Divison 6 North - December 2013

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A WORD FROM YOUR LTG! Hello Penguins! Can you believe that we are approaching the last quarter of this term? Time sure does when a division is having fun. From Fall Rally to the amazingly successful Christmas Social, Rose Float to Food Bank, 6N has been busy, but that doesn’t mean that we can end it here! It’s important to finish off this term strong and whether that means by training your elects for their position or getting those last hours to reach the GOLDEN goal of 50 hours, we need to finish strong. With conclave is approaching quickly I challenge you all to start planning what you want your Key Club journey to be next term. Rather it be an officer, division, district or even international position or even just a member, it is up to you to make your Key Club experience the best that it can be. Don’t just sit to the side and let the time pass you buy, take a hold of the opportunities given to you and run with them! No matter how hard the obstacle, how challenging the course, I promise to you all that the rewards makes all the hardships completely worth it. As we approach our last quarter together I ask that you all reflect on this last term. What was the most memorable moment, what was something you wished could have gone differently, what did you learn from the most? Reflect on your time as a member or an officer and see your growth. See how you changed from the beginning to end of this term, how much you’ve grown as a member, a leader and most importantly as a volunteer. It has been an absolute blessing to serve you all and I know that your elect will have a strong and amazing division to serve next year. Waddling with love and service, LTG Nini Buu


Hey 6 North Penguins! I hope you all enjoyed your winter break and are ready to waddle on back to school for a second semester! Reflecting on December, we had such a successful month! First of all, I would like to thank everyone who came out to the city of Eastvale to attend our division's First Annual Holiday Social! Words cannot express my joy as I saw our "venue" flooded with penguins. Second, I want to say that our Kiwanis have given us a big Thank You for the members who headed out to Pasadena to work on the Rose Floats! We have had a tremendous amount of hours for this month in service! Where has all the time gone this term? We are already electing our next Lieutenant Governor on the 25th of this month! This year went by quickly, and it seems to be ending soon! So each of you should consider on grabbing your own Golden Ticket to Cali-Nev-Ha's 2014 District Convention in Sacramento! Why should you spend almost $300 on a GOLDEN ticket? Because it's an experience of a lifetime, it is Fall Rally South AND North combined, you meet Key Clubbers from all three states, you build up leadership skills, but most importantly it's a time for celebration. A celebration of the past year's accomplishments, and an initiation to begin the 2014-2015 term. If you plan on attending, direct any questions or concerns to our Lieutenant Governor, Nini Buu! I hope you guys enjoy this month's edition of the Penguinette! I'll see you at our next DCM! (-; Waddling with Service, Executive Assistant Ashley Chen

Hello, my name is Jenny Truong and I am from Centennial High School. I am one of the two executive assistants for Division 6 North and my job is to find community service projects for the division and aid the LTG with miscellaneous tasks. This month’s newsletter recaps Division 6 North’s activities for the month of December and introduces some upcoming and exciting events for Key Club. For the month of December, we hosted a division service project with the Corona Settlement House in which we sorted canned foods and goods for two weeks and distributed them to th needy families on Sunday, December 15 . As usual, the division had its annual Rose Float Decoration Service Event this month and I was thrilled to see a plethora of Key Clubbers volunteering to help decorate the floats! Unfortunately this was my last Rose Float event with Key Club and for those who aren't graduating I encourage you all to volunteer next year. We also had our first division social this month! The party was a success (thank you Ashley Chen and Ethan Liang) and I got to meet many division members. If you missed this event, don’t worry, we still have our end of the year banquet coming up in spring! Some upcoming events that I would love for all members to attend are Conclave and DCON. Conclave is where you get to witness the election of your next LTG and I suggest that everyone go because you get to see a more formal side of Key Club as well as learn what it takes to be a leader. DCON is a must! I highly encourage members of all grades to attend this event. I personally never went to DCON, but from what I heard DCON is a great event to meet Key Club members from the entire CNH district and engage in workshops and activities that will strengthen your role as a Key Clubber (it’s like Fall Rally but 50 times better). Overall, I want to thank all my division penguins for your hard work and enthusiastic spirit for service! Keep on Waddling! Executive Assistant Jenny Truong

Hi. Newsletter Editor Ethan Liang

D6N CHRISTMAS SOCIAL Division 6 North hosted their firstever Christmas Social! The Penguins celebrated Christmas with holiday activities and a potluck. Activities include white elephant giftsharing, rowdy icebreakers, basketball, and tons of eating! The Penguins, laughed, bonded, and partied! Definitely a great way to kick-off winter break after a week of dreadful finals!

APRIL 11TH – 13th



rOSE FLOAT DECORATING Hello, my name is Jevon Santos from D6N. I am a Junior from Eleanor Roosevelt High School. My experience during the Rose float decorations was very enjoyable. I saw many beautiful floats that showed wonderful craftsmanship. I'm sure people worked very hard on them. Now my job was to glue on seeds onto the back panels in a tiny crawl space. This job was challenging at first, however I managed to finish it. After that I cut purple flower petals which was fun because it was an easy task and I shared a few laughs and made new memories with people from other divisions. At the end of the program I felt accomplished yet wanting to do more. I honestly can't wait to go back next year!

Hello, I'm Nathan Heger. I am a Junior at John F. Kennedy High school. I helped coordinate the Rose Float Decorating and it was a very fun experience. I got to do several things. Those things include cutting the petals off small flowers and I also worked on the some floats. I am glad I went this year.

CONCLAVE As the term of our amazing Lieutenant Governor, Nini Buu, comes to end, Division 6 North must decide who shall serve as the 2014-15 Lieutenant Governor. Please join us on January 25th, from 1 PM-3 PM at UCR as we vote for the best candidate!

THROW BACK TO FALL RALLY Division 6 North, just two years of age, conquered all opposing divisions at Fall Rally. Once known as the “underdogs”, today we are known as victors. The Spirit Stick was our goal and we have acquired it. The Spirit Stick not only represents our victory, but most importantly, our perseverance, our eagerness, OUR WILL, OUR POWER, AND OUR SPIRIT! WE WILL NEVER FORGET AND WE WILL COME BACK STRONGER! THOSE WHO ARE SENIORS WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN AND THOSE LUCKY ONES WHO WILL BE RETURNING NEXT YEAR SHALL CONTRIBUTE TO OUR PENGUIN MIGHT! D-6-N P-E-N-G-UI-NS!


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