D12S | December Newsletter

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December issue

Twelve south supervillains

Table of contents

LTG’S Welcome Happy December Supervillains! The giving season is here so I hope you have lots planned for this month because there are tons of service opportuni-BEES around this time of the year. We may be the Supervillains, but you are all heroes with your dedication and passion for service. In October we served a total of 3,369 hours, the most we have ever served in a month this year, and I only hope to see us continue to grow in service!

one of your holiday wishes at d12s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com because I would LOVE to hear all about them! Every response I get means an additional point towards your club for the Supervillain Showcase!

My only holiday wish this year is to see our division bond closer, become stronger, and reach all our goals. Email me about

Villains! HO-HO-HO!

We have 1 month left of 2014, so let’s make it a great one! Continue on with your tremendous service, spirit, and love for Key Club. I can’t wait to see you all at the December DCM!

Welcome to December! This is my favorite month for a colossal of different reasons, but the main one is that it’s like a fresh breath of air. Can you feel that cool blue breeze? And literally, we all get fresh air because Holiday Break is coming! We’ve made it through a long haul, and now I’M READY FOR A HIBERNATION! Are you?! Happy Early Holidays to everyone; get lots of rest, drink some tea or hot chocolate and enjoy reading! Thank you for visiting; I appreciate your interest <3.

Email your response to Vicky Le at d12s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com and your club will earn points toward January’s Supervillain Showcase Award!

Division goals update

The jokers The fire benders

he equalists

The Jokers of Silver Creek Key Club won the Club with Most Service Award for December, marking their achievement of 1,902 hours in one month! Congratulations to the record-breaking Jokers as well as the Fire Benders and Equalists for putting the SUPER in Supervillains!


Members of The month

Congratulations to the three awardees of December. You are recognized for your impact and presence within our division and your hoe club!

Every Key Clubber is invited to apply into a District Contest for a chance to win awards and recognition at the district-wide level among all the Cali-Nev-Ha busy Bees! Just imagine walking across stage with your name on the projectors at District Convention in Anaheim, California. It makes all your generosity and giving back to the community worth it, so check out the different contests you can participate in. We are all an ohana, so don’t be afraid to ask anyone for help. The contest guidelines are now available on the CNH CyberKey! The following contests are available

I encourage each and every one of you to apply! This is your opportuni-BEE to get recognized for all your hard work at District Convention! All applications can be found on the CNH CyberKey under the "Recognition > Contests" tab.

ember recognition awards

Spread MNT awareness while committing to a goal AND showcasing a fabulous picture of YOUself!

If you are interested in an overlay, please feel free to send an e-mail to Kiwanis Family & Foundation Chair at cnhkc.kff@gmail.com and provide your name, position, club or division, a photo, and the number of lives you would like to save from MNT.

Eliminate overla

Nov. third to Key Club Week is a special week in which Key Clubbers from all over the District promote some of the activities and service we do as a club. Every club is different, but Monday typically starts off with dressing in any kind of Key Club attire!

Show your k What better way to do service than to do it with your friends and have a good time with it. Depending on what day each club has We wouldn’t have been able to achieve our goals and reach beyond the stars if it weren’t for the help of our supportive youth leaders, teachers, Kiwanis advisors and parents. Tuesday is dedicated to thanking those that guided to where we are today.

Photo credits to Andrew Hill Key Club, Janelle Saucedo/Ann Sobrato Key Club, Leland Key Club and Santa Teresa Key Club for providing pictures of their Key Club Week.

seventh Finally, being in Key Club shouldn’t be like sitting in a closed box. Service and bonding takes a different twist in everyone’s story. How have you changed through Key Club? Friday is the day to have fun and be creative in expressing your passion! Many clubs enjoy having socials, on campus service events or movie nights to become closer as friends.

their General Meetings, they invite members to welcome newcomers to the club.

It’s not every day we get the honor of having a Kiwanian come in during school hours to talk to us about the connection between youth and adults in Kiwanis and Key Club. Sometimes, it’s nice just to have an older leader figure guide us with their inspirational stories, and that’s exactly what this day is for!

