Turtle Times July 2013

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Turtle Times

Region 13 Division 10 South Volume 3

Issue 2 July 2013

Calendar July Sunday










































June 23: Division 10 North&South Officer Training Conference June 29: POPS Concert June 30: June Division Council Meeting July 6: Don Bosco Car Wash, Alhambra Hotspot July 13: Region Picnic, Rosemead Relay for Life July 14: Rosemead Relay for Life, Wheelchair Wash July 20: Division 10 South Car Wash July 28: July DCM

d10s at the region 13 picnic.

d10n’s ptp cake pops.

key club chalk art at alhambra hotspot.

Upcoming Events

Congratulations to our new street team and fundraising committee!

Upcoming Events: July 20: Division 10 South Car Wash Battle for PTP July 28: Division Council Meeting Undecided: Region 13 beach clean up Lieutenant Governor: Jason Basulto Executive Asisstants: Amanda Thai & Kenny Yeung Technology Editor: Genie Hong

New division website coming soon in August! Stay tuned for a more efficient, organized, and official source of division information!

Street team: Kalani Chi, Sayra Escobar, Calvin Ha, Kimberly Ha, Lilly Huang, Tracy Lee, Richard Lee, Cathy Liu, Justin Lu, and Terri Tang. Fundraising committee: Augustine Au, Amy Chang, Maggie Cheng, Nicholas De La Torre, Andy Lam, Christina Lee, Jeffrey Lei, Christine Phan, and Amanda Wong. The above have been chosen for their skills and their talent, as well as their passion and dedication to Key Club. Please serve us well this term! We look forward to making our division the best it can be with all of you.

Officer Training Confer Division 10 North+Division 10 South

In June, Division 10 South had our Officer Training Conference, which was co-hosted by our Division 10 North neighbors, at the YMCA in San Gabriel. Beginning early in the afternoon, we started off with some ice breakers to get and know some of our other key clubbers who attended. Playing things such as “I love my Neighbor” and “Baby, I love you”, the ice breakers really did their job and made us forget about the scorching heat frying us that day! We also got to meet a lot of people in and out of our divisions, which made bpnding a lot more fun. After a while, the workshops started for the officers and general members. While some went into rooms to learn about their new positions, others stayed outside to bond with our Division 10 Kiwanians as well as break out into spontaneous spirit battles. While it was all fun and games, the workshops really put to light the different positions and jobs in Key Club, and as a general member, I got to learn a lot about what

I could do to help and participate in Key Club events. It also showed me how I could help create events for my home club and raise money for things such as PTP. Kalani Chi Mark Keppel Member The Officer Training Conference was a pleasurable experience that brought Key Clubbers all over the division together both to learn and to interact. Followed by icebreakers, the conference educated officers for the 2013-2014 school year, as well as general members. The conference was a step up from last year’s, with another whole division joining us. I had more time to meet up and socialize with many students from both my school and other schools. Christopher Lan San Gabriel Historian


Photo by Sonny An Working with my fellow executive assistant, Kenny Yeung, and the executive assistants of Division 10 North in leading the general session was definitely an experience to remember. Because it was our first time running a session, we weren’t entirely prepared for our debut. Fortunately, we still managed to get things going and made many new friends! This OTC taught us about things we should work on for future training sessions, such as our leadership and public speaking skills, and also allowed us to see each other in action. I look forward to working with my fellow Key Clubbers in future events where we’ll be able to better our community through the power of leadership, and of course, service! Amanda Thai Mark Keppel Executive Assistant

This year was the first time I have ever been to an OTC. I was in charge of leading a historian session with Division 10 North’s Sonny An. I felt very nervous about the whole ordeal, and a little intimidated by Sonny. After all, he is known for taking stunning pictures at every event he goes to and towers over my 5-foot stature. Luckily, aside from a little teasing (thanks), Sonny was v and easy to work with. It was wonderful to meet all of the historians, technology editors, and publicity chairs from both divisions, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to answer questions, clarify ideas, and generally just have a good time with my fellow Key Clubbers. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for next year’s OTC! Genie Hong Rosemead Technology Editor

Region 13 Picnic On Saturday, July 13, Region 13 held it’s own annual regional picnic. Key Club members ranging from Divisions 10 South, 10 North, 15, 35 West, and 35 East all flocked towards Butterfield Park, in Walnut, filling the place with excitement, and fun. During the event, hundreds of members from various clubs throughout the area participated in spirit battles, and cheers. Many clubs chose to fundraise at the event, for donating to PTP, and for their own clubs, as well. It was a very interactive, and social opportunity for people from the 5 different divisions. Although many people came to the picnic fearfully, and nervously, most left astounded, and pleased, in that they made the right decision in coming to the event. The best part about this event, was that it spurred excitement, and motivation, for doing service. Through the various competitions, and activities, Key Clubbers were given plenty of opportunities to meet, and work with others. Not only did many members find that it is not just service that we care about, but also that everybody enjoys their time, in doing the service. Augustine Au Don Bosco Tech President

