Division 35E | July Newsletter

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july 2017

con ten ts 1

03 LTG letter 04 Editor’s Letter 05 May DCM 06 Annual Car Show and Chili Cook Off 07 Paint Our Town Purple 08 Bonita Club Update 09 Pancake Breakfast 11 Relay for Life 13 Cypress Carnival 14 San Dimas Club Update + more Pancakes 15 Upcoming Events 16 Cyberkey 17 Connect 18 Contact


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BREAKING NEWS, ELEPHANTS: School is out, but service is in! One beauty of Key Club is that it is year round. It’s a heartwarming sight to see members continue to dedicate their time to serving their communities despite being on break. Aside from just numerical goals for Division 35 East, I also set goals for myself such as building personal connections with as many people as I can. Now with all of this free time, don’t be surprised to see me at a local adopt-a- highway or park clean up. Definitely say hello if you bump into me on the streets. I hope to catch you Elephants at the next Division events!

- March Suayngam Lieutenant Governor 2017-’18 Division 35 East, Region 13 California-Nevada-Hawaii District


Key Club International

letter from

the editor

Hello Elephants, hope you all are having a fantastic summer break! For those that don’t have their summer plans set quite yet, I encourage you to come out to a division event! Although it is the summer, there will still be some AMAZING socials and service events for you all!! A new term for this division means meeting new people and setting new goals for this year. My goal for this term is to say hi and get to know (hopefully) all of you guys in the next 9 months. What are your goals for this term? Hope you guys enjoy this month’s newsletter, and I look forward to what we can do together as a division!

- Jocelyn Chow

d35 east division news editor


may dcm


The DCM on May 20, 2016, brought a wrap up to the events of the past month; new service events were talked about, old news was discussed, and ice breaking games were played. (Writing one’s name with one’s posterior was entertaining.) After the DCM, Key Clubbers raised money by bowling at the nearby alley; with the proceeds going to PTP. The fun outing had many laughs and praise; both for the ability to raise money as well as the bowling itself. The friendly atmosphere had all members laughing and socializing. Some Key Clubbers even opted to play at the billiard tables. The Kiwanis were amazingly intrigued by both games, and praised the Key Clubbers for both games. I offer my gratitude the the Kiwanis for helping all of the members and taking the time out of their day to help raise money for PTP. New friends were made while fundraising - what could be better?

Rowland: Great Kim, editor


annual car show & chili cook off


In the past month, our members gained the opportunity to assist our community and our local Kiwanis in the 2 nd Annual Car Show & Chili Cook Off. At this service event, our members helped set up booths for others and passed out bowls of chili for the community to try! As our members were helping, they gained the opportunity to vote on which cars were the best during the car show, which made the experience better! This was one of the first times our club was able to help our Kiwanis ever since our club became official! Since it was our first time, it was very exciting to see what would happen at the service event. It was good to see that our members were very happy with this service event, as they later told some of the cabinet that it was one of their favorite service events we participated in!

La Puente: Diana Nguyen, social media director

2 6

paint our town purple DIAMOND BAR

On May 18th, I had the opportunity of working with around 10 other Diamond Bar Key Clubbers to help assist the Kiwanis in decorating the neighborhood. The purpose of the decorations was to garner support for the community and for the Relay for Life race, which would be taking place in mid-June. Diamond Bar High School, along with the surrounding streets in Diamond Bar, such as Pathfinder, Grand Avenue, Diamond Bar Boulevard, and Golden Springs were decorated with purple bows and streamers. I had the chance to decorate the intersection of Diamond Bar Boulevard and Grand Avenue. Despite what people may think, efforts to beautify the community for a good cause does not go unnoticed. In the short one hour of decorating, I had three people, from in their cars, ask me about the ribbons and thank me for my efforts. It was nice to know that I was helping beautify the neighborhood in support of a great cause. The Relay for Life race donates proceeds to the American Cancer Society, so it was nice to know where my efforts, as well as those of the other members, was going. I felt appreciated by the community while doing this work. However, since most of us did not finish as much as we wanted to, it is possible that there will be another group of volunteers that will go out and finish the job by decorating the other side of the street. After the Relay for Life race, Key Club will then go out and clean up whatever ribbons we tied or left behind.


Diamond Bar: Tiffany Wu, vice president

club update BONITA

For this month the Bonita High School Key Club participated in an event where we served dinner to the homeless and needy guests that live in the city. This event took place on Sunday May 21st, 2017 and was from 2-6 pm at New Harvest Community Church, helping hands caring hearts ministries. For this event our club came to the church and once we got there we signed in and were immediately assigned to where we should work. The different sections that we would work included food preparation, set up inside and outside making the food line. For food preparation we would cut the desserts and put them on trays whether they wanted it or not. or we would place salads in bowls and put them on trays, or place meat in different pots so they could be served depending on w. While the members helped with all the set up the homeless was in a church service. Once done with set up all the members would create an assembly line so the homeless and needy could get their food quickly and efficiently. Once the food finished or everyone was done we would go to the kitchen for cleanup. Each person who is participating gets to go through this line would get to pick a set amount of number of each food in each section, similar to going to a grocery store. Once all of the participants finished this we would pack all of the breads which would be taken to a breakfast pantry for the next morning. All of the other foods would be packed away and used for next time. After all the food was packed we would take down all the tables and then sign out.

