April 2014 Newsletter

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Hello Supervillains! Welcome to the first newsletter for the 2014 – 2015 term! We made it through a crazy year filled with service, fundraising, and spirit! Now as the new Key Club year has officially started, I would like to remind you all to take this opportunity as a fresh start for your club. Remember to make goals and strive to achieve them throughout the year! As a division, our goal is to reach 19,000 service hours, raise $3,000 for Pediatric Trauma Program, and $3,000 for The Eliminate Project! These numbers may seem very intimidating, especially for our short term of only 11 months, but I know the mighty Supervillains won’t let anything get in our way! Officer Training Conference is also coming up very soon! OTC will be hosted at Manresa State Beach on June 21st from 9:00 am – 2:30 pm. Registration will be released soon, so be on the lookout! Join us in a fun day under the sun! Missing the Key Club Spirit? Feeling the post-DCON syndrome? Want to get to know your BEEutiful division? Well the May Division Council Meeting is perfect for you! The May DCM, hosted by Silver Creek High School, will be held at Vista Park on May 3rd from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm! It’ll be a memorable day that you do not want to miss! All money raised will go towards The Eliminate Project! Our goal is to raise $200 by the end of the DCM! Eliminate Week, May 5th to May 9th, is just around the corner! Please start preparing and planning fundraisers to spread awareness for The Eliminate Project! Let’s do our best to eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus form the world! I am so honored and excited to be able to serve you as your Lieutenant Governor! Past Lt. Governor Lindon has done a spectacular job in leading this division onto a path of success, and I promise to continue to move Division 12 South into a positive direction. I hope to see you all soon! (: Smiling with Service,

Vicky Le Division 12 South Lieutenant Governor 2014-2015

UNICEF The world’s leading advocate for children, with strong presence in 190 countries.

DID YOU KNOW?  UNICEF is the largest procurer of vaccines in the world, buying 2.6 billion doses of vaccines in 2008, and reaching 56% of the world’s children.  UNICEF provides critical supplies and support for education, resulting in raising the percentage of children with primary education from 50% in 1980 to 85% today. Cited from resources available on the CNH CyberKey!

WEEK MAY 5 – MAY 9 Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to ELIMINATE maternal neo-natal tetanus from the world by 2015!

Put in that extra kick to fund raising and raising awareness with Key Club on ELIMINATE Week! Our CNH District goal is to raise $500,000!

Division 4 North Otters: La Quinta Key Club Aztecs General Session Club Spirit Stick Winners PC: Donald Franks, Willow Glen

Workshops “Having the opportunity to present the Presidents Workshop at DCON 2014 was an absolutely thrilling experience. I practiced with Immediate Past 30N LTG Natalie Mann for weeks in advance, and I’m so glad our workshop turned out so well! Hoping to set a good example for presidents all over CNH, I worked my hardest to work off the nerves and put on a good show to keep people interested throughout the 40 minute presentation. Although I wasn’t able to dress out in club spirit attire and nearly died sweating in my formal attire, presenting this workshop was truly a rewarding experience.” -

Kyle Dimla, IP President of Ann Sobrato

Unforgettable Experiences Going on a bus for DCON with the rest of your club is most definitely the BEST type of transportation to DCON. This year, my club filled our bus ride with music, singing, and of course, the numerous selfies taken with people who fall asleep (Sad to admit, but I was one of them…) To make our bus ride this year especially memorable, we tried to prank our IP Lieutenant Governor since our bus was running late. We tried to convince him we weren’t eligible for DCON because we didn’t bring Codes of Conducts, and instead we went out to get sushi! Trying to execute that prank had our whole club laughing our butts off, but unfortunately he didn’t believe us. Since the bus was about three hours late, it was a complete dashto register and make it in time for the first General Session. Our club was frantically trying to get our luggage into our rooms before practically springing across the street to the convention center. True, it was a hectic beginning to DCON 2014, but I like to look at it as simply a memorable start to an unforgettable weekend. -

Trisha Nguyen, Santa Teresa Key Club President

Even on business professional days Key Clubbers show their club spirit and cheer their hearts out!

COLLEGE EXPO On the second day of District Convention after the third General Session, College Expo was hosted for incoming college freshmen! Not only was it an opportunity to ask college students about their experience, it was a way for Circle K clubs to advertise and recruit potential members. Key Club members could visit the tables set up by colleges and Circle K members to get a preview of what they might be interested in joining later on in college. Aside from the information, Division 12 South members decided to spirit battle Circle K members (shown below). Crazy!

