Division 14 | Region 14 | CNH District
August 2021
LTG Message Hey Caribous, Can you believe that summer is almost over? I feel like everything went by so fast. I have been enjoying the summer and I hope you have been too! AP Exam scores are released now. I hope everyone did well. As any senior knows, it is almost time for college applications! I am not excited about them at all but I wish everyone the best of luck. School is almost back in session! With that being said, we NEED to target new members! It is extremely important for us to increase our membership this term. If every member could recruit 1 new member, you will have a big increase!
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Table Of Contents
nning your events, refer restrictions that Key Club ce. Even with the ope to see an increase in cts & fundraisers!
all for everything that o blessed to serve such ivision!
LTG Message
Division Updates
July Week Of Service
10 August DCM 11 Covid Update 12 Articles & Visuals
Prancing with service, Maliny Khuon Division 14 Lieutenant Governor 2021-2022
Articles & Visuals Due Club Reflection & Recognition Due
MRFs Due
August DCM
Natalie Gonzalez
Keerit Sahota
Kris Bovee
Service Hours: 113.5 / 3000
PTP Funds: $530 / 1500
River Valley
Club Marie Teria
Week o
f Service
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Covid Release Forms are REQUIRED Masks are REQUIRED Mandatory Temperature Checks Dares can be paid through cash or venmo 10
Covid release forms are now required for all in person events. An advisor from your club has to keep said forms for 3 years. Masks are still required for events as our school districts require them. You will also need to take & log temperatures at your event! Anyone over 100.4 degrees shall not be allowed to participate. Covid release forms can be found on the CNH Cyberkey or https://tinyurl.com/d14covidrelease
The Chalk Walk was an event in which our members were able to go around their neighborhood and draw positive messages for others. Natalie Gonzalez says “it felt nice to do something I hadn’t done since I was a kid.” Keerit Sahota, River Valley's president, said "it's an event that's super fun and accessible to do and I have heard it makes people's days." Manjot Kaur shares, “I was able to get together with my friends who I hadn’t seen in a while and help brighten the spirits of our neighborhood.” This event was an easy and fun way for Key Club to spread positivity when school is out.
The “Thank you USPS” event was a fun and way to show our appreciation to those delivering our mail and brighten their day!
A few key club members and myself, the only representative from Yuba City High School came together over zoom to have conversations and write uplifting messages on sticky notes. With drawings and powerful words, we aspire to positively influence community members. In total, I made about 30 positive notes and handed them out in public at stores, parks, and coffee shops. Everyone who received one was very appreciative!
Color-A-Smile was very fun and interactive as we virtually came together and watched the movie “Raya” while coloring pictures for children in a non-profit organization. In the two hours I colored in 5 pictures and donated them to the color-a-smile foundation. It was super fun and felt nice to mail them for a good cause.
Division Contact Information
Lieutenant Governor Maliny Khuon ( River Valley ) d14.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org Executive Assistant Neeraj Thind ( River Valley ) nthind530@gmail.com Executive Assistant Arushi Garg ( River Valley ) gargarushi17@gmail.com Division News Editor Brighton Quintana ( Marysville ) brightonquintana06@icloud.com Social Media Coordinator Sienna Tumber ( River Valley ) sienna.tumber@gmail.com Member Recognition Chair Hailey Sasamoto ( RIver Valley ) haileysas1124@gmail.com Spirit Coordinator Austin Haggard ( River Valley ) austinhaggard12345@gmail.com Spirit Coordinator Diane Jensen ( Marysville ) dianej1128@gmail.com
Stay Connected
Division Instagram @d14keyclub Issuu @d14keyclub Youtube R14 Key Club District Instagram @cnh_keyclub Twitter @CNHKeyclub Website www.cnhkeyclub.org Issuu www.issuu.com/cnhkc Facebook Calnevhakeyclub
Thank You For Reading!