Division 12 South November Issue

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KEY CLUB Volume 1, Issue 3 November 2011

November 2011

Table of Contents

I. II. III. lV. V.

LTG’s secret message………….………………….……………...…...........3 Prologue……………………………………………………………………..…4 Updates & More Updates! ………………………………………….....5 - 6 RTC Recap Time…… ……………………………………………………......7 Big Upcoming Event…………………………………………………….......8 FRN VI. Events Coming Soon………………………………………………………..9 Light the Night Halloween Festival Key2College VII. Club Reports…………………………………………..……….............10-12 Gunderson Oak Grove Silver Creek Santa Teresa Evergreen Willow Glen Leland Andrew Hill Pioneer VIII. Contact Info…………………………………………………………..11


Hey Super Villains, We love our LTG <3 Hello Supervillains! I hope you had an amazing time this month. We have so much going on! In October we had Region Training Conference, Fall Rally North, fundraisers, and so much more! I hope you spread all the information from RTC to your clubs and your community. All of the division lieutenant governors worked very hard to put on this training conference for all of you and we hope you enjoy every aspect of it! Fall Rally North? Whoa! I hope we have that spirit when it comes that time. It's going to be at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom this year! How crazy is that!? Make sure you have a ride with an advisor! If you didn't buy tickets yet, you can still get them at the door for $35! Make sure an advisor is with you. HAVE FUN! Keep on fundraising! Just because Fall Rally North will be over doesn't mean our service and fundraising stop! Keep going!! :) I encourage you all to fundraise for the Eliminate Project as well! Spread the knowledge of Project Shine and look forward to our new district project in April @ our 66th annual California-Nevada-Hawaii District Convention in Santa Clara, California on April 1315th, 2012! Sincerely, Tianna Nguy Division 12 South Lieutenant Governor

Tianna Nguy

Well first of all she's a great person. She is a leader. She is very responsible. She gets her stuff done. She is passionate in whatever she does. She is so down to Earth. She is open-minded always down to hear ideas from others. She is amazing. She is a great LTG. --- Daniel Quach ---

What makes Tianna a great LTG, is that she actually takes her own time to get to know us regular key club members and find events that intrigue us yet at the same time, serves the community. --- Jerimy Macy ---



Tianna is an amazing lieutenant governor because she takes an exceptional amount of pride in her work. She shows dedication to every task she takes on and does it all with a great attitude. --- Matt Malone ---


How Do You Feel?


Prologue of Our Scheme Welcome New Members, Thank you for signing up for Key Club! If you guys get involved with the events, we guarantee you that you will attain one of the best experiences ever. Once you finally settle down, you will find that you are not just a part of an international, service club, but a family of leaders.

Here are some information you should know about Key Club: Mission Statement: Key Club is an international, student-led organization providing its members with opportunities to perform services, build character, and develop leadership.

Vision Statement: To develop competent, capable, and caring leaders through the vehicle of service.

Key Club Pledge: I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Key Club Motto: Caring-Our Way of Life

Core Values: Caring, Character Building, Inclusiveness, Leadership

Projects: This year, we are having three main projects: Eliminate Project, Project Shine, and March of Dimes.



UPDATES! UPDATES! Andrew Hill : Andrew Hill had their Club Day on Sept. 21. They attended a Liver Life Walk on the 24th of Sept and the Rock-N’-Roll Marathon at their school on Oct. 2. There was also the Pumpkin in the Park event on the 8th. They also helped out at Christmas in the Park on the 8th as well, and a Step Out: Walk for Diabetes event on the 9th.

Evergreen: Evergreen has over ONE HUNDRED members! All our hard work advertising has paid off :) We had lots of fun at RTC on the 8th and 9th. We had our first, two, successful club meetings this month. We were really happy with how many people showed up. Also, over 50 people will be going to FRN this year!!!

Gunderson: Gunderson worked the San Jose Rock 'n' Roll Marathon. We did the registration aspect, and so many people participated in this event! 18 people went from Gunderson, and everyone gave 100% at this service event. Our Bulletin Editor is also working on our club newsletter for this month, so check it out! For RTC, we managed to fill all 14 slots, and had a good ratio of upper & underclassman.

