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D D 11 22 SS
D D 11 22 SS
Williams Heritage Day
We helped at many different areas of this event- some of us were at registration while others were working at the country booths. The Heritage Day was really busy, and we helped speed things up. One of the main values we used was caring- we helped the kids get stamps for their passports and gave them drinks or food. We made sure to make ourselves available for whatever the coordinators needed. - Michelle Huang
“During the event, we mostly helped the band people move stuff like props or instruments. We also helped to decorate. It was fun because we got to work with people we knew from school but it was also difficult because some stuff was really heavy and big. It was also hot outside. - Crystal Doan
Oak Grove Swing & Sway
my d n e o t t a en v s e e e c i v r r e e ld gs e n i h T z s a a m w a a t n t ven ha e c u n e s c i s v a a r e w r s S e e v h o T . “‘This e b d u a l f Key C nd we m
o a g n i t e e he m t if rst year l r a o r f e n s e e g h wic ast d l n r a u s o y g l ll n l i a e j h t d i dur n w a t r u e tt go u n b a h t u o n t a t e o . It ,Ig t e 100 p f e m i l t y e e l h o t e wh r o e f h e T . b s s s r e o l his t seni e home e k h i l t I l . l e a pac nd a t s s a d f n t e i o r n nd my f a .”’ g e n s i u x a a c l e d r o go ly a r o f s a was real it w e s u a c e b ng o event W e e l y s s - Ka e l e om
h c i w d San
H e h t r o f g n Maki
“Volu nteer ing at was a the M fanta eadow up th s t i c time! e par fair E E k veryo aster and w work n Egg H e all with e ass unt c i h s hildr a t d e learn d f ing ex en one o un doing t in setting n one perie leade nce b and it hat! I got t rship ecaus o was a skills e I show great while comfo c makin rtabl ased my g e at t t h e - Crys he same kids feel time!” tal D inh
Silv er C reek
Arts and Crafts Project with Senior Citizens
Willow Glen
“I just recently joined Key Club and was really excited to participate in this event. It was really fun and I really enjoyed volunteering with senior citizens. At this service event we helped the people living there celebrate Easter early through a cute arts and crafts project. We decorated paper birds and mason jars to make centerpieces for the tables there. These were going to be used when families came to visit them the following weekend. The two women I was paired up with were extremely sweet and social. It was really nice talking to them and being able to keep them company.� - Sarah Mcgraft
Eliminate W e e k ----------
Kiwanis Advisor of the Month
Robin Hagan Most Fundraised of the Month
Ann Sobrato Faculty Advisor of the Month
Gabriel Roussere
Member of the Month
Ethan Soe Club with Most Service of the Month
Leland Club of the Month
Evergreen Valley
Contact Us Kristy Le - LTG
Chloe Dang - EA itschloedang@gmail.com
Lauren Liu - EA laurenliuhs@gmail.com
Toan Vuong - EA toanvuong2017@gmail.com
Pauline Nguyen - DNE d12s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com
STAY SCHEMIN' VILLAINS stay tuned for theJuly issue!