Faith Based Journal 09

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Faith Based Journal Inspire, Inform & Educate

november 2011

Keeping the Faith

INSIDE Prayer Requires Expectation

9TH Edition “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” - 2 Corinthians 5:7

By Daniel N. Brown Expectation is the key to receiving from Him. What good does it do to pray without expecting God to answer? PAGE 11

All To Him I Owe By Donald Mehl

“Jesus Paid It All”. The words of the chorus are as follows: Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain - He washed it white as snow. PAGE 13

Shamarion Whitaker / Author/Speaker/FM Radio Talk Show Host

“Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time.” - Oswald Chambers

During Storms By Marijo Phelps If we listen carefully we can hear our Lord speaking to our hearts. PAGE 20

Kathy Taylor Gospel Singer

Dr. Mark Williams Music, Medicine and Ministry

Pastor John Ogletree First Metropolitan Church

Keith J. Davis Jr. Author of Young So What?

How To Increase Faith By Stephen Monday The Holy bible says “faith comes by the hearing, and the hearing, of the word of GOD”. PAGE 26

Kathy Ballard - Blueford Daniels, City Council District B Candidate, Community Advocate

See pg. 6


November 2011

November 2011

Behind The



Publisher’s Message

Keith J. Davis, Sr.


The theme for this month’s journal is “Keeping the Faith.” In this month’s issue, we are celebrating a faithbased community’s effort to “keep faith alive.” In a struggling economy, it’s always good to know that your faith can sustain you through a valley experience. As always, thank you for your continued support of When you support, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Megan Pickney ACCOUNTING MANAGER Eugenie Doualla SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Mike Jones C.T. Foster Pastor Freddie L. Davis, III Dwight Jones Eric D. Goodwine PHOTOGRAPHY L.C. Poullard Grady Carter MARKETING CONSULTANT Johnny Ray Davis, Jr. Barbara Wiederhold MULTIMEDIA DIRECTOR Andrea Hennekes LAYOUT & GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Ghuzzala Malik (Faith) Michael J. Martinez DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Johnny Ray Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Joyce James Pam Ford Davis Stephen Monday Daniel N. Brown Pastor John Ogletree Sharon C. Jenkins Donald Mehl Dr. Pamela Randolph Dr. Ken Campbell Marijo Phelps Pastor Jamal Johnson Christine Joelle Manaloto Curt Klingeman Debra Burgess Tennille Whittington Pastor Charles Perry

CONTENTS Shamarion Whitaker - Keeping the Faith............................................................................. 5 Kathy Ballard – Blueford Daniels, City Council District B Candidate…............................... 6 Behind the Scenes………………………………………........................................................ 9 Door of Hope……………………………………………......................................................... 9 What makes The Community of Faith a relevant church?................................................... 11 Prayer Requires Expectation……………………………........................................................ 11 Keep the Faith!..................................................................................................................... 13 Kathy Taylor, An Answer to a Christian Mother’s Prayer…................................................... 13 All To Him I Owe………………………………………............................................................. 13 Keeping Your Faith Up to Date……………………................................................................ 19 Finish the Race! (Acts 20:24)………………………………........................................…......... 20 During Storms…………………………………………………......................................…........ 20 Faith: God’s Prescription for Life……………………………................................................. 20 Faith that Soars!................................................................................................................... 23 Mount Faith The Journey to the Summit…………………..............................………........... 23 Dr. Mark Williams: Merging Music, Medicine and Ministry……........................................... 24 Unrealistic Expectations Can Wreak Havoc On Faith…………………................................ 25 Truth Of Surrender……………………………………………………………………................. 25 How to Increase Faith……………………………………….................................................... 26 The Responsibility of Parents………………………………………………………................... 28

MR. D-MARS Tip of the Month “Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof.” - Kahlil Gibran

“ is certified with SBE, HUB, DBE & Port of Houston SBDP.” Business Journal 7322 Southwest Fwy, Suite 805 Houston, Texas 77074 713-272-9511 . Phone 713-272-6364 . Fax 1-800-453-8752 . Toll Free


November 2011

November 2011

Shamarion Whitaker Keeping the Faith


Because the listener was so inspired by the show, she made a generous donation. That’s just one of the many testimonies of how women are being touched by the broadcast.” Shamarion has written two inspirational books. Her first book, How to Cre-

came when her father, in his early fifties, was diagnosed with leukemia, and after a long, courageous battle, he surrendered to death. Seven months later, Shamarion received a phone call and learned that her thirty-two year-old sister had been shot to death

easier for me to develop and use my gifts and talents.” Quincy’s name will be on the ballot in the March 2012 primary election as a candidate for Harris County Constable/Precinct One. The Whitakers have one son, Roy, and a seven yearold granddaughter, Cyni-

ate Real Wealth: A Practical and Spiritual Guide For Women, is a book about making investments that lead to personal and spiritual growth. It’s been used in Women’s Bible study groups as well as classes for teenage girls. Her second book, Learning to Live, was also written to inspire women. Shamarion states, “There’s something for every woman in my new release, Learning to Live. It’s guaranteed to inspire positive changes.” While Houston has been her home for 27 years, Shamarion grew up in Jasper, Texas. She was the fifth of seven children. Adversity has been no stranger to her family. Their first crisis came when an 18 yearold brother complained of stomach pains and was diagnosed with cancer of the stomach. They buried him four months later. A second visit from adversity

by a man who supposedly loved her. In her new book, Learning to Live, she shares this story. When asked about her views on faith, Shamarion responds, “When you’ve been through what my family and I have experienced, you have no choice but to move into that place where you ‘walk by faith, not by sight.’ There’s nowhere else to go, no other anchor to hold on to. No person can comfort you. Everyone is searching for the right words to say, but nothing makes sense. When adversity strikes, you need to have something to hold on to. You need to anchor yourself in faith.” Lieutenant Quincy Whitaker is Shamarion’s husband. Shamarion states, “Quincy is a jewel. He’s a pearl of great price. He’s created an environment that’s supportive and encouraging, which makes it

ah. The Highland Heights Church of Christ in the community of Acres Home is where the Whitakers attend church. Shamarion ends with, “God continues to open doors I could never open without Him. And, even though adversity still visits from time to time, I know God is faithful and His goodness is far greater than any challenge my family and I can experience. In February of next year, my younger sister will reach her two-year breast cancer survivor status. We thank God that He has blessed her with a favorable prognosis, and no matter what He sends us through, we’re going to keep the faith!”

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” - Hebrews 11:6


f motivation is what you need to step out on faith, Shamarion Whitaker is the key to your inspiration. On Thursdays, you can find her in the studio at KKHT 100.7 FM recording her half hour inspirational radio

broadcast; New Beginnings Practical Teachings For Women. It airs Sundays at 4:00 p.m. If you don’t find her there, she could be on a plane traveling to San Diego or some other city to speak at a women’s conference. Or, you might find her in a local bookstore hosting a

book signing to promote her new book, Learning to Live. Whitaker’s journey to becoming an FM radio talk show host, speaker and author is a testimony of faith. She states, “Shortly before doors of opportunity opened for me, God allowed me to go through a period of what I call cleansing. It was a time of peeling away layers of false perceptions and beliefs, releasing what I could no longer hold on to. During that time, I realized there was a place for me in God’s kingdom, and He had given me the gifts and talents I needed to fulfill my destiny. Releasing the old made room to receive what God had in store for me.” Shamarion says that Titus 2:3-5 is the foundational passage of Scripture for her ministry, where the Bible says to the aged women, “Teach the young women.” If you listen to her radio broadcast, it won’t take long to realize it’s a show for women. Whitaker says, “I remember the first phone call I got from a listener. It came after a show aired where I taught a lesson on what to look for when considering a marriage partner.

