The Turtle Times | February 2020

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Issue 9 Volume 10 February Edition

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HAPPY NEW YEAR/DECADE, TURTLES! I hope you’re all enjoying your newfound 20/20 vision. It’s a new decade but one thing hasn’t changed, these newsletters. This is my second-to-last newsletter and I’m going to miss this very dearly. Although most people don’t even read these newsletters, I put my whole heart into making them. I’ve learned a lot over the past several months and I promise the last newsletter will be super epic so enjoy! <3 Anyway, there are a couple events happening soon. Division 10 South has elected a new LTG! YAY! I know that they will flourish since they’re amazing and 10 South members are amazing! The division also has a January DCM soon and I can’t wait to see you all there! I’ll leave everyone with an inspirational quote,

“You never really know, but when they know, you'll know.” - Crush from Finding Nemo Bubble Beaming with Love,

Allison Sou Division News Editor


WASSSSAAAA TURTLES! How’s those new year resolutions doing for ya? I didn’t make one this year since I never really completed any of them. ANYWAYYYY, there’s only two more months until the term ends, which means two more months until our LTG-elect takes over! Congratulations Jerica and I know you’re going to make 10 South better than it already is! Swimming in Service, Amanda Lee News Coordinator

“The wilderness must be explored!” - Russell from Up


Hello Turtles! How it be, how it do! Today is the day that I can say I have done the impossible. I have given birth to a new Lieutenant Governor. As the current EA and Mark Keppel Vice President, she has shown so much growth and achievement this term and I can only hope to imagine what she has in store for the next. Please send her all your support and love! Although I am now with child, I am not an IP just yet! There are still two more months until DCON where I officially retire. With two months, there is still so much change and service we can perform in our community. With 16,000 hours and $6,000 raised for PTP as of right now, we have broken records and have raised the most money and served the most hours in 10 South history. Even though we have surpassed our expectations, this does not mean that our hard work ends here! Let's continue to serve our communities to the highest of our abilities and fundraise for PTP and those in need. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns and I hope to see you at our January DCM!

Swimming in Service, Ryan Bautista 2019-2020 Lieutenant Governor 5

Hi, 10 South! This is Jerica Fang and I have the great honor of being your Lieutenant Governor-Elect for the 2020-2021 term! I am super excited to be able to serve you guys next term and I have plenty of ideas and goals for our division! This term, I had the privilege of being your executive assistant, and I’m super thrilled to be your next Lieutenant Governor! I can say with all of my heart that I love you, Division 10 South!! Also, a big thank you to everyone who attended conclave and watched Ryan give birth to me! I can’t wait to hang out with you guys at our next DCM and at DCON!

Swimming with Service, Jerica Fang Lieutenant Governor-Elect 6

SCHOOL UPDATES Mark Keppel For the month of January we held a Krispy Kreme Fundraiser and sold over 100 dozen boxes. We had a service event at the Pasadena half marathon. We are currently organizing DCON attendance and registration. - Karen Chin

Alhambra For January, We had the 1st meeting of 2nd semester with a new cabinet. We also set up a bunch of services for the new future. We also finally got our windbreakers and it came out perfect, Today, we volunteered at Pasadena Half Marathon. Upcoming services that we are planning are Nike LA and a Kiwanis Breakfast. - Fiona Chan

Montebello For the month of January, we have been planning for second semester events,fundraisers, and promotion of the club for next term. We are currently updating our display case at school and creating our merchandise to sell. - Calysta Muro 7


Schurr We have been tutoring students in all subjects form math to english. We are planning to volunteer at a food bank set up and the food bank itself next month and continuing to tutor those who need the help. - Brandon Van

Gabrielino This past month, we held a New Year festival service and several local elementary school services. Our officer board decorated a stencil to display at our school’s rally, which our members helped set up for. We held our first general meeting of the semester on January 13th, where we introduced out new freshmen officer, Andy Banh. We have food faire coming up on January 31st, where we will be selling boba to fundraise. Looking towards February, we have many more services planned and will begin preparing for officer elections for next year’s board. - Rumaisa Islam


UPDATES Wilson For the month of January, our club had volunteered in the Women’s March which was on January 18. And we are in the process of designing our own merch and planning February fundraisers hoping to fund for senior sashes and extra $$ for next year. Our upcoming service is the firecracker goodie bag. - Michelle Pan

San Gabriel For the month of January, our club has been preparing and ordering healthy snacks and country meats for our February fundraisers. We also currently have second semester applications out for anyone who wants to join for this semester, and just started promoting cabinet positions, along with cabinet applications too. Next week we have Matador Showcase, which is where our schools hosts a rally for the incoming freshmen and our Key Club will be there to advertise our club. Service events that we have volunteered at were the New Years Race Operation Jack Marathon. And we have one upcoming service, the Redondo Beach Run. We are also planning to make gear for this year! - Tiffany Tang



What’s your favorite part of being Interconnectivity Coordinator? My favorite part of being Interconnectivity Coordinator is being able to contribute to the DCMs and the planning of the DCM icebreakers. It helps me value the importance of how icebreakers can bring people together!

