D12S | July Newsletter

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Region 17 | Vol. 4 Issue 3

The Of f icial Div ision 12 Sout h Newsl et t er : Super Vil l ains JULY 2016



Message from your LTG


Message from your DNE/EA’s


Club of the Month/Other


Member & Officer of the Month


May DCM Recap


KCTC Recap/June DCM


Supervillain Showcase


Division Goals

13 14

Upcoming Boba Fundraiser Casino Night/ST report Club reports Contact Info




HAPPY SUMMER SUPERVILLAINS! Welcome to the July D12S Newsletter BEE-utifully made by our Division News Editor, My Hoang! I would first like to start off by thanking every single one of you who attended Key Club Training Conference 2016: Service with Ohana! We as a division were able to send 80 members to receive proper training! I am so mind blown by how AMAZING you all are when we are together! Your drive to be the best person you can be absolutely shines! Not only did we fundraise for the Pediatric Trauma Program, but we were also able to bond as an OHANA. Through the workshops at KCTC, I hope you learned something new to implement those ideas so that you have an EXTRAORDINARY year! Again, thank you for attending and I hope you had lots of fun! WOW! We have been serving in this term for about 3 months already! Isn't this insane?! This ride has been life-changing for me and I am so proud of how far we have gotten. As a division, we have obtained 3,613.5 hours and $3,479 for The Eliminate Project! That means we are only 16,386.5 hours away from our service goal, $721 from our MNT goal, and $4,200 from our PTP Goal! With this said, let's take advantage of the fun service events that summer has to offer and crank in some hours! Also, make sure to fundraise for PTP, MNT, and/or even your club!

Region Training Conference and Fall Rally North are just around the corner! RTC is on October 1st and FRN is on October 22nd. Don't forget to add this on your calendars! Get ready to show your D12S Key Club spirit and fight for the Spirit Stick!! Let's show who rules the ground!



Division 12 South, YOU have inspired me! From our ambitious presidents to our marvelous members, each and every one of you are so passionate in serving our community. I am so proud of D12S. Although it has only been 3 months, I have seen you all grow as a KEY-leader of our community! Whether you hold an officer position or not, by volunteering, you are making a difference. Thank you for your incredible dedication to Key Club and I hope that we carry on this energy throughout the entire year! See you all at July DCM hosted by Ann Sobrato!

A Message from your DNE Hi! I am My Hoang from LKC and I am the new Division News Editor for the 2016-17 term! My hobbies include photography, track, art, & key. I am super excited and hope you like my very first newsletter I made! Please read all the way to the last page to find a cute eggcellent surprise. Enjoy!

A Message from your EA’s Hello there! My name is Vivian Pham from SCKC and I am one of your EA’s for the 2016-2017 term. I am a major KPOP enthusiast and my love for chicken nuggets and Key club is out of this world. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask me or the other individuals on the DLT team! We’re not only here to serve Jacklyn because we serve YOU as well.

Hey Supervillains! My name is Irene and I go to Santa Teresa High School. I’m extremely ecstatic to be serving D12S as one of your Executive Assistants! I can’t wait to Key-nnect with and getting to know each and every one of you! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns!

Hey there, Villains! I’m Ryan Vu and I’m honored to serve as one of your EA’s for the 2016-17 term. On my free time, you can catch me stuck in Bronze III, watching anime, or listening to music. I look forward to making this term the best it can be for you guys! Hit me up if you need a support main, and I hope to see you guys around!


Club of the Month

Most Fundraised: Silver Creek

SCKC and SC Unicef teamed up this week for MNT! They went around asking people what they want to eliminate while educating them on the project!

Advisor of the Month: Ms. Conrotto (YBKC)

Most Service: Evergreen Valley

Lindsey Keo from Ann Sobrato!

Eugene Kim: Editor from Leland!

May DCM Recap


Leland Key Club sold green waffles and Elemonade (pink lemonade) for $1.80 to raise money to save a mother and her babies.

My first DCM as the D12s LTG!!!

The announcing of the new fabulous Division Leadership Team!

KCTC RECAP As of right now, we have raised 3,613.5

hours, $0 for PTP, and $3,479 for MNT! KEEP IN MIND that the T-shirt Design contest submissions are due on July 3rd, by 6 PM!