Leland: Leland has been collecting dues and membership forms. We have recently done the William’s Walk-a-thon. We are also in the process of planning for November DCM, which will be hosted at San Jose Skate, Disney-themed!

Oak Grove: Oak Grove worked at their school’s Rock-N’-Roll ½ Marathon on the 2nd. Also, on the 7th, we attended Hayes Elementary School’s Carnival. The next Saturday, we joined the Alzheimer’s Walk on the 15th. We’ve also started a little project where we water plants for school every Monday. Lastly, we just ended our representative interviews.



Care for more? Pioneer: Pioneer helped supervise the kids at the Simond’s Walk-To-Fame on October 1st. We also helped raise awareness for Breast Cancer this month by putting up posters and literally making plazas accessorized with PINK! We also did a Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes in Downtown, helping with set up and clean up and cheering on the walkers, from the 8th to the 9th . Then, on the 15th, we also helped the work party for challenged youths, along with Willow Glen Key Club. Also, we had 14 people from our school going to RTC. We also started collecting membership forms and dues, and so far, we have gotten many! Our FRN money was also turned in about two weeks ago.

Santa Teresa: Some exciting news is that ST has been receiving multiple registration forms and that means we have been thriving with members! It’s amazing to see how many people have the time of day to come and see what Key Club has to offer. We just came out of RTC and for some of us our first time, for others their second , third or even fourth time, but none the less, we all had an amazing time thanks you the fabulous RTC chair; our very own TIANNA NGUY. We have over 20 people signed up to go to FRN from our school and we are anticipating trick or treating for UNICEF this year. We have chosen our freshman representative which is Colleen Manh. We also found out that one of our Executive Board member is having a little thirst to run for LTG this upcoming conclave! Here is to the upcoming month!

Silver Creek: Upcoming, we have a car wash on Sunday, October 16 at the bus loop in Silver Creek High School. The car wash will help raise money for PTP. For events, we have Light the Night, Turkey Trot, and the Walk to End Alzheimer's. We have also started handing out Trick or Treat for Unicef boxes to our members; however, so many wanted to participate that we completely ran out of boxes the first time we started giving them out. x) The other officers and I are looking forward to getting many filled boxes back and devoting a day where we will only count up how much our members were able to collect for a great cause.

Willow Glen: This month, Willow Glen helped out with the Kiwanis club by selling food (BBQ) at our school football games. We also helped out with the work party for the challenged youths on the Cupertino Foothills on the 15th with Pioneer. We had 11 people going to RTC as well! We are currently in the process of collecting membership dues. Our pre-orders for FRN were due on the 4th, but many others are planning to show up at the door entrance too.



The workshops were helpful and gave really good tips on leadership. It was good to learn about the different agencies and how we can impact our community; they gave really cool service options. - Sarah Lin

My last RTC will definitely be one to remember. All of the spots were filled up, and everyone had a great time! I got to bond with a lot of the underclassman, meet many new people, and just overall had an amazing experience. The workshops were really informative, as well as the speakers, and it just motivates me to continue to grow my home club. It was nice seeing a lot of our division there, and just everyone having a good time. See you all at FRN bring your spirit! [: - Tia Lee


“Regional Training Conference (RTC) was an impressive 2 day training course. It taught both members and officers of key clubs from all around Northern California about the causes that key clubs helps volunteer for and raise money for. One of these programs is the Eliminate Project. This program helps raise money to “eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus.” Another program that presented was the Beads of Courage Program. This program rewards children who have severe illnesses with beads to represent the various treatment milestones.” - Matt Malone

“This was my second time at RTC and i had even more fun than last year. I was so happy to make new friends and I loved my PIxie group! They were the best!” - Audrey Lau

RTC was an amazing experience! This year was the first year I've been to RTC and I regret not bring able to go before. Everyone there was really friendly and spirited. The workshops are great, I came home with much knowledge about service, fundraisers, projects, etc. I LOVED IT! - Vivian Nguyen

Big Upcoming Event :) FRN:


When – October 29, 2011 Where – Six Flag’s Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo Are you guys excited for this year’s FRN?! This time it will be held at Six Flags. You may stay from 10 am – 10 pm. It’s one of Key Club’s most important events. You get to experience motivational programs, participate in the Divisional Spirit Rally, meet tons of new people, and most importantly, contribute to PTP! Even if your club’s FRN money are due for pre-orders, you can still come and buy it at the door entrance. It will then be $35. You all should come! Remember to register as soon as possible & bring that Key Club spirit!

