Prague Leaders Magazine Issue 05/2012

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5/2012 199 CZK

Czech Healthcare will Face Major Challenges

Brno I Ostrava I Plzeň I Liberec I Olomouc I Ústí nad Labem I Hradec Králové I České Budějovice I Pardubice I Zlín I Jihlava I Turnov I Karlovy Vary I Mladá Boleslav

Systém CESR spolehlivě ochrání vaše podnikání před nespolehlivými obchodními partnery. The CESR system will reliably protect your business against unreliable business partners.

Rating českých ekonomických subjektů jednoznačně ukáže, na co si u dané společnosti dávat pozor a jaká rizika při spolupráci s ní očekávat

Rating of Czech economical subjects it will show unambiguously what to be aware of in particular company and what risks can be expected when cooperating with it

Hlídání insolvence program u zadaných subjektů sleduje, zda nebyl podán návrh na zahájení insolvenčního řízení, a informuje o všech změnách

Insolvency watch a program checking selected subjects for information whether an insolvency proceedings was not started against them, and informs about all changes

Hlídání změn v obchodním rejstříku program sleduje zadané subjekty v obchodním a živnostenském rejstříku a e-mailem zasílá informace o zjištěných změnách - např. likvidaci

Watching for the changes in business register a program watching selected subjects in business and trade register, and sends e-mails about noticed changes – e.g. liquidation

Registr dlužníků zadejte do systému své problematické dlužníky a dluhy se až do splacení promítnou do jejich ratingu

Register of debtors input your problematic debtors here and their debts will affect their rating until they are paid

Adresář subjektů kompletní adresář českých ekonomických subjektů, v němž lze vyhledávat podle regionu, oboru, obratu apod.

List of subject a complete list of Czech economical subjects, where one can search by region, field, turnover, etc.

politika • ekonomika • byznys

Máme vliv

Parlamentní magazín je seriózní politicko-ekonomick˘ mûsíãník s aktuálním a ucelen˘m zpravodajstvím z oblasti celé státní správy a podnikatelského sektoru. Elektronickou podobu ãasopisu najdete na


D&S Design Prague, s.r.o. Printing & Design Factory – Top Quality Products for Highly Competitive Prices Kounická 957/39, Praha 10 – Nové Strašnice, 100 00, tel.: 274 774 131, fax: 274 774 151,

publishers note & contents

Dear Readers, Time is flying by and we are already in the autumn season, and heading towards another winter. After a relatively quiet August, everything started in a flash with events, conferences, etc. It was quite obvious that people were back to their work and it’s business as usual. Another thing that seems to be buzzing around are the rumours and questions about who has the best chances to win the upcoming elections for the regions and the Senate, mixed with an ever growing list of new potential candidates to become the new president of the CR. A new name, and also a dear friend of mine, was announced the other day. Ing, Karel Muzikář, President of Comenius and a very likeable, energetic, charming man with a great spirit for this country, is well known among the top level people for his Round Table Discussions, and also is the creator of the Czech 100 Best companies and the 20 years old European Banking & Financial Forum. Readers of this magazine cannot have missed all our reportages over these very significant events over the years. Personally, I wish him the best of luck to fulfil his aspirations of becoming the next president. In this issue of the Leaders Magazine, we are proud to show you a lot of exciting photo coverage: the Aspen Institute Opening at the Senate, the Dinner at Lobkowitcz Palace, the gatherings of all Czech Ambassadors at the Senate, the Galileo Project opening, the Round Table Comenius with Premier Nečas from the CR and Premier Fico from Slovakia, the Comenius Conference towards democracy in the post Soviet regions, the Bohemia Jazz Fest, the Nato Days in Ostrava, the various golf tournaments, the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, the BVV Industrial Exhibition in Brno, and the Česká Pošta Art for Peace Exhibition to mention a few. On our front page, we are happy to have an interview with Pavel Horák, Director of VZP. Also we managed to include the stories from the new Chief of the General Staff, Lt. General Petr Pavel, as well as the Director of the State Institute for Drug Control, Pavel Březovský, the Rector of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Prof. Jiří Balík, the President of the Czech Management Association, Mr. Pavel Kafka, the remarkable woman that survived Terezín, Mrs. Ela Weissberger – which a fantastic story –, the Turkish Ambassador, H.E. Cihad Erginay, the Deputy Minister of Transport of the CR, Jiří Žák, not to mention a few others with many interesting articles from our contributors. My wish for you, my dear readers, is that now after holidays, you have enough energy to deal with the winter season that is still ahead of us and that you remember to be friendly and show respect to each other, generating and increasing our civic and our personal endurances for the months in store for us.

events 14

18 20 26 30 42 46 50 55 56 64 67 72 74 86 94 96 101 104 120

Crisis as Opportunity: Europe and the United States in a Globalized World – International Conference on the Occasion of Aspen Institute Prague Official Opening Aspen Institute Prague Gala Dinner at Lobkowitz Palace Important Meetings of Mr. Milan Štěch, Chairman of the Senate of the Czech Republic 13th Leaders Magazine Advisory Board Dinner Lions Club Prague Bohemia Ambassador Exceptional Ladies/“Lady Pro” Lunch in Support of Mr. Karel Muzikář to Become Presidential Candidate Czech 100 Best Grand Golf Prix Round Table of Comenius – Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Petr Nečas and Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Robert Fico The Presidential CFO Golf Tournament Democracy in the Post-Soviet Territory: 20 Years Later/Comenius CFO Club: Sportsmen in the Role of Managers Wine Tasting Event of ANO Spořitelní družstvo and Tři zlaté růže Sankt Petersburg International Economic Forum 2012 – Leadership that Works GSA Inaugurates New Prague Headquarters Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MZV) Charity Golf at Albatross Czech Air Force Day in Ostrava 2012 and NATO Days Air Show Sweden’s Minister of Defence Karin Enström Meets her Czech Counterpart, Alexander Vondra Developers Cocktail Hotel Jalta MSV − International Engineering Fair 2012 – the Largest and the Most Successful in Several Years The 23rd ČSÚZ Czech Course has Finished

Benke Aikell

page 18 Aspen Institute Prague Gala Dinner

diplomatic events 23 6 Leaders Magazine V/2012

32 80

The President of the Czech Republic Received Czech Ambassadors at Prague Castle Reception for All Czech Ambassadors at the Senate Slovakian National Day

contents interviews



Czech Healthcare Will Face Major Challenges An interview with Pavel Horák, Director of VZP – General Health Insurance Company of the Czech Republic

38 41 44 53


I’d Like the Image of the Czech Army to be as Good as Possible in the Eyes of the Public A talk with Petr Pavel, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic Galileo Pushes the Space Industry Forward in the Czech Republic A talk with Jiří Žák, Deputy Minister of page 110 – A talk with Ela Transport of the Czech Republic Stein Weissberger Business and Cultural Cooperation is to be Strengthened A talk with H.E. Cihad Erginay, Turkey’s Ambassador to the Czech Republic The Global Economic Crisis s Chiefly a Crisis of the Value System A talk with Pavel Kafka, President of the Czech Management Association The Future Pension Reform – an Opportunity for the Rest of us An interview with Pavel Jirák, CEO and Chairman of the Board, Penzijní fond Komerční banky Czech Drug Prices Are Still Very Low Compared to Other Nations A talk with Pavel Březovský, Director of the State Institute for Drug Control Working at University Gives the Added Value of Freedom An interview with Jiří Balík, Rector of the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague Czech-Israeli Relationships Are Excellent – No Matter What Happens, Czechs Are On Our Side An interview with Dr. Eli Fischer, Owner of Art for Piece Collection Hope Is Beyond the Mountains – Nobody Believed me When I Saw Hitler in Person A talk with Ela Stein Weissberger, the original star of “Brundibár” in the Theresin Ghetto



36 84 88

90 92 100


59 68 71 77 78 97 102

106 122

Czech Education Aiming for Best in Class/Jan Mühlfeit “Bad Mood” in the Czech Economy/By Emanuel Šíp Developing Leadership? Certainly. But how?/ELAI No Real Leadership without Communication/ Cristina Muntean Quo Vadis – the Future of Event Management/Jaroslav Škrabálek Anything Is Possible/Karin Genton The Good Things in Life − Panama/Iva Drebitko Engagement with NGOs Enhances the Reputation of Czech CEOs/Jonathan Wootliff We Click – Do We Think?/Ivan Pilný How can we Make this World a Better Place by “Being Happy”?/Sanjiv Suri The Star-like Move is Finished!/Evžen Tošenovský Cosmic Consciousness – a Journey to Well-being, Happiness, and Success, Part V: Happiness A,B/ James A. Cusumano Ambassadors without Diplomatic Passport, Šimon Pánek and Tomio Okamura/Linda Štucbartová Czech Republic: A Vain Nation/Emil Jimenez

culture events 60 63 98 112 114 128 129 130

Bohemia Jazz Fest – One of the Largest Culture Festivals in Europe Attracted over 80,000 People in July 2012 Helena Kroftová Leisztner Art Exhibition with an Art-Fashion Show Peace Exhibition Art For Peace Collection of Dr. Fischer Dokoupil – New Religious Paintings/Miro Gallery Miro Gallery Presents Russian-American Master of Painted Poetical Tales Yuri Gorbachev Pelleas & Melisanda/National Theatre Amerikana III/National Theatre Bláznivý den aneb Figarova svatba/National Theatre

paage pag age 68 – The The Good Th oodd Thi Th hhiings n s in Li L fee − PPana a ma ana m

page 60 Bohemia Jazz Fest

EU matters 123 124


Debate on European Semester and Country-specific Recommendations for the Czech Republic Galileo is not only a Showcase for the European Industry but it also Has a Political Dimension! Interview with Mr. Carlo Des Dorides, Head of the Galileo Agency (the European Gnss Agency or ‘Gsa’) Business News



info We are pleased to announce that we have considerably extended Leaders Magazine spread to include 80 topnotch restaurants in Prague. Total circulation: cca 18.000 bi-monthly including electronic version. Readership total: cca 500.000 Leaders Magazine is sent as a compliment to: Those who are the most influential, powerful and affluent readers in the Czech Republic. To representatives of the businesssphere, diplomatic corps and to top goverment and mayor’s officials. We cooperate with Prague City Hall, CzechInvest, Czech Centre, The Czech Medical Chamber, all Chambers of Commerce, Forum Francophone Affaires, Česká Manažerská Asociace, CMC Graduate School of Business, University of New York in Prague, Anglo American School, University of Pittsburgh, CEELI Institute, Lions Clubs, Rotary Clubs, The Prague Society for Int. Cooperation, CZECH TOP 100, Czech 100 Best, CEBRE, CESES, Eurotelegraph, The Senate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture, Ano pro Evropu, VIP lounges at the Prague aiport, Zlatá koruna, CFO Club, BLF, Czechoslovak Foreign Institute, Národní divadlo, ÚOHS, Comenius, and many more. For sale in Luxor Bookstore at Václavské náměstí. Leaders Magazine is available in all rooms of these top star fine hotels and their restaurants: (telephone number for reservation)

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You can find the Magazine in these fine restaurants: (telephone number for reservation) Ambiente – Ristorante Pasta Fresca 224 230 244 Ambiente – The Living Restaurants 222 727 851 Aromi 222 713 222 Aureole 222 755 380 Azteca 257 327 389 Bar Restaurace Bílkova 13 224 829 254 Barock Bar & Café 222 329 221 Bellevue 800 123 553 Bugsy’s Bar 222 329 943 Cafe La Veranda 224 814 733 Cafe Savoy 257 329 860 Cafe De Paris 603 160 718 Casanova 257 535 127 Clementinum 224 813 892 Casa Andina 224 815 996 Cotto Crudo, Four Seasons Hotel Prague 221 426 880 Dům vína U závoje 226 006 120 Francouzská restaurace v Obecním domě 222 002 745 Giardino Enoteca con Cucina 222 513 427 Hergetova Cihelna 257 535 534 Ichnusa (Praha 5) 605 525 748 Kampa Park 257 532 685–6 Kavárna v Obecním domě 222 002 764

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257 530 000 257 320 308 222 221 185 220 514 778 226 006 122

Zátiší Restaurant Zahrada v Opeře Zelená zahrada (Praha 2)

222 221 155 224 239 685 222 518 159

Publisher: Benke Aikell Head of Editorial: Lenka Helena Koenigsmark Office Manager/Head of IT: Michael Serences Office Assistant: Tatiana Fominykh Webmaster: Nikoloz Bolkvadze EU Matters: CEBRE Czech Business Representation, CESES, Europlatform Contributors: James A. Cusumano, Iva Drebitko, Joseph Drebitko, Karin Genton – L´Epée, European Leadership and Academic Institute, Pavlína Holancová, Martina Hošková, Emil Jimenez, Zuzana Kasáková, Jan Mühlfeit, Cristina Muntean, Ivan Pilný, Sanjiv Suri, Emanuel Šíp, Jaroslav Škrabálek, Linda Štucbartová, Evžen Tošenovský, Jonathan Wootliff Photographers: Tomáš Bartoš, Ondřej Besperát, Zuzana Dolejší, Anna Chlumská, Martin Janas, Zuzana Jirásková, Jakub Joachim, Dalibor Knap, Adam Kolář, Vladimíra Kosičková, Michaela Kulíšková, Šárka Kulíšková, Ivan Malý, Anna Pecková, Filip Pokorný, Marie Schmerková, Jaroslav Šícha, Kamil Till, David Turecký, Kamila Weinfurtová, Vladimír Weiss, Jiří Zach Subscription service: Leaders Magazine, CEPONA, s.r.o. Lužická 32, 120 00 Praha 2 We appreciate your opinions of Leaders Magazine. Please send them to: Leaders Magazine Moravská 14, 120 00 Praha 2 tel.: 224 255 277 fax: 224 256 172 e-mail: Leaders Magazine comes out bi-monthly. Licence: MK ČR E 13147 No reproduction is permitted in whole or part without the express consent of Leaders Magazine. The advertiser is responsible for the advertising contents. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors or persons interviewed and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or Leaders Magazine. All editorial material and photos in Leaders Magazine is digitally stored and may be republished by Leaders Magazine either in printed form or in various digital media. All correspondence to Leaders Magazine may be published. Graphic design and printing: D&S Design Prague, s.r.o. tel.: 274 774 131

Leaders Magazine Advisory Board The he pos positive ive vee reputatio reputat reputation of Leaders Magazine continues to grow, however we realize that we must mus maintain maintainn to improve and learn, particularly during these times of dynamic change. That at is whyy w we have ddecided to set up an Advisory Board for the magazine. I am convinced that ccreating eat ngg a plat platform atfor of high profile individuals will be an excellent opportunity for the magazine to acquire quirre new w ideas idea and define new directions of future development. Benke enk nke Aike Aikel kell Your Yo ourr Pub Publisher b isherr There he aare ree only nly few projects started in the Czech Republic by foreigners which I consider as useful ef l to this ccountry as Leaders Magazine. The magazine has brought to the Czech Republic public the com completely new concept of making important people – the decision makers be they ey Czech or foreigners – visible and worthy of positive admiration. As youu might know this is something not very common and perhaps even not very natural inn tthe Czech Republic. It is therefore all the more of an achievement to start and successfully develop a project such as Leaders Magazine. I understand fully the intention succ of Benke Aikell, the magazine’s founder and editor-in-chief, to progress further with Leaders Magazine, and for this purpose to form a team of experienced Czech citizens o different backgrounds to create a consulting body which would bring this project to of aan eeven higher level. I g Karel Muzikář, CSc. Ing. President of Comenius Iw was as pleased pl to be invited by Benke Aikell to cooperate on the preparation of the Advisory Board B Boa rd project. projec I personally see one of the main goals of the project in creation of a positive environment env environ vironnment for networking, exchange of views, presentation of new ideas, experiences, proposals proposa pr roposal sals ls oor suggestions. I am conv convinced v nce nc that the formation of a platform of highly profiled personalities and potential discussion di scuss ussio of different topics in very informal setting will be useful for both sides – for the mag agazine gazi e ass well w as for the members of the Advisory Board. Ingg. P Ing. Pet Petr tr Kubernát Kube Kub Director of Pekos s.r.o. Consulting Con onsulti ting and Training Company ADVISORY BOARD COMITTEE Ben Be eenke nkee Aik Aikell, Publisher, Leaders Magazine IIng. In ng. P Petr Pe etr K et Kubernát, Director, PEKOS s.r.o. and former Czech Ambassador to the Netherlands Ing. ng K Karel rel Muzikář,, C CSc., President, COMENIUS HONORARY MEMBERS ABROAD AND GOODWILL AMBASSADORS H.E. W Wil William J. Cabaniss, former United States Ambassador to the Czech Republic Vincent Vince Vi nt J. Derudder, Secretary General, The European Federation of Financial Advisers annd Financial Fin Intermediaries FFrank J. Devlyn, Rotary International President 2000–2001 and Rotary Foundation Chairman Fran 2005–2006 H.E. Alexey L. Fedotov, former Ambassador of the Russian Federation to tthe Czech Republic H.E. H .E Richard Graber, former United States Ambassador to the Czech Republic H.E. H E Jan Cornelis Henneman, Ambassador of the Netherlands to the Czech Republic H.E. Athar Mahmood, former Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the Czech Republic H.E. Zdravko Popov, former Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Czech Republic H.E. Mati Vaarmann, former Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to the Czech Republic Ája Vrzáňová, Czech World Champion in Figure-skating, Sport Legend H.E. Huo Yuzhen, former Ambassador of the People´s Republic of China to the Czech Republic

ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS PhDr. Zdeněk Čáp, Managing Partner, Equity Solutions s. r. o. Josef Drebitko, CEO, D&COMM Prof. Ing. Jiří Fárek, CSc., Professor, Technická Univerzita Liberec and former First Deputy Mayor, City of Prague 6 Ing. Peter P. Formánek, President, Canadian Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic Mgr. Marta Gellová, Director, Česká pojišťovna and Member of the Board, AFIZ Michal Heřman, General Manager, Star Communications Václav Hudeček, Violinist Plk. Mgr. Vladislav Husák JUDr. PhDr. Oldřich Choděra, Lawyer, Law Firm JUDr. PhDr. Oldřich Choděra & spol. Prof. Ing. Kamil Janáček, CSc., CNB Bank Board oa Member em mbeer and Chief Executive Director Otto Jelinek, former Canadian Cabinet Minister and current currrent cur nt member of numerous international boards Ing. Peter Jusko, MBA, Partner, London Market ket Ing. Petr Kalaš, Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Agriculture Ag c lture of the CR and former Minister of Environment Ing. Josef Kreuter, CSc., former Czech Ambassador to the EU Prof. Dr.h.c. JUDr. Jan Kříž, CSc., Partner, Law Firm Kříž a partneři s.r.o. Ing. Jaroslav Kubišta Genmjr. JUDr. Lubomír Kvíčala, former Director of the Department of Protection of Constitutional Officials, s, Police of the Czech Republic Ing. Vladimír Laštůvka, former M.P. Ing. Jan Mühlfeit, Chairman Europe, Microsoft Corporation on Ing. Jiří Maceška, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Česká ská pošta a. s. and former Czech Ambassador to OECD George Parobek, Managing Director, Ifield Computer Consultancy Šárka Parobek, Director, Ifield Computer Consultancy Doc. Ing. Antonín Peltrám, CSc., Advisor Doc. Ing. Václav Petříček, CSc., Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chamber SNS Ing. Jozef Piga, Member of the Supervisory Board, Omnipol a.s. Ing. Lucie Pilipová, Partner, Via Perfecta, s.r.o. Ing. Ivan Pilný, President, TUESDAY Business Network JUDr. Čestmír Sajda, MBA, former Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs MUDr. Richard Sequens, PhD., Head of Surgical Gastroenterology Center, Nemocnice Milosrdných sester sv. Ka sv Karlrlaa Bo Boro rome mejs jské kého ho v Pra raze ze and for orme merr Se Sena nato torr PhDr. MgA. Miroslav Smolák, Owner, Galerie MIRO Mgr. Albin E. Sybera, Managing Director, Sybera Enterprises spol. s r. o. Brigadier General Ing. Andor Šándor (ret.), Consultant PhDr. Jaroslav Šedivý CSc., former Ambassador and Minister of Foreign Affairs JUDr. Josef Šesták, Assistant Professor, Vysoká škola obchodní obchodní v Praze, o.p.s. Ing. Radomír Šimek, Current Member of Numerous International Boards Bc. Vladimír Šiška, MBA, 1stt Deputy Minister, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Jaromír Šlápota, President, Československý ústav zahraniční Ing. Pavel Štefka, MSc, 4-star General (ret.), Chief of Defence and Special Programs, Tatra Ing. Helena Švédová, HR Director, PSG International, a.s. Ing. Josef Tauber, Advisor to the President, Czech Banking Association Ing. Jiří Vávra, Vice Chairman, STROJEXPORT, a.s. JUDr. Petr Vyroubal, Partner, Law Firm Vyroubal Krajhanzl Školout

interview An interview with Pavel Horák, Director of VZP – General Health Insurance Company of the Czech Republic

Czech Healthcare WILL FACE MAJOR CHALLENGES Phooto: Pho to Ar Arc rcch chi hhiive ivee VVZ VZP ZZPP

10 Leaders Magazine IV/2012

Mr. Horák, how is the Czech healthcare system doing? Is it expecting a contraction, or something even worse? I am an optimist. The Czech healthcare system is and will be relatively fine. However, as it is said these days, it is facing a major challenge. There will not be much extra money left; nevertheless our mission is not to skimp, but to do more for the health of the people than we used to. Not everything depends on extra income. There are measures that do not cost a lot of money, and yet they would mean a big improvement. I am referring to better organisation of the system, quality care for patients, improved efficiency and mainly prevention. Prevention is the area with which we currently struggle the most. It is not customary to think of this as a matter for health insurance providers. We expect it from the state, or see it as a thing of the past. We also hope that people will be more active and take better care of themselves, because it is in their interest to enjoy good health. For the majority of us, however, until we suffer from some disease, our health “sits” unnoticed in a corner, and when it is gone, it will often not come back when we call it. Does this mean that you will forbid us to smoke, enjoy good food and drink, and force us to run, and those who will not obey will have their insurance costs increased? I am certainly not a supporter of such “tyranny”. The state collects a certain amount of money from the added taxes on cigarettes and alcohol, which should suffice to subsidise healthcare. Greater financing of effective and modern prevention, however, would undoubtedly be beneficial. Not now, but in the long-term. On the other hand, people do not take advantage of what is already covered. We therefore want to organise prevention directly, not by sending letters to invite citizens for their regular check-ups (as was done in the past), but by using the tools of electronic and mobile communications, remote access ordering systems, and incentives and rewards for those who make use of these opportunities.

interview Why have you not done this before? Today, insurance providers cannot choose which prevention programmes they will finance. Prevention, which is covered by insurance, is determined by ministerial decree, and when something has to change there, it takes years. And it is not just about preventing heart disease – we could also try to eradicate some hugely expensive hereditary diseases by a combination of testing, even before people decide to start a family, and examination in the early stages of pregnancy. It is a little ironic that as part of the wedding ceremony the bride and the groom assure each other that they are aware of each other’s health. In most cases, however, nothing is known, despite modern medicine which today has reached a very high level. For prevention to be effective, there needs to be motivation. We do not want to increase the insurance premiums, but to reward, via discount, those who do take care of their health. This is not currently possible. However I do not wish to blame the insufficient activity in this area only on external factors. The truth is that in the “whirlpool” of everyday problems we, as an insurer, face the above mentioned only as an extension, which we will address only when we solve the “big” problems: that there is no money, and that we are libelled in the press. This is quite a significant problem though. What will you do about the lack of funds? The VZP (Czech health insurance provider), has a revenue of CZK 150 billion. This should suffice for financing a meaningful healthcare system. It is true that since the beginning of the economic crisis, each year we have been missing approximately CZK 6 billion. This is not, however, a dramatic deficit. If we were able to implement the measures that have been discussed for years, this problem would have been long gone. Up until last year, we have been covering the deficit from saved money from the boom times. If this time frame had been used to assert some healthcare reforms, which would change the situation, the problem of the deficit would have been solved. I am sorry that I have no other option than to be firm when asserting a quality and efficiency of financing while dealing with providers, and to possibly shift the date of paying invoices. Is it really not possible to save somewhere? Several reform steps have already been taken. People can pay for doctors and for any extras; these steps must have had an impact somewhere… The only thing that made an impact was the increase of the fee for a day in the hospital – to 100 crowns. It truly does lead to a lower level of hospitalisation. It also highlighted the chronic problem of Czech hospitals and their excess of patient beds. Paying extra for a doctor has not been popular so far. It is perhaps beneficial that what before was paid to a doctor, can now be put down on an invoice. Nevertheless, patients would need to pay at least four times what they pay now to make the provision of the service financially neutral for the doctor, being that half of the payment is taken by the hospital and the other half, which goes to the doctor, is taxed. The

time is not right for patients to pay such money. Moreover, it is also controversial because top doctors have no desire, after all those overtimes and weekend services, and even after a regular service, to do trivial procedures for those who decided to pay for them. This is a job for younger colleagues or doctors-in-training. Further, despite what is said in the media, everyone who decides to pay extra, logically expects that he or she will not have to queue. And this is not officially permitted (although in practice it is different). The important aspect which we call for is the option of supplementary insurance. It would bring money into the system, while the financial burden would spread over the healthy population. Do not forget that fees and surcharges and other such payments fall only on the sick ones, and that these still account for a minority of the population. For a supplementary insurance to exist, the current package of services, which is covered by the basic mandatory health insurance, needs to slim down. Politicians are reluctant to push this ahead, as it represents a measure which will always be unpopular. This is also why the redundant departments are not cancelled and hospitals are not transformed into much needed social care and follow-up care institutions. We also want to hold auctions for drugs and medical devices, so that we could buy them cheaper. Unfortunately, we cannot do even this at the moment. Another thing – the system of redistribution of insurance premiums between insurance providers, the purpose of which is to balance the insurance risk, in not based on whether the insurer has healthy or sick patients. Consequently, one side of the system is deficient, so that the other is in surplus. In short, the measures which could be taken to balance the health care system financially, are numerous. You spoke about efficiencies in the healthcare system. Should not insurers, however, be the ones who are saving? Are their operating costs necessary at all, when taxes are collected all at one place? This would also save billions. I am aware of this. It was not easy, but we cut our staff numbers by more than 800 employees, and we have saved a quarter billion Czech crowns on wages. Furthermore, we merged 13 local branches into 6 regional ones. This meant a great reduction in the number of managers on every level. We do, therefore, what we can. Such changes have not taken place in VZP since its foundation. As regards the common tax collection, it is a matter of basic philosophy. As long as the healthcare tax is collected by the state, it will be more about budgeting and less about insurance. What is your opinion on the aging population? Will this phenomenon require real healthcare reform, aside from the pension reform? It certainly will, and for the reasons that I already mentioned. It is true that the ratio between the economically active population and those who are retired is decreasing. The social system, which is funded continuously, is not set-up for this; I do not however consider it a catastrophe. It is undoubtedly rational to lift the retirement age for a bit, nevertheless it is a matter of degree and I would be very

cautious in this respect. It would not be difficult for the state to increase the birth rate, if the problem were rooted in this area. If the delay of twenty years or more, which it would take for the measures to take effect and increase the active population, was an issue, it would be possible to substitute the young, productive and educated via direct immigration. Is this the true problem though? Thanks to the maturity of our society, labour productivity should be high enough to satisfy the needs of all, even with a lower percentage of economically active people. In my view, the main problem is rooted in the lack of competitiveness of Europe as a whole, and a potentially lower competitiveness of the Czech Republic. There may be plenty of young people, but if they are unemployed, uneducated, and unmotivated to excel, then our problem will not be solved, but made worse. If we are held back by excessive bureaucratic regulation and political correctness in the bad sense of the words, which prevent us from naming the problems and tackling them, then even a high birth rate cannot save us. It might actually surprise you that in the context of our aging population and the health expenditure that relates to it, the expenditures do not rise as a result of people living longer, but because there are expensive drugs and technologies, and because we are rich and can afford them. We gain weight, we do not exercise, and therefore live decades on pills that fight high levels of cholesterol, high blood pressure, for insulin etc., and we spend most of our resources on long-term, almost life-long cures of such chronic diseases of our civilisation. We also spend money when it does not bring a corresponding effect. We pretend all care is free and that everyone is entitled to complete care, because as individuals and a society, we do not wish to address difficult questions and worry about ethical problems. The reality is of course very different; for the majority of us, however, it is easier to disregard this. I perceive a great role for insurers and for myself in this respect: not to surrender to media pressures, which highlight only themes that sell, and not to forget about those patients, who suffer very casually, and for the media therefore unattractively, so that no one fights for their rights. This applies in particular to seniors. It is they who are impacted more by a thousand crowns than by an expenditure on some technical extravagancy, which looks good on TV, but in reality does not bring anything so dramatic and useful. And to conclude? The key is to pay not for a provision of care, but for results – thus for improvements in health, positive effects and benefits for patients, for prevention of diseases and their complications. Only in this way will the health care finances be prevented from collapse. In order to achieve this, courage and vision that exceeds one electoral term is needed. I wish for all of us to find this courage and to have leaders who possess it – both at home and in Europe. Compiled by LM český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

Leaders Magazine V/2012 11

interview A talk with Petr Pavel, Chief of the General Staff of The Armed Forces of the Czech Republic

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12 Leaders Magazine V/2012

Lieutenant General Petr Pavel, M.A. (1961) Graduated from the Military Grammar School, Opava in 1979, and from the Military College of Land Forces in Vyškov in 1983. In the years 1988–1991, General Pavel successfully completed his Postgraduate studies at the Military Academy in Brno. He also completed the Senior Officers Course Staff College, Camberley, United Kingdom. In 2005 Lieutenant General Petr Pavel completed the Royal College of Defence Studies in London. In the years 2005–2006, he graduated from King’s College, London, where he obtained a Master of Arts degree in international relations. Lieutenant General Petr Pavel later held several significant positions within the Czech Army, and on the 1st of July, 2012 he was appointed the Chief of the General Staff.

interview Your predecessor, Vlastimil Picek, wrote in the preface of the White Book on Defence that although soldiers don’t decide the missions and deployment of the army, they should be more pro-active in designing how to best organize the military defence of the Czech Republic and its allies. In this respect, do you agree that soldiers have been too passive in the past? I consider this issue very important as well. Activity or passivity depends, to a large extent, on the relationship between the Minister of Defence and the Chief of the General Staff of Armed Forces. It is the primary rule in democratic societies that the Army gives professional advice on the fundamental issues of national defence. Then, politicians are those who make decisions on the basis of the voters’ mandate. Hereby, a civil control of the armed forces has been ensured. Yet, in this respect, there is sometimes confusion of the original English expression “Civilian Control”, which has often been mistakenly interpreted as management, and very often as micromanagement of a lay nature. Can you be more specific? Political and expert evaluations are getting mixed-up. However, my main concern is that the Army gives clear recommendations, be it our participation in the missions, the purchase and management of equipment, or the development of particular forces. The Army must submit factual arguments and backed opinions to the political establishment, much like explaining it to them explicitly. Here, however, the Army’s role ends, and political decision-making begins, which either accepts the Army’s line of reasoning or doesn’t. If the latter case is true, they should be ready to justify their decision publicly. It is actually impossible to solve the problem of disagreement between the Army and the politicians, as we have seen several times in the past. In addition, we have seen re-applied pressure on the Army to change its expert recommendation to suit political task. In what sense do you mean “justify”? Politicians must show the Army that it was wrong in its expertise or otherwise, and that it would be appropriate to consider changing its views. Or, on the contrary, politicians should give their citizens a clear explanation as to why the final decision was based on political motives, rather than the professional advice of the Army, and the particular reasons should be explained as well. Unfortunately, this does not happen in practice. In order to “dilute” responsibility, some military recommendations were adapted to better suit the political assignment. In this respect, what is the Army’s statement on the future of fighter aircraft, and the plans for them within the Czech Army? The Army gave a clear opinion on this matter. The entire situation has been analysed in terms of technical, operational and partly economic aspects. Thus, our recommendation for the Minister of Defence was to continue to lease Gripen. What is the most important thing concerning decision-making in this area? The Army does not find it essential, in terms of task achievements, for the final aircraft to be Gripens, F15, F16 or some other aircraft. Both pilots and ground technical staff will certainly be able to re-teach the new techniques. Nonetheless, additional time and costs are associated with that. In the best case, retraining takes a year or two, and the costs of pilot training, infrastructure, technical and training facilities can reach the tens of millions of dollars. Of course, the different aircraft

work in different ways, from the used models up to the top-of-the-market models. I am chiefly talking about F35 aircraft. It is a fifth-generation aircraft that already has abilities which, until recently, pilots could only dream of. Yet, it is true that we don´t need it for our particular needs and tasks. With regard to that, the aircraft Gripen sufficiently complies. So, do we need the fighters at all? Protection of our own airspace is one of the basic attributes of state sovereignty. For a state of our size, a variant of assisted protection (Air Policing) is hardly politically acceptable. Each state obviously wants to preserve the possibility of a sovereign decision on how to guard its air space, and how to solve an eventual problem or a crisis situation. This is something that often becomes the final obstacle in considering a deepening co-operation within matters of defence. Where is the main danger? Sometimes the question arises whether or not to hand over our air space protection e.g. to Germany. Aside from the actual will of Germany to consider such a task, there are several other problems. If, for instance, an airplane with Czech citizens on board were to be hijacked over our territory, with the main goal of misusing it, similar to what happened in the U.S. eleven years ago, there is the chance for considerable losses of life. If it is necessary to decide whether to shoot down the airplane, or allow much higher losses, would it be permissible for us to allow the Germans, or any other foreign politician or general, to make such a decision? This is too much responsibility for both our population and our political representation to hand over. Decisions for the sovereign territory should be decided by the representatives of the sovereign state. The post-communist transformation of the Czech Army was followed by very unsystematic military purchases, which drained considerable financial means. What would you like to change? Within ten to fifteen years, several acquisitions might seem unsystematic, yet at the time they were made, they were clearly systematic. This feeling of unsystematic acquisition was largely because the internal and external conditions were constantly changing throughout this period. For instance, at the time that 72 pieces of L-159 aircraft were submitted for delivery, there was a clear idea for their use. The army was bigger, had different tasks to complete, and above all the budget was much larger. We were counting on the establishment of several fleets. However, if the defence budget decreases by 40 per cent over several years, one cannot expect the implementation of all projects as they were set a decade ago. Thus, contracts aimed at the Army’s modernization can appear unsystematic when looking from the outside. Can you give some other example? For example, the purchase of the Pandur armoured defence. At the time of request the Army counted on building a new outfit of up to 3 mechanized brigades. The original number of carriers should have been over 400 hundred, which was exactly calculated according to the organizational structure. Gradually the requirement of one brigade decreased to 234 pieces, and finally we obtained 107. This number, however, had not been requested by the Army. From the public perspective it seems that the generals don’t know what they want, as they first ordered 400 hundred and finally were satisfied with only one hundred.

Is there, therefore, a lack of a long-term vision concerning the size of the Czech Army? The vision was there, the problem is budget stability followed by planning. We have tried to define a minimal threshold, a minimum required size for the Czech Army, which would still ensure for the completion of tasks assigned by our Constitution, our laws, and our allied commitments in the long run. The aggregate necessary numbers are higher than we have at our disposal, as we soldiers have to expect the worst possible outcomes, and therefore an overlapping of crisis situations might be one of the worst-case scenarios. Yet this is still possible. Which military foreign model (or any part of it) do you find most sympathetic? There are many models from which we take inspiration. It is difficult to take only one of them. In terms of political decision-making on defence ceilings, I definitely admire e.g. the Danish model. Denmark has a strategic document, kind of a “defence contract”, signed by all parliamentary parties. Thus, defence doesn’t become a part of the political struggle. Thereby, the state guarantees the Army that the tasks, much like the budget, won’t change, at least during the term. I would have wished for such a degree of political accountability for us, too. You’ve had a very successful military career, and now you have achieved the highest possible military position. Is there any goal within the Army which you have not achieved yet, and would still like to? Concerning the position, I cannot reach any higher one because there is simply not any higher position to be achieved in the Army. There are many things I wanted to complete, yet did not manage for several reasons. I was for instance lucky; I led a group of 601 specialforces in Prostějov, but unfortunately not at the time that it was deployed to Afghanistan. On the other hand, I was there at other interesting times, such as when we formed international co-operation, when we introduced new equipment and materials, when we implemented new systems of training and recruited new members. Now my other goals relate to the present position. I’d like the image of the Czech Army to be as good as possible in the eyes of the public. The Army should not be perceived by the public as the bearer of negative cases like CASA, Pandur or Tatra, in which it really only has a minimal role. The Army does not purchase, does not close contracts, and hence cannot take bribes nor corrupt anyone. The Ministry of Defence has very often been replaced by the Army, which for the Army is rather harmful. In this respect, I would really like to contribute to changing the Army’s image. I want the public to know that soldiers are doing very good and professional work under extremely difficult conditions, whether it is battling floods at home, or operational deployment far beyond our borders. And last but not least, I´ll do everything possible to stop a dramatic reduction in the Czech Army’s budget. Thus, I hope that the Army does not become a caricature of itself, yet remains a capable component which will be respected as a partner in NATO, as well as by its own population. People can be rightly proud of the Czech Army at present. By Pavlína Holancová český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

Leaders Magazine V/2012 13



H.E. Michael Žantovský, Czech Ambassador to the UK and President, Aspen Institute Prague

The Aspen Institute Prague commenced its operation in Central Europe with an international conference titled “Crisis as Opportunity: Europe and the United States in a Globalized World” on Thursday, July 19, 2012 in the Czech Senate. Among those in attendance were former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and 20 former ministers of foreign affairs representing the Aspen Ministers Forum. Aspen Prague is a non-ideological and non-partisan platform focusing on Leadership, Policy and Public programs. One of its main activities is a continuous development of leadership abilities of young people from diverse areas of civic society and facilitation of their mutual dialogue.

