Division 23 Newsletter May/June

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Division 23


In this Issue

Table of Contents............................................................ 2 Division Leadership Team ............................................... 3 A Word from the LtG ...................................................... 4 A Memo from Mary ........................................................ 5 Foam Fest ....................................................................... 6 Kiwanis One day ............................................................. 6 Bake Sale for the Cure .................................................... 9 DCON Recap ................................................................... 10 Region Social .................................................................. 11 Club of the Month .......................................................... 12 Member of the Month ................................................... 13 Camp Lots-a-Fun ............................................................ 14 Calendar ......................................................................... 15

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D23 Leadership Team!

? Mr. Mike Region 6 Advisor


Mary Castaneda Technology Editor

McXine Salva Lieutenant Governor

Thuy Carpenter Executive Assistant

Jessica SanJuan Executive Assistant

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Hello Division 23 Yetis! I, your Lieutenant Governor, could not be any happier to proudly serve this wonderful division! For those of you that do not know me, here is a sneak peak of how “McXine” (Mac-scene) works: My full name is McXine Johanna Eryka L. S. Salva, my birthday is March 23, 1995 (From day one, I was meant to be in Division 23.. LOL). I am born in the Philippines and have been residing in Reno, Nevada since May 23, 2006. For the past 6 years that I have been here, I have moved to 5 different schools. I live with my dad, but my parents are not divorced. My mom works in Japan (no, I am not Japanese). I have 4 siblings: 1 older sister, 2 older brothers, and 1 younger brother. I am a rising senior at North Valleys High School and the Senior Class President Elect. I have been the treasurer of my school’s National Honors Society for the past 2 years, along with being my school’s Key Club Vice President. I have held other positions and am involved in other extracurricular activities in my school. During my free time.. Well.. I don’t really have a “free time”, but whenever I have the time, I like.. SLEEPING. I eat a LOT. No matter where I’m at or when, I always have food in my mouth. If I could marry anything.. I’d marry my refrigerator. I actually got the nickname, “Sleeping Panda” because I’m like a panda bear..? Ahahaha! I am addicted to Raspberry iced tea and Almonds. BIG TIME. Everywhere I eat, I ALWAYS ask for Raspberry iced tea. Also, I haven’t had soda since December.. I’m trying to see how long I can make it without drinking soda. If you’re wondering what my favorite food/candy is, I have one answer for you: EVERYTHING. Even though I make people’s ears bleed when I “sing”, I do love singing! I guess there are many more I can say about myself, but reality is, you’re going to have to get to know me yourself to actually know how McXine works. (: Even with all those details, I hope you’ll still find time to get to know your LtG! <3 Doing abominable amounts of service, McXine S. Challenge of the Month: How it works: Each month a challenge is proposed to YOU, the members, so I can get more insight on how you are. This challenge will serve as how well you are as a Key Clubber. Each challenge that you partake in, you will receive Yeti points! The more Yeti points you acquire, the better! The Challenge of the Month: Create a cheer pertaining to Key Club that shows your spirit! (Your topic can include our Division [D23, Yetis] and/or our District [Cali-Nev-Ha District, CNH Bees]) The more cheers you make, the more points you get! This challenge is due on July 20th, but sending it early will also get you additional points! I might also use your cheer to help our Division spirit rise! If your cheer gets chosen, a prize awaits you! So get your creative Yeti juice going, grab a writing utensil and paper and start writing! Once you are finished, please send it to me via email or text. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t bee afraid to tell me about it! Good luck everyone! Happy writing! And may the magic of the Yeti bee ever in your favor!<3 PS. This particular challenge is ongoing.

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A Memo from Mary Hello everyone, My name is Mary Castaneda, and I am your new Tech Editor. I am a rising Senior attending Lowry High School in Winnemucca. I serve as their Key Club’s President, and the Senior Class President. I have also served as Junior Class Secretary and Treasurer as well as the Bulletin/Tech Editor for my home club. I would love to get to know every single one of you even though I live far away I will not let this get in my way! If you ever have any questions, comments, concerns or would like to have an article put in the newsletter please feel free to contact me. I hope you are all having a fantastic summer and if you take any pictures or attend any Key Club activities I would appreciate it if you could send them to me. I wish you all the best and hope to see you soon. Oh also seeing as how this is my first division Newsletter don't judge me too harshly. With Love Mary Castaneda :) nenita_1694@yahoo.com

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5K Foam Fest

What do you get when you combine mud, lots of foam, and giant obstacles? That’s right! The 2012 5K Foam Fest held right here in Division 23’s Reno, Nevada. It was a sunny day on Saturday, June 9, 2012 at Rancho San Rafael Regional Park where the Foam Fest was held. The 5K Foam Fest is a basically a 3-mile race where runners have to run and simultaneously go through foam obstacles you signed up to volunteer you would meet fellow Key Club members from other schools as well as Circle K members from the University of Reno! This was the second time Foam Fest has been held in Reno and it was a wonderful experience. As for the course, they have many obstacles which all vary in difficulty. Runners received “swag bags” and if they were in a team of four or more, they received headbands. For hardworking volunteers, pizza was supplied. One of the favorite and more popular events was the big slip-n-slide at the end of the race before the finish line. It was filled with foam and water and the pool at the end was filled with foam and mud water. Most volunteers underestimated how messy they would get handing out towels to the runners who went through it… Other than that, it was amazing experience participating as a volunteer.

