar playing both Greek and English rock, and a selection of chill out music. Mystiagogia, 42 Areos St, Old Nicosia. Open daily 8pm-2am. Tel: 99788486
Baroque Live music every Thursday night from the 70s, 80s and 90s, 9.30pm until late. Open on a daily basis as regular bar from 10am-2am.Baroque Lounge Bar, Cleopatra Hotel. Tel: 22-844000
The Petsteppers Trio playing live every Monday. Lotofagi Bar, 8 Athinas Avenue, Old Nicosia. 10pm. Tel: 22-347573
Famagusta district Enallax With various live music shows each week, with a focus on English and Greek rock. Athinas St. old Nicosia. Wednesdays & Thursdays 11pm-2pm, FridaysSaturdays 11.30-3pm. Reservations: 22430121/99-617820
Orpheas Piano Bar With live jazz and piano on various nights. Orpheas Piano Bar, 24 Athinas St, old Nicosia. Free entrance. Tel: 22439311/99-697259
Larnaca district Casa de la Musica Club night with resident DJ Jon Fitz joined by internationally famous guest DJs from Ibiza TBA. Every Friday night. Club Deep, Finikoudes Promenade. 12 midnight-4.30am. €10 with a free drink included. Dress code: Style and sophistication. Tel: 97-843001
Times Bar ‘Manic Sundays’ with Manic Mike playing progressive/electro. 73 Athens Avenue, Finikoudes Promenade. Tel: 24-625966
Sirena Bay Bar Harleys Café Bar Happy hour 10am-6pm. Every Tuesday, pub games night. Every Thursday, quiz night. Special theme nights once a fortnight. Near Esso station, Amathus Area. Tel: 25-328533
Electronic music at Barfly Quality house, techno and minimal beats with guest DJ. Every other Friday. Barfly, 1 Elenis Paleologinas St. 10pm until late.
Mandaloun With Lebanese food and DJs every Friday and Saturday night playing a variety of ethnic, world and chill out music. Mandaloun, opposite Le Meridien Hotel. 7pm-2am. Tel: 25-636845
Graffiti House, tribal house, oriental and mainstream hits. Enjoy your drink with finger food and nargile. Wednesdays- Saturdays, 9pm-2am. Graffiti bar, 236 Ayios Andreas St. Tel: 25-747552
by Bejay Browne
Molly Malones
Rocking gets serious at Hard Rock The Hard Rock franchise has become synonymous with great times and these days the hippest spot in the capital is the Hard Rock Café Nicosia. Where else can you eat the tastiest burger in town, trippin’ out on groovy rock artefacts and treasures, while jamming to the best tunes? This January, rock nights at Hard Rock Café Nicosia welcome the New Year by showcasing Cypriot bands. The focus on local talent has always been a consistent and prominent factor in Hard Rock’s efforts to bring entertaining events to the public and the latest series of the After Dark sessions, features four of Cyprus’ most promising rock acts. Hard Rock After Dark kicked
Playing a diverse range of music, from chill out to upbeat electronic tunes. Sirena Bay, near Golden Coast Hotel, Paralimni. 7am-1am. Tel: 99-511701
Guru Bar Live music with DJ Dimi, bongos and dancers. Guru Bar, 11 Odysseos Elitis Street, Ayia Napa. Every Thursday, 10pm. Tel: 23-721838
Vanilla Bar Playing funky house tunes. Vanilla Bar, 41 Makarios III Avenue, Ayia Napa. Monday-Sunday 9am-2am. Tel: 23-721126
Cliff Bar Open air bar/café playing chill out music and offering a great selection of cocktails. Grecian Park Hotel, Konnos Bay, Cavo Creco, Protaras. 12noon-2am daily. Tel: 23-832000
Go a little out of the way for an evening of fun Kahlua bar, Paphos A new bar in Chlorokas, Paphos is a welcome addition to the area, which until recently lacked night life choices. The modern venue opened at the end of November last year and aims to attract the 25-40 year old age group. Bar owner Costas said the decision was made to open the venue in the village to provide a place for locals to visit. Kahlua bar has a capacity for 150-200 partygoers who can enjoy good music and reasonably priced drinks. Open on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights, the resident DJ is regularly joined on the decks by guest DJs from all over the island spinning a mixture of musical genres to get the crowd in the mood. Friday night - ladies night - is already the busiest night and the bar is always full. According to the bar owner, ladies are given a free champagne style cocktail on arrival, as well as strawberries and chocolate or other goodies. Friendly bar staff can whip up an array of beverages including beers, wines, spirits and cocktails, with vodka-based drinks being the number one choice. A vodka and Red Bull will set you back €6, which is cheaper than many of the other bars in Paphos. The stone-fronted building is fitted with modern, glass doors and although the interior is contemporary with modern clean lines, accents of stone are found here are there inside. Seating is available at the bar and dotted around the ample sized room. A glitter ball and a number of impressive lights and lasers pulse with the music and the dress code here is smart-casual. Although the venue currently opens at 10.30pm, there are plans in the future to operate Kahlua as more of a ‘pub style’ during the early evening until 10pm, serving snacks and light meals. After 10pm, DJs will take to the decks to entertain. Greek and international music as well as House and RnB are all on offer at the popular bar and each day is different. The bar also has a Facebook page, which is regularly updated with forthcoming events and special nights. The crowd at Kahlua is mixed. All nationalities and ages are already frequent visitors drawn by the great atmosphere and music. There is ample parking close to the venue. Although Kahlua bar isn’t situated in Paphos town or one of the established nightlife areas, it’s well worth the short car journey to enjoy a fun evening at the relaxed venue. Kahlua Bar Where: Chlorakas village, Paphos (close to Hellenic bank) When: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10-30pm-3.30am Contact: 96 323715/ Kahlua Bar on Facebook SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
19 What’sonlistings Katie Sabry Studio Permanent exhibition of paintings in oils, watercolours and pastels. Mosaics Workshop, 9 Georgiou Malekidi St, nr Rialto Theatre. Tel: 99-571139. Art by Susanne Gallery with contemporary artwork. Shop 2, Marina Beach, Amathus Avenue. Daily 10am-4pm. Percentage of profits go to children with Cystic Fibrosis. Tel: 99-247668 Theomaria Art Gallery Permanent exhibition of Vera Parlalidou’s ceramics. 7 Vassilisis Karlotta St. Monday-Friday 8am-1pm. Tel: 25-745777 Michael Owen Galleries Permanent exhibition of oil and watercolour paintings. Lania. Tel. 25-432404. Olivera Papathoma Permanent exhibition in City Art Gallery. 255A Saint Andreas St. Monday-Friday 9am-1pm, 4pm7pm. Sat. 9am-2pm Sea King Permanent exhibition of old aviation photos. Sea King restaurant, near Akrotiri base. Tel: 25-954500
Paphos district Drawing Hours A drawing exhibition by Anastasia Mina and Marina Yerali. Until February 2. Chiaki Kamikawa Contemporary Art Gallery10 Solonos. MondayFriday: 10am-1pm and 4pm-6pm. Saturday: 10am-1.30pm. Tel: 99-311225 Judith Constantinou Permanent exhibition of watercolours. The Studio, Stephanie Village, Tala. Tel: 26-652760 Stewart B Johnson Open house viewings of Scottish artist’s works by appointment. G. Xenopoulou st. Tel: 26930525 Gallery at Home with Theresa French Watercolours, prints and cards. 2 Modestou Panteli, 2 Nicolas Cliff, Yeroskipou. Tel: 26-962597/ 99-316485 Stone Sculptures Permanent exhibition by Andreas Constantinou. Polis Chrysochous, near central square. Call artist for viewing. Tel: 26-321227/99-585543 Michael Gorman Figurative paintings and prints. 20 Theodorou Kolokotroni, Peyia. Open daily. Tel: 99952376/99-006832/26-621424 Harry and Sheila Hawkins Art by Harry Hawkins and books by Sheila Hawkins. Ayias Zonis St., Neo Chorio. Open daily. Tel: 26-321123 Herbs and Wild Flowers Arts and crafts inspired by the flora of Cyprus. Medicinal herbal teas and oils available. Information Centre for the Akamas National Park at the School of Pano Arodes. Tel: 99-616748 David Lester Working Studio in Peyia, with permanent exhibition of oil paintings and other works by the author of ‘Wishful Thinking’. Tel: 26-621130
Famagusta district Blue Spice Restaurant Permanent exhibition of Carolina Alotus’ works. Blue Spice, 29 Aphroditis St (between Perneras and Protaras rd), Ayia Napa. Tel: 23-832088. www. Where are the Rights of the Children of Karpasia? Permanent photographic exhibition. Famagusta Cultural Centre, 35 Evagorou St, Dherynia. Closed Sundays. Monday-Friday 7.30am-4.30pm and Saturday 9.30am-4.30pm. Tel: 23-740860
Music Larnaca district Fusion Music Pop meets opera meets show-tunes with Tina Chester: Soprano and Andrew Oliver: Piano. January 18. Larnaca Pyla Village Tavern. FUSION 2 with special guest Ross Neil. Dinner 7pm, concert 9pm. €20 inc. dinner. Reservations – Tel: 99-975863/99070168
Limassol district Fusion Music Pop meets opera meets show-tunes with Tina Chester: Soprano and Andrew Oliver: Piano. January 13: Lania Pliades Art Cafe. Concert 3pm. €12. Coffee and cake available. Tickets & Information - Tel: 99-832538 January 19: Lofou Wine Cellar. Concert 7pm, dinner 9pm. €25 inc. dinner and a glass of wine. B & B rooms available. Reservations – Tel: 25-470202 Yiannis Kotsiras Popular Greek singer performs live accompanied by Savveria Margiola. January 15-16. Perama, 12 Zik-Zak Street. 9.30pm. Tel: 25-373763 Lavrentis Macheritsas A unique musical presentation full of new melodies, nostalgic feelings and humour with singers Demetris Starovas and Zenovia Arvanitidi. January 17. Rialto Theatre. 8.30pm. €18/12. Tel: 77-777745. George Dalaras A three hour programme presenting new songs, popular rembetika and great range of well known hits. January 18-19. Lanitis Carob Mill Complex, Vasilissis Street. 10pm. €50. Tel: 25-372855 Maria Stuarda - The Met: Live in HD Live broadcasts from the Metropolitan Opera of New York in high-definition. January 19. Rialto Theatre. 7.55pm. €20/15. With Greek and English Subtitles Tel: 77-777745. Online ticket:
compiled by Ledha Socratous
Paphos district Fusion Music Pop meets opera meets show-tunes with Tina Chester: Soprano and Andrew Oliver: Piano. January 17. Latchi Y & P Hotel. Concert 7pm, dinner 9pm. €20 inc. dinner. B & B rooms available. Reservations - Tel: 26-321411
Theatre & Dance Nicosia district Cuckoo! A Walk in the Forest An interactive theatrical play-game for children (ages 2-5) with live music. At the end of the game the children can get acquainted with the instruments used in the show. January 13. Main Hall of the University of Cyprus (Kallipoleos campus). 11am. €8. In Greek. Tel: 22-894347 Heights Three actors confront their personal conflicts among the spectators. January 14 until January 29. Theatro Ena, 4 Athinas Avenue. €10 including the first glass of wine. The performance starts at 10pm - The bar opens at 8.30 pm. In Greek. Tel: 2234 8203 or email The Whore from Ohio The central stage of ETHAL presents black comedy by Israeli playwright Hanoch Levin, directed by Panagiotis Larkou. January 16-17. THOC New Theatre Building, 9 Gregori Afxentiou. 8.30pm. In Greek Tel: 77-772717 A Play About... Trash The theatre group Point To, in collaboration with Scarabeo Lounge Bar, presents a comedy directed by Evagelia Onoufriou. January 19 & 26. Scarabeo Bar, 4 Nikokreontos Street. 9.30pm. €10. In Greek. Tel: 99-935777/99-740773 Death and the Maiden Satiriko Theatro presents play by Chilean playwright Ariel Dorfman. Until January 25. Vladimiros Kafkarides Cultural Centre, 11-15 Vladimiros, Kafkarides Street, Αglantzia. Every Wednesdays and Fridays at 8.30pm. €15/10. In Greek. Tel: 22312940/22-421609 Spring Awakening THOC presents work by Frank Wedekind, directed by Dimitris Lignadis. Until January 26. THOC New Theatre Building, 9 Gregori Afxentiou. Every Wednesday through Sunday at 8.30pm. In Greek. Tel: 77-772717/22-864300 The Elephant Man Theatro Ena presents a play by Bernard Pomerance, translated and directed by Andreas Christodoulides. Until January 27. Theatro Ena, 4 Athinas Avenue. Every Friday through Sunday at 8.30pm. In Greek. €15/12. Tel: 22-348203 Social Security THOC presents a play by Andrew Bergman. Until January 27. THOC New Theatre Building, 9 Gregori Afxentiou. Friday through Sunday. Friday & Sunday at 8.30pm, Saturday at 6pm and 8.30pm. Tel: 77-772717/22-864300 The Magic Flute The Children’s Stage of Satiriko Theatre presents play adapted and directed by Thanasis Theologis. Until January 27. Vladimiros Kafkarides Cultural Centre, 11-15 Vladimiros Kafkarides Street, Αglantzia. Every Sunday at 10.30am. €10. In Greek. Tel: 22-312940/22-421609 Noah’s Family A theatrical play for children written by Xenia Kalogeropoulou and Thomas Moschopoulos. Until February 3. THOC New Theatre Building, 9 Gregori Afxentiou. Every Sunday at 10.30am. In Greek. Tel: 22-864300 Social Security THOC presents a play by Andrew Bergman. Until February 3. THOC New Theatre Building, 9 Gregori Afxentiou. Friday through Sunday at 8.30pm, Saturday at 6pm and 8.30pm. €12/6 . In Greek. The performance on January 26 will be with Greek and English surtitles. Tel: 77772717/22-864300 Spring Awakening THOC presents work by Frank Wedekind, directed by Dimitris Lignadis. Until February 9. THOC New Theatre Building, 9 Gregori Afxentiou. On specific days at 8.30pm. In Greek. The performances on February 8 & 9 will be with Greek and English surtitles. €12/6. Tel: 77-772717/22864300 Kali-Kantzar & Co A musical directed by Lea Maleni with music by Dimitris Zavros. Until February 10. THOC New Theatre Building, 9 Gregori Afxentiou. Every Saturday and Sunday at 6pm. In Greek. The performances on February 9 and 10 will be with Greek and English surtitles. Tel: 22-864300 Misery Stephen King’s psychological thriller staged by Satiriko Theatre. Every Friday and Saturday. Until February 13. Vladimiros Kafkarides Cultural Centre, 11-15 Vladimiros Kafkarides Street, Αglantzia. Every Wednesday and Friday at 8.30pm. In Greek. Tel: 22-312940/22-421609. email: Nursing home The Cherubim Theatre Anemona celebrates its tenth anniversary presents comedy by Nearchos Ioannou. Until March 17. Anemona Theater, 7 Archagelou Street, Latsia. Every Friday and Saturday at 8.30pm and Sunday at 8pm. In Greek. Tel: 22-573031 Shear Madness Popular Cypriot actor and director Loris Loizides returns with an adaptation of one of the longestrunning non-musical plays in the world. Until March 17. Pantheon Art Cinema, 29 Diagorou Street. Every Saturday and Sunday at 8.30pm. €20. In Greek. Tel: 70-001910/22-675787 Shakespeare in an Hour Pirasmos Productions presents a theatrical comedy directed by popular Cypriot actor and director Loris Loizides. Until March 29. Pantheon Art Cinema, 29 Diagorou Street. Thursday and Friday at 8.30pm. In Greek. Tel: 70-001910
January 13, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL
EXHIBITION Aerial photographs showing more than 60 landscapes and scenes from around the world will go
Celebrate the diversity of our planet on display this week in Nicosia. From remote hilltops and fertile floodplains to dramatic river deltas and rugged mountain ranges, this exhibition of photographs, entitled Impressions by former Presidential Aide Sergey Yastrzhembsky, celebrates the diversity of our planet. The allure of aerial photography is the unique perspective it gives - the world feels so different when viewed from above. The exhibition features 63 photographs from Africa and Europe, as well as Russia and Cyprus. The most prominent feature of Yastrzhembsky’s impressive photographs, which are more reminiscent of paintings, is that they all depict the Earth but have been taken from a height of hundreds of metres above it. The photos showcase the artist’s inspiration of the landscape below, its contours, sun-struck colours and surprising patterns. See for yourself how Yastrzhembskiy’s camera catches the contrast and the harmony of this alive and changing world. The stories of these landscapes are revealed, so visitors can truly explore and
Limassol district The Whore from Ohio The central stage of ETHAL presents black comedy by Israeli playwright Hanoch Levin, directed by Panagiotis Larkou. January 19-February 5. Technohoros ETHAL, 76 Franklin Roosevelt Avenue. Every Tuesday and Saturday at 8.30pm and Sunday at 6.30pm. In Greek Tel: 25-877827
Paphos district Social Security THOC presents a play by Andrew Bergman. January 15-17. Markideio Theatre. 8.30pm. €12/6. In Greek. The performance on January 17 will be with Greek and English surtitles. Tel: 26-932571/22492900
Other Events Nicosia district Wedding 2013 Exhibition More than 90 companies present products and services to organise a perfect wedding. January 12-13. Cyprus State Fairs Authority, Pavilion 6. Sunday: 3pm-9pm. €5. Tel: 22-315474 The Journal of D.P 743 Book presentation by Ouranios Ioannides of Renos Lysiotis’ time spent in prison during British rule. January 14. Journalists’ House, 12 CyBC (RIK) Avenue, Aglantzia, Nicosia. 7.30pm. Tel: 22446090 Climate – Culture – Change Screenings of international documentary films about climate change. January 14 until January 18. Goethe-Institut, located in the buffer zone next to Ledra Palace Hotel. 7pm. All films are with English subtitles. Free. Tel: 22-674608 or cyprus Cursed to Isolation The Costas and Rita Severis Foundation present a lecture with Senem Gokel on lepers in Cyprus. January 17. Famagusta Gate Cultural Centre. 7pm. Tel: 99-630872 Point Centre for Contemporary Art Within the framework of the opening ceremony of the new contemporary art centre. Until February 15. Point Centre for Contemporary Art Megaron Hadjisavva, 2 Evagorou Street. Tel: 22-662053. Email: 7 films: Harun Farocki A selection of screenings by legendary German filmmaker, critic and teacher followed by discussion and talk with the artist Bidoun Library A mobile library consisting of books, magazines and other printed matter about the Middle East Kyriakos Michaelides Tailor Museum A sightseeing attraction for visitors in the area as well as a space where the young and new generations may become aware of the richness of the traditional tailor’s craft dating back to the sixties. Old Nicosia, Phaneromeni area. Tel: 99-796333 Singing Group Singing for fun. All kinds of music in harmony small Nicosia group Tuesdays 5.30pm-7pm, all welcome. Call Olivia 99-497318 Rooftop Theatre Group Regular play script-writing workshop. In the room next to Kala Kathoumena coffee shop in old Nicosia (Phaneromeni Square). 6pm. In English. Tel: 22- 661354
discover something new. Born in Moscow in 1953, Yastrzhembskiy has had a high-profile career, working in the administrations of Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin before making the transition to journalism. He has been involved in photography for 20 years. His works are exhibited in the Moscow House of Photography, in private collections in Russia, Belgium, Italy, France, Slovakia and China. On the opening night of the exhibition Yastrzhembskiy’s film Africa: Blood and Beauty, a last-chance survey of what ancient customs still remain in tribal Africa, will be screened. The film will be shown in Russian with English subtitles and presents a bounty of ethnographic footage. Impressions Solo photo exhibition by Sergey Yastrzhembskiy. Opens January 16, 6.30pm until 28 February 28. The Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, 86-88-90 Phaneromenis Street, Nicosia. Visiting hours: Monday-Sunday: 10am-7pm. (except on bank holidays). Tel: 22-128157
Kindermusik with Vaso Come and see how music and movement can stimulate your young child’s developing mind and body. Tel: 96-693462. For full details please visit: Childrens African DrumagiQ Includes: Drums and rhythm tuition with educational approach, psychological expertise, culture, customs, games, dance and innovative creative techniques. Every Friday. Kisa Centre, old Nicosia. 5-6pm for children under 12, 6-7pm for children 12-15. Tel: 22-878181 TANGO-y-TU presents Eight week foundation course every Wednesday. Athena’s School of Dance, 13 Prince Charles St, Ayios Dometios - opposite Asty Hotel. 7.30-9pm €16 per class €55 prepaid for 4 weeks + free CD. Improvers/Intermediate Class. 9pm-10.30pm - €16 per class or €55 for 4 prepaid. Tel: 99-377102 www., Tango Argentine Classes Tango classes and bi-communal Milonga. Regular classes every Sunday. Ledra Palace, 12 Markos Drakos Street. Classes: for beginners and advanced on Sundays. 9pm. Tel: 99-651706. www.ledratango. com Contemporary Dance, Yoga, Pilates and Latin Contemporary dance: Tuesday 5pm for beginners’ ages 20-30 years. Yoga: Wednesday 6pm and Saturday 10.30am. Pilates: Saturday 11.30am. Latin: Fridays: 8pm. Equus gym (behind Laiki Bank with the horn). €60 for any two classes a week or €40 for one. Tel: 99-618556 Adult Tap Classes Weekly adult tap lessons every Wednesday, 6.30pm. Engomi. Payment is with a voucher of 12 lessons for €90, allowing flexibility in attendance. First trial lesson free. Tel: 99-522821 Belly Dancing Belly dancing at Fanous Lebanese Restaurant. Every Saturday. 7C Solonos Street, old Nicosia. Tel: 22-666663. Fly-in-Dance With weekly classes in belly dance, latin and club dance, hip hop, body ballet and yoga (power and astanga). Fly-in-Dance, Archimidus, Engomi. Tel: 99-896490 Tai Chi Tai Chi classes every Monday. Bubishi Dojo, Aglandjia. 7pm-9pm. Tel: 96-515355 Yoga at the Life Centre Hatha yoga, advanced yoga, pregnancy yoga, baby yoga and massage for all levels offered throughout the day. Private sessions available. First class free. The Life Centre, 4 Persefonis St, Flat 301, Acropolis. Tel: 22-377630, 99-413707. email:, Yoga and Pilates Studio Yoga and Pilates sessions, mornings and evenings with a fully-qualified instructor. Private classes also available. Tel: 22-448130/99-373776 Hatha Yoga Classical Hatha Yoga. Asanas, breathing, relaxation. Small groups and individual private lessons. Also private meditation instruction. 4 Kikeronas St, Strovolos. Tel: 99-435687 or visit Reiki - Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Japanese system of natural healing instruction, attunement & certification. Reiki Master with over 20 years teaching & practical experience. Tel: 97801472 or email to com
Yoga for Health and Beauty Sivananda, Hatha and Dynamic Yoga offered. Daily Yoga sessions, mornings and evenings with a qualified teacher. 128 Kyriakou Matsi St, Agios Dometios. Tel: 99-375471. email: Ashtanga Yoga Traditional Ashtanga Yoga primary series for all levels with a qualified instructor. Small group classes and individual tuition. Archangelos. Tel: 99-290202 Learn Aromatherapy Massage Each week we will massage a different part of the body and learn the properties of one key essential oil. Weekly evening class on Thursdays. Central Nicosia. 7.30pm. Tel: 99-877694 The Terra Centre Offering Hatha Yoga, Beginners Power Yoga. First class free. Discounts for couples and students. Reiki classes for adults and kids. Energy healing sessions, hypnosis and regression sessions, counselling, workshops and more. Near the European University. Tel: 99-538163 Serenity House Offering classes in yoga, tai chi and anger management, self awareness seminars traditional Thai and classic massage, and more. Serenity House, 2 Einstein St, Ay. Omologites. Tel: 99-434353, Rebecca (Yoga) 99-487927 or Healing Rooms Free 20 minutes healing sessions for the wellbeing of spirit, mind and body in a loving atmosphere. Confidential. Every second and fourth Thursday of the month. 8-9.30pm. 225 Strovolos Avenue, near Metro roundabout (above Afrikanos Bath Store). Tel: 99-771084 Inter-faith prayers and meditation Every Friday. Baha’i Centre, 11 Parthenonos, Kaimakli. Tel: 22-624283 HIV Discussion Group Discussing issues around HIV for sufferers and friends of sufferers. Every Thursday. UNESCO Amphitheatre, Intercollege, Makedonitissas Ave. 7pm. Free Nicosia Horrible Hash House Harriers Exercise, eat, drink and be merry with Nicosia Hash House Harriers. Meetings every Tuesday 7.30pm for a walk, jog or run around Nicosia. For directions to the run or more info, Tel: 99-308436 or visit Toastmasters Crusaders Club Improve your public speaking skills. Meetings every three Fridays. Tel: 99-851102. Nicosia Writers’ Workshop If you enjoy creative writing and want to meet people with similar skills, then the Nicosia Writers’ Workshop is the place to be, so bring your ideas and we’ll open a new world together. 48 Rik Avenue, Angantzia. Every Sunday from 11am1pm. Free membership to new candidates. Ring Machela on 99-867315 Writing Workshops Unleash your creative side with Rhay Christou. Rhay’s Studio, Old Nicosia. Tel: 99 522333 Italian for Beginners Lessons offered by the Dante Alighieri Society and the Italian Embassy. Monday and Wednesday 6.30pm-8pm.Tel: 22-358168/99-339644 Children’s Theatre Workshop Dionysus Theatre brings kids closer to theatre. Three different age groups, ranging from 6-18+. Classes in Greek. Dionysus Theatre, 29 Diagorou St. Tel: 99-621845,
Play in a Day Fun theatre workshops geared towards adults. Every Thursday 6-8pm. (lessons for youths between 14 and 17 also take place on Wednesday 5pm-7pm). 15 per session or 50 per month. Taught in Greek and English. For registration Tel: 99130916/99-552654. Arts & Moods Creative workshops for children of all ages. 15 Averoff Street, Strovolos. Tel: 22313142. email: Art lessons with Vasilis Mitas Saturday Group Starts:2pm-4pm. Wednesday Group Starts: 5pm-7pm. Diachroniki Gallery, 84 Arsinoes. Tel 22-680145. diachroniki@cytanet. Art Lessons At Blob Creative Space Learn drawing, acrylic painting, oil painting, academic measuring, stencils, graphic design, 3D consultations and more. Blob, Arch Makarios Avenue, City Plaza 2nd Floor. Tel: 99-657277 Brocante Antique and vintage furniture market. Every Sunday 9am-7pm. In front of the old municipal market in old Nicosia and outside the Akanthos workshop space. Tel: 22-100984. St Paul’s Thrift Shop Thrift Shop for clothes and bric-a-brac is open every Saturday morning from 10am- midday in St Paul’s Cathedral car park. Lots of bargains on offer at very reasonable prices. Tel : 22-445221 St Paul’s Babies and Toddlers Non-religious, non-political and multi-national organisation that caters for newborn to pre-school kids with activities including outdoor and indoor play equipment and toys. St Paul’s Church Hall, Byron Avenue. No membership required. Cans for Kids Quiz Nights First Friday of every month. 8.30pm. Esogba, behind the Junior School. €5. Drinks and home cooked food available. Tel: 99-666011. Cyprus Go Association Meetings every Saturday to learn the game and improve skills. Oktana Café, 2 Aristidou St. 5pm. Tel: 99-476253., cyprus. Porcelain Painting Paint your own dinner set or special gift for your loved ones. Beginners classes morning and afternoon. Strovolos. Tel: 99-620992 Saint Andrews Bridge Club Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 4pm, Saturday 7pm-10pm; 15 Heroes Avenue. Tel: 22-781063 or 96-510121 Tarot Card Game Lessons Not lessons in the divination art but rather the strategy and memory game. Every Wednesday evening. Brasserie Au Bon Plaisir, 15 Alasias Street. 8pm. Tel 96-755111 The World of Wine Beginners and advanced specialised courses for enthusiasts who wish to become more confident in understanding and enjoying fine wines and spirits. Tailor-made courses, wine classes and tasting can also be organised on request. Spectus shops, Nicosia and Limassol. Tel: 22-511521/25341525 Coffee Morning A warm welcome for all women. Interesting talks and a chance to get together socially. Second Thursday of the month. (except July and August). 9.30am St.Paul’s Church Hall, Byron Avenue. In English. Tel: 22-329293/99-924363 Walking Tours of Nicosia Mondays: Palouriotissa and Kaimakli: the past restored guided bus and walking tour. Thursdays: walking tour of Nicosia.. Free. Tel: 22-674264 The Love Bus Guided tours through the north of Cyprus focussing on the Kyrenia area. Leaving from Eleftheria Square and locations around Nicosia. €25. Tel: 99761761/97-761761 Bird Watching in Cyprus Birdlife Cyprus regularly arranges bird watching trips around the island. Tel: 22-455072, 99-059541. Horse Races Every Wednesday and Sunday at the Nicosia Race Club. Tel: 22-782727. Subject to change check website.