To book Shamarion for a speaking engagement, interview, book signing, or workshop, call 281-414-8416. Or send an email to info@ Her website address is www.


November 2011

Kathy Ballard-Blueford Daniels,

City Council District B Candidate, Community Advocate of Greater True Vine Baptist Church (GTV); under the leadership of Reverend Matthew R. Alix, Sr. She is in the GTV Choir, Education Council and Pastor’s Aid Committee, President.


athy BallardBlueford Daniels is a candidate for City Council, District B. A resident of 5th Ward, she graduated from Phyllis Wheatley High School. After graduation, she pursued Nursing at Houston Community College, and studied Accounting/Bookkeeping, at Massey Business College. While attending Nursing School, she began em-

She is also an active member of the NAACP, Houston Chapter, Houston Black American Democrats, 5th Ward Super

leadership of Rev. H. Lee Davidson, Sr. The core of her personal belief system that propels her desire to serve the constituents of District D is her belief in servant leadership. Daniels stated that, “Our communities need someone like me who is faithbased, exemplifies honesty, integrity, commitment, has a true heart of servitude, accessible, transparent, and has a genuine concern and passion for people. I have been blessed with the gift of a great husband (Joe), successful and beautiful children (Alondria, Patrick &

• Be a Voice for Renew Houston to address Community Improvements • Encourage Business Partnership for Educational tools She would appreci-

ployment with the U. S. Postal Service after weighing her salary options as a single mother of two at that time. During her 27 year career with the Postal Service she was a supervisor and served in numerous managerial positions before retiring in 2008.

Neighborhood and Founder of BLAC MoM (Black, Latino, Asian, Caucasian ~ Mourners of Murder). BLAC MoM was established as a support group, after the senseless murder of her 20 yr. old son, Patrick Charles Murphy. In 2006, when her son was murdered, GTV

She is married to Joe Daniels and has two daughters, Alondria, & Jonitra, is a grandmother to five, a lifelong resident of District B, and servant in the community. She is a member

had recently returned from the National Baptist Congress where Patrick participated and was an original member of the Fearless Followers for Christ Drill Team (3FC), under the

in a neighborhood where they were nonexistent. When elected to City Council, District B she will, with the help of the people: Take a “Go Back to Basics” Approach by: • Promoting Economic Development, and seek employment and training opportunities for Constituents in District B • Provide open door policy to Council member • Attend & Promote ~ Community outreach Meetings • Address continued Infrastructure Negligence (Streets, Buildings, etc) • Encourage Law Enforcement presence & Neighborhood Watch

trict B, A Voice for ALL People, because: Together….. We Can! “I am number three on the ballot

Kathy Blueford Daniels have received the endorsements of the following individuals: Honorable Mayor Lee P. Brown Honorable Carol Mims Galloway Rev. Matthew R. Alix Sr., Rev. S. Compton Rev. Willie T. Jones Rev. L. C. Sidnesy Sr. Rev. H. Lee Davidson Vote Nov 8 for

ate your support in allowing her the opportunity to serve and represent the community as a City Councilmember for DisJonitra), of which one was a mother’s, ultimate sacrifice.” Her civic accomplishments have also included being instrumental in having storm ditches excavated

Kathy Daniels and Reverend William “Bill” Lawson

for District B – Trinity: Father, Son & Holy Spirit!” Early Voting Starts Oct. 24 - Nov. 4th.


November 2011


8. November 2011

November 2011

Behind the Scenes

If you watch TBN television, there is a segment called, Behind the Scenes. Most people do not watch it because they prefer to watch the actual television shows and productions. They are not particularly interested in how the shows are produced or what it cost to produce it, they just want to see the shows they like that are produced by TBN. Behind the Scenes allows the viewers to see the cost and labor that goes into producing

the shows the viewers enjoy. The ratings are low on this segment, compared to the popular productions that most watch. This reminds me of life, but particularly life in ministry, because of my own vocation as a servant leader. Most people do not see the cost and labor put into God producing a godly life and godly ministry. They just want to watch the show. The things that go on behind the scenes of men and women of God are not always popular—but when there is an open production by God of what God has done behind the scenes with an individual, everyone wants a front row seat to view the results of what God has produced and want to be a part. Most people do not have a clue of the sacrifices, discouragements, challenges and ultimate personal victories that have taken place behind the scenes. Almost always, spiritual giants are produced in private on the backside of the desert and in the wilderness when no one is looking. There are no exceptions for what must take place in the lives of those God chooses to use. The manner and kinds of circum-

stances may vary from person to person, but the results are the same—a production that stars Jesus Christ as center of their lives! Just as one needs specific things to produce a movie, God needs certain things to happen in the lives of those who become true servant leaders. Just as producers must have a script, actors, director, camera crew, make-up crew, rehearsals, etc. to make a movie, God must also allow certain tests in our lives to prepare us for our center-stage production for service to Him. In The Making of a Leader by Frank Damazio, he points out 15 tests that all leaders must go through to be prepared for service. I have found from experience that while this is not an exhaustive list, all are true. The purpose of a test is to reveal and develop. A test allows one to see what he/ she does and does not know. It reveals one’s overall character, and lets us know where we are and are not at any given point in time in our daily lives. Every true servant of God will experience the following tests in varying degrees:

1. Time Test 2. Word Test 3. Character Test 4. Motivation Test 5. Servant Test 6. Wilderness Test 7. Misunderstanding Test 8. Patience Test 9. Frustration Test 10. Discouragement Test 11. Warfare Test 12. Self-Will Test 13. Vision Test


14. Usage Test 15. Promotion Test Although being behind the scenes is often a place of aloneness because it does not appeal to the masses, it is God’s place of workmanship for fashioning us into the kinds of leaders that bring glory to His Name! Joyce James, Th.S., Senior Pastor Total Man Christian Center, Email:

Door of Hope By Pam Ford Davis, Contributing Writer Multitudes have flocked to amusement parks looking for adventure and quick thrills. Gamblers drop their wad in casinos and at racetracks, spurred on with a hunch this could be their lucky day. Hearts begin to flutter as the hopeful enter lighted gateways to each attraction. Imagine flashing neon arrow signs at a stately gate pointing to a building ahead…You reach your destination and a door constructed of unfinished wood stands ajar; you see no more neon lights only a crumpled paper tacked on the door. Someone has written an irresistible message… HOPE God offers a message to the faint of heart, those who have given up on themselves and fu-

ture fulfillment. “There I will give her vineyards to her, and transform her Valley of Troubles into a Door of Hope. She will respond to me there, singing with joy as in days long ago in her youth, after I had freed her from her captivity in Egypt (Hosea 2:15 Living Bible).” Return to youthful ways of joyful singing; find freedom from discouragement and enter peace through a Door of Hope. God freed his people from Egyptian captivity and he is able to deliver us from all that binds us today; he invites his flock to find adventure through service and experience the thrills of hope transforming lives!