An insight to LTG life


Learn about the duties and what it takes to be a Lt. Governor. CTC is highly recommended if you are interested in running. “I remember not being 100% sure if I wanted to run for Lt. Governor. I was unsure of what the job included or if I was even right for the position. CTC helped me get an insight of a Lt. Governor’s life and really solidified the fact that this was something I wanted. I remember having a mock Conclave and I had to present my speech and answer caucus questions. Although I was super nervous, it really helped me prepare for the real thing at Conclave. So if you are even a little interested in running for Lt. Governor, I suggest you attend because you’ll never know what you’ll get out of it!”

Candidate tr

District convention *= Received by date

$219.49 per night ÷ by 2 people in a room = $109.75 per person × 2 nights +$179 = $398.50 total per person (without transportation and misc. costs)

$219.49 per night ÷ by 3 people in a room = $73.06 per person × 2 nights + $179 = $325.12 total per person (without transportation and misc. costs)

$219.49 per night ÷ by 4 people in a room = $54.75 per person × 2 nights + $179 = $288.50 total per person (without transportation and misc. costs).

Ask your advisor for more information. Work with your club to start fundraising now!

It is recommended (however, how much you bring is up to you) that each attendee brings $50 to help cover costs for food on Friday (no food is provided on Friday night) and any souvenirs or incidentals.

*January 15th - $179 per person

*February 5th - $219 person

When: March 13-15, 2015 Where: Anaheim California Who: YOU! Why: Attend District Convention to celebrate your service, develop your leadership skills, and connect with your fellow Key Club family! If you have any questions or want more info regarding DCON 2015, contact your local Lt. Governor or District Convention Chair RJ at cnhkc.dcon@gmail.com!


Cali-nev-ha “I'm a very shy person. Very shy,” confides Vanessa L. Nguyen from Evergreen Valley, “but I decided to attend DCON on a whim anyway because I loved Key; and now I love it even more so because I saw so much passion and spirit from all the other schools there. I felt out of place, but it gave me a goal. I want to be like them one day: loud. GO TO DCON!!!”

“DCON is an opportuni-BEE you won't want to miss!” Andy Chau, also from Evergreen Valley, recounts, “Since Freshmen year, I've obtained countless pieces of information of Key Club and created many memories. Plus DCON is where everyone can be themselves as one, an OHANA.”

district convention

“Every year that I have gone to District Convention, I've always learned something new,” Amanda Lam from Santa Teresa replied. “Not only is District Convention a great way to learn more about Key Club in general, but it is also a great way to be more excited about being a Key Clubber. The Key Club community is so broad and it's always wonderful to see how passionate members are about the club. While at District Convention, you feel like yourself and no one is forcing you to be someone you are not. District Convention was truly an eye-opening experience and everyone should have the opportunity to attend it.”

Bees buzz buzz “Last year's DCON was definitely my Key Club moment because of all the memories I've made!” Khassidy Nguyen from Evergreen Valley says, “The workshops helped me gain skills that I use every day, and the general sessions were inspirational. I loved meeting new people and seeing everyone so spirited! People should go because you get to build character while having fun!”


“When I attended DCON my freshman year, I had no idea that I would've had the opportunity to make new friends, improve on my leadership skills, and truly learn about what Key Club really is.” Gabby Baniqued of Ann Sobrato marvels, “Seeing all these members all over the CNH district made me really think that everyone who's attending DCON is here to make a difference to their clubs when they come back. Attending DCON will truly change your life as a Key Clubber because it shows you the true meaning of Key Club, and will inspire you to serve for the better!”

“District Convention holds a special place in my heart,” affirms Chris Chong from Ann Sobrato. “DCON is my favorite event because it's where I can go to reunite with friends, celebrate service from the term, and show off my Ann Sobrato Key Club Firebenders spirit! The amount of energy, love for service, and inspiration fills the entire the entire building all throughout Convention. I definitely recommend attending the biggest District Convention in the best District in all of Key Club International to Celebrate: Service, Leadership, Family! You'll have the time of your life and you won't regret it!

“DCON is what you make of it,” suggests Vicky Nguyen of Leland. “It gives you the opportunity to make closer and stronger bonds with not only your division, but others, while providing a whole new perspective on how you can make an impact in someone else's life for the better. Also, DCON allows you to take a step out of your comfort zone and express your love for Key Club and your individuality. I encourage everyone to go to DCON because its the best experience you'll ever receive in your whole Key Club career.”

