D12S | January Newsletter

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January Edition

V.2 I.7

Table Of Contents Table Of Contents Table Of Contents

Table Of Contents

Table Of Contents Table Of Contents Table Of Contents Table Of Contents

HAPPY NEW YEARS SUPERVILLAINS! I cannot believe that 2014 is over! 2014 was truly an incredible year filled with so much laughter, tears, memories, and successes; I cannot wait to see what 2015 has in store for Division 12 South! It was probably one of the best years of my life so far because in February 2014, I was blessed with the opportuni-BEE to serve this amazing division. This New Year is another chance for us to spread the word about Key Club before the term ends. Division 12 South will be having our very own “Key Club Awareness Week” on January 12th – 16th so we can spread awareness about different organizations that are partner up with Key Club and recruiting members to join our Ohana. We are also really close to achieving our division goals that were set in the beginning of the term! I am so proud of all that you have accomplished this year and I know that we will be able to meet all our goals in the next 3 months! Enjoy the rest of the newsletter, and I hope to see you all soon at Conclave 2015.

Vicky Le

Vicky Le LTG Vicky Le LTG Vicky Le LTG

Welcome To January

note from editor

Welcome to January of 2015 everybody! Thank you for being so patient with the timing of this issue. I hope that you all had a great holiday break packed with lots of food, presents and sleeping. If not, there’s still a lot that you can look forward to in the upcoming Key Club events before the term officially ends. I believe that all that we have done so far has been a worthwhile journey, so let us continue our this adventure into the new year! Stay warm!

Welcome To 2015

Celine Nguyen

Send an email to d12s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com describing your favorite memory of 2014. Each submission will result in one point added to your club for the Supervillain Showcase. Remember! It doesn’t have to be long! Even a single sentence will be accepted.

December Responses My holiday wish is that EVERYONE-- including all key clubbers, all families, every person alive, has a gr12s Christmas! <3

My holiday wish is to strive to become a better officer and to gift Silver Creek with a plethora of service events for December!

Challenge of th month

My holiday wish is to spend quality time with my family during Christmas. I also want to relax by preparing for the new year!

December responses


Congratulations Equalitsts, Pacman ghosts,Jokers

66 points 65 points 64 points

Ann Sobrato Fire Benders, Jokers, Koopa Kids

Silver Creek Santa Teresa

Division updates


Division updates

conclave The time to elect your 2015-2016 Lt. Governor is fast approaching! At Conclave, you will be able to listen to the candidates’ speeches, ask them caucus questions, and cast your ballot for the person you think is fit to lead Division 12 South. It will be a nerve-wracking, fun, and emotional day!

Requirements Dress Code conclave

 

Each club must have 2 delegates Club must be a dues paid club

Males  Long-sleeved button down dress shirt with tie  Blazers optional  Ankle length dress pants  Ark dress shoes with black socks Females

     

Knee-length dress Button down dress shirt, blouse, or collared shirt Ankle length dress pants or knee length skirt Blazers optional Dress shoes, flats or heels that cover entire heel Tops must completely cover stomach, back, torso and shoulders

During the week of January 12th – 16th, a charity will be assigned to each day and it’s the club’s duty to spread awareness for these charities to their school and members.

Key club awareness week

As a remembrance to FRN where we donated over $3,300 to PTP, come to school dressed in your spirit gear!

PTP Day Come to school dressed up as a baby and collect money for The Eliminate Project

ELIMINATE Day Wear red and yellow to support CMN as well as pass out or tie a red/yellow balloons to yourself

Children’s Miracle Network

March of Dimes

Wear purple and white to support March of Dimes. Each school will be given a poster board and purple paint where members can place their handprint on the poster Deck out in your Key Club attire and do your thing! This is your opportunity to go full out to recruit members or bond with your club.

Do Your Own Thing

    

     

I compete in robotics competitions such as VEX Robotics and the FIRST Robotics Competition. Evidently, I'm a geek because in my spare time, I like to code iPhone apps and design websites. I'm a hardcore movie fanatic. In one summer, I watched over 100 movies. As a Taiwan immigrant, I love to eat stinky tofu, soup dumplings, and pig's blood cake. Living in Hawaii never gets boring. I have played in the snow and swam at the beach on the same day.

