Division 23 Newsletter April 2012

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In This Issue Division Pictures………………….. 2

Club of the Month…………..

Editor’s Note………………………... 3

Member of the Month………….. 8

Challenge of the Month……….. 4

You’re invited to: Division 9 Banquet………………………………..

Memo from the LtG…………….. 4 Mary Castaneda Intro………….. 5


Banquet Dress Attire…………... 10 Calendar………………………………. 11

Division 23’s New Officers….. 6 Polar Plunge…………………………. 7 Relay for Life


Polar Plunge: Reno high members and Alyssa Yocom, LtG, warming after taking the plunge.

Polar Plunge: Lowry members and students in Tahoe walking back to the bus after the Polar Plunge Party.

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A word from Alli

Farewell my Yeti’s. I would like to start off my telling you that I love you all and because of YOU I have had the most fabulous year imaginable. From Officer Training Conference, Division Council Meetings, Region 6 Training Conference, Fall Rally North, Officer Bonding Day, Conclave, and everything in between, it has been all of you yeti’s that has kept the smile on my face, the laugh in my soul, and the love in my heart. I cannot begin to thank you for that. Over the past year, this division has been my life, my inspiration, and my love. I have made new friends and memories. BEEcause of you, this newsletter has gone from a four pages to a twenty-two plus pages long. BEElieve it or not, as I am watching a movie writing my last Letter from the Editor and creating this newsletters, I am reminiscing on all of the good, and bad of this stressful and disastrous year, I cannot help but think that of all of the accomplishments I have made as a President and Tech Editor. Most of all I cannot help but think of how much I am going to hate not being Lowry’s President or Division 23’s Tech Editor anymore. However, everything good thing must end; I’ve finally ran into the end of the road and am faced with several different, new roads to take. A close, short, friend of mine, Mary Castaneda is almost like a mini-me when it comes to Key Club. She joined our family her junior year, stepped up to take a HUGE leadership responsibility, fell head over heels in love with this division and family, will be President of Lowry’s Club her senior year, and most importantly will be the 2012-2013 Newsletter Editor. Honestly, I do not believe anyone is more suited for these jobs than her. As much as I give her a hard time about it and quite frankly do not want to give up my positions, she will take this division, along with McXine, to new heights. I love Mary to death, will always pick on her, will always support her, and help her out when needed. If you do not know Mary, please do so. She is an amazing person who is worth getting to know. Once again, thank you for EVERYTHING my fellow yeti’s. We all have done an outstanding job this past year, especially Alyssa Yocom for bringing our division back together. Have a great life yeti’s!! Goodbye. Alli Lampshire Lowry High School Key Club President Division 23 Tech Editor

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Challenge of the month: Each month, I will give you a challenge. I want to hear all about your opinions and experiences so please take the time to answer these prompts. By accepting this challenge, you give your club Yeti Points. Send me an email all about your favorite Key Club moment.

Hello Division 23!! Since this is the last newsletter for the 2011-12 Key Club term, I would just like to take the time to thank all of you for making this year so magical for me. I have grown as a leader and as a person thanks to each of you. And your efforts have not gone unnoticed. You have surpassed all records in Membership and in PTP donations this year! Our attendance has grown and overall, we have become a very strong division. In the future I can only see growth! For the seniors, thank you for making this year so wonderful. And to everyone else: let’s continue growing and learning together because we can still reach fantastic heights. Throughout this year, as your Lieutenant Governor, I have had the opportunity to work with each club, and officer very closely. Although I may not have met all 297 members individually, you aren’t just a number… you are a member of a family. Division 23 has meant the world to me and my love for Key Club just continues to grow. I can’t wait to go out and serve more and meet more people just like you! Next year, we have a lot in store so I encourage each of you to stay involved. With that said, I hope that I can see you all at the Region 6 Banquet on March 31st. There, I will be giving my farewell to the Division as your Lieutenant Governor and together, we will all experience bonding activities and amazing awards. This night will be YOUR night! YOU are the members that helped this Division do such amazing things! We deserve this celebration. I can’t wait to see you all there! Love, Alyssa

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Mem o fr om The LtG

Greetings my fellow Key Clubbers….wait no let me correct myself. Hello my wonderful family!!! I would just like to start off by saying that I LOVE D23 and all its’ members. Starting April 15th I will be your new division tech editor! I am so excited that I will be able to serve you all and work with you. I want to do the absolute best job I can; to do that I would love to get your feedback, input, comments, suggestions and concerns. I hope that I can create an amazing newsletter for all of you lovely people. And I hope this amazing opportunity will give me the chance meet all of you! I thought that since I want to get to know you all, that you should get to know me as well. So to start it off I’m Mary, anything but ordinary, I am 17 years young, Junior, Hispanic, short( as the current tech editor loves to point out), and I am nothing you would ever expect! I live in a small town about two and a half hours away from Reno. Most of you have probably never heard of it but that is beside the point, I attend Albert Lowry High school and am the current Bulletin Editor for my home club and am also the Junior Class Secretary/Treasurer. My four greatest loves, family, friends, and GIRAFFES, all of which can be found in my fourth love, Key Club! If you couldn’t tell giraffes are my favorite animal, “when I grow up I want to be a giraffe”. I will be a senior this coming fall and plan on making it the best it can be by having all the fun I can! And I know that Key Club will make it all that much better. I have some pretty big shoes to fill, and I can only hope I will be able to create amazing newsletter like that of Alli Lampshire’s. I am not only taking her place as division tech editor but I am also President-Elect for Lowry High’s Key Club, so I will also be taking over for her there as well. I couldn’t do this with out the support of Alli, our LtG and our LtG Elect. That is why I would like to take the opportunity to say a really big thanks to McXine Salva, our LtG Elect for granting me the amazing opportunity to be your Tech Editor. Thank you so much McXine, getting to know you has been amazing and I hope to create an amazing newsletter with you! I would also like to thank each and every one of YOU. All of you amazing wonderful Key Clubbers make all this possible, because without you….well I don’t even want to go there because that is one scary thought! If any of you have any questions, comments, concerns or would just like to get to know me better you can reach me by email: nenita_1694@yahoo.com or by phone, call/text: 775-682-0448. With love and care Mary Castaneda

