The Turtle Times September 2015

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Division 10 South

Volume 5

Issue 7

September 2015

Club Articles Schurr

Club Rush!



Rosemead Club Rush!


Harvest Moon Festival!



It’s October and that doesn’t just mean that it’s Halloween season...Fall Rally is just around the corner! I am more than excited to lead the division in the hallowed stadium at Six Flags and I am hopeful about bringing home that Spirit Stick. If you have any questions or concerns about Fall Rally, feel free to ask me, your president, or any member of the division leadership team. As big as Fall Rally is, we are, at the very core, still a service organization; we cheer because we serve. So keep on serving, attend more services, and spread the Key Club name with pride! Upcoming services with the division include the Thanksgiving Dinner in the Park, where we help serve hot meals for those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to enjoy during this time of festivity, and the annual Kiwanis Rose Float Decoration service, one of the biggest Key Club services of the year where we, alongside thousands of other Key Clubbers, come together to assemble the Kiwanis Rose Float and raise awareness for our cause. Seniors, remember to get started on those college applications, I believe in all of you and you will all go far! As for the rest, remember to also keep a steady focus on your studies; while they don’t determine the whole of your character, they’re ever so important for your future. It’s more than halfway through my term and I still can’t believe that I have the honor of answering your questions and serving you all. I’m more than proud and humbled by the sense of service and spirit that you all emanate at every event. L-O-V-E I LOVE MY D-I-V!

! ! In Service, !

Kenny Yeung Lieutenant Governor Division 10 South, Region 13 California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International (626) 233-5632


Schurr Schurr High School Key Club had their annual club rush on September 30, 2015. The officers had planned for this event for weeks. They painted many posters and signs with popular phrases, such as, “Just do it! Join Key Club,” that was inspired by Shia Labeouf. The club rush was held at the center of the school and during lunch. The officers and few of the members attracted many people by reciting the cheers from previous years and the “how do you feel” cheer. Schurr key clubbers informed the students that there would be an orientation for new members later on that week, which more than 50 people attended. The event was successful in gaining interest to join Key Club and the officers would like to thank the members that helped during club rush.


Kerry Mulia, Historian


On October 9th, 2015, Wilson High School hosted its annual Homecoming Game. We prepared a poster that showcased our division, our school and our region which was basically an introduction to Key Club at our school. During the event, Clubs and Organizations of Wilson High School have the opportunity to participate in the traditional Homecoming Parade. Wilson Key Club was one of the clubs and organizations that had the opportunity to participate in this special event. We marched down our school’s stadium to show our Key Club Spirit. It also gave an idea on how Key Club is like and what we do as a club on campus.


Ivan Rodriguez , Historian


On September 18th, Rosemead Key Club started their year off right with Club Rush. With Club Rush, multiple clubs within our school represent themselves within the span of thirty to forty minutes and retrieve as many applicants as possible. Around 400 applications were printed out beforehand. During lunch, we introduced to Rosemead High School students to the life of Key Club. Our cabinet members were asked “How do you feel?� multiple times and cheered proudly along with one of our Division 10 South spirit leaders, Jenny Koug, and one of the executive assistant, Samantha Voong. Our president, Christine Le, explained to many new incoming members the work of Key Club and how it worked within our Division and Kiwanis as did our treasurer, Edward Barton, and our secretary, Kelly Lien. In the end, we ran out of all of our applications and during our first meeting, we found all of our applicants! Vicky Chang, Historian


In September, Key clubbers volunteered at the Harvest Moon Festival at Arcadia Country Park. There the members were separated into groups and were assigned their tasks. Some were assigned to the parking lot where they directed traffic and guided guests to their destination, and others were asked to supervise children in rides and jumpers. The last group helped the staff at the Information booth. The weather that day was unforgiving; however, the members enjoyed the service since they were able to meet many YouTube stars such as Andrew Garcia, Jung Sung Ahn, and Jason Chen. At the end of the service, members were rewarded with a free meal of Indonesian satay and egg rolls.


Andrea Widanta, Historian


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