What’s your favorite Key Club event? Why?




My favorite key club event would be the Rose Float Parade because a whole bunch of Key Clubs from many schools come together to volunteer. It's a great opportunity to be a part of such a huge parade, and we get to give back to the community while meeting new people.

Always strive to improve yourself and get involved in Key Club! It's worth it and in the long run not only benefits the community but also you as an individual because you will learn qualities that go a long way! Follow your passion!

to my fellow class of 2020: WE ALMOST OUTTA HERE! PUSH THROUGH Y’ALL!!! --and to everyone else: remember to work hard and don’t watch tiktoks until 2am đ&#x;¤Ş



Since this is your last year in Key Club, what will you miss most about it? The number one thing that I will miss most about being in Key Club is being able to serve with people from all over the world. We might not be physically volunteering together, but I love how everyone has a common goal. I will also miss making friends with people from different divisions because some of these friendships could last a lifetime.


What’s your favorite Key Club event? Why? My favorite Key Club event is Harvest Festival at Wilcox Elementary (hosted by Schurr Key Club). This event holds sentimental value to me because it is the one that most Schurr members attend, and it brings me joy to see them all having fun with their friends while volunteering. 11


Volunteers working on the sign for the float Volunteers working on filling vials During Winter Break, Key Clubbers were once again offered the opportunity to participate in helping to decorate the floats for the Rose Parade. The Phoenix Decorating Co. was located in Irwindale and Key Clubbers arrived early in the morning and assisted the crew chiefs until the afternoon. Volunteers were tasked with preparing flowers, decorating floats, preparing vials, and arranging the various types of flowers. In addition to Key Club, other organizations were also participating in the preparations for Rose Floats. The Phoenix staff provided volunteers with lunch at noon. In addition, volunteers were able to ask their crew chief to take a break. The Phoenix staff also provided volunteers with Clif energy bars and water. After days of hard work, volunteers could celebrate the new year by watching the Rose Parade and see all the floats they worked on travel the streets of Pasadena. by Anson Yamvinij, Mark Keppel Historian 12


Members hard at work with tree bark for the floats

During the month of December, Gabrielino High School key club members gave back to their community through one of their biggest services of the year--Rose Float Decorating. Enjoyable and rewarding, GHS Key Club joined many other key clubs from all around Southern California to decorate giant floats for Pasadena’s annual New Year Rose Parade. They used organic materials to cover each unique float. Tasks included gluing the flowers on, cutting flowers, painting, and cleaning up. One of the best aspects of this service is that they get to be a part of something that receives nationwide attention and they see their hard work and dedication being put to use. by Nicole Tanaka, Gabrielino Historian



Key Clubbers serving dinner to the Familia Unida attendees

Key Clubbers lining up by the door to greet the Familia Unida attendees

Key Clubbers helping out at the donation table


On Friday, December 13, 2019, Rosemead Key Club had its monthly volunteering event, Familia Unida, an event where the volunteers help and serve the individuals who have been living with a disability, chronic illness. This monthly event was Christmas themed and it took place at the Rosemead Recreation Center from 4:30-9 PM. We had around 25 volunteers and the volunteers were split into four different groups: Pantry, Kitchen, Assistants/Interactions, and Wheelchair Wash. Those in Pantry were assigned to pack fruits, vegetables, and packaged foods into plastic bags and those in Kitchen were assigned to prepare the food for the disabilities. Some of the volunteers assisted and talked with different disabled individuals in Assistants/Interactions while some of them helped wash the individuals’ wheelchairs in Wheelchair Wash. We also had some volunteers help at the donation table with handing out clothes, toys, and women necessities and distributing raffle tickets. At 5 PM, many of the attendees have arrived and we had all of the volunteers come line up at the door to greet them. Around 6 PM, the volunteers began to serve dinner to the members. A talent show was hosted and we had some of our volunteers perform their talents to entertain the members during dinner. As the event was slowly coming to an end at around 8:30 PM, the volunteers helped carry the pantry bags to each of the individuals and help assist them if needed. As the members were leaving the room, the volunteers helped tidied up the room and kitchen. by Celine Diep, Rosemead Tech Editor

CNH UPDATES Keep in contact with the District from their monthly newsletter! Read them on Want to go to DCON? The District has videos for you to help with the registration process! Watch it on


CONTACTS Lieutenant Governor | Ryan Bautista Executive Assistants | Jessica Goeij & Jerica Fang Division News Editor | Allison Sou Division Tech Editor | Jessica Lam Secretary | Zhen Huang Head Fundraising Coordinators | Michelle Dang & Caddie Yu Head Spirit Coordinators | Crystal Tsujii & Ethan Wu Historian | Fiona Chan Interconnectivity Coordinator | Nicole Tanaka Kiwanis Family & Friends Coordinator | Ignes Lim Member Recognition Coordinator | Susan Chhen Publicity | Karen Nguyen Service Events Coordinator | Samantha Wu 16

THANK YOU FOR READING Instagram: d10sblueturtles Facebook: Division 10 South Key Club

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