Larnaca district Hooves and Grooves Monthly family fun days with horse ride and drum orchestra. Farm visits, horse/pony rides & drumming. Drapia Horse Farm, Kalavasos. 4pm-6pm: Horse journeys/pony rides. 6pm-7.30pm: Sunset drum orchestra. €22/12. Bookings for horse journey: 97-836005. To reserve your drum: 99-238660 Transformative Tarot Course Fun & educational, meet other like-minded people. Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 7.30-9.30pm. contact: for more details Angel Workshops Call Susan Rudd Master Teacher of the Diana Cooper School of Angels for full details. 97648218, email, www. Yogalife Hatha yoga, meditative breathing, stress management, singing bowls meditation, private and group sessions. Call for introductory lesson. ALSO Yoga for young people (6-12yrs and 13-18yrs). Yoga Life, Nik Milona and Gr Afxentiou St, opposite American Academy. Tel: 24-623123 or www. The Living Tao Centre Weekly classes in Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Tao Ying Yoga, Hatha Yoga and meditation. Living Tao Centre, 2 Dimokinou St. Mondays-Fridays. Tel: afternoon classes- 99 658217, morning classes- 99-304202.
Limassol district Figure Drawing Classes Classes are €20 each and includes model and materials. Atelier K, 8 Georgiou Malekidi (Behind Rialto Theatre) old town of Limassol. Contact Raymond at or tel 96543901
International Christian Fellowship East Please join us, Sundays 10.30am, Angel’s English Nursery School, 37 Ampelakion, Germasogia. Sunday school available, small groups meet midweek. Tel: 99-815033. International Women’s Association of Limassol Our aim is to extend the hand of friendship to all women regardless of race, culture or creed. We meet on the first Tuesday of the month at St Barnabas Church Hall at 7.30 for 8pm, when we have a speaker, a raffle and social time. During the month we have social, cultural and recreational activities. Tel: 99-768943/99-457617 Day out in Lania Visit the museum, church, olive mill, wine press and the artists’ galleries. Lania. Glennis208@ Island Blend Barber shop group sing a wide repertoire of songs at events and raise money for Friends for Life. Every Thursday at UKCA, 4pm-6pm. Tel: 25-397456 Tango Milonga Tango social dancing parties for all. Los Amigos Club. 7 Themidos Street, Limassol old town. Every Friday, Curium Palace Hotel. Free. 10pm-1am. Tel: 25-822842/ Tango Argentine Classes Regular Tango with Julia Gorina and guest maestros. Hallmark Dance Studio, Mefanos str.10 (from Germasogia roundabout going into the city – at the second traffic lights turn left – the school is immediately on the left next to the hairdressing studio Effectis by Nicolas). Tuesdays & Thursdays: 7.30pm-8.30pm – beginners and 8.30pm-10pm – advanced: Tel: 99-406032 or info@tangocyprus. net Line Dancing Tuesdays 9.30am–10am absolute beginners and 10am-12 noon improvers-intermediate at Sunquest Hotel. Tel: 99-434131 Adult Dance A series of improvised movement based workshops. Dance House Lemesos. Every Wednesday: 7pm-8.30pm. €35/25. Tel: 77-777798/99-662927 Morris Dancing The Cyprus Morris meet on Mondays 10am-12noon in Kivides and the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month 7pm-9pm. Tel: 97-722576 Irish Dancing Come along and join in the fun getting fit, and learning or brushing up on Irish dancing skills for a ceili. Sessions in Limassol on Tuesday evenings from 7.30-9.00pm. For further details contact or Tel: 97-715131 The World of Wine Beginners and advanced specialised courses for enthusiasts who wish to become more confident in understanding and enjoying fine wines and spirits. Spectus shops, Nicosia and Limassol. Tel: 22-511521/25-341525 Food for Friends Vegetarian social group, with monthly lunch-time outings to tavernas and short presentations on related subjects. Monthly lunch on last Saturday of month. Tel: 25-634487/25-634487 Rising Star Youth Theatre of Limassol Theatre workshop for aspiring actors and actresses from the age of 6 years and up. Call 99-608826 for information. Children’s Theatre Workshop Organised by the Versus theatre group. Theatro Ena, Limassol Municipal Market, old town. Classes for ages: 5-9, 10-13, 17-17. Saturdays 9am-3pm. Tel: 99-428691. Magic Craft Supplies For the latest on Magic Craft Supplies & Penny’s Parties, please visit 25-634487/99-304237 Theatre Workshops Open to students between six and 16. Every Saturday. ETHAL Theatre. Basement, 76 Franklin Roosevelt Ave. Tel: 25-877827 Premiere Group Theatre group producing annual musicals. The group conducts monthly social events that include camping, picnics and sports evenings. Tel: 25-775922. Writers’ Workshop Unleash the writer within. Classes with writing coaching also available. Classes in Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaca. Tel: 99-522333. email: rchristou@ C3A Limassol Join us and share educational, creative and leisure activities in friendly, sociable groups. Attend Open meetings, listen to informative talks, enjoy social activities. Contact: c3a.limassol@gmail. com. Toastmasters International Limassol Improve speaking, listening and thinking skills while giving the opportunity to develop leadership ability and gain self-confidence. Atlantica Mirame Beach Hotel. For reservation and details call SAA Bob Buckerfield 25-470582/99-754042 or visit Help Me Grow Lecture on child development by the Health Ministry. Every Wednesday. Lecture hall, New Limassol Hospital. 6pm. In Greek. Free
Legendary Greek singer George Dalaras will be in Cyprus this week to perform two shows at the Carob Mill in Limassol. The performances
George Dalaras in an intimate setting are part of a series of musical evenings in a specifically designed area which aims to accommodate each guest artist and the audience. Dalaras will present his new work ‘What You Say Is So?’ accompanied by composer Nikos Antipas and singer Adrianna Mpampali, in a three-hour programme that presents new songs, popular rembetika as well as a selection of older favourites. Audiences can expect to hear songs about everyday stories filled with strong emotions and a pervading sense of melancholy. When Dalaras made his comeback in December at the Gazarte in central Athens, fans rose from their seats to welcome his return Yoga Hatha Yoga classes all levels. Monday to Friday, 8.30am-9.30am and 6pm-7pm. First class free. Therapolis, Potamos Germasogeia. Tel: 25-328585. Satyananda Yoga Centre Yoga and meditation classes mornings, afternoons and evenings, Tai Chi and Kung Fu classes, counselling and self-development. Tel: 25-364690 Reflexology, Reiki and Ear Candle Treatments Relax, revitalise and improve your health and well being. Call for an appointment 97-648218 Working with Angels Six classes over 12 weeks, each will cover different topics including guardian angels, angel messages, Archangel Michael plus much more. Soap Shack. 6.30pm-9.30pm. Tel: 97-648218 Baha’is of Limassol Weekly discussion circle. Tel: 25-340021 Happy Valley Hash House Harriers Weekly runs on Thursdays around the southwest of the island, times vary, see Tel: 99-434794 Amathus Hash House Harriers Run, jog or walk every Sunday afternoon. For more info Tel: 99-905746. Limassol Walks Get to know the historical centre of Limassol. Mondays at 10am. Walks begin at the CTO Information Office, 115A Spyros Araouzos St. Free. Tel: 25-362756 Limassol Crusaders Rugby Club Training on grass for Cyprus League matches, or just to get fit, Tuesdays 6.30-8.30pm and Thursdays 7-9pm, AEK Katholiki Stadium, Tagmatarchou Pouliou St. Seniors and Juniors. Tel: 96-323962. Table Tennis Monday and Friday at 10 am at UKCA, 37 Termopilis Street. Contact Antonio 99-334706 Limassol Bridge Club Mondays and Fridays, 3.30pm at Limassol Sporting Club. Tel 99-645338 Car Boot Sale Every Saturday and Sunday at Moni Station. Tel: 25-323525/25-365102 Linopetra Corner Car boot sale on Saturdays, 8am-2pm. Tel: 99612832 Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes Social and benevolent organisation. Aphrodite Bitter Lake Lodge meet at the UKCA Club. Wednesdays, 6pm. Tel: 99-425527. The Troodos Pride of Cyprus Lodge meets at the UKCA Club. Every other Sunday, 10am. Tel: 99-345384 Riding for the Disabled Horse riding for disabled riders from The Red Cross and Theotokos Foundation every Thursday morning 8.30am-11.30am. Happy Valley, Episkopi. Volunteers greatly needed to assist with rides. Tel: 25-773058. Email: RAFA Aphrodite Branch Social Meeting First Wednesday of every month. Sergeants Mess. Akrotiri. No food. 7.30pm. Tel: 25-932196 RAF Akrotiri Voluntary Band Plays a large repertoire of classical music at military dinners, Episkopi Fete and charity fund raisers. Meetings every Monday: 7.30pm. Padre’s Centre at RAF Akrotiri. Tel: 99-925524
and express their support. And while the price tag of €50 may seem a little steep for his upcoming show, it’s not every day you get the chance see a living star dubbed the ‘Greek Bruce Springsteen’ perform live in such an intimate environment. Make sure to look out for more acclaimed artists at the Carob Mill over the following year, with the likes of Dionysis Savvopoulos and Alkistis Protopsalti set to make an appearance. George Dalaras A three hour programme presenting new songs, popular rembetika and great range of well known hits. January 18-19. Lanitis Carob Mill Complex, Vasilissis Street, Limassol. 10pm. €50. Tel: 25-372855 The Royal Military Police Association The Cyprus branch seeks new members. First Friday of every month. The RMP Corporals Mess, WSBA Episkopi. 2pm. Tel: 26-642120/99-453867 Cyprus Donkey Sanctuary Visitor centre with shop, refreshments, hillside walk and picnic area. Friends of the Cyprus Donkey, Vouni. Daily 10am-4pm. Tel: 25-945488 Ocean Bar Restaurant Every Thursday: Bingo Night, 8pm. Tel: 96-381509. Every Friday: Multi Media Quiz with many prizes to be won, 8.30pm. Tel: 99-032876. Ocean Bar Restaurant, Onicilliou St, Ayios Tychonas
Paphos district Art Sale An art sale of local artists work during January 2013. All art work greatly reduced. The Terebinth Tree Bistro, Mesa Chorio. Tel: 26-654626 Crafty Herbies Arts and Crafts for children aged 3-12 at the Herb Garden in Pano Akourdaleia. 10.30am-12.30 midday every other Wednesday. €6 per child (with discounts for siblings). Join us in the garden planting, painting and making. Tel: 99-993412/99-006012 Guided Meditation Weekly Gatherings for the purpose of stilling the mind, balancing & healing the soul and uplifting the emotions. Every Wednesday morning 10am - 11am & Wednesday evening 7pm - 8pm held in Stroumbi., Tel 97-801472 Spiritualist Meetings. Monthly ‘Modern Spiritualists in Cyprus’ meetings are held on the last Sunday of the month in Stroumbi. 7pm start. For full details www.yvebrooks. org or Tel 97-801472 Morning Cooking Workshops Tuesday Morning Cooking Workshops at Kasparis Restaurant on the Tombs of the Kings Road (opp. Helios Bay Hotel) with Zoe and Elena. Cypriot, Italian, Lebanese and Greek cuisine. Be an active participant or watch closely while we prepare everything using fresh ingredients either grown or caught by the cooks! €30 including coffee, snacks, lunch and a glass of wine. From 9am-2pm. Tel: 99887293 or email : Paphos Flower Club Courses in flower arranging. Anglican Church Hall, Kato Paphos. Beginners 2pm, intermediate classes 12.30pm. Beginners. Tel: 99-475564/99-533704. Intermediate: 99-744635 Orphean Singers Three times a year this well established singing group delights audiences with an entertaining concert. Meetings every Friday at Kamaras club, 9.30am-12pm. Tel: 26-913249 Paphos Light Music Society A new group starting up in Paphos for the appreciation of light opera, Gilbert and Sullivan etc. Non-singers also welcome. Meetings every fourth Monday at 3pm in Paphos area. Tel: 99-370883
The madness of life The central stage of ETHAL opens its new season with The Whore from Ohio, a masterpiece by Hanoch Levin. This poetic drama tells the story of a 70-year-old who shells out his life savings to hire a prostitute and sadly fails to perform. The play is an interesting mix of satiric comedy, sharp wit, focusing on humanity and of course, the overall madness of life. Directed by Panagiotis Larkou, the Greek language play premieres this Wednesday at the THOC new central stage in Nicosia.
The Whore from Ohio Black comedy by Israeli playwright Hanoch Levin. In Greek January 16-17: THOC New Theatre Building, 9 Gregori Afxentiou, Nicosia. 8.30pm. Tel: 77-772717 January 19-February 5: Technohoros ETHAL, 76 Franklin Roosevelt Avenue, Limassol. On Tuesday and Saturdays at 8.30pm and Sundays at 6.30pm. Tel: 25-877827
Fisu Meditation Learn Fisu Meditation. Free introductory talks on why meditate and what meditation is all about. Book by appointment, 24-532479/99-665330 Reflexology, Reiki and Ear Candle Treatments Relax, revitalise and improve your health and well being. Call for an appointment 97-648218 Larnaca Hash House Harriers Every Monday, 5pm. For more information call Fred-the-web on 24-647175 Kition Hash House Harriers Run/jog/walk from a pub/taverna round the town and back. Wednesday evenings, 7.30pm. All welcome. Join us and have some fun. Tel: 24-647283 Antidote Theatre Workshops Drama workshops for children aged 5- can attend weekly workshops to learn about theatre through games and play, and participate in productions staged at the end of each year. Theatre Antidote also offers its students the Trinity Guildhall drama examinations in June, a useful qualification for university applications. Antidote Theatre, Apothikes st.Lazarus. Tel: 24-822677. Baby Antidote Brings the young tots up to 3yrs in touch with theatre, by combining storytelling, fairytales and play. Through interactive performances inspired by favourite children’s books, the heroes come to life as the little ones embody them in their own unique way. Apothikes st. Lazarus. Every Monday and Friday, 9.30-11.30am. Entrance is €4 per family, and includes refreshments and snacks. Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffalos Social and benevolent organisation supporting charitable groups. The James Mercury Lodge meets at Dhekelia Barracks. Every Tuesday, 7.30pm. Next to ‘George’s Taxi’ on the South Road. Tel: 24-635812 RAFA Larnaca Bay Branch Social gathering taking place on second Tuesday of each month. Beachcomber Restaurant, Makenzie Beach . 7pm. Tel: 24-363752. www.rafacyprus. Writing Group Creative writing group meets bi-weekly in Larnaca, Episkopi and possibly Paralimni. Every participant will have work published online and in a print anthology. New and established writers welcome. €15 per meeting. Tel: 99-046237. www. Writers’ Workshop Unleash the writer within. Classes for all ages with writing coaching also available. Classes in Larnaca. Tel: 99-522333. Larnaca Writers’ Group Established, friendly and informal group; who love to write. Meetings are a mixture of writing news, workshop exercises and ongoing projects. Welcomes new members and are looking for writers of poetry and prose, at all levels of experience. Every alternate Saturday Oroklini village. 11am. Tel: 99-321927. larnaca. Larnaca Reading Group If you enjoy reading and debating the pros and cons of a book, you are welcome to join, the group endeavours to read a diverse selection of books. Larnaca Reading Group (LRG) meets the first Monday of each month in the Reading Lounge, upstairs in the Academic & General Bookshop, address: 41 Hermes Street. Tel: 24-628401/99-597094 /99-925315 Cash Bingo Eyes down every Wednesday, 8.30pm, and Sunday, 8.30pm, Makedonas restaurant, Dhekelia road. Food and drinks available at venues. Tel: 99108391 Line Dancing Every Friday, 8pm. Makedonas restauraunt, Dhekelia road. Tel: 99-108391 Tango Argentine Classes Regular Tango with Julia Gorina and guest maestros. With Jonatan Foehlich from Buenos Aires this September. Hallmark Dance Studio, Mefanos str.10 (from Germasogia roundabout going into the city – at the second traffic lights turn left – the school is immediately on the left next to the hairdressing studio Effectis by Nicolas). Tuesdays & Thursdays: 7.30pm-8.30pm – beginners and 8.30pm-10pm – advanced: Tel: 99-406032 or TANGO-y-TU presents Eight week foundation course every Friday. Deborah’s School of Russian Ballet, 192 Faneromenis Avenue. 7.30-9pm - €15 per class or €50 for 4 prepaid. Improvers/Intermediate Class every Monday. 8-10pm - €15 per class or €50 for 4 prepaid. Free tango practica at Cafe da Vinci, St Lazarus Square. - Tues nights 8.30pm. Tel: 99377102. Royal Engineers’ Association Meets on second Tuesday of the month at venues around the Island. For details of next meeting contact Bob Beer (Chair) on 97-633728 Larnaca Chicago Bridge Club Thursdays, 9.30am-1pm. Tel: Pete on 24-424899 Larnaca Walking Tours Wednesdays: Larnaca Past and Present, 10am from CTO office in Vassileos Pavlou Square. Fridays: Skala and its Craftsmen, 10am from Larnaca Fort. Tel: 24-654322 Leon Friendly Darts League Meetings carried out at selected pubs: Tuesdays, 8.30pm. Tel: Bob Johnson on 24-427275 Mazotos Camel Park Adventures for the family. Camel rides, swimming, play areas and more. Tel: 24-991243/99-416968.
Walking Tour Paphos Town Centre Wal Get acquainted with the nnewest part of the city and learn how the town evolved from the late Byzantine and Mediaeval times. Every Thursday, 10am. CTO Information Office, 3 Gladstonos St. Tel. 26-932841 The Corona Society Meet new friends at monthly meetings held every second Wednesday of the month, 2.30pm – 4pm. Coffee mornings held every last Tuesday of the month, 10.30am – 12.00pm. Annabelle Hotel. Proceeds to local charities. Tel: 99-177479 Scottish Country Dancing With the St Andrew’s Society, Paphos, at the Latin Parish Hall every Tuesday evening from September to May 6-8pm. Beginners welcome 5.30pm. Tel: 99-298512 Adult Tap Dance Tuesdays 6.30pm–7.15pm and Wednesdays 9.00am- 9.45am. Also stretch and tone intensive class, Mondays 9.00am–10.00am. With professional instructors. Shogun Karate/Dance studio, 133 Nicolaou Elina, Emba. Tel: 99-891811/99-892478 Jazzercise Dance fitness routines choreographed to the latest music. Mesogi Community Centre. Wednesday and Friday 9am-10am and Monday and Thursday 6.15pm-7.15pm. Classes at Shogun Karate Club, Emba. Tuesday and Friday: 9am-10am, in Peyia School, Tuesday and Thursday: 6.15pm-7.15pm. €8 per class or €47 per month. Tel: 99-990348 Salsacise Get fit and fabulous while having fun. The class combines basic salsa moves in an aerobic workout. Burn calories and lose weight. Beginners welcome. Every Wednesdays 6-7 pm in B.M.S.Studio, Peyia (above Spirou). Every Tuesdays 11-12 am at Crowns Resorts Spa and every Fridays 4-5 pm at Crowns Resorts Spa. Tel: 99981294 Hand-made bijoux displays Beautiful hand-made jewellery for the perfect gift at affordable prices starting from €10-35, including elegant packaging. Every Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 10am - 12pm. Please call Niki on 99-858734 Timi Village Car Boot Market Every Sunday 7am-1pm all through the year. Tel: 99-611637 Evans Plus Evans Comedy Magic Show, at the New Kikkos Bar Coral Bay - Alternate Tuesdays. 9.30pm. Tel 99-173801 Singles Nights at Ollie’s Bar Every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Ollie’s Bar, Trimithousa. 8pm. Tel: 99-769899 Quiz Nights Play for weekly prizes and a jackpot. Every Friday. Kings Hotel, Tomb of the Kings Road. 8.30pm. €2. Tel: 26-939075 Quiz night Quiz at the New Olympus Hotel. Every second Thursday of the month. 7.30pm. To register your team call: 26-932020 New Friendly Bridge Chicago bridge every Tuesday with all bridge partnerships welcome. Fantasia Club. 6.45pm. Tel: 26-937551 Table Tennis Club Night Coaching for all levels by Gordon Allen. Every Wednesday night. New venue, 7pm. Tel: 99841471, 26-652763 Badminton Club Atromitos Badminton Club for children and adults meets four times a week, days and evenings, to suit all levels, coaching available. Tel: 99971150/99-519504.badmintonpaphos@cytanet. Emba Badminton club Emba Badminton club meets on Saturday mornings, and Tuesday and Friday afternoons. All levels of play are catered for. Tel: 99-276192. Paphos Tigers RFC Mini Rugby: Tuesdays, 4.30pm-5.30pm. Kinyras Centre, Cypria Maris Sports Ground. Tel: 99934315/26-652959. Paphos Cycling Club Newly founded to help promote cycling in Paphos as a great form of exercise, meeting and making new friends and a perfect way to see areas of beauty in Cyprus you would never normally see. We are an informal club and we welcome new members from all walks of life and abilities. We meet every Sunday at Hectors Barin Coral Bay at 9am. Tel: 99320213. Paphos Adonis Lions Club Meetings every second and fourth Monday of the month at Paphos Gardens Hotel Resort. New members welcome as well as visiting members of other Lions Clubs. Tel: 26-622810/97-635883 Alzheimer Self-Help Group Offers dementia sufferers and their carers the opportunity to meet others with this condition, share feelings and exchange experiences. Every first Wednesday of the month. Crazy Spoon Centre Coral Bay Road, opposite Paphian Sun Hotel, Kissonerga. 10am. Tel: 26-621530/ 26-622234 Cancer Patients’ Support Group Association’s Day Centre - 84 Ellados Avenue, Paphos, near Carrefour’s on Polis Road. Tel: 26-952478. Coffee morning on the second Tuesday of the month, 10.30am. Craft group meet every Thursday, 10am-12pm. New members always welcome. Quiz nights and meal on Thursdays and meal, 7 for 7.30pm. Tel: 26-654007 or visit Cancer Patients’ Support Group – Paphos Information Help Line Trained volunteers who will listen and assist anyone needing information, emotional support, befriending or referral to an appropriate professional. Available from 9am-1pm Monday to Friday. Tel: 97-760989
Paphos Bereavement Support Group If you’ve suffered a loss or death, either recently or in the past, you are welcome to share your feelings with others in a safe and confidential environment. Group meets on the first Monday of each month, 2pm-4pm. Association’s Day Centre, 9 Dimitriou Mavrogenous, (the road alongside Constantinides Bakery opposite CYTA). Tel: 26-952478 Gamblers Anonymous Support group for gambling addicts, partners and families. Meetings every Tuesday. Ayia Kyriaki Anglican Church Hall, Kato Paphos. 7.30pm. Tel: 26-622289 Self-Improvement and Fulfilment Dr. Eva Bratslavsky clinical psychologist and psychotherapist weekly discussion group meetings on self-confidence, self-esteem, relationship enhancement, assertiveness. 3pm. Tel: 99-495467 Hemi-Sync sound technology of The Monroe Institute Metamusic CDs for quantum learning, deep relaxation, meditation, workshops. Contact Linda Leblanc, accredited Outreach Trainer of The Monroe Institute. Tel: 26-621272/ psygnos@spidernet. Krhem Workshops Learn to use this powerful yet gentle, loving energy healing system evolved from Ancient Egypt. Three day course in a warm, friendly environment. Krhem is not a level of Reiki and it is not necessary to have trained in Reiki first. Reiki workshops also available. Also: EFT Level 1 workshops: Learn a most effective self help and self development technique. EFT will enhance health and wellbeing for you, friends and family. A one day workshop taught in a fun, friendly environment. You will become more confident and gain a brighter, happier outlook on life. Tel: 26-934319/99-479426. lfirth@ Reiki Training Philip Westwood, Reiki Master/Teacher is now taking bookings for Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 training courses. Tel: 99-407526, Pilates Classes Small group classes morning and evening. Kissonerga, Yeroskipou and Skoulli, Polis. Tel: 99-172504. Pilates Mat based exercises for all levels, to tone and stretch the whole body. Tuesdays: 7.45-9pm in Central Paphos old town. €10. Tel: 99-266783 or Seeing Anew: The Artist’s Eye Ongoing workshop in visual art, breaking through inhibitions, developing confidence and fostering creative process. Studio 7, Kallepia. €80. Tel: 99048367 Yoga Pure traditional yoga. Caroline has over thirty years experience, and is trained in the Iyengar method of hatha yoga. In her fully equipped studio she instructs both small groups and individual students. Tel: 99-834470 Polis Charity Bookshop, Crafts and More Now open six days a week. Monday- Saturday, 10am- 1pm. Large stock of books, videos, talking books, jigsaws and greeting cards. Proceeds donated to local charities. Goods in first rate condition always needed. Arch. Makarios Avenue, Polis Chrysochous. Tel: 99-867511 Art Courses Pencil drawing, watercolour, pastels and acrylic. Ring Caroline Ludwig 26967008. Mums ‘n’ Toddlers Group Mums, Tots & Babies - Join us for a fun filled morning of Music & Movement, Story time, Arts & Crafts, Free Play, snack & coffee time etc. Spacious garden at our new location in Chloraka. Five groups per week offered. Also ongoing sale of nearly new clothing (1Euro per item) raising funds for local charities. Tel: 99-867662. First Time Mums’ Club Come and join us for a cup of tea. Bring baby with you and meet other mums and get tips, ideas and advice on caring for your little infant. Weekly meetings where topics include breastfeeding, bottle feeding, sleeping tips for baby and mom, milestones, what works and lots more. Thurs 1012. Cholorakas. Tel: 96-429659 Apollo Branch of the Royal Air Forces Association Meeting on the third Thursday of every month. UKCA Clubhouse, Tombs of the Kings Road. 7pm. Tel: 26-991615 New PAWS charity shop Yeroskipou next door to Pet Stop. Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9am-5pm. Saturday 9am-4pm. Tel: 97695857 Basic Dog Training and Grooming Fridays. 3pm. Kallepia. Tel: 26-643079/99-105557
Famagusta district Tempo Dance and Theatre School Running two classes a week. Pernera Area, Protaras. Monday 7-30pm-8.30pm for advanced dancers. Wednesday 6.45-7.45pm for beginners. €40 per month. Tel: 99-416821. Tours around Ayia Napa Ayia Napa and the Sea: a different dimension. Mondays in English and German; Fridays in English and Swedish, 10am from CTO office. Tel: 23721796 Folk Art Workshop Art workshop for children. Cultural Centre of Famagusta, Evagorou 35, Dherynia. Tel: 23-721140 Bingo and Games Every Tuesday night. Quiz, bingo and games every Thursday night. Party night every Saturday. Woody’s Inn, Protaras. Tel: 23-831690 Charity Boot Sale Every Tuesday morning. Woody’s Inn, Protaras. 10am-12pm. Tel: 23-831690 Open Air Market Every Wednesday. St Thekla Beach restaurant, Ayia Thekla, 500m from the church. 9am-4pm. Tel: 23-743778
SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
13 good buys for 2013 Make every purchase se a wise E and one. KAREN DACRE Y look EMMA MCCARTHY y for style with quality 1. The LLD A little lace dress is the working woman’s wardrobe solution of the year. For upmarket options, look first to Erdem - the designer who put lace dresses on the map - or to breakthrough designer Simone Rocha, whose neon shifts are some of the season’s finest. (
2. Dalmatian Print Every dog has his day and this year we celebrate the Dalmatian. Avoid the Cruella De Vil effect by opting for brushed silks and clean-cut coats printed with the stark monotone spots. (hobbs. 3. A bit of flounce Exaggerated peplums and wide sleeves will dominate in 2013. Should flamenco not be your thing, bypass Gucci’s eveningwear options and head to COS, where the blouson sleeve has been handled with care. Keep your proportions in check by partnering with streamlined trousers or skirts. (cosstores. 3 com) 4. Shoots of Green Leafy hues of apple, forest and emerald were all over the catwalks for 2013. Jump in with this Burberry belted trench. ( 5. Highlighter Stripes Jonathan Saunders and Marc Jacobs have ensured that monochrome stripes are one of the season’s hottest print trends. Get in there early with this cocoon-shaped dress from Whistles. (whistles.