Bonita: Alexis Martinez, vice president




On May 20th, the 36th annual Pancake Breakfast was held in Heritage Plaza, Covina from 6:30 AM to 12:00 PM. With other key clubbers from nearby high schools, we helped serve pancakes, eggs, sausage, butter and syrup. We also went around the tables to refill the guests’ coffee! While the guests ate, they also enjoyed some jazzy music from Covina High’s jazz band. After the band finished playing, they too got some food and savoured it according to my fellow bandmates. Us volunteers could eat the pancake breakfast as well. It was a great experience to taste what our community has to offer!


Covina: Kylie Nguyen, vice president



Near the end of May, Charter Oak Key Club came out to support the Kiwanis annual Pancake Breakfast. Although the first shift started at 6:45, more volunteers from many participating schools began to appear in the second shift, 8:45. We helped plate the food and refilled drinks around the seating area. Our student workers were placed to fold napkins, pour orange juice, and serve breakfast and condiments; the adults collected tickets or cooked a wonderful breakfast of eggs, sausage, and pancakes. Every helper had big smiles, while the guests enjoyed the live music. Our volunteers seemed to be enjoying themselves through the great, sunny environment of meeting new key clubbers of the division. We are grateful for the breakfast Kiwanis provided for all the volunteers and band teams! Around 12:00, we started packing up the tables, syrup bottles, and grills. There was only about a few volunteers from other schools left because the DCM happened to take place the same day. It was fairly an easy, yet energizing event and Charter Oak will always be proud to support the Pancake Breakfast for another year.

Charter Oak: Vivian Hoang, president




Relay For Life The event was called “Relay for Life”. This was a fundraising event that contributes to the American Cancer Society. The event took place at Edgewood High School from 10 am-10 pm on May 13, 2017. The only club members from Nogales High School that attended were Amina Hearns, president, and Sim Chopra, secretary. Amina and Sim arrived at Edgewood at 6:50am to help set up (setting up for the event was from 7 am10 am). Both of the girls stayed until around 11am and witnessed the event starting. Amina and Sim did the basic: set up tables and chairs, set up the tents, help set up the stage, etc. Although they did little, Amina and Sim both felt like, and knew, that they were contributing to a strong cause, and they were thankful for being able to be part of it.


May DCM Unfortunately, the only member from our club that attended the event was Julianna Albert, publicist. The bowling fundraiser was our division’s first fundraiser. The fundraiser occurred at Brunswick Lanes from 10 am-1 pm. Our publicist spent time with Workman High School’s president, who also happens to be her cousin. All of us cabinet members were disappointed due to the low attendance from our club, and this influenced our members to attend more events in the future, as well as become more active during the summer. The number of people that turned up at the fundraiser has also influenced our club to look into hosting another bowl-a-thon, and make it a division event again to maximize attendance.

Nogales: Sim Chopra, secretary

for life


To me, Relay for Life marked another milestone for changing the world. We come together to be involved with our communities, witness a change, and really, make a difference in everybody’s life.” - Bill Yen

Waking up early in the morning for school was nothing new to the Walnut Key Clubbers who volunteered at Relay for Life. With over twenty Key Clubbers on a summer morning, I was reminded why this club is so special. The exhilarating energy that came from the members makes volunteering all the more worth it. Our club had a booth setup next to Walnut’s American Cancer Society and together we held bondings, icebreakers, and together, celebrated the fight against cancer. Walnut Key Club sold cakepops, spam musubi, and our division lanyards to the wonderful community. As the day went on, we put up our Key Club Tri-Board, which included information as to “Who We Are,” “What We Do,” and “Why We Do It.” We educated the local adults and children about Key Club and spread awareness of our preferred charities and cause. One surprise that morning was meeting a past alumni of Walnut Key Club! She told us she was the treasurer for Walnut Key Club from the class of ‘81. She was happy to see that the club is still going well, and we exchanged laughs as we talked about how far we have come. Though it was my second year helping out at Walnut’s Relay for Life, the joy I felt was identical to my first year. The feeling of service, and witnessing the impact you can create, is truly like no other. I was glad to have been able to show up and help out the community. The day was full of laughs and good vibes, one reason more to show up again next year.

