The Turtle Times June 2016

Page 1


Message from the ltg


June events


Recognition & article contents


Rosemead & Keppel articles


Wilson & Schurr Articles


San Gabriel Article


Gabrielino Article


stay connected!



a mESSAGE FROM THE Hello Blue Turtles! IT’S FINALLY SUMMER! We can now take a break from all

our school work and FOCUS more on serving our community and fundraising for PTP and MNT. Key club is the only club that is opened YEAR-long and does not stop during the summer. Just because school ended, doesn’t mean we should stop serving!

In the month of June, we’ve had quite a lot of events. On the 12th, we had our Spiritastic June DCM where we updated you all on upcoming division events, played ice breakers, and learned cheers to dominate the spirit battle at Region Picnic! On the 17th, we had a service event at the Rosemead Community center where we helped set up board games, played with kids, and cleaned up. On the 25th, we had our first region event called Region 13 Picnic where we played icebreakers and spirit battled with other divisions. I would like to thank all of you for attending these events! Be on the lookout for more events happening in the next month! Keep your eyes out for an upcoming event called OTC! Officer training conference is an annual event for all club officers to attend to gain necessary leadership skills and training for their term. Various workshops are presented for the officers and members to learn about the duties as an officer, preferred charities, and the major emphasis of key club! This event is MANDATORY for all club officers to attend in order for them to learn about their positions and to grow as a leader. All members are welcomed to join as well! If you are interested in becoming a future officer, I highly encourage all of you to take advantage of this event! In Service,

Samantha Voong


Lieutenant Governor Division 10 South, Region 13 Key Club International

the month of



Mark keppel

Rubber Ducky Race


Campus Cleanup


New Event Coordinators

San Gabriel

Featured Member: CP

Gabrielino Club Banquet


Leadership opportunity!

Familia Unida


On May 28, Rosemead Key Clubbers were ecstatic to finally be volunteering at the monthly Familia Unida, an organization where, at the end of each month, patients with multiple sclerosis gather together in a circle and share their amazing stories. A Rosemead Key Club tradition that began fifteen years ago, Key Clubbers have constantly been volunteering at the service since then. This month’s Familia Unida was a potluck!

RHS Key Clubbers served more than 50 people, packed over 50 pantry bags, encouraged physical exercise within the members, washed wheelchairs, and smiled brightly the whole time. At the end of each Familia Unida, members of Rosemead Key Club help bring pantry bags to the car for the members that participated and ask how each other how the month’s Familia Unida was. One member of the Familia Unida exclaimed, “It was an amazing turnout!

Rubber Ducky Race On May 14, 2016, Mark Keppel Key Clubbers volunteered at the nearby East Los Angeles College and helped out with Project NEO’s Rubber Ducky Race. Volunteers rushed around during the early morning shift to set up before participants came. Tables, chairs, and tents were laid out for set-up. Cardboard plaques listing the race’s sponsors were posted on the windows of the Indoor Pool area.


Unfortunately, I was unable to help out during the afternoon shift which was when most of the action happened. From what I had heard, volunteers helped guide the participants to the venue and race. The Mark Keppel Key Clubbers did excellent job when I was present. I hope to see more volunteers come out to the fun summer events that are coming soon.


Cleaning Up Wilson


On June 2, from 3 to 3:50 p.m., Key Club members cleaned up the school campus in order to promote a greater learning environment, allow students to be comfortable, and give them the willingness to learn. In this event, the blue turtles volunteered by picking up trash and putting it in a black plastic bag. “It was a great opportunity to help out my school,” member Ivan Rodriguez said. Another member Jack Zheng commented, saying that he “[had] a great time and [that] helping [others] is a good thing for [students] to experience.” The importance of this event was to help Wilson look better while having others help out. Members learned the campus is quite dirty and that the club could not have cleaned all of the trash in time if members had not communicated and helped each other.