14 The Senate Hall


From left: Martin Palouš, Václav Havel Library, Lucie Pilipová, Via Perfecta, and Tomáš Klvaňa, Director, Global Non-Profit Programs of Zdeněk Bakala

Doc. MUDr. Leoš Heger, CSc., Minister of Health of the CR

From left: Andrei Kozyrev, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia and Lord Peter Mandelson, former European Commissioner for Trade

From left: Radek Špicar, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Prague and Pavel Kavánek, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and CEO, CSOB

From left: Tomas Kleefuss, CEO, Net4Gas and JUDr. Kamil Blažek, Kinstellar

From left: Jan Zahradil, Member of the European Parliament and H.E. Petr Kolář, Czech Ambassador to the Russian Federation

From left: František Dostálek, Chairman and CEO, KPMG Central and Eastern Europe and Prof. Jan Švejnar, Director, Center for Global Economic Governance at Columbia University and potential Presidential Candidate of the CR

From left: Joseph Barba, E.sed USA, Sanjiv Suri, President, Zátiší Catering Group, Mrs. Eliška Hašková Coolidge, and Gabriel Eichler, Founder and Senior Partner, Benson Oak Capital

15 From left: Ira Saul, Rubenstein, Traficon, Tiziano Giraudo, Managing Director, Ferrero, Mr. Marco Sipione, and Massimo Bechi, Managing Director, eni CR

From left: H.E. V. Ashok, Ambassador of India, H.E. Toshio Kunikata, Ambassador of Japan, and H.E. Daniela Anda Grigore Gitman, Ambassador of Romania

From left: Prof. Ing. Michal Mejstřík, CSc., Mr. Jiří Kasal, and František Dostálek, Chairman and CEO, KPMG Central and Eastern Europe

Milan Štěch, Chairman, Senate of the Czech Republic From left: Ladislav Červenka, Public Affairs Director, Unilever CR and Miloslav Kozler, Growth and Emerging Markets, VISA EU

Ana Palacio, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Member of the Consejo de Estado of Spain and H.E. Pascual Navarro, Spanish Ambassador


From left: MUDr. Přemysl Sobotka, Vice Chairman, Senate of the Czech Republic and doc. JUDr. Petr Pithart, Vice Chairman, Senate of the Czech Republic

Sir Malcolm Rifkind, Member of Parliament, UK and former Minister of Foreign Affairs UK

Sir Donald McKinnon, Chairman, Auckland R.F.Ltd.

From left: Adam Daniel Rotfeld, Co-Chairman, The Polish-Russian Group on Difficult Matters

Josef Joffe, Publisher-Editor, Die Zeit

Nicolas Burns, Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Politics, Harvard Kennedy School

From left: Pavel Řehák, CEO, Česká Pojišťovna, Pepper de Callier, Founder and Executive Director, PLI, Tatiana Le Moigne, Google, and Sanjiv Suri, President, Zátiší Catering Group

From left: Vladimír Dlouhý, International Advisor, Goldman Sachs and Presidential Candidate of the CR, and Prof. Jan Švejnar, Director, Center for Global Economic Governance at Columbia University and potential Presidential Candidate of the CR

Madeleine K. Albright, Member of the International Advisory Board, Aspen Institute Prague

From left: Pavol Demeš, German Marshall Fund of the US and Mr. Tomáš Vrba

From left: Tatiana Le Moigne, Google and RNDr. Ivana Bursíková, Director, AGORA

From left: H.E. Michael Žantovský, Czech Ambassador to the UK and President, Aspen Institute Prague, Radek Špicar, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Prague, and H.E. Norman L. Eisen, U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic


From left: Mrs. Dagmar Havlová and Mrs. Michaela Maláčová, Chairwoman of the Board, Luxury Brand Management


Aspen Institute Prague From right: Radek Špicar, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Prague, Petr Šabata, Editor in Chief, Hospodářské noviny, and H.E. Petr Kolář, Czech Ambassador to the Russian Federation

From left: Jan Fischer, Vice President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Presidential Candidate of the CR, and Lord Peter Mandelson, former European Commissioner for Trade From left: H.E. Norman L. Eisen, U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic and Jan Fischer, Vice President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and Presidential Candidate of the CR


Elliot Gerson, Executive Vice President, Aspen Institute US and Mrs. Michaela Maláčová, Chairwoman of the Board, Luxury Brand Management

From right: Tomáš Klvaňa, Director, Global Non-Profit Programs of Zdeněk Bakala, Radek Špicar, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Prague, Nicholas Burns, Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Politics, Harvard Kennedy School and Director, Aspen Strategy Group, and Dr. Shibley Telhami, Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development, University of Maryland

From right: Marta Smolíková, Director, Václav Havel Library, Jan Macháček, Journalist and Member of the Editorial Board, Aspen Review Magazine, František Dostálek, Chairman and CEO, KPMG Central and Eastern Europe, Zdeněk Tůma, Member of the Board of Directors, Aspen Institute Prague and Advisor, Head of Banking services, KPMG Czech Republic, and Mrs. Dagmar Havlová

Madeleine K. Albright, Member of the International Advisory Board, Aspen Institute Prague and Niels Helveg Petersen, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark From left: Jiří Schneider, Deputy Minister and First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the CR and Tomáš Klvaňa, Director, Global Non-Profit Programs of Zdeněk Bakala

Karolína Peake, Vice Prime Minister and Chairman, LIDEM and Zdeněk Bakala, Businessman, Financier and Philanthropist

Benke Aikell, your Publisher and Zuzana Roithová, Member of the European Parliament and Presidential Candidate of the CR

Alexander Vondra, Minister of Defence of the CR and Mrs. Michaela Maláčová

MORE PHOTOS AND ELECTRONIC VERSION AVAILABLE ON WWW.LEADERSMAGAZINE.CZ From right: Martin Palouš, Václav Havel Library, Zdeněk Bakala, Businessman, Financier and Philanthropist, Jan Fischer, Vice President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Presidential Candidate of the CR, and H. E. Norman L. Eisen, U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic

The Aspen Institute Prague celebrated its launch by a gala dinner organized in Lobkowicz Palace at the Prague Castle. The welcome speech was delivered by Elliot Gerson, Executive Vice President of the Aspen Institute. The toast to the opening of the Institute was given by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. The Aspen Prague gala dinner gathered politicians, businessmen, philanthropists and representatives of civil society and provided a venue where all parts of society can join discussion on key topics of today.


senate insight FIA gala evening at Žofín

At the end of June, Senate Chairman of the Parliament of the Czech Republic (PCR) Milan Štěch welcomed the president of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) Jean Todt and the president of the ÚAMK (Ústřední automotoklub ČR) Odřich Vaníček in the Wallenstein Palace. The main topic of their conversation was road safety. The Senate Chairman appreciated the enlightening activity of FIA, as well as the activities of ÚAMK, which significantly contribute to raising awareness of road safety policy among Czech citizens and the youth. The meeting in the Czech Senate was held as part of the FIA conference, which took place in Prague between the 26th and 29th of June. That Thursday, June 28th was declared by ÚAMK as the Day of Road Safety, during which the association organised many events for the public in Wenceslas Square. On June 28th, the Senate Chairman also attended a gala evening of the FIA, which took place in Žofín Palace.


FIA gala evening at Žofín

2 20

Milan Štěch, Chairman, Senate, PCR presenting a book about Wallenstein Palace to Jean Todt, President, FIA

Milan Štěch, Chairman, Senate, PCR welcomes the representatives of FIA and ÚAMK in Wallenstein Palace. From left: Oldřich Vaníček, President, ÚAMK, Susan Pikrallidas, General Secretary for Automobile Mobility, Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, Jean Todt, President, Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, Brian Gibbons, Deputy President for Automobile Mobility, Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, Milan Štěch, Chairman, Senate, PCR, Werner Kraus, President, FIA Region I, and Petr Pakosta, Senator, PCR

On July 10th, Senate Chairman Milan Štěch hosted a conference titled “Safety perspective: the Czech Republic and Central Europe in the second decade of the 21st century” in the seat of the upper parliamentary chamber. Petr Pavel, the newly appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, was one of the speakers at the conference.

Address of Petr Pavel, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the CR at the conference on “Safety perspective: the Czech Republic and Central Europe in the second decade of the 21st century”

Conference on “Safety perspective: the Czech Republic and Central Europe in the second decade of the 21st century” held in the seat of the Senate.

Address of Milan Štěch, Chairman, Senate, PCR at the conference on “Safety perspective: the Czech Republic and Central Europe in the second decade of the 21st century”

On July 19th, the Aspen Institute Prague hosted a conference titled “Crisis as Opportunity: Europe and the United States in a Globalized World”, whereby launching its activity in Central Europe. The gala conference, organised in co-operation with the Senate Chairman of the PCR Milan Štěch, took place in the seat of the Senate of the Parliament of the CR and was attended by the former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. On the same day, Madeleine Albright also addressed the Czech senators during a Senate meeting.

Address of Madeleine Albright at the Senate meeting at the Presidency. From left: Přemysl Sobotka, the First Vice Chairman, Senate, PCR, Milan Štěch, Chairman, Senate, PCR, and Alena Gajdůšková, Senate Vice Chairman


At the end of July, Senate Chairman Milan Štěch, Senate Vice Chairman Zdeněk Škromach and Senator Jiří Dienstbier attended the traditional celebration of the Czech and Slovak brotherhood in Velká Javořina, which was dedicated to the XX. Anniversary of the new history of both states.

From left: Miroslava Němcová, Chairwoman, Chamber of Deputies of the CR, Milan Štěch, Chairman, Senate, PCR, and Pavol Paška, Chairman, National Council of the Slovak Republic at the meeting in Velká Javořina

Milan Štěch, Chairman, Senate, PCR greets the visitors of the celebration in Velká Javořina

From left: Milan Štěch, Chairman, Senate, PCR and Pavol Paška, Chairman, National Council of the Slovak Republic at the meeting in Velká Javořina


Petr Šilar, Senator, PCR at the opening of the celebratory seminar to mark the entry of gamekeeping on the list of intangible assets of the traditional and folk culture of the Czech Republic, which took place in mid-June at the Senate headquarters

Přemysl Sobotka, First Vice Chairman, Senate, PCR and H.E. Fayez al-Tarawneh, Prime Minister and Defence Minister of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

diplomatic event

The President of the Czech Republic Received

Czech Ambassadors at Prague Castle On August 29th, 2012 Vรกclav Klauus received all ambasssadors of the Czechh Republic at Prague Castle. He greeted all of them for the last time in his presidency, and recalled 8 yeaars of co -ooperation.




Galileo Pushes the Space Industry Forward in the Czech Republic A talk with Jiří Žák, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic

24 Leaders Magazine V/2012

Photo: Archive of the Ministry of Transport of the CR

interview How difficult was it to move GSA from Brussels to Prague? The entire process took exactly one year. In this respect, I’d like to emphasize that we have been quite unique among other EU member countries. No other European agency was moved from Brussels within a year. It usually takes five or more years to move other agencies. Of course, we don’t have so much time. Anyway, these twelve months have been very intense and at times adventurous. How many employees does GSA have at its disposal at the moment? GSA employs 40 people at present. There are 10 Czechs within this team, which I consider a very good number. We need to realize that all candidates had to go through the EU selection process, and our candidates were not favoured in any manner. In the future, we expect up to 150 employees. When will the navigation system begin to operate? We plan to launch the navigation system in two phases. The first phase should be running by spring 2015 and put 18 satellites into operation. During the second phase, which should be implemented by 2019, Galileo should have 30 satellites running altogether. What is so unique about Galileo compared to the existing navigation systems such as GPS or GLONAS? The main difference is that Galileo is designed as a civil system. In addition, if we are to use a system for aircraft and train management, junction control, the preservation of human life, and other applications, we need to have a system with certified accuracy. In practice, it will mean that we can rely on the system’s accuracy up to a half-meter. Thus, Galileo will be the only system in the world that can do this. Of course, even the existing systems can provide precise navigation, but only for military purposes. So, what services does Galileo offer? Galileo offers several levels of signal. The first level of signal is public. This is the type of navigation we have in our cars and is completely free. Another level of signal is aimed at commercial usage. At this level, the navigational accuracy is also much higher. It should be used e.g. for monitoring containers on the road, rail or water transport. The third level of signal is intended to save human life. At this level, the system is even going to communicate two-way. We consider this a relatively restricted application including special expeditions, or cruising, under which framework exists a service enabling communication through a satellite phone, which informs responders whether there has been an incident. There will also be the PRS (Public Regulated Service) available within the security functions. This signal will be encoded and accessible with difficulty. What exactly is coming to Prague with GSA? First of all, a contact place for all those who are engaged within the space business. It is obvious

In the beginning of September, operation of the GSA (European GNSS Supervisory Authority) was launched in Prague’s City Centre. GSA provides oversight for managing the European navigation system GALILEO. It is the first EU institution based in the Czech Republic. What does the replacement of this agency to Prague have in store for us? What kind of signal is beamed by the navigation system? Does the space industry have a future in the Czech Republic at all? These and other questions were answered for Leaders Magazine by Jiří Žák, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic. that space technology will not encompass the vast majority of GDP in the Czech Republic. However, our country should return to the standing that it achieved in the first 30 years of the last century. At that time the Czech Republic belonged to the European economic elite. And I am convinced that we have a great chance to return to this standing, thanks to GSA and to our other space activities. So, can we say that the space industry has been well established in our country? Yes, definitely. In this field an industrial association (Czech Space Alliance) works very well, with its main focus on the space industry, related applications, and technology. It primarily concerns subcontractors whose portfolios contain more than just supplies for satellite navigation. Recently, e.g. Frentech Aerospace s.r.o. acquired the main commercial order aimed at the new telecommunication satellites for the American project – Iridium Next. It is a completely specific thing and Frentech Aerospace s.r.o. is an absolute world within its field. And there are many companies like that in our country. This has also basically confirmed NERV in its recommendations to the Government, in that the space business was named as an activity that needs to be supported and developed in the Czech Republic. In this respect, did NERV specify how the volume of investment opportunities would increase? Unfortunately, this can not be precisely specified. Yet, GSA should be understood as one of the chances we can’t afford to let pass. Thus, GSA coming to Prague attracts many investors and specialists from around the world. We do everything we can to provide them the most liberal environment for the future in order for them to operate,

develop, and employ our people. At the same time, we want other Czech companies to be established with this portfolio. Is the Ministry of Transport aiming to support the space industry in any specific way? This question has a wider dimension. Before placing an offer to GSA in Prague, we had to become members of the ESA (European Space Agency). Particular members contribute by financial means and deal with all space segments. This starts with digital communication, satellite phones and TV data broadcasting, and even studies of Mars or the whole Solar System. As a member of ESA, our country pays a member fee. So far, it has been about 300 million CZK, and I’d like to increase the annual fee to at least 500 million CZK. Is that not too much, considering the budget cuts at the moment? I don’t think so. It needs to be emphasised that 94 per cent of the total fee is returned to the Czech Republic for particular contracts. The average yield coefficient is about 4.5. Moreover, we must remember that a company can not live forever from a single project, yet needs to be involved in many projects of a similar technology. Thus the Czech membership in ESA is a very positive step and, in addition I perceive it as one of the best steps for increasing competitiveness. Thus, can one clearly say that the space industry has great potential for the future? And in what way? It has indeed, especially in terms of technological development. In the past, space activities were perceived as a purely theoretical discipline. Today, the use of specific space technologies finds applications in other areas of daily consumption. There is currently a European competition which should motivate companies and, above all, young people, to come up with new ideas aimed at the best application of the navigation system. Last year, the second place finalist was a Czech product which allows the tracking of people with epilepsy. The idea is very interesting for epileptics, who may obtain a “navigational bracelet”. In case of an epileptic fit, the patient can be precisely located, and the navigation will send a signal to rescuers. There is also a memory chip located within the bracelet which monitors the epileptic fit itself. Thus, the doctor might be able to diagnose the problem, which would increase the chance for rescue. Another example could be e. g. agriculture; however, there are many fields of use. Anyway, the Ministry of Transport wants to establish an environment that would be competitive in both the Czech Republic and Europe. And as small as the system of space activities may seem within the greater economy, the added value for economic and intellectual development is very high. By Pavlína Holancová český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

Leaders Magazine V/2012 25

networking/gourmet ne et or etworking/gour etwo orking/ ourmet eev event at Alchymistt Grand Hotel & Spa

From left: Jiří Žák, Deputy Minister of Transport, H.E. Richard W. Graber, former Ambassador of the USA to the CR and Vice President, Government Relations EMEA Honeywell, Michal Hrbata, Deputy Minister of Defence, and Ing. Fawad Nadri, President, Czech-Afghan Chamber of Commerce in the CR


13 Leaders Magazine Among our special guests this evening were H.E. Richard W. Graber, H.E. Lembit Uibo, Ambassador of Estonia, Vincent J. Derudder, Jiří Žák and Michal Hrbata who were listening together with many more interesting guests to the speach of Mr. Pavel Kafka, President of the Czech Management Association, talking about his activities including his role within CMA, newly established World Business Council for Sustainable Development, support to the government within Confederation of Industry of the CR and importance of Forum of the Technical Universities and Industry.


Crystal Room at Hotel Alchymist

nnetworking/gourmet ettw etw worki rking/gourmet rkin ingg/g g ou ourmet our urrme met even eve event vennt nt

From left: Ing. Petr Kubernát, Director, Pekos, spol. s r.o., PhDr. Jana Kozmová, CSc., VŠE Praha, and RNDr. Ing. Peter Kozma, DrSc., CEO, CRYTEX, s.r.o.

Mgr. Alena Kopejtková and MUDr. Jan Malát

Eva Anderová, Director, Department of the International Relations, Ministry of Finance and G. Sukumar, Director, United Enterprises

In front: Helena Čacká, Board Vice Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Central Securities Depository Prague and Benke Aikell, your Publisher; behind on the right: JUDr. Petr Vyroubal, Partner, Law Firm Vyroubal Krajhanzl Školout

From left: Josef Tauber, Advisor to the President, Czech Banking Association, Josef Cílek, PhD., C.E., Vice President for Foreign Relations, Czech Chamber of Commerce, Ing. Kamil Janáček, CSc., CNB Bank Board Member and Chief Executive Director with his wife, Ing. Stanislava Janáčková, Advisor to the President, Office of the President, and Prof. Ing. Jiří Fárek, Professor, Technická univerzita Liberec

There are only few projects started in the Czech Republic by foreigners which I consider as useful to this country as Leaders Magazine. The magazine has brought to the Czech Republic the completely new concept of making important people – the decision makers be they Czech or foreigners – visible and worthy of positive admiration. As you might know this is something not very common and perhaps even not very natural in the Czech Republic. It is therefore all the more of an achievement to start and succes-sfully develop a project such as Leaders Magazine. I understand fully the intention of Benke Aikell, the magazine’s founder and editorin-chief, to progress further with Leaders Magazine, and for this purpose to form a team of experienced Czech citizens of different backgrounds to create a consulting body which would bring this project to an even higher level. Ing. Karel Muzikář, CSc., President of Comenius


networking/gourmet ne et or etworking/gour etwo orking/ ourmet eev event

From left: H.E. Richard W. Graber, former Ambassador of the USA to the CR and Vice President, Government Relations EMEA Honeywell, Peter P. Formánek, President, Canadian Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic with his wife, and Prof. Ing. Jiří Fárek, Professor, Technická univerzita Liberec

From left: Ing. Petr Kubernát, Director, Pekos, spol. s r.o., Benke Aikell, your Publisher and Jiří Hlavatý, Group General Manager, Golden Well Hotel Jonathan Wootliff, former Director of Greenpeace International

From left: Michal Donath, Donath Business & Media, Michal Serences, Office Manager, Leaders Magazine, Jonathan Wootliff, former Director of Greenpeace International, and Martin Opatrný, Advisor on Media and Crisis Communication PR/Public Affairs

From left: PhDr. Blanka Křemenáková, 5K Consulting, s.r.o., Vincent J. Derudder, Chairman, Fédération Européenne des Conseils et Intermédiaires Financiers, Brussels, and Mgr. Marta Gellová, Director, Česká pojišťovna and Member of the Board, AFIZ

From left: JUDr. Ing. Otakar Schlossberger, Ph.D, Head of Department of Banking and Insurance, Faculty of Economic Studies, Vysoká škola finanční a správní, o.p.s. and Doc. Ing. Antonín Peltrám, CSc., Advisor and Director IEI, Bankovní institut vysoká škola, a.s.


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nnetworking/gourmet ettw etw worki rking/gourmet rkin ingg/g g ou ourmet our urrme met even eve event vennt nt

From left: Ing. Fawad Nadri, President, Czech-Afghan Chamber of Commerce in the CR, JUDr. Libuše Schlossbergerová, Legislative Department, Ministry of Finance, Vincent J. Derudder, Chairman, Generali Tower – Business Centre, Michal Hrbata, Deputy Minister of Defence, Mgr. Marta Gellová, Director, Česká pojišťovna and Member of the Board, AFIZ, and Jan Jedlička, Executive General Manager, United Bakeries

From left: Tatiana Fominykh, Office Assistant, Leaders Magazine and Lenka Helena Koenigsmark, Head of Editorial, Leaders Magazine

From left: Prof. Ing. Jiří Fárek, Professor, Technická Univerzita Liberec, Dr. Světla Prokešová, Senior Consultant, Allied Progress Consultants, and Emanuel Šíp, Partner, Allied Progress Consultants

Ing. Pavel Kafka, President, CMA at his speach From left: Peter P. Formánek, President, Canadian Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic and Josef Cílek, PhD, C.E., Vice President for Foreign Relations, Czech Chamber of Commerce

From left: Helena Kroftová Leisztner, Fashion Designer and Artist with her husband Roland, and H.E. Richard W. Graber, former Ambassador of the USA to the CR and Vice President, Government Relations EMEA Honeywell

From left: H.E. Richard W. Graber, former Ambassador of the USA to the CR and Vice President, Government Relations EMEA Honeywell and Benke Aikell, your Publisher

From left: Michal Hrbata, Deputy Minister of Defence, Mgr. Marta Gellová, Director, Česká pojišťovna and Member of the Board, AFIZ, and Jaromír Šlápota, President, Czechoslovak Foreign Institute

From left: H.E. Lembit Uibo, Ambassador of Estonia, H.E. Richard W. Graber, former Ambassador of the USA to the CR and Vice President, Government Relations EMEA Honeywell, and Michal Hrbata, Deputy Minister of Defence



From left: JUDr. PhDr. Oldřich Choděra, Lawyer, Charterpresident of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador and former Governor of LCI D122 Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, Ing. František Chaloupecký, former President of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador, Ing. Vladimír Páral, Writer, and Ing. Ladislav Vaško, Commercial Director

Prague Bohemia Ambassador

From left: Ing. Jaromír Kaulfus, Enterpreneur, Ing. František Chaloupecký, former President of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador, and Ing. Ladislav Vaško, Commercial Director

From left: Ing. Rudolf Kočí, Enterpreneur and Ing. Jiří Málek, former President of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador From left: Doc. MUDr. Martin Mates, CSc., Cardiologist and MUDr. Václav Poláček, CSc., Plastic Surgeon

30 Miroslav Hříbal, Enterpreneur

JUDr. Jaroslav Šátral, Judge of the Municipal Court in Prague

From left: Ing. Tomáš Jadrníček, Project Engineer, MUDr. René Vlasák, Doctor, Ing. Jaromír Kaulfus, Enterpreneur, and Ing. Ladislav Vaško, Commercial Director

From left: PhDr. Ladislav Říha, Owner, CK RI-Tours and former President of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador, Ing. František Chaloupecký, former President of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador, JUDr. Jaroslav Novotný, Lawyer, Membership Chairperson of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador, and Ing. Tomáš Jadrníček, Project Engineer

From left: Doc. MUDr. Martin Mates, CSc., Cardiologist and Ing. Jiří Nejezchleb, Tax Advisor Ing. Vladimír Páral, Writer

From left: Ing. Josef Čekal, former President of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador and Prof. MUDr. Václav Mandys, CSc., Head of the Institute of Pathology

From left: Ing. František Chaloupecký, former President of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador, Mgr. Petr Gazdík, Chairman, parliamentary club of TOP 09 and STAN, and JUDr. PhDr. Oldřich Choděra, Lawyer, Charterpresident of LC Praha Bohemia Ambassador and former Governor of LCI D122 Czech Republic and Slovak Republic


From left: Ing. Pavel Barák, Economist, Ing. Jaromír Kaulfus, Enterpreneur, and Ing. Ladislav Vaško, Commercial Director

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Přemysl Sobotka, 1st Vice President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

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From left: Vladimír Ruml, Consul General of the Czech Republic in Canada, H.E. Jiří Karas, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Belarus, H.E. Ivana Grollová, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Mongolia, H.E. Michael Žantovský, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in the United Kingdom, and Adolf Jílek, Senator

From left: Peter Stepanek, Managing Director, Pacific Leasing Corporation, Abdullah AlGhanem, Director, International Engineering and Architecture Group, and H.E. Lubomír Hladík, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Saudi Arabia

From left: Benke Aikell, your Publisher, Marta Gellová, Director, Česká pojišťovna and Member of the Board, AFIZ, Jiří Uklein, Head of the Senate Office, and Miluše Horská, Senator

From left: H.E. Zdeněk Lyčka, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Denmark, H.E. Petr Kopřiva, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Argentina, H.E. Markéta Šarbochová, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Portugal, and H.E. Pavel Vacek, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Czech Republic in the Republic of Bulgaria

Jiří Schneider, 1st Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs


From left: Marta Gellová, Director, Česká pojišťovna and Member of the Board, AFIZ, Benke Aikell, your Publisher, and Petr Pithart, Vice President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

From left: Ing. Petr Kubernát, Director, Pekos and H.E. Jaroslav Kantůrek, Consul General of the Czech Republic in Hongkong H.E. Radek Pech, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Lithuania and H.E. Helena Bambasová, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Hungary

From left: Jozef Regec, Senator and H.E. Jaroslav Zajíc, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Cuba


From left: Lenka Dimunová, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mgr. Jana Kružíková, Secretary of the Committee on Public Administration, Regional Development and the Environment of the Senate, and Jaroslav Šonka, Director, The European Shoah Legacy Institute

From left: Jiří Pospíšil, Owner, Medical Service, Miroslav Nenutil, Senator, Andrea Jůzová, Secretary of the Committee on National Economy, Agriculture and Transport of the Senat, Ing. Jiří Bis, Senator, and Ing. Jiří Lajtoch, Senator

From left: H.E. Ivo Šrámek, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Belgium, H.E. Radek Rubeš, Representative Office of the Czech Republic in Ramallah, and H.E. Jaroslav Kantůrek, Consul General of the Czech Republic in Hongkong

Alexandr Vondra, Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic

From left: H.E. Jan Koukal, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Austria, Přemysl Sobotka, 1st Vice President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, H.E. Petr Kolář, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Russian Federation, and Benke Aikell, your Publisher

From left: H.E. Jarmila Krejčíková, Consul General of the Czech Republic in Germany and Petr Pithart, Vice President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

From left: H.E. Josef Koutský, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Lybia, H.E. Miloslav Machálek, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Ghana, and H.E. Radek Rubeš, Representative Office of the Czech Republic in Ramallah


interview A talk with H.E. Cihad Erginay, Turkey’s Ambassador to the Czech Republic

Business and Cultural Cooperation is to be

STRENGTHENED Photo: Vladimír Weiss

36 Leaders Magazine V/2012

H.E. Cihad Erginay graduated in international relations from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara. He started his career at the Political Department for Eastern Europe at the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in December 1988. Then he worked at several diplomatic posts in Australia, NATO, Kuwait, the United States, and Saudi Arabia. Before arriving in Prague he was the Special Advisor to the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Ahmet Davutoğlu. Since April 2011 he has been holding the post of the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in the Czech Republic.

interview What made you work in the diplomatic service? My father was a diplomat, and it was my dream to become one as well. I grew up in this environment, and as a result I was educated in many countries – from Egypt to London, the United States, etc. I like living in different places and meeting foreign people. Working for the diplomatic service enables you to deal with different areas of life – cultural, economic, and political issues. You are also in a position of responsibility, and if I contribute to something, it is very fulfilling. Why did you choose Prague? There is a very interesting reason behind this. When I started my career at the end of the 1980s, I was appointed to the department that was then called Eastern Europe, and we were responsible for the Warsaw Pact countries. It was before the fall of the Iron Curtain. I was responsible for looking after the Soviet Union and some Eastern European countries including Czechoslovakia. We used to receive cables from Prague on the uprising and how the Velvet Revolution was developing. I thus heard about Charter 77 and Havel and other names. And since then I wanted to meet these people and to see Prague. And then the day came when I was to be appointed ambassador. When I was presented the choice I decided on Prague. I had never visited Prague before, even as a tourist. My family and I came here to experience Golden Prague, Czech hospitality, its deep culture and intellectual environment and meet some people whose names were written in those cables. We have not been disappointed at all. You came to Prague in April of 2011. Did you have a chance to meet Václav Havel? Fortunately yes. When I first came, he was ill, and was not meeting people so much. When he got slightly better, he managed to see some people and I was very fortunate to be accepted by him. I had a very interesting conversation with him at his office. It was one of the moments I cherish most while being in Prague. So your expectations were fulfilled. Absolutely; it was great to meet this legend. Czech-Turkish relations have been very good. What objectives did you come here with? What is your mission? My mission is very straightforward. I am one of the lucky ambassadors who work in a positive, allied and friendly country like the Czech Republic. My mission was to improve mutual relations even further (although they are already very good), to increase trade, and to increase interpersonal contact, meaning to enhance tourism and cultural relations. Since I have been here I can say that we have achieved considerable progress in all of these fields. For instance, our total trade volume in the last two years has grown from 2 billion dollars to 3 billion dollars, which is significant, especially in times of economic difficulty. So it is very satisfying that the business communities of the two countries are willing to cooperate together more intensively. In what areas does Turkey cooperate with the Czech Republic? First of all I would like to say that the amount of export and import between us is very balanced. The main areas of trade with the Czech Republic are in automotive products, industrial products such as tubes, railway products and lines. From Turkey there are automotive spare parts, construction materials, household equipment, and agricultural products. We hope to maintain

this balance of trade between us, and we are looking to increase the high-level of trade and investment volume we already have. The Czech government has declared Turkey as one of its priority markets in its export strategy paper 2012. How do you feel about that? We are very happy about that and want to capitalize on the visionary attitude of the Czech Republic. And we also look upon Central Europe, especially the Czech Republic, as our priority market which we want to do more business with and make more investment. That is why we want to establish stronger links in the construction sector, because we are very good within the construction industry (number two in the world after China). We hope to do more business in this field in the Czech Republic. What about cultural cooperation? In terms of cultural relations, there is also growing interest in Turkey. Our aim is to support cultural events, and cinema weeks in the Czech Republic. We have been able to achieve this to a certain extent. Last year we had three cinema weeks around the Czech Republic, one of them took place at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival. We also support the translation of works of Turkish authors into the Czech language. Now we are in the process of opening a cultural centre in Prague. We want to provide more information about Turkey to those who are interested in our culture and history. It will probably be very welcome here, because there is a growing number of students focusing on Turkey and learning the Turkish language. I hope so. Students at universities represent another important factor affecting our interpersonal contact. Every time I visit Charles University (Turcology Department), I am always happy to see Czech students speaking even better Turkish than I do. The Czech Republic is one of the top three destinations for our Erasmus students. They come to the Czech Republic because there are many high quality universities here, and because of their attitude toward students. Obviously, Prague is the main attraction, but the students are quite distributed. They also go to universities in Brno or Ostrava for example. Some analysts see Turkey as a role model for the Arab spring countries. What is your opinion on that? First of all I would like to say that the Arab spring was something that had to happen, it was inevitable. And it should have come years before. People of the region struggled to regain their dignity, their rights. We have seen the successful conclusion in some of the countries. Some are still in the process. We look upon them as something which has yet to be completed. It is not easy. And as the international community, we have to always be ready to assist with our experience and expertise. In terms of Turkey as a role model for these countries, we do not see it that way; we can only be an inspiration. We can share the experiences we have had since the 1920s, and those which we are still living through. It is a long process. We can only offer our experience as a reference point. How do you deal with the crisis in your neighbouring country – Syria? It is very sad what is happening there. For us it is of great concern. That is why Turkey is at the forefront of all initiatives for a quick solution in Syria. Another factor which affects us directly, as it does other neighbours of Syria, is the flow of people escaping from Syria. About 80,000 people are living in camps in Turkey. It is not

easy. We try to provide them basic facilities and health care. It is also the responsibility of the international community. So we should work together to take care of these people. The long-term goal of Turkey is EU membership. How do you assess the negotiation process so far? EU membership is a state policy. All political parties in Turkey support the country’s membership in the EU. We are negotiating in good faith. Negotiations are a very good incentive for us toward reform. There should be no political obstructions, after all it is a technical process, but unfortunately there are some. Look at our economy in the past ten years. Turkey is one of the countries which has developed most. If the EU wants to look into the future with more confidence, and compete with others in the world, it needs Turkey. And Turkey needs the EU. Turkey is the only negotiating country in the history of enlargement that has accepted the Customs Union before accession for example. We have assumed more responsibility even before becoming a member. However, there are still some fears of, for example, the cheap Turkish workforce, and the very different economic situations of Turkish regions, especially in the east. How do you cope with that? I think we should look at facts. Turkey is the 6th largest economy in Europe and 16th in the world. We are in the G20. And by 2023, our centenary year, we hope to be the 10th largest economy in the world. So this is what we are working toward. Unemployment in Turkey is less than in many EU countries, and our economy is not as much affected by the economic crisis as many members of the Union. If you look at the migration trends in the EU you see that many people are migrating back to Turkey, and to some places outside of the EU, because there are more working and investment opportunities. You mentioned that your economy has not suffered during the crisis. Could you elaborate more on that? First of all we have a very young population, which is very dynamic. Conditions for more business and investment have been created, economic steps have been taken, and we can see positive results of these steps. Turkey is not a country of natural resources, but we are a crossroads for energy transport, such as pipelines for instance. In the past the EU was our prime trading partner. Now the EU is still an important trading partner, but we have also increased our economic relations with other regions in the world – such as The Middle East, Central Asia, and China. Now we have more partners in trade and investment. As soon as we have a more stable region, then Turkey will progress much easier. What do you do in your free time? I travel, and being in the Czech Republic I have ample opportunities to do so. I read that you are a big fan of football. Yes, I am. I have been to a couple of matches here already. What is your favourite team in the Czech Republic? I cannot say it this way. However, when growing up, I grew up with many Czech football teams – Sparta Praha, Bohemians, Dukla Praha and Baník Ostrava. These names are very familiar to Turkish football fans. By Zuzana Kasáková český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

