The Turtle Times | October 2019

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Issue 9 Volume 6 October Edition

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DNE’S MESSAGE HELLO TURTLES! IT’S STUDY SZN! Everyone better be on that homework or college application grind! Seniors, I know it’s hard to find motivation but do all of your work! Don’t drop the ball now (at least wait until second semester). That’s my bit of advice so onto the news! So far in September, we had our first spirit session and Region Night Market. Although I wasn’t able to attend the spirit session, I know everyone did great and I’m looking forward to Fall Rally with everyone! Region Night Market was a HUGE success even though we didn’t win the region spirit stick. On behalf of the division board and I, we thank everyone who made the drive out to San Dimas to be a part of it! September DCM is coming up soon so I hope to see everyone there!

Bubble Beaming with Love,

Me and Maya He (featured on page 8) at school!

Allison Sou Division News Editor 3

SAY HELLO TO YOUR NEWS COORDINATOR! Helllllllloooooo to all you beautiful peoplessss! I’m Amanda and I’m honored to be working as your news coordinator for the term! I’m super excited to be working with Allison and helping her to improve & bring new ideas to every newsletter. I’m currently a junior at mark keppel and I’ve been a member of key since my freshman year. Some fun (not really) facts about me would be that I love love love to sleep, eat, and procrastinate! My ULTIMATE favorite drink would be watermelon heaven ONLY from tastea! P.S. Don’t procrastinate or you’ll be up in the middle of the night working on hw :’) Swim safe & save the turtles sksksk!

amanda lee

Amanda Lee Division News Coordinator




JESSICA GOEIJ We had fundraisers at Shakeys, Baskin Robbins and the Habit! We also had members attend Region Beach Clean Up. Some upcoming events that we have are Region Night Market and Division Pen Pals.

JERICA FANG We recently held our first spirit session, which went really well! We have also been discussing potential DCM ideas such as capture the flag and painting flower pots for donation! #ad


SPIRIT SPOTLIGHT Crystal Tsujii What do you like most about being a head spirit coordinator? My favorite thing about being head spirit coordinator is teaching cheers and working with my team! I am so proud of what my team has accomplished so far and I couldn’t ask for better coords!

What’s your favorite cheer that you and your team have made so far? My favorite cheer is main cheer #1! I think it’s super fun and upbeat with a little something for everyone. I am so excited to see everyone cheering enthusiastically at Fall Rally!

A MESSAGE FROM CRYSTAL Come to our spirit sessions!! The dates are posted on the division page and we will be posting a few days before to remind everyone!

PLS COME AND CHEER WITH US !! đ&#x;’™ ♥(˃͈ ઌ ˂͈ ŕźś )

Ethan Wu What do you like most about being a head spirit coordinator? My favorite part about being the head spirit is the fact that I can reach so many people with the cheers, and interact with so many members through Fall Rally and other events :)

What’s your favorite cheer that you and your team have made so far? My favorite cheer that we've made so far is the Spirit Up cheer. It's very unique in the sense that teaching people rhythm is the hardest part about it. There's a lot of stomping and clapping involved so once perfected, no one at Fall Rally can beat us :)


"hey are you a microwave cause MMMmMMMMMm" 7

SPIRIT SECRETS shhhh…. keep it a secret!

Josephine Lim “I can play the recorder.”

Ariel Bautista “I drink boba at least once every two days :)”

Jessica Tieu “I like cats.” 8

Ashley Nguyen “I like crocs.”

Jenny Luu “I love spirit team and Crystal Tsujii is short <3.”

Michelle Dang “I once spent a day with a baby goat.”

Maya He “I’m allergic to bananas.” 9

SCHOOL UPDATES San Gabriel High School In the past month we had already had cabinet meetings and our first general meeting. To recruit more members we handed out pins at the meeting. If they keep the pins and attend the next meeting, a reward will be given. We have upcoming services like the Biofreeze Run, the Elizabeth House and the Moon Festival. We’re planning to focus on gaining more members! -Tiffany Tang, President

Mark Keppel High School This past month we held our club rush during club rush week. We attracted well over a hundred people. We passed out applications and are currently advertising for our upcoming fund & meeting this week. -Karen Chin, President 10

Montebello High School This past month we’ve tried to recruit new members during registration week. We made a trifold with information and gave out candy. We also attended our Welcome Back Fair and did the same. Our cabinet has been preparing for the first meeting on September 6th and we’re expecting a lot of new members. We have talked to some churches/parks for upcoming volunteer events. -Calysta Muro, President

Rosemead High School This past month we've been volunteering at various events such as a CERT Training at Temple City and the 60th Anniversary of Rosemead Festival. Recently, we've volunteered at a BBQ hosted by a nearby church with collaboration from our school where we also advertising Key Club by booth. -Nhat Nguyen, President


Alhambra High School This past month we had our weekly meeting to talk about what’s going on. We reintroduced our cabinet to everyone and talked about upcoming services. Also, we volunteered at our football game where we helped pta at the snack bar. Also talked about our upcoming chipotle fundraiser to raise money! -Fiona Chan, President

