d-mars.com Top 30 Influential Women of Houston
Wilma J. Evans Pr eside nt, N orth Ho u s t o n Fr o n t i e r s Cl u b & M anaging Par t ner, DeM and St af f ing & Co ns u l tin g, LLC team of volunteers committed to continuing the work and celebrating the life and journey of Martin Luther King, Jr. For the past 26 years, North Houston Frontiers Club has raised more than $1 million for scholarships supporting 360 deserving minority children in the Greater Houston area. In 2009, Evans became the first female Vice Chair to be elected at the National Convention of Frontiers International in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Three years later in 2012, she was elected to become the first Chairwoman for Frontiers International, Inc., which is a nonprofit community service organization founded in Columbus, Ohio in 1936 by Nimrod B. Allen. As Chairwoman, she leads the national effort of the Frontiers Club. This requires a sacrifice of time and commitment to a rigorous travel and meeting schedule. Special Recognitions: • Board of Directors – Motivating and Empowering Women to Excel, Inc. • Frontiers International Service Award • Chaired Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Breakfast • Chaired National Convention of Frontiers International, Inc.
ilma Evans moved to Houston from San Antonio, Texas and began her career with Arthur Andersen & Co. and Langham Petroleum Corporation. She retired in 2004 from the North Forest ISD after a 22-year career. She cofounded in 2009 and presently serves as the Managing Partner of DeMand Staffing and Consulting, LLC. 26
TOP 30 Influential Women of Houston / 2013
Evans’ vision of a better world is reflected in her life works and leadership positions in the Houston community. She is unrelenting in her commitment to creating and expanding avenues of success for inner-city youth. As a member of Ladies of Class, she has held leadership positions in the North Houston Frontiers Club, Inc. Currently, as president of North Houston Frontiers Club, Evans leads a
• Served as District Director for Frontiers International, Inc. Wilma and her husband Sidney Evans, Sr. are the proud parents of two sons and three daughters and eight grandchildren. The couple is members of The Luke under leadership of Timothy W. Sloan, Sr. Pastor, located in Humble, Texas.