The picnic allowed me to take a break from my practice, which was great. It also allowed me to meet many people from different schools and divisions. I was glad that many key clubbers from our division went because they were able to see the competitiveness of the other divisions through the spirit battles. As a former street team member, i was impressed to see that the other divisions created catchy cheers and i hope it will motivate out current street team to create better cheers. In the end, it was an amazing region picnic. Jason Duong Schurr President

Schurr’s Wesley Yuen and Jason Duong post-water balloon fight.

When I first arrived at the Region Picnic, I was overjoyed by the sight of all the Key Clubbers and Divisions that were there. It was a great chance to meet people from many of the other divisions and to talk to old friends. Though some of the ice breakers were dull, I enjoyed the song icebreaker because it gave me a chance to meet other people and mess around as we thought of different songs. One of my favorite games at the Region Picnic was definitely the water balloon fight because I had a chance to soak people that I didn’t even know! One of the best parts of being at Region Picnic was definitely the Spirit Battle! It brought back so many memories from Fall Rally and remains one of my favorite reasons of being in Key Club. Though the games and activities were great, I also liked all the little booths that were set up to sell stuff; especially the booth where they sold little Division Mascot Key chains! Calvin Ha Rosemead Secretary

For me, the picnic was a very refreshing experience. It was great to be able to socialize and just have fun with other Key Club members. The events at the picnic were very interactive and I really felt a sense of connection with my division, especially during the spirit battles. Overall, it was enjoyable, and I’m glad to have experienced it with Region 13. Jimmy Chen Schurr Vice President

Though I left early, the region picnic was one of the most memorable Key Club experiences I have ever had. The picnic was a host to many fundraising booths from different divisions selling mascot key chains, shirts, wristbands, and charms. There were too many have-to-have things, and I found myself wanting to have them all! I myself am new to the Key Club “scene” and I could not get enough of the energy from all the tireless key clubbers. The picnic had many games and icebreakers that left me feeling as if I knew everyone by the end. There were so many things to do at the picnic that when it was time to leave, I was practically dragged out. I can’t wait for next year! Steven Castro Don Bosco Tech Representative

Region Picnic was probably one of the best experiences I’ve ever had, next to DCON and Fall Rally. The excitement of all these key clubbers coming together to share ideas and meet one another was phenomenal. I loved seeing all these Key Clubbers from different schools just come and show their spirit and love for their club, community service, and for themselves. I was able to meet a lot of people and pretty bond with random people I didn’t even know. Although it was just a one day event, I feel like I was able to make a lot of new friends. The food there didn’t hurt either. With all the LTG’s hard work and the Key Clubbers’ dedication, the event become more than just a picnic. It became one family coming together with the sole idea of spirit and community service. Christine Phan Rosemead Treasurer

Don Bosco’s Darrien Gardea and Steven Castro.

Buff LTG’s Jason Basulto and Andy Wong leading d10s and D35e in the tug-of-war.

Background: Lionfish prepare to battle each other in Tug-of-War.

Pasadena Chalk Festival The Pasadena Chalk Festival was on June 15 and June 16 and we had two shifts each day. The first shift went from 7-12 while the second shift was from 127. Overall, volunteers were able to supply chalk artists with water, give out father’s day handouts to the participants and have lots of fun! Although it was very hot, the workers in charge of the volunteers provided us with water and shade. We were even able to see the super cool chalk art! Airin Wu Gabrielino Co-Vice President The Pasadena Chalk Festival, which takes place in Paseo Colorado, is a two-day event where artists show off their skills by drawing on the floors of the shopping plaza. It’s a fun, free event that thousands of people attend each year. The environment makes it easy to enjoy the whole day because the beautiful artwork is surrounded by places to shop, dine, and live entertainment. The place was also filled with Key Clubbers ready to volunteer. There were many different jobs like signing in the artists, storing paintings, distributing paintings, and informing the artists about available chalk and water. I love to attend this event and look forward to it every year. It is always amazing to see what the artists are able to do. Janet Ng Mark Keppel Representative

Above: a chalk drawing of darth vader from star wars. bottom left: Wilson and Mark Keppel key clubbers pose for a picture. bottom right: an alice in wonderland chalk mural in progress.

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