D35E | November 2020

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Cali-Nev-Ha | Region 13 | Division 35 East

the elllie

EDITORIAL november 2020 issue 6




03 Letter from the Editor 04 Letter from the LTG 05 DLT Update 09 September Recognition 10 Thoughts for Knots 11 Wish COVID Away 12 Say Thank You to USPS 13 Thank You Letters 14 Color-a-Smile 15 Math for Good 16 Ellie Insider 18 Contact Information 20 CYBERKEY 21 Connect with Us 22 Upcoming Events


letter from



What’s Poppin Ellies!

Happy fall to all of you and I can’t believe we have finished our second quarter of our term. This means we are half-way done with our term! I’m so proud of all of you for staying active with service and all the clubs who have been holding their own events to promote service during these times. As well, thank you to all of the clubs for turning in your articles and visuals on time and providing good insight for all the divisions to see. With the November issue of the Ellie Editorial, this issue focuses on the different types of service events that clubs have held in the last month. As well to mark the half-way mark of our term, you will see our DLT update to give you guys inside view of what DLT has been up to in the last couple months. I hope you all are safe and well, and I hope you all enjoy this issue of the Ellie Editorial!

Stomping through service Edward Garcia Division 35 East News Editor


ELLIE? Happy Fall Ellies!

I am back for fun and tricks as Halloween approaches! Come and find me as you read through the newsletter!



letter from


Happy Fall Ellies! We are officially HALFWAY through with the term! How crazy is that? As we head into these next few months of fall, collecting membership dues and recruiting members are of much importance! Remember and reminisce about the experience you had joining Key Club and just to emulate that by recruiting someone else. We want to share the amazing experience we have enjoyed in Key Club with others. I hope that you are all taking care of your mental health and taking breaks because it will get hectic. I am so proud of all of you for the feats you’ve accomplished this term so far despite the pandemic. Thank you for making this an experience one to remember. Keep serving and continue to practice the core values of Key Club. Make sure to stay updated on our social media and read the newsletter for updates from our division leadership team, CNH district, and Key Club International! Also, PSA, if you are eligible to vote, please register and vote in this upcoming election. It is your chance to use your voice and be heard! Every vote counts in this very important presidential election!

Serving with a smile, Hilary Wong Division 35 East Lieutenant Governor



Hello Ellies! Thank you, from the EAs and DLT, to all the dedicated Ellies who give back to our homes, schools, and community during these unprecedented times. Our community deeply appreciates every Key Clubber who spends time and effort to create face shields for hospital staff, express gratitude for our mail carriers, address thirdworld humanitarian issues, and other acts of service. As distance learning progresses and the holiday season approaches, let’s continue to volunteer with your fellow peers and mentors. This unique school year has been a great learning experience; we’re able to adapt and overcome whatever adversity we face. Through it all, there are plentiful opportunities to bond with new friends and get recognized by the end of the term. The EAs are here to personally know and support you throughout the rest of the term. If you are ever in doubt or require help, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Let’s come together and finish this term off strong!

Cheers, Michelle Huo, Nicholas Yu Division 35 East Executive Assistants



What’s Popping Elephants! If you don’t know who I am, my name is Alex Chen and I am your Division 35 East Secretary and I am excited to serve for you! Through these recent months, you all have been working so hard and in these recent months, we’ve gotten the most hours this year! Keep this hype going and I know all of you can help us reach our service hour goal. Also, I would like you all to thank your secretaries who are working hard to fill out the our Monthly Report Form, and the Member Recognition Program Tab so all the members can receive all the recognition you all deserve. Finally, I would like to thank all of you for working so hard despite this situation. I know it is hard, but we will get through this!

-Alex Chen Division 35 East Secretary

Hi everybody! Thank you for your overwhelming support during these times and staying active at our events. Please don’t forget to fill out the monthly recognition form which is in the link of our Instagram bio, it is accessible for officers and members to fill out. Also, if you have been awarded any monthly recognition award, your gift will be given at our next in person service event. Stay safe everyone!