Leaders Magazine V/2012 37

global perspectives


Jan M端hlfeit, Chairman, Europe Microsoft Corporation Photo: Paul Pacey

global perspectives In the EU, youth unemployment is currently at 22% – up from 15% in 2008. European Commissioner for Employment Laszló Andor estimated that high levels of youth unemployment are costing Europe approximately 2 billion per week. Policymakers clearly recognise that the longer young people remain unemployed, the harder it will be for them to enter the workforce. At the same time industry leaders are raising concerns over a lack of young people with the right training to fill their technical positions! According to IDC, 90% of all jobs will require technology skills by 2015. How has the Czech education system attempted to address this issue so that young people have the proper education and skills to meet and exceed market needs? What lessons have we learnt that will benefit our European counterparts? And how can Europe as a whole tackle these worrying figures? The Czech lands have a lengthy tradition of academic and scholarly pursuits, going back to The Middle Ages and the founding of Charles University in Prague in 1348. The reforms introduced by Marie Terezie in 1774 provided a blueprint for the education system in both city and rural communities, and importantly made school attendance a legal requirement for all children from the ages of six to twelve. Post1945, the emphasis has been on technical education to support Czechoslovakian industrywhich was dominated by the export of highquality machinery, manufactured consumer goods and raw materials. However, the industrial sector was hampered by slow technology progress and lack of upgrades, leading to inefficiencies and waste of energy, materials and labour. Nevertheless, industry has consistently been the greatest “value-add” to the Czech economy, compared to the service and agricultural sectors. Is a technical or industry-specific education still attractive for young people in the 21st Century? Looking at the decisions of those entering secondary school in the Czech Republic, the answer appears to be ‘yes’. 15% attend a gymnasium to study a pre-university curriculum, whilst 25% go to a technical school and 60% choose a vocational school. One of the current features of Czech technical schools that I believe is exceptionally attractive is the range and relevance of programmes they offer. The Ministry of Education sets the general courses within a specialisation, such as electronics, then provides narrower courses which mirror market requirements, such as light electrotechnics. The Head of the school can then tailor a percentage of the course even further, to better fit the local labour market. But we also need excellence at the top. In 2011 in the Czech Republic, out of the 76,000 new university students, approximately 20%


enrolled in technical sciences, the second highest proportion after economic science and business schools. However in 2001, out of 46,000 new students, more than 30% enrolled in technical sciences. So whilst the proportion has declined, the overall number of technical students has increased. Specialised technical education at the secondary level provides a route for students into skilled production processes, and a smooth transition from the classroom to the workforce. Tertiary education can boost the number of young people moving into innovative R&D roles and help ensure a new wave of Czech technology start-ups. The private sector’s role in this instance is to collaborate and communicate with its public sector counterparts, through providing clear instructions on market trends and future employment requirements, as well as offering a variety of apprenticeships and on-the-job training opportunities for young people at all levels. Industry, and the technology industry in particular, can inspire and incite student’s interest in a future career. Taking an example close to my heart, over the past decade Microsoft’s Imagine Cup has invited students to propose technology solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. Current competitions for the Cup challenge students in the areas of cloud computing, software design and game design, to help alleviate worldwide issues such as poverty, famine, gender inequality, environmental sustainability, and access to education and healthcare. Apart from the societal benefit of these solutions, students can learn new skills, turn their ideas into a business, and win cash grants and prizes. Unsurprisingly, Czech students have fared well in the Imagine Cup due to the entrepreneurial spirit and ingenuity of our young people. In the 2010 competition, for example, Czech ‘Team GINA’ entered the Geographical Information Assistant, a software that enables those first on the scene after a natural disaster to use mobile devices to navigate difficult terrain, coordinate with other teams and efficiently exchange geographical information. By 2011 Team GINA had become GINA Systems, a start-up company. Their software was used following the earthquake in Haiti by field workers to ‘pin’ the whereabouts of safe water wells onto digital maps, coordinate access to these locations in real time, and monitor the spread of cholera. The company now regularly supports relief agencies, as well as businesses seeking to lower costs for planning logistics and secure the movement of workers and equipment. Company CEO Zbyněk Poulíček stated in post-Haiti interviews that his motivation came from wanting to make the “world at least a slightly better place” and noted that “GINA Systems transitioned from a student project to a serious business very quickly”. I believe GINA Systems is more than just an example of the business potential

start-ups can offer; it serves as an inspiration to young people who are considering a technology specialisation and wondering how it can benefit the wider society. Back to tackling that shockingly high (and unsustainable) figure of 22% youth unemployment – which equates to 5.5 million under 25s in the European Union. Increasing spending in education has been proven to benefit an economy even during periods of financial downturn. This has been evidenced by Finnish Prime Minister Esko Aho who oversaw greater funding for education amongst massive cuts in other departments, following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Two decades later and Finland regularly appears in the world’s top three most innovative countries, supporting a robust economy. The Finnish strategy emphasised improving the effectiveness of teachers. They achieved this by upgrading the profession - so new teachers had to take a three-year graduate school preparation program, free of cost and with an allowance for living expenses. Equally importantly, half of the teachers’ time in school is spent in high-level professional development, collaborative planning, and working with parents. Effective teachers are the number one predictor of student success, so it’s no surprise that the Finnish strategy has borne fruit. This is an important lesson for the Czech education system, where the quality of pedagogical faculties is on occasion criticised. Remuneration of our teachers must reflect their critical role in society, and be commensurate for the best and brightest – not just the most enthusiastic. In terms of a private sector example of supporting effective teaching, Microsoft Partners in Learning is a 10-year, $500M global initiative aimed at advancing schools and educators’ use of technology. Key features include ‘envisioning workshops’ to plan and implement a school’s educational vision, and ‘Virtual Universities’ to foster peer coaching and teachers’ leadership skills. Overall, tackling youth unemployment means unlocking human potential at an early age through an education system that equips young people with the skills needed throughout their professional careers. We can achieve this by investing in teacher training, strengthening the relations between industry and educators, and learning from mutual successes across Europe. I believe the Czech education system can capitalise on promoting technical education and am confident that our country’s young people can become the source of the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs and leaders. By Jan Mühlfeit Chairman, Microsoft Europe český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

Leaders Magazine V/2012 39

infrastructure analysis

“Bad Mood” The Czech Republic has experienced an economic downturn for not less than four quarters in a row. The gross domestic product (GDP) has fallen according to preliminary data of the Czech Statistic Office by 1.2 per cent on year-to-year basis in the second quarter of 2012. This development got Czechia, as to the trend of economic growth, nearer to countries like Hungary, Italy or Portugal. On the opposite, the Polish, Slovak as well as Austrian economies grow, and also the GDP in Germany, which is the most important trade partner of the Czech Republic, is rising. The consumption of Czech households stagnates; this is the most apparent in foodstuffs and, in particular, in sales of automotive fuel. The population’s propensity to save is soaring; the volume of savings of households has grown by a half during last five years. Industrial production has decreased in yearto-year terms by 2.2% as at June 2012, and rather disquieting is also the deceleration of the growth trend of automotive industry and related subcontractor branches. Construction industry finds itself in a serious decline: its production has fallen in year-to-year real terms by 8.4 % as at June 2012. According to available data from 1st quarter of 2012, total transport of goods in tonnes decreased in year-on-year terms in road transport by 8.9 % and in railway transport by 6.5 %, the main decrease having taken place in national transport. The only positive factor in this „economic bad mood“ (this term coined by Prime Minister Petr Nečas) is growing foreign trade where exports grew on year-to-year terms by 5.6 % while imports, pushed down by lowered domestic consumption, grew only by 0,9 % as at June 2012. But as the growth in the rest of Europe seems to decelerate due to imminent troubles of some eurozone countries, it may cause also a change in this so far hopeful result. The response to the question why the Czech Republic is in a continuing recession while neighbouring economies grow is not simple. Of course, the main part of the negative development in Czechia is imported from the outside, as an effect of global financial and European debt crisis. The Czech economy as a smaller and open one is always more sensitive to external influences and business cycle fluctuations. Nor can it mobilize built-in


capacity, especially workforce reserves, like Poland to feed economic growth. But this is only a part of the overall picture. A good part of the recession can be accounted to austerity measures applied in the public sector. It can be praised that the Czech right-centre government preferred financial stability and did not get lured by the idea of pumping money into the economy to boost growth, and resisted also to introduce unsystemic financial tools like “scrap money” to support industrial production. It showed that the automotive industry did well even without that. The problem is that spending cuts concerned predominantly public investment, which heavily hit the construction sector and got it into the crisis. Another factor pressing the industry down was irregularities in the EU fund management system that caused delay with EU repayment. This may bring new tension into the State budget as well as the threat that allotted EU funds of this programming period may not be fully utilized. A very ambiguous measure was raising taxes, which is a violation of the schoolish rule to never increase taxes during recession, and also of the original Government’s programme. Some analyses document that the Czech GDP development began to deviate from that in neighbouring countries just by this very moment. Speaking about the “bad mood”, one should also not forget the symptoms of upcoming political crisis due to multiple revelations of mishandling public funds by prominent politicians and lobbyists searching for their own benefit, not that of the country. This problem is closely linked with the somehow suspect system of financing political parties. So as to gain a better mood here, it is necessary that the system is profoundly reformed to be more financed from public sources, more transparent and more strictly regulated. One can scarcely accuse Czech households of being very careful in spending money, especially when hearing so many items of bad news. To some extent, it is only a delayed demand that may manifest when times are better. This means a better atmosphere in the economy and society. The Government should not invent specific progrowth measures, but concentrate more on the efficiency of its administration, which sometimes resembles a car with choked carburettor and

leaking fuel system. Savings can be relatively big here. Then more money can get into infrastructure investment that is running a good deal of internal debt again. Another point is to continue improving the legal environment for entrepreneurs including a better protection of creditors. It is really controversial whether the Government should raise VAT again, both existing rates by one percentage point. This will not reduce the State budget deficit too much, and in turn, a decline to do so will certainly not cause any special disaster to the budget. But this measure, little important as it is, is a further “bad mood” instigator among entrepreneurs and citizens. On the contrary, when both external and internal situation stabilizes, it may be worth while to prepare a more significant reduction of taxes. By Emanuel Šíp Partner Allied Progress Consultants Association český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

Leaders Magazine V/2012 41

new presidential candidate

Exceptional Ladies/“Lady Pro” LUNCH IN SUPPORT OF MR. KAREL MUZIKÁŘ TO BECOME PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE For 17 years Comenius Society has been organizing the competition CZECH 100 BEST, of which the “LADY PRO” award is an important component. The “LADY PRO” award annually recognizes exceptional women, who while achieving outstanding professional, political, athletic, artistic or other work results have been able to maintain their most precious characteristic; their womanhood despite professional and time constrains. A number of laureates of the “LADY PRO” award have gathered in Parnas restaurant on Thursday, September 20th for a discussion lunch during which they nominated yet another candidate to run for the 2013 Czech presidential elections. During this unique gathering a group of exceptional women coming from a range of professional backgrounds have stated that they would collectively like to nominate Mr. Karel Muzikář senior, President of Comenius Society, for the next presidential post as he is a mature, educated, experienced, charming, strong-minded and at the same time steady person – a visionary. The group of ladies came to express their support to a new potential presidential candidate, a man who for the past twenty-two years has been in the head of a non-profit organization, which he directed in a patriotic manner. The exceptional lady gathering has declared that “considering his 72 years of age, Karel Muzikář is exceptional in his scope of activities, speaks several languages and is well-rounded in international business. Although he was a member of the Communist Party before the Velvet Revolution, Karel Muzikář has never taken any political activity before or after 1989. The decisive reasoning for this nomination is Karel Muzikář’s rich life experience, wisdom, his


ability to understand and solve difficult life and organizational situations, individual integrity, innate authority and his deep human dimension, which he expresses every day in his help to his wife in her unceasing, 24/7 care of their severely handicapped son. Karel Muzikář is a congenial, humble, talk-ative and always elegant senior with a good sense of humor, a non-smoking and non-alcoholic man who has convinced us on numerous occasions that he has all the necessary capabilities to well represent our country and to promote the interests of the Czech Republic in the high-level international context.” As a President, Karel Muzikář would with no doubt continue his efforts to support exceptional women, like he does with the “Lady Pro” award, and he already knows that his closest co-worker would be a Lady Chancellor of the Office of the President. Besides the common functions of this important position, the key mission of this lady would be the fulfillment of three special tasks. The Lady Chancellor would firstly make sure that from the first day of his presidency Mr. Muzikář would stand up to his commitment to serve for only one yet intense and fruitful term of office. Secondly, during her everyday office, the Lady Chancellor would enforce the presidential promise to actively involve common sense and logic in the maintenance of the bureaucracy of the Czech state. With this logic and common sense the potential President would like to boost up the number of capable women in state and municipal administration. The third task would be systematic preparation of terms and conditions for the following presidential post to be taken up by a lady matching the needs of the nation.

From left: Terezie Fučíková, Deputy Head, Institute of Immunology and Microbiology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and General University Hospital in Prague, Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius, and Mother Superior Miroslava Frýdecká, Convent of St. Charles Boromejský

new presidential candidate

From left: Zdenka Vostrovská, CEO, 1. VOX, Miloslava Procházková, Owner, AVANTI, and Alena Melková, Chief Zootechnic, AC Něčín

From left: prof. Soňa Nevšímalová, Head of Neurology Clinics, Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice and Kateřina Černá, Secretary, Municipal Office Prague 13

From left: Martina Cikánová, Co-Owner, ESO Travel and Marianna Drahotská

Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius

From left: Kateřina Čapková, Director, Excon and Renata Telínová, CEO, Scanservice

Martina Hovořáková, Architect

Prof. Terezie Fučíková, Deputy Head, Institute of Immunology and Microbiology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and General University Hospital in Prague

From left: Miloslava Procházková, Owner, AVANTI, Alena Melková, Chief Zootechnic, AC Něčín, and Sylva Tvrdíková, Vysoká škola obchodní





Developing Leadership?

CERTAINLY. BUT HOW? The role of leadership in a firm is so varied and dynamic that it is inevitably one of the key components of the company’s business success. Great leaders make great companies”, argues, for example, Martin Saitz, who has been leading the BMW Group CR for several years, and currently functions as a lecturer at the European Leadership & Academic Institute (ELAI).

Photos: Archive of Autor

Almost every day we read articles about leading people; we talk about educating leaders. We can find leadership courses in the learning portfolios of every company; the social networks are full of tips and tricks on how to motivate our teams. Why is it then that the greatest problem organizations face in reaching their goals is the way their people are lead? The problem, in fact, is generally not the lack of knowledge and specialties of leaders, but in the area that is underestimated by many – A leaders’ soft skills. As it has been said and written many times before, the pace of change in a company environment, and the complexity of decisions which leaders have to take, mean that the pressure on leaders’ performances is greater than ever before. “The significance of effective leadership in a company is indisputable.

44 Leaders Magazine V/2012

According to the AMA study of 2011 titled Developing Successful Global Leaders, 12 per cent of the most successful companies spend at least one quarter of their budget on global programs that support leadership (the success was measured by the company’s market share, revenue, and customer satisfaction). Less successful companies on the other hand spent less than 10 per cent of their annual budgets on leadership training. The relationship between educating leaders and the success of companies is truly doubted by few. Which type of leadership education, however, is the right one? How do we make sure that our investment will really bring about a generation of top leaders who will lead their organizations through to major successes? In the past few years, a concept of “4Cs” became one of the key themes of company leadership, indicating the direction that leadership education should take: Communication skills, Critical thinking, Co-operation/ Team work, Creativity and innovation. At the same time, experts also agree that development in these areas must be supported during the formation of young talent in schools, as well as in the everyday working process – it is not therefore possible to send leaders to a 2 or 3 week training session each year, and expect a 180 degree turnaround. It is necessary to foster a company culture, which will support, or even demand, the personal growth and development of individuals and organisational structures.

The basis of such culture may then be a central development of these four areas. Given the complexity of the processes of today’s business environment, success of individuals depends on whether they are able to navigate themselves in these processes and to set a clear goal, along with ways to achieve it. Good leaders will find such ways and withstand them; the best will inspire those who follow them. In order to do so, they need to be able to critically evaluate a situation, and come up with an innovative solution, which will take their company a step ahead of its competitors. They also need to communicate the results to their teams and co-operate with them to overcome any potential challenges.

In their article for T&D, “Leadership: Is Everybody’s Business”, authors argue that the core of good leadership lays in its unity of being and doing – for leaders to be followed, they must be trusted, both in terms of their personalities and their goals for a particular organisation. Such inner and external integrity must be clear to the whole team. According to Radek Š picar, Vice President of the Confederation of Industry and patron of ELAI, there is a lot left to learn for the current and future leaders. “They need to learn,” he says, “that at every moment, they have to lead by their own example; that they must be trustworthy, or else they will not gain the respect of others; that power and influence must also be accompanied by humility. And that they might feel lonely once at the top, and that the wind there might be harsh.” By Kateřina Coops, HR & Client Manager, European Leadership & Academic Institute (ELAI) ■ český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na



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Special thanks to Ifield Computer Consultancy and Laic Aktiengesellschaft for making this reportage possible Gábina Partyšová, Spokeswoman of the tour and Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius


Czech 100 Best Grand Golf Prix Joint HCP 0 - 18 1 KOS Pavel – HCP 6,8 (before 7,8) 2 GRUBNER Martin – HCP 13,2 (before 15,3) 3 SKALICKÝ Martin – HCP 5,4 (before 5,6)


Joint HCP 18,1 - 36 1 VESELÝ Aleš – HCP 24,0 (before 29,0) 2 VITÁSEK Pavel – HCP 16,1 (before 19,4) 3 LIŠKA Jan – HCP 20,5 (before 22,5)


Joint HCP 37 - 54 1 KASPAR Martin – HCP 32,0 (before 46) 2 KALA Petr – HCP 34,5 (before 42) 3 PÁLKOVÁ Ivana – HCP 51 (before 54)

From left: Jan Klas, General Director, Air Navigation Services of the CR, George Parobek, General Director, LAIC & Ifield Computer Consultancy, and Vladek Šlezingr, General Director, IBM Czech Republic

czech 100 best grand golf prix tour

Winners of the HCP 37–54 category receiving awards from Roman Šmucler, Owner, Asklepion Aesthetic Clinics (on the left) and Vlastimila Reicheltová, Co-Owner, Golf Gate, Importer of JuCad (on the right). In the middle from left: Martin Kaspar, CIO, Veletrhy Brno, Ivana Pálková, CE Group, and Petr Kala, Fleet Sales Manager, BMW Czech Republic

Winner of investment diamond Martin Hájek, Partner, Hájek&Zrzavecký with Martin Červencl, Investment Advisor, Diamonds Investment Corporation, and Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius From left: Tomáš Zeman, Owner, Zenova Services, Tomáš Pražák, and Petr Hotovec, Executive Director, Zenova Services

From left: Libor Olexa, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Media Factory, Jarmila Olexová, and Jaroslav Olexa

From left: Milan Slanina, Managing Director, Personam, Jan Tichý, Chairman of the Board, Transfer Energy, Jana Míková, Product Manager, Pados, and Benke Aikell, your Publisher

The exclusive Albatross Golf Resort once again hosted the second tournament of the season from the series “Czech 100 Best Grand Golf Prix” entitled Albatross Cup. On September 18th “Czech 100 Best” has thus endured a successful addition to its golf tournament tradition. With this very tournament Comenius Society has had the pleasure to introduce already the fifth continuation of the “Czech 100 Best Grand Golf Prix”, a tournament inspired by “Czech 100 Best”, a competition for leading Czech companies Comenius has been organizing since 1996. The tournament offered a more relaxed and yet at the same time competitive combat to the representatives of companies acknowledged by the “Czech 100 Best” scale. Traditionally, Comenius was once again successful in arranging excellent weather conditions, so participants have had the opportunity to join us for a day full of great golf experiences, delicious food and a marvelous golf course. The tournament was divided into three categories – categories HCP 0 to 18, HCP 18,1 to 36 and HCP 37 to 54. The winners of individual categories (see the results) received prizes from Vlastimila Reicheltová, the exclusive importer of JuCad golf carts and Dr. Roman Šmucler, Owner of the Asklepion Aesthetic Clinics, Pavel Baštář, Executive Head of Invelt, BMW dealer and the representative of the Automobile partner, and finally Šárka Parobek, Director of LAIC & Ifield Computer Consultancy companies who represented the Grand partner of the event. Mini Cooper keys, which were the main prize of the Hole in One competition, have remained in the hands of Invelt company, the partner of the adjoined competition. The winner of Super Nearest to Pin competition against Marek Nový, professional Czech golf player, Radek Dohnal received his prize from Pavel Míka, the owner of Pados. Pavla Kahounová, partner of the Doleček Kahounová Sedláčková law firm, was the winner of the female category of another adjoined competition Longest Drive and Pavel Míka was the winner of the male category of the same competition. Both winners were awarded with gift baskets from the hands of Radek Dohnal, general director of TOP Hotel Praha and the Vice-Chairman of the Board of TOP Hotels Group. The prize for the chipping competition, or the competition “hit the BMW Z4 convertible and win it for a weekend”, was awarded to Pavel Kalášek. The end of the award ceremony was concluded with a rich raffle. The LAIC & Ifield Computer Consultancy were the Grand partners of the event and BMW/Invelt was again introduced as the Automobile partner. MORE PHOTOS AND ELECTRONIC VERSION AVAILABLE ON WWW.LEADERSMAGAZINE.CZ

Radek Klíma, Mayor, Prague 5


Special thanks to Ifield Computer Consultancy and Laic Aktiengesellschaft for making this reportage possible


From right: winner of the new Huawei Ascend P1 smartphone Milan Slanina with Zbyněk Pardubský, Director, Huawei Technologies, Gábina Partyšová, Spokeswoman of the tour, and Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius

Radek Dohnal, Deputy Chairman of the Board, TOP hotels Group and Gábina Partyšová, Spokeswoman of the tour

From left: Petr Krůček, Director of Security, ICZ, Petr Soukup, Managing Director, Stance Communications, H.E. Peter Brňo, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, and Pavel Kalášek

From left: Petr Kala, Fleet Sales Manager, BMW Czech Republic, Pavel Baštář, Executive Director, Invelt, Jitka Havašová, Chief Financial Officer, Cisco Systems, and Jaromír Hájek, General Director, Lease Plan

Karel Filip, Director, Thomayerova Hospital



From left: Jakub Strnad, Chairman of the Board, Allianz, Vladek Krámek, Director, Legal & Compliance Dpt., Fincentrum, and Stanislav Beneš, General Director, Infram and Owner of Luční bouda

Longest women Super Nearest to Pin KAHOUNOVÁ Pavla DOHNAL Radek Longest men Chipping to BMW Z4 MÍKA Pavel KALÁŠEK Pavel

Winners of the HCP 0-18 category receiving awards from Šárka Parobek, Director, LAIC & Ifield Computer Consultancy: from left Martin Grubner, Managing Partner, Grubner Legal, Pavel Kos, Martin Skalický, Owner, ForGolf, and Gábina Partyšová, Spokeswoman of the tour

111 – silný a stabilní partner Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna svým klientům nabízí řadu výhod a odměňuje je za zodpovědný přístup k vlastnímu zdraví i ke zdraví jejich blízkých. Připravila preventivní programy a akce pro každého z rodiny. KLUB PEVNÉHO ZDRAVÍ nabízí členství klientům starším 15 let. S pomocí klubové karty mohou čerpat zajímavé slevy a bonusy u více než 550 partnerů klubu. ZDRAVÝ ŽIVOT je kreditní program, v němž pojišťovna přispívá členům Klubu pevného zdraví na pohybové a volnočasové aktivity nebo na očkování nehrazené z veřejného zdravotního pojištění. ZDRAVÁ RODINA je příspěvkový program, díky kterému mohou rodiče pro své děti získat příspěvek na očkování nehrazené z veřejného zdravotního pojištění nebo na pevná rovnátka. ŽIJ ZDRAVĚ je edukační kampaň, která radí a pomáhá v problematice obezity, nadváhy a se zdravotními komplikacemi s tím souvisejícími. PREVENTIVNÍ PROHLÍDKY jsou bezplatné a VZP doporučuje každému, aby na ně chodil 1x za dva roky k praktickému lékaři, 2x za rok ke stomatologovi a 1x za rok ke gynekologovi.

networking/discussion event

Special thanks to Ifield Computer Consultancy and Laic Aktiengesellschaft for making this reportage possible

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, September 6, 2012. Comenius Society entered the new school year with an important discussion Round Table with Prime Ministers of the Czech and Slovak Republics, Mr. Petr Nečas and Mr. Robert Fico. The debate was commenced with Prime Minister Fico’s appreciation of the strong bonds between the two countries and also with his concern about the EU consolidation.

From left: Robert Fico, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius, and Petr Nečas, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

Round Table of Comenius Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Petr Nečas and Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Robert Fico At the same time Prime Minister Fico stressed that the stability of the Euro zone is essential for the future of Slovakia. Prime Minister Nečas commented on the economical interconnectedness of the Czech and Slovak Republics and supported Robert Fico with his own hopes for the Euro zone. The discussion proceeded with topics such as transportation and the improvement of Czech-Slovak highway connection and also higher level education and mutual accreditation of Czech and Slovak Universities.



From left: Alessandro Pasquale, General Director, Karlovarské minerální vody, H.E. Peter Brňo, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, Ladislav Dráb, Chairman of the Board, CE Group, Robert Fico, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic

networking/discussion event

From left: H.E. Peter Brňo, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, Ladislav Dráb, Chairman of the Board, CE Group, Robert Fico, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius, Leoš Tomíček, Vice President, Rusatom Overseas, Jan Klas, Director, Air Navigation Services, Milan Fiľo, Chairman of the Board and President, ECO-INVEST, Soňa van Deelen, General Director, Association of Czech and Moravian Production Cooperatives, Petr Fajtl, Director of the Air Navigation Service of the CR, Pavel Horák, Director, VZP, and Ivo Šimco, Director, CE Group

From left: Josef Veselka, Head of Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Motol, Jiří Vacek, Co-Owner, Avanti, Miloslava Procházková, Co-Owner, Avanti, and Tomáš Novák, Dach Sales Director, Ami Praha

From left: Michal Donath, General Director, Donath Business & Media and Alessandro Pasquale, General Director, Karlovarské minerální vody From left: Petr Soukup, Managing Partner, Stance Communications and Milan Hejl, Managing Partner, Ami Communications

From left: Michal Lukeš, General Director, National Museum, Eugeny Rodin, Director of Representation, Atomstroyexport, and Zdeněk Š íma, Regional VicePresident for Central Europe, Rusatom Overseas

Jan Tašek, CEO and Co-Owner, ASE

From left: Miroslav Pavel, Chairman of the Board and General Director, Bank institute and Pavel Smutný, Partner, Císař, Češka, Smutný

51 Blanka Kalcsová, Chairwoman of the Board and General Director, Medis Holding, and Michal Donath, General Director, Donath Business & Media

From left: Radka Bučilová, Director, State Environmental Fund, Karel Muzikář, President Comenius and Milana Chamberlain, Managing Partner, Norton Rose

networking/discussion event

Special thanks to Ifield Computer Consultancy and Laic Aktiengesellschaft for making this reportage possible

From left: Tomáš Čáp, Executive Vice President, Comenius, Alice Maar, Managing Director, Wine 4 You, and Jiří Čáp, General Director and Vice Chairman of the Board, SPRINX SYSTEMS

From left: Jan Kleisner, Member of the Board and CFO, Škoda JS, Michal Hátle, General Director, T-systems, and Josef Kotrba, Leading Partner, Deloitte Czech Republic From left: Petr Kuchár, General Director, Prominecon Group and Libor Hájek, President, Eltodo EG

Ivana Šindelářová, Sales Manager, Webcom and Václav Irovský, Branch Director, LOM Praha

From right: Petr Dvořák, General Director, Czech Television, Roman Cabálek, General Director, Microsoft, Benke Aikell, your Publisher, and Bohdan Wojnar, Member of the Board, Human Resources, Škoda Auto

From left: Hana Krbcová, General Director, ČEZ Trusteeship, Libor Joukl, Deputy Governor, Region Vysočina, and Albin Sybera, General Director, Sybera Enterprises

Miroslav Pavel, Chairman of the Board and General Director, Bank institute in his speech Karel Muzikář, President Comenius and Jana Nagyová, Chief Director, Cabinet of the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic



From left: Alessandro Pasquale, General Director, Karlovarské minerální vody, H.E. Peter Brňo, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, Ladislav Dráb, Chairman of the Board, CE Group, Robert Fico, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius, and Petr Nečas, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

media power

No Real Leadership WITHOUT COMMUNICATION The biggest challenge I face as a corporate communication advisor is access to my clients’ wants and needs. Two questions remain are what is the easiest way to know them, and how can an expert turn them into the “pitch” in order to sell them to the media? This task sometimes feels like butting head to head with the client for their benefit. On one hand, they want more media visibility to boost business. On the other hand, they can’t find the time to write a quote or a blurb for an article, or to draft an expert article with an up-to-date motif. Even though I sympathise with those with an overwhelming workload, which I know exactly how they feel, I believe the lack of involvement from these corporate experts, in terms of communication, comes from somewhere else rather than from a sheer lack of time. Let’s take a look at a few possibilities why many companies fail to manage their expertise properly to boost their media visibility. 1. The fish stinks from the head. When the CEO isn’t seen in the media, thus showing his or her example to the other company reps, why should subordinates act any differently? CEOs that don’t bother to send clear signals about media relations being the key element for success, we can’t expect these individual experts and board members to come forward with their ideas for their media campaigns or “pitches.” 2. What is actually a story? Even when the CEO is visible and the company reps know media relations are important, they don’t know how to handle the

Cristina Muntean is a communication adviser with more than 12 years’ experience in the Czech, Romanian and other international media fields. She is a graduate of journalism from the University of Bucharest, Romania. Cristina had worked for the English-language economic magazine Czech Business Weekly (CBW) in Prague from 2005 to 2010, which she had also written over 3,000 business articles, features and interviews. In August 2012, she founded Media Education CEE, a premium communication advisory and training agency. By 2011, Cristina was elected president of the Czech PR Klub. She later took office as chairwoman of the Marketing Committee for the American Chamber of Commerce in Prague in January 2012. Cristina speaks Romanian, French, English and Czech and can be reached at


issue. The company didn’t spend time identifying and sharing its key priorities for the media; thus, even those company reps who might want to assist the PR department can’t do it because they are lost in the amount of themes they handle day by day. 3. No training, no gain. It is very important that companies invest into creative writing and media relations training for experts. Thus experts gain at least some guidance on what they are expected to deliver. Otherwise, when sitting down to write an expert article and looking at that white page without knowing where to start feels more painful than a natural childbirth, why bother? 4. Take away the shame. Many company reps don’t want to be in the media just because they are afraid of making a mistake, which would trigger being ridiculed by colleagues or being punished by the management. Instead of seeing media relations as a fantastic opportunity to boost their personal brand, they perceive it as a hidden risk and an unnecessary evil. 5. Good outcome, no impact. Last but not least, many companies fail to leverage on the impact of good media coverage. Even when a rep runs an excellent interview in the media, some companies don’t have a media section on the website to share the article with the world or they lack a proper client newsletter to share the article with customers and thus bring over palpable business gains. Moreover, company reps receive no targeted feedback, praise or reward for their media efforts. This leads to a fall in motivation and to even less coverage in the future. What can we do in our companies to boost the know-how flow towards the PR department and thus enhance our chance to receive more free and relevant media visibility? 1. Inspire by personal example. Make is absolutely clear to everyone that communication is essential and is a priority for the whole company. 2. Praise, praise, praise. As soon as a good article is published, transform the author into the hero of the day. Share the article across the company and be lavish in your praise. Make sure the author receives positive feedback and clear understanding on how his efforts contributed to grow the company business. 3. Reward positive efforts. It is not farfetched to consider bonuses for communication efforts. I advise clients to include clear reward policies in the labor contracts of major company reps, tying communication results to individual performance indicators of the individual, and thus making it

Photo: Jakub Stadler

crystal clear that communication is a priority for everybody. 4. Think strategically. There is nothing worse than expectations without clear guidance. Make the business and communication goals of the company clear to everybody. Share with everyone and update regularly the messages that the company is trying to communicate. Assign a clear role for every person involved in the process, to make sure people know where they stand and what their duties are in terms of communication. 5. Train, train, train. Train everyone into becoming better communicators. It will return to you in many miraculous ways, even though it might just be an improved atmosphere at the labor place or higher customer satisfaction. It is my belief that without inspiring communication there is no leadership. Yet, everyone must start somewhere. Communication is such an obvious a part of leadership that we tend to take it for granted. Many times the difference between a real leader and a manager who is forgotten as soon as he goes into retirement lies into what he brought out to the world, into how he shared the lessons he learned on his path, and how many people will remember him after he’s gone. If you find a way to achieve that without communication, let me know. If not, make it a priority and start with yourself. It will pay off – sooner than later. ■

český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

Leaders Magazine V/2012 53

future insight

QuoVadis The Future Of Event Management

Enjoying current stage of ICT development, deeply interested in Web 2.0 and modern mobile platforms. Spreading that knowledge with other similarly captivated people at university courses. Enhancing knowledge in the field of event management and planning, while organizing number of professional international events as the UniversityBusiness Forum for European Commission in 2010 or MOBERA conference. Founding departments designing mobile applications both in commercial and academic spheres Photo: Vladimír Weiss since 2008 – at organizations, Masaryk University (actually first academic laboratory regarding modern mobile platforms in Czech Republic), Acemcee. Researcher in management of web-based services, giving talks at e.g. ISD 2010, SYNACS 2010 or FedCSIS 2011. Actively participating on organization and lecturing various topics of software engineering at Masaryk University (Development of Mobile Applications, Project Management, Communication & Soft-Skills and more), while cooperating with the Vienna University. Since 2010 owns an innovative company ACEMCEE focusing on professional event management, online event steering, and developing solution Takeplace for modern web and mobile platforms. Skiing and starting to play golf, tasting good wine and listening Frank Sinatra. Event management today is a brilliant approach for companies, enabling them direct contact with their clients and customers. Unfortunately, most of them mistake this opportunity as only another selling outlet. This shortsightedness causes a lot of disappointment for both sides and an insignificant investment return. On the other hand, event management well operated increases the clients’ loyalty and the company’s reputation. A properly prepared event (a seminar, a workshop, a (press) conference or a symposium) can serve as a channel for getting feedback in an agile way in facilitating product customization and adaptation towards the customers’ needs. Finally, it demonstrates company’s ability as an opinion maker and an expert in the presented field. Each cited advantage positively influences company’s position on the market. Apple is a prime example. Haven’t you at least once visited their Apple Store with their free teaching presentations? However, it is not easy to attract a target group (clients, journalists, expert audience etc.). Current trends show us the era of a simple event between four white walls with several bottles of sparkling water is finally over. Nowadays, attendees to such events are even more demanding for the highest level of service – and experience! Event managers have to be very creative and innovative while making use of the latest technology and being well connected with our tradition Czech sense of humor. One example is our magenta mobile operator’s press conference, which was fashioned to resemble a wedding ceremony with a bride and a groom. Another example is the phenomenal anniversary/circus party of our leading Internet search engine company, which certainly is one of the most unforgettable events. The event managers’ situation gets to be easier while the people are utilizing the newest technology in their daily routine. Augmented reality and NFC (near field communication) becomes comprehensible and practical not only for the technological specialists but

54 Leaders Magazine V/2012

for the general public as well. Applications and e.g. NFC chips are integrated in your pocket through your Android or Blackberry smartphones. Supposedly the upcoming Apple iPhone 5 will install the NFC by September of this year. What could you do with this technology as the company’s event manager or attendee? Imagine a set of applications for you to answer surveys non-aggressively, analyzing your service or product with a significant amount of usable feedback. Picture a huge turnout experience through “gamification,” which typically invol-ves game designs to non-game applications to make them more fun and engaging. Everything abides with the aim to satisfy your event’s attendees and promote the company’s message or mission statement that they will not forget it after two or three seconds. Another aspect that must not be overlooked is the jovial setting for your events. People are gathering to get to know each other, which brings them even more opportunities and new business relations for the company. You only have to monitor the networking before, during and after the event. Classical badge printing has become obsolete, especially since the whole manual process is now very time & cost consuming with registration by email or a displaced webpage. The world is changing and mobile smartphones and tablets are starting to rule how we handle our communication and workload. We are getting use to have all our data available and accessible, anywhere and anytime. The small tiny device you carry in your pocket can perform more than your five-year-old laptop, thanks to its flexibility and its immediate disposal. But what does that gizmo have anything to do with event management? Event Registration can be made at any location, even your favorite coffeehouse. It’s easier to make quick connections and cuts down check-in time. You can also recognise and connect with other attendees through browsing your LinkedIn webpage at the event, itself. And there’s more to come.

The budget restrictions for PR and marketing departments go hand in hand with the increased complexity of events, which demand a more sophisticated solution in helping the people involved with the company, the event department or the agency and attendees. Registration and attendance is the most crucial part – how do you get prospective members to sign up and come to your event? How much effort do you require from your attendees to register? Simplification is fundamental and unless the registration can be made in one or two clicks, they’ll put off their enrollment until the very last minute. Fresh and electrifying companies have taken on these challenges and developed their innovative solutions for event management. Takeplace, for example, has quickly become a leading Czech platform for business events or communal happenings, as well as TEDx. Thanks to these unifying tools, event organisers have all the essential data in one safe place, can collaborate with each other more and give attendees a richer event experience. Many other details play a major role in excellent event management to give you what you want: more satisfied customers and significantly bigger ROI. On the other hand, everything begins and ends with common sense – if you offer something interesting to both parties, and know how to present it, then you’ll meet, and even exceed, their expectations every time. In today’s virtual reality, events connect people, and business is still conducted with actual customers. Therefore, cliental care pays off and when it comes to organizing events, there remains a huge amount of untapped possibilities. By Jaroslav Škrabálek, Dr., MBA český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

The third annual Presidential CFO Golf Tournament took place September 12th in the Golf Park resort in Pilsen. The tournament began at 10am by cannon start with the presence of VIP guests of the Club of the Financial Directors. The accompanying programme included a fashion show of luxurious sport and lingerie brands. Miroslav Holub, senior account manager of the company RENOMIA became the overall winner of the tournament.

CFO golf tournament

From left: Ondřej Balík, CEO, KREKOM, Michal Mejstřík, Chairman of the Board, EEIP, Dean Brabec, President, CFO Club and Managing Partner CEE, Arthur D. Little, and Martin Herrmann, Member of the Board, CFO Club and General Director and Chairman of the Board, RWE Transgas

Winners at the category HCP 20-35,9 men/women from left: Pavla Topolánková, Chancellor, Vysoká škola finanční a správní, Rychard Etrych, Director, Expert Institue NSG Morison, and Jitka Havašová, Regional Finance Manager, Cisco Systems

Jakub Holubec, Partner, Dolphin Consulting

Pavel Doležal, Director pdMEDIA

Winners at the category HCP 0-19,9 men/women from left: Dean Brabec, President, CFO Club and Managing Partner CEE, Arthur D. Little, Ondřej Balík, CEO, KREKOM, and Rastislav Vašica, Bohemia Sekt

From left: Mr. Tomáš Kubálek, Jitka Havašová, Regional Finance Manager, Cisco Systems, and Petr Vaculík, Head of Clinical Operations, PSI CRO Czech Republic



international conference The record of the conference can be seen on

Special thanks to Ifield Computer Consultancy and Laic Aktiengesellschaft for making this reportage possible

Comenius Event

From left: Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, former President of Latvia, and Irakli Alasania, Leader, Political Coallition – Bidzina Ivanishvili Georgian Dream

in the Post-Soviet Territory: 20 Years Later

Comenius Society has organized an international conference entitled Democracy in the Post-Soviet Territory: 20 Years Later. The event was under the auspices of Mr. Zdeněk Škromach, Vice President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and it took place on September 11–12 in the beautiful Main Hall of the Wallenstein Palace in the Senate. Before the start of the conference itself the welcoming reception preceded on September 10. The reception took place in Česká spořitelna Palace and it was opened by a speech of one of the conference speakers, special guest, Mrs. Vaira Vike-Freiberga, former President of Latvia. The speakers came from different corners of the world to share their thoughts and opinions. During the first day of the conference we had the honor to hear the contributions of personalities like for example Mr. Irakli Alasania, Leader of Political Coalition Georgian Dream, Mr. Asim Mollazade, Chairman of the Democratic Reforms Party of Azerbaijan or Mr. Ales Michalevic, 2010 presidential candidate in the Republic of Belarus. The second day of the conference also brought interesting speeches delivered by distinguished guests. One of them was Mr. Janez Lenarčič, Director of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) or Mr. Oleksandr Tymoshenko, Coordinator of the International Union Fatherland (and husband of Yulia Tymoshenkova). Mr. Fraser Cameron, Director of EU-Russia Center and Senior Advisor to the European Policy Center in Brussels together with other speakers enriched the last panel of this conference. The participants had a chance to actively take part in this event, as discussions with the audience followed the panels during both days of the conference. Among the participants were ambassadors and diplomats, representatives of ministries, municipalities, nongovernmental organizations, representatives of universities and other people interested in topics relevant to the contemporary struggles and challenges Euro-Asian democratic societies continue to face.