Aren’t you excited?! I know I am :D


Events Coming Soon Light the Night (October 22, 2011/ 2:30 pm – 8:30 pm) Let’s participate in this two/three-mile walk at night. All proceeds will go towards the funds for Leukemia, Lymphoma, Hodgkin’s Disease, and myeloma. Light the Night is a time to celebrate all cancer survivors and to support those still fighting against blood cancer. We will light the night with red, illuminating balloons. Support these fighters! :)

LET’S GO! Halloween Festival (October 31, 2011) Come join Oak Grove Key Club with the celebration of HALLOWEEEEEN. It is located at Oak Grove High. Help out with the different booths set up for the festival and just have lots of fun! :)

SUPPORT *Key2College* (November 12, 2011/ 9 am – 4:30 pm) Come attend Key2College on Saturday to hear a wonderful college seminar about how to be a successful, useful being in society! No matter what grade you’re in, you should learn how to adjust to the college environment. There will also be free lunch! Ya’ll should go! :)

I hear November DCM’s coming up… ;)


Club Reports Gunderson : Gunderson has continued to grow in both membership & participation. We are close to doubling our membership from last year, & we know we can accomplish this. A variety of different members, not just the same ones over & over again, go to the various service projects that we offer. It's great to see that they want to serve, not just for the hours. Leaders are starting to emerge within our club, which is one of the goals for the year. Alycia McGeever, a sophomore, was appointed as our Historian, & we will be submitting a scrapbook for DCON. Also, Jasmine Johal, a freshman, is our new Freshman Representative. I'm hoping the goals will be reached by the end of my term, and watching leaders grow for our club makes me know that the future is bright for Gunderson Key Club. Hope all of the clubs in our division are doing well. I'll see all of you & our divisional spirit at FRN!

Oak Grove : Oak Grove had finished the process of representative interviews, and we will reveal our best representations of this job as soon as possible. In the past month, we have been occupied with the Rock n’ Roll Marathon, to the Hayes Elementary Carnival, and then to the Alzheimer’s Walk. A lot of people showed up, and I was really satisfied with the big success. We are also looking forward to Light the Night on the 22nd and the Halloween Festival at our school on the 31st. I can already feel the spooks coming! :) Also, every Monday, we have started this project where we will be watering our school’s plants. I hope Oak Grove Key Club continues to thrive and make our wonderful LTG proud! :D o

Silver Creek : This month, Silver Creek Key Club volunteered at the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon in Downtown San Jose. Even though it was the day right after the SAT, we had a huge turnout, allowing us officers to get to know more of our members. We also volunteered at Pumpkins in the Park and the Walk to Stop Diabetes. Those two events were on the same day as the Regional Training Conference, which one member and three officers attended. RTC was a great experience for all the attendees who brought back amazing stories to tell their friends who regretted not going this year but will next year. In addition to all of these events, we started selling Livestrong bands to spread cancer awareness. 50% of the proceeds will actually go towards research for a cure for cancer.


Club Reports (Continued) Santa Teresa : Our club has had an exciting month and anticipating the following! We have done our monthly Julian Street Inn, which is feeding the homeless. It's an amazing warm feeling when they clap for you at the end and you realize that you've really made a difference in these people's life. We also went to Rock& Roll marathon. I have never seen so many people wake up before the sun would to go and help out a special occasion like this marathon. We also have been having a lot of fun teaming up with Pioneer High School ad finishing up our summer with a carwash to raise money for PTP. Just working as a team really shows how much time Key Club is willing to do to make a difference.

Andrew Hill : In the month of October, Andrew Hill Key Club has gone to an event every week, even sometimes two. The members are so spirited and enthusiastic about volunteering that the event coordinators had to unfortunately limit the amount of people that could come to the events because we had so many volunteers just from our club alone. Our first event was the Liver Life Walk. Over 50 members came and we did various jobs such as volunteer sign-in, helping food and other miscellaneous booths, and cheering. Our second event was the popular Rock N’ Roll Marathon. We helped set up, direct the participants, and give out medals and water. Our third and fourth events were the Christmas in the Park Preparation and Pumpkins in the Park. These events were on the same day at the same time so we split up officers to lead the events. At Pumpkins in the Park was a small a pumpkin festival for little children so we mainly set up tents and booths which really helped the event coordinators. At Christmas in the Park, we cleaned up the displays in order to prepare for Christmas in the Park 2011. Our most recent event was Step Out: Walk for Diabetes. For this event, volunteers mainly worked at the water stations and rest stops, food, information, and other miscellaneous booths. So far, this year has been a great beginning and we hope Key Club will continue to be a success.