-Nicole Tong Division 35 East Member Recognition Chair

What’s Poppin Elephants!


My name is Marcus Fang and I am the Division Event Coordinator. I hope your school year started off smoothly even during these strange times! I am responsible for planning many of the events you participate in and I just want to update you on my progress! Right now I am working on creating new events for the upcoming months so you can all continue service during quarantine. So far I have events planned from October to December that I think you will have a lot of fun participating in. Make sure you sign up for every event you see on our Division website, instagram, or facebook! It will help us reach our division service hour goal and I promise you will have a ton of fun if you attend them! Stay safe, thank you for all of your hard work, and I hope to see you at an event!

-Marcus Fang Division 35 East Event Coordinator

Hi everybody! Hey I’m Kevin your DME! I hope that everyone is enjoying themselves and taking some time to relax. This last couple months have been great as a media editor! We’ve made several videos including DLT Dares part 1 and part 2, as well as a music video! Meeting key clubbers across the division has been a ton of fun and I can’t wait to continue this term!

-Kevin Lee Division 35 East Media Editor

08 What’s Poppin Elephants?! We are Diego Martinez and Paolo Abellera, the D35E Head Spirit Task Coordinator duo! So far, we have almost completed the division cheers and we are super excited to hopefully share them and give it our all at Spring Rally South! We also have some upcoming socials that we’ve planned to host that should be revealed relativily soon that we hope you will all enjoy. We know that times are very challenging for everyone right now, but just keep your head high and we can all make it through!

-Diego Martinez, Paolo Abellera Division 35 East Head Spirit Task Coordinators

Hey D35E! We are Ian Lee and Jianhao Cui, and we serve as your FTCs’ (Fundraising Task Coordinator). This month, after working finalizing all the details, our official D35E face masks have finally arrived! We will soon be moving forward on getting these masks to you, so please look out for them. They are dark grey washable cotton masks with a d35e logo in the bottom right and will be available for only $3. All proceeds will be donated to PTP, so rest easy knowing the money we receive will be put in a good place. We are in the process of planning a few restaurant fundraisers as well to look out for. Please look forward to these fundraisers and we hope to see you there!

-Ian Lee, Jianhao Cui Division 35 East Fundraising Task Coordinators

september RECOGNITION Member of the Month Myah Jones Officer of the Month Annika Le Club of the Month Diamond Bar Kiwanian of the Month Tina Carey




Nearing the end of September, WHS Key Club hosted “Thoughts to Knots,� an event geared towards raising money for the Pediatric Trauma Program. In this event, members were able to have ribbons delivered to their houses to create ribbon leis. Through a 1.5-hour zoom meeting, we taught members how to make these leis and then spent the remaining time engaging in entertaining verbal activities as we tied the leis. In the following week, members would visit a designated pickup/dropoff area to dropoff leis and pickup more ribbon if they pleased. These ribbon leis will later be compiled and sold to members and nonmembers as a fundraiser for the Pediatric Trauma Program. Walnut Key Club has currently made 28 ribbon leis for the upcoming fundraiser. We hope that this engaging, crafty event contributes to the safety and well-being of children suffering from Pediatric Trauma.

-Satvik Mudanna, Walnut Cabinet Member




On September 26th, the Wish COVID Away DCM organized to make 1,000 cranes to send to medical workers and patients. Starting off, there was an icebreaker called Genie in a Lamp, where members spoke about what they wanted to wish for, and learned about the origin of the 1,000 cranes, The Story of Sadako Sasaki. After the icebreakers, officers spoke about their previous events and new contributions to their home club. Following that, members got broken off into many breakout rooms, each being about 10-15 minutes. Within the breakout rooms, members had a fun time bonding with each other while being taught how to fold paper into cranes. Some members were struggling on how to fold, but it was all worth it because of the amusing conversations and comments going on in the breakout rooms. We wish COVID-19 will end soon and hopefully there will be no more increases in COVID patients!