7. The Side Slit Forget thigh-grazing
sk skirts and dr dresses - the rou to sex aproute pea in 2013 is peal thro through a sultry side split. With back backing from the like of Christolikes phe Kane and pher Ba Balenciaga, it’s on a matter of only tim before the time hig street folhigh lows suit. ( 7. A roll neck year neck coverThis year’s age takes us back to basics and to Patti Smith’s Sixties beatnik aesthetic. aest Look for loosefitting styles in high-quality knits - Gap, J Crew Cr and Pure Collection are all good places to start. (p (purecol llect (
9+10 sweater. com)
7 11. The Bank-Busting Backpack Sorry Eastpak, but this year the only backpacks worth acknowledging have four-figure price tags. The Olsen twins have given us this calf leather option in a staple taupe shade. The super-rich will wonder how they ever lived without it. (net-a-porter. com)
8. The Ne New Transparency We’re not talking peekaboo panelling here but rather some very subtle shifts in key textures for upda updating your look. Seek out shir shirts with sheer shoulders and dresses with a transparen ent trim. Surprisingly, M&S is a master at this. (marks 9. T The Power Suit Two-piece tailoring is set to pick up serious pace th this year. Seek out slouchysh shouldered blazers and loo loose fitting pants. Try Whistles or Reiss, and team with a roun round-neck T-shirt. (preen. com com) 10. P Pleat-front Trousers Inve in a sensible pair of trouInvest sers tha that will last all year. A pleatsty in black, beige or camel front style prefera - preferably by Céline or Preen - are the stuff of dreams. Combine with flat shoe shoes and a classic round-neck
12. Holographic The holographic floor of Christopher Kane’s S/S 13 catwalk shows has influenced the must-have metallic of the season. Stella McCartney is on board too, crafting everything from court shoes to iPad cases in the mirrored effect. (
13. Monk Straps The past few years have seen quite the flat shoe evolution. This year the monk strap has risen through the ranks - even Victoria Beckham has bypassed her vertiginous heels for the mannish flats, both in her SS13 show and in dayto-day life. (grenson.
London sets out stall to become world capital of menswear By Karen Dacre Fashion is not just for girls was tthe message in London this week a as Britain’s second ‘men-only’ ffashion week was held. London C Collections: Men featured 60 top m menswear designers unveiling th their looks for next winter. Britain’s menswear scene is a ga game of two halves. In evidence th this week was a harmonious coal alition which relies on the establis lished institutions of Savile Row an and the experimental creativity of th the new establishment to survive. A At one end of the spectrum is the la latest collection from innovative
Working class hero: Lou Dalton
January 13, 13 1 3 2013 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL
knitwear brand Sibling. It unveiled super-sized chunky-knit scarves hiding the models’ faces and giant mittens bearing the label’s signature leopard print. Northern Irish designer JW Anderson was even more adventurous, with a subversive, jaw-dropping collection of ruffle-trimmed shorts, knee-high patent boots and strapless tabard tops. This isn’t to say the tailoring offering this week was uninspiring. Richard James – Britain’s Prime Minister’s suit-maker of choice - unveiled a polished collection of wearable two-pieces and
sharply-cut overcoats. Inspired by London’s green spaces the show, entitled Parklife, showcased autumnal shades and a subtle rabbit and duck motif on beanie hats and chunky knit scarves. Oliver Spencer charmed with swinging pea-coats with plenty of appeal and Alexander McQueen made its first appearance on the schedule, unveiling a collection straddling weird and wearable. Lou Dalton opened proceedings for the second time, and took the Seventies North Sea oil boom as inspiration. Citing the fi lm Local Hero and the Shetland Islands
as starting points, she unveiled heavy-duty flannel suits, boiled-wool sweaters and slim-cut tartan trousers. Newcomers also included Tom Ford and leather brand Belstaff. High street chain Topman unveiled its latest collection, while London Fashion Week favourites Jonathan Saunders and Christopher Kane also staged events. The established menswear fashion centres of Milan and Paris stage biannual events within days. London organisers hope their event will become equally unmissable.
Playful: Sibling
with Ilia Georgiou
New year, new you If you can’t face the thought of sticking to strict resolutions, gradually improve your diet with a view to detoxing
ou probably don’t need me to tell you that the New Year brings thoughts of New Year’s resolutions for many people, detoxing or changing your life or lifestyle. If you are like me and believe that New Year’s resolutions are a set up for feelings of failure when you don’t stick to them, then read on. There is a better way! Instead of putting pressure on yourself by thinking rigidly of strict rules and resolutions, which sets up a negative way to view change, try thinking instead that January is simply a great time to improve a little on certain areas of your health, diet, vitality or even beauty habits. After all, January comes just after Christmas and the over indulgence of heavy foods and alcohol. So look at January time or thereabouts to improve dietary habits or detox a little, rather than set yourself unrealistic and strict rules. Detoxing is much simpler than you may think. If you want to go the proper and slightly stricter route, or if you really need the support and advice of a professional and have a little money to invest in yourself in this way, you can contact one of the professionals at the bottom of this article. If you just want to make gentle and gradual improvements to your energy, health and vitality, not to mention your emotional state, introduce one of the following ‘rules’ per week. This way you feel less overwhelmed with having to stick to a rigid detox/health kick in which you have to cut everything out in one go. And don’t worry if you fall off the wagon and have the odd weak day or cheat. The point is to make gradual improvements, not drive yourself to distraction by living like a fasting monk. You could start week one by telling yourself that you WILL introduce
Another week’s rule could be to cut caffeine right down, or out. Sugar is a terrible poison to the body, so that’s another one to do
Eating increased numbers of vegetables and pulses will help you feel better more vegetables into your diet. This in itself is a great vitality and health booster. At the same time reduce consumption of animal protein and replace it with vegetable proteins such as pulses, lentils or nuts and seeds. If you already consume plenty of vegetables, your fi rst week’s plan could be to juice up fresh vegetables or fruit fi rst thing in the morning. This will be great for your liver, and will really boost vitamin and mineral intake. Another week’s rule could be to cut caffeine right down, or out. Sugar is a terrible poison to the body, so that’s another one to do. Dairy, refi ned carbohydrates like bread, pasta and baked goods are other things to cut out for a while to detox your system too. Introduce one of the above per week to cut out, until you have removed dairy, red meats, refi ned carbohydrates, sugar, packaged foods and caffeine altogether for around a month at least. It’s important though to take multi vitamin and mineral supplements at the same time to ensure good nutrition. If you have any medical or nutritional issues, check with your doctor or holistic practitioner which supplements you should take.
If you really cannot be doing with all the ‘cutting out’ of the above foods for even a certain amount of time, then just eat tons more vegetables, a type of salad every day, and at least cut out all refined sugar, reduce caffeine, bread, pasta and baked goods and consume at least one glass of juiced vegetables per day and you will be well on the way to a much improved health and vitality boost. This more relaxed approach is easier to stick to, and because you will feel a sense of achievement as well as feel physically and psychologically better due to the improved nutrition, it will lead to better long term food and habits. Don’t be fooled into thinking that something out of
a packet, bottle or in pill form will do the work for you. Your daily healthy natural food habits will improve your health and help detox you, and not a special herbal pill, bottle of processed green tea drink, or supplement. A lot of these types of product are hype and are misleading. If someone wants to detoxify, whether the reasons are to help prevent diseases of middle age, to improve their emotional state or just to lose weight, there is no magic herbal pill or drink or even a single food that will do this. So save your money and just invest in good quality vitamin and mineral supplements and eat really healthy foods of a wide variety. The following professionals who practice holistic medicine, nutrition, weight loss, detox programmes can offer advice on other health and similar issues. Sentosa Health Centre Detox expert and holistic specialist Andri Panayi. Tel: 26 653464 Da Vinci Health Centre Holistic doctor specialising in detox and nutrition. Tel: 24 823322 Barbara Karafokas Health & wellness coach and nutrition consultant. Tel: 99 682327 (Nicosia),
Reality TV beauty show viewers more likely to tan says study
Young kids are often seen being spray tanned on Toddlers & Tiaras
College students who watch reality television beauty shows are at least twice as likely as non-viewers to use tanning lamps or tan outdoors for hours at a time, according to a US study. The findings, which appeared in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, don’t prove that simply watching shows such as America’s Next Top Model and Toddlers & Tiaras drives people to the tanning booths, researchers said. But it does suggest the shows don’t promote the healthiest views on tanning, which has been linked to a higher risk of skin cancer - es-
pecially among young people. “TV shows might not realise the message they’re (promoting) by having all of these attractive, tanned people,” said study co-author Joshua Fogel, a health policy researcher at Brooklyn College, part of the City University of New York system. For both skin specialists and primary care doctors, he added, “it’s worth asking their younger patients if they do use tanning lamps and outdoor tanning... especially those that watch reality TV shows.” The findings were based on surveys of 576 college students
who were in their early 20s, on average. About 61 per cent of them watched reality TV beauty shows. Watching reality TV was tied to both indoor and outdoor tanning. Among people who watched the beauty shows, 13 per cent had used tanning lamps in the last year and 43 per cent had tanned outdoors for more than two hours at a time. In comparison, fewer than four per cent of non-watchers used tanning lamps and 29 per cent tanned outdoors. Not surprisingly, women were ten times more likely to use tanning lamps than men.
SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
HEALTH 23 One of the biggest trends of 2012: Spinning
Plantoftheweek This year focus is to remain on functional exercise and online presence says DORENE INTERNICOLA
Short and social workouts led fitness trends in 2012
rom mud races to sweat parties to CrossFit competitions, workouts turned smarter, shorter and more social in 2012, experts say, as fitness was sweetened with a little help from smart phones and friends. “Everything is about making fitness fun,” said Jenna Autuori-Dedic, senior fitness editor at Fitness Magazine. Even those gruelling indoor cycling classes were a chance to mingle. “I truly think that spinning was one of the biggest things to come out of 2012,” said Autuori-Dedic. “They (fitness studios) made it fun. You can go with your friends, match your workout to the music. When you work out with friends, you don’t realise you’re working out.” She said 2012 also saw the rise of the sweat party. “Instead of hitting the bars for that bachelorette party or night out with the girls, women are going in groups to fitness studios,” she explained. “You don’t have to choose between working out and meeting your friends, you can do both.” Working women have begun treating clients to boot camp classes in lieu of happy-hour, she added, and more co-workers host conference room workouts at lunchtime. Mud runs were another 2012 trend that Autuori-Dedic expects to grow in the new year, along with fun obstacle-type races in general, during which participants can get blasted with paint or chased by “zombies,” often for charity. Donna Cyrus, senior vice president of programming at the Crunch national chain of fitness centres in America, said dance classes and short, results-driven workouts dominated group fitness. “Going into 2012 everybody was looking for the next Zumba,” said Cyrus of the Latin-based dance fitness craze. “We fi nd that people are looking for fun, easy-to-follow dance moves.” Crunch created 2FLY, a dance class based on music of the ‘80s and
January 13, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL
‘90s that strives to feel more like a house party than a workout. The other big trend from 2012, according to Cyrus, is the 30-minute workout. “Everybody is realising that you can get results in 30 minutes,” she said, so this year was also about hard core, body-sculpting, CrossFit-type classes. CrossFit is an intense, constantly varied, strength and conditioning programme. Autuori-Dedic said the CrossFit games, which are competitions that grew out of the workout regimen, mushroomed from only 4,000 participants to nearly 70,000 this year. Richard Cotton, national director
Fatal narcotic led search for the spice islands Name: Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) Otherwise known as: Nux Moschata Habitat: An evergreen tree member of the Myristicaceae family growing up to 10m in rich soil in humid conditions in Indonesia. The plant has deep green, spear-shaped, aromatic leaves with tiny yellow flowers. The fruit consists of a woody seed casing that is eaten as a confectionery surrounding the nutmeg, which in turn is coated by the aril, better known as mace, this is red when fresh and becomes yellow during the drying process. The fruit is picked when ripe and the nutmeg and mace are separated and dried. Mace and nutmeg are narcotic and excessive consumption has led to fatalities. What does it do: If ever there was a plant that inspired merchants and proved irresistible to navigators it was nutmeg. The fortunes of Venice, Genoa, Madrid, Lisbon, London and Amsterdam were built on the back of this plant; it had been traded for hundreds of years between the Indians and the Arabs but its source was a mystery until Marco Polo referred
ier to do at home, there are fewer silly ball exercises, (such as) balancing on a ball while doing bicep curls.” Cotton said personal trainers increasingly apply troubleshooting, motivational interviewing and coaching techniques to their sessions with clients. Autuori-Dedic said 2013 will see more trainers displaying their wares online. “Trainers are live-streaming workouts and putting things on Twitter, iTunes, everywhere,” she said. And sophisticated tracking apps are here to stay. Autuori-Dedic cited a study showing that people lost an average of 15 pounds and kept it off for at least a
Mud runs were another 2012 trend that Autuori-Dedic expects to grow in the new year, along with fun obstacle-type races in general of certification programmes for the American College of Sports Medicine, said 2012 signalled a welcome shift back to the basics of training people to be prepared for daily living. “We’re fi nally getting smart about what functional exercise actually is,” Cotton said. “Simpler and basic, eas-
year just by tracking their statistics with an app. “It used to be that stepping on a scale once a week would tell you how far you’ve come,” she said. “Now with our smartphones we can log in at any time and see how we’re doing every step of the way.”
to it in his “Travels”, which inspired the search for the “spice islands”. The Venetians controlled the spice trade in Europe but were dependant on the Arabs for the supply. In l499 the Portugese explorer Vasco da Gama returned to Lisbon with a shipload of spices, which included nutmeg and mace that he obtained in India. The resultant fluctuation in prices shocked the Venetian spice traders. The Portugese then destroyed the Arab trade routes and consequently ruined the Venetian markets. Ferdinand Magellan then persuaded the Spanish court that he should undertake an expedition to discover the “spice islands”, and while he perished during the voyage, his crew returned with enough nutmeg to fully justify the Spanish investment. The wealth generated by the nutmeg trade attracted the attention of the wily Dutch, who by invading the islands and enslaving the inhabitants secured the trade for a hundred years. In India nutmeg is used to increase sexual stamina and ground to a paste to be applied topically for eczema and ringworm. The Chinese use it as a cure for diarrhoea and to relieve abdominal pains. Western herbalists recommend it to treat nausea, vomiting, digestive disorders, and specifically gastroenteritis. High doses of nutmeg are toxic and hallucinogenic. In the sixties cannabis users were persuaded to experiment with this herb when their drug of choice was in short supply which led to some serious psychological disorders. It has been used in prisons for decades when the regime exercises controls over drug abuse by inmates: many of the fatalities associated with nutmeg have occurred in these circumstances. Next dangerous plant
Ma Huang Emphasis on fun: a mud race
Rushdie, Amis targeted in critical maulings of 2012 By Mike Collett-White Their status as literary heavyweights could not save them from the savage sarcasm of the critics. Novelists Martin Amis and Salman Rushdie and former poet laureate Andrew Motion were all up for critical mauling of the year in a shortlist published on Tuesday. ‘Hatchet Job of the Year’, run by British literary criticism website The Omnivore, was set up to celebrate serious book reviewing which organisers said was a dying art in the age of Amazon, blogs
PAPERBACKS By William Leith HHhH By Laurent Binet
Is this a novel about the Nazis? Or is it a memoir about a historian trying to write about the Nazis? Somehow, it’s both - and it’s brilliant. Binet has found a way of opening up the subject, to make us really think about the Nazis. This is the story of the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, Himmler’s deputy, and possibly the most horrifying Nazi of all. The title, Himmlers Hirn heist Heydrich, which means “Heydrich is Himmler’s brain”, partly suggests why - Heydrich was, to a significant extent, the psychopathic brains behind the Nazis’ most horrific plans. Alys, Always By Harriet Lane
Frances is a quiet young woman - she’s a lowly subeditor on the literary pages of a national newspaper. She sits quietly, correcting the punctuation of more ambitious people. Or so it seems. This is a creepy, cold novel in the tradition of Patricia Highsmith. It’s perfectly executed. One day, Frances is driving along the road one evening when she notices something odd: a car has come off the road and crashed. There’s a woman inside. Frances talks to the woman, as she dies, and calls an ambulance. What, we keep wondering, is she capable of? Yes, nicely creepy. Capital By John Lanchester
In this novel there’s an ordinary street in an ordinary part of London, and this street is the main character. It used to be a smart place for mildly prosperous Victorians, and then it slipped a bit, but now it’s doing very well indeed. It’s the sort of place you might find millionaire bankers, such as Old Harrovian Roger, or Premiership footballers, like Freddie, who is Senegalese. And then there’s Petunia, an old lady who was born in the street, and is now dying. Lanchester takes us into this street, and into these lives, in a way that is calm, detailed, and superbly engrossing this is one of those wonderful chunky novels that will be your friend for a week.
and Twitter. Now in its second year, it is awarded to the “angriest, funniest, most trenchant book review” of the past 12 months, and this year’s winner will be chosen from eight nominees. Among those with the harshest verdicts over the last year were Ron Charles of the Washington Post for his review of Amis’ Lionel Asbo, and Zoe Heller for her critique of Rushdie’s memoir Joseph Anton in the New York Review of Books.
“Critics’ quills were noticeably sharper in 2012,” said Anna Baddeley, The Omnivore editor. “But there is still a long way to go. Book reviews are, in the main, too fawning and dull.” While the reviews do not reflect overall reaction to the works in question, Charles said Lionel Asbo served up “blanched stereotypes on the silver platter of his (Amis’) prose as though it contained enough spice to entertain or even shock. “Does any other truly great
writer make us wonder whether his brilliant parts are worth the wearisome whole?” wrote Charles, the first US critic to be included. Heller took Rushdie to task for what she called his “magisterial amour propre. “Some readers may fi nd, by the end of Joseph Anton, that the world feels rather smaller and grimmer than before. But they should not be unduly alarmed. The world is as large and as wide as it ever was; it’s just Rushdie who got small.” Motion, poet laureate until
2009, fell foul of the London Evening Standard’s Claire Harman for his Silver: A Return to Treasure Island, in which she described the characters “as wooden as absent Silver’s leg.” In the Mail on Sunday, Craig Brown accused Richard Bradford of plagiarising himself in The Odd Couple, while Allan Massie damned Craig Raine with faint praise in the Scotsman, writing of The Divine Comedy that “Raine can spell. That much must be admitted.”
Just add H2O to shape our past, present and future By Michael Prodger In 2010 the United Nations passed a resolution declaiming that “safe and clean drinking water” was a universal human right. A noble sentiment but words that gurgle straight down the plughole since the UN also estimates that half the world’s population will live in “water scarce areas” by 2030. The point the well-hydrated delegates were trying to get across is that the liquid we have seen more than enough of recently is in fact scarce and getting scarcer. James Salzman’s book is a look at this everyday commodity most of us take for granted and which proves, on further examination, to be far from unremarkable after all. Salzman is American so the majority of his examples come from that side of the Atlantic; nevertheless, there is more than enough floating about in this book to satisfy a thirst for detail. What Salzman lays out is water’s role in shaping human history - as a cultural, social, political and economic resource. Springs and wells feature in all the world’s great religions; access to fresh water has always been equated with power; water provision is a political issue – a thirsty populace means a shaky regime; and water is big business, with Americans alone quaffi ng more than nine billion gallons of bottled water in 2011, some 312 bottles per person. The author dips his toe into all these areas. The idea of paying for water, for example, was established in ancient Rome; it supplied its citizens with free water via its 11 aqueducts but charged a tax, the vectigal, for those who ran off pipes for private houses. The bottled water industry goes back to pilgrims who wanted to take away samples from holy sites such as St Maelrubha’s well on Loch Maree, famed for curing insanity, or those on North Uist that alleviate toothache. The reductio ad absurdum of bottled water supposedly being better for you than tap water means that in America, 1,500 bottles of water are now opened every second and there is even a mineral water for dogs – Woof Water. The safety of water has been a perennial concern. The struggles against waterborne diseases such as typhoid
Drinking Water: A History By James Salzman
Water, water everywhere but how much of it can we drink? and cholera may seem less urgent today but unsafe water remains the world’s greatest killer and even now 19 million Americans fall sick every year through drinking impure water; indeed it accounts for nine deaths in every 100 there. Post 9/11, there has been an increased awareness in the West of the vulnerability of water supplies to terrorist attack although, as Salzman points out, while poisoning a single glass is relatively easy, poisoning an entire reservoir would require tankers full of pollutants. Meanwhile the search to source clean water ranges from desalination plants that turn salt water into fresh to “toilet to tap” schemes for recycling waste water. The astronauts on the
International Space Station used one such fi ltration method to drink their own urine (“the taste is great” was the cheery message they beamed back to Earth). The problem of this solution and its “sewage sipper” adherents is largely one of perception. It is, nevertheless, one answer as is the greater use of nonpotable or “grey” water for such domestic tasks as toilet flushing and clothes washing that currently account for nearly 50 per cent of our domestic consumption. While Salzman’s book often has the tone of a lecture, it is brimful of these sorts of fascinating if not always useful facts. One of the most pertinent, regarding the fad for bottled water, being Evian backwards spells “naive”.
SUNDAY MAIL • January 13, 2013
ARIES Current changes may be unsettling but one day you’ll look back and realise they happened for a reason so don’t waste time lamenting that life could be easier: if it was you March 21 - April 20 wouldn’t appreciate it so much. You will feel better about it if you get personally involved.
TAURUS If things are not lively enough for you then it’s up to you to do something about it. Don’t wait for others to take the initiative, take it yourself and make things happen. Not everyone will be pleased that you are shaking things up a April 21 - May 21 bit but who cares what they think!
Weight expectations W
hen Anne Putnam was 16 years old and tipping the morbidly obese scales at 290lb, she read an article about bariatric surgery in the New Yorker magazine that would change her life. It was 2001 and gastric bypass procedures were relatively new, but Putnam, a Californian with an unhealthily large appetite, knew immediately that such an operation was “the Holy Grail I never knew to search for”. She hoped among other things that it might mean “that maybe someone normal could love me some day”. So both she and her father, who was also dangerously overweight, agreed to have gastric bypass operations simultaneously, Dad, an otherwise successful businessman, obligingly forking out $25,000-plus for each operation. Putnam was told that the result of her surgery would mean that she could never eat sugary or fatty foods again and that if she did, or ate more than a “small meal” at one time, she would throw up. In other words, the ideal mental state for staying slim would be physically, brutally enforced on her. In the following year, she lost more than 100lb, leaving her with great sagging flaps of loose skin which she has
One woman’s quest to be thin does not have a happy ending says KATIE LAW
since had cut off during a series of cosmetic operations, leaving her arms, legs and stomach ridged with long scars instead. At the same time, her initial resolve to steer clear of sugary foods weakened and much of her time seems to have been spent throwing up in bathrooms, with her weight also creeping up again. During this period, Putnam was studying English at Washington University, behaving like any other student, at times introspective and depressed but clearly bright, hardworking, ambitious, with good friends and managing to pull occasionally in spite of her severe hangups about her body. And then, in 2006, she met Guy, an English medical student, and romance blossomed to the extent that she now lives with him in London where she works as a freelance writer. Sadly, though, this is not the story about the fat girl who got thin, got the normal guy and lived happily
ever after. It’s the story of a woman who is still so angry and hates herself so much that she has huge difficulty allowing anyone to love her, least of all herself. She goes into meltdown about what to wear to a party because she thinks she looks fat; she goes nuts when a doctor tells her she’s overweight. She’s “traumatised” when a zip on a dress she’s trying on in a shop gets stuck. “My entire life, people have looked at me and made assumptions,” she says indignantly. “What really infuriates me is when there’s no acknowledgement of what I and others have been through, the obvious unfairness of our lives.” What unfairness? That she came from a wealthy American family? That she was educated to university level? That her father could afford to pay for her multiple surgeries? The home page of her blog informs us that her “likes” include baking and that her “dislikes” include a “tendency to gain weight at the mere sight of baked goods”. It seems then that her suffering has been brought about, not in fact by other people judging her, but by her own doing. And she’s hardly unique in wanting to be slimmer, especially at this time of year. But she does need to let go of her anger and just leave the baked goods alone.