From left: Rauf Zeyni, President, National NGO Forum of Azerbaijan, Alimirzamin Askerov, Director of the Department for Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Asim Mollazade, Chairman, Democratic Reforms Party, Azerbaijan, and Alexander Akulinin, Project Manager, Russia and CIS, Comenius

international conference

From left: Alimirzamin Askerov, Director, Department for Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius, Rauf Zeyni, President, National NGO Forum of Azerbaijan, Alexander Akulinin, Project Manager, Russia and CIS, Comenius, and Elnur Guliyev, Embassy of Azerbaijan

Lana Gedevanishvili, Marketing Director, Gedevani and Miroslav Smolák, Owner, Galerie Miro

From left: H.E. Souriya Otmani, Ambassador, Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco and H.E. Kaspars Ozolinš, Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Latvia

From left: Yedige Magauin, Director, Kazakh Service, Radio Free Europe with his wife, Natalia Churikova, Broadcaster, Radio Free Europe, Mrs. Bieber, and Arnie Bieber, EdD, Director, International School of Prague

From left: Stanislav Beneš, General Director, Infram and Owner of Luční bouda, Klára Sovová, Advocate, and Tomáš Čáp, Executive Vice President, Comenius

From left: Hannu Kasi, President and Country Manager, ABB Czech Republic and Roman Cabálek, General Manager, Microsoft

From left: Aleksi Petriashvili, Our Georgia – Free Democrats, Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius, and Mr. Konstantin Abesadze

From left: H.E. Ivan Grytsak, Ambassador, Embassy of Ukraine, Peter Formanek, President, Canadian Chamber of Commerce in the CR, and Viktor Matsko, Counsellor, Embassy of Ukraine



Special thanks to Ifield Computer Consultancy and Laic Aktiengesellschaft for making this reportage possible

international conference

From left: Konstantin Kosachyov, Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius, Jeff Lovitt, Executive Director, PASOS Policy Association for an Open Society, Asim Mollazade, Chairman, Democratic Reforms Party, Azerbaijan, and Ales Michalevic, 2010 Presidential Candidate, Republic of Belarus

First Day

Erik Best, Publisher, Fleet Sheet

Zdeněk Škromach, Vice President, Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Irakli Alasania, Leader, Political Coallition – Bidzina Ivanishvili Georgian Dream

Asim Mollazade, Chairman, Democratic Reforms Party, Azerbaijan

Second Day

From left: Oleksandr Tymoshenko, Coordinator, International Union Fatherland, Karel Muzikář, President, Comenius, Maren Turner, Executive Director, Freedom Now, Janez Lenarčič, Director, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Alimirzamin Askerov, Director, Department for Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Maksym Brynza, Executive Director, Ukrainian National-Cultural Center


Janez Lenarčič, Director, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Tevan Poghosyan, Executive Director, International Center for Human Development, Armenia

David Onoprishvili, Our Georgia – Free Democrats


Fraser Cameron, Director, EU-Russia Center, Brussels

Rauf Zeyni, President, National NGO Forum of Azerbaijan

the coach’s corner

Anything Is Possible The Olympics games are an event that I have always followed with enthusiasm, and had the privilege of witnessing in person on more than one occasion. I watched France’s equestrian jumping team win the gold medal in Montreal in 1976. In 1992, I cheerfully applauded the Dream Team in Barcelona when the USA took the gold in basketball. And in 1996, I got to see the Czech Republic’s Jan Železný win a gold medal and set a new world record in the javelin throw, in Atlanta. This summer, however, with the runaway commercialism and jingoism many countries bring to the games, I was only moderately interested in watching the events. But while it is easy to be cynical about the Olympics, the London games offered a phenomenal spectacle, with defining inspirational moments. Although all the athletes deserve praise and recognition for their physical prowess and achievements, I would like to single out one competitor for a special homage this year. In my mind, Michael Phelps embodies a formidable aspect of the spirit of the Olympics. By demonstrating that anything is possible, he has confirmed that human potential is just about inexhaustible. Before Phelps victory in the 200-metre individual medley, no man had won the same Olympic swimming event three times in a row. Before Phelps, no man nor woman had ever collected more than 18 medals. In London, he did that by adding four golds and two silvers, bringing his already amazing total to 22 medals. When Michael Phelps was in kindergarten, his inability to sit quietly prompted his teacher to comment that he was not gifted. School didn’t seem to interest him. His poor grades showed a lack of focus and seemed to confirm the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder given by the family’s physician. At the age of 9, Phelps was put on Ritalin, a medication used to treat hyperactivity. Luckily, he was born to a family of swimmers (at 15, his sister Whitney was ranked first in the US in the 200-metre butterfly). By 10, he was ranked Karin Genton-L’Epée is a business coach with 30 years of extensive professional experience in the United States, France and the Czech Republic. Based in Prague since 1995, for the past 13 years she has developed a range of coaching and training programs for mid- and top-level managers, focusing on leadership development, cross-cultural understanding and effective communication in a global environment. By providing a structured environment that supports people in clarifying who they are and what they want, Karin enables her clients to devise more effective strategies to achieve their personal and professional goals. Thanks to her knowledge, skills and range of international experience, Karin is in demand as a speaker at business conferences and educational institutions on both sides of the Atlantic. She is also a regular contributor to business journals and magazines. She works in English and French and can be reached at


nationally in his age group. And when Michael was 11, his swim coach, Bob Bowman, who still coaches him today, detected Michael’s potential and predicted an Olympic future. Watching Phelps performances over the last three Olympics (Athens 2004, Beijing 2008 and London 2012), I feel that we can get inspired by his trailblazing successes and learn some useful tips from him, both in sport and in business, to help us achieve our dreams.

VISION Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Goethe The American architect Daniel Burnham once said “Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood.” Phelps made big plans for the 2012 Olympic games and followed through with them. His earlier ambition was to outdo Mark Spitz’s achievement of seven gold medals, earned at the 1972 Munich Olympics. After eight gold medals and seven world records, Phelps’s next long-term goal was to have the same impact on the sport of swimming that Michael Jordan had on basketball and Tiger Woods had on golf. Phelps was looking to the future when, out of determination, stamina and a burning desire to transform the image of swimming for children all over the world, he put together the most ambitious Olympics program in the history of his sport. “I wanted to change the sport and take it to another level,” said Phelps. And he did, he became an inspiration for an entire generation. Gregg Troy, the American Olympic men’s head coach, said that Phelps’s phenomenal success has led to a deeper pool of athletes, “High profile athletes attract younger athletes to emulate.”

FOCUS Rule your mind or it will rule you.


1964 Olympic gold medalist swimmer Don Schollander once wrote that “Psyching out is part of the game. You’ve got to be able to take it and you’ve got to be able to do it. In Olympic competition, a race is won in the mind.” Michael Phelps has been described by The Baltimore Sun as “a solitary man” with a “rigid focus” at the pool prior to a race. “Michael’s mind is like a clock,” said his mother. “He can go into the 200-meter butterfly knowing he needs to do the first 50 in 24.6 to break the record and can put that time in his head and make his body do 24.6 exactly.” Phelps himself says, “As soon as I walk in the door, everything else that is going in my life doesn’t matter, it is like my brain shuts off. I don’t have to think about anything, I am there to swim, that’s’ it.”

DISCIPLINE We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle At age 12, Phelps willingly got up every day at 6:30 for 90-minute morning practices, and would continue to swim two to three hours every afternoon. To earn 22 medals,

Phelps had to race 46 times, counting preliminaries and semifinal over three Olympics. While vision and focus are keys to success, discipline is the glue that keeps them together. The most difficult challenge related to discipline is that just telling someone to become disciplined doesn’t work. As sports psychologist H.A. Dorfman writes in his book The Mental ABC’s of Pitching, “You can’t just urge someone to be disciplined; you have to build a structure of behavior and attitude. Behavior shapes thought. If a player disciplines his behavior, then he will also discipline his mind.” “Self-discipline is a form of freedom,” continues Dorfman. “Freedom from laziness and lethargy, freedom from expectations and demands of others, freedom from weakness and fear – and doubt.”

EXCELLENCE “Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.” John W. Gardner “I didn’t want to compete to make history, I wanted to compete to be the best,” said five-time Olympic medalist Nadia Comaneci. That kind of sustained excellence requires a combination of passion and determination. “I consider myself a normal human being who has found a passion that I love and I don’t give up,” said Phelps. When Phelps was growing up, he had a passion for what many believed they would never achieve. During the London games, he showed the world that with passion and discipline, any obstacle can be overcome. “Anything is possible as long as you want it and work for it. It doesn’t matter what everybody else thinks,” said Phelps. The long-term consequence of his extraordinary performances goes far beyond the Olympic games themselves. When an athlete achieves what was once considered unthinkable, it makes every barrier suddenly look vulnerable. Michael Phelps will be remembered for having raised the bar higher and for shattering the notion of what we thought was possible. In doing so, he helped the rest of us believe that, as long as our dream is big enough and as long as we work hard to make it become a reality, anything is possible.

Leaders Magazine V/2012 59

culture event

From left: Bohuslav Svoboda, Mayor of Prague, Jiří Žák, Deputy Minister of Transportation, Oldřich Lomecký, Mayor of Prague 1, Rudy Linka, Jazz Guitarist, and Petr Bratský, Senator, PSP CR


ONE OF THE LARGEST CULTURE FESTIVALS IN EUROPE ATTRACTED OVER 80,000 PEOPLE IN JULY 2012 Mayor of Prague Bohuslav Svoboda opened the seventh annual Bohemia Jazz Fest on July 10 at the Wallenstein garden in Prague. The next day President Václav Klaus addressed the audience at the Old Town Square to a crowd of 20 000 gathered to listen to Mike Stern band. But the party was just getting started. Internationally renowned guitarist and Bohemia Jazz Festival founder and Director Rudy Linka expanded the program this year, presenting 29 concerts in eight different cities, with musicians from 14 different countries. Grammy winning artist Dee Dee Bridgewater, Richard Bona, Dave Weckl, Joe Lovano, Trilok Gurtu, Palle Mikkelborg, the recipient of the 2012 Bohemia Jazz Award, Dave Holland and many more performed at beautiful historical squares throughout the Czech Republic.


Rudy Linka, Jazz Guitarist, Brno July 19th

From left: Prof. Václav Klaus, President of the CR, Rudy Linka, Jazz Guitarist, and Mike Stern, Jazz Guitarist

From left: Mr. Jan Fisher Jr. and Jan Fisher, Vice President, EBDR and Presidential Candidate

On the right: Miroslav Nenutil, Senator, PSP CR

From left: Nora Stříbrná, Recruitment & Training Department, Makshaff Services, Ltd., the Saudi Arabia, Irma Majgaladze, Jewellery Designer, and Petra Helekalová, VIP Private Jets

61 Artvark Quartet from the Netherlands and Rudy Linka, Jazz Guitarist

Dave Holland, Bohemia Jazz Festival Award Recipient, Jazz Bass Player, Plzeň July 13th

From left: Mrs. Petra Kuřáková and Mrs. Michaela Losertová, Seznam

Petr Bratský, Senator, PSP CR

Mr. Jan Fisher jr. and Mrs. Anna Linka

Dee Dee Bridgewater, Jazz Singer, Grammy Award Winner, here performing in Olomouc July 17th

62 From left: Joey Baron, Drummer, Rudy Linka, Jazz Guitarist, and Joe Lovano, Sax Player

From left: Ing. Jiri Uklein, Chancellor, Senate of the Parliament and Ing. Jan Fišer, Vice President of EBDR and Presidential Candidate

From left: Mr. Andries Botha, husband to the Ambassador of South Africa in the CR, H.E. Pascual Navarro Ríos, Ambassador of Spain in the CR, Miriam Cecilia Prata, Helena Leisztner, Artist, and George Monteiro Prata, Ambassador of Brazil in the CR


culture event

On the occasion of receiving the International Award of Modern Art-Límenarte, the artist Helena Kroftová Leisztner presented her exhibition from the collection Venice Infiniti, which took place under the auspices of the Italian Ambassador, H.E. Pascuale D´Avino. The exhibition of swivel paintings, decorated with precious stones with a 3D effect, was accompanied by a presentation of garments designed in a similar theme. Among the invitees, there were prominent diplomats and personalities of the Czech and international political, cultural and business sphere, including H.E. George Monteiro Prata, Ambassador of Brazil with his wife, H.E. Pascual Navarro Ríos, Ambassador of Spain; Mr. Martin Torres, the First Secretary of Mexican Embassy and other guests.

From left: Helena Leisztner, Artist and Iva Drebitko, Architect in front of 3D Gondola painting

Martin Torres, the First Secretary of Mexican Embassy, Model and Venetian eyelash painting

From left: Radomír Němeček, General Director, Central Park Praha Project, 1st Czech Vicemiss Eva Čerešňáková, and Helena Kroftová Leisztner, Artist The art-fashion show could not be missed by H.E. George Monteiro Prata, Ambassador of Brazil and his wife Miriam Cecilia Prata



discussion event

From left: Jiří Zídek, former Basketball International and first Czech player in NBA, today Vice Chairman of Czech Basketball Federation, Sport Manager and ČEZ Basketball Nymburk Foreign Affairs Consultant, Miroslav Jansta, Chairman, ČSTV and Czech Basketball Federation, President, ČEZ Basketball Nymburk, Attorney and Associate, Jansta, Kostka, Kamil Ziegler, Vice President, Board of CFO Club and General Director, SAZKA sázková kancelář, Petr Bříza, former Ice Hockey International, today Chairman, Prague Council for Sports and Chairman of the Board, HC Sparta Praha, and Jiří Šlégr, former Ice Hockey International, today Member of Parliament and Member of the Board, HC VERVA Litvínov


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64 Dean Brabec, President, CFO Club and Managing Partner CEE, Arthur D. Little

From left: Jiří Zídek, former Basketball International and first Czech player in NBA, today Vice Chairman of Czech Basketball Federation, Sport Manager and ČEZ Basketball Nymburk Foreign Affairs Consultant, Miroslav Jansta, Chairman, ČSTV and Czech Basketball Federation, President, ČEZ Basketball Nymburk, Attorney and Associate, Jansta, Kostka, and Tomáš Končický, Branch Director, Bank Gutmann AG

From left: Tomáš Pich, Media Consultant, EPRAVO.CZ and Jaromír Jágr, NHL Dallas Stars player and Majority Owner, HC RYTÍŘI KLADNO From left: Mrs. Milena Zieglerová and Petra Lávičková, Marketing Director, RENOMIA

From left: Jakub Holubec, Dolphin Consulting and Petr Veselý, Dolphin Consulting

From left: Dean Brabec, President, CFO and Managing Partner CEE, Arthur D. Little, Martin Novák, Member of the Board, CFO and CFO Club and Vice Chairman of the Board, ČEZ, and Jan Soukal, Marketing Manager, SAZKA sázková kancelář



From left: Jaromír Jágr, NHL Dallas Stars player and Majority Owner, HC RYTÍŘI KLADNO and Petr Bříza, former Ice Hockey International, today Chairman, Prague Council for Sports and Chairman of the Board, HC Sparta Praha

From left: Patrik Choleva, Member of the Board, CFO Club and Vice Chairman and CFO Club, Skanska and Petr Brávek, Member of the Board, CFO Club and Member of the Board, Slovenská sporiteľňa

From left: Martin Jeřábek, CEO, Havel, Holásek & Partners and Jiří Hron, Sales Director, M.B.A. Finance

From left: Jakub Minařík, Manager, Arthur D. Little and Tomáš Kouřil, Director, Finance & Investor Relations, Telefónica Czech Republic


View of the hall

From left: Dean Brabec, President, CFO Club and Managing Partner CEE, Arthur D. Little, Jaromír Jágr, NHL Dallas Stars player and Majority Owner, HC RYTÍŘI KLADNO, Kamil Ziegler, Vice President, Board of CFO and General Director, SAZKA sázková kancelář, Jiří Šlégr, former Ice Hockey International, today Member of Parliament and Member of the Board, HC VERVA Litvínov, Jiří Zídek, former Basketball International and first Czech player in NBA, today Vice Chairman of Czech Basketball Federation, Sport Manager and ČEZ Basketball Nymburk Foreign Affairs Consultant, Petr Bříza, former Ice Hockey International, today Chairman, Prague Council for Sports and Chairman of the Board, HC Sparta Praha, and Miroslav Jansta, Chairman, ČSTV and Czech Basketball Federation, President, ČEZ Basketball Nymburk, Attorney and Associate, Jansta, Kostka

From left: Pavel Petkov, Vice Chairman, Credit Committee, ANO spořitelní družstvo, Nikolay Terziev, CFO, ING Real Estate Development, and Bohumil Mach, CEO, ING Real Estate Development

wine tasting

ANO spořitelní družstvo and Tři zlaté růže s.r.o. organized a wine tasting event on 12th of September 2012 at ANO spořitelní družstvo new headquarters in Hilton Old Town hotel, V Celnici 7, Praha 1. Sommelier Jakub Přibyl presented ANO spořitelní družstvo guests an array of excellent white and red wines, including Le Sughere IGT ´07 from Tuscany which 2009 vintage was included amongst the Wine Spectator Top 100 wines. ANO spořitelní družstvo will be pleased to invite their members and guests for more interesting and delicious events in the future.


From left: Soňa Ferenčíková, Respimed, Marián Pácalt, Owner, Nábytek MP, and Monika Riedlová, ANO spořitelní družstvo

From left: Josef Havel, Director, Český rozhlas Regina, Marta Gellová, Director, Česká pojišťovna and Member of the Board, AFIZ, and Radek John, Chairman, Věci veřejné

Michal Lukeš, General Director, National Museum

677 From left: Guiseppe Confessa, Owner, Tři zlaté růže, Zora Blümlová, Head Office of the CEO, Český rozhlas Regina

From left: Eva Freiburgová, ČSOB, Jaroslav Stůj, former Director, Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy, and Pavel Pulkráb, CEO, ANO spořitelní družstvo

the good things in life

PANAMA Loc ockk Mira Miraflores, in the fro f nt: Joseph Jos eph Drebi Drr ebitko ebi bitk tko

At the time of its construction, the Panama Canal was one of the most expensive and the most demanding engineering works that man had ever built. In two years, in August 2014, this huge achievement will celebrate 100 years since its inception and operation, which no technical problem has ever halted.

THE FRENCH PROJECT The Panamanian isthmus, the narrowest point in Central America between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, has long been a vibrant centre for the transit industry. The Spanish were among the first who seriously considered shortening the journey between the two oceans, and in the year 1534 conducted the first topographic measurements of the area. At that time, however, such a project was impossible to realise, and consequently the so-called “Way of Cross” – a road paved with stones – arose, leading through the jungle across the Panamanian isthmus. The road served horse and mule teams packed with tons of Peruvian gold, which was then loaded on ships on the coasts of the Atlantic to be taken to Spain. The road was later replaced by a railway, and at the end of the 19th century, when ship transit became increasingly important and the construction of the Suez Canal in 1865 bore its fruits, constructing a canal across the Panamanian isthmus became an inevitable issue. The old dream of sailors started to materialise at the beginning of the 1870’s; concrete outlines were drawn for the construction of the Panama Canal. It was again the French, led by

68 Leaders Magazine V/2012

When hearing the word “Panama”, some might think of the famous, handmade hats from Ecuador, others of the world’s largest duty free zone, while lovers of architecture will think of the new museum by the famed architect Frank Gehry, which has just been opened there. For the majority, however, the word “Panama“ is synonymous with one of the most colossal engineering works ever built – the strategic canal that has parted a continent, connected the two largest oceans, the Atlantic and Pacific, and gave birth to a new state.

the engineer of Napoleon III, Baron Lesseps, who foresaw the need to take part in such a project, and deployed large sums of money for its construction, same as they did in the case of the Suez Canal. It was necessary to dig 48 km of the earth’s surface. At the beginning of the building of the canal, difficult conditions prevailed. The French underestimated the challenge of the terrain, which was difficult to access, as well as the geological bedrock and the local climate, which showed to be significantly more complex than in the case of the Suez construction. The path of the canal between the bays near the capital city of Colón, for example, cut across continental mountains with 17 different types of bedrock formation, with six geological fractures and five groups of rock of volcanic origin. Men were exposed to the worst conditions in the Panamanian jungle. Only half of the 45 thousand workers, who travelled to Panama from all over the world for good earnings, survived during the eight years of the first Panama Canal construction. They were dying mainly as a consequence of malaria, yellow fever, beriberi disease, snake poison and other complications. In 1889, after less than ten years of construction, the company went bankrupt due to excessive expenses.

THE AMERICAN PROJECT At that time, Panama was still part of independent Colombia. The U.S. watched the French attempt very closely, assessed the situation, and decided to support the independence of Panama with every means, for with an independent Panama it was easier to make

an agreement on using the canal. The U.S. staged a revolution in the country, which lead to Panama’s independence in 1903, and succeeded to negotiate the terms under which the rights and obligations to construct the canal were transferred to the United States. Soon after, an agreement between Panama and the U.S. followed, guaranteeing the Americans control of a 16 km-long belt around the Panama Canal. For this, Panama was compensated by the U.S. by a one-off payment of ten million dollars, and was promised to be paid a fee of $250,000 dollars each year. In 1904, Americans purchased the remaining French assets and equipment, and under the auspices of patriotism continued to build the canal - this time, however, under entirely new working conditions and ensuring the provision of the necessary health care. Despite many other hardships, the Panama Canal was completed in ten years and ceremonially opened on August 15th, 1914. It was only after the First World War, in 1920, however, that the Canal was put into operation. At that time, the construction of the canal amounted to 400 million dollars. As a result of the water way, the journey between New York and San Francisco shortened by more than half. The Americans re-designed the initial engineering plans, so that they became more realistic as regards to the natural-geological conditions of the area, and manageable both economically and time-wise. They therefore left the idea of digging a sea-level canal, and by damming the river, charges gave rise to artificial freshwater Lake Gatún, which is situated roughly


the good things in life Locks ks

in the middle of the Panamanian isthmus, and which consequently shortened the canal work to a minimum. The lake is nevertheless 26 meters above the sea level and therefore required the building of six equalizing locks, where ships can be lifted and lowered down. The whole canal is 81.6 km long, 150 to 350 m wide and, due to the soil, which is difficult to dig, it is only about 13 meters deep. The lake, with an area of 430 sq. km, has a dam three km long, 35 m high and 800 m wide. It is connected to the Atlantic with a canal that has three locks and is 11 km long. To the Pacific Ocean, the lake is connected by a 15 km-long canal, which also has three locks. The locks are filled with water from Lake GatĂşn. Further upstream, there lies another artificial lake, Lake Alajuela, the outflow

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of which is regulated during the year so that the water inflow into Lake GatĂşn is as constant as possible. The most difficult part of the Canal construction was the 13 km long divide of the rocky area on the Pacific side, the so-called Culebra Cut. It took six thousand workers to build the cut and over 28 thousand tonnes of dynamite, an amount that exceeded the consumption of explosives in all the wars in which the U.S. took part in to that date. Moreover, there were frequent collapses of fragile rocky walls.

INGENIOUS SIMPLICITY Even today, the three double locks amaze visitors with their ingenious simplicity. The pilot guides the ship to the door of the first lock, where it is mechanically dragged into the first

of the three locks. The door closes, being completely watertight. The blast tubes supply the chamber with water at an incredible speed, through opened spaces in the walls, using 1500 serial electric motors. The water supply closes once the ship reaches the level of the second chamber. The filling of one chamber up to about eight meters takes only ten minutes. Next, the second door opens and the operation repeats itself in the third chamber. In this manner, the vessels get lifted or lowered by 26 metres. The locks, 304 m in length and with a depth of 13m are closed with doors made of steel plates, the largest of them weighing more than 700 tones. The whole operation of the channel can be operated by one person from the monitoring panel; the operation and

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Leaders Magazine V/2012 69

the good things in life Car Ca argo goo shi sh p on on the h Can aanal al

undergo demanding military training on the Atlantic shore.


navigation along the whole Canal is ensured by seven thousand operators. For the entire period of the Canal’s operation, the giant steel doors of the locks were not changed even once. The 1000 watt halogen lights, which are placed on 30 m long poles, enable good orientation even at night. About 48 vessels pass through the Canal daily; the ships transport over 190 million tonnes of cargo each year. The fees for passage represent a profit of about 400 million of USD annually. The journey through the Canal takes approximately eight to ten hours. A large part of the river basin was declared as one of the Panamanian National Parks. Two fixed bridges lay on the Canal – Puente de las Américas and Puente Centenario. These unite the North and South Americas.

STATE WITHIN A STATE Modern military equipment and bases were installed on both banks of the Canal, around which a completely autonomous “state within a state” was created. More than 30 thousand American soldiers and their families were subjected to their own laws; and housing, shops, schools, hospitals, cinemas, golf courses and even chapels were built for them. The history of the twentieth century confirmed the political and military importance of this legendary work. During World War II, seventy thousand U.S. soldiers were dispatched from the Panama Canal to Europe and the U.S. Air Force launched its operations from the Canal’s seventy airfields. The special American military unit, known as the “Green Berets”, also used to

In 1977, the American president James Carter and General Torrijos of Panama signed an agreement that established a handover of the Panama Canal. The year 2000 began a new chapter in the history of this architectural marvel. Panama remains an important international centre of finance and trade, where the financial sector and the Canal contribute 80% to the gross national product. The international trade is further supported by the fact that the official currency of Panama is the American dollar, as well as the local balboa. Today, the Canal is a strategic vein that shortens the business route between the American east coast and the west coast of Asia. What was considered a wonder 100 years ago is now becoming obsolete. The Canal became insufficient for growing traffic and new ships, and consequently underwent some expansion. Still, it cannot allow the navigation of large container ships. There are plans to expand the Canal and to double its passage capacity. Aside from the U.S., the projects are financially supported by Asian countries. The passage through the Canal is a breathtaking and unforgettable touristic experience even today. By Iva Drebitko Photos: authors’ archive český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na


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sustainable development

Engagement with NGOs ENHANCES THE REPUTATION OF CZECH CEOS Trust is critical to a company’s reputation; and reputation is arguably the single-most valuable asset of any company. In an age where business is under considerable public scrutiny, good corporate citizenship has surely never been more important. For a twentyfirst century commercial entity to enjoy long-success, it has to nurture its image, and that requires more than skillful public relations.

Sustainability is an essential ingredient for any respectable business today. This requires a company to apply the same priority to respecting people and protecting the environment as to generating profit. This so called Triple Bottom Line (People, Planet and Profit) management is an approach that wins companies truly credible and invaluable accolades. In the latest Trust Barometer conducted by the international corporate communications consultancy, Edelman, Czech chief executives score a dismal 38 percent in believability, with only government officials ranked lower. This global survey of opinion leaders – in which the Czech Republic features for the first time this year – clearly shows that the standing of business leaders in this country is in much need of improvement. Without wishing to cause offence, I would strongly argue that many Czech CEOs need to take a step down from their metaphorical pedestals of self-importance and engage more with their company’s stakeholders, carefully striving to gain an incisive understanding of the true expectations of the society in which their businesses operate. One important way to help achieve this is to reach out to the growing community of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). I was privileged to be a director of Greenpeace International, one of world’s most famous NGOs. During my tenure there, I saw some of the world’s leading companies have their reputations damaged by the organization. It took years for some to recover, if at all in some cases. Jonathan Wootlifff – a former Director of Greenpeace International, he lives in Prague and works throughout the world as a sustainability consultant to business. He has advised many large corporations including British Petroleum, McDonald’s, Colgate-Palmolive and Whirlpool. With particular expertise in climate change, energy policy, forestry, and supply chains, he helps companies to develop sustainability strategies that benefit the environment, society and business. Among his many activities, he advises companies on stakeholder relationships, resolves conflicts between companies and non-governmental organisations and develops sustainability reports. A qualified journalist with a subsequent background in public relations, Jonathan commonly assists companies with their sustainability communications. He can be contacted at


In most instances I believe the damage was selfinflicted. Greenpeace’s successes were often down to the ineptitude of the companies that were targeted, rather than because of the skills of the group to name and shame. Great companies with highly skilled resources for dealing with the shareholders, legislators, journalists, employees and other specialized audiences would commonly demonstrate a total inability in coping with the rising tide of pressure groups. By no means was Greenpeace always expert in understanding companies, it’s strength lying in environmental protection, not business. But most of the companies that found themselves in the firing line seemed bereft of any ability to find remedies. With some exemplary exceptions, the only occasions that companies would have anything to do with Green-peace was when they were under some kind of attack. Rarely would companies try to proactively engage. This has changed, but I still wonder just how many companies genuinely believe that NGOs have earned their place at the table. They surely are now legitimate stakeholders. However flawed some of their governance structures may be, however misguided are some of their arguments, there can be little doubt that these groups have won the hearts of society at large. And while support for the NGOs has increased, confidence in business has been waning. Like them or not, NGOs are an important factor for business. Many chairman and CEOs would prefer a world without the prying eyes of the media. But they have reluctantly learnt to live with awkward journalists. Indeed it’s often the toughest of the breed that get taken to lunch. NGOs reflect the aspirations and concerns of a wide range of difference constituents in society. They are not by any means the same. There’s a rich variety to be found within civil society. Some groups are left wing, others right wing. Some are alarm raisers while others are research institutions. Some are responsible and others reckless. But companies that ignore NGOs and don’t bother to really understand them do so at their peril. Engaging with NGOs gets corporate executives out of their “ivory towers”. These groups can provide some valuable reality checks. If a group’s got something wrong, a company will find out about it and have the chance to correct it before it makes the front pages. A successful business needs to meet societal expectations. How on earth can this be achieved without truly understanding what society really wants? Talking with the widest possible selection of NGOs will provide the real picture of what makes people tick. NGOs can help companies see in to the future. Embryonic arguments articulated by NGOs, that may seem obscure first, have a way of expanding in to is-sues of significant concern to broad sections of society. The NGO is the modern-day canary in the mine. Ignore what NGOs are

Photo: Archive of Author

saying and you may well be closing your eyes to invisible dangers ahead. There are many smart people working for NGOs. They should not be underestimated. Constructive dialogue with these groups, achieved by the slow and careful building of mutual trust, can certainly help companies to spot future trends and provide some luminary glimpses of what might be on the horizon. NGOs provide solutions, not just problems. They are not intent of destroying companies. Most acknowledge that they can only be the catalysts for change. They see the companies as the potential engines of change. A company facing tough challenges may well find answers in discussions with the advocacy groups. They also can provide a company will that all-important third-party endorsement. A business that proclaims that it is doing the right thing is far less likely to be believed than one which gains the praise of a leading NGO. And even Greenpeace has been known to publicly applaud companies. The tradition of an active NGO movement in this country dates back to before the Velvet Revolution. The fight for a healthy environment was an integral part of the struggle for liberty and human rights. Today there are more than 600 NGOs in the Czech Republic of all sizes, covering a broad range of issues. It’s time for Czech business to prioritise its efforts in productively engaging with this important sector. And much of this work must involve CEOs. This will help to improve the way they are perceived. NGOs are not the automatic enemy of business. Companies are often their own worst enemies. As the mainstream business community becomes more adept at dealing with NGOs and truly recognizes the benefits of engaging with these groups, so will the unnecessary and derisory divides between commerce and civil society diminish. By Jonathan Wootliff To be continued...

Leaders Magazine V/2012 71

Sankt Petersburg INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC FORUM 2012  LEADERSHIP THAT WORKS From June 21st–23rd of this year, the 16th Sankt Petersburg International Economic Forum 2012 (SPIEF 2012) took place, and presented “a window of opportunities” for an exchange of views among the business leaders of today’s global economy. Russian business giants such as Rosneft, Gazprom, Sberbank and Vnesheconombank were partners in this important event.



72 Leaders Magazine V/2012

This year, key questions focused on the increasing role that emerging economic powers are playing in regional and global economies. There were four important areas of discussion: Securing the Future, Realizing Russia’s Potential, Responding to Impact Technologies, and a Leadership series titled: Conversations to Make a Difference. Due to the ongoing financial crisis, swelling national debts, the recent and upcoming elections in several major G8 countries, political instability in the Middle East, and volatile energy prices, the economic uncertainty of our time was discussed by representatives of the state, private corporations, banks, universities, schools of art, and by others who are concerned with Russian political and economic affairs. Some rather optimistic scenarios were presented for the recovering economy in the U.S., while the prognosis for the E.U. nations were less optimistic due to lasting debts and the euro crisis. Therefore, participants from highly developed countries advised their Russian counterparts to carry out more conservative politics, long-term strategies, and to accumulate reserves rather than spend quickly. A most interesting aspect was the participation of global oil and energy companies. In spite of the fact that Russia is today a major player in this area, the country was strongly advised to stray from an oilbased economy toward an innovation driven model. Speakers emphasized that both financial assets and human potential are essential to new projects. Regarding the level of Russia’s domestic universities, it was mentioned that several years ago the educational


Herman Gref, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Management Sberbank

centre “Skolkovo” was established, to thus prepare a “new breed” of managers. Throughout the event, the word “innovation” was spoken often (note* the Open Innovation Forum in Moscow will be held in October of this year), regarding topics such as socio-political issues and citizen’s access to elected politicians. An interesting debate on this issue was organized by Sberbank, tackling the theme “crowd-sourcing”, or the public’s role in the improvement of financial awareness, legal obedience, and the transparency of political acts. Poverty, housing, mobility, communications, and energy were also discussed among the other economic problems of the world today. The role of the Internet, and social networks in particular, fulfill an informative and educational role for today’s population; nevertheless social differences remain in the Russian countryside. As an example, the situations in Eastern Siberia and the Far East were discussed, raising questions such as “Is it the forgotten region, or the engine of development?” Even economic tycoons reminded everyone of the importance creating of the SMEs as an opportunity to create thousands of jobs. In the IT area, Russian IT companies can fill the gap between European IT service companies and those of South Asia. The use of new technologies was also underlined in areas such as food production, healthcare (telemedicine), or the production of universal electronic cards. There is a necessity to promote such start-ups. The main problems of the high-speed development of the Russian economy are – knowing how to fight corruption; and the necessity to increase the productivity of labour, so that the Russian economy will be able to become one of the world’s top five highly-developed economies within five years. In the address by Mr. Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, words rang out about new viable rules for international trade and mutual investment, positive action from

Euro-zone leaders, energy security, citizens’ interests, and involving public society in the decisionmaking process. The President also mentioned a central role for Russia in the forthcoming G20 Summit, and a plan for the privatization of federal property. The Russian economy now registers about 4% growth, which in comparison to other countries is a rather healthy rate. In recent years the middle class has tripled in Russia, and it needs to manage consumer conditions. Today Russia’s task is to attract more foreign investors, by creating a more attractive environment for them. There were positive and promising evaluations of cooperation between Russia, India, Turkey and some of the Arabic countries. The accession of Russia to the WTO undoubtedly led to business development and the country’s openness towards world economies. Other topics included the changing approach towards philanthropy and the development of cities; architects and historians stated their


opinions in light of inhabitant’s needs in St. Petersburg, Venice, Barcelona and Dusseldorf. Problems in pension financing are affecting the Russian population, and pension reform has become necessary. An interesting fact was that today’s average pension is about 9,300 RUB, which is higher than the minimum wage. Suggestions were proposed for state and private funds, and the obligatory contributions of future pensioners. During this important event, a series of contracts and agreements between airline companies, pharmaceutical companies, and technological companies were signed in the amount of 360 billion RUB. And interest in this event is increasing – more than 5,300 participants, and 80 leading Russian and foreign companies participated, and thus this event became the second biggest forum following the World Forum in Davos. Compiled by Leaders Magazine Photos: Archive

Oleg Deripaska, President UC RUSAL and Chrystia Freeland, Editor, Thomson Reuters Digital

Leaders Magazine V/2012 73

Carlos des Dorides, Executive Director, European GNSS Agency

opening ceremony September 6, 2012 the European GNSS Agency (GSA) officially opened its new Headquarters Office in Prague. The ceremony, presided by Antonio Tajani, Vice President of the European Commission and Pavel Dobeš, Czech Minister of Transport, follows several years of coordinated efforts by the Czech government, the European Commission and the GSA to establish the official seat of the Agency – the future focal point of Galileo programme management – in the fourteenth largest city of the European Union.