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As the 2011-12 Key Club term comes to a close, we would like to welcome in the 2012-13 Key Club officers for Division 23. I can’t wait to hear about all of your Key Club moments and wonderful successes!

Albert Lowry’s 2012-2013 Officers

President: Mary Castaneda Vice President: Camisha Ross Vice President, Project: Vanessa Castaneda Vice President, Membership: Giovani Diaz Secretary/Treasurer: Teya Dins

President: Sierra Vice Vice President: Nathan Ruiz Secretary: Lindsey Newman Treasurer: Teddy Sutton Bulletin Editor: Raven Gomez

Please know that if your name/club was not listed, it is because your club secretary has yet to send in his/her report of this information. Nonetheless, all of Division 23 looks forward to working with you this coming year!

President: Mickey Rosal Vice President: Micaela Ortiz Secretary: Alena Lee Treasurer: Jennifer Truong Bulletin Editor: Regine Gomez

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You hear almost everybody talk about the magic of service, but it is not always magical to YOU. Raising funds for the Polar Plunge and actually taking the plunge was truly MAGICAL. Seeing all of the Special Olympic Athletes faces with their magical smiles, definitely made the toe numbing snow, the body stinging lake water, and the twelve hour bus rides well worth it. To me, that is the TRUE definition of MAGICAL SERVICE. -Alli Lampshire, Lowry

Above and left: Lowry, Reno clubs, and Alyssa Yocom, LtG, take the Plunge in Tahoe. Below: Snow covered tree’s in Tahoe. Perfect Winter Wonderland Day.

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California-NevadaDivision 23

CLUB OF THE MONTH This certificate is awarded to

Albert Lowry

 5.88 Hours Per Member Average (February)  Attended DCM  Actively participates with D23  Maintains division relations For actively participating within the division and going above and beyond regular expectations in regards to club duties as of February 20, 2011.

MEMBER OF THE MONTH This certificate is awarded to

Micaela Ortiz

This member has been actively participating in the division through consistent attendance as well as by being an inspiration to others to do more service as of March 20, 2011.  Club: Edward C. Reed

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BEEcome a Hero The Relay for Life makes a difference in the lives of cancer victims. With our help, more victims of cancer can fight this disease and become survivors. Why should you participate?

The Event

One person can make a difference. Together, we can make an even bigger difference. We participate to create better lives. We participate because we are not quitters. We participate to show the world that cancer does not, and never will, stop us from finding the cure.

This year the Relay for Life will be held on June 30th at 11am at Bishop Manogue High School. Our team is D23 Key Club Yeti's, and our goals are to raise $1,500 and make a difference in our community.

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Who: YOU When: March 31, 2012 5:00 pm Where: 855 South Center Street Theme: BEElieve– the Magic of Service Attire: Business Professional Why: to celebrate YOU, the of service, and your year of success.

superlatives. awards. celebration..

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At the Region 6 banquet, all attendees must wear business professional attire. This is to show our dedication to Key Club, to practice for District Convention, and to show our professionalism for when we get into the “real world.”

The picture to the left is an example of casual wear. This is not acceptable at the Banquet or on Saturday or Sunday of District Convention. Remember that you want to be professional. No jeans or sneakers!

The picture to the right is an example of business casual. This type of attire is appropriate for casual job interviews, meetings, or just to make a positive impression. However, it does not show the professionalism that we have as student leaders.

The picture to the left is a perfect example of Business Professional attire. For boys, slacks, black socks, nice shoes, a button up shirt, and a tie are necessary for this outfit. For girls, dress shoes, slacks or a skirt of appropriate length, and a nice shirt and jacket will complete this look. Imagine that you are going to go play in an orchestra concert or go to dinner at a fancy restaurant… this is the look you want! It shows that you are prepared, professional, and eager to be wherever you are.

Please dress in your business professional attire at the Region 6 Banquet!

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April 2012 Sun







1 April Fools Day



4 Alli Lampshire's (Tech Editor) Birthday

5 MRF’s Due at 6pm

6 North Pole Discovered in 1898




10 Encourage a Young Writer Day









19 Humorous Day



22 Earth Day



25 World Penguin Day

26 Hug a friend Day




30 National Honesty Day

Thank you for reading.

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