You want to make things happen and shake some sense into certain people. So what’s stopping you? The planets indicate you will find it quite easy to be assertive this week and you May 22 - June 21 will be quite surprised how readily friends, family and colleagues do what you tell them.
CANCER If advice you gave to someone recently turned out to be wrong, you had best say sorry and make amends quickly. The cosmic picture is a bit tense at the moment so try not to give others an excuse to get annoyed with you. Sometimes June 22 - July 22 it pays to back off.
LEO Your instincts are normally spot on but according to your solar chart they cannot be trusted this week. You can, however, trust what your closest friend tells you, so listen July 23 - Aug 23 carefully and act on what they say. For once their intuition seems to be working better than yours.
Aug 24 - Sep 23
Sept 24 -Oct 23
A sliver of green in a grey city is the principal setting of journalist Melissa Harrison’s debut novel, Clay. This wedge-shaped park binds together her small cast: TC, a nine-year-old who skips school but is scarcely missed, Jozef, a forty something Pole in exile and mourning his family farm, and two generations of a family: widow Sophia who lives in the local estate and her pen pal granddaughter Daisy, who lives behind a dove grey door on a much plusher road. Largely overlooked by others, the park is for them a place of solace, escape or freedom. TC is Harrison’s most compelling creation. A
lonely boy on “intimate terms with the earth”, he is captivated by animal droppings and mysterious footprints, a love of nature bestowed on him by his now absent father. The park also gives TC a rare taste of companionship: both with fellow lost soul Jozef despite their age gap, and with privately educated Daisy, despite their privilege gap. But it is also the formation of these relationships that acts as a catalyst to scatter each of them away from the park. The way Harrison weaves the threads of her story together has echoes of John Lanchester’s much praised recent novel Capital but Clay is less ambitious in scope and
January 13, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL
more gentle. The power of Harrison’s writing lies in the telling detail. Linda, Sophia’s daughter, believes that her mother grieved little for Linda’s father Henry yet Sophia wears his too-big brogues that she cannot bear to throw out and her heart leaps at the sound of the latch when “for a moment, just for a moment, she had thought it was Henry letting himself in”. Harrison has a gift too for exploring human bonds. In Sophia’s relationship with Daisy there is that common affi nity between grandchild and grandparent, a conspiracy of secrets against the generation in the middle. Yet you also witness the casual cruelty a
child can unthinkingly dole out even where there appears to be unconditional love. It is in the descriptive passages that Harrison’s lyrical style shines brightest, though. As the seasons shift, the park comes to life: freshly planted bulbs are “an irresistible challenge” to the local squirrels, the oaks “bleed” a rusty sap and are scored by the teeth of weapon dogs and foxes are “neat sepia shapes that flicker silently at the edges of the local dogs’ knowing and haunt the margins of their dreams”. Clay is an assured debut novel, that reads like the work of a much more experienced author. Expect great things of Harrison.
You hate to think others are keeping things from you but the more you try to find out what they are the more they’ll enjoy teasing you so pretend you don’t care and focus on something else. It might help if you accept you’ve no automatic right to be in on every secret.
SCORPIO Do whatever it takes to protect your interests this week. Let everyone know you won’t be taken advantage of. You may have to make an example of someone who pushes their luck Oct 24 - Nov 22 too far but once you do the rest will get the message and stop taking liberties.
Coming together in the city’s green space By Rosamund Urwin
It is vitally important that you stay on the right side of authority figures this week. If you say or do something they might object to you will be marking yourself out for rough treatment. You don’t have to hide in the corner but it might be wise to keep a low profile for a while.
Nov 23 - Dec 21
Attitude is everything this week. If you decide you would rather be anywhere than where you are there won’t be a lot of smiles in your life over the next few days. Convince yourself that life is wonderful, a great adventure. Say it often enough and it will become true.
Dec 22 - Jan 20
You seem to be putting a great deal of effort into a variety of projects without getting too far, but don’t lose heart because the planets suggest that you will see results very soon. Keep plugging away at what you are working on and don’t allow yourself to get dispirited regardless of the pressures. Realise, too, that nothing you do is ever wasted. Never stop loving. Never stop learning.
AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19
If people you normally get along with are obstructive for no apparent reason this week you might ask yourself if you’ve said or done something to upset them. It may have been something that means nothing to you but to them seems insensitive. Say sorry if necessary.
PISCES You are expecting too much of both yourself and other people and the planets warn that you could jeopardise a friendship if you push too hard. Don’t let your quest for Feb 20 - March 20 perfection blind you to more important things such as love and respect. Is perfection really so wonderful?
The ultimate in men’s luxury
A young whiskey without rules
Armani Code Ultimate men’s fragrance aims to make a man magnetising. It is more intense than previous scents to arouse the senses; more concentrated so no one can resist. The new fragrance doesn’t immediately give itself away. Like a cool, light breeze, grapefruit and mandarin notes illuminate the way. Sweet and aromatic star anise hints quickly reveal a more complex personality. The timeless elegance of cedar and cypress woods is enlivened by suave and powdery heliotrope accents. Sensuality mounts and starts to imbue the fragrance with a supple and resolutely modern leather note, before unfolding into a vibrant and addictive amber-woody accord which quickens the vanilla-tonka bean duo. Already present in Armani Code’s base, these two soft and captivating ingredients have been pushed up to excess. With Armani Code Ultimate, the quest for luxury and perfection goes one step further. Black remains but the cap and signature take on a pale gold colour.
Through a series of events at selected bars in Cyprus, Johnnie Walker Red Label has allowed whiskey lovers to explore the wonderful flavours and intense aromas of the drink in addition to new ways of serving it. There are many ways to enjoy Johnnie Walker Red Label: neat, with ice or with your favourite mixer, the lively and youthful way to enjoy it. Johnnie Ginger = A mixture in which the Johnnie Walker Red Label showcases the «kapnada» a genuine Scottish whiskey and ginger ale taste. Johnnie Soda = just add soda and ice to your favourite Red Label. Johnnie Tea = Before mixing whiskey, John Walker was involved with blending teas introduced to Scotland mainly from China. The knowledge gained from mixing teas helped in mixing whiskey. Green tea helps the flavours of Johnnie Walker Red Label to emerge.
International award for Charalambidis Kristis halloumi Charalambidis Kristis halloumi was recently awarded with a Gold Medal during the World Cheese Awards, held in Birmingham, UK at the end of last year, where more than 2,500 kinds of cheese from 30 countries were presented. The success of Charalambidis Kristis reaffirms the international reach of its products, three others of which were also awarded: Kefalotyri (100% goat’s milk), Pissourkotiko halloumi (100% goat milk) and Organic Halloumi. The World Cheese Contest, held every year since 1988, brings together buyers, sellers and producers of the world’s dairy products, and is attended by specialists in the production of dairy products and wine tasting professors from various universities abroad. In total participating cheeses were judged by 220 judges from 20 countries.
Nostalgia and elegance with Puredistance perfume Puredistance Opardu magically revives memories of love, romance and seduction. Get ready to embrace a perfume that will take you back to the velvety nightlife of Paris in bygone days, a dreamy opulence and a genuine eroticism. With main notes of carnation, tuberose absolute, purple lilac, jasmine absolute and gardenia; and with a background that evokes the gentleness of romance through soft powdery notes, this perfume brings back the elegance and grace of the past. Opardu is available in 17.5ml and 100ml, as a pure Perfume Extrait (32%) only. For more information contact the Dora Theophilou Haute Parfumerie stores in Limassol (Tel: 25 322570) and Nicosia (Hilton Cyprus, Tel: 22 376608
The most glamorous party of the year
7 4 3
Toasting the night with Moet & Chandon champagne along with selected nibbles, invited guests recently celebrated one of their brightest nights of the year. The Royal Hall, which hosted the event, was suitably transformed for such a chic evening. Guests were handed a glass of Champagne on arrival and were then served by acrobats performing in the air in addition to a number in a large Champagne glass. Moet & Chandon has been producing Champagne since 1743. Moet & Chandon is imported and distributed by Photos Photiades Ltd.
5 1+2. Moet & Chandon Spectacular Show 3. Demetris Verikios
4. Marilena Constantinou, Andreas Vougioukas, Iacovos Hatjivassili, Xenia Constantinidou
7 8
5. Mary Hamatsou, Christodoulos Angastiniotis, Angela Angastinioti 6. Demetra Peratikou 7. Achilleas and Miranta Grammatikopoulou
3 SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
PUZZLES 27 8 3 2 4 4 9 5 7 8 3 5 7 9 6 3 5 8 7 8 2 1 9 7 2 1 4 8 4 3 9 2 7 1 4 6 6 9 3 1 9 1 3 9 9 7 6 4 9 5 6 4 6 8 5 3 2 6 2 7 5 9 4 2 4
6 7 6 4 2 3 7 4 2 1 8 6 3 8 9 6 8 3 9 4 9 5 6 9 2 4 7
The rules for Samurai Sudoku are the same as usual: fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved, you solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic
7 F
1 3 E
8 4 2 4 5 1
6 7 4
7 9 2
No. 28
Place a letter from A to I in each empty cell so that each row, each column and each 3X3 box contains all the letters A to I.
1 5 6 4 2 3 8 9 8 1 2
9 6 2 8 1 5 4 3 7
7 5 1 4 3 6 2 8 9
8 3 7 6 4 1 5 9 2
2 9 5 3 8 7 6 1 4
1 4 6 2 5 9 8 7 3
4 3 7 1 2 8 5 6 9
5 1 9 6 7 4 2 8 3
6 8 2 3 9 5 1 4 7
9 6 1 5 3 2 8 7 4
2 4 8 7 1 9 3 5 6
3 7 5 4 8 6 9 2 1
4 2 9 5 7 8 3 6 1 9 5 8 7 2 4 9 5 1 6 3 8
6 1 8 9 2 3 7 4 5 3 2 1 8 9 6 2 4 3 7 1 5
5 7 3 1 6 4 9 2 8 7 6 4 1 5 3 8 6 7 4 9 2
6 1 2 8 7 3 9 4 5
4 5 7 2 9 6 3 8 1
8 3 9 1 4 5 6 7 2
3 4 9 5 2 8 1 7 6 4 8 2 5 3 9 6 7 8 1 4 2
6 7 5 9 4 1 2 8 3 5 1 9 4 6 7 1 2 5 3 8 9
2 8 1 6 3 7 5 9 4 6 3 7 2 1 8 9 3 4 6 7 5
1 5 3 8 9 6 7 4 2
4 6 2 3 7 5 9 1 8
8 9 7 2 1 4 3 6 5
7 3 6 4 5 9 8 2 1
5 1 4 7 8 2 6 3 9
9 2 8 1 6 3 4 5 7
3 2 6 4 8 7 5 9 1
9 8 5 2 1 3 4 6 7
1 7 4 5 6 9 8 2 3
8 5 2 3 9 6 7 1 4
6 9 3 7 4 1 2 5 8
7 4 1 8 5 2 9 3 6
Koudus No. 27 I
Books of Koudus available from
Puzzle by
Whatzit?: Star of stage and screen
3 8 4 7 9 2 1 5 6
Puzzle by
DOUBLE CROSSWORD no 2284 Cryptic clues
1 & 8 Heights of land manipulated by manual dexterity (7-2-4) 9 Laggard not used on an express train? (9) 10 Laura left section of the river (4) 13 Firm went downhill accepting nothing (5) 15 Cape of S America (6) 16 Article in the bowl coming from another country (6) 17 Take Bill this French part (6) 19 Chopsy sort of person with behavioural disorder (6) 20 Worm-catching bird (5) 21 Outdoor (4) 24 Asking out? (9) 25 Arranges in groups (4) 26 Angry shooting? (9)
2 Left oil spilt on the mattress (4) 3 Article on Isle of Wight becoming a state (4) 4 Bad luck! Robin had a pair of spectacles (6) 5 Monster concealed a bloomer (6) 6 Wig, or just part of a single strand? (9) 7 A major state (9) 11 Say it is a simple illicit bar (9) 12 & 13 Produce a thumping good figure? (5,4,5) 14 Bloomer is seen in time (5) 18 Meddle with stamp eradicating part (6) 19 They carry on a trade and are situated in pairs (6) 22 Musical symbol almost split (4) 23 Rang up to growl (4)
8 9 10 11
20 21
22 24
25 26
January 13, 2013• SUNDAY MAIL
8 9 10 11
20 21
Quick clues
1 Copying (9) 8 Smudge (4) 9 Alluring (9) 10 Diesel oil (4) 13 Impetuous (5) 15 Jeered (6) 16 Antenna (6) 17 Paris art gallery (6) 19 African fly (6) 20 Handle (5) 21 Arrears (4) 24 Impasse (9) 25 Zero (4) 26 Scuttling (9)
2 Submissive (4) 3 Tense (4) 4 Tilted (anag.) (6) 5 Western US state (6) 6 Mitigate (9) 7 Rep (9) 11 Bursting inwards (9) 12 Scouring (9) 13 Core (5) 14 Fermenting agent (5) 18 Amatory (6) 19 Costumier (6) 22 TV award (US) (4) 23 ---- Laurel, comedian (4)
Answers to the crossword will appear in Tuesday’s newspaper
25 26
Answers to Double Crossword 2283 CRYPTIC: Across – 1 Somehow; 5 Bump; 7 Plaindealing; 9 Roll; 10 Accredit; 12 Resale; 13 Porter; 16 Seconder; 18 Tutu; 20 Melodramatic; 21 Spar; 22 Clean up. Down – 1 Supergrass; 2 Measles; 3 Hunk; 4 Wrench; 5 Ballroom; 6 Mined; 8 Stirrup-cup; 11 Clangour; 14 Taunton; 15 Metric; 17 Cheap; 19 Smee. QUICK: Across – 1 Fumbled; 5 Safe; 7 Get out of hand; 9 Ruhr; 10 Floodlit; 12 Huddle; 13 Dijü vu; 16 Arpeggio; 18 Slit; 20 Costermonger; 21 Feed; 22 Scandal. Down – 1 Figurehead; 2 Matched; 3 Loud; 4 Doodle; 5 Schooner; 6 Final; 8 Structural; 11 Alighted; 14 Alleged; 15 Cirrus; 17 Prone; 19 Mona.
28 A MINUTE WITH... Where do you live? Ayia Napa – Ayia Thekla – alone in a private villa
Best childhood memory? Winning the school basketball championship in Nicosia
Nikolas N Panayiotou
On the wish list: Mexico
Managing Director of So White Boutique Suites, So Nice Boutique Suites & Nozomi Japanese Restaurant
Most frequented restaurant and absolute favourite dish?
What’s your dream trip?
For obvious reasons the most frequented restaurant I visit on the island is Nozomi at So Nice! Although I have many favourite dishes, I guess I would pick out the Canadian Black cod
Mexico and Cuba, I like exotic places where people spend their days by the beach playing guitars and singing.
What did you have for breakfast?
Lounge and chill-out music such as Café del Mar and Buddha Bar music.
What music are you listening to in the car at the moment?
Quakers oats with banana and honey! I was told this is the breakfast of the Champions!
What is always in your fridge? Would you class yourself as a day or night person? What’s your idea of the perfect night/day out?
Nothing! I eat at the hotel… I am the worst cook on the island, so I just prefer to eat at the hotel!
I used to be more of a night person… but I guess that with time I grew to be more of a day person. What I enjoy doing the most is surely cruising and having a barbecue on my boat at Cape Greco.
Dream house: rural retreat or urban dwelling? Where would it be, what would it be like? I don’t spend much time at my y day evolves around house, as my ut I guess my dream the hotel. But hing close to what house is nothing e dream of, that many people a with many is a huge villa uest houses, bedrooms, guest ools etc. swimming pools d choose What I would ooden hut is a small wooden h in the on the beach Maldives, in front of the crystal blue waters. Where mobile phones do not have recepere tion, and where e never laptops have efore! been seen before!
Best book ever read? Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. Dale Carnegie is a master at winning people’s hearts and teaching you how to get what you want from people, whether in business or private context.
Favourite film of all time? The Shawshank Redemption. Watched the fi lm several times. I guess the reason I like it is because it is a small representation of real life. The context is symbolic and makes you understand that although life may be unfair and difficult at times, if you are strong you eventually prevail.
If you could pick anyone at all (alive or dead) to go out for the evening with, who would it be? No one really! If I could turn ti back time, I just wish I could spend an evening at the Chica cago Bulls stadium watching Michael Jordan (left) playing basketball!!
If the world is ending iin 24 hours what would you do? w Stay in Cyprus, where evS er erything takes much longer h to happen, compared to the rest of the world!!
What is your greatest fear? Wha Getti Getting married! I believe that freedom is a vital component in my life, and I cannot picture myself d settling down any time soon!
A RASUL TREATMENT AT ST RAPHAEL N WI Answer: swer: ........................... .................
............................................................ ...................................................... Name: ................................................ ............................................................ Address: ............................................. ............................................................ Telephone: ......................................... Email: ................................................ Answers must reach us by January 21st.The winner will be announced on January 27th. Send replies to: PO Box 21144, Fax: 22 676385. Email: (answers by email must be accompanied by full address and contact numbers) (Winners will be notified by telephone)
SERENITY SPA MEMBERSHIP 2013 Fees 3 Months 6 Months Annual Single Membership €450.00 € 700.00 €1000.00 Membership for Couples €750.00 €1200.00 €1700.00 Children 4-12 years old* €100.00 € 170.00 € 300.00 Children 13-18 years €150.00 € 250.00 € 420.00 Monthly Fee: €200 per person per month Daily Entrance Fee: €25 per person. Daily Entrance Fee for Children: €15 per child Tennis Court Rental to non-members: €15 per hour . 10% Discount to all existing members renewing their membership (for yearly members only). *Kindly note that children under 4 years of age are not charged. Membership Includes: -10% Discount on all Spa Treatments -10% on all Restaurants and Bars including the Sailor’s Rest Lounge Bar Restaurant. -Indoor and Outdoor swimming pools, Jacuzzi, Sauna, Steambath, Showers Lockers, Changing Facilities, Towel Service, Gym, Tennis Courts (1 hour per day based on availability), Sunbeds and Umbrellas in gardens and beach, Kids Club and Play Areas. Prices are subject to change without notice. For more information please call now Tel: (+35725834332 Email:
To win, answer the following question: Question: How much is a single 6 month membereship?
And the winner is. . . Two weeks ago we offered accommodation at St Raphaell. The winner is Maria Beza. SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
T V FRIDAY 18/01 January 13, 2013• SUNDAY MAIL
CYBC 1 06.45 09.00
Proti Enimerosi Presidential Elections Live coverage from the Hilton Hotel, Nicosia of the submitted nominations for the 2013 Presidential Elections.
Apo Mera Se Mera Current affairs show.
CYBC 2 07.00 08.00 16.30 17.00 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.10
Local cultural show.
Mazi Sto CyBC News Kaftes Piperies
Paizoume Kypriaka
Live cookery show. Local game show, asking questions having to do with Cypriot dialect.
Moiraia Fengaria Local drama series inspired by Maro Kranidioti’s book ‘Otan i Moira Apofasizei’.
20.00 21.15
20.10 21.00
Tete A Tete
Local Sketch (rpt) Part 1 no further details.
23.30 23.45
News Local Sketch (rpt) Part 2 no further details.
More Repeats
NRG Zone FILM: Totally Awesome
09.30 10.25 11.15 12.10 13.00 13.20 14.00 14.50 15.45
Top Gear Fifteenth season. The presenters search for the world’s best four-seat supercar, in a series of unusual challenges. Harry Potter star Rupert Grint and former Formula 1 driver Rubens Barrichello both do a lap in the Reasonably Priced Car and Richard Hammond puts the Chevrolet Camaro SS through the test track.
Tasos Tryfonos interviews Greek celebrities from the world of showbiz.
07.50 08.40
Three teenage siblings each face a series of challenges when they enrol at a new high school. Spoof of 1980s teen movies, starring Dominique Swain. 2006.
News Patates 8 Local satirical show, using comedy sketches and embarrassing TV clips to skewer local politicians.
05.30 06.20 06.50 07.00
NRG Zone Kids’ TV Euromaxx Kati Psinetai (rpt) Biz/Emeis News In English News In Turkish Doctor Who (rpt) Fourth season. ‘Midnight’. An unknown presence joins the Time Lord and a group of tourists trapped on a shuttle travelling across a distant planet. When a fellow passenger starts mimicking the Doctor, paranoia sweeps through the cabin.
16.00 18.00 18.15
Erotas (rpt) Proini Enimerosi Me Agapi Idiaitera Yia Klamata (rpt) Englimata (rpt) Lyke, Lyke Eisai Edo (rpt) Einai Stigmes (rpt) Panselinos (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) Niose Me (rpt) News Mera Mesimeri Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) Eleftheros Ki Oraios (rpt) Aiyia Fuxia (rpt) Local smash-hit comedy series, with village setting. Interrupted by News at 18.00.
19.30 20.15 21.30
Niose Me News Dancing With The Stars
MEGA 06.00
15.00 16.00
Ta Epta Kaka Tis Moiras Mou Emeis Ki Emeis (rpt) Koinonia Ora Mega Nea Mera Proino Mou Enimerosi Tora Kelmmena Oneira (rpt) Eheis Meson Yia Sena
18.00 18.20
News Master Chef
06.30 07.00 08.00 10.00 12.45 14.00
Local talk-show.
Greek reality competition show where amateur chefs compete against each other in weekly challenges.
Greek comedy series.
20.20 21.15 22.10 00.00 00.10
Celebrities and pro dancers train and compete in a ballroom dancing competition.
00.00 00.05 00.30 01.40 02.30 03.20 04.40
News Sports News Vradi Me Ton Petro Kostopoulo Synora Agapis (rpt) I Agapi Irthe Apo Makria (rpt) News Deal (rpt)
Eftyhismenoi Mazi (rpt)
01.00 03.00 04.20
SIGMA 06.10 07.00 08.20 10.20 11.10 12.00 14.20 15.20 18.00 18.05 18.30 19.30 20.20 21.25
The Del Monte Heirs (rpt) Protoselido Eleni Vasiliki (rpt) Efta Ouranoi kai Synnefa Alites (rpt)
06.45 07.20
Local drama series.
09.30 10.55
Mesimeri Kai Kati Aspra Balonia (rpt) Magazino News Ti Tha Fame Simera Mama The Del Monte Heirs Efta Ouranoi kai Synnefa Alites News Aspra Balonia
07.50 09.00
11.50 12.30 13.00 15.30 17.00
Greek comedy series.
17.50 19.40
FILM: The Package An army sergeant realises he is being manipulated by renegade Russian and American soldiers hatching a sinister assassination plot. Political thriller, starring Gene Hackman and Tommy Lee Jones. 1989.
News Klemmena Oneira Mousiko Kouti - Live News FILM: Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story Singer Dewey Cox overcomes adversity to become a musical legend. spoof of music biopics, starring John C Reilly and Jenna Fischer. 2007.
00.10 00.15 01.20 02.10 03.30
Yia Sena (rpt) Enimerosi Tora (rpt) Proino Mou (rpt)
04.00 04.30
News Dekati Entoli (rpt) Alithinoi Erotes (rpt) Mila Mou (rpt) Se Fonto Kokkino (rpt) Ta Hrisopsara (rpt) Eleni (rpt)
Fotis Maria Live Mila Discussions about various issues based on woman’s life (men, relationships, sex, kids etc.) with showbiz guests.
Greek drama series.
Star News Fotis - Maria Live Best Of Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Mila (rpt) Nistikoi Praktores (rpt) Kids’ TV Star News Mesimeriani Meleti Kids’ TV To Kleidi
21.15 22.00
11.00 11.30 12.30 13.20 15.15 16.10 16.50 17.35 18.15
LTV Sports News Star News Repeats
Magikos Kosmos S’Agapo (rpt) Akti Oneiron Ston Asterismos Tis Imeras Kouzina Me Apopsi Remington Steele Milagros Kids’ TV Top Models S’Agapo Sabrina, To Koritsi Tis Agapis Akti Oneiron Pacific Blue With News at 18.30.
19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00
News Sports Time O Anthropos Tis Thalassas FILM: And Then Came Love A magazine writer meets the anonymous sperm donor who fathered her son. Romantic comedy, starring Vanessa Williams. 2007.
FILM: Derailed Two married strangers meet at a hotel, but a thief interrupts their illicit liaison and blackmails them. Thriller, with Jennifer Aniston. 2005.
FILM: 300 Killers A dedicated cop fights to clean up the streets as drug addiction and violent crime spirals out of control, and average citizens are forced to fight for their lives. Thriller, starring Johnny Andrews. 2010.
01.15 02.00 03.00
08.25 08.55 09.25 10.00
Exelixeis Stin Showbiz La Bomba Sportshow Satirical show focusing on the sports and news.
FILM: Winter Kills The brother of an assassinated US President discovers their father was involved with those responsible. Drama, starring Jeff Bridge. 1979.