From left: Petr Bareš, President, Czech Space Alliance and Managing Director, Iguassu Software Systems a.s. and Prof. Michal Mejstřík, Chairman, ICC Czech Republic

From left: Jaroslav Hyhlík, Chief Operating Officer, Tesla, Doc. Ing. arch. Milan Rejchl, Architect, Arching & R, Prof. Ing. arch. Josef Pospíšil, Csc., Architect Molab A Studio, and Ing. arch. Martin Perlík, Architect, AP Studio Perlík & Knytl

Per Tegnér, former Chairman, European GNSS Agency

74 From left: Ing. Karel Korytář, Senator and Col. Leoš Tržil, Director, Traffic Police of the CR

From left: H.E. Peter Brňo, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, Miroslav Topolánek, former Prime Minister of the CR, and Jiří Nedoma, Deputy Minister Advisor, Ministry of Transport

From left: Pavel Dobeš, Minister of Transport of the CR, Antonio Tajani, Vice President, European Commission, Carlos des Dorides, Executive Director, European GNSS Agency, Sabine Dannelke, Chairperson of Administrative Board, BMVBS Germany, and Karel Dobeš, Government Commissioner for Galileo

Dita Schautová, Coordinator, Air Traffic Control of the CR and Jan Klas, General Director, Air Traffic Control of the CR

From left: Zhan Hongqi, Counsellor for Science & Technology of the People´s Republic of China in the Czech Republic, Dr. Jing Guifei, Deputy General Director, NRSCC, and Ingolf Schädler, Deputy General Director, MoT Austria

From left: Radomír Šimek, former Director, German Czech Chamber of Commerce and Milan Šimandl, Ambassadorial Councellor, Embassy of Germany From left: Jaroslav Doležal, National Executive Czech Republic, Honeywell and Josef Kašpar, President, ALV Czech Republic

From left: Sébastien Cailliau, Principal, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, Marco Lisi, Systems and Operations Manager, ESA, and Didier Faivre, Director of GNSS Programme, European GNSS Agency

From left: Bohuslav Svoboda, Mayor of Prague, Vladimír Remek, Member, European Parliament, and Jiří Žák, Deputy Minister of Transport in front of the row

75 Antonio Tajani, Vice President, European Commission

From left: Benke Aikell, your Publisher and Jiří Žák, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Transport

From left: Sergey V. Saveliev, Deputy Head, FSA, Roscosmos, George V. Kovkov, First Deputy General Director, FSUE TsNIIMashinostroyeniya, and Igor S. Plaksin, Head of Economic Department, First Secretary, Russian Embassy

Jan Klas, General Director, Air Traffic Control of the CR

Martin Kuba, Minister of Industry and Trade of the CR

From left: Sergio Greco, Senior Vice President, Thales Alenia Space, Enrico Saggese, President, ASI, and Giuseppe Virgilio, President, Telespazio


From left: Bohuslav Svoboda, Mayor of Prague, Pavel Dobeš, Minister of Transport of the CR, and Antonio Tajani, Vice President, European Commission cutting the ribbon


We DoClick – We Think? cessfully synchronise with each other. Web pages are more manageable, they minimize the number of clicks that we need to make and we get quickly to where we needed to complete our intended action. We have a calculator on our mobile phones, we no longer need to multiply and divide by heart, or by the use of a paper. The search engines lead us to desired information with a minimum number of clicks. We buy and sell on the internet. The computers and their programs can compare and search faces.

But what about our brains? Do they have a place to play?

Technology and its rapid progress is a great thing and it makes our lives easier. T he Moor´s law states that the performance of computer processors doubles every eighteen months. The amount of data, texts, photos and videos grows at an unprecedented rate, many of which turn from bites into real information.

We make telephone calls by pressing a single button or by dialling by voice; our diaries with meetings and tasks are available to us anytime. Sometimes, they even suc-


Until recently, we needed to find a person´s phone number in our diary or in the yellow pages before making a phone call. In this case, we would have seen the number (also when noting it down if using the diary) and then had to dial it somehow. Meanwhile, the brain and its parts would have been performing a number of activities; it was not just a question of motor skills to press a button. Gone are the big books of logarithmic and trigonometric tables. We do not have to think about long text passages, for we have text messages and tweets. I remember the time when, during my postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prof. Vopěnka, one of our best mathematicians, informed us about his fear of primary school pupils losing their ability to concentrate. His fear stemmed from the fact that the manual division and multiplication disappeared from schools. Try to divide two large numbers while performing something else at the same time!

We are obsessed with our technology toys and we carry them everywhere with us. Luckily, they sometimes break down or fail to synchronise with each other. Then, our brain or its remainder needs to quickly switch on, it needs to solve something and the stress and anger about the producer supply us with a sufficient amount of adrenalin. This situation creates a feeling of a state of an emergency, with which our brain is still, given its historical constitution, able to cope. Ninety percent of our energy is then unfortunately used up to avert this state, instead of doing something reasonable. Still there are PIN codes and passwords to access information! We are inundated with them and there is more and more of them. For security reasons, they lengthen and must contain characters that are difficult to remember.

Did you know that almost everyone is able to remember sixteen telephone numbers by heart? You did not? Then believe that even seventy years old seniors are able to do this after a brief training. Perhaps remembering so many telephone numbers by heart is impractical; however, it may make sense as a brain exercise. Reaching a state that resembles a state of an untrained body is easier than you think. By Ivan Pilný President of Tuesday Business Network former Chaiirman off Czechh Telecom l

český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

Leaders Magazine V/2012 77

thoughts about alternative ways...

How can we Make this World a Better Place by

“BEING HAPPY”? Photo: Archive of Autor


analysis Welcome back from your vacations wherever you were. I was at the beach in the South of France in June when suddenly a severe pain in the lower back got me. I was diagnosed with a case of three severe slip discs and the immediate option was an operation to put two titanium nails along my spine – which I refused. The next option was to be on a heavy dose of pain killers – which I also refused. The last option was diligent physiotherapy every day and meditation to reduce the pain – which is the path I adopted. So during the past two months, as I was grounded in Prague, I could not travel with Jacqueline and Virat to Ethiopia or with Šimon Pánek to Afghanistan but I had a lot of physiotherapy, meditated a lot and had lots of time to myself so I will share some of the research that I found works successfully in my case and in the hope that some of you may find it useful too. -

HAPPINESS Research on positive psychology conducted by Shawn Achor & Dan Gilbert at Harvard, Martin Seligman at University of Pennsylvania and others came to the following conclusions: 1. Our usual thinking is “if I achieve success, I will be happy” or “if I get that promotion I will be happy” or “if I get to marry a particular person of my dreams, I will be happy.” Firstly, Happiness is a path and not a destination and research shows that money, success, trophy husband or wife etc provide momentary joy but do not have a lasting effect on the level of Happiness of any individual over the slightly longer period. Secondly, and equally importantly, the other thing that conditional happiness does is telling us that we are not happy as we are (which is not a true statement). Research also showed that we have spent a lifetime convincing ourselves that we are unhappy and setting targets of conditional Happiness. We are naturally hard wired for Happiness and can easily link into this hardwired Happiness, if we decide to. 2. Happiness can be determined by the external environment of individuals by no more than 10–15% and is 85–90% internal to the person. We all have a genetic set point and we return to this set point over time irrespective of the events in our life. Events in our life remaining the same – our reaction to those events and to what is happening around us determines our level of Happiness... 3. “Money can buy Happiness.” – But only if used for others or philanthropic purposes. Research showed that teams that asked their members to spend money on their team members became stronger and winning teams and people who spent money not on themselves were


much happier than those who spent the same money on themselves. 4. Leading a meaningful life with a higher purpose (beyond self) leads to Happiness. People who had a purpose in life were substantially happier than those who did not. 5. Leading an engaged life “In the flow” where we really enjoy doing whatever we do most of the time and do it with passion. People who really enjoyed what they did and did it passionately were much Happier than those who were just doing something to make a living or even make a lot of money but did not really enjoy it. As Mahatma Gandhi said “HAPPINESS is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in Harmony.” The good news is that when we are happy productivity goes up by up to over 50% and creativity by upto 300%. It is a state which we call “in the zone” or “in the flow”. I can only imagine what happens to profitability when that happens on an ongoing basis. There is clear evidence in the research that instead of thinking we will be happy when we are successful, if we make ourselves happy – we will most likely be successful. Now that is great research but how can we use it to make ourselves happy. The good news is that Happiness is a skill that can be learnt just like football or piano or golf and so this set point for each individual can be moved upwards with simple practice. -

RECIPE FOR EVERYDAY HAPPINESS: The research at Harvard lays out a recipe for everyday Happiness which should not take more than 30 min everyday: 1. Be grateful for 3 things in our life everyday. 2. Exercise for atleast 10–15 minutes. 3. Meditate for atleast 2–5 minutes. 4. Write a positive message to someone (we don‘t necessarily have to know this person). 5. Start to journal our most positive experience over the past 24 hours. The last piece of good news that comes from research is that if there is anything we do for 21 days, it becomes a temporary habit. If we continue to do it for 60 days it becomes a semi-permanent habit and if we continue for 180 days, it becomes a permanent habit or second nature. Now trying to get value for money, I would say 30–90 hours of our time for a lifetime of Happiness, much higher creativity, productivity and all the other ripple effects that would come with it may not be such a bad deal, especially when it is capable of increasing our longevity by 10–20 years and keeps us younger than our age all through those years. -

Also, when we look for gratitude every day, exercise & meditate every day, look for positive messages and journaling those positive messages, we become much more compassionate people and because the human brain is a single processor, it eliminates or takes the place of negative thoughts as a habit and makes us more at peace with ourselves – as the Dalai Lama said “If I am more compassionate, I am the one who benefits the most with inner peace”. And “BEING HAPPY“ could become our second nature irrespective of the happenings in the world around us.

AT A DEEPER LEVEL WE NEED TO: 1. Recraft our life to use our strengths so that we are “in the flow“ as much time as possible. In other words we should do more of the things we are passionate about. 2. Use our strengths for something bigger than ourselves – in other words “find a higher purpose in life“ and accept vulnerability instead of pretending to be who we are not. Abraham Lincoln once said “People are as HAPPY as they make up their minds to be”. And now so many years later there is real research on positive psychology from Harvard and other universities done on successful outliers that actually proves that Abraham Lincoln knew then what we know today – scientifically. Can you imagine what could happen if we could all bring it to our companies and further still if we could bring it to our families and to our children and even our schooling system where not just the present but the future generations would grow up happier and lead much happier lives? Research shows that “happier people are more responsible people, more ethical and more morally sound as well as mentally & spiritually more affluent”. So finally, we as human beings have one thing, just one thing, TO BE on our agenda besides all the to do lists. If the to do lists were so important, we would probably be called human doings and not human beings. My back is now much better & doctors hope that, at this rate, I will recover nearly fully in the next 6–9 months – which is miraculous. But we have to start with ourselves as opinion leaders because – as the famous saying goes “I cannot hear what you say because I see what you do.” If we practice it, we will be able to spread this simple message and hopefully one day – make this world a better place to live in for our children and grandchildren by simply BEING HAPPY. By Sanjiv Suri

Leaders Magazine V/2012 79

On Seeppte tm mbber 6th the Emb mbas a sy of th thee Slov Sllov ovak ak Reppub ublililicc in in Praaguue oorrga gani ga n ze ni z d a re r cceept ptio ionn de io dedi dica di caateed to a nattio cate ional hooliliday i of the Sloovvaak Repu Re pubbllic – Connssttititut pu itut utio ionn Da io Day. y. Prime riimee Ministe tteer of the hee SR Robert Fico toook pa Fi part rtt in th thee ev even ennt or o ganize ga zeed on the h occas asion of the 20th 0th an 0t annni nive vers r ary arr y of ado dopt pting pt inng thhe constitu t tion and n peaceful divvision of Czecho di hoSlovakia.

Robert Fico, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic in his speech

Special thanks to OMNIPOL a.s. for making this reportage possible

From left: genmjr. Milan Maxim, Defence Attaché, Embassy of the Slovak Republic in the CR with his wife and H.E. Peter Brňo, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic with his wife

From left: H.E. José Luis Bernal Rodríguez, Ambassador of Mexico and H.E. Norman Eisen, Ambassador of the USA From left: Mr. Vojtěch Jirků and Ing. Ladislav Bodnár, Councellor to the General Director, Vemex, s.r.o.

8 80 From left: Miloš Zeman, former Prime Minister of the CR and Presidential Candidate of the CR and František Mikeš, First Deputy Minister of Culture

From left: Jan Wiesner, Honorary Chairman, Union of Czech and Moravian Production Co-operatives, JUDr. Pavel Rychetský, Chief of Justice, Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, and Ing. Jaroslav Škorík, Owner, Koliba Javorník

From left: Jeroným Tejc, Member, Parliament of the Czech Republic, Milan Urban, Vice Chairman, ČSSD and Ing. Radomír Šimek, former Director, GermanCzech Chamber of Industry and Commerce

From left: Jan Lembas, Director, CET Capital and Jan Fischer, Vice President, EBDR and Presidential Candidate of the CR From left: Mr. Igor Junas, Ing. Igor Junas, MBA, Division Director, Kerametal, and Mgr. Dalibor Carda, Mayor of Český Krumlov

From left: Lieutenant General Petr Pavel, M.A., Chief of the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Lt.Col. Leon Soroko, Defence Attaché, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, H.E. Ed. W.V.M. Hoeks, Ambassador of Kingdom of the Netherlands and Col. Podlasin, Defence Attaché, Embassy of Poland

From left: Benke Aikell, your Publisher and Petr Kynštetr, Secretary, General House of Representatives, Parliament of the Czech Republic

Singing of the national anthems

From left: Karel Schwarzenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the CR, Mrs. Livia Klausová, wife of the President of the CR, Martin Kuba, Minister of Trade and Industry of the CR, Mrs. Brňová, wife of the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, Robert Fico, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, and H.E. Peter Brňo, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic

The reception took place in the area of the Embassy with about 500 attending guests from all spheres of the Czech social life – political, diplomatic, economic, academic, local, cultural and business. Prime Minister of the SR Robert Fico and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the CR both took the floor and delivered 81 a speech. Both of them emphasized close and above-standard relations between the two republics in all spheres and supported further conti- 81 nuation and development of mutual excellent cooperation.

From left: Ing. Emil Cigánik, Vice Chairman, Czechoslovak legionnaires community, Ján Fačko, Retired Colonel, Robert Fico, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, and H.E. Peter Brňo, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic

From left: Dipl. Ing. Pavol Dobiaš, Berater, Ing. Zuzana Moravčíková, Governor, Central Region of the CR and Štefan Vítko

From left: JUDr. Čestmír Sajda, former Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Ing. Ivana Magátová, General Director, Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic, and PHDr. Ján Skovajsa, Chairman of the Board, Nadace Směr

From left: Jan Lembas, Director, CET Capital and Ivo Klimeš, General Secretary, FENCA

From left: PhDr. MgA. Miroslav Smolák, Owner, Galerie Miro, Ján Lešťák, Klinika JL, Ing. Marián Hodoš, and Pavel Číčel, Presbyter – Curator, Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in the CR

82 From left: Ing. Petr Kuchár, General Director, Prominecon Group, Yvetta Blanarovičová, Actress, and Ing. Petr Bratský, Senator


From left: Vojtěch Filip, Chairman, KSČM, Yan Yuqing, Counsellor, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China to the Czech Republic and Jaromír Šlápota, President, Czechoslovak Foreign Institute

From left: H.E. Aurimas Taurantas, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania, Mrs. Brňová, wife of the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic and H.E. Lembit Uibo, Ambassador of Estonia Ing. Gustav Slamečka, MBA, Chairman of the Board, ČD Cargo, a.s.

From left: František Mikeš, First Deputy Minister of Culture, Mrs. Jindráková and Mgr. Stanislav Eichler, Governor, Region Liberec

From left: Miloš Zeman, former Prime Minister of the CR and Presidential Candidate of the CR, H.E. Peter Brňo, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, and Robert Fico, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic

From left: H.E. Peter Brňo, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, Martin Kuba, Minister of Trade and Industry of the CR, and Mirek Topolánek, former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic



interview A talk with Pavel Kafka, President of the Czech Management Association

The Global

ECONOMIC CRISIS Is Chiey a Crisis of the Value System Photo: Archive CMA

84 Leaders Magazine V/2012

Annually the Czech Management Association awards the best managers in our country. We talked to Pavel Kafka, the President of the Czech Management Association about the chief issues within this branch.

interview What vision have you brought with you to the position of the Czech Management Association (CMA)? How do you manage to accomplish it? I came to the management of the CMA just when it began the third decade of its existence and, at the same time, during the global economic recession. These events were followed by other activities. Could you be more specific? First of all, we’d like to strengthen the position of managers within Czech society, and have them as those who, at times of difficult economic and political tensions, are supposed to ensure for fruitful and efficient accord of the main business stakeholders, i.e. shareholders/owners–customers/markets–employees. Secondly, the quality of management in the private sphere in the Czech Republic has increased immensely, and it can be compared to the international standard. Therefore we are ready to reinforce our global relations relations, much like a transfer of the newest managerial trends to our country. Thirdly, as the economic crisis carries a lot of essential questions concerning a smooth running of the market economy, we are having a kind of fundamental discussion with regard to this issue within the CMA. What kind of discussion? The discussion was initiated especially due to essays by the Nobel Price laureates, Porter and Kramer, which appeared in the last issue of Harvard Business Review under the title “How To Fix Capitalism”. In addition, our activities within our Czech branch of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) are interconnected with these issues. Why is it so essential? I consider the issue of sustainability (economic, social and environmental) a main challenge for the current civilization and business environment. Moreover, I would like to mention another crucial topi to picc wh whic ichh ha hass be been en bro roug ught ht abo bout ut – the dra rama matic inefficiency of the Czech public administration, which significantly hinders competitiveness of the Czech economy. Thus, since the CMA has been engaged in striving for the improvement of management within the private sphere for 20 years, we’d like to give a hand to the sphere of public management as well. We are looking for allies and partners in this endeavour. You worked as the CEO of Siemens in the Czech Republic for many years. What key managerial skills did you take with you from that position? I obviously learned a lot during my fifteen years as a manager of a firm that went through a huge expansion. Yet, I consider a key skill the selection of my nearest co-workers. It really pays off to give them as much space as they need for independent decision-making. Of course, it needs to

be in accordance with the agreed strategy of a company. Can you see the difference in the abilities and skills of those managers working in the Czech environment compared to those working abroad? Leaders in Czech management are fully competitive, which is apparent from the Manager of the Year competition (now entering its 20th year). What they are perhaps missing most is global experience, yet they successfully make up for it with a high degree of flexibility and adaptability. In your view, are Czech companies remaining competitive in the present economic recession? What type of government support is needed, in this respect?

only concern involvement within the world of trade, yet the entire cycle of added value – from research to services, divided in an optimal way across the globe. It requires completely new management methods and culture. How do you perceive the quality of public administration management in the Czech Republic? In this respect, what’s the Association’s strategy? I’ve already touched on the quality of Czech state and public administration. Our Association gives a hand for project management, however the response to it, or demand for it, is zero. Another aspect of quality relates to managers in general. Do you feel that their quality level has improved since 1989? Or where do you see the main shortcomings of Czech managers? Our biggest weakness at both the micro and macroeconomic levels is the absence of a long term vision. Our flexibility i.e. flexibility, i e the ability to react to anything happening around us is rather praiseworthy, yet it won’t save us in today’s complex world. The same applies to the non-existence of a macroeconomic strategy based upon specific competitive assets, so that many of our companies can survive on a day to day basis, while maintaining the competitive advantages of yesterday, i.e. low costs. However, it is obvious that those who want to succeed in the long term need to have strength to implement the necessary innovation, and find or even create new demand and markets, with new products and services. The Czech Management Association annually gives the manager of the year award to one man and one woman. This year, the event was held for the 19th time. Can you specify what criteria are the most decisive? The criteria have obviously been evolving over the decades of our existence. Today, in addition to the basic economic results of a managed company, or of an ny anyy ot othe herr bo body dy, wee assess changes h andd innovations, long-term strategy, and the personal contributions of any nominated competitor in particular. Evaluation and selection passes through two different commissions. Beyond business, socially beneficial activities are also taken into account – e.g. support for education in the region. And, last but not least, what would you wish for managers in the future? I wish for managers to have less bureaucratic obstacles, and good intuition for both the daily and long-term course of their business. Otherwise, the rest is mainly about the craft, which one needs to have a good command of.

I consider the issue of sustainability a main challenge for the current civilization and business environment A Business Europe statement showed that Czech companies have been among the best in Europe in dealing with the economic crisis. And to answer your question, the Czech government should not interfere in business, yet actively support it abroad, both directly in export markets and by eliminating the considerable domestic “export bureaucracy”. Back to the global economic recession. In your view, what is it telling us? Is it that companies put their profits above all in the long term? Isn’t it necessary to transform these values? Yes, the global economic crisis is chiefly a crisis of a value system. Therefore, I am also very much interested in the topic of sustainability, for which over 200 big global companies have enrolled in 64 established regional branches over the past 20 yea ears rs. In thi hiss re resp spec ectt, I’dd lik ikee to poi oint nt outt thatt sustainability shouldn’t be restricted solely to environmental issues. It is an all-encompassing theme of important developmental issues beginning with research, technology, economy, social values, demographics, urban planning, as well the environment. One of the missions of the Czech Management Association is, among other things, training in modern methods of management. Could you specify the essentials? This is mainly a completely new list of traditional management topics based a new way of life, a new level of civilization, products, technology, communication, globalization, etc. Any such changes have a direct impact on management, for instance the new methods of management teams as well as individuals. On top of that, the issue of globalization is huge as well. It doesn’t

By Pavlína Holancová český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

Leaders Magazine V/2012 85

Jitka Chizzola, CEO, DAS and winner of Nearest to Pin and Tomáš Dub, Deputy Foreign Minister

sport event

Photos: Vladimíra Kosičková


From left: Tomáš Dub, Deputy Foreign Minister and H.E. Victor Julian Hernandez Leon, Ambassador of Venezuela and winner of Longest Drive

From left: Libor Němec, Administrative Assistant, Embassy of the Phillipines in Prague, 3rd in category 37-54 and Tomáš Dub, Deputy Foreign Minister From left: H.E. Xuan Dong Do, Ambassador of Vietnam, 1st in category 0-18 and Tomáš Dub, Deputy Foreign Minister

86 From left: H.E. Kaspars Ozoliņš, Ambassador of Latvia, 3rd in category 18-36 and Tomáš Dub, Deputy Foreign Minister

From left: Tomáš Dub, Deputy Foreign Minister, H.E. Ivan Počuch, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Ukraine, 1st in category 37-54

From left: Tomáš Dub, Deputy Foreign Minister and Carlos V. Tienzo, Consular Assistant, Embassy of the Phillipines in Prague, 1st in category 18-36

From left: Tomáš Dub, Deputy Foreign Minister and H.E. Martin Klepetko, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Vietnam, 2nd in category 0-18 From left: Tomáš Dub, Deputy Foreign Minister and H.E. Victor Julian Hernandez Leon, Ambassador of Venezuela, winner of Charity Trouble Shot

From left: Tomáš Dub, Deputy Foreign Minister and LtCol. Per Råstedt, Swedish Defence Attaché, CR, SK and Romania, Swedish Embassy, 3rd in category 0-18

From left: H.E. Kaspars Ozoliņš, Ambassador of Latvia, H.E. Martin Klepetko, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Vietnam, H.E. Xuan Dong Do, Ambassador of Vietnam, and H.E. Ed Hoeks, new Ambassador of the Netherlands

On Thu hurs rsda day, y, the h 23r 3rdd of Aug ugus ust, t, 201 0122, th thee fifirs rstt ye year ar of th thee go golflf tou ourn rnam amen e t of the he Min inis istr try of For orei eign g Affffai gn airs rs too ookk pl plac acee at the Alb lbat atro ross ss Gol olff Re Reso sort rt.t. Czeech and ffor orei eign gn dip iploma mats ts and inv nvititied e enttre repr pren pr eneu en e rs eu rs mea easu sure reed th thei eirr stre st reng ngth th at th this is 188-ho hole le cou ours rse of the hig ighe hest st Eur urop oppea opea eann st stan anda an dard da rds.s. Par rd artt of the golflf tou go ourn rnam amen ent,t, whi hich ch was org rgan a is an ised ed undder the ausspi p ce cess off the Dep eput utyy ut Fore Fo reig ignn Mi Mini niist ster er Tom omáš áš Dub ub, wa wass al also so a cha hari rity ty tro roub uble le sho hot,t,t who hose se pro roce ceed ce edss ed wiill go too the Sch choo ooll of Jar aros oslaav Ježekk for thee visually impaire red. d

From left: Pavel Řezáč, Department Director, Department of Sub-Saharian Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Victor Julian Hernandez Leon, Ambassador of Venezuela, and Libor Němec, Administrative Assistant, Embassy of the Phillipines in Prague


interview An interview with Pavel Jirák, CEO and Chairman of the Board, Penzijní fond Komerční banky

The Future Pension Reform AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE REST OF US The futu Th futuure fu re pennsiion on ref eform orrm afffe fects ctts both both bo th thee Czzecch ci C c tiizeens anndd the heir iirr dom omes eessti ticc empl empl em ployyeerrs. s. “IInn the “I thhe ab abse seence senc ncce of o a state tattee pub ta ubliliicity cityy ci ccaamp m aaiign iggnn, ouur ef effo fort fo rtss ar rt a e to edduuca catee eveery ryone ab one abouut tthhe peens nsioon refo refo re form rm whhiile le mot o iv i aattiinng thheem m to ta take ake ke som ome me re resp esppoonnssiibbiilliityy for or thheiir re r tiire reeme meenntt sec m e ur urit ity” y”, saays ys Paavvel el Jir irák ráákk, a mem embe emb ber of of thhee Assssooccia iati atitioonn of P Peennssiioon FFuund unndds CR and CR nd Cha hairma ir m ir maaann off thee Boa oarrdd of th the Peenz P nziijjn jnníí fon ond nd Kome Komerč Ko merč me rční ní ban ankyy at tthhe he ccoom om mm mennce ceme ment ment me nt of thhe pe pennssio ionnss andd penssioon reefo pe form rm con onfe ferenc fere reencce.

PENZIJNÍ FOND KOMERČNÍ BANKY With over 500 thousand clients, Penzijní fond Komerční banky, a.s., which is fully owned by Komerční banka, belongs to one of the largest pension funds on the Czech market. Thanks to its conservative investment strategy and professional asset management, its yields continuously exceed the rate of inflation. Stable government bond yields and yields of premium corporate bonds enable the fund to increase the value of its clients’ money while maintaining a minimum level or risk. Penzijní fond Komerční banky differs itself further from its competitors on the Czech market by:

• The prestigious The Best Pension Fund in CR award, received in years 2011 and 2012, according to the ratings of the renowned international magazine World Finance and the financial portal Global Banking & Finance Review. • The financial stability and strong capital base provided by its membership of the KB Group. • The ability to generate yields to its clients above the rate of inflation, over the long term. • The offer of the discount card Sphere to all its participants, which offers discounts varying between 5–30 % and which can be used in more than 9000 stores. • The program of spa and recreational treatment.

interview Could you then briefly explain what we might expect in 2013 and onwards? The pension system today is based on only two pillars. The one of these is the current state pension infrastructure; the other is the voluntary pension insurance from the retirement funds administrators that can also be included with state contributions. Starting in 2013, there will be a new pension reform, which will offer more pillars in retirement savings with these retirement funds administrators. What will happen with the voluntary pension insurance? Your fund has more than half a million of participants… It will continue, along with its tax efficiency feature for employers to make contributions towards their employees’ savings. If, however, people opt for the voluntary retirement savings after the new pension reform takes effect, they will no longer receive the non-negative annual return guarantee. The new customers will also lose the early – retirement and survivor pensions, which would enable fund withdrawals after 15 years of saving. And what about the new pension reform in 2013 and the funds within it? Citizens must be encouraged in taking more personal responsibility in sustaining their quality of life during their retirement. In practice, the whole bureaucratic process would be simpler; the employer will transfer 3% of the employee’s gross salary, which will contribute towards their pension savings, into the retirement funds administrator. The deduction will then take place in lieu of the taxable social security benefits, and the employee is assumed to give an additional 2% of their gross salary. Thus a total of 5% of the employee’s gross salary will be invested by the retirement funds administrator, from which the employee will be paid an additional pension once they retire. As opposed to the state pension, the 2013 pension reform will be at the same level with the saved funds. Employees will also be able to decide how to invest their funds.

clients during their retirement. Both the Penzijní fond Komerční banky as well as the parent company Komerční banka are among the referred providers on savings and investments on the Czech market. How do you want to differentiate yourself from your competitors in terms of offerings within the mentioned voluntary pension insurance? Has your group considered any new payment plans and do you provide special services for certain clients? Once the Czech National Bank approves our request for the foundation of the KB Retirement funds administrator, the systematic savings within the 2013 Reform and the Voluntary Pension Insurance will be one of the key services of the Komerční banka Group’s individual clientele. For our current clients and those interested in savings, we are setting up a complex range of services for a longterm savings and investment for retirement. We are preparing simple and lucid offers with an individual approach for each client, which will be ensured through our offer of life-cycle investment plans. The government is trying to decrease the public expenditure. Has this effort had an effect on the rates from the state contributions to the pension fund? The success of the pension reform depends on urging our citizens to save up for their retirement for on their own. The retirement funds will therefore become even more interesting from the next year onwards. The appeal will help give huge increases for those saving greater amounts of money, receiving increased benefits, from the current CZK 1800 to CZK 2760. Thanks to the state contribution increase, and the maintenance of the annual tax deductions of up to CZK 12000, the retirement with the assistance from the retirement funds administrators will be one of the most profitable savings and investments on the Czech market. Compiled by LM český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na







ADDITIONAL RETIREMENT SAVINGS (Amended continuation of the current voluntary pension plans with state contribution)



in the Czeech Repuublic


The 2013 pension reform has had a sluggish start. The opposition rejects its potential benefits and threatens to veto it in the next electoral session. Do you think it is wise to launch the reforms from January 1, 2013? I am sorry that the Czech legislation can’t come to an understanding on such an important issue. I am nevertheless convinced that the launch of this new pension system is a correct and a necessary step, even though I do object some of its details. There are two reasons why I support the launch of the reform. One is the current state budget in financing the whole pension system, especially with its deficit of approximately CZK 40 billion that is very likely to grow significantly in future. The other is the increase in numbers and the extended life expectancy of the retirees that need their pensions. The pension price control, if any, will have to shrink continuously and the average pension won’t be able to cover the ever-increasing cost of living. Only those with personal savings will be able to counteract these negative trends. How many clients do you expect to enter the 2013 Reform? According to our analysis, we expect about 15% of the working age citizens to enter the 2013 Reform, which is about 700 to 750 thousands of participants. Komerční banka Group has already confirmed its interest in offering alternatives for retirement savings even after the reform will take effect. What stage are you currently at? That is correct. Penzijní fond Komerční banky has submitted, in accordance with the law, a request to the Czech National Bank to license the KB Retirement funds administrator’s transactions. After a gruelling process of official procedures, we are finally receiving our license this September. The sole owner of this retirement funds administrator will be Komerční banka. What are your business objectives? We certainly want to remain the leader in the field of savings and investment, and provide for the KB Group

interview A talk with Pavel Březovský, Director of the State Institute for Drug Control

Czech Drug Prices Are

still very low Compared to Other Nations Photo: Archive of SÚKL

LLeaders ead ader er s Magazine Maaaga M ggaazziine ne IV/2012 IV/ V/20 2012 12 90 Le

interview One of your main priorities is ensuring the stability of drug policy. Can you describe the specific steps? First of all, we obviously need to ensure effective, high-quality and safe drugs for Czech patients. This task is associated with the activities of many Institutes, starting with the registration agenda, through to the supervision of the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, pharmacies and distribution, pricing and reimbursement of medicine, and pharmacovigilance activities. Thus, the State Institute for Drug Control (SÚKL) always follows the applicable laws within this area, aiming to guaranty all agendas and fulfil the duties assigned by law. In January, SÚKL issued a statement saying that the revision of terms of payment, and payment amount, has been completed. At what stage is the revision now, after your arrival, and does it correspond with your vision with regard to the just and fair reimbursement for drugs? In this respect, SÚKL continues in proceedings which have been submitted as the appeal for renegotiation. Concerning these procedures, SÚKL proceeds in accordance with applicable legislation, much like during previous times. The Institute actively uses all available tools to adjust payments, so that the fixed payment corresponds to the public interest, as defined in the Act on Public Health Insurance. At present, however, SÚKL wants to start another round of the socalled “deep revisions”. What is the goal here? These shortened revisions should ensure full reimbursement of pharmaceuticals within selected pharmacotherapy groups. In addition, the shortened revisions should also ensure public health insurance savings after the entry of new generics into the market. These revisions have already started, and others will be initiated continuously. How did the system of individual administrative procedure, which must be applied in determining the price, amount, and terms of reimbursement of drugs coming from health insurance, prove valid in practice? Isn’t it both an agonizingly administrative and professional burden for SÚKL? Administrative proceedings initiated at the request of individuals or legal persons, or ex-officio under valid legislation, is part of the public administration belonging to the jurisdiction of the administrative authorities in the Czech Republic. Competencies within the area of the regulation of pricing and reimbursement, which once belonged to the Ministry of Health Care and the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, were transferred to SÚKL on January 1st, 2008. Thus, SÚKL for instance makes decisions on the maximum prices set by producers of drugs and foods which have special medical purposes. At the same time, SÚKL sets the level and conditions for the reimbursement for particular products of health insurance. In these administrative procedures, SÚKL

MUDr. Pavel Březovský, MBA. (1951), graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Prague (1977). He started as an intern in the Motol University Hospital in Prague. Until 1984, he progressively passed the ORL attestation of the 1st and 2nd degrees. Until 1996, he was also working as head of the children’s Hospital in Motol. Pavel Březovský was a Deputy for health activities of the Faculty Hospital in Motol until 2000. In the years 2000–2006 he was the Head of the Department of Health of the Ministry of Health Care. Since 2006, Mr. Březovský has worked as the Head of the Czech Transplantations Coordinating Centre (KST). Pavel Březovský was appointed the Director of the State Institute for Drug Control in May, 2012. He is married and has two grown daughters. acts as an administrative authority, and is legally responsible for this type of management. Yet, this is not SÚKL’s only agenda, which is procedural in nature. Could you be more specific? Administrative proceedings are also conducted in case of tort, or in other areas that pertain to SÚKL’s function of oversight. However, for SÚKL, management of individual administrative procedures, which relate to fixing the maximum prices and the amount and terms of payment of health insurance, are part of the regular agenda. This is the same for other administrative authorities in the Czech Republic. Thus SÚKL’s work, with regard to both its administrative and professional aspects, is influenced by the nature of each of the administrative procedures, and is, therefore, directly proportional to the amount of assessed evidence, as well the difficulty of obtaining it. Can you shortly outline the main strategy of SÚKL in the field of pharmacoeconomics? Under the current legislation, the reimbursement regulations and pharmacoeconomic evaluations (analysis of cost-effectiveness, and the budgetary impact of health insurance) are part of the administrative procedures to help determine reimbursement from health insurance. Our longterm monitoring shows a varying quality of submitted pharmacoeconomic evaluations. In this respect, we hope to standardize the evaluation process in a transparent way. Thus, we want to contribute to a quality consolidation of submitted analysis in the Czech Republic.

The global pharmaceutical market is constantly growing. What trend awaits us in the future? No matter which direction the pharmaceutical market develops, the primary task of SÚKL is to ensure for effective, high-quality and safe medicines. Certain dangers associated with the growth of the market, much like in modern technologies, include counterfeit and illegal medicines. This is the subject of our main focus in the long run, through a Dangerous Drugs campaign ( It aims to inform, educate and warn patients of dangers related to counterfeit and illegal medicines. In your view, which target groups should advertising in pharmacy reach out to? We deal with advertising aimed at human medicine (except for the advertising in radio and TV broadcasting) rather intensively. SÚKL evaluates defective advertising, issues expert opinions on promotional materials, as well as on ad-regulation issues. Yet, the issue of medicinal product advertising doesn’t affect only contractors, processors and disseminators of advertising. It involves health workers participating in sponsored and promotional events, the use of promotional samples, and the providing of promotional materials to patients on medicinal products. Of course, we need to bear in mind that all events, including educational events, much like other similar events aimed at professionals, must follow the rules set by the Act on Advertising Regulation. One of the drawbacks of the Czech pharmaceutical market is that a lot of Czech medication ends up abroad. What measures can SÚKL establish, in this respect? SÚKL sets prices of medicines according to the lowest prices in other EU countries. Thus, we are a state where drug prices, compared to other states, are still very low. Of course, this situation is very often taken advantage of by license distributors, who export drugs abroad. Medication for Czech patients thus disappears beyond the Czech border, and in this way drugs are becoming scarce for the Czech patients. What measures can SÚKL implement to prevent this situation? Again, SÚKL is doing its best within its field of competence. We organize regular checks of distributors, in which we pay particular attention to the rigorous regulatory compliance in the management of medicines. These checks are carried out as planned, and are performed without notice. So, I am talking about both regular and repetitive checks, which seek to prevent mistakes (intentional and unintentional) which distributors commit in this area. In addition, another measure we take is a systematic co-operation with other drug agencies of the EU member states, which helps us to transmit and discuss information within this field. By Pavlína Holancová český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

Leaders Magazine V/2012 91


Jiří Balík Rector of the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague Photo: Vladimír Weiss

Professor Ing. Jiří Balík, CSc. graduated from the Faculty of Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Prague in 1978, where he worked as a lecturer and head of the Department of Agroenvironmental Chemistry and Plant Nutrition. Between the years 2000–2010 he served as a Vice Rector there, and in 2001 was appointed Professor of agrochemistry and plant nutrition. Since February 2010 he has held the post of Rector of the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague. Professor Balík is married with two children.