-Li Min Lin, John A. Rowland Editor


SAY THANK YOU TO USPS This month, Northview Key Club held an event to thank our wonderful mail carriers that work everyday, even during these difficult times. Our event “Say Thank You to USPS’’ was our way of encouraging members to thank their mail carriers. Members wrote signs or cards that expressed their gratitude for the hard work their mail carriers do. Abigail Sanchez, Member, says, “It’s important to thank our mail carriers for the work they’ve done because we need to recognize what they do for us and how they do their job rain or shine. I feel like they aren’t recognized enough and we take them for granted but they are as important as any other worker and do so much for our community.” Overall, Northview Key Club wanted to make a positive impact on the United states postal service to remind them that we are grateful for their service.

-Dayana Pamplona, Northview Historian

thank you letters for



This month my club hosted an event that allowed our local key clubbers to send letters to medical workers and patients who have COVID-19 this is a way to show our gratitude for the people working hard to help us recover from their pandemic and the people who might need the support during one of the hardest times of their lives. Michele Lam South Hills President expresses, “I believe it went very well! we had new members come along with some familiar faces and it was a very productive evening: very positive vibes.� With a great event to start the new school year as well as the introduction of new members it really shows how a year of digital volunteering will be just as interactive as in-person volunteer events and still can manage the spirit of Key Club through a virtual format.

-Matthew Zhong , South Hills Editor



On September 25th, Covina Key Club hosted an event where everyone printed out adorable coloring pages and colored together! We started off the event with Emoji Puzzle Icebreakers, and our members definitely enjoyed it! While playing these icebreakers, many members were engaging with each other and conversating in the chat. Time flew by, and people were able to get one to two coloring pages completed. It was nice to see new key club members enjoying their first ever event! Our president Megan Do said, “With over 20 attendees, we had such a fun and amazing time breaking out of our comfort zones.�

-Sarah Phan, Covina Editor




IPoly Key Club partnered with the UNICEF club on campus to host the “Math for Good” challenge. Members from either club could participate in the challenge held from September 18th to the 20th. The Math for Good challenge is a fundraiser on unicefusa.org where participants play 1 minute rounds of answering math questions. Every correct answer correlates to 25 cents raised for children in poverty. Vice President Trang Le seemed to have enjoyed the event saying, “It was more fun because I just used it to test myself and see how good I was at mental math. Apparently i’m not very good but you have 1 minute to solve 10 mental math problems.”

-Arianna Morales, iPOLY Editor



ELLE INSIDER: Every month we will be asking members an insider question about their experience in Key Club.


“Isaiah’s Rock and Winter Wonderland.”

-Irene Luu, Walnut Cabinet Leader “All of the DCMs.”

-Francis Mendoza, Walnut General Member “Prefall rallies! I love meeting new Ellies and cheering at the top of my lungs!”

-Abigail Campos, Walnut General Member “They’re all really really good, but I would say the service events because I can hang out with friends while still helping others, so it’s a great feeling”

-Ruthie Kang, Covina General Member “While I enjoy all of the Key Club events I attend, I especially love the ones including crafts. Participating in artistic activities is super fun for me, so I’ve liked the bookmark decorating events and dog toy making events. Those types of events allow my friends and I to participate in such great projects!”

“Probably the Christmas parade at Covina every year it’s a thing my friend group goes to almost e together.”

- Kristie Lee, South Hills General M

“My favorite key club events are 13 Night Market, and working wit Japanese Community Center. R Night Market was an amazing e was able to socialize and relax w The Japanese Community cente gave me so much experiences i as having a lot of fun with my frie

-Thomas Le, Covina Vice Presiden

“My favorite event to go to in Ke Isaiah’s Rock because it’s one of events of Key Club that brought community service. It was such a experience doing little tasks for p -Sarah Phan, Covina Editor “I think my favorite is the dcms since our division in need to provide them a wond Thanksgiving. It was really great t always thinks of creative themes and it’s to see the impact left on people always fun to see friends from other schools.” of them walked away, all expres - Michele Lam, South Hills President gratitude for our simple work. It’s “Any event as long as I am with my friends amazing service event that just d since my friends are what makes the many qualities of what Key Club experience of Key Club so fun.” of serving others.”

