Division 12 South Newsletter

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Er i cOh

Mi n dy P ha m



Ci n dy Wa n g

Upcomi ngE ve nts

n Jul y e t ur da y r i da y a

Sunda y M onda ur s da yF yTues da yTh da yW ednes I NTERNATI ONALCONVENTI ON 201 1


{ Monday,J une27 t h, 11: 00a. m.-Sunday,J ul y3r d12: 00p. m. }

Relay for Li fe

M. R. F.DUE 6p. m.

Campbe l l

Arti cles& Vi suals DEADLI NE

6p. m.

Ki wani s DCM 6p. m.-8p. m. Offi cer Trai ni ng Conference

M. R. F.DUE 6p. m.

Rel ayf orL i f ei sanannualeventhealdi nmanyar easwhi ch KeyCl ubber spr oudl ypar t i ci pat ei nar oundt hewor l d. Wal k,j og,r un,f i ghtf orcancer .Rel ayf orL i f ei sus ual l y andover ni ghteventwhi cht akespl aceonacommuni t yorpubl i ct r ackwi t hmanypar t i ci pant st hati ns pi r e many.Al ar geamountofgoodi es( f oods ,dr i nks ,t r i nket s , andevent heoddes tt hi ngss uchasgr eenwaf f el s ! )Al lt he moneyi sbei ngr ai s edt of i ndt hecur ef orcancer t hr ough Amer i canCancerSoci et y.Comeandj oi naf aboul ous ,f unf i l l ed,i ns pr i ng ni ght .F oryourl ocalRel ayf orL i f el ocat i onandot heraddi t i onali nf or mat i on vi s i tt hewebs i t eatwww. r eal yf or l i f e. or g

re l ay f o rl i f e

PastEvents as i noNi ghtwaspr et t ys i ck.I twas Sa n taTe r e s a ’ sC ni cet ohavear andom dayt ogeta

l i t t l edr es s edupandhangout wi t h f r i ends .Wal ki ngupt oCas i no Ni ght ont he“ r edcar pet ”andget t i ng my pi ct ur et akenwi t h myf r i endsmademe f eell i keaVI P.Iwi s h wehadacool er backdr opt hough! I ns i det hePal mi a bui l di ng,i twasa l i t t l ecr ampeds oi tgotr eal l yhotandi twashar dt owal k ar oundandf i ndpeopl e.Iwasal s oal i t t l edi s appoi nt edt hatIdi dn’ tr eal l ygett opl aypoker becaus et her ewer eonl y3t abl esandmos toft hepeopl ewoul dn’ tl eaveoncet heygotas eat . T hes chedul ewasal s os l i ght l yawkwar d.I twoul dbecooli fi ns t eadofcl os i ngt hepokert abl es peopl ecoul d choos ewhet hert heywant edt odanceorj us tkeeppl ayi ngpoker .Iact ual l ydi dn’ tf eel l i kedanci ngt hatday( andIas s umedi twoul dbewayt oocr owdedi n t hats mal l dancear ea)s oi twoul dhavebeencoolt ohaves omet hi ng el s et odo, al t houghIendeduphangi ngar oundot her swhodi dn’ t wantt o danceei t herandwepl ayedcar dsandt al kedwhi ch wasenj oyabl easwel l .Ir eal l yl i kedt hewai t ers er vi ce.F ood and dr i nkswer egoodandbei ngt hel az yper s onIam,I l i ked havi ngi tbr oughtt omei ns t eadofhavi ngt ogeti t mys el f .Over al l ,Cas i noNi ghti sgr eatbecaus eal ong wi t hhavi ngt onsoff un,youwi l lal s of eelgoodabout your s el fbecaus et hemoneyyous pendgoest owar dst he Amer i canCancerSoci et y! El ai nePoon-Sant aT er es a-Member


Cas i no ni ghtwasaf unf i l l edni ght ,t hecas i nopar twasagr eatexper i enceand t heJ us t Dancebr oughta l otoff unand l aught eranda chancet o j us thavef un.It hi nkmaybei ft her e wer emor epeopl eandas l i ght l ybi gger pl acei twoul dmaket heexper i ence evenbet t er .T hedr i nkswer egr eat ,but maybet hemenucoul ds or tofdes cr i be t hedr i nksabi tmor e.( :buti twasa gr eatexper i ence! Cas s i dyDz oan Sant aT er es a Member

Cont actI nf ormat i on m a e t l l i eutenantGovernoR a n o i s i v Ti annaNg uy i d OakGr o v eHi g hSc ho o l d1 2 s . c nhkc . l t g @g mai l . c o m

e n j i k

Executi ve Assi stants

d1 2s

NewsEdi tor

As hl e yLam Sant aTe r e s a d1 2 s . al . e a@g mai l . c o m Ci ndyWang Le l and d1 2 s . c w. e a@g mai l . c o m

Rumne e kBai ns Sant aTe r e s a d1 2 a. r b . dne ws @g mai l . c o m

Andr ew Hi l l AnhHuynh Emai l :xanh. huynhx@yahoo. com

L el and Ci ndyWang Emai l :ci ndy. kat hl een. wang@gmai l

Ever gr eenVal l ey Sher r yVu Emai l :s her r yvu@s bcgl obal . net

OakGr ove Mi ndyPham Emai l :mi ndynpham@gmai l . com

Gunder s on Pi oneer T i aL ee Emi l yDi nh Emai l :t i al ee. 4@gmai l . com Emai l :emi l y@phs s er vi cel ear ni ng. or g Wi l l ow Gl en Si l verCr eek Sant aT er es a Adr i el" A. D. "Or donez L i s aT r an Er i cOh mai l :aor don1@yahoo. com mai l :l i s axt 14@yahoo. com EEmai l :kr az yxkr nxboy@gmai l . com E-

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