10.November 2011

November 2011


What makes The Community Of Prayer Requires Expectation Faith a relevant church? By Daniel N. Brown, Contributing Writer What makes The Community Of Faith a relevant church? The vision to “Empower people to become visible manifestations of the power of God, in the presence of people, for God’s glory” is more than a great saying. It is actually happening. In fact, it’s happening on multiple levels. For example, recently COF Pastor, Bishop James Dixon, cast a challenging vision to the congregation concerning economic empowerment. During his Sunday message, he reminded them about Warren Buffet investing 5 billion dollars in Bank Of America. The stock was trading at less than $7.00 per share. He then invited them to a customized Wednesday night gathering where they would have the opportunity to learn about investing and actually purchase stock. Now that’s out of the box! The results were astounding! The room was packed wall to wall as married couples, single adults, parents and grandparents listened attentively and then acted. Led by a church member who is a licensed financial advisor, they opened stock accounts and purchased shares of Bank Of America stock. Amazingly, the teenagers were so into it. This time their parents were not buying expensive tennis shoes. They were investing in the nation’s largest bank. Each time their kids see the sign, they’ll remember this experience”, Dixon explained. The COF also has a youth economic empowerment ministry called EXCEL (Junior Achievement Company). For 17 years they have been educating kids about business and entrepreneurship. Now, the COF is preparing to launch DOLLAR WISE, an economic empowerment program for adults. The curriculum will equip individuals and families to prosper generationally through a diverse curriculum budgeting, investing, estate planning and business operations. The ministry leader, Toni Cormier is a 15 year financial planning professional. COF Visionaries are excited about the Church’s commitment to their total well-being. This month is special at The Community Of Faith. It’s Kingdom Family Legacy Empowerment Month. The atmosphere is charged with excitement as people are being informed and inspired to take authority over their family legacies and to em-

brace the assignments of building families that honor God. “It’s Bishop Dixon’s passion for family, his gift to teach and his boldness to transparent that makes

these messages so powerful”, says Michael Burton. You can see men, women and even our kids crying, laughing and enjoying this word. So many people, whatever their circumstances, are believing in the concept of biblical family again...some for the first time. A list of family building activities is going on this month, including a Family Empowerment Conference and Fun Day on Saturday, October 29. Log onto www.cofempowers. org; for more info. The COF and Houston is also shouting, “HAPPY 30th ANNIVERSARY BISHOP D”! He began preaching at age 15 and became the pastor at 18, immediately after finishing high school. “Alive On Purpose” is the theme for the celebration season. Truly this is befitting with all the ministry and community development James Dixon, II has done over the years. Houston has seen him standing for and serving on boards like United Way, METRO, and NAACP; standing for justice and championing causes to advance our city. In his honor, a Black Tie Gala featuring renowned comedian, Jonathan Slocum, artists, J Moss and Kathy Taylor and other national figures is coming up. Honorary Chairs for the event are Dr. Elwin and the Honorable Congresswoman Sheila

Jackson Lee, business persons, Mr. Willard and Mrs. Kym Jackson and the Honorable Sheriff Adrian and Mrs. Monica Garcia. The chairs are Mr. Goodwill and Jacquelyn Pierre. This Evening of Elegance was held on Sunday, October 23, 6pm at The Bayou City Event Center. Special anniversary services include, 7:00 pm Wednesday November 16, with Bishop Neil Ellis and Sunday, November 21, 5:30pm., Dr. Ralph West. “At The COF, we do children right”! The new era children’s and youth ministry is called S.W.A.G. (Spiritual Warriors Anointed By God). That’s the name the kids chose for themselves. Why? “Because we are fighting for our futures, the future of the church, to win souls and to empower our generation”, says Donovan Davis. One would only have to attend a S.W.A.G. Worship service to know these kids are serious. The sing! They pray! They dance! They motivate each other to stand for Christ. Minister Vincent Powell (T.S.U. Debate Team Member) is on fire with the Word and the kids love it! So do the parents. “Our kids don’t want to miss,” replies Mrs. Traci Davis. “I have been on another level ever since we dedicated our new worship and multi- purpose center.” The S.W.A.G. Center is at 1023 Pinemont, across the street from the King’s Dome at 1024 Pinemont Drive. We are leading our generation to become visible manifestations of the power of God, in the presence of people, for God’s glory. Even our youth have caught our Bishop’s vision!” This is definitely a ministry of Empowerment! Two schools, Dominion Preparatory for nursery through 5th grade and Dominion Charter School for 6th through 8th grade. Three subdivisions, Dominion Estates 1, 2 and 3 have been built. And there’s more. When you’re ready to see real ministry and connect with a real pastor with a real word, The Community Of Faith is the spot. Join Bishop Dixon live every day for a 7 minute power word and prayer at 6am central time. Dial 712 432-0075 cd 415505#. He’s live every day speaking a word to people around the nation. Follow him on Bishop J Dixon, Bishop J Dixon and join his blog at Also check us out at

Expectation is the key to receiving from Him. What good does it do to pray without expecting God to answer? “Without faith, it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to Him must believe that He is God, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).


e may have heard at some point in our lives that if we truly believe in something, having faith that it will happen, then it really will happen. Some people don’t completely accept that, but the Bible is clear; what you believe is what you get. Jesus said, “Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them” (Mark 11:24). But, He didn’t say we would see the manifestation of our prayers immediately. We need to give God time to work things out, continue in our faith, and not doubt, “For a man who wavers is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed. Let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord” (James 1:6-7). Expectation is the key to receiving from Him. What good does it do to pray without expecting God to answer? You might as well be talking to a tree. The Bible says, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to Him must believe that He is God, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). Have you noticed that most people do not expect things to work out? In fact, most people have been taught to believe in negative outcomes. The reasoning is; “If things don’t work out, I won’t be disappointed.” There’s no logic in that! Even though one may not be expecting, one still at least hopes. The fact is, crushed hopes cause disappointment. Having faith

and expecting in the positive is vital to our success. If we could only believe that everything will work out and trust that what we want will happen, we’d have great results. Life would change dramatically. But, for some reason, most people just can’t believe that things will work out for them. They look at past results and judge their future based on that past. It’s true that future results can best be predicted by past behavior. So, if your past behavior has been to not expect positive outcomes, then change that behavior. It doesn’t take any more effort to believe in a positive outcome than it does in a negative one. Faith is required to receive from God, and our expectation is proof of our faith. So, if we ask God for something, but then we don’t do anything on our part to bring it to pass, we must question our faith. God will do His part for sure, but we are required to do our part as well. What is our part? Expect! Believe it, confess it, and anything else that could possibly be done on our part, for “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:20). So truly believe in something! Have faith that it will happen. Again, the Bible is clear; what you believe is what you get. Jesus said, “Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them” (Mark 11:24). Article Source: ArticlesAlley.comDaniel N. Brown is a teacher of biblical success principles. Get his FREE report Christian Prosperity Secrets when you sign up for his FREE weekly newsletter... http://www.http://www.