And Task Coordinator Apps are due July 30th! Please apply & join the team!



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D12S Boba Fundraiser Division 12 South will be hosting a fundraiser for PTP! Come and enjoy some milk tea at Simply Boba on July 2nd, from 5 PM to 10 PM! and please show this flyer to the cashier!


Flyer for the annual Casino Night to raise money for PTP! Casino Night, hosted by Santa Teresa Key Club, was a night filled with casino games, fantastic food/drinks, picture taking, dancing (hosted by the DJ Ryan Pau), and good company! A portion of the proceeds will be going to the Pediatric Trauma Program.



Williams Cultural/Heritage Fair


This event was enjoyable because I had the opportuniKEY to work with fellow members who I did not bond with before. I made new friendships and KEYnecctions with my members. By assigning myself to a booth to work at rather than waiting to do miscellaneous work, I was able to effectively help out my community. I helped several children and adults understand my Vietnamese culture as well. I loved volunteering at this event because not only was I able to help out my community celebrate diversity, but also I created great memories with my members.

Pioneer had its team rocket baseball tee preorders!

-Jalyn Vo

They also have the Bubble Run as an upcoming event!



Kicks for kids is one of Gunderson’s and Key Club most anticipated events. Every Sunday in the Fall and Spring seasons students, teachers and

Southside Flea Market

community member alike gather on Gunderson’s front field to hosts soccer and recreational activities, provides wholesome snacks, and presents tips for healthy living for children with physical and developmental disabilities. Kicks for Kids has been another one of those events that has impacted my life. I’ve tried my best to make it to as many as possible and there's hasn't been a time where I regretted clearing my schedule for this event. -Elisabeth Correa

The event was a really fun experience! I helped with serving and selling food to the marketgoers, and it was interesting meeting people from around San Jose. It was also great working with the people who run the Southside Community Center and getting a glimpse of what they do for our neighborhood. Volunteering at this event really inspired me to do more for community! -Joanne Guan

Andrew Hill

Oak Grove

Froyo Run

Second Harvest Food Bank

“During my volunteer shift at Froyo Run, I was assigned to help out with the course. My group and I filled cups with water and handed them out to runners while cheering them on. It was a really fun experience for me. Volunteering at Froyo Run was definitely worth my time and it was such a nice feeling to know that people appreciate you for what you do. I also enjoyed it because there was free froyo in the end!” -Clare Tran

“This event was my very first Key Club event. My friend Phong, a great and cool friend, invited me and I honestly had a good time because I didn’t know that there were places that held events like these. I thought it was just volunteering at run events, but with this one, I was able to help the needy.”

-Tom Tran

Cont a ct Inform a t ion Presidents: An dr ew Hill / Har r ison Hon g

Oak Gr ove / Pau lin e Ph an

h ar r ison .h on g161@gm ail.com

pau lin eph an @gm ail.com

Ever gr een Valley / Evan Ch en g

Pion eer / Adr ian n a Ng

Ch en g.evan 8@gm ail.com

adr ian n a.n g98@gm ail.com

An n Sobr at o / Kr ist y Le

Silver Cr eek / Jen n if er Ngu yen

Le.k r ist y314@gm ail.com

jen n n gu yen x@gm ail.com

Gu n der son / Ph illip Car ver

San t a Ter esa / Ju st in Doan

car ver ph @gm ail.com

ju st in doan 417@gm ail.com

Lelan d / Tian a Ngu yen

Willow glen / Car son An dr ew s

Tian an gu yen 99@gm ail.com

car son an dr ew s2018@gm ail.com

Live Oak / Eliza Bell

Yer ba Bu en a / Ju lia Ngu yen

Ebellem 481@gm ail.com

Ju liaxn gu yen 0@gm ail.com

Division Leadership Team vivian ph am xoxo@gm ail.com

Vivian Ph am Ir en e Ly

ir en et h o7@gm ail.com

Ryan Vu

r yan vu ser iou sem ail@gm ail.com

M y Hoan g

d12s.cn h k c.dn e@gm ail.com

D12S Lieu t en an t Gover n or Region 17 Advisor

Jack lyn Vo d12s.cn h k c.lt g@gm ail.com

Jen n if er Bu eln a jen bu eln a@gm ail.com

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