DONALD FRANKS Member of the Year Willow Glen Key Club CHRIS CHONG Distinguished VP Ann Sobrato Key Club KYLE DIMLA Distinguished President Ann Sobrato Key Club

Distinguished LTG | Lindon Tran GABBY BANIQUED Outstanding Secretary Ann Sobrato Key Club


Outstanding Website SOBRATO KEY CLUB

ROBIN HAGAN Advisor of the Year Willow Glen Key Club

Outstanding Website


HOW DID YOU FEEL? DCON 2014: My first time at a large scale Key Club event where I got to see thousands of members from all across the CNH District was a GOLDEN experience. On the first day, I was reluctant to answer as strangers asked me how I felt, but as the hours and days passed, a bond between new faces and familiar ones rose, and I was proud to tell my new ohana how I felt. Learning new ways to connect and help change the lives of those near and far, I made a promise to make caring my way of life; and my first step was attending DCON 2014.

- Hanh Phan President Live Oak

PC: Charlie Sin

My first experience at DCON was amazing. I loved meeting new people from other divisions, cheering, and going to fun workshops and general session. I had fun dancing and hanging out with clubs from Division 12 South. I enjoyed our speaker, Keith Hawkins, made me realize things and made us laugh. I will always remember that when you get asked how you feel say you’re better than good! -

Mindy Dinh, Member, Gunderson

Receiving the Distinguished Vice President Award has probably been the happiest moment of my Key Club career. Upon receiVng the backstage pass from my club advisor, I jumped and screaming in happiness. I’ve anticipated getting this award even though I didn’t think I’d get it for over two months and I felt overjoyed to have that pass in my hand. Being on stage getting recognized in front of the whole District was definitely the highlight of my DCON experience. As I looked to where 12 South was cheering, I tried to hold back my tears. I only have you, the members of Key Club, to thank for inspiring me to strive to become a better leader. – Chris Chong, President, Ann Sobrato

The Cinequest Film Festival was an amazing experience! I got to meet all sorts of people who wanted to come and watch independently written and produced films made by those in the area and beyond. It is a highly recommendable experience when it comes around in the area again. It really helps with both communication and leadership skills. - Adrianna Ng, Vice President

On Saturday, March 8th, from 9:30AM to 4:30PM, I had the opportunity to volunteer at the Duck Pond. It was TONS of fun! Who said volunteering isn’t fun? At this event, volunteers hosted a variety of parties and activities for children. We played with the children by sculpting play dough creations with them, creating posters, playing hopscotch, and so much more. I definitely would consider this even one of the most funs I have participated in. This event was such an incredible experience that has allowed us to give the kids such an enjoyable time. -

Maryrose Pardo, Member

gunderson Our club volunteered at the San Jose 408 race on a rainy Sunday morning. All of us gathered around with other high school volunteers and received our complimentary volunteer shirts. Half of our club worked on distributing shirts, while the other half helped by cheering on racers. There were multiple times where I was thanked for volunteering that day and even took pictures for enthusiastic runners. I personally enjoyed this event over all and was glad that I got the opportunity to do service that day! - Tommy Hoang, Member

The 408k Racing Event was a supernaturally fun event that was very different from an "ordinary community service event". On the most beautiful March 2nd, the Leland Minions helped at the water stations from 7AM – 11AM. Besides the free shirt, the event was enjoyable because we were given drinks and food to stay pumped and juiced for the runners. We ignored the professional who said there were "more than 1000 runners", and only set up 100 cups or so. That was the biggest mistake of the century; as the middle group came, this event turned into a workout and we all got to have a good time as a bundle of people turned into a line of runners waiting for water; at the very least they said please and thank you. There was a line for water, so runners had to stop. Very fun hours; Long story short, that event could have been turned into an action movie because of all the intensity and shirt-donations that went on that day. -

Austin Adam, Member

APRIL 5, 2014

REGION 17 KIWANIS ONE DAY Up and off at 8:00 on Saturday, April 5th, Willow Glen joined fellow clubs from 12 South and 12 East to spend a day serving the community with their fellow Kiwanians. Divided into groups and equipped with rakes, sacks and shovels, Key Clubbers helped clear away leaves, purify the lake and beautify the park. For Willow Glen in particular, we collected leaves into large piles on cloth, folded the cloth into carry-able bag, and hoisted the load into trucks ready to take away the debris. The time we spent with our own Kiwanians, along with Kiwanians from other clubs such as South San José, was beyond inspirational; the generations of service and fellowship gathered in one location. When noon hit, we finished cleaning our area and joined clubs for some lunch before heading back—a fun start to a simple Saturday. – Donald Franks, IP Editor & MRC

Executive assistants


for the Who can apply? Anyone Division 12 South member can apply! It is encouraged that members without a current executive position apply for these leadership positions.