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I had the time of my life and I can’t wait until they [Foam Fest] come back to Reno! - Bunny Mo

Volunteering at the 5k Foam Fest was really fun because watching others tackle insane obstacles was inspiring and very interesting. -Alyssa Yocom, District Governor

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Kiwanis One Day

May 5, the day Kiwanis put out a public event for Cinco De Mayo. It took place at Paradise Park. Kiwanis was joined by D23's Key Clubs and the Boys & Girls club. We had various booths, and activities for families that came that can allow their child/children to do. We had food for sale, bike riding, bounce house, and booths from local stores. Everyone who came and volunteered left the kids happy and satisfied from all the activities that soon gave them a reward at the end of the activities! It was a great experience working along with everyone who volunteered and

Kiwanis One Day was an amazing experience-not only did I get to witness countless lives being touched, but I got to be apart of it as well! -Sierra Vice, Wooster President

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The Bake Sale for the Cure It was a sunny day on May 14th, when our club did a bake sale to raise money for a friend of ours that have cancer. Her family barely had any money to put their child in surgery, so fellow Key Club members did a bake sale at North Valley High School because everyone knows how much people love sweet things; it’s mostly like they have a sweet tooth, and we knew that it would sell a lot. We sold a ton of cupcakes, cookies, donuts, and many others incredibly delicious sweets. We all raised an estimated amount of about $200 by selling all of these. It was a blast and we were all happy that we did it because now our friend could go into surgery and her mother would be able to get food for her children. Just seeing the look on their faces made everyone's day brighter because it shows that they appreciated our help for doing something that other people couldn’t. It’s a really great idea to be helpful and stand up to those who don’t do anything. Overall we were very grateful we could help out. If you put your mind to it you can make anyone smile!

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District Convention

This year at our District Convention we elected our new District Board and Installed our Division Lieutenant Governor, McXine Salva. We were very proud to announce that our very own Alyssa Yocom was elected District Governor! The rest of our District Board includes Rasmai Elasmar-Technology Editor, Cannon Joyce— Treasurer, Lloyd Chen– Secretary The Convention was an exciting 3-day adventure with various helpful, and exciting workshops, a dance, and some fun interesting general sessions.

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Region 6 Social

Jo k er B ees

s ’ i t Ye

On July 28th Region 6 will be holding a region social in Lake Tahoe! You are all invited and we hope to see you there! For more info please contact: McXine Salva



Savannah Parsons d45.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

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Club of the Month

May Edward C. Reed For participating in Division events and BEEing amazing!


Galena For showing great improvement and member participation in all Division events

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Member of the Month

May: Jen

(Jennifer) Truong

Jen has shown great improvement in division partication and overall strength in every area of work.


une: Bunny


Bunny has shown amazing leadership qualities and is always willing to help out her fellow members and anyone in need of her help.

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Camp Lots-a-fun

Camp Lotsafun is a camp ran by Jill Gabel that helps give those with developmental disabilities a chance to have recreational, therapeutic, and educational opportunities. Camp Lotsafun has a Bowling is Lotsafun event to raise money for the camp. Camp Lotsafun has summer camps every summer. This year, they will be June 25-30, July 2-7, July 30 - August 4, and August 13-18. At the “Bowling is Lotsafun” event, families were invited to pay to bowl at the National Bowling Stadium in Reno. During the event, they held a silent auction for great items like tickets to theme parks. There were plenty of donated raffle prizes that people entered for. This was also a fifty-fifty raffle that people can enter in to win money. The Bowling is Lotsafun event is a great way to help those with disabilities and have lotsafun while doing it! The actual Camp Lotsafun provides respite to those with autism, down syndrome, ADHD, bi-polar disorder, and many disabilities. The campers at this camp do traditional camping activities. Kids get to experience camp fire, swimming, archery, basketball, and arts&crafts. The camp also provides opportunities for campers to be more social, physically healthy, and independent. Camp Lotsafun is a way for people with disabilities to interact with others who also have disabilities. Kids get plenty of attention by the trained and caring counselors. Camping is a fun way to enhance lives and Camp Lotsafun doesn’t want anyone to miss out on that.

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June 2012 Sun






















16 June DCM















July 2012 Sun






































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Region 6 Social– Lake Tahoe/ DCM

Division 23

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