12. November 2011

November 2011

Keep the Faith! By Pastor John Ogletree First Metropolitan Church Life’s situations tempt even the best of believers to fall away from their faith. The challenge therefore is keep the faith during tough times. Things happen to shake our faith and cause one to spiral into a cycle of faithless thinking. Faithless thinking is like putting money in a parking meter when you should be long gone. This thinking keeps one parked in the negative instead of moving forward. A parking space is a location designated for the temporary placement of an automobile. Parking spaces are found in garages, parking lots or on a street. Wherever they are, they exist for the temporary placement of an automobile. A parking space is

for a specific reason has a prescribed time limit. Too often in life, we park our lives emotionally and spiritually, permanently in what is supposed to be temporary time slot. When things come to trouble us, our hearts get disturbed and we sense a lack of peace and contentment. These things shake our faith and cause us to be vulnerable, fearful or doubtful. Recently, the faith of many believers is being shaken by layoffs, foreclosures, evictions, repossessions, loan denials or tight budgets. Others have had their faith shaken by separation, divorce, personal failure, betrayal, sickness, or death. All of these things have to be seen as temporary parking spaces in our lives. If not, faithless thinking will set in and cause you to remain parked in the negative. Stop putting money in that meter! Hebrews 6: 9 tells the believer who has experienced suffering to be convinced of better things. Keeping the faith necessitates being convinced that better things are ahead. It calls for moving beyond the temporary. The unemployment is temporary! The foreclosure is temporary! The personal failure is temporary! The set-back of the divorce is temporary! The grief is tempo-

rary! The situation that shakes your faith is temporary! With faith, you will be convinced that better things are coming your way, no matter how bad things look. Stop putting money in that meter! We learn in Hebrews 11:1 that faith is the assurance of things hoped for… Hope springs from being convinced that better things are coming your way. Hope helps you to move beyond the temporary negative parking space. People, who hope, don’t stay parked in temporary faithless thinking because their hope is in Jesus the Christ. Being convinced of better things develops confidence. Disappointments, frustrations and obstacles can shake our faith. They can cause us to be afraid to move forward. We have to be convinced in who God is and who we are. When you are convinced that your life is in the hands of Almighty God, you’ll discover the meter has run out on your negative thoughts and you will be confident that you can and must move forward. Keeping the faith means moving with confidence. Faith is acting on what you believe. This is what pleases God according to Hebrews 12:6. God delights in you acting as if what happened did not happen. Therefore, after disappointments, frustrations and obstacles, determined that

Kathy Taylor, An Answer to a Christian Mother’s Prayer By Sharon C. Jenkins, Columnist

In the little town of Kendlton, Texas, a child was conceived as an answer to a grieving daughter’s prayer who was preordained to bring melodious liberation to the lost in a fallen corrupted world. Just like when Elizabeth and Mary met for the first time after both had become pregnant

and there was a spiritual acknowledgement of God’s answered prayer in Elizabeth’s womb, so was it in the heart of this mother when she recognized the “gift.” This gift came in the package of Kathy Taylor. This scriptural “knowing” mentioned earlier is similar to that which Elizabeth experienced when Mary visited her after the Immaculate Conception. The bible says in Luke 1: 41: “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.” When Kathy Brown opens her mouth to sing, it’s as if the angels themselves have tutored her to croon heavenly praises in harmonious conjunction with their “Holy, holy, holy, Lord

God of Hosts, Heaven and Earth are full of your glory …” You may wonder about the rest of the story, well one day Kathy was singing and playing the piano and the Lord spoke to her mother’s heart and said that she was “the” answer to her prayer. Her grandmother, who also possessed the gift to make demons tremble through song, passed away when Kathy’s mother was 13 and she asked God for a child with the gift, to continue the spiritual legacy of song in the family. Simply speaking, Kathy was raised to serve God. Just like Samuel was tutored by Eli, the priest of Shiloh, she was tutored by her mother to honor the call on her life to sing praises for God


All To Him I Owe

you will act on God’s Word. The promise in the verse is to those who draw close to God, believing in His existence and His reward. Pray in faith. Walk in faith. Praise and worship in faith. Start something new in faith. In faith, leave the negative and depressive so you can receive your reward. One of my favorite verses in the Bible that speaks against faithless thinking is Isaiah 26:3. It reads like this from the Message Bible: “People with their minds set on you, you keep completely whole. Steady on their feet, because they keep at it and don’t quit.” Whatever you do: Keep the faith!

and to set the captives free. Kathy states, “I stand on the shoulders of my grandmother and mother to carry this message of Jesus Christ to the lost.” Her muse is the undeniable presence of the Lord. She is in charge of the music ministry at Windsor Village United Methodist Church, a “bible based church,” where they keep her covered in prayer and “stay before the Lord” on her behalf. If you have ever had the opportunity to hear Kathy sing, you can bear witness to the fact that her anointed gift has the power to pull you immediately into God’s presence. No matter where you may find yourself relationally with Him, when she opens her mouth, it causes you to consider Him. Be it the jail house or the church house, the walls tremble like in the days of Paul and Silas when she offers unadulterated praises to our God. Kathy is using her ministry to change lives and mold futures for Kingdom Building purpose to His glory all because of a young woman’s prayer. Be encouraged all you Hannah’s out there, God still answers mother’s prayers, Kathy Brown is a living witness to that.

By Donald Mehl All To Him I Owe Have you ever experienced a time when a song went through your mind over and over again? That happened to me this morning. There was nothing I remember that prompted the melody and lyrics to be my focus for the next several hours. I believe it had to have been a God inspired moment. The song is titled, “Jesus Paid It All”. The words of the chorus are as follows: Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stainHe washed it white as snow. As I dwell on those words, it reduces me to tears when I think of what my life had become before I finally reached out by faith alone to receive Jesus as my Savior and Lord. The moment I did that, He entered my life and claimed me as one of His Own. Without Him...oh, where would I be today? He wiped away the crimson stains of my life. What once was as scarlet is white as snow...all of the stains buried in the deepest sea never to be remembered. He broke my chains and set me free...paying the full penalty for my sin. Jesus paid it all...and He did it for me! Praise God! Every fiber of my being cries out in praise and thanksgiving, for I owe my all to heart, my life, and my soul! “Thank You! Thank You, Lord Jesus, for paying it all for me!” What an awesome God we serve! And, do you know what else? He will do the same for anyone who, in this life, would choose to reach out to Him by faith alone and declare Jesus as Lord. Have you declared Him Lord of your life?

14. November 2011


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November 2011


18. November 2011

November 2011

Keeping Your Faith Up to Date By Dr. Pamela Randolph, Contributing Writer

This article is written to motivate you to keep your faith active. Faith is a key principle of Christianity. God can only be pleased with faith. The “just must live by faith.” The righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith. Romans 12:3, says, God has given everyone the measure of faith. It’s not enough to have faith or even just keep the faith. You must keep your faith up to date. Faith must continue to develop, grow and be exercised. The disciples said, Lord, increase our faith. Jesus never told them that faith could not increase. He begins to tell them how to exercise their faith to see the results they need. Jesus spoke of great faith, strong faith. It requires a constant seeking, believing and obeying God. If there is strong faith there is weak faith. Weak faith is what I will term—outdated faith. You must never take a break in faith. Faith is, believing God enough to do what He says. Faith is acting on the Word. Faith is being fully persuaded that what

God has promised He will do. Faith is your fuel. If you allow your faith to become weak, your fuel level will become low and your ability to perform in the Kingdom of God will be low. Jude says to build yourself up on your most holy faith by praying in the Holy Ghost. This is one way to build yourself up so that you will keep using your faith. Jude didn’t build your faith up, but you build yourself up on your faith. Outdated faith allows things to slip. Considering the circumstances over what God has said causes weak faith. Dissatisfaction comes at the time when our faith is weak. Weak faith comes when we don’t do the assignments God gives us. Okay, then, I have faith, but how will I keep my faith up to date and growing? Realize it is not your faith that you live by. It is the faith of the Son of God. (Gal 2:20-21) Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. He fought the ultimate “good fight of faith”. He kept the faith until the end. Therefore, we

must realize—as He is, so are we, in this world. Receive the Word and do it. Faith is a performance agent. Faith causes you to do something. (Luke 6:46-49)—The man who heard the word and did it stood firm through all the storms, winds and rain. All of life’s challenges are an opportunity to update your faith; in other words, to take your faith to the next level—to cause your faith to increase. Don’t run from challenges. Just make sure you have been keeping your faith up to date by hearing and doing God’s Word. You, too, will stand through any storm. Faith says we cannot allow difficulties to stop our advancement. Remix your faith often. Couple your confession with a consistent lifestyle. The Bible says add to your faith. Faith alone is dead, as James puts it. Here are seven things that when added to your faith confessions will make them complete. Virtue—general moral goodness, right action and thinking,

