Division 35E | August Newsletter

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august 2017

con ten ts 1

03 LTG letter 04 Member Recognition 05 I Love America 07 Fourth of July 09 Cabinet Training 10 Adopt a Park 11 Make the Earth Green 12 San Dimas Club Update 13 Parent’s Place 14 Region 13 Picnic 15 August Dorak 16 Breaking the Ice 17 Upcoming Events 19 Cyberkey 20 Connect 21 Contact


from your


THE PASSING MONTH WAS AN EVENTFUL ONE WITH SERVICE, SPIRIT, AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT. Even more so, it has further added onto my conviction that Division 35 East is a force to be reckoned with. The Elephants were able to bring home the Region 13 Picnic spirit stick with only 5 minutes to prepare after moving onto an unknowing second round. It is the first spirit stick of the term, the first Region Picnic spirit stick in 5+ years, and definitely not the last. We were able to succeed in the 5 minutes given to us.

Imagine what we could do with the few months leading up to Fall Rally! I am able to proudly say that I gave my 100% heart and effort towards winning for D35E and I am able to proudly say that everyone who attended the picnic did the same. Being an LTG is one with much sacrifice but I continue to never question the decision I made when I continue to see aspiring and passionate leaders who share the same devotion.

Thank you, D35E. We have made history once again!

- March Suayngam Lieutenant Governor 2017-’18 Division 35 East, Region 13


California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International


member of the month:

Lillian Yeh

Lillian is hard-working, passionate, and possesses a contagious cheerful spirit for Key Club! Her passion was truly exemplified at Region 13 Picnic where she not only cheered her heart out, but maintained a positive attitude despite the scorching heat. In addition, Lillian actively cheers her home club members, spreading smiles to everyone around her, making her the ideal candidate for this month’s member of the month.

officer of the month:

Diana Nguyen

The words dedicated, diligent, and passionate are all characteristics that describe Diana Nguyen. Despite her home club being newly reactivated, she has been attending most, if not, all events and has gone beyond her call of duty as an officer and leader. Whether it be taking upon other officers’ tasks or cheering her heart out at Region 13 Picnic, Diana puts her utmost amount of diligence. Without a doubt, she is the perfect nominee for officer of the month of July.

club of the month:

Charter Oak

Charter Oak has maintained consistent attendance at events and has a high amount of service hours for this month. They’re only improving and growing as a club, rather than receding. It’s not always easy to meet deadlines, however Charter Oak has epitomized punctuality by submitting mandatory forms on time which is why we are recognizing their club for the month of July.


i love COVINA On July 4, the annual “I Love America” Fourth of July Parade was held in Steinmetz Park. We entered the park with a greeting from the local high school marching band’s peppy tunes. Later on, the judges announced the top three floats of the parade and gave out trophies and rewards to those who won. As the ceremony ended, we quickly went down to business. We worked together to put away all the chairs, broke down the tents, cleared out the stage, picked up bits of scraps to keep the park sparkling clean, and popped various red, white, and blue balloons since they were not needed anymore. It sounded like fireworks were already exploding up in the sky! In the end, we were treated with delicious hot dogs. With hard work comes great reward and a happy community! It was great that us key clubbers took the time to help and celebrate together on the day of our country’s independence!

Covina: Kylie Nguyen, vice president



DIAMOND BAR This month, we have been to Diamond Bar High School’s Fireworks and helped the Kiwanis Family. We helped them sell drinks, corn on the cobs, and hotdogs to people who had come to watch the fireworks. When we first got there, the Kiwanis greeted us with warmth and we introduced ourselves to them. We prepared ingredients together and we discussed who is going to do what and how the night is going to go in general so we could work as efficiently as possible. A lot of customers bought and enjoyed our food and we had so much fun making hot dogs and corn on the cobs for them. We also customized hotdogs and corn on the cobs giving the customers choices of sauces. Interacting with customers was one of the most fun part of that night. At the end of the day we were sold out of everything. After work Kiwanis family thanked us for working and we thanked them for letting us wor`k and being so nice to us. We all watched the fireworks together and celebrated 4th of July together. It was such a great experience and I definitely would do it again if I get a chance.

Diamond Bar: Gloria Choi, historian

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On the 3rd of July, La Puente Key Club volunteered at the 60th annual Independence Day celebration at La Puente park. Volunteers arrived at 3pm and were split into 2 groups. The first group was sent to assist various activities held at the stage at the event like the waterballoon fight, while the second group was to make sure members of the community did not park in a no-parking zone and also hung up signs for the food vendors. Later on, both groups ended up reuniting to help at the arts & crafts booth at the celebration. Our volunteers assisted in helping little kids paint, color, and create necklaces. It was very rewarding for our members to see the kids come out of the booth, excited about what they had made! Despite the hot weather and crowded areas, our volunteers still had a good time at this service event! We all encouraged each other to push through the weather and maintained positive attitudes throughout the event! At the end, we only had to volunteer until 8pm, not the estimated 10:30pm. Considering this service project was more than 2 hours long and was the day before the 4th of July, most of our key clubbers had stayed the entire time even though they did not have to, showing their dedication to helping our community! After serving the community, our club had decided to remain the extra hour to watch the firework show together. Those who stayed ended up bonding and became closer as friends within the club, which made this service event even better! The community center was very grateful for our assistance, but we are even more thankful for them allowing us this opportunity to help at one of the most popular events in La Puente. Our club would gladly take the chance to help at the annual firework show again for next year if offered to!