Working at University 92

interview An interview with Jiří Balík, Rector of the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague What brought you to agriculture? Agriculture was my origin. I come from a traditional agricultural family and have always had a close relation to agriculture. After graduation from grammar school, I was thinking what to do in the future. My older brother studied medicine and I liked it as well. However, my father told me then that someone had to engage in agriculture, suggesting that I should try it. So I tried it and I do not regret it. I entered the university and found my field of interest gradually. My younger brother became a doctor too, so with agriculture I followed my family tradition. Did you consider restoring your family farm after 1989, and setting up a business in this area? After the fall of the Iron Curtain I was firmly established at the university. I was happy that I could travel, and be in touch with foreign universities. I liked working at the university, and did not think about going to the private sector. I was sure that with hard work at the university, it would be possible to earn a living. Moreover, I knew at that time that to run a farm of 20–25 hectares was not competitive, and that it was not feasible. On the other hand, some of my colleagues went into the private sector. t My M colleague ll andd friend f i d andd I agreedd to t stay t att the university. Although I had several offers from the private sector, it was not a priority for me. How did the university win your heart? In the course of time I realized that a good working environment, working relations, and helping to shape the collective are important to me. At our department we created a working team within which we still have very good relations. I see freedom – freedom in research and creative work – as an added value of the work at the university. My very good friend, Professor Verner, who held the post of Director of the Agro-environmental Chemistry Institute at the University of Bonn, told me once that he never regr g etted leavingg the pr p ivate sect ctor or for the uni nive ver-r sity. He emphasised that university freedom was a great advantage and we, who had been at universities from the beginning, did not even realize that. Academic freedoms became part of the debate about changes in the functioning of universities. Particularly in the context of the potential dissolution of academic senates, and their replacement by boards of trustees that would be more interconnected with the private sector. What is your opinion on that? I think that it is necessary to maintain the powers of academic senates in the existing form. The responsibility of the management of a university, or its individual faculties,, is veryy impo p rtant. It is a con ontrtrol ol mec echa hani nism sm.. A re rect ctor or has to perceive that he will answer to the academic senate for his decisions. On the other hand, a rector should possess more powers in order to promote his visi vi sion onss. How owev ever er, th ther eree is a pro robl blem em witithh un univ iver ersi sity ty law that gives a rector enormous responsibility, which is not in accordance with his powers. According to the law, deans are responsible for faculties, and a rector for the university. I am not a proponent of a new university law, and I took a firm stand against it. Reforms should be carried out through amendments. Law is a very complex issue, and if it is conceived in a hurry, without sufficient

preparatory discussion, the outcome can be bad. Boards of trustees, in the form they work in now, being responsible for property management, are beneficial. I am not sure, however, whether it will be appropriate for them to become directly involved in academic life, e.g. in the election of the rector. How do you view changes in the evaluation of research? A big disadvantage is the instability of the evaluation system. It is in essence one reform after another. When nothing is stable, it brings chaos. At the university we have a very motivational system for publications and research, which is very firmly established. The situation is complicated by the fact that we do not know precisely how the evaluations would be conducted in the future. I support the quantification of results, although I know that it is difficult. I endorse the evaluation of articles in prestigious Czech as well as foreign journals, because they go through a peer-review, and a journal’s editorial board. It is thus guaranteed that only articles of highquality are published. I am not a proponent of writing final reports. There are soft results in the system – maps, utility tilit models, d l etc. t th thatt ddevaluate l t the th results lt off the th whole evaluation. So I support fewer items which can be controlled very well. What is your motivational system based on? We go by the number of points in the RIV database (Information record on research results) while allocating the financial resources at the university. That means, based upon how many points individual faculties earn for the overall evaluation of the university, they get money from the university accordingly. Then the faculties decide how to distribute it. Each faculty has its own system. Different criteria can be found at the Faculty of Environmental Science and at the Faculty of Economics and Mana Ma nage geme ment nt. It is an inc ncom ompa para rabl blee en envi viro ronm nmen entt. The university is very heterogeneous. Although it seems that it is monolith, the opposite is true. That is why deans monitor and evaluate the system. For instance, at the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, performance is accounted for as follows: 45 percent for pedagogical performance, 45 percent for research and scientific performance, and 10 percent for other activities, such as giving lectures for agricultural subjects. In general, the proportion of science and research is considerable at the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague. The performance also serves as a basis for setting the amounts of lecturers re rs’ po posi sitition onss at ind ndiv ivid idua uall de depa part rtme ment ntss, and fac acul ultities es respectively. A department which carries out research does not have to teach so much, and vice versa; a department in which there are not so many research and scientitifificc re resu sultltss ha hass to tea each ch mor oree. Lately there has been an effort to more closely link universities with the private sector. How does your university cooperate with the private sector? We try to cooperate with the private sector. However, it is generally difficult in the Czech Republic. The private sector here is not used to giving money to education. Unlike in the U.S. and Western Europe, the private sector here is reserved.

You have been in office for two-and-a-half years. Why did you want to be rector? I felt that I could do something for the university. I gained relevant experience during my vice-dean tenure at the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, as well as in my position of vice-rector at the university. I wanted to continue in the trend of building a modern university that will be competitive not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad. What was your vision? My objective was, and still is, to put a greater emphasis on science and research. I know that the source of money for pedagogical activities is limited and is getting smaller. I am trying to enforce mechanisms to ensure that those who receive grants, and manage to succeed in competition, are rewarded for their activity. Generally speaking, my aim is to increase the prestige of the university, in particular in the area of science and research, because the pedagogical prestige of the university is good already, which is reflected in the 20 per cent increase in applicants for admission to our university. I also want to improve university facilities. We try to create conditions diti for f students t d t that th t are appropriate i t to t university i it education. I often travel around Europe and see that the fundamental basis of a good university is quality facilities. Are you successful in fulfilling your vision? It is a long-term issue. I try every day to contribute to it. We are especially successful in providing university facilities. We built a new car park, finished the reconstruction of the student’s canteen, and in particular the Centre of Environmental Sciences. Furthermore, the construction of new educational pavilions has been progressing. How did you choose your team? I chose people who have managed something at the univ un iver ersi sity ty, ei eith ther er fro rom m th thee pe peda daggogi gicall or researchh perspectives. Their willingness to participate in university management was also an important criterion, because it is extra work. I also considered their approval of my vision for university development, and I took into account the balance of representation from individual faculties, to express my respect for them. It was not possible for all vice rectors to come from one faculty. The post of rector is time demanding. Do you have time to lecture or carry out research? I continue to do my lectures. My tenure is limited, and I do not like to lag behind in this area. Thanks to this I have feedback from students, which is very important. Howe Ho weve verr, I hadd to redduce my researchh actiiviitiies. I only supervise my PhD students, who I try to meet periodically. What are your hobbies? I lilike sport, especially collective sports, of which football is my favourite. I watch it on television and sometimes I go to the stadium. I do sports just for fun, most often I go cycling. By Zuzana Kasáková český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

Leaders Magazine V/2012 93


From left: LtGen. Petr Pavel, Chief of General Staff, Alice Undusová, CEO, Saab Czech, Brig. Gen. Jiří Verner, Chief of Air Force, and Daniel Boestad, Vice President, Saab Czech


Czech Air Force Day in Ostrava 2012 and

NATO DAYS AIR SHOW MajGen. Don Ralph, USAFE and H.E. Annika Jagander, Ambassador of Sweden to CR

Alice Undusová, CEO SAAB Czech and Michael Hrbata, Deputy Minister of Defence

94 From left: Robert Björklund, Campaign Director SAAB AB and LtCol. Andreas Meister, German Defence Attaché to the Czech Republic

From left: Jiří Šedivý, Czech Ambassador to NATO and Jiří Šedivý, former Chief of General Staff

From left: Mats Fagerberg, SAAB Dynamics, Staff Sergeant Jiří Toman, Staff Sergeant Václav Bergman and Col. Vladimír Barca, Chief 25th Air Defence Missile Brigade in Strakonice

Evžen Tošenovský Czech MP at European Parliament

From left: Col. Vladimír Barca, Chief 25th Air Defence Missile Brigade in Strakonice and Mats Fagerberg, SAAB Dynamics

Anna Hildebrand, Communication Manager, SAAB AB and Mats Fagerberg, SAAB Dynamics

From left: LtCol. Jaroslav “Gyro” Mika, Commander 211 Tactical Squadron Caslav Air Base, BrigGen. Albert Sáfár, Chief Hungarian Air Force, and MajGen. Don Ralph, USAFE

During the NATO days and Czech Air Force Day in Ostrava 2012, Saab managed to attract a lot of people and interest. The highlights were the simulated Air-to-Air refuelling between a French tanker and a Czech Gripen and the scholarship awarded to the two top operators of the RBS 70 VSHORAD System from the 25th Air Defence Missile Brigade in Strakonice.

95 From left: BrigGen. Johan Svensson, Swedish Air Force, BrigGen. Albert Sáfár, Chief Hungarian Air Force, MajGen. Don Ralph, USAFE, and BrigGen. Jiří Verner, Chief of Air Force


NATO event

Alexandr Vondra, Minister of Defence of the CR and Karin Enström, Minister of Defence of Sweden

Sweden’s Minister of Defence, Karin Enström, arrived in the Czech Republic last month for a meeting with her Czech counterpart, Alexandr Vondra. The occasion was the Czech Air Force Day/NATO Days air show held at the Leoš Janáček Airport at Mošnov near Ostrava, an annual event in which all NATO member states participate and which attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors over the two-days of flying and military displays. This year’s displays included simulated air-to-air refueling of a Gripen supersonic jet fighter by the Czech Air Force. The Swedish and Czech Defence Ministry delegations discussed a number of bi-lateral matters, including the Czech Republic’s agreement with Sweden for the lease of 14 Gripen fighters, which are produced by Saab.

Sweden’s Minister of Defence


Meets her Czech Counterpart, Alexander Vondra

From left: Per Råstedt, Defence Attaché Sweden, Zbyněk Pavlačík, Chairman, Jagello 2000, and H.E. Annika Jagander, Ambassador of Sweden in CR


From left: Zbyněk Pavlačík, Chairman, Jagello 2000, Jan Světlík, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Vítkovice, H.E. Annika Jagander, Ambassador of Sweden, and Per Råstedt, Defence Attaché Sweden

From left: Mikuláš Dzurinda, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic and General (ret.) Klaus Naumann, former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

Minister Enström was the guest of Minister Vondra at the NATO Days Gala Dinner, and also joined in the toast to mark the show’s opening, Saturday. After the formal gala dinner Minister Vondra took his Swedish counterpart and her delegation for a beer at one of the many pubs on Ostrava’s famous Stodolni street.

energy analysis

THE STAR-LIKE The time has come – our capital will be for the first time home to an important European Union wide agency. The Union’s agency GSA has commenced its role in the Czech Republic at the beginning of September to govern the European satellite and navigation system Galileo. The building of the former Czech Consolidation Agency located in Prague-Holešovice, where the GSA will be based, will be responsible mainly for the security and market development of the programme. The United Kingdom and France will host the carefully protected Galileo security monitoring centres and the headquarters for the navigation part of the programme will be in Italy and Germany. Although much has been said and written about Galileo, it is worth mentioning what this programme is about. Basically, it is the new generation of the well-known American system GPS, which was in the past solely used by the army. Apart from the most famous American system, Russia has a functioning system called Glonass and China is developing its own system called Compass. Very active are also Japan and India, which also want their own satellite and navigation system. Compared to the other programmes, Galileo is the only civil project. Therefore, there cannot be a situation where the army will block the signal in certain areas or even that the army would decide to temporarily switch of the whole system. Galileo will be an independent system from the American GPS, but it will function together in parallel. The portfolio of Galileo services is much wider. For example drivers will be able to obtain information with accuracy of two to four metres. The GPS’ resolution is around 15 metres. The system is formed to be active; thus it will be able to transmit and receive signals, which can be practical, for example when we will be in a dangerous situation, the satellite will be able to locate us. Galileo will offer five different services that range from open services to security and emergency services. Galileo has made its first big step towards its realization in October 2011, when the first two operational satellites were launched using the Soyuz rocket from the twenty-thousand city of Kourou in French Guiana. With this launch the EU


has commenced its implementation phase of the long-planned, financially and technically complicated project. I am honoured to be the only Czech and the European Parliament representative to be part of this launch event. The other two satellites of the in-orbit validation phase will be launched at the end of September, which will enable system validation and it will gather in-orbit experience. According to the recent plans, fourteen other satellites will be launched until the end of 2014. In parallel, intensive work has been carried out on ground stations of the system and last suitable EU oversees destinations are being selected. In order to complete the constellation of satellites and ensure the optimal functioning of the system, 14 other satellites should be launched until the end of 2020. In autumn 2009, as the Vice-Chairman of the Industry, Research and Energy committee of the European Parliament I was assigned to consolidate the legislation for the biggest EU project – Galileo. The whole process has lasted almost one year. The many difficult meetings have been a school of diplomacy to me. The initial legislative proposal for the governance of the project was to set up a public private partnership. However the business side of the project has pulled out and without the intervention of the European Commission, the project would end up in liquidation. However this meant that the European Commission has to pay the full amount for the project and it will need to decide on the ownership structure. New structure together with the new governing mechanisms of the project needed to be set up. Therefore after almost a year of complicated meetings with EU presidency countries Sweden and Spain, the European Commission, we have succeeded to find an agreement. The total cost of the project, including its operation and maintenance, will amount to many billions of Euro. The development of the project until the year 2013 will cost for example 3.5 billion Euros and yearly operation cost will be in hundreds million of Euros. In the end, the project will be developed by the European Commission, the European Space Agency and by other countries, which have joined the programme – for example Ukraine, Israel and South Korea. The project is governed by

Photo: Archive

the administrative board that is composed from the member state representatives and the European Commission. I view it as a success that we have ensured the strong participation of member states. I have also pushed through the mechanism of joint action, which every member state can use in case there are security problems with the project. I was not satisfied that on sensitive issues like security there were proposals to vote according the Lisbon treaty, which would be unfair to the Czech Republic. The move of the agency to Prague is prestigious. However, we should not forget that the most important impacts of the Galileo programme are the applications. Without applications the expectations of the system will not be met. For example the European Commission predicts that during the 2012–2027 period 90 billion Euros can be earned from applications. There are great opportunities for universities and companies that can participate on the implementation of the project. I believe this is one of the areas our universities should focus on, if they want to remain competitive in their research – because competition is fierce. By Evžen Tošenovský Member of the European Parliament To be continued... český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

Leaders Magazine V/2012 97

From left: Eli Fischer, Owner of the Art for Peace Collection and Jiří Maceška, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Česká pošta

gala vernisage


Tomáš Chalupa, Minister of Environment of the CR in his speech with Shahar Shelef, First Secretary of the Embassy of Israel in the CR behind on the left

From left: Petr Michal, Partner, Law Office Císař, Češka, Smutný, Petr Mothejl, DEKONTA, and Augustin Sobol, Director, Pramacom Prague Eli Fischer, Owner of the Art for Peace Collection

98 From left: Yehuda Baruch, Ministry of Health of the State of Israel and Petr Beneš, Vice President, ČISOK

From left: Jan Pirk, Head of the Cardiology Department, IKEM, Pavel Smutný, President, ČISOK and Jiří Maceška, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Česká pošta

Shahar Shelef, First Secretary of the Embassy of Israel in the CR and behind him from left Pavel Smutný, President, ČISOK, and Jiří Maceška, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Česká pošta

From left: Martin Kult, Member of the Board, ČISOK and Josef Šembera, Oracle

Ludmila Pallová, Trade Marketing, Česká pošta and Jan Hykel, Corporate Marketing, Česká pošta

From left: H.E. Oldřich Uttendorfský, Honorary Consul of the Principality of Monaco in the CR, Mrs. Petra Hofmanová and Jan Pirk, Head of the Cardiology Department, IKEM

On Tuesday evening, September 9, an extraordinary exhibition of selected art works from the collection “Art For Peace” of Dr. Fisher of Tel Aviv was ceremonially opened in the hall of Česká pošta, carrying a message of humanity and solidarity. The exhibition was officially opened by honourable guests from Israel and the Czech Republic: Rachel Adatto, the Chairwoman of Public Health Lobby and Member of Knesset and the United Nation delegation; Tomáš Chalupa, Minister of Environment of the CR; Shahar Shelef, First Secretary of the Embassy of the State of Israel in the CR; Jiří Maceška, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Česká pošta and Pavel Smutný, President of the Czech-Israeli Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Eli Fisher, the Owner of the “peace” collection and the Founder and President of Fisher Pharmaceuticals Ltd., also travelled to attend the exhibition in person.


Cutting the ribbon from left: Eli Fischer, Owner of the Art for Peace Collection, Shahar Shelef, First Secretary of the Embassy of the State of Israel in the CR, Jiří Maceška, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Česká pošta, Rachel Adatto, Chairwoman of Public Health Lobby and Member of Israeli Parliament – Knesset, Pavel Smutný, President, ČISOK, and Tomáš Chalupa, Minister of Environment of the CR

The exhibition Artists – Messengers of Peace will present 50 replicas of the famous and extensive collection of Dr. Eli Fischer. These will be displayed in the hall of the Česká pošta´s headquarters in Jindřišská street in Prague 1 until the end of November this year. The originals from the collection Artists – Messengers of Peace will be presented in the Czech Centre Prague in February 2013. During the ceremonial opening, twelve original pieces, which came from the series of works on the topic of the Israel-Egypt and Israel-Jordan peace agreements, were displayed.



Czech-Israeli Relationships

ARE EXCELLENT No Matter What Happens, Czechs Are On Our Side

Can you tell us how the project Art for Peace began? Ever Ev eryt ythi hing ng beg egan an onc ncee th thee Pe Peac acee Ag Agre reem emen entt be betw twee eenn Egypt and Israel was signed in 1979. My wife and I took the stamped envelopes of the Peace Agreement, sent them to one hundred artists from Israel, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, and asked them to render the envelopes on the following subject of peace. When these envelopes were returned to us, we organized their first exhibition. In 1994 with the subsequent Peace Agreement between Jordan and Israel, 200 artists made their contributions,

which the exhibition then travelled all over to Washington, New York, Miami, Paris, London, Madrid, Barcelona, Tokyo and New Zealand. We also published a book and we gave it to those we believed could endorse and promote peace, such as Shimon Peres, the former Israeli president Weizman, the King of Jordan Abdullah II, his father King Hussein bin Talal, and the former U.S. Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. Actually you’ve had a much stronger relationship with Czech Republic, didn’t you? I was born in Karlovy Vary. Both my grandfather and my fat athe herr st stud udie iedd me medi dici cine ne her eree in Pra ragu guee an andd th then en worked in Carlsbad. Due to the Munich Agreement in 1938, all the Sudetes land was given to Germany, and we had to leave to Tel Aviv where we arrived the 14th of March 1939, exactly the same day Hitler came to Prague. Since then, I came a couple of times to Prague after the Revolution. Now, I am here again with this exhibition, thanks to the Israeli-Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with the chairman of Czech






1100 10 00

Postal Service, the Czech Embassy in Israel as well as the Israeli one in Prague. On the 24th of September, the day before Yom Kippur, the holiest day for the Jews, the exhibition will be on display at the Castle of Ořechov, Uherské Hradiště, where Miroslava Němcová, the head of Czech Chamber of Deputies, will open another exhibition on holocaust. What about the Czech-Israeli relations? I think that they are excellent; no matter what it happens, the Czechs are on our side. The Czech Republic is the most European country that supports Israel, perhaps even ev en mor oree th than an the Uni nite tedd St Stat ates es. Th Thee an ance cest striries es of th this is rapport are very deep-rooted and a part of Jewish history, with regards to the Golem legend and then the writer, Franz Kafka. There is a possibility these healthy relations are also because of a mutual point of view and understanding, which can be based on what had happened between the Czechs and us.


Eli Fischer is the founder and president of Dr. Fischer pharmaceuticals, the biggest company in Israel with more than 700 employees specialized in eye and skin protection. Since 1979, he commemorated the Peace Agreement between Israel and Egypt by bringing together the Art for Peace collection with more than 400 works of art. Now, after over 40 years, this unique art project on the premise of coexistence and peace is exhibited in the hall of the main office post in Jindřišská until November 30th, 2012.

The very first DEVELOPERS BUSINESS GOURMET COCKTAIL was organized by Hotel JALTA in cooperation with ERSTE PREMIER. Many developers, investors and real estate representatives came to enjoy a great audience of the hotel, overlooking the Wenceslav square from the hotel´s balcony. Guests have indulged themselves in delicious meditteranean finger food menu prepared by Pavel Mencl, chef of COMO restaurant and degustation of fine wines, spirits, tea and cigars.


Developers Cocktail

From left: Albert Oesterreicher, Chairman of the Board, OCN Orion 001, Andrea Jakubíková, Managing Director, GPG communications, and Roland Leisztner, Owner, Leisztner Roland Projects

From left: Ilona Monferini-Mančíková, Sales & Marketing Director and Kateřina Kvíčalová, Sales Director, both FIM Group

Vojtěch Kačerovský, General Manager, Boutique Hotel Jalta

Petr Casanova, General Manager, First Class and Petra Ondrušová, Regional Director, Erste Premier

From left: Lucie Havlíčková, Member of the Board, Byrd, Tomáš Štainbruch, Chairman of the Board, Byrd, and Petra Ondrušová, Regional Director, Erste Premier Jan Adámek, Owner and Director, CENTURY 21 Reality Express and Marie Adámková, Executive Director, CENTURY 21 Reality Express



personal enlightenment

Cosmic Consciousness – James A. Cusumano, PhD


“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss) – American Author KEY CONCEPTS: Lasting happiness is always a byproduct, and is never achieved as a direct goal. Although genetic predisposition passed on by your parents has much to do with your innate happiness “set point,” the larger contribution comes from a combination of your environment and what you do with your life, both of which are well within your control. Happiness results by following your true sense of Purpose in all that you do. Your sense of Purpose must draw on your personal Essence – that special attribute that distinguishes you from others. Purpose leads to Passion which ignites high levels of physical and emotional Energy and unfolds Creativity, enabling you to solve challenging problems, which generates Innovation. The result is a Return which may be financial, emotional, psychological, spiritual, or some combination. The final outcome is deep personal Gratitude, the source of lasting Happiness. This “Fulfillment Formula” expresses one of the most effective means to lasting happiness.

AUTHOR’S NOTE Of all the mail I receive each month, the subjects that grab most attention are Happiness, Purpose and Passion. Of course, the three are closely interlinked. While your happiness is always an end product, it depends intimately on your purpose and passion. I have addressed these subjects in two prior articles1,2, however because of continued interest and commentary, I thought it worthwhile to revisit these important subjects and expand on our understanding of them. They are arguably the most critical elements to a life of fulfillment, and certainly a necessary requirement for “Cosmic Consciousness and our Journey to Wellbeing, Happiness and Success.” The good news is that no matter where you are in your life, you can capture the key elements necessary for long-term happiness (Figure 1).

102 Leaders Magazine V/2012

HAPPINESS BASICS Most of us would define happiness as a state of mind or consciousness characterized by feelings of contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure or joy, i.e., personal fulfillment. As I pointed out previously, over the millennia, people have consistently sought happiness as a destination, but that approach never works. Happiness is always an end product, the result of something we do, and nearly always for someone else or some good cause. Long term happiness never results from a prime focus on money, beauty, or power. Success along these lines may feel good for a brief while, but there is no possibility for long-term happiness, and more often than not, this approach has the opposite effect – long-term discontent and unhappiness. As mentioned in prior discussions, I think we must recognize that there is no such thing as constant happiness. Our lives are generally lived somewhere between the poles of joy and sorrow, laughter and sighs, achievement and disappointment. The key is how to live a happy life on average. At the end of the day, a week, a month, a year – when you look back, do you feel that deep sense of fulfillment sought by the spirit inside you? So, what leads to happiness? Certainly, we must live by our basic values, those personal rules and guidelines ingrained in our consciousness that set the arrow of the compass by which we journey through life; they set a clear view of our “true north.” Those values may vary from person to person. However, whatever they are, when we violate any them, we feel stressed, unsatisfied, and unhappy. But following your basic values is not enough to achieve lasting happiness and contentment. Let’s take a look at the results of recent research on happiness3. THE HAPPINESS FORMULA The pioneers of the “Positive Psychology” movement founded in the early 1990s struggled with the importance of genetics and environmental factors for our state of happiness. Are we born with a certain level of happiness or unhappiness? Is there anything we can control to lead to a happier life? As biologists uncovered the details of the human genome, a more complete understanding of the contributions of nurture versus nature began to unfold. It appears that genes have a significant impact on the range of our natural “set point” for happiness (Figure 2). If you have happy parents, it’s quite possible that you too will have a predisposition for a high happiness set point; and of course the opposite is

true, as well. However, modern science has shown that genes are often sensitive to environmental conditions. Furthermore, you can have a significant impact on your state of happiness by addressing the conditions of your life and by what you do with it. All of this has been somewhat “quantified” in the following qualitative equation developed by Martin Seligman and others who founded the Positive Psychology movement4.

H=S+C+V Here, H is the level of happiness that you actually experience; S is your genetic set point, what your parents coded in your DNA; C is the environmental conditions of your life, how you are raised as a child and the environment you choose as an adult; and V is voluntary activities, i.e., what you do with your life. So, the challenge then, since S is fixed, is to see what you can do to increase C and V. Although the relative contributions of S, C and V to happiness can be argued, most psychologists would say that for a normal healthy person the relative contributing weights are approximately: S = 40%; C = 20%; and V = 40%. Therefore, beyond choosing the “right” parents, your primary impact potential is on C and V, and it can be quite significant, about 60 percent. As for C, your environment, there are several interesting factors that have been found to contribute and which, if addressed can have quite a positive impact5. The first is noise level. Research has shown that people who have to adapt continuously to high levels of noise, find it difficult to do so and this has a diminishing effect on their level of happiness. The old adage that people living close to an airport or a train station adapt to the noise level is not correct. They basically learn to tolerate the noise, at the expense of lower levels of happiness. It’s difficult to be happy when you’re stressed and annoyed, even when it is unconsciously so6. In this modern connected world, long-distance commuting also has a negative impact on happiness. A)

EDITOR’S COMMENT – This is the fifth article in a series based on the author’s recent book, “Cosmic Consciousness – A Journey To Well-being, Happiness and Success.” In this little book, published in both the Czech and English languages within one volume, and with an introduction by internationally-acclaimed author, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Cusumano explains in simple terms, the connection between Eastern Philosophical Wisdom, consciousness and quantum physics. He develops specific practices for living a successful and fulfilled life, regardless of your passion of pursuit. B) The author may be reached at Jim@ChateauMcely.Com.


personal enlightenment Figure 1: NEVER TOO LATE. No matter what your age, you can discover you purpose, and live with passion making this a better world and bringing you unparalleled success.

I recall when living in the New York City area, it was not uncommon for some people who lived on Long Island to travel to work two hours each way in heavy traffic. Research shows that those who do travel extended distances to work exhibit significant stress levels on the job and a diminished state of happiness7. A lack of control decreases the level of happiness to a surprising amount. Haidt and Rodin have demonstrated that changing an institution’s environment to increase a sense of personal control among its occupants, e.g., patients in a hospital, students in school, or workers on the assembly line, etc., was one of the most effective means to increase their sense of engagement, energy and happiness8. For example, in a classic study by Langer and Rodin, two floors of patients in a nursing home were studied. On one floor, patients were allowed to choose flowers and plants for their room, care for the plants, and to choose a specific movie night each week as well as the movie to view. On a separate floor, the nurses chose the plants, watered them, and chose the movie night and the movie. This seemingly minor manipulation had significant effects. On the floor with increased control, patients were happier, more active, and more alert, as rated by both the doctors and nurses, and these benefits were still observed even after 18 months. Furthermore, during the subsequent 18 months, the floor patients with greater control amazingly had statistically significantly better health and half as many deaths – 15% versus 30%9. Isn’t it amazing what a small increase in the level of personal autonomy can do to increase self-esteem, engagement, happiness and health? Think what this can do for employees. What an opportunity! Shame is another controllable factor that impacts your level of happiness. People who remove any physical or emotional trait that is responsible for their feeling self-conscious, always increase their level of happiness. A large percentage of plastic surgery is directed at these kinds of “patients10,” often with quite positive outcomes. And finally, and surely not unexpected, one of the major factors that is controllable in the C or environmental component of the happiness equation is relationships. This factor is sometimes thought to trump all other components of C in the happiness equation. As may be expected, good relationships make people happy, and happy people enjoy more and better


relationships than unhappy people11. The message here is to immediately do something about any negative relationships in your life. Best is to try to work on them in a mutually constructive manner, but if found to be essentially hopeless in any reasonable time scale, complete physical and emotional separation is the indicated solution. Once S is fixed by the genetic code and the environmental factors in C are addressed, this leaves only V, the most significant factor after S to control your level of happiness. If you are in balance with respect to your basic values, I think the fundamental remaining requirement for optimal happiness is that you continuously pursue your life Purpose, your raison d’être, as the French would say (Figure 3). And this means applying your personal Essence to create value for both the world and for you. As proposed previously12, each of us is born with a personal Essence, that fundamental capability or skill that differentiates us from others in our social and professional circles. And when we find that special piece of us and apply it in whatever we do, it generates Passion – an incredible force that evaporates fear, unleashes creativity, and has been known to change the world. Figure 2: THANK YOUR PARENTS. About 40 % of your happiness is due to your genetic set point. But you have total control over the other 60%.

I have seen this kind of passion-based journey played out by essentially all successful people who are content and experience long-term happiness. I like to express this process in what I call my “Fulfillment Formula.” Following your life Purpose, based on your innate Essence, and connected to a Need in the world, leads to Passion which ignites high levels of physical and emotional Energy and unleashes intense Creativity. This generates Innovation providing you with a Return – financial, emotional, psychological, perhaps, spiritual, or some combination of these four elements. This endows a deep sense of Gratitude, which is ALWAYS the source of all lasting Happiness. Essence Need Purpose Passion Energy Creativity Innovation Return Gratitude HAPPINESS This formula has been shown to work numerous times over the millennia. The outcome is more than worth the effort. The key then is, “How do I know what my Essence is and how do I connect it with a real Need in the world that makes a positive difference?” After all

Figure 3: IMMENSE POTENTIAL. When you discover your life purpose, you connect with the “Fulfillment Formula” which provides great power and the ability to achieve success and long-term happiness.

that’s what starts the ball rolling through Purpose, Passion, etc., to the desirable effect of HAPPINESS. To be continued... James A. Cusumano, PhD 1

James A. Cusumano, Business May Be Your Life – But – Life Is YOUR Business, Part III: Finding Your Passion And Purpose, LEADERS Magazine II, 2010. 142–143. 2 James A. Cusumano, Business May Be Your Life – But – Life Is YOUR Business, Part VIII: Lasting Happiness, LEADERS Magazine I, 2011. 90–91. 3 Jonathan Haidt, “The Happiness Hypothesis – Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom,” Basic Books, 2006, p. 90ff. 4 M. E. P. Seligman, “Authentic Happiness,” New York: Free Press, 2002. 5 Op. cit., Jonathan Haidt, p. 92. 6 S. Frederick and G. Loewenstein (1999), Hedonic Adaptation. In D. Kahneman, E. Diener and N. Schwartz (Eds.) “Well-being. The Foundations of Hedonic Psychology,” Russell Sage Press, New York. 7 M. Koslowsky and A. N. Kluger, “Commuting Stress,” Plenum Press, New York, 1995. 8 Jonathan Haidt and J. Rodin, “Control and efficacy of Interdisciplinary Bridges,” Review of General Psychology Vol. 3, 317–337, 1999. 9 J. Rodin and E. Langer, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 35, 897–902 (1977). 10 Sonja Lyubomirsky, Laura King, and Ed Diener, “The Benefits of Frequent Positive Affect: Does Happiness Lead to Success?” Psychological Bulletin 131, No. 6, (2005), pp. 803–855. 11 H. T. Reis and S. L. Gable, “Toward a Positive Psychology of Relationships,” in C. L. M. Keyes and J. Haidt (Eds.), “Flourishing,” Positive Psychology and The Life Well-lived,” American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., pp. 129–159. 12 Op. cit., Reference 2. About the Author: James A. Cusumano is Chairman and Owner of Chateau Mcely (www.ChateauMcely.Com), chosen in 2007 by the European Union as the only “Green” 5-star luxury hotel in Central and Eastern Europe and in 2008 by the World Travel Awards as the Leading Green Hotel in the World. He is a former Research Director for Exxon, and subsequently founded two public companies in Silicon Valley, one in clean power generation, the other in pharmaceuticals manufacture via environmentally-benign, low-cost, catalytic technologies. While he was Chairman and CEO, the latter – Catalytica Pharmaceuticals, Inc. – grew in less than 5 years, to a $1 billion enterprise with 2,000 employees. He is coauthor of “Freedom from Mid-East Oil,” recently released by World Business Academy Press (www.WorldBusiness.Org) and the author of “Cosmic Consciousness – A Journey to Well-being, Happiness and Success,” published in English and Czech by Fortuna Libri, 2011.

Leaders Magazine V/2012 103

Jaroslav Hanák, President of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic at the opening ceremony

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The firms’ participation from the BRIC group of emerging economies was particularly impressive. In comparison to last year, the size of the occupied exhibition floor increased by eight percent, and roughly every other exhibition stand presented some sort of a technological innovation, often in top international standard. During the first four days of the Fair, the MSV 2012 was viewed by seventy-thousand visitors from fifty countries and according to all expectations, the total attendance of this year´s Fair will at least be equal to that of the last year. Several prominent guests visited the MSV 2012: the President and the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, the Minister of Government of India, Deputy Secretaires (unless “Ministers” is part of their official title because we don’t have ministersor ministries, only secretaries and departments) of Trade and Industry of the United States, Russia and Belarus and others. Foreign delegations arrived from Russia, China, Brazil, USA, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Belarus and other countries. Fifteen officialstands, representing various foreign countries, further confirmed the international dimension of the MSV 2012.


From left: Jaroslav Drábek, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of the CR, Tomáš Chalupa, Minister of Environment of the CR, Martin Kuba, Minister of Industry and Trade of the CR, Karolína Peake, Deputy Prime Minister of the CR and Chairwoman, LIDEM, Petr Nečas, Prime Minister of the CR, and Jaroslav Hanák, President of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic, Pavel Juříček, and Jan Rafaj

From left: Martin Kuba, Minister of Industry and Trade of the CR, Petr Vavřín, Rector Emeritus, VUT Brno, Jaroslav Hanák, President of the Confederation of Industry of the CR, Jiří Kuliš, General Director, BVV, Karel Rais, Rector of VUT Brno, and Roman Dvořák, Chief Editor, MM průmyslové spektrum

From left: Anand Sharma, Union Cabinet Minister of Commerce and Industry and Textiles of India and Jiří Kuliš, General Director, BVV

From left: Martin Kuba, Minister of Industry and Trade of the CR and Grigorij Kalamanov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation had opened the Russian official exposition. The Russian Federation held a status of a honorable guest of the MSV.