- Nathan Leao, South Hills General Member

-Angela Yu, John A. Rowland Pres


at is your favorite Key Club event?

e that’s held me and every year


“My favorite key club event was the cranes event during our September DCM!”

- Chloe Chao, Northview General Member “DCMS have to be my favorite key club events to attend! Being able to meet other key clubbers

e the Region ith the Region 13 event where I with my friends. er events in life as well ends.”

from other schools is always fun!”


“I did not have the opportunity to go to many service events last year, but the ones that I did go to changed my perspective about service overall. Before the events, I always felt that the service hours were just one more thing on the graduation checklist. But seeing the good that can be done really made me happy about what I was doing to help others. One of the larger events that I ended up attending was the “Christmas in the Park’’ event last December. My role was small: being the line guide for the little train that drove around the event, but I got to see how much these events mean to people. I was able to bring enjoyment to a ton of families just by helping. This even definitely inspired me to want to do more of them in the future.”

ey Club is f the first me to love a great people derful to just be able e as each ssing such overall an displays so b truly is, a club


- Naia Pizarro, Northview President “Overall, I really like going to DCM’s because there is always a new and interesting activity we do. But for a specific one, I really liked folding cranes because it was fun and simple.”

-Tiffany Vuong, iPOLY General Member

-Emily Bongiorno, John A. Rowland General Member


DLT CONTACT Lieutenant Governor

Fundraising Task Coordinator

Executive Assistant

Fundraising Task Coordinator

Executive Assistant

Member Recognition Coordinator


Media Editor

Newsletter Editor

Spirit Task Coordinator

Event Coordinator

Spirit Task Coordinator

Hilary Wong d35e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Nicholas Yu d35e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com

Jianhao Cui d35e.cnhkc.ftc@gmail.com Ian Lee d35e.cnhkc.ftc@gmail.com

Michelle Huo Nicole Tong d35e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com d35e.cnhkc.mrc@gmail.com Alex Chen Kevin Lee d35e.dsec.cnhkc@gmail.com d35e.cnhkc.me@gmail.com

Edward Garcia Paolo Abellera d35e.dne.cnhkc@gmail.com d35e.cnhkc.hstc@gmail.com Marcus Fang cnh.d35e.ec@gmail.com

Diego Martinez d35e.cnhkc.hstc@gmail.com



La Puente President

Dylan Troung dylantruong5@gmail.com

Marriana Maris marismariana81@gmail.com

Charter Oak President

Nogales President

Covina President

Northview President

Elizabeth Aviles Apollo Ti elizabeth.aviles2022@gmail.com orionapollo@icloud.com Megan Do megando1604@gmail.com

Naia Pizarro pizarronaia@gmail.com

Diamond Bar President

San Dimas President

Akash George akash.george314@gmail.

Mercedes Ung Mercedesung4@gmail.com

iPoly President

South Hills President

Daniella Laher daniellalaher@gmail.com

Michele Lam michelejyp@gmail.com

John A. Rowland President

Walnut President

Angela Yu Yu91789@gmail.com

Annika Le annikacle2003@gmail.com

Workman President

Michelle Nguyen Sparrow3310@gmail.com


check out

















@d35ekey to 81010


Division 35 East









Sign up for events on our Division Calendar under the month that event takes place. There, click the event to take yourself to the sign-up form. Once done, you are all set!

region 13 training conference


OCTOBER 24 10 A.M.-3P.M.




KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE | https://www.keyclub.org/ KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE | https://www.kiwanis.org/

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