Division 13 South Lieutenant Governor, Region 8, Bellflower, California • • •

My favorite Sport is Basketball My favorite Show on Netflix is The Office I quoted Nelson Mandela during CTC without knowing what he did for the world until after CTC In the future I want to be an Optometrist and help the future generation see just how great Key Club can BEE My favorite Holiday is Christmas

• •

Division 26 South Lt. Governor, Region 9 San Ramon, CA     

Chipotle is love, chipotle is life I play violin and piano I'm an only child My last name means summer in mandarin In fourth grade, my friend and I created and participated in our own double dutch tournament

Division 2 Lieutenant Governor, Region 9 Castro Valley, California • •

• • •

Division 46 North Lt. Governor, Region 12

I love eating chicken wings! My favorite pastime is hanging out with friends and playing tennis I play the string bass in my orchestra! I love boba My dream school is UC Berkeley

Turlock, California   

 

I've been a vegetarian for 10 years! I'm afraid of big rides and spiders The employees at Jamba Juice have memorized my name and drink order My favorite service projects are river clean ups Besides Key Club, I participate in orchestra, cross country, track, and countless other clubs!

Division 34 North Lieutenant Governor, Region 17 South San Francisco, CA •

• •


I've played 4 sports in my lifetime: volleyball, basketball, track & field, and cheerleading. I was born in the Philippines. When I was 6, I use to think all the ivy league schools were in Europe. My biggest fears are losing my little brothers and wasting my ambition. I'm not a big fan of Mexican food, but I love Mexican candy.

Monthly club reports

“The Blacklight Run packet pickup was actually my first volunteering experience! I wasn't so sure what to do at first, but the other volunteers were very friendly and helped me through it. I met some new friends that were very kind, and got myself a little workout from running around grabbing t-shirts all day! Overall it was a very fun volunteering experience, and I'd be happy to do it again!”

“Overall, the Blacklight Run was a fantastic event. Throwing powder at runners with no consequences was amazing. There were some kids who started forming a line just to get powder thrown at them, which was annoying because the powder is not the end of the race. After the event itself, as you sat in your car to leave, all of the powder on your clothes/body went on the seat. They gave us clothes and hats, which was very nice of them.”

“On October 18th, I volunteered at the Blacklight Run. The event was great! I was able to meet new people as we helped each other set up for a meaningful cause. The experiences gain will definitely not be forgotten. The event was at night which made it a little bit more memorable! I definitely look forward to helping out my community in other ways. The Blacklight Run is definitely something i am going to remember.”

“The GIST Walk was a very enlightening experience that proved to me how much compassion, unity, and service can help a community or group of people. The event itself was full of fun-spirited individuals who I could tell were not only polite in their casual interactions but were also extremely kind and empathetic. With every minute spent I realized how rewarding it can feel to just know that you're in some part helping with a greater cause with great people. In general, the event itself was an amazing time as well as a truly precious life lesson.”

“The MH Marathon was great. It was amazing to see all those committed runners blazing through the race. I felt honored to be able to help all of them out by giving them water when they needed it most. It was also cool that I was able to have fun with my friends while doing it too!”

A Morgan Hill Marathon runner happily receives water from Ann Sobrato Key Clubbers

Ann Sobrato Key Clubber greet runner with water at the Morgan Hill Marathon

Thank you Santa Teresa makes dog toys and thank you cards at general meeting

“Going to the Service Palooza was a great event and was also a great idea! Because it was held where the general meetings were, many members attended and received service hours. This event was especially helpful for those who were not able to end many service events in the past month due to various reasons. It was a great service opportunity for me, especially, because I'm an animal lover and what better way to express that than to be involved in dog-toy making! Seeing people involved with cardmaking for soldiers or dog-toy making was wonderful, because everyone got so creative (: I loved it!”

“At the Key Club Blankets for Kids event, I made some blankets. Making them was relatively simple, cutting fringe and tying knots in said fringe on a large piece of material. The blankets will hopefully help someone in need and keep him or her warm as the weather gets colder. Attending this event helped me realize that I am very fortunate to have a nice warm house and not have to really worry about keeping warm during the winter. This also allowed me to bond with my club, and meet people from Leland’s Key Club.”