Captain America: The First Avenger (Novacinema1, 22.00)
06:15 The Weakest Link 07:00 3rd & Bird 07:10 Boogie Beebies 07:25 Gigglebiz 07:40 The Roly Mo Show 07:55 Me Too! 08:15 3rd & Bird 08:25 Boogie Beebies 08:40 Gigglebiz 08:55 The Roly Mo Show 09:10 Me Too! 09:30 Keeping Up Appearances 10:00 Mastermind 10:30 The Weakest Link 11:15 EastEnders 11:45 Doctors 12:15 Coast 13:15 Last Man Standing 14:05 Apes in Danger 14:30 Mastermind 15:00 The Weakest Link 15:45 EastEnders 16:15 Doctors 16:45 Coast 17:45 Keeping Up Appearances 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 Apes in Danger 19:30 Doctors 20:00 Coast 21:00 The Old Guys 21:30 Friday Night Dinner 22:00 Last Man Standing 22:50 After You’ve Gone 23:20 2 Point 4 Children 23:50 Live At The Apollo 00:35 Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow 01:20 The Weakest Link 02:05 Apes in Danger 02:30 Doctors 03:00 Last Man Standing 03:50 2 Point 4 Children 04:20 Robin Hood 05:05 Apes in Danger 05:30 Live At The Apollo
07:00 How It’s Made 07:25 Wheeler Dealers 08:15 American Chopper 09:10 Dirty Jobs 10:05 Deadliest Catch 10:55 Ultimate Survival 11:50 How Do They Do It? 12:15
How It’s Made 12:40 Extreme Engineering 13:35 Fifth Gear 14:30 Wheeler Dealers 15:25 American Chopper 16:20 Mythbusters 17:15 Dirty Jobs 18:10 Deadliest Catch 19:05 Ultimate Survival 20:00 How It’s Made 21:00 World’s Toughest Jobs 22:00 Alone In The Wild 23:00 Aussie Feds 00:00 True Csi 01:55 World’s Toughest Jobs 02:50 Alone In The Wild 03:50 Aussie Feds 04:50 True Csi 05:45 How Do They Do It? 06:10 Overhaulin’l
04:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 15:30 Biathlon: World Cup Italy 16:45 Ski Jumping: World Cup Japan 17:45 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 19:15 Tennis: Game, Set And Mats 19:45 Snooker: International Masters London 00:00 Rally: Rally Raid Dakar 00:30 Motorsports: Gta Race To Dubai 00:45 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 01:30 Tennis: Game, Set And Mats 02:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne
05:40 Desperate Housewives 06:25 Castle 07:10 Modern Family 07:35 New Girl 08:00 Body Of Proof 08:50 Tabatha’s Salon Takeover 09:40 Desperate Housewives 10:25 Castle 11:10 Modern Family 11:35 New
Girl 12:00 Happy Endings 12:25 Don’t Trust The B...In Apartment 12:50 Glee 13:40 Body Of Proof 14:30 Tabatha’s Salon Takeover 15:20 Desperate Housewives 16:05 Castle 16:50 Modern Family 17:15 Last Man Standing 17:40 Body Of Proof 18:30 Tabatha’s Salon Takeover 19:20 Desperate Housewives 20:10 Castle 21:00 Happy Endings 21:25 Don’t Trust The B...In Apartment 21:50 Glee 22:40 Modern Family 23:05 Last Man Standing 23:30 Happy Endings 23:55 Don’t Trust The B...In Apartment 00:20 Glee 01:10 Castle 02:00 Desperate Housewives 02:45 Modern Family 03:10 Last Man Standing 03:35 Cougar Town 04:00 Body Of Proof 04:50 Tabatha’s Salon Takeover l
07:00 Pawn Stars 07:30 Storage Wars 08:00 Mud Men 09:00 Pawn Stars 09:30 American Restoration 10:00 Pawn Stars 10:30 Storage Wars 11:00 Ancient Aliens 12:00 American Restoration 13:00 Ax Men 14:00 Pawn Stars 14:30 American Restoration 15:00 Mud Men 16:00 American Restoration 17:00 Ax Men 18:00 Pawn Stars 18:30 American Restoration 19:00 Mud Men 20:00 Pawn Stars 20:30 Storage Wars 21:00 Ancient Aliens 22:00 Nazi Gospels 00:00 Pawn Stars 00:30 Storage Wars 01:00 Ancient Aliens 02:00 Nazi Gospels
04:00 Mud Men 05:00 Pawn Stars 05:30 American Restoration 06:00 Ancient Aliens
07:30 Deception (2008) 09:30 King’s Speech, The 11:35 Shutter Island 14:00 After.Life 16:00 Sammy’s Adventures: The Secret Passage 17:30 Bad Boys 19:30 Hollywood Buzz 20:00 Ltv Sports News 21:00 Secret Life 22:20 Action Zone 23:00 Fighter, The 01:05 Hustler Tv 02:45 12 Men Of Christmas 04:30 Riding Tornado 06:30 Ltv Sports News
07:00 Chowder I 07:25 Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack, The 07:50 Tom & Jerry Show, The 08:15 Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue! I 08:40 Loonatics Unleashed I 09:05 Superman: The Animated Series Ii 09:30 Superman: The Animated Series Ii 09:55 Looney Tunes Show, The 10:20 Tak & The Power Of Juju 10:45 Fanboy & Chum Chum 11:10 X’s,
The 11:35 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:25 Spongebob Squarepants 12:50 Spongebob Squarepants 13:15 Mighty B!, The 13:40 My Life As A Teenage Robot 14:05 Hey Arnold! 14:30 Icarly 14:55 Icarly 15:20 Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue! I 15:45 Justice League Unlimited I 16:10 Legion Of Super Heroes I 16:35 Young Justice 17:00 Geisco Pba Team Shootout 17:30 Planet Speed 18:00 Barclays Premier League World 18:30 Nba Action 19:00 La Liga World 19:30 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 21:30 A’ Division Cyprus Soccer Championship 2012-13 23:30 Barclays Premier League Preview 00:00 La Liga Show 2012-13 00:30 Best Premier League Games 01:00 Barclays Premier League Review 02:00 Nba 2012-13 04:30 Volvo Ocean Race 05:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13
07:15 Two And A Half Men 08:00 Friends 08:35 Closer, The 09:20 Harry’s Law 10:05 Chuck 10:50
2 Broke Girls 11:15 Bones 12:50 Pan Am 13:35 Two And A Half Men 14:25 Closer, The 15:15 Harry’s Law 16:05 Big Bang Theory, The 16:30 According To Jim 17:15 Mentalist, The 18:00 Top Boy 19:00 Pan Am 19:45 Gossip Girl 20:30 Friends 21:00 Ncis: Los Angeles 22:30 C.S.I. New York 23:15 Luck 00:05 I Love You, Man 01:50 Book Of Eli, The 03:45 Big Bang Theory, The 04:10 According To Jim 04:55 Mentalist, The 05:40 Top Boy 06:30 Pan Am
08:00 Love Ranch 10:00 Talhotblond 11:30 Next Three Days 14:00 Five Million Years To Earth 15:45 Before Sunset 17:30 Miracle 20:00 Happy Feet Two 22:00 Piranha 23:30 Action Zone 00:05 Daring! TV 04:30 Fast Freddie Widow & Me 05:50 Hereafter
06:00 Melancholia 08:20 Bridesmaids 10:25 Mad On Novacinema 11:00 Super 8 12:55 Alvin And The Chipmunks: Chipwrecked 14:25 Hollywood Buzz 15:00 Barney’s Version 17:25 Tower Heist 19:20 One For The Money 21:00 Ncis 22:00 Captain America: The First Avenger 00:10 In A Better World 02:10 Cine News 02:40 Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star 04:20 Kill Bill: Vol.2
06:45 What’s Your Number? 08:35 Hemingway & Gellhorn 11:10 Cine News 11:45 Anonymous 13:55 Margin Call 15:45 Puss In Boots 17:20 Action Zone 17:55 Rumor Has It... 19:35 A Perfect World 22:00 The Company Men 23:55 Show 70th Golden Globes 2013 03:50 Cine News 04:35 Don Juan De Marco
18:40 The Two Jakes 21:00 City Hall 23:00 Bloody Fridays 00:35 Cine News 01:30 Adult Zone 03:10 The Rite
19:05 Shall We Dance? 21:00 Habemus Papam 22:50 Our Day Will Come 00:20 Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son 02:10 The Deep End 03:50 Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
07:00 Bad and the Beautiful 08:55 Honeymoon Machine 10:20 It Happened At The World’s Fair 12:05 Where Eagles Dare 14:40 Naked Spur 16:10 Boys Town 17:40 Les Girls 19:30 How the West Was Won 22:00 Outfit 23:40 Dirty Dozen 02:05 3 Godfathers 03:50 Doctor Zhivago
By Preston Wilder
Secret Life (LTV, 21.00) Oooh, controversial! The subject is paedophilia in this British (Channel 4) TV drama - actually a paedophile’s struggle to resist his desires but still too ‘sick’ a subject for many viewers, especially since the film tries to create a complex character rather than a tabloid-friendly monster. Charley (Matthew Macfadyen) is a sex offender, just out of jail after doing time for having abused three little girls (the film doesn’t shirk from providing details of the abuse); he’s in a halfway house, trying to get his life back together and determined never to harm another child again - but can he stay true to that noble aim? A good film (Macfadyen won a BAFTA nomination), though the subject is so
delicate that its hands are mostly tied: it can’t be too simplistic yet it also has to punish the pervert in some way (or the Daily Mail crowd will be up in arms), and everyone’s bound to accuse it of being exploitative anyway. Still worth seeing - and a film the BBC won’t be making anytime soon, with that Jimmy Savile millstone hanging round its neck. Made in 2007.
Hostel: Part III (Novacinema3, 23.00) I stand before you as the man who honestly thought Hostel, Part II was one of the best films of its year (not because of its repellent ultra-violence, but because it linked that violence to the everyday violence of rich
vs. poor); this straight-to-video threequel is unlikely to match that achievement, though it does tone down the series’ misogyny by making the victims mostly male instead of female. Our heroes are four guys attending a bachelor party in Vegas who find themselves abducted and used in a more sinister kind of betting game - a sadistic jaunt where they’re tortured for the delectation of the “Elite Hunting Club”, whose high-roller members make bets on things like how long it’ll take the victims to start begging for their lives. Someone’s going to write a clever Ph.D. thesis on this stuff someday - but meanwhile you have to put up with bad acting and inane plot twists, not to mention the repellent ultra-violence. Made in 2011.
Hostel: Part III
SundayMail Trucker Mothertrucker forced to reconnect with abandoned son
Young Adult Charlize Theron gets her life on track in edgy comedy
Wednesday, LTV3, 8pm
Saturday, NovaCinema1, 10pm
J A N U A R Y 13 19
Woman in Black Daniel Radcliffe haunted by ghosts he doesn’t even try to communicate with Sunday, NovaCinema1, 10pm
Complete guide to what’s on the small screen this week, including our selections and satellite choices
T V MONDAY 14/01 January 13, 2013• SUNDAY MAIL
CYBC 1 06.45 08.15
Proti Enimerosi Kali Sas Mera Early monrning entertainment magazine featuring segments on cooking, fashion, lifestyle issues and more.
Istories Tou Horkou (rpt) Local comedy series, which happens to be the longest-running show on TV.
07.00 08.00 16.05 17.00
Kaftes Piperies (rpt) Cookery show.
18.00 18.50 19.00 19.10
Apo Mera Se Mera Entehnos Local cultural show.
16.00 18.00 18.15 18.45
Mazi Sto CyBC News Kaftes Piperies Paizoume Kypriaka Local game show, asking questions having to do with the Cypriot dialect.
20.00 21.15 23.00
20.00 21.00
00.15 00.45
Amateur chefs each stage a dinner party to find who will be crowned the winning host.
07.50 08.40 09.30 10.25 11.15
Biz/Emeis News In English News In Turkish Doctor Who (rpt)
NRG Zone Presidential Elections 2013
News Presidential Elections 2013 Ego Ki Esi (rpt) News Moiraia Fengaria (rpt) Vimata Stin Ammo (rpt) More Repeats 23.45
12.10 13.00 13.20 14.00 14.50 15.45 16.40
Erotas (rpt) Proini Enimerosi Me Agapi Idiaitera Yia Klamata (rpt) Englimata (rpt) Lyke, Lyke Eisai Edo (rpt) Einai Stigmes (rpt) Pansellinos (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) Niose Me (rpt) News Mera Mesimeri Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) Oneiropagida (rpt) O Polemos Ton Astron (rpt)
MEGA 06.00 06.30 07.00
Desperate Housewives
23.10 00.25 00.30 01.40 02.30 03.20 04.40
Aiyia Fuxia Niose Me News Presidential Elections 2013 Replay News Radio Arvila Yia Tin Anna (rpt) I Agapi Irthe Apo Makria (rpt) News Deal (rpt)
Ta Epta Kaka Tis Moiras Mou Emeis Ki Emeis (rpt) Koinonia Ora Mega A revamped version of its predecessor (Koinonia Ora 8). Current affairs show that examines the issues affecting everyday people in Greece and abroad.
08.00 10.00 12.45 14.00
Nea Mera Proino Mou Enimerosi Tora Klemmena Oneira (rpt)
15.00 16.00 18.00 18.20
Eheis Meson Yia Sena News Master Chef (rpt)
Greek drama series.
Reality competition show where amatuer chefs compete against each other in weekly challenges.
With News at 18.00.
18.30 19.30 20.15 21.00
Seventh season. ‘The Thing That Counts’ Is What’s Inside’. Gabrielle and Carlos finally meet their biological daughter. Meanwhile, Beth is puzzled by Paul’s plans to buy another property on Wisteria Lane, and Susan is dismayed to hear Va-Va-Va-Broom is expanding to an American audience.
Local comedy series.
23.30 23.45
05.30 06.20 06.50 07.00
Live coverage of the first debate between the three candidates for the presidency.
Moiraia Fengaria Local drama series inspired by Maro Kranidioti’s book ‘Otan i Moira Apofasizei’.
NRG Zone Kids’ TV Life In Style (rpt) Kati Psinetai (rpt)
Fourth season. ‘The Doctor’s Daughter’. The Tardis lands on the war-torn distant planet of Messaline, where a sample of the Doctor’s DNA is used to create his clone, a fiesty young woman determined to defend her new home.
Current affairs show.
Eftyhismenoi Mazi (rpt) Greek comedy series.
20.15 21.00 00.00 00.10 01.00 03.00 04.00
News Presidential Elections 2013 News Fae Ti Sokolato Sou (rpt) Yia Sena (rpt) Enimerosi Tora (rpt) Proino Mou (rpt)
SIGMA 07.00 08.20
Protoselido Eleni
Variety show featuring entertainment as well as segments on cooking, health, astrology, lifestyle, youth issues and more. Hosted by well-known presenter Eleni Menegaki.
10.20 11.10
Vasiliki (rpt) Efta Ourani Kai Sinnefa Alites (rpt)
12.00 14.20
Mesimeri Kai Kati Aspra Balonia (rpt)
Local drama series.
Local drama series.
15.20 18.00 18.05 18.30
Magazino News Ti Tha Fame Simera Mama The Del Monte Heirs
09.05 10.15 10.35 12.30 13.00 15.30 17.00 17.50 19.40 21.15 22.00
Fourth season. ‘8.03am’. Kat Miller reopens the cases of two teenagers shot outside their schools in 2002. Believing they may be linked, she searches for a clue as to why the pair were both murdered at 8.03am.
Latin American telenovela.
19.30 20.20 21.15 23.45
Efta Ourani Kai Sinnefa Alites News Ora Kolpis Las Vegas
News Althinoi Erotes (rpt) Mila Mou (rpt) Se Fonto Kokkino (rpt) Eleni (rpt)
23.30 00.15 01.10 02.00
08.30 09.30 10.00
17.35 18.35
S’ Agapo (rpt) Akti Oneiron (rpt) Ston Asterismos Tis Imeras Kouzina Me Apopsi Remington Steele (rpt) Milagros Kids’ TV Top Models S’Agapo Sabrina, To Koritsi Tis Agapis Akti Oneiron Pacific Blue
19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00
News Sports Time Rubi FILM: Absolute Zero
11.00 11.30 12.30 13.20 15.05 16.00 16.50
With News at 18.30.
When a climatologist uncovers shocking evidence that the Earth is on the brink of a new ice age, a desperate struggle for survival emerges. Disaster thriller, starring Jeff Fahey. 2005.
Supernatural Sixth season. ‘Two And a Half Men’. Sam investigates a case about missing babies whose parents are being murdered. At one of the crime scenes, he discovers a baby that was left behind and calls Dean for help. Reluctant to leave Lisa and Ben, Dean finally agrees to meet Sam.
First season. ‘Pros and Cons’. A con-artist takes advantage of Delinda’s sympathies and persuades her to swap counterfeit chips for cash, before convincing Danny to be her escort.
00.40 00.45 01.30 02.30
Fotis - Maria Live Best Of Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of Mila (rpt) Nistikoi Praktores Star News Mesimeriani Meleti Classic Cartoons To Kleidi Fotis - Maria Live Mila Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Cold Case (rpt)
Nistikoi Praktores (rpt) LTV Sports News Star News Repeats
FILM: Lives Of The Saints Over many years, an Italian family contends with buried secrets, separation, infidelity and the power of love. Drama, starring Sophia Loren. 2005. Part 1 of 2.
FILM: Spider’s Web A wily businessman plots with a sultry executive to swindle $40 million from his father. Thriller, starring Stephen Baldwin. 2002.
Fast Five (Novacinema3, 18.45)
06:15 The Weakest Link 07:00 3rd & Bird 07:10 Boogie Beebies 07:25 Gigglebiz 07:40 The Roly Mo Show 07:55 Me Too! 08:15 3rd & Bird 08:25 Boogie Beebies 08:40 Gigglebiz 08:55 The Roly Mo Show 09:10 Me Too! 09:30 The Old Guys 10:00 After You’ve Gone 10:30 The Weakest Link 11:15 Apes in Danger 11:45 Doctors 12:15 Coast 13:15 Full Circle With Michael Palin 14:05 The Old Guys 14:35 After You’ve Gone 15:05 The Weakest Link 15:50 Apes in Danger 16:15 Doctors 16:45 Coast 17:45 The Old Guys 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 EastEnders 19:30 Doctors 20:00 Coast 21:00 Dinnerladies 21:30 As Time Goes By 22:00 Sherlock 23:30 Ideal 00:00 Princess Margaret: A Love Story 00:55 Come Fly With Me 01:25 The Weakest Link 02:15 As Time Goes By 02:45 EastEnders 03:15 Doctors 03:45 Coast 04:45 Dinnerladies 05:15 Ideal 05:45 As Time Goes By
07:00 How It’s Made 07:25 How Do They Do It? 08:15 Twist The Throttle 09:10 Mythbusters 10:05 Destroyed In Seconds 10:55 Extreme Engineering 11:50 American Loggers 12:40 Dirty Jobs 13:35 Auction Kings 14:30 Auc-
tion Hunters 15:25 Gold Rush 16:20 Gold Divers 17:15 American Chopper 18:10 Ultimate Survival 19:05 Dual Survival 20:00 How It’s Made 21:00 Around The World In 80 Ways 22:00 Curiosity 23:00 Ultimate Cops 00:00 Aircrash Confidential 01:00 I Shouldn’t Be Alive 01:55 Around The World In 80 Ways 02:50 Curiosity 03:50 Ultimate Cops 04:50 How It’s Made 05:15 Ultimate Survival 06:05 Dual Survival
04:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 15:30 Snooker: International Masters London 18:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 19:00 Football: Eurogoals 19:15 Tennis: Game, Set And Mats 19:45 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 20:45 All Sports: Watts 21:00 Snooker: International Masters London 00:00 Rally: Rally Raid Dakar 00:30 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 01:30 Tennis: Game, Set And Mats 02:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne
05:40 Desperate Housewives 06:25 Castle 07:10 Modern Family 07:35 New Girl 08:00 Body
Of Proof 08:50 Tabatha’s Salon Takeover 09:40 Desperate Housewives 10:25 Castle 11:10 Modern Family 11:35 New Girl 12:00 Jane By Design 12:50 Revenge 13:40 Body Of Proof 14:30 Tabatha’s Salon Takeover 15:20 Desperate Housewives 16:05 Castle 16:50 Modern Family 17:15 New Girl 17:40 Body Of Proof 18:30 Masterchef 19:20 Desperate Housewives 20:10 Castle 21:00 Jane By Design 21:50 Revenge 22:40 Modern Family 23:05 New Girl 23:30 Jane By Design 00:20 Revenge 01:10 Castle 02:00 Desperate Housewives 02:45 Modern Family 03:10 New Girl 03:35 Rita Rocks 04:00 Body Of Proof 04:50 Masterchef l
07:00 Pawn Stars 07:30 Storage Wars 08:00 Mud Men 09:00 Pawn Stars 09:30 American Restoration 10:00 Pawn Stars 10:30 Storage Wars 11:00 Ancient Aliens 14:00 Pawn Stars 14:30 American Restoration 15:00 Mud Men 16:00 Ancient Aliens 18:00 Pawn Stars 18:30 American Restora-
tion 19:00 Mud Men 20:00 Pawn Stars 20:30 Storage Wars 21:00 Ancient Aliens 22:00 Pawn Stars 22:30 Cajun Pawn Stars 23:00 American Restoration 00:00 Pawn Stars 00:30 Storage Wars 01:00 Ancient Aliens 02:00 Pawn Stars 02:30 Cajun Pawn Stars 03:00 American Restoration 04:00 Mud Men 05:00 Pawn Stars 05:30 American Restoration 06:00 Ancient Aliens
07:30 White Countess, The 10:00 Life As We Know It 12:00 Elf 14:00 Kisses 15:30 Live Wire 17:00 Hollywood Buzz 17:30 School For Scoundrels 19:30 Action Zone 20:00 Ltv Sports News 21:00 Running With Scissors 23:00 My Best Friend’s Wedding 00:50 Hustler Tv 02:30 Akeelah And The Bee 04:30 Some Mother’s Son 06:30 Ltv Sports News
07:00 Chowder I 07:25 Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack, The 07:50 Tom & Jerry Show, The 08:15 Shaggy & Scooby-Doo
Get A Clue! I 08:40 Loonatics Unleashed I 09:05 Superman: The Animated Series Ii 09:30 Superman: The Animated Series Ii 09:55 Looney Tunes Show, The 10:20 Tak & The Power Of Juju 10:45 Fanboy & Chum Chum 11:10 X’s, The 11:35 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:25 Spongebob Squarepants 12:50 Spongebob Squarepants 13:15 Mighty B!, The 13:40 My Life As A Teenage Robot 14:05 Hey Arnold! 14:30 Icarly 14:55 Icarly 15:20 Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue! I 15:45 Justice League Unlimited I 16:10 Legion Of Super Heroes I 16:35 Young Justice 17:00 Best Premier League Games 17:30 Geisco Pba Team Shootout 18:00 Geisco Pba Team Shootout 18:30 Planet Speed 19:00 Nba 2012-13 21:00 Barclays Premier League Review 22:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 00:00 Toyota Australian Football International 2012 01:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13 03:00 Barclays Premier League Review 04:00 Rugby World Cup Winners 05:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13
07:15 Friends 07:50 Ncis: Los Angeles 09:30 Big Bang Theory, The 10:00 According To Jim 10:45 Mentalist, The 11:30 Top Boy 12:30 Gossip Girl 13:15 Pan Am 14:00 Ncis: Los Angeles 15:30 Big Bang Theory, The 16:00 2 Broke Girls
16:30 According To Jim 17:20 Necessary Roughness 19:00 Pan Am 19:45 Chuck 20:30 2 Broke Girls 21:00 Bones 21:45 Bones 22:30 C.S.I. New York 23:20 Luck 00:20 Arthur (2011) 02:10 Soccer Nanny, The 03:45 2 Broke Girls 04:10 According To Jim 05:00 Necessary Roughness 06:30 Pan Am
08:00 And Soon The Darkness 09:40 In Praise Of Older Women 11:30 Road Trip: Beer Pong 13:05 New York Stories 15:10 Friends With Money 16:45 High Life 18:15 Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga’hoole 20:00 Fighter 22:00 Executive Decision 00:15 Daring! TV 04:05 Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark 05:45 Skellig
06:30 Page Eight 08:15 Alvin And The Chipmunks: Chipwrecked 09:45 Hollywood Buzz 10:15 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol 12:30 Cine News 13:15 The Grace Card 15:00 To Tango Ton Christougennon 16:50 The Films And Stars Of 2012-2013 17:50 Made In Dagenham 19:50 Magic City 21:00 The 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards-Preshow 21:30 The 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards-Show 23:45 Margaret 02:15 Conan The Barbarian 04:10 The Transporter
07:00 The 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards–Preshow 08:00 The 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards–Show 11:30 Zorba The Greek 13:55 One Day 15:50 Cine News 16:35 Inspector Gadget 18:00 Hanna 20:00 The Eagle 22:00 The Adjustment Bureau 00:00 Margin Call 01:55 Drive 03:40 Cine News 04:25 Tenderness
18:45 Fast Five 21:00 Appointment With Death 23:00 Ncis 23:50 Cine News 01:00 Adult Zone
18:55 Kate And Leopold 21:00 Le Divorce 23:05 La Chance De Ma Vie 00:40 The Client List
07:00 Grand Prix 09:45 Mrs: Soffel 11:35 Travels With My Aunt 13:25 Prize 15:35 Where Eagles Dare 18:05 Ride The High Country 19:35 Cimarron 22:00 Formula 23:55 Edge of the City 01:20 Sunday in New York 03:05 Ziegfeld Follies 04:55 Little Women
By Preston Wilder
Running With Scissors (LTV, 21.00) Give it up for Ryan Murphy, one of the biggest names in TV with the one-two punch of Glee and American Horror Story (he was also the man behind Nip/Tuck back in the day) - and his outrageous, frankly gay sensibility is clear in this coming-of-age comedy, based on the memoir by writer Augusten Burroughs. Teenage Augusten (Joseph Cross) is the son of alcoholic workaholic Alec Baldwin and bipolar, fame-seeking Annette Bening who - after the parents divorce - arranges for the kid to be adopted by her own shrink, ecccentric doctor Brian Cox whose two daughters (prim, devout Gwyneth Paltrow and rebellious Evan Rachel Wood) offer light relief for the boy, though not
Running With Scissors
much more since he already knows he prefers boys. The kind of film that’ll delight a few people (whether because they identify with our hero or just feel themselves on the same wavelength) and infuriate others with its quirky, surreal-cutesy tone; a flop at the time, maybe ripe for reappraisal now that Murphy is the biggest thing on the small screen. Made in 2006.
The 70th Golden Globe Awards (Novacinema1, 22.00) A recent article in the Australian Daily Telegraph was scathing on the Golden Globes, commonly seen as a warm-up for the Oscars: “What Hollywood insiders know, but pretend they don’t,” noted the article, “is
that in movie land, the Golden Globes are considered something of a joke”. Only 92 journalists - the members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association - vote for the Globes, almost all of them freelance hacks without any major affiliation, making them susceptible to the largesse of the Hollywood studios. In a word, the GGs are corrupt - but I guess it doesn’t really matter, not when we can gape at stars walking down the red carpet and take bets on which of the year’s big movies will scoop Best Drama (Les Miserables is almost sure to win Best Comedy/Musical). Will it be Lincoln or Zero Dark Thirty - or maybe Argo (or even Django Unchained) pulling off a surprise? It depends on which studio paid more, shrug the cynics...
T V SATURDAY 19/01 SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
CYBC 1 08.00
Oikogeneia Solomou (rpt) Local series with events unfolding in a Cypriot village before and after the Turkish invasion of 1974.
Moiraia Fengaria (rpt) Local drama series.
CYBC 2 07.00 08.00
Two episodes of local period drama, based on true events.
18.00 18.15
18.50 19.00 19.10 21.00
Ego Ki Esi
Local comedy series.
19.30 20.00 21.30
Local Sketch News Savvato Ki Apovrado
News Repeats
06.20 06.50 07.20 07.50 08.20 09.10 10.00 10.50 11.40 12.30 14.20 16.00 16.00
Proini Enimerosi Tango Yia Treis (rpt) Cheek To Cheek (rpt) Men Kai Den (rpt) San To Skilo Me Ti Gata (rpt) 40 Kimata (rpt) Super Babas (rpt) Ta Koritsia Tou Baba (rpt) Galileo (rpt) Yia Tin Agapi Sou O Polemos Ton Astron (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) Niose Me (rpt) With News at 18.00.
19.30 20.20 21.30 22.20
00.05 00.20 00.30 01.40
News Sports News Vradi Me Ton Petro Kotsopoulo Blackout Game show in which places contestants in complete darkness to compete in challenges.
02.40 03.50 04.40
MEGA 07.40 09.40 10.30 11.20 12.10 13.10 14.00 16.10 17.20 18.00 18.20 20.15 21.15 22.20
Doureios Ippos (rpt) News Fab 5 (rpt)
Yia Sena (rpt) Kid’s TV Mia Stigmi Dio Zoes Boukia Kai Syhorio (rpt) Klemmena Oneira (rpt) Chuck Mousiko Kouti Live (rpt) Anonymous (rpt) Master Chef (rpt) News Epta Thanasimes Petheres (rpt) News Anonymous FILM: Sphere Scientists try to unlock the secrets contained inside a mysterious alien artefact found on the seabed. Sci-fi thriller, starring Dustin Hoffman. 1998.
