The Turtle Times August/September 2014

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The Turtle Times Region 13

Division 10 South

Volume 4

Issue 3

August/September 2014


“What was your favorite event this month?” My favorite event has to be Region 13 Picnic! I’d never met so many key clubbers in my life. Since this was my first time going, I’d never experienced a picnic before. Overall, I loved that day and It is unforgettable. -Katie Chan, Mark Keppel My favorite event this month was the Region 13 Picnic because I got to meet up with some friends from the other divisions, got some new merchandise, got to know our LTG’s a little bit more, and pied my ltg! -Brent Kuruma, Schurr My favorite event this month would be Region Picnic because it let me meet a lot of new people and experience what leading a division is like. I’ve never really knew what it was like to lead D10S, but after being a spirit coordinator I can have that opportunity. -Sean Chung, Mark Keppel


My favorite event this past month has definitely been the R13 Picnic. It was an opportunity to see and meet some of the other divisions in the area and enjoy a day with them. Despite it being a really hot day, the games and the food made it all worth it. Events like these always remind me of why Key Club is unique and special. -Kenny Yeung, San Gabriel The most memorable event would have to be the July DCM since its always a chance for all of D10S to come together and bond. The collab meeting with fundraising coordinators and street team was fun as well as educational. -Christine Le, Rosemead* *(Editor’s Note: Christine did not attend Region Picnic.)


9 REGION BEACH CLEAN UP 21 division council meeting REGION 13 Training 17 Division Council Meeting 27 Conference 23 Division car waSh 24 LA Brain Tumor Walk

A MESSAGE FROM THE LTG Hello Blue Turtles! h. For this month, I would like to share with everyone my International Convention(ICON) experience. For those that do not know what ICON is, it is a convention where Key Clubbers from over 33 countries come and meet for 4 days and 4 nights and attend workshops to help you become a better member. During the event, there was lots of fun activities such as free pin trading, talent show, oral speech contests, video contests, 2 dances, meet and greet, etc. HOWEVER, ICON’s most important element is the House of Delegates. Each school’s Key Club is allowed to send up to 2 delegates to attend a meeting and vote on the new policies for Key Club International. At this year’s ICON, only 3 members were able to represent their schools from D10S because even though there were more than 3 ICON attendees, only 2 max per school is allowed. Next year, ICON will be in Indianapolis, Indiana. I will be attending ICON for 2015, so I highly encourage everyone to start saving money. The experience of meeting people from Canada, Jamaica, New England, etc. is an experience I will never forget. The friendships made across the world brings a warm fuzzy feeling to my heart knowing that I am not alone. We are an ohana. No one gets left behind. Join us at all the upcoming events! Swimming for service, Tracy Lee Lieutenant Governor 2014-2015 Division 10 South, Region 13 California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International P.S: Region 13 Beach Clean Up is on August 9th. Hope to see everyone there!

Club Articles Gabrielino Kidspace Children’s Museum Mark Keppel 626 Night Market San Gabriel Relay for Life Schurr Region Picnic

Relay for Life Thomas Wang SErvice committee, San Gabriel On July 26, San Gabriel’s Key Club volunteered at a Relay for Life event at Temple City High School. Led by the American Cancer Society, Relay for Life is a walk at a local school or park to commemorate victims of cancer and honor survivors. In this particular event, Key Clubbers helped the volunteers out to make their life a bit easier.

“Our main job was to take care of and keep kids busy with fun activities,” said Kim Pham. From morning until noon, Key Clubbers organized various activities for the volunteers’ children. They played sports and assisted them in arts and crafts, while hyping them up with some Key Club spirit. However, the ser-

vice did not go as smoothly with the kids as expected. “I learned how to communicate with kids when in times of emergency, A.K.A. when they were bawling their eyes out about everything! I also learned how to persuade them into doing the activities,” commented Pham. Even so, Key Clubbers were able to pull through and provide their little compatriots with the best care. They learned about how to better communicate with young children because of the experiences at this Relay for Life event, a skill that can prove to be valuable in the future.

kidspace children's museum Pan Thin Historian, Gabrielino Located in Pasadena, Kidspace Children’s Museum is always the most fun site for children to visit for the first time or revisit every year. With various interesting themes introduced every year, every kid receives the opportunities to explore, learn, and experience the real outside world. On August 9, Kidspace Children’s Museum celebrated the member night with the theme of pirate adventure, where families joined the event wearing pirate costumes and enjoyed the night with fun games and activities. Key Clubbers from Gabrielino High School made the event as engaging as possible by assisting at hand-

crafts booth. We helped cutting out the parrot paper-crafts, let the kids decorate with colorful feathers, and helped setting them up on their shoulders so that they could look like real pirates. Once in a while, the smiles on their faces washed out our boredom. It is an understatement to say that it was one of the best volunteer services we have ever done.

626 night Market Wendy Lin Historian, Mark Keppel This month our club had lots of fun volunteering at the 626 Night Market and enjoyed yummy Asian street food. We helped various booths, including information, games, and food. We did things from greeting and directing people to advertising. The volunteer coordinators were generous enough to provide us with free volunteer shirts and food vouchers. It was a fun experience for both old and new Key Clubbers!

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