uprightness, morality, chastity, excellence in general Knowledge—intelligence Temperance—self-control, selfrestraint Patience—the will or ability to wait or endure without complaint, losing self-control or making a disturbance; the will or ability to endure while refusing to be provoked, angered, insulted or offended; the ability to remain calm, quiet and in possession of one’s own spirit Godliness—devotion to God, fear of God Brotherly Kindness—brotherly affection, love to the brethren Love—Christian love, unconditional love Note: Faith works by love. Recall the wonderful acts and promises of God. Faith says we recall the victories that God brought us through. First Lady Carla Jennings of Summit Church, Forth Wayne, IN, says, “I would definitely say that one of my “faith keepers” is reminding myself of past victories. It keeps us in the mindset that God is still the same yesterday, today and forever, Heb. 13:8.” “Meditating on the promises of God helps me keep the faith. I often meditate on these scriptures— Numbers 23:19, Galatians 3:1314 and Jeremiah 33:3”, says


teacher Jackie Washington of Word of Faith in Baton Rouge, LA. Pastor Rickie White, Oasis Christian Center, Houston, TX, confirms this statement with an “Amen” by saying, “I always remind myself of the promise God made to me before I became a pastor. Then Romans 5:8, keeps me balanced by reminding me of whom I honor and serve.” Remember, the script is already written. Pastor Ronnie Thomas of Faith Christian Center, Houston, TX, remembers, “God is Faithful. Where I am presently is not all that He has for me. As long as, I keep believing, all things are possible. I keep my faith focused by remembering that if what I see is not what God has said, then, what I am seeing is subject to change.” Nothing alters or changes God’s Word. God sticks to His-story, whether we stick with His Word or not. (2 Timothy 2:13) You must be in faith to see His-story. If you are not faithful, you will only see it like it is presently. Therefore, you will not be able to see how He has planned it or how it really is. Keep Your Faith Up to Date—Realize it is not your faith that you live by. Receive the Word and do it. Remix your faith often. Recall the wonderful acts of God in your life. Remember, the script is already written.

20. November 2011

Finish the Race! (Acts 20:24)

Dr. Ken Campbell The Household of Faith Community Church “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” (Acts 20:24) A friend of mine recounts an interesting story from his youth, wherein his older brother ran in a track and field event at Prairie View A & M University. His

father was so proud of his son representing their small community in the statewide event, and could hardly wait until the boys returned home with the results. Later that evening, when they finally arrived, the father asked the elder brother, “How did you do?” “Oh, I did good—I came in third place,” he replied. “Well, that’s good son, as long as you did your best,” he said, while admiring the third place ribbon. They had dinner, fellowshipped, and continued to compliment the elder brothers’ victory. However, as they were retiring for bed, my

friend’s conscience got the best of him. He could not resist revealing a previously hidden truth to their father. He said, “Dad, I have something to tell you.” “What is it son,” he asked? My friend then proceeded to confess that they had not told the whole truth— for while the brother did come in third place—he did not actually finish the race. He had quit once he realized he would not win. He was awarded the third place ribbon because there were only three people in the event! His father was so angry that he made the elder son put on his uniform and shoes and ordered him into his pickup truck. He then drove the fifty or more miles back to Prairie View and had him complete the race, in the dark without any lights or spectators. He told his son that he would not allow him to be a quitter. Isn’t that just like our God to take the initiative and ensure our victory? While He may not spare us from all suffering or exempt us from every trial, He does guarantee our survival and success (John 16:33). The challenge to you and I is to refuse to quit, to trust God

enough to follow through on the visions and goals He has placed within our hearts. My friend’s father shows us how committed God is to our prosperity. All that’s left is for you and I to do our part by trusting Him to see us through to victory. An age-old poem further conveys my sentiment:


hen things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about, When he might have won had he stuck it out; Don’t give up though the pace seems slow—You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than, It seems to a faint and faltering man, Often the struggler has given up, When he might have captured the victor’s cup, And he learned too late when the night slipped down, How close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out— The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems so far, So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit—It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit. On to victory my brothers and sisters, on to victory! Finish your race.

During Storms By Marijo Phelps, Contributing Writer This has been a year of storms, yet some of the country (like where we live) has been in the middle of a long drought. It did rain on Mick’s and my wedding anniversary this year in July. We have been blessed with enough rain since then so that the crunchy grass actually turned green and, oh, those wild flowers! Do we mind the thunder, lightening and occasional power outages, nope, not so long as they bring life to this mountain meadow. There are definitely storms in our life in Jesus. They too, bring life if we allow them to do their work. Remaining yielded is the challenge. Are we ready to accept that one or do we stand on our “hind legs” like a cornered kitten with all claws bared striking out at anything in front of us? If we listen carefully we can

hear our Lord speaking to our hearts: You hear the gentle rain. My tears wash and cleanse and nourish the grass, flowers and trees. Just as the blood of my Son purifies all who accept it as shed on their behalf. Through your walk with me there will be some of your tears shed to help you grow and become more fruitful as Jesus is magnified and your own willfulness is offered up as a sacrifice of praise to the Lamb who is worthy. Let me wash and purify you/make you spotless. Rejoice even in my rain times even when you think you can’t see my Son – perhaps He is accomplishing His great work in you even more on those rainy, rainy days. Praise Him. Praise Him. His promise to end the storm and not make it a devastation one

is found in Genesis: Genesis 9:16 The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” Prayer: Lord Jesus, we thank you so much that even those storms in our lives turn to a blessing. We can’t have growth without some lightening and thunder. We only have crunchy grass under foot until we allow you to work

your ways to help us grow and change. Sometimes we get stuck and need that storm to help you go forward, unstuck and progressing in you. We want to be more like Jesus. How can that happen if we don’t walk in His footsteps which include paths of difficulty at times. Thank you in the midst of those paths, thank you that you are walking them with us! AMEN Come by my blog spot for more photos and interesting reading: http:// (C) Marijo Phelps all rights reserved. Use with proper credits.


God’s Prescription for Life By Pastor Charles Perry Word of Restoration For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. - Romans 12:3. As Christians, we have been called to live by faith, and faith has been designed to bring about results in our lives. We have been given all things to live a life that is pleasing to God. According to the scripture above, God has dealt, allocated or distributed to us the measure of faith. When someone becomes born again, it is at that moment that God makes the deposit of faith into their heart. Now God, Whose desire is that we please Him, knows that faith is required in doing so. For without faith it is impossible to please Him. - Hebrews 11:6. Faith has everything to do with the Word of God. It is referred to in the bible as being more costly than gold that perish. Faith is acting on what you believe in God’s Word. In other words, it’s confident trust that moves one beyond believing to acting. Finally, faith is resting in what God says as truth. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. - Hebrews 11:1-2. It doesn’t matter where you are in life, through your faith you can obtain a good report. Out of all the reports you may have received there is still the report of the Lord. His report says you’re healed. His report says you’re free. So I could go on and on but the point is you must decide which report you are going to believe. You can enter into supernatural rest by simply believing God. You must determine to walk in the light of God’s Word. Once you’ve settled in your heart that you’re going to follow God’s Word rather than your senses, you must continue to feed upon it until you have a settled assurance of God’s will concerning your life and circumstances. Settle the Word of God in your heart and get your mind on the answer and then you will see yourself as having received what God has promised you. Say what God says and keep walking by faith.