Ashley Chen

I used to be a part of Division 34S Penguins in Region 17! I have served as a Club President and Lt. Governor. I spend most of my free time napping and watching netflix. My favorite shows include: The 100, White Collar and House. Science is my favorite subject! From physio, to bio, to chem and apes, science has been and will always be my favorite subject! Im gold three on the rift and if you'd like to play league with me some day, add me @ nerdingly!

Darin Ngo

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Cecilia Li      

Declared major: Applied Mathematics Lived in the same place entire life Never been out of CA excluding Nevada I don’t like sweet foods, but I L-O-V-E vanilla ice cream with peanut topping I enjoy a wide range of TV show including Legend of Korra, Parks and Recreation, and Sherlock From all the four years of attending Fall Rally South, I have only rode the carousel

Kevin Chu

 

I traveled to Fiji last summer with Rustic Pathways and had an absolute blast. I have a strong passion for music. I play the piano and the violin (a little teensy bit of the ukulele), and I sing. I used to figure skate competitively for a few years. I run for fun. (I know, I'm one of those people.) I ran a halfmarathon last year--13.1 miles! There is nothing I am more obsessed about than Harry Potter.

Tommy Giang

I've been to an Arcade Fire concert I absolutely adore the Helvetica Neue and Futura typefaces  Each day of 2014 meant a 

new photo for my 365 Project I aspire to one day drive across the entire continental United States, joined by a dog as a traveling companion My musical aesthetic is best described as a combination of "hipster indie trash" and Ezra Koenig's Twitter account

Monthly Club Reports Monthly Club eports Monthly Club reports Monthly Club Reports Monthly

On December 6, Live Oak Key Club walked the 24th Annual Kiwanis Holiday Lights Parade to sponsor and represent the Kiwanis Club in Morgan Hill. It was great for new members of the young club to find out more about the relationship between Kiwanis and Key Club. We had a great time with other members from local Key Clubs who served as “parade marshals� and created a cheery atmosphere. It was fun for all of us to experience the parade from a communal point of view. After we were done, we went to the community center and helped light the city tree. It was great to make those memories with our Key Club and to help with the Holiday Parade of Morgan Hill. Ann Sobrato Key Clubbers happily put together sand bags for the city!

We volunteered in Morgan Hill for the sandbag filling event! Our job was to shovel sand into bags. These sandbags are to be distributed out to families during times of storms and rain in order to stop the floods. It was a different experience from most of our other volunteer events, but we had fun! Our group managed to fill up 8 crates which was amazing considering the small group we had!

On December 6th, my friends and I volunteered at the Christmas in the Park Pet Adoption Center. They had several really cute and sweet dogs up for adoption for only $12! It was a really laid back event, and all we did was play with the dogs in the displays as people came and looked at them. As far as I know, none of them were adopted, but I’m sure that animals as cute as them will one day have their own home for the holidays.

Emily Huynh volunteers with Kiwanis at Christmas in the Park!

On Veterans' Day, 2014 I volunteered at Care Packages for Our Troops and I genuinely had so much fun!! Other key clubbers and I had a great time separating supplies, and then assembling them into care packages. While volunteering, we were bonding and getting to know each other more, and meeting new people! Not only was the event fun, but I know that the men and women receiving these packages will appreciate the packages as much as we appreciate them serving our country.

The buzz of rain pattering, the aromas of chocolate and peppermint, the warmth radiating from the hot chocolate and the bustle of the officers screaming out orders. The hot chocolate fundraiser was our first fundraiser and was a truly WARM event that put smiles on the everyone's faces. Although we were not totally prepared for the popularity of this fundraiser, we had an AMAZING turnout and sold out sooner than we expected! One of our customers really touched our hearts by buying a hot chocolate for one of her friends who was slumped against the wall. The friend instantly lit up and the two pranced away. It was a great joy to see how much change a cup of hot chocolate can bring to someone's life. I would definitely love to have another hot chocolate fundraiser!