Walnut: Bill Yen, treasurer


cypress carnival NORTHVIEW

Cypress Elementary had it’s annual Day of the Children festival on Friday, June 2nd. Volunteers arrived at the school and began getting ready for the event by hanging up signs, putting up ez ups, and setting up each game. A few minutes later, many children and their families arrived at the school with smiles on their faces. Volunteers were placed at each game booth where they handed out prizes and congratulated the winners. A few of the game booths included throwing basketballs at an inflated jumper, knocking down cans, bowling, and face painting. If a child won a game, they were given prizes such as toys and stickers. The children had a fun time because not only were they with their friends, but they were with their family members too. The volunteers also had a great time because many of them had attended the school during their elementary days and they were proud for giving their time back to a place they once attended. It was getting darker because the sun had already set which made it a perfect occasion for movie night outside. A huge inflated screen was placed in front of the library and everyone brought pillows, blankets, chairs, and you can’t forget the most important thing when watching a movie, the popcorn. Once everyone was set, the movie Sing started to play. Once the movie was over, everyone helped clean up trash, pick up chairs, and put everything back in its original place. Overall, everyone had an amazing time.


Northview: Zulelalee Escobar, historian

club updates


In the month of May and June our club was struggling to transition terms and schedule our last meeting of the school year. However, things came together and on June 5th we established our first and last meeting of the year. The attendance wasn’t great, which is why we have been working as a club to change that for the next year. We are pretty much done with our website and we established a new way for our members to sign up so their hours are properly accounted for and our members can be rewarded for their ability to help their community. For the summer, we have scheduled two community service opportunities, one of them being a combined event with Bonita High School. We also plan to take part in the Region Picnic this year and help raise money. We hope that by the coming school year we will definitely boost our attendance at service events and bonding sessions. Also, we are attempting to find local volunteer events, so that as a club we make a larger impact in our community, which has been lacking in recent years. We are welcome to try anything new to improve our club and expand it for our coming club rush week when school starts back up again and hope to make lasting impacts in our community.

San Dimas: Anusha Nayani, historian


On May 20, 2017, many people of different ages came out to the Heritage Plaza Park early around 7:30 in the morning to have a merry time listening to the performing bands from various schools while eating a pancake breakfast. The performing bands included Covina High School, South Hills High School, Northview High School, and last but not least, Charter Oak High School. Volunteers from Key Club of all of the included schools were assigned to help serve the breakfasts to the people who supportively came to the event. The breakfast included scrambled eggs, sausage, and juice or coffee as well, so it was a plentiful meal to most. Tables were set up all over the park for the people to relax and eat while watching the bands perform under the gazebo. The music provided from the bands varied from jazz to pep to other genres, and overall it was very enjoyable. Families who came to the event had a great time, and even to those who came alone, it was a nice experience. People of all ages came together to listen and watch the performances, so it was also a great opportunity for those of the bands to show off their talent. The event eventually came to a close around noon, and as families went home, the volunteers cleaned up the park. The Pancake Breakfast was a success!

South Hills: Daphne Yu, editor


dorak: D O

Random Acts of Kindness july dorak: leave someone a note in the love box. 15

breaking the

i cE

What is on your summer to do list before school starts? 16


upcoming monday tuesday wedn


* August DCM: August 5th @ TBA Time: TBA

* Region 13 Beach Clean Up @ Santa Monica Beach Time: TBA



















events nesday thursday


saturday 1











Officer Training Conference @ Walnut High School Time: 10 am - 2 pm




check out cyberkey monthly newsletters @ www.cnhkeyclub.org/news/newsletters

Cyberkey website @ www.cnhkeyclub.org/

Monthly district newsletters @ www.keyclub.org/home.aspx


connect with us! remind 101 @d35east to 81010

Snapchat @d35east

instagram @d35keyclub


dlt contact MARCH SUAYNGAM


Lieutenant Governor

Head Spirit Task Coordinator





Executive Assistant

Head Spirit Task Coordinator





Executive Assistant

Head Fundraising Task Coordinator





Division Secretary

Head Fundraising Task Coordinator





Division Newsletter Editor

Event Coordinator





Member Recognition Coordinator

Inter-Club Coordinator




presidents NAYELI MARTINEZ Bonita nayeli.mnez@gmail.com

AMINA HEARNS Nogales aminamariehearns@gmail.com

AGNES TRAN Charter Oak agnesntran@gmail.com

DANA ZEIDAN Northview danazeidan00@gmail.com

VIVIAN HOVAN Covina vivianhovan@gmail.com

BREANNE SEE San Dimas see.breanne@gmail.com

MEGHAN SHEN Diamond Bar meghanHshen@yahoo.com

GEORGE LIU South Hills georgeliu2002@gmail.com

MICHAEL YU John A. Rowland michaelyud35e@gmail.com

CATHERINE CAO Walnut lingers.catherine@gmail.com

JASMINE TRUONG La Puente jasmine.truong01@gmail.com

CESYL REYES Workman lysecreyes@gmail.com 19

check out d35e’s website for updates! http://cnhd35elephants.wix.com/d35east


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