November 2011


22. November 2011

November 2011

Faith that Soars! By Pastor Jamal Johnson, Contributing Writer

victim of change is to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Change in any area of life requires constant reinvention. Whenever competition, socioeconomic trends, increasing industry standards or the growing complexity of clients’ needs necessitates professional, spiritual, or intellectual growth, it frightens the average person. Notice I said average person, because it’s the persons low self-concept that creates the mindset of …they shall mount up with wings like eagles…Isaiah 40:31 a chicken, and the challenges ahead threaten At The Word Church faith of you and your faith should be, him as a hawk does prey. Thus is taught, exercised, stretched high above the clouds! living a life of defeat! and lived. It is an essential part God has planned for us to Think of yourself as a perof who we are and the next step take flight and to live supernat- son with eagle tendencies. See, in our lives. Have you ever been urally-empowered lives. Let me an eagle has eyes that can focus exposed to an idea so powerful it give you a little example. I once on objects several miles away. It permeated your mind and trans- heard a man ask his friend how is different from any other type formed your thinking, but yet he was doing. His friend replied, of bird in that he has two sets of didn’t know how it could or even “I’m doing okay under the cir- eyelids. For that reason, he can fly if it would come to pass? Have cumstances.” Here’s my point. toward his destination and not you ever been faced with some- We were made to soar above be blinded by distractions, even thing that stuck out to you but our circumstances! The apostle if he flies directly into the sun. because of limited resources you Paul put it this way, “Set your Winners are the ones who have had to face your Right Now? minds on things that are above, the ability to consistently focus I emphasize Right Now be- not on things that are on earth” on their major definite purpose, cause there are times when you (Colossians 3:2). However, we irrespective of the distractions have to walk with a great deal of accept living under our circum- that tempt all of us. Goethe said, faith and believe wholeheartedly stances rather than flying above “Things that matter most must that things will happen, turn them. I honestly believe we have never be at the mercy of things around or open up for your fu- new movers into the city of Ha- that matter least.” ture. Let me be honest, that has ran (the halfway point), because If you’ve ever heard that quihappened to me. As a Pastor I’m somewhere along the way they et yet persistent voice inside tellalways thinking and recently as began to believe more about ing you that there is unreleased I sat strategizing about forward the person they were not, rather potential within you, if you’ve progression a bell went off… than believe in the potential of ever had the feeling that you DING!!! My right now didn’t who they could be. They never were capable of far more than match up with my to come. So I experience soaring with the ea- you have demonstrated in your pressed the overdrive button and gles because they secretly see life so far or seen yourself going it’s been full speed ahead since themselves as chickens that lack further than other people said that day! the courage to pursue their high- you could, that by itself could be Now let’s bring my personal est aspirations. In life, a lack of evidence of the fact that you were testimony into an actionable ap- courage is not necessarily defined meant to soar. I don’t believe any plication for us today. You have as cowardice but conformity. It is of us were engineered to live to “See” so you can “See!” The frightening to follow a script for our lives as chickens fenced in major premise behind this con- your life that God did not write. our coops by fears, self-limiting cept is that if you can expand A chicken can be placed beliefs and low expectations imyour vision of who you are in within a confined area or pen posed upon us. Instead, I believe the present, you can expand the and is content to just scratch we have within us the capacity to possibilities of your future. Once around in the pen. If the shad- soar to extraordinary heights like your vision is expanded, your ow of a hawk appears above eagles. Some may honestly say I heightened scope of possibility the chicken, it will not face the have no faith or my faith is small, expresses itself in every facet of danger but run for cover. Many I need help or some may say I’m your life. You have to tap into people are content where they a faith walker. Whichever state your inner eagle! Have you ever are simply because they’ve grown you’re in flap (exercise) your faith seen an eagle up close? Chances comfortable being there. Emer- and allow it to soar to the highare you haven’t but wow, what a son said, “People wish to be set- est heights. God is faithful and creature. See you won’t be able tled; only as far as they are unset- that’s enough reason to believe to see an eagle at your eye level tled is there any hope for them.” what He’s said and showed you. because they can’t soar that low. In other words, the only way to But no matter what it looks like, You have to look up to see eagles. grow and position yourself as a BELIEVE. I pray that your faith And that’s where your perception master of change, rather than a doesn’t fail but that it soars.


Mount Faith The Journey to the Summit By Christine Joelle Manaloto, Contributing Writer

Having been there in a mountain’s peak was just amazing. You can’t really tell if you could get there at first given the fatigue you have to overcome and every rising path is excruciatingly hard to cross. But what builds your adrenalin up is the fact that there’s something to reach out there – maybe even far beyond what’s seen in the naked eye – that keeps you going up. Every step needs a lot of encouragement. Without it, one could just slip away and never try climbing a mountain again. I’ve reflected a lot on our sojourn at the summit. When we finally reached the top, I felt as if I’ve achieved something great that I wanted to tell everyone that “I’ve been there.”, “I’ve done that.”, “yeah. The way up was hard but still I’ve done it. “, “LOOK AT ME! I’M AT THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN!” Honestly. No one could hide it. Only a harebrained person would have said none. Why? Because I’ve exerted so much in order to get to it. You ask me how many times have I thought not to proceed – I come to think of that thought every other step I make. But what gives me the strength to move forward? MY FOCUS – and that is, to be able to get to the top. Moving foward on my reflection, I realized that mountaineering is like our faith. It’s a tough road to get to the top. There you’ll meet hardships, many obstacles, numerous trials and immeasurable persecutions along the way - things that keep pulling you down - distracting you and pulling your eyes away from your focus and your sole purpose. In reality, it’s called GRAVITY. Science explains it as the force that keeps you down and your feet on solid ground. In our faith, there is this journey – a long one – where pursuing the top and giving up are the only choices. Ask yourself: Will I pursue my faith or just stop here because it’s so hard and I can’t take it? My friend, giving up is easier but you will never gain anything from it. After all, where’s the spirit if you give up, right? You may feel alone in your faith right now. It may seem as if no one’s there to help you when you fall face down on the muddy mountain ground. But I tell you, your focus will help you win. In our faith, our focus is on five letters: J-E-S-U-S. I think those letters explain it all. He will never leave you. He will always be with you. Just keep walking. Keep climbing. Strengthen your bones. Flex your muscles. Give everything. Make every effort.

Don’t stop. Never let yourself be distracted. Never mind your being faint. Keep going. Climb higher! Higher! HIGHER! It’s a process, anyway. It’s impossible for someone to reach the top without making it happen. You will always start at the beginning. That’s life. I tell you, you wouldn’t ask for anything else once you’re at the mountain’s peak. You could’ve given anything in exchange for it. And you’ll begin to decide that your pain while climbing up couldn’t be compared to what you’ve gained at the top. It’s just amazing, you know. However, when we climb a mountain, we really have to get down again. No matter how much we’ve hoped to stay at the peak forever, we truly do have to get down. Here is the difference between what I prefer to call our “mountain faith” and mountaineering by itself. In the real world full of stuff to do and climbing a mountain is only one of the many ways to unwind, once you’ve climb, there’s definitely a need for you to get down. But in our “mountain faith”, we shouldn’t. Mountain faith should be just getting up… Higher… sometimes even faster. But never going down. Because if you climb the “mountain faith” and suddenly give up, you’re drifting away and getting back to the way you used to live before. I’ve noticed a thing or two while we’re trailing our way down Mt. Pingas. One is that it’s easier to go down than to climb up. The second one is you will find many other things that will amuse you that you thought you haven’t seen before while you’re climbing because when you climb, you conserve your strength thus you didn’t get to see stuff on your way. Those symbolize the distractions that keep pulling you down again. They may seem alright and amusing but all of a sudden, you lie face down and the enemy will be laughing at you. CLIMB HIGHER, MY FRIEND. The Lord will lead you. Focus only on Him. Never get down. No matter how hard it is, CONTINUE. CLING. CLIMB. The trek up to the peak of the “mountain faith” will certainly be excruciating like no other. But think about the prize you’ll get when you’ve reached it – if you stayed faithful until the end. Its bliss and comfort and every great thing you could think of wrapped in a fine linen cloth presented to you by your sole focus. And He is, Jesus.