From left: Grigorij Kalamanov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Petr Nečas, Prime Minister of the CR, and Alexander Dianov, Director, Expocontact

From left: Michal Hašek, Governor, South Moravian Region, Prof. Václav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic, and Martin Kuba, Minister of Industry and Trade of the CR

Opening Ceremony of India Show – from left: Aman Chadha, President, EEPC India, H.E. Venkatesan Ashok, Ambassador of India to the CR, Martin Kuba, Minister of Industry and Trade of the CR, and Anand Sharma, Union Cabinet Minister of Commerce and Industry and Textiles of India

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ambassadors without diplomatic passport

Šimon Pánek Šimon Pánek is the director of The People in Need foundation, the second largest humanitarian, developmental, educational and human rights NGO not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2002 he was awarded the Medal of Merit for Involvement in public affairs. In 2003 he won the European of the Year award and in 2010, he was awarded the Memory of the Nation prize by the Post Bellum Company. The People in Need foundation has four sections: Relief and Development, Human Rights, Social Integration Programs and Informative and Educational Projects. Its activities and contributions were summarised by Václav Havel as follows: “I appreciate the share People In Need contributes to the humanisation of life conditions in the troubled spots of this world. They are always where they are needed, and they always get there as one of the firsts. The idea of human solidarity, which organizations such as People in Need give a specific content to, will become increasingly more important, because no state can substitute for the important role of civil society and its activities.” It is more action than words, however, that speaks for People in Need. Perhaps you bought a goat in the “Real Gift” event this Christmas or you visited the “One World” festival with more than 100,000 visitors. Other known events include the involvement of pupils in the project of “Let’s build a school in Africa”; and recently, People in Need helped people of Burma, despite the hostile regime. In the Czech Republic, the public may connect the organisation People in Need with help during floods, with student elections or with social integration programs. You can meet the workers of People in Need on the streets of Czech cities, where they explain the activities of this organisation and ask for donations for their projects. Photos: Archive of Šimon Pánek

How do you perceive today’s world? I perceive today’s world, the one we live in, as exceptionally free, perhaps the most free in history, and full of opportunities. At the same time, it is he world that puts a lot of demand on individuals. This world is also full of alienation – information technology, innovation and even the decision processes have reached a speed that often exceeds our inner capacity to cope with change. On one hand, we live a luxurious life, full of incredible wealth; the term luxury here encompasses both material wealth as well as the luxury of free time. On the other hand, however, this world, which is built on individual careers, which can deepen the sense of loneliness and alienation even further, is very difficult to live in. I am fascinated by one more thing and will comment on the Euro-American world. In it we do everything possible to make our lives predictable, we attempt to erase all of its unexpected turns, potential crashes or external dangers. In this way, we contribute to the world becoming relatively boring and we do not get surprised by anything. We are usually not exposed to challenges, to tests or moments of crisis – and here I mean the real moments where life, liberty or the decision in which country to live in are at stake. Thus we compensate this by undertaking more free-time activities, adrenalin sports and who knows what else, so that we get the tension back into our lives. The organisation People in Need is, according to the words of Helena Houdová, “an organisation, which increases the reputation of the nonprofit sector in the Czech Republic and, at the same time, the reputation of the Czech Republic abroad.” Your organisation gives the Czech Republic a good name in the countries it helps.


ambassadors without diplomaticinterview passport A talk with Petr Bendl, Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic

has not changed for the past 20 years. While earnings have increased seven or eight times, the price of flights has remained the same or even declined. While a trip to India would have cost one year of savings in the beginning of the 1990s, today, it is possible to purchase a ticket for almost one Petr Bendl (1966) graduated from the University of Mechanical Engineering and Textile in Liberec, in monthly the master program of Multi-Purpose Machine salary. You1997–1998 personally –heare Czech, European Tool Design. In 1994 he became the Mayor of Kladno and remained in this position until 1998. In the years wasyou a Deputy Chairman or of a global citizen? I am nowin thinking notyears only the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic. Petr Bendl was elected into the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic 1998. In the terms of the European of the YearGovernment award, but 2000–2008 Petr Bendl held the position of Governor of the Central Bohemia Region. In the year 2009 he in was the Minister of Transport in the also in terms of the real international dimenof the Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek. In the years 2002–2010 he held the position of Chairman of the Central Bohemia Regional Organization of the Civic sion of the People in Need, which is financed Democratic Party (ODS). Petr Bendl was appointed the Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic in October 2011. from European Funds, from the U.N. budget or the budget of the U.S. government. reduce competitiveness towards third countries The opposition criticized the draft budget of costs in detail, and the Czech supervisory bodies I do not think about this tooinside much.and As outside the feeling through absurd demands both the the Ministry of Agriculture for 2012 as inadequate. would then have to verify them. Moreover, if someof identity is not for me, I am perhaps CAP, such as strictimportant requirements for animal welfare In this respect, are you going to initiate a change where any mistake occurs, the businesses will be of the draft budget? sanctioned. So, the system would entail a large new aor greening. global citizen. I do have an intensive relation The government is in a situation where its main task specific measuresbut aremore you going to support administrative burden for both farmers and the goto What the Czech Republic, to places and is to prevent further indebtedness of our country. So, it that willrather help the food vernment, which is not in line with our priority of repeople, thancompetitiveness the constructionofof Czech the nation. is doing so based on various austerity measures and in market?of a nation seems to me empty in moving bureaucracy. So I, along with ministers from Theourconcept even the possibility of budgeting. The budget of the marketingworld, supportespecially of high-quality food the other EU countries, am going to act against it. thisTheglobalised in theCzech European Ministry of Agriculture is inadequate indeed, yet it has is obviously crucial. achievesaid, this Igoal we have deWhat are the main priorities of the Ministry of Union. But as I haveToalready am home in the always been so, during all previous years and governsigned a programme domestic Agriculture for the reform of the CAP? Czech Republic and aimed I like at it supporting here. I cook Czech ments. For 2012, we need to raise it up to 1.9 billion agriculture and apples food production. It particularly Our priority is to make CAP easier, fairer, more dishes, harvest in Central Bohemia and How aimed is theat Czech Republic perceived the genuine sympathy and empathy.Therefore, Real workwewith CZK, the national co-financing of theinRural involves the “Klasa” programme and the “Regional transparent and market-oriented. optake my children on trips, so that even they know countries where you operate? localscarrying is, afteroutall,themore valuable than some idenDevelopment Programme, which binds to the payments Food” programme. Since 2003 the Minister of Agripose “limited” payments and a provithe Czech Republic well. It is very difficult to generalise. In Caucasus or tity card. from the EU, as well as national additional payments – culture has given the high-quality label KLASA to sion limiting farmer’s market behaviour. Moreover, we What would you like to tell the readers in in Chechnya, wemanagement. functioned for six regard, years, issue of developmental cooperation has TOP UP, and aidswhere in forest In this high-quality food and agricultural producers. We areThe going to require an extension of the current system conclusion? People Need, everyone was long been outsidethe the interestSAPS. of theWemedia, the Ieveryone will strive knew to increase the in budget of my Department. have had a favourable response to this from our conof direct payment, so-called also strive Working a different realityoutthan in aware thatI suppose People inthat Needanhelps as one amount of the segovernment and the public in the However, inadequate of sumers and with producers. They point thatthe the life labelto maintain or increase funds in the Czech ruralCzech devethe Czech Republic, or in Europe, is incredibly veral non-profit organisations there, and budgetary requirements of ministers will that alsoVáclav come ling KLASA works as good advertising. The Ministry lopment programme. So,situation we want fairer conditions so Republic. What is the today? interesting, it at puts Haveland always defended right of Chechnya for forth increase in other the sectors. of Agricultureaswas thethe headbasic of theexistential “Regional quesFood” that Czech farmers not financially disadvantaged The interest in are developing countries and the tions into a wider context: the questions who we The European Commission recently project. The target for granting this labelofto highcompared to farmers from We want autonomy and self-determination, andpresented highlighissue of development hasother growncountries. for the past five are, whether we have it good or bad, what is impora proposal on the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) quality food products is aimed at the small and meto an overall the EU agriculted the violations of rights on a mass scale by to pursue six years. This cansimplification be seen, forofexample, in the tant insized life producers, and what isasnot. work straightens reform. Mostarmy. EU member however, criticized dium well Our as regions of the protural policy. Whenstories pursuing the media. aforementioned rethe Russian On thestates, other hand, people in the number of news in the Eight years a person’s value system well, it helps to reveal it. How is it disadvantageous for Czech farmers? ducts’ origin. Despite the negative outlook of the forms, we want to co-operate intensively with the African countries remember Czechoslovakia, as ago, the phrase “developmental aid” almost did Contrary to promises on the establishment of simbudget, we expect to continue both projects. MEPs, particularly the Czech ones. pseudo-problems. It is a complicated and demany of the countries there had close ties with the not exist there. Current university students travel pler, and with red tape, a less burdened and more Do you consider the decision of the former Comparisons of the economics of Czech agrimanding, often fruitful and adventurous, and communist Czechoslovakia. more, they all speak English and meet with the transparent CAP, the European has proMinister on This the merger of the Land culture and the agriculture of the developed EU certainly ofnotAgriculture, boring work. might be perhaps In other countries, we need Commission to explain where it is range of developmental programs at the universiposed a new bureaucracy and new administrative Fund and the Land Office from 2013, to be desirmember states show several opportunities for the most important thing – to choose work which that we actually lie, in the middle of Europe, beties in Western as part of their study-abroad measures, for instance setting a limit on direct able? areus, you increasing the Europe competitiveness of Czech agriculwill notAnd bore butgoing leadtousimplement and inspireit?us. tween Germany and Russia. This is often related programs. The young generation of people below payments of enterprises, and so-called “greening”, ture. In this respect, what steps are you preparing? Yes, it actually regards the implementation of to local customs, whether geographical or ethnic 30Increasing is living inthea competitiveness world that is globalised, and they which requires that farmers do not farm seven per of Czech agriculture the government resolution, from March Written byparticularly Linda Štucbartová names are important. The extent to which we aremymentally closer to Africa or Asia several than my gecent of their land at all. It would mean a loss of revenue is priority. Yet, we have to distinguish levels. 2008. The decision to merge both institutions by improve the Czech neration. It might be because the internet of about the fourname or fiveofbillion CZK Republic per year. is Thedifficult Czech Czech farmers currently receive they only ause portion of pay2013 was made by thenaleznete former Minister of Agriculture, český překlad v elektronické verzi for me, as a director of the organisation, to assess. na on a regular or entitled. that the They priceareofnot air going tickets farmers rent the majority of lands, and thus paradoments to whichbasis, they are to and measuresmagazínu taken have a clear task and a clear Nevertheless, it have is true thatrentweforhave received xically they would to pay land which the receive one hundred per cent of the subsidy until 2013, development of the new institution setting, including several international prizes and commendations and it isŠtucbartová a crucial handicap. Another factor is thatofinInternational at the legislative EU would not allow them to farm. It lacks any logic and Linda graduated from the Institute Territorial and organizational levels. It actually a fact which is valued even many countries theyear EU,scholarship e.g. in theatNetherlands, theand emergence of a new organizational part itduring wouldour tripfunctioning, the competitiveness of Czech farmers. Studies. After aofone the Oxford Centreconcerns for Hebrew by So, Czech diplomacy. Belgium, Denmark and Germany, far-mers receive of government could you explain in more detail what limits Jewish Studies, she obtained a Diplome d´études supérieures from thecalled the State Land Office, which is your employees any special passport more moneyInstitute per hectare than farmers in ourincountry, forDo subsidy, determinedhave by the size of farms, would Graduate of International Studies Geneva. going to be based on a system of land offices. After or identity card, which provides them with inand I would like to reduce these inequalities. Richer EU transformation of the Land Office, and the terminamean for Czech farmers? Between the years 2002 and 2006, she worked in senior positions at the countries also fund their farmers from state, regional or tion of his activities by December 2012 respectively, It will depend on the final agreement of the EU increased security? Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 2006 she local budgets and, compared to competition of poorer the residual agenda goes to the new office. Regarstitutions. Thethe EC card proposes to restrict directwhich, payThey have of People in Need, has functioned in the private sphere, and lectures at the ding Anglo-American countries, the richer states thus favour their farmers. ments aimed works. at farmers, so that if it is more the transformation of the Land Office, it involves surprisingly, I already mentioned thatthan our University, where this year she was named the Chair of the So, I’d like to eliminate this advantage. I will strive to 150 thousand eurocountries per year,is anot part of the money the Department gradual agenda takeover of detached workauthority in given guaranteed, but of Diplomacy. She works on an internal system of learning and coaching ensure that the Czech Republic makes the most effecwould and isgenerally the farmers places by fourteen regional workplaces. We have at gainedbebydeducted, work, which accomplished alongcould the in the Servodata a.s. company, where she is the director of learning and tive usage of tools in the hands the EU agricultural polnot get more than 300 thousand euro a year. Yet, it our disposal an analysis of results of existing organiway. Our best security precaution in Afghanistan is development. icy, especially rural development measures, from would be possible to increase this amount by the zational changes of the Office; it shows that its opethe fact that locals understand our work as benefiIn addition to training in negotiation and communication of clients from which it is possible to facilitate investment into modern wage costs of employees in the company. It is a betration was not in any way disturbed to clients. cial to them, and they want it. Local elders, local technologies, education, differentiater option than the previous ones, and for the total the private, consulting public andandnon-profi t sector, she regularly collaborates leaders and regional authorities value our honest Photo: Archive tion of activities, and projects other things. So,International I support any-Global Young Leaders 890 million euro per year proposed for the Czech By Pavlína Holancová with NGOs in the of the and meaningful work. The key to relatively high sething that helpsand Czech point is thatProgramme. the Republic for the period of 2014–2020, the effects Conference thefarmers. WomenYet, andtheLeadership Linda Štucbartová is a member of the Rotary curity in even the more dangerous countries is to effort must come from their side as well. Last but not were a half to four per cent. However, a new adminisClub Prague International. český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi rely on the locals, to communicate them,staff inmagazínu na least, also promotewithout the factathat the EU does not tration for businesses would have with to show (Eng.I will “Ambassadors Diplomatic Passport”). clude them in a team and to approach them with


Leaders Magazine V/2012 107

ambassadors without diplomatic passport

Tomio Okamura Tomio Okamura was born in Tokyo in 1972 and has Japanese and Korean ancestors. As a child from a mixed marriage, he was raised alternately in Japan and communist Czechoslovakia. He considers himself to be Czech; even in his native Japan he says of himself that he is Czech. His life story seems incredible – as late as in the early 1990s, he worked as a dustman in Tokyo and sold popcorn and CocaCola in a Tokyo cinema. After finishing high school, Tomio’s future was not very bright. Schooling is expensive in Japan and Tomio’s parents already struggled to finance high school for their three sons. He tried to set up his own business and sell Czech crystal, which is so highly regarded in Japan. Without the right contacts, however, he did not stand a chance in the conservative, Japanese culture. He left for Prague at the age of twenty, where he initially taught Japanese. The real break-through in Tomio’s career, however, brought him work as a tour guide for a travel agent, followed by his attendance at a travel fair in London, where he managed to persuade the two largest travel agencies from Japan to do business with him. At the beginning, he did not even have his own office or telephone. Today, his travel agency brings to the Czech Republic more than 120 thousand tourists a year. Tomio Okamura is also a co-owner of a traditional Czech restaurant, and every Saturday you can meet him in his shop with Japanese food. For two years he acted as a commentator for the Czech BBC. His affection for journalism also carried over into his further role of a spokesperson and vice-president of the Czech Association of Travel Agents. He repeatedly points to the problems in the sphere of tourism, which not only concerns the Czech capital. While he organises popular Japanese weeks in Prague, he also aims to attract foreign tourism to other places in the Czech Republic. You might have also seen Tomio Okamura in his role of a potential investor on the show Česká televize, Den D. Tomio Okamura speaks fluent Czech, Japanese and English. With his former wife, with whom he still runs a business, they have a sixteen year old son.

ambassadors without diplomatic passport Mr. Okamura, many could perceive your success as a result of not only your diligence and ambition, but also of the opportunities that the 1990s offered in the Czech Republic for starting up a business. In developed western countries, and especially in Japan, a career progression is firmly given. How do you view today’s world in terms of opportunities? I am convinced that there is a space for successful business even in today’s world. When you want to be successful, you must work, educate yourself, have dreams and mainly, have a unique idea. In this respect, the situation has not changed. At a first glance, it may seem that it is difficult to come up with some totally revolutionary idea, that everything has already been conceived. The situation in the field of unique ideas does not change. Perhaps there was less competition before; on the other hand, only the successful businesses have remained on the Czech market for the past 20 years. I myself launched two new projects in 2010. The first project was a travel agency for stuffed toys; incidentally, there are around 1.2 billion of them and until then no such offer existed for them. And recently, I opened the first Lolita boutique in the Czech Republic. I would argue that the situation today is in many ways easier in comparison to the 1990s. Increased law enforcement, better legislation, better payment morale, well-functioning information technology that allows much greater accessibility of a territory, and thus a greater internationalization of business, are some of the large advantages. Moreover, it is now easier to gain access to financing for new projects. I used the example of Lolita boutique as it is an investment of hundreds of thousand of crowns, and yet this type of project can already help to earn a good living. The key is to not seek problems in the current time or environment, but to solve the problems within ourselves. We live here and now, and only once. Your strength was the experience that you gained in two countries. Would you recommend taking business abroad for acquiring experience? I certainly do recommend a foreign experience. The Czech Republic is such a small country, so it is important to have a comparison with the world. I can confirm from my own experience how important the “mental grasp” of the size of the globe was for me. I achieved this at the age of 21, when I first circled the globe. Three twelve hour flights were enough for me to find myself at the same place where I originally started. It was at that moment that I understood how small and vulnerable our planet is. Until then, I had considered myself a mere individual in Japan with 130 million habitants, or one person of the total six billion on the Earth, or even a tiny particle of an infinite universe. This thinking, however, leads to a feeling that there is no point in trying to achieve something, because nothing can be changed. If someone therefore brings an appreciation of the existence of other cultures from his travels, or, as I recommend, the “mental grasp” of the size of the globe and its vulnerability, then it is necessary to apply these findings into daily life, in a way of having a global perspective in the attitude to work, life and other people. With this

Photos Photos o : Arch Arch rchive ive of Tom Tomio io Oka Okamur muraa mur

perspective, a person gradually becomes “bigger”. I consider getting to know other cultures an enriching experience for all age groups, be it children, young people or seniors. You say about yourself that you are Czech. Nevertheless, you also act as a propagator of Japan in the Czech Republic. Could you tell the readers which culture is closer to you? When I was growing up in Japan, nobody considered me to be Japanese. I remember how my classmates never accepted me to their circle and how they even refused to share a place at a table with me. In the Czech Republic, I was considered to be Vietnamese for the whole of my childhood, and constantly laughed at for my different appearance. Because I could never claim to be Japanese in Japan, I propagated Bohemia and the Czech culture there instead. For the same reason, I propagate Japan in the Czech Republic. I do not, however, aim to popularise the Japanese culture as such; this is done by others and perhaps better. My goal is to deepen the understanding and the peace between individual countries in the whole world, and so I picked the Czech Republic and Japan for my start, as they are the closest cultures to me. It is a matter of chance

that these two are, at a first sight, such different nations. The greatest reward for my efforts is the look from the audience after a successful beneficial concert of Japanese artists, which I often organise in the Czech Republic. The majority of the concerts end with standing ovations, and a subsequent meeting of Japanese artists with the Czech audience. During these moments, when two sides understand each other without words, and when the atmosphere is full of positive emotions, the human solidarity reveals itself. It is proof for me that people are able to communicate with each other without words, that it is only necessary to want and to have an open heart. Final word: what would you recommend to young people, as far as how you would like to motivate them? What would you tell them to do? I have this inner rule, or, rather a saying: “Envy wastes time!” Do not forget that without envy, you will not only be happier in life, but you will also get rid of one of the major obstacles on the road to success. Written by Linda Štucbartová český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

Linda Štucbartová graduated from the Institute of International Territorial Studies. After a one year scholarship at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, she obtained a Diplome d´études supérieures from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva. Between the years 2002 and 2006, she worked in senior positions at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 2006 she has functioned in the private sphere, and lectures at the Anglo-American University, where this year she was named the Chair of the Department of Diplomacy. She works on an internal system of learning and coaching in the Servodata a.s. company, where she is the director of learning and development. In addition to training in negotiation and communication of clients from the private, public and non-profit sector, she regularly collaborates Photo: Archive with NGOs in the projects of the International Global Young Leaders Conference and the Women and Leadership Programme. Linda Štucbartová is a member of the Rotary Club Prague International. Articles are extracts from her book Velvyslanci i bez diplomatického pasu (Eng. “Ambassadors without a Diplomatic Passport”).


Leaders Magazine V/2012 109

interview A talk with Ela Stein Weissberger, the original star of “Brundibár” in the Theresin Ghetto


Nobody Believed me when I Saw Hitler in Person Photo: Pho to: Vl Vladi ad mír adi m We mí Weiss isss

110 Leaders Magazine V/2012

Ela Stein Weissberger was born to Jewish family. Her father had a thriving porcelain business and her mother’s family had been wealthy owners of a glass factory. In 1938, they lost everything. Her father was arrested, and was never seen again. “We will never forgive them for this, the only thing they could ever take from us”, says Ela Weissberger. She was just 9 years old when she was forced to leave her beloved home in the middle of the night with her mother and her older sister. She didn’t know at that time she was one of the many victims to what was ultimately planned as the “Final Solution” (Endlösung). Millions of Jews were dispersed across the Europe (mostly in the east), from the ghettos to the concentration camps. Out of the approximate 6 million casualties, merely a chosen few were spared, which she had never forgotten her experiences with this travesty. In fact she usually depicts her story of living in the Theresienstadt, as the Theresin Ghetto was called by the Germans, with incredible enthusiasm and vigour. Tens of thousands of Jews were murdered in this ghetto and over 150,000 others (including children) were finally sent through the death trains to the extermination camps in Poland, Treblinka and Auschwitz. However, Hitler was still in desperate need of a place to show how well he presumedly treated the Jews in oder to fool the Western allies, such as the Red Cross. Ela Stein Weissberger now shares the story of the “Girls in Room 28” with us…


From left: Hanka Wertheimer and Ela in Prague after Liberation, 1946

How can you recall the first day you had to leave your home? I was born in Lom u Mostu in Sudetenland. When the Nazis came, my father was already arrested and was presumed to have been murdered by the Gestapo. We had to leave our house and finally arrived in Prague. Our apartment there was very small, so my mother sent me to Brno to live with my grandmother. I have one significant experience over there – I met Adolf Hitler. They took us from school to go and greet him while he was visiting the former Czechoslovakia. Didn’t you know who he was? I knew of him because my father was Czech, and we both were listening to his speeches when we were still livingg in Sudetenlan a d. My te teac ache herr advised us not give him the Nazi salute. My sister who was four years older than me was also in the same school, but her teacher was a Nazis sympathiser and her class had to give him the Nazis salute. Nobody believed me that I saw Hitler when he was in Brno. He was coming from Vienna, and he only stopped in Brno to greet its citizens. What did this experience felt like for you? It was awful, and I was only nine at that time. Anyhow, his speeches on the radio were so loud, I remember that I was covering my ears when he kept shouting out “Juden, Juden...”. What year were you deported to Theresin? It was 1942 in February when we came to Theresin from Prague, however the ghetto was not yet accessible for living. We only had the barracks. Slowly but surely, other Jews were arriving in thi hiss smallll garriison. Were there many prominent artists that were deported to Theresin? Yes, there were many renown artists that were mainly from Czechoslovakia, Austria and

Germany. We were obviously living under terrible conditions and our lives were in constant jeopardy. However, our cultural life was highly in tuned. The visual artists there were making drawings and paintings, even though there were also writers, professors, musicians, actors, etc. We even had a library in Theresin where there were merely up to 60,000 books. Were you allowed to cultivate your creativity such as drawings for instance? We were obviously not allowed to draw in ghetto, this had to be done in secret. Yet, someone like Friedl Dicker Brandeis, a famous Austrian artist at that time, had brought with her some materials for painting and drawing. She was more of a conceptual artist that had originally came from the Bauhaus school in the Weimar. She might as well have been one of the greatest artists in the 20th century. She was always asking her friends to send pencils for the kids, and she was allowed to come to our classroom to entertain and educate us us. Thus Thus, some of the most beautiful children’s poetry were written by children of Theresin, including the most famous and the most touching poems by Pavel Friedman, entitled “Butterfly” and “The Butterflies Don´t live in the Ghetto.” For us, butterflies were a reminiscent towards freedom. But going back to Brandeıs, she presumedly had hidden hundreds of her paintings in one of the walls in Theresin. There are several published books about Theresin, right? Yes there were, but at present I would like to make my contribution with a new movie about my life and the others who survived Theresin so that at least the children of Theresin shall always be remembered. This movie is about them, what their lives were like and what they did to survive. My ide deaa is to pu putt ev ever eryt ythi hing ng I hav avee ex expe peririen enced into this movie so that it affects future generations. Could you give us any specific details? There was this one time when we were doing a musical number on stage, and we were enjoying our efforts so much that we’d forgotten where we actually were, how hungry we’d been and what was actually happening to us. We were the original cast of the children’s opera, “Brundibár” by the Jewish Czech composer Hans Krása, and we were the first to be touched by its lovely music. Where is the filming going to take place? It will be probably shot in different places, wherever it would be cheaper than in Hollywood. However, I hope they would consider finishing the production in Theresin since we already did some shooting there. And has the cast for this movie been picked yet? I’ve requested that I wanted to be involved in this production, but not as an actor. Angelina Jolie, herself, said that she would like to play

Brandeis. Jolie also said that she really felt for Friedl since she was so devoted to the Children of Theresin that she taught art to them and loved them as if they were the children she never really had; her love for the children shows in their paintings and pictures. What was your relationship with Friedl Brandeis? I was her student and I think I remember her fondly most of all. She was telling us things that would have touched a lot of other people. When we were performing “Brundibár,” we allowed to take off our Jew Stars since she said to us that we were not just our identification numbers but that we had names, even though it was forbidden to usee th us thos osee na name mess bu butt on only ly ID numbers. b So th then whenever we were drawing, and we did draw almost everywhere in that place, we were to write our names in German, or in any other language, and our birthdays, even our assigned identification or room numbers. She often talked to us through the windows of the Children’s House, and tell us to come and look outside since it was a beautiful Spring day. I also remembered her telling us, “The mountains are surrounding Theresin and the sun is above those mountains, but what is more important is that behind these mountains is hope that you will survive and live on.” So, I always say, “Here I am, I survived...” By Pavlína Holancová End of the Part I...

český překlad naleznete v elektronické verzi magazínu na

Leaders Magazine V/2012 111

Open Op enninng Ce enin Cerre remoonyy Jiřří Geor Geeor orgg D ko Do koup upil pil – New Rel e ig el igioouss Paain inti ttiing inggs in i the MIR IRO O Gaalll eerr y Prag Pr a ue on Auuguustt 24t ag 4 h, h 201 0 2 aannd af teerppaarr ty in LI af L ND NDNE NER NE R Hoote telss & Reeso sort r ts. s. Jiří Ji ří Geo eorg r Dok rg okoou oupil p il pi iss the he Czeechh pai a nt n er andd eem miggraant who h hass succe ceeed ce ed on the th he worl rldd ar ar t sc scen e e.. He w en woork rkss in Rioo de Ja Jain iinner e o,, Ber erlilin, lin, n, Maddri r id annd att the he mom omen men entt allso s o in Praggue ue. A ca cata taalo logguee wa was publ pu b isheed to thi bl hiss ex exhi hibi biittiion biti on.

From left: J.G. Dokoupil, Painter and Miro Smolák, Founder and Director, MIRO Gallery Prague

From left: Michael Haas, Owner and Director, Michael Haas Gallery, Berlin–Zürich, Halina Nowack, Art Consultant, Berlin, Petr Štěpán, Art Historian, Miro Smolák, and Andrea Caratsch, Owner and Director, Andrea Caratsch Gallery Zürich

From left: Petr Vrána, Professor, Kunsthochschule Kassel-Universität, J. G. Dokoupil, Painter, and Milan Kunc, Painter Alena Miro, Soprano, Soloist, The State Opera Prague and Ján Lešták, Owner, Eye Clinic JL

112 From left: JUDr. Jan Olejníček, Law Office Olejníček with his girlfriend Marie and MUDr. Alan Olejníček, Tomayer Hospital Prague with his wife Hana

From left: Šárka Nespěchalová, Office Director, AGEL a.s., Ján Lešták, Owner, JL Eye Clinic Prague, Pavel Číčel, Evangelical Church, and Zuzana Nespěchalová, student

From left: Richard Kučík, Owner, Miura Hotel Čeladná, Michael Haas, Owner and Director, Michael Haas Gallery, Berlin–Zurich, Andrea Caratsch, Owner and Director, Andrea Caratsch Gallery Zürich, and Karin Polyanina, Business Manager Vladivojna La Chia, Painter, Music Composer and Singer and Miro Smolák, Founder and Director, MIRO Gallery Prague

From left: Volkan Tanyildiz, Second Secretary, Turkish Embassy and Mgr. Katarina Bohac Linares, Director, Latin Art Gallery Prague

From left: Jan Třeštík, Prinz Prager Gallery, Jana Doleželová, Miss of the Czech Republic 2004 and Doctor of Pharmacy, Ján Lešták, Owner, JL Eye Clinic Prague and Pavel Číčel, Evangelical Church

From left: Luis Galindo Galecio, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Peru and Juan Braun, Journalist, Writer and Shaman, Argentina

From right: Genc Pecani, Head of Mission, Embassy of the Republic of Albania with his son

From left: Jakub Špaňhel, Painter and Petr Moravec, ETIC s.r.o. film production with his partner

From left: Pavel Opočenský, Sculptor with his partner and J.G. Dokoupil, Painter Magdaléna Dokoupilová, mother of J.G. Dokoupil

From Left: Zuzana Nespěchalová, student, Mgr. Katarina Bohac Linares, Director, Latin Art Gallery Prague, and Jose Labrada Terna, Singer, Bassoon, Symphony Orchestr Santiago de Cuba

113 From left: Robert Kopecký, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Arab Republic of Egypt; Renata Talacková, Art Manager, and Ivan Noveský, Prezident, Afog o.s.

Miro Gallery Presents Russian-American Master



From left: Georgi Ignatov, Deputy Regional Governor, District Administration-Plovdiv, PhDr. MgA. Miro Smolák, Owner and Director of MIRO Gallery Prague, Vihra Grigorova, Art Historian State City Gallery Plovdiv, Ivan Totev, Mayor of the city Plovdiv (the oldest city in the Europe, ca 7000 years), Ing. Dimitar Georgiev, General Director and Owner of Rosa Impex, Plovdiv, Honorar Consul of Ukraine in Plovdiv, General Partner of the Exhibition, Yuri Gorbachev, Artist, and Krasimir Linkov, Director of the State City Gallery Plovdiv

From left: PhDr. MgA. Miro Smolák, Owner and Director of MIRO Gallery Prague, Kamen Shishmanov, Director of Art Gallery „Romfeia“-Plovdiv, Dimitar Atanasov, Ombutsman of Plovdiv City and Ing. Dimitar Georgiev, General Director and Owner of Rosa Impex, Plovdiv

Albena Kazanlieva, Director of Al Property LTD Plovdiv and Yuri Gorbachev, Artist From left: Tsviatko Siromashki, Bulgarian Sculpture and Ing. Dimitar Georgiev, General Director and Owner of Rosa Impex, Plovdiv


From left: Yuri Gorbachev, Artist, Stefan Maletzov, Art Collector, Director and Owner of the Art Gallery & Museum Philippopolis, Plovdiv, and Kiril Kirev, Art Collector

From left: PhDr. MgA. Miro Smolák, Owner and Director of MIRO Gallery Prague, Katerina Churta Eva, Director of the Czech Cultural Centre in Sofia, and Georgi Stojanov, Bulgarian Artist living in Prague, with his wife

From left: PhDr. MgA. Miro Smolรกk, Owner and Director of MIRO Gallery Prague, Georgi Ignatov, Deputy Regional Governor, District Administration-Plovdiv, Arh. Ilko Nikolov, President of the Plovdiv Municipal Council, Dimitar Georgiev, General Director and Owner of Rosa Impex, Plovdiv, and Yuri Gorbachev, Artist

From left: Ivan Totev, Mayor of the city Plovdiv, Yuri Gorbachev, Artist, and Viktor Markov, Deputy Director, US Universal Service Odesa Ukraine Yuri Gorbachev, Artist and Mariana Imreorova, Assistant to Honorar Consul of Ukraine in Plovdiv

From left: Dimitar Georgiev, General Director and Owner of Rosa Impex, Plovdiv, Ivan Totev, Mayor of the city Plovdiv, and Yuri Gorbachev, Artist

From left: Ivan Totev, Mayor of the city Plovdiv, Ing. Dimitar Georgiev, General Director and Owner of Rosa Impex, Plovdiv, Yuri Gorbachev, Artist, and Krasimir Linkov, Director of the State City Gallery Plovdiv during his opening speech

Yuuri Gorbach chev (*1948) ch Bor orn in Uglovkaa, near a St. Pe P tersburg, USSR Sin i ce 199 in 90 he h liives annd woork rkss inn New w Yorrk E xh x ib ibitits in preest stig igee ig gaallller erie er iees al a l ovver thee wor orld ldd He is onee of th thee mo m st s famo fa moous u art r is i ts in th thee wo w rl rldd


Photo: Archive

OLD TOWN HALL will stand firmly again Time is relentless and impartial. Hence, age may put a burden on an inanimate object as well as on humans. Especially when that age counts for more than seven centuries, as is the case with the symbol of the Moravian metropolis – the Old Town Hall in Brno. This heritage sight, through which passed the history of our city, represents a complex of buildings that emerged gradually since the 13th century. The core of the oldest secular building in the city was built sometime before the year 1250. In 1511, the Town Hall was adorned by Pilgram’s decorative portal with its famous crooked spire. In the 1570s and 80s, rebuilding of the Town Hall was conducted by Italian architects – the brothers Gabri (the gallery and the vestibule of the Fresco Hall), and at that time the unification of the whole compound in its present form was probably completed. The Town Hall was damaged during the siege of Brno by the Swedes and then repaired in the second half of the 17th century. The finishing of the interiors was done by Giovanni Battista Erna; one of the halls now carries his name. The tower, the portal and other parts were repaired in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. At the end the 1960s, a large-scale and not really careful renovation of the entire compound took place. In 1991, a rescue

archaeological survey was conducted during reconstruction work in the courtyard. Additional surveys followed in 2003 and 2005. Due to expanding cracks in the town hall buildings, several structural surveys have been carried out on the sight since 1998 and some partial repairs were done. According to expert opinions, structural disruptions are caused by complex and long-term construction development, overloading of the footing bottom, change in the nature of the subsoil and inadequate characteristics of load-bearing structures. Based on established facts, it became increasingly apparent that reconstruction of the Town City Hall was necessary. Although times are not economically favorable, the city’s leaders managed to find the necessary funds in an amount of 19,919,737 crowns for the rescue of this major heritage sight. Since January this year, the Old Town Hall has been under renovation, using a selected group of maximally careful technologies for the recovery of damaged building structures of a similar nature as the Town Hall. Construction works that “exiled” even the famous Brno dragon into Dietrichstein Palace pushed are roughly in their half, progressing to schedule, and the construction company Komfort, which is doing them, promised an advance completion by as early as December 2012. Fresco Hall and facades of buildings will get a brighter look The foundations of the sight were stabilized by underground capture through steel micropiles using reinforced with steel tubes with cuffs, which transferred the load into deeper layers of the foundation soils. Currently, restoration of disturbed spatial rigidity is being performed with steel frames made of

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Historical Fresco Hall will also be adapted

rolled steel that follow the perimeter of load-bearing walls and are continuously anchored to the surrounding load-bearing walls. Concurrently with this work, bracing also takes place with steel clamping elements. Cracks in the walls will be deeply rejoined on all sides and subsequently filled with cement grout. Damaged frescoes in the Fresco Hall will also benefit from the repairs. At the conclusion, indoor and outdoor spaces of the Town Hall will be finished, including coating and painting of the facades. Archaeological survey came up with new findings In connection with work on the structural safety of the Old Town Hall, the company Archaia has been conducting an extensive and detailed archaeological survey, which covers also historical interiors and their structures – i.e. the building’s construction history. Among many others, archaeologists made an interesting discovery in the Fresco Hall. Found here almost all the paper tag, on which an accompanying message is recorded for a gold-plated object in a box intended for His Imperial and Royal Majesty. Theoretically, it could be a gold-plated key to the city gates intended for the Emperor Rudolph II. In another room, in a fireplace fragment, traces of a small predator were found – perhaps a marten. In the Middle Ages, these animals were domesticated and used for hunting other rodents. The results of this demanding reconstruction will not be obvious at first glance, as all the essence is hidden in the walls and floors. Next year, however, all visitors will be able to make sure that the “old lady” stands proudly and firmly again. By Roman Onderka Mayor of the City of Brno


STARÁ RADNICE bude opět stát pevně Photos: M. Schmerková

Čas je neúprosný a nestranný. A tak může i na neživý objekt stejně jako na člověka dolehnout věk. Obzvláště, když ten věk čítá již více než sedm století jako v případě symbolu moravské metropole – brněnské Staré radnice. Tato památka, jíž procházely dějiny našeho města, představuje komplex staveb, které vznikaly postupně od 13. století. Jádro nejstarší světské stavby ve městě bylo vystavěno někdy před rokem 1250. V roce 1511 ozdobil radnici dekorativní Pilgramův portál se známou křivou věžičkou. V 70. a 80. letech 16. století prováděli přestavbu radnice italští architekti bratři Gabriové (ochoz, předsíň Freskového sálu) a v této době došlo zřejmě k sjednocení celého areálu do dnešní podoby. Radnice poškozená za obléhání Brna Švédy byla opravena ve 2. pol. 17. stol. Interiéry upravoval Jan Křtitel Erna, jehož jméno nyní nese jeden ze sálů. Věž, portál i další části pak byly opravovány v 18., 19. i 20. století. Na konci 60. let 20. stol. proběhla rozsáhlá, nepříliš šetrná rekonstrukce celého objektu. Roku 1991 se při rekonstrukci nádvoří uskutečnil záchranný archeologický výzkum. Další následovaly v roce 2003 a 2005. Kvůli zvětšujícím se trhlinám v budovách radnice bylo od roku 1998 učiněno několik statických průzkumů památky a byly provedeny i její dílčí opravy. K příčinám statického narušení dle posudků patří složitý a dlouhodobý stavební vývoj, přetížení základové spáry, změna charakteru podloží či nevyhovující parametry nosných

konstrukcí. Na základě zjištěných skutečností bylo stále zřejmější, že rekonstrukce radnice je nezbytná. Ačkoliv doba není ekonomicky příznivá, podařilo se vedení města na záchranu významné památky najít potřebné finanční prostředky ve výši 19 919 737 korun. Od ledna letošního roku prochází Stará radnice rekonstrukcí, při níž je využíván vybraný soubor maximálně šetrných technologií pro obnovu narušených konstrukcí objektů obdobného charakteru, jako je radnice. Stavební práce, které do „exilu“ v Dietrichsteinském paláci odsunuly i proslulého brněnského draka, jsou zhruba v polovině, probíhají podle harmonogramu a stavební firma Komfort, která je provádí, slíbila, že je ukončí s předstihem, tedy již v prosinci 2012. I Freskový sál a fasády budov prohlédnou Základy památky byly stabilizovány hlubinným podchycením pomocí ocelových mikropilot vyztužených ocelovými trubkami s manžetami, které přenesly zatížení do hlubších vrstev základových půd. V současné době se provádí obnova narušené prostorové tuhosti ocelovými rámy z válcované oceli, které sledují po obvodu nosné zdivo a jsou průběžně kotveny do okolních nosných zdí. Souběžně s těmito pracemi probíhá také ztužení pomocí ocelových spínacích prvků. Trhliny ve zdivu budou ze všech stran hloubkově přespárovány a následně také vyplněny cementovou směsí. Opravy se dočkají i trhlinami poškozené fresky ve Freskovém sále. Na závěr budou upraveny vnitřní i venkovní prostory radnice, včetně úpravy a nátěru fasád.

The Old Town Hall building has been under reconstruction. It is based on the building’s structural safety.