Two Additions to ohana


Sometimes the original number of officers is not enough to handle and run the club. Because of this, Schurr High School’s Key Club cabinet decided to recruit two more officers: event coordinators. These officers are given the task of looking for events and helping run the club, giving members a chance to step up and see all the hard work happening behind the scenes. While all the members that ran for the position were all equally qualified, club members junior Lindsey Ueda and freshman Katrina Lin stood out and were chosen for the position.


Lindsey Ueda

Katrina Lin

“My goals are to find fun and interesting events for the club to motivate members to attend more events. I ran for Event Coordinator to try and take on a more of a leadership role in the club my final year of Key Club and high school.”

“I plan on finding events that our members will remember and be happy that they were part of. I ran for Event Coordinator because I wanted to do more for Key Club.”

Featured member: Cassidy Pham To some, Key Club might be a service club to join and get service hours or simply another club on campus; to senior Cassidy Pham, it means much more. “Key Club is one of the first clubs that I joined, and it means a lot to me in terms of confidence, community service, and friendship,” Pham said. “I joined Key Club because of one of my older friends, and it motivated me to change and become someone I was proud of: an outgoing, trying-my-best-to-befriendly school leader.” With no doubts, Pham explains that “Key Club was the spark that created who [she is] today,” and that to her, “Key Club means growth.” As this term’s president, Pham has many goals in mind. “[One of] my goals this term as president are to unify the club,


both cabinet and general members,” Pham said. Not only that, Pham also wants to recreate the motivation for service once again and to see spirit in the club’s members. “[I want] to change the way people perceive Key Club as a regular service club to a student-led service organization that is open to all that want to join,” Pham said. “Teamwork is really important,” Pham said. “Leaning on the support of my cabinet is a great way to split up our goals. I believe in breaking down a big goal into smaller, simpler goals to see the path we will take to achieve the bigger goal we have in the long term.” With her plans of a c t i o n and the help of her cabinet members, Pham believes that her goals can be achieved.


Gab. key banquet Gabrielino Key Club held its annual endof-the-year banquet in the Small Gym at Gabrielino High School on May 20. Those who completed a minimum of fifteen hours of volunteer service during the year were allowed to attend and celebrate their accomplishments. Before the event started, officers and volunteers worked together to set up the room. Decorations were hung, tables and chairs were laid out, and speakers and projectors were set up. Key Clubbers were then allowed into the banquet and seated at 6 p.m while listening to music played by fellow peers and members of the music club, “Unplugged.” When the music finished and the banquet officially began, both the newly-elected and previous presidents greeted the guests and thanked them for coming. The festivities opened with icebreakers and games to allow members to have fun and interact with new faces. Next, members watched a short video that showcased the services, projects, and accomplishments of the 2015-16 term. Immediately after, members were served delicious pasta, salad, cookies, and other treats. Then, came the moment the members had been waiting for: the awards ceremony. One by one, members came up to receive a certificate of membership and shake hands with the club’s IP president, Shannon Louie. Special awards were given to distinguished individuals as well as the club as a whole. This year, Gabrielino Key Club gratefully received awards for “Club of the Year,” “Most Improved Club,” and five more badges for its banner! In addition, the club’s wonderful chaperones and advisors were not forgotten. To thank



them for all their time and effort, balloons and certificates were given to all the chaperones who accompanied students at Fall Rally, DCON, and other services. Finally, the banquet ended; in the spirit of service, Key Clubbers did their part in cleaning up the gym and helping the janitors. Although the highlight of this month was not a service, it was no less important. Yuta Horii, a new Key Club member who joined the family just this year, commented that “the banquet was great” and that the highlight of the event for him was watching other members “chant when they were getting their awards.” By “chant,” he referred to the enthusiastic “How do you feel?” cheers members gave when receiving their awards. While the members setting up and cleaning for the banquet demonstrates that serving others is a part of the daily lives of all Key Clubbers, the banquet itself serves the remind us to acknowledge our accomplishments and appreciate those who help us along the way. Looking back allows us to see how far we’ve come and anticipate what the future holds.


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CONTACT Samantha Voong

lieutenant governor

Vicki Cai

executive assistant

Kacie le

executive assistant

Anthony Vuong


Kelly Ho

tech editor

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