Wilson High School This past month we held a couple cabinet meeting regarding recruiting members for the following year and how to raise money for our club. We planned 2 fundraisers and is currently focusing on different games & rewards to attract new members during club rush next week. Last Thursday we had our first key club meeting for returning members and introduced a point system hoping they can help us recruit new members for the year. -Michelle Pan, President 12

Schurr High School In the past month we had an volunteer event where we pass backpacks out to the those who need them and an officer bonding. -Brandon Van, President

Gabrielino High School This past month one of our biggest events was registration which we held at our school over three days - we were able to recruit a lot of new members, including a large new freshman class. We held services to help out in our school, as well as a National Night Out Service, and Home of Angels. Moving into the next month we have services including several Moon Festivals and are going to be focusing on club fair to register more members, membership drive, and our first board and general meeting. -Rumaisa Islam, President


KEPPEL’S CLUB RUSH The trifold displayed for all the students to see

Vice President, Jerica Fang (left), and Publicist, Alison Su (right), answering questions about Key Club On August 27, 2019, it was finally time for Key Club to reopen its doors to new and returning members. Hundreds of Mark Keppel students crowded the exhibition booth to learn more about Key Club and to get an application to enter or return to the Kiwanis Family. There were so many students interested in joining Key Club that the Key Club board ran out of applications to give out (at least 200 printed). The exhibition booth had a trifold showing what Key Club is, directions on how to join, and lots and lots of pictures allowing students to see what Key Clubbers do and how much fun they can have. The Key Club board answered any questions any student had and encouraged everyone there to join. by Anson Yamvinij, Mark Keppel Historian



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1 (1) An overview of the Key Club Booth (2) Committee members and President, Nhat Nguyen being spirited (3) All the students interested in joining

On Friday, September 6th, 2019, Rosemead High School has its yearly Club Rush during the month of September. Club Rush happens during lunch and many clubs set up booths around the quad to advertise and encourage many students to join their club. Rosemead Key Club had their own booth and our table was covered with Key Club merch, such as shirts, fanny packs, hats, and pins, awards, tri-fold posters of reasons why you should join Key Club and pictures of members volunteering, and backpack tags. We also were giving away popsicles to the first 80 people to sign in stating that they were interested in joining Key Club. Applications were being passed out to the point that we actually ran out. To encourage more people to join, our cabinet chanted the “How Do You Feel?” and “Blue and Yellow” cheer. Our main goal was if we reach at least 150 members to join Key Club, our president will go bald and towards the end of Club Rush, we had over 150 students who were interested in joining. Overall, this year’s Club Rush was successful and we hope to see our future Key Clubbers at our first meeting on September 11th during lunch at the gym. Yvonne Tong, a junior in the Service Projects and Interaction Committee, quoted, “It was actually a new experience for me since I don’t have good communication skills. It was also fun to see how many people were willing to join Key Club, where we SERVICE. I’m hoping we reach our goal of having 150 members so we can see Nhat go bald.” by Celine Diep, Rosemead Tech Editor



All the members who attended the meeting and prepared to listen to the board

Officers getting ready to speak to members, led by President, Rumaisa Islam

On September 9th, Gabrielino Key Club held their first general meeting of the year. The club passed out donuts to enthusiastic members as they entered the gym, where the meeting was being held. At the meeting, the officers introduced themselves, recited and pledge and read some announcements which included upcoming services, information about the anticipated fall rally, and some general reminders. Many eager members came, some new and some old, ready to passionately serve the community for the rest of the year. by Nicole Tanaka, Gabrielino Historian


UPCOMING EVENTS Registration deadline has been moved to Sept. 26 @ 11:59pm.

Meet our amazing Head Spirits and Spirit Coordinators at spirit sessions! 17

MONTHLY RECOGNITION Member of the Month Lynn Pham | Rosemead

Officer of the Month Karen Nguyen | Alhambra

Club of the Month Rosemead High School

Congratulations and keep up the good work! 18

DIVISION GOALS Member Goal: 1,350 Members

PTP Goal: $10,000

Service Hours Goal: 15,000 Hours 19

CONTACTS Lieutenant Governor | Ryan Bautista Executive Assistants | Jessica Goeij & Jerica Fang Division News Editor | Allison Sou Division Tech Editor | Jessica Lam Secretary | Zhen Huang Head Fundraising Coordinators | Michelle Dang & Caddie Yu Head Spirit Coordinators | Crystal Tsujii & Ethan Wu Historian | Fiona Chan Interconnectivity Coordinator | Nicole Tanaka Kiwanis Family & Friends Coordinator | Ignes Lim Member Recognition Coordinator | Susan Chhen Publicity | Karen Nguyen Service Events Coordinator | Samantha Wu


THANK YOU FOR READING Instagram: d10sblueturtles Facebook: Division 10 South Key Club


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