Nové poznatky přinesl také archeologický výzkum V souvislosti s pracemi na statickém zabezpečení Staré radnice provádí společnost Archaia Brno rozsáhlý a podrobný archeologický výzkum, který se dotýká i historických interiérů a jejich konstrukcí, tedy stavební historie objektu. Kromě mnoha jiných učinili archeologové zajímavý objev ve Freskovém sále. Nalezli zde takřka celou papírovou cedulku, na které je zaznamenán doprovodný vzkaz k nějakému pozlacenému předmětu v krabičce, určenému Jeho císařské a královské milosti. Teoreticky by se mohlo jednat o pozlacený klíč od městských bran určený císaři Rudolfu II. V jiné místnosti pak byly ve fragmentu topeniště nalezeny stopy drobné šelmy, snad kuny. Ve středověku se tato ochočená zvířata používala k lovu hlodavců. Výsledky náročné rekonstrukce nebudou patrné na první pohled, neboť to podstatné se skrývá ve zdech a podlahách. Příští rok se však budou moci všichni návštěvníci ujistit, že „stará dáma“ už zase stojí hrdě a pevně. Roman Onderka primátor statutárního města Brna

Old Town Hall welcomes the visitors again at the end of 2012. A 63 m high tower with a Renaissance dome and an observation gallery will be made available as well.


moravian-silesian region


isn’t just a popular or less-than-important-and-meaningless catchphrase: The Region’s Award for Social Responsibility Contest was established in 2009 in the Moravian-Silesian Region after prior discussions with the representatives of the Quality Council of the Czech Republic at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. It is based on the concept of a National Quality Policy that seeks to influence the quality of products, services and activities delivered by the national economy and the public administrative services. The outcome of these efforts nationally is the Czech National Quality Award.

Photo: Archive

The purpose and objective of these activities is to imbue a commitment on the part of Czech organizations, businesses, employer associations and public authorities to make quality a concomitant, important and necessary part of all social and economic undertakings in the Czech Republic. Quality, besides other important considerations and benefits, is one of the key elements of a successful member of the competitive global economy. The objective of the National Quality Policy and the National Quality Award programs is to create an environment in Czech Republic in which quality, and the effort to achieve quality products and services, is a natural part of everyday (private) life. Unfortunately, this President of the Region‘s Award in the Moravian-Silesian Region stands out as a singular and unique project. Despite the positive message it conveys and its positive reception by the public, this award is still waiting to be introduced in other Czech regions. The main reason for also organizing this competition at a regional level has been to promote interest in the principles behind the term “corporate social responsibility”. The goal here is to put a greater emphasis in the award


on care and consideration for the environment and social responsibility – shifting the perspective to our larger role in society – in other words, moving away from “Profit Only” considerations to the wider context of the three “Ps” – “People-Planet-Profit”. The President of the Region’s Award for Social Responsibility, as already mentioned, was previously prepared with significant help from the Quality Council of the Czech Republic. They provided their “know-how” free of charge to support the launch of this Award. The Quality Council also helped in the evaluation and assessment of entrants through the help of their certified CSR managers. However, each project needs to be considered on the basis of the level of development of an entrant’s efforts – regardless of how good the submission and accomplishments may appear to be. That is why, before the announcement of this year’s 4th annual President of the Region‘s Award for Social Responsibility, there was a change in the rules for the competition. They changes were made based on the input and recommendations of municipalities, businesses with activities in the Moravian-Silesian Region, in accordance with agreements reached with the Quality Council of the Czech Republic. One of these changes was a requirement to carry out the competition using just the resources available from public authorities at a city and region level. It would therefore reflect a greater degree of local objectivity, due to the independence of these public bodies. Additionally, a new category was set up, which is dedicated to recognizing

the achievements of municipalities within our Region. The competition now also puts a greater emphasis on environmental issues, which has been and will continue to be, for a long time, an undoubtedly important one in our region. We listen to and take into consideration the common interests shared by our municipalities and the business community. When we work together, we are usually able to peacefully resolve apparent conflicts for the mutual benefit of all involved. Taken on their own, an unbridled or blind devotion to business and the profit motive can stand in conflict with local quality of life issues and the health of the environment. We need to keep in mind the need to find balanced solutions to these potential conflicts, where no party is an abject loser and, in the end, both parties win. Our region needs a healthy balance between the supply of jobs and the quality of life we can offer residents. Simply put, we want to make the region not just a birthplace but a location where people want to live out their lives. Simply put, we want to continue to build up our region with the help of market-successful businesses and municipalities that people want to live in. We want to be good stewards of the resources provided to us and at our disposal – demonstrating our care not just in words but through our actions: “Correctness and politeness do pay off” and “truly, care for the environment also brings economic benefits”. Jaroslav Palas Governor of the Moravian-Silesian Region



PRO MNE NENÍ JEN LÍBIVÉ HESLO Soutěž Cena hejtmana kraje za společenskou odpovědnost vznikla v Moravskoslezském kraji v roce 2009 po předchozím projednání s představiteli Rady kvality České republiky při MPO ČR. Vychází z koncepce Národní politiky kvality, která se zabývá ovlivňováním kvality výrobků, služeb a činností v rámci národní ekonomiky a služeb veřejné správy. Jejím odrazem je Národní cena kvality ČR.

Smyslem a cílem těchto aktivit je vytvoření závazku českých organizací, podnikatelských, zaměstnavatelských svazů a veřejné správy působit tak, aby se kvalita stala průvodním jevem společenských a hospodářských procesů v českém prostředí. Kvalita je tak mimo jiné také vymezena jako jeden z trvalých faktorů konkurenceschopnosti. Cílem programu Národní politiky kvality a Národní ceny kvality ČR tedy je vytvořit v České republice prostředí, ve kterém je kvalita přirozenou součástí života společnosti. Na území Moravskoslezského kraje probíhá soutěž o cenu hejtmana jako zatím ojedinělý a osamocený projekt. Na své následovníky v ostatních krajích našeho státu přes pozitivní obsah i ohlasy veřejnosti

teprve čeká. Hlavním důvodem pro pořádání soutěže také na krajské úrovni bylo podpořit zájem o principy společenské odpovědnosti. Především pak důrazem kladeným na problematiku životního prostředí a sociální odpovědnosti, posunem pohledu na vlastní (firemní) společenskou roli z úrovně „Profit only“ (pouze zisk), k širšímu pohledu kontextu tří „P“ – „People-Planet-Profit“ (lidé-planeta-zisk).“ Soutěž o Cenu hejtmana kraje za společenskou odpovědnost byla, jak jsem již uvedl, připravena za významné spolupráce s Radou kvality ČR, která bezplatně poskytla na její realizaci své „know-how“ a k objektivnímu posouzení a hodnocení soutěžících také certifikované managery CSR. Každý projekt však potřebuje odrážet potřeby konkrétní doby a vývoj bez ohledu na sebelepší původní obsah a formu. Právě proto před vyhlášením letošního již 4. ročníku soutěže o Cenu hejtmana kraje za společenskou odpovědnost došlo ke změnám podmínek soutěže. Byly provedeny na základě vnímání požadavků a námětů obcí, firem a vlastní činnosti Krajského úřadu Moravskoslezského kraje po dohodě s Radou kvality ČR. Jedním z nich byl i požadavek realizovat soutěž vlastními silami veřejné správy v centru a regionu. Dodat jí tak ještě větší díl objektivity dané nezávislostí veřejné správy. Vznikla proto i nová kategorie určená

obcím našeho kraje. Soutěž nově také více akcentuje ekologickou problematiku, která je a dlouho ještě nepochybně bude silným tématem našeho regionu. Existence společného zájmu obcí a podnikatelské sféry o tuto aktivitu využíváme v praxi. Daří se nám, jsme-li o to požádáni, úspěšně moderovat řešení střetů mezi zájmy obou stran ve prospěch všech. Je totiž jasné, že ekonomické aktivity a jejich rozvoj mohou stát v konfliktu se zájmy kvality života v obci, s obavami o zdravé životní prostředí. Tyto třecí plochy však mohou nacházet vyvážená řešení, u nichž není nikdo poraženým a všichni mají dostatek prostoru k naplnění svých potřeb. Náš kraj potřebuje zdravou rovnováhu mezi nabídkou práce a kvalitou života. Prostě proto, aby nám byl nejen rodištěm, ale i trvalým domovem dnes i v budoucnu. Zjednodušeně řečeno, i nadále budeme touto cestou s pomocí tržně úspěšných firem a sídel s vysokou úrovní práce o občany a svěřené území propagovat myšlenku dobrého hospodáře, který nejen slovy, ale zejména praxí dokazuje: „Korektnost a slušnost se vyplácí“ nebo „Opravdu ekologické je zpravidla vždy také ekonomické“. Jaroslav Palas hejtman Moravskoslezského kraje




The 23 ČSÚZ Czech Course

HAS FINISHED At the Czechoslovak Foreign Institute, the month of July is traditionally connected with the courses of Czech language, history and geography for students of Czech studies. For the 23rd time in the recent history of the Czechoslovak Foreign Institute, participants interested in improving their Czech language skills, and learning more about our country, visited Prague where their ancestors were born. The first year of the programme (1990) was attended by students and representatives of fellow countrymen exclusively from organisations in the USA. The following year, the Czechoslovak Foreign Institute invited five fellow countrymen from Banat, Romania, two students from Czech communities in Poland and Ukraine, as well as students from the

Netherlands and France. At that time, the course truly became international. Over the next 23 years, several hundreds of students participated, including important personalities, entrepreneurs, and ambassadors who worked in the Czech Republic, but mainly students who later found their jobs in the Czech Republic.

This year, the Czechoslovak Foreign Institute invited two students from various European universities where Czech language and literature are taught – Moscow State University of International Relations; St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Lvov and Minsk state universities; and two students from Czech schools in Vienna and Croatia. Four fellow countrymen came privately from the USA. It was not an easy course. Nature brought dramatic

weather which turned the hot days cool, bringing several hailstorms. Despite the weather, all of the students, from the youngest to the oldest (who celebrated his 82nd birthday) participated in all aspects of the demanding programme without any reservations. The programme was opened by a reception in the seat of the Czechoslovak Foreign Institute in the Vrtba Palace, followed by two performances in the National and Estates Theatre, and a trip to Karlovy Vary during the International Film Festival. The following week offered sightseeing of the Lesser Town, Old Town City Hall, the Municipal Hall, and a two-day trip to Mikulov, Valtice and Lednice. When dining in Mikulov on the terrace of the wine cellar, participants experienced a thunderstorm, and while in

Students during the reception at the Czechoslovak Foreign Institute. At the back from left: International Member of the Institute, Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences (SVU) President, Prof. Karel Raška, Chairman of the Institute Jaromír Šlápota, Vice Chairman, Ing. Vladimír Kubiš, Member of the Managing Board and Doc. PhDr. Ivana Bozděchová.

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Lednice they walked in 36 degree heat in the park. The last week brought a dance party in the dorm where students usually begin to talk and open friendships that last for years. The final week was dominated by sightseeing of the representative halls of Prague Castle and St. Vitus Cathedral, including a special opportunity to visit St. Wenceslas Chapel. During the trip to the Liberec region students tried to find their own Czech garnets, and learned about the production of garnet jewellery. They were excited by the musical performance of Křižík’s Fountain as well. Within the whole programme, practical Czech language classes took place in the mornings and conversation in the afternoons. As a matter of fact, there was not much free time for students since they had to study and do difficult homework. Students were left tired, yet full of beautiful experience during the final boat trip on the Vltava River where they received their diplomas. After returning home, several of them wrote back: “Those were three of the most beautiful weeks in my life…” This year students were motivated and diligent. They all approved of the saying “The more languages you speak, the more times you become a human being”, which they learned of in their homework. A 5th year student from the Philological Faculty in Minsk

wrote: “Acceptance of the surrounding world is influenced by the language which we are thinking and speaking. Language forms certain boundaries of our thinking. And when we learn a new language, and one starts to understand his own perception of the world, he is able to analyse and compare diverse cultures, and accept them for himself. Teaching a new language is always connected with teaching culture and history, and by

absorbing it we obtain another nationality, subconsciously learning to be someone else than whom we were brought up to be in our own country”. She approved in her way, saying that the Czechoslovak Foreign Institute’s courses, aimed at spreading Czech and Czech culture abroad, have achieved their meaning. HEBR

The end of the course, and the traditional festive diploma award ceremony took place during the boat trip on the Vltava River


marketing analysis


Emil Jimenez started working in the communications industry in 1998 as a web designer in NYC. After graduating Rutgers University with a degree in Psychology he moved to Miami where he continued his education and received a Masters in Creative Communications from Florida International University and the renowned Miami Ad School. In 2009 he opened Passion Communications, a full service communications agency which specializes in bridging traditional media with the digital world managing client such as Staropramen, Holmes Place, and Hard Rock Cafe. On September 15th, 2012 Passion Communications will release the Czech Republic’s first ever Passion Report. This study measures what industries and brands people are most passionate about in the Czech market and tries to define the touch points which trigger passion for a brand, also knows as Passion Points. The study found that the Czech Republic can be construed as a “Vain Nation” in that people are very passionate about brands which enhance their external appearance making them appear modern, trendy and preserve their youth. However, when it comes to brands that they consume such as food and beverages, the most Passionate brands were those which were steeped in Czech tradition. It is as if the Czech Republic wants the world to know that modernity and progress are paramount yet when it comes to food they are very traditionalists and prefer the tried and tested local brands. Looking at the communication landscape in the market one can see that the top brands were those that had either a very interesting communication strategy or were deeply traditionally ingrained in the market. The number one factor which made people passionate about the brand was its quality perception. People want to feel passionate about something that they can trust and which will deliver on the brand promise constantly. Many brands have strategically developed this trust over time while new ones are working desperately hard to build this trust. Jerry Della Famina once said, “Nothing kills a bad product faster than good advertising. Everyone tries the thing and never buys it again.” This is true of many brands that have come into the market with creative advertising and positioning yet the product failed because it was of inferior quality. Brands that have been around in the market for a long time and continue to deliver

122 Leaders Magazine V/2012

have a tremendous advantage because they have established a passion for the brand in its consumer to the extent that the purchase becomes habitual. The study also tried to define what Passion really means to the consumer. One of the most interesting insights from the qualitative section of the research came when we asked people what Passion means to them. According to one respondent, “Passion is when I see something, I have to have it”, another one stated, “When I feel passionate about something, I feel like jumping and dancing and sharing it with others”. The last one was quite interesting because it suggests that Passion is also contagious which leads to the tremendous power social media manage-

Emil Jimenez Photo: Brian Fleming

ment can play in the communication strategy. According to a Neilson study, people are 54% more likely to make a purchase based on a recommendation of a friend. When asked what exactly brands do to make them passionate, respondents claimed that it was when brands: 1. Reward them for their loyalty, 2. Engage with them in interesting ways, 3. Understand them and their needs. It is also no wonder that many of the brands featured in our study were those that had loyalty programs, interesting promotional activities, and were innovative enough to constantly adapt to consumer needs. Passion is a very interesting emotion because it is tied to some extent to an unsatisfied desire. In the words of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, “Give me that man that is not passion’s slave, and I will wear him in my heart’s core”. Although passion is an emotion that we often cannot control it is however one which we can develop. No one is born with a passion for a brand or even their spouse but over time it can be developed. Often, the passion is lost because the novelty, engagement, trust and the loyalty seem to fade into the mundane of everyday life. Yet if we are able to communicate, reward loyalty, comfort, and innovate, people will remain passionate about you and your message. We began this study in order to enter the minds of the Czech consumer and why they are passionate about products yet what resulted was more of an understanding about humanity in general. We are all creatures of habit who want to feel accepted by our community, special and unique. Deep down in our core we also want the comfort and convenience of what is familiar and which we trust. One of Passion Communications motto is that “Passion is what keeps persistence in the face of adversity” and although what you feel passionate might change over time, I like to think that Passion is what keeps moving society forward. Passion has a unique place in our lives because it drives the desire to follow our dreams no matter the obstacles yet, according to this study, Passion must also be constantly reinforced. By Emil Jimenez, CEO, CCO, Passion Communications

To download the report visit:

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From left: Elena Reitano, Head of Unit, DG ECFIN, European Commission, Jan Michal, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic, Michal Půr, Czech News Agency, Luděk Niedermayer, Director, Deloitte Consulting Czech Republic, Jan Král, Head of European Policies Coordination Department, Czech Government´s Office, and Tomáš Sedláček, Chief Macroeconomic Strategist, ČSOB

Debate on European Semester and Country-specific Recommendations for the Czech Republic

From left: Jan Král, Head of European Policies Coordination Department, Czech Government´s Office and Tomáš Sedláček, Chief Macroeconomic Strategist, ČSOB

123 The participants of the debate

EU matters interview




Industry but

IT ALSO HAS A POLITICAL DIMENSION! Photo: Archive of Mr. Des Dorides

Interview with Mr. Carlo Des Dorides Head of the Galileo Agency (the European Gnss Agency or ‘Gsa’)

124 Leaders Magazine V/2012

EU matters interview The Czech Republic lobbied hard for moving Galileo’s administrative base to Prague. It will be the first EU agency with its seat in the country starting from September 2012. Have you already had a chance to get used to Prague? We have been working very closely with the Czech authorities. They have made us feel very welcome. We have been truly impressed with their professionalism and commitment in making the relocation of the office a success. Indeed it was not obvious: the “Hosting Agreement” which defines the terms and conditions for the hosting of the Agency by the Czech Republic, due to its novelty, presented a number of regulatory issues which had to be tackled with a high level of engagement and in the right time by both parties. I have had the opportunity to begin to discover Prague. It is a wonderful city and I am really looking forward to discovering more. The 3.5 billion euro project of Galileo is one of the most expensive programs by the EU in its history. What are the expectations? Galileo is expected to bring significant improvements to the use of satellite navigation. This will drive new markets and applications. The economic benefits that are expected are a multiple of the investment. The project is not only a showcase for the European industry enhancing European growth and job creations. It will also prove that the EU has the capacity to develop a true pan-European infrastructure. Such a political dimension of the Galileo program is also very important. The first two operational satellites were launched in the year of 2011, followed by the launch of the third and fourth satellites on October 2012. The fully deployed system should consist of 30 satellites and the associated ground infrastructure. When can we expect to see the Galileo system in its full operational capability? We expect to deliver early services in 2014/2015 when 18 operational satellites should have been launched. The objective of these early services is to already improve on current satellite navigation performance and to give the industry a chance to test the new signals and learn how to exploit the full benefits. The full constellation of 30 satellites is expected to be operational by 2018. This constellation allows users to navigate using only Galileo and will deliver significantly enhanced performance if used in conjunction with other satellite navigation systems. Let me also remind you that another component of the European GNSS programme, EGNOS, is already fully operational and offering an open service, a safety-oflife/integrity service as well as an advanced commercial service. With EGNOS, the second operational Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) in the world together with the American ‘Wide Area Augmentation System’ (WAAS), we are already reaping benefits in sectors such as aviation, agriculture, road and ITS, mapping applications, and more. Galileo will deliver real-time positioning accuracy down to the metre range. When we will use it in our car navigation? In which other fields could be Galileo used?

We expect Galileo to be adopted very quickly in mass markets as it will bring clear benefits at almost no extra cost. Depending on local conditions, receivers will use Galileo satellites in combination with other visible satellites such as GPS. This will result in a more accurate position even in difficult conditions such as so-called ‘urban canyons’. We also trust professional markets to adopt Galileo as soon as it is available. The industry for professional GNSS users is continuously seeking to improve the accuracy and reliability of their products. Galileo is an obvious technology to incorporate. In summary, we expect Galileo to be rapidly adopted in all current market segments from mass market to professional, including market segments as road transport, logistics, maritime, aviation, mapping and agriculture. In addition, we expect Galileo to create entirely new segments, between mass market and professional applications. For instance, some farming techniques require reliable and robust high accuracy positioning which is today, depending on the region where you live, only available at a substantial cost. Galileo will contribute to the availability of affordable yet highly reliable and accurate solutions, all over Europe and beyond. Finally through the Commercial Service, one of the five services provided by Galileo, we expect to provide high accuracy coupled with an authenticated signal which will open up new user segments. There are other similar systems in World such as unbeatable GPS or Russian GLONASS and Chinese Compass. Why do we need to create and invest in another system when there is a financial crisis? These systems are not rivals. All the systems will work together to ensure highly accurate and reliable positioning for users. In particular Galileo and GPS were designed to be inter-operable even if Galileo has its key differentiating factor being a civil system under civil control. In these times of austerity it is also important to remember that economic growth is absolutely needed to resolve the financial crisis in the long run. Achieving economic growth requires the EU to be competitive and leading technologically. In the longer term, projects like Galileo could therefore contribute to solving the crisis. By increasing Europe’s technological edge and by making Europe’s (mobility) infrastructure more efficient – it will increase Europe’s competiveness. Note that the market for global satellite navigation applications will reach 240bn by the end of the decade, with 7% of gross domestic product (equal to 800bn in Europe) is reliant on satellite navigation services. Europe has to be part of this development. Eventually, the investment in Galileo is very limited compared to the size of the European economy and the expected direct and socio-economic benefits. Studies show that Galileo could contribute to 90bn to the European economy in its first 20 years. How do you want to ensure the inter-operability with other existing systems? How do you ensure that Galileo will successfully compete? Inter-operability is a priority for Galileo. By engaging in bilateral agreements with other GNSS providers we ensure that the different systems work well together.

Compatibility with GPS is most advanced in terms of frequency allocation and signal characteristics so that we expect future receivers will use satellites from both constellations interchangeably ensuring maximum accuracy and reliability. Could you tell us more about the administrative headquarters in Prague? What’s the main task of this centre? And how many people are you going to employ? The Prague office of GSA is the headquarters and will host all the centralised functions and the top management. Some operational units like the Galileo Security Monitoring Centre (GSMC) will be located in France and the UK and for an initial period, the GSMC operations team will remain in Brussels. We expect our current headcount of about 60 to grow to over 160–180 over the next few years. The large majority of our employees will be located in Prague. What kind of opportunity brings the Galileo project to businesses and especially to the small companies? How can they be a part of it? Will be there any information campaign across the EU? Small businesses are the engine of the European economy and we expect them to lead the way in taking advantage of the Galileo and EGNOS projects by developing new products and services, taking advantage of the improvements in satellite navigation infrastructure provided by Galileo. This will bring a boom to the industry of satellite navigation applications which in turn will drive improvements in many sectors from transport to agriculture. Small businesses will again be among the first to benefit from improved transport and more efficient logistics. The location of the seat of the European GNSS Agency (GSA) to Prague will offer new cooperation opportunities leading to business development for Czech firms and research institutions. For example, meetings, seminars and workshops will regularly be organised by the GSA which will increase opportunities for Czech organizations to meet counterparts from other EU countries. The GSA will also obviously increase Prague’s visibility in the field of satellite navigation, potentially attracting EU organizations that could open offices or set up business incubators in Prague. The European Union is organising information campaigns on a continuous basis with initiatives aimed at specific industries or at a more general public. I would like to draw your attention in particular to events like the European Satellite Navigation Competition that is sponsored by the GSA and offers prizes to the best business idea in satellite navigation. Another example is the European Space Expo – a state of the art, interactive public exhibition showcasing the many benefits that they European space programmes bring to Europe – which is touring Europe. This will be presented in Prague in 2013. More details can be found on the GSA website: Last but not least, we do manage the European Galileo research programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP7) where we focus on small businesses and have an above average share of them benefiting from European funds. Source: CEBRE

Amsterdam Athinai Berlin Bratislava Bruxelles Bucureşti Budapest Dublin Helsingfors Kobenhavn Lefkosia Lisboa Ljubljana London Luxembourg Madrid Paris Praha Rïga Roma Sofia Stockholm Tallinn Valletta Vilnius Warszawa Wien



…the Commission proposes new instrument for quick response to VAT fraud? VAT fraud costs the EU and national budgets several billion euro every year. In some serious cases, vast sums are lost within a very short timeframe, due to the speed at which fraud sche sc heme mess ev evol olve ve now owad aday ayss. A pro ropo posa sall fo forr a Quick Reaction Mechanism (QRM), that would enable Member States to respond pond more swiftly sw and efficiently to VAT fraud, was adopt adopted by the Commission at the end of July. U Under the QRM, a Member State faced aced with a serio serious case of sudden and massive ssive VAT VA fraud aud wou would be able to implement certain emergency merg measures, in a way which they are currently ren not allowed to under VAT legislation. ...a better waste management is needed within the EU? A new report on how Member States manage their municipal waste shows startling differences across the EU. Thee report grad grades the Member States against 18 crit criteria ia in ar areas such as total waste recycled, pricing off w waste disposal, and infringements of European Europea legislation. On the top of thee table are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, aand Sweden, which have ha ve com ompr preh eheensiv e sive ive was aste te col olle lect ctio ionn sy syst stem emss and landfill less ss than 5 % of their waste. The Member States with the largest implementation gaps are, for example, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania or Slovakia. Failings include de poor or non non-existent waste prevention policies, s, a lack of incentives to divert waste from landfills, ndfills, and inadequate waste infrastructure. re. The Commission Commiss will use this report to prepare Roadmaps fo for the ten worst performing Member mber States, which will be dis iscu cuss ssed ed witithh na nattio t oon onal al aut utho horiritities es at bi bila lateral seminars this autumn, starting in Prague on 19 September. is possible to advice the EU on obstacles to cross-border venture capital investment? At the beginning of August, the European Commission has launched a public consultation to collect factual examples of direct tax problems that arise when venture capital is invested across borders and feasible solutions to address any such matters. Due to mismatches between the t ax systems th t off the EU’ U’s Member b St attes, venture capital funds can face problems of double taxation as well as legal and administrative uncertainty when they invest across borders. On the basis of this consultation, the Commission will be able to decide if there is a need for EU-level solutions to remedy the 126

problems oble ob lems m and develop the most appropriate policy poli icy response respoons nse by 2013. The Commission has therefore fore invited i all interested parties to provide their vie views by November 5, 2012. ...the Commission tabled a strategy to boost the potential of low energy buildings? Low energy buildings with high CO2 and energy cost co st sav avin ingg po pote tent ntia iall st stililll ha have ve a lim imitited ed mar arke kett uptake, despite their economic and environmental advantages. Construction comprises of more than 10% of total employment in the EU. Therefore, to promote the construction sector as a driving force in the creation of jobs, the European Commission tabled at the end of July a strategy to boost the sector. Its main elements include stimulating favourable investment conditions, in particular in the renovation and main ma inte tena nanc ncee of bui uild ldin ings gs. ...EU rules to ease cross-border successions are now a law? The new regulation on cross-border successions formally adopted by EU Member States in June, will make it easier for European citizens to handle the legal side of an international will or succession. The rules, published in the Official Journal at the end of July, will bring legal certainty to the estimated 450,000 European families dealing with an international succession each year. With over 12.3 million EU citizens resident in another EU country, the rules are likely to be of interest to many more. Member States now have three years to align their national laws so that the new EU rules become effective. ...almost three quarters of Europeans live in cities, consuming 70% of the EU’s energy? One of the greatest challenges facing the EU is how best to design and adapt cities citi into smart intellig intelligent and sustainable environments. vironmentss. Congestion ongestion costs Europe about 1% % of its GDP GD every ry yea year. Most of it is located ed in urban area areas. By launnching a Smart Cities es and Communities European an Innovation Partnershipp (SCC) (S the European C Commission aims to boost oos the devellopment of smart technologies in cities – by pooling research resources from energy, transport and ICT and concentrating them on a small number of demonstration projects which will be implemented in partnership with cities. For 2013 alone, 365 million in EU funds have been earmarked for the demonstration of these types off urban b techhnology l sollutions. i …companies do increase R&D spending despite crisis? According to the EU Survey on R&D Investment Business Trends carried out by the European Commission in the first semester 2012, top EU R&D businesses expect their investments in

research and development to grow by an average of 4% annually over the period 2012 to 2014. The figures show the importance that these companies place on R&D as a key factor for their future growth and prosperity, despite the current economic difficulties. The front runner is the software and computer services sector, whic wh ichh ex expe pect ctss R& R&D D in inve vest stme ment nt to gr grow ow by 11% per year on average. In-house R&D is seen as the most relevant driver of innovation by the surveyed companies, followed by market research and related activities for new product introduction. …ČTÚ must withdraw its plans on wholesale broadband services? Mid-August, the European Commission has ruled that the Czech telecoms regulator (ČTÚ) mustt witithd hdraw itits plans l to inclludde whhollesalle broadband services based on cable and Wi-Fi platforms into its definition of the wholesale alee broadband access product market. The Com Commission considers that ČTÚ failed to provide sufficient evidence that cable and Wi-Fi platforms, over which no wholesale offers exist, would be substitutes of the prevalent copper and fibre technologies on the wholesale market in the current Czech context. The Commission also al so doe oess no nott ac acce cept pt ČTÚ Č TÚ TÚ’ss geogr geo eogr grap aphi phicc ma mark rket et definition, which is based sed on its pro product market definition and resultss in the finding fi of two separate geographic ic ma mark markets. rkets The decision means ČTÚ must withdraw its proposed measure.

LET’S TALK NUMBERS… Requests for Commission documents increase for tenth year in a row The latest annual report on public access to documents, released at the beginning of August, show sh owss 6,44 447 7 re requ ques ests ts wer eree ma made de for Com ommission documents in 2011. This compares to 6,361 in 2010 – and just 450 when the current rules entered into force in 2001. The relatively small increase compared to previous years suggests that requests are starting to stabilise, perhaps as the right to access documents becomes firmly established in the public mind. Another factor may be the ever increasing size of the Commission’s permanent public register of documents, making ad hoc requests less necessary. Anoth ther 19,95 956 6 documents t were added to the public register in 2011, a 7% increase on the 18,661 documents added to the register in 2010. Business investment rate nearly stable at 20.6% in the euro area and down to 19.9% in the EU27

Amsterdam Athinai Berlin Bratislava Bruxelles Bucureşti Budapest Dublin Helsingfors Kobenhavn Lefkosia Lisboa Ljubljana London Luxembourg Madrid Paris Praha Rïga Roma Sofia Stockholm Tallinn Valletta Vilnius Warszawa Wien

In the first quarter of 2012, compared with the fourth quarter of 2011, the business investment rate remained nearly stable in the euro area and fellll sliligh fe ghtltltlyy in the EU2 gh U27 7. In th 7. thee eu euro ro are reaa, a, the business profit share rose slightly, as wage costs remained stable while value added increased slightly. These data come from a detailed set of seasonally adjusted quarterly European sector accounts released by Eurostat and the European Central Bank. In the first quarter of 2012, the gross investment rate of non-financial corporations was 19.9% in the EU274, compared with 20.1% in the fourth quarter of 2011. In the euro area, the investment rate was 20.6% in the first quartter off 201 012 2, comparedd with ith 20.7% 7% in th the previous quarter. In the EU27, the gross profit share of non-financial corporations ations was 38.1% 3 38 in the first quarter of 2012, 2, compared with 37.8% in the fourth quarter of 2011. In the euro area, the profit share was 38.3% in the t first quarter of 2012 compared mpared with 38.2% in the previous quarter. Europeans are becoming less pessimistic about the crisis Europeans broadly support the initiatives for growth, stability and jobs put forward by the EU, according to the Spring 2012 Eurobarometer. People’s views on strategy Europe 2020, which is the EU’s growthh strategy, are a encouraging, particularly in relation ation to the importance im of the initiatives and the he level of o ambition. Overall, 40% of Europeans eans take the view that the EU is heading ng in the right di direction to emerge from the crisis and face new global challenges. Alth Al thou ough gh t he herre r are s ig igni nififica cant nt var aria iatition onss between countries, tri there are signs that Europeans are becoming less pessimistic, with more people saying that the worst of the crisis is behind us. 30% of Europeans think that the crisis’ impact on the jobb market has already reached its peak. Tourism in the EU27: Number of holiday trips remained stable while number of business trips fell by 11% In 2011, residents of the th EU27 made 1020 millllio mi ionn ho holilida dayy an andd 16 165 65 5 mi millllio ionn bu busi sine ness ss tririps ps. After a significant increase between 2006 and 2008, the total number of trips has since nce remained almost stable, with a minor decline ecline in 2010, followed by a slight upward trend in 2011. Examining holiday and business trips separately, business trips were more affected by the financial crisis than holiday trips. Trips for professional reasons registered a continuous decline of 11% by 2011 from the peak of 2008. The largest decreases were found in Bulgaria (-60 60% % f rom 200 008 8 to 201 011) 1) andd t he C zechh Republic (-51%), and the highest rises in Estonia (+50%) and Sweden (+25%). Czechs are more demanding when choosing food More than 90% of EU citizens find quality and price as an important factor when buying food,

even more important than origin (71 (71%) and brand (47%). According to the data released ased by Eurobarometer in July, Czechs are eve even more mo re dem eman andi an ding di ng whe henn ch choo oosi oo sing si ng foo oodd. d. 98% of Czech respondents take quality into consideration, ion, 96% look lo for price and 80% for countryy of origin origin. As for the brand, while new member memb ember er states’ respondents r indicated brand as an important nt ffactor acto ac t (62% – which is also Czech average), age), for other respondents it is important only fro from 43%. Euro area annual inflation stable at 2.4% Euro area annual inflation was 2.4% in July 2012, stable compared to June. A year earlier the ratte was 2.6% th 6%. Month thlly inflf latition was -0 0.5% 5% in July 2012. EU annual inflation was 2.5% in July 2012, also stable compared to June. A year earlier the rate was 2.9% and monthly inflation was -0.4% in July 2012. In July 2012, the lowest annual rates were observed in Sweden (0.7%) and Greece (0.9) and the highest in Hungary (5.7%) and Malta (4.2%). The Czech Republic with 3.3% is ranked as the eighth country with the highest inflation.

IN THE WORLD Four million people in Tunisia will have a better access to healthcare thanks to the EU The European Commission has adopted a new project worth EUR 12 million to reduce inequalities in access to healthcare in the 13 most disadvantaged regions in southern and western Tunisia. These regions account for 40% of Tunisia’s population. The project will be direct benefit for four million people by sign si gnifific ican antltly in incr crea easi sing ng acc cces esss to b as asic ic healthcare, improving its quality and creating better conditions in healthcare centres. The project’s main actions will cover purchasing equipment for patient services, acquiring new medical transport vehicles and building capacity for the Health Ministry. Support for health is one of the priorities of EU-Tunisian cooperation. EU to fund improvement of transport and the environment in Eastern neighbourhood The Europ European Commission has adopted the th firstt part p ooff th the 20 2012 12 Regi gionall Acti ction tion Programm ro amme for the he Eastern Neighbourhood bourhood (Armenia, Azerbaija jan, Belarus, Georgia, thee Republic Rep of Moldova and a Ukraine) which will foc focus on the aareas of environment and transport. or In terms of the environment, it will encourage partner countries to move towards green economies by promoting sustainable production and consumption processes. It will also enhance forest protection by supporting forest law enforcement and governance. On transport, the fundi dingg will ill supportt t he Easttern Partt ner shi hip and Central Asian countries implementing a Regional Road Safety Action Plan, which will help make the road infrastructure safer for vehicles and road users in these countries. EU maintains its leading position in providing Aid for Trade to developing countries

The EU and its Member Sta Th States have once again been confirmed as thee llargest provider of Aid for Trade in the world, despite the current econ ec onom on omic om ic cririsi siss, si s, acc ccor ordi or ding di ng to a ne new w mo moni nito ni toririring to ng report presented by the European Commission. In fact, the EU accounted for around a third of total worldwide Aid for Trade in 2010; maintaining the all-time high registered the year before and totalling some €10.7 billion committed. On Trade Related Assistance, the EU and its Member States had already met their €2 billion target, committed in the 2007’s EU Aid for Trade Strategy, both in 2008 and in 2009. Aid for Trade helps countries to develop trade strategies, builildd trade-rel d lattedd inffrasttructture andd improve their productive capacity in order to encourage growth and reduce poverty. Over 100 million fake goods detained at EU borders In 2011, EU Customs detained almost 115 million products suspected of violating intellectual property rights compared to 103 million in 2010. The number of intercepted cases increased by 15%. The value of the intercepted goods represented nearly €1.3 billion compared to €1.1 billion in 2010, according to the Commission’s annual report on customs actionss to enforce IPR. Today’s report also gives statistics i i on the type, origin and transport method of IPR infringing products detained at the EU’s external borders. The top categories of articles stopped by customs were medicines (24%), packaging material (21%) and cigarettes (18%). Products for daily use and products that could be pote po tent ntia iallllyy da dang nger erou ouss to tthe he health hea ealtlthh an andd sa safe fety ty of consumers accounted ted for a total tot of 28.6% of the total amountt of detained det eta articles, compared to 14.5% % in 2 2010. 010. 01 0 The increase in number of detained tained postal packa packages continued in 2011, with 36% off the detention detentions concerning medicines. EU-Algeria green partnership The European Commission has approved an ambitious €34 million environmental programme in Algeria. This programme, which will be carried outt in par ou artn tner ersh ship ip witithh th thee Al Alge geririan an aut utho horirities, will focus on protecting the Algiers coastal region and aims to put the environment and efforts to tackle the impact of climate change at the heart of the country’s development policies. Support will be given, for example, to a national climate plan, an ecological monitoring system for the coast, management plans for protected areas and studies of public investment costs and recurrent costs, including maintenance. The private sector and civil society will ill be clos l ely l invollvedd in th the pr ogramm g e’s ’ implementation. Brought by CEBRE – Czech Business Representation to the EU (kindly supported by CzechTrade),

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Claude Debussy

PELLEAS & MELISANDA Premiéra 30. 9. 2012

Dirigent: Jean-Luc Tingaud | Režie a scéna: Rocc | Kostýmy: Rocc, Miroslav Sabo




Theme and Variations Hudba / Music: Petr Iljič Čajkovskij

William Forsythe

In The Middle Somewhat Elevated Hudba / Music: Thom Willems

Jerome Robbins

Fancy Free Hudba / Music: Leonard Bernstein

Česká premiéra / Czech premiere: 25. 10. 2012 2. premiéra / 2nd premiere: 26. 10. 2012 Tančí sólisté a soubor Baletu Národního divadla / The Czech National Ballet Hraje orchestr Státní opery / The State Opera Orchestra

hrají Richard Krajčo Pavla Beretová Miroslav Donutil Kateřina Winterová a další režie Michal Dočekal

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