3 minute read
together with study buddy - Łukasz Zabolski
Existing green areas
The area is surrounded by lots of green areas, in close relation to Kamienna Góra and the Park of the Council of Europe.
The axis
The main axis of the city, remaining in correlation with the second, most important axis -. Świętojańska. street .(perpendicular to the pier) High- density Areas
The concentration of people in area
Car traffic
It usually takes place along Władysława IV and Świętojańska streets.(bold). The area of the square outside the summer season is usually almost devoid of intensive car traffic Barrier
The existing tall greenery, cars and stalls disconect pier with the sea
Historic buildings
The Gdynia Passenger Station and Gdynia Aquarium, despite being under conservation protection, are disfigured with numerous souvenir shops and advertisements.. These facilities are deserving of proper restaurantion.
Parking The new facility will not only act as a car park, but also as a large cultural center with a observation deck
Skwer Kościuszki Pier Park Rady Europy Park Muszla Concert Hall
„Kammienna Góra” Kamienna GóraStone Hill
Proponowane zagospodarowanie zieleni tworzy swego rodzaju gradient różnych rodzajów krajobrazu zapewniając bioróżnorodność, odpowiadając tym samym na potrzeby przestrzenii położonej nad terenem o wyskoiej wietrzności.
Sketchbook | Gdynia | PIRS Przyszłości 43 Dominika Kłopotek | Lukasz Zabolski
Current situation Scattered green areas
Green belt Connecting existing green areas into one broad landscape
Current situation The main promenade seems to be cut out of the beauliful surrundings The presence of water is hardly visable
Urban intervention The new pavilions refer to the idea of a wave, creating a dynamic space with openings. The rooftop is accesible.
South pier Landscape emphasizing the attributes of the historic building Current situation Open towards the sea
Landscaep Strategy
Nowy obiekt będzie nie tylko pełnił rolę parkingu ale i dużego centrum kulturowego z wysokim, pięknym centrum obserwacyjnym, którego stocznia shipyard fasada ma oddawać tożsamość wieży obserwacyjnej przy Infoboxsie. deptak promenade stare pawilony natura old stalls nature
Sketchbook | Gdynia | PIRS Przyszłości 79 Dominika Kłopotek | Lukasz Zabolski
stocznia shipyard deptak promenade
stare pawilony naturanatureopenings
Nowy obiekt będzie nie tylko pełnił rolę parkingu ale i dużego centrum kulturowego z wysokim, pięknym centrum obserwacyjnym, którego fasada ma oddawać tożsamość wieży obserwacyjnej przy Infoboxsie.
Sketchbook | Gdynia | PIRS Przyszłości
skwer promenade publiczne public space
80 Dominika Kłopotek | Lukasz Zabolski
marina plażamarina beach kamienna góra„Stone Hill”
Masterplan Comprehensive urban design for one of the most significant places in the city of Gdynia Axometric view contains new manna building residential distric and car park The design takes Into account the future development
Amphitheater The view from amphitheater located in the corner of the South Pier One of the requirements indicate the need for an event space Pavilions Wooden pavilions with the accesible rooftops blend smorthly into the surroundings The design can handle various functions from a dining area to the place for admiring the view
Open structure The marina building seems to be floating above the grind Pillar structure elevates the building so that the connection between the promenade and the sea still remains.