Division 14 | Region 14 | CNH District
July 2021
LTG Message Hey Caribous, We are now 3 months into the new term! I am so proud of all of you for working so hard! I hope everyone is enjoying the summer sun. Make sure to wear your sunscreen! The temperatures are rising very fast. I sadly can not swim but I hope all of you are enjoying the water. Summer is now in action! That gives us all so much time to do more service! I am so happy to announce that the Division Leadership Team is planning a July Service Week to lead up to this month’s DCM.
With our ne restrictions, we community so excited to see you will all perf
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Table Of Contents 2 LTG Message 4
ewly released COVID e are able to help our o much more. I am so e what type of service form now!
Calendar 6 Division Updates
2021, thank you all for at you did during your ney. I wish you all the ture endeavors. I hope staying in the Kiwanis ing up for Circle K!
D-Goals & Caribou Credit
8 Articles & Visuals 10 PTP
Prancing with service, Maliny Khuon Division 14 Lieutenant Governor 2021-2022
12 Contact
Officer Training Conference
MRF Due!
Kind Notes
Thank your Postal Workers
5: MRFs due 7: Officer Training Conference 8-10: Key Club International Summer Leadership Conference
SLC Articles and Visuals Due
Club Reflections and Club Recognition Due
10: Articles & Visuals due 12: Kind Notes 13: Thank your Postal Workers
Kindness Rocks
14: Color - A - Smile 15: Kindness Rocks 15: Club Reflections due 15: Club Recognition Due 16: Division Council Meeting
Arushi Garg
Member Diane Jensen
Officer Advisor
Heather Forrester
River Valley
Club Service Hours: 81.5 / 3000
PTP Funds: $530 / 1500
35,000 Dues Paid Members
900,000 Service Hours
$225,000 Donated to PTP
Arushi on the left says “the ribbon lei project was a fun and creative way to raise funds for PTP and I thoroughly enjoyed making and selling them.” I also participated in making the leis and I think it was a fun process to make the leis and it was nice to make something for the seniors, while also raising money for charity. 8
The division wide service project was graduation lei making and selling for the end of the term. We used and dedicated our time to celebrate our seniors and support the Pediatric Trauma Prevention Fund. We sold around 25 candy leis at 5 dollars each, and even sold out of ALL leis before our first graduation ceremony started. With a 100 dollar donation from a Kiwanis member Terry who watched the event, we were able to raise 230 dollars for the Pediatric Trauma Prevention Fund. 9
Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP): Mission:
How to Donate/Volunteer: There are multiple ways to donate to PTP! One of them being by donation and activities such as - Car Wash - Dares - Club Fairs/Club Rush - fundraisers
Their mission is to “develop local projects, which will reduce the number of children in our three-state District who are killed or injured by trauma.”
Did you know that…? - leading cause of death
between the ages of one and 14 years -This leads to permanent disabilities for millions of young children -90% of these injuries could have been prevented
Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP): Link to Donate:
Partner Hospitals: Currently, PTP’s partner hospitals are San Diego, Loma Linda, Modera, Honolulu, and Reno.
https://www.cnhkeyclub.org/image s/Projects/Preferred_Charities/DT_ PTPDonationForm_08_1819.pdf
Where can I get more information?:
http://www.cnhfoundation.org/ supports/PTP.html
Division Contact Information
Lieutenant Governor Maliny Khuon ( River Valley ) d14.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org Executive Assistant Neeraj Thind ( River Valley ) nthind530@gmail.com Executive Assistant Arushi Garg ( River Valley ) gargarushi17@gmail.com Division News Editor Brighton Quintana ( Marysville ) brightonquintana06@icloud.com Social Media Coordinator Sienna Tumber ( River Valley ) sienna.tumber@gmail.com Member Recognition Chair Hailey Sasamoto ( RIver Valley ) haileysas1124@gmail.com Spirit Coordinator Austin Haggard ( River Valley ) austinhaggard12345@gmail.com Spirit Coordinator Diane Jensen ( Marysville ) dianej1128@gmail.com
Stay Connected
Division Instagram @d14keyclub Issuu @d14keyclub Youtube R14 Key Club District Instagram @cnh_keyclub Twitter @CNHKeyclub Website www.cnhkeyclub.org Issuu www.issuu.com/cnhkc Facebook Calnevhakeyclub
Thank You For Reading!