Willow Glen : Hello! I'm Tiffany, VP of WGHS Key Club. For the month of October, we had 11 people going to RTC and we all had a blast! It was one of the best experiences and we learned a lot. We have also been helping the Kiwanis club sell food/BBQ at our school football games. Our next community service opportunity is gardening/cleaning at a camp for challenged youth in Cupertino Foothills. We are also planning our next fundraiser so stay tuned for the updates!


Club Reports (Continued) Leland : October has been a pretty wild month so far. Our board and members had fun at RTC and are excited to using the new info and tips that we learned! In terms of service projects, we have a whole bunch of Halloween event at elementary schools coming up soon, and we recently participated in the William's Walk-a-Thon/Health Fair. Our project coordinators have also nabbed spots at other projects for future months, like Fantasy of Lights and Christmas in the Park. Our board is still planning the November DCM, which will be hosted, as usual, at San Jose Skate. Also, it seems that our club will most likely be able to attend FRN after all! o

Evergreen : So this month we attended RTC, and held our first two meetings at school. We have 50+ people attending FRN, and we got over a hundred members volunteering for turkey trot!

Pioneer : Hello, fellow Villains! This month, we have been engaging in various activities. In the beginning, we helped out with the Simond’s Walk-a-thon and Paint the Town Pink event to help raise awareness for Breast Cancer. Both events were incredibly fun and successful! We also did the Diabetes Walk in Downtown, the day we had RTC. Speaking of RTC, 14 people from our home club attended RTC. Yay! Everyone said that they really enjoyed their time there and that it was money well-spent. We’ve also been collecting membership dues. We want to get them in as soon as possible. Also, we had our pre-order FRN dues turned in about two weeks ago. Many people bought the spirit gear, which is great because then we can be all SPIRITED. At the same time, we have just designed our school club shirts and sweaters. We’re extremely excited to order them and then wear them around school! :3 Along with that, we also started our point system. Team Rockets! Just recently, our lovely Spirit Chair, Jakin, made a tumblr page where we will be updating all our events and pictures. Lastly, we made a website where you can sign up for events online, so it would be convenient for all of us. I’m super duper proud of Key Club and our accomplishments. We are SO FLY…because we’re Villains!  



D12S PRESIDENTS : Andrew Hill President - Anh Huynh E-mail: xanh.huynhx@yahoo.com Evergreen Valley President - Sherry Vu E-mail: sherryvu@sbcglobal.net Gunderson President - Tia Lee E-mail: tialee.4@gmail.com Leland President - Cindy Wang E-mail: cindy.kathleen.wang@gmail Oak Grove President - Mindy Pham E-mail: mindynpham@gmail.com Pioneer President - Emily Dinh E-mail: emily@phsservicelearning.org Santa Teresa President - Eric Oh E-mail: krazyxkrnxboy@gmail.com Silver Creek President - Lisa Tran E-mail: lisaxt14@yahoo.com

DIVISION TEAM : Division 12 South Lieutenant Governor Tianna Nguy Senior @ Oak Grove High School E-mail: d12s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Division 12 South Executive Assistant Ashley Lam Sophomore @ Santa Teresa High School E-mail: d12s.al.ea@gmail.com Division 12 South Executive Assistant Tiffany Pham Sophomore @ Willow Glen High School E-mail: d12s.tp.ea@gmail.com Division 12 South News Editor Thien Le Sophomore @ Pioneer High School E-mail: riceball.le@gmail.com

REGIONAL CLUB ADVISORS Jennifer Buelna jenbuelna@gmail.com Jim Hart: junkwitz@aol.com Jim Davis: winfield5064@sbcglobal.net

Andrew Hill Evergreen Gunderson Leland Oak Grove Pioneer Santa Teresa Silver Creek Willow Glen


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