“My experience of volunteering at the Morgan Hill Dog Show this month was very rewarding. It was great to see the dogs going through their routine while I was helping out during the event. I feel like I contributed to the dog show by setting up and taking down the courses, which was a lot of fun! Over all I had an awesome time giving back to my community. Volunteering at the dog show definitely makes me want to find more ways to help out in my area.”

“On the Tuesday of November 4th, Gunderson Key Club helped with Registrar of Voters, or ROV. We started at seven PM and worked to eleven PM. We helped guide the cars entering into the VTA parking lot to the table where they vote. Although the event dragged on till late night, we had a nice time with all the other volunteers there, and had a great experience working with the community. This was a great event, and I’d recommend anyone sign up for it when the next chance comes.”

Giving to the community

“Volunteering at the Walk to Stop Diabetes was a fun experience. I was assigned to be a route monitor on the 5k course with two other friends, and we cheered on runners and walkers who participated. It was amazing to see all of the people walking and running to support the fight to end diabetes. This event made me want to help out even more with Key Club!”


“My experience at FRN 2014 was breath taking. Seeing all these people coming together with devotion and the rush of enthusiasm as we walked in really told me this wasn’t like any other occasion. Besides the extreme heat, winning the spirit stick was totally worth it. After FRN, I was definitely moved by all the dedication and work that was put into this event. I learned how easy it was to make new friends and connect with each other on another level. I also got very close with friends in my area, and from other areas. I would definitely come back next year, and recommend it to everyone. Overall, FRN has been one of the best experiences. “

Brittney Tran cheering for her division at Fall Rally North

“The Almaden Community Center Harvest Festival was a simple example of the motto, "Celebrate the Magic of Service". I got to see new people and had to talk to fresh faces I otherwise would not have. It really brought me to understand what Key Club truly is.”

Almaden Harvest festival

Ann Sobrato making little spiders out of egg cartons at Almaden Harvest Festival

Ann Sobrato tie towels for local lendor at Almaden Harvest Festival

“At the Almaden Harvest Fest, we volunteered to help set up the festival in the Almaden Community Center by decorating, setting up games, and preparing activities. Later on in the day we ran the Haunted Hallway by scaring people as they walked through the dark maze. What made this event so enjoyable is that the volunteer coordinators were nice and friendly, we always had a task to accomplish, and we were able to have fun and volunteer!”

fostering “The Zombie Run was an amazing and fun experience to begin with. Being able to show off my spirit by cheering for the runners and ringing my cowbell loudly as each runner passed by was so exciting! This was one of the greatest events I had ever volunteered at. “

“It was a rainy and gloomy day. I guess the weather was suitable for the theme of Run with the Zombies! I was so proud of my members for showing up to provide service while they could be nice and cozy at home! I was part of the cheering squad and we were given these colored bells. Although it was raining, the race was still on! The runners had many creative costumes and funny looking make up! After we were done with our volunteer shift, we met a few Key Clubbers and they challenged us to a spirit battle. Even though we were outnumbered, it was still super duper fun!”

Andrew Hill volunteers cheering on runners

Explore the possibilities

change “On November 1st, the ladies of Willow Glen Key Club volunteered at the Light the Night Walk in Palo Alto. The walk is a fundraising campaign organized by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, that brings together families and communities to celebrate the lives of blood cancer survivors, as well as those lost to the diseases. It also serves to shine a light on the importance of finding cures and providing access to treatments for patients. The funds raised by participants help advance therapies for blood cancer patients. We were fortunate enough to assist these amazing people in celebrating their fundraising success and in

demonstrating their support in the fight against blood cancers by cheering them on and helping with registration. It was truly an incredible experience to witness the pride and camaraderie expressed by participants in support of their family and friends.�

Youth empowerment


Service, leadership, family

To our family of editors for contributing great recaps and visuals this month! Not all were shown because they were sent to the district for newsletter consideration. Credits to: Andrew Liu, Homza Hireed, Yumei Huang, Tommy Huynh, Adriel Pineda, Aly Quach, Chris Chong, Duc Huynh, Anna Renfro, Carly Miller and of course, the photographers! Editors rock the house!

contacts d12south.cnh.ltg@gmail.com




And closing


aznpride831@gmail.com t2thedao@gmail.com chong.chris97@gmail.com annamypham@gmail.com






Beautiful seasons



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