Vals Me 12 Theous News Me To Dexi (rpt) FILM: Primeval A news crew travel to Africa in search of a legendary giant crocodile, but face a battle to survive against both the beast and a local warlord. Thriller, starring Dominic Purcell. 2007.
Ghost Whisperer (rpt) Fifth season. ‘Till Death Do Us Start’. Eli’s father suffers a massive heart attack and finds himself reunited with his wife, who has been dead for almost 10 years but is unable to cross over to the other side because of a secret she took to her grave.
Variety show, with wellknown guests pretending to have a good time for the benefit of You At Home.
23.30 23.45
News In English New In Turkish NRG Zone Weekend FILM: Wuthering Heights A homeless boy taken in by a Yorkshire farming family develops an obsessive lifelong bond with his adoptive sister. Period drama, starring Ralph Fiennes. 1992.
News Patates Antinahtes (rpt) Local satirical show, using comedy sketches and embarrassing TV clips to skewer local politicians.
FILM: The Touch Of Mink A millionaire playboy woos a strait-laced secretary, but while he only wants a casual affair, she is saving herself for marriage. Romantic comedy, starring Cary Grant and Doris Day. 1962.
News Me Kali Parea
Vimmata Stin Ammo (rpt)
Candid Camera Unsuspecting people react to bizarre events.
Paizoume Kypriaka
Vivian Kanari hosts new show featuring a mix of news, information and live music.
NRG Zone Kids’ TV Shown till 12.30, then repeated till midafternoon.
Local game show, asking questions having to do with Cypriot dialect.
14.00 14.30
00.00 00.20
News FILM: The Moment After 2: The Awekening A former FBI agent reunites with his friend and mentor after escaping from death row. Sci-fi thriller, starring John Gilbert. 2006.
02.20 03.20 04.00 04.30 05.00 05.40
Eheis Meson (rpt) Mia Stigmi Dio Zoes (rpt) Patir, Yios Kai Pnevma (rpt) Oi Afthairetoi O Ios Tou Patera (rpt) Ta Epta Kaka Tis Moiras Mou
SIGMA 05.20 07.00 08.30 10.00 14.00 14.50 16.40 18.10
Oi Takkoi (rpt) Zoi Podilato (rpt) Barbie And The Three Musketeers Mes Stin Kala Hara Oikogeneiakes Istories (rpt) Aspra Balonia (rpt) Efta Ouranoi kai Synnefa Alites (rpt)
07.50 12.05
With News at 18.00.
17.30 19.00
The Cooking Factory Greek cookery show.
Pame Paketo (rpt) Popular talk-show that deals with human interest stories such as reuniting people, fulfilling dreams.
20.15 21.20
13.00 13.40 15.10 16.40
Part one of two. Fantasy adventure starring Paulie Rojas as Dorothy Gale, an author of children’s books based on the land of Oz created by her grandfather. Heading to New York following an offer of representation by a large agency, Dorothy discovers the world she has been writing about is based on reality and the Wicked Witch of the West has plans for global domination. 2011.
News FILM: Baby’s Day Out Three bungling kidnappers struggle to recapture their baby hostage when he escapes onto the streets of New York. Comedy, starring Joe Mantegna and Lara Flynn Boyle. 1994.
23.10 23.50 23.55 00.40 04.00
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (rpt) News Istories Tou Astinomou Beka (rpt) Mes Stin Kali Hara (rpt) Magazino (rpt)
Kids’ TV LTV Sports News (rpt) Star News Fotis - Maria Live Best Of Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of Stin Kouzina Me Tin Dina (rpt) Mila (rpt) Exelixeis Sti Showbiz The Witches Of Oz
21.00 22.30
11.30 12.00 13.10 13.25 15.00 15.30 16.00 16.10
Kouzina Me Apopsi Telemarketing Mila Mou Prasina Greek FILM: Ekeinoi Pou Xeroun N’ Agapoun Portraita Kouzina Me Apopsi News FILM: Driving Miss Daisy Oscar-winning drama, starring Jessica Tandy and Morgan Freeman. 1989. With News at 17.30. See Pick Of The Day.
18.00 18.55 19.05 19.55 20.05 21.00
Remington Steele News Acapulco HEAT News O Anthropos Tis Thalassas FILM: Force Of Impact An astronomer becomes convinced Earth is facing a devastating collision with an incoming asteroid, and attempts to avert the disaster. Sci-fi thriller, starring Rae Dawn Chong. 2005.
O Arhipsevtros Vathi Kokkino Greek drama series.
23.15 00.00 00.50 02.00
Kostakis Ki Yioi LTV Sports News Star News Repeats
FILM: The Statement A Nazi war criminal thinks he’s managed to escape detection - but years after the conflict, his secret is discovered. Thriller, starring Michael Caine. 2003.
FILM: The Fifth Element Sci-fi thriller, starring Bruce Willis. 1997.
The Tourist (LTV, 23.00)
06:15 The Weakest Link 07:00 3rd & Bird 07:10 Nina and the Neurons 07:25 Gigglebiz 07:40 The Roly Mo Show 07:55 Me Too! 08:15 3rd & Bird 08:25 Nina and the Neurons 08:40 Gigglebiz 08:55 The Roly Mo Show 09:10 Me Too! 09:30 The Weakest Link 10:15 Doctor Who 11:00 Doctor Who Confidential 11:10 Last Man Standing 12:00 Full Circle With Michael Palin 12:50 Dinnerladies 13:20 As Time Goes By 13:50 Fawlty Towers 14:20 Last Of The Summer Wine 14:50 Twenty Twelve 15:20 Casualty 16:10 EastEnders 18:10 My Family 18:40 The Weakest Link 19:25 Doctor Who 20:10 Last Man Standing 21:00 Live At The Apollo 21:45 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 22:30 Whitechapel 23:20 Ideal 23:50 Getting On 00:20 Twenty Twelve 00:50 Last Man Standing 01:40 Last Of The Summer Wine 02:10 Live At The Apollo 02:55 The Weakest Link 03:40 Twenty Twelve 04:10 Last Man Standing 05:00 Live At The Apollo 05:45 Last Of The Summer Wine
07:00 How It’s Made 07:25 Rides 08:15 Fifth Gear 09:10 Mega
Builders 10:05 Mighty Ships 10:55 American Guns 14:30 Extreme Engineering 15:25 Man Made Marvels Asia 16:20 Mega Builders 17:15 How It’s Made 18:10 Crisis Control 19:05 Mythbusters 20:00 How It’s Made 21:00 Auction Hunters 22:00 Auction Kings 23:00 Death Row 00:00 Megaquake: Hour That Shook Japan 01:00 Ross Kemp: Battle For The Amazon 01:55 Auction Hunters 02:50 Auction Kings 03:50 Death Row 04:50 How It’s Made 05:15 Crisis Control 06:05 Mega Buildersl
04:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 15:30 Biathlon: World Cup Italy 17:00 Ski Jumping: World Cup Japan 17:45
Football: African Cup Of Nations South Africa 20:00 Tennis: Game, Set And Mats 20:30 Football: African Cup Of Nations South Africa 23:00 Snooker: International Masters London 01:00 Rally: Rally Raid Dakar 01:30 Tennis: Game, Set And Mats 02:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne
05:40 Tough Love Miami 06:30
Desperate Housewives 10:20 Modern Family 11:10 New Girl 12:00 Happy Endings 12:25 Don’t Trust The B...In Apartment 12:50 Masterchef 14:30 Body Of Proof 18:30 Tabatha’s Salon Takeover 21:00 Jane By Design 21:50 Revenge 22:40 Raising Hope 23:05 New Girl 23:30 Glee 00:20 Castle 04:25 Modern Family l
07:00 Ancient Aliens 10:00 American Pickers 12:00 Soviet Storm: WWII In The East 14:00 Pawn Stars 16:00 Ancient Aliens 19:00 Storage Wars 20:00 Pawn Stars 20:30 Cajun Pawn Stars 21:00 American Pickers 22:00 Storage Wars 23:00 Pawn Stars 23:30 Cajun Pawn Stars 00:00 Soviet Storm: WWII In The East 01:00 Storage Wars 02:00 Pawn Stars 02:30 Cajun Pawn Stars 03:00 American Pickers 06:00 Soviet Storm: WWII In The East
07:30 Hollywood Buzz 08:00 Jack Frost 09:45 Everybody’s Fine 11:30 Scooby-Doo 13:00 Miss Congeniality 15:00 Social Network, The 17:00 Pre-Game 18:00 A’ Division Cyprus Soccer Championship 2012-13 20:00
Ltv Sports News 21:00 Heist 23:00 The Tourist 00:50 Hustler Tv 02:30 Season Of The Witch 04:10 Eat Pray Love 06:30 Ltv
05:05 Gattaca 06:55 Tt3d: Closer To The Edge 08:40 Fast Five 10:50 Men Of Honor 13:00 Salvation Boulevard 14:40 Strange Crime 16:30 Transformers: Dark Of The Moon 19:10 Love Crime 21:00 Anger Management 23:00 The Bone Collector 01:00 Cine News 01:30 Adult Zone 03:20 13 Assassins
Sports News
Looney Tunes Show, The Loonatics Unleashed I Tom & Jerry Show, The Wonder Pets 08:40 Dora The Explorer 09:05 Ni Hao, 09:30 Spongebob Kai-Lan Squarepants 09:55 Tak & The Power Of Juju 10:20 Fanboy & Chum Chum 10:45 X’s, The 11:10 Mighty B!, The 11:35 My Life As A Teenage Robot 12:00 Hey Arnold! 12:25 Icarly 12:50 Icarly 13:15 Legion Of Super Heroes I 13:40 Max Adventures 14:05 Barclays Premier League Preview 14:45 Best Classic Premier League Games 17:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 19:00 Nba 2012-13 21:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13 23:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 01:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13 03:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 05:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 07:00 07:25 07:50 08:15
07:15 Gossip Girl 08:00 Friends 08:30 Big Bang Theory, The 09:00 According To Jim 09:55
Two And A Half Men 10:45 Bones 11:30 Mentalist, The 12:30 Necessary Roughness 13:15 Closer 14:15 Ncis: Los Angeles 15:00 Supernatural 00:05 Switch 02:00 Uninvited 03:30 Pan Am
08:00 Wild Target 09:40 Secret Pact 11:20 Education N 13:00 Dark City 14:45 Runaways 16:45 I Am Slave 18:10 King’s Speech 20:15 Arthur 3: The War Of The Two Worlds 22:00 Fighter 00:05 Daring! TV 03:50 Secret Life 05:15 12 Men Of Christmas 06:45 Slammin’ Salmon
06:35 Sagan 08:35 Cyberbully 10:05 Cine News 10:50 Made
In Dagenham 12:45 The Grace Card 14:30 The 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards-Preshow 15:00 Ncis 16:40 The 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards – Show 19:00 The Debt 22:00 Young Adult 23:45 The Woman In Black 01:30 Cine News 02:00 O Annivas Pro Ton Pilon 03:45 Black Swan
06:15 Five Minarets In New York 08:15 Cine News 09:05 Inspector Gadget 10:30 Take Shelter 12:35 The Pelican Brief 15:00 Moneyball 17:15 Mad On Novacinema 17:55 Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life 20:00 Hanna 22:00 The Eagle 00:00 Proof Of Life 02:20 Never Let Me Go 04:10 Cine News 04:50 Colombiana
05:30 The Client List 07:00 From Prada To Nada 08:45 Ap’ Ta Kokala Vgalmena 10:15 Home Alone 12:00 Kate And Leopold 14:00 Micki & Maude 16:00 The Art Of Getting By 17:30 Serendipity 19:05 The Tempest 21:00 Kung Fu Panda 2 22:40 Morning Glory 00:35 Lies In Plain Sight 02:10 Manolete 03:40 Majority
07:00 Blackboard Jungle 08:40 Philadelphia Story 10:30 White Heat 12:20 Doctor Zhivago 15:30 Young Cassidy 17:20 3 Godfathers 19:05 Tom Thumb 20:35 Bad Day At Black Rock 22:00 Point Blank 23:30 Diner 01:20 Rhapsody 03:15 Wheeler Dealers 05:00 Meet Me In St: Louis
By Preston Wilder
Driving Miss Daisy (Capital, 16.10) Some films get a bad rep; it’s nobody’s fault, it just happens. Maybe there wouldn’t be a backlash if this amiable drama (based on a play) hadn’t won the Best Picture Oscar, or if it hadn’t been released in the same year as Do the Right Thing, a much angrier film about race - but it did and it was, and some people claimed it was offensive. It’s certainly soft-centred, as a rich Jewish matron in the 50s takes on a black chauffeur then gradually bonds with him (in a low-key, unthreatening way) through the vast social changes of the next two decades - but Jessica Tandy and Morgan Freeman are superb in the lead roles, and it probably did more for inter-racial friendship with the middle-aged white au-
dience (a.k.a. Oscar voters) than any number of angry tracts. Civilised entertainment with a pair of fine performances. Don’t hate it, people! Made in 1989.
Young Adult (Novacinema1, 22.00) Charlize Theron’s performance is ‘brave’ in this edgy comedy, though we end up feeling sorry for her - and she ends up becoming a Better Person - so maybe not so brave. Charlize is first seen lying face-down in bed, presumably in a drunken stupor, her behind twitching slightly; then she runs away, leaving her latest one-night-stand still in the bed, packing a bag and her Pomeranian and heading back to the small town where she grew up. Our heroine - a burned-out fiction
Young Adult
writer specialising in ‘young adult’ novels - wants to rekindle a romance with her high-school sweetheart, even though he (Patrick Wilson) is now happily married; she’s obviously deluded, and you know it’ll end in tears - but then she bonds with a fat disabled nerd (Patton Oswalt) who’s a source of world-weary wisdom, at which point the film loses its edge altogether. Still some funny jokes, like the parents who still keep wedding photos of Charlize and her ex-husband (“It was a failed marriage!” she protests; “Well, the wedding wasn’t a failure. Remember the tiramisu?” counters her mum), and occasional details - like our lonely heroine pretending to text while waiting for her date to arrive in a restaurant - are spot-on. Made in 2011.
T V SUNDAY 13/01 SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
CYBC 1 07.00 10.30
Church Service Savvato Ki Apovrado (rpt) Variety show, with wellknown guests pretending to have a good time for the benefit of You At Home.
CYBC 2 07.00 08.00
17.05 17.35
I Ypaithros Kypros Ena Taxidi Eimaste Edo News Me Kali Parea Life In Style Presenter Christina Demetriou, leads us into the world of styling and good life, with a wide variety of topics.
Aminesthai Peri Patris
18.20 19.20 19.30 19.40
News Patates Antinahtes (rpt)
20.40 21.00
Popular local satirical show, using comedy sketches and embarrassing TV clips to skewer local politicians.
18.45 19.20 20.00 21.30
Local Sketch TBA News FILM: The Mexican
News Repeats
06.20 06.50 07.20
Euromaxx Megalab Antarctica
I Kypro Konta Sas News In English News In Turkish Tete A Tete (rpt)
07.50 08.20 09.10 10.00 11.40 12.30 14.20 15.10 16.50
Oikogeneia Karambela (rpt) Proini Enimerosi Tango Yia Treis (rpt) Cheek To Cheek (rpt) Oi Men kai oi Den San To Skilo Me Ti Gata (rpt) 40 Kimata (rpt) Santa Yiolanta (rpt) (rpt) Yia Tin Agapi Sou (rpt) Tha Vreis To Daskalo Sou (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) Niose Me (rpt)
MEGA 07.00 09.40 10.30 11.20 12.10 13.10 14.30
18.30 20.15 21.00
NRG Weekend Mini-Series: Caravaggio
Ghost Whisperer (rpt)
Vals Me 12 Theous (rpt) News Dancing With The Stars
16.10 17.20 18.00 18.20 20.15 21.10 22.10
02.00 02.40 04.00 04.40
News Sports News Vradi Me Ton Petro Kostopoulo Pano Apo To Nomo (rpt) Doureios Ippos (rpt) News Fab 5 (rpt)
00.10 01.00 01.40 02.20 03.20 04.00 04.30 05.00 05.40
Anonymous (rpt) Master Chef (rpt) News Epta Thanasimes Petheres (rpt) News Anonymous FILM: The Shepherd
SIGMA 06.50 07.50 10.00 14.00
Kleise Ta Matia (rpt) Mila Mou Vromika (rpt) Big Bang Eheis Meson (rpt) Mia Stigmi, Dio Zoes (rpt) Patir, Yios Kai Pnevma (rpt) Oi Afthairetoi O Ios Tou Petera Ta Epta Kaka Tis Moiras Mou (rpt)
Oi Takkoi (rpt) Zoi Podilato (rpt) Mes Tin Kali Hara (rpt) Barbie (rpt)
PLUS TV 07.50 12.05 13.00 13.40
Animation, most likely dubbed in Greek.
15.00 16.20 17.45
Aspra Balonia (rprt) Efta Ouranoi Kai Sinnefa Alites (rpt) Efialtis Stin Kouzina
20.20 21.30
Pame Paketo (rpt)
Greek popular talkshow that deals with human interest stories such as reuniting people.
News FILM: The Russian House An expatriate British publisher unexpectedly finds himself working for British intelligence to investigate people in Russia. But while there, he embarks on a dangerous affair with a local woman. Espionage thriller, starring Sean Connery and Michelle Pfeiffer. 1990.
01.00 03.20
07.00 11.30 12.00 13.25 15.30 16.00
Mila (rpt)
FILM: We Are Marshall An American football coach strives to rebuild a college team after the death of most of the players in a plane crash. Fact-based drama, starring Matthew McConaughey and Matthew Fox. 2006.
23.15 00.05 01.05
LTV Sports News News Repeats
Remington Steele With News at 18.30.
19.05 19.55 20.05 21.00
Acapulco HEAT News Rubi FILM: White Squall Thirteen teenagers and a schoolmaster set out on the sailing trip of a lifetime to the Caribbean - little realising a terrible storm is brewing. Fact-based drama, starring Jeff Bridges. 1996.
FILM: Michael Collins Story focusing on the Irish radical who rose to prominence after his involvement in the 1916 Easter Rising against British rule. Fact-based drama, starring Liam Neeson and Julia Roberts. 1996.
Kids’ TV Kouzina Me Apopsi (rpt) Telemarketing Greek FILM: Min Erotevesai To Savvato Star Stories FILM: Three Men And A Baby The lives of three flatsharing bachelors are changed for ever when they must take care of a baby left on their doorstep. Comedy, with Tom Selleck, Ted Danson and Steve Guttenberg. 1987. With News at 17.30.
Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of Stin Kouzina Me Tin Dina (rpt) Discussions about various issues based on woman’s life (men, sex, kids etc.) with showbiz guests.
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (rpt)
News Istories Tou Astinomou Beka (rpt) Mes Tin Kali Hara (rpt) Magazino (rpt)
Greek cookery show.
An elite team of police forensic evidence investigation experts work their cases in Las Vegas.
00.10 00.20
Kids’ TV LTV Sports News (rpt) Star News Fotis - Maria Live Best Of Entertainment magazine featuring segments on cooking, health, fashion, lifestyle issues and more.
With News at 18.00.
A texas cop battles ex-navy seals who are trying to traffic drugs from Mexico into the USA. Action, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. 2008.
Celebrities and pro dancers train and compete in a ballroom dancing competition.
00.45 00.50 01.00
Church Service Kid’s TV Mia Stigmi Dio Zoes Boukia Kai Syhorio (rpt) Klemmena Oneira Chuck FILM: The New Guy A high-school misfit devises a plan to get himself expelled, giving him the chance to reinvent himself as the coolest kid in town. Teen comedy, starring DJ Qualls. 2002.
With News at 18.00.
Fifth season of paranormal drama. ‘See No Evil’. Melinda tries to fathom how a supposedly cursed chain email was sent to Ned’s girlfriend by one of her.
Comedy thriller, with Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts and James Gandolfini. 2001. See Pick Of The Day.
23.30 23.45
Shown till 12.30, then repeated till midafternoon.
Biopic of the Renaissance artist, charting his volatile personal relationships and controversial religious art. Stars Alessio Boni. 2007. Part 1 of 2.
Ego Ki Esi Local comedy series.
Tasos Tryfonos interviews Greek celebraties from the world of showbiz.
Local military and defence show.
18.00 18.15
NRG Zone Kid’s TV
Documentary that follows the adventures and exploits of several scientists attempting to unravel the secrets of the vast frozen landscapes of Antarctica by conducting experiments and research under some incredibly harsh conditions.
Local farming programme.
13.00 13.30 14.00 14.30 16.30
FILM: Unlawful Entry Wealthy robbery victims befriend lonely policeman - unaware he is dangerously unbalanced. Thriller, starring Ray Liotta. 1992.
FILM: My Brother’s Keeper Thriller, starring Jeanne Tripplehorn. 2002.
The Fighter (LTV, 21.00)
06:15 The Weakest Link 07:00 3rd & Bird 07:10 Nina and the Neurons 07:25 Tikkabilla 07:55 Me Too! 08:15 3rd & Bird 08:25 Nina and the Neurons 08:40 Tikkabilla 09:10 Me Too! 09:30 The Weakest Link 10:15 One Foot In The Grave 10:45 Keeping Up Appearances 11:15 Gavin & Stacey 11:45 The Old Guys 12:15 Blackadder Goes Forth 12:45 After You’ve Gone 13:15 Keeping Up Appearances 13:40 Princess Margaret: A Love Story 14:30 One Foot In The Grave 15:00 Bleak House 16:00 Doctors 18:30 Shark Therapy - Scary Sharks 18:55 Gavin & Stacey 19:25 Dalziel and Pascoe 20:15 Princess Margaret: A Love Story 21:05 Friday Night Dinner 21:30 Come Fly With Me 22:00 Sherlock 23:30 Waking The Dead 00:20 Unforgiven 01:10 Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow 01:55 The Weakest Link 02:40 Apes in Danger 03:05 Come Fly With Me 03:35 Princess Margaret: A Love Story 04:25 The Old Guys 04:55 Friday Night Dinner 05:20 Apes in Danger 05:45 Come Fly With Me
09:30 Ski Jumping: World Cup Poland 10:15 Nordic Combined
Skiing: World Cup France 11:30 Alpine Skiing: World Cup Switzerland 12:30 Alpine Skiing: World Cup 14:00 Biathlon: World Cup Germany 14:45 Alpine Skiing: World Cup Switzerland 15:15 Cross-Country Skiing: World Cup Czech Republic 16:30 Biathlon: World Cup Germany 17:15 Nordic Combined Skiing: World Cup France 18:00 Biathlon: World Cup Germany 18:45 Ski Jumping: World Cup Poland 19:30 Darts: World Championship Un. Kingdom 21:15 Snooker: International Masters London 00:00 Rally: Rally Raid Dakar 00:30 Tennis: Us Open New York 02:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne l
09:30 Ski Jumping: World Cup Poland 10:15 Nordic Combined Skiing: World Cup France 11:30 Alpine Skiing: World Cup Switzerland 12:30 Alpine Skiing: World Cup 14:00 Biathlon: World Cup Germany 14:45 Alpine Skiing: World Cup Switzerland 15:15 Cross-Country Skiing: World Cup Czech Republic 16:30 Biathlon: World Cup Germany 17:15 Nordic Combined Skiing: World Cup France 18:00 Biathlon: World Cup Germany 18:45 Ski Jumping: World Cup Poland 19:30 Darts:
World Championship Un. Kingdom 21:15 Snooker: International Masters London 00:00 Rally: Rally Raid Dakar 00:30 Tennis: Us Open New York 02:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne
05:40 Off The Map 06:30 New Girl 07:45 Modern Family 08:10 Scandal 08:55 Castle 09:40 Grey’s Anatomy 10:25 Private Practice 11:10 Jane By Design 12:00 Revenge 12:50 Raising Hope 13:15 Melissa & Joey 13:40 Glee 14:30 Castle 18:30 Masterchef 20:10 Happy Endings 20:35 Don’t Trust The B...In Apartment 21:00 Scandal 21:50 Castle 22:40 Grey’s Anatomy 23:30 Private Practice 00:15 Modern Family 01:55 Masterchef 03:35 New Girl l
07:00 Ancient Aliens 09:00 Soviet Storm: WWII In The East 11:00 Pawn Stars 13:00 American Pickers 14:00 UFO Hunters 15:00 WWII: Europe’s Secret Army 16:00 Storage Wars 17:00 Pawn Stars 17:30 Cajun Pawn Stars 18:00 American Pickers 19:00 Mankind: The Story Of All Of Us 21:00 Ancient Aliens 23:00 Rise & Fall Of The Third Reich 01:00 WWII: Europe’s Secret Army 02:00 Rise & Fall Of The Third Reich 04:00 Mankind: The Story Of All Of Us 06:00 UFO Hunters
07:30 Lovely Bones, The 09:45 Black Beauty 11:15 Tenure 13:00 Hearts In Atlantis 14:45 Flipped 16:20 Friends With Money 18:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 20:00 Ltv Sports News 21:00 Fighter, The 23:05 Batman Begins 01:25 Hustler Tv 03:20 Watchmen 6:00 Action Zone 06:30 Ltv Sports News
07:00 07:25 07:50 08:15
Looney Tunes Show, The Loonatics Unleashed I Tom & Jerry Show, The Wonder Pets 08:40 Dora
The Explorer 09:05 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 09:30 Spongebob Squarepants 09:55 Tak & The Power Of Juju 10:20 Fanboy & Chum Chum 10:45 X’s, The 11:10 Mighty B!, The 11:35 My Life As A Teenage Robot 12:00 Hey Arnold! 12:25 Icarly 12:50 Icarly 13:15 Legion Of Super Heroes I 13:40 Max Adventures 14:05 Best Premier League Games 14:40 Liga Bbva 2012-13 16:30 Planet Speed 17:00 Pre-Game 18:00 A’ Division Cyprus Soccer Championship 2012-13 20:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 21:45 Nba Action 22:30 Liga Bbva 2012-13 00:30 Liga Bbva 2012-13 02:30 Atp World Tour Uncovered 03:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 05:00 Rugby World Cup Winners 06:00 Volvo Ocean Race
07:15 According To Jim 07:40 2 Broke Girls 08:35 Friends 09:05 According To Jim 10:00 Chuck 10:45 Bones 11:30 Top Boy 12:30 Necessary Roughness 13:15 Harry’s Law 14:15 Ncis: Los Angeles 15:00 According To Jim 23:45 Slammin’ Salmon, The 01:20 U.S. Marshals 03:30 Southland
07:40 Vision Quest 09:30 Last
Samurai 12:10 Step Up 3 14:00 Mumford 16:00 Country Strong 18:00 Nine 20:00 Winning Season 22:00 Spiral Staircase 23:30 Action Zone 00:05 Daring! TV 04:10 Soccer Nanny 05:45 Lethal Weapon 4
05:50 Gospel Hill 07:30 $5 A Day 09:15 Win Win 11:00 The Three Musketeers 12:50 Captain America: The First Avenger 15:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:30 C.S.I. 16:20 Person Of Interest 17:10 Cine News 17:25 Winnie The Pooh 18:35 Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 21:00 Person Of Interest 22:00 The Woman In Black 23:45 Poker Face 01:30 Cine News 02:00 The 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards–Preshow Live 03:00 The 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards–Show Live
05:00 8 Mile 06:50 Starsky & Hutch 08:35 Jane Eyre 10:40 Puss In Boots 12:15 12 Dates Of Christmas 13:45 Bounce 15:40 Hemingway & Gellhorn 18:15 What’s Your Number? 20:10 Birth 22:00 Animal Kingdom 00:00 Black Swan 03:40 Born On The Fourth Of July 06:05 Cine News
05:10 Sniper Reloaded 06:45 Shanghai 08:35 League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen 10:25 Gattaca 12:15 Xxx 14:20 The Two Jakes 16:40 City Hall 18:35 The Negotiator 21:00 Certain Prey 22:35 Love Crime 00:25 Cine News 01:30 Teenage Hooker Confessions 03:30 Straw Dogs
05:45 Micki & Maude 07:40 War Of The Buttons 09:30 Taxidi Sti Mitilini 11:25 Cine News 12:00 From Prada To Nada 13:45 Lies In Plain Sight 15:15 Habemus Papam 17:00 A Place In The Sun 19:00 Footloose 21:00 Melinda And Melinda 22:45 Shall We Dance? 00:40 Spinning Into Butter 03:45 The Deep End
07:00 Sandpiper 08:55 Hearts Of The West 10:35 Hotel Paradiso 12:15 Comedians 14:45 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 16:30 Mrs: Soffel 18:20 Two Weeks In Another Town 20:05 V:I:P:S 22:00 Get Carter 23:55 Grand Prix 02:40 Quo Vadis 05:25 Across The Wide Missouri
By Preston Wilder his mission. Not a bad film, its main trick being that it starts as macho crime movie and mutates into something of a chick-flick - but the three leads give the impression of not having been properly introduced, and the whole thing is overlong at 123 minutes. Watch a few scenes, then go out for a Mexican. Made in 2001.