24. November 2011

Dr. Mark Williams: Merging Music, Medicine and Ministry the Lord in whatever he puts his hands to do.

His Music

Dr. Mark Williams is a songwriter, psalmist and a boardcertified Otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose & Throat Physician) who has a love for music. His heart is bent on pleasing God through praise and worship and helping others to do likewise. Everything that he does, everything that he is, and everything he desires to

be is based on his intense love for God. Which explains the title of his most recent musical release, “Everything.” This emerging national Gospel artist, who is a mystery to some, is no mystery in Nashville. He incorporates his medical calling and musical gift as a complete package of ministry, making a joyful noise to

Dr. Mark Williams is a talented psalmist, praise leader, and worshiper. His music is scripturally based and centered on biblical tenets. On his new release, his God given talent is profoundly evident, from the title cut “Everything” to the closing selection “My Hiding Place” you are wrapped in a Shabach praise that undeniably causes the heart of God to smile. Employing the ingenious orchestrations of award winning Contemporary Christian and Gospel music producer Roger Ryan (CeCe Winans, Take 6, Mandisa) and the innovative styling’s of Gospel’s rising super producer Daniel Weatherspoon (Donald Lawrence, Fred Hammond, Darwin Hobbs), Williams and his team of producers have captured the essence of true worship. Williams wants people to be drawn into a state of unmotivated worship while listening to “Everything.” “Too often we denigrate our worship by attach-

ing a request of God,” instructs Williams. “While God is not threatened by our requests, there are mechanisms by which we are to make these requests known to him - through prayer and supplication, not via our worship.” Williams continues, “Blessings are always the byproduct of acceptable worship, but should never become the impetus for it. I hope as people listen to my CD that their worship will remain enthusiastic and heart-felt while transcending to being unmotivated.”

His Medicine

Williams is the owner of Voice Care Center of Nashville in addition to his general ENT practice -- Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists of Nashville. At the Voice Care Center of Nashville, Williams treats singers and other performance/professional voice users with voice problems. Moreover, he strongly advocates “voice screening,” where performance/ professional voice users undergo a thorough evaluation of vocal health to ensure the proper and efficient functioning of the vocal cords. He and his voice care team instruct patients on how to avoid causing potentially permanent damage to the vocal cords. He completed his training at the University Of Cincinnati College Of Medicine, where he obtained his doctorate of philosophy (Ph.D.) in Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics as well as his medical doctorate (M.D.). He

is currently undertaking a videotaping project on how to care for the voice for singers, and speakers.

His Ministry

William’s main goal is to inspire people to a place of “unmotivated praise” where they have often never gone before in their worship experience. His inspiration is his growing relationship with his God and the dynamic word of God. He says:”I think that there is no greater author or composer than what God has already written, and I think when we actually put God’s words to music, it really drives home the importance and solidifies the reality of His word for us. People learn things a lot quicker through music than they do with just a recitation of words. It’s how children learn their “ABC’s.” They put it to music and they remember it and so when I write a song, ‘Who is the king of Glory, the Lord God Almighty, strong and mighty, The Lord God mighty in battle.’ we are basically reciting Psalm 27 and so for me it’s a key part of writing. I read a scripture and it starts to speak to me and I start to hear a melody in my head and I simply put it to music.” From the throne room to the examination room, Dr. Williams is worshiping God with his gifts, talents, and love. He is a living testimony for the glory of the kingdom and we get the benefit of his love for worship.

November 2011

Unrealistic Expectations Can Wreak Havoc On Faith

By Curt Klingeman, Contributing Writer

1 John 5:14-15 - And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him (Emphasis added, KJV). It is important to understand that everything we expect must conform to God’s perfect will and character if our expectations are to be realistic in the truest sense of the word. Therefore, it is important to compare those things that others have taught us and those things we believe to be true to the Word of God. It does not matter whose teaching we have heard, the teaching must line up with the Word of God if it is to be genuine. The exhortation is to get into the Bible and scrutinize what we have heard and believe to be true as the Holy Spirit leads us. Before going further, here is a principle to consider: Before embracing some new teaching, whether it is something we have found or someone else has found, look for the example in the Word. Sometimes people will find a “principle” to live by, but that said principle should have examples found in Scripture. In other words, there should be things that Jesus or the apostles did in relation to it. If Jesus did not do something, why would we? There should be an application seen in the Bible in at least two or three places. Here is an example; on occasion people will start talking to the devil while in prayer with the Father (i.e., while in the middle of speaking to the Father, they say such things as, “Devil you are a liar,” then return speaking with the Father). Their intent may be well meaning, but where in Scripture do we see Jesus or the apostles

doing that? There is an appropriate time to talk to demons or the devil himself (like when we are casting them out), but not during the course of our time with the Father. Without belaboring the point or going into a theological discourse about the devil, suffice to say that he gets an excessive amount of attention as it is. Okay, so what are some unrealistic expectations? One example is asking God to humble someone else (i.e., “Show ‘em where it’s at Lord!). This does not quite get with the program, this is simply praying through anger and un-forgiveness. How is He supposed to honor that kind of prayer? Another one is expecting God to fulfill our lusts when we pray. James 4: 2-3 makes this clear: “Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts” (KJV). We must remember that when we delight ourselves in Him, He is free to give us the desires of our hearts (see Psalm 37:4). As we delight ourselves in Him, we will also be seeking His perfect will, which He in turn places in our hearts. There are those times when the Lord will not do those things we think He will, and times He will do things we don’t think He will do. Nonetheless, when He does or does not do something, it will be in keeping with His character and will. If we begin to live by false teaching or a false belief system, in due time our faith may drop out of sight because things will not turn out the way we thought they should have. When things do not seem to go as planned, it is a good time to ask the Lord for wisdom (James 1:5).