Why apply? Serving on the Division Leadership Team gives you great experience as a leader and endless opportunities to contribute to Division 12 South and the Lieutenant Governor that serves it, Vicky Le.

How to apply: Find the pdf application sent out on the Division 12 South reflector, fill it out, and send to d12s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com by MAY 10TH, 6PM. More details of duties and responsibilities are listed on the e-mail.

THANK YOU Dearest Division 12 South, Where do I even begin? All of you have given me so much, not just this term, but in all of my years as a Division 12 South Super Villain. During my last term in Key Club I wanted to reach that extra mile and applied to serve as your Division News Editor; this is my way of giving back to my Key Club ohana. I could not have asked for a better experience serving as a Division News Editor. It was wonderful reading about the service we have completed throughout the term (and the free food and shirts you all got at those service events!). The feeling I get when I hear how much people love these creations I have put so many hours into is inexplicable. Amazement? Pride? Appreciation? All of the latter and so much more explain what I felt after putting these newsletters out there for you all to read. From photography to professional submissions to formatting on several uncooperative programs, it’s needless to say that I have learned so much from serving as your Division News Editor.

These newsletters are not simply a bunch of pages put together to inform Division 12 South. To me, they are not only prized creations of mine; they are also a scrapbook or album of sorts that contains the history of 2013-2014 and the progress we have made. Through these newsletters, I want to immortalize the 2013-2014 term in Division 12 South. I want to leave a legacy that will inspire editors to utilize their utmost potential, inspire officers to relate more to members, inspire members to push towards a goal higher than the last, and inspire a whole new generation of youthful leaders. There is always the concern whether or not a published newsletter will actually be read or not; but to me, that did not matter at all. Regardless of the outcome, I wanted to put my all into these newsletters. I wanted to dedicate my best efforts to these works, despite my busy schedule as a student and club president. Perhaps I was a tiny bit too ambitious for what I could handle this year, but nevertheless, I am still standing and presenting this last issue to you, Division 12 South.

12SOUTH Retiring as your Division News Editor is truly bittersweet. I love creating these newsletters, I love reading all of the club’s submissions, I love reading all of your positive feedback. But now that I am officially retiring for the last few months as an official Key Club member, the weight of deadlines, program failures, file sizes, file merging, and more is finally lifted from my shoulders. I am going to miss this and all of the Division so much, it might be unhealthy! To be honest, not one of my submissions went smoothly and according to plan. One month I had a connection failure right at the deadline. Another month I wasn’t aware that Photoshop files are nearly 100times larger than a Word Doc file, so the compiled newsletter literally took hours to load. One month I compressed files and nearly every page had at least one component out of place. The following month I sent a submission in without the attachment! The point is, although I strived to be that perfect Division News Editor of Division 12 South, I had always made mistakes, little and big.

What I want everyone to understand is that even if we are very experienced and capable leaders, there is STILL a lot to learn that can only be acquired through trial-and-error, through learning the hard way, and through rough experiences. I was substantially impressed with the amount of new things I learned during my term serving as Division 12 South News Editor and it only makes me wonder what more I can learn and how I can improve. The best of my wishes go out to all of you Division 12 South Super leaders; I am confident that Division 12 South is left in good hands. Stay GOLDEN,

Kyle Dimla Division 12 South News Editor 2013-2014 Region 17 | Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

CONTACT US REGION 17 ADVISOR Jennifer Buelna jenbuelna@gmail.com

D12S LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Vicky Le d12s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

ANN SOBRATO | Chris Chong chris.chong97@gmail.com

EVERGREEN VALLEY | Julie Ling xJulieLx@gmail.com

GUNDERSON | Cynthia Voly cynthiavoly@gmail.com

LELAND | Baolinh Nguyen baolinh.nguyen5@yahoo.com

PIONEER | Audrey Lopez-Valdez lopezvaldezaudrey@gmail.com

SANTA TERESA | Trisha Nguyen trisha.nguyen97@gmail.com

SILVER CREEK | Anna Pham annamypham@gmail.com

WILLOW GLEN | Troy Dao t2thedao@gmail.com

FOLLOW US on Instagram! @d12skeyclub

See you all soon, fellow Division 12 South Super Villains! CHEERS TO THE START OF A GREAT TERM!

www.keyclub.org 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 4628 | 318.875.8755 | U.S. & CANADA: 1-800-KIWANIS

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