The Mexican (CyBC1, 21.30) The story of a memorable meal, involving refried beans and a chicken chimichanga, enjoyed by Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts and James Gandolfini. We jest, of course - though in fact even a film about Pitt, Roberts and Tony Soprano sharing a Mexican might be worth watching, such is the movie-star wattage in this mostly disappointing action comedy. Brad is a smalltime crook and Jules (his girlfriend) is fed up; when his bosses force him to go to Mexico and transport a priceless antique pistol back across the border, she’s ready to call it quits - but in fact she has her own problems, being abducted and held hostage by gay hitman Gandolfini to ensure that Brad stays focused on
The Woman in Black (Novacinema1, 22.00)
The Mexican
Harry Potter and the Very Sad Ghost. Blank-faced Daniel Radcliffe, looking for gainful employment now the Potter saga is over, is our hero, a young lawyer who comes to a spooky mansion to settle the affairs of an elderly client - but the villagers are hostile, and the
house itself clearly haunted by the spirit of the titular Woman. Dan assumes he must be imagining things (did an out-of-focus silhouette just move, right at the back of the frame?) but it’s not long before he’s seeing ghosts of dead kids and a woman’s body hanging from the rafters, making it slightly comical when local squire Ciaran Hinds insists it must be his mind “playing tricks in the dark” (why not tell him it was ‘probably just the wind’ while you’re at it?). A literal-minded, rather mechanical ghost story where our hero makes no effort to communicate with the ghost and it’s not even clear why the ghost is trying to scare him, really just a case of sudden loud noises and ‘boo!’ moments. Harry Potter and the Hollow Horror. Made in 2012.
T V THURSDAY 17/01 SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
CYBC 1 06.45 08.15
Proti Enimerosi Kali Sas Mera Local variety show, with entertainment options, cookery tips and more.
11.00 11.30
07.00 08.00 16.30 17.00
Kaftes Piperies (rpt) Istories Tou Horkou (rpt) Local comedy series, which happens to be the longest-running show on TV.
Apo Mera Se Mera
18.00 18.50 19.00 19.10
Entehnos Local cultrual show.
Mazi Sto CyBC Local talk-show.
18.00 18.15
News Kaftes Piperies
Paizoume Kypriaka
Live cookery show. New season of local game show, asking questions having to do with Cypriot dialect.
20.00 21.00
Moiraia Fengaria Local drama series inspired by Maro Kranidioti’s book ‘Otan i Moira Apofasizei’.
20.00 21.15
News Patates 8
23.30 23.45 00.15 00.45
Presidential Elections 2013 News Moiraia Fengari (rpt) Entehnos (rpt) More repeats
05.30 06.20 06.50 07.00
Amateur chefs each stage a dinner party to find who will be crowned the winning host.
07.50 08.40 09.30 10.25 11.15
Biz/Emeis News In English News In Turkish Doctor Who (rpt)
NRG Zone A Touch Of Frost: Near Death Experience
22.30 23.00
12.10 13.00 13.20 14.00 14.50 15.45 16.40 17.30
Erotas (rpt) Proini Enimerosi Me Agapi Idiaitera Yia Klamata (rpt) Englimata (rpt) Lyke, Lyke Eisai Edo (rpt) Einai Stigmes (rpt) Pansellinos (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) Niose Me (rpt) News Mera Mesimeri Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) Elftheros Kai Oraios (rpt) Vals Me 12 Theous (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) With News at 18.00.
The irascible copper finds his methods are called into question when a colleague is seriously injured during an attempt to thwart a suicide. The murder of a widow soon gives Frost a chance to prove his worth again, but the investigation only reveals an intriguing web of deceit. Oneoff episode starring David Jason. 2006.
Local satirical show, using comedy sketches and embarrassing TV clips to skewer local politicians.
NRG Zone Kids’ TV Euromaxx Kati Psinetai (rpt)
Fourth season. ‘Forest of the Dead’. Part one of two. Part two of two. The Doctor joins forces with Professor River Song as the Vashta Nerada advance, and is stunned by shocking revelations about his future, while the Nodes declare Donna is doomed.
Current affairs show.
Motor Sports Repeats
18.30 19.30 20.15 21.15 22.10 23.00 00.00 00.05 00.20 01.40 02.30 03.20 04.40
Aiyia Fuxia Niose Me News Vals Me 12 Theous Ekeino To Kalokairi Presidential Elections 2013 News Sports News Ola Bahalo Fetos Sinora Agapis (rpt) I Agapi Irthe Apo Makria (rpt) News Deal (rpt)
MEGA 06.00 06.15 07.00
Ta Epta Kaka Tis Moiras Mou Emeis Ki Emeis (rpt) Koinonia Ora Mega A revamped version of its predecessor (Koinonia Ora 8).
08.00 10.00 12.45 14.00 15.00
Nea Mera Proino Mou Enimerosi Tora Kelmmena Oneira (rpt) Eheis Meson Local investigative show.
Yia Sena
SIGMA 07.00 08.20 10.00 11.10 12.00 14.20 15.20 18.00 18.05 18.30 19.30 20.20 21.15
News Master Chef Greek reality competition show where amateur chefs compete against each other in weekly challenges.
Greek comedy series.
News Klemmena Oneira
Presidential Elections 2013 News Fae Ti Sokolata Sou Yia Sena (rpt) Enimerosi Tora (rpt) Proino Mou (rpt)
Greek drama series.
00.00 00.10 01.00 03.00 04.20
00.00 00.05 01.20 02.10 03.00 03.10 04.30
07.20 08.35 09.05 10.15 10.35
12.30 13.00 15.30 16.15 17.00
Star News Mesimeriani Meleti Classic Cartoons More Kid’s TV To Kleidi Greek comedy series.
17.50 19.40
Fotis Maria Live Mila Discussions about various issues based on a woman’s life (men, relationships, sex, kids etc.) with showbiz guests. Hosted by Tatiana Stefanidou.
21.15 22.00
News Dekati Entali (rpt) Alithinoi Erotes (rpt) Mila Mou (rpt) Se Fonto Kokkino Ta Hrisopsara (rpt) Eleni (rpt)
Fotis - Maria Live Best Of Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of Mila (rpt) Nistikoi Praktores (rpt) Cooking show, with helpful tips on eating well and nutrition.
Las Vegas First season. ‘Year of the Tiger’. A contract killer targets a highrolling guest at the Montecito, so Ed and Danny are forced to team up with a detective to stop the assassination. Mary has problems dealing with 50 brides at a mass wedding, and Mike clashes with a moneygrubbing stripper.
Eftyhismenoi Mazi (rpt)
20.20 21.15
Protoselido Eleni Vasiliki (rpt) Efta Ouranoi kai Synnefa Alites (rpt) Mesimeri Kai Kati Aspra Balonia (rpt) Magazino News Ti Tha Fame Simera Mama The Del Monte Heirs Efta Ouranoi kai Synnefa Alites News Pame Paketo Talk-show that deals with human interest stories such as reuniting people, fulfilling dreams and connecting people who want to correct their past.
Local talk-show.
18.00 18.20
LTV Sports News Kostakis Ki Yioi Star News Local comedy series.
08.25 08.55 09.25 10.00 11.00 11.30 12.30 13.20 14.05 15.15 16.05 16.45 17.35 18.15
Magikos Kosmos S’Agapo (rpt) Akti Oneiron Ston Asterismos Tis Imeras Kouzina Me Apopsi Epi Topou (rpt) Milagros Kids’ TV Telemarketing Top Models S’Agapo Sabrina, To Koritsi Tis Agapis Akti Oneiron Pacific Blue With News at 18.30.
19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00
News Sports Time O Anthropos Tis Thalassas FILM: May Wine An American woman and her daughter unknowingly both fall for the same man, while on holiday in Paris. Romantic comedy, starring Joanna Cassidy. 1990.
Exelixeis Stin Showbiz FILM: Memory Of Lies an agoraphobic woman is trapped inside her house and thinks her husband is conspiring with her psychiatrist to drive her insane. Mystery, starring B. Anthony Cohen. 2009.
23.30 00.30 01.10
FILM: Fixing The Shadow A maverick cop goes undercover to investigate a gang of drug-dealing bikers, but is drawn into their wild lifestyle. Crime drama, starring Charlie Sheen. 1992.
FILM: The Real Blonde Comedy, starring Matthew Modinecal. 1997.
Man on a Ledge (Novacinema1, 20.10)
06:15 The Weakest Link 07:00 3rd & Bird 07:10 Boogie Beebies 07:25 Gigglebiz 07:40 The Roly Mo Show 07:55 Me Too! 08:15 3rd & Bird 08:25 Boogie Beebies 08:40 Gigglebiz 08:55 The Roly Mo Show 09:10 Me Too! 09:30 Buzz & Tell 09:35 My Family 10:05 One Foot In The Grave 10:35 The Weakest Link 11:20 EastEnders 11:50 Doctors 12:20 Casualty 13:10 Bleak House 13:40 Bleak House 14:10 My Family 14:40 The Weakest Link 15:25 EastEnders 15:55 Doctors 16:25 Casualty 17:15 Bleak House 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 EastEnders 19:30 Doctors 20:00 Coast 21:00 Keeping Up Appearances 21:30 Gavin & Stacey 22:00 Waking The Dead 22:50 Blackadder Goes Forth 23:20 Taking the Flak 23:50 Friday Night Dinner 00:15 Last Man Standing 01:05 The Weakest Link 01:50 EastEnders 02:20 Doctors 02:50 Keeping Up Appearances 03:20 Coast 04:20 Gavin & Stacey 04:50 Friday Night Dinner 05:15 Blackadder Goes Forth 05:45 Keeping Up Appearances
07:00 How It’s Made 07:25 Wheeler Dealers 08:15 American Chopper 09:10 Dirty Jobs 10:05
Deadliest Catch 10:55 Ultimate Survival 11:50 How Do They Do It? 12:15 How It’s Made 12:40 Extreme Engineering 13:35 Rides 14:30 Wheeler Dealers 15:25 American Chopper 16:20 Mythbusters 17:15 Dirty Jobs 18:10 Deadliest Catch 19:05 Ultimate Survival 20:00 How It’s Made 21:00 Extreme Fishing 22:00 River Monsters 23:00 Masters Of Survival 00:00 Trouble In Paradise 01:00 Surviving The Cut 01:55 Extreme Fishing 02:50 River Monsters 03:50 Masters Of Survival 04:50 Trouble In Paradise 05:45 How Do They Do It? 06:10 Overhaulin’l
04:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 15:30 Biathlon: World Cup Italy 16:45 Snooker: International Masters London 18:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 19:30 Tennis: Game, Set And Mats 20:00 Snooker: International Masters London 00:00 Rally: Rally Raid Dakar 00:30 Poker: European Poker Tour 01:30 Tennis: Game, Set And Mats 02:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne
06:25 Castle 07:10 Modern Family 07:35 New Girl 08:00 Body Of Proof 08:50 Masterchef 09:40 Desperate Housewives 10:25 Castle 11:10 Modern Family 11:35 New Girl 12:00 Scandal 12:50 Castle 13:40 Body Of Proof 14:30 Tabatha’s Salon Takeover 15:20 Desperate Housewives 16:05 Castle 16:50 Modern Family 17:15 New Girl 17:40 Body Of Proof 18:30 Tabatha’s Salon Takeover 19:20 Desperate Housewives 20:10 Castle 21:00 Scandal 21:50 Castle 22:40 Modern Family 23:05 Last Man Standing 23:30 Scandal 00:20 Castle 02:00 Desperate Housewives 02:45 Modern Family 03:10 Last Man Standing 03:35 Rita Rocks 04:00 Body Of Proof 04:50 Tabatha’s Salon Takeover l
07:00 Pawn Stars 07:30 Storage Wars 08:00 Mud Men 09:00 Pawn Stars 09:30 American Restoration 10:00 Pawn Stars 10:30 Storage Wars 11:00 Ancient Aliens 12:00 Swamp People 13:00 Storage Wars 14:00 Pawn Stars 14:30 American Restoration 15:00 Mud Men 16:00 Swamp People 17:00 Storage Wars 18:00 Pawn Stars 18:30 American Restoration 19:00 Mud Men 20:00 Pawn Stars 20:30 Storage Wars 21:00
Ancient Aliens 22:00 American Restoration 23:00 Ax Men 00:00 Pawn Stars 00:30 Storage Wars 01:00 Ancient Aliens 02:00 American Restoration 03:00 Ax Men 04:00 Mud Men 05:00 Pawn Stars 05:30 American Restoration 06:00 Ancient Aliens
07:30 Brighton Rock 09:30 Mother Night 11:30 Search For El Dorado, The (Part 1) 13:15 Search For El Dorado, The (Part 2) 15:00 What Women Want 17:10 Hollywood Buzz 17:45 Next Three Days, The 20:00 Ltv Sports News 21:00 Sleepy Hollow 23:00 Special 00:30 Hustler Tv 02:15 Fred Claus 04:15 Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants 2, The 06:30 Ltv Sports News
07:00 Chowder I 07:25 Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack, The 07:50 Tom & Jerry Show,
The 08:15 Shaggy & ScoobyDoo Get A Clue! I 08:40 Loonatics Unleashed I 09:05 Superman: The Animated Series Ii 09:30 Superman: The Animated Series Ii 09:55 Looney Tunes Show, The 10:20 Tak & The Power Of Juju 10:45 Fanboy & Chum Chum 11:10 X’s, The 11:35 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:25 Spongebob Squarepants 12:50 Spongebob Squarepants 13:15 Mighty B!, The 13:40 My Life As A Teenage Robot 14:05 Hey Arnold! 14:30 Icarly 14:55 Icarly 15:20 Shaggy & ScoobyDoo Get A Clue! I 15:45 Justice League Unlimited I 16:10 Legion Of Super Heroes I 16:35 Young Justice 17:00 A’ Division Cyprus Soccer Championship 2012-13 19:00 Barclays Premier League Review 20:00 Best Premier League Games 20:30 La Liga World 21:00 Barclays Premier League World 21:30 La Liga Show 2012-13 22:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 00:00 Planet Speed 00:30 Best Premier League Games 01:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13 03:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 05:00 Copa Del Rey 2012-13
07:15 According To Jim 08:00 2 Broke Girls 08:30 Necessary Roughness 10:00 Friends 10:30
Gossip Girl 11:15 Ncis: Los Angeles 12:50 Pan Am 13:40 According To Jim 14:30 Necessary Roughness 16:05 2 Broke Girls 16:30 Chuck 17:15 Bones 19:00 Pan Am 19:45 Two And A Half Men 20:30 Friends 21:00 Closer, The 22:00 Harry’s Law 22:45 C.S.I. New York 23:30 Luck 00:30 Last Samurai, The 03:10 Action Zone 03:50 2 Broke Girls 04:15 Chuck 05:00 Bones 06:30 Pan Am
07:10 Youth In Revolt 08:45 Blindness 10:50 Simon Birch 12:45 Another Year 15:00 Before Sunrise 16:45 Eye Of The Dolphin 18:30 Run 20:10 Everybody Wants To Be Italian 22:00 Facing Ali 00:05 Daring! TV 04:05 My Soul To Take 06:00 Christmas With The Kranks
05:55 The Client 07:55 Cine News 08:20 Beginners 10:05 Action Zone 10:35 Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 12:50 Desperately Seeking Santa 14:20 Mad On Novacinema 15:00 The Cake Eaters 16:30 Cine News 17:00 Les Emotifs Anonymes 18:25 Gospel Hill 20:10 Man On A Ledge 22:00 Transit 23:40 Mao’s Last Dancer 01:40 Cine News 02:00 Julia’s Eyes 04:00 Albert Nobbs
05:55 Cine News 06:40 In Time 08:30 Cine News 11:20 Against All Odds 13:25 Cine News 16:10 Cat Ballou 17:50 Hollywood 1 On 1 18:25 Nisos 2: To Kinigi Tou Xamenou Thisavrou 20:20 Source Code 22:00 The Vow 23:50 Blue Valentine 01:55 American Gangster 04:35 Machine Gun Preacher
18:55 The Lincoln Lawyer 21:00 Men Of Honor 23:15 Magic City 00:15 C.S.I. 01:05 Adult Zone
18:50 Manuale D’am3re 21:00 A Better Life 22:45 Jude 00:50 Take Me Home Tonight
07:00 Live A Little, Love A Little 08:30 Kelly’s Heroes 10:50 Live A Little, Love A Little 12:20 Bad Day At Black Rock 13:45 Torpedo Run 15:20 Key Largo 17:00 Ice Station Zebra 19:25 Where Eagles Dare 22:00 Pink Floyd - The Wall 23:35 Mutiny on the Bounty 02:30 Honeymoon Machine 03:55 Naked Spur 05:25 Boys Town
By Preston Wilder
Facing Ali (LTV3, 22.00) If you’ve never seen When We Were Kings, the 90s documentary on the so-called ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman ... well, you should, because it’s hugely entertaining and also shows how intelligent and charismatic Ali was in his prime (before being brought low by Parkinson’s), a universe away from the likes of Mike Tyson. The former Cassius Clay turns 70 today - and it’s nice of LTV to mark the occasion, even if this documentary sounds a lot more conventional than Kings. “10 of Muhammad Ali’s former rivals pay tribute to the three-time world heavyweight champion,” says the synopsis, the interviewees including such names as Joe Frazier, Larry
Holmes and the aforementioned Mr. Foreman; they also talk a bit about their own lives, the interviews cross-cut with footage of Ali and clips from his greatest fights - and it’s all very watchable, though the constant emotional paeans sometimes make it feel like a eulogy. Not for a while, hopefully. Made in 2009.
Transit (Novacinema1, 22.00) “One man will stop at nothing to save his family,” says the trailer for this crime thriller, aligning it with approximately one zillion other crime thrillers in which a man will stop at nothing to save his family. The man is Jim Caviezel, who once played Jesus but refuses to turn the other cheek when his wife and kids are
threatened by violent bank robbers; the crooks stash their loot on the roof-rack of the rather dysfunctional family’s station wagon, planning to get it later - but of course things go wrong, forcing Jim to bang, crash and wallop his way to a happy ending. “If I tried to list all the illogical behaviour of the characters in Transit then I’d be here all day,” sighs an unimpressed Welsh viewer at the Internet Movie Database. “I’d like to say that if you were prepared to put your brain in a jamjar for 90 minutes then you may enjoy this film, but I can’t even do that”. Are you saying you don’t admire a man who’ll stop at nothing to save his family? Rated ‘R’ (speaking of families) for “violence and terror, pervasive language and brief teen drug use”. Made in 2012.
T V TUESDAY 15/01 SUNDAY MAIL• January 13, 2013
CYBC 1 06.45 08.15
Proti Enimerosi Kali Sas Mera Early monrning entertainment magazine featuring segments on cooking, fashion, lifestyle issues and more.
Kaftes Piperies (rpt)
Istories Tou Horkou (rpt)
Cookery show.
CYBC 2 07.00 08.00 16.30 17.00 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.10
Apo Mera Se Mera Current affairs show.
Entehnos Local cultural show.
16.00 18.00 18.15 18.45
Mazi Sto CyBC News Kaftes Piperies Paizoume Kypriaka
20.00 21.00
Local game show, asking questions having to do with the Cypriot dialect.
20.00 21.15
News Vimata Stin Ammo
Ego Ki Esi (rpt)
Local comedy series. Local topical show.
23.30 23.45
NRG Zone FILM: Beverley Hills Cop
Desperate Housewives Seventh season. ‘You Must Meet My Wife’. Susan’s stint as a sexy internet sensation is threatened when she angers a client and her boss, while Renee and Gabrielle reveal intimate secrets about one another to the wrong people.
New season of local period drama, based on true events.
07.50 08.40
A freewheeling Detroit cop pursuing a murder investigation finds himself dealing with the very different culture of Beverly Hills. Comedy starring Eddie Murphy. 1984.
Moiraia Fengaria Local drama series inspired by Maro Kranidioti’s book ‘Otan i Moira Apofasizei’.
05.30 06.20 06.50 07.00
NRG Zone Kids’ TV Euromaxx Kati Psinetai (rpt) Biz/Emeis News In English News In Turkish Doctor Who (rpt) Fourth season. ‘The Unicorn and the Wasp’. Intrigued by the disappearance of crime writer Agatha Christie, the Time Lord takes Donna to 1926. Rumours at the time suggested the author was suffering from a nervous breakdown, but what the Doctor finds is far more shocking - a giant alien wasp seeking revenge.
Local comedy series, which happens to be the longest-running show on TV.
News Repeats 23.30
09.30 10.25 11.15 12.10 13.00 13.20 14.00 14.50 15.45 16.40 17.30
Erotas (rpt) Proini Enimerosi Me Agapi Idiaitera Yia Klamata (rpt) Englimata (rpt) Lyke, Lyke Eisai Edo (rpt) Einai Stigmes (rpt) Pansellinos (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) Niose Me (rpt) News Mera Mesimeri Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) Oneiropagida (rpt) Vals Me 12 Theous (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) With News at 18.00.
18.30 19.30 20.15 21.15 22.10 23.00 00.00 00.05 00.30 01.40 02.30 03.20 04.40
Aiyia Fuxia Niose Me News Vals Me 12 Theous Ekeino To Kalokairi Presidential Elections 2013 News Sports News Radio Arvila Yia Tin Anna (rpt) I Agapi Irthe Apo Makria (rpt) News Deal (rpt)
MEGA 06.30 07.00
08.00 10.00 12.45 14.00 15.00 16.00 18.00 18.20
Emeis Ki Emeis (rpt) Koinonia Ora Mega
Current affairs show that examines the issues affecting everyday people in Greece and abroad.
07.00 08.20 10.20 11.10
Nea Mera Proino Mou Enimerosi Tora Klemmena Oneira (rpt) Eheis Meson Yia Sena News Master Chef (rpt) Reality competition show where amateur chefs compete against each other in weekly challenges.
20.15 21.15
Eftyhismenoi Mazi (rpt) News Klemmena Oneira
22.10 23.10
Enoha Mystika FILM: Ultraviolet
12.00 14.20 15.20 18.00 18.05 18.30
Latin American telenovela.
19.30 20.20 21.15 22.20
00.00 00.50 01.30 03.30 04.30
Efta Ourani Kai Sinnefa Alites News Aspra Balonia FILM: The Other Woman A drama that details the story of a woman’s difficult relationship with her stepson. Drama, starring Natalie Portman. 2009.
Greek drama series.
A beautiful hemophage infected with a virus that gives her superhuman powers has to protect a boy in a futuristic world, who is thought to be carrying antigens that would destroy all hemophages. Sci-fi thriller, starring Milla Jovovich. 2006.
The Del Monte Heirs (rpt) Protoselido Eleni Vasiliki (rpt) Efta Ourani Kai Sinnefa Alites (rpt) Mesimeri Kai Kati Aspra Balonia (rpt) Magazino News Ti Tha Fame Simera Mama The Del Monte Heirs
00.00 00.05 00.45 01.45 02.40 03.00 03.30
News Dekati Entoli (rpt) Althinoi Erotes (rpt) Mila Mou (rpt) Se Fonto Kokkino (rpt) Ta Hrisopsara (rpt) Eleni (rpt)
PLUS TV 07.20 08.35 09.05 10.15 10.35 12.30 13.00 15.30 17.00 17.50 19.40
Fotis - Maria Live Best Of Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of Mila (rpt) Nistikoi Praktores (rpt) Star News Mesimeriani Meleti Classic Cartoons To Kleidi Fotis - Maria Live Mila Discussions about various issues based on a woman’s life (men, sex, kids etc.) with showbiz guests.
21.15 22.15 23.15
Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Presidential Elections 2013 Eleventh Hour (rpt) First and only season. ‘Surge’. A government programme to create a new breed of supersoldier becomes the focus of Dr Hood’s investigations when one of the human subjects escapes from the lab.
00.00 00.50 01.50
LTV Sports News Star News Repeats
News Fae To Sokolata Sou Yia Sena (rpt) Enimerosi Tora (rpt) Proino Mou (rpt)
CAPITAL 07.10 08.05 08.35 09.25 10.00 11.00 11.30 12.30 13.15 13.35 14.45
Kids’ TV Magikos Kosmos S’ Agapo (rpt) Akti Oneiron (rpt) Ston Asterismo Tis Imeras Kouzina Me Apopsi Capital Sports Milagros Kids’ TV Telemarketing Top Models Latin American telenovela.
15.40 16.45
S’ Agapo Sabrina, To Koritsi Tis Agapis Latin American telenovela.
17.35 18.15 19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00
Akti Oneiron Pacific Blue News Sports News Igeia & Zoi FILM: Best Of The Best Personal conflicts threaten to jeopardise a US martial arts team’s success in an international tae kwon do tournament. Drama, with Eric Roberts. 1989.
FILM: Lives Of The Saints Drama, starring Sophia Loren. 2005. Part 2 of 2.
FILM: Going Back A documentarian brings six veterans back to Vietnam to confront their issues about the war. Drama, Casper Van Dien. 2001.
