d-mars.com Top 30 Influential Women of Houston
Marlene Petry, RN, MSN SVP, GP Industrial Con trac tors, Inc. Petry worked as an educator in the Intensive Care Unit at Memorial Hermann Hospital Southwest in Houston. She is currently retired from the nursing field to work more closely with her husband. In 2011, she and her husband were recognized by the mayor of Port Arthur for exceptional commitment and willingness to help others in their community. The most prestigious award she received was from the State of Texas House of Representatives in 2011, recognizing her many contributions for giving back to local communities. She and her husband also donated funds to create an endowment scholarship at Lamar State College in Port Arthur for nursing and engineering students. The most recent contribution is an endowment scholarship fund at Texas Southern University in Houston. Petry is a member of The Fort Bend Church in Sugar Land, Texas, in which she is the coordinator of activities for the youth in grades six through 12. She also serves as the leader of the women’s chorus. Her newest endeavor is volunteering for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Black Heritage Committee, where she serves on the decorating committee for their annual gala.
arlene Petry is Senior Vice President of GP Industrial Contractors, Inc., which she and her husband Roosevelt have owned since 1998. Petry received her Bach-
TOP 30 Influential Women of Houston / 2013
Petry lives by the scripture from Philippians 4:13, which states “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.” Because with Christ in her life, there is nothelor of Science in Nursing from The Univer- ing she cannot accomplish. sity of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in GalPetry loves baking, cooking and traveling veston and her Master of Science in Nursing with her husband, Roosevelt. They have from Regis University in Denver, Colo. where been married for 26 years and have three she was inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau Boston Terriers: Lilo, Stitch and Mac. honor society. Before retiring from nursing,