Truth Of Surrender By Debra Burgess, Contributing Writer

You call me to come away. To follow wherever You lead. Step by step I move along taking large leaps into Your unknown. Opening my eyes, You show me the truth of surrender. How easily I acted in obedience to the large steps, but there were little foxes in my garden I had allowed to roam free. In Your mercy You taught me the need to watch carefully in all of my garden. Lifting the vines I could better see the roots. You exposed where my allowances for foxes had been causing spoilage to the yield of my fruit. New awareness enveloped my heart and I looked again at my surrender. Partiality would never due. You want all of me. Nothing of hindrance should draw away

my eyes from watching You, from adoring You. You are jealous for me and I ravish Your heart. My garden can no longer be compromised by the little foxes. Your love is too great a treasure. A renewed diligence emerges by Your grace. The little foxes can no longer roam free in my garden meant for You. I love to encourage the heart of people to be who they are meant to be in Christ. My hope is anything offered of myself would be pleasing first to my Heavenly Father and secondly to bring a blessing to others. Article Source: http://www.faithwriters. com-CHRISTIAN WRITERS


26. November 2011

How To Increase Faith

By Stephen Monday, Contributing Writer The Holy Bible says “faith comes by the hearing, and the hearing, of the word of GOD”. I do not believe that the repeated word “hearing” is a misprint. I believe that it says it this way to make a point. The point is to hear the word of GOD, and hear it again. When a person reads, do they not in effect “hear” the words in their own mind? Of course. Another way to hear the word of GOD is to get into a good bible based church. I believe that when Jesus healed the two blind men, He was not only showing others the glory of GOD, but also teaching. The lesson He wanted them to learn, was you must first believe, to receive. The reason I know this is because of the way Jesus did it. He could have just said “be ye healed”, and they would have been. Instead He asked them first “believe ye Me that I can do this?” When they said yea LORD. He then said unto them, “according to your faith be it unto you.” Do I take this to mean they would have not been healed had they really not believed? Yes I do, for He would not have said “according to your faith, be it unto you.” This was for the benefit of the onlookers, in so they could learn, that it was a requirement for it to work. The lesson learned here was, it is a requirement of the LORD, for the person being healed, to believe they would be healed, in order for it to be given. Unless, the person being prayed for is “knocked out.” I have seen people cheated out of a divine healing, simply by saying “if it is the will of the LORD, it will be done.” The little big word “if ” conveyed the thought, they had a seed of doubt. When you doubt the word

of GOD, you are in effect doubting GOD. When you throw a ball into the air you believe “doubting nothing” that it will come back down. The same is true when you pray. Matthew says “ when you pray you must believe doubting nothing” it will be given. Likewise when you pray for the healing of another, the person being prayed for has to be of like mind that is they have to expect that it will be done. The person saying the prayer has to believe the same. For if the seed of doubt is present in either party, it shall not be given. Because the seed of doubt, comes not from GOD, but from the devil. He wants nothing more than to cast a stumbling block in front of the healing. When he does this, he is causing the person, to not fully believe in GODS almighty power. Being the master of deception, he knows the tiniest seed, will cause failure. If you want to increase your faith in GOD, then simply increase your faith in the word of GOD. I have heard a few people say “well men wrote the bible, not GOD.” This is true but the people who GOD gave His word to, got it through the holy spirit. The holy spirit is of GOD, and cannot lie. First John says “in the beginning was GOD, and the word was with GOD, and the word was GOD.” So, we can believe the word of GOD, because it is in fact of GOD. If we say that we believe in GOD, how can it be possible to not believe in His word? When we learn to trust GOD fully, then we also must trust, the same amount in His word. When we do this, we are in fact, increasing our faith in both. GOD knows every man’s heart, and if we say that we trust GOD, but

trust not, in each and every word, of His word, we are doubting HIM. The word of GOD says “ if you want to know ME, than know My word. The LORD says “ I change not.” Therefore His word changes not. The word of GOD, is the only absolute truth, on earth. The difference between men’s truths, and GODS truth is this: men’s truths are always subject to change, where GODS truth never changes. So to sum this up, let us put full faith in GOD, and His word. It has been said “ I do not fully understand some of the scriptures.” If you want more understanding of scriptures, then do this first, ask GOD for forgiveness of sin. If you say “you are without sin” then you are deceiving yourself. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD. Once you have been forgiven of sin, then you have a pure heart. It is necessary to have a pure heart, in order for the holy spirit to dwell inside you. If you are not sure if you have the holy spirit, take the steps above, and ask the LORD, to give you the gift of the holy spirit. The bible says “The holy spirit, shall lead men into all truths.” If you want to understand the scriptures, get the holy spirit, and ask the Lord to give you wisdom, and understanding of the scriptures. It shall be given, When you have a better understanding of GODS word, then you have a better understanding of the LORD. Therefore, to build up your faith in GOD, build up your faith into His word. When you know the absolute truth, hold on to it, revel in it, abide in it and HE will abide in you. Your faith in HIM and His word will increase. Then, with the holy spirit of truth, you can discern all things spiritual.

November 2011


28. November 2011

The Responsibility of Parents By Tennille Whittington, Contributing Writer

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. - Prov 22:6


want to touch base on responsibility. So many times in our life we are quick to blame others for our lack of being responsible. When something goes wrong in the home, majority of the time we start to feud with our love ones. When something goes wrong on the job, sometimes we point the finger or get uptight with a coworker. It takes a lot to be the bigger person in an argument. It’s even harder when you are in a disagreement with someone who has pointed out where you lack responsibility. I applaud both single mothers and fathers who step up to the plate and take on the extra responsibility due to the lack of parenting done by the other parent. Also I applaud the family and friends who help in parenting where they can. So many children today go without having a healthy relationship with both parents due to our lack of responsibility as

adults being able to let go of the past and move on into the future. We need to hold ourselves accountable for our actions regardless of our emotions. No longer should you make excuses for things of the past. The past cannot be changed, but the future we still control. As parents we need to build stronger relationships with the other parent, despite the situation. We need to stop talking negative about the other parent in front of the children. We need to be positive in order for our children to learn how to be responsible. We need to teach them more about who they are and be apart of every moment of their lives. - Just imagine as a child how you felt when your parents fought, - when your mom and dad split, - when your dad wasn’t around, - when your mom was too busy, - when grandma had to step up and take care of you, - when dad missed your games,

- when mom missed your major accomplishments, - when you pretty much had to raise yourself, - when you didn’t have the things you wanted, - when you got teased because of your upbringing, etc. Well children of today, lack responsible parents as well. Schedules are too busy for family. Work pressure is too heavy, you feel you owe more of your time to your job, than your love ones. Friends seem to be more important than your loved ones. So there’s a new man/woman in your life, your kids still come first. We need to make sure we are using our time wisely and that our love ones don’t suffer as a result to our actions. To me nothing in life is a mistake; I believe everything good or bad is a learning experience. You cannot have a testimony if you haven’t been tested! For those experiencing bad breakups, divorce, financial problems, single parenting, loss of a job, etc. know that you

are not alone. It’s a big population of our world that is going through similar things. In order to recover and be successful in getting a fresh start, you must first recognize where you went wrong and make it right. Don’t allow yourself to go back to your childhood and continue to blame someone else for things that are happening in your life. We need to learn how to take those situations and be able to grow from them. Holding on too them and using them as an excuse only holds us back. If you have an unhealthy relationship with anyone I challenge you today to let go of the past and walk into change in your future. You will never be able to fully tap into all the things God has in store for you if you continue to hold someone else responsible for your actions. We are our worst enemies. We need to be the bigger person in situations and point out where we went wrong and make those situations right. I know it may seem hard, but challenge makes us strong. Seeing is not believing! We must stand on our Faith and ask God for direction at all times.

Prayer for Today As it is written in Matthew 18:19 I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. Father do something new in us and in the lives of our children today we come to you for direction. We come to you Father for You to guide us through this storm. Father teach us how to grow from our past and walk into the things of God in our future. Father You said You would go before us and make our crooked places straight. Father we ask that You teach us how to be more responsible. Father we ask that You show us the areas in our life in need of change today. Father help us grow into the strong men and women of God you created us to be. Father we pray over our children today and ask that you guide them along their walk. We ask that you protect them from all things that will hinder them along their path. In Jesus name, Amen! Be Encouraged Tennille L. Whittington Virtuous Lady of God looking to IMPACT the world with His Word! Proverbs 31 (Mother, Life Empowerment Coach, Counselor, Community Outreach Rep, Future Wife)!/VirtuousLadyIAm Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.comCHRISTIAN WRITERS

November 2011



30. November 2011


November 2011


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