La Puente: Diana Nguyen, social media director

of july


As giving back to the community is what we are all about, La puente High School & William Workman High School had a joint event. On the early morning of July 4th, students met up at the local park to clean after the hectic night before which was the firework show which is every year. With little equipment due to a confusion, we improvised and took the trash bags out of the trash cans to collect trash in. As well as gloves brought to the event to try staying as clean as possible. Without all the love and support each member has this very successful day would have never happened.

Workman: Cesyl Reyes, president


cabinet training WALNUT

June 25th was a historical day for Walnut Key Club. It was our first ever Cabinet Training hosted locally at one of our fellow officer’s home. With a potluck in plan, powerpoints set, and activities prepared, the officers carried out an agenda of full of learning and bonding. Cabinet is a system at Walnut Key Club that serves the members and help the officers in keeping the club in check. With 26 unique personalities, our leaders went through a day dedicated to learning about their role in Key Club and the organization they are apart of. Each officer presented a different powerpoint, going over many topics such as: Hosting Events, Effective Planning & Time Management, and Icebreakers. The presentations were split across the schedule before and after activities and meal time to ensure an attentive learning experience for our future leaders. The day was not just full of education and note-taking, but still included forms of entertainment. We had activities ranging from getting to know each other and learning about ourselves. Everyone got to know each other in a game that involved a ball of string, and we each learned the deeper meaning of our values soon after. During the evening, every cabinet member and officer was split into two teams for a classic game of Charades. A classic form of entertainment that provides humor and laughter out of the entire audience. One memorable experience with Charades was when the topic “Disney” came up, and our performer was given the performance of “Shrek,” which was a Dreamworks’ film. When everyone realized the invalid prompt, the room full of laughter has left me with one of the best memories to look back on whenever I think of Walnut Key Club.

That evening, I learned a lot; Walnut Key Club is more than just a community. It’s where friends are made and family is found, where memories are created and achievements are celebrated. To be excited for what’s to come is an understatement, but to know that everyone’s hard work will contribute to success is already beyond a doubt.

Walnut: Bill Yen, treasurer


adopt a park


For the month of June, our members Amina Hearns, Julianna Albert, Sim Chopra, and Joana Lachica attended the park cleanup at Cameron Park. Much to our disappointment, our members were not able to meet other Key Clubbers since no other schools were present besides Nogales. However, we were delighted to be able to contribute in making Cameron Park a cleaner environment for the community.We arrived at the event at 9 am and didn’t stop cleaning the park until 10 am. Our goal for that day was to pick up trash all the trash we could find and rake leaves as much as we can. We all hoped Cameron Park will maintain it’s beauty and cleanliness as we pickup trash and rake the fallen leaves. Throughout the event, we had the pleasure of meeting the president of the Kiwanis Club of West Covina, Andres Castaneda. Afterwards, we returned the cleaning equipment and carried trash bags loaded with leaves that we’ve raked so they can be thrown away. Also, we were lucky enough to be able to discuss any questions we had for Mr. Moyer. All of our members at the service event were pleased with the work that they had accomplished and are proud that they were able to be a part of those people who are making the Earth a cleaner and greener planet.

Nogales: Joana Lachica, vice president


make the earth green ROWLAND

Rowland High’s Key Clubbers came out on June 24; a bright summer day, to make our Earth just a little bit greener! Key Clubbers rose early and were at Schabarum Regional Park at 7AM. The bone-dry dirt in sunny California provided a small challenge, but Every members’ hard work allowed a total of 20 trees to be planted. Each member took part in digging with a shovel, breaking rock with a pickaxe, and making sure each tree was carefully planted so that it may have a long life to come. The group of Key Clubbers were aided by a park official that taught everyone how to plant the precious life. Even to the very last tree, everyone had fun in the sun and worked hard with the outlook on a better park and environment for all.

Rowland: Great Kim, editor


club updates SAN DIMAS

Our club is going through some major changes because the previous year was a bit challenging and we want more people to join key club.” - Breanne See

The other day after tennis practice we decided to have a meeting. We talked about future plans for volunteer opportunities and ways to make our club more appealing. We have plans to have more local events and create enough opportunities for members to receive recognition for graduation. Our club is going through some major changes because the previous year was a bit challenging and we want more people to join key club & see what it’s all about; however, this starts with club reform and planning and we will be able to implement these changes once the school year begins.