Fantastic Mr. Fox (LTV, 16.45)
06:15 The Weakest Link 07:00 3rd & Bird 07:10 Boogie Beebies 07:25 Gigglebiz 07:40 The Roly Mo Show 07:55 Me Too! 08:15 3rd & Bird 08:25 Boogie Beebies 08:40 Gigglebiz 08:55 The Roly Mo Show 09:10 Me Too! 09:30 Dinnerladies 10:00 As Time Goes By 10:30 The Weakest Link 11:15 EastEnders 11:45 Doctors 12:15 Coast 13:15 Sherlock 14:45 Dinnerladies 15:15 As Time Goes By 15:45 EastEnders 16:15 Doctors 16:45 Coast 17:45 Dinnerladies 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 EastEnders 19:30 Doctors 20:00 Coast 21:00 Fawlty Towers 21:30 Come Fly With Me 22:00 Upstairs Downstairs 22:55 Last Of The Summer Wine 23:25 Twenty Twelve 23:55 Unforgiven 00:45 Getting On 01:15 The Weakest Link 02:00 Come Fly With Me 02:30 EastEnders 03:00 Doctors 03:30 Coast 04:30 Getting On 05:00 Doctor Who Confidential 05:15 Come Fly With Me 05:45 Fawlty Towers
07:00 How It’s Made 07:25 Wheeler Dealers 08:15 American Chopper 09:10 Dirty Jobs 10:05 Deadliest Catch 10:55 Ultimate Survival 11:50 How Do They Do It? 12:15 How It’s Made 12:40 Extreme Engineering 13:35 Overhaulin’ 14:30
Wheeler Dealers 15:25 American Chopper 16:20 Mythbusters 17:15 Dirty Jobs 18:10 Deadliest Catch 19:05 Ultimate Survival 20:00 How It’s Made 21:00 Mythbusters 22:00 Outback Truckers 23:00 Aircrash Confidential 00:00 How We Invented The World 01:00 Curiosity 01:55 Mythbusters 02:50 Outback Truckers 03:50 Aircrash Confidential 04:50 How We Invented The World 05:45 How Do They Do It? 06:10 Overhaulin’l
04:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 15:30 Snooker: International Masters London 18:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 18:30 Alpine Skiing: World Cup Austria 19:30 Tennis: Game, Set And Mats 20:00 Snooker: International Masters London 21:00 Snooker: International Masters London 22:00 Alpine Skiing: World Cup Austria 22:30 Snooker: International Masters London 00:00 Rally: Rally Raid Dakar 00:30 Motorsports: Gta Race To Dubai 00:45 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 01:30 Tennis: Game, Set And Mats 02:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne
06:25 Castle 07:10 Modern Family 07:35 New Girl 08:00 Body Of Proof 08:50 Tabatha’s Salon Takeover 09:40 Desperate Housewives 10:25 Castle 11:10 Modern Family 11:35 New Girl 12:00 Raising Hope 12:25 Melissa & Joey 12:50 Glee 13:40 Body Of Proof 14:30 Masterchef 15:20 Desperate Housewives 16:05 Castle 16:50 Modern Family 17:15 New Girl 17:40 Body Of Proof 18:30 Masterchef 19:20 Desperate Housewives 20:10 Castle 21:00 Raising Hope 21:25 New Girl 21:50 Glee 22:40 Modern Family 23:05 New Girl 23:30 Raising Hope 23:55 New Girl 00:20 Glee 01:10 Castle 02:00 Desperate Housewives 02:45 Modern Family 03:10 New Girl 03:35 Rita Rocks 04:00 Body Of Proof 04:50 Masterchef l
07:00 Pawn Stars 07:30 Storage Wars 08:00 Mud Men 09:00 Pawn Stars 09:30 American Restoration 10:00 Pawn Stars 10:30 Storage Wars 11:00 Ancient Aliens 12:00 Pawn Stars 12:30 Cajun Pawn Stars 13:00 American Restoration 14:00 Pawn Stars 14:30 American Restoration 15:00 Mud Men 16:00 Pawn Stars 16:30 Cajun Pawn Stars 17:00 American Restoration 18:00 Pawn Stars 18:30 American Restoration 19:00 Mud Men 20:00
Pawn Stars 20:30 Storage Wars 21:00 Ancient Aliens 22:00 Storage Wars 23:00 American Pickers 00:00 Pawn Stars 00:30 Storage Wars 01:00 Ancient Aliens 02:00 Storage Wars 03:00 American Pickers 04:00 Mud Men 05:00 Pawn Stars 05:30 American Restoration 06:00 Ancient Aliens
07:30 Action Zone 08:00 Black Book 10:30 Any Given Sunday 13:15 Grace Is Gone 15:00 Crackie 16:45 Fantastic Mr Fox 18:15 Art Of Travel, The 20:00 Ltv Sports News 21:00 1408 23:00 Somewhere 00:45 Hustler Tv 03:10 Safe Passage 04:50 Lottery Ticket 06:30 Ltv Sports News
07:00 Chowder I 07:25 Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack, The 07:50 Tom & Jerry Show, The 08:15 Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue! I 08:40 Loonatics Unleashed I 09:05 Superman: The Animated Series Ii 09:30 Superman: The Animated Series Ii 09:55 Looney Tunes Show, The 10:20 Tak & The Power Of Juju 10:45 Fanboy & Chum Chum 11:10 X’s, The 11:35 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:25 Spongebob Squarepants 12:50 Spongebob Squarepants 13:15 Mighty B!, The
13:40 My Life As A Teenage Robot 14:05 Hey Arnold! 14:30 Icarly 14:55 Icarly 15:20 Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue! I 15:45 Justice League Unlimited I 16:10 Legion Of Super Heroes I 16:35 Young Justice 17:00 Nba Action 17:30 Barclays Premier League World 18:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13 20:00 La Liga Review 2012-13 21:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 23:00 Copa Del Rey 2012-13 01:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 03:00 Copa Del Rey 2012-13 05:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13
blond 03:45 Friends 04:10 Two And A Half Men 05:00 Closer, The 05:45 Harry’s Law 06:30 Pan Am
07:15 Chuck 08:00 2 Broke Girls 08:30 Bones 10:00 According To Jim 10:45 2 Broke Girls 11:20 Necessary Roughness 13:00 Pan Am 13:50 Chuck 14:35 Bones 16:05 Friends 16:35 Two And A Half Men 17:25 Closer, The 18:10 Harry’s Law 19:00 Pan Am 19:45 According To Jim 20:30 Big Bang Theory, The 21:00 Mentalist, The 21:45 Top Boy 22:40 C.S.I. New York 23:25 Luck 00:25 Skyline 02:25 Talhot-
07:35 Music Of The Heart 09:40 Spy Kids 4: All The Time In The Word 11:10 Cine News 11:30 Larry Crowne 13:15 Happythankyoumoreplease 15:00 12 Dates Of Christmas 16:35 Cine News 17:10 Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure 18:45 Hollywood 1on1 19:20 Tooth Fairy 2 21:00 C.S.I. 22:00 Larisa Ebisteftiko 23:45 My Week With Marilyn 01:25 Cine News 01:55 Passion Play 03:35 Choose
07:45 Saint John Of Las Vegas 09:30 Ghost Writer 12:00 Kisses 13:30 Life As We Know It 15:30 Action Zone 16:00 Barbarian Princess 18:00 Mystery Laska 20:00 Running With Scissors 22:00 Wedding Singer 23:35 Action Zone 00:05 Daring! TV 04:05 Insidious 05:45 Akeelah And The Bee
06:05 Gran Torino 08:05 Cine News 09:05 The Conspirator 11:10 Cover Girl 13:00 Cine News 14:00 No Strings Attached 15:50 Johnny English Reborn 17:35 Hollywood Buzz 18:10 I Don’t Know How She Does It 19:45 Midnight Run 22:00 Ghost Rider 00:00 Conviction 01:55 Killer Elite 03:55 Cine News 04:40 Winter’s Bone
19:25 The Darkest Hour 21:00 Limitless 23:00 How I Met Your Mother 00:20 Cine News 01:30 Adult Zone
18:55 There’s Something About Mary 21:00 Serendipity 22:40 Manolete 00:15 Friends With Benefits
07:00 To Have And Have Not 08:40 Asphalt Jungle 10:30 Edge of the City 11:55 Please Don’t Eat The Daisies 13:45 Big Sleep 15:35 North By Northwest 17:50 Lust For Life 19:50 Wonderful World Of The Brothers Grimm 22:00 Sweet Bird Of Youth 00:00 Fame 02:10 Ryan’s Daughter 05:20 Edge of the City
By Preston Wilder
1408 (LTV, 21.00) John Cusack is a ghost hunter. He’s trying to book a night in Room 1408 of the Dolphin Hotel in New York, a room - so he’s heard - which is rich in ectoplasmic energy. Sorry, he’s informed, that room is unavailable. How about next week? Sorry, unavailable. Next month? Unavailable. How about next year? No. Unavailable. John won’t be dissuaded. He gets a lawyer, and threatens to sue unless they give him the room. The hotel relents, but when John arrives he’s discreetly met by the manager (Samuel L. Jackson) who takes him aside for a private chat. Don’t stay in 1408, says the manager. Please don’t stay in 1408. 56 people have died in that room, says the manager, bringing out a
file packed with grisly photos. “No-one’s ever lasted more than an hour”. One occupant slit his wrists, then cut off his manhood! Others jumped out the window! “It’s an evil f***ing room.” John decides to stay in the room anyway - at which point you know the film (based on a Stephen King story) can’t possibly live up to that frightening build-up, and indeed it doesn’t, turning laboured and hysterical Still good fun, if only for that brilliant first half-hour. Made in 2007.
New Girl (Fox Life, 21.25) What’s the secret of New Girl’s success? Is it Zooey Deschanel, with her deadpan comic timing? Is it the three guys who play her flatmates, prompting echoes
New Girl
of Friends and The Big Bang Theory? Yes and yes, but watching the Season 2 trailer brings up another possible reason - because the show’s creator Liz Meriwether appears in the trailer and she looks exactly like Zooey, down to the king-size black-rimmed glasses: this is clearly a show made by people who identify with their characters, which I guess is how they manage to hit the same humorous note again and again. Whether you like that note is a matter of taste - but Season 2 (kicking off tonight) sounds like fun, with Zooey losing her job and volunteering to be a “shot girl” at Schmidt’s “re-branding party”. No idea what that means, then again I’m not a deadpan kook like Zooey and Ms. Meriwether. ‘Re-launch’ is the title.
T V WEDNESDAY 16/01 January 13, 2013• SUNDAY MAIL
CYBC 1 06.45 08.15
Proti Enimerosi Kali Sas Mera Early monrning entertainment magazine featuring segments on cooking, fashion, lifestyle issues and more.
Kaftes Piperies (rpt)
Istories Tou Horkou (rpt)
Cookery show.
CYBC 2 07.00 08.00 16.30 17.00 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.10
Apo Mera Se Mera Current affairs show.
Entehnos Local cultural show.
16.00 18.00 18.15 18.45
Mazi Sto CyBC News Kaftes Piperies Paizoume Kypriaka
20.00 21.00
Moiraia Fengaria Local drama series inspired by Maro Kranidioti’s book ‘Otan i Moira Apofasizei’.
20.00 21.15
Greek FILM: O Trellos Ta’ Hei 400 Comedy, starring Labros Konstadaras. 1968.
23.30 23.45
07.50 08.40
NRG Zone FILM: Elizabethtown
Desperate Housewives Seventh season. ‘Truly Content’. Susan is forced to reveal her secret to Mike, and Juanita becomes suspicious of Gabrielle’s sudden interest in Grace. Lynette is concerned about her mother-in-law’s lapses of memory, and Paul takes Beth out on a date in an effort to spark their marriage into life.
News Vimata Stin Ammo New season of local period drama, based on true events.
05.30 06.20 06.50 07.00
A depressed man visits his home town for his father’s funeral, where a free-spirited woman turns his life around. Romantic drama, starring Orlando Bloom. 2005.
Local game show, asking questions having to do with the Cypriot dialect.
NRG Zone Kids’ TV Euromaxx Kati Psinetai (rpt) Kato Apo Ton Idio Ourano News In English News In Turkish Doctor Who (rpt) Fourth season. ‘Silence in the Library’. Part one of two. The Tardis takes Donna and the Doctor to the universe’s largest library, which was sealed up and abandoned 100 years ago amid stories of terrifying living shadows within.
Local comedy series, which happens to be the longest-running show on TV.
News Repeats 23.45
09.30 10.25 11.15 12.10 13.00 13.20 14.00 14.50 15.45 16.40 17.30
Erotas (rpt) Proini Enimerosi Me Agapi Idiatera Yia Klamata (rpt) Englimata (rpt) Lyke, Lyke Eisai Edo (rpt) Einai Stigmes (rpt) Pansellinos (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) Niose Me (rpt) News Mera Mesimeri Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) Oneiropagida (rpt) Vals Me 12 Theous (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt)
MEGA 06.30 07.00
A revamped version of its predecessor (Koinonia Ora 8). Current affairs show that examines the issues affecting everyday people in Greece and abroad.
08.00 10.00 12.45 14.00 15.00 16.00 18.00 18.20
Aiyia Fuxia Local comedy series, with village setting.
19.30 20.15 21.15 22.10 23.00 00.00 00.05 00.20 01.40 02.30 03.20 04.40
Niose Me News Vals Me 12 Theous Ekeino To Kalokairi Presidential Elections 2013 News Sports News Ola Bahalo Fetos Yia Tin Anna (rpt) I Agapi Irthe Apo Makria (rpt) News Deal (rpt)
Nea Mera Proino Mou Enimerosi Tora Klemmena Oneira (rpt) Eheis Meson Yia Sena News Master Chef New season of Greek reality series. Amateur cooks compete to win the coveted MasterChef title.
Eftyhismenoi Mazi (rpt)
20.15 21.15
News Klemmena Oneira
With News at 18.00.
Emeis Ki Emeis (rpt) Koinonia Ora Mega
SIGMA 07.00 08.20 10.20 11.10 12.00 14.20 15.20 18.00 18.05 18.30 19.30 20.20 21.15 22.20 23.30
08.35 09.05 10.15 10.35 12.30 13.00 15.30 17.00 17.50 19.40 21.15 22.00
00.20 00.25 01.20 02.10 02.40 03.00 04.30
News Dekati Entoli (rpt) Althinoi Erotes (rpt) Mila Mou (rpt) Se Fonto Kokkino (rpt) Ta Hrisopsara (rpt) Eleni (rpt)
Fotis - Maria Live Best Of Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of Mila (rpt) Nistikoi Praktores (rpt) Star News Mesimeriani Meleti Classic Cartoons To Kleidi Fotis - Maria Live Mila Exelixeis Sti Showbiz The Closer (rpt) Fifth season. ‘Maternal Instincts’. Brenda causes conflict with Fritz when she involves her niece in the investigation of a school shooting that left one person dead and another critically injured. Meanwhile, Provenza makes a life-changing decision.
Las Vegas First season. ‘Luck Be a Lady’. Sandra Adlman, a former CIA friend of Ed’s, strolls into the casino as an adviser to a singer. While the boss enjoys catching up on old times with the lustful lady, the diva worries about a possible stalker.
Greek drama series.
Enoha Mystika Anonymous (rpt) News Fae Ti Sokolata Sou Yia Sena (rpt) Enimerosi Tora (rpt) Proino Mou (rpt)
Local investigative show.
Greek comedy series.
22.10 23.10 00.00 00.10 01.00 03.00 04.20
Protoselido Eleni Vasiliki (rpt) Efta Ourani Kai Sinnefa Alites (rpt) Mesimeri Kai Kati Aspra Balonia (rpt) Magazino News Ti Tha Fame Simera Mama The Del Monte Heirs Efta Ourani Kai Sinnefa Alites News Oikogeneiakes Istories 60 Lepta
06.45 08.20 09.25 10.00 11.00 11.30 12.30 13.25 15.25 16.15 16.50 17.35 18.15 19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00
LTV Sports News Star News Repeats
Kids’ TV S’ Agapo (rpt) Akti Oneiron (rpt) Ston Asterismo Tis Imeras Kouzina Me Apopsi Igeia & Zou (rpt) Milagros Kids’ TV Top Models S’ Agapo Sabrina, To Koritsi Tis Agapis Akti Oneiron Pacific Blue News Sports News Epi Topou FILM: Passion Of Mind A New York literary agent appears to have it all but is haunted by dreams of living another life. Romantic drama, starring Demi Moore. 2000.
FILM: Sunset Grill A private eye sets out to discover who killed his ex-wife : and uncovers a grisly organisation led by a wealthy philanthropist. Thriller, starring Peter Weller 1992.
FILM: Adam Resurrected In the aftermath of WWII, a former circus entertainer who was spared from the gas chamber becomes the ringleader at an asylum for Holocaust survivors War drama, starring Jeff Goldblum and Willem Defoe. 2008.
00.25 01.15 02.20
FILM: Alien Hunter A communications expert is decoding strange signals at an Antarctic research station when events take a deadly turn. Sci-fi thriller, starring James Spader. 2003.
The Artist (Novacinema1, 20.15)
06:15 The Weakest Link 07:00 3rd & Bird 07:10 Boogie Beebies 07:25 Gigglebiz 07:40 The Roly Mo Show 07:55 Me Too! 08:15 3rd & Bird 08:25 Boogie Beebies 08:40 Gigglebiz 08:55 The Roly Mo Show 09:10 Me Too! 09:30 Buzz & Tell 09:35 Fawlty Towers 10:05 Twenty Twelve 10:35 The Weakest Link 11:20 EastEnders 11:50 Doctors 12:20 Coast 13:20 Upstairs Downstairs 14:15 Last Of The Summer Wine 14:45 The Weakest Link 15:30 EastEnders 16:00 Doctors 16:30 Coast 17:30 Upstairs Downstairs 18:25 The Weakest Link 19:10 EastEnders 19:40 Doctors 20:10 Casualty 21:00 My Family 21:30 Getting On 22:00 Unforgiven 22:50 One Foot In The Grave 23:20 Live At The Apollo 00:05 Waking The Dead 00:55 Taking the Flak 01:25 The Weakest Link 02:10 EastEnders 02:40 Doctors 03:10 Casualty 04:00 My Family 04:30 Getting On 05:00 Live At The Apollo 05:45 One Foot In The Grave
07:00 How It’s Made 07:25 Wheeler Dealers 08:15 American Chopper 09:10 Dirty Jobs 10:05 Deadliest Catch 10:55 Ultimate Survival 11:50 How Do They Do It? 12:15 How It’s Made 12:40 Ex-
treme Engineering 13:35 Wreckreation Nation 14:30 Wheeler Dealers 15:25 American Chopper 16:20 Mythbusters 17:15 Dirty Jobs 18:10 Deadliest Catch 19:05 Ultimate Survival 20:00 How It’s Made 21:00 Alone In The Wild 22:00 Beyond Survival With Les Stroud 23:00 Dynamo: Magician Impossible 01:00 The Real Hustle 01:55 Alone In The Wild 02:50 Beyond Survival With Les Stroud 03:50 Dynamo: Magician Impossible 05:45 How Do They Do It? 06:10 Overhaulin’l
04:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 15:30 Snooker: International Masters London 18:00 Motorsports: Gta Race To Dubai 18:15 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 19:30 Tennis: Game, Set And Mats 20:00 Snooker: International Masters London 00:00 Rally: Rally Raid Dakar 00:30 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne 01:30 Tennis: Game, Set And Mats 02:00 Tennis: Australian Open, Melbourne
05:40 Desperate Housewives 06:25 Castle 07:10 Modern Family 07:35 New Girl 08:00 Body Of Proof 08:50 Masterchef
09:40 Desperate Housewives 10:25 Castle 11:10 Modern Family 11:35 New Girl 12:00 Grey’s Anatomy 12:50 Private Practice 13:40 Body Of Proof 14:30 Masterchef 15:20 Desperate Housewives 16:05 Castle 16:50 Modern Family 17:15 New Girl 17:40 Body Of Proof 18:30 Tabatha’s Salon Takeover 19:20 Desperate Housewives 20:10 Castle 21:00 Grey’s Anatomy 21:50 Private Practice 22:40 Modern Family 23:05 New Girl 23:30 Grey’s Anatomy 00:20 Private Practice 01:10 Castle 02:00 Desperate Housewives 02:45 Modern Family 03:10 New Girl 03:35 Rita Rocks 04:00 Body Of Proof 04:50 Tabatha’s Salon Takeover l
07:00 Pawn Stars 07:30 Storage Wars 08:00 Mud Men 09:00 Pawn Stars 09:30 American Restoration 10:00 Pawn Stars 10:30 Storage Wars 11:00 Ancient Aliens 12:00 Storage Wars 13:00 American Pickers 14:00 Pawn Stars 14:30 American Restoration 15:00 Mud Men 16:00 Storage Wars 17:00 American Pickers 18:00 Pawn Stars 18:30 American Restoration 19:00 Mud Men 20:00 Pawn Stars 20:30 Storage Wars 21:00 Ancient Aliens 22:00 Swamp People 23:00 Storage Wars 00:00 Pawn Stars 00:30 Storage
Wars 01:00 Ancient Aliens 02:00 Swamp People 03:00 Storage Wars 04:00 Mud Men 05:00 Pawn Stars 05:30 American Restoration 06:00 Ancient Aliens
07:30 Letters To Juliet 09:15 Another Year 11:30 Zack And Miri Make A Porno 13:15 Spoken Word 15:15 Wild Things 17:10 Action Zone 17:45 Brideshead Revisited 20:00 Ltv Sports News 21:00 500 Days Of Summer 23:00 Horse Whisperer, The 01:50 Hustler Tv 03:20 Strangers, The 04:50 Christmas With The Kranks 06:30 Ltv Sports News
07:00 Chowder I 07:25 Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack, The 07:50 Tom & Jerry Show, The 08:15 Shaggy & ScoobyDoo Get A Clue! I 08:40 Loonatics Unleashed I 09:05 Superman: The Animated Series Ii 09:30 Superman: The Animated Series Ii
09:55 Looney Tunes Show, The 10:20 Tak & The Power Of Juju 10:45 Fanboy & Chum Chum 11:10 X’s, The 11:35 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:25 Spongebob Squarepants 12:50 Spongebob Squarepants 13:15 Mighty B!, The 13:40 My Life As A Teenage Robot 14:05 Hey Arnold! 14:30 Icarly 14:55 Icarly 15:20 Shaggy & ScoobyDoo Get A Clue! I 15:45 Justice League Unlimited I 16:10 Legion Of Super Heroes I 16:35 Young Justice 17:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 19:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13 21:00 La Liga World 21:30 Planet Speed 22:00 La Liga Review 2012-13 23:00 Copa Del Rey 2012-13 01:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13 03:00 Copa Del Rey 2012-13 05:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13
07:15 According To Jim 08:00 Big Bang Theory, The 08:30 Mentalist, The 09:15 Top Boy 10:10 Friends 10:35 Two And A Half Men 11:25 Closer, The
12:10 Harry’s Law 13:00 Pan Am 13:45 According To Jim 14:30 Mentalist, The 15:15 Top Boy 16:10 Friends 16:35 Gossip Girl 17:20 Ncis: Los Angeles 19:00 Pan Am 19:45 According To Jim 20:30 2 Broke Girls 21:00 Necessary Roughness 22:30 C.S.I. New York 23:15 Luck 00:10 Somewhere 02:00 Boxer, The (2009) 03:45 Friends 04:15 Gossip Girl 05:00 Ncis: Los Angeles 06:30 Pan Am
07:45 Skyline 09:40 Chloe 11:20 Crackie 12:55 Heyday! 14:30 St. Trinian’s Ii: The Legend Of Fritton’s Gold 16:20 Unknown 18:15 Spaced Invaders 20:00 Trucker 22:00 Underbelly Files - Infiltration 23:30 Action Zone 00:05 Daring! TV 04:05 Insignificant Harvey N 05:30 Veronica Guerin
05:05 Trust 06:55 I Am Legend 08:40 Hugo 10:45 Hollywood 1on1 11:15 The Dilemma 13:10 Welcome To The Sticks 15:00 Wings Of The Dove 16:45 Winnie The Pooh 17:55 $5 A Day 19:40 Action Zone 20:15 The Artist 22:00 Confucius 00:15 ; The Change-Up 02:10 Cine News 02:40 Point Blank 04:05 Room In Rome
By Preston Wilder
Trucker (LTV3, 20.00) She’s a mother. She’s a trucker. She’s a baaaad mothertrucker. She’s Michelle Monaghan, driving her truck down the back-roads of America, prone to hard drinking and casual sex, beholden to no-one though also going nowhere much - at least till the 11-yearold son she deserted years before shows up, openly rebellious and resentful but also forced to stay with his mother, at least for a while. A familiar scenario (will mum and son eventually bond? yes they will) but done with restraint, country music on the soundtrack and a lead performance that’s willing to be unsympathetic (she even slaps the kid at one point!) in the interests of better drama; almost Hollywood but not
exactly, a film with an air of authenticity - comments at the Internet Movie Database include an endorsement from a real-life truck driver - and a certain rugged regional vibe. Also with Nathan Fillion, as a married man who has a thing for Michelle. Made in 2008.
Confucius (Novacinema1, 22.00) Confucius say, Chinese movie like sudoku puzzle: very confusing if don’t have the clues, then waste of time anyway. A “boring, if impressively big-haired Chinese history lesson,” sighed British magazine Total Film but maybe you have to be Chinese to appreciate this irony-free historical drama, set in the 6th century B.C. (the “Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history,”
according to Wikipedia) when the philosopher Confucius became the country’s official sage, a position he occupies more or less to this day. Chow Yun-Fat is a rather low-key hero, the film weighed down by historical minutiae (Wikipedia notes that Confucius’ ideas became trendy “following the victory of Han over Chu after the collapse of Qin,” which suggests the profusion of names you have to wade through) and CGI-heavy battles - yet it’s also expensive and lavishly mounted, with the epic grandeur you’d expect from a costume drama approved by the Chinese government. Confucius say, biopic of famous scholar like opening ceremony of Beijing 2008: big, patriotic and little bit exhausting. In Mandarin; made in 2009.
06:20 The Skin I Live In 08:25 Cine News 11:15 The Adventures Of Tintin: The Secret Of The Unicorn 13:05 Cine News 13:55 Zorba The Greek 16:20 The Emperor’s Club 18:10 Films & Stars 18:45 Robinson Crusoe 20:20 Management 00:10 True Grit 2010 02:05 The Crimson Rivers 04:05 Colombiana
19:05 Route Irish 21:00 Gynekes Dilitirio 22:45 Person Of Interest 23:45 Blitz 01:30 Adult Zone
19:05 Cars 2 21:00 Made In Dagenham 23:00 Ever After: A Cinderella Story 01:05 In Love And War
07:00 Wonderful World Of The Brothers Grimm 09:10 Big Sleep 11:05 Doctor Zhivago 14:15 Come Fly With Me 16:00 Easter Parade 17:45 Bad Day At Black Rock 19:10 Edge of the City 20:35 Honeymoon Machine 22:00 Now, Voyager 23:55 Cat On A Hot Tin Roof 01:40 Kelly’s Heroes 04:00 Live A Little, Love A Little 05:30 Bad Day At Black Rock