Brides against Breast Cancer was held on rd November 23 , at the San Jose Marriot downtown, and it is one of my favorite events! I loved putting away all of the pretty dresses while bonding with the club members. Not only

did we put dresses away, we got to store them in a trailer. Also, all funds that we raised from the event went into Breast Cancer research, meaning that we’re having fun for a good cause. I thought this was a fun and lovely event, so I would sign up for this event again if we ever had it again.

Officers making hot chocolate and selling them to students after school.

The seat pillows we made are for the children to sit on or sleep on. It would be nice to get a free pillow. It’s their freedom to do what they want with them. It was a struggle cutting and knotting. It was totally fun and worth the time, though. I had fun while doing it and I got to help out someone else. It gives you that warm feeling in your heart for doing something good.

Henry Nguyen tying the ends of fabric to make a pillow seat.

Leland Key Club had the amazing opportunity to participate in Second Harvest Food Bank's Turkey Trot this past Thanksgiving. Volunteers met at the SAP Center at six in the morning Thanksgiving day to work at the hydration station. At the hydration station, volunteers filled up water into cups and passed them out to runners. In addition, volunteers cheered on the runners. The group that we helped support was the Second Harvest Food Bank that had been collecting cans of food for a good cause, including in Leland High School during the Can Jam. This was an amazing and unforgettable experience for all of the volunteers, who also got medals for their outstanding service.

Leland Key Clubbers setting up water station for runners!

ASKC members sorting out boxes and getting set up!

At the Turkey Trot, we were originally assigned to handing out bibs and shirts. But due to the lack of volunteers at the medal handouts we were moved to handout medals to congratulate runners at the end of their run. Handing out medals to the runners was very hectic, but it was an enjoyable experience to see the smile on the people’s faces. The Heroes' Run was a wonderful experience to attend to because I got to see thousands of people running the 5K in their favorite superhero costume. It brought me a sense of joy seeing people of all ages dressed up and run because it showed me that regardless of your age, you can still dress up to be whoever I want and have fun running at the same time. Even though I was only directing the runners to the right direction, I felt happiness illuminating from each runner that passed me. If I had a chance to do this event again, I would.

On December 4th, Willow Glen Key Club was able to assist our Kiwanis in selling snacks and helping out booths at the Willow Glen Elementary Tree Lighting. We braved out in the chilling weather and wafting smells of popcorn to see the faces of children and parents light up with joy from the treats. Also, we had the chance to get closer to our fellow members and Kiwanians, not just in the crowded booth but personally too! From arts and crafts table to pictures with Santa, being able to participate in such a coveted event made it a particular highlight of the holiday season.

This was my very first DCM for Key and I am so glad that I went. I really got to see Key not just as a school club but as a community passionate about what they were doing. And I am just thankful that I can be part of it all.

We went around the neighborhood asking people if they could donate toiletries to Kiwanis for the families that have children in the hospital. We got a lot of stuff; we got a lot more than the other groups that walked around. We just went door to door and it was really fun. It would be a lot of help for them, to have the stuff we donated in case they couldn’t get it. It’s all stuff they would need, and it was nice to help people. At first I was nervous to talk to people, but after a few houses, it was easier. I definitely gained communication skills.

Alex Torres, Vivi Vu, and Catherine Nguyen collecting toiletries in Willow Glen.

Service Service service

Coyote Creek cleanup felt rewarding to me. It wasn’t necessarily as fun as other events, unless you really like trash, but after we were done, the creek looked significantly nicer. I got a great feeling of accomplishment, actually went outdoors into nature, and all the while helping the community I live in. I would describe my experience at the parade as a dry positive. When I first arrived there I was greeted by members of both Sobrato and Live Oak Key Club members and I felt very welcomed. A woman gave us a summary of what was about to happen, we got some safety vests; and once the parade, started our job was to make sure no one wandered into the streets. It was easy and fun, I'll be signing up for this event next year.

Volunteering at the Second Harvest Food Drive in Safeway was exciting. People rushed by me, and my friend and I handed out flyers to them. Then, out of the blue, Colin Kaepernick walked out!

Thank you!

For the many great reports from December. If you do not see your submission, that is because it was sent to the District for consideration to be on their newsletter. Thank you once again to the Editor family! Love you all!

Signing out For the month of january






Until next time

See you Next month In February 12south














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