San Dimas: Breanne See, president


parent’s place

CHARTER OAK Charter Oak Key club came out to help Parent’s Place, a family focused organization, on their annual open house in late June. We had shifts starting from 2 to 8pm. The first two hours was dedicated to setting up information booths, tables, and yummy snacks. We decorated the space with streamers and motivational posters, along with organizing pamphlets in boxes. Our members and staff were having a wonderful time socializing with each other and customers. Everyone was enjoying the air conditioning, snacks, and informational talks of the open house. Throughout the event, volunteers handled the shaved ice, popcorn stands, handed out pamphlets, and toys while greeting all the visitors with a smile. Extra members came to start the clean up at around 7, taking down all of the decorations and tables. Some volunteers swept and cleaned, while others helped pack up extra papers. By the end of the event, everyone was surprisingly lively and energetic; you can really tell they had a wonderful time. Charter Oak is thankful for Parent’s Place inviting us to help out once again and we are always ready for more opportunities with them.

Charter Oak: Vivian Hoang, MRC


region 13 picnic


Think you know what it feels like to be in the scorching heat for various hours? Ask anyone that attended Region 13 Picnic & they will definitely know. Members from all over Region 13 came together on Saturday, July 8th for their annual picnic at Via Verde Park in San Dimas. It was barely 10 am and the weather was already in the 90’s. Luckily clubs were selling cold drinks such as Arizona Green Tea, Lemonade, and water. Around noon everyone was called to get in line for lunch. Not only was the temperature outside rising, but the heat from the burgers on the grill made the air feel twice as hot. After everyone had eaten, each Division was told to gather their members together and practice their cheers for the Region spirit stick. Luckily there were a few large trees nearby so that we wouldn’t have to be underneath the unbeatable weather. After a few minutes of practicing, it was finally time for each Division to chant their cheers. Believe it or not it was over 100° but that didn’t stop each and every person from all the Divisions in the Region to chant their hearts out. After each Division had gone, we were informed that there would be a round two. Not only that but Division 35 East was in the TOP 3. We had about 5 minutes to practice a cheer most of us hadn’t chanted since Fall Rally. Although not all of us knew the cheer well, that didn’t stop any of us from trying our best. Once the top 3 divisions finished their cheers, the winner of the Spirit Stick was announced...DRUMROLL PLEASE…& the winner was...DIVISION 35 EAST!! Who would have thought that we would have won. Since the temperature was getting hotter, KIWANIS announced that we could clean up early so that we wouldn’t have to be in the 107° weather. All the divisions quickly cleaned up & made sure no trash was left behind. Despite the heat, everyone had a great time.

Northview: Zulelalee Escobar, historian


dorak: D O

Random Acts of Kindness august dorak: compliment the first three people you talk to today


breaking the

i cE

tell someone a joke (better be a good one)






tuesday wedn






















nesday thursday 3

friday 4





saturday 5

Region 13 Beach Clean-Up @ Santa Monica Beach Time: TBA


19 August DCM @ Wingate Park Time: 2-4:30pm






check out cyberkey monthly newsletters @ www.cnhkeyclub.org/news/newsletters

Cyberkey website @ www.cnhkeyclub.org/

Monthly district newsletters @ www.keyclub.org/home.aspx


connect with us! remind 101 @d35east to 81010

Snapchat @d35east

instagram @d35keyclub


dlt contact MARCH SUAYNGAM


Lieutenant Governor

Head Spirit Task Coordinator





Executive Assistant

Head Spirit Task Coordinator





Executive Assistant

Head Fundraising Task Coordinator





Division Secretary

Head Fundraising Task Coordinator





Division Newsletter Editor

Event Coordinator





Member Recognition Coordinator

Inter-Club Coordinator




presidents NAYELI MARTINEZ Bonita nayeli.mnez@gmail.com

AMINA HEARNS Nogales aminamariehearns@gmail.com

AGNES TRAN Charter Oak agnesntran@gmail.com

DANA ZEIDAN Northview danazeidan00@gmail.com

VIVIAN HOVAN Covina vivianhovan@gmail.com

BREANNE SEE San Dimas see.breanne@gmail.com

MEGHAN SHEN Diamond Bar meghanHshen@yahoo.com

GEORGE LIU South Hills georgeliu2002@gmail.com

MICHAEL YU John A. Rowland michaelyud35e@gmail.com

CATHERINE CAO Walnut lingers.catherine@gmail.com

JASMINE TRUONG La Puente jasmine.truong01@gmail.com

CESYL REYES Workman lysecreyes@gmail.com 22

want to

get in touch? feel free to contact us for questions, concerns, and suggestions!

letter from

the editor

Hello Elephants! Although the summer may be close to over, Key Club is definitely not! I hope that as the school year starts, you are just as excited as I am for all the joy and new members that club rush can bring! With a new school year comes new members, and I am looking forward to an increase in members (hopefully) that can boost up our elephant spirit for Fall Rally!! Are you ready elephants? A new chapter is about to begin! :)

- Jocelyn Chow

d35 east division news editor

check out d35e’s website for updates! http://cnhd35elephants.wix.com/d35east


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