3 minute read
under the supervision of prof.. ir. arch.. Stefan Devoldere, dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Arts..
1. The aim of The Circle is to break the boundaries of the 1. The aim of The Circle is to break the boundaries of the waterbody and provide a better connection between waterbody and provide a better connection between to sides. The project expands equally towards four directions to sides. The project expands equally towards four directions which is more than linking point A to point B. which is more than linking point A to point B.
2. The circle provides a direct connection between places that 2. The circle provides a direct connection between places that may benefit from closer collaboration. such as Yacht may benefi t from closer collaboration. such as Yacht Park and Water Sport Center. Park and Water Sport Center.
3. The circle acts as a quiet alternative to a car-3. The circle acts as a quiet alternative to a carorientated bridge. The experience of crossing the water it’s orientated bridge. The experience of crossing the water it’s more pleasant. more pleasant.
4. This shape creates a longer exposition to the openness of 4. This shape creates a longer exposition to the openness of the Spikom waterbody. When walking on a footbridge, one can the Spikom waterbody. When walking on a footbridge, one can experience a slightly different atmosphere than when walking experience a slightly different atmosphere than when walking onshore. onshore. 5-6. It was critical to include the island into the design. To 5-6. It was critical to include the island into the design. To enhance what has been given and highlight it the rigt way.. The enhance what has been given and highlight it the rigt way.. The ring frames the park and the water - with great respect ring frames the park and the water - with great respect to both. The space inside the circle is dedicated to the brandto both. The space inside the circle is dedicated to the brandnew activity in the Ostend - wakeboarding. It takes the greatest new activity in the Ostend - wakeboarding. It takes the greatest advantages from the unique closed waterbody, that now can advantages from the unique closed waterbody, that now can serve as a wakeboarders paradise.. serve as a wakeboarders paradise.. 2.
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The circle consists of four main elements on the footbridge.. All parametrically designed to create wave-shaped shading.. The forms are designed in the way to point users’ attention inside or outside the circle.
The circle as a project of the pathway can attract visitor only by its iconic shape.. When seen from the bridge nearby, it can invite one to simply experience the walk around. .The footbridge can serve as a destination for Sundays’ walks..
The steel structure has been included to follow the path of the circle, not only for aesthetics but as support for the ziplines, to